
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 151: Kenep

White glossy finishes. Cool tile... cold metal. The light clack of instruments on metal, of beakers and boiling water. A voice, masculine, clinical, but soft in his speaking was talking into a recorder, cataloguing all of what he was doing so that he could go back and review it, to make sure it was completely flawless.

And Clark was snoring.

Tchaikovksy was playing on the classical music station, the Sleeping Beauty waltz, and Clark was snoring. He lay sprawled before his lover on the same slab of metal which had seen so much pain and pestilence. A maroon pillow from the couch in the office was under his cheek, a blanket under him and folded over his body, and he was completely asleep. An abandoned mug of milk and cookies lay on the table in front of Lex, where Clark had set them before snuggling down, and he slept fitfully, comfortably.

As one was wont to do, at midnight.

Lex kept a careful, quiet eye on his lover as he dictated the procedures and the steps, the effects and the equations, into the transcription log. He'd gather a printout of it tonight, do a double check of his information in the morning, and complete the step tomorrow afternoon. Then do it all over again, making sure that every step was done perfectly, because there was no oops, there was no do-over.

And he snagged one of the chocolate cookies from the plate, munching it fastidiously and crumblessly as he paused the dictation software and backtracked, making a minute correction in the next line before he finished the cookie and started dictation again.

Clark muttered, ever so quietly and shifted, rolling onto his belly, arms snuggling under the pillow and obviously oblivious of the cold slab under his arms. He snuggled his cheek into the pillow and his very, very long legs hung off the edge of the table. There was no baby beside him, no blood, no naked pain, just himself in his sweat pants with no elastic along the bottom, so the cloth hung off his feet. His t-shirt was property of Smallville High, and he was snoring to high heaven.

Lex switched off the dictation software again when he heard a soft series of beeps from the security system, and he went to the console to check.

He recognized Rico's flashy red Corvette in an instant, and pressed the gate buzzer. The huge, iron gate swung open to admit the car, and he got up, shaking Clark's shoulder gently. "Clark? Baby, they're here."

"Erh're." He muttered, and reached out, snagging Lex around the waist, lifting him like he weighed nothing, and snuggling him into the blanket with him, pillow smushed to his cheek and a Lex snuggled riiight in close.

Lex had to laugh at that. Here he was, fully grown and fully dressed and tucked into bed on a lab table beside the love of his life. "Come on, Clark. Wake up, because I'm not letting Rico down here. He'll have this place decked out with shag carpets and a glitter ball." He nudged Clark half-heartedly.

Clark choked on a snortle, one eye opening to peer at his lover as his grin peeked out from where his face was smushed against the pillow. "Y'need some light in'ere. Could have a roller skating party. A naked roller skating party. Where only sha'nauch are invited." A little giggle and he reached up to kiss him, and though he would have rather stabbed himself than move, he let go of his lover, sighed, threw the blanket back and sat up with a big yawn.

"If I want to have a naked roller skating party, I'll have it in the lower ballroom, or in the dungeon." He grinned, kissed his lover's yawning mouth, and sat up beside him.

"Mmmmmmmm. Naked roller skating. Should be a national sport." He plopped down from the table, stretching his arms above him with a little hollow sound of pleasure, before heaving a big sigh. "C'mon. Leave it here. You're gonna work all night anyway. I can sleep while you work." Another yawn and he offered his hand, the other going up to rub his eyes.

"Not all night," Lex grinned. "Just most of the night. If I keep going at this rate, the embryo will be implanted this time next week, and some lucky lady will be pregnant with the Luthor-Senatori heir, and if I ever utter those words again, feel free to rip my tongue out." But he did as he was told, leaving the blanket and pillow on the lab table as he met Clark at the stairs and winding his fingers through his lover's. "You can sleep while Aden's working; he's a professional and he won't wake you while he snips."


Wow. Oh, wow. Wow. Lex was… loaded. It was Aden's very thought as he climbed out of his lovers car, eyes going very wide as he stared up at the house. Magnificent, amazing, spell binding, haunted. All good words. "Wow." He breathed, not even listening to his love for the second as he watched. "Big wow."

"Don't worry, darling. Lex keeps the ghosts in the basement when company's coming over. Urine stains are so hard to clean out of those antique carpets of his." Rico grinned at his entranced lover. "Big beast of a place if you ask me, and it could use with some warming touches, but not that Lionel'd let anybody stir a stone, the horse's ass."

Aden blushed very softly at his very boisterous, beautiful love and smiled shyly as he got their things out of the trunk. A bag, hairdryer, combs, different brushes and scissors and spray bottles. Lex had 911'd them earlier today, and since the Salon didn't close until nine, it had been a little difficult to get out before now.

"Wonder what this big emergency is anyway, considering our favorite bald boy has no need of our services." He snagged Aden around the waist and kissed him lightly, then took one of the bags. "Come on, darling. Just remember, they put their pantyhose on the same way we do, one leg at a time with it all tucked away."

"Tease." Because he happened to be sporting panty hose and a small dildo under his clothes, as per the instructions of a certain lover of his, and the only way he'd stayed concealed was the jock strap he'd worn underneath it. But he had it in him to glare, and glare he did.

"Me a tease?" Rico grinned teasingly, belying his words. "Not I." He tugged Aden right along with him. "If you like, we can ask Lex for a guest room for the night, and get up early in the morning and drive back to the salon," he continued, pushing open the door and walking into the mansion like he belonged there. "LEX!" he bellowed.


"Your dads are so excited." Softly said as they made their way up the steps, heaving a yawn and scratching his arm softly as he mmmed softly in sleepiness. "You know you're just as excited as they are. Getting a baby sister, even if she'll be your half sister. You're crazy over her and you haven't even seen her yet."

Lex just snuggled against Clark as he was hugged. "Yes, I am. And if you repeat that, I'll deny it. I can't wait to see her, Clark. A beautiful little girl... that I helped to create."

"A beautiful little girl that you did create. All you had to do was muck around in your dad's come." Innocently said as he heard Rico bellow, and he pressed a warm kiss to his lovers cheekbone as they came up the steps.

Aden shrieked. It… couldn't be helped. But as soon as he saw the hack job to the GORGEOUS curls Clark had once sported, lustrous, full, now GONE and just... he felt himself get light headed, his eyes going wide in his head as he fought for a breath. Which only sent to his blood pumping, his sheath contracting around the dildo, his cock hardening, the cock ring keeping him soft, and it was a vicious fucking cycle.

He didn't know how he'd not snipped any ears off today.

And oh, JESUS he blushed.

Rico caught Aden around the shoulders. "Holy Christ on the Cross, darling. Did you get on the bad end of a lawnmower?" he demanded of Clark.

Clark blinked. Twice. Looked at Lex. Was insanely grateful for the hard hat he'd worn most of the day, and his fingers came to his head, touching the uneven curls with a wince. "Wh… what? Is it... bad?"

Aden was a very short, very quiet young man. Barely 24 years old, with a wild side only his lover saw. He was prone to being the bottom, he was prone to being very quiet, a mouse, as small and unseen as he could be.

However. Seeing... Clark Kent without all of his curls just...Christ. God. And he turned and buried his face in Rico's neck for a moment, breathing in the sharp, lovely scent of his lovers cologne as he groaned. "Its like a Jenny Jones show gone wrong."

"I know, darling, but this is what Lex called us here to fix." He flicked his gaze up again. "Lex? Darling? 911 doesn't even cover it." He moved the gaze to Clark. "You. A chair. A mirror. Now." He petted Aden gently on the shoulder. "You can do this, Aden," Rico said softly. "This is what you're good at; I'm just here for the comedic relief."

"It's not bad, Clark, just surprising," he reassured his lover. "That's all. Remember, the last time they saw you, it was down to your neck." He stroked Clark's arm calmingly. "It's all right." He glared at Rico. "There isn't anything more urgent than a 911 page."

"What... did you do... to your head?"

"Self therapy?" Clark asked, wincing as he squeezed his lovers hand. He wasn't at all ashamed of what he'd done, but seeing the two very... very gay men before them all but having a heart attack over it brought a smile to his face, and he shook his head gently, chuckling.

"You could have called the Salon. Ramon was on the phone all day, little bitch, but you could have called and screamed in horror, you know. This... this is a travesty. This is against God and Man. This... is a horror. Find me a mirror, a sink, and a plug. That's all I need."

Rico pushed Lex. "Go on, go on, find us a room to work in, we're not going to eat your lover whole... we'll take him in little bits."

Lex growled softly at his two friends as they had their heart attack over Clark's new hair. "I'm taking Clark with me, thank you very much. Vultures." He tugged Clark's arms around his waist. "Come on, Clark. We can set up in the bathroom down here; it's big enough to work in."

Rico rolled his eyes. "It's big enough to put the entire salon in. Just drag a chair in there, dearest, and we'll all toddle along."

"One of my puppies got lost in their the other day." Clark reflected it, looking over his shoulder as he passed a glance over his shoulder and stopped at the second shriek from Aden. "Whaaat?"

He just pointed at the back of Clarks head and gave a little sob, biting his lower lip tightly.

"Pretty bad. I agree. And it looks good now, after Lex fixed it."

Okay. At that Aden brightened a little, and glanced to Lex shyly, smiling crookedly at him. "I told you you should come work in my salon, but nooo."

"But we found her," Lex pointed out.

He didn't mention the fact that he'd turned half the house upside down looking for Cleo. Just... that he found her.

Rico heaved a huge sigh. "Clark, darling... the next time that you're going to do self therapy, do us a favor, love. CALL ADEN. Let him do the... therapy for you."

Lex gave Aden an easy grin in return. "Thanks, but I don't think my calling is standing behind a chair all day styling hair; I'd be far too likely to tell someone to piss off if they didn't like my work."

"Too bad, it'd be fabulous work." Another shy smile down at his stuff and he huddled under Rico's arm as they walked into the bathroom.

Yes. It was a bathroom built for a sultan, with a solarium and a hot tub that had all plate windows around it, even the ceiling, in one corner. Aden breathed softly, looking around and damn what a difference from their little closet with a toilet at home. Not that he and Rico didn't have a very, very fun time in the little bathtub, but... wow. He gazed around, sighing softly in the pleasure of a man who appreciated nice things, and he ushered the much taller boy over to the mirror. Got a stool out from under the sink and set it down, motioning him over.

Once he'd sat, Aden got his things out. Scissors, brushes of every type, combs, hair dryer though damn if it would be any sort of use now, dyes for highlights, and shampoo, conditioner, gel, styling mousse.

Rico stood beside his lover, spreading out the instruments of the trade in easy reach, and sat back on his heels as he observed the butchered hair. "Darling, there's nothing left to do, is there? Just take it all off?"

Lex pushed Clark over to the stool. "Sit down, Clark. They'll take good care of you. Trust me." He boosted himself up on the sink, sitting so that his feet rested in his lover's lap.

Aden smacked Lex's hip over a little so he wouldn't sit on his gels and he pulled his smock on, already stained with the days use, but one more wouldn't mind. He rubbed his fingers over his lips a moment as he stood beside his love, gazing down at the butchered head. Seventeen different lengths and ugh. He ran his fingers through it, taking down measurements in his head and seeing what all he could do with it. "Mmm. Rico, you know that porn we have at home? With the construction worker and his lover coming to visit him during hours?" He shifted around Clarks head as the boy touched Lex's feet in his lap, looking at the curls.

Rico shot up to his feet. "You're right, darling! That's perfect! Completely, utterly perfect!!" He paused. "You do mean the short curls and not the baldness, right?"

A grin up at his lover. "Would I have taken out my things if I were going to shave him, beloved?"

"Okay, wait." Clark looked up, plopping a large hand atop his head. "I'm not going to have porn star hair. No. I have my hippo-dignity to keep, here."

Rico raised an eyebrow. "You did the last time you shaved me, but then you styled other things first."

Lex blinked. "You have a video with a bald man getting fucked by a beautiful, short-curled, dark haired boy? I want." Lex snickered. "Your hippo dignity? Is it frightening that I actually comprehend that reference, and will then say, I am mocking you with my monkey pants?"

The dildo in his ass gave an answering thump and he barely kept the groan in, the soft rustle of slacks against pantyhose barely audible as he shifted onto his other hip. Had to ignore his lover as he winked at Lex, rubbing his fingers through Clarks hair once more before nodding. "I think that'll be the best option." And another glance to Lex, as he grasped Clarks hand in his own and led him to the sink right beside Lex. "Here, bend over so I can wash your hair. Sorry its not the best service. Lex, give me the shampoo for oily hair. I want everything out before I start."

Muffled, from the sink as he bent over and the hot water lapped over his much too naked head. "Hippos need their hippo dignity, Lex. The monkeys a bastard. And the giraffe? jealous as fuck."

"Be careful who you bend over for, Clark. Aden's a bit of a wild child." Then he snickered. "The giraffe has nothing to be jealous of. He's got incredible length that nobody else has. I will agree that hippos need their dignity, but the monkey isn't a bastard. The monkey is, metaphorically speaking, a Luthor."

Rico barely hid a snort of laughter at the wild child comment, but then was lost with the rest of the conversation. "What the fuck are you two talking about?"

"Buffy." As if that cleared up the entire subject, Clark muffled as Aden scrubbed his hair.

And the same little man kicked out and thumped Rico in the shin cause he KNEW what was going on under Aden's pants and he glared as he scrubbed Clarks hair. He finished, quick as anything, making sure the soap was out of the butchered hair before he grasped the towel Lex had on his lap and rubbed Clark's hair dry.

He came up flushed, rosy cheeked, and Aden couldn't help a pinch to one as he motioned him back down. "Sit back down. Rico, hand me the red scissors over there." He whisked the hair cutting poncho around Clark's neck, tying it in back and batting Lex out of his view of the mirror.

Clark did as he was told, and carefully blinked at his lover as Aden was tying the plastic around his neck. "How are monkeys Luthor's? Excuse me. I am not dating a monkey."

"Oh, your wish is my command, oh Sultan of Scissors." Lex slid down out of Aden's view. "The monkey is a Luthor because it is, obviously, the only animal with clothing, and it is not afraid to lord it over the other animals. The Luthor Clan has been known to mock others with their wealth over time, both intentionally and not. Therefore, metaphorically speaking, the Luthor's are the monkeys of the animal cracker world."

Rico passed over the red scissors that Aden asked for, and tucked a towel around Clark's neck, inside the smock so that the falling hair wouldn't irritate his skin. "Lex? I thought you'd stopped with the taking of drugs, but you sure sound like you're on something!"

Aden took the scissors without looking, batting Rico's hands out of the way as he peered at Clarks head. Took the comb he'd just stuck in his pocket out and quickly combed through Clark's head, bringing it standing straight up so he could see the length differences more clearly.

And with a flourish of fingers, he began to snip.

And Clark was almost terrified to ask. he just kept his eyes closed as he felt more and more and more hair falling off his already short head. And whimpered.

"Fuck off, Rico." Lex slid off the countertop and crouched in the floor beside Clark, resting his chin on Clark's knee. "It's okay, Clark. It's okay, I promise," he soothed softly. "Aden's doing fine; he works for Rico in the salon when he's off from the bookstore." He stroked Clark's arm soothingly, twined their fingers together.

"I am an untrained professional." Aden agreed, snipping and snapping, measuring and combing in quick, short movements. Coming along quite nicely, and he came around, booting Lex over a little with his hip as he measured the curls in front.

Couldn't help leaning in for a big smacking kiss on the lips at the tight face, chuckled, and snipped some more, measuring with the quick eyes of someone who knew what they were doing. Snip, Snipsnipsnip.

"You look beautiful, Clark," Lex said softly, growling at Aden's kiss as he moved out of the way. He kept his hands on Clark somehow, hands on his arm, fingers twined together. "You're beautiful to me, aushna'."

"Don't get testy, bitch," Rico snorted. "Aden's perfectly trained, I'll have you know, he studied under the master himself--me."

"You could be a little more self centered." Aden shot back, coming around Clarks head and continuing. He snagged some moose to make the curls more manageable, and kept right on working. "As for the porn, Lex," As he didn't get to answer before, carefully cutting, brow wrinkled in thought. "Two men. One is a bald construction worker, the other his lover, who works as a casher at the local surf shop. They remind me a great deal of the both of you. Best sex scene ever is the boy down on his knees before the construction worker with his you know what you know where." Snip snip. "This wasn't so hard. We're almost done."

"This is third world trauma. I did fine when I did it." Clark whimpered.

"No, you thought you did. Instead, you made two queens like my lover and myself scream for mercy."

"No, I don't know what where, because I've never seen it," Lex pointed out.

"Buck up, Clark, it's almost over with, and darling, you look marvelous, if I might sound like Billy Crystal. You look simply marvelous, for all the butchery you did."

"Young ears." Aden covered Clarks ears. "Cock down his throat. ...All the way down his throat. Rimming. Very nice." He let go then and continued to snip away, humming as he worked, gelling and moussing though it was for style and not really necessary.

Lex didn't bother to point out that Clark could A, hear through Aden's hands, and B, suck cock like a pro. Instead, he just nodded sagely. "Mmm. I may have to look into acquiring that video."

Clark caught the thought and tried not to laugh, making the rude noise in the back of his throat. "Pro, baby? More like if it were ever an Olympic event, I'd win the silver every time."

"I'll make a copy of ours for you. its a DVD, actually." Smirk. "Moving up in the world." A final snip, and he sighed, as he spritzed the curls with water, rubbing them through with his fingers and voila. He pulled the plastic cover from Clark's neck, untying it quickly and dusting his neck of any stray hair, before leaning over and grinning at him. "You can open your eyes now."


"I assume you're implying I'd win the gold?" He ran his hands over Clark's head after Aden did. "They're beautiful, Clark." He looked at Clark in the mirror, and slipped the image into their link.

"You and your dad would tie. Cause Dominic screams like a banshee." Clark finally opened his eyes then, as soon as he caught a glimpse, and blinked into the mirror. Short, cropped close to his head, and not curly but long locks of hair overlapping all the other ones and wow. Yay! "Heeey. I don't look like a sheared goat anymore." A smile over his shoulder. "Thanks, Aden."

"I live to serve. Let it grow out, alright? Your hair is far too pretty to be kept short."

"I agree with Aden. Let it grow back out." Lex walked around in front of him and straddled Clark's lap. "Do not ever mention my father and I in the same compliment ever again, please."

Rico shrugged innocently. "I don't know why not; it's not like Lionel Luthor's got anything to be ashamed of. The man's-- what?" He stopped in mid-sentence as three sets of eyes glared at him.

Though Clark's lips twitched. "Hung?"

"Like a bull." Aden agreed, sweeping his fingers once more through Clarks hair before smiling and untying his smock. Washed his hands, and he began to pack everything up.

Making it? Back to Metropolis? Without fucking his beautiful lover on the side of the road? Unlikely.

"GRAAAAH!!!! I don't need to hear how well my father is hung!!!!!!"

"You shouldn't be ashamed." Clark wanted very badly to give him a squeeze, but didn't know if it would embarrass his lover, so refrained. "You're longer than me."

Aden's eyebrows came up to his hairline. A glance at Lex. A glance at Clark. Clark was a very large boy... and Lex was hung better?

Mrrrrooooowrrrrr. Another thump and mmmm.

Lex just growled at that, and wrapped arms and legs around his lover. "But you're thicker, and it feels... so good." He nuzzled Clark's neck lightly. "Rico, you guys staying the night or driving back? Aden?"

"Want to know the truth?"


"He put me in panty hose and a dildo before I left the house this morning at nine."

Lex just shook his head. "And you haven't killed the bastard yet? Better man than me, Aden." He slid up to sit a little straighter on Clark's lap. "Okay. You guys are staying the night, and Christ, do please try and keep it down. Hearing my dad and Dominic are bad enough."

"Speaking of, where are the happy little homemakers?" Rico slunk in behind his lover, and ground his cock gently into Aden's firm ass. "Are they off fucking like bunnies somewhere?"

"I've been ready to kill him since one." Aden missed Clarks huge eyes, but caught him licking his lips, eyebrow coming up, amused expression, and he wound his arms around Aden's on his waist. "He loves me, so its worth the pain."

Clark cleared his throat softly. "Lionel? And Dominic, they're working late. Tonight."

"I'd have killed him already." Lex did catch the eyes and the lip licking, and he leaned forward to lick Clark's lip himself. "Think happy thoughts," Lex murmured. "Cause if you're nice, I'll send you to school like that one day." Then he straightened again. "Second floor, middle hall, pick any room you want. Left hall is mine and Clark's, and Dad and Dom's. Right hall... is undergoing renovation."

Very, very, very soft groan, and he rubbed a hand over the base of his lovers spine as he watched Aden and Rico, smiling softly. "Thank you. For helping me in my hair crisis."

"My pleasure." Aden smiled it softly, and then shyly nodded at Lex, as if remembering where he was, and he gently played with Rico's fingers at his waist. "Thanks, Lex."

Lex arched very subtly into Clark's stroke of his spine, and his eyes narrowed to slits. "You're welcome, Aden." He inched up on Clark a little further, leaning his head on Clark's shoulder. "I'll have the house call fee laid out for you in the morning; it's still $250, right?"

Rico nodded, and tightened his grip on Aden. "Yes, it's still the same, and Aden, darling, we better run along and find our flop for the night, because if we don't, I think we're going to be seeing more of our friends than we want to be!!"

Aden chuckled softly and grasped Rico's hand, leaning over to press a kiss to Lex's cheek, and then one to Clark's. "Its on the house. Thank you for letting us stay the night. Come along, now, darling." Aden snagged Rico's hand and grabbed his bag too, dragging his lover out the door.

Lex watched as Rico was dragged by his smaller lover, and then he snuggled his ass flush against Clark's crotch, legs around the chair holding him up as he ran his fingers through Clark's hair. "It really does look beautiful on you, Clark. Though I can't wait for it to grow out again." He planted warm little kisses along Clark's jaw. "I was jealous of them flirting with you... I hope you don't mind I staked my claim again." He wiggled just a little in Clark's lap.

He couldn't speak. The thought of Aden...not of him physically, but what Rico had done to him, was outrageously, unbelievably erotic, and he arched his hips into his lover very, very softly, throat bobbing as he let his head fall back to the warm kisses. "Yeah. Me... me too. I like it. I don't mind claiming." Mumbled as his eyes fell closed, fingers dragging down his lovers long back and cupping a warm ass.

Lex obligingly trailed the kisses over Clark's throat, licking the little indention, sucking the bobbing Adam's apple. "Like what Rico did, didn't you? He's a kinky bastard, but he loves Aden dearly." His tongue licked up Clark's jaw to tease his ear. "Want me to do that to you? Stuff you full and send you off to school to work all day?" Sharp bite to his earlobe..

His breath trembled out on a soft "uh!" as Lex bit him, hips snapping up to thrust against a warm ass an he groaned. Shuddered all over and closed his eyes tightly, dragging his nails up under his lovers shirt to scratch the skin, so he could feel the little nipples peak and tense. "Oh, yes. Lex... uh, God." Another groan and he shivered all over again, because uh. God.

Lex pushed down, hands gripping Clark's shoulders tightly as he rocked against the hard cock rubbing against the clothed cleft of his ass, mouth sucking hard on Clark's throat as his lover's fingers scratched delicately over his nipples. Tight sigh, little grunts that forced their way out as Lex moved against his lover, and his own hands slid down from Clark's shoulders to slide under the Smallville High T-shirt.

"God dammit. I'm putting a bell on you both."

Lex bit down hard in his frustration. "No, dammit, I'm belling you." He growled it into his lover's skin as he glared at Dominic over Clark's shoulder. "What do you want?"

Dominic… was exhausted. And it showed. He had dark marks under his eyes and waxy skin... glassy eyes as if he'd been living off caffeine for several hours and his clothes were wrinkled, stained from the day. "To tell you we're not dead, we're home, and we're going to go get as much sleep as is humanly possible before we have to leave again."

Lex growled again as he dismounted his lover. "I'll tell you again in the morning when you can understand this," Lex said quietly, demeanor changing as he saw the exhaustion, in both Dominic and his father. "But I've gotten a timetable set up. If everything goes well, and the processes go according to schedule... your baby will be ready next week, about this time."

Lionel felt the exhaustion keenly in his bones, and his back still ached from the accident when he was extremely overtired. He wished, very briefly, for his cane, but Lex's words wiped the wish from his mind. "What did you say, Lex?"

Dominic's eyes widened. Very much, in a very tired, haggard face. Blink. Blink. "You're bullshitting."

"Not about this," Lex confirmed softly. "I wouldn't. I know how much it means to you and Dad."

Huge… just… huge grin spread across his face and he looked across at his lover in pure adoration, taking his hand tenderly in his. "A year from now we'll be daddies."

Lionel squeezed Dominic's hand with as much energy as was left in him. "You'll be a daddy. I will be a father." He looked at Lex. "You are truly sure of this?"

"I've plotted out every possible difficulty, and everything falls within that timeline," Lex answered. "Yes, I'm sure of it."

" truly amazing news. This... oh, my God, I'm so--Clark, what the fuck happened to your hair?"

"I'm very happy for the both of you." Clark was smiling from the chair up at the two idiotic grins the men were sharing. "Self therapy."

"I'm with you. It works wonders for the soul."

"It really does. Can I be forward, Lionel, Dominic?"

Lionel nodded. "Of course you can, Clark. Always speak your mind; it's a requirement for being a Luthor mate."

"I'm about to come in my pants. Could you both... leave?"

Lex... just laughed. Laughed long and hard as he pulled away from his father, and went back to his lover.

Lionel blinked. Looked at his son climbing back on his lover's lap, looked at the young man himself, then at Dominic. "Come along, Dominic. Let's leave these young men to... whatever it is they're about to do."

"Well that was damn forward." But Dominic winked at them both and wrapped an arm around Lionel's waist, hugging him tightly as he closed the bathroom door behind them.

Lex straddled Clark again, situating himself against his lover's hard cock. Then he slid down Clark's body, down to his knees until his hands rested on Clark's sweatpants and pulled the elastic waist down to expose his lover's cock, then looked up for permission.

"God yes, please." Whimpered as he arched his back, Dominic and Lionel chuckling as they walked up the steps. He tuned everything out, everything but his lover and this. So long since he'd had an orgasm wityh just his lover and he wanted, so, so very badly. Hard as rock and throbbing, with the images of being in pantyhose and silky panties and a dildo rocked his brain. The cold air went over his cock and it felt so good, like a cool lick of lips and mmmm.

Which he vocalized, with a dark, soft purr.

Lex opened his mouth and quickly engulfed his lover's cock, swallowing the length in a single, practiced motion until his lips were pressed against the base of Clark's cock and his nose was tickled by thick pubic hair. A hard suck, a teasing scrape with his teeth, and Lex slid his head back, swallowing just around the head as his tongue teased the slit, then deepthroated his beloved again, each slick suck faster than the one before it. His hands kneaded Clark's spread thighs, and one slipped in to cup and gently roll his balls.

Ohgodyespleaseyes! He gasped and let out a hard cry, his fingers clamping on the back of Lex's neck, though never shoving or thrusting just UH and oh FUCK. Okay. No. No. This was… no. Not how it was going to go down. He grabbed his lover as gently as he could on his lift up and tugged, squirming until they were on the floor, Lex's pants were unbuttoned, and Clarks mouth was covering him, sliding in deep, his own knees around Lex's head and begging for admittance again.

His mouth came over his lover, lips nudging at the head as he curved it the slightest bit his way, took a breath, and took his lover in to the balls. All the way down, mouth wrapped around the base, and his throat worked over and over Lex's cock as his eyes shut tight and the veins in his neck bulged with the effort. Up... up... another breath and down he went, for another long, luxurious suck, throat muscles, strong as hell, quivering around his lover.

He couldn't stop purring.

His fingers came down and around Lex's thigh, thumb streaking across the saliva already sheened over Lex's balls and rubbed his thumb gently across the puckered entrance. Around and around before he pressed in, pulling out and rubbing again. Repeated it, over and over, until his thumb was slowly thrusting in and out of his lovers tight entrance.

Best part? He could watch himself do it.

Lex moaned softly and slid Clark's cock deep into his throat. His legs trembled as he was over his lover, hips pushing back against Clark's thumb as it stroked inside him.

Shudders wracked his body as he tasted Clark for the first time in what seemed like an eternity, and the wash of precome over his taste buds was a thick, glorious treat that he sucked down as hard as he could. His fingers kneaded Clark's balls gently, ass squeezing Clark's fingers tightly, and he rocked helplessly.

Clark wanted. He wanted, he craved, he wanted. The initial rush had calmed to a glorious ache, and all he wanted to do was sink into him and let his beautiful baby take his pain away into pleasure.

He wanted it. So badly. And because he did, he'd have it, even here, in the bathroom, the thick rug under them.

He groaned around Lex's erection, moaning as he replaced his thumb with his first two fingers. Let go before he pressed the digits in like he wanted and slid Lex's cock from his soft, wide lips to reach for the lotion on the countertop. Took him two tries and a giggle but he got the Neutrogena lotion from beside the sink and squirted his fingers, slicking them up before probing again and bringing his lover back in. Back in deep, breathing through his nose as he lapped and sucked, licked and scraped his teeth over the sensitive flesh as his fingers slid in. Deep. The slick lotion had them sliding in like the breeze, but only part of the way. So long since they'd had sex, so long, and he carefully worked his fingers apart in this half entered state, stretching his beloved lover gently so he'd let him in.

Lex relaxed as he felt Clark's slick fingers sliding inside of him, and he threw his head back, hands moving to brace on Clark's thighs as he pushed down against the stroking fingers, whimpering softly as he felt Clark stretching him. "Oh, God, that feels so good," Lex grunted. Clark's cock was rubbing against his belly, slick swirls drying on his chest before he dropped his mouth back down to engulf the thick organ in his throat.

He spread his legs further, situating himself on top of Clark, exposing his hole and opening wider.

"Love making you f--feel good." Raspy groan as he encouraged his sweet lover. With each relaxing muscle his fingers slid deeper, until he could only see the last knuckles. He began to thrust, in and out as gently as he could, stretching and scissoring as he did it...and completely let go of his lovers cock. Moved and scooted up, so Lex's knees were on either side of him and he could sit up to watch himself. He pressed warm, gentle kisses to the warm cheeks, nipping softly as he kept right on stretching. Erotic value in the act that they always rushed through to get to the sex, and he gentled his fingers, continuing to turn and thrust them, scissor, inside of his lover.

And was delighted when he finally found his loves prostate. He rubbed the tip of his middle finger against it, flickering just like he liked, and pressed a soft kiss to the skin right above where his fingers were working their magic.

Strangled cry against Clark's cock as his prostate was nudged by Clark's finger, and his sheath clamped tightly, muscles locking around the probing digit as he moved against his lover. His teeth sunk into Clark's flesh, riding the careful strokes of his lover's fingers as his nails scraped lightly over Clark's skin. He was whimpering, not above begging for it, but he heard Kal-El's voice thundering in his head, that El's do not beg, and instead he pled with his body, thrusting back and pleading silently for everything he wanted.

"Begging for my cock... is different than pleading for pleasure." Clark whispered softly, pressing warm, soft kisses to each cheek, to the small of his lovers spine, to the back of each thigh. "Begging for me... makes me so happy. Beg for me, Oakenep-el. My heart soars." He thrust a little faster, a little harder, when his lover clamped around him, slowly adding a third finger gradually as he bit, licked, nipped at the tender skin. His free fingers came around and grasped his lovers cock, thumbing the head as he began to jack it off. "Just like this. Just like this. Scream for me, baby."

"I want you, Kal-El," Lex pled softly, arching back, rubbing against his lover. "I want to feel you inside me; I want to be buried inside you. Want to be one with you again." His back was bowed, cheek rubbing against Clark's scratchy, hairy calf then slipping his mouth around the big toe and sucking.

It was for his lover. His beautiful lover. He moved and stroked, rubbing the tender walls with his fingers as he did it. His hand moved gently over the long column of flesh flushed with blood, stroking it easily as his mouth covered where his lover, had he been Kryptonian, would have had the bump. His hand went faster, squeezing just like his lover liked, bunching his fingers as he stroked faster in the warm channel.

And his heart, slamming in his chest, thumped like a fluttering bird as he carefully added his pinky finger, just the tip of it, as he added more lotion to his fingers and his teeth scraped down the length of his lovers backside to lick and nip softly at the spread rim.

Lex lowered himself further, opening his body as wide as possible to accommodate the extra fingers. No pain, just a slick burn as his body stretched, channel slick with lotion and claming hungrily with need as he sucked hard, and then bit down as he rocked back.

Forever since he'd been full like that, and he moaned, encouraging Clark's hand to slide further inside him as he started to almost hump against it. "Kal-El, deeper, please."

"Shh, aushna', shhh. This is not the place. Do you want me, aushna'?" Quietly asked, as his palm stroked down the length of his lovers back with a wide palm, the other still slowly moving his hand back and forth on the stiff column of flesh. "Will...will you have me again?" A soft whimper, as his mouth came down again, sliding his fingers free to gently lick and lap at the impossibly warm entrance.

"God yes, yes, please. I will always have you, Kal-El, anywhere and anyplace you want." Lex was nearly crying with need. "Please, please, Kal, please!!!"

Something soft and deep inside of him was let lose at the sobs his Oakenep-el was crying. Everything gentled, his arms tenderly pulled him close, and he lifted him into the circle of his arms. Not bothering to dress him, or make himself decent, he cradled his lover in his arms, the person he was about to pleasure and be given pleasure from, and gently made his way through the house.

It was silent, but for the muffled cries coming from the room Aden and Rico had apparently chosen as their own, but he paid no mind. Just padding silently through the house with his Lex in his arms, kissing and licking him as they moved down through the darkened house.

He opened their bedroom door with his toe, pushed it open, and stepped in silently.

And when he closed it, and he looked down at his lover, they were in a different world.

Enormous glass windows, clear as water. Rounded and dome shaped, in a room just as round, and the view that led down was familiar, and completely foreign at the same time. Tall, rounded homes just like his were as far as the eye could see, a deep orange and yellow sun finishing its setting as the night sky, awash with stars, down from the ceiling made of the same clear glass.

Thicker. Long, dark, wavy hair that fell down past his shoulders. The same deep green eyes, whiskers of the day peppered over his cheeks. A deep green tunic shaped shirt, long pants, no shoes. Didn't need shoes when he was home. And his voice, usually so soft, was an octave deeper, rumbling in his chest as he spoke. "Hello, Kenep."

Lex ran his fingers over the otherworldly fabric, feeling the soft, satiny feel against his skin. His own feet were bare, and he was dressed in a long tunic of samite blue and long pants also. A robe of the same green his lover was wearing was thrown over the foot of a circular bed, and the sun outside glittered off the glass and crystalline-like structures scattered through the City.

Lex's hair was long, thick red curls that cascaded over his shoulders and was pulled back into a loose ponytail.

"Welcome home, Kal." Lex was surprised to hear the timbre of his voice changing in the acoustics of the glass house.

"I am still myself." He whispered softly, as the long door, ovular and strange, moving under his hand, closed, and melted into the rest of the wall to become seamless but for the gold handle. His fingers slid up and through dark red hair, scattering curls and the rubber band so the long, lovely scented hair slid like water over his fingertips. "I am the other. But are mine, here." He whispered it as his lips came in and pressed softly to a long, slender eyebrow, and murmured a soft song he'd heard playing through his lovers mind, what felt like a lifetime ago. "I knew you, once upon a dream." Another soft kiss, as he gazed around the room. A long, warm seating arrangement, technology, a box he knew was for entertainment. A single murmured word had the windows opening, and the breeze, with some unidentifiable scent, coming in through the windows that had opened at his command. Animals and yhounfg chirped in the early evening, birds singing as they flew through the orange clouds.

It held nothing, to the beauty of his aushna's warm, pale skin. Skin he couldn't help touching, fingertips gently sliding into the v of his rewa and spreading it, so it slipped over his shoulders. Fluttered to the ground. "What may have been. You see...I would always find you."

Kenep felt the cloth sliding down his shoulders, and his hair was freed from it's ponytail as it cascaded down his back. The cool breeze felt like sweet kisses on his skin as he watched the birds fly, and he pressed back against Kal as he watched the clouds slide in front of and behind their home planet's red sun. He watched as their rooms turned the red of sunset, watched as the tallest spires in the City illuminated with a protective dome for the night.

"You would always find me; I would always be yours."

"Even in the furthest reaches of the galaxy, my reshkuma. I could never be without you." His lips came down to a strong shoulder, breezing and skimming across warm flesh. "I want to have you. I miss you, Kenep." A gentle sweep of all the red curls to the side, to bring vibrant blue eyes to him, holding his lovers chin between thumb and forefinger. "We are not judged here. We are embraced, for the love we have found." His wide palms came down and circled a very slender, narrow waist, long fingers all but meeting.

"I miss you, Kal." Kenep turned around in his lover's arms, facing Kal-El completely. "I adore you, reshkuma, I want you so." He blinked once. "We should have lived here; revered and embraced, where you would no longer be alone." A light brush of fingertips over his wrist, then a kiss deposited there. "Yes, I want you. I want you to have me."

"Instead, we are where we are. There are reasons to life's questions. This is just our little slice of heaven." His fingertips swept so softly down a long, warm belly, and turned to face his lover fully, with the suns setting light pouring on them. "Here, where you are so very beautiful." He gently stroked his fingertips through the light brushing of hair across his chest and down his belly, undressing Kenep like the skilled lover he was. Down, so the soft pants fell without a sound, and he bent on the floor that kept their bare feet warm, and pressed a soft, reverent kiss against the column of flesh that hung so boldly, so proudly, between his thighs. "I want you to cry for me. Cry in the pleasure I can give you. Cry and beg for my touch. Then… only then, will I join with you."

Kenep nodded, falling to his knees so that he could press silent kisses to Kal's mouth, throat, and tongue. He pulled Kal up with him, tugging him towards the bed, one hand stroking himself as he looked up at his lover. "I already want you, Kal," he said softly.

"I only ask that you forgive me. Forgive me for being unable to carry our child, as he should have been carried." Whispered against warm flesh, as they fell and rolled on sheets as soft and cool as the clouds in the sky, falling so Kal was sprawled over this person of whom he loved with his entire heart. "It is I who lost him and you who grieved. Forgive me, aushna. Please, forgive this person who brought the pain to your life."

Kenep looked up at his lover, hands cupping his face and thumbs stroking his cheek. "You have my forgiveness, Kal," he whispered just as softly. "We both lost; we both grieved for Mar and we both suffered." He kept stroking with his thumbs. "You bring me pleasure and pain, you bring me joy and sorrow; you give me life because without you, I would not live."

"No man such as I deserve you. You... you humble an El, and it is a hard thing to do." He whispered, though his lips curved just the smallest bit, his long hair, straight as a pin, sliding and falling over his shoulder as his thumbs caressed each sharp cheekbone. "How I love you, aushna'. You are a mate worthy of me. And I, a mate... a mate worthy of you." The last he said softly, as his fingertips began to trace over soft, milky skin.

Down, to the small of his beloveds back, to stroke carefully, softly, reverently over the bump he could feel between his fingers. "We will have more. When my body is healed, when our spirits are healed. We will have more. A family to raise. That is a promise, from one El to another."

Kenep arched as his lover stroked over the bump in his spine, and he whimpered softly. "My mate, worthy of every star in the sky, worth more than this Lu can give." His hands stroked over Kal's face with gentleness and love. Another arch at the soft touch to his back. "Our family, Kal, and I accept your promise and give you one in return. I promise you, as El to El, that I will love you always, and raise our family to be El."

It pleased him. In every place it could please, oh, it did, and the sounds of the night dancers preparing for the night meal swept in through their room as his mouth descended on his lover. Soft, wide lips licked, lapping at a warm, soft ear hidden amongst hair as warm and lovely as the Stars firelight. Licked, at long lines of neck and throat, lips sucking on skin that held his favorite scent. Their blankets and sheets rustled as the evening air swept in, ripening both their scents.

It would not be hard. it would not be rough. it would be a coupling of souls, souls which had flown connected by a tether since the morning their child died. But now... now, they would anchor, they would regain their spirits, and they would let the past rest.

Kenep arched into the wet mouth that licked over him. He felt the bare ashes of their connection rising, filling with life and energy again as he stroked the strong planes of his lover's body. Clouds of red hair cushioned his head as it rolled side to side, seeking the joining of their bodies as surely as he sought the linking of their souls.

His mouth slid over Kal's cheek, nuzzling it, whispering soft words and pleas into his stubbled skin, hands sliding under the sheets to stroke down his lover's back, bodies arching and pressing together, a slow ebb and rise of desire, want, and need as he breathed deeply of the night air.

Sharp awareness of everything in the moment; the rustle of sheets gliding over damp skin, the scent of jhaeela blossoms on the air that lent a musky jasmine scent to the air as his scent mingled with Kal's.

His lovers warm, pale body was an excitement, a joy, as he rediscovered all of the little things that he loved so much. The small indent underneath the plane of a sharp shoulder... the ticklish spot beneath the long rib cage that made his lover gasp and his nipples peak. Kal felt everything, everything on his beautiful Kenep as they rolled and glided through the sheets. Tumbled like rain, soft at first but rising, heat dampening the skin he was licking, making trickles of fine sweat slide down flawless skin.

His fingers never ceased, rubbing against thighs, neck, through hair for luxurious, ache filled kisses. Their bodies aligned and the first flash of pleasure whisked through him like a sharp blade, though he did not gasp. The pleasure was channeled instantly to his lover, to get him that same pleasure, their bodies beginning the slow, aching, beautiful movement. Rocking, wet heat against wet heat, angles to angles, curves to curves.

Kenep's cock rubbed against Kal's hip as they rocked, sliding against the firm body and whimpering softly, crying out hungrily as he reached for Kal. His hands stroked and touched, threaded through long, luxuriant locks to tug and pull with care, pleas slipping from his lips with ease. "Kal-el, my aushna', my soul, I need you to complete me," he whispered, arching and rubbing in desperate hunger.

The sheets moved like watered silk under them, flowing and masking curves and contours, cooling the hot spots they touched as their bodies rolled atop them. The jhaeela scent thickened in the room, responding to the heightened heat and passion in the room as it lingered outside on the balcony of their bedroom.

"Not yet, not yet, not yet." Mindless chant as his lips came down over, over a slender chest, and further down, pushing down his body to rise milky thighs up so he might feast. His lips came around the hard heat, licking, kissing, before he encouraged his lover to tenderly roll over onto his long torso.

The sheets rustled...not a word was spoken as he covered his beloved lover with the full length of his body and brought his lips to the notch at the small of his back that had caused him so much pleasure, and so much pain, in equal measure. And now, his lover could feel the love, the emotion, the beauty of this spot, as his fingertips returned to the sheath waiting for him. Already lose, already slickened and ready, but he could not stop giving him this. To simply make this person he loved so dearly feel good. His opened palms stroked up and down his long body, no path, just touching as he saw fit, and he smiled his pleasure as he licked and dragged his teeth across this special place.

Kenep rolled over, onto his stomach, and then cried out as dual sensations rocked his body. Harsh, pleasure-filled cry as a hot mouth licked over the small protrusion at the base of his spine, and his cock throbbed, darkening to near-purple as he hardened beyond any erection he'd ever had before, and he rubbed the aching length against the watery-cool sheets.

Then as he moved he felt the pressure of fingers inside of his sheath, and he clamped down tightly against them, rocking back, swallowing as much as he could into his hungry body.

That is what he had waited. He had waited for him to sob in that exact tone and Kal smiled so gently as he sat up on his knees, parting his lovers thighs softly before he lay back over his lover. His lips caressed his aushna's ear, his eyes smiling as he murmured, "When you sob for me, it is when I know you truly love me."

He slid in like a sigh, soft and slow and so easily, and before he knew it he lay cuddled in his lovers sheath. His fingers around slender shoulders as Kal brought them up so they shifted up on their knees, and he braced his lover gently against his chest. The setting star splashed golden light over their chests, their skin, and when the light caught his lovers hair, it turned it to fire.

His fingers slid through it... grasped, tightened, and his palm came down to caress the stone hard length as he turned Kenep's face, and kissed him.

Kenep sobbed again softly as Kal slid into him, and he squeezed his thighs around his lover's as their bodies wrapped together. His mouth found Kal's easily, sliding his tongue into his lover's and sucking gently, nibbling the full lower lip as he reached behind him, bringing one hand from his hair to his nipples. His back rested against his lover's chest as he moved his hips, thrusting into Kal's hand on his cock as he pushed back onto the length that speared him. He rode carefully, slowly, feeling himself filled to overflowing before sliding forward again, and he sobbed again, each thrust sliding across his prostate, Kal's hard stomach pressing against the small protrusion and he shuddered.

It was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. His arm rested against the vibrating, shaking hip, fingers stroking over the long, hard length, and looked his fill. Of the shuddering body working itself to pleasure, with Kal's fingers in everything his lover was feeling. Body and soul, body and soul.

He pinched and kneaded tense little nipples as he sucked kisses from downy skin, feeling Kenep move as much as he pleased because it pleased Kal in a way he had not felt in such a long, long time. Enveloped and squeezed, tensed and accepted, and tears pricked his eyes as the Que-Que sang the night song, as the drums and the laughter rose from main street. A nightly celebration, for family, friend, lover and soulmate. A celebration of life, of who they were, and Kal keened his joy as he very softly slid free from his beloved. Came around him, cupping his cheeks softly as he leaned him back once more into their sheets, their pillows, their own world.

Slid back in as easy as the breeze and kneaded his aushna's face, his shoulders and neck, throat and chest… and down, to Kenep's hip, keeping him close as he began the rhythm once more. "You have worked enough. Let me work. Enjoy what I can give you, my beloved aushna'."

The roar from the revelers below rose as Kal keened out his pleasure, sweeping, rolling ululations that beat a vocal counterpoint to the lovemaking happening in their bedroom.

Kenep made a distressed noise in his throat at the loss of his lover's cock but moved eagerly as Kal moved him, raising his legs and sliding one over Kal's shoulder and the other around his waist, squeezing and pulling himself closer to drive Kal's cock entirely inside him. The angle pushed his weight down so that the small protrusion was rubbed with every stroke against the sheets, and he shuddered. "Yes, yes, my aushna, give me all of you." He opened himself, body mind and soul to his beloved as he rocked up. "Give me all, and take all I have to offer."

The strong thighs and legs, peppered with rosy hair, only made him smile, turning to rub his face into a warm thigh as he began once more. Rolling hips that pulled back and pushed forward with every beat of his heart, every ache to have his lover feel the pleasure he had for him. He moved, the primal beat of their actions taking over heart and mind as he poured his love, his acceptance, his joy, into the one person who deserved them.

He bent then and reached for a full, soft mouth, pressing it against his as he pressed a warm pillow under his beloveds hips, so they could kiss and still move with this pleasure. His fingers let go of Kenep's thighs and bent instead to an erection, hot against a tense belly, and his lips.

Kenep opened his mouth wide under Kal's, lifting his hips and lower body for the pillow, accepting the pleasure and love that Kal was giving him and sending everything that was inside him back to complete the cycle. He would have traded his soul to Kal in that instant, had he but asked for it, and Kenep's mouth was insistent against his lover's as they rocked together, sharing deep, soulful kisses as his cock throbbed steadily against Kal's firm, rippled stomach.

The unasked plea was bright in his heart, and Kal slipped his fingers down his body to grasp his aushna's erection tightly in hand, rubbing him back and forth, up and down, as they began the final ascent towards climax. It was close, but so far off still, and Kal's eyes teared as he gazed at this person of who he loved more than any universe, any star, any planet. He loved this man, for all that he was, and he leaned down to sear his lips to the faded scar along his aushna's throat. Blood welled but he caught the droplets with his thumb, and did the same to a tensed nipple, so that a single tear of blood fell from the tiny, abused nipple. He caught it, as well, and turned, lifting his head to bite the inside of a warm, tight thigh around his neck, draw the blood and catch it on the pad of his thumb. He pressed the pad of it to his lovers forehead, then his own, and kissed his lover as hard as he could.

A surge of power, of joy, of pleasure skimmed through the link as it awoke from near death, bristling with health and hold on to the two lovers who embraced it and oh, how Kal cried. He wept his joy to his lovers lips as he worked his hips faster.

Blinding, searing pleasure jolted through his body as the scar on his throat came to life, burning like a live coal as it opened under Kal's sucking and yielded blood, Kenep's life, to his lover. Each scar burned in turn, each jolt of pleasure stabbed into Kenep like a knife, cutting him open and exposing him to feelings and depths of pure ecstasy that he'd never before known as he sobbed Kal's name, over and over again.

The thumbprint on Kenep's forehead scorched his skin, it felt so molten pressed there by Kal's hand. The unspeakable thrill of having the link with his aushna' reborn into it's full strength was a near miracle that he screamed about as each thrust of Kal's hips rubbed against his prostate. Sharp, bucking motions of Kenep's hips drove himself harder onto Kal's cock, and his mouth tasted Kal's tears as his cock throbbed, trembling, near to coming as he squeezed hard on the shaft inside him.

For his lover. The pleasure for his lover and it made him weep all the harder, joy and relief and beauty and wonder. His palm came under his lovers hips, the heel pressing hard into the notch at the base of his spine as he stroked him harder, moving faster within the tight, beautiful sheath that was his and his alone. His lover, his own, and the sensitivity of the link was so beautiful. Felt every emotion his lover felt, every pleasure, and he heightened it, asking him to have the pleasure Kal wanted so badly for him to have.

And he was still weeping as he pressed his face to his lovers, pressing their foreheads together, as he whispered, "I love you, Oakenep-El."

The hard pressure at the base of his spine was the last stimulation he needed. Kenep's body tensed, arched hard as his cock throbbed, spilling his seed over Kal's stroking hands, then seconds later, intense orgasm burst inside his brain and his body, stiffening him further as his nails dug into Kal's shoulder, their faces and mouths locked together as Kenep rode out the intense wave that rocked his entire being.

"I love you, Kal-El," he whispered, over and over again.

He let out a hard wail when his beloved aushna spilled between them, tensing his orgasm as he pressed in as far as he could and let his own go. Kal felt the loosening of his balls as they spilled forth and his entire body jerked, a hard, dark, trembling sound of intense pleasure spilling much as his orgasm had from his lips, the sound reverberating through the after dusk light that had filtered like a dream into their room. He sagged, gasping his pleasure, and as he fell forward, as they came together to press close, to share the blood, the song of his people in the streets below him, the mansion slowly began to filter through once more.

Their bed became their bed once more, the moon gliding in from the open window to splash the sheets and their naked, writhing bodies. Gasping for hard breaths, shakes and shudders, the ragged gasps of good love making as they lay together, so tangled one couldn't be deciphered from the other.

Lex was firmly entwined around his lover, thoughts processing the change of scenery, the feeling of his lover atop him was exquisite, and he was in no mood at all to move or break the mood. His hands stroked over Clark's hair, now shorn and cropped close to his skull, mouth ghosting over Clark's cheekbones and ears, tasting sweat. The stickiness of drying blood reminded him of the thumbprint still on his forehead, but he closed his eyes anyway, arching up to rub against Clark, in silence holding onto the memories of that beautiful place as long as he could.

It had been the most beautiful experience of his life. He had gone to a place he'd loved, to share pleasure with the one person who mattered, and be in the one place he never thought he would anywhere but in his heart. Lex had been there. His Kenep had been there, had shared the experience, had loved him and had proven one thing that Clark hadn't had right all along.

Lex was like him.

And for the first time, in his seventeen years, Clark didn't feel so alone anymore.

"I have never, and will never, love anyone as much as I love you."

Lex opened eyes silvered with tears of joy that he nearly wouldn't shed. "I will never love anyone after you," Lex said quietly. "You are the only person I can and will love, with all of my being." He tightened his grip on Clark, and he smiled softly at the feeling of loneliness that receded a little. "You will never be alone as long as I am with you."

"You are so fucking hot with all that hair."

Lex chuckled at that, his breath puffing over Clark's hair. "You're welcome to it, baby. I can't fucking stand it. My brief flirtation with it cured me of that. Besides... you said last time, and I quote... AJ, it gave me the wiggins."

"It wasn't like that hair." Clark whispered, as his palms caressed a bare skull softly. "That was our souls." And it was so simply said, because it was so simply believed. "You g-gave me something I would never have had without you. Thank you." Whispered softly against his aushna's cheek. "I love you. You're the only one. I love you. I'll always be there, always be here to love you. I'm invincible, when I have you." And it was shock, to so easily glance into his lovers head as he spoke, and he felt like a big kid in a toy store.

He almost squealed. Refrained. But almost.

Lex pressed soft kisses to Clark's face, accepting without question everything that was said. "I love you." Then the almost-squeal. "What?" The squeal earned another series of soft kisses.

"I get to see. I get to see again." Hip wriggle atop his lover and a big beam as he peppered the kisses right back, tongue meeting his lovers more then kissing his face but oh well.

"I'm assuming you're referring to the little blue snake things?" he said with a grin, licking Clark's tongue each time it touched his.

"Yes! And! Not just that! I get to see..." He peaked in at a memory of his lover drinking a really, really good cup of coffee, and Dominic poking him with a pen, except HEEE there was such a surge of love over the pokeage and Clark grinned like an idiot.

Lex rolled his eyes at that. "Don't let that fool you. I still don't like him." But he grinned anyway, and rolled over with Clark onto their sides, still tangled together. "You can explore, if you want."

"I want to explore how many fingers I can slide up inside of y--" Yawn. Heavy, heavy yawn. "You. I want to ask you how we were on Krypton, and how you had feelings like me, with the bump. I want to ask how its possible for us to love each other so much and not scream around telling everyone. I want to know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop."

Lex picked up Clark's hand, and studied it for a long moment, gauging. "they should all fit," he answered after a moment. "I don't know how we were there together, but I bet your father does. We do scream it, just... not in a vocal way." Then he licked Clark's nose. "Nobody knows how many licks it takes to get to the center."

"Are you saying we start forest fires wherever we go?" But he was smiling, softly, as he reached forward in the dark to envelope his lover closer and bring the sheets and blankets over their cooling bodies. "Thank you, Lex. From the bottom of my heart."

"No, I'm saying... people know." Lex wrapped his arms around Clark, tugging on his waist with his legs, and situating their bodies flush against each other. "No, Clark. Thank you. Thank you for sharing that, that was... exquisite. You are... the world to me."

"I adore you. I adore you, so much. I adore you. I love you with everything inside me. I love you, my aushna. I love you." Murmured against a warm cheek, against soft eyelids, as he tucked Lex's head close under his chin so they could share a pillow. "I love you."



go on to the next part