
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 12: Atlantic

"So, we're out of here?" A light smile, holding out a hand to his lover for a few hours of escape time. They both needed it, so, so badly.


"We are out of here.  There's nothing else to do at the moment but relax."  He took Clark's hand, and wound himself around his lover's body.


He linked them tight, holding on so he wouldn't go flying off into Never-Neverland…or, well, Tennessee, and zipped out of the house, stopping on the front stoop to look down at him. "You're not nauseous, right?"


"I'm fine, Clark.  I have a slight problem with heights, but otherwise... I trust you.  I'm fine."


"Heights? Yeah? How come?" He zipped to the far edge of the property,, adjusting his lover carefully before kissing his forehead. "Here we go."


"I don't know.  I've just had it ever since I was a child."  He adjusted his duster around himself, pulling it tightly against him as he tucked his head against Clark's shoulder.


He wasn't sure what he liked more...Lex comfortable around him, or running so fast. It was a dream to do it, taking his lover to the place where they were truly alone, and he smiled down at him as he went.


Lex burrowed close to Clark, wrapping around him tightly.  He'd never imagined running like this, only thought he'd known speed in his cars, and this was an addiction.  "Clark... I could get used to this," Lex said quietly, only half teasing.  Just the two of them.


He grinned lopsidedly, taking a bend and at the speed he was going...over 360 miles an hour, he could leap. Really high. And he'd gotten a good start off, so when they passed Crater Lake, he simply took off, and literally flew them over the water. He landed on the other side with a thud and continued to run, holding Lex tighter against him. "Wasn't so bad, huh?"


Lex's arms had gone rigid around Clark when he'd leapt, but he'd never lost faith.  "You... you're amazing.  I... no, it wasn't so bad."


He grinned down at him as they left Indiana's state line, passing through until about fifteen minutes later they were going through Florida, keeping to rural highways and the like. He leapt another six times, making it every time, grinning a fool at the freedom the open air gave him, and that gift that he could give his lover.


Lex clung tightly to Clark, laughing breathlessly with each leap.  He wasn't afraid; he knew that Clark would not drop him, and exhilaration sang through his blood as he watched Clark grin.  He kissed Clark's throat as it peeked out of his lover's warm bundle of flannel, coats and shirts.


The wind was rushing past them, zings of it, cooler...before warmer as they ran along the east coast. The night was dark and the air was clean...and he had his lover in his arms, sharing with him one of the only joys it was to be him. This. Running. Free. He leaned in to kiss him in the same manner he was running; racing all over his face, his ears, his throat, his eyes, kissing as softly as if they were under a pile of blankets after having made gentle love.


Lex wrapped his arms around Clark, and then burrowed close, closing his eyes and feeling the tickle of the soft kisses falling unexpectedly over his face.  "I love you, Clark... this is beautiful."


It took them exactly an hour and ten minutes to reach the long, lonely stretch of beach just outside of Miami, but here they were. Clark sped through the trees and stopped finally, the whoosh of disturbed air falling over them. He smiled, hugging Lex tighter to him as he continued to pepper the soft kisses over him, gently over shoulders and chest and finally back to his mouth. "I love you...I wanted to show you."


"It's not so special." His smile was priceless. "I just… I like it. The ocean. I've never visited with my parents, cause we never had enough money to go on vacation, but after I began to develop my powers....I'd come here everyday. The first time..." He blushed. "I cried a lot. Its...Lex, look at it. Its amazing."


Lex turned around, his back against Clark's chest, wrapping his lover's arms around his waist.  "It's special because you shared it with me, Clark.  And that's something that nobody else has ever done."  He looked out over the quiet expanse.  "It is amazing."  The water seemed to stretch out endlessly, a smooth surface broken only by the waves that crashed onto the shore.


"Have you seen the ocean before?" He murmured under the crashing waves, the seagulls crying their song as the huge moon shone over the water, the last night before it returned to being a sliver in the night.


Lex nodded.  "I have.  I've been by the ocean several times, flown over it more times than I care to count, but... I've never been to it.  Not like this."


He was in shock. "You're meaning to tell me that Lex Luthor, playboy billionaire who's a total kid at heart has never been to the ocean?" He sighed, as if heavily put upon, and made a show of tugging off his shirt, shaking his head at him in the warm humid air of the deep south. "We're just gonna have to fix that."


Lex followed his lover, pulling off his own duster and heading to the water.  "Clark... I can't believe we're doing this."


The jacket fell into the sand, under-shirt following, and he unbuttoned his jeans, walking backwards in front of his lover. "I can." His smile was priceless as he tugged both his pants and Lex's boxers off, the hot splash of water at his ankles making him jump before chuckle. "You're not scared, right?"


"Scared?  No.  Surprised?  Yes.  I could have worn a Speedo if you'd warned me, although... skinny dipping can be nice," he amended as he saw Clark stripping them both and helped.  "God, this water's hot."


He looped his arms around Lex's waist and fell backwards into the water, tugging him under. Tiny fish and sea coral, shrimps and sea horses, sand and rocks and he surfaced laughing, rubbing his long curls from his eyes as he laughed. "Ah natural, Lex."


Lex surfaced with his lover, the feel of salt water washing over him was wholly amazing.  He wrapped his slippery limbs around Clark's slippery body, laughing as he felt small creatures nibbling against him.


He grinned and stood up in the water, rubbing his fingers over Lex's skin, from the crown of his naked head down his smooth back...hairless ass, down to cup warm thighs and tickle them under the light of the moon. "Told you you'd like it." He smiled and kissed him, warm and sweet.


Lex kissed him back, and then twisted lithely away, stroking strongly outwards.  "Catch me, lover."  He let his body coast on the waves as he swam.


I took him a minute to register what Lex had just call him, and it warmed him all the way to his toes, his smile flashing and all teeth. He was fast...very fast, actually, for a mere human, and he fought to catch up, ducking under and pushing at the waves like a mermaid, surfacing for air for a moment and laughing again.


Lex stroked faster, pulling himself through the waves and riding their building crests before cutting down and going through the next one.


"Lex!" He swam after him, stroking as powerfully as his arms would let him, down, kicking fast, a whirlwind behind him...and pale legs. Pale torso pushing through the water and he smiled underneath it, raising up right under his lover and pressing a kiss to his chest underneath the water.


Lex jerked, his stride broken as he floated lazily, his hands moving over the water and seeking Clark's head and shoulders.  Finding them, Lex closed his eyes and pushed himself under the water, finding his lover's mouth by touch, as he rubbed his face over Clark's.


He kissed back, eyes open to look though he could barely see anything, holding Lex close to him as they drifted. Calm, clean, until the urge to breathe had him pulling them up and breaking the water, inhaling through his nose as they kissed and sucked...explored each others mouths...deep...deeper, until Clark’s eyes widened and he jerked back, looking at his love in surprise. Lex's tongue had gone...way...way....he flushed, smiling, rubbing his thumb over Lex's cheek gently. "What was that?"


"A little trick I learned," Lex grinned.


He grinned broadly and cupped his cheeks, treading water with wide eyes. "Yeah?" A little blush lit his cheeks that couldn't be seen in the dark, thank god. "Show me again?"


Lex laughed, and broke into a grin.  "Of course."  He pressed his mouth to Clark's, squeezing their bodies tightly together, and then coiled his tongue, thrusting it hard and then deep into Clark's mouth, the tip tickling the back of his throat.


His moan seemed loud in the quiet night as he pressed his mouth closer, the instant thrust… touch at the back of his throat and he shuddered, losing himself in that glorious, skilled mouth. He was learning, with every touch and caress, and he followed Lex's tongue with his, stroking softly and aching for more. "Wh… whoa..."


Lex's tongue pushed back, pressing against Clark's, guiding it, showing it how to reach deeply on it's own and his arms pulled Clark close.  "Gotta be close...everywhere."


He tugged Lex's legs close, staying easily above water as he kissed, huge, bulky arms trembling around Lex's slim body. "O-Okay." A low murmur, sucking at ample lower lip...tracing his mouth over the upper lip before biting at the scar, trembling harder.


"Then... pull your tongue back," Lex murmured into the kiss, watching and trembling as Clark nipped and kissed him.  "Press your mouth hard on mine... then push forward... tongue, body... everything."


He did as he was told, pulling his tongue just back enough to be at his lovers lips... attacking him in the next. Push of his tongue, hot and long into his lovers throat, his hips driving in as his free fingers twisted at his nipple furiously.


Lex moaned, his fingers going to twist in Clark's hair as he kissed.  "You... got it.  God... good."  His voice was guttural and throaty as he rubbed against Clark, the waves lifting his body to slide along Clark's wet skin.


His heart thudded frantically, doing it again, again, twisting his nipples...down, touch where they were slick and sliding against each other, taking them Lex in his wide fingers and jerking, hard. Again...again, his eyes opening to meet Lex's as the scent of the wide ocean took him over...nothing but the two of them for miles and miles. Nothing but pleasure for the both of them, joy.


Lex thrust hard against the rough hand of his lover, and he bit Clark's tongue hard as he pushed down.  "So... much... want you so much," Lex whispered, body slithering against Clark's in the water, arching into the twisting fingers that tweaked his nipples and into the rough hand that stroked him.  One of his own hands went to stroke Clark just as roughly, the other hand bracing tightly on his lover's shoulder.


"Take me...take me, please." He whispered it raggedly, arching into the fingers incased around him and shuddered, hard. Kissing without abandon, rubbing against one another like the oceans endless depths were nothing more then a kiddy pool filled to the ankle. The clean pureness of making love in whatever position that they liked thrilled him and he sucked hard at the offered lower lip, feeling them swollen and red and hot underneath his own.


"Yes," Lex breathed, pulling away and gliding around his lover like a serpent until he was pressed against Clark's back.  His hand slid over Clark's flank, spreading his cheeks open and pressing a finger gently against the tight muscle, teasing it with an influx of water that preceded his finger as he slowly pushed it in, wrapping one leg around Clark's waist to hold him still.


He hissed softly, keeping them easily afloat with a single pushed foot every few moments, shuddering as he felt Lex's finger slip inside his tight channel like his body knew the feeling of Lex's hands now and willingly admitted him inside. He twisted his hips and drove the slim digit deeper, sighing quietly in pleasure. He liked this more then anything… even more then being inside Lex. The slow, easy way Lex knew how to take him, hard and rough or romantic and gentle and Clark thanked whoever listened for life experience.


As soon as Clark's body accepted his first finger, Lex pushed a second finger inside, scissoring them wide and opening his lover's tight passage up.  As much as he loved to be taken by his lover's rough strokes, being buried to his hilt inside his lover was something amazing.  "Do you know... do you know how hungry I am for you, Clark?"


"Wa-want you, want you, want you Lex, fuck me, fuck me hard," Mindless babbles, because they were about to have sex in the ocean and could it BE any hotter? "What… what, Lex, tell me.." He murmured quietly, arching and thrusting back so Lex's finger brushed against that special spot inside of him, making his eyes cross.


Lex slipped a third finger into his lover, scissoring and bunching all three back and forth.  "You make me so hungry for you, Clark, that I can't think straight.  I can't stop thinking about you, about taking your ass and pounding it, can't stop thinking about spreading myself open and offering myself to you."  Each stroke of his fingers stabbed against Clark's gland, and then in a long motion, he sheathed his cock inside his larger lover.  "Being inside you is like being inside the only home I've ever known."


He arched, mindless and gasping, pushing harder to keep them afloat and with each flex of his legs his muscles rippled around Lex's stiff member, sending him into waves of pure, unadulterated pleasure. The slow, easy burn turned into perfect, giddy joy, and he gasped as hard, whispering into the night, "Only you. No one else...only you. I swear it to you. Only you." He grabbed his erection under the water and squeezed it tighter then any normal man would do theirs, fisting it and pushing it down his long shaft hard to match his lover.


Lex thrust his cock hard into Clark, gripping broad shoulders for leverage as he pushed in.  "It better be only me, Clark... I don't share... not when I love."  He pounded Clark without mercy, nails digging into his skin and would have drawn blood if Clark were human.  "All mine... all mine... all mine," he chanted softly.


He pushed back, filling and letting go, filling and letting go. He could feel Lex all over his body, deep in his belly and heavy in his heart, bright in his mind. He pushed and flexed, squeezing him tightly as he thrust hard into his fist, his free hand clamping around Lex's hand at his shoulder. "H… harder..." Hiss.


Lex growled, sinking his teeth into Clark's hand as he jerked out nearly completely, and then slammed back in to the hilt.  Over and over again he pounded in long, hard strokes, each one with more power until Lex was hammering mindlessly, every bit of his strength thrown behind each push into his lover's body.


He was in bliss. Pure, hot bliss, shuddering and shaking as he met every pound, as his fingers clenched around him tight--"Lex! Oh GOD!" --and hot, as the water flowed around them, churned as their fevered frenzy escalated. He felt the bite and howled into the night, shaking and trembling irrevocably, pushing down to meet his lover with each push. Out of his mind, out of his mind, and he jerked har--"LEX!"--der, rubbing his palm hard against the tip of his erection for several seconds...and he came. Loud, crying, he came hard and hot, spilling out into the--"LEX!"--ocean as he moaned, squeezing Lex tight inside of him as his body wracked with release.


Lex drove himself hard and fast into his lover's body, fighting the tight pull to shove back in, fucking mindlessly until the hard massage of Clark's muscles would not let him pull out again and pumped the orgasm out of him.  Lex threw his head back, screaming his lover's name as he came, howling himself nearly hoarse as he let his body go limp against Clark as though all his strength had just drained into his lover.


"Lex..." Rough gasp. "Lex.." He moaned as his lovers cock jerked inside him, The big head pushing against his tiny muscles and oh. Oh. Ohhhh. He shivered, letting himself go and wading a little higher, slowly pulling himself off of Lex's slowly softening cock and grasped him in a tight embrace. "Lex...Lex.." He peppered kisses all over him, every spot the moon shone down on him. "Lex, love you, love you so much."


Lex wrapped himself around Clark, clinging to him with tired muscles.  "I love you, Clark.  You and none other."


He was grinning as he began to paddle them back to the shore, a good mile or so away, slowly treading water with Lex tight in his arms. The feel of him...long and lithe, trembling against him as they moved, was enough to send his mind into that peaceful niche it always did after times like these. "More then Prada? Gucci? The lies, sir, the lies."


Lex laughed softly.  "Prada and Gucci are things, Clark.  Clothing lines, accessories, just as Dolce and Gabana is.  They're nothing, Clark... nothing compared to you."


"Yeah right." He laughed out loud, soft, sweet, leaning close to his love to take a hard nip of his shoulder. "A minute without your Armani and you might lose your mind. Cause, as great as I am," He pretended to puff into pride, just to hear that laugh again. "I cant quite cover you like custom cut Armani slacks and that gray ribbed sweater you have that must have been sewn on you as they made it."


Lex laughed again, snuggling against Clark and murmuring his approval of the nipping.  "You fit me just fine.  And if you like that sweater so much, I'll make sure I have more like it and wear them for you all the time."


His chuckle was this side of devious. "Or maybe you could pretend to wear them and walk around buck naked. I'd love to see Ms Birds reaction. She'd prolly skin you alive." He smiled into the warm throat before he felt sand tickly his toes, wading in a bit more until he could stand, pulling Lex to his feet and hard against him.


"Gives the whole idea of The Emperor's New Clothes an entirely new spin, doesn't it?"  Lex let Clark pull him to wobbly feet and he pressed against his lover until he was steady.  "Besides... most of the staff has seen me in various states of undress, so much so that Enrique barely bats an eye at it any longer."


Clark grinned cheesily, rubbing the salt water from his lovers face with his thumbs. "Enrique wouldn't blink. But Ms Bird? She's so old and little, she'd probably keel over in a heart attack." He grinned, wriggling his brows. "By the way, I love that movie."


Lex grinned.  "No, not the Emperor's New Groove.  This is the Emperor's New Clothes.  There's a story behind it, which I don't think you care to hear, but the upshot of it is that the Emperor was fooled by one of the courtiers in his court into wearing nothing, by saying that only the smartest, richest, etc. people could see the fabric.  Rather than admit he couldn't see it, the Emperor strutted around naked."


"Oh." He grinned right back, eyes dancing. "That's actually kinda cool. There's nothing like showing your package to the world to give you that free and embarrassed feeling, right?" He joked softly, blush splashing his cheeks as he led them from the water and into the warm night.


Lex tangled his feet in Clark's and pitched them forward onto the sand, still warm from the day's bright sun.  "Sssh," Lex said.  "Just... hold me."


He smiled and curled up close, enjoying the humid night heat drying his skin, wet curls in his eyes and his lover wrapped around him. There was nothing, nothing in this world, that could make him happier. "Lex.." He buried his face in his throat and licked, chuckling. "You taste like salt."


Lex's fingers tangled in Clark's damp hair.  "Of course I do; we just crawled out of salt water," he teased.





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