
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 135: Fellatus Interruptus

The hospital was oddly cheerful when Dominic stepped onto the fourth floor. There were nurses... doctors speaking quietly, TV's on, voices chattering. But it wasn't the dark and somber place he remembered it to be, when his lover had been much, much more badly off.

He had his gift to said spoiled rotten lover in his hand, umbrella in tow. It had stormed rather badly just a short while ago, though it seemed to be letting off the tiniest bit when Dominic walked down the hall towards Lionel's room. It was a quarter to six, now, and after giving Lex a call to make sure he was alright after Bruce had called about an emergency, and going to the worksite to see how things were going, Dominic was knocking very quietly in Lionel's room, opening the door.

Lionel was propped on several pillows, bed raised up and the television had been specially brought in by Lionel's request. The audio of the main screen was CNN, and in the upper right hand corner, the Care Bears cartoon ran without audio. Papers were scattered all over the bed and the small table by the bed, and the telephone was sitting on Lionel's shoulder as he growled into it.

His lips just... they spread, wide, as he entered the room, closing the door quietly behind him and setting his sopping wet umbrella and coat to the side. The bag he kept, and he walked over to the bed, wafting the McDonalds bag in front of his lovers face... before peeking around it at him, and leaning in for a soft kiss.

"I'll call you back in a few hours with the numbers." Lionel's eyes widened and he hung up the phone, reaching out for the bag and giving his lover the requested kiss in the process. "You do love me."

"Love you enough to have them made with fat free everything and no salt, and hold up the line for twenty minutes waiting? Well then, that's the definition of love." Dominic smiled again, and snickered as he kissed his lover again, and one more time, before he toed off his shoes, pulling them up Indian style near the foot of the bed as he peered at all the papers. "Well, ew."

"Yes, I know. But, the work has to be done, and while I'm stuck here with nothing else to do but wait for this rock to pass through my system, I can do it." He lifted a sheaf of papers and brandished them at Dominic. "Pull up a chair and an ink pen; you need to sign everything in this folder to make it official, because they're all departments under you that are moving."

And from the other side of the bed, where a playpen had been set up, Shaney squealed, clapping his hands and doing a little butt wiggle as he watched the Bears. OH yeah. His annie Mary and the new red headed thing had brought him to see his FAVORITIST PERSON EVER! And OOOOO! HEEEE! There was a Unca Dommie too! YAY! He clapped and squealed, waving his bottle at the both of them, before becoming totally engrossed in his show again.

"I feel all superior." Dominic didn't do any such thing, simply leaning over Lionel's legs and reaching until he could give Shaney a big kiss, which the baby squealed and laughed over, and grinned, sitting back up and shaking his head at Lionel as he rubbed at his cheek. "Alright, Mr. CEO, sir." He scooted off the bed and plopped into the nearest chair, patting his pockets for a pen... aha. Found, and he tugged it out, wriggling his brows and wriggling his butt. "I feel completely official."

"You are completely official." He looked over at his young man. "Don't you worry, young master. I will be bringing you up here to share in the French fried goodness, just as soon as I clear all this pesky paperwork out of the way." He leaned over, and rubbed his hand through Shane's head full of thick hair.

Night was falling outside, but in the coming weeks the time would change and it would be sunlight for hours. Right now, though, the sun had begun to set, the sky was darkening, and it was raining again. His favorite kind of night, even if he didn't like the circumstances. He'd kept up a cheerful disposition, but he was... completely, outrageously, terrified for his lover. So many complications could occur, so much could happen. But he didn't allow himself to dwell, just nodding and wriggling about.

But his fingers, they grasped his lovers, and squeezed, tightly.

CARREEE BEEAAARRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! And he sang, without knowing any of the words, rocking from side to side and holding his bottle to his chest. "Aaaayyaaaaaaalllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Lionel squeezed Dominic's fingers tightly as he straightened, and looked directly into his eyes. "Don't worry. I gave you my word. I'm not going to let this take me away from you, and I don't intend to go back on it. I intend to be around far longer than you want me, in fact, until you are thoroughly sick and tired of helping me find my dentures and comb my white hair."

His face spread into a smile at that, though he looked down, shyly, back up again as his fingers laced through his lovers, holding firmly. "Okay. Though I'll never be tired of you, or anything you need me to do." A moment, and he winced his sympathy. "How's the pain?"

"Manageable, at the moment. I have, since the incident in the ER, asked to be taken off of morphine, and they have added Percocet to my IV drip instead. They are also plying me with water, nearly every hour on the hour, in the hopes that the influx of fluid will encourage the stone to evacuate."

"So, in layman's terms, you're no longer high and pissing like a Russian race horse, correct?"

"Correct." Lionel snickered.

Dominic grinned again, as he looked over the document he was signing, and signed his name at the end with a flourish. His whole name. His new name. And didn't speak a word, as he went on to the next one. "When I had mine, they did just about the same thing to me. Those sonic waves were the worst, though, so lets pray it passes on its own, okay?" A glance up, and he grinned as he reached up to kiss his lovers nose, then lips, rubbing their stubbly cheeks together before back down to the papers, bringing his foot up under him and leaning forward. "Eat. You've probably not eaten since you got here."

"Mmm. No, I haven't. However, I do need to finish this paperwork before I get grease and salt all over them."

"Excuse me?" Said from the door. "I know you just didn't say anything about grease and salt, Lionel Luthor."

Pregnancy made Marie look beautiful, but motherhood just made her radiant. Her skin was clear and flawless, even if her eyes were a little tired. Her extremely tiny little daughter lay in her carrier strapped to Marie's chest, and she glared as she walked in and closed the door, huffing at Lionel with indignation. "You are not eating any such thing, and I don't care if your husband brought it or not."

He glanced up, surprised, but snickered as he rose to give Marie a soft kiss, and nuzzle the little baby tenderly. "Can I hold her for a bit, darling?"

"Please. My back is aching." With the careful but quick hands of a practiced mother, Marie opened the little carrier and lifted Ariel out. She had dressed the little infant in a tiny little spring dress in light pink, with matching panty hose, sandals and bib, and she beamed as she handed the baby over to her brother in law. "She weighs ten pounds, now."

"Of course she does." Dominic cooed softly, sitting back down and holding the little baby in his arms. Eyes as green as the hills of Ireland, with little flecks of gold in them. A head full of blond hair already, and she stared at him like he were an alien. "Yes, darling, aren't you just beautiful? Your mama goes overboard, each and every time."

Smacked in the head for it, but that was okay, as he softly stroked her little cheek, and her little lips puckered.

"And a beautiful ten pounds she is too." Lionel gestured Marie into the room. "Come on in; you did hear me mention grease and salt, as I am about to have lunch, so come in and be quiet about it." But it was said with a smile, and he started to pack up the paperwork. "Shane is already staying here with me; perhaps Ariel would like to stay with her uncles Lionel and Dominic for a few hours, and let her mother do whatever it is she is here to do." Lionel leaned over and nuzzled the baby.

Who... just... stared. Her big eyes took in the Really, Really Big People with a little bit of awe, making a spit bubble as she stared at them, and cooed. Wow. This was... wow. Really... wow! And hey, oh! There was that nice smelling guy again, two of them this time, and she just beamed, gracing them both a big smile.

Love? LOVE? Dominic was swimming in it, as he grinned at the baby and gently lifted her up, sitting her on his knee with both palms supporting her neck and back, and gently played with her, making noises and tickling her little hands.

Marie watched with rolled eyes, taking the seat beside Shane's playpen she'd been in earlier, and sighed at him. "Lionel, if you keel over..." She threatened it, though she snuck her fingers in to steal a fry, smiling and bringing her leg up. "Well… its five thirty. I should get home to get the kids fed. Is Shane bothering you, hun? I can take him with me."

"Remove that child and I shall break your hands," Lionel said calmly, reaching over and rubbing a huge fingertip under Ariel's chin, teasing her into gurgles and grins. "Shane and I are quite happy as it is, and it's almost time for him to come up here and have dinner with his uncle, isn't it, my young man?" He grinned at Shane in the playpen, and handed him a couple of French fries.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Shane took the handfuls, staring at his bestest friend in just... adoration, before beginning to munch, standing on his own, though it was a little shaky, and giving a booty dance.

And Marie watched, quietly, as Lionel and Dominic played with her daughter. Like two old saps, cooing and giggling, right along with the tiny little thing, and her lips quirked. Graham had muttered something a few weeks ago about them wanting a child, but she hadn't paid heed, because he was up to his ass in that little feisty doctor friend of his that he couldn't get out. But now... oh, yes. It was very, very clear. Dominic was tickling her, making Ariel giggle and coo and drool all over, and Lionel was right there, playing with her.

Saps. Old. Saps.

"So, when are you getting your own?" Innocently asked.

Best place ever. Their was attention, and love, and more attention, and oh, Ariel kicked whatever it was on the bottom of her, cause yeah. Awesome.

Lionel chuckled softly, and tickled her chin again as he looked up at Marie. "One of our own? Soon, we hope. Lex has agreed to work with us."

"Really?" She uncrossed, and re-crossed her legs. "Girl or boy?"

A soft smile. "A little girl. With blond pigtails and green eyes, a smattering of freckles across her nose, and a wide grin."

Her lips spread. "And snot, and shots, and ballet practice, and runs in her pantyhose, and holes in her jeans, and potty training and cup training and eating-with-a-fork training and bed wetting and biting and spitting and lying?"

"Of course." Lionel just smiled softly. "She's going to be the smartest in the class, and be the smartest little girl in the world."

"Sorry, cupcake." She leaned over Lionel's legs to fix Ariel's bonnet, pushing her own long black curls out of her eyes. "Mine's the smartest. And cutest." Though she was grinning, as she leaned her elbow on his leg. "You guys would make great parents. Any ideas on who your birth mom is going to be? And if you ask me, I'll shove this pen through your eye?" She lifted Dominic's pen threateningly, though she figured he wasn't even paying attention, for all the cooing and chuckling he was giving her daughter.

"I do believe Lex has contracted with a suitable mother through one of the Metropolis surrogate agencies." Lionel stroked Ariel's cheek softly. "Megan donated the egg."

"I know." Marie smiled at him. "Sweetie, I know everything that happens in this family. Or close to everything, anyway, cause you Luthors are still a mystery." She pinched Lionel's cheek softly. "Had my tubes tied... and I think Meggie said something about doing it too, after the baby is born. Her baby, anyway." Big smile at him. "All these babies. its wonderful."

"Auooofuhl!" Shane agreed with a bounce and around his mouthful.

"There's something in the water," Lionel agreed. "I'm not surprised Megan is. Though, in the long run, it would have been easier for Riley to have had the little snip, less intrusive for the woman. Though, if you have it done the same time as the delivery, then you should be all right."

"Lionel, you know entirely too much about tube tying." Marie dead panned, though her snicker was priceless. "I had it done when she was born. Seven... is enough."

"I thought it was eight is enough." He kissed Ariel's head gently. "Lillian and I looked into the procedure after Julian's death."

"Ooaghhhhh." was Ariel's response. Yeah. Smoochies. Oh, yeah. It was good to be her.

"Eight is too many. No more kids are coming out of me." A shake of her head. "No. More."

"Eight is a blessing." Dominic cut in, not looking at her as he spoke, gently cuddling Ariel's tiny little body to his chest.. "So are seven children. So are any children. They're so precious, but only to people who can't have them, and who fight so hard to have them. To those people, children are a gift, no matter if there's one or fifteen."

Which shut her right up.

Lionel just nodded, reaching over and rubbing a hand over Dominic's shoulder. "It's all right, Jiminy. We're going to have our family. So will they." He didn't have to point out who they was; he trusted that Dominic knew he meant Clark and Lex.

"Yes. they will." A smile then, as he looked up at his lover, and offered him the baby.

Lionel reached out and cuddled Ariel against his shoulder, kissing her small, tiny little face, and then petted her back. "Sweet little princess."


Oh. Poop, too.

And she cooed.

Marie sighed as soon as she caught the distinctive whiff of poop, lifting her daughter no nonsense off Lionel's shoulder and lifting her in front of her face to glare.

Ariel gave her a winning smile, and a puckered face as she pushed.

Sigh. "I'll be right back." And into the bathroom, diaper bag in tow, she went.

And as soon as she was out of sight, Dominic his head down on his lovers thigh softly and gazed at him with tears in his eyes. Though he wasn't sad, not in the least. "I can't wait. I can't wait, Lionel."

"I know. Neither can I. We'll talk to Lex tonight. When he comes by tonight, we'll talk to him."

"I almost can't believe we're going to start a family. I can't. its..." He laughed, now, turning to rub his face against his lovers hip. "Its beautiful."

"It's very beautiful." He rubbed his cheek against Dominic's. "We will see. If we are lucky, Lex will have good news for us."

That was just it. They were never lucky, not in all the time Dominic had known him. But he kept that little bit of information to himself, and would have liked nothing more than to crawl up on the bed and snuggle under the sheets. He didn't like it that his lover was here, he didn't like it that he was sick, he didn't like it that they couldn't snuggle, he did not like this entire situation. Right about now they'd be curled close together in a restaurant somewhere, but instead... Dominic lifted his head, and winced at his lover. "I've had eight calls from Ms. Sawyer since we saw her this morning."

"Change your phone number," Lionel suggested, handing another handful of fries over to Shane as he looked at his lover. "Tell her to go to hell. And you can quote me on that."

"I don't like it that you're here." Dominic said very softly, as he looked down at their linked fingers. He stroked his thumb softly over Lionel's thumbnail, frowning deeply as he looked.

"I'm not exactly thrilled to be here myself," Lionel admitted, rubbing his fingers back against Dominic's. "But, if me being here for the short term means I will be with you longer in the long term, then I am willing to make the sacrifices."

"I know." Quietly, though he didn't let Lionel see how much it bothered, closing it off carefully as he let go of his lovers hand and shifted in his chair, resting his cheek on his hand as he watched him. "I think... we need to let Diane have her blasted interview."

Lionel blinked. "Whatever you think is best, Dominic; I'll bow to your judgment in this." He rubbed his husband's fingers gently. "If you do want to do it right away, let me know, and while you are arranging it with the dragon lady, I will be arranging for the hospital staff to allow us the use of one of their conference rooms."

"I don't want her to tell the world lies about us. I don't want what we have to begin like the way I know it can. I don't want some touchy feely piece where we're walking in the sunset and theirs little tinkly music playing in the background." At the thought he looked physically disturbed, making a face. "I want... the truth. And I want it to be done in a classy way, minus cheese."

"Then call and take care of it. You have the power, now, Dominic. You have the position in the company, you have my name, you have the ability and the confidence in yourself. You want to happen, then make it happen."

"I do, don't I?" At the thought he grinned, and shook his head, rubbing his hands through his hair. "I'll never get used to it, darling, you know."

"Yes, you do." He smiled at his lover. "You will get used to it."

"I won't. I'll be an old grouchy lout and still ask you for things." He shook his head and kissed his lovers hands gently. "I love you, darling. So much."

"I love you, Jiminy." Lionel cupped his lover's face softly, rubbing his cheekbones with his thumb. "I love you so much. You mean the world to me."

"Okay. Now. That's enough of that." Though he squeezed Lionel's hands, tightly, and rose. "I'm going to go get a cup of coffee. And when I return? We will work. Alright?"

"No, when you return, you will work while I eat and play with Shane. Then I will rejoin you in about half an hour."

"Deal." Lean down though, for another kiss. Not at all chaste, tongue pressing in and claiming as he cupped his lovers cheeks, kissing him hard, with as much love and passion and worry that he had, stabbing his control, his dominance, and his fierce love over his husband.

Lionel kissed back just as firmly but not nearly as dominantly, letting his husband have complete control over the kiss and merely giving and submitting to the powerful, hungry press of his lover's lips against his own as he nipped, sucked, and tasted.

He slowly, softly pulled away, licking and lapping softly at now swollen lips, rubbing his thumbs over the corners of them as he finally looked at him, eyes at half mast. "Mine." He murmured.

"Always," Lionel answered back, tongue licking his lips to take the taste of his lover's kiss back into himself. "Always yours." His hands wrapped around Dominic's wrists and squeezed gently.

He skimmed his lips a few more times over Lionel's own, because seeing him licking himself to get the taste was just... oh, God. He licked too, softly, the light taste of the cheese Danish he'd had in the car, the veeery light salt from the fries and their own tastes were just...drug, and he softly licked, lapped, going in for another long, leisurely kiss as he did it.

Lionel kissed back again, and gave his lover a soft nibble, one hand going to gently cradle the back of his head and hold him in the kiss for as long as possible. "I miss you," he murmured softly.

"I miss you more." Quiet response as he licked and kissed, very, very softly. "I have something for you, when you're well."

"And what would that be?" Soft nuzzle to his lover's throat.

"I bought a chair from a little dealer in town... hand made for me." Dominic whispered back, licking at his lips... then moving to his ear when his lover moved to his throat. He caught the lobe with his teeth, letting it scrape free when he lifted his head, only to go back and lick tenderly at the back.

"Mmm. And is it a comfortable chair?" Lionel's teeth scraped lightly over Dominic's throat, over his Adam's apple as he murmured his question into Dominic's skin.

"No. Not at all. Pleasurable, I believe... but comfortable? No." Teasing whisper into said ear, as his fingers cupped the back of his lovers head, pleased with the licks and scrapes.

A sharp little bite at that. "Oh? How... pleasurable?" Another little bite, this one higher up, under his shirt collar.

He let out a quiet groan... glanced towards the bathroom to make sure Marie wasn't done yet, and brought Lionel closer, as his own teeth worried his lovers neck, right below his ear drum, sucking a mark from the hot, tense little skin. "Very...very pleasurable. I also got a few.... pieces of leather clothing that will work wonders."

Lionel shivered. "Do... tell, Dominic. Tell me of this chair and of the leather clothing." He slipped one hand into Dominic's shirtfront, fingers working between buttons to stroke skin.

"The chair is for you… the leather is for me." He whispered, sucking until a nice, dark little hickey came up on his throat, and went down further to suck another one. "But I'll ruin my surprise if I tell you more, now won't I?"

A sharp pinch to one of Dominic's nipples, just to hear the gasp. "I... like surprises. But... you have to tell me more."

Oh, and he gasped. right against Lionel's ear, he gasped and bucked, trembling as he shot his gaze to the door again... and groaned, very, very softly. Alright. Two could play at that game.

He glanced to the door, making sure it was closed, and drew his lovers pajamas up, enough so that he could wrap his tongue around the pierced nipple and suck. He looped his tongue through it and nibbled around the parts he could, moving his teeth back and forth across it as he sucked at the same time, lapping softly at it. Fuck he wanted, but he couldn't, not now. No. He was on a sex strike until his lover was well.

A soft moan from Lionel's throat as Dominic's mouth wrapped around his nipple, and he arched his head back, thrusting his chest forward as well as he rubbed his hands over Dominic's shoulders, encouraging him to suck harder.

One of Lionel's large hands slid around his lover's hip, and started working at the buttons and zippers that hid his prize.

Just because he was on a sex strike, though, didn't mean he couldn't tease. "This is not your game, Lionel. Its mine. And I'll tell you what I want to tell you, and only if you've been a good boy. Which..." He raised his head and his body up enough so the hard on was obvious, where Lionel's fingers were stroking and opening his pants. "You have not been. So.." He tucked his lovers shirt back down, as much as he wanted it right now, and kissed his lovers lips chastely, with a big smile as he reached to the hand on his crotch, kissing the center of it, and setting it softly on the bed.

Lionel's eyes flared once, and almost protested. "I have been a very... good boy." Then he looked down at his hand, and then up at Dominic's bulging crotch. "Allow me to make it up to you?" he offered, eyes stroking his lover's hard cock.

"Mmm. Maybe." Swallowed as he watched the door, where Marie was going to come back in any minute, and Shane, snoring in the playpen. Another glance at his lover, as he fought to control himself, and those eyes looking at him just like that.


"What do you have in mind?"

Another flare in hazel eyes. "Any penance you think is appropriate." He licked his lips suggestively, raking his eyes over Dominic's cock once again before dragging them slowly to his face.

Ohh. Sneaky. And dammit but he wanted, but he didn't want enough to risk getting caught. But Lionel Luthor, staring at your cock like it was a particularly tasty treat, was just...oh, fuck. He shuddered, right down his spine and up again, and his body broke out into tingles and goosebumps. "What were we talking about again?" He whispered softly, as his fingertips stroked softly over his lovers fingers, bringing them to his mouth to kiss.

And suck.

"Penance," Lionel mouthed softly around Dominic's fingers, sucking the length of them into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the pads, scraping his teeth over the pads even as he sucked at the fingernails. He didn't bring his hands up to steady his lover's wrist; instead he left them on his knees as he quietly laved the digits.

Softly moaned 'uh' as he watched, breathless and shivering, and whispered, "What about penance?" Even as his eyes fell even more, and he slipped his fingers free from Lionel's mouth, to replace them in his own. Sucked all of Lionel's taste off his own hand, lapping at his fingertips before shivering. Dominic sucked his own lower lip into his mouth to gnaw as he watched his lover. "Penance. You deserve some. For...for making me like this. I've got... a very hard erection right now, and its your fault for seducing me from a hospital bed. For shame, you and your prowess." Said, of course, while he shivered.

"Isn't that... what we bad boys are supposed to do?" Lionel asked softly. "Cocktease and deny, make you want and never let you have?" He gave his lover a look from under lowered lashes. "If I'm going to be bad... then I might as well be good at it."

His lips just spread. Wicked, evil, though he was completely amused, as he rose and leaned over his lover, a hairs breath away from touching. "Its a good thing you're an excellent teacher, darling." He lowered his mouth to his husbands ear, and whispered very softly, and seductively, in it, "Because by the time I'm through with you, you're going to be begging me."

"I'm already ready to beg you," Lionel whispered back.

He slid a fingertip down his lovers chin, down the center of his throat, down his chest... and down to where a tensing cock lay, squeezing it hard as he whispered. "And you won't even know what you'll be begging for."

Lionel licked his lips again. "I'm sure... I'll enjoy every moment of it. No matter what it is." He reached down and wrapped his hand around Dominic's wrist, keeping the warm hand on his cock.

Dominic ducked his head down, and as he had one leg still bracing on the floor, he could very easily reach down and kiss the hard cock, softly, licking and murmuring at the tip through the blankets, as he brought the blanket down at pajama pants aside to softly lick and kiss. "Miss you."

"I miss you too." He slid his hand up Dominic's arm to brush his cheek, and to guide the hot mouth down the length of his shaft.

"Shouldn't do this here." Dominic murmured against the length, fingers coming up to jack softly and harden it further. "Shouldn't. You taste so good." He brought his mouth down over him, even at this side ways angle, bringing his mouth down the length for a single suck before back up, eyes closed tight as he did it.

"Yes we should." Lionel stroked his fingers through the short strands of Dominic's hair as he lifted up, offering more of himself to his lover.

And it was what Marie saw as she came in, April on her hip. Lionel, arched in offering, fingers in his husbands hair, and Dominic, crouched over his crotch, and she couldn't see too much, but what she could HELLO. Oh. She almost didn't... and then the baby had to let out a tremendous burp from her bottle, and shit. "I… and... I'll come back... not!... not COME come... but... later, is when I'll be back, yes. Oh. I'm sorry."

Dominic just... he froze, Lionel's cock down his throat, eyes flying open as he came up off his lover... trying to make as little lewd noise as he could, not succeeding because saliva was pooled in his mouth, and he winced, his back to his sister in law.

"Excuse us, Marie. Could you please turn around and take Ariel back into the bathroom please?" Lionel was nonplussed by the invasion of privacy; he was rather used to them. "And please, close the door." He stroked Dominic's head comfortingly.

Marie's mouth dropped... she just… kind of shook her head, and pointed back to the hall door she'd come out of. "I'll sit outside. Make sure... no one bothers you?" A hard swallow and she turned on her heel, grabbing Ariel's blankie on the way and closing the door behind her.

Dominic stood frozen over his lover, not moving or speaking until Marie closed the door… and he was shocked, very much so, as embarrassed as he was, when his fingers squeezed around Lionel's erection, and found him... so hard. He looked up, blinked a few times, and brought his mouth back down over him experimentally, eyes wide and watchful.

Lionel's fingers tightened in Dominic's hair, and he thrust up again, as much as the spike of pain in his back would let him. He grunted softly, as that pain mixed with the pleasure of Dominic's mouth on him and he thrust in harder, rocking just a little and pushing himself deep.

Oh God he groaned, hard, because he had gotten turned on by being found, and he looked up, eyes still wide in his face as his lips stretched over his lovers cock, sucking hard. He looked back down, got into his touch as he moved, bobbing up and down as his free fingers found his lovers nipple ring, the other his balls, stroking them in tandem to the fingers on his lovers chest as he sucked. Tongue swirling all over the spots his lover adored, and he rose up, keeping only the head in his mouth as he gripped the base in both hands, rotating it back and forth like he would a campfire stick, catching the skin and tugging at the head as his mouth sucked over it.

Soft, muted cries as Lionel thrust himself into Dominic's caresses, stroking and touching all of his lover that he could reach, his eyes closed and head thrown back against the pillow, one hand falling to knot in the sheets as he rocked into his lover's mouth. "Dominic, please," Lionel whispered softly, cock aching in his lover's grip.

He kept doing it, only his mouth went up and down now, sucking as much as he could as he stroked and tugged at the skin, lapping and licking as his mouth sucked at the base, letting go now to grip it. Up and down, varying speeds and tempo's, and he was so hard and wanted so much.

And was so pleased, to be giving his lover this pleasure, now, when he could take it. In the following days he wouldn't be able to, and he would give this memory to his lover to get through it.

He lapped and sucked, letting his teeth scrape the sensitive areas, as he nudged his lovers legs apart and dropped a palm down to stroke over the tiny puckered hole.

Lionel twisted his hips, the whine of pain from the stone turning into pleasure as he squirmed just a little, urging Dominic's fingers inside of him as he rocked, and slid his hand up to fist in Dominic's hair. "Please, Dominic," he gritted out softly.

His hand slid down to his cock, stroking it as Dominic sucked it, hips raising in pleading and offering as he whimpered softly.

His thumb worked inside the dry little channel, just a little so he wouldn't hurt his lover... pulling out to wet it with the pre come his lover was making and back down and in, pressing in… pulling out a little bit before pushing in further. He sucked hard now, in earnest, working to get him to come as his lover gripped his hair and fuck that felt good.

Trembling, raspy little moan, thick with his brogue, and he grunted as he closed his eyes tight, bringing his lover deeply down his throat and out, working him hard.

"Yesssss." Lionel hissed it as he felt his lover's thumb sliding into him. The dry rasp felt so good, the slick slide even better, and he squeezed the thick digit hard with his muscles as he pushed down on it, strangling the moan in his throat as he came.

He jerked in surprise but opened his throat and pushed in, allowing for his lover to flow inside, for his throat to work around the spurting organ as his finger stroked in and out, teasing the opening as his fingertips rubbed and soothed the base, eyes shut tight as he did so.

Lionel shuddered as Dominic swallowed, and his hands restlessly glided over his lover's face, stroking and petting, touching and feeling and tugging gently, touching as much skin as he could as he fought for breath.

Dominic slowly rose his head...waiting until his lover had finished shudder, and sucked and lapped on his way up, letting go to clean his lover. Licks and laps around the wet cock starting to soften, and he lapped softly at the come he'd missed, cleaning him completely before he brought his hands up, tucking him gently back in his pants. Covered him with the blanket and rose up to kiss his face, peppering his skin with soft, light little touches.

Lionel caught his lover and kissed him. Hard and fast and deep, Lionel's tongue stabbed and searched for Dominic's, stealing his own flavor out of his lover's mouth as he took the hard kiss. His hands smoothed his lover's hair back, fingertips wandering over his face.

Dominic kissed right back, hard as he could, sucking softly at the given tongue as he nipped and bit at his lips, fingertips stroking possessively over the marks he'd left on his lovers neck...marks he'd never dared leave anywhere, but there they were, and not even his hair would cover it. Definitely, defiantly worth it, and he kissed back as hard as he could, grasping his lovers hair tightly.

Lionel moved his arms and wrapped them firmly around his lover's waist, pulling him close. "I love you, Dominic. I miss you so. Thank you." He squeezed gently, nestling his face into his lover's body.

Oh, yeah. He lifted himself onto the bed beside his lover and wrapped his arms around his waist, hugging and snuggling him tightly. "Anything for you, my darling." Murmured into soft hair gently, as he pulled him close and hugged him tightly. "I love you, too, my lovely one."

"Promise me now, that you'll sleep at home tonight? Get some rest, and take care of yourself." Lionel said it into his lover's shoulder.

"Okay." Toes crossed. Pfft. Like he was going to go anywhere. Maybe to the bathroom because he ached. Go get a cup of coffee? Sure. He'd already brought any clothes for the next day, and had them in a small bag in the bathroom. Didn't need any more than that, because he was not going to spend the night anywhere that wasn't right where Lionel was. "Will you sleep now, baby? Its close to seven now... I want you to eat some dinner and go to sleep. You'll need it, baby."

"Dominic, I am serious. You cannot sleep properly here." He didn't let go, however. "I will eat dinner. I will sleep... later."

Did his lover honestly think he could sleep at ALL at home? Alone? "Don't worry, darling, I know. You will sleep soon." Chastised softly, as he stroked his lovers hair.

Lionel growled softly. "I'll sleep after my wayward little son shows up and we have our little talk."


"Our child, Dominic. Yours and mine. Remember?"

"Yes, idiot, I remember. My blood is not in my head." But he shifted. "I didn't think you meant... today. Tonight." Jittery? nervous? Terrified? Sure.

"I meant, as soon as Lex shows his little bald head." He gave a small smile. "I know where the blood is, Dominic." He held out his hand.

Peer, as he looked at Lionel's outreached hand. "What is that, the evil peoples handshake or something?" Though he was just joking, and his eyes danced with it as he pressed his lips softly to Lionel's face. "I love you. And now? I'm going home for a shower, a book, and I'll be back. Okay?" Because he just knew that the pain would start tonight. Better to think about gall stones than babies... much less frightening.

"It's actually an offer to jerk you off," Lionel said calmly. "All right; I'll be here when you get back." A soft smile. "I'll be working. But take Shane home with you, and put him to bed; I'm afraid he's tired out."

"No." Worst thing he'd ever said in his life. "No jerking off. I don't want you to jerk me off. I want to slam home inside of you and make you remember how hard I took you when I gave you that mark." He smiled it as he rolled off the sheets. "I can wait." And a lean over for a kiss, a soft one. "How I adore you, Husband."

He put on his coat, as it was thundering hard outside, and got his umbrella before he carefully leaned over the side of the playpen, and lifted his nephew. He gave a whining cry and Dominic soothed him gently, tucking the baby gently to his chest and holding him tightly as he tucked a blanket around him. "There we are, my champion." He murmured, kissing the little guys head softly before he motioned for Lionel to give him his umbrella. "I'll be back soon, beloved."

Lionel handed the umbrella up to his lover, using the curved edge to catch his elbow and pull him back. "I can't wait for you to make good on your promises, Dominic." He let the umbrella fall in the crook of his lover's arm then. "I'll have dinner while you're gone."

Another soft kiss and he smiled at him in adoration before carefully walking around the bed and opening the door, pulling it open with his foot and peeking out.

And was amused, quietly so, to find Marie and Ariel asleep in the chair.

He awoke them and they went home, with the two sleeping babes in the backseat, and every bit of the way, Dominic prayed for his lover.



go on to the next part