
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 101: Dinner Break

He was dancing. Alright? He'd "accidentally" found Lex's old CD's, which included one of Rod Stewarts greatest hits. Which, you know, eventually led to this.

His hips were shaking in the pressed khaki's of the night, button down shirt tucked into a really nice belt. He didn’t feel like himself at all, but it was his all dressy and he knew Mr. Luthor would approve. Plus, he felt that the occasion was warranted. It was a night of celebration, and he sang louder as the kitchen walls vibrated with Rod Stewart’s, and Clark’s, voices. "Who’s that knocking on my door? Gotta be a quarter to four! Is it you again, coming round for more? You can love me tonight if you want, but in the morning make sure you’re gone--I’m talking to YOU hot legs on an alley cat! Hot legs, you can scratch my back! Hot legs, are you still in school? I love ya honey!"

Lex was more than a little amused. Clark's heat vision had lit the four candles in the silver candelabra that now adorned the dining room table.

The table itself was set in the finest white linens the house had to offer, and a wineglass sat at each place setting, even Clark's. To the side, there was a bottle of sparkling white grape juice chilling, which Clark--and he, so his beloved wouldn't feel left out--would be drinking tonight. They'd agreed one glass of wine each, just so Clark could try it, then back to the sparkling juice.

Lex's suit was crisply pressed, his tie was straight and a silver LL monogrammed tie tack held it in place. Silver cufflinks glinted on his jacket cuffs, and his black shoes were highly shined.

He was putting the finishing touches on the scampi sauce, adding a liberal dash of lemon juice, and watching the light sauté of the shrimp.

There was not a splatter on his suit to be seen.

Plus, you know, Clark didn’t get drunk or anything. Sort of. They'd spent the last three hours cooking, with his angel love cooking his little buns off, which had just pleased Clark on every level. The song changed on the CD, to a slow, cheerful song, and Clark smiled at his lover with pleasure as he glanced up, lighting the tiny candles in the enormous overlamp with a practiced eye.

Each little beam shot perfect, and he watched with pleasure as everything finally came together. Dominic and Lionel had returned from Metropolis an hour before, and they'd escaped to shower, with mutters and grunts over how good it all smelled already.

Proud? Clark was past proud of his love.

With a last flourish, Lex left the kitchen, and beamed at his beloved. "I do believe we're ready whenever they are." He cocked his head for a moment, listening to the music, and he held his hand out to Clark. "Mr. Kent... would you do me the honor of dancing with me?"

He grinned, broadly. Nodded, and slipped his fingers into Lex's and stepped close, close as he could, arm sliding around his lovers waist. "Wake up Maggie... I think I’ve got something to tell you." Clark whispered, as he slowly danced, mouthing the words as he sang them to his lover. "Its late September, and I reallllly should be back at law school. I know I keep you.... amused. But I feel I’m.... being used. Oh Maggie... you led me away from my home...just to save you from being stole my heart... but I loooove you anyway."

Then the beat started, and he laughed, tugging his lover close as they danced.

Lex chuckled softly at that. "I suppose I did lead you away from your home, didn't I?" He wrapped his arms tightly around Clark, letting his head rest gently on Clark's shoulder. "You know... this feels right. I think you had a good idea, Clark. I'm glad you talked me into it... thank you. I think this is going to turn out to be a great week."

"Me too." He grinned down at his lover, burying his face in all that bare skin and kissing it as they danced. "Me too. I love this, I love knowing your dad and Dominic are happy, I love this. I love you." He nipped his ear and chuckled into it. "You led me away from home, and you stole my heart."

"Not going to give it back, either," Lex said softly. "I'm keeping it for the rest of our lives." His hands stroked slow circles on his lover's back. "I love you, Clark. You mean the world to me, and I don't tell you often enough."

Clark purred softly in pleasure, both at the words and the soft strokes, and beamed in joy as he leaned down and cupped Lex's cheeks in his hands. "I love you, Lex. You don’t have to tell me for me to feel it. You don’t have to tell me anything for me not to know."

He kept his hands moving slowly over Clark because the soft touches soothed him as he looked up into Clark's deep green eyes. "I love you, Clark... I feel you, too, but that doesn't mean you don't tell me. I need to tell you, too."

"Me` i` klaktefena." He whispered soothingly into his lovers skin, gentling his motions as the music changed again and he barely heard it. "My aushna'. My mate."

"My aushna'," Lex echoed, burrowing in tighter to Clark's chest. "My Clark... my Kal-El." He murmured the words into his lover's throat as he tucked his face there, kissing gently. "My love."

Yeah, Dominic pulled Lionel back before they intruded on the special embrace. He pulled his lover closer to him and peaked in just a little bit, and yeah, he smiled just a little and very softly. His eyes flickered up to Lionel’s, eyes twinkling.

"You are so special to me." Clark murmured softly into his lovers skin, his ear, his temple as he kissed. "I love you. I love you, Oakenepel."

Lionel wrapped his arms around Dominic's waist and pulled him in tightly. "Should we follow their lead? Or just hover here until they come up for air?" he teased.

Lex smiled into Clark's skin. "I love you, Kal-El. You will always be my aushna', and I will never, ever lose faith in you again."

Dominic grinned crookedly, eyes twinkling as he squeezed Lionel’s hands and pressed his back to his lovers chest. "Ten bucks they don’t need as much air as us two old guys." He chuckled, and knocked softly on the door.

Clark was still smiling as he looked up, his face awash in a sea of love, and his eyes hazed before they could clear and focus, and see his lover's jurn-aie standing right there, and he flushed as he let go of Lex's waist, straightening just a little though he kept him close. "Hi... I... I mean," Cough. "Good evening."

"Good evening yourself, Clark." Lionel inclined his head, and elbowed his lover discreetly. "I'm sorry that we interrupted," he continued, but he was smiling. He held his hand out to Clark first. "Thank you for having us."

Clark shook Lionel’s hand firmly, smiling at him a little crookedly as he gazed at him. "Of course, any time."

"Lex." Dominic offered his hand as well, and met his eyes.

"We brought the wine, as promised," Lionel said, offering it to Clark, then with his eyes, pointed to the empty ice bucket just waiting to chill the bottle.

"Dominic!" Lex shook the offered hand warmly, and gave a very small smile. "You look like you're feeling better," he said diplomatically. "I'm very glad you could join us."

Thank God, because Clark would have just set it on the table and forgotten about it. He smiled his gratitude and set it in the ice bucket, swallowing and getting very, very shy as he took a little step behind his lover to hide. Just a little.

"Much." Dominic said back softly, squeezing his hand before he let go. "We're pleased to join you."

Lex automatically reached back for Clark's hand and brought it to rest on his hip. "Dad... Dominic... I'm glad you're both here. It... this was Clark's idea, because he knew I'd be too stubborn to admit that we needed this. Please... have a seat."

Dominic smiled at the young man and nodded, and after glancing back at Lionel, offered him the first seat as he glanced around. "You both did spectacular, everything looks beautiful." He felt slightly uncomfortable, slightly out of place, but he didn’t think about it. Not now.

Clark’s fingers squeezed on Lex's hip, and he waited for him to find a place to sit before he followed.

There were four places around the table, but neither the head nor the foot was set. Instead there were two settings on either side of the long table, and Lex sat down on the right side, while Lionel sat down on the left. "Thank you; we've worked rather hard in the kitchen as well, so I'm hoping that the meal meets your... usual standards."

Clark scooted in beside Lex on the right, sitting next to him as closely as was acceptable. He just felt... shy. Strange as it was for him, but he smiled a little nervously regardless and squeezed Lex's thigh under the table.

Dominic sat down as well, and sniffed softly. "If whatever it is you cooked in there, then I’m going to take a wild leap and say standards have been met and exceeded."

Lex slipped his hand under the table, laced his fingers with Clark's and brought them up to rest on the tabletop. "Yes, it was," Lex said with a grin. "Clark and I have been working in there for the past few hours."

Lionel breathed deeply himself, and a half-sad smile crossed his face. "Lex... you seem to have inherited your mother's skills in the kitchen. If am not mistaken..." he sniffed delicately again, "You've made... shrimp scampi. That was your mother's favorite dish to prepare, before you were born."

A shy glance at his lover, and he piped up, softly. "It... it was mostly Lex. He's a really good cook. He did the shrimp seasoning and basking or something that I... don’t really remember." Flush, and he gazed down.

Dominic smiled. "Don’t feel bad, Clark, I tune out when they’re talking, too." Which he said to cheer his lover up, squeezing his own hand tightly before gazing at Lex. "I knew your skills with chemicals would one day translate to skills with food."

Lex was staring at his father with openmouthed amazement. "I didn't know mother cooked."

"She didn't, not after you were born," Lionel said softly. "All of her time was spent with you." But it was said without bitterness; in fact, Lionel was smiling. "I don't think she ever regretted it. She had, many years ago, an apron on it, proclaiming that she was the next Julia Child."

"I... didn't know that, Dad."

"Son... I believe there's quite a bit about your mother that you don't know." He shifted his gaze to Clark. "I believe... that memories should be shared, for the enrichment of all."

Clark swallowed a ball in his throat hard, nodding at him a little as he shifted in his seat and yeah, glad there was liquor to be had. He didn’t know how rich people ate... he didn’t have much practice, as Lex ate like a freaking bird, so he just... yeah. Crap.

"She was a lovely woman." Dominic nodded affirmation to the fact, and smiled crookedly. "And just about as saintly as Mother Teresa. If Mother Teresa did things like listen to Jon Bon Jovi and take Lex to the toy store every day."

Lionel looked over the rim of his water glass at Clark. "Clark... don't be nervous. I realize this is probably more than what you're used to, but nobody is going to mind if you put on a pair of jeans and relax. This is for us to get to know each other, not testing your knowledge of salad forks and shrimp forks."

Lex gaped at Dominic. "My mother listened to Bon Jovi?"

"Indeed she did. And The Eagles, and the Stones, and she loved Aretha Franklin." Dominic nodded again, smiling and raising a brow. "You didn’t know?"

"No, I didn't know."

Oh. Clark sighed. He nodded, smiling a little now, and shifted. "That’s pretty good, cause I didn’t know those things existed." His grin went crooked again, and he visibly relaxed. "You’re... I wanted to make a good impression."

"Lex, your mother was a feisty little lady. She was quite a sweetheart, but she had a head on her shoulders. What she wanted she got, if she had to kick and scream and tear eyeballs out until she got it. She worked for everything in her life, and she was a damn wonderful woman." A moment. "I see her fire in you."

Lionel chuckled softly. "Dear boy, you're making a fine impression, don't worry. It's not often you'll see my son and I at the same table, and I thank you for it."

At Dominic's compliment, Lex blushed, and he suddenly found it hard to swallow. "Th--thank you. I think--I think that's the best thing that anyone has said about me before."

Dominic saw the pleasure he'd given his young friend and he shrugged it away, though his eyes warmed. "Well, duh. Its obvious; t'isnt a compliment when the obvious is stated."

"And no cursing and name calling yet." Clark tried for the light joke, looking up as he tried not to squirm. "I call it a personal triumph."

Lionel raised his water glass. "Touché. And if we can hold that tone through dinner, dessert, and brandy, then it will be a family record."

"We're gonna try." Clark beamed and raised his own glass, and took a sip from it before he glanced at his lover, squeezing their still joined fingers.

"So what did you both do today, as young Mr. Kent skipped class I see?" Raised brow, though he was trying not to snicker.

"Well... we went grocery shopping, bought the ingredients for dinner, came home, had wild monkey sex on the kitchen counter until it was time to cook, and then we cooked, showered, and changed." Lex said it all with a straight face.

Dominic. Paled. "Lex?"

"Yes, Dominic?"

"Now that we're related, all tales of sex are to remain completely secret. Alright?"

"Does that mean you and my father are going to abstain until I get the soundproofers in here?" His smirk was just a little evil, and Lionel was becoming hard pressed not to laugh at his son's teasing of Dominic.

Dominic just snickered at him, and raised a brow. "You know the answer to that question. Why must you ask it, and ruin young minds?" To Clark. "Ignore him. He's a sadist."

"He's my sadist." Clark smiled softly.

"That's right." Lex leaned over and kissed Clark's cheek suddenly. "Besides, he already knows. He's heard me ranting. In detail. About scrubbing my brain out, so it's just about time you get a little of the medicine in return." Lex reached behind him, and pulled out the chilled wine bottle. "Dominic... Dad... would you do the honors?"

Dominic just nodded and smiled, glancing at Lionel and motioning at him. Unspoken… you do it. Your son expects it from you.

Clark still felt skittish, and strange, like he was full when he wasn’t. He was actually hungry… but not as much as before, when they'd come home and he'd cleaned through two boxes of fruit loops and a gallon of milk. this was different... strange. But he was sick and tired of worrying his lover when it turned out to be nothing, so he hid his thoughts and brightened. "Lex said, and I quote, If you don’t get drunk, you can have some."

Lionel took the bottle from his son, and swiftly unwrapped the foil that sealed the neck of the bottle. There was a corkscrew on the tray but Lionel disdained it, instead popping the cork easily with his thumbs. "There we are." He tipped the bottle and filled Dominic's glass first, then Lex's, then Clark's, and then his own. After all four glasses were full, Lionel handed the bottle back to Lex, and it was put back in the ice bucket. "Young man, if you manage to get drunk off a single glass of wine... then I will pay for your entire education through a doctorate."

Clark smiled again. "I’ve drunk things before, Mr. Luthor. Shh, just don’t tell my parents." His eyes were a little wide , a little panicked at the thought.

Dominic rose his glass. "To family. And not killing one another."

"I have no intention of tattling on you, Clark. Put your mind at rest."

Lex raised his glass. "And to keeping sex stories to ourselves."

"And to keeping sex stories to ourselves, and here’s to hoping we don’t walk in on one another anymore. We really should get a white flag system." Dominic mussed, clinking his glass with the others as his eyes shot to his lover discreetly.

Using the boy’s name was a definite step up.

"Okay." He smiled again and shifted, taking a sip from his own glass... and, because he was manly, didn’t cough. And sputter.

"Do No Disturb signs are always appropriate, as are locked doors," Lex reminded. His hand slipped to Clark's back and rubbed, thoughts burying the snicker as he patted his beloved gently. "The first sip is a killer."

At that moment, Ms. Bird, having been listening for the pop of the cork, brought out the salads and a roll of garlic toast. "Here chu are," she said, and unloaded each salad plate carefully in front of each man. "If chu vill chust call vhen you are done, ve vill bring in de main course."

Clark’s eyes were full of the tears that had sprung to his eyes with the effort to keep the cough in, and is cheeks were flushed as he cleared his throat, straightened, and nodded. "I’m good. I’m cool."

"Ms. Bird, lovely," He rose with her, excusing himself as he took her arm and led her into the kitchen. "Ms. Bird, its Tuesday night, its almost eight. For the love of God, your job is done for the day. Go to your rooms, put your feet up. Lex and I will take care of anything else here, mmkay?"

Ms. Bird shooed Dominic away with a flick of her dishtowel. "Herr Dominic... my job is to take care of chu boys. All of chu. And if that means I vill carry in four plates of shrimp in half an hour, den that is vhat I vill do."

"You know, you are too good to the lot of us." And because he could, he gave her a hug. "Promise me you'll take a day off. I’m sure Lionel won't die if his underwear isn’t laundered for a day, as he's got about a billion pairs. I’m sure we'll survive, gasp, having to make our own beds. Please, Ms. Bird, for me."

Ms. Bird hugged him back. "I vill take a day off vhen chu do."

He. Just. Sighed. But kissed her cheek, grinned crookedly and just a little shyly, and slipped back into the dining room.

Lionel watched as Dominic herded Ms. Bird from the room, and shook his head as he took a forkful of salad.

"Clark... I don't think that I'm quite at Dominic's level of worrywartness yet, do you?" Lex asked, suddenly remembering Clark's comment of earlier in the day.

"Hey! I resent that. Or possibly, thank you." Dominic groused, glaring at the two of them before he took his seat again.

Lex chuckled softly, but Lionel beat him to commentary.

"You, little cricket, are my worry wart, and I wouldn't have you change for the world." A quick kiss to Dominic's soft lips, and he grinned.

Clark blushed softly as the two men kissed… the first time he'd seen them do it, and gazed at his lover with pleased shyness.

Dominic kissed right back, winking at him as he took a sip of the wine... oh, lovely. Smooth. And picked up one of the forks. "Tell me, Lex, has Bruce said when his plane leaves this week?"

Lex glared across the table, but it wasn't filled with the usual malice he glared with. It was more of a teasing kind. "Get a room," Lex growled softly, and then stroked the line of the blush on Clark's cheek with the back of his fingertips. "I believe he's leaving on Friday. He and Dick are at Dick's apartment tonight, making sure the last of Dick's things are all packed before they leave."

"Got one, thank you." Dominic shot back easily, spearing a tiny tomato and eating it. "Its going to be strange around here without them about. Odd, how house guests often feel like a part of the group after a while."

"I love having Bruce around, don't get me wrong," Lex said softly. "But... I think it's going to be nice for him and Dick to go back home and get their life in order now." He squeezed Clark's thigh under the table.

"I don’t mind." Clark said softly, smiling at Lex as he glanced up. He was about to say that Pete was going to be sad, but then he remembered he and Pete weren’t talking, and sighed a little. "Sam… Dick. He was a nice guy, played ball with Pete, Whitney and I every other day. Its going to be weird having him gone."

"Aye, but if that’s not the truth." Dominic nodded, at the both of them. "I’m going to get your papa here to come with me to Gotham next month to get some paperwork. Oh, speaking of, Lex, would you and Clark like to come see the buildings tomorrow?"

Lionel raised an eyebrow at that. "I do try to stay out of other people's lives, and actually succeed on occasion, but I never quite understood exactly how that young man was able to pass for a high school student when it was so obvious that he was quite a bit older."

Lex looked over at his lover. "What do you think, Clark? Can you miss another day of school?" And somehow, the thought amused him. I'm dating a high school kid.

Clark caught the thought though, and his eyes widened at Lex for a minute before he turned his gaze away. "Sam was a really cool guy. I mean, we all figured he was a Senior, like Whitney, and just hung out with us. He didn’t act like he was older... he was one of the guys. We had a lot of fun, and its gonna be sad to see him go." Clark shrugged a shoulder. "And thank you, but I really should get to class tomorrow."

"Perhaps another time." And Dominic respected begrudgingly going to class, even when he didn’t want to, and grinned. "When I was your age, the need to skip was a daily occurrence, Clark. It doesn’t get any better, but when you're finally finished with school.... you’ve got a certain amount of pride for completing it."

Lex looked over at Dominic. "Can we make it in the afternoon, or is there already something else in the works for tomorrow afternoon? Clark... I'd really like you to see the buildings." Lex smiled softly at his love.

"Actually, if I’m not mistaken, your father and I have a meeting at three thirty with Gabe Sullivan and the other heads of the plant."

"Its can show me another time, Lex." Clark nodded it, and sort of pushed the salad around on his plate. None of it made it into his mouth. "Maybe on Friday? It's a workday."

Lionel nodded. "You are correct; we're going to be making preparations for the first safety inspections of the rebuilt plant, and hopefully set a firm date for the resumption of operations." A brief pause. "After that, I'm slated for a conference call with several district attorneys about the proof Carolyn obtained against my former board members."

Lex noticed that the salad wasn't getting consumed. "Friday sounds great, Clark. And if Dad and Dominic can't make it, it'll be just the two of us." He looked up at Dominic. "You'll leave me the keys, right?"

"Oh, of course." Dominic glanced towards his lover. "If its alright with you, Lionel, I can get copies of the keys for Lex, yourself, Bruce and me. That way should any of us ever need to get into the building for anything, we can. And I'll get them so they’re not replicable."

Clark smiled at his lover, then at the older Luthor and his own. "The town is really excited. The rebuilding of the plant is a huge deal for everyone here."

Lionel nodded. "That's an excellent idea. If you can bring in a locksmith to re-key each building, I'd like for each building to have a non-copiable, separate key. See if our man from Metropolis will come down; I trust him not to pass out a copy of the key to anyone else." He chuckled softly at Clark. "I am sure I'd win back more points if I reopened it as a cream corn factory, but sadly, it's going to remain a fertilizer plant."

Clark grinned crookedly. "You'd be surprised. Manure isn’t cheap, but when the plant is running the prices go down a dollar. So... instead of spending five hundred dollars on two hundred and fifty bags, we spend much less. And use that money to feed the animals, or pay bills a… and stuff." He flushed in sudden embarrassment and gazed down. "But… you know."

Dominic grinned. "I appreciate that. Sowing the land is hard business. Your words could have come from my brother's mouth. He did fishing when we lived in Cobh, and he would always find shortcuts to get to what we needed."

Lionel looked very thoughtful for a long moment, so much so that he was paying only peripheral attention to the rest of the conversation, nodding idly as his mind clicked through possibilities.

Lex elbowed Clark silently and nodded towards Lionel, and then kicked Dominic savagely under the table.

Clark blinked at the sudden jab and glanced at his lover. Clueless? Consistently. He looked up at Lionel, blinking again, and took a sip of water.

Dominic yelped, strangled it, and gave Lex a dark glare, kicking him right back as he glanced at Lionel. "What is it, Lovely?"

Lex shook his head, and sent a little thought to his lover. He always gets like this when he's ready to spring some scheme on the unsuspecting masses; can't you see the wheels turning?

Lionel looked up at the call of his name from his lover. "Hmmm? Oh, nothing. Just thinking something out."

Clark grinned at his lover. Just... grinned. It was crooked and soft, but a big smile none the less. Was wondering why he got quiet.

Dominic’s little blond brow cocked up high. "None of that 'hmmm nothing', baby. What is it you’re concocting in that brain of yours?" He shook a finger at him, "And none of this, 'nothing' business."

Lex just leaned back in his chair, pushing the remains of his salad to the side as he sipped the wine in his glass. "Just you wait and see," he said under his breath, knowing Clark's hearing would pick it up.

"Just a possible subsidiary of the fertilizer plant. Lex would have to implement it, of course, as the plant is a LexCorp property despite the merger, but it might be a way to keep the money circulating in the community and relieve some of the problems that Clark was talking about." He fixed his sharp gaze on Clark. "Young man... how many farms in the area produce manure?"

Clark.. blinked. "Uh... well, every farm, sir, but Mr. Johnson on Pave Road sells it. That’s where my dad and I went for a long time to get it, until the prices went up and we... we just couldn’t afford it. My dad produces a lot of his own, now--" And he grinned as Dominic let out a loud snort of laughter, "But Johnson, and the Rubenstein family. That’s where we go to get it when we don’t have enough."

Dominic was still chuckling.

"Do you think your family would consider selling the... the raw material directly to me in return for a discount on the finished product, which includes a price guarantee that the cost will never exceed a set amount?"

Lex was busy strangling on his wine as he stared at Dominic.

"Are you kidding? Definitely." Clark nodded it, several times. "Its one of the biggest problems on any farm, Mr. Luthor. When you don’t have enough manure you don’t have enough grass for the animals to eat. You don’t have enough crops, you can't grow anything. Its like the blood of a farm. My dad... if you talked to him about it, I can almost guarantee you he'd jump at the opportunity."

Lex couldn't help it. "Only you, Dad."

"What do you mean, Lex?"

"Only you would be discussing cow shit over wine and dinner." He burst out laughing again, grinning at his lover and squeezing Clark's hand tightly.

Dominic calmed himself enough to speak. Sort of. He had to wait a minute to keep the waver out of his voice. Then Lex had to go and say that, and he cracked up, trying not to for the sake of his lover as he turned his gaze on him.

Clark grinned, broadly. "Aushna', you should hear some of the stuff me and my dad talk about over dinner. My mother used to smack us both when we started talking farm talk."

Lionel blinked once at his son, then turned his gaze to Dominic. He didn't say a word, just raised his eyebrow at his lover.

Lex just shook his head. "I'd rather not think about it. I can just imagine... father and son discussing bovine mating practices--Dominic, not a word about Bessie or I'll kick you again--over chicken casserole."

"Lost it over Clark saying his father produced shite, love." Dominic couldn’t help it, leaning over to give him a kiss as he laughed, trying in vain to calm himself even as his eyes danced with amusement.

Clark grinned. "You're not far off, Lex. Only much worse. My mom said if she had to listen to us talk about which bull would produce the most children ever again she'd upturn our plates on our heads."

Lionel smiled then and gave Dominic a kiss in return, this one a bit longer than the first brief touch of lips they'd shared and his hand caught Dominic's cheek gently.

Lex took the momentary distraction to turn a concerned eye on his lover. "Clark... you're not eating. Are you all right?" He slid his chair as close to Clark as possible, laying the back of his hand on Clark's forehead.

Dominic kissed him right back, gently, fingers raising up to touch Lionel’s on his face, then stroked close to Lionel’s face… his lips, murmuring his approval before he let go and smiled at him.

"I’m okay, mother." Broad grin of his own at his lover, as he shrugged away from the hand, nipped his thumb with his teeth, and kissed him too. Just a light touch, and he linked fingers with Lex's hand. "Just not very hungry, baby."

"Mmmm," Lionel murmured thoughtfully, smiling back at his lover. "I think you're right; enough business for now."

Lex returned the gentle kiss, and laced his fingers through Clark's. "I love you, Clark... I worry."

Dominic caught the last part and rolled his eyes at Lex, even as he squeezed Lionel’s own hand. "Lex, stop worrying. The lad's quite alright, hmm? You may take my proud title." But it was said without a hint of worry. "Are you feeling alright, Clark?"

He nodded an affirmation at the older man. "Uh huh. Just a little sleepy." He flushed slightly, before he looked again to Lionel. "My dad and mom are going on a produce run tomorrow if the weather keeps. They should be home by around noon, and I’m sure my dad will talk to you then."

Lionel looked at his lover carefully out of the corner of his eye. "I think Dominic and I will stop by, then, and see if this... proposal meets his approval. If it does, then I'll make an appointment with him to get together and work out the logistics of pickup and delivery."

Lex sat back in his chair, sipping his wine and clearing his mind a little, feeling the things flowing from his lover through their link and looking for anything... wrong. He didn't feel anything wrong but couldn't shake the fact that something was up with his beloved.

He had to go SEE Jonathan?! CRAP! pun intended. He looked at his lover, but remembered his place. When boss said come, he went. Or climaxed, and with Lionel you never quite knew which. So he just nodded, heaved a little sigh, and took a drink of wine.

"Feel you peeking." Clark murmured softly, smirking at his lover wickedly before nodding at Mr. Luthor. "You don’t need an appointment. Just call him so he'll know you’re coming and can wash up. Dad's got this thing about not seeing people when he's all mucked up from outside, which I get. But anyway, yeah. Mom'll get things ready for you guys."

Lionel caught the sigh, and turned his attention to his lover. "You don't have to go if you don't think you can control yourself, Dominic. I just thought you'd like the opportunity to prove that you're the bigger man," he said softly, under his breath. "But if you don't feel up to the challenge, then I quite understand, and do not blame you a bit." Then he smiled as he looked up at Clark. "Thank you, young man. You've been a great help. I will make sure to call before I come over."

Lex nodded, blush spreading guiltily over his cheeks. "Yes, I was peeking," he admitted softly.

"You're such a bastard sometimes." Dominic glared at his lover, but it wasn’t meant. He kicked him under the table. "I don’t want to upset our young friend here by putting my fist through his father’s face... again."

Clark just squeezed his lovers hand as he saw Ms. Bird, through the door, preparing to bring their things out, and smiled at Lionel. "That’s cool." To Dominic. "He said next time you try he'll brawl you right back." His own blush. "I'd pay money to see you both fight, though."

And whispered, Look whenever you want to. I am a part of you, you are a part of me. You can dig deeper, look wherever you want. I love you. And I trust you.

"As I would," Lionel interjected, grinning wickedly at his lover. "Seeing as how I've worked with Jonathan on his technique... just to give him a fighting chance, you understand. You decimated him twice before."

Lex let a swirl of thoughts cross his mind, and chose one to remain for his lover. And I trust you. If you are not feeling well, you will tell me. I won't pry again; not because I don't want to but because I respect you. I do, however, want to know more about the picture of me in chains.

Dominic puffed up in pride. Giving Jonathan a black eye was directly correlated to pride, and he beamed. "Grew up brawling. Could still kick his arse."

Clark choked on his wine, sputtered, and managed to keep it in his mouth as he slapped his hand across his mouth and blushed. Pink. Looked at Lex with wide eyes and grinned around his hand, even as he flushed redder.

And Dominic grinned. "You’re doing that mind reading thing, aren’t you? Damn that’s cool. I wish I had that... see what’s really going on in Lionel’s brain when he tells me he's ready to--...." Blink. "Work."

"Thank you, Dominic, that's an image I really didn't need." Lex turned his attention to his beet-red lover. "I'm sorry, Clark, I didn't mean to choke you up like that!"

Picture of you in chains, all tied up and ready to be fucked. Personal favorite kinky thing of mine. Clark gave his lover innocently, even as he chuckled at Dominic. "Its kind of fun. Comes in handy, let me tell you."

"I don’t doubt it." Dominic smiled right back, and glanced up as Ms. Bird came in. He straightened, pulling the napkin off his lap incase she needed assistance, and smiled his gratitude at her.

Lex snorted wine into his glass. Remind me to take you into the dungeon.

Ms. Bird easily steered the large wheeled cart into the dining room and set it at the head of the table. "Chu keep chur seat, Herr Dominic," she threatened. A steaming plate of food was set down in front of each man. Three had a generous helping of shrimp, pasta, and garlic butter sauce sprinkled liberally over it. Clark's plate, because Lex never listened, had half a serving of shrimp, and two large, lightly seasoned grilled chicken breasts, served over the same pasta with the same butter garlic sauce.

Dominic winced at the glare the little old lady gave him, grinning at her in adoration before he murmured his approval. "Oh, Lex. Good God, this looks good."

Clark glared at his lover. So this was why he hadn’t been allowed to help. Alright, so maybe he leaned over and kissed him just because, smiling at him before he pulled his own napkin from under his utensils and set it in his lap.

"Thank you, Dominic. I hope it tastes as good as it looks." He blushed slightly at Clark's quick kiss, and raised an eyebrow. "See? No Flounder, no Ariel." He looked at his father.

Lionel was sitting in front of the plate, his eyes closed as the scent wafted up to his nose. When he opened his eyes, he looked directly at Lex. "Your mother would be proud of you, Lex."

Ms. Bird returned Dominic's grin and fussed over their drinks before disappearing back into the kitchen to put her feet up and sigh happily. Family dinners were back.

"She'd also be halfway through it already." Dominic added, grinning broadly as he nodded at them. "I’m to say a prayer, so shut up, the lot of you." He waited until they'd all quieted, and bowed his head. "Dear Lord, thank you for the food that we are about to receive. Thankfully, at this juncture, we trust Lex not to poison us, and thank you for that as well. Thank you for joining this group of four very different men and making them family. Amen."

"Amen." Clark murmured, and smiled up at Dominic as the blond man grinned. "Let's eat."

"Dominic, I may yet put rat poison in your soufflé, so don't turn your back on it," Lex threatened with a grin as he dug in. "Look. I'm eating, and I'm not dying."

"And notice, that’s why I didn’t begin before you did." Dominic said with a raised brow, though a smile was tugging at his lips as he too took a bite.

And just about died.

"Oh, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Lex, cut an hour out of your every day to cook." Seventh heaven? Oh YES.

Clark nodded his appreciation too, though he was picking at it, he tried to eat enough for his lover so he wouldn’t feel bad. "Definitely, definitely good."

"Who's to say Ms. Bird wasn't in on it?" But Lex couldn't stop the grin. "It's good?"

Lionel took a bite of the shrimp and the pasta, and the garlic exploded on his tongue as memories exploded in his mind. The last time he and Lillian had had this dish, it had the same bite of onion that Lex had added, and she'd been a month along in Lex's pregnancy.

He'd rolled his shirt sleeves up and dove in with her, peeling shrimp and laughing at the slippery little fuckers as they popped out of their skins, out of their fingers, and lay flopping in the sink or on the counter.

"Lex... you have your mother's skill in the kitchen," was the only compliment Lionel could think to pay to his son. "It's just as good as Lillian's."

"Good? I'sa sin." Dominic muttered around a mouthful, remembering his manners a minute later and chuckling as he ate. He had no idea what his lover was thinking, but he felt that he was sad, and slipped a hand under the table to wrap tightly around Lionel’s fingers and squeeze as hard as he could, rings clinking.

Clark nodded, smiling as well as they talked, and pushed the pasta around, taking a bite here and there and trying to look like he was eating it. His belly was churning painfully with each swallow, as if rejecting the food, and he just took a drink, pushing it down. He'd be damned if he wouldn’t eat it, after all the work Lex put into it.

Lex's eyes were bright as he looked up at his father. "Really, Dad?"

"Yes, son. Really," Lionel confirmed, squeezing his lover's hand tightly. "I was just... remembering the last time I had this. Your mother added the same thing to the sauce that you did--minced onion. Gives it a little bit of a bite, and I've never tasted another sauce that did that, until now."

Lex just smiled widely. "Thanks, Dad. That's... that means a lot to me." He looked over at Clark, and grinned. "It's okay if you don't like it, Clark. I'll call for pizza later."

"No." He said it quickly, shaking his head. Christ, Lex was his lover, his aushna', but without thinking he sometimes made him feel like the biggest hick in the world. "Its good. Very good."

"It..." Dominic took a drink of wine. "Its good. Its outrageously good. So much so in fact that I’m going to have to chain you to the stove. Christ and Jesus, boy, why didn’t you ever use your skills before? You inherited your mothers hand. Her specialty was..." Dreamy glance of a man who appreciated good food. "Clam chowder over steak. Christ and God, the woman could win over anyone she pleased with that dish."

Lex cringed quietly at that thought. "I'm sorry, Clark. I didn't mean to make you feel that way." He picked up the wine bottle, almost refilled the glass, but then set it to the side, picked up the sparkling juice, and filled his glass with it instead.

Lionel chuckled. "Don't mind Dominic; I think he would have proposed to my wife, merely on the basis of her cooking, had he thought he could have gotten away with it."

Lex leaned back in his chair, the front legs pulling up off the floor as he rested the back of the chair against the wall. "Never thought about it before, to be honest," he said, in response to Dominic's question. "Never thought about bothering to cook."

Clark shrugged a little, listening to the men talk quietly. It was good for them to talk this made them family. Its what thy needed.

"And a happy man I would have been for the rest of my days." Dominic agreed, grinning. "And don’t think I didn’t think about grabbing her and running away to Chile." He turned his gaze to Lex. "You should learn to bother. Clark here wouldn’t mind, I don’t think." At the shaken head of the boy he smiled. "See? Ms. Birds got your mama's recipe's running around here somewhere. Woman had each and every thing catalogued to perfection. You could learn from them, before going on to more complex things. And I really wouldn’t mind being the taste tester, thank you."

Lex shrugged. "I don't often have the time, but... I'll think about it." He looked at Lionel. "Why didn't you ever tell me Mom was a great cook?"

Lionel sipped his wine before he answered. "I didn't think you'd be interested."

"I'm always interested," Lex said quietly. "In anything about my mother." He looked over at Clark's quietness. "Clark? What do you think? Hang up the business shingle and open a restaurant?"

"You could call it Lillian’s." Clark said softly, smiling at Lex as his eyes danced, and forgave. "I think it'd be neat, in seriousness."

"As do I." Dominic nodded it, sipping from his own glass as he leaned back and got a bit more comfortable.

Lex looked at each of the three earnest faces at the table. "I'll think about it," was his only concession.

"Speaking of," A glance up, under light eyelashes. "When we move, the town is really going to boom. I mean, really. I was thinking about this the other night...the businesses that already exist? Maybe we should become silent, temporary partners for Smallville Commerce. When the fluctuations in the economic state of the town start, it would be a pity for establishments like the flower shop, the Talon, and the theater, as well as the little restaurants about the town to go under. They’re the charm of the town."

"Nell's Flower Shop and The Talon are both safe; I own the majority of the Talon now, and Nell incorporated the Flower Shop after Lana's accident." A quick squeeze to Clark's hand. "Since The Beanery sold to The Talon, we're doing quite well."

"Mmm. But what of the Italian restaurant in town? And the little bookstores? I don’t want things like Barnes and Noble to bring them under, you know?" Dominic tipped his head.

"Or Rubenstein’s Market." Clark added softly. He'd stopped trying to eat... his belly wouldn’t let him. He gagged every time he tried to eat. So he just set his fork aside and listened to the men talk.

Lionel nodded. "Dominic's right. We will need to partner with them. Also... Dominic. Perhaps when the time comes, we can limit the number of large chains that come to Smallville; part of the reason I'm moving here is because of the small, quiet nature of the place. I don't want it turned into a Metropolis clone."

"Which it will. Malls everywhere, Starbucks, book stores, large supermarket chains. Some have to come in, to support the people living here. But damned if the little places will suffer because of it." Dominic added. "Not that, you know , I'd mind a Starbucks," Moocchhhhhhaaaaa. "But lines should be drawn."

"It will not turn into a Metropolis clone."

"Dominic, you don't like the fine gourmet coffee served at the Talon?" Lex asked in all innocence.

"The fine gourmet sludge, you said? No, love, I'd rather poke a stick through my eye then drink that sh--...stuff again." Dominic quickly amended. "Tried it once. Gagged for twenty minutes until I got the taste out of my mouth. There must be a creature of some sorts running amok in the cappuccino machine."

Lex snickered. "So far, you're the only one who's complained. Sure it wasn't another taste in your mouth?" He squeezed Clark's hand, seeing the full plate. If you're not feeling better by tomorrow, we're going down to the lab, he thought clearly.

"Let me think. Hmmm. Lionel, did I suck you off before we went in for coffee the other day?" he asked innocently of his lover, smiling like an angel.

Clark choked on a giggle, grinning at Dominic before he gazed at his lover. I’m fine. I think eating trees has finally caught up with me--don’t worry. I’ve gone through times when I didn’t eat. He smiled, kissed Lex's cheek, and chuckled.

Lionel considered. "Actually no. You didn't. It wasn't until after the stop for coffee that you did that."

Lex just looked at his lover. "Clark, could I possibly convince you to go in my head and rip out that image?"

"I thought so." He said innocently, gazing at Lex. "it was the coffee. It was really that bad."

Clark grinned at his lover, and finished off the wine in his glass, sighing as he leaned back. Dominic was just about finished, which amused Clark greatly, as was Lionel. And he was just tired. He wanted to go find a hole and sleep somewhere. "This is really nice. I like eating with you guys."

"Bite me, Dominic."

Lionel nodded. "Yes. It is a rather... nice experience. I don't think that we're quite ready to do this every day, but... I believe we're getting there. Lex... would you like to do this every week? A standing appointment, and you cook for us?"

Lex looked over at his lover. "You up for it, baby?"

"Most definitely." Clark nodded in agreement, and smiled crookedly at Lex. "If you can stand slaving over a hot stove."

"We don’t care, chaining him there." Dominic said as he heaved a heavy sigh and pushed the nearly empty plate away. "That’s it. I’m going to pop. That was very good, Lex. I’m in for you cooking every week."

"All right, I'm up for it. It's... a date." Lex nodded firmly. "But you guys are still responsible for the wine. I'll provide the dinner, and Clark will be my guinea pig."

Clark sighed as if deeply put upon, chuckling again as Dominic gave a mock whine and nodded. "We're on. And we're washing dishes, so you guys can go get ready for whatever it is you’re going to do for the rest of the night." And Clark blushed.

"Which we do not want to know the details of," Lex inserted. "You can take the sorbet with you."

Dominic grinned and rose, setting his napkin on the table as he offered a hand to Lex. "Thank you, lad. This was a good idea, and it warms me heart knowing it came from you."

Lex stood up and shook Dominic's hand firmly. "It was Clark's idea, actually, but yes... I know what you mean." He said it with a smile.

Dominic grinned right back, and gazed at his lover. "Come on, then, sleepyhead. Upstairs with you." And yeah, he knew when his lover was tired. He'd only known him for fifteen years.

Lionel grinned softly. "I am not a sleepyhead," he countered. But he didn't argue. "Lex... goodnight. And thank you. Very much."

Lex offered his hand to his father. "You're welcome, Dad."

Lionel looked at Lex's hand for a moment, took it, then used it to pull Lex into a hug. "Goodnight, Lex."

"Goodnight, Dad." Lex's voice was muffled against his father's shoulder.

And Clark was sharing a big, dorky grin with Dominic behind both men’s backs, and he gave a little squirm of pleasure as he tucked his hands into his pockets.

Dominic grinned right back and offered his hand to Clark , shaking it firmly a moment later. "Goodnight, Clark. Thank you."

"No problem." Clark said shyly, nodding.

Lex pulled away from his father and moved back to stand beside Clark, and wrapped his arms around his lover's waist.

Lionel did the same, studying his son for a long moment, before smiling. "Good night, Clark. Are on for our lesson tomorrow evening?"

"Most definitely." Clark agreed quickly, and grinned as he wrapped his arm around Lex and kept him close. "Goodnight, sir."

Lex watched as Dominic and Lionel disappeared from the dining room, and then he looked up at Clark. "And what, exactly, is my father teaching you this time?" Lex asked curiously, not budging from Clark's arms.

Clark chuckled as he glanced down at his lover, giving him a hard squeeze before going to start picking up plates. "How to fence. He said I fence, and I quote, "like a barbarian". So, he's teaching me."

"Clark, Clark, leave the plates. That's what I pay Enrique for. He will stuff the plates into the dishwasher, and in the morning, the Dish Fairy will have left clean plates in the cupboards for us to eat off of."

Clark shook his head, grinned, and continued to pile the plates. He lifted them and pushed through the double doors into the kitchen, speaking as he went. "Im a Kent. Its been engrained. Come on, it won't take but ten minutes. Get the glasses for me, will you?"

Lex shook his head. "All right!" he laughed. He gathered the wine glasses carefully by their stems and carried them into the kitchen. The dregs of wine and juice he poured out down the sink, and he rinsed the glasses before setting them in the special rack of the dishwasher. "Clark... I really am sorry. I didn't... I didn't think that I'd offend you by offering to get you something else later. I didn't think."

"I’m just hormonal, don’t mind me." Clark took the rest of the plates, rinsing them before he set them in the dishwasher and shook his head. "I would have said the same thing, don’t feel bad. And you know, I might take you up on the offer."

Lex's face lit up with a grin. "Really?"

"Really, really. Doesn’t eating pizza in bed sound nice?" His belly flipped and said NO, but he ignored it, grinning at his love as he finished loading the plates and filled it wish dishwashing powder.

"Actually... it does, now that you mention it. Not that I've ever tried it before, but... yeah. Big screen television in the bedroom; we'll find a movie to watch, eat pizza in bed... drink the rest of the bottle of sparkling grape juice." He snickered. "We'll party."

He smiled, nodded, and closed the dishwasher, setting it to the highest setting as he wrapped his arm around his lover's waist. "Come on, lets go change and get comfortable.”

"How do you feel about silk pajamas?" Lex asked, slipping his own arm around Clark's waist and following him up the stairs.


go on to the next part