
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 138: Opiates

Lex was on the bottom of the pile, and he was nice. And warm. And snuggled. He was quite happy to be at the bottom of the pile, but the bodies on top of him weren't.

"Cold. Blanket. Your house. Fetch." Whitney muttered it as he stayed curled around Clark.

Lex snorted, and it turned into a yawn. "Your wish. My ::yawn:: command." He stretched under Clark's bulk and eased out from underneath his lover.

He really did mean to put pants on, but he was too close to asleep. He just got out of bed, winced at the noticeable drop in temperature, and staggered out the door and down the hallway, towards the linen closet.


Fresh from the hospital, Dominic finished slamming the front door shut behind him, his eyebrows furrowing in anger as he glared at his step son. Running around the house naked as the day he was born and did Dominic ever mention that he would have been achingly happy never to see it again?! He snarled at him and finished shoving the keys to his car in his coat pocket, glaring at his step son and wagging a finger as he walked into the house. "You are a shameless little bint. Go and put some clothes on, this instant."

Lex blinked. "Dominic Senatori." He was too sleepy to think up an appropriate comeback. "I'm only getting a blanket, my babies are cold." He yawned again, then opened the door to the linen closet and pulled out a large purple quilt, and draped it around himself. "There. What are ::yawn:: you doin' home?"

Slap to his face. Babies? God, he didn't want to know. Instead he just rubbed a palm over his face, rolling his eyes and sighing at Lex, the sigh of a man very put upon. "The blanket didn't help. But regardless, I'm here to get some clothes and a blanket or two for Lionel. I'll be staying with him at the hospital tonight, alright?"

Another yawn, and his hands scrubbed at his eyes. For a second, he looked seven years old again, wrapped in a huge blanket and trying to stay up to see his father again. "Might--might want to check on Shayla, if she'll let you in the room."

Dominic's lips spread and curved, but he didn't say a word, as he arched a brow and tucked his hand into his pocket. "Why so?"

"Because she was cursing out men and raging against Pete and dicks. Chloe went up there earlier, and was never heard from again." A jaw-cracking yawn.

Seriousness clouded over the amusement in a single moment, and Dominic's expressive eyebrow rose. Pete. Crying. Girl friend. Shit. If that little Ross boy had done anything to hurt his sister he was going to have to cave his pretty little face in, and he wasn't beyond decking someone for his sister's honor. He nodded quietly and pet Lex's shoulder, offering him a tight smile. "Go back to sleep, laddie. I'll be 'round in the morning."

"Mmmkay. Tell Dad I'll be by in the morning, ten-ish, after I've got things rolling out at the site again." A final, jaw-cracking yawn. "Night, Dom. See you later." Lex hitched up the blanket so he could walk with it around his shoulders, and disappeared into the office with it.

He clicked the lock shut, and snapped the king-size blanket out over Whitney and Clark's intertwined bodies. He snuggled back into his place at the bottom of the pile, shifting and twining back around Clark, and went right to sleep.

One last look at him and Dominic just rolled his eyes at the ceiling. "Why me, God? Why have You cursed me with this family? I mean, really. You couldn't let me be Hawaiian? Or really rich, so I could go live in Cancun?"

God didn't answer him.

Dominic glared.

The stairs were bare of the winter carpets, as Ms. Bird had gotten Enrique to roll them up sometime the day before. The spring and summer things were spread out everywhere, from the sheer curtains that now covered all the windows instead of the heavy velvet, to the doilies and summer-like, happy antiques spread out. Hundreds of blooms littered vases all over the house, and Dominic... he just smiled, even at this late hour, as he climbed the steps. Third hallway, and from it he took the first hall off of it, down to Shayla's room. She'd decorated the door, his Shayla, and he stopped in front of the pink carpet laid out before her door, knocking very quietly.

Shayla lifted her head up from Chloe's shoulder, and glared at the door. "Go away."

"Its me, darling. Open the door, will you?"

"Only if you leave your dick at the door." It was followed by a little snuffle, then she nudged Chloe. "Wake up. Morgan's here."

"Mmur?" Chloe opened her eyes and gazed at her friend, looking blearily at the door as her fingers tightened around Shayla's waist. "Want me to kick his bum butt out?"

"No, it's okay. Morgan's a brother-type dick. He's okay. Besides, he's gay. He's got about as many problems with guys as I do." She sniffled again. "Come on in, bro. Door's not locked. I don't think."

Indeed it wasn't and he turned the knob in time to see the little blond... Chloe it was, scrambling off of the bed and straightening. He was amused, even as he kept his face pleasant, because he knew the little thing had a crush on him. It was a nice ego stroke, and she was a sweet lass, so he just smiled at her as he closed the very pinkly decorated door closed. "Ms. Sullivan. Would you give Shayla and I a bit, darling?"

Uh, God. He was even sexier at night. She let out a little sigh and looked down at her friend, squeezing her hand tightly. "If you need anything, Shay, scream. I'll get us some snacks, kay?"

"Okay. I'll scream, don't worry." She squeezed Chloe's hand tightly. "Thanks. For, you know." She squeezed again. "You're the best girlfriend ever."

"You're bester." Chloe bent down to hug her and kiss her lightly on the lips, snuggling her close before scooting past Dominic and out the door.

And Dominic had watched, carefully keeping his face blank. Lex had something a few weeks before about Shayla and Ms. Sullivan, and he hadn't believed it until now. But he wouldn't judge because it wasn't in him to, and he shucked his coat and his shoes, sighing in pleasure as his toes wriggled on the thick carpet, and he set it all over a small desk chair as he walked over to the bed, climbed in, and snuggled his princess in right in to his chest so they spooned. And because he knew her, he flicked the TV on. "Hmm. Leno?"

Shayla turned over onto her side and buried her face in his chest and just started sobbing.

Dammit. Dominic sighed softly and pulled her closer to him, stroking his palm very gently over all that... oh. Pink again. He was a man and didn't notice these things right off, but this was kind of hard to miss. Flaming pink, painfully bright, and he tucked her under his chin gently, sighing softly into he ear. "What has he done, my lamb?"

"He slept with Dick. Or, well, sort of did. He started out sleeping with Dick, and then he must have said no part way through and Dick didn't listen, because I ended up breaking a ball bat over Dick's head. So, um, I'm kinda fuzzy on the stuff there, but he told me himself, that he wanted to sleep with Dick, and he said yes when Dick came onto him."

Very... very slowly exhaled breath. Oh, shit. 1. 2. God, please, tell me why homicide is bad. 3.... 4..... 5. Jail. No Lionel in jail. Probably become Buhbuh's bitch. 6.... 7.... 8..... 9.... 9 and a half.... 9 and three fourths.... ten.


He gently, very gently, stroked over his baby sisters hair, keeping her tucked close to him. "Oh, baby. He is quite an ass, now isn't he? A blind donkeys ass, without a shred of decency."

"I don't know why. He said that he was done with Dick, that he didn't need him, just me. And then... and then he did this. And I told him to get out and I never wanted to look at him ever again." Shayla just hugged Dominic around the waist, squeezing him hard and just sobbing harder.

Okay. Pete and Dick had had sex. He knew that. Or... well, the knowing and the seeing of the knowing were two entirely different things, but now he understood why his baby was crying. He gently stroked her hair, her face, her back, keeping her close to him as he spoke. "Horses ass. Horses ass for doing it, horses ass for thinking it. My darling...oh, my darling. Do you love him?"

She nodded against his chest. "Yes, I do, I love him so much. Even when he was leaving and I told him I never wanted to see him again, I wanted him to hold me and hug me and tell me everything was going to be okay."

Which led directly to his next question, of course, as he gently stroked her hair and gazed at her. "Does he love you, princess?"

"I don't know. I thought he did. I really thought he did, he never did anything to hurt me before, but then he did this and now I'm not so sure at all."

Fuck. He thought for a long moment, very carefully, contemplating how he was going to phrase his next comment. And because his darling sister would call him on his bullshit regardless, he stroked her very... badly dyed pink hair back from her ear and cheek, gently thumbing the tear tracks down her face. "Beloved... usually I would have the perfect advice for you. Tell you to fuck him and you can do better, because you can. You're beautiful and smart and wonderful and intelligent and my darling beyond imagining. But." This next part he spoke very carefully, even more so, gently stroking her face. "When two people are in a relationship, and both people are bisexual, the rules change."

"But see, that's just the thing. I don't care that he's bisexual, or whatever. I really don't. And he doesn't care that I am. Because, we--well, you don't want to know the details, but we do things that he said would be good, and they were, but they just weren't good enough." She sniffled again, and looked up at him.

He understood. Didn't… want... to THINK about his little baby darling DOING them, but he respected her age and her choice in mates. Even if it ground his teeth bare. So he just gently stroked her cheek, nodding softly as he rubbed the tear tracks away, and kissed her splotchy, red nose. "Sometimes it isn't enough, my love. He's very young, and you know it like I do that boys don't mature whatsoever at 18. He made a mistake... a horrid one, but it was a mistake. You said he tried to stop midway through?"

She nodded. "Yeah. Cause he was yelling for Dick to stop when I got there. That's why I hit him with Pete's ball bat."

"Okay, let us get the facts straight. Young Mr. Ross? An ass. You love him, and I believe its obvious he loves you, from all I've seen and all he's done up till today. Do you have it in your heart to forgive him, angel?"

She shook her head. "I don't know, Morg."

"That is something you'll have to look inside of yourself for. And if the forgiveness is not there, cut it off quick and move on with your life." He pressed her close, just a little bit more, because he loved when she let him hug her like this. "I did it to Fellie, you know."

"Yeah, I know, but you didn't go fuck someone else, neither did she, and you guys ended up as friends." All her words were muffled against his shoulder, as her face was back to being buried in it.

"Wanted to. Her brother, Andrew? MMMmmmMMM." Which he said in his best diva voice, as he snapped his fingers. "What an ass."

Choked off giggle. "But you didn't. That's the thing."

"If I'd had the chance, and I was drunk enough, I would have." Dominic said it quietly, because it was the truth, as much as he hated himself for it. "I would have. Beloved, you were wronged this day in a way no human being should ever be wronged. You have two choices... or, alright, actually three. One, you forgive him. Two... you cut off any relationship you had and move on."

"And three?"

"You go Lorena Bobbitt on his ass and keep his balls in a jar on your desk."

That got another choked giggle. "I like number three the best."

"Shhh, don't tell anyone, but I do too." And because his princess had smiled, he very gently kissed her forehead, rubbing her cheekbone tenderly. "Was the dye necessary, my love?"

She nodded, and her voice hitched. "I don't get hurt when I dye my hair. Nobody takes me serious-like."

"I do. Its not about what you look like, baby, but what's in your heart. And since you wear yours on your sleeve, it doesn't really matter what color you dye your hair, or what you get pierced. We'll always know the inside you, and its beautiful."

"Nobody else does," she pointed out. "That's it. That's all. Everybody sees the pink hair and thinks freak. Which, is all good. Because if everybody thinks I'm a freak, then they don't bother to get close enough to hurt me."

That bothered him, deeper then he thought it would, and his fingertips stroked tenderly through all that dyed hair as he spoke. "Take it from someone who's run for his entire life, baby. At the end, you've run for nothing, and your life has passed you by."

"I liked it before," she said, her voice muffled. "When it was going by. I was just another of the Senatori kids, and nobody hung out with me. i liked it better that way."

"Lies, and if you think I'm fool enough to fall for them, then you got more of this dye in your ears than I thought."

"It's not a lie, Morg." Shayla hugged her brother tightly. "Maybe a stretch of the truth, but I'd rather it be like that again than... than let someone I loved break my heart."

"But that's the essence of living, my darling." Dominic said it softly, quietly, as he pulled her back enough to look at him. "That is life. You have to face it with a warriors heart, my love. Life is sadness and pain and agony and horror. But its also...its about love, and joy, and pleasure, and happiness. But you'll never go anywhere if you're too scared to start. Shayla... my Shayla, you are a beautiful young lady, with so much in store for her. Don't feel this way so early on. You have a life yet to live, and this is simply a hitch in your step. Be confident, believe in what you can accomplish. Don't let others run your life for you. You are you, and if they don't like it, fuck them. Someone ten times better will come along that loves you just for being yourself."

"I can't help feeling this way. It's just... he's the one. I know it. I know it sounds strange, but it'll never be anybody else. It's always gonna be him. And it's devastating, Morg. It's just... unbelievable."

"Of course it is, my darling. You do what you feel in your heart is right. Plus..." At this his smile turned slightly sharky about the edges, and his eyes grew wicked. "Groveling is a very fun sport."

"I don't want him to grovel, Morg. I just... want my Pete back."

"Nooonnono. You want him to grovel. That way, my dear, the next time he's ever tempted to do something of this nature, though I highly doubt he ever will, he'll remember the hell he went through without you, and what you put him through. Guarantee he'll never hurt you again my darling."

"He won't get the chance." Shayla shook her head. "I should have listened to you, Graham, everybody else. I should have, and I didn't. I should have listened."

"About what? Not caring about him?" An eye roll now, and he sat up, giving her a glare. "Stop. You know as well as I do what you're saying, so hush. Grahams a bigot, I'm gay as fucking hell, and everybody else doesn't understand you like I do. So the pity party stops right here, young lady. You're going to get up, you're going to wash your face, and you're going to show him, every time you see him, that you are just fine and dandy without him. Him? Ruin your image? Unlikely. Very, very unlikely. You're much too beautiful and too much your own woman to be anything of the sort of moping for him."

"I love you, Morgan. You're the best brother ever." She squeezed his waist hard, then curled up tighter against his side.

"Darling, and for the love of all that is holy, get rid of the pink. You're an insanely attractive, beautiful young lady without it, and with..." A nose wrinkle. "You remind me of a big skittle. So... away with it, eh? And tomorrow, after school, you and Chloe go into Metropolis to shop. You can have my credit card, and get whatever you like."

She shook her head. "I kinda like it. I'm going to leave it for a while." She giggled at the skittles comment. "I've got Graham's, the one he gave to me for me to use, and he's going to die when he sees the bill. I better not go shopping any more. Last time I went shopping--" Oh. Face fell as she remembered the dressing room. "--i spent way too much money," she finished softly.

"Yes, you did." But he bounced up onto his knees and got in front of her, glaring as he slid off the sheets and to his feet. "But now, you and Chloe will spend an enormous amount of money and I won't mind a lick. Go into town darling. Make yourself feel better, and don't let this get you down. Its merely a slight trip in your stride." He smiled at her as he sat down in her desk chair and began to get his shoes on.

"Hey, Morgan?"

"Yes angel?"

"Thank you. You really are the best brother in the world."

"Of course I am." But he smiled at her and kissed her nose. "You and Chloe be good. If you need me darling, I'm at the hospital, okay?"

"We will be. And give Big Daddy a hug for me." She sat on the edge of the bed and watched him get his shoes back on. "What should I do?"


"Anything. Him."

"I say this so much it's amazing I'm not a broken record. But... my dear, you should talk to him. There's a reason he did what he did, and in the heat of the moment he couldn't tell you. Talk to him, and ask him why it is that he cheated on you with Dick, of all bloody people." Dominic nodded it as he finished tying his left shoe, and began in on the right. "Just ask him. You'll never know if you don't."

"I know. Well, at least, I know why it was Dick. Dick is his ex."

"Maybe theirs unresolved issues. Maybe..." A frown, now, as he looked at her. "Shayla, I've had sex with both men and women in my long, lucrative thirty five years on this planet. And I need to tell you something that horrifies me to do so, but I will anyway because you're an intelligent young lady." He steepled his fingers and rested his elbows on his knees. "Sex with a woman is a very, very different experience than sex with a man."

....."No, I mean. Okay." A hard, heavy sigh, and he rubbed his face. "Sex... with a woman, is always about the man being in charge and the woman is... not. But when one is with a man... it can change. Sometimes...fuck, I'm not talking to you about this." He was... pink, he felt it, and it horrified him.

"Sometimes it's just about needing a cock in your ass?" she asked quietly.

"Yes. Indeed. Thank you." Expelled breath. "But its not just that. You can get that from a dildo, or a vibrator, of your girlfriends fingers. Its.... its more complicated than that. Sometimes its about letting go, about being needed by someone bigger than you. Imagine... for instance. You're with Chloe, and Chloe is a very, very meek girl. And sometimes, you just want to feel meek too, and have her do what she wants to you. But she never does." A nod, as he looked at her and tried not to be horrified about what he was talking about. "That's how it is with bi men. Sometimes its that need to flux the power and just be... fucked. Do you understand?"

"I do, sort of. And I thought... I thought Pete and I were getting there. I mean, he'd asked me. About... about the vibrator. And stuff. And I said yes. I thought... I thought we were okay. I really did."

"Beloved, its not something you did." He wasn't making sense to her and he knew it, dammit, so he took her hand softly in his. "It wasn't about you. When he was in the heat of the moment, it wasn't about who he was with, or what he was doing. It was the action, the mating, the fucking. It makes it hard that it was Dick, but I don't believe he was thinking with the head on his shoulders, beloved."

"No, I know what you're saying, Morg. And I get that. I do. And I get that he was thinking with his dick and not his head, but... I thought his dick was happy with me."

Okay, at that he laughed, shaking his head and climbing to his feet to sit beside her on the bed. "Sweetie, it wasn't that his dick wasn't happy with you. Its that his ass was happy getting dick." Okay, he felt a little more comfortable, MARGINALLY, even if the blood was now in his toes and his face was a shade paler then normal. He took her hand, squeezed it, and nodded. "Talk to Chloe about what women can do for their bi oriented boyfriends. Ask Lex, as well. Just for the love of God, don't ask me."

"Chloe already told me." Her turn to blush. "She... she and Whitney... she's got a... you know." Shayla made the motions of clipping a belt around her waist.

He lifted his hand, and pinched the bridge of his nose. Hard. "Yes, well. Don't ever tell me about it. But... talk to her, have her give you some advice. Okay?" A pat to her shoulder and he climbed to his feet, snagging his coat and offering a smile at her. "You'll be fine, Skittle."

"Thanks, Morgan." She paused a minute. "If you're not busy tomorrow night, want to share a tub of ice cream and watch bad movies all night? I'm not gonna be sleeping anyway."

"Of course, darling. Hopefully by tomorrow my darling husband will be out of the hospital." A heaved sigh at her and he rubbed his face. "God, I don't know how I'm going to make it through marriage with this lout." But he smiled anyway, and kissed the top of her head. "Call me on the cell if you need me, darling."

"I will." She hugged him again, and pulled her feet up underneath her.

"Morgan... thanks again."

"Of course baby, good night." And off he went, down the hall. He cut through the secret passage his darling sister had showed him and slipped through, crossing all the way over to his hall. Ended up three doors down but that was okay, and he opened his and Lionel's bedroom door. The bed was made, sheets changed to a soft green shade, and the terrace doors were closed and locked tight. Everything was tidy as a drum, just as Dominic expected the ever anal Ms. Bird to have done, and he counted his thanks to her as he got the bag out from under the bed. A small overnight bag, and he packed it quickly, as he set his coat down to the side and began to fill it.

Toothpaste, deodorant, a towel or two. Socks, underwear, two changes of pajama's for his lover, a change of clothes as well and one for himself to boot. The huge blue wool comforter over the chair, another pair of shoes for himself and his lovers slippers. All packed quickly and efficiently into the bag, and he snagged the book they'd been reading together off the night stand, pushing his little glasses which were lying atop it onto his face, and setting it in the bag as well. He zipped it up and pulled his coat on quickly, grabbing the bag and out he went.

And because he was anal, he called the hospital and asked for Lionel's room, as he came down the steps, going around and down the hall to slip into the kitchen as he waited.

"Luthor." Lionel was balancing the phone on one shoulder as he had papers spread out all over the bed.

"Hey beloved, its me. I'm sorry its taking me so," the phone slipped away a little as he gave Ms. Bird a big kiss and set the bag down on the counter, blanket atop it, as he balanced the phone on his ear and got the thermos of coffee from under the sink to wash and fill. "So long, I had to talk to Shayla."

"Quite all right. Is the young girl all right?" Lionel paused and took a drink from the water carafe beside the bed, and went back to his papers. "Also, when you come, could you look in the library and bring that small stack of books from the desk, the legal volumes I've pulled down?"

"Of course beloved." He quickly rinsed the thermos and filled it, smiling at the housekeeper as she glared at him, and filled the thermos with milk and sugar as well, capping it, closing it, and giving it the shimmy shake before setting it in the bag as well. "Shayla... ahh, problems with her young man. I'll tell you when I get there. Have you eaten?"

"Of course, I ate everything that you left for me, and I made the doctors happy by drinking everything they've given me."

"You mean the...little treat I brought you?" Though his lips spread as he sighed, waving at Ms. Bird and walking out of the kitchen towards the library. The bag came up on his shoulder because it was already getting heavy, and he walked into the library, shutting the door behind him. ....Saw, through the open door connecting study and library the three boys sleeping naked, and turned right around, not looking as he got the books from the desk.

"Yes, I mean the little treat you brought me, and it was quite a good little treat too." He smiled into the phone. "Thank you, Dominic. The doctors have been taking x-rays steadily and tell me that the stone is on the move, because of the sheer amount of liquids they've been flushing through my system."

Dominic bit his lip to keep the laugh in, walking over to shut the study door, and left the library, zipped back on his shoulder and his fingers digging in his pocket for his keys. "That's wonderful news, my love. Just how many times have you gotten up to pee in the last hour?" He shut and locked the front door behind him, shoes snapping quietly against the cement as he quickly went down them, beeping his trunk so it opened with a soft whoosh.

"Gotten up? You say that as though they would allow me. They've inserted a catheter, which, is not at all a pleasant experience."

Oh. Shudder. He winced, visibly, and set the bag down in the trunk with a thunk. Closed it and got into his car, still wincing as he started up his little cat with a purr. "Baby, oh. Are you alright? They're....they're not at all pleasant, no. No, no, no. When I got shot...yes. Well. Woke up to one. And… hmmph." He muttered it as he pulled the car from brake and started around the drive, pulling out onto the road that led to the main one off of the Mansion. "I'm bringing you some things to read, darling. Is there any discomfort yet?"

"Writer's cramp, and a bit of a headache from reading the fine print of all these damnable contracts."

Another wince, as he stopped at the stop sign and glanced both ways, before pulling out on the road with one hand, the other staying on his phone. "Beloved, its going to hurt before much longer. You need to lie back and rest your back, okay? When your muscles are tensed it hurts worse."

"I've been told it's going to hurt no matter how much I'm relaxed. I've heard it related in akin to passing a watermelon through a straw." A sigh from the other end of the phone, and Lionel scrubbed his eyes. "could I possibly convince you to bring another box of fries to the hospital with you?"

"No, coupled with a side of hell no." Cheerfully said as he pulled through main street, driving quietly. Smallville General was just up the street but he didn't want to hang up. Not just yet. "I love you, my darling, and if you beg me really pretty like, I might fetch you something from the Talon."

"How about if I promise to make it worth your while in lieu of begging?" Lionel tapped his pen against his teeth before scrawling his signature on one form and moving to the next.

"And what exactly is my while?" He asked with a raised brow, though it amused him as he parked on the curb in front of the Talon, taking the car off and pocketing his keys as he got out.

"Tying you down to my bed and not letting you up for a week. Or if I have to, I'll have a collar around your throat, a ring around your cock and a plug in your ass, just so you don't forget." A quiet pause. "Or perhaps I'll let you do that to me."

His eyebrows were up to his hairline when he entered the Talon. It was surprisingly full of people at this late of an hour, and his eyebrow was still up as he stopped at the counter, smiling at the young lady standing before him and cupping his phone so his lover wouldn't hear too much. "Two cheese Danishes, please." And back into the phone. "I will, darling. You can count on that. However... I don't find anything wrong with your having me in that situation, you know." He handed over the four dollars for the Danishes and took the bag from the young woman, smiling at her as he walked right back out.

Lionel was quiet as he strained to hear the order, but he couldn't quite. "There is nothing wrong with either of us being in that position, I'll have you know. You just merely have to decide which you want, and I'll give it to you."

"Mmm." He was quiet though because he had his little Dominic plans, and he slid into the car again, revving it up and setting the Danishes on the seat beside him as he got back into his seat belt. "Remember something old, something new, something borrowed and something brown?"

"Not even remotely."

"I actually told you of my devious plan while you were high in the ER, my dear." He checked his mirrors and pulled out onto the street, starting up towards the hospital again. "Beloved, I've had a surprise for you since about Christmas… and just haven't had a chance to use it."

"Well, tell me again, now that I am sober enough to remember and appreciate it." Lionel raised his eyebrow. "What kind of surprise is it?"

"One I can't tell you about, cause it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?" Amused smile and he stopped at a red light, leaning forward to put the radio on. La Boheme came on, twinkling quietly and beautifully, and he sighed in pleasure as he waited for the green light. "It... well, lets just say I believe you'll have a new perspective on reclining once I'm done with you."

"Reclining?" Lionel put his pen down at that. "This surprise you have is beginning to sound more and more fascinating."

"Mmm. And shaving. Definitely... definitely a new perspective on shaving." Which just tickled him, and he chuckled as the light finally changed and off he drove.

"You're not laying a blade on my beard, Morgan Dominic Senatori."

"No one said it would be on your face, my beloved."

Lionel blinked at that, and was very very quiet. "Indeed. Yes, well... do hurry back, beloved. Once you're here in person, I can torture the secret out of you."

Hahahaha! He'd finally shocked his lover speechless! and Dominic was smiling as he gave him a kiss over the phone and hung up, using both hands now to pull into the parking lot. He found a spot near the front, which was a god send, and walked through the doors leading to the main part of the hospital. Knew it by heart now, and it wasn't very big so he had no problem making his way to the fifth floor. The elevator had given him the shudders, but not as bad as it had once been, and he gave himself a little dance of victory as he stepped out. "Hullo, Linda." A wave at a nurse, a stop to give Estelle, who'd moved to the fifth floor for the night, a kiss, and off he went with his bag to Lionel's room.

He knocked quietly and opened the door, peeking in before he stepped in with a smile in his heart. "I am finally here."

Lionel's head raised, and a smile spread across his lips at the sight of his lover. "That was a quick trip." He swept the papers up in one practiced motion, rapping them on the side of the table to align the edges and then slid them into a slimline leather portfolio. "Welcome back, and I thought you were going to be sleeping at home tonight?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course I said that." Dominic set the bag down on the nearest chair, closing the door behind him, and held up the little treat he'd brought his lover, shaking the bag about as his eyebrow rose.

"But?" Lionel reached out for the bag, and the delicious pastry scent that wafted over.

And because he was a horrid man, he held it just out of his lovers reach, and slipped in for a soft kiss instead. Licking, lapping, tender little touches, as he murmured, "But I can't sleep without you." And handed him the bag with a flourish as he grinned and went back to retrieve the overnight bag. "I brought another set of pajamas, socks, slippers, another blanket because its fucking freezing in here. Ah... your book, your," Held up his lovers little case with his glasses inside, and handed them over.

Lionel's hand slipped up to gently cradle the back of his lover's head in a wide palm as they kissed, and he rolled his eyes. "Then it is a good thing I asked for the larger bed this time." He sighed. "You'd think they'd learn not to give me such strange looks by now, but thankfully, a phone call to Felicia and everything was smoothed over." He took his glasses. "Thank you, very much. These would have saved me a bit of a headache."

"Of--" Heavy yawn broke his words and he yawned against his lovers cheek, straightening and giving him a bleary little grin as he stretched and rubbed the ache from his back. He'd thrown a sweater into the bag and he retrieved it now, taking the jacket off and tugging the sweater on as he sighed softly. "Work. How much have we got left?"

"We've still got four divisions to go through and approve, and there are some legalities that I need to research, about moving certain types of things, equipment and materials, over county lines." Lionel rubbed his own temples briefly. "Enough to make me dread work in the morning."

"Mmmm." Only reply to that and he slid into bed with his lover without a qualm… careful of wires hanging about as he snuggled in beside his lover, toeing off his shoes and snuggling in beside his lover with a heaved yawn and a cuddle. "Mmm. Baby, its midnight. Sleep."

"Midnight? That early?" Lionel looked at his watch by the bed. "Ah. So it is."

"I love you." Muffled against his lovers side where his face was pressed, and he snuggled in warmly, gently... for just a moment, before he looked up. "Its a chair."

"And I love you." Lionel pulled off his glasses, put them on the little table, and leaned back in bed, reaching up to turn off the light. "You bought me a chair?"

Dancing green eyes, twitching lips. "Indeed, I did. Though I don't know how you can handle sexual things when you've got a..." A wince as he very, very gently stroked over his lovers crotch, bringing him in close as they snuggled in the near dark. All the light came from the machines keeping attention on Lionel's vital signs, and the sound on them were turned off, so the room was silent.

"I'm sure it will be more than a little uncomfortable, but I am willing to... live through it." Lionel smiled against his lover's cheek.

Oh and Dominic just snuggled. The wool blanket he'd spread over them was warm, his lovers arms around him and his face close was heaven, and this was the exact reason why he hadn't gone home to sleep. Sleeping alone in bed would have been... it just would have been too lonely, too cold, too alone. He didn't think he could ever sleep alone again.

So he wound his thigh through his lovers, snuggled them in, and yawned. "Poor nurses. Will be scared in the middle of the night." A kiss, then two, then three, licking softly at his lovers jaw.

"No, they all know to expect you to be here. I made sure to inform them all, as well as have a notation made. Again, Felicia helped to arrange things, and she was quite wonderful about doing it." He stroked Dominic's head carefully, gently. "Go on to sleep, my darling."

"You'll tell me if you're in pain? Wake me up. I don't want you to suffer alone, my love. And Meggie did some things for me that helped when I had to go through with it, so... wake me up, alrigh'?"

"Of course I'll tell you. You won't be able to miss it, in fact." He pressed soft kisses to Dominic's temple. "Rest now, while you can. I'll wake you if I need you."

"I love you, Husband."

At that, Lionel grinned softly, feeling every inch the giddy idiot Dominic sometimes made him into. "I love you, my cricket."

Mmmm. Couldn't sleep without hearing it, but now that he had he snuggled in close...and fifteen minutes later, he was deeply asleep.

After half an hour, Lionel let out the breath he'd been holding, and eased the gritting of his teeth.

It was going to be a long night.

- = - = -

Two AM, and Lionel had just begun to drowse off when he shifted in bed and a pure spike of agony shot up the small of his back and cramped around his side and over his hip. A soft cry escaped as he shifted back into position, and the agony moved with him, and he would have sworn in that instant, he could feel it scraping along the delicate tissues of his innards.

And it jolted Dominic out of sleep. He'd been dreaming about a lazy summer afternoon spent with Lex and Lionel and Clark, in Ireland. The magic of home had been beautiful, until he'd cut open the loaf of soda bread Lionel had made and blood had poured out, in great gushes.

So, when Lionel cried out, he all but fell off the bed, eyes wide, wild, and half asleep, as he peered down without focusing at the source of the cry.

His baby.

"L'nel... baby," Dominic whispered, sitting up and reaching up to hit the overhead light. The white lights flickered on and his eyes squinted as his fingertips gently stroked over his lovers face...pale, clammy, and he winced. Call button pushed, all he could do was wait for someone to come to them, as he stroked his lovers face. "Baby, shhh. I know, I know b'loved."

"IT's... mildly painful," Lionel said through gritted teeth, his hand gripping Dominic's tightly. "But I'll be all right, don't worry."

"Mildly my ass. Its sawing your insides out, don't give me that mildly bullshit." But Dominic slipped from the bed, socks hitting cold tile and a tremble of cold rushed up his spine as he kissed his lovers cheek and nose. He was having sympathy pain for his lover just at looking at him, and he tucked the blanket up around his lover as he winced. And glanced up, as the doctor entered with his nurse.

Dr. Tierney entered the room, nodding. "Aaah, Mr. Luthor. A little earlier than we expected, but that's quite all right, I was waiting in the locker room and catching a bit of a nap." Greg sat on the side of the bed next to Lionel, and briefly checked his pulse. "You're a little rapid there. Let's try a few deep breaths, Mr. Luthor. Try and calm down. I know the pain's fairly intense right now, so nothing you say will be held against you, and if you'd like medication, now's the time to ask."

Lionel just glared as he took the deep breaths he was instructed to take. "You, doctor, can take what is commonly called, a flying leap. Until you are in this bed, with this difficulty, I'll thank you not to patronize me."

Dominic knew better then to laugh. He did. So he kept his mouth firmly shut and gently stroked over Lionel's sweaty hair, wincing for him quietly. "Lionel, beloved. Medication? Good idea. You don't want to go into this without it; it hurts like a mother fucker, and theirs no need for you to feel all of it."

Lionel glared at his lover. "Yes, I know it, Dominic. I was attempting, however, to retain my sanity and my dignity for as long as humanely possible before surrendering my inhibitions to the opiates."

The doctor chuckled. "Nurse, I'd like you to go ahead and make sure there's a morphine drip in Mr. Luthor's next IV, please." He checked Lionel's pulse again, feeling it thundering along just as quickly as it had been before. "I'm going to have to ask you to calm yourself."

"Just calm down, beloved." Dominic settled himself on the side where he'd been laying just a few minutes ago, settling beside his lover and taking his hand gently. "Come on, beloved. Don't think about the pain... think about... our calming vacation in Italy." His palm very, very gently began to soothe up and down his lovers arm, his voice low and soft and his brogue was gentle as he spoke. "Think about how lovely the water felt on our toes... about the beautiful ceremony we had. Think about the peace and quiet of being by the ocean, and how lovely it was for us. Think about yesterday morning, when we woke up to the rain falling. It was lovely, wasn't it? Smelled like the forest and the trees." Anything he could say to calm his lover down, speaking very tenderly to him as his fingertips came up to stroke the hair from his lovers eyes.

Focusing on pleasant memories. The two of them, wrapped in a white sheet as spring rain fell on them. He closed his eyes and took deep, calming breaths, the sweat on his skin turning into raindrops as he put himself back in that place, only yesterday. "The rain. It smelled... beautiful. Like I imagine your homeland smelling." His fingers tightened on Dominic's. "The scent I imagine you waking up to."

"Mmmm. I used to wake up smelling like that every day. Like rain and trees and whatever was growing that time of the year. My sister used to hate sharing a room with me." Amused, quietly as he stroked softly, to get his lover off of his thoughts of pain, gently stroking his fingertips. "The water lapping on the sand... sometimes, waking up early enough to watch the sun rise over the hills that surrounded our little cove, watching the sun come up over the water on the horizon. No one awake… just you, and the trees, and your cup of coffee. Being there with you, just you and me and the rain falling as we watch. There's nothing more beautiful on this earth."

Dr. Tierney felt Lionel's pulse slowing. "That's good. Keep talking to him. It's working." He looked up at the IV bag. "It's going to take about a half hour for this last bag to drain and we can hang the new medicated drip. Keep talking to him for the next thirty minutes or so, and then once he's on the drip and the medication's taken effect, we'll get him down to x-ray, and see where the stone's lodged and how far it's got to go."

"Fabulous." Dominic gave the doctor a glare and turned back to Lionel, tenderly stroking his sweaty hair from his eyes. The doctor and nurse left and Dominic quickly got to his feet, walking into the adjoining bathroom and getting a small towel. He filled a small bowl full of water and walked back into his lovers room, muttering darkly about idiot doctors knowing nothing as he gently began to pat his lovers face with the cool cloth. "There we are, love. There."

Lionel's jaw was actually starting to ache from being clenched so tightly. "Dominic. Don't go." He caught his lover's hand around the wrist. "And don't take anything that I say to you personally." He kissed the damp palm carefully before letting go again.

"Oh, beloved." At that he chuckled softly, re-soaking the little towel, squeezing it out, and patting his lovers face, temples, neck and throat clean of sweat, tender in his every movement without really realizing it. "When I passed mine I called Meggie every name on the face of the planet. Lets see... a prostituting whore, a life sucking bitch, an emotionless hag. She laughed at me later, and held my hand during it. And I plan on doing no less for you."

"One of these days... I shall have a few words... with God. For inflicting this on humanity." His grip tightened on the rail of the bad as he shifted again, and another lance of pain shot through his back and his side. "Until then... I shall be content with drugs."

Dominic smiled softly and tenderly stroked his fingers through all of his lovers lovely hair, carefully stroking it back from his eyes. "Here, shhh. Think instead... on how beautiful a time we're going to have when I convince you to take me away for a month in the Caribbean. Just you, me, sand, and surf. A rainforest with a waterfall, just for us. Taking walks in nature… leaving work and stress behind for precious weeks of blissful reprieve. Maybe even take Clark and Lex with us, and just...calm."

Lionel shook his head. "We can't. I have... another trip planned for the next few weeks. I have made the arrangements; I just have to supply a firm date."

"Ah, well then. If you must, you must." Gently stroking the towel down over the open buttons he had carefully opened of his lovers pajamas... didn't like seeing the nipple ring out and gone, and felt violently possessive as he gently stroked the towel over the bare little nub, gently moving the towel over the center of his lovers chest to get him cooled off and calmed down. "Shhhh. There we are."

Lionel reached over to the table, a soft cry wrung out of him as he shifted his weight, and picked up the small box his ring had been dropped into, and handed it to his lover.

"Lionel, dammit." Dominic's fingers slipped under the small of his lovers back, the other on his shoulder, and he lifted with all his might to get his much larger husband back in the center of the bed. A soft, tender kiss to his cheek, sighing softly into it, as he took the box. "Don't move anymore, baby. It... yes. Well." The grin twitched his lips as he opened the box and took out the ring. "We should leave it off for the x-rays."

"If they can't tell the difference between a piece of jewelry and a boulder lodged in the lower half of my body, then they're even more incompetent than I realized and I shall have Toni flown in by private jet from Vancouver."

Point made.

Dominic bent over low over his lovers nipple, peering at it, and because he didn't want to cause his lover any more discomfort with his back and the catheter, he slipped the ring in quickly, spinning the little ball over the end. And because he couldn't help it, he gave it a soft kiss of possession, and gently left his lovers shirt open so the wet skin would dry and his lover would cool off. "There, we are. Lionel, I hate seeing you like this."

A quickly sucked-in breath of short-lived pleasure at the kiss and tug, and then he looked up at his lover, cupping Dominic's face in one large hand. "No. It's not your fault; you didn't decide to give me this. I don't like seeing you in pain either, but as with all things, this too shall pass." He paused, and then grunted. 'Even in the literal sense."

He cracked a grin and kissed the center of his lovers palm softly, before he sat up on one knee, the other on the floor. "My sister rubbed my back to help it pass. Do you want me to rub yours, or is that at the moment sort of… out of the realm of possibility?"

"Let me just say that if you touch my back, I'll break your fingers."

The laugh escaped before he could stop it, and he slapped a hand over his mouth, wincing at his lover even as he choked on the grin. "Baby, it'll make you feel better. There's only mind numbing pain for a moment, until you relax."

The laugh earned him a deep, black glare. "Neither you nor any other Torquemada in this facility shall lay a hand on me for reasons other than taking those thrice-be-damned x-rays."

"Baby, its me. When have I ever done anything to physically hurt you? Except the time you had the accident?" Dominic asked, rolling his eyes about as he gently stroked a palm down his lovers belly. "Come on. You'll feel so much better, I promise."

"The accident was not your fault, and you are not going to lay a hand on me until I am well medicated. And that is final."

Sigh. But Dominic lay down next to his lover, and very gently began to stroke his belly. Not to arouse, not to move, just...stroked, over and over, the movement calming both him and he prayed, his love. Gentle, even strokes of his palm as he spoke, and he kissed his lovers ear at the same time. "You'll survive. We'll get LuthorCorp on its feet. And we'll go away somewhere for a nice, long honeymoon."

"There is no somewhere. I told you, I have a trip planned for us." He smiled up at Dominic. "You and I, we are taking a trip together. To take a look at property I intend to acquire."

"Oh, really?" At that Dominic brightened, considerably. He'd thought Lionel would be going somewhere alone for business, but he got immediately happy, a smile crossing his features. "And what exactly are you acquiring, darling?"

"A quiet little home on a quiet seashore, I hope."

"Indeed? Where is it at?" Because something in his belly was flipping and fluttering, and his rib cage was barely keeping his thumping heart in. Best not to get too excited right away though, not yet, not yet, even as he swallowed and tried to look casual.

"A little fishing village that a friend of mine has pointed me towards. I'm hoping to acquire the property as a vacation home, or perhaps a retirement home."

Oh, God. And his fluttering heart stopped as he gripped the sheets under his fingers, and stared at his lover with eyes filling with tears. A moment of silence... two. Then… "You're buying the house from my mother, aren't you?"

"Of course."

His lips spread, wide, and the tears held in slipped down his face as he leaned over, and hugged his lover as hard as he could. Didn't really care if it hurt him, just hugged him as hard and tightly as he could, burying his face in his lovers shoulder. "I love you. I've never loved anyone like I love you. Why did you wait until two in the morning to tell me? Ass. I love you."

Lionel squeaked softly and wrapped his arms back around his lover. "I was waiting for the right time to tell you. I've planned a trip to Cobh for us. We'll be staying at your home for as long as we're there, and I'll be completing the sale as soon as possible."

"I love you. I love you so dearly. I love you, my darling. I love you. I love you, so much. I love you." Dominic said, muffled into his lovers shoulder as he hugged him. No human being had ever bought him anything that ever meant this much, and his heart flooded with love... intense love, and oh, he just… oh.

"I love you, my dear little cricket." Lionel's arms remained wrapped tightly around Dominic, pressing his cheek onto the top of his husband's head.

"No one one ever gave me anything that meant so much." Dominic muffled, then muttered as he kissed his lover hard. "No one loved me enough. God, I adore you."

"If no one has loved you enough, then that is criminal."

"No one ever has. No one but you." Oh but he was laughing, and crying, and laughing some more, and he hugged him as hard as he could to him.

"Then I will make up for everyone in your life that hasn't loved you as you deserve." Despite the pain, he gritted his teeth and pressed kisses to his lover's cheek. "I won't have your father's home getting out of our family."

"I adore you. Adore you." Dominic just... he beamed at his lover, but the wince and tremble made him stop hugging so tight, immediately wincing himself as he lay his lover back. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry. I'm just... oh, God, you've made me the happiest person in the world. Oh, God. I love you, beloved, I love you."

"It's quite all right." He squeezed Dominic's hands tightly. "If I've made you happy, then it's been worth it."

"So happy. So very happy." And he was just beaming, even though he knew he was supposed to be helping his brother but he just... just snuggled him in close.

Lionel snuggled in too, used to the pain for a moment, but then as he relaxed his body, it rushed back full force and he yelped again, his body tightening and arching again.

"Baby, baby." The smile that had been so happy on his face slipped away, and he tenderly slipped his palm underneath his lovers hip, massaging softly. He knew Lionel had said no, but he knew where it hurt, and he stroked and soothed softly as his free hand moved under his lovers shoulder blades, stroking.

At the gentle pressure he yelped again, and all but bared his teeth at his beloved. "Take your hands off."

"No. Just wait. Trust me." He kept stroking, fingertips digging into the muscle that was tight underneath, stroking it down and up to relieve the pressure on the blood vessels, veins and arteries that were around the rock inside his lover. Stroking up and down, soothing his shoulder blades into relaxing.

Lionel's grip on the side rails was tight, and his teeth were grinding against each other as he was trying to force himself to relax into Dominic's touch.

And his fingers never ceased. Continuous gentle stroking, gentle touching, getting the area where he knew the stone was lodged relaxed, the blood circulating but not in the hard pumps of before. Gently, soothing, and he lowered his mouth and kissed his lovers face, cheeks, chin and lips tenderly as he stroked and soothed.

He hissed, a sharp inhalation of breath as he squirmed, and then suddenly, the pain lessened sharply as Dominic kept stroking and massaging, and he whimpered softly in relief.

He kept right on stroking, right on soothing, busy fingers pushing in to the muscle and stroking out the tense knots, his fingers working over and over the spot on his back gently until he could slip his hands away and sit up from his lean on his lover, fingertips gently soothing his lovers chest as he leaned down to kiss him once more. "How is that, my love?"

"T-Tolerable," Lionel reported back softly. "Tolerable." His hand came up and stroked Dominic's face softly. "You're good with those fingers."

"Just know what makes the pain less." Dominic said softly, and kissed him again gently as he lay back down. Tugged his legs, in his warmest, coziest slacks, and his thick wool socks up close, snuggling in with his lover enough to gently pull Lionel to his chest. "there, baby. There. Calm down now, my love. They'll go take the X-Rays, and we can come back and sleep. I'll do that again and the pain won't be as bad, okay?"

"All right." Lionel leaned his head back against Dominic's shoulder. "I'll trust your word on that."

His arm looped gently around Lionel's shoulder, and when he grasped his lovers hands, their rings clinked softly. He looked down at them, his pale skin and Lionel's darker skin, and rubbed their fingers gently together so that the slender pieces of metal rubbed gently. And his fingers linked through his husbands, and held, tight. "I know you will. I'm sorry I hurt you. Is it better now, beloved?"

"It's much better," he nodded softly, looking down at their rings as they rubbed against each other. "You know better than I do what this will entail. I'm merely going to suffer through it, and for once, do as I am told." A half grin. "Don't get used to it."

"Get used to what?" Innocently asked as he nuzzled his lovers face softly with his nose, licking and kissing the spot a moment later. "I suffered through it in much less of a manly fashion then yourself, darling."

"Get used to me listening."

"What you don't know is that you've always listened. I just did it in a sneaky, roundabout away." Teased quietly, as he got a little closer to his lover. "Thank you, Lionel."

"For what, beloved?" He rubbed his cheek against Dominic's shoulder. "For yelling at you?"

"For being with me. For buying the house. For trusting me enough to help you. For loving me."

Lionel shook his head. "No. For those things, it should be me thanking you. Thanking you for letting me love you."

"I've loved you for so long. I think you've loved me just as long. We just had to figure it out, is all." He nuzzled his lovers ear now, tenderly, and snuggled him a little closer, though he knew the nurse would be in to shoo him off any moment. "I'm glad we finally did."

"I'm glad we did too." He left his head on Dominic's shoulders, and closed his eyes as he studiously ignored the throbbing pain that had lessened. "I'm going to attempt to rest, Jiminy."

"Go to sleep, beloved. The nurse will be in soon to get the morphine drip started, and later on, X-Rays. You can sleep for a few hours, I'm here, and I won't be moving." He soothed it softly into his lovers hair, holding him tenderly close.

"I love you, Dominic. Truly I do." He squeezed his lover's fingers as he kept his eyes closed, and his head on Dominic's shoulder.

"I love you too. Sleep, now. When you awaken....the pain will probably be worse. So rest now, while you can, baby."

"If I am lucky, I will be opiated to high heaven and I will not feel a thing."

"Its your brain on crack. I'm sure none of us will have any questions." Dominic whispered in amused softness, and licked softly at a tender earlobe. "Shhhh. Sleep, now."

Lionel nodded softly, drowsily. "I'm trying." He squeezed the fingers threaded through his. "Goodnight, my husband."

"Goodnight. Let the angels follow you into sleep. Christ, I adore you. Sleep, beloved."

And Dominic waited, waited until his lovers breath evened out, waited until the tension went out of thick, broad shoulders...and he let the worry and fear in his heart flutter out. Christ he hated when his lover hurt, and he kissed his hair gently as he held him tightly.



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