
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 119: Bond Rebuilt

Lex smiled, locking away every bit of happiness that Richard had given him in a special place inside of him, where only Clark--and their link--would eventually be able to reach. He tugged Clark into his arms, holding him tightly to his chest, stroking Clark's face gently. "He is our son."

"All the fucking way." Clark said, smiling and crying at the same time, as the sun slept behind the horizon and the deep oranges and yellows began to slowly turn to the light blues that would turn to night. He hugged Lex close to him, the puppies snuffling and investigating around them as Clark set his ear to Lex's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Lex took the bundle of rosebuds and blooms, and laid the fragile flowers on the grave. "Goodbye, Mar-El." He smiled as he looked down at Clark. "You see? I told you he'd be here to say goodbye."

Clark felt like a piece of his grief had been easily lifted away. He was still sad... unspeakably so. But the effortless, wantless, hopeless existence of before was gone. His son would be safe, for eternity. And it was what a parent needed, when faced with something like this. Clark rubbed his face, softly, as he spread the blooms just so over Mar-El's grave, smiling softly. "I see. We did say goodbye, Lex."

Lex rubbed the back of Clark's neck tenderly. "You never said... that you wanted a big family. When the time comes... we'll talk to Jor-El. We'll find out how it's supposed to be done, so that you don't go through such a hard delivery again." And it didn't make him sad, now, to think of having other children. "Come on. You need food, and I promised a massage."

"I do." Clark said shyly, glancing up softly at him. "I grew up alone... I don't want my kids to have that. I want them to argue, and be mad, and scream and yell." He paused, than, as the memory of the harsh pain came back to his mind. "We will. My dad will show us how its supposed to be...he'll help us, Lex." He murmured. "I could touch him… he was flesh and blood. He'll help us, when the time comes, so it...its not as bad as before." He gathered Cleo, who was snoring at his knee, in his arms. "Food, massage. Maybe a bath?"

Lex held his hands out for the little girl. Cleo was his girl. "Sunday or Monday... I want to take the laptop back to the cellar. Start downloading the information into the system." He stroked Clark's hands as he waited for Cleo. "Food. Massage. Bath. Presents. And then... we'll decide."

"Okay." Clark said softly, handing Cleo over gently as he reached down, tucking a sleepy Samson and Artie under each arm. "Come on, babies. Its time for you guys to sleep, and give me and Lex some alone time." He murmured into soft fur, hugging them gently as he gazed down at Mar-El's grave.

And smiled.

He turned, motioning at Lex, and started down the hill.

Lex cradled Cleo gently against his chest, and paused for just a second, crouching beside the grave. "Thank you for giving Clark back to me," he said softly, then pushed himself to his feet and followed Clark down, looping the arm not holding Cleo around his beloved's waist. "Mmm... outside of pizza, what's your favorite food?" Lex murmured into Clark's ear.

"You mean there's food outside of pizza?" Clark asked softly, raising his brow a little as his boots mushed into the cold earth, the night lovely and cool as they walked. Samson and Artie were dead weights on his already sore arms but he didn't mind, just hiking them up a little better to hold as they walked. "We need to put them in the study next to our bedroom, incase we want to watch TV or whatever." Clark said softly. "Last time, Samson woke up sobbing every time the laugh track came on Friends."

"I think he woke up sobbing because it wasn't real laughter from either of us," Lex pointed out softly. "I think they know when we're sad." Then he ruffled Clark's hair. "Yes, there's food outside of pizza. But if that's really what you want, you can call it in and have them deliver it."

"Whatever you make is okay." Clark answered quietly, breathing in the deep, cool air. He was coming down with something... he could feel it in his chest, but he ignored it, just closing his eyes and inhaling in pleasure. "I'm not really hungry, so we don't have to get much."

"You're not hungry?" Lex focused all of his attention on Clark. "Are you all right? Do I need to call Toby and have him check you over? He won't ask questions."

He turned, and offered his lover a small smile. "I don't need to eat so much for all the energy it takes for my powers, Lex. I ate a burger earlier... I'm fine."

Hackles down. His aushna' was all right. "Okay. Do you want to soak while I cook, or do you want to be my little helper and sample as I work?" he teased.

His blood hummed again. Stronger, than before, and he swallowed around it as he looked away for a moment. The little look Lex had given him had tweaked something inside of him, and he let out a soft, silent breath as he nodded, and smiled. "yeah. We can get the babies asleep, and I'll take a bath. Do you mind?"

"Not at all; if you want, I'll even show you the Jacuzzi. You can soak in the Jacuzzi, then clean off in a cold shower before dinner." He lifted Cleo up and tucked her a little higher up. "Or you can just stay in the tub."

"I don't really mind. Whichever." Clark murmured, swallowing as he leaned over to his lover. His skin was warm, his lips slightly swollen from biting them, and he pressed them to Lex's as he kissed him, softly, shyly, rubbing his lovers lower lip between both of his own, licking and nipping once, before letting go as they walked up the front steps of the mansion. It was silent, strangely so.

A note, beside the door, explained.


I know you went about finding Clark, and I hope everything went well for you, lad. Lionel and I took out Gideon, Mama, Shayla and Ms. Bird for dinner after Mama caught the stove on fire. Long story, don't go in the kitchen, its still cooling off. We're in Metropolis. Will call you sometime tonight, be careful! Have fun with Clark!

DAD (haha)

P.S. Bruce, Enrique, and Dick came as well. Something about being in an old, drafty haunted house that got to them. Heh. Have fun!

Lex growled softly as he wadded the note up. "Well, I guess that answers that question. Pizza or Chinese, Clark?" He tugged Clark into the house. "Do you realize what this means? There's not another person in that house. We... are alone."

Clark chuckled softly, as each puppy snored under his arms. "We are alone. Lets take the babies upstairs, and we'll decide what to eat." He motioned towards the steps. "Lex? Can I ask you a really terrible question?"

Lex nodded as he fingered the crumpled note in his pocket. "Dom's not a half bad guy, Clark." He put his chin on Clark's shoulder. "You can ask me any question you want, terrible or not." He held out his arms for the other two puppies, relieving his lover of their fat butts.

"Do you think we can make the room next to ours the puppies room? With toys and stuff for them, and pillows? Cause... they're our guys. They need a good, comfy space just for them to sleep in, that's not our room." Clark asked softly as he began to climb the steps. They both smelled like the night, like earth, sun-kissed and sweaty. It was a delicious smell, and Clark sniffed softly at his lover as he handed over Samson, keeping Artie, the smallest one, for himself, cuddling him close as they walked.

"C'mere, butterball." Lex hefted Samson onto his shoulder, still keeping Cleo cradled in his arm. "I think we can do that. But let's leave the bed in our room... just in case they want to come in sometimes. I'll call Monday about getting the room re-floored with linoleum or hardwood in case of any little... accidents."

"Yeah." Clarks face lit up, his entire body brightening. It had been something he'd been meaning to bring up to his lover for a while, his eyes dancing as he smiled shyly. "Lots of carpets, and toys, and stuff. So they'll have something to play with. And a TV, cause Samson likes Star Trek."

Cleo just snored. She was out. Cold.

"Yeah. I think that can be arranged. We're on an upper floor or I'd suggest a little door to the outside so they could come in and out, but that gets into letting these babies out without supervision, and that's just not happening." Lex was adamant. "We'll put down newspapers first. Enrique will change them."

Clark smiled, shyly, as they passed their old bedroom. Stopped. The door was open... it had been decked out in new furniture, new flooring, new wallpapers. When before it was a deep blue and green bedroom, now it was all pinks and yellows, bright colors that gave the room a cheerful appearance. Done purposely, Clark knew. It wasn't theirs anymore, and there was no use in dwelling on it. He looked once and kept walking, down the hall to the last door there on the left. A large window looked out to the lake from the window in the hall, and Clark opened the door to their spacious bedroom.

A bed, bigger then their first one. Furniture that was a lot like their own used to be. Their crap was spread everywhere, clothes, watches, papers. It was theirs, and private, and cozy. And Clark smiled, as he walked in, crossing to the study door as the one facing the hall was always locked. He crouched, retrieving the enormous puppy bed, and dragged it into the dark, toasty study, where a fire had been lit and made the room warm. He crouched down onto his knees, setting Artie down amongst all the cottony comfyness, and fluffed the outrageously cozy pillow around him.

Didn't even wake him up. Artie just yawned, popped his jowls, licked his chops, and went right on snoozing.

Lex was being a complete sucker over the puppies and he knew it. But he didn't want Cleo and Sammy and Artie sleeping in a whole other ROOM. But he did it anyway, tucking Cleo on one side of Artie and Samson on the other, creating a very cute little puppy pile in the big purple pillow.

He went back into their bathroom and emerged with a huge water bowl and three bowls of puppy chow balanced in his hands, and placed those around the bed so they'd be easy to find when they woke up.

One more trip had Clark's half-chewed Adidas sneaker and his own Dolce & Gabana loafer tucked into the bed around them, and the last trip had Lex carefully removing three hats, three scarves, and twelve little paw-mittens.

Clark chewed on his lower lip, gently getting his babies comfortable. They were his little pups, and he adored them, and spoiled them beyond mercy. Oh well. Pets, especially these, were meant for spoiling. He kissed each little head and rose, taking a few of the knit things Lex had managed to take off as he rose. "Lets leave the door open, kay?"

Cleo let out a little whine, kicking a paw at someone messing with her. The Lex. Geez, dude. Love you, but get away. She rolled, one mitten still on, and yawned, snuggling under Sammy's tail and sleeping on.

Lex laughed softly as Cleo kicked out one little paw at him. He carefully rolled her over, got off the last mitten, and kissed her little paw as he pulled it off. "Night, guys," he said quietly, and passed the last batch of mittens over to Clark. "Yeah... definitely have to keep the door open."

Clark tucked the little wool things close to him as he stepped back into their bedroom. He set their little puppy things next to the leashes he'd bought last night in a long drawer at the top of their dresser, and absently kicked his boots off, picking them up and putting them in the deep cabinet in the closet that held their shoes. Clarks scuffed shoes next to Lex's Gucci, but it worked. He padded out on the thick carpet in his socks, yawning as he shucked off his coat, as well.

Lex was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching Clark move around the bed. It was nice watching him go through the little nightly rituals, and not feel as though he were preparing for a funeral.

"I reorganized the closet this morning, I hope you didn't mind. But they had our things mixed up, and I refolded your underwear too," Lex called out, watching Clark put his shoes away.

He chuckled, softly, as he hung his coat up, tugging his sweater over his head as well and dropping it in the dirty clothes basket by the closet door as he peaked out, his white t-shirt snug and comfy. "You know someone loves you when they fold your underwear for you." He said gently, though he was smiling as he stepped out and yawned as he plopped next to his lover, and scratched his side. "I feel like Chinese. What do you think?"

Lex held out the wrapped box that contained the new watch he'd gotten for Clark, their initials engraved on the back of it. "I think you should open a present now. Mostly because I'm tired of waiting."

"Lex..." Clark sighed but smiled a little anyway, leaning forward to gently kiss him. "You didn't have to get me anything."

"So you kept telling me. And I'm afraid every time you told me that, I got you something else. Because I'm just very very strange that way." There were two more boxes sitting on the night table beside them. "So the other two will wait."

The package was bright, beautiful paper that had probably cost a fortune. Clark gently began to peel the tape up, giving his lover a melodramatic, heaved sigh as if immensely put upon, when instead he was pleased Lex had actually shopped for him. Sure, e-bay, but that was okay. He peeled the tape back, making sure to keep it in tact as he unrolled the box free from it. A wooden box, of mahogany, and Clark glanced up at Lex before down, cracking it open.

Oh, fuck.

The watch was beautiful. it had small encrusted diamonds on the face plate itself, the glass perfect, the silver wrist strap gorgeous. Clark inhaled stiffly, running a large fingertip over it in shock. "Oh, God."

Lex leaned over his lover and flipped it over.




Was the inscribed on the back, a small cross formation that shared the J in both sets of initials. "Happy birthday, baby."

Clark couldn't help it. He reached over and wrapped his arms tightly around Lex's chest, holding him close as he kissed his cheek, his ear, and finally his lips, softly but strongly, as he smiled and gave a little sniffle. This was probably the nicest thing anyone had ever given him... probably because he'd never had anyone who wanted to engrave stuff for him. And he took it out of its box, slipping his old one off, his grampa's watch, and the new one on. He was sure his grampa wouldn't mind, and he tucked the old one gently in the box as he gazed at the new one... and grinned. "I can't wear this. Where am I going to where this to? Lex, its beautiful. Thank you, so much."

"You can wear it anywhere you want to. Though... I did get you a regular watch, just because I knew you'd say that." Guilty look, and he'd never admit to being addicted to internet shopping. "It'll be here in a week; the engraving got delayed on it. It's the same inscription, though."

Clark cracked up at that, his eyes dancing and his nose crinkling as he rubbed the heel of his palm against his eyes. He hadn't gotten teary, people, and if anyone dared to say it he'd deny it. But he gently slipped the watch off and rose from the bed, walking over to a thick wooden box that held Lex's cuff links, tie tacks, watches and other such things. Clark set his watch in the box, right next to Lex's. It fit. Silver and silver, one slightly larger then the other. Next to each other, for countless years. And because he liked that he smiled, and walked back over to him. "Thank you. Thank you, thank you. I love it."

"Ready for box number two?" Lex asked, rubbing his thumb gently under Clark's eyes. "And you're welcome." He knew it would fit. He'd checked it a hundred times.

"If we must, we must." Clark replied, turning his face to kiss Lex's palm as Lex's fingers moved over his face. "I'm serious. Thank you. its the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, Lex."

"We must." He closed his eyes as sparks slid through his veins at the touch of Clark's mouth on his hand. When he opened them again, they were more brightly silver than before. "I've seen something more beautiful," Lex said, kissing Clark softly.

Oh. Something leapt in answer to the soft shiver that had raced over Lex's skin, and he caught his hand, linking their free fingers together for a moment before letting go. "If anyone is beautiful, its you. You're a hunk. You're my hunk."

"Aah, but you don't say a hunk of what." He leaned back and picked up the second box, which was a new wallet to replace the old strips of leather currently falling apart in Clark's back pocket. "Here, before you make me get all mushy."

"You're a hunk of hunky man." Clark teased. He was exhausted, his limbs were lead, so he stretched out and leaned on his elbow, holding the little package in front of him in more of the expensive paper. "You are mushy. I love you." He said softly, smiling up at him before he carefully undid the tape, opening another box. A metallic silver one this time, and inside..

Clark cracked up. Just laughed, in pleasure, holding the beautiful wallet up. "Are you trying to tell me you can't stand me carrying around my little hunk of leather anymore?"

"Well, I just thought you might like to carry something that wasn't falling apart at the seams," Lex pointed out with a grin. "Yours is currently being held together by a rubber band and a prayer."

"Actually, a piece of scotch tape and some Bazooka bubblegum." Clark chuckled, and he opened the wallet, sighing softly. It smelled like new leather, and it was entirely too beautiful.

His blood had begun to jump and hum in short, quiet little intervals. His skin felt warm, tight, strange, and he shifted, still smiling as he gave his love a little wink. "Come on, lets do number three so you can feed me."

"Number three you may actually kill me for." Lex picked up the small box containing the keys to a new Ferrari Spyder.

Clark cocked a brow. "Nothing ever good came from that." Another raised brow, as he peeled open the paper gently, setting the last piece with the first two....and blinked at the small box. Cracked it open... stared.

Keys. Fancy, computerized keys. To a car. "Oh, boy."

"It's sitting in the lower garage," Lex said, partially cringing.

"And it is?"

"A 2003 Ferrari Spyder, fully loaded with an automatic transmission."


"Cobalt and chrome."

Clark's body was alien, but his heart and soul were all American boy. And said American boy gave a heavy, lust filled sigh, as he climbed up from the bed, padding to the door. Had to see it. Yep. Even if he couldn't keep it as his own. "Leather?"

"Of course." Lex jumped to his feet and followed Clark. "All leather interior, sheepskin steering wheel cover, and chrome dash panels." Lex blushed a little. "I even sprang for the DVD hookup. So the stereo system can stream in DVD audio."

"Can't keep it, Lex." Hardest words his male heart had ever had to utter. "You can keep it, and let me use it, though." A nod, twice, as he padded silently down the steps in his socks. "I need a moment with her. Call the Chinese place, okay?"

"You can keep it. It's actually in your name, and the insurance is paid."

"I can't, baby." Clark shook his head, swallowing hard. "I'm just a farm boy. I can't drive around a car like that." And oh, he wanted to. Yes. "I just... I can't." He gazed up at his lover, keys clamped in his hand. "You can drive it, and let me drive around with you, though."

"Clark, listen to me." Lex grew serious. "You're not just anything, but you're not going to be a farm boy for much longer. You're going to be going to school soon, either here or in Metropolis, and you're going to need something a bit more reliable than Jonathan's truck. I have a mechanic, Hans, who does nothing but keep my imports in perfect working order, and he's already given yours the once over and it's got a full tank of gas."

Clark shook his head, though, biting his lip. He didn't want to get in an argument, not tonight. Not after the day of arguing, of the panic and the pain. He just wanted to eat, curl up next to Lex, and go to sleep. So he just offered a little smile and walked down the hall, opening the garage door.

And sighed.

It was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in his life, which made it all the worse for not keeping it. Lovely, long, sleek as a poised jaguar ready to strike. It had buttery soft leather interior, from what he could see. Chrome dash board, stylized interior. It was sexy as fuck. It was probably the most beautiful thing Clark had ever seen, and he slipped into the front seat, after the whirring beep sounded.

His body fit to perfection inside, long legs given more than enough room in the little two door car. Specially made, for him.

Fucking hell.

Lex slid into the seat beside Clark on the passenger side. "Drive her, baby."

Clark ran his fingers over the stick, the parking break, the dash. Slowly closed the closed with a little whoosh of displaced air, and locked itself as soon as he did. He slipped the seat belt on over his chest, shivering from the cold in the garage lightly as he turned the car on.

Barely heard it turn over, but the purr under his butt made him swallow, hard. Holy shit. " Oh." He pushed the gas with one socked foot, looking at his lover in shock.

"She's custom built, just for you. Fits your legs, the seat's ergonomically designed for your body type." Lex touched the dashboard reverently. "Even if I wanted to drive her, I couldn't. She's built for you."

Damn. Okay? Damn. That Lex would have a European car built especially for him made his blood hum a little louder, and a hot flush beak out over his body. He swallowed, hard, gently pulling the engine to a stop as he took out the keys, looking at his lover. Just looking at him, for a long while, until he held a palm out. "Thank you, Lex. Thank you, so much."

Lex put his hand in Clark's palm, and squeezed. "You're welcome, baby. I just... wanted to give you something that's yours and yours alone." He rubbed Clark's hand between both of his. "You're welcome."

"I don't have stuff that's just mine. Not usually, anyway." He smiled crookedly. "Come on. Lets leave this thing here for tomorrow. I'm hungry, Lex." He bit his lip, pretending his voice hadn't caught at the last three words as he climbed from the seat, closing the door with another soft whoosh and click. "Chinese. Chinese, and a bath. And maybe some Leno."

Lex caught the catch in his aushna's voice, and it made something deep, deep in the pit of his belly thrum in staccato excitement. He got out of the car with his lover, then sped around and caught Clark against the door. He blinked once, devouring bright green eyes with gray, and then he kissed.

Hot, hard, wet... claiming. His tongue dipped into Clark's mouth, swirling deeply and sucking the taste of his love deep into his mouth. Soft growl of contentment as he pressed himself against Clark's body.

Oh. God. Yes. His lips spread willingly even as he was gasping in surprise, accepting the intruder as he was pushed back against the car. Something, something, but his blood was screaming, his heart was pounding, and he kissed back, pressing his tongue up to try and take over the kiss, to pull Lex into his arms and give him pleasure. His fingers stroked over his arms, biceps, gently touching and molding his fingers over him as they kissed.

Lex growled again, not giving up ground at all as he controlled the kiss, hands sliding up Clark's arms and shoulders to fist tightly in his white t-shirt, holding him still while Lex ravaged his mouth fiercely.

"L..." Clark grunted, kissing back as his lips bruised with the fierceness of their kiss, teeth clacking together as their tongues stroked, as his heart thudded. Lex was... he was... instinct had finally come through, and Clark didn't know how to react to being this... he was terrified of the power Lex had, of what he could do with it.

And God help him, he was thrilled over it, too.

"Aushna'," Lex growled into the kiss. His blood, his instinct, whatever had been imparted to him through the exchange of power and knowledge, everything was screaming for him to fuck Clark viciously hard, and he clamped down on it. He was not going to take his lover over the hood of the car. Clark deserved better. "Inside. Now." It was all he could grit out, and he grabbed Clark's wrist tightly, swung Clark up into his arms, and ran.

He was terrified. Thrilled, yes. Terrified? More yes. He hadn't seen animal want in Lex... ever, not like this, and he grasped him hard as he was lifted, light as a feather, and rushed up the steps. He grabbed on, hard, feeling the wildly beating heart, the need in every shake and shudder, and he whimpered as they rushed through the house.

Lex heard the whimper and buried his face in Clark's throat, sucking hard on the pulse in his throat as they ran, up stairs and twisting around the halls. He didn't stop until they were back up in their new bedroom. He gently laid Clark on the bed, and then ripped the white t-shirt off his lover's chest. His mouth moved down in one quick swipe of his tongue and licked each nipple, left first, then right, then returning to the left again to suck it hard into his mouth.

Oh, God. it was like sex on fast forward. Intense. Their bedroom, warm, lovely, the sheets, cool and comforting, and this... this enraged, beautiful person over him, sucking his chest. Each suck was hot, heavenly, and Clark gave a soulful, hot moan as he arched. Not ready for this in any way possible, and wanting it so badly he could taste it at the same time. He was physically aching for contact but didn't want to say anything, just trembling as his fingers ran over the back of Lex's head. For every arch Lex sucked harder, and it felt entirely too good to stop. "Pl... Lex... please, oh, ple..."

Lex was beyond verbalization at the moment. He growled darkly into Clark's nipple, sucking it, biting it roughly with his teeth as he tore his own shirt to shreds getting it off. Hot sweaty skin against skin is what he wanted and he'd have it. Clark's jeans were next, ripped down the legs and thrown aside as tatters. Underwear was a simple tear, socks were yanked off, and Lex almost tore himself apart wrenching out of his own pants. Angry growls of near-desperation, and he sank his teeth hard into Clark's thigh. Skin broke, he could feel the gentle tissues tearing under his teeth, and he lapped soothingly at it.

Clark arched, and let out a short, hard cry. Lex had just... his leg, and he let out another cry as his hands went down to his cock. Hard but not hard enough, and he stroked it into fullness because he was pretty sure Lex wasn't going to take any other way. Ripped clothing, animal over him, rubbing over him in desperation, and he moaned hard as he tried to soothe, bringing his palms up to--

He knew. Instantly. Click, as his body arched, tender human skin streaked with red, flushed with pleasure, and wanting more. Claiming. Claiming. CLAIMING.

Clark let out a short cry of joy, arching upwards and embracing the bite, the blood, YES!

Lex's tongue still lapped at the wound on Clark's thigh, growling at it and hissing in Kryptonian as the blood slid over his tongue and down his throat. He was finally free of the clothing that had constricted him, and he was hot. Hard and throbbing, eyes for nothing but Clark under him as his hands swept possessively over hips and stomach, over his cock and the marked thigh, then up. Thumbs rubbing hard on Clark's nipples as he kissed Clark harshly again, tongue wet and slippery with the remains of Clark's blood on it thrusting into his lover's mouth. "Mireesko allem," he growled, rubbing his cock against Clark's thigh.

"Ehm' allem." Clark sobbed into his lovers mouth, arching with pain and pleasure. The bite burned and his cock was pressed flush against Lex's belly, his entire body shuddering as he kissed his lover back. Wasn't ready, not yet, please, oh God, please fuck me hard, not yet, can't, please, NOW, his mind screamed, arching into each possessive touch.

Lex's mouth tasted like his blood and he sucked hard on the tongue offering it to him, kissing back violently as his palms grasped the back of his lovers head and held him close to kiss. Kiss, until he had to cry out, arching and throwing his head back as his nipples, cock, and thigh gave a short scream of ecstasy.

Lex raised his hands and grabbed Clark's wrists, pinning them to the pillow as he kissed. Then when Clark tossed back his head, Lex moved lower. Still keeping Clark's arms pinned to the bed, he sucked hard at the pulse that had drawn him all day, and he bit again, sucking his mark onto the throbbing pulse.

Skin tore again though not as deeply, and Lex growled his pleasure again, sniffling the hard copper scent of Clark's blood as he sucked the already bruising mark to darken it further.

Scream of want in his cock, felt it throbbing, and he almost thrust in without thinking. He looked down to find his cock smeared in blood and precome, and Lex used one knee to push Clark's legs apart and expose his opening. Another little growl and he moved down again, pushing his tongue in deeply with a single stroke.

He screamed. Over, and over, his body vibrating with each heated movement of his lover above him. The hard bite at his throat nearly had him coming, the dark thrill of his legs being spread making tears spring to his eyes and a contradiction on his lips. He knew saying no wouldn't help... Lex wasn't even thinking. Mindless with want. He was terrified and full of lust at the same time, arching heavily and thrusting upwards as... as Lex drove his tongue into his ass.

Clark screamed. Again, and again, as his body vibrated and he orgasmed. Hard, violently, exploding a few moments later and the walls vibrated with his cries. His leg throbbed, his cock throbbed, his throat, his nipples, his lips, his ass. Lex, driving into him like an animal and Clark fell back, sobbing in pleasure as he began to grow hard again.

A harsh grunt as Lex felt Clark come, and he pushed his tongue deeper with every contraction. Sucks to the rim of muscle on the outside as Lex pushed in, he didn't stop the deep tonguefucking until every shudder had stopped in Clark's body, and the small hole was wet from his mouth and stretched open by his tongue. He tested it, with one finger and then two, and grunted again in satisfaction. Crawling back up over his lover, he gazed down into bright green eyes as he slammed his cock home.

He screamed. Arched, hard, and screamed. He'd been taken as an invulnerable alien, before. But as a tender skinned person...never. The heat, the burn, the ache, the pain that mixed so well with the pleasure and he screamed, again, hard, eyes clenched shut as his teeth did the same and he arched. He was bleeding and it was worth it because he was being claimed and nothing in his life had ever felt so good. He arched, harder, accepting more into himself as he shook, crazed, trembling under his lover as his blood screamed, rushing through his heart, his veins, his body as fast as it could.

He'd felt every inch of Lex's cock slam into him... from thick head to thick shaft, the base that was wider, all inside of him. No preparation, just heat, and he felt his lover more inside of him than ever before. He shifted, arching, begging without words even as he sobbed, in joy, in terror, in pleasure, all mixed together until he thought he was going to lose his mind with it.

Lex's hands gripped hard on Clark's hips, holding them still in his desperation to mate with his aushna' again. Knew in the recesses of his mind he didn't want to hurt Clark and he licked his lover's wet face. He sucked hard kisses from Clark's soft mouth, possessing his tongue and scraping his teeth along it as he started to move inside his beloved.

Pull all the way out, hard thrust back in to the hilt. Slick with precome that had leaked all over his cock, Lex hissed a string of Kryptonian words about how hot and tight Clark was and how he'd never felt anything like it. Nonsense words as he slammed into his lover, over and over again.

Clark moved as Lex directed, hips moving violently up and down, moving with his lovers thrusts. He was crazy with want, the pain bright in his belly as he arched, grunting deeply. His nipples peaked, the friction inside of him, and as Lex rubbed over his belly intense. He wanted, and he wanted so much, and because he wanted to be split in two, he tried to take some of the power back. Pulled Lex close, sucked his tongue, possessed his mouth, to get a hold back on his own body. A body that didn't want him to, but a stubborn soul that did.

Lex was fucking the hell out of him. He knew it, vaguely in his mind, amidst hard grunts and dominating kisses. His body burned with it, heat and pleasure and OH FUCKING HELL.

Clark screamed hard into his lovers mouth, when the pounding organ...hit. Something.

The something, his prostate, screamed in pleasure, throbbing as his entire body twisted on the next thrust, his cry of pleasure loud.

Lex didn't like when Clark tried to take some of the control back. He really didn't. He bit down hard on Clark's lower lip, sucking it, then moved to suck the slowly-bleeding wound at his throat. Asserting his claim, reminding Clark who belonged to who this night.

He swallowed the scream greedily and held Clark immobile in that position, hammering the same spot over and over with every thrust into Clark's body. Each thrust slammed against Clark's prostate, and he feasted on the screams out of Clark's mouth.

The hips were pistoning inside of him, fast, so impossibly fast, and Clark screamed harder, unable to keep it in. The pain, the outrageous, mind numbing pleasure, and he orgasmed, hard, the second in too short a time and it felt so good. He exploded between their bellies, mind shorting out as he collapsed, unable to keep himself up any longer. Not his hips, not his arms, not his body. His powerful mind was shorting out, his skin electrified with pleasure, unrelenting pleasure from the hard body over him, dominating him, reminding him who he was. He was swamped in it, in the feeling of being controlled and taken like an animal, and God, it was good.

Howling. Lex vaguely heard himself howling as his cock was trapped inside Clark's body, and he muffled it against his lover's chest. His teeth sought out Clark's nipple, sucked it, bit down hard and bruised the delicate human skin around the peaked nub. Sucking hard brought the blood to it, and another bite in the same area broke the skin and Lex came at the same instant.

Hot jets of semen poured into his lover as Lex's tongue lapped at the barely broken skin around Clark's nipple.

Hard, cock, lancing inside, holding firm... exploding. Oh. God. Heat slicked inside of him and Clark couldn't even speak, his eyes shut as the burning bite around his nipple joined the pleasure of his body. They were damp with sweat, Clarks curls hanging wetly in his eyes, his body stretched wide. Lex, over him, his lover, licking at him, and Clark grunted his pleasure, shuddering hard in ecstasy.

"Mireesko," Lex growled, snuffling the marks he'd inflicted on his lover. He curled around Clark's body as his orgasm died, licking the strong column of throat that was offered to him. "Mrena, aushna'. Syrefta'ma." (You are mine; claimed as my aushna'. now claim me.)

"Syrefta'mo'." He couldn't...not like Lex wanted. Their link, it was budding… close, so close to coming to fruition. But he was so tired, so spent. He couldn't give him the rapid fire, erotic coupling Lex had given him... but, he could give him something else.

Clark groaned, pulling himself free of Lex's cock, slowly. His body burned with heat and pleasure as he slowly brought himself up, pushing Lex's cock free as he rolled over him. Their skin was damp, sweaty, sheets sticking, but to Clark all he could see, do, and feel was his lover, under him. He kissed him, softly as his blood began to sing, to tell him what to do. "Mrena, ty'lishj we' ghana." (Claimed, my own, until eternity.) Clark whispered softly, as he gently pressed his lips to Lex's. Gentle, soft, licking little kisses that ran from full lips down a soft column of lovely throat. He wouldn't be able to make a mark but he did it anyway, biting softly, sucking until the barest of bruises came and faded. He kissed the spot, tenderly, gently, his hips, spent but wanting, began to gently move atop his lover. Cock against cock, wet rubbing against wet, heat to heat, as he arched and thrust his hips into the warm channel of Lex's hip. Delicious, slow and sweet.

Lex opened his mouth and claimed the soft kisses his lover offered and then arched his throat, a deep, rumbling purr coming out of his chest as Clark's teeth bit down on his throat. He rocked his hips up, rubbing against Clark, moving with him as he offered the sweet, beautiful claim.

His hands moved and brought Clark's hands to his, wrapping them together and tasting each digit before clasping their hands together and intertwining their fingers. "Lishni'wro, aushna'." (Link with me, aushna'.) Lex pled softly, arching into the soft, gentle strokes as he licked carefully at his marks.

Deliciously erotic. It was all Clark could think, his brain melting and shifting as he moved over his lover. His body was aching from the fierce coupling, his lower half slick with lubrication and blood from his thigh. It was good, perfect, blood letting and sharing with his mate. His mate, his aushna', and Kal-El snarled his claim over him as he lowered his head, viciously biting a perky, pebbled nipple, so hard that small droplets of blood rose from the wound, invulnerable skin broken only by his fierce determination to CLAIM.

His cock hardened into steel in a moment, with the thought, the pleasure of this act, as he brought his head down, nipping the tip of his aushna's cock, before bringing his mouth down and sucking it into his throat. His liskarem demanded this, demanded the sharing of pleasure, demanded he give his lover uhinkla. The fierce need had him sucking, harder, in and out of his throat as his fingers spread the blood around Oakenepel's chest, the droplets streaking possessively over pale skin as he sucked.

Lex surged up into the undeniable pleasure that was rocketing through his body. Grunt on the edge of delicious pain as Clark's teeth broke through his skin, and he didn't even stop to be amazed. Instead he balled his hands into fists and punched down, barely stopping from going through the mattress as he snarled in pleasure.

Then he snarled again as Kal-El sucked him down, and his fingers dug into the pillows, shredding them in his uncontrollable pleasure. Then he reached out, and brought Clark's arm up. Not quite able to reach the rainbow colored mark with his mouth, Lex licked his thumb and rubbed the wet fingertip over the mark, pressing down and letting go, almost fucking the little mark with his hand.

"Mekin uot kilaysh ne-ne." Kal-El moaned around the stiff cock pressing against his face, his mouth, as he slipped it free from his hot mouth to sink his teeth into a tense thigh. He bit, hard, blood welling as he claimed. Throat, nipple, thigh. Head, heart, soul. And just as he was letting go, his mate touched him… THERE.

He bucked, letting out a furious, pleasured cry as the bump along his back screamed its pleasure, his body moving on its own accord. Couldn't stop it, couldn't if he tried and he didn't WANT to, as his teeth sunk into Lex's throat, opening the wound back up. Mrena." He snarled, biting furiously before down, down to mates chest. "Alaiyn." Opening the nipple wound back up, creating scars that would stay for eternity. Something was churning, ferociously in his heart, and he could only beg, reaching out with his mind for Lex to realize he had to do this back to him. "Syreftren."

As he collapsed onto his lovers body, sharing the blood in his mouth collected from head, heart, and soul, he thrust into his lover cleanly. Nothing but wild, animal mating, as he yanked up each of Oakenepel's thighs and slammed home, over, and over, and over.

Lex's thumb kept rubbing hard over Clark's forearm, massaging the mark they shared. His mouth opened wide as his throat arched, Clark's teeth breaking the skin again and a soft howl of pleasure erupted from Lex's throat. The howl grew louder, more ragged, as the wound around his nipple was re-opened, and his chest grew slick with the blood that spilled from it as he arched up and offered himself to Kal-El.

The push home was a spike of white-hot pleasure twined and he wrapped his thighs tightly around Clark's waist, agile little toes massaging the hard bump at the base of his lover's spine.

He was screaming. He was screaming, and grunting, and little "Uh"'s erupted from his lips with every shove home. Oakenepel was tight, so tight, so very tight, and fragile human bodies weren't made for this. It felt so good, so outrageously good and so painful at the same time, as each of his wounds burned and pressed into Lex's. Lex's blood mixed with his own around his own torn nipple... their thighs, where each mark lay open and bleeding pressed close, and Kal-El brought their throats together, violently, as he fucked his lover raw. Never, nothing like this, outrageous as his cock slipped free and slammed home, again, again, AGAIN, the lump of prostate rubbing right where he liked.

He threw his head close, closer, howling in pleasure as he thrust, harder, harder still. As hard as he could, the bed shaking, their bodies quivering as he CLAIMED HIS LOVER AGAIN.

And nothing, NOTHING, would EVER take him away every FUCKING again.

Lex rocked up against Clark, meeting every hard thrust with an answering stroke of his own. His arms locked around his Kal-El's back, surrendering his body to his lover.

His body burned where his and Clark's blood mixed, and their rocking motions together smeared the mixed fluids together. "Mekin uot kilaysh ne-ne," Lex snarled harshly, kissing his mate, his aushna', deeply as he could, sucking the remnants of their blood from his tongue. "Mine," he snarled in English.

"Mekin uot kilaysh ne-ne!" Clark snarled back, before delving his mouth deep. He hadn't been ready for this in any way, but now that he'd done it... good. It felt... his body was made for this, for this pleasure, and he fucked his Oakenepel harder, harder still, before he began to jerk with encroaching orgasm.

And he grasped Lex's face, hard, set their foreheads together as he thrust. Grasped Lex's palms... and closed his eyes.

Every moment of pleasure he'd ever had in his life filled his body. Visions of it, skipping through his mind as their bodies reestablished themselves as one, as their souls sealed together once more. The beauty of it had tears running down his face, as his body stilled and held inside of Lex's. Fragile, such a fragile man, emotions swimming through his head as their link came alive. So strong, so different and strong, as Clark loved his lover with everything he was. Every feeling of emotion he had he gave to Lex. Remember I love you. Remember it. You gave me the courage to be who I am, I shall give you the courage to be who you are, and embrace it. Love me, aushna', and I'll never forsake you again.

Lex wrapped himself around Clark as the hard strokes rocked his body. The touch of forehead to forehead, the twining together of hands, and Lex's body jumped and stiffened as the link reawakened itself. Tears ran down his face as happiness, joy, fear, wonder, *love* all surged through him from his lover. He passed everything he had back through the link; his own love, his own joy and happiness, the sheer amazement that Clark loved him so.

I will remember, Kal-El. I will love you to my dying breath, my aushna'. You are my soul mate, my other half. I am not whole without you and I will never forsake you.

Clark was orgasming as the furious, tight, hot, beautiful, amazing link broke and they were once again freed back to the land of the living. His body was shaking as he spurted forth, his mind, body, and soul screaming in ecstasy. He could feel every single molecule of emotion Lex was going through and he was overjoyed, sobbing in pleasure and joy as he erupted. His body lunged forth, burying itself deep in his lovers body as he came, orgasming hard as he roared in pleasure.

Their link. Their LINK. Clark felt a cock inside of him, coming, heat splashing his insides as he came within his lover.

Lex's body shuddered as they pulled back into each other, and the first thing he became aware of was Clark's cock emptying inside of him. Hot, beautiful fire that spread through his blood as he cried softly, his arms wrapping around Clark and holding him close. "I love you, Clark, I love you, I love you, I was so afraid." His arms were tight around his lover, his own cock shuddering out an orgasm he barely noticed, so awash he was in the aftermath of their shared emotions.

They were alive.

He felt... he felt amazing. Beautiful, superb, amazing. He felt like a whole man, again.

Lex's heart was beating in his head...the blood was running down their bodies. Their souls were in tact, whole once more, and Clarks gave Lex's an enormous hug as Clark hugged his lover, as well. Just pulled him into his arms, rolling over gently, cradling the beautiful man in his arms. Christ, almighty. They were whole. And he cried with it, cried because he could, into Lex's neck, holding him close and rocking.

Lex's soul wrapped around Clark's like a blanket, holding it and keeping it close to him as he wrapped his corporeal body around Clark's and held tightly.

They were both rocking, rocking together, he was crying and so was Clark and the only thing he could think of is that he had his aushna' back. He pressed his lips into Clark's thick, lustrous hair and kissed the wavy locks gently as his tears fell into them.

Clark sobbed right back, holding all of Lex's skinny limbs close, wrapped about him like a burr. He was warm, so warm, toasty, and he was STARVING. He was sure, as his belly gave a gasping leap, that he'd never been so hungry in his life, and Clark groaned softly.

His arms, where they'd been sore and used, were strong, now. The pain from the rough, violent fucking was gone from his backside... his muscles churned as his mind immediately set up barriers to keep the powers from escaping.

Everything was back. Everything. Vision, speed, hearing. All of it. And he was sure he was starving to death as he grasped Lex about the waist and gently lifted him off of his cock, and was standing up as he was lifting Lex off of him. "Hungry. Very, very hungry."

Lex just murmured softly. "Hungry. Tired." He wrapped around Clark's chest and neck as Clark lifted him off. He hadn't realized the powers were gone until that second that Clark lifted him, and his body felt like a huge leaden weight. His arms and legs were heavy, the light seemed dim in the bedroom, and he rubbed his face in Clark's shoulder. "I missed you. Clean up in the shower, and you can drive us into town for dinner."

"No." A dark, quiet demand as h shifted, pressing Lex closer to his chest as he sped down the steps. He only lost his balance once... body trying to regain its footing with everything weighing down on him again, as he opened the kitchen door. He set his lover on a very....cold stool, giving him a hard, long kiss as he walked, blood and all, into the pantry.

Returned, with a box of corn flakes, and an enormous plastic cake cover and a serving spoon. Clark filled it with the entire box of cereal, then went into the fridge, using a gallon and a half before sitting down in front of his lover. "Hungry." He muttered.

Fifteen seconds later, Clark gave a contented little burp, the serving spoon clattering on the empty plastic bowl.

Lex jumped off the stainless steel stool as soon as his ass touched it. Cold metal did not go well with warm skin.

His eyes widened as Clark filled up the cake cover as a huge cereal bowl, and they widened even further as the cereal disappeared.

"I guess you really are hungry."

He was starving. But the hunger was dealable now, as he gazed at Lex for a long moment. The powerful need to have his lovers come inside of him was violent, the pleasure he knew he'd have intense. It amused him, because he reminded himself of a chick wanting to fuck minus a condom. it just felt so good. Clark wanted to have his lover do it again, but this time... keep everything inside. He felt so needed, so loved, so wanted, so delicious.

And blushed, softly, when duh. Lex was listening to every thought.

His blush deepened as he swallowed, and gazed up at him. His mind was on autopilot. Not done, this claiming, by a long shot. His legs were steel as he rose, fingers dropping down to work over his very interested cock, stroking it as he lifted his lover with a single arm, pushing him against the wall of the kitchen. Palm under a firm ass, coaxing him to hold on, as he offered twin fingers at his lover. "Suck."

Lex smiled at the blush, because it was so beautiful to hear Clark's thoughts in his head again. But the smile was tinged with a little sadness because he didn't want to start another tragic cycle with his lover.

Then those thoughts were overpowered as Clark lifted him, his own interest spiking greatly as he wrapped his legs around Clark's waist and braced himself against the wall.

He opened his mouth and sucked the fingers that Clark offered to him, his tongue swirling around the soft pads.

Christ, God, almighty Jesus. Those soft, wide, beautiful lips wrapped around his fingers and Clark couldn't help staring, watching as he felt Lex's tongue move over him. Sucking, like the head of his cock, and his own gave a hard, shaking pulse of pleasure as he slipped his fingers out a little, and pushed them back in.

To watch, as Lex's eyelids fell, as his heartbeat slammed in his chest, was gorgeous. Autopilot. Clark was running on pure, indescribable autopilot, and he grunted, blunt head of his cock pressing against the half stretched opening. The heat washed over him, Lex's internal temperature... it had to sky rocket, it HAD to, because Clark didn't know how else it could be when he got close and wanted to die in pleasure. "L... Lex." He grunted, hard, fingers slipping free only to fill his lover in a different way a moment later. "Lex."

Lex whimpered in displeasure as Clark slipped his fingers free, but he pushed down harder against them as they pushed inside of him. "Clark, yes, please," he said, eyes dropping to the hard, rock hard cock that stroked against the curve of his ass. He reached down between them, between his thighs to reach Clark's cock, stroking it with whispering strokes of his fingertips before jacking it roughly in his fist. "Please."

"You will NOT beg!" Clark snarled, suddenly, batting Lex's hands out of the way, grasping his wrists, and as he held Lex's body tightly to the wall with his own weight, slammed home. Hard, so hard, holding Lex's wrists above him, pressed to the wall as he began to thrust, hard. Violent, punishing strokes, and he snarled, biting the wound on his lovers neck. "No El will BEG!" He roared it. Didn't know what he was doing, didn't know what he was doing, but this wasn't right. He lifted Lex and dropped him unceremoniously on the Formica counter top, slipping free long enough to climb up over him. He loomed over his lover, seeing the fright, the fear, and the pleasure in storming silver eyes, and slammed home once more, deep as he could. "You. Are. El. No El will ever beg."

Fear and pleasure slammed into Lex's eyes as Clark plowed into him. His hands gripped Clark's shoulders tightly, lifting up into the punishing strokes as he offered. "I am El," Lex echoed. "Els will take what they want." His eyes glittered stormingly. His nails raked down over Clark's chest, fingertips rolling his lover's nipples between rough fingers as he tugged the injured one carefully. "No El will beg again."

Lost pleasure, outrageous joy, tremendous need. Pots and pans went screaming to the floor... stools slammed as they were kicked. Glass shattered as cookie jars fell to the stone floor beneath. The island was enormous... just big enough for Clarks large body, to be moving over Lex's. His hips rose and fell, ass rising and falling with each movement, each push inside and each pull out. His body felt like it were slamming into a weightless vacuum, pulling against its forceful resistance out before in again. in, out, in, out, friction burning his soul as he moved. His mouth streaked over Lex's face, eyes, cheeks, nose, fingernails sliding over tender scalp as Clark buried his face into a delicious neck.

Another crash. He didn't care.

Lex's legs were wrapped around Clark's waist, and he clenched down as hard as he could on Clark's cock as it pushed into him. He squeezed hard, his nails scraping over chest and back before going back to his nipples, grunting and crying out with every rub against his prostate.

He was going to die. He arched his throat and his back, pushing himself against Clark, rubbing their chests together and biting Clark's ear.

No. NO. He wanted his lover SCREAMING.

Clark reared up, unsatisfied, burning with heat because he was not a good lover. He would be a good lover. He would be. He linked with Lex's mind, tightly as he could, and filled himself with the feeling of Lex's cock. Hot, hard, thrusting with each of his own movements as he let out a cry of pleasure, rearing back. He sat on his knees, Lex's body splayed out in front of him, and grasped slender hips in tight handfuls as he brought his lover back and forth, pushing on each movement forth, sliding free on the push back. His head fell back as he let out a scream, hips shaking and bouncing on Lex's phantom cock, fucking him as hard as it could.

Lex's throat locked for a long moment as the deep groans all fought to break out of his chest. Groans from the hard fucking in his ass, groans from the tight heat that wrapped around his cock, so tight he could barely stand it. The pleasure-pain of his sweaty head sliding on the countertop, the pull and tug of his skin as it caught and stuck to the Formica.

He screamed. Sudden and intense, it broke out of him in a millisecond, frozen muscles overcome with the full assault of sensation as he fucked and was fucked, rode and was ridden by his aushna'.

And Clark came. He thrust, once, twice, and buried himself to the hilt as he came. Threw his head back and roared his orgasm, shooting deep inside of his lover a few seconds later as he arched his back, keeping as much contact as they could as he bellowed. Lightening pleasure, all over his body, and he reached down, under him, grasping Lex's erection hard and jacking it equally as much, as he spent himself within him.

Quicksilver hot/cold lances of pleasure as Clark's seed spilled inside him. Heat that burned him, so hot it was lava in his body, and the tight fist around his cock was ecstasy.

Blinding light behind his eyelids as he came. Hard, unexpected, brought out of him by the overwhelming touch on his cock and the heat on his ass, it was wrung out of him with a talented touch, and he screamed again as his cock shuddered.

Gravity was a wondrous thing, or so Clark wondered as he fell forward onto his lover. No word, nothing, just tumbling down onto him as the organ between them spurted its orgasm, and Clark shuddered as his belly was covered in the sticky ribbons of white. Trembling limbs came down, scooping some on his fingers and sucking it off, going again... then just squirming down, to lick a taut belly clean. Like a cat, lazy and hot, lapping at warm flesh and purring in pleasure.

Lex's arms felt like water, but he had enough strength left in them to stroke over Clark's hair, petting him and tugging at the thick ebony locks, urging him up to share the taste on his tongue. His leg hooked over Clark's hip, heel rubbed gently at the base of his spine.

Heavy, startled moan of pleasure, and Clark rose, lifting his mouth to Lex's so he could taste. His tongue slipped out and touched his lovers before they kissed, drawing him close as he shuddered over the limb, sweaty body.

And muttered, into his lovers mouth, "Remind Ms. Bir' t'clean the counter."


Lex sucked hard on Clark's tongue as they kissed, flickering his own over his lover's and licking it clean of his come. Another suck for good measure, and then he broke into giggles at Clark's little mutter.

Yes, he giggled. "Think... she'll figure it out when she sees the cookie jar. She's a smart lady." He licked Clark's chin and nibbled along his jaw.

Clark grinned, crookedly, and pulled himself on his elbow, to look down at his lover. Fingertips tickled over pectorals… arms... legs, gently tickling and touching, tracing and investigating. "Lex?"

"Mmmm?" He rubbed Clark's shoulders with his palms.

"Thank you. For..." A little blush, as he pressed his forehead against his lovers chest, where his heart beat.

"You're welcome." Lex raised himself up enough to press a kiss to Clark's head as it rested against him. No need to say for what. "But I'm the one who should thank you. You said yes; you came back to me."

"Had to. You're mine." Clark murmured softly, tracing his thumb over a large lower lip. He didn't really have his bearings around his lover yet, but he was getting there.

And he was insatiable. He wanted, already, again, and he bit his lip, looking up at his lover shyly as he slipped his cock free of the warm sheath his lover provided, tracing over the wounded nipple. "Lex..."

Lex let his lips part just enough to suck Clark's thumb into his mouth. His eyes offered anything that Clark wanted, and his thoughts supported it. Then his tongue gently pushed the digit out of his mouth, and he pressed a soft, soft gentle kiss to Clark's lips. "Happy birthday, my aushna'."

~ * ~ * ~




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