
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 126: Truths and Naked Skin

"Wouldn't I know it." He leaned over and kissed her cheek anyway, making a grin quirk before she glared again, and he slipped into the front seat, unlocking the other door so Whitney and Lex could get in. "Do you guys want to come to the mansion after the party?" Come so I can claim you? Went the unspoken words whispered, and Clarks eyes shifted to his lovers, giving him what he was thinking.

Lex nodded in support of Clark's words, eyes and thoughts reassuring him that it was the right thing to do, and not to worry.

Whitney got into the backseat beside Chloe, shifting so that his large frame sprawled as comfortably as possible, and put her in his lap. "What you think, baby? I'm all for the party after the party."

"Not if certain mountain men don't apologize for traipsing me around like I'm Jane!"

Nearly laughed. Nearly. laughing would probably get his head chopped off, so Clark turned, gave her his best puppy look, and bat his eyes. "I'm very sorry for carrying you and making you feel like you're Jane. Though, I wouldn’t' mind being Tarzan. Okay?"


And yeah, he was a debonair guy, and he kissed her hand with a flourish, giving a big, toothy grin.

Eye. Roll. "Damn you, Kent." Her lips curved again though, as much as she didn't want them too, and she sighed and tugged her arm back, crossing her arms over her chest as she was tugged into her lovers lap.

Lex snickered. "I don't see why you're getting so uptight about it, Chloe." Lex bat his eyes gently. "I love when he manhandles me like that." He leaned back into the back of the car, as though he were imparting a great secret. "It's kind of a turn on."

Whitney planted the heel of his hand on Lex's forehead and pushed. "Back, Lex. That was a little more information than we needed to know about your sex life."

Full-blown laughter followed that comment. "Whitney, you know the size of my dick and how it tastes. I think you can hear about my turn-ons."

Clark was six shades of red and two of purple, as he cranked the purring cat underneath him and pulled out of the driveway.

And Chloe was in near hysterics. She was cracking up on her lovers laugh, grinning broadly at Lex's indignant expression as she giggled at her lover, squirming out of his lap enough to get her seat belt on and laugh again as Clark drove.

"That's not what I meant," Whitney mumbled, putting his seat belt on and sulking in the back seat. "I just meant... you know, some things I don't wanna know. Like, how you happened to have women's underwear that fit Chloe. Don't. Wanna. Know."

"Oh, that's easy. It fits--"

"I said! Don't! Wanna! Know!!" Whitney yelled it.

Only two shades of purple? Make that four. Clark was just blushing, furiously, even if it turned him on, and he coughed quietly as he put the radio on low and started down main street.

Chloe was just about dead, from Clark's face to Whitney's stuttering, to Lex's smile, and she cracked up harder, laughing beside her man as he mumbled.

"Lex likes underwire." Clark said softly, blushing as he smiled, and looking at his lover as he reached over to gently squeeze his thigh as he drove.

"It gives more shape and form and curves to places where there usually aren't any curves. For a lady like Chloe who already has them, underwire must be the curse of the known universe. But for someone like... say myself, who needs all the help he can get, it is a definite godsend." Lex's hand slid down without thinking and his fingers slipped through Clark's squeezing gently and keeping Clark's hand on his leg.

Whitney just groaned, but he looked at Chloe. "What did I tell you? I told you when you borrowed it from him in the first place it was his. But did you believe me? Of course not."

Lex just blinked at Chloe. "You didn't realize they were mine? I thought you knew when you asked."

Chloe's laughter had stopped, and her mouth dropped. "They're yours? I thought they were an... ex girlfriends, or you collected lingerie for something or... I don't know! You wear it?!"

And yeah, Clark was a bastard and gave his lover the image of the last time they'd... worn it. And the outrageous, powerful sex that had occurred because of it. And squeezed Lex's thigh gently, stroking the curve of hip and crotch gently with his thumb.

Lex's cock immediately stirred and throbbed as that memory was sent into his thoughts, and he stifled a groan. "Uhhh. Yes. They're mine. I wear it. Only on certain occasions, but yes. I do wear it. I have a closet full of it in fact--Chloe, you have seen my ex-girlfriends, yes? They couldn't fit half a breast into those things."

Whitney just snorted. "Told. You. So."

Her mouth was still dropped, and she shut it, then, with a click. eyes. Wide. And she socked her boyfriend in the gut with her elbow. "You mean to tell me you go out in women's clothing, Lex?"

Mmm, and the memory of his lover having breasts and a warm, scented, sweet thighs that had spread and he'd stroked into had been… oh. Oh, God. Too much of a good thing and he bit his lip, glancing across at him with avid lust in his eyes.

Lex rested his head on the headrest. "Yes. That's exactly what I'm telling you." He leaned over the car's gearshift and kissed Clark's throat, purring softly into the strong column and sucking a kiss out of it. "Tonight, after everybody goes home... when it's just you and me, I will do that for you again."

"Yeah?" Clark asked softly, ignoring the EW!s and hoots from Chloe in the back seat. Oh. Hee. Sexual revolution, after all. He hadn't felt this need to just mate, over and over and over, since he and Lex started going out. Their sex had tapered off to a degree, and they'd been comfortable with one another in every way possible. Now... added to that comfort was a renewed sense of newness, of doing something they'd never done before, and he gave his lover a great big idiot grin.

Chloe caught it and giggled, poking Lex's cheek with one fingernailed finger as she peered at him. "No sex in the champagne room, and no sex in the quarter million dollar car."

"Yeah." He nibbled at Clark's ear again before he straightened up, and he blinked back at Chloe. "It's actually three quarters of a million dollars, because it was specially commissioned and customized for Clark." He rested his cheek on his forearm and watched the car full of people.

Whitney's jaw hit the floor. "You mean you paid $750,000 for this car???????"

Clark blushed, furiously, as Whitney shrilled behind him, and grinned as he looked into the rearview mirror at them. "Its actually both Lex's and my own car. It's my car for when I feel like driving to Metropolis instead of him, cause I don't fit in his cars."

Chloe's own mouth was hanging open, shaking her head in amazement as she looked at the two of them. Lex, Lex, Lex. Spoiling Clark... not the best way to go, because Clark was an intensely independent individual. But Lex would find that out, sooner then later, and just smiled, patting Clarks shoulder. "Don't trash this one, Kent."

"Clark doesn't usually have the problem with trashing cars; I do." He grinned. "Don't worry, Clark's already reamed my ass out for giving him something so extravagant. He's much happier with the new wallet."

"Yeah!" OH! YEAH! Heee! And his everyday watch Lex had gotten him on his wrist, and he beamed, squirming in his seat cheerfully against the lovely leather in his back pocket. "Heck yeah!"

"See? That's my CLex." Chloe smiled, eyes dancing as she tugged Clarks arm up on the gear shift to see, hanging over the front seat. "Oh, Clark. That's... wow. Very, very nice. Good to know Lex hasn't lost his ENTIRE mind, and remembers you're an innocent farm boy who we all love." She pecked his cheek and plopped down in her seat, as they turned into the neighborhood where Pete's apartment was. The sun was setting, the sky already dark in one part of the sky, and she fixed her windblown hair, giggling happily.

"Wonder what they'd think if you'd worn the Movado," Lex mused, kissing his lover's cheek. "Chloe... I think we passed innocent the first time Clark stuck his tongue up my ass."

Whitney blushed even deeper red. "LEX!!!" he bellowed. "I didn't want to hear that!!"

"I agree. Whitney hasn't ever been the same since I made him lick whipped cream off my breasts." Chloe sighed, ignoring her lovers bellow of horror beside her as they pulled to a stop, the little cat underneath them purring to a close.

Oooh. And he was aroused more, and yeah, Clark grinned at him helplessly, turning to give Whitney his own look. "If I remember correctly, I licked yours too, Whitney. So shhh, ashimel, and lets go party." He pulled the keys from the ignition as the top began to come up, getting out of the car and pulling the seat up for Chloe to get out.

FINALLY!!! THEY WERE HERE!! Samson's fat little puppy butt shot out of the apartment door and ran down the three flights of stairs, yipping at the top of his lungs as he humped down the little metal stairs. The Clark and the Lex had finally showed up!!!!!!!!!!

"Shit! Samson!!" Shayla lunged after the squiggly little puppy. "Get your ass back up here!!!!!! You're supposed to be a surprise!!!"

Whitney just sighed. "I'm never going to be the same. All the licking and the whipped cream and Lex in panties and I'm just going to be warped forever." But he got out of the car, wrapping one arm around Clark's waist and the other around Chloe's as she got out.

Clarks ears perked and he let out a laugh a moment before Samsons little puppy barks could be heard. He'd grabbed Lex's hand as his lover had come around, and let go of both him and Whitney as he crouched down, watching his tiny little baby reach the bottom of the steps. He did the supersonic whistle and grinned at his little guy, offering his arms to him.

The little puppy was just so darn cute, and Chloe snickered, hugging Whitney as she watched on.

YEEEEEEEEAH! WOOOOOO! Samson had given the signal and THEY WERE HERE! The THEM! WOOOOO! Cleo bit Artie on the rump for him to follow already, bounding out between Yellow Chick's legs and shooting right after where Samson had gone.

"Artie!! Cleo!! Dammit!! Get back here!!" Shayla headed down the stairs after the dogs.

THE WHISTLE!!! Samson picked up his speed and humped down faster, hitting the asphalt and then running across the parking lot. Barking like nobody's business, he jumped up on Clark's arm, wagging his tail and covering his face in little licks.

"You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say those dogs are spoiled rotten," Whitney said, watching Lex hunker down beside Clark in anticipation of Cleo's arrival.

Lex crouched down beside Clark, rubbing Samson's head and looking for his little girl.


She jumped down the last three steps, bounded on soft grass, hit her nose, let out a sob, then squealed. Yeah. The Lex. Wrapped. Around. Her. PAW. BUT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he had something yummy for her, she could just SMELL it and she let out a tirade of yips and barks, racing across the small lawn, over the asphalt, and bounding into his arms. WOOOOOOOO!

"I heard that." Clark grinned amongst snuggles of his baby, waiting for his Artie as he snuggled Samson in close, giving him scratches and rubs. Behind his ears, under his belly, across his back, rubbing his little baby as he grinned and kissed the top of his head. "Yes, my Sammy, did you miss me? Oh, I missed you too, baby, yes!"

"Spoiled. Rotten." But Chloe grinned anyway, rolling her eyes heavenwards and sighing.

Lex wrapped the little girl in his arms and gave her a big kiss on the nose. "Can't fool you, can I?" He reached into his pocket and got out the small foil packet of chewy dog treats and unsealed it. He hugged her and then held one of the treats up for her. "Can't fool my little girl, can I?" He snuggled down and rubbed Cleo's nose with his own.

Artie finally tumbled down the last step and hurried across the parking lot, not wanting to get left out of the fun. "BAWR!!!"

OH OH OHOHOHOHOHOHOH! Samson's little tongue lolled out as his feet kicked, and he was HAPPY. Happy Samson!!!! Pets and rubs and scratches and he BETTER get one of the chewy things!

"Arrroooooo!" Cleo barked, grabbing the treat in her teeth and scarfing it down. Mmmmmmmmmmmm, and oh, and snuggles and YAY! The day was not complete without the Lex and the Clark! YAYAYAYY!!!!

Clark laughed and lifted his little Artie up, hugging him close. Of all the puppies Artie was his mirror copy, and he snuggled the puppy close to his chest as he kissed his head again, gently. "Hello, hello my babies. Come on." He lifted them up, all in a doggie pile, snuggling them to his chest gently as he started for the apartment. He shot Chloe and Whitney a grin, motioned to his lover, and started up the steps.

Lex snuggled his Cleo again, rubbing her behind the ears. "There's my baby girl, yes."

Artie was just... way laid back. He howled softly in appreciation of the snuggles, and licked the bottom of his throat. "WooooooooF!!"

Samson licked Clark happily. Okay, they were all together again, and he was happy. "Bark!"

And Clark was grinning when he walked up the steps, past an older couple, and peeked into the door where Shayla, looking gorgeous, was glaring. He grinned at her, shyly as dusk settled comfortably in the sky, with just enough light to play off his dimples and his dancing eyes, and he leaned in to give her cheek a kiss as he set the puppies down again. "They can't help it if they love me."

She hugged him tight. "They were supposed to be a surprise!!" She looped an arm through his. "Come on in." She grinned at Lex over her shoulder. "Told Morgan to fuck off and handle the world by himself. Nobody else knows where we are, and cell phones get surrendered at the door!!"

"Damn. And I was expecting a call from Antonio Banderas." Clark heaved a sigh, reaching back for his lover and slipping his fingers into his coat pocket, removing Lex's cell and handing it to Shay. He went into his own pocket, getting his, and smiled as he winked at her. "There. We're yours, for the night."

Chloe walked in, grinned, broadly, and gave Clark a non to gentle push, wrapping her arms around Shayla and squeezing tight. "Hey, girl! Oh, my god, you look just... ahhh! Where the hell did you get those shoes?!"

"Yeep!" Shayla returned the hug and squealed. "They're Megan's! She got 'em in... fuck, Italy, somewhere and I stole 'em when she got too big for 'em!" She stuck out her feet and wiggled the shoes. "Wanna borrow 'em sometime?"

"Hell yes!" She looped her arm through her best friend's, stuck her tongue out at the three boys, and flounced with her into the living room.

"Hey!" Pete called from the kitchen. The music was already going, food was everywhere, the couches had been moved to the side for primo dancing, and Pete walked around the kitchen, offering a hand to his newly arrived guests. "What's up, ya'll? Come on in. Pete's House of Rockin'."

Clark took the offered hand, shaking it and smiling, softly. "Thanks for this, Pete."

"Hey man, ain't no thing. Hey, Chromey, wa's happenin'?" Pete offered his hand to Lex, looking up and winking at Whitney as he did it, and pulled them in. "Take a seat, ya'll. Shay, be a good hostess and take the mans coat, will ya? Come on, shoes can wait."

"Like hell they can!" Chloe exclaimed, but helped Shayla anyway, reaching up and tugging Lex's coat off his shoulders, setting the long three quarters coat over her shoulder.

"Bite my ass, Pete! You don't know that fashion overrules everything else as importance." Shayla held out her arms and waited for the coats to be piled in it. "Dick's comin' on back with... supplies for the night, so you guys kick back and we'll break out the pizza." She took Lex's coat from Chloe, and piled it in the closet with Clark's jacket and Whitney's leather coat that smelled so good, and hung them up beside hers and Pete's.

Lex shook Pete's offered hand. "I'm doing all right." He crooked an eyebrow. "You sent Dick for supplies? You'll be lucky if you end up with something other than tequila."

Pete swallowed a chortle, trading a glance with his girlfriend that was just... THIS side of wicked, coughed, and walked right on back into the kitchen.

And all Clark saw was "You have Getaway, man?" Clark gave Whitney's arm a tug, and already started drifting towards the big TV with the game on pause. "Getaway? Dude?"

Pete laughed and got up on his toes, nodding to him and motioning him on. "Man, yeah. Get to playin', yo. Got it for you and Whit, cause I know you're like, all over video games. Shay! Baby, come help me with the pizza?"

"Just a minute!!" She leaned in and gave Chloe a kiss on the cheek. "Be back later, baby. And oh!! The DVD's hooked up in the bedroom if you wanna go watch movies insteada play videos!" With that she vanished, and popped back up in the kitchen with her boyfriend, bumping his hip with hers. "Your wish in my command."

"Oh, I am so gonna kick your ass. Like you wouldn't even believe!" Whitney all but toppled Clark over in his eagerness to get to the video game controller. "Come on, let's go!!" He picked up one controller and tossed the other one to Clark. "Multiplayer, here we come!!"

Lex took Chloe's arm and steered her to the couch. "Come on. Let's watch them beat each other to a pulp."

"You wish. You're going to be punk pancake by the time I'm finished with you." Clark plopped on the ground, settling next to his ashimel as they got the controllers... leaning over to give him a soft, long kiss before he got comfortable and pushed the start button to unpause the game.

"Like I have any other choice. Should we get them into anger management therapy? What is it with dudes and their games?" Said, of course, while still flushing from the kiss Shayla had given her, giving Lex a rosy smile.

Whitney returned the kiss easily, squirming closer to Clark as he started the game. "You, my friend, are just dreaming." He elbowed Clark in the side, and then turned his attention to the game.

Lex ran his thumb over Chloe's jaw line, noting the flush. He leaned over and whispered something in her ear. "Does someone have a little crush on our resident pinky?"

She caught her lip between her teeth, eyes slightly dreamy as she glanced up at Lex. And everything in her eyes said yes, even when her lips said no. "No. Of course not. She's just my friend, that's it."

"HAHAHAH!" Clark suddenly bellowed. "Five seconds in the game and you ALREADY lost a life!" He squirmed in his dark jeans, the muscles in his back flexing as he shifted and snorted, elbowing his ashimel.

"Mmmm. That's not the impression I got." He leaned over and kissed her mouth softly, then kissed her ear. "But if you don't want to admit it, then that's okay." He smiled at her, and left his arm around her shoulders. "I still want to thank you and Whitney both for standing beside us, and not letting us completely lose touch with reality."

"That's because YOU are distracting me!" He elbowed back, and scooted over just a little as he hunched over the controller. "Cheat codes, cheat codes, my kingdom for cheat codes!"

Dick Grayson kicked the door open with his foot. "I saw the car downstairs, and Jesus Christ, Lex, you do NOT go understated, do you?" He kicked the door shut, and dropped the box on the kitchen counter and started unloading it.

Chloe blushed softly, kissing her friend back softly as she snuggled him close, though her arms were snuggly around his waist, and she cracked up at Whitney's bellow, before up to her Lex. "You guys are the most important people in our lives." She said simply, giving his cheek a kiss... then sobering, studying him. "Whitney is the most important person in my life. Whatever it is with... with her, is...." Another hard flush.

See, this was what he was talking about. A pop diva, Toni something or other, sang on the CD player about her man, and choosing to let him go as Pete finished cutting the pizza boxes back, picking the pies, cardboard and all, up and walking into the dining room, setting them on the coffee table already loaded with chips, soda, napkins, plates and beer. He watched the guys play for a second, Lex and Chloe talking on the couch, and went back for the other two pizza's. Which he had to put on a small card table next to the coffee table. Then rolled. His. EYES. When Dick came bounding in with his huge box, snorting at him as he helped him. "Got the good shit? And have I mentioned how fucking cool it is that you're twenty one?"

"Master of the damn universe, keep tellin' you that." Dick just grinned as he started unloading. "One tequila, two tequila, three tequila... floor." He unloaded three bottles of tequila onto the counter. "Vodka, vodka, gin, frangelica... my personal favorite, Tennessee whiskey, and, just for Lex... Auvignon cognac."

Lex stroked his fingertips over her cheek. "It's okay, Chloe. I was just teasing you. Anything that makes you happy, you can have it." He kissed her again gently.

"Where the fuck'd you get this shit?" Pete laughed, though he was outrageously amused, getting out the proper glasses and setting them on a tray as he side glanced his girlfriend, offering sly wickedness at her.

"NO!" Clark bellowed at the TV. Fucking hell, and he glared at it like he could make his character explode into flames with a single snarled glare, which, considering his track record, was very possible. When it DIDN'T happen he turned the same glare on his ashimel, but after seeing his expression couldn't help laughing, keeping on.

"Hey, Dick!" Chloe called into the kitchen, even as her eyes swept up to Lex's and she blushed softly. "Between us? She's very attractive. Nothing... nothing can happen though, Lex. I have Whitney... he's my guy. You know?"

"There's a beautiful creation on God's earth called... a liquor store. Any person over the age of 21, like me, can waltz in and purchase whatever selection of alcoholic beverages I desire." Dick snickered. "There's also Coke, Diet Coke, and Sprite for mixers, couple quarts of OJ for the vodka, and..." He pulled out one final thing. "A bag of Jolly Ranchers for the tequila."

"YES!!!!!" Whitney pumped his fist in victory. "Told you that I would kick your skinny ass up one side and down the other!!!" He thumped Clark on the back at the evil glare.

Shayla blushed as she looked over Pete's shoulder. "Is it true that you can actually do shots of tequila off somebody's body?"

Pete reddened under his deep cocoa skin, glancing up at Dick, and shared a memory or two with him. Arched, in sobbing pleasure as Dick sucked tequila, lemon and salt off his entire body, the night of ecstasy they'd spent doing it, until they were both drunk with alcohol and pleasure.

And he smiled.

"Yeah, Shay. Definitely."

Which Clark thumped him back for, of course, snorting his wicked pleasure.

Shayla licked over Pete's jaw. "I know... what we're going to be doing... with the leftover tequila tonight."

"Get. A. Room." Dick snorted as he finished unpacking the box.

Pete chuckled and gave Shayla's cheek a lick back, tickling her side before he gave her a soft, smacking kiss and offered her the tray of glasses. "Take um over... I have a feeling we're gonna need more, but there you have it. I'll bring the lemons."

"Got it, baby." She giggled as he tickled her side and shook her behind at him as she left the kitchen and picked her way through the sprawl of people.

"Hey, it ain't my fault you suck like a Hoover," Whitney said, then blushed as he realized what he was implying.

Clark all but fell over laughing. He cracked up, whooping at his best friend and wriggling his brows, before he gave him a kiss on the cheek, beaming and nodding. "I'm known in at least three counties."

"Just don't make him any bigger Clark!" Chloe chimed in, all wickedness as her fingertips glided over Lex's leg. "I can barely swallow what he's got, let alone any more."

Whitney blushed a bright red and hit pause on his controller. "I am not ever speaking to you again," he growled out at his girlfriend.

Lex let his leg open just a little more for Chloe's curious fingers as he snorted. "Come on, Whitney. We all know how well endowed you are, it's not a bad thing to have your girlfriend saying that."

Dick flopped down in one of the other chairs across the room. "No, we don't all know it, and there's at least one we here--ME!--who doesn't need to know the size of his dick!"

"Nine and a half." Chloe chimed in, very sweetly, giving Dick her doe eyes and batting them sweetly. Her fingers though, stopped stroking over Lex as soon as other people came, because... it was a private thing, and she didn't want everyone knowing. So she tucked her palms into her lap, and gave another sugary smile.

Clark was cracking. The hell. Up.

"Man, Dick, ain't no thing. 'Least you didn't have the girls talkin' bout your fucking penis and its lack of deli meat."

"Bologna." Chloe corrected instantly, climbing to her feet to help Shayla. She took the tray from her, setting it on the card table beside the pizza's, as she took a slice. "I had to find out if you had a bologna wrapped cock or not, Pete, for good blow jobage."

Pete just... slapped a hand to his face and groaned.

Lex left his arm around Chloe's shoulder, however, the tips of his finger barely brushing the tops of her breasts. "And that's no measurement to be ashamed of," Lex commented solidly.

Whitney was blushing. "Chloe Sullivan, I am going to kick your ass. Just... kick it."

"Scuse me, I need a melon scoop now, I'm gonna scoop my fuckin' brain out," Dick groused.

Shayla piped up. "No bologna on my man! He's stripped clean and naked and I tell you... it makes it easy for blow jobs. I can't imagine sucking on a wrapped cock, cause it'd be so THICK and huge!!"

Lex just raised an eyebrow at his lover. "I can."

"Jesus Christ. You people are way too acquainted with each other's dicks!!"

Clark only laughed all the harder, turning around now to face the group and roll his eyes.

"Me too! Let me tell you, can't pick any bones over it. Or suck any, either or." Chloe hummed, as she bit into her pizza and got a napkin.

"One. To. Talk." Pete gave Dick a glare that was more amused then anything, handing him the tequila he'd piled into his arms, and went back for another trip.

"Hey, the only dick I know here is yours, baby. I do NOT want to know any of the other dicks in this party, thank you very much!!" Dick adjusted his sprawl in the chair and took one of the tequila bottles from Pete and chugged from it.

"Mmm. Out of all of you, I've....done something with three fourths. And that's kind of disturbing." Chloe's eyebrows knit. "Does that make me a slut?" To Lex, then to Shayla, "Does that make me a slut?"

"That makes you more adventurous than all of us." Clark said, smiling at her and tugging on her pant leg teasingly as he set the remote down and got his own slice, comfy on the floor before them.

Shayla plunked her tray down on the table beside the pizza, and dropped onto the couch on top of Chloe, wiggling her butt on Chloe's lap. "Nope. Don't make you a slut, baby. Not at all." She smacked another kiss on Chloe's cheek and then giggled.

Whitney raised his eyebrow. "What Clark said. Comfortable." He leaned over Clark to snag pizza, and then settled together back on the floor.

Dick's eyebrows shot up as Shayla plopped in Chloe's lap. "Now that's what I'm talkin' about."

Chloe was a soft shade of pink, though she looked up, smiling at her best friend... then shot Dick a look that should have shriveled his weenie out from under him, before wrapping her arms around Shayla's waist and hugging tight.

All Clark wanted to do was lean over and take a bite where Whitney just had, and taste his ashimel on it. The thought made him look down, shyly, smiling as he ate his own pepperoni and opened up a Pepsi Twist, sipping softly and sighing as he set the can between his legs, where he was Indian style. And gazed up at his lover, offering the slice in his hand, and asking him without words to come over to him.

Pete returned, with the vodka, gin, whiskey and fancy shmancy cognac, setting it down on the card table as well, some of it going on the floor for later as he sighed, kissing his pinky on the head where she was perched on Chloe... stopping, staring at them, and saying, "Heeell yeah, buddy." Before he went off to the kitchen again.

Shayla just giggled and wrapped her arms around Chloe's waist, grinning at her boyfriend. "Ignore him; I still have to kick his balls up his nose, but he's been nice lately so I can't really."

Lex moved down onto the floor, following the slice of pizza and taking a bite off the end, chewing and tasting where Clark had bitten off. Then he did something un-Lexian. He stretched out on the floor beside Clark, and laid his head in his lover's lap. "Feed me?" he whispered softly.

Clark ducked his head, arm covering them as he nuzzled his lovers cheek and face, kissing him softly and tasting pizza, and Lex, tongue dipping in and stroking as he gently cupped the top of his lovers head with his palm, thumb rubbing in. "You never have to ask.

A poke and Chloe pointed Shayla towards the couple on the floor, Clark's large arm covering them as they kissed, and she just grinned like an idiot at Shayla, hugging her tight...and shooting a glance at Dick, daring him to comment.

"They're just like a couple of kids, makin' out on the floor like that." She snuggled into Chloe's arms and then slid down to the floor, so that she was sitting between her legs, head resting on Chloe's knee. "C'mon, get down and watch. It's hot watchin' them go at it."

Lex returned the kiss hungrily, hands cupping Clark's face as his tongue lapped at Clark's. He lifted his head lightly into the stroking caresses, sucking on Clark as he kissed.

"You know, you girls wanna make out, nobody's gonna mind." Dick flinched from the stare. "I'm just sayin'..."

Clark heard her comment and grinned against Lex's lips, looking up then and cocking a brow at her as he took a chomp of his pizza. Mmmmm. Lex and pepperoni, and DAMN did the taste mix well. He licked his lower lip, rolling his eyes, and offered his pizza to Lex, waiting for him to take a bite as his arm flopped out comfortably behind him, leaning his weight back. "Shayla, you're worse then all of us combined, you know that, right?"

"Gotta agree, gotta agree." Pete set the juice, jolly ranchers and soda on the floor, flopping onto the wide couch beside Dick and rolling his eyes as he leaned forward, snagged a piece of mushroom pizza, and ate it happily, cracking open his own Dr. Pepper. "What am I agreeing?"

"That woman are indeed the queens of the universe, and men are the slime beneath their stilettos?" Chloe asked innocently, giggling as she reached for another piece of pizza.

Shayla moved and squirmed her way between Clark and Lex, totally unabashed because they were just... guys. "I am not. You just love me and are afraid to admit it." Her toes wiggled out of the open toes of the shoes as she smirked up at Clark, and then, and the murderous look she was getting from Lex, she squeaked, and climbed to hide behind Clark again.

Whitney choked on his beer. "Not even touchin' that one, Chloe. I know better, and I don't wanna sleep in the yard tonight." He took another swallow and grinned at his girlfriend.

Dick snorted at that. "We're agreeing that your girlfriend is the biggest sex fiend this side'a Metropolis." He took another shot of tequila straight from the bottle.

"And there's a bad side?" Shayla grinned it from her safe haven behind Clark's shoulder.

Pete laughed, eyes dancing as he chomped on his own pizza, smirking over at Dick before grinning at his girlfriend. "Hell yeah she's a sex fiend. Gotta say though, man', ain't no complaining comin' from this joint."

Clark laughed and tickled his lovers side, stroking his thumb over his head again, softly over the petal soft skin, eyes dancing as he did it. "Lets just say, all of us have a healthy respect for sex, and love making it?"

"Here, here." Chloe raised her soda in toast. "To the seven of us, who could probably generate enough friction to light a city."

Shayla picked up the first thing she found, which happened to be Whitney's beer. "Here, here!" She took a drink, made a face, and passed it back. "Ick. Gimmie the good shit. Dick! You got the booze, gimmie vodka!"

Dick sorted through his bottles. "Plain or flavored?"


"Catch." He rolled the bottle over to her.

"Got it!" She screwed the lid off and took a deep slug. "That's better!!"

Whitney just rolled his eyes. "I'll drink to that."

Lex looked up at his lover. "Yes... I'll agree with you, Clark." Then he laughed and gave his lover a warm, wet kiss, stroking his cheek with soft fingertips.

Samson snuck in, his butt wriggling, and then... POUNCE! He grabbed the pizza out of Clark's hand and ran with it, chewing as he ran and then hid under the couch.

Clark was mid kiss when he saw a whir of brown and white leap over his head, and his mouth dropped, watching as Samson skid on the carpet and lowered his butt, scooting under the couch with his prize. Clark lunged after him... caught air and the tip of a tail, and while Chloe burst out laughing above him, he leaned under the couch, trying to swipe at him. "Come here, you fat ass! You can't eat pizza!"

Pete poured himself a glass of gin and soda, smirking at Clark, half under the couch, ass end out, and gave his butt a kick. "Dude, leave the pup his snack and get up here. Got shit to do." A pointed look at Chloe.

Clark looked up, blowing bangs off his forehead as he blinked, rubbing his head and sighing down at Samson. "You win this time." He went back to his spot, snuggling Lex in his lap comfortably, though he gave a grump.

"Oh! Yes!" Chloe giggled and got up, setting her pizza and drink down and scooting into the back room. She got all the presents, where they'd stacked them, and kicked off her boots, so she only had rainbow colored toe socks on. She pad back into the living room, holding them up cheerfully, and plopped down, clearing a pizza box off the coffee table and grinning. "Of course, not as flashy as a new wallet and watch, but you've probably got enough condoms in this stack to last you a lifetime."

Clark laughed, though he was blushing, grinning at his friends in pleasure as he eyed the stack, pretending to examine it even when he was thrilled. "Thanks, guys. Damn, you didn't have to do all this for me."

"Sure we had to!" Shayla piped up brightly. "I mean... birthday! Come ON! Presents and fun!!"

Lex snuggled back into Clark's lap without a word. He looked, in fact, supremely happy and supremely comfortable. "Don't complain, Clark."

Dick snorted. "Present from me 'n Bruce is back at the mansion; you'll see it when you get home."

Whitney leaned over and thumped Clark again. "Of course we did," he said softly. "You've had a rough time of it. This is how we show how much we care about you."

Shayla nodded. "There's even cake for later." She popped a cherry Jolly Rancher in her mouth, her tongue pushing it in and out between her lips.

"Thanks, guys." Clark blushed, softly, his smile broad as he wiped his fingers clean on a napkin, pushing his new watch back on his wrist a little a she picked the first one up, legs crossed Indian style with Lex in his lap, and he gave a grin down at him as teeth caught his lower lip and carefully opened the paper.

"Chhllaarrrkk." Chloe whined, bobbing from where she'd plopped down on her knees, batting at him. "Rip it open!"

"Yeah right." Kicked back, eyebrow raised, Pete snorted at his blond little friend. "He's done that since he was seven. Irritating as hell, dude."

Clark glanced up, eyes dancing as he carefully untaped the small gift, peeling it open...and grinning, broadly, as Rod Stewart's ugly mug came into view. "Yeah. Yeah. Chloe, Whit, thank you." He reached over, hugging Whitney all manly like, and smacking a kiss on Chloe's cheek, much to his delight as she giggled. "This is awesome. I'm going to be playing old music in my new The Sex. Awesome!"

Whitney hugged back, and just grinned. "Chloe's right. I didn't think you'd dig it, but she's all, "No, no, he'll love it, trust me, just buy it already!"

Lex just raised an eyebrow. "Not when I'm in the car with you, you won't."

"Clark, baby, rip the paper, pllllleeeeeease?" Shayla pled.

"You wish." Clark grinned, beaming as he set his new CD down, and motioned to Shayla, wrinkling his nose at her cheerfully. "You pick the next one."

Pete cracked a grin, glancing at Dick as he leaned forward a little to stroke a palm through Shayla's hair, motioning her a little closer as Samson's little puppy jowls popped underneath the couch, munching cheerfully.

Cleo was, at the moment, sharing a piece she and Artie had sneaked under the couch, with Samson, and the three of them snacked, cheerfully, Cleo giving a hiccup.

The music changed, to a faster song, and Chloe giggled, eyes going wide as she peeked at Pete.

"Ooooh shiiiit." Pete bopped his butt on the couch as Slim Shady came through the stereo. He wanted to grab Shayla and go dance with her but dammit, Clark, and presents.

"Ookay!!!" Shayla dug through the pile of presents and came up with one wrapped in pink paper. "Oddly enough, it's not from me. It's from Lindy. She came in this morning, like, early as hell, and when she found out it was your birthday, this showed up a few hours later all wrapped and stuff for you."

Artie burped, and then poked his nose out from under the couch. He snuffed until he found a glass and pawed it over, slurping at the sweet flavored liquid until he wasn't thirsty anymore. Then he moved back and let Cleo and Sammy drink.

Shayla crawled over Chloe, winking at her, and then curled up beside Pete as she put her head on his shoulder. "This is killin' you, not dancin," she snickered, watching his butt bounce.

"Yeah?" Clark grinned, tipping his head as his lips spread. It was pink, and just because it was it amused him, settling more comfortably as he nodded up at Dick, motioning for him to make him a shot of tequila, glancing at Lex in his lap innocently as he took the package, carefully un-taping it as he glanced up.

"Its a physical ache, baby." Pete pretended to shudder and sigh, taking her hand and setting it on his chest above his heart melodramatically. "Make sure its still there."

WEE! Cleo snuck over, lapping at the... mmmmmmm, whatever it was, licking and licking and mmmm! Buuuurp.

Shayla rubbed her hand over his chest, slipping her fingers inside the buttons and rubbing skin. "Mmmm... yep. Still there." Those fingers dipped low and tweaked a nipple before pulling back out again.

Lindy's homemade chocolate Kahlua cookies were waiting to be unwrapped in Clark's lap.

Samson lapped up the last few drops of the whatever, and buuuurrp! EEE! He was a happy puppy.

Whitney snagged Chloe around the waist and toppled her over on top of him, watching and snuggling her between him and their friends on the floor.

Best. Present. All. YEAR. Clark gasped as he looked down at the plate full of cookies, and almost cried. Oh. He beamed, like the boy he was, misty eyed as he sniffled and looked down at what would be a very, very fun date with a gallon of milk. "Oh. Okay. See? Lindy is my hero."

Pete snickered, as the song changed, to hide his moan. He gave his girlfriend a mischievous look, gently tugging on a lock of her hair as he pulled her close to him on the couch.

"Clark, they're cookies." Though Chloe snorted. "They're not that orgasmic."

Clark just blushed, but in his defense, they were awesome cookies. And he said so, as he carefully set them to the side. "You've never had them. Don't talk to me." He lifted another gift, this one from Shay and Pete, and looked up at them quizzically as he forewent tape peeling, and ripped it open.

"HE RIPPED!" Shayla cheered, even as she slipped her fingers back in Pete's shirt, hoping to get another moan. "HE RIPPED THE PAPER OPEN!! I'm so PROUD!!!"

Dick snickered from the chair. "He can be taught!"

"Some people just aren't a ripper," Whitney said in defense of his friend.

Clark threw his head back and burst out laughing. The sound was lovely, as it hadn't been something he'd done in a while, Chloe giggled to, out of the sheer hilarity he seemed to be having. She peeked in... and cracked up too, batting at her friend's knee. "SHAYLA!"

Clark held up a strip of condoms, lube in eight different flavors... and a pair of Tarzan thong underwear.

It was vibrating like one of those balls that vibrated and danced at the toy store at the mall, and he watched them shake and move by themselves, laughing all the harder.

"Okay. So, the vibrating underwear was my idea. But! I only helped Pete pick it out to match the condoms and the lube!" she protested!

He just laughed all the harder, tears filling his eyes as he set them on Lex's chest, wiping at his eyes and snickering...then cracking up all over again, shaking his head as he blushed crimson, hiding his face behind Whitney's shoulder.

Pete all but busted his ass snickering, watching the underwear vibrate around by themselves like they had a life of their own, and the mental he was sure he was sharing with the rest of them was Clark doing the conga without meaning to with those suckers on. And he just laughed harder.

Chloe let out a squeal, shaking her head and batting at them as she held out their last gift, the tickets, and bat and Clark to open them. "Come on, stop laughing! They're just a pair of underwear that probably want sex more then you!"

Lex couldn't help snickering, then laughing out loud as Clark leaned against him. "Thank God they're in your size and not mine, because I wouldn't be caught dead with those things." He nudged it gently with his foot. "At least they're flapped for easy access."

He kept right on giggling. Okay? That was funny. He gave Pete and Shayla a bow, amused as hell. "Thank you, guys. I'm sure they'll, at some point, come in very handy."

"Blah, blah, your welcome cakes, open your last one!" Chloe held it out, flapping her hand and waiting for him to open it.

Clark took it, smiling his thank you. It was a box of some sort, and he ripped the paper open, straightening his back in pride as he looked inside. A small, ornate box... and inside of it, were two Lifehouse tickets.

HELL. YES. He let out a whoop, hugging Chloe, then Whitney, beaming at them. "yeah! YES! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Awesome man, fucking shit! Woo!"

Whitney just laughed. "You're welcome!! You're welcome! You're always singin' that fuckin' song, man. It wasn't a hard choice to make!" He hugged Clark back, holding on a bit longer than necessary but uncaring. "Have a good time, man. You need it." He rubbed Clark's back once then finally let him go.

"So, who you gonna take?" Shayla asked, grinning right back at the loud whoops of pleasure.

Clark beamed, hard, at his ashimel, doing the same to Chloe as he snuggled her... and grinned down at his lover in his lip, tipping his head just a little so that he was looking at his lover upside down... and gave him a kiss like that, kissing his chin and smiling, before glancing up. "The pope."

"Pope, shmope. You have to take moi." Chloe fluttered her palm to her chest, fanning herself.

"Yeah, fuck that." Pete snorted, poking her with his sock clad big toe, before he rubbed his hands together, eyebrows wriggling. "Presents taken care of, now we game! Come on, Dick, Moses ain't got nothin' on ya. You've got to have a good party game, dude."

"Yeah, I got a few." He lifted his head and looked at Lex. "How you feel about Truth or Dare?"

"Aweeee HELL yeah!" Pete crowed, standing up and motioning to Shayla to help him move the coffee table. The carpet in the living room that covered the hardwood was cozy, and Pete plopped on it, pulling his girlfriend down with him. He was sitting next to Whitney, chuckling brightly as he wriggled his brows. "Truth and Dare… with shots. Dude, the Drinking Game Truth or Dare. Question is, what the fuck can we drink to?"

Dick shrugged. "That's easy. Every time Clark blushes."

Oh, God, and he blushed.

"See?" Dick distributed bottles to each couple. "Here's the rules. Person next to you is your challenger. Forfeit, you have to chug down a beer. A forfeit means you flake out on telling your truth or doing your dare. Dares can't be physically dangerous or leave lasting marks, but anything else goes. Every time Clark blushes, everyone takes a shot from the bottle. Clear?"

"Holy shit, this is better then naked poker." Chloe said, giggling as she plopped between Clark and Whitney, making Pete and Shay scoot until they were in a relatively large circle. Shoes toed off, beer and glasses set up, and Chloe pushed her sleeves up, wriggling her eyebrows as she leaned over and nodded. "Dick, you know what you're doing. Lets go."

"Guys, this is so... cruel." Dammit, but he was enjoying himself, and Clark grinned, nudging Lex closer so he could stroke his cheek and grin at the guys. "I don't blush a lot."

"Hell you don't." Pete snorted, rolling his eyes at him. The guy blushed harder then anyone he'd ever met, but that's what made him him, and he chuckled, shaking his head. "You start us off, Dick-o." ...Pause. "You know, dude, remind me never to say "Dick-o" again, aight?"

Dick snorted. "So not a problem." He looked around on his right, which was Pete, and his left, which was Lex. "Okay... Pete? Truth or dare?"

"Shit, man." Pete shifted, tugging at the itchy clothes Shayla had made him wear. He'd gone under the same fate as Whitney and had been forced into a button down dress shirt and deep blue jeans that they'd bought from the mall, and he shifted his skinny ass, sighing. "Truth, dude."

Shayla kept slipping her fingers in between those little buttons, teasing his chocolately skin with her nails.

"Well... I'll be easy on you. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done in front of a significant other?"

"Dude, talked to Shayla's sister, who, did ya'll know is Gina? Dude, she came in and was all, "Are ya'll using condoms", and shit. Dude." Pete blushed. Hard. "Never been so embarrassed in all my fuckin' life."

"She's hot." Clark said, nodding seriously...grinning at his lover and winking softly just for him, before looking back to his friends. "Like, really hot. Like, "I could turn you straight" hot."

"Agreed." Chloe said, blinking innocently and tucking her blond locks behind her ear as she squirmed on her bottom and looped an arm through Whitney's.

"She's actually not bad in bed either; her reputation is quite well-deserved," Lex said thoughtfully. "And Shayla, pretend you didn't hear that."

"You slept with my sister???" Shayla bellowed.

Lex steepled his fingers. "About... seven or eight years ago."

"Bitch! She never said a word!!"

Dick rolled his eyes. "Pete, your turn. Pick your person."

"Shay? Lex slept with anything about seven or eight years ago." A wincing nod, and Chloe ducked any smacks he'd lead her way, giggling.

"Whit! Mah MAN." Pete smiled, very sweetly, eyebrows wriggling. "Truth or dare, dude?"

"Not even going there. Dare."

"Dude, I dare ya to tell everyone about your first sexual experience. I'm talking fumbling hands, drool, the nine, dude."

Whitney considered. "Okay... define sexual experience. We talking penetrative, non-penetrative, just oral?"

Chloe's mouth dropped even as Pete burst out laughing, and she back handed his arm, glaring up at him with her nose wrinkled.

Dammit, and Clark felt his cheeks color, wincing as he looked down, blushing harder as he was reminded of his first sexual experience. Which... he hadn't told Lex about. Oh. Heeeeee. He blushed, even harder, coughing.

Dick pointed. "Clark is blushing!! Shot!!"

Lex caught the stray thought and cocked an eyebrow as he sucked down a shot of tequila, no salt and no lime.

Pete burst out laughing and tossed back a shot, hissing at the heat rolling down his throat and mmmmm, smirking as the rest of them did it too, and reached over, tapping the bottom of Clarks glass as he tipped it back, making sure he drank it all.

Oh. First time for tequila. His eyes widened, watered as he swallowed, letting out a hard cough after he did it, and patting his chest, shivering and croaking, "Smooth."

"He meant the whole thing, ass! I don't want to hear about you penetrating anyone but me!"

Shayla tried to emulate Lex, but she ended up choking the harsh tequila half over the front of her shirt before she was able to suck a whole shot down. "Jesus fuckin' Christ. Gimmie my damn vodka!"

Lex thumped his lover carefully on the back. "It's okay, Clark."

Whitney bit down on a lime wedge before sucking his shot down. "Okay. The first time I ever really had sex was with Chloe. Had this whole romantic seduction scene happening. White fur rug, red roses, sparkling juice instead of champagne, condoms, I was ready. After a brief visit from a friend,"--he flipped his eyes at Clark--"Chloe came home. We talked for a little while... she teased me BAD. Had on heels, and this really sexy underwear. What she did with a banana? You don't even want to know. Then... there was the whipped cream between her tits and that was... just wonderful. Lapping it up like that... yeah." He reached down and adjusted himself. "She even teased me in the shower, wouldn't let me touch myself or come until she said so. But then when I actually got to make love to her... sweetest taste between her thighs that you could ever imagine." Whitney smiled at his girlfriend. "I was her first, just like she was mine, and she was beautiful."

Clarks eyes widened, hard, and grinned from ear to ear, giving Chloe an approving look as she turned eight shades of pink. The tequila was still burning his throat like hell but he coughed, clearing his throat and grinning.

Long whistle from Pete. Damn. "Dude, that's the shit." A glare at Shay. "Why haven't we thought of whipped cream between the tits?"

"Because you have no self control?" Chloe asked, batting her lashes as she snaked out and stole another piece of pizza. Where all this food she was packing away went? No one knew. She ate it cheerfully, the taste of tequila mingling with pizza delicious, and she giggled, chewing cheerfully.

"See? This is why I went to Chloe for blow job tips. She knows the shit, Pete. She just... knows." A slightly adoring look Chloe's way. "We have self control. Just... not with each other!"

Whitney just flashed an innocent grin. "Clark... Truth or Dare?"

Chloe gave her a grin that had a thousand words in its curve of lips and glint of teeth, winking at her best friend as she put her attention on Clark, feeding Whitney a lemon wedge as she did it.

"Shit. Uh... truth." Clark winced, all but hiding as he got closer to Lex, his fingertips stroking his thigh gently as they sat, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, sharing a second slice of pizza.

Whitney grinned. "Tell everybody the truth about the first time Chloe kissed you in the barn."

Oh shit, and Clark turned eight shades of red, ducking his head.

"SHOT!" Pete bellowed, squeezing lemon and salt on his hand, licking, and tossing back another shot. He tossed Lex a lemon, passing over a knife and one of the four salt shakers he'd grabbed, shuddering at the taster and letting out a hiss as he grinned.

"I-I..." More blushing, furiously, wincing and looking up at Chloe, who was smiling at him indignantly, to Lex, and did he mention he was wincing?

"Double shots!" Whitney crowed, as the blushing intensified. He tilted his and Chloe's bottle of tequila up and took two deep swallows before passing it over.

Shayla glared. "You've smooched CK and you didn't share? Bitch." She stuck her tongue out as she took a shot from the bottle.

"C'mon, Clark," Dick said warningly. "You got thirty seconds to start talking or you forfeit!!"

Lex was calmly rubbing his thumbs over Clark's hands even as he drank a double shot of tequila.

Clark downed his own, still flushing, and sighed as he looked at Chloe. "Okay. Okay? Okay. Freshman year. She came over for some assignment stuff, right? On the Napoleon Era, or something. And I was looking outside, with my telescope, at the stars--"

"AKA, Lana's nipples." Chloe chimed in.

"--and she kissed me. Kissed up my neck, then BAM, we've got lips and tongue and stuff. She's trying to suck out my tonsils....all week long Id been trying to tell her I was gay. It was just a harrowing experience."

"You didn't tell me!!" Shayla shrieked. "I am so not speaking to you." She sulked. "Dammit!" And she couldn't hold it long before grinning. "Lucky BITCH!"

Whitney just snickered. "Poor Clark can't handle the aggressive Chloe." He hugged his girlfriend tightly.

"Okay, Clark... your turn. Pick your victim." Dick was happy with his position as Master of Ceremonies.

"Scared me to death." Clark agreed, grinning as he gazed at Shayla under shy eyelashes. "I'm not that great a kisser, Shay. And... I believe... you are my vict'm." He beamed. "Truth or dare?"

"Yeah, right, I'll believe THAT the day I hear it from AJ." She glared. "Truth."

Chloe giggles and hugged her boyfriend too, snuggling him around the waist and leaning into him, one knee tucking to her chest so she could. "He can't take a proactive woman."

"Instead he picks the world's most powerful billionaire." Whit nodded sagely. "Makes perfect sense."

"Sweetie, Clark lacks priorities." Chloe smiled, glancing up at him. "A straight man can't deny what this woman's worth."

"Is it true that you do ala Mickey Mouse and hide in the walls?" Clark asked innocently, one eyebrow lifting in an almost sardonic fashion. He was WAITING for her to come clean on having seen him and Lex the other day, and he laced his palm with Lex's, leaning over him for the Dr. Pepper he'd opened. And the fact that his lover was having a good time with his pals just made him happy. Just... he was happy. And he gazed at him, with all the love he had for him, stroking the back of his palm gently as he looked at Shayla.

"Sure is," Shayla said proudly. "I hide in the secret passageways of the mansion all the time to see what's going on. cause if I don't, nobody ever tells me. So, I gotta fend for myself. You wouldn't believe some of the things I've seen hidin' out in there." She smirked back, having answered the question truthfully without admitting anything she shouldn't have.

Lex leaned up and licked his lover's throat gently, planting soft kisses on the exposed skin of his chest as Clark leaned over him, and then smiled up at his lover, reclining back against him and stroking his face.

Clark smiled at Shayla before his attention got pulled to Lex, murmuring his pleasure softly as he kissed back, any skin he could, and brought him closer to his chest, gently. He pressed his lips softly to Lex's naked scalp, rubbing his cheek and asking with his heart if his lover was okay, his constant checking and reassurances strengthening him, and his love.

"You know?" Pete asked suddenly, quietly, as he watched them. "I'll never get used to that. To.." He pointed at Clark and Lex, as they snuggled together. "I mean, growin' up, man, Clark was my dawg. We hung out, we checked out the chicks. I didn't... I didn't ever think I'd see him with another guy. But damn, its taken... an hour, for me ta see. Didn't ever see ya'll together, Clark. Seein' now, why he's good for you. Even if I can't stand him," Though Pete offered a smile while he said it, at Lex. "He's good for ya. Its nice seein' you so happy, dude."

Lex answered without words, letting Clark feel inside him, how happy and complete he was, how much he loved and felt loved in return. His hands stroked through Clark's hair, petted his back, constantly touching his beloved.

Lex nodded over Clark's shoulder at Pete. "He's good for me, Mr. Ross," Lex said quietly. "Better perhaps, than you realize. I love him, he loves me, and that is all that matters to either of us." All said softly, and he returned the smile Pete gave to him.

"Man, that's cool. Down with that." Pete smiled, glancing at Shayla, then at Dick... two people who he loved more than life itself. One as a friend who'd once been something more, and he grinned, nodding as he shifted, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Well, Shay, babe, its your turn."

Shayla turned and gave Pete a nice long kiss. "That's for finally realizin' they're good together," she whispered softly against his nose. Then she put her cheek on his chest. "Lex... truth or dare."

Lex raised an eyebrow at the little girl. "Dare."

Shayla swallowed hard, wondering what in the hell she could dare Lex to do. "AJ... I dare you not to kill me when you find out I watched you and Clark gettin' it on in the hallway."

Lex... just blinked. "Did you like what you saw, little girl?" Wasn't at all happy that she'd peeked, but he'd promised, by the rules of the game, not to kill her. Yet.

Clark's eyebrows lifted, watching carefully... before he let out a hard laugh, biting his lip and trying to keep quiet a second as he turned... eight shades red, and DAMNIT, but he was cracking up before he could help it, hand covering his mouth.

"Clark!" Exclaimed from under Whitney's arm, as Chloe got her bottle again, sucking down another two swallows and passing it to her lover. She was... a little tipsy, and she giggled, helplessly, as the music turned to... OH! OH!. She climbed to her feet, immediately, giving Whitney the tequila as she saved her bestest girlfriend and climbed to her feet, dragging her to the open space as she snagged her around the waist and began to dance to Britney Spears' remake of one of Chloe's favorite songs of ALL TIME. 'I love Rock and Roll'. HELL YES.

Shayla barely had time to swallow down two shots when Chloe saved her from answering Lex. Chloe dragged her up in the middle of the floor to some god-awful remix but the beat was good and Chloe was in front of her. Maybe she'd seen one too many porn flicks, but it seemed natural for her hands to slide down to Chloe's waist and hold on tight, pulling them just a little closer together as they moved, rubbing against each other in all the right places and bopping to the beat as she rocked on her heels to move with her best friend.

"I love ROCK AND ROLL! So put another dime in the jukebox baby, I LOVE rock and roll, so come on and take the time and DANCE WITH ME!" Chloe mouthed the words erupting from the radio, back arched so that her and her best friend were touching... everywhere, one arm around her back as the other went above her, bopping the beat as they danced, holding her pretend mike as she mouthed. "YEAH with me! And we were moving along, and singing that same old song! YEAH BABY! I love rock and roll, baby, so put another dime in the jukebox baby!"

They were all but humping on the floor, and Chloe was just having so much fun because this was her SONG, and she laughed out loud, hugging her friend around the neck as she sang.

Oh. My. God. Pete's mouth was hanging open by the hinge, his bright eyes wide in a dark face as... his... Girlfriend… and... Shayla... and... fuuuck.

All of the guys had, surprisingly, shut up, and Clarks eyes were enormous in his head as he watched... oh. Pete had told him, and Whitney had seen it, but...yeah. Wow. Hmm. His mouth was mimicking Pete's, eyes just as wide as he blinked, twice. Chloe... was... thrusting... against... Shayla. And Shayla? enjoying it.

Ho. Lee. Fuck.

Shayla just grinned as Chloe thrust against her, and she moved right along with it, thrusting and rubbing against her best friend, arm around Chloe's neck as she hung on for dear life, head resting against her shoulder as the rest of them touched and arched.

Whitney was leaning back against Clark, Not saying a word other than little pants. His Chloe, another pretty girl, and Whitney's little quarterback was getting very interested in the proceedings as they watched.

To Lex, this was nothing new; he'd seen two girls and two guys before, and instead, he simply lay there on the floor, enjoying Clark's reaction to it.


"Yeah, Clark?"

"I think I'm straight now."

Lex snickered at that. "That would certainly put a crimp in things."

He was seventeen. Okay? Seventeen. His body couldn't handle seeing two very beautiful blond girls going at it right before them, and yeah. Hard? Rock? Uh huh. He shifted, a little, tongue snaking out to lick his lips as he swallowed, hard, watching the two of them. Their hips were moving against one another, their breasts rubbing, lips...this close, and oh, holy, SHIT.

And because no one was watching, dropped his palm into Whitney's lap, giving his cock a soft squeeze with the promise of later, before swallowing, hard, eyes never leaving the girls.

The song was almost over, but it just gave Chloe a chance to arch her back, her head falling back as she ran her fingers down Shayla's ass, squeezing it once before stroking to her hips, and up to her sides, throwing her head back and laughing as she glanced at the boys. All of them looked like deer in headlights, frozen to the spot, and she poked Shayla in the side, pointing.

Whitney couldn't help arching just a little into the soft squeeze of his cock, and it came out in a soft, panted moan.

Shayla turned around to the side, looked at all the guys looking at them, grinned at Chloe, and didn't say a word as she kissed her best friend. Her tongue pushed the cherry Jolly Rancher into Chloe's, sucking on it once inside her friend's mouth before sucking it back into her own and sliding Chloe's hands back down to her ass.

Oh, hello. She liked that. Chloe tipped her head and lapped in, tasting the cherry flavored candy and slipping her tongue inside to taste again, just a little, squeezing tightly as she tasted and mmmmm.

And that was just about enough for male fantasy corner.

She let go of her best friend, giving her a parting kiss, and giggled at the boys as she wove back through them and plopped between Lex and Whitney. And beamed, sweetly. "Not to take Dick's line, but one erection, two erection, three erection, four?"

Shayla just grinned as she plopped into Pete's lap, and then shifted. "One here!"

Dick just groaned. "One here."

Whitney dragged Chloe into his lap and pushed up against her. "What do you think?" he growled.

Lex leaned over and brushed his lips over Clark's. "Two more here."

"I think that thing living in Pete's fridge is hard." Clark grunted, eyes still wide and spaced out as he shifted… then holy FUCK and Lex… and oh, GOD. Lex, and kissing him, there, and... girls, and making out? And meep? "I'm still gay, right?"

"Dude daaayum, okay?" Pete made a face, hard, glaring at Lex as he tried not to think about the very interesting female sitting on his very acting lap. "I said I liked you now, not that I could take ya'll fuckin'. Give me some time, yo."

"Hard, Dick?" Chloe crooned sweetly, batting her lashes and tossing her hair over her shoulder as she sat with her back to Whitney's chest, just to tease him all the more, bringing her knees up as she got another slice of pizza, and beamed prettily.

"Oh yeah. Bruce is gonna regret not comin' to this party," he groaned softly. "But only if he survives the night." He thumped his head against the wall. "Fuckin' Jesus."

Lex just cocked an eyebrow. "This is Clark's party. If I want to pull him out, suck him off, and call it a late birthday surprise, then I will." His face spread into a grin. "But I'll settle for a kiss from my baby."

Shayla just squirmed on Pete's lap. "Chloe? We rock."

"Of course we do. Shayla, can you imagine if we'd been naked?" Chloe asked... then grinned, broadly, at the groans from all the guys. "Oh, yeah. We rock blue balls."

His erection died. He didn't know how, or why, because his friends were still all teasing one another, still all having fun. But Clark found himself suddenly not aroused anymore, the heat fading as he watched them. They were... eons younger then he was, so it felt, in that instant. Like they were all so young, and had so much growing up to do, and he was so old. He'd wanted to be treated like an adult, like the adult he was, but at the same time... he felt he'd lost an innocence he really wasn't aware he'd had in the first place. But he covered it, as much as he could, smiling as he kissed his lover, though he felt… he felt sad. It was the ups and downs and hormones still buzzing after the past week, he knew it. His body hadn't adjusted to being childless, to having nothing to care for and provide for, no child to feed. And he squeezed Lex's hand, hard, holding it close to his heart.

"Dude, DAMN." Pete wailed, burying his face in Shayla's shoulder. "I am so kickin' you the fuck out if you do it, dude!"

"I don't think they could have stood us being naked, Chloe. Their brains--and their dicks--would have exploded."

"I second that motion, Pete." Whitney dropped his head to the back of Chloe's shoulder. "If you weren't so hot, baby, I'd wring your fuckin' neck."

Lex returned the hard squeeze, coming around to kneel in front of Clark and looked into his eyes, gently massaging the warm skin under his hand. His other hand reached up and caught Clark's cheek, bringing his face down so that their foreheads touched, and Lex took some of the sadness his lover felt into himself, returning happiness.

Clarks chin trembled, unaware that the others had quieted and were watching them, his eyes closed tightly as he squeezed Lex's hand, trying so hard not to get emotional as his throat worked, holding Lex close to him as he took a soft breath. His child, his baby, his child, and the hysteria built up even as he clamped down on it, swallowing hard and keeping his eyes closed as his breaths sped up… before Lex. Lex, was there. Lex. They pressed close and he could feel some of the pain, triggered by god knew what, slipping into his lover. The calm, the pleasure and joy Lex had inside of him soothed the pain, and he swallowed, hard, stroking the side of Lex's neck as he nodded, opening his eyes and looking directly into deep, beautiful gray pools. "I'm sorry, aushna'." He whispered, softly as he could.

Chloe had heard it, though, and she swallowed, tipping her head and watching the both of them as they interacted. Lex always knew just the right thing, and it pleased her, immensely, to know these two men had one another. She squeezed Whitney's hand, looking up at him, before her eyes slipped across to Shayla, and Pete.

"No... don't be sorry." Lex still remained on his knees in front of Clark, hand still on his chest as he sent Clark the images of Mar-El through their link, the adult that he had grown into, the love he'd had for both his parents. He swallowed the ache into his heart, where love remained for his lover and his son, and he gave all of it to Clark that he could. "Sssh. Don't be sorry."

Shayla had, when she realized that something was going on, tried her best to distract Pete by nipping at his collarbone and licking over his ear, but nothing quite worked.

Whitney didn't say anything, just stroked Chloe's hair with his free hand and then touched Clark's hand lightly.

Clark held onto Lex, right, closing his eyes as the nausea and the pain passed and he was okay again. He'd had these episodes, periodically over the last few days, but they weren't as strong, or as hard, as before. His fingers locked around Whitney's, hard, and he nodded at Lex, smiling a little as he kissed him, softly. "Thank you."

If Clark didn't have his lover, he didn't know what he'd do.

And finally, he looked up, and saw them all watching him and trying not to, and swallowed. "I have a truth for all of you. I know you all know, now. But... this kind of... it has to come out." Clark shifted, squeezing Whitney's hand tightly, as he kept Lex close, looking at them all. "I'm not from earth. And no one can ever know that." A moment. "Ever."

Shayla nodded. "Your secret is safe with me, Clark. Nobody'll know nothing." She kissed Pete one more time, then went over to Clark and squeezed in behind him, hugging him. "I won't tell."

"You know it's safe with us, man." Whit squeezed again, leaving his fingers locked with Clark's and offering support the best way he could.

Dick nodded, too. "I know the deal of secrets, Clark. Yours is safe with me and Bruce both."

Clark smiled, his quiet gratitude, nodding at them as he squeezed Lex's hand. He knew his lover supported him in this, and dammit, he loved him. So he held him, closer, knowing their lives would be protected by these people, and

"Dude. I'm there. Long as you don't ever tell nobody about my secret life as a crime fighter… yes, yes, people," Pete said, very seriously, holding his hands up. "I have to confess as well. I'm Pete Ross by day...and the Negro Avenger by night. I lay my smack down on ig'nant white folks, man." He flexed his biceps.

Shayla just stared at him, and then burst out in giggles. "I know an ig'nant white folk that needs to be smacked down big time, Mr. Avenger sir!!!!!" She tightened her hug on Clark and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, Clark. Anybody that wants to fuck with you, has to go through alla us. And we're a bunch of tough fuckers to get through." She didn't mention about the baby, because now just wasn't the time for it. "You got us, now."

"I trust you. All of you." The words were hard, but he spoke them anyway, looking around at all their faces. "This secret is life and death, guys. But you all found out, and I couldn't just let it hang there anymore. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lied to you... Pete, all these years, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell any of you."

He'd gone through his anger, his disappointment, his rage. And it was okay. So Pete shook his head, waving it aside. "I'm cool. Clark, this is big shit, and I get that. Everything's... its alright, man. Just, don't worry about that shit. We got your back." he brought Shayla closer, snuggling her in his arms.

Lex spoke up quietly then. "My father has threatened Chloe and Whitney. With what, I'm not sure, but I am also not stupid and can guess. I'm guessing he's threatened to kill them. I won't let that happen, to any of you. But on the other side of that, if anything of this gets leaked out, then you won't have to worry about dealing with my father. You'll be dealing with me."

"I… I won't tell. Again." Chloe winced, hard then, because she knew she'd done something... really wrong. "Shayla... I... she... I told her. I couldn't take it, I didn't have anyone to talk to about it. I'm so sorry, guys. I swear to you, I won't tell anyone else. There's no one else to tell, anyway, just you guys. You're my family. I'm… I'm sorry."

"The reason... it can't leak out, is that Smallville... it would be destroyed. Your families and lives, and my family and life, would be gone. It would be the presses, sciences. Your reputations, your careers, your lives, would be ruined. I...please, don't say anything, to anyone."

"Chloe didn't even tell me," Shayla said, quickly defending her friend. "I was doing my Mickey Mouse thing and hiding in the corridors cause me and Pete, we found the blood in the old bedroom, cause I saw the cuts on Dom's hands and knew he'd been rippin' up carpet. Anyway, I was skulking around she was telling it to the puppies and crying and I overheard it."

"Clark, don't worry. None of us will tell. We all know how important this is; nobody wants anything to happen to you. You're our friend. We care about you."

Lex nodded, stroking Clark's back. "This is Clark's life; Whitney's right about that. Clark's life is in all of your hands, and I am trusting you not to hurt the man I love."

"You don't have to worry. All joking aside...we're in this for the long haul." Pete nodded, quietly, and looked at all of them. "Never thought we'd get here, but damn if we ain't all friends. Really good friends. Like the best kind. So... I ain't gonna do anything to fuck that up, or fuck one of ya'll over. Ever. ....That said," His eyes danced. "I'm dyin' to know, man. What can you do?"

Clark brightened at that. Nothing funner then telling people what he could do. "Flew, today."

"Flew?" Eyebrows lifted, and Chloe looked at her ashimel with big eyes. "As in...bird?"

"Birds have nothing on me."

"Like... like up in the sky flew?" Shayla's eyes were just as huge.

"Yeah. Pretty fun stuff. Oh." He pressed his hand to his belly, making a face. "I'm nauseous thinking about it."

"Lex, points to you." Chloe shook her head, taking another shot, though this time of vodka. "How you got Clark, who's terrified of everything dealing with heights, to fly? Forever be a mystery."

"Man, C'lo, remember the time we went to visit the Daily Planet?" Pete snickered, glancing around at the rest of the gang. "We went to the top of the DP, man, and homeboy got sick looking out of the eightieth story window. Just… puked, everywhere."

"Poor Clark." Whit rubbed his friend's shoulder. "Didn't puke this time, didja?"

At that, Lex smirked. "Shoved him out of a few windows. Jumped out of one myself. The usual ways."

Clark turned a glare on his lover, though of course it wasn't meant, snarling at him. "He pushed me out my barn window, dude. Hit the gravel like a sack of potatoes. Twice. No! Three times. Then he had to go and jump. Ass." But Clark grinned, giving him a kiss on the cheek... and blinked, eyes widening. "We were playing Truth and Dare. Sexy girls distracted. Who's next?"

Dick blinked at the rapid change of subject. "Everyone had had their turn. We're back to starting over again."

"Oh! Me! Me!" Chloe waved a hand, sitting up as she sucked on a jolly rancher, and because she was just that sort of sweet girl, she asked, "Dick, truth or dare?"

Dick just blinked. "Truth."

"You're a blinky guy today." But she giggled, one brow raising. "Is it true that Bruce Wayne is seven inches long? And has the staying power of a Viking? And has a birthmark on his hip, shaped like a bear?" Lust. Oh. She had Bruce Wayne lust, buckets of it, and she bat her eyelashes, letting a little sigh escape her. She was best friends with a playboy billionare, and two lovers of playboy billionaires.

"That's actually three questions. One. No, it's not true. He's actually 8 and a half. Two. Yes, it's true. Three, it's not exactly like a bear. More like... I don't know, a hunchbacked turtle."

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Her squeal could have broken ear drums and she fell over in the middle of their circle, sprawled out on her back as she gave another squeal at the ceiling. WAIT until the girls on the internet heard THIS! HAHAHAH! Lex had told her she couldn't say anything HE said, but LEX hadn't told her! AND NOW SHE COULD! HAHAHAHHA! She let out another squeal, all but romanced, striking a romance novel heroines busty sprawl, the back of one palm on her forehead.

Clark couldn't help laughing, poking her butt as she sprawled out in front of them, shaking his head and rolling his eyes at her as she gave her second squeal. "Chloe, baby, ear drums."

"Four. If that gets out anywhere, I'll tell Bruce who put it out there." Dick peered at her collapsed form.

She looked like she'd just had great sex, and she peered up, giving him a giggle as she climbed back to sitting up beside Shayla, heaving a dramatic sigh and fanning herself. "Sorry. I have a Brad Pitt like crush on the man. I mean, he told me I could model. Oh, and Jesus." Another hard fan at her face, as she sideglanced Clark. She knew him as well as Pete, and she knew he needed to have his mind taken off things by stuff like this.

"Which, by the way, he is actually serious about," Lex interjected. "All you have to do is give him the word that you'd be willing to do it, and he's got everything lined up for you." He settled back in Clark's arms.

Shayla squealed. "Yes!! My sister and my best friend are gonna be models!!!!!!!!!!!"

She blushed. Red. And shook her head, giggling as she set her chin on Shayla's shoulder, hugging her even as she talked. "Your turn, Dick!"

"Hmmm." Dick pondered. "Pete... my friend... Truth or Dare?"

"Dude, lets go ALL out." Pete tossed a shot back, swallowing… hissing, and snickering, as Clark and Lex made little make-out noises from their corner. "I'm all about DARE."

"Then I dare you to do a strip dance with your girlfriend. All the way down to your bare ass," Dick clarified.

Pete's mouth fell open as Clark burst out laughing behind him, eyes going wide as he stared at Shayla… then at Dick. Blink. Blink, blink. "Oh, shit."

Chloe let out a whoop and climbed to her feet, bustling over to the CD player. She switched CDs, putting on something fast and danceable, and cackled evilly as she rushed back and plopped right into Clarks lap, between him and Lex, because she wanted to, dammit, and gave the both of them a shining grin.

Pete was pink, as he climbed to his feet, looking at his girlfriend in shock. Okay. He could dance. Yes. He was good at it. And then some woman... Halle Barry, who sang deep as a man and sexy as HELL came out, and he could do this. He offered his hand to Shay, his face spreading with the challenge, and tugged her to the spot where she and Shay had been. He was already beginning to dance, and damn but he was good at it, pulling his girlfriend close and grinning at her. "Want to?"

"Of course, not about to let you strip naked without me!" She took a last swig from the bottle and then put it down on the floor as she pressed tightly against Pete. "Come on... let's show that little fucker how it's done." She wrapped an arm and a leg around Pete, rubbing against him and sliding her hips up and down, just as she would if they were having sex.

Lex reached out and slid closer to Clark and Chloe, then pulled Whitney over with him so the four of them sat closer together than anyone else so far. He leaned forward and whispered something to Chloe. "Which one are you waiting to see? Him... or her?" He teased her with a grin.

Chloe looked up, but she was blushing, snuggling into Clarks lap as she whispered back, "Id kill for it to be the both of you up there stripping for me and Whitney."

Pete stroked down her body with both hands, far...then grasped her hips, moving them in time to the beat on the stereo that Chloe had put on repeat, cause damn, this song...was the perfect fucking strip song. "I'll always think of you inside of my private thoughts, I can imagine you touching my private parts, and just the thought of you, I can't help but touch myself. God, I want you so bad." Pete murmured along with the lyrics, wide palms moving down as he did a slow arch and crouch down so he could run his mouth in a straight line down her body... before up again, palms stroking over her back as he moved to the heavy beat, on the woman's loud, soulful note he arched Shayla close and dipped her down backwards, as far as she would go, mouth trailing up her chest, across her throat, before he rose her up and twirled her quickly, pulling her back... and slowing down his movements, as she'd come back with her back to his chest. He snuggled close, stroking his fingers down her belly, thighs... crotch, cupping it on the up beat before up, slowly unbuttoning each button of her jeans with each thrust of their hips on the beat.

Shayla's eyes widened at the song lyrics, and as he murmured them to her, Shayla could feel herself getting wet. She bent and arched as Pete directed her, keeping her back bowed as she felt his fingers on her crotch and then on her jeans, and her hands slid over her own body for pressing hard against his chest, teasing nipples with the hard rake of her nails before popping each shirt button open carefully without tearing the buttons off in her haste to see and feel his smooth chocolate skin against her.

Lex mouthed her ear lobe softly before whispering again. "Come home with Clark and me after the party... and we'll see what we can arrange."

It was hot. Clark didn't know HOW it could be, but his best friend... was like a sexual creature. Every single one of Pete's movements was filled with erotic tension, fingers teasing as they danced. He'd known Pete could dance, but he didn't think he could dance... like this. His eyes were watchful, quiet, mouth dry as he began to harden against the curve of Chloe's ass, wallowing his embarrassment as he looked away, blushing, pressing the back of his forehead into her shoulder.

Slow, easy strokes as he slipped his girlfriends jeans down, letting them fall. Her panties were tiny and he stroked his fingers over the ass of them, hooking his thumbs in the elastic and tugging down JUST enough to have her peaking, amusement in his motions as he shucked out of his own shirt, rubbing her palms over his chest as he turned, grasping her left hip, turning her to the left, the right, then dipping her low, palm over her flat belly before bringing her up again, enjoying much, as he gave Dick a look over her shoulder, eyebrow raised. "Bare assed?"

"Aawwooooo!" Chloe cat called, catching Pete's shirt as Shayla pulled it off. She swung it around on one finger, doing the little dance right back, and cracking the hell up, which she knew relaxed her three guys, because Clark choked down a snicker against the back of her shoulder.

Dick snickered, even as he swallowed down hard. It was a bit harder than he'd expected, seeing them together so sexually and so comfortably, but he shrugged it off behind a shot from the bottle. "All the way down to your birthday suit, Petey. That was the dare. But, since I'm sure nobody here wants to see your birthday suit, I'll settle for down to your undies."

Pete snorted, though he'd caught the look that had passed over Dick's face. A look that was Sam, all the way, and Pete swallowed a little too, getting more serious as he brought Shayla's palms to the waistband of his jeans, dragging her palms down his thighs as his pants went with it.

Clark swallowed, just a little, and swallowed as hard as he could, fingers stroking over Chloe's arm gently. He glanced at Lex cause yeah, imagining his lover doing that to him was hot as hell, and he chuckled as Chloe hooted, tickling her arm. "You know, you'd have fun at a strip bar, C'lo."

"Take it OFF! Take it OFF!" She called, laughing out loud.

Shayla let him guide her hands--and her body--as she slid his pants down his thighs. As she slid, her knees bent and her body slithered down his, mouth coming perilously close to the thick shaft hidden behind boxers as she slid all the way down and tugged them off over socked feet. She slinked back up again, palms brushing his cock as she straightened, and then pushed him a step back so he could step out of the jeans and not fall.

Lex just licked his lips and looked at his lover appraisingly, but didn't say anything, thoughts whirring. He could... possibly arrange something. For Clark.

Whitney put his fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly clapping. "Come on, baby, show us what you got!!"

Pete snickered, loudly, shaking his head as he finally grabbed his girlfriend, hugging her tight as he glared at the rest of them. "That's it, dude. I'm done strippin'. Filled my dare, so hah." A loud snort as he took Shayla's hand and plopped down on the floor where they'd been… he in his boxers and socks, she in her panties and snug little t-shirt.

"And here I was getting ready to stick money in your shorts." Chloe heaved a sigh, leaning back against Clark and giggling as she wriggled her toes at her girly best friend.

Yeah. Uh huh. Clark buried his face in blond locks, peeking up at Lex and sharing a million thoughts...and emotions. How hot it had made him… not because it was Shay and Pete, but because of what they were doing. and he grinned, eyes dancing. "Nah. Still gay."

"See, man? That was cold. Cold, cold, cold." Pete glared, though his lips quirked, glancing up at Dick and watching him for a long moment. "My turn. eh?"

Shayla giggled as she plopped down beside Pete, half tanked already and reaching for the vodka bottle so she wouldn't blush at being on open display. Instead, she curled up in Pete's lap and giggled. "They're just shocked you're so hot." She wiggled her bare toes back at Chloe, and popped another Jolly Rancher in her mouth, strawberry this time.

Lex just grinned at his lover. "I never had any doubts, Clark."

Dick nodded. "Yeah, man. Your turn."

"Alright...uh...Lex, man." Pete grabbed another slice of pizza, his happy buzz making him grin. He was comfortable, and didn't plan on getting dressed again, unless his nips said it was nippy. "Truth or dare, dawg?"

Clark stole another piece too, eating it...and sharing it with Whitney, tearing it in half and offering it to Whitney as he munched, moving Chloe's head so he wouldn't give her a scalp full of crumbs.

Whitney opened his mouth as he was offered pizza, leaning over so that Clark could feed it to him.

Lex regarded Pete carefully. "Truth."

"Alright, dude. Tell us the truth about you and Clark. Cause you know, one day mah main man here is chasing the skirts, and the next he's looking down your trousers, dude. So where the hell were ya'll, the day before we found out you guys were together?"

Dammit, and the blush stole over his cheeks, even as he fed Whitney a bite, wincing and hiding his face in Chloe's hair.

"You're going to have to be a little more specific, Mr. Ross. You all found out on different days and at different times."

Shayla giggled. "SHOT!!!" She yelled out, noticing Clark's blush.

Nobody had noticed Dick going out to the kitchen for more beer, and keeping his back to the group for as long as he could.

Whitney raised up and took the bite Clark fed him, nipping quickly at Clark's fingers in the process and then chewing the pizza happily. He washed it down with a shot of tequila and a suck of lime.

"Bull shit. The day that Clark made the cock slip, man." Pete nodded it, lifting a brow as he lifted his drink, tossing it back... hissing. "Gone all morning... October third, dude, cause that was the day I got the cast on my wrist taken off. Dude, he was gone all mornin'... came back by lunch, blushed every fifteen seconds, and then made the cock comment."

"Oh, yeah, I remember." Chloe nodded, perking up. "The day I saw you guys jacking off in the hall, and got all freaked out and stuff." She threw back her own drink, bringing her lips to Whitney to share the lime, and giggling as she squirmed in deeper.

"Oh, God." Even WORSE blushing, his ears pinking as he winced, embarrassed and laughing, half under Chloe where he was hidden.

"Double shot!" Shay squealed, and chugged twice before passing the bottle to her boyfriend.

Lex was very calm. "Oh. Clark came to my house, before school. We spent the day together, getting to know one another on a more personal level than we had before." He picked up the bottle and sucked down a double shot, then passed it to Clark. "The simple answer? We were fucking like bunnies."

"LEX!" Clark cried, even as Pete cracked up, hiding behind Shayla and taking another long shot, passing the bottle to Whitney. He was...yeah. Feeling a little warm and oogy, and he gave a little silent burp, grinning at his lover. "Yeah. We fucked. Over his desk... in his bed.... on the floor... in the bathroom... in the closet..."

Pete was still laughing as he rose, regaining his balance with a hand stuck out, before starting for the kitchen. "Dude, Clark, your turn man. Ain't wanna hear no more shit 'bout you fuckin' dude."

He walked around them, and his girlfriend, and padded into the kitchen, setting the bottle of vodka down on the side as he gently, very gently, touched Dick on the back. "I'm sorry."

"Clark!" Lex mimicked perfectly. "That's exactly what we did." He snickered at Clark's thought of oogy.

Dick shook his head. "Nothin' to be sorry for, Pete." Nothing at all. "Just came to get more booze." He didn't shake off the soft touch on his back.

"Yeah, Clark, your turn," Whitney agreed.

Shayla was still laughing and grinning, but half of her attention was watching Pete in the kitchen with Dick, and not sure she liked what she saw.

"Fuckin' liar." He moved around Dick, standing shorter than him as he gazed upwards. "I'm sorry. I shoulda forfeited. I didn't think your feelings would get hurt." He reached up, and touched Dick's cheek gently, stroking his thumb across it. "I'm sorry. Shay... I love her to death. And I shouldn't... shouldn't flaunt it in front of you. I'm sorry."

Clark glared back at his lover. He WAS feeling oogy, and kind of...dizzy, and giggly, and he didn't know what it was. So he just glared, and sniffed, and hugged Chloe as he peered around and...oh! "Shay! Truth or dare?"

"Don't kick yourself, baby. I'm the one who suggested it in the first fuckin' place." He reached up and squeezed Pete's hand as it touched his cheek. "I know you do. And you know how I feel about Bruce. But it's still... not easy sometimes."

She jumped when Clark called her name, and she chugged from the bottle, just for courage's sake. "Dare."

"Naw. Not easy at all." Pete agreed, his eyes deep and sad. "Not at all. I won't do anything more to make shit worse, okay?" He reached out, and hugged him, tightly. And his heart kicked its sadness.

"Oh! I know!" Clark let out a giggle, covering his mouth as he chewed on a piece of pizza that had almost ended up on Chloe's lap, dimples winking as his eyes got silly. "Sing for us."

Dick returned the hug, letting his chin rest on Pete's shoulder for just a minute. "Don't worry about it, Pete, okay? Your life; you gotta live it." He tightened his grip just a little before he had to let go.

Shayla blinked. "You want me to sing. Okay. Lemme think of a song I remember." She leaned over and flipped through the CDs in the CD changer until she found the one she wanted. She cued up Mirrorball and set it to the track she wanted. "Sorry, gotta have some music." She closed her eyes, and got up to her feet, spitting her jolly rancher into the vodka bottle to let it dissolve.

"What ravages of spirit

conjured this tempestuous rage

created you a monster

broken by the rules of love

and fate has lead you through it

you do what you have to do

and fate has led you through it

you do what you have to do ...

And I have the sense to recognize that

I don't know how to let you go

every moment marked

with apparitions of your soul

I'm ever swiftly moving

trying to escape this desire

the yearning to be near you

I do what I have to do

the yearning to be near you

I do what I have to do"

Her voice was surprisingly deep for a little girl, filled with an edge of soul that caused a rumble in her bones as she sang. She knew the song as well as she knew her own name, and it didn't even require thought for her to belt out the familiar lyrics. A light trace of accent came out on the end of each line, lilting the words into a rhyme.

Damn. Clark stared at her as she sang... he'd known she could sing, if her showers every morning said anything, but he didn't think she had this soul in her voice. He listened to her, smiling his pleasure as her hips followed each movement of the beat.

Damn but she was a diva. Waiting to be discovered. And he listened quietly, her long notes giving him the shivers as she sang.

Chloe followed, mouthing the words and dancing in Clark's lap, her hips moving to each beat, snapping to the beat.

And then his angel sang, and Pete glanced up through the kitchen nook window, smiling as his girlfriend sang. He cared, very deeply, for Dick... but this woman, this girl who had exploded onto his life and caught him by the balls, was the woman he'd have his kids with. And it showed, on his face, as he watched her sing the hell out of a song that he hadn't particularly liked, but she just pulled off, so lovely like.

Shayla kept singing.

"But I have the sense to recognize

that I don't know how

to let you go

I don't know how

to let you go

A glowing ember

burning hot

burning slow

deep within I'm shaken by the violence

of existing for only you

I know I can't be with you

I do what I have to do

I know I can't be with you

I do what I have to do

and I have the sense to recognize that

I don't know how to let you go

I don't know how to let you go

I don't know how to let you go."

She didn't even think about the song she'd picked, why she'd picked it, even why she was crying as she sang it. She just... sang it. Kept belting it out at the top of her lungs and feeling it in her soul.

Pete just smiled, glancing up at Dick. Nodding, just a little. "That's my woman, man." He pat Dick on the shoulder and left the kitchen, silently with another six pack of beer, as the song ended. And it was good, because he was already standing, and clapped for her.

Clark gave a whistle, clapping as well, hands above Chloe's head as she squealed and clapped too. Then helped her up as she dashed to her friend, tossing her arms around her neck and hugging tight. Heee. He grinned, rolling his eyes teasingly as he moved over a little more towards Lex, offering a hand to his lover.

Shayla opened her eyes when the clapping and the whistling started, and was more than a little shocked. She'd never sung in front of people before, and Chloe's hug was a shock as she hid her wet face in her friend's shoulder and hugged tight.

Lex took his lover's hand and rolled over, scooting so that the distance between them was closed and he nestled tightly against his lover.

Whitney just kept clapping, watching everybody and waiting to see who was going to need calming down next.

Dick just nodded at Pete left the kitchen, and then disappeared around the corner and shut himself the bathroom, taking a much needed piss break as well as buying himself alone time.

"You were beautiful! AMAZING!" Chloe squealed, jumping up and down. "I am so jealous! Ah! SHAY! Its so beautiful! You and Pete's kids are gonna be like, Julliard material! Ah! Ah! This is... ahhhh!"

Clark smiled and set his temple against Lex's, snuggling him close and winding their fingers together. Another soft burp... ooohh. Heeeeeeeeeeeee. He felt goooood.

"Me next, she's mine, back off." Pete said. He had pulled his t-shirt on because he'd been nippy, and wrapped his arms around Shayla's body, hugging her tight as he grinned and rolled his eyes, hugging an over-excitable, tipsy Chloe too.

Shayla just giggled against her friend's neck, jumping with her. "They're gonna sing like a dead cat and dance like a dream!!" She squeezed harder, and then oofed as she was pulled into Pete's arms and a three-way group hug from her best friend. "s'okay, Pete, C'lo's cool."

Lex rubbed his forehead against Clark's. "I think you're getting tipsy," Lex observed softly, his thumb rubbing Clark's.

"You sing beautifully, baby." Pete smiled, though in his eyes were many more compliments his guy mouth didn't know how to say, stroking her face as he tugged them both back to the floor, grinning. "Come on, ya'll. Shay's turn, Dick's taking a piss, and as soon as he's done I'm going, so don't anybody pick me."

"Its nice." Clark said, stoutly, grinning as he brought his legs closer, watching as Chloe plopped down beside her boyfriend. "Your turn, Shay. Hey... give me one of those orange juice things? What are those?"

"They're called screwdrivers," she grinned. "They're orange juice and vodka." She poured one for him, half a glass of orange juice and half a glass of vodka and passed it over to him. "Nobody can pick you, Pete, you've already had your turn. I'm stuck picking Clark, Chloe, Whit or Dick." She glared at each person in turn. "Chloe, baby... truth or dare?"

Ooooooooooo. Clark watched her make it, eyes going wide. His favorite drink in the world, alcoholized, and he sipped.... mmming softly. It was... oh yeah. The Clark Brain liked that. He drank some more, not quite sure if he wanted to toss the whole thing back, so he sipped cheerfully, happy he hadn't gotten picked as he grinned at Shayla with big dimples.

"Dammit." Chloe heaved a sigh, fluttering her hand to her face... but she giggled. "Dare."

Shayla was multi-talented, and she grabbed a half empty vodka bottle and filled it the rest of the way with OJ, then shook it up as she spoke. "I dare you to get just as almost-naked as I am."

"Pffffffffffft." Chloe climbed to her feet and immediately unbuttoned her pants, bringing them down. And remembering a moment too late that she was wearing Whitney's cottony briefs, pinned on the side cause they were a tad too big, and bit her lip, wincing as she tugged her sweater up, her little tankini underneath. Oops?

Clark just... burst out laughing, falling backwards and nearly spilling his drink as he laughed all the harder. Oh, my, GOD.

"Aweeeeeeooooooooooooooooo!" Pete hooted, whistling and clapping, his eyes falling, sharkily, on Whitney, his grin wide and innocent. Yeah. Had a feeling what Whitney was sporting. "Man, they satin or lace?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Whitney said, with all the dignity he could muster. Which was not much, considering he was pretty damned sure who the next victim would be. He was damn sure not gonna take dare, that's for sure. However, he had a sinking feeling what his question would be.

Chloe modeled off the trousers, turning in a circle... the butt of them bagged, really badly, but she grinned, plopping down on the floor beside her best friend and arranging them so she wouldn't flash everyone... and sent big, sweet eyes at Whitney. "Baby? Truth or dare?"

Why was Chloe in men's underwear so sexy? And Clark grinned, finally sitting back up and tossing back the rest of the screw driver, passing his glass to Shay for another one.

"Truth," he growled softly, glaring.

Shayla filled the glass from the bottle she'd just made, and then passed both of them back over to Clark. "Here you go, man. With my compliments."

"Mmmm." Clark said cheerfully, taking the bottles back and sipping from the glass, setting the bottle beside him. Hee.

"Darling, is it true you have on my lacy pink panties?"

"Yes, it is. It is also true that you and I are never going to have sex ever again because of this." Whitney just glowered.

Pete cracked up, eyes dancing as he clapped Whitney on the shoulder, eyes bright with amusement. "If it helps, man, Shay'll now do it to me, too."

"Liar!" Chloe squealed, though she threw her arms around her lover and hugged him tight, giggling as she kissed each cheek and snuggled him close, eyes dancing. That he'd admitted it amused her greatly, and she giggled as she kissed his lips softly. "I love you."

"I'll have you all know, panties? Very fun. Very comfortable. Did Dick fall in the toilet?" Quizzically asked, raising his voice and bellowing, "Need any help in there man?" Which... was very unClark like. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

"You bet I will. I have this cute pair of pink lacy thong things that'll look so good on you." She smirked.

Whitney hugged his girl back, squeezing her tight. "I love you too, baby." He kissed her back just as softly, and then stroked over her back. "But I'm still not forgiving you for making me tell everyone I'm wearing your underwear."

"FINE!" Dick bellowed back. "Out in a minute!!"

Shayla blinked. Elbowed Pete hard. "You see? I told you they were dressed up that night!!!!"

Clark hiccupped, grinning and leaning against his lover with the big, bright eyes of the tipsy. His sucking down a third screwdriver? Not helping. "Uh huh! Thought you'd all've found out by now, you know." Clark rubbed his cheek against Lex's neck, where he was currently leaning against. "Panties, bra's, skirts. Mmmm. Dildo's."

"Oookay. Clark?" Chloe let go of Whitney just for a second, leaning over to take his glass, and the bottle, away from him. "You're done for tonight, babe."

"Nuht uh!" He swiped for the bottle back, glaring at her.

Pete was just... green. "Man, no. Okay? No."

Lex reached over and took the bottle back. "Let him drink, Chloe. I'll be responsible for getting him home. He needs to have fun and just... for a change, he needs to just be a kid." His eyes pled with her for understanding.

Shayla just exploded into drunken giggles. "YES! I saw you guys sneaking out that night! Holy shit! I thought I was gonna die!!!" She giggled again. "Lex, I want in your closet!"

"Not happening, little girl."

Whitney just rolled his eyes. Thank God they were off his panties, and he didn't say a single word to bring attention back to them."

"YEAH! Mine!" Clark took the bottle back from Lex, sticking his tongue out at Chloe, and sitting up... which took him a braced hand, but he did it, straightening and glaring some more as he took a drink of his orange juicy sin. "That night, we had fuun. All the guys were looking at me. Its cause I have a hot ass, you know."

Pete slapped his hands over his ears. "LALALALALLALALAAAALLAALLALAALALAA."

"Yes! You DO have a nice ass, Clark, and I'll be the first to tell you." Chloe grinned, broadly, at her poor friend who couldn't hold his liquor.

"There were more than a few people checking you out, Clark, which reminds me, I never got to collect on the bet we made. I've still got to take you to the Russian Ballet."

Shayla giggled at her boyfriend, and then glared at Lex. "I'll... I'll have you know that in three weeks, I'm going to be older than your boyfriend, so if you don't start callin' him little boy, then you can't call me little girl!!" She hiccupped loudly then.

Dude, and Pete looked up to share a grin with Lex cause yeah. Shay and Clark couldn't hold shit. He gently pet his girlfriend, pulling her into his lap, and smirked. "Whitney, man, your turn."

Clark muttered into Lex's cheek about liking the ballet, grinning at him with the sweet eyes of the very drunk as he took another sip of his drink, swallowing it down... then reaching across and offering them both for another refill. He LIKED wrenches, of hammers, or whatever the hell they were called, mmming in delight.

Lex just grinned back at Pete, and didn't say a word to Shayla as he refilled Clark's bottle with vodka and orange juice. He shook it up with a flick of his wrist, and with the experience born of drinking all his adult life, Lex poured Clark's glass full to the brim.

"Clark, man... truth or dare?"

Mmmmmmmmmm. Clark took it, gave his lover a beam, and drank half the glass down, hissing and shaking his head, shuddering before he grinned at Whitney. "Dare."

"Dare ya to pick a person in this room other than Lex and moon 'em."

Clark's mouth dropped... he wasn't too drunk to blush, and he did, furiously. "What? Moon? Someone?? ME?"

"Yes you, hunk of guy, geeze!" Chloe laughed, wriggling her brows. "I wanna see that tight little ass. Also? SHOT!" She cheered it, tossing back another two swallows of tequila, their bottle almost empty, and grinned, lounging against her lover with her legs crossed and her hands folded on her belly.

"Oh-hic-kay." And he did it. Heeeeeeeee! It was so fun and fuzzy and he climbed to his feet, fingers fumbling on his belt, and he grabbed the waist band, and his underwear, mooning all of them.

Shayla peeled out into wild giggles at the sight of Clark's bare ass staring at all of them. "It's CUUUUUTE!!" She crawled over and slapped his firm ass. "Wow. Talk about buns of steel." Then she took another shot, and collapsed on her boyfriend's lap.

Clark flushed, pink, pulling his pants up and collapsing on the floor again... tripping and almost tipping over, but grinning and righting himself in the next instant as he snuggled up with his aushna'. "'Course it is. I'm an alien, 'member?"

"Clark, that only means that like, Cher, and Richard Simmons, and John Travolta are aliens too." Explosion of giggles, as she kissed his cheek.

"I'm scarred. I'm scarred, for life." Pete groaned.

Lex snuggled Clark up in return, hugging him to his side. "You've got a beautiful ass, Clark. And I'll thank you, little girl, to keep your hands off it."

"Jerk," Shayla pouted, and she looked up at Pete from her sprawl in his lap. "You got buns of almost-steel, baby, don't worry. Yours looks better. Rounder. Funner to dig in to."

"Its nice, uh huh, uh huh. OH! MY TURN!" Clark beamed, straightening and drinking another shot, giggling as he peered....."Lex. Troof r'd're."

Lex just raised an eyebrow at his drunken lover. "Dare me, baby."

"Ii... daaare.... give me a lap dance!" Clark cried, before cracking up at himself, eyes dancing as he tossed back the rest of his drink. In the small part of his mind still functioning, he was aware that he was quite toasted. Not just quite, but very toasted, and he didn't really mind. He was happy, and numb, and giddy, and it was a Good Feeling.

"All right." Lex swung out from behind Clark and straddled his lap, knees going to rest on either side of Clark's hips. "Music person? I need appropriate music, please." A few minutes later, music flicked over the speakers, and Lex started moving.

Slow, undulating thrusts at first that barely qualified as movement, but then as the tempo of the music picked up, so did Lex's motions in Clark's lap.

Raising and lowering, his hands sliding down his neck, over his throat and down his shirt, pausing right at his bellybutton before jumping onto Clark's chest and working their way up.

His flexible spine dipped as he braced his hands on Clark's shoulders and bent backward, the top of his head almost brushing Clark's legs as he thrust against his lover, hips pushing down and ass rubbing the hard bulge of Clark's crotch as he slowly straightened.

He trailed light fingertips over Clark's face, kissed his mouth once before pulling back and using a single finger over the lips to push Clark's head back so he could drag the tip of his tongue over the thick, tawny neck.

"Holy shit, I'm not seeing this!" Pete cried, covering his hand over his eyes.

Oh... boy. Chloe's eyes went wide at the stereo before she plopped back down, eyes boggling at the two of them, grinning at Shayla before blinking rapidly at the two. Oh...boy. Lex's very snug, tight little ass was moving away underneath his slacks and long sweater, and OOOOO.

Clark gasped, setting the drink down and bracing his lover against him as oooh. He was dancing, moving to the beat in a very...experienced fashion, slowly undulating his hips up to his lover as he went hard as stone in moments. He was drunk, pitifully so, but even so he could feel his lover. And he wanted his lover.


His fingers stroked down to a hard ass, eyes falling shut as his lover moved and stroked, soothed and thrust, and oh, God.

Pete might have had his eyes covered, but Shayla's were wide open as she stared at Clark and Lex. Hoo boy and this was WAY hotter than them jacking each other off in the hallway because it was so close to sex and just... holy crap.

As Clark's hands gripped his ass tightly, Lex squirmed in the grip, situating it comfortably as he kept rocking. His mouth found Clark's ear, and he whispered. "I know you want to fuck me, Clark. I can feel how hard you are. But no... not here. Because I'm a jealous bastard, and I don't want anyone seeing how good you are, and I don't want anyone seeing what you do to me." That said, he pulled off Clark for only a second, turning around so that his back was to Clark's chest and he moved sensually, as though riding his lover's hard cock as he leaned forward, raising his hips and slamming them back down again.

Which gave Chloe a really good sight of Clarks orgasmic face. His eyebrows knit, his mouth trembled open and his skin goosebumped, eyes following his lover and Chloe felt herself get...very wet. Very... very, very wet. She swallowed, hard, glancing up at Whitney to see if he was having the same reaction, and cleared her throat softly.

Ohh… yesssss. Clark groaned, then, the soft rumbling and quiet, and he buried his face In Lex's skin, just for a moment, watching him flex and move and FUCK it was GOOD. And he wanted, even as Lex said no, whimpering as his fingers slipped over his lovers concave belly, shivering hard and mouthing the knob at the back of his head.

He was definitely having a reaction, Whitney was. His cock was throbbing gently inside his jeans, and his nails dug into his palms as he tried not to moan. "Yeah, baby... ride him, Lex."

Lex arched back, his chest thrust forward, ass and head pressed against Clark as he lifted and lowered, rubbing his ass against a hard crotch, then turned himself around again, sliding down Clark's body as the song ended and when the CD clicked off, Lex's chin was resting on the very hard bulge of his lover's crotch.

Oh. God. Clark shuddered, hard, looking down at him and swallowing, every bit of control in use right now not to moan like mad. He swallowed, hard, shivering as he stroked Lex's cheek and head, and whimpered, bringing him up for a hard, loving kiss. Oh, yes. YES. Dude, fucking yes.

Chloe whooped and clapped, cause DAMN. Okay? DAMN.

Lex returned the kiss easily and deeply, his tongue stroking through Clark's mouth to taste every cranny and crevice, mmming deep in his throat as his hands stroked Clark's shoulders.

Shayla couldn't pull her eyes away. "Ho-lee shit. Pete, are you seein' this shit?"

Whitney cut loose with a loud wolf whistle, clapping his approval all the way down the line.

"NO I'M NOT!" Pete hollered, his palms plastered securely over his eyes. "I. AM. NOT."

Clark was blushing six ways from Sunday, tongue diving in as he kissed him hard. He was...seduced, aroused, so hard he could barely stand it. It felt outrageously good, and he muttered his approval many, many times, licking and kissing his lover as he shuddered.

And gave him a drunkards giggle. "Mmmmmmmmmmm. Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie."

Lex slipped his hands down between them, shielding his hands with his body as he leaned forward and stroked Clark's cock once with his hands and then rocked back on his heels. "My turn now?"

"Your turn, dollface." Chloe chimed in, fanning herself with a hand as she pretended to plaster herself all over her boyfriend.

Lex looked at each of the half-drunk faces around the little lopsided circle. He noticed Dick was still missing and made a note to himself to go make sure he hadn't drowned in the toilet yet, and he landed on....

"Mr. Ross... Truth or Dare?"

"Fuckin' hell." Pete snorted, peeking now between his fingers and sighing when Lex and Clark weren't going at it anymore. "Man, truth."

"Why, exactly, do you dislike me so much?"

"Ohhhh, buddy. Can a'worms." Pete sighed, setting his chin on his hand, and since he seemed to be one of the two still sober people, shook his head. "Dude, cause of the shit your pappy pulled on mine. Grown up taught ya'll were pieces a'shit, who'd cheated out my family on everything."

Lex nodded. "Fair enough. Your turn, Mr. Ross." He sat back, satisfied for the moment with the answer.

"Whit. Dude. Truth or d--...." Pete stopped, tipping his head and offering him a slice of pizza as he realized... very suddenly, that Chloe and Shayla were passed out asleep. Their heads were on each side of Whitney's lap, and Chloe was snoring very softly with each intake and exhale of air, and he rolled his eyes, chuckling softly as he looked at Clark. "Dude, only them, man."

Whitney just shook his head. "Don't even know. I'm jus'the pillow." He snorted. "Not complainin', though... coulda be lot worsen bein' used as pillow by a couple of hot chicks."

Clark giggled, though his eyes were still foggy with alcohol and desire, and he was rubbing Lex's thigh as he heaved a sigh. "They're really, really hot chicks. Like… really hot chicks. They should hot chick together."

"They have." Whit beamed proudly. "Seen it m'self. Got off on it, too. Pretty little girl bodies pressed all together, rubbin' and gettin' off? Yessir."

"Fuck you, dude." Pete glared, eating his pizza as he climbed to his feet. "Gonna go see 'bout Dick, yo. Gotta piss like a fucking Russian race horse." He left them talking and walked through the hall, padding across thick, cozy carpet. The bathroom was between living room and bedroom, with a small hall leading down it, and Pete stopped, knocking on the john door. "Dick?"

"You wish!!" Whitney yelled after him, then fell back, the back of his head thunking on Clark's knee. "Not you guys. Him," he said, peering up owlishly.

He was leaning against the sink, hot face cooling off against the cold glass of the mirror. "Yeah?"

"Dick? Come on. Open the door, man. You alright?"

~ * ~

"I wanna fuck you." Clark whispered down at Whitney, nodding as he leaned over and shared a sloppy upside down kiss, tongue pushing in, wet and hot, and licking and kissing him without any finesse whatsoever. And in that, it was sexy as hell.

Whitney nodded into the kiss, one hand moving up to hold Clark still and keep him from spinning. "Wanna fuck you too," he nodded. "Or, well, have you fuck me. Whatever. Like... like being on the bottom." Another nod.

"Mmmm...want Lex too, sharing." Clark muttered, eyes droopy as he lapped and licked, before bringing his mouth up to Lex and shared Whitney taste. He tasted...delicious, and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Lex licked and sucked at his aushna's mouth, lapping the taste of Whitney's kiss off his mouth before sucking Clark's own taste in, hand reaching down and stroking through Whitney's hair as he pressed hard kisses to Clark's lips. The hand stroking through Whitney's hair reached down and brought one of Whitney's hands to Clark's cock, and left it there before his own slid back up to lightly pinch a nipple through his shirt.

"Heeeee. Cock." Clark suddenly proclaimed, arching into Lex's hand as he sighed. "Cockcockcockcockcock. Coooooooooooooooock. Isn't that a weird word? Why... why cock? Why not bull? Or... cheez-it? Huh? Why isn't my penis called a cheez-it?" He peered at his lover, expecting an answer, and hiccupped.

Lex tried not to grin. "Because cheez-it was already patented for cheese snacks," he said, burying the grin in Clark's shoulder when it wouldn't be held back any longer.

Whitney rubbed the hardness under his hand, squeezing it and wrapping his fingers around the clothed shape of Clark's cock under his palm as he stroked slowly. "Cheez-its are square. Should be Cheetos. Cheetos are long and a little curved. They're more like cocks than cheez-its."

"YEAH! I have a Cheetos cock! ..Ew. But my cock isn't cheesy. Is your cock cheesy, Lex? No. It tastes good." Clark suddenly cracked giggles, looking down at Whitney in his lap. "I bet your cock is cheesy. There's only so much of Chloe's cream you can get before you start cheesin', man."

Whitney shrugged. "Can't be too bad. Chloe don't complain; she sucked me all the way down this afternoon... fuck, she's got a great mouth, doesn't she?" He petted her hair as she slept.

~* ~

Dick paused a minute, then opened the bathroom door. "Yeah, I'm fine. Think I just had too much to drink; felt a little woozy, that's all. Needed to sit down where it was quiet." Little white lie, but nobody could argue that he'd drunk too much.

"Yeah, and I was born fucking yesterday to the queen of England." Pete rolled his eyes, taking his hand in his own and pulling him down towards the bedroom. It hadn't changed since Dick had had the apartment, and Pete led him to the bed, plopping on the end of it and motioning over. "You gonna tell me?"

"No," Dick said honestly, shaking his head and leaning against the doorjamb. "I think it was maybe a bad idea for me to come to the party, that's all."

"Because of me and Shay?" Pete asked softly, his eyebrows knitting together as he stood again.

"Little bit, yeah. You and Shay, you and me, me and Bruce... all that shit. I'm in love with Bruce; you're in love with Shay. I get that, I do. I just... it ain't easy seein' it, 'specially here. Knowin' it, and seein' it is two different things."

"Yeah, Dick." Pete's brows came together, even more, his fingers tightening on the bottle in his hand. "But you said we could be friends. I'm fine with being your friend... are you not cool that someone is with me or something?"

"Pete... what I'm not cool with is my problem, okay?" He sighed from the doorway. "I'm actually happy you've got Shay. She needs you prob'ly bout as much as you need her, and that's good. Cause you need somebody that needs you. But man... it took a while for me and Bruce to get it back. And we still ain't totally right yet."

"No… what you're not cool with becomes my problem when you can't come to my party and see me with Shay, Dick." Pete said, matter of factly, as he set the bottle down. "So tell me what's wrong. You and Bruce took your time, yeah. Are you saying I jumped too fast?"

"What's wrong is, how the hell could you do it so fast?" Dick snapped, not really meaning to. "What's wrong is, how the hell can you just go from one thing to the next and not even take a breather, huh? Fuck, I'm goddamned Dick Grayson, and I had to have a little bit of down time, but I talked to Clark a day after Bruce got here and you were in the sack with blondie!"

The words stung. Badly. But Pete didn't flinch, still watching him as he threw back his own words, very quietly spoken. "What I do, and what I don't do, is really no longer your concern, Dick. You're not my mama, you're not my priest, and you're not God, so in essence, I really don't have to answer to you. But because you are my friend, and I value our friendship, yeah, I was in the sack with Shayla. In fact, I've been in her bed every fucking day since then. Because I needed it, Dick. I found myself without a single person to fall back on, and had to go to her, who at the time was a fucking stranger. That's why."

"If she was a stranger, I'd hate to see what you'd do to someone you're friends with," Dick said, very very softly. "I'm going to leave now, because this is your party and I'm not going to mess it up any further. I'll call you later, when I haven't had too much to drink, and apologize for what I just said."

Pete's eyes darkened, to pools of black, and slit. "You know what, "Dick"? I did fuck someone who was my friend. For a coupla months, actually. Didn't have anyone then, either, and he came into my life like sunshine. He loved me, and I loved him. But then one day, he told me, Oh, hey, by the way, my name? Not my real name. I'm actually Dick fucking Grayson, from Gotham City. Also? Twenty one, not seventeen. Also? I've been in a relationship with this guy for five years. No hard feelings!" Pete's voice was easy, conversational, as he spoke. "And I got left behind. Again. And this time around, a woman who didn't have to help me, or care about me, or do anything for me, did. She loved me, and was my friend, when I needed someone and didn't have anyone. So no, Dick. You've seen what I do with people I'm friends with, you just didn't stick around long enough to see why."

Dick was very calm as Pete lit into him, and he didn't show any of the flares of hurt or anger the words caused. "You know what, Pete? I would have stayed with you. Because I was angry enough with Bruce, and happy enough with you, that I would have stayed. I asked for your advice, and you shoved me right back to Bruce instead of being honest with me and telling me what you wanted. Yeah. I was thoughtless, there. I didn't tell you or anybody who I was cause I didn't want to take the chance of bein' found. But don't blame me, Pete. I'd have done anything you asked me to. You just never asked." Dick picked up his leather jacket from the bedpost. "I'm leaving now."

"How could I ask? How? How could I ask you, my lover of what, seven fucking months? How could I beg you to stay with me, when it was so fucking obvious you loved him more? You said it yourself, you aren't in love with me, Dick. You love him. And not once, not fucking once, have I asked you to leave him and come be with me. You're your own man, don't blame it on me. You followed your heart, and you made the right choice. But don't you fucking dare come to me and criticize me for doing anything after you left our bed. We both left it. I'm my own man, and you can chose to do whatever it is that you want just like I can. If I went to Shayla, than I went to Shayla. She's warming my bed now. Why are you so jealous of my happiness?"

"I'm not jealous of it Pete," Dick explained carefully, slowly. "I'm just shocked at how short a time it took for you to get over this great heartbreak." He leaned forward into the room as he shrugged into his jacket. "Had you fucked her before you came over to talk to me? Or did you at least wait until after the little scene in the library, hmm?" Once he was in the jacket, he zipped it up to his throat. "Took me days to be able to even think about gettin' back in bed with Bruce. Wish I had your resilience, man." Dick fished his car keys out of his pocket, and turned on his heel.

"God, Dammit, I wasn't just ANYBODY! I was your fucking lover, man. You were my first fucking gay lover, okay? I was yours. Why didn't you ever tell me? Did you think I could just pass off that type of a lie? I'd just nod and smile and be okay with it?"

Dick turned back around, and his smile was brittle. "And that's exactly why I didn't tell you, Pete. Because I knew once I did, it was over. And I didn't want it to be over." He sorted through his keys, and came up with the ignition one. "I'll talk to you later."

Oh, God. The words hurt, so badly. Pete's mouth trembled open, tears filling them, and he looked away, down at his tequila bottle. "You think I'm cheap? Is that it? You think I'm some kind of slut, who sleeps around with just anybody? You think I'm in any way over you?" He shook his head, picking his bottle up. "Goes to show you never knew me at all."

"When you roll into bed with the next thing that comes along? What else am I supposed to think?" Dick hissed softly.

He looked up, and stared at him for a long time. Sometimes... sometimes he forgot that Sam was dead. He'd look into Dick's eyes and see him, there, laughing and pleased, happy to see him. His lip would quirk and Pete would think of a million times Sam's lips would do the same thing, before brushing over Pete's own. But then other times, when Dick was close, and asking these things, and not trusting him... Pete remembered. Sam was gone, and this person was here. And the ache, the pain of losing him, only came back ten fold. "You should go."

"Been tellin' you that since you asked me what was wrong," Dick answered. "Told you not to ask, told you that you didn't wanna know. Told you that it was my problem to deal with, not yours." He looked back at Pete. "I'm sorry this came out this way, Pete. I'm sorry all this shit ever happened. I'm sorry that I can't be Dick Grayson and Sam Menkins, cause I'd love nothin' better than pull that part out of myself and give it to you. But I can't."

"He's dead." Pete said quietly, shaking his head softly as he tipped the bottle back, and drank some of the vodka left at the bottom of the bottle. He passed him, walking out of the room, the bottle swinging down as he padded in his flip flops, boxers, and his Wonder Woman t-shirt.

Dick thought for a millisecond. "Do you want to try again, Pete? I'll talk to Bruce, you talk to Shay, and we'll try again?" But even as he said it, he knew that he couldn't. He couldn't let Bruce go, not again. Not and keep grip on who he was. But he didn't let it show.

Pete didn't answer, though he stopped in the hall. Your lover is dead, Pete. Don't ruin what you have with that beautiful girl in there on a what if. He softly, very gently, shook his head, and kept going, turning the corner into the living room.

Dick looked down, sorting through the keys on his key ring, and pulled out the one to the Camaro. He didn't say anything to anyone as he left, making a point not to look anyone in the eye as he stopped by the door, sorting through the cell phones until he picked out his own, and headed out the front door.

Clark was drunk. Not stupid. And as Pete walked back into the room, his eyes glassed over in sadness for his friend, wincing softly as the door closed loudly behind them, and swallowing. Pete looked like his puppy just died...worse, and Clark winced softly as he reached out for him quietly.

Pete just shook his head, quietly, sitting back on the floor beside Whitney and not saying anything as he looked down into his lap... then the smile that covered the pain, and he gave it to them, easily, sitting back casually and drinking the tequila in his bottle.

Whitney was a little more than three sheets to the wind, but he picked his head up and looked at Pete. "Little fucker," he slurred softly. "You're... close to sober... rest of us... are pissed."

"Just... lay down, Whit. You're more burnt then my mama's toast. Just… crash, alright? I got the bed in the guest room set up and shit, dude. Get Chloe and go sleep, huh?" Pete said quietly, setting the bottle down as he rubbed his face with one palm, sighing softly.

Lex shook his head softly. "I'm going to be taking all three of my happy little drunks home in a little while, as soon as we can get Chloe awake." He looked sympathetically at Pete. "Dick giving you problems?"

"Ain't no thing." Pete didn't dare look at the bald headed man, just picking up a cold piece of pizza, intending to eat it... and just tossing back onto the box, dropping his head into his hands.

"He's 'nsshole." Clark nodded, heaving a yawn and burping softly as he did it. "Big one. Bigger'n mine."

"If it's nothing, why did he leave, and why are you near tears?" Lex pressed Clark's cheek to his shoulder, and kissed his forehead softly. "Yes, Dick can be an asshole sometimes."

"I'm not, alright?" Pete snarled, climbing to his feet angrily and stalking into the kitchen. A cabinet slammed a moment later, the faucet being put on, and Pete filled the glass full of water, downing two Motrins as he did it. Fucking asshole. Fucking asshole. How could he sit there, and tempt him with love again? How could Dick tell him he had thrown everything away?! Christ, fucking Christ and he didn't want to be like this, grasping the counter and leaning over, grasping it hard as he looked at the floor between his arms, hanging his head down as his fingers viced, hard, on the metal. How could Dick sit there, and make him feel dirty? Like what they'd had had been nothing more than a fun romp in the sheets?!

Lex gently disentangled himself from his drunken aushna'. "I'll be back; see if you can get Shayla awake," he said softly, kissing Clark's lips softly before pushing himself to his feet, and leaning against the wall, blocking the exit from the kitchen. "Would you like to talk about it with someone who you're not having sex with?" Lex asked calmly.

"Shit, Lex. Just... get Clark and leave, alright? I don't... I don't want his birthday fucking ruined over this. He's drunk, but he's got a memory like a fuckin' elephant." Pete gritted, straightening his back and turning it to Lex as he got himself a cup of coffee. He wasn't even a bit drunk, which was sad because he'd downed quite a bit of it, and he drank some of the warm coffee he'd made especially for drunkenness.

"If you seriously think that Clark is going to go anywhere with a friend of his upset, then you really don't know him at all." Lex stayed in his comfortable lean against the doorway, ankles crossed. "I think that you need to talk. Since I am sober, and not someone you've slept with or are currently sleeping with, I also think I'm your best shot at objectivity."

Pete turned, to glare at him... and the fucking dude had a point. So he heaved a sigh, rubbed the back of his hand, and motioned towards the coffee pot. "Want some? can't say its better then day old sludge, but it goes down easy."

"I drink coffee from LuthorCorp, and from the Talon. After that, I think I could handle industrial strength toxic waste. Black, please." Lex offered a wry grin at the toxic waste comment.

Pete snorted and went into the cabinet... pulling down a blue cup he'd bought from the Talon some time ago, filling it with the steaming coffee and offering him the cup as he plopped down at the kitchen table, rubbing his cheek.

"Thank you." Lex sat down in the chair across from Pete, careful to lean his chair back against the wall. "Did you know that Dick's only a year younger than I am?" he asked conversationally.

"Mmm. Suddenly realizing why he's such a mother fucking asshole." Pete said conversationally, though his lips quirked at Lex. "Naw, man. Its all good. We just had an argument, you know?"

"Doesn't seem like he's at all twenty-one, does it?" Lex continued softly. He had a point to make, he just had to get Pete in the mood to see it.

"No, dammit. He doesn't." Pete said, looking away and into his coffee. And all he kept seeing was the flecks of anger in eyes he knew better than his own, looking at him in disgust in fury. Because of Shayla. "He did, though. When....when, before."

"Before Bruce came back?" Lex sipped the coffee carefully, watching Pete.

"Yeah. Before he came back. He was very... he was different." His belly hurt so much that he couldn't even drink the coffee, and all the tequila tonight was starting to get stuck in his throat. And that's what was making his voice crack and burn as he spoke, dammit. "He was different."

"Bruce is only 27, you know."

"What are you trying to say, Lex? You keep insinuating at something, and whatever it is… spit it out." The slang was gone from his words, as he only had them around the guys… had to keep up the cool thing, you know.

"What I'm trying to say is this; Dick's just a kid. He throws temper tantrums, just like a kid. Bruce? He's a grown up, and he knows when to let crap like that slide off his back and not get to him. When Dick throws his tantrums, Bruce lets it go, and they fix whatever's wrong and go on. That's where you and Dick are going to have your worst problems at, because he's not going to stop throwing those little tantrums. I've known him as long as he's been with Bruce, and he's never stopped. Don't let those tantrums define your reactions to him. Don't let those tantrums manipulate you into doing something idiotic... like considering that offer he made to you."

He shook his head, looking down into his coffee. They'd heard everything. Pete was just thankful that the only sober one of them was Lex. He was a manipulative prick, but he wasn't half bad, if Clark was all crazy over him. Plus, the baby. So... Pete would listen, because Lex was doing it to be nice. Which... odd. "Even if I wanted to, Lex, he's dead. Do you get that?" He asked it sincerely, eyebrows squishing. "He's dead. The person he was with me, is gone. There's all these parts he never talked about, and they were the biggest parts of him. And he never told me, and he makes me feel bad, he makes me feel bad for trying to get over him."

"Knowing Dick the way I do? Likely because he's not over you. Misery loves company, you know." Lex was quiet for a minute, drinking the coffee. It was slightly better than the Talon's which was only a step up from liquefied crap. "The trick to beating Dick is to not be miserable. There's a little blond girl in there who loves you, Pete. Don't let Dick make you question what you've got because he's being bratty."

"I still love him." Pete said quietly, and found himself inexplicably near tears, as he hid it best as he could. Looking anywhere but at Lex, and finally just staring down into his coffee. "But its a rock and a hard place. He left me, the second that Bruce rolled into town. He left me. He didn't even tell me... he just... he hugged Bruce, and they were back together, and that was it. Do you get what that is, Lex? He and I were together for seven months, man. Seven months of my life, seeing this person and loving him and having him there with me every single day. You had Clark's time, and Chloe was Torching it, and had Whitney. I used to talk to Lana... she and I got really close, and she died. So I just... I didn't have anybody, you know? And Sam, he was the new guy, and fun and smart and shit, and we had a blast together. So we began to hang out everyday...we went to concerts and shit together, bought crap, shot the shit, drove around town. You know? And it went from there. And then... then he pushed me away, too, Lex. So I was alone. Again. And I didn't think Id make it, but then Shay was there. And she made it go away, a little."

"I know how you feel, Pete. I had Bruce, you see. I had Bruce for years, in boarding school. He taught me a lot of things, laid the groundwork inside me for my meeting Clark and being able to operate as semi-normal human being. And whether or not you believe me, Pete, I did love Bruce. Very much. But one day, he had to go. And I hated him for a while, but I loved him even longer. But then... one day I was reading and I realized something. Epiphany, it's called. Bruce wasn't the person for me. Yes, we had fun. Yes, we meant a lot to each other. But the relationship we had was only supposed to pave the way for something new, better. It took a few more years after that, but... it paved the way for Clark. And it brought you to Shayla. Do you understand what I'm saying, Pete?"

Pete nodded, swallowing hard around the lump in his throat. "I know. I just think I might've made a mistake. So soon after him... I should have waited. I know it, but she was there, and she helped me. I should have waited... but I didn't. And I think I've fucked things over."

"Do you love her?"

"Christ, I love her so much."

"Does she love you?"

"She's told me. I believe her, as much as I can believe anyone."

"Then there's no mistake made. The timing may make things harder, but if you love her, and she loves you, then you'll make it together."

"She's so fun. She's beautiful, and talented, and she's just... she's a good person. Right down to the soul. She's..." He looked up, blushed softly. "She's like Clark, man. She's a good person, down to the marrow. Just... and she makes me laugh, and she gets hyper and adorable. I just love her. She's everything to me."

"Then let me give you a piece of advice, which you can take or leave. If you want to keep it that way? Don't ever think that you made a mistake again. Don't tell her you think she's a mistake. Because that will ruin everything. You will never be able to look at her the same way again, and she'll never quite be able to see you as the same man you were."

"I know." Pete nodded it, swallowing hard. "I know, man. I couldn't tell her that, not ever. Before... I was kind of destroyed over Sam. But she was there, and she helped me through it. I can't lose her, Lex. She's everything in my life that's worth a damn."

"If she's anything like her brother? I don't think you have to worry about that." He straightened the chair, putting all four legs flat on the floor, and the now-empty coffee cup on the table. "That clan has a knack for taking people and making them whole again through how much they love. Dom's done it for my father; she'll do it for you."

Okay, at that, Pete grinned, looking down at his still full cup, before back up. "Man, before Clark and I got all pissed off, he was telling me you're having a hard time with it. How's that shit goin' for ya?" He shifted, not at all embarrassed he was wearing his underwear and a woman who's breasts were all but hanging out of her metal plates, holding a whip above her head.

"Dad and I have actually come to an understanding, most likely for the first time in our lives." He gave a small grin. "We haven't killed each other yet, so that has to mean something."

"Man, shiiiit. For Luthors, that's a lifetime achievement." Though Pete snorted, shaking his head and looking up at him. "Thanks, dawg. You didn't have to talk to me, but you did. That shit means something. So... thanks." Hardest. Words. Ever. And he offered his hand.

"You're welcome." Lex shook the offered hand firmly. "But I didn't do it so you'd thank me, Pete. I did it because you're Clark's friend, and I'd like to think that his friends could one day be my friends, too."

"Man, s'long as you're keeping my main man happy, ain't no thing. Shayla loves you... Chloe's got like, a crush on ya, and Whitney's Whitney. So dude, its all good." Pete nodded, though he smiled, chair scraping as he climbed to his feet. "C'mon. Lemme help you get these messes in the car. Shay's gonna crash here with me, so we just gotta worry about the bobble heads, and Clark."

Lex gave a quiet smile. "The Bobbleheads?" he asked, and got up to follow Pete into the living room.

At some point? Whit had totally passed out. Head on the floor, eyes closed, dead to the freakin' world.

And Clark was sitting with what had to be his tenth screw driver, not even drinking, just moving in little circles, the liquid in the glass sloshing around the glass as he moved. Nothing else... just moving in little circles. One eye open, the other closed, and he kind of glanced at Pete and Lex, blinking at them. "'m dancin'."

Pete snorted, hard, rubbing his face as he stood beside Lex, looking at his friends just… GONE. "Man, that's sad."

Lex snickered. "Come on, Clark. Lend me that homegrown farmboy strength and help me get these guys out to the car."

"I'm Elton John! I'm Elton John!" Clark sang, going in circles again...losing his balance, and thudding his head on the small coffee table… and denting the table. "Ow. The table, i'hit me! Bitch." He hit it back, and knocked the leg off, sending empty can and a half empty pizza box to the ground. Heeee! He giggled behind his hand. "Oops."

Lex laughed at his completely drunken boyfriend. "Come on, Elton. Let's go. Shit. The dogs. Clark, whistle for the dogs; they listen to you." He nudged Whitney, the most recently passed out, with his foot. "Rise and shine, Fordman."

A snore was his response.

Pete snorted and simply crouched down, lifting Shayla up into his arms. A small oomph as he arranged her, and he glanced down at Lex, motioning to Shay. "I'm going to get her in bed, be back in just a second."

"Beeeeeeeeenny! Beeennyy and the Jeeettsssss." Clark sang, really badly and offkey, as he gave his lover a bleary look. "You hafta'dress me as "Sir Elton", phankoo'ery much." A hiccup, a burp, and Clark covered his mouth, wincing as he swallowed. "Eww. I just barfed a little."

Chloe muttered, half on her boyfriend now that he'd toppled over, snuggling against his leg where she was squished.

"Then we need to get you outside, on deck." He manhandled Clark through the front door, and out onto the landing. "Here. IF you're going to be sick, be sick." He reached carefully through their link, and borrowed just a little of Clark's strength; not all, just enough to bolster his muscles so he could carry a full-grown man like Whitney. "Do not move from this spot until I tell you to, all right?"

"Sick? ME?" Clark shrilled, though he looked a little green around the gills, eyes wide. "I'm drunk."

The rest of the house was dark, and cozy. Where before Pete had felt cold emptiness, now as he entered the bedroom... he made it his and Shayla's. He'd thrown away all the sheets in the closet... brought some from home, as well as some blankets too. Everything he and Dick had slept on was gone, and now... all it was was his and Shayla's. He stripped her, easy and quickly, and slipped her between the cool sheets... caressing her cheek gently as he slipped the thick quilt over her.

"I love you, Shayla Senatori. You're my north, and south, and east, and west. You're everything to me." He whispered, stroking her hair back, her face. A face he already knew, a body he loved, and a soul he'd found his life's mate in. And because of it, he kissed her forehead tenderly, and left the bedroom, reemerging back into the main room and hefting Chloe up. Almost tripping, too. "Fuck, okay? Lex, shit. The girl ain't no bigger then Shay, but Jesus."

Lex DID laugh at that. "The birthday boy is considering losing his lunch. Leave Whitney, I'll take Chloe, and you box up the puppies, if you can find them." He took Chloe out of Pete's arms and cradled her gently against his chest. "I'll be back for Whitney as soon as I tuck Chloe in the car."

Pete snickered out at Clark through the open door, leaning over the railing, and had a hardy laugh at that, snorting as he shook his head, going into the spare hall closet and taking out a box he'd tossed in there just that day. Pulled it out... and peeked under the couch.

Where three tiny puppies were snoring.

Sighed, and ever so gently, he lifted the couch, moving it so he could slip each one out from under the couch, lifting and setting them in the box. Poor babies, it was late for them, and he set them in the sturdy box carefully, tucking the lid over it after he punched some air holes in it.

Didn't. Even. Move. Samson just popped his jowls in a yawn as Pete tucked him in the box beside his brother and sister.

Of course he'd left a present under the couch; nobody had let him out all night!

Lex carefully negotiated the steps with Chloe in his arms, tucked her into the back seat of the car, and covered her up with his jacket. He made the trip upstairs, and paused by his aushna'. "Air clearing your head?"

"No...I barf pretty." Clark pointed down at the ground, two flights down, where he'd nailed some poor shlub's car, beaming at his lover and hiccing.

Lex just petted his lover's shoulder. "Good aim, beloved. I'm going to take Whitney down next; give me the keys so I can put the top down." He held out his hand patiently.

"No! My car! YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!" Clark bellowed... the birds who'd settled down for the night, and he burst out laughing, laughing all the harder when he swayed, and he hiccupped again, giggling as he looked over the edge again...winced, and barfed, again.

"Come on, Tiger. You've had it for the night. Let's get you in the car." He tickled Clark's side lightly. "Can you make it down the stairs, Clark?"

He swallowed, hard, paling as he looked at his lover... then beamed, and threw his arms around Lex's shoulders happily and hugging him as he lost his footing. And he was... a large fellow, so losing it was 6 and a half feet of dead weight. As his knees were mostly jell-o at the moment, though, he just giggled and beamed, hugging Lex tightly.

Pete passed them both up, snickering as he walked down the steps with the puppies, and gently set them underneath Chloe, who had her legs tucked to her chest, snoring. He closed the door, uncrouching himself from his half twist to get the puppies in, and walked back up the apartment steps, hand leaping out to steady Lex before he tumbled down the steps.

"Thank you, Pete. It's going to be a miracle getting Clark down those steps unless I simply shove him down them and pick him up at the bottom. In the state he's in, do you think he'd remember?"

"Man, naw. But with what happened this afternoon? He'd prolly get stuck in the air and we won't be able to get him down. So man, come on, lets just get him down the steps." He went around Lex and grabbed the other side of Clarks body, holding tight as they started down the steps.

"Frighteningly enough, I may have to agree with you." Lex lifted as much of Clark's weight as he could, borrowing more of Clark's strength to offset it, and between himself and Pete, got Clark down to the bottom floor and poured into the front seat. "Keys, Clark." Lex held his hand out again, wiggling the fingers.

"Mebe 'm not Elton John." Clark hiccupped, walking down the steps, almost stumbling, and catching himself. "Mebbe I'm Bratny Spears!"

"Britney," Lex corrected automatically.

"Nonono. Branty. Brandy? Bubblegum." A cough, a snuggle. Ooooh, he was sleepy. And kind of oogy. He definitely didn't like being drunk, dammit, and he snuffled hard, coughing and sighing sleepily.

"You can sleep the oogy off when we get home." He still had his hand out for the keys. "Let me have the keys, Clark, because you're definitely not driving in this condition.

"Driving? ME? Hahahha!" Clark nodded, as they got to the bottom of the steps, letting Pete go, glaring at him, then dragging him for a manly smacking kiss he'd seen Dominic and Graham do, and hee! it WAS fun! Haha! He dug into his pocket, all but losing his balance, and dropped his new keys into Lex's hand, yawning heavily. "Tired."

"Then let Pete help you in the car, while I bring Whitney down. Then we'll get the babies and I'll take you home." He stroked the back of Clark's hair gently. "Okay?" He put the keys in the ignition, and put the top down.

"Got them, man." Pete offered, grinning at Lex and rolling his eyes, slipping Clark into the backseat. Whitney was completely dead passed out, and dragging him down was gonna be hard enough without trying to get him into the back seat. So he set Clark in back, watching as he snuggled with Chloe, rolling his eyes and grinning at Lex. "Come on, man. I'll help ya."

"Thank you." Once the top was down, Lex took the keys back out of the ignition, pocketed them, and headed once more up the steps. "I can manage Whitney alone, if you can carry the three lardbutts."

"Naw, man that's what I'm telling ya. Got them in the car, under Chloe." Pete nodded, smiling at Lex and rolling his eyes. "Sleepin' under the couch dude. You sure you can get Whit?"

"Oh. I missed that, between Clark's projectile vomiting and the Elton John impersonation." A snort. "Yeah, I can get Whitney, don't worry. Just... watch him and make sure he doesn't wander away. Or, in his case, attempt to fly away because the top is down." Lex started up the stairs, opened the door, and was shoved out of the way by two blondes. One quarterback cleared the way and the other little projectile followed, pink-painted toes curling on the deck as they heaved in concert.

Lex just sighed, and put his arms around Whitney's waist. "Come on. Let's get you in the car. We're going home."

"Can't y'just kill me 'stead?" Whitney groaned, leaning heavily against Lex.

Pete was cracking his ass UP at the bottom of the steps, leaning against Clark's car and just roaring with laughter. Whitney looked about ready to die, his girlfriend right after, and he just laughed. Just burst out laughing, still cracking up as he shook his head, glancing back at his snoring charges.

"If you're ::retch:: laughing at me, Pete Ross ::puke:: you're never going to get ::retch, heave:: laid again!"

Which cracked him up worse, though he knew better then to let most of it out, holding the laughter in as he slapped a palm over his face... cheering and bellowing back, "Eight points! Great on the velocity, but no splash."

"No, Whitney, I'm sorry. I can't kill you. I can take you downstairs, drive you to the mansion, and tuck you into a nice soft bed to sleep it off, and in the morning, I can give you hot coffee and a hangover cure." He started guiding the blond quarterback down the steps, one at a time.

Whitney turned a vile shade of green at the mention of coffee. "Urgh."

Clark was, at the moment, snoring against Chloe's boob. Too much noise dammit, he'd just laid down, and gave a glare even as he hiccupped, snuffling sleepily. "Shaddup, yo. Head. Hurt."

"Sorry, your head achliness." Pete grinned, patting Lex on the shoulder and starting up the steps towards his little blond unhappy girlfriend.

"Thank you for the help tonight, Pete," Lex called out. "I'll have Ms. Bird bring over one of her hangover cures in the morning for Shayla. Dominic wouldn't have it any other way." He put Whitney in the front seat of the car, and then climbed into the driver's side. It had been customized to Clark's body type, but he could drive it for short periods of time. "We had fun tonight; I'll pick up Clark's presents tomorrow."

"That's fine, man, get home! Be careful, dude! And thanks!" Pete waved a hand and lifted his poor girlfriend in his arms, closing the apartment door behind him.

Lex pulled the keys out of his pocket, slipped them into the ignition, and checked on his three drunken passengers. Whitney was the only one close to cognizant, and Lex leaned over, kissed his cheek softly, and closed his eyes. "Go on to sleep, Whitney." He let the strength he'd borrowed from Clark seep back into his lover as he threw the car in gear and pulled out onto the highway, heading home.



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