
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 141: Rubber Duckie, You're the One

Pain. Aches. Burning and tugging and stretching all over his body, and his eyelids felt as though they'd been glued shut. It took most of his spare concentration to pry them open, and he shut them again instantly. The bright sunlight pouring into the room was painful to his eyes, and he raised his hand up to shade them as he attempted to open them again.

He was naked. Memories were shrouded in fog, but as he started to wake further, he remembered.

He shifted again, and his shoulder popped loudly in the stillness of the room, and he winced at the sound.

He opened his mouth, and his tongue felt huge, fuzzy, and detached. "Bruce?"

The last twenty four hours had been a dark, devious hell of which he had not come up from. He'd slept for the better part of the morning and afternoon the previous day, and had spent the rest of it taking care of this person who meant so very much to him. He carefully cleaned him, gave him a sponge bath and carefully took care of him, so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. Had taken the drugs off when he was supposed to, and he was sitting in the dark blue great chair in the corner, dozing.

But when he heard the soft crack of joint and his lover's raspy words, Bruce lifted his head and looked at his lover, immediately climbing to his feet and sitting himself on the edge of his lovers bed. "Hi, there, Dick." Couldn't stop the giddy joy that swamped his heart. "How are you feeling?"

"Like a truck ran over me." He scrubbed his eyes. "Did you get the license?"

"It was me, actually." Softly, as his thumb traced over his lovers knuckle softly. "How are you feeling?"

"Like hell." He raised both his arms, popping both his shoulders again as he stretched, and swore when he felt the stitches pulling on his back. "Bruce? Not to sound like an idiot here, but... what happened?" He blinked. had some worms. Inside of you." Quietly, as he gently fixed his lovers pillow, smoothing the short hair away from his forehead tenderly. "Something from here, Lex is investigating them. You got them when you were out fixing the car...Clark and I are going hunting for the nest tonight. Lex wasn't able to find them, but with Clarks special vision we should be able to see it."

"Fixing the car." Dick nodded. "Something bit my foot. I remember, cause it hurt like a motherfucker. But when I looked, nothing was there." He blinked again. "Worms?" Then he paused as he stared at Bruce. "Okay... another stupid question. Did I... do anything to you while I was out? Because I distinctly remember a desk entering into the equation somewhere, but that doesn't seem at all your style."

He had no right to feel as badly hurt as he did, but it was there. And it was hard. "Yes. You… came to me." He said softly, carefully. "Questions later. Do you... bathroom?"

"No, Bruce. Questions now." Dick's voice was as hard as he could make it... which, granted, wasn't very. "I came to you... I fucked you, did I? Hard. On the desk?"

"Yes." Softly as his palms came under slender shoulders. "Help me, here. Get your arm out from under the covers. He said you'd be shaky at first, so hold on to me."

Dick didn't make a move to help. "I didn't dream this shit, did I, Bruce? It's what I did."

Bruce realized he wasn't going to help be moved and kay him down again, gently. He deserved to know, and his fingertips traced his lovers lips softly. He was so happy he was safe, and alive, and not dead, and he leaned down and kissed him very tenderly. "You were filled with worms. You fucked me... we had an accident. Your leg is broken." The next part strangled his throat tight. "You… and Pete, because I couldn't... fulfill you. Shayla... gave you a concussion."

Dick reached up and slipped his fingers through Bruce's hair, stroking the back of his head during the soft, gentle kiss, but then swore softly. "Fuck. Fuck." He shook his head. "Bruce... it wasn't that. I was... goddammit. I was in there, I just couldn't say anything. It wasn't... I was about to lose it, Bruce. I was about to lose control over whatever it was inside of me and I knew that if I did I was going to seriously hurt you. I couldn't... live with that. I had to get away. I couldn't hurt you, not again."

"I know." He pressed his lips to his lovers again, softly, and then did something he hadn't done in a very, very long time. He pushed his shoes off and crawled under the covers with him. Couldn't beat them... join them, and he slid under the covers as his fingers covered his lovers and he cradled him close in to his body. "I almost lost you, Dick."

"You'd never lose me." He curled up beside Bruce, as much as he could, wincing at the aches that screamed as he moved. "Bruce... I... how can you still be here?"

"Be where?" Softly, as his fingers ran over his lovers back. "Don't move to much, alright? Your back… stitches. 20. Your knee is broken... concussion. Don't much too much, I don't want you hurt."

"With me." Dick was completely repulsed by himself. "I... I nearly... nearly hurt you, and then... oh, Christ. Pete." Dick put a hand over his mouth. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"No, baby." His voice broke. He hadn't meant for it to, but he found himself cradling his beautiful lover close in their blue sheets, hugging the strong body, so shaky and energy-less now, to his chest, stroking through his lovers short curls as he tucked him close, kissing his face. "Baby, no."

Dick tugged away just enough to grab the trash can by the bed, not really giving a fuck if it was empty or not. It was, thank God, and he heaved. Nothing came out, just harsh, heaving sounds that made his throat sore and his belly ache, but he couldn't stop it.

His face crumbled just like his voice had broken, and Bruce rose to set a palm on his lovers back gently, holding his weak body close to his as he dry heaved, his fingers stroking over skin that had gone clammy and cold. "Baby, no, b-baby, it wasn't your fault. It was something in you, baby, please."

Slowly the empty heaves trailed off, and Dick fell back against the sheets. He felt... disgusting. Not just outside but inside. "What the fuck kind of person am I, Bruce?" he rasped out softly on a sore throat. That... oh, Jesus. That could have been you, would have been you if I hadn't gone, and Christ, Pete!"

"Pete's fine, Dick." Bruce said softly, as he stroked over his lovers wet face, his face permanently crumbled as he gently kissed his lovers face softly. "Baby, you're not any kind of person but a good person. We have an entire three gallons of these worms, baby. They were controlling you, please, you can't blame yourself for this. Did you blame me when Poison Ivy drugged me out of my skull and had me nearly kill you? No. This is the same thing baby. Please, you can't blame yourself."

"Yes, I can, Bruce. I had enough control to stop myself from hurting you, but I didn't stop myself from... from..." He couldn't even say it, and he felt his stomach churn again as he heaved. "What does that say about me?" he asked, after the dry heave passed.

"That you love me." Murmured as he rubbed his lovers back, as his already dark and dead heart burned in pain. "That you wouldn't hurt me. That you care enough about Pete to go to him for help." Didn't want to know what had happened with Pete, but he'd seen enough to know just what it was. "You're a good person, baby. A good person. Please... don't hurt yourself, you just... please, baby."

"A good person?" Dick choked out. "A good person wouldn't have attacked you like I did, a good person wouldn't have... wouldn't have... attacked Pete like I did. Wouldn't have hurt either his friend or the person he cares about more than anything in the world."

"I love you more than life itself." Bruce said softly, fingers still stroking over those short, soft curls. Their bed was warm but the person he was holding was cold and shaking, and he fought to warm him with the blankets and his own body. He brought the quilt up over his lovers shoulder and cradled Dick's face close to his chest. "A person who wasn't good would have tried to kill me, would have fucked me until I bled. A person who wasn't good wouldn't have fought to control himself... he wouldn't have tried to keep from hurting anyone. People will heal. Baby, you'll heal. You almost died on us, Dick."

"I should have," Dick said softly. "For what I've done, I should have died."

"No. NO." Bruce pulled violently away from him and gave him a hard shake "No, goddamn you, don't you ever say that again, no. You weren't yourself, Dick, you weren't yourself, you can't... can't blame yourself, you can't."

"But I do." He didn't fight when Bruce shook him, and just fell limply back against the pillows. "It's my fault, Bruce. I'm Robin. I'm the Dark Knight's sidekick. I should have been able to do more. I have to hold myself up to a higher standard, and I couldn't cut it."

He was silent, for a long time, as he lay beside his lover, still holding him. Panic wasn't a good color on Bruce, and he was silent for a long moment, anchoring himself tightly. "Its the price we pay, to learn. I almost killed you, more than once... more than once. We learn from our mistakes. This... this wasn't your fault, none of it, Dick. None of it was your fault, you were reacting to what those things were doing inside of you. None of us could have done any better. Only worse. Had it been me... I wouldn't have stopped. I would have fucked you until I broke you in half, if that's what it took to stop the rush." And it burned, because it was the truth and he knew it. "You're beautiful, Dick."

"So are you, Bruce. But you wouldn't have. You're stronger than I am, you're smarter, you're better than I am. You'd be able to control it, control yourself, because that's who you are." Dick gripped Bruce's hands tightly, but he wouldn't look at his lover.

"I'm also almost 27 years old, Dick. You just turned 21 baby." His fingertips stroked over his lovers hair, tenderly bringing him close. "You have so much to learn still. You're strong, you're so strong. You didn't hurt me when you could have. You didn't hurt Pete, when you could have. You're strong, Dick. You'll learn and you'll get even stronger...and one day you'll be stronger than me." His fingertips stroked over his lovers face, tipping it gently up to look at him. "You'll be amazing."

"I did hurt Pete. I did. I remember it... I still feel it, ripping and tearing, I remember blood and screaming, and wood cracking, and I just can't stand it."

Bruce shuddered, softly, as he pressed him close and closed his eyes. "Shayla cracked a baseball bat over your head. You've got about fifteen stitches in your head." A kiss, soft kiss to his forehead. "I love you, Dick. I love you, so much. We'll get through this. If you want me."

"Of course I want you," Dick said softly, eyes closed as he leaned his head against his lover's shoulder. "I just don't see how you can want me."

"I'll always want you. You're the love of my life. Nothing you could do would ever make me stop loving you. I traveled the world to find you... I'll do it again, in a heartbeat. You just need to tell me if you want him more, Dick. I can't keep guessing anymore." He said it quietly, gently, as his fingertips stroked over his lovers head. "Think about it for a while. You don't have to answer right away." He looked down at the curls and kissed, very gently, on the other side of the stitches.

Quiet shudder of revulsion. "No. I don't have to think. I want you, Bruce. Just... just you." He wrapped his arms tightly around Bruce's waist. "Just you. Nobody else." He pressed his face into Bruce's shoulder.

"You were sick, baby." Softly whispered, as he pressed him even closer, gently into the cradle of his arms. "We're going home soon. We won't be around this you can heal. Need our home again, baby."

"Yes. I want to go home, Bruce. Get away from this place, go back home."

"Soon, baby. Two days, three, and we'll go home." Tenderly, he raised those big blue eyes at him, so he could see into them. "Love of my life. When you're healed, when you're better, I want to ask you to be my life mate. My... my husband, for lack of a better word. I want you to be with me, legally, so that you can share what I have, so you're mine and I'm yours."

Dick nodded. "Yes. Yes, I want that. I want to be with you, Bruce. You're... you're my heart, man, you are. I love you. Nobody else. You."

A nod and that was just about all of the words he'd saved up the past two days, as he climbed to his feet, tenderly reaching down. "Hang on to me." His palm very gently came around a long, slender back and he helped his lover sit up, cradling the back of his lovers head in one wide palm. "Toby... the doctor, who looked at you, he said that you'd feel light headed for an hour or two after you came too."

Dick just nodded. "I do. Feel light-headed." He let Bruce move him up, moved his casted leg and tight back, and otherwise just... lay there. His arms were tight around Bruce, and that was the only movement he made. "I don't want to see anybody, Bruce."

"You don't have to, baby. Not until you're ready, I promise." His heart was broken for his lover as he tenderly swung his lovers legs over the side of the bed. The one clad in cast was bent slightly to promote the healing of the bones, and Bruce carefully propped a bit of the blanket under it as he looked over the things he was supposed to. Leg... head... his back. He peered over his lovers shoulder, the long expanse of tanned skin marred now by the long cut, and he tried to smile for him, tried to cheer him up. "You're going to have one sexy scar."

Dick just shrugged. "At least that'll be one good thing that comes out of this."

"No, it won't." Quietly as he inspected the skin around the stitches, carefully prodding them with his fingertips. "We now both know you can fuck me over anything and I'll beg for more like the bitch I've become. Both know that we're the ones for each other... both know we hate Smallville with a fiery fucking passion."

"Yeah... I've really come to hate this place." Dick's fingertips stroked over Bruce's shoulder. "You're not a bitch, Bruce. At all."

"Mm." He kissed his lovers shoulder tenderly, then his neck, his clavicle as he kept examining. "You're a rookie, yet. This is your first run in with mind control. Believe me.. .there's worse. It was actually pretty good for the first one... weren't hurt as bad as I was. Joker, Harley, a shark. You get where I'm going with that."

"Yeah, I get it." He still didn't say anything. "I just... want to go home. Go home and be with you."

"We will. I miss our bed, our things. As soon as LuthorCorp's on its feet, we're going home. And when you're ready... you'll come out with me. It'll give me enough time to get another seat in the Batmobile."

At that, Dick shook his head. "You were right, Bruce. I don't deserve it. I can't cut it with you." He looked away from his lover. "You were right, and I ran for nothing."

"You don't deserve to go out with me? Are you crazy?" He leaned back on his haunches before his lover, gently between both legs as he grasped Dicks hands. "If anything, I trust you more to be with me, to be safe, than I ever have."

"But I don't. Not after what I've done."

"Having sex and breaking your leg, Dick. You didn't kill anyone, you didn't hurt anyone w… who didn't want it." His palms moved over Dick's, then up over his face. "Pete couldn't help it, and he just didn't know you were sick. He's not hurt barely at all, baby."

"That's not true." Dick's voice was almost a whisper. "He told me to stop and I couldn't. He was... he was struggling. And I couldn't stop. I just... kept on going. Like I didn't care." He just looked down in his lap. "I hurt him. I know I did. And I'm a coward because I don't want to face him."

"You're not a coward. You're human." Bruce said softly, and he brought Dick's fingers to his lips. "You're the most courageous, beautiful person I know. These worms attached to your adrenal gland, Dick. Every time they weren't getting what they needed, they were hollowing you out, eating your insides. You had no choice--if you hadn't, you would have died, baby. He doesn't know it, and you don't know it, but he saved your life."

"Maybe he did, but I destroyed his life in the process of saving mine. How is there a good part to this, Bruce?" He gently tugged his hand away, instead stroking his lover's face gently.

And Bruce didn't have anything to say to that, even if he knew in his heart that Dick hadn't done anything that had hurt anyone permanently. Instead he softly tipped his head into his lovers fingers and cupped them on his face, looking up at him. "Are you sure you don't want to be with him, Dick?"

Dick nodded. "I am. This... this was just the last straw. I didn't--I don't--it's hard to explain. I don't... I don't want to be with Pete. I just get... jealous. Because he didn't lose any time getting together with her, and I lost time with you. Because I ran, because I told you to go away, because I hurt and wasn't totally with you. I lost so much time with you."

"He still loves you." Bruce simply said, turning his head to kiss the center of his lovers palm. "He still loves you so much that he risked what he has with her to be with you, even if it didn't turn out the way he wanted."

"I care about him. I do. But I don't love him, Bruce. Not like I love you. Not the way I feel about you."

"Then why--..." He couldn't talk about this now, not when his lover was so hurt and so open and so raw. So he swallowed his words, and said instead, "Don't take the blame totally on yourself. He agreed to it, he wanted you. This isn't all you, Dick. You have to let people stand on their own legs, and not shoulder the blame for them."

"Why did I go and fuck him?" Dick shook his head, and he couldn't raise his eyes. "Because I couldn't think of hurting you but it didn't bother me to hurt him. That's horrible of me, Bruce, but I'd rather hurt him--anybody--than you."

"It doesn't make you horrible." Bruce said softly, his fingers tightening on his lovers thigh as he reached up and wrapped his arms carefully around him, bringing him close, gently so he wouldn't hurt him. Then tightly, because God he loved this man, and he squeezed him close as he pressed the side of his face into his. "I love you so much, Dick."

"I love you, Bruce. I've got no right. But I love you." He held tightly to Bruce, and cried softly. "I love you."

And the tears that soaked into his skin had him holding him tighter, hugging him as tightly as he dared, and Bruce let himself cry too.

"Don't cry," Dick said gruffly. "Don't cry. Please."

"Don't give up on me. Don't give up on me, not yet. You can't stop being the light in my life." Not making any sense but he didn't care, as he gripped his lover tightly and rubbed the back of his head softly through short curls, pressing him so close.

Dick oofed softly at the tight grip but didn't protest as he pressed tight. "I'm not, Bruce. I'll always love you, always be with you." He sniffled as he wept into Bruce's shoulder.

"You have to be strong." He let go enough to grip his lovers face, tightly, fingers stroking through that lovely hair. "You have to be strong to be in this life, with me. You have to be strong, because so much worse will happen, and you can't be black like me. You have to stay Dick, you have to stay yourself."

"I know, Bruce. But this... this is my fault. I've done it, it's me who's done it. Not the Joker, not Two-Face, but me. Dick. My fault."

"No. It was those... baby, you have to see them. It wasn't you, you have to believe that. You have to believe it wasn't you, baby."

"But it was," Dick said firmly as he could. He knew he was repeating himself, but he couldn't bring himself to care. "It was my fault, because I lost control. I wasn't strong enough, and I hurt other people."

"I would never love someone who I thought was capable of hurting someone." Quietly, as he looked up at him and stood. His arms came around Dick's waist, holding him close as he carefully helped him to his feet, and he buried his face in a slender neck. "I would never love someone who was evil. I'm evil enough for two people. But're beautiful, kind, and you're mine. You'll get through this, Dick."

"You're not evil, Bruce." He carefully held on to the other man as he got to his feet, and closed his eyes against the wave of dizziness.

Yes he was, but he didn't say a word more. Vocals exhausted and his arm came around a slender back, helping him into the bathroom.

- = - = -

The day was over. There weren't enough praises to God in thanks, Chloe decided. The CD player was playing Rod Stewart, who Clark had gotten her outrageously, completely addicted to, the bastard, and... well.

She hadn't really meant to do this. But there was only so many pitiful glances Whitney could give her in a single hour for her brain and heart to short out. And as soon as the workday was over for them, she accepted Whitney's invitation to take her home, and had climbed hoitely into his truck, sniffling and crossing her arms.

They hadn't really made it to her house, though, before he was dragging her up the steps of his own.

A broken lamp, strewn clothes, and a condom wrapper later and she was laying splayed over his sheets, the strap on tossed on the floor, and Whitney's room smelling like pure, delicious sex.

And she still glared at him, under sweaty locks of blond hair as her fingers squeezed his still half hard cock. "I love you. Ass."

Whitney was draped limply over his sheets, gruffly panting and grinning like an idiot, the corners of his mouth almost curling around his ears it was so wide. "Ribbed for her pleasure, huh?"

She cracked up, head half hanging off his bed as she gave him another squeeze, and leaning in to lick his mouth. "Of course, but you know, the things can change. Liked it?" She rolled over him, though her limp muscles barely gave, and plopped atop his chest, snuggling in... wrinkling her nose, a moment later. "You smell like raw cow."

"You don't smell like a primrose patch yourself," he pointed out, cuddling her in close.

"Excuse me. I always smell like a primrose." But she snuggled him anyway, wrapping her legs through his and kissing his cheeks, jaw, lips. "I'm still mad and hurt, you know." Snuffle.

He frowned, and picked his head up, snuggling her closer. "No, baby, please. Don't be hurt." He kissed her softly. "I'm sorry. Tell me what I can do, I'll make it up to you. I swear."

Just what she'd been waiting for.

She leaned off his bed, reaching for her bag.. .almost fell before she could reach the strap, and she tugged it over, going inside for a moment as she rolled off of him and sat up, the long, pale line of her back outrageously gorgeous against the late afternoon sun as she went into her bag. A moment... AHA!

And she turned, holding a string of dark purple anal beads by the ring.

And they were big.

Whitney's eyes widened as he looked at the beads, and he ducked his head to suck one into his mouth. "You want those to go where?" he asked softly, sucking the bead.

"Two guesses. And its not in me." She turned and leaned over him to give his lips a little lick and nip, kissing him softly as the thought of him... oooh, and she gave a soft shiver, her ample breasts tightening, nipples perking. "Until tonight."

"What was that oooh about?" he asked softly, mouthing her shoulder.

"I like the thought of you full." She said it softly, a blush steeling over her cheeks as she squirmed and nipped his ear. "Put them in. I'm going to take a bath...maybe you can come join me after you're done." She slipped from his sheets and winked at him as her hips swayed all the way to the bathroom, purse in hand.

She'd only been in her lovers bathroom once before, and now as she tugged the curtain back, her eyes. Widened.

There were about twenty rubber duckies sitting on the edges of the tub and on the little shelves built in the wall.


Whitney was sitting on the bed blushing. "Ignore the ducks."

Blink. Blink. And she peeked out, her hair which was getting long and shaggy swinging over her shoulder. Blink. Blink.

"I, uh, collect. Ducks."


"Yeah, collect. They all have names, and everything."

The back of her fingers came to her lips. "Names?"

"Well, yeah." Whitney shuffled into the bathroom behind Chloe. "The one with the three eyes? He's George. The one with the open beak and white teeth? That's Joe. The one there, with the details on the wings and tails? That's Fred. The three twins there, three that look exactly the same, except one has the hair on it? Those are Larry, Moe, and Curly. Curly has the hair curl."

Her lips were spread. Ear. To. Ear. "There are times that I lose sight of the reasons I love you as much as I do. And then you remind me." She was still grinning at him, like an idiot, as she rose on her tip toes and kissed his lips softly, cupping his cheeks as she did it and laughing at the same time.

"Hey. I told you when we had dinner that I was a dork. I just didn't tell you that I collect Rubber Duckies."

"Our kids are going to adore you." She said it simply, kissing him again before... "Bend over. I'll help you get the beads in, baby. And then... bathe with me?"

"Of course they will. They can play with Daddy's toys." He held the string of large purple beads out. "Just for you, okay? Nobody else." He licked a kiss over her shoulder and bent over in the bathroom, bracing himself on the toilet and spreading his legs.


She leaned over and stroked her tongue just where she'd been inside of him, lapping at the cherry flavored lube still smeared across the small sunburst, and sucked, her tongue dipping into the already stretched hole as her fingernails dug into his hip, sucking softly. So unbelievably erotic when he did that, and she sucked harder as her free fingers came under and squeezed his balls, rolling them in her palm as her thumb traced over the spot between balls and dick.

Whitney's hole twitched gently as her tongue licked over him, moaning softly in his throat as her fingers played with his balls, rocking back on the ball of his heels as he wiggled his ass against her mouth.

She giggled then, against him, and rose up to bite and nip his hip as she gently began to press the beads in. One after another, not stopping as each large bead pressed against his little hole before being swallowed in and oh. A shaky, shuddery little sigh, until all five beads were inside of him and just the string and ring hung out. Oh.


Each bead wrung a harsh grunt out of Whitney as they slid further inside him, sucking each one in with a little slurping sound as it Chloe pushed it in, and once they were inside, he shifted his hips and thrust forward just a little to situate the beads inside of him, and his ass clenched down tightly.

"You like?" ...And if her voice was a little breathless, she didn't show.

Groan. "Yesssssssss," he hissed softly.

Oh. Another little expelled breath and she caught her dry lips tightly, swallowing hard as she shifted. "I have... I have... these… these balls, that can go inside me? you want me to wear them?"

Another harsh grin. "Yes," he shouted softly. "Want you... to be full like this."

Fuck. When he was shaking with need and pleasure she couldn't… oh. She went into her purse again and removed a small black case that she always kept them in… they were made of some sort of stone, and she removed them carefully, with the strong cord between them, and held them up for her lover to see. Large but not too big, and her nipples tightened even more. "Put them… inside?"

He shook his head. "Can't." He held out shaking hands. "Can't... don't want to hurt you."

Oh, her lips spread again, broadly, and she leaned in to suck on his pebbled nipple before sitting on the edge of the tub. Between two duckies, and she realized she must have looked so lewd but she didn't care. Her fingers went down between her thighs, sliding into herself and stretching herself just a little bit more, before the first ball slipped in. A harsh gasp, her head snapped back and her breasts bounced before the second one slid in behind the first, and she groaned, harshly.

Whitney fell to his knees, groaning as the beads shifted and bounced inside him, then he leaned forward and sucked on her nipples, kneading one between his fingers as he sucked the other nipple into his mouth and raked it over his teeth.

Full, tight but so good and she moaned in dusky pleasure, before squealing. Oh he had a way with his mouth and she couldn't help laughing in pleasure and victory, though the sound was dark and husky as she brought his mouth close. One leg wound around his hip, tugging him close so his cock could rub where the ball was peaking out of her, eyes dancing in pleasure as she raked her fingers down his sides and caught it in her hands.

Whitney groaned again, grunting as he pushed into her hands and rubbed her cheek against her skin. "Chloe... you make me... so hungry."

"Of course I do." And she gave his lips a single, soft, teasing kiss and let go of him. "And you're going to stay like that, until I deem fit." A sly, bright smile, as she turned to put the bath on, stopping it and leaning over so he got a nice, good look. "You won't come until I tell you to of course, right?"

"AArrgh. You're going to kill me." He ran his hand over her ass, leaned forward to lick the base of her slit, up to tease the spot right beneath her ass.

A hard groan and she gave her poor, aching breasts a hard pinch as she squirmed softly, and picked up his rubber duck, one of the many, squeaking it in his face to get him to back up. "Off, Sancho." Wicked, wicked, wicked as she reached over to his sink and poured some, funny enough, rubber duckie bubbles into the water, and slipped in, motioning him in behind her as she went back into her purse.

And dialed Shayla's number as she luxuriated.

Whitney picked up the rubber duck. "Don't squeak Frankie like that. He's old." He cuddled Frankie up and put him back on the edge of the tub, and then stuck his tongue out at her. "I'm just going to go sit on the bed and think about not coming."

"You smell like a garbage man. And because you're mine, you're going to get in the tub or I'm going to punish y--Shay?" She pressed the phone to her ear and gave him the eye to get in, as her best friend picked up. "Baby, its me."

"Hey, Chloe." Shayla was sitting on the Ross porch, swinging on the creaking porch swing. "What's up and that better be Whitney in the tub with you."

Whitney grinned, and lowered himself into the back of the tub behind Chloe, and then slid his megs around hers and cupped her breasts in his hands, rubbing her nipples.

Because her friend knew her better then anything she giggled, nodding as she leaned back into her lover, beaming up at him as she snuggled. And then he had to go and rub that way and her eyes fluttered closed, her voice carefully even as she... oh. Thought about her Shay in… oh. Business first and she swallowed just a little bit, lifting her leg and poking her big toe against Moe. "Nothing much sweetie pie. And yeah its him, the ass. We made up, and speaking of, you and Pete? What's up?"

"He ended up slicing his hand with a grout spreader, and we ended up in the medical trailer." She swung her feet on the swing. "He's in the car talking to his Dad now, and I'm sitting on his front porch waiting."

"Are you guys... okay now? Or not so much?" Tipped her head back to lay on Whitney's shoulder.

Whitney's fingers tugged gently at her nipples as Chloe leaned back against him, and he slid one hand down her stomach, dipping into the water as it tracked lower.

"Well... we're somewhere in the middle of "okay" and "not so much." We're... I guess you can say, kinda."

"And its so much more than you were an hour ago." Chloe said quietly as her hips bucked without her thinking, her nipples hardening even more as her friend spoke on the other line, and oh, she was BAD for doing this, but there was mental images of them together, kissing and oh. God.

"Yeah, that's true. And, you were right. About... you know. What really happened. He... he didn't exactly tell me, but... yeah. You were right."

Whitney's fingertips dipped inside of his girlfriend's slit, teasing the outside edge of her lips.

Her mouth trembled open and she fought not to gasp, bucking up into his hands as her free fingers came to her breast, back arched for a long moment as she swallowed, hard. "Baby, I'm so glad." And in that moment, she wanted Shayla so much she could barely breathe. "He's such a nice guy... you deserve him, even if he doesn't deserve you. I know how much you love him."

Whitney chuckled softly and bit Chloe's shoulder lightly, and slid his fingers in a little further, rubbing the base of the balls inside of her and bumping them into each other.

Shayla raised an eyebrow on the other end of the phone. "Guys? No phone sex, okay?" She sighed. "I'm glad he told me, but... now I just feel bad because I broke up with him and told him to get out and all that."

A soft breathe as she leaned back against her lover, arching her hips up and humping his fingers as they moved over her, kicking the bathtub off with her foot even as she strained against him for him to touch her. "No phone sex, stupid." caught breathe, a glare full of passion over her shoulder, and she continued to talk. "Don't feel bad, sweetheart, it was a human instinct and you did the right thing. It'll be a long time in coming back but you guys will get back together and I'm just so happy, sweetie."

"I'm happy too." She paused. "The doctor... had to fix him. Put him back together... there. He... he asked me to come in. Let me watch, I guess, so he didn't have to tell me."

At that she stopped moving and her eyes filled with tears, a palm coming to her lips as she thumped against the bathtub and the balls inside her clacked softly. "What? Is... is he okay, Shayla?"

"He's okay. Now he is, anyway."

"If you need me, will you call me?"

"Yeah, of course." She looked up as she heard the car door close. "Hey, he's coming. I'll call you later, okay?"


"Yeah, Chloe?"

"When everything's better, and all of our partners are alright and things are back to normal... will you be with me?"

Shayla nodded. "Yeah. I will be. I wanna be." She gave the receiver a small smile.

"Okay." But she was smiling. "I love you, cupcake. Go take care of him."

"I love you too, C'lo." Shayla hung up, and grinned at Pete as he came up to the porch.

Whitney's hands had stilled as she'd straightened, and they'd just started restlessly petting and stroking her as she'd talked, but he made sure to smile when she looked at him.

She glanced at him, and because she saw the jealousy, and the hurt in them, her grin... broadened. She'd been testing him, to see his reaction, and when she saw him... yeah. She could read him like her bathroom magazine and she shifted, turning so each knee went around each hip, and looked at him. "Its only you. Trust me, Whitney."

Whitney stiffened as he saw the grin, and made to get up out of the tub, feelings more than a little hurt. But before he could move she turned around and sat almost on top of him, pushing him down so he couldn't move, and he wouldn't throw her off and hurt her. "Only me?"

"Only you. Do you think, after I told you I wouldn't… I would?" She tipped her head at him, and felt him tensing so she just cupped his cheeks tenderly in each palm. "You. Only you. The fantasy is there, but its just a fantasy. I'm sure you fantasize about Yasmine Bleeth and Catwoman. Its the same thing. I'm not going to fuck someone under the shield of being bi, Whitney. Not anymore. Its you, and its me, and sometimes its Clark and Lex." And now she felt hurt, as she looked at him. "I can't believe you guys... without me."

He didn't have the words to explain it. Just... "Clark needed me," is all he could say. "Lex needs you; Clark needs me." He stroked her hair gently. "It wasn't... intended."

"But it happened, anyway." A glare, but it was gentle. "I understand, Whitney. I know. Clark... he's getting better, and I know its because of you and Lex. I just... I didn't..." A sigh, and she set her cheek on his shoulder.

Whitney hugged her close. "You should go tonight and be with Lex. He needs you; you relate to him." He brushed his hands lightly through her hair.

"I want you with me." She whispered softly, rubbing her fingers up and down his sides as she looked at his duckies. "I don't ever want you to be away from me. Because it tends to suck."

"Love me, love my ducks," he said softly. "I won't be away from you again, I promise."

"Okay." Because she believed him, very simply, as she looked up at him. "Trust me, Whitney."

He nodded. "I do. I just get scared sometimes."

"Trust me, Whitney." A gently skim of her thumb over his chin. "Trust me."

He met her eyes with his own. "I do trust you, baby."

"No." She said softly, as she tipped her head at him. "You don't."

"Yeah, I do." He reached up and caught her hands. "I do. I trust you more than I trust myself." He rubbed her hands between his.

No, he didn't. And she knew it, as she pressed her face close to his. "If you did, you wouldn't have looked so hurt when I told Shay Id fuck with her, Whitney." A thumb, over his cheekbone. "But its okay. I'll show you, you'll see that its okay so trust me." She nodded it once before she got the soap off his shelf, and poured some of it into a small towel. "Come here, sit up."

Whitney moved as he was told, and then he looked at her. "She's a pretty girl, Chloe... I'm not. I'm just scared sometimes. But yes... I do trust you."

"I'm not a handsome boy, Whitney. And yet, you're still with me, you haven't left. I get scared sometimes, too, but you just... you need to know that no pretty girl will take me from someone who loves me so unconditionally, who cares about me, who wants to have kids with me."

He wrapped his arms around his waist, leaned his head forward to rest on her stomach. "I do love you." He hugged her tightly, rubbing his cheek against her skin.

"I know." And sometimes she wondered if he knew she loved him the same, as she reached under herself and carefully slid the balls out of her, popping out quietly. She set them on the toilet seat on the fluffy cover and instead slipped a little closer, rubbing the soapy little hand towel over his shoulders and she sank down onto him. "I love you, Whitney."

His hands gripped her hips tightly and rocked her against him as he raised his hips up, thrusting slowly inside her, the water buffeting their bodies and lifting them up further with each motion. "I know you do, baby," he said softly. "I know you do."

No, God, he didn't and she could see it for the first time. It only made her bite her lip and close her eyes, masking her sadness for pleasure as she arched her back, gasping softly as she rose and fell over him, groaning quietly. "I love you, Whitney. I love you s… so much, baby, I love you. No one else, have to trust me. No o… one, oh, God, yes."

As she arched her back, it thrust her breasts forward, and Whitney caught a swelled nipple easily in his lips. He sucked firmly, teeth nibbling and tongue scraping as his hands kneaded her hips and ass. Her body was hot and firm against his, wet and slick and rolling easily against him. Under the water, his fingers stroked possessively.

"Ah! Uh, G… uh," She gasped it and squeezed his hair between her fingers, gripping tightly as she rocked faster, bringing her own fingers down to cover his on her clit, thumbing it between lips which had grown little curls, her thumb tracing his to show him just what she did to get herself off. "Ah!"

Whitney nodded into her chest, leaning forward and sucking her nipple in deeper as he rolled her clit between his fingers, following the traced motions her thumb guided him in, adding pressure, scraping a slightly rough pad across the small, hard little organ.

"AH! Uh, GOD! OH GOD!"

Clarks lips twitched. He was watching TV with his lover, snuggled with him on the floor as they watched X-Men, and he coughed softly. He'd felt her anger through their soft link, her little pissy attitude, and he gently stroked his lovers hand on his belly as they watched, and... did little things to her and Whitney. Didn't have to let his lover know, cause he'd get his ass kicked for it, but he just carefully switched them around a little, because the last time they'd tried they hadn't finished.

She let out another hard, loud shriek because she was feeling her lover as herself and she screamed as she arched, squeezing the anal beads she could feel inside of herself as her head snapped back. "AH!!"

Whitney yelled out too, feeling a cock pounding into him as he thrust into his lover. He pounded harder, felt hands tighten on his waist as pounded up, body clenching every time he was pounded into even as he thrust up.

"Uh! UH!" Oh God it felt… it was amazing and she let out a scream, grabbing him hard as she stumbled to her feet, sliding out of him, him out of her, WHATEVER, and something was broken and she really did not care as she grabbed his arm and dragged him to the bedroom, soaking wet and kissing him hard, tumbling over the sheets and back in and UH!

Whitney rolled over her, pounding his cock deep into her wet sheath, feeling it pounding inside of himself, ass still clenching tightly, feeling the pounding shaking his body even as he shook her body with it.

His hands kneaded her breasts as he kissed her frantically, and then his mouth moved to her ear. "Please, baby, please, let me, too much, please, baby, please."

"Yes, YES!" She was sobbing and screaming and the pleasure was outrageous and she'd never felt it like this before. It was different, but just as good as what she was used to, so good, and she rocked her hips fast against his, begging even as she pushed and brought her fingers down to where she knew her clit was, stroking and rubbing fast against it as her free nails clamped on his shoulder and bit his nipple.

Scream torn from his throat as fingers squeezed something on him and he came. Cock jerking, head arched back, hands digging into the sheets instead of his lover's skin and he could still feel a cock shooting into him and his knees trembled, nearly gave out as he thrust into Chloe.

And oh my GOD she felt him squeeze around her around something and she didn't know but oh GOD and she erupted, screaming as she came, clamping around him like a vice as she shot into him. Didn't know what was going on but the pleasure was *intense* and she felt her lover shaking like a leaf above her as she bit his nipple, over and over, gasping out in pleasure and shuddering hard.

Clark choked off a giggle, glancing innocently at his lover.

Lex shot a playful glare at the boy nestled between his legs on the couch, and kissed the top of his head. "I'm... happier in the dark, aren't I?"

Whitney grabbed Chloe to him tightly, rolling onto his side so that he didn't crush her, shuddering and trembling as whatever orgasm they'd just intensely shared passed, and he stroked her hair and face, kissing her softly.

Clark blinked ever so innocently at his lover. Just a bat of long lashes as he puffed a few stray hairs off his forehead. "Much happier. Plus, hello. Who can say no to Wolverine and Jean Gray? I still say they should have fucked. Scott's a pussy."

"I won't disagree with you there, but I am still waiting to see Wolverine and Gambit." Lex ran his fingers through Clark's hair. "When are you working today?"

He chuckled at that and lifted up enough to take a sip of the milkshake Ms. Bird had made for them after their shower, and mmmm it was good. Another sip of the chocolaty goodness before laying back against his baby, snuggling in close. "Five. To seven, though, so its not bad. And when I get home maybe we can go eat somewhere."

Lex shook his head. "I'm going to work tonight while you're at work. Make sure I've got the equipment and everything set up, and start the machines cycling through their start-up. Tonight at dinner, I'm going to have to ask Dad and Dom for their.... their part in all of this."

Big. Grin. "Sperm?"

"Yes, if you must remind me what it is."

He coughed, choking on the laugh as he let out another cough, shoulders shaking with his amusement before he cleared his throat, still shaking with suppressed choking laughs. back on his lovers belly, snuggling the back of his head in close as his very long legs hung off. One off the back of the couch, the other off the arm, watching TV sideways again. "Dominic's going to have a field day."

"Just for that, I'm making you ask." Lex wrapped one leg around Clark's waist. "But, the up side to this is..." He thought. "There actually is no up side to this."

Another smile as he peeked up upside down. "Your dad's coming home. That's the upside. The doctor said the stone's passing in the next hour or so, right? Or did I hear wrong?" A shift to accommodate his lovers leg, tugging it in close and setting his arm comfortably on it as he yawned.

"Which only means, no more quiet nights." He smiled as Clark settled against him, and he stroked a hand into Clark's shirt, resting his palm on his lover's smooth, warm skin. "No, you didn't hear it wrong. It's supposed to pass by the time you're off work, actually, and he'll be home about nine. Which means, late dinner."

He winced. Visibly. And hissed through his teeth, part with pleasure, and part with sympathetic agony. "I was wondering what that screaming in the corner of my brain was. I really do not wish I was your dad right now, baby."

"I wouldn't want to be Dad right now either." His hands slipped further into Clark's shirt, far enough in to gently rub a nipple. "Nor would I want to be poor Dominic, who is going to have to be dealing with Dad."

This time his breath slid softly from him and his head fell back. His hand came up to cup his lovers on his chest, thumb gently stroking over Lex's knuckles through his shirt. "Dominic may end up committing homicide. We should keep an eye on them. Your poor parents." Wicked grin curved his lips and he didn't dare look up.

Just for that, Lex pinched hard, but then immediately soothed with more soft strokes. "Asshole."

Ohhh boy. A gasp, a wicked snicker, and he looked up backwards again. "It just clenched."

"And now you're teasing me," Lex purred softly, deep in his throat. "It's not nice... to tease the animals."

"Yes huh, it is. Especially because I was just really bad. But, I don't think Chloe's really mad at us anymore." Innocent hum.

"No, it's not nice to tease the animals. Especially when one of them is ready to take a piece of your ass." His leg squeezed Clark's waist gently. "Just you wait until you get home from work, Clark. Your ass is mine."

Ohhh and he liked that. A lot, even as his breath shuddered out and he looked up. "Promise me."

"I promise, Clark." Lex's eyes darkened with hunger. "You have my word on it." He leaned his head over, and pressed a hard kiss to his lover's mouth, upside down and everything.

Which just made it even sexier as Clark kissed back, hand reaching up to cup his lovers, stroking over his soft skin as he kissed him. "Promise me we'll go slow." He muttered into the hard kiss, fingers stroking up over the skin of his lovers head.

"We'll go slow, aushna'," Lex vowed quietly. "We'll go at your speed, or mine, and we'll do what feels right. I just miss you so."

"I miss you, so much." He whispered back, licking his lovers cheek softly as he sat up, a little disoriented after laying down for so long, and snuggled up to his lovers body. Set his head on his chest and his arms around his waist, and he muttered, "Chloe told me today that I'm a big tabby cat and you're a white Persian. Bitch."

Lex laughed heartily at that, even as he curled around his lover. "I think I'm a little hairless to be a Persian, but the analogy isn't inaccurate. I think she just simply meant... I'm high-maintenance." He snuggled against Clark tightly.

Muttered into his lovers chest. "She said you looked like you'd just lapped up a bowl of cream when we found them at lunch. Shrew."

At that, Lex grinned. "It wasn't in a bowl, but yes, I did lick up a nice load of hot cream."

Eyes wide. Looked up. Eyes wide. "Oh, my God, you are entirely too dirty."

Lex just chuckled. "I'm not dirty, Clark. I'm just... thinking on many levels."

"I want... to lick up yours. And I want... to do the ice thing again." A tentative look at him, though his eyes were slanted and wicked. "Did you like it?"

Lex nodded. "I did like it. Very much." His tongue darted out and lapped at Clark's nose. "We can do anything you want to, Clark."

His mind, for the first time in a long time, allowed him to go down the path to more wicked thoughts and his eyebrows cocked as he thought. "Anyyything?"

"Anything your heart desires," Lex confirmed. "Or that your cock desires."

"I want... I think... I want you to make me beg." He lay back down on his lovers chest. "I think I want to try big blue, cause each time we do, we can't. I want to try it. I think.... mmm... I want... uh...." A blink, thinking.

"Ice," Lex reminded softly.

"Ice, uh huh. and... And I want to be with you in the swimming pool." At that his smile lit his face. "Like when we went to the ocean. I want that."

Lex nodded. "Sure we can fit this all in one night?" he teased softly.

"Course. We have Super Libidos."

Lex laughed, and looked at his watch. "You need to leave for work, before I figure out a way to tie you down to my bed and never let you out." He slid his hand out of Clark's shirt with great reluctance.

A soft smile, as he let go and slid easily into the flip flops that had been waiting for him, reaching up to press his lips to Lex's. "I love you."

Lex slid his fingers through Clark's hair, and caught a firm grip. "I love you," he whispered softly, deepening the kiss quickly before letting him go. "Now get out of here, before I can't let you go."

"I'll be home in a jiffy." A grin and he climbed to his feet, grabbing the keys to Lex's Ferrari and off he went. Couldn't... couldn't drive the new orgasm on wheels his lover had gotten for him, didn't dare, but the Ferrari was okay as he trooped off.

Lex just sighed, watching his lover leave, and then heading down to the lab. There was still a lot of work to do before his father and Dominic got home tonight, and he sighed. I never dreamed I'd one day be playing with my father's semen. What in the hell did I do to you, God?



go on to the next part