
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 1: That One Animal Song

"I want to live like animals...careless and free! I want to live, I want to run through the jungles, the wind through my hair and the sand at me feet!" .....or so was lilted through the air in a soft, chiming voice. The sun had just risen in all of its bountiful glory and the Smallville High was already teaming with people. Lockers slammed, voices rose high in laughter....and from the Torch Office, home to that Wall of Weird we all hear so much of, Chloe Sullivan belted out the chorus of whatever song was streaming into her ears. 

A pause mid step, and humor lit a beautiful face. All sculpted cheekbones and bright green eyes, Clark Kent glanced at his companion with amusement as a chuckle rumbled up in his throat. "Has she always been this musically inclined?"

Pete rolled his eyes.  "You kiddin' me, Clark?  This is Chloe we're talkin' about here.  Can't carry a tune in a tin bucket."

A higher note still, filled with a rumbling vibrato that made him cringe. "Let's go in and kill that poor animal before she tortures it anymore, shall we?" He grinned again, all blinding, gorgeous eyes and soft, full lips, and with a tug at his backpack, he pushed in.  And narrowly missed a kicked foot.

"Sorry Clark!" A wince and Chloe stopped mid twirl, coughing softly and slowly pulling the headphones from her ears.

"Hey, it's no problem, right Clark?"  Pete thumped Clark on the chest.  "It's not every day we get serenaded by the new diva on the block."

"Just don't ever open your mouth, Pete." Raised blond brow, a push at long locks falling into her eyes. "Aretha Franklin has nothing on you." She paused a moment to glance at Clark, all big eyes and sensitive female pets to his shoulder.

"Chloe... um.... What animal were you torturing in here, and um... why?"

It had been more then a month since it had happened. Quick, lighting quick and it had rocked the school down to the core. It wasn't everyday they lost their May Queen, but... they'd said it had been a freak accident, just a mistake of nature. Through it, they'd lost Lana. But good things come out of the ruins of bad and Lex had really shown his colors that night. Out there in the pouring rain right alongside the rescue teams, his medical staff waiting at Cedar County General. But it hadn't been enough...not nearly enough to save a girl who hadn't even had a chance yet to live.

"Bite me, Pete." A quick glance to him and she grinned crookedly from the corner of her mouth, scooting back to her computer and plopping gracefully into the seat.

"Sooo.... Clark.... Your turn, man."  Pete dropped into a chair across from Chloe and started leafing through the latest issue of the paper.

"Hmm?" A distracted glance up with a soft smile that skimmed over his lips. "Sorry. Chloe.... Insert something witty and humorous here." A solid nod and he leaned back into his seat, stretching long legs out in front of him. Stone washed jeans over yellow boots and flannel. Ahhh. The wearage of a great man.  Or...something or other. His thoughts were a little too full of the night before.... And more exactly, the events that had transpired. It had been innocent, really. Just a nice, warm evening with Lex, watching movies and eating popcorn.

Except somehow, between Abyss and Jerry Maguire, something very, very sneaky had happened. They'd just been laying there on the carpet as good friends were wont to do...and suddenly there was this charge. This electrical circuit that had cut through his very body and made his eyes widen. a click. 

Like a guilt filled click.

Or so he thought. He couldn't be sure, but Lex's eyes had narrowed just a little. Could have been from the over buttered popcorn, but somehow Clark didn't think so.  Or whatnot. Sigh.

"Yo, Clark.  Earth to Kent, come in!"  Pete leaned over and thwapped Clark in the back of the head with a rolled up newspaper.  "What's the deal, man?"

"I'm here! I'm alive!"

"Yeah, right!  We only been callin' your ass for the last five minutes!  You out in LaLa land again?"

"Yep." An easy, goofy grin as he dodged Chloe's glare and rose with them, slinging his bag back over his shoulder. "They have free milkshakes out there. You know, the kind my dad doesn't make me milk the actual cow for."

Pete rolled his eyes, but his comment was interrupted by a knock on the door, and then a blond head peeking around the corner.  "Hey," Whitney said, skulking into the room, as though well aware he didn't belong.

"Hey, Whit." He nodded at the jock with a quiet, reserved smile, and scratched behind his ear a bit.

"You guys mind if I hide in here?  The sympathetic shit's killing me."

"Of course!" She almost jumped over Clark's whole body, smiling and pulling Whitney inside. "Come on in."

"Uh... thanks."  Whitney stumbled over Clark as Chloe dragged him in, and Pete rolled his eyes and vacated the chair.  "It's just... too much, you know?"

"Actually..." Clark nodded towards his companions. "I'm gonna go take care of some stuff before class. I'll catch you all at lunch, okay?"

"Okay," Whitney said, partially mystified, but that seemed to be his standard state of existence.

"Sure, man.  I'll stick around here until Chloe throws me out."

The sound of Chloe slapping Pete on the arm followed him into the hall.

It took him a moment to skip down the steps of the school, walk out into the huge cornfield across from it where the jocks had strung him up just a few short months before. But as soon as he was sure no one was watching, the whir if displaced air filled his ears, and he ran as hard as he could. Wind and trees and sunshine, and he knew there was nothing as free as running effortlessly through the Smallville grasslands.

A heavy turn around Millers Point and Lex's castle rushed into view. Lex's.... castle. It struck him as funny, as it always did, to realize his best friend lived in a castle. With central heating, no less, and he was smiling as he pulled to a stop. He quickly wiped any grime off his face and jogged up the walk, pausing at the threshold. Ding....Dooooongg.... And the doorbell ringer was even tasteful and elegant.

Lex himself opened the door.  Seeing Clark was a bit of a shock, and he looked down at his watch.  "Morning, Clark.  Shouldn't you be in school?"

And seeing Lex was another jolt to his system. Lightening fast, like a storm raging through his belly, and he smiled awkwardly as he shuffled his feet a bit. "Hey...Lex. Hey. Uh... no, actually, class doesn't start for about twenty minutes."

A crook of one elegant eyebrow was Lex's only reply to that.  "Come on in."

For the first time in his life, he wished his big, frumpy coat weren't so frumpy. Lex looked.... Incredibly put together and refined, and his graceful frame only made Clark feel bigger and bulkier. "Thanks." He stepped inside resolutely and followed him, glancing around a moment before training his eyes on the back of Lex's head. "I wanted to say thank you, for last night. It was really great."

"You're welcome," Lex answered quietly, leading the way purposefully towards his study.  "Last night was definitely... nice."

Oh God was he leaving dust trails on the marble? Damn. "Sleep well?"

"Actually, no, I didn't.  I had... something on my mind."

" neither. Didn't sleep well, I mean." A silly, goofy grin he regretted a moment later. "I think it was too much soda."

Lex turned and looked at Clark out of the corner of his eye, just catching the ghost of the grin.  "Soda... no, soda wasn't my problem last night."

"Too much work?" He plopped down into the comfy leather chair in front of Lex's desk, pulling an ankle up onto his adjacent knee.

"Among other things."

"Me too." His superbrows furrowed and he leaned in a little, getting comfortable. "I didn't like Abyss. Just a little too death and scary for me." Amused eyes followed Lex's. "Plus, the aliens were definitely not believable."

Lex's eyes didn't waver.  "Aliens don't bother me, Clark.  The Abyss suffered because it thought way too much of itself."

"I most definitely liked the Birdcage. My mom and dad never rented it." Way to show your youth, slugger. "Not...that they wouldn't let me."

Lex didn't try to hide the smile.  "No, I don't imagine that it's quite your father's type of movie, Clark."

"You'd be surprised." He leaned forward again, leaning his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together. "I just..." How to ask this without coming off as a nerd. " and I are friends, right?"

Lex leaned forward too, encouraging the feel of privacy.  "Of course we are, Clark.  At least, I certainly hope we're friends."

"Can I ask you something? know, your past?"

Lex drew in a sharp breath, but covered his discomfort.  "You can.  However I can't guarantee you an answer."

"I...well. Did you ever..." He frowned lightly and rubbed his jaw a minute, vaguely remembering he'd forgotten to shave again. "When you know, a teenager. Did you ever experiment?"

"I experimented with quite a few things, Clark, and very few of them were legal.  Can you be just a tad more specific?"

He was sure that if he was quiet enough he could hear himself blush. "…With, you"

"Yes, I did."

Damn him. Damn him, and his vague answers. "Oh." He leaned back, breaking the intense air that had gone on between them, and settled into the cushions. "Just… you know... wondering. So."

"So you'd like to know what and with whom."

Squirm. "Not exactly."

"Which part don't you want to know, Clark?  The what, or the whom?"

"I.... I...." blushBlushBLUSH. "Never mind. I... I was just curious, but, it’s obviously a not great question, so...uh, anyway, do you wanna go out and get some breakfast? Maybe?"

"We don't have to go out for breakfast, Clark.  I have a kitchen with a staff who could cook anything you could order."  Lex smiled.  "And no, it's not a bad question, Clark.  You just have to tell me what you want to know and I'll try to answer you."

"What I want to know is private, and," he waved a hand a little. "I'm kinda worried you'll be offended."

"You already know quite a bit about me that's private, Clark."  Lex swallowed a drink of juice to hide the brief discomfort.  "In fact, you probably know more about me than any other living soul on this earth."

Cause I'm spppeecciiaaall. And no, that wasn't his inner Clark dancing. "Have you ever had sex with a guy?"

"I have had sex with several guys.  I have topped and bottomed."

Mortification. What an interesting new feeling. He catalogued it, right next to horror and embarrassment.

Lex looked concerned.  "Clark?  Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. Very okay.’s kind of strange." He rubbed the back of his neck and grinned a little. "I never thought you..."

"Were a queer?"

"No! Lex, I would never...!" Eyes as big as saucers, mouth fallen open.

"It's all right, Clark.  I don't take offense at it.  I don't publicize it, but it's not the worst thing I've ever been called, either."

"Was it good?" And supposedly what came out of his mouth paid no attention to his brain whatsoever. "I"

"Done right, Clark... it was.  However... when at least one party is stoned and the other fucked up out of his mind... the results are less than stellar."

He was sitting here talking about gay sex with his best bald friend and why isn't this weird? "Really? I...can I tell you something?"

"Of course you can, Clark.  I'm not like the rest of the people in this lovely little town; I'm not going to think less of you for anything you say to me."

A happy smile crossed his face and ghosted away. "I...I kinda think about those kind of things. Sometimes. You know? how it would feel like."

"I think about them too, Clark.  But that's normal, for someone your age.  Trying to... figure things out."

"It is? Normal, I mean? I was kinda...kinda worried. A little. Not... not worried, but..." He blinked. "Perturbed."

Lex nodded, and sipped again.  "Yes, normal."

Might as well, Kent. "I feel guilty." A pause. "I think about you sometimes. That's...that's why I was wondering."

Lex refused to let his hand shake as he put his glass down on the table.  "I'm flattered, Clark."

He rubbed the back of his neck softly, biting his lip as he tried to sort things out in his mind. "It's the truth. Not to sound like a moron, but... sometimes I dream about it too."

This time the glass did clatter against the desktop before Lex stilled it and left it alone.  "I--think about it too, Clark."

He smiled up at him, completely oblivious to the reaction he was giving his dearest friend, as he tried to sort out his impulses and emotions. "Really?"

"Yes, Clark.  Really.  Probably... more than I should."

That made him pause, and he looked at Lex with nothing like a boy's eyes, but a man's. "You do?"

"Yes, Clark.  I do."  Lex raised his eyes to meet Clark's. 

He was quiet for a long moment, flushing down at his lap. "Oh." Because what was he supposed to say? I want to have blasphemous sex with you on your desk?

"I'm sorry, Clark.  I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

A soft smile then, instinctive, and he shook his head. "Just thinking."

"I won't pry, Clark.  But... if you want to talk about this... I'm available to you."

His breath stuttered and he stared at Lex with huge doe eyes.


" Sorry. I...sorry." He didn't mean that, knucklehead. Late for school. Make your move. "Lex…"

Lex didn't say anything at first, only looked up at Clark, eyes displaying honest need and desire.  "Yes?"

"Would it be okay if maybe...maybe I...." Embarrassment stopped his tongue and he looked down again, wringing his fingers a little. "I want to..."

"You can do anything you want to, Clark.  I said before... I'm available for you."

"I want to..." He leaned in closer, biting his lip tightly as he watched with hopeful, dark eyes. "I want to kiss you. Is that okay?"

Lex exhaled softly.  "That's... very okay."  He rolled back from the desk, holding his hand out to his friend.  "Come here, Clark."

He bit his lip hard, and thanked his super powers for the first time in his life. Climbed slowly from his chair...walked around the desk with a surreal sort of feeling in his arms and legs...and reached out. Slim, strong fingers slipping through much smaller and paler then his. Just as lovely. Nearly hit his leg against the edge of the desk before stopping in front of his friend, breath hitching quietly in his lungs.

Lex drew himself up to stand in front of Clark, the fingers of his right hand twined with Clark's as his left hand slid slowly up Clark's chest to rest on his shoulder.  Leaning slightly forward, Lex pressed his mouth to his friend's, gentle pressure of his tongue pressing against Clark's lips.

Oh. Ohh. His belly dipped heavily, tightening as his libido screamed to catch up with the rest of him. He ducked his head down a bit, fingers trembling in Lex's as his soft, full lips pressed to his. a fire licking at his chest, then deeper until he did a full body shudder that brought his free hand up to cup the back of the slim, hairless neck. He opened his mouth...pausing a moment, and wondered briefly if Lex would know it was his first kiss.

As soon as Lex felt Clark's lush lips parting under his, he nipped the full bottom lip briefly before his tongue slipped in, tasting Clark for the first time.  A quiet moan, and his fingers tightened around Clark's as he pressed his body closer, free hand twining in Clark's luxuriant hair and holding him in place as his tongue swept more aggressively over Clark's mouth.

He felt himself sink like a drowning man, and Lex was the anchor. Moaning, moaning was involved, and suddenly all he felt was Lex. Fingers, smooth skin, hot, experienced mouth exploring the insides of his like it was something wonderful and secret and new. He felt the groan rumble inside his chest loudly and slid his fingers over Lex's shoulders, then down to slide around his back and press close.

Lex trembled as Clark touched him, deepened the kiss even further until his tongue was scraping over the back of Clark's teeth, tasting everything as Clark's body pressed against his own.  Black stars threatened to overwhelm him and he knew he needed to breathe but the thought of losing Clark's mouth was simply unthinkable.

He rocked. He didn't know how it happened, but very suddenly his hips had given a shallow thrust of their own free will, and his body vibrated with the feeling. He cradled Lex's jaw softly in his hand and responded as much as he could without seeming the innocent virgin he was, shuddering and exploring without qualm. Tongue, hot tongue, and he sucked heavily.

At the thrust of Clark's hips, Lex moaned and gave himself up.  His body softened, pressing itself against every curve as he nearly poured himself against Clark, letting the bigger boy support his weight as he rocked back, rubbing himself against Clark as their bodies touched.

He let go of the hot, wanting mouth with a cry, throwing his head back as Lex's erection touched his. God, oh God, oh Christ, and he felt the back of the desk touching his butt as he leaned into it. He was against him, warm skin all over him like a pool of melted wax very suddenly warming against him again. He scraped his fingers down the long, limber back, hauling Lex closer as he gasped into his ear. "T...tell me what to do."

Lex squeezed his eyes shut, hands gripping Clark tightly, almost digging into his skin.  "How far do you want to go, Clark?  Fuck... I can't... you have to tell me how far you want to go, because... I just can't decide that."

He hissed low in his throat as their erections slipped next to each other, and the first thrust was heaven. He was sure he was dead, because no way could this be happening. No way could his fantasy be true. "Dreamt about you...wanted you like many times..." He dragged his mouth over his neck, biting as hard as he dared, then laving the skin with his tongue. "Touched myself...thinking of you.."

Lex nodded, arching his throat to Clark's teeth.  "Clark... Jesus.  If you knew the nights... just me alone in that huge fucking bed, jerking off and wishing... for you."

He almost sobbed with want, feeling the stapler pressing into his back as he lay back further, dragging Lex up on top of himself. Picture frames hit the floor, pencil holders, memo's, paperwork. Not too much, not too much weight to crack the glass, but just enough to make it worse. To make it ache. "Th-thought of me? Thought of me when you touched yourself?"

"Constantly, Clark."  Lex moved with Clark, pressing him down on the desk, leaning forward to pin him down, bodies never ceasing their contact.  "Thought about what you would look like, feel like, taste like.  How hot and hard you'd be, what you'd ask me to do, what you'd let me do to you."

He'd thought about this. Lex had thought about this. And for some odd reason, that just made his soul cry out in ecstasy. He grasped Lex's hips, throwing his head back again as they moved, and spoke as best he could. "Pl...please...want to...Oh,, want you to touch me...want..."

Lex's hands fumbled at the button of Clark's jeans, finally getting the zipper undone and his left hand burrowed in to pull Clark's length out, while his right hand worked its way under all of his layers to touch skin.  He rubbed the pad of his thumb over Clark's right nipple, and then slowly released his lover's organ from his clothing.  "Like this, Clark?  Touch you like this?"

He arched blindly, grasping Lex's arms with surprised passion. No one, no one had ever touched him like this, and it made his eyes widen into twin ovals and his skin flush a warm crimson. He groaned quietly, unable to believe this was really happening while his heart laughed in joy. "L..Le...oh, yes...y...y..." Nipple. Nipple touching. Well, that was it. He arched again, crying out as he wound a leg around Lex's butt, pushing him in with another full body shudder.

Lex's fist tightened around Clark's hooded length and stroked, jacking him with long, hard strokes as he leaned forward.  His right hand lifted and shoved Clark's layers aside, and then Lex's tongue wrapped around one peaked nipple, licking and nipping it before licking across his breastbone and taking the other into his mouth.  "You're so beautiful, Clark.  Beautiful and mine," Lex choked out against Clark's skin, leaning up to claim another kiss as he felt shudders wracking Clark's body as he was pulled closer and closer.

And with it, he decided he was going to rip Lex's clothes off. Yep. Not purposely, but he didn't wince with the loud tear of cotton, of the glimpses of warm, white skin. He was struggling with his coat, wishing the damn thing off and away...four layers of shirts, too many, and he damned his mother for instilling the habit in him. "Lex...Le....w…want to..." He didn't yell. No. Not when Lex claimed his mouth around his nipple, not when he kissed him and he felt all the pent up passion welling inside, eager to be free. He was just...he didn't know what to do, so he went on instinct. Lex had touched, so he stroked the brown areolas surrounding Lex's left nipple...then over the bump itself, stopping a moment to lick his thumb before continuing. "Don't...don't know what to…to do...Lex..."

Lex arched uncontrollably as Clark's thumb rubbed over his nipple.  He didn't even stop to think about how his shirt was suddenly missing, he just wanted Clark's clothing to be equally AWOL.  "All right.  Here."  His hands were shoving at Clark's layers, only momentarily abandoning his cock.  "Lift your arms."

"Can't. Can't." Because suddenly he was sucking softly at Lex's nipple, rubbing the tip of his tongue against the hard pebble, then laving it gently with soft sucks. Skin, so much skin to touch, just skim his fingers over lily white heat until he could touch no more.

Lex moaned.  "Oh, God."  His fingers slid into Clark's hair, pulling the boy's mouth harder onto his flesh as he thrust forward, rubbing his still-clothed thigh against Clark's hard cock.  "Clark... Jesus.  Too many clothes."

He shook, God, how he shook. His cock, dripping and as hard as it had ever been, and Lex was thrusting against it. Thrusting. Against. It. He rolled once, then twice, and landed on the floor with Lex on top of him, and didn't even bother to fake a pained groan. Instead he rolled once more, so he was over Lex and he could get out of his shirts. He pulled his jacket off...the sweater....the under t-shirt, and suddenly the air was too cool as it hit his sweaty back. His nipples hardened into small peaks and he groaned quietly as he looked down. Shaking with energy, long limbed, huge eyed Lex. And it was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen.

As soon as Clark's chest was bare, Lex growled and attacked his lover's caramel skin.  Tongue tasting and licking, swiping over hard nipples, tasting sweat and salt and arching up to rub against Clark's cock, hands shoving his own pants down past his knees so that his own painfully hard cock jutted out, wet head skating across Clark's.

His eyes went huge, and a loud yell echoed from him as his mouth fell open and he stroked forward. Bare heat, bare...he had to look. He streaked his eyes down the warm torso, the hard, muscled belly....then...hairless, hard....huge. His eyes rolled a moment as he looked, focusing with effort as he scooted down and...licked it experimentally, throwing his eyes up quickly to gauge for the reaction.

Lex thrust up, fingers digging into the thick plush carpet of his study.  Beyond words, all that came from Lex were twisted syllables of pleading need, hungry and shuddering as he twisted under Clark's mouth, sheer willpower the only thing keeping him from thrusting into Clark's mouth and taking him with hard lunges into his throat.

He licked...from base to tip, like a lollipop, stopping to suck at the head. The tremors racing over Lex's skin only excited him further, cupping the sharp hip bones as he tasted. Salty, good. Almost better then the reaction Lex was having to it, pleasure filling his belly with raw ache. "Lex....good...taste so want me." Statement, not a question.

"God... more than anything," Lex choked out, his hands cupping Clark's face as he looked up.  "For so long."  His thumbs stroked along Clark's cheekbones as he fought not to thrust up against Clark's face, fighting not to take the sweet mouth he'd been yearning for for so long.  "I want you, Clark."

And why did that send a long tremor of fear through him? ...He....He was laying on the ground, giving his best friend, who happened to be gay…or bi...or something, head, and it scared him to death. He wasn't gay. Was he gay? He couldn't be gay. He liked girls, he liked them a lot. A pause, and he glanced up at Lex's face with trepidation and fear. God, he liked Lex a lot. So much. "L…Lex..."  Want warred with fear, need battled anxiety, and the warm, impossibly soft and erotic body under his was his answer. "Want you to touch me...touch me,'re so ready to ready..." He stroked the hard tip with his fingertips, gazing upwards.

Lex didn't take his eyes off Clark's face, saw the fear and the uncertainty skittering across his features, saw it lodging in his eyes and he groaned softly, pulling himself up.  He... Christ.  Should have known better.  Should have known Clark was too young, too... straight, too... something.  He pulled away from Clark, his heart choking him as he did so.  "Clark... I can't."  He squeezed his eyes shut for long, hard seconds.  "Not if you're... not sure about this.  There's... there's just too much riding on this."

"No...No, I...." He bit his lip hard, looking at him helplessly. "I'm scared. I'm really scared." He tore his eyes away and looked down, catching his breath and licking his swollen, red lips. "I've never...this is so new." A quick look up, then back into his lap. "I'm not unsure…just....yeah."

Lex's cock ached as he tried to think and form coherency.  "Scared... what are you scared of, Clark?  If you don't tell me, then I can't... I can't help you.  Can't answer your questions."  He bit his lip, forcing himself to think past his arousal and to think of his friend first.

Which is exactly what he was staring at. That red, shiny head, wet with his saliva and precome, and he squeezed his own cock reflexively, willing himself not to let lust get the best of him. "I'm scared...scared of What...." Goosebumps raced across his skin, flushing his face. "What you can do to me." A heavy exhale of air. "You make me want."

Oh God.  Lex shuddered as Clark's exhalation swept over his sweaty scalp and then the words whispered over his ears.  "Clark."  His voice sounded strangled to his own ears, and Clark's open stare at his arousal made thinking a lot more difficult than it should have been.  "I want... so many things.  You.  I want to be like you.  I want to be a good man because of you.  Things... God, Clark, I want things because of you that I'd never thought to ever want before."

He shot his gaze up into the openly aroused eyes, swallowing very, very hard...his Adam's apple bobbing twice before he wondered how Lex's would taste. "I want you, Lex. I want all of you...I want your sweet man, and the bastard, and the businessman. I want you be... to be my lover." Oh. It came out. Thank god. "I... I'm just... intimidated. Cause....cause you've been with people who...who know what they're doing. And I have a severe lack of knowledge."

Lex reached out for Clark, dragging himself up and onto his knees so that he could press a forceful kiss onto Clark's mouth.  "Shut up," Lex hissed.  "God, Clark... if I wanted experience, I'd have gone to Metropolis a long damn time ago and picked up a clubslut that looked like you and fucked him all night long.  I don't give a damn about your experience or lack of it, Clark.  I'll teach you everything that you need to know."  Lex licked desperately at Clark's throat and chin.  "You're not afraid to be with me because I don't know how to love you.  You're patient and you've taught me how to be your friend and how to care about you, and I know you will teach me how to love you.  If you can forgive my inexperience, I don't care about yours."

He shuddered from the tip of his hair to his toes, grasping on hard and kneading the slim shoulders in his hands. Gotten a clubslut that looked like him? Like HIM? Clark Kent, Kansas corn boy? And....oh. OH. Oh God. It was sweet and tender and perfect and he slipped into love with the greatest of ease. Just...perfect, blinding, passionate, and he was gasping heavily with need and desire and the purest pinprick of emotion that bled his heart full. He kissed him, hard and heavy and passionately, cupping the naked skull between his palms and whispering. "Want you, Lex, want you, want you to be with me, love you, love you so much, I love you so, so much, pl…please, please, be with me, be.."

Lex cut Clark's words off with another kiss of his own, sucking the rest of the pleas into his mouth.  When he finally broke away, he let his forehead rest against Clark's.  "I will be with you, Clark.  As long as you want me.  God, I want you so much.  In every way.  Please... I want to love you, show me how.  Teach me how to love you, Clark, and I promise, I will never forsake you."

And it finally clicked, like a puzzle finally coming together. Lex didn't love because he didn't know how....he never said the words because it wasn't easy for him, unlike he himself. So easy, for him to wake up every morning and tell his mother he loved easy to laugh and give Chloe the three little words that couldn't strangle from Lex's throat.

For some reason, that was one of the most wonderful things Clark had ever felt. He would give Lex the power of love, by showing him what it was to care.  He kissed and sucked at the offered mouth, inexperience lighting the way for raw instinct, and he sucked heavily on that bottom lip as his body warred to take over. To just be. "Lex... Lex... so beautiful, so... never thought..."

Lex moaned softly.  "I know, Clark.  Believe me, I know."  He pressed himself against Clark, rubbing himself against his lover, glad he was already kneeling because his knees were gelatin as Clark sucked his lip.  "We can... take this upstairs."

"Mmmmm." Rumbling echo as he traced the shape of Lex's cock with his fingertip, learning and understanding and reveling in the heat....then gasping as he was rubbed against right....there. "Lex...L..." He inhaled stiffly, whispering into the offered throat. "I want you Inside me. Want you to...want to be in your bed...let's go...lets go up there...never been in there, wa-want to see..."

Lex kissed Clark again, sucking the words out of his mouth.  Moving smoothly, he pulled himself to his feet and guided Clark up with him, leading by their connected mouths.  Once Clark was on his feet, Lex wrapped himself around his lover's taller body and nipped his throat.  "I've been thinking about you in my bed, Clark.  I can't wait to see what you look like there."  He slid down and wrapped Clark's arms around his waist, sealing their bodies together.

So new. All of this was so new, but in a way....he felt like he'd been doing it for lifetimes, because this....he stopped a moment and traced his palm down from the slim neck to the long expanse of back....tickling each vertebra with his thumb before lower...lower still. He watched Lex's eyes, taking his mouth and thrusting his tongue inside as he skimmed his fingers over the warm ass right there for him to touch. Watch those huge blue eyes as his thumb traced down to the small puckered hole, skimming his finger over it just because he'd always wanted to do it...and here he was. Doing it. "Tell me? What...what fantasies have you had of me?"

Lex spread his legs slightly, allowing better access to his lover's curious fingers.  His cock jerked with every tease of his opening.  "I've thought... about sucking you off.  Against the wall of my office.  Just... pushing you up against it and sucking your cock down my throat.  Thought about... God.  Touching you.  The way you're touching me now.  Imagined what it would feel like to be balls-deep in your ass with your legs around my waist."

His belly jerked so hard it brought a gasp from his lips, and he felt the lust jolt through his balls and cock and ass, moaning loudly as he started to walk backwards... stumble through the office towards the door. Warm, kind touches now became hot, passionate and full of lust, his fingers streaking over damp skin, his mouth claiming the crook of Lex's throat. He worked the skin hard between his lips, thrusting mindlessly against his lover as something fell and crashed in their wake. "Inside thought of being inside me." Awed amazement...or it would have been awed amazement, if he weren't going deliciously insane, wrapped tight around him like a burr.

Lex steered them towards the staircase, not caring he was bare-ass naked and Clark was almost naked.  "Thought about it so much it almost drove me out of my mind," Lex rumbled as Clark's mouth worked against him.  He shifted and Clark's cock fell into the groove of his hipbone, and he thrust forward, letting Clark's slick cock slide along the shallow channel.  "I never got past wondering how hot and tight you were before I came all over my fist."

His cry echoed right out over the huge expanse of the mansion below them, his back arching as his head fell back and he stared at the wall behind Lex's head. Oh. Oh GOD. He pushed forward from the banister where he'd nearly fallen and into the wall on the first step, grinding forward as his head fell and claimed the stiff nipple for his own. Sucked hard at it, nipping as his fingers explored. Moved down...down to trace the feel of his lover against him, of how their bodies moved, and he marveled at how instinctual this was. How perfect. He streaked his fingers down the wide hips and prayed somewhere in the back of his mind that he wouldn't come and end this before it started. "Always fantasized you and me sucking each other off." Whispered, frantic against his ear.

Lex's cries spilled out to mingle with Clark's as his nipple was sucked into the wet heat of his lover's mouth.  He was unable to speak, unable to do anything but move against Clark, rubbing, touching, offering himself to the wandering hands as he guided them up the stairs.  Then Clark's frantic confession, and Lex reached down and squeezed his cock hard, forcing down the orgasm that wanted to burst forth at the image Clark painted for him.  "In bed.  Comfortable.  Now," is all he could growl out.  "Want to taste you."

He couldn't rip himself away. Not when Lex was grasping himself right there at the base with those slim, manicured fingers that looked like they weren't used for anything other then painting or writing poetry. Delicious, completely beautiful, and he had to taste. ....So he did. He rose the free hand to his mouth, sucking and kissing at each fingertip, then he licked a wide streak to the palm...perfect for his mouth, perfect to suck at. " feel so good..." He let go...almost tripped himself again, actually, and stumbled at the sight that was before him. Huge, HUGE bed, all warm bronze red tones and fluffy pillows and oh my God they were about to have sex. Oh, my God.

Lex wrapped himself around Clark again, shuddering and squeezing and wondering just how many times that trick would work before he exploded anyway.  The feel of Clark's mouth on his hand was pure ecstasy and it was easy to shift his weight and send them both sprawling on the bed.  "Clark... naked.  Now."

Naked. Lex was naked. Naked all over, sleek and pale and gorgeous and hairless and....he meant to take his jeans of. Ohh. He rose his hips and struggled out of the jeans that had fit fine that morning and were now God's great punishment, tugging until they slipped down his legs with his boxers. He pushed his lone sock off too, not even stopping to wonder where the other one was, before stretching out again with a jolt of...nakedness. The sunshine was streaming in from the window and here he was, as exposed as he'd ever been, and was there a shower in sight? Nope. And God, that felt so amazing. He swallowed heavily and tried not to pant, giving the head of his erection a few strokes. Wouldn't come. Would. Not. Come.

Lex batted Clark's hand out of the way and squeezed him, just as he'd squeezed himself.  "That should help," Lex rasped throatily.  He pushed Clark down on the bed, and then draped his body across the boy's wide frame, fingers twining and tangling together as he possessed Clark's mouth in a hot, wet kiss.  His tongue thrust deeply against Clark's, his body rocking in a gentle swaying motion, the sweat on their bodies providing a slick cushion of friction as he pushed.  "Tell me what you want, Clark," Lex growled throatily.  "Do you want me inside you now, or do you want your fantasy?"

His eyes couldn't be bigger in his face, he was sure. The warm, healthy flush of sex was driving his belly to pure fire, his face rosy with want and need. Lex was so good at good. It was almost unbelievable what he was feeling, and his back arched with a cry as the heads of their erections started to slick back and forth across each other. Thrashing, thrashing against the two hundred dollar pillows, arching again as he wrapped his arms tightly around the shoulders inviting touch, letting out a cry of pure want. "I-Inside, inside!"

Lex nodded and untwined his left hand long enough to roll over and open the drawer beside the bed.  He balanced on the edge for just a moment as he withdrew a squeeze bottle of clear gel and a small handful of square foil packets.  Dropping the condoms onto Clark's stomach, Lex opened the bottle, and then kissed Clark's navel.  "I need you to relax for me, lover," Lex whispered softly.  "I'm going to be stretching you first, and then I'm going to slide so deep inside you, you'll feel me every time you move."

His eyes were huge. Huge. His throat swallowed reflexively, looking at the condoms lying on his belly to Lex's hand, to Lex's mouth, shuddering and clenching his hands in the blankets tussled around them. "T… tell me...tell me wh...what to..." Dark, loud groan when the wet mouth touched his belly button and he forced himself not to arch into the feeling. "So're so sexy, so beautiful Lex."

"Just relax.  Let me touch you.  Don't stiffen up.  And you tell me if you want me to stop."  Carefully, Lex opened the squeeze bottle and watched as the cold gel slithered out onto his fingers.  Rubbing it to warm it, Lex teased Clark's opening with the barest tip of one finger before slowly pressing in.  "Keep... talking to me.  I love your voice."

He watched the ceiling in awe now as he spread his legs wide for his open and exposed and it felt so unbelievably good. So good. And the digit sliding into him, as warm as anything and slow, tender, made his eyes roll back and his teeth clench. He forced his eyes open, looking down and watching as the tip of his cock leaked precome. "So good at this... so good... w... want to make love... Lex... make love with you... want... want to thrust my tongue inside you.  Lex... want to look at you when you come... want to hear you scream my name..."

Lex shuddered, and carefully pushed the length of his finger into his lover.  "Christ, Clark.  Those things... so much more... I'll give you everything."  He stroked gently, a second finger joining the first as he pressed slowly upwards, seeking and then rubbing against the rough protrusion of Clark's prostate.

A jolt of pain, bright and lightening quick that made him gasp....before the pain was laced with a pleasure he'd never known. He let out a shallow cry, arching up as he touched again... again...that little spot inside him that was sending primal urges and lightening heat through his body. "LEX!"

"I'm here, Clark."  He rested his hand on Clark's stomach, stroking the jerking flesh gently.  His fingers quested and found the foil packet and his teeth ripped it open as he rolled the latex sheath over his cock.  "All right, Clark.  I'm going to be inside you now.  Are you sure?"  His hand slicked his latex-covered cock as he positioned himself, watching his lover for last-minute regrets.

With a cry he pushed down. Threw his arms up, grasped the metal rungs of the beautiful headboard, and he pushed and squirmed, wrapping his legs tight around Lex's waist to lever himself. "Now, NOW!"

Lex thrust up into Clark, crying out at the feel of Clark's legs tight around his waist as he slid into his lover's welcoming passage.  He gritted his teeth, hands going to Clark's hips and holding tightly as he fought not to batter Clark with punishing strokes.  "Oh God, Clark... so much more... than I ever... thought possible."  He stroked gently, cock sliding easily in the lubricated heat of Clark's body as he kissed all the skin he could reach.

In. Out. In. It was a rhythm he wanted....suspected he always had, and he ground his heels into Lex's ass as he arched and stroked and welcomed inside. be full, so full, but the pure pleasure of it overshadowed the strangeness, and he lost himself. He couldn't see… couldn't feel, just darkness around their mating bodies, around Lex's face there was nothing. He let go of the headboard and pulled Lex into the circle of his arms, his cock rubbing against his lovers belly with each push. "Lex...Lex...God, I lov-love you, I l... love you... here, here," he grasped one of the hands and pulled it tight into his, interlocking the fingers as passion consumed him.

Lex cried out again as Clark's arms twined around his, fingers interlacing and holding tightly as he rocked into the inferno of Clark's body.  Pleasure shook him to the core as he moved in his lover, the declarations spilling easily from his lips.  "I... God, Clark.  What does love feel like?  Because.... I want to love you, so much."

"P-Perfect..." He moaned as shudders wracked his body, unable to hear the rocking of the bed or the light knock at the door ignored by the both of them, just this perfect, wonderful, bittersweet, agonized, pleasure filled thing that was suddenly taking him over. He bowed his back and let out a yell into Lex's shoulder, coming hard and shaking and unexpectedly, streams of it between them which would almost be mortifying if it didn't feel so goddamn good.

Lex shuddered at the feel of Clark's come on his skin, the pulsing of his ass around him, and in only three more strokes, Lex was buried deep, emptying his own orgasm into the latex sheath that covered him and he lay clinging to Clark, body shaking and thoughts shattered.

Stretched. Completely hollowed. Their intertwined breaths shuddered in the air between them for what felt like an eternity...damp skin cooling, lazy fingers sketching over each other.  Clark's giggle.  He smiled into his lovers damp forehead, kissing it with curved lips as he whispered into the humid air. "We just had sex."

"No," Lex said softly, correcting him.  "We just made love.  I've had just sex before and it's nothing--nothing, Clark--compared to what we just shared."

The realization of it was uncanny and he squirmed softly, pressing Lex closer to him... deeper inside him, and rolled so they were splayed on their sides. He tucked in close, closing his eyes as he mouthed the indention of his lovers throat. "I have to ask you something."

"You can ask me anything, Clark."

"This isn't gonna be a one time thing... right?" Innocence in his eyes, looking across at him as he burrowed in deeper, interlocking their atop Lex's top one, the other tucked in thigh to thigh. "Can...can we go out? dinner? And stuff? Movies? And kissing?"

Lex shook his head.  "If it were going to be a one time thing, Clark, I wouldn't have stopped downstairs.  I... care, Clark.  I want to be seen with you.  I want you to be happy, with me."  Lex ran his fingers through Clark's hair.  "I want to be with you, Clark.  I said that before, and I meant it.  I will never give you up."

He smiled again, ducking his head down to press their foreheads together. "Lex?"


"I don't need to teach you how to love." Whisper, as his fingers trailed lightly over the soft shoulder.

Lex blinked.  "I don't--I don't know how, Clark.  That's not... something I admit easily, that there are things that are beyond me."

The smile widened as he watched him speak....watched his mouth move, and decided to move on. He'd get it, eventually. "Lex?"


"Can I be inside you next time?"

A sharp nod.  "I would like that, Clark.  Very much."

His laugh was cut short as the sharp knock at the door interrupted his words. "Hello? Mr. Luthor?"

He looked ready to bolt, eyes wide in his Clarky head as he jerked and looked up at Lex. "Oh, God!"

Lex rolled angrily out of the bed.  "Stay here," he said quietly to Clark.  "Don't.  Ssh."  He wrapped his arms around Clark as he stood by the bed, soothing him.  "Let me see who it is."  Jerking his robe from the chair by the bed, Lex threw the door open just enough to be seen through.  "What do you want?"  he barked furiously.

And of course this gave Clark a moment to sneak under the covers and curl them up close, a silent yawn cracking his jaw as he watched Lex talk to whoever it was, emotion warring hard with his common sense. His father was going to ring his neck. Yep. His mother wouldn't be so bothered, but...but his dad...Chloe! Oh, man.

"!" Maria mumbled it, looking up again and shrinking under his furious gaze. "Ah...chu have a veesitor."

"Who is it?"

"Ah... Meester Domineec." A stout nod, and she tried hard not to peer around the door.

Which was good, because coincidentally, he had fallen asleep, breath even as slow even if he hadn't wanted to.

"Tell him to fuck off.  I don't have time for Dominic right now.  I'll see him tomorrow."

"But, but sir! He say it is very important!"

"Is the mansion burning down, Maria?  Is the world ending?  Has there been a minor miracle that has taken my father's life?  No?  Then Dominic can sit on his news until tomorrow."

"No, but he threaten my job," Hysterical, and she started to rant and rattle off in Spanish. "Y yo tengo mis ninos ah pensar; no me voy a terentar al trabajo por tu, hijo puta!"

"MARIA!" Lex thundered.  "I run this house, not Dominic!  Whatever he says, you know that he cannot fire you."

It jolted him from his partial sleep and he looked up blearily, realizing he'd...fallen asleep! Shit. He blinked and sat up, nibbling on his lower lip as he stretched and sleep lapped at his consciousness. "Lex?"

"Tu es a big bully." She huffed it at him and turned on her heel, stalking away.

"It's all right, just my father's lackey.  Nothing for you to worry about."  Lex slammed the door, and then quickly crossed the room to sit beside Clark.  "Dominic's been threatening my help again." 

Amusement lit his half mast eyes, offering his arms as he cuddled up close. "Maybe you should go talk to him? If he came all this could be important."

Lex slipped into the offered arms as he cradled Clark against him.  "But there are other, more important things."

Oh. Cheeseball. Now he knew why so many people wrote songs about making love. "I'm not going anywhere." A little grin into his shoulder. "I'm tardy for class anyway."

"How about... you forget about class for today, and instead... wait for me to ditch Dominic, and then we can work on those other things you told me about."  Lex pressed soft kisses to Clark's throat.

"And...." He leaned in and nipped at Lex's lower lip, sucking it into his mouth and nibbling softly. "We can...." He arched. "Get some food?" And suddenly he was grinning, all dork and sweet kid, wriggling his brows. "I say a morning like this calls for a big greasy Big Mac.

Lex laughed.  "Big Macs it is then.  And I'll even let you drive... if you're nice."

Excitement skimmed into his voice. "The 'ghini?"

"The Lamborghini, Clark.  Just for you."

"I'm too manly to squeal…. No I'm not." He let out a whoop and bounced all over the bed before tackling Lex and kissing him all over his face. "Kick ass!"

Lex allowed himself to be kissed and tackled by his teenaged lover.  "I'll bring your clothes up from the study after I talk to Dominic.  Or, if you want to come down, you can try my shirts on for size though I think they'll be a tad tight on you."

He paused. "Are our clothes down in your office where Dominic is very likely sitting and looking at my shoes?"

"Not unless he's grown obnoxiously suicidal and wandered into the study," Lex corrected.  "Most likely he's sitting behind the desk in my office, going through my computer files.  He knows my study is sacrosanct, and I will kill him for trespassing."

Back was the cheesed out grin, and he shoved him off the bed. "Yeah, only debauched farm boys are allowed in there. Get out of here already, huh?" He curled back under the covers and yawned. "I'll wait for you."

Lex hurried through a quick shower, and came out to find a nearly-sleeping Clark curled on the bed.  Sitting on the side of the mattress as he slipped on his slacks and his shoes, Lex leaned over and kissed his young lover gently.  "I'll be back for you, sleeping beauty."

A murmur, a slight shift, and he mumbled something about love and French fries, catching the wave and falling completely asleep.

Lex ran his fingers through Clark's hair, and then pulled a shirt on as he walked down the hall, hating the feel of clothes on his skin now that he knew the feel of Clark's against him.  Even his shoes grated against him, but he didn't dare to appear before Dominic in less than full habille.  As soon as he entered his office, his eyes narrowed.  Dominic was indeed behind his desk, feet propped on it.  "I assume you have a very good reason for showing up here, uninvited and unannounced?"

Amusement warred in a delicately boned face. A glance up at Lex's elegant poise and he swung his feet off the desk, instead propping his elbows up and steepling his fingers. "Hello, Lex. Why, of course."

"I'm just dying to hear it, Dominic."

"Your father wanted me to let you know that you're needed in Metropolis. We've had another....break in."

"And he sent you all the way here to fetch me.  I'm flattered, Dominic.  Truly.  But what does a break-in at my father's company have to do with me?  I'm in exile here, remember?  Sent to run the crap factory because I'm Daddy's bad little boy."

He arched a brow and rose slowly to his feet, fixing his suit jacket as he walked around the desk. "A few...files were stolen. Files which I'm sure you would be very interested in, as only your father and yourself have copies." A raised brow.

"And you, of course, since you're here to fetch me over."  His eyes clouded over; there were only a few files which he and his father shared access to, and it would be just like the bastard to use them in yet another attempt to drag him back.  "I'm not interested, Dominic.  Sorry."

"Fine." He walked towards the door, motioning his head up as he smoothed his suit jacket. "I'll let him know you're busy with the locals."

"You do that, Dominic.  And I'll make sure the rest of Metropolis knows how... busy your sister gets with the locals too."  Cool voice.

Lex swore softly.  Those files should have been fucking destroyed years ago.  Just like his father to keep the damned things lying around where they could be used for leverage.  But before he did that, he picked up on the phone, and started making phone calls.  In less than an hour, four newspapers and Metropolitan magazines were ready to break the story of Dominic's sister.  All they were waiting for was photographic proof, which Lex was ready to provide as soon as his father mentioned Clark.  Next on the list was gathering Clark's clothing, folding it over his arm as he thought of his lover.

Sighing, Lex turned on his heel and climbed the stairs back to the bedroom, and leaned against the door, drinking in the sight of Clark curled up on his bed.  Dropping the folded garments on the corner of the bed, Lex sat carefully on the side beside Clark.  "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty," he said softly, pressing a gentle kiss on Clark's mouth.

Erotic was the perfect word for his dreams. Slow, easy love, where all he could see was darkness and all he felt was everything. The sweet, easy slide to love, an ocean, laying on a beach with his lover and drinking in a sun that wasn't his. Shopping.... a quick meal, and loving like he'd never felt in his life. Pure, exotic, wonderful. Made him feel older this his 16 years.

'Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.' Quite reserve...then lips, warm lips that pulled him away from the dreaming world. He cracked his eyes open to fuzzy bleariness....blinked and focused on the slightly smiling face that he'd grown so accustomed to.

"Mmm... how... h'long was I sleepin'?" He said it before yawning softly and pushing the hair out of his eyes, struggling up onto one elbow.

Lex helped, running his fingers through the unruly mop of Clark's hair.  "About half an hour," he said quietly, voice cadenced happily.  "Not too long."

"Mmm." He sat up and cast his eyes down a little shyly, glancing up through the curls. "Everything okay?"

"Not really.  But it's nothing that I can't take care of.  I just may have to go to Metropolis for a few days."

Another quick nod and he sat up completely, rolling his broad shoulders back, rubbing at an invisible ache in his side that was more of the memory of Lex's fingers then any type of bruise. It brought a dark flush to his face, traveling up his neck and into his face, and he turned away a little, swinging his legs off the side of the bed next to Lex. "My parents are gonna kill me."

Lex slid his arm around Clark's waist.  "You can blame me, Clark.  I'm sure your father, at least, will buy it."

Amused green eyes the color of the Irish hills shot at him. "Not that." But who was he to say no to a cuddle? He nuzzled Lex's cheek softly with his, grinning into their laps as their fingers laced. "This is my forth tardy in a month. My dad's gonna go ape."

"Like I said, Clark.  Blame me.  Say I held you up at produce-point."

He laughed out loud and squirmed away, climbing to his feet and searching for his clothes. "Oh yeah, he'll take that well. 'Sorry dad, Lex had me stocking his vegetables.'." He paused....then shot Lex a grin that was trying not to laugh. "Don't even think about it, Lex." He caught sight of a boot...his sock...ahh! Boxers. .....that were covered in pre come and were now stiff and gooey.  Can we all say yuck? He peered at them, considering pulling them on anyway....then thought better of it and started looking for his jeans.

"You realize that if we keep doing this, I'm going to have to start keeping clothes for you over here," Lex teased softly.  "And Clark... I'm serious about telling your dad it's my fault.  He already thinks I'm the spawn of Satan."

"Which... is why..." He leaned down and picked up his jeans, surveying them for damage. None, thankfully, still wearable. If one didn't notice the torn button. "There should be no telling." He pulled on one of the pant legs, then the other, shimmying them up his legs and over his hips. He sucked in and zipped up, careful not to catch anything... and suddenly realized why people went commando. Isn't this an interesting feeling? "Because not only will he come by and shoot you dead, but I'll be doing chores at three in the morning for the rest of my life."

Lex's breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of commando Clark.  He heard, in the back of mind, something about getting shot by Jonathan Kent, but this was definitely worth it.  "Whatever he does to me, Clark... it would be worth it."  He slid across the bed and stood up, pressing himself against Clark and sliding his hand down to rub the bulge that slithered down the right side of his lover's jeans.

Ohhh. So this was the other reason people went commando. He leaned in and grasped Lex's shoulders, eyes rolling back on their own accord as he bit his lip. Good thing about youth much? "L...Lex....gotta go to class.." He groaned softly and tried so hard not to arch in the touch...failing miserably, of course, and shuddered.

Lex growled softly.  "I can't wait for you to be out of school."  His hand kept rubbing the bulge through the denim. 

"Lex..." He mouthed the bruise on the left side of his neck, his fingertips skipping down until he skimmed the back of his fingers against the hardening, heavy bump tenting out of his lovers pants. "You....again?" Quietly awed and aroused out of his mind, rubbing his aching nipples against Lex's chest.

"Always around you," Lex said, dropping his head to nibble his lover's aching peaks.  "Always for you."  His teeth bit hard on Clark's nipple, then sucked it to soothe the sting of his teeth.

Okay, well.  It only took him a minute to undo the puzzling pants with their tiny buttons and tinier zipper and slipped it down to touch. Silky black boxers that slipped through his large hands, then... then. He would never get over how big Lex was. Such a slim, elegant man, and in the part of his mind still functioning he realized he'd been expecting a slim, elegant cock. Not the long, hard, slippery thing currently sliding through his fist....not the head, red with blood, jumping as he skimmed his thumb over it.  "Remember....remember the day I....I saved you? The first day? When...when you woke up, and you looked into my eyes....I knew. I knew, Lex."

Lex thrust forward into Clark's tight fist as it stroked along his length.  "I... Christ... I remember that day.  How... could I forget?  I thought... at first... you were an angel.  Then... you were my guardian angel... and now... now you're just mine."  He thrust forward again, mouth sucking on Clark's neck between words.

"Lex...I didn't get to see you when you came... before. Let me watch you... let me do this. Please?" Without another word he dropped to his knees, skimming his fingers up the back of his lovers thighs and leaned in to gently kiss the side of his erection, base to tip, then again on the other side. Small, tender kisses filled with love and promise, tasting and exploring. "Wanted to...since that day. I was...was so scared, panicked. I thought you were going to die...when I'd just found you."

Lex's legs trembled and then locked.  The barest hint of Clark's mouth on his cock was burning him, and his fingers wove through Clark's hair.  "Yes... do this, Clark, do... God, anything you want.  I never want to lose you."

"It was so quick....I saw your eyes when you hit me..." He took a small, experimental lick of the head, then sucked it softly...twice, three times, tracing the slit with the tip of his tongue as he felt Lex's hands on him. "It felt like a lifetime, just your eyes staring into mine. So scared....and I realized that whoever you were, I had to make it so you weren't scared anymore." He sucked again, harder, tracing his free hand around the base of the lovely cock he was licking in his mouth. He grasped what he wasn't licking and sucked powerfully, twice, then slow, easy, soft sucks again until another two powerful ones.

Lex's knees gave out, and he grabbed onto Clark for support.  "Jesus... Clark.  God.  I--I was so angry that I'd been brought back... then when I saw you, it was just... perfect."

He held on, supporting him and he pushed him back just a little bit until he was braced against the stone and wood pillar that served as the left hand edge of his foot board. Sucked again, hard twice, then a few more times slowly, closing his eyes as the arousal washed over him. So hot...this was so very hot. "You were so beautiful...I gave you breath back, and to watch as you gasped...I fell so in with you." He moaned around Lex's head, shuddering as he willed orgasm away. God damn teenage hormones.

Lex wrapped his hands around the footboard pillar, keeping himself from thrusting into Clark's throat.  "I... I always wanted you, Clark.  Wanted you to be happy, but most of all... just wanted you... to be mine."  He could barely strangle the words out through the moans that twisted his throat and spilled out his mouth.

He licked the underside softly on his way down....then hard, three sucks in a row, and hummed around his lovers cock. "Yours...I.....I'm...." Another heavy suck and his eyes rolled closed. Lex was gasping. Gasping. He couldn't even speak because of what he was doing. Him! No one else, just him, Clark Kent, innocent farm boy, being fully debauched by his playboy millionaire and loving. Every. Second. Another low hum and he started to suck in earnest, powerfully and quickly, moving his mouth up and down as he tapped his tongue against the ridge all around the tip. ....Thank you, internet.

Lex shuddered.  Fuck.  Too much too soon, and he was on the brink.  "Clark... fuck... going to come.  Soon.  Can't... hold back."  His hips made shallow thrusts as he bit his lip, holding in the quiet cries.

He glanced up, all green eyes and arousal, hurriedly unzipping his pants with one hand and pinching the base of his cock, while his free hand cupped Lex's tight balls and squeezed them gently, skimming his nails over them just like he himself liked. Couldn't speak, meeting Lex's hips for every count, encouraging him to thrust with his moans.

Lex felt the encouragement and he thrust forward, cock sliding in and out of his lover's mouth.  The slightly rough touch of nails on his balls sent him over the edge, his hands grabbing Clark's hair tightly and holding his head still as he started to come.  Lex's cock jerked as his seed pulsed out into Clark's mouth.

He choked. Embarrassment flooded him but he swallowed as much as he could, to awash in the pure arousal of this to feel much else. He sucked for all he was worth, eyes closed tight and skin flushed in pleasure, achingly aware of the changes in his heart the last few hours as Lex's cock slipped from his lips. Beautiful. Just...pure beauty, and he looked up with awe as he wiped the come from his lips and jaw, pressing his mouth into the heaving stomach.

Lex let himself slither down to the floor, wrapping his mouth around Clark's leaking cock.  "Let me have it, Clark," he whispered softly before sucking the length into his throat.

His eyes went huge and he let out a long, loud cry, leaning his forehead against the post right above Lex's head. Swallowed....vibrated...tight heat, tighttightight, working around him and he was going to come, he was going to come now, and so much for clean jeans, but now, now, and he hoped Lex wouldn't notice the crack in the stone pillar from his forehead banging against it, but oh.... He sucked a kiss from the crown of his lovers head and choked on his breath as he saw stars. He felt it build up before a switch, and everything exploded. He felt his back arch and the cry echo from his lips, shuddering hard as he came down that tight, exquisite throat and he was being deep throated, He. Was. Being. Deep. Throated. And if it was possible he came harder, every single teenage fantasy he'd ever had manifesting itself into one person. Lex. "Lex!"

Lex swallowed hard around his lover's cock, drinking down the hot gushes of semen as his throat muscles massaged the length.  He wrapped his arms around Clark's waist, holding the boy to him.

A dark groan and he slithered down until he was resting against his lover, eyes wide in a flushed face. "S-See?" Gasp. "This is why I'm g-gonna get thrown o...out of school."

"Because you got a mind-shattering blow job?" Lex teased, agile tongue licking Clark's face clean of the overrun from Lex's orgasm earlier.

He moaned quietly and turned to catch the tongue licking his cheek, kissing him sloppily and hard and wet and lovely before he gently nipped at the warm corner of those perfect lips. "Mmmm. Gotta go to school." Another soft kiss, to the downy earlobe he had to suck at. "Gotta go get book learnin' done."

Lex groaned.  "Want me to pick you up after school and whisk you away for a torrid afternoon affair?" he offered, moaning softly as Clark sucked at his ear.

And he had to laugh, tossing dancing eyes at him as he gave him a sweet, chaste kiss and climbed to his feet, offering his hands down to him. "I'd say a resounding "Hell, yes!" if I didn't have to help my dad with a new fence he needs to put up. The storm last week knocked part of it out. But... maybe, do you want to go driving tonight? There's this place I want you to see."

Lex put his hands in Clark's and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet.  "I'll pick you up at... when? Seven?"

"Definitely. Seven. ...Lex?"

"Yeah, Clark?"

"If I ask you something, will you be offended?" He let go of him and reached down to get his t-shirt, lifting it and pulling it over his head...realizing he smelled like sex, and didn't care at all.

"I won't be offended, Clark."

"People in Kansas aren't very open to anything, Lex. I'm... if we... I don't want you to loose people in your plant because of this."  He frowned it and watched him, one long sock in his hand.

"You mean, you don't want anyone to walk out because we're going to be together?  People can be replaced, Clark.  There's 45,000 people in this leafy little hamlet.  And if someone wants to walk out of my plant because of something that is going on in my private life, then I won't hesitate to replace them.  Because Clark... you are my priority."

He smiled softly and sat on the bed, pulling his socks... then boots on without saying anything for a moment. "Tonight. Seven. And hey...don't eat, okay? I'll supply food. Oh! You're not allergic to peanut butter, right?"

"I won't eat.  Do I need to bring anything? Water bottles, milk... jelly?"

He grinned from ear to ear, all his teeth blinking into existence, and landed a smacking, rugged kiss on his cheek, lifting his jacket up and slipping it on. "Smart ass. Bring your imported water, I've got the rest. Ohh! And..." Sneaky eyes shifted. "Maybe some champagne."

"Imported water and champagne.  Aren't you a little young for champagne, Clark?"  A teasing grin was Clark's reward, and then Lex's fists fastened in Clark's jacket and pulled him into another wet kiss.  "And strawberries."

Dark groan deep in his chest that didn't even get a chance to come out, kissing back softly and warmly...and smiled into the corner of his lips before he let go. "Hey, Lex?" He turned to the door, opening it before glancing back.

"Yes, Clark?"

"Ever read fiction on the web?"

A crook of one aristocratic eyebrow.  "No, I can't say as I have."

"Oh. Well, there's this one place I usually go to, and...maybe sometime you can show me what the hell is so damn entertaining about S and M, mm?" A snarky giggle that spoke volumes, amusement lit in his eyes as he walked over the threshold.

"Hey, Clark?"


"Stand right there."  Lex went to his closet, and pushed aside a panel in the wall as he withdrew something, and then tossed the thin strip of leather with a silver buckle to his friend.  "I don't need the internet."

His mouth fell open and he visibly shuddered, keeping the leather strip and stuffing it into his pocket, pointing at him. "You are so MEAN." He glared, and stalked down the steps, laughter tripping out of his throat as he closed the front door behind him.

Lex drank in the sound of Clark's laughter, and then settled back on the bed.  He had work to do.  Picking up the phone by the bed, he called Lionel.  Not waiting for Lionel's pleasantries, he snarled into the phone.  "Congratulations, Dad.  I just saw Dominic.  I thought you told me those files were well taken care of."

"Good morning to you too, son.  And since you're speaking to me on the phone rather than in person, I'm assuming you told Dominic to go to hell?"

"Something like that.  I've told you before, Dad.  You don't send your drones after me when you have business with me."

"Lex, I expect to see you in Metropolis this evening."

"Sorry, Dad.  I've got something scheduled that can't be changed.  The earliest I can be there is tomorrow."

"Well, Lex... that's your choice.  Don't come crying to me when information from those files leak out because you're too busy with... whatever it is you're busy with."  Lionel paused.  "Or should that be... whomever you're busy with."

"That's none of your fucking business, Dad.  I'll see you in the morning; expect me around nine."  Lex slammed down the phone petulantly, and sighed.  No more veiled threats than usual, but Lex definitely did not want his juvenile record leaking out.  Not at all.


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