
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 154: Laying Tile, Laying You

For some God awful reason, That Girl was running through his head. Its like his internal juke box had caught on repeat, and he'd been humming it all day. From that morning, waking up sticky and sweaty and giggly in his lovers arms till right now, he'd been in one hell of a good mood. And who wouldn't be, anyway? His aushna' loved him, he wasn't in the constant pain from the weeks of hell he'd gone through, his parents were alright, his mom was finally home, and... yes. Just yes. He got a catcall from Shayla when he'd passed her coming towards the buildings, and he was still flushing with the pleasure of it as he hopped up to the third floor of the building and went down the hall.

He could see two skeletons and his lover, blue brain thingies and all, a few doors down, and his heart was thumping as he knocked on the door.

Lex stopped in mid-sentence with his father as he looked up at the door. "Come on in, Clark. It's open," he called out, feeling the tingle of Clark's presence outside the door.

Lionel raised an eyebrow at his son, silently questioning how in the hell he'd known who it was without looking through the door.

Lex just shrugged.

He pushed open the gorgeous wooden door and peeked in. His lover was shrugging at his father, Bruce was looking at him quizzically, and Lionel...well. A soft flush hit his cheeks as he looked at Lionel, rubbing his cheeks softly as he entered. "Hey. Just...needed Lex for a while. Hello, Mr. Wayne."

"Clark." Bruce gave the young man a nod, smiling at him a little. "I like the hair."

Self conscious rub over it. "Therapy."

"Scissors are very therapeutic."

"I know now. If Lex still had all his red hair I might have had to go the Shining on him, too. However, he takes care of all of his shining by himself." A pressed kiss to the top of his head.

"Mmhmm. And I even use Turtle Wax, for the even shine, every time." He snuggled automatically into Clark's arms, and tilted his head up for another kiss.

"Good morning, Clark," Lionel said. "Your haircut... is rather drastic, but attractive." He fought the ghost of a grin. "Did you get that little problem taken care of last night?"

Clarks eyes widened into twin pools of white, with the pinpoint of green. Had Lionel just... oh. My. God.

He was sure the roots of his now very short hair turned pink.

Lex didn't have the cover of hair; he was pink from his throat to his scalp.

The grin was harder to fight this time, but Lionel managed. "I take the blushes and the stunned silences to be a resounding yes."

Bruce burst out laughing for the both of them. Just...the two boys staring in horrified silence, half on one another, was enough to prick tears of amusement at the corners of his eyes.

At Bruce's guffaw Clark immediately coughed, hard, straightening and fighting to control his horror, humiliation, and blatant pleasure. "W... we uh. Sir. Yes, we…" Cough, cough, cough. "Did. And… I am... going to take Lex. Because. There is another… problem."

Lionel held up his hand. "Clark, please. Take Lex anywhere you want, but not in my office."

"No. Not in your office." This time he grinned, brightly. "Mr. Lu...--" A look to his lover. He was betting to know Lex didn't know yet, and he carefully changed the subject. "..Uh… Dominic, he called? Earlier. He was kind of doped up I think, though, cause he muttered about you coming home to rub his feet or something, Lionel. I didn't... ask, cause ew, and Lex? Lets go."

Lionel caught the slip, and the grin did ease out at that. "Yes, he's got the flu, and hopefully Lindy's getting him medicated." He looked at his son. "Run along, Lex," he said, trying not to sound at all patronizing. "But I'll need you back after lunch. Clark... please don't wear him out too much."

"DAD!!!!!!!" Lex thundered, blushing a brighter red. Just what he needed, his father telling his aushna' not to fuck him hard. Great.

"I wasn't planning to. Maybe a little, but he needs the relaxation. My aushna is muuuch too tense lately." A gentle pet and he smiled as he pulled him from the chair, linking their fingers. "Tell Dominic we'll bring him home some soup, okay? For lunch, we'll pick some up." His fingers squeezed his lovers as he ever so casually led him out.

"CLARK!!!!" Lex kicked Clark's leg even as he squeezed his lover's fingers.

"More information than I needed to know, Clark. But I'll give him the message." Lionel watched the two boys depart with a smile on his face.

He was a man on a mission. It was kind of a kinky mission, but a mission nonetheless. Yeah. Mmhmm. And Clark wrapped Lex's arm around his elbow and led him down the hall in the opposite direction, taking one of the hallways across from Lionel's office.

Lex didn't argue. "Okay, Clark? Where are we going?"

"I have no idea." Took a left, the thick, plush carpet fluffy under his shoes as he walked with a quickened gate, leading his handsome man without having any clue where he was going. Another turn… an office, partially done, but that was allll he needed, as he closed the door behind Lex and began to strip him down. "You see, I was thinking while laying down tile. Self, I said, why are you here laying tile when you could be at the Zeus building, laying Lex?"

Lex... just grinned. "Yeah. I can understand why you'd be thinking that." He helped Clark strip himself, and then his hands started tugging at flannel, t-shirts, and denim. "I can get behind laying Lex." He leaned forward, licking up and down his lover's throat, nipping gently.

Which Clark returned the favor of, lapping at his lovers neck and ear as he shucked out of denim and wild fingers began to wander. Down a long back, across firm cheeks, down warm thighs and around, to fondle the heavy cock beginning to stir in interest. His own was doing much of the same, body tingling and rosy, pert nipples peaking as his blinding smile flashed across his face, dimpling his cheeks.

Lex thrust against Clark's hand, rumbling softly in his throat as Clark stroked him. He raised one leg and wrapped it around Clark's hip, thrusting forward as he did so that his cock collided with Clark's, still temporarily imprisoned in denim.

"I… uh. Think I'll be the one...getting behind the laying." Wicked, wicked snicker before the sound was abruptly choked off and he arched his back like a wild stallion, letting out a sound of gleeful pleasure as he rolled his hips forward, to collide over and over with his lovers. Grinding forward as he pressed him back against the wall, and attacked his mouth. Kissed as hard as he could, his teeth catching a full lower lip and tugging outwards... giving it a sharp bite before soothing with his tongue.

And ducked his head down, wrapping his tongue around a nipple, the one without a scar, and sucked it into his mouth, lapping, licking, before covering his mouth over it again and sucking hard.

Lex's hands went to his lover's head, and his fingers still instinctively tried to slide through luxuriant curls that were no longer there, and instead, his palms closed tightly on the short buzz of hair that remained, pulling Clark's mouth tightly against him as his hand slipped between them, tongue darting into Clark's ear as he leaned over, freeing Clark's cock from his jeans and stroking it in his fist, rubbing the head against his own.

He purred in pleasure even as he bat his hand aside, instead stroking a wide fist over the both of them. A power struggle with his lover that excited him beyond anything, as he kept trying to take it back and let it be taken in equal measure. He sucked on the nipple, catching it between his teeth and tightening hard on it, painfully but not to break the skin.

And because he was kind of a liar and had come prepared to torture his lover today, let him go for a moment to crouch down to his jacket, where other various fun things were waiting and stood, a pair of nipple clamps hanging down in front of his lover with a wicked farmboy smile behind them.

Lex growled as Clark bat his hand aside, and he moved both hands back up to Clark's head, gripping it tightly as he pushed his nipple deeper into his lover's mouth. A gasp when Clark let him go, and then his eyes narrowed at his lover. "Somebody's been raiding my toy box."

"I didn't find GI Joe, but I thought this would be alright." Lean forward as he lapped over each nipple, blowing softly on each of them, and if he blew a little bit of his arctic breath over them it wasn't his fault.

And attached each clamp to the cold little nubs, adjusting them more for the torture then for the actual adjusting, and smiled very, very sweetly at him as his mouth covered then clamped nipple again and his hips continued to work against Lex's, covering them both with one large palm and daring him.

Sharp hiss as cold breath blew over them, and then harsher gasps of pained pleasure as they clamped, tightened, and twisted on his nipples.

"Clark!" Lex couldn't stop the loud cry as he arched into Clark's mouth, hands locked on his lover's head as the clamp pinched even as Clark's mouth pulled and his cock throbbed. His nails tightened, dragging down the back of Clark's head, and then down his back until he could reach around to grasp Clark's hand around their cocks, thrusting and humping against his lover's fist.

His smile broadened as he looked up at him, eyes twinkling in pleasure as he jacked harder, fucking Lex's dick with his fist and vice versa as he caught the chain connecting each clamp in his teeth, tugging softly. He grasped his lover around the waist and ever, ever so gently deposited him on the warm, fluffy carpet, spreading pale thighs so he could dip his mouth between them. His tongue came across the tiny puckered hole, over and over, stabbing inside and biting gently along the rim as his hand continued.

Lex's fingers dug into the carpet, forcing his body into an unnatural arch as Clark lowered him, his entire body bowing and arching so that he opened himself to his lover. Legs spread, thighs wide, chest arched, and chain trembling, Lex moaned as Clark's hand kept stroking him and then a hot, wet tongue thrust inside. Short scream as hot pleasure seared him, and he started to rock his hips, thrusting into Clark's hand and trying to push down onto his tongue.

A soft chuckle rumbled through Lex's sheath as Clark laughed, and looked up, shaking his head. "Shhh. Don't want anyone hearing. Just like it when you scream for me." Back down, to suck and lick, stab in and out as his hand continued, faster now. His thumb swept over the weeping slit twice, three times on his stroke up, rubbing where he knew his lover liked and reaching up with his free hand to yank at the chain.

"Don't... give a flying fuck... who hears," Lex grunted out, riding the stroking tongue as much as he could, then jerked as Clark yanked the chain, raising up onto his elbows as he moaned, nipples throbbing as he rocked. "Just... fuck me."

"No." Sincerely, sweetly spoken as he sat up, and went into his coat for a black leather cock ring. He attached it, swiftly, and leaned back against the wall, hard, weeping cock dark and waiting as he looked at him with the dark, fun, alive eyes of an aushna' wanting a power game. "You haven't pleased me."

Lex nodded, arching as his bound cock throbbed. "Tell me how to please you," Lex whispered hoarsely, pushing himself up onto his knees in front of his lover.

He bit his lower lip, and his eyes just danced. "I'm not sure. How would you like to please me?"

Lex slid his hands over Clark's legs, over his thighs, down to cup his lover's cock and balls. "I want to suck you down, aushna'. Give you my body to do with as you please, offer myself to you." His eyes flickered up. "I want to make love to you; pound into you hard and fast, take you and make you scream, give you pleasure and wring it out of you just as you give it to me."

The thought made a short expulsion of air slide out of him and he shuddered, looking at his lover with total submission as his fingers came up to touch his cheek. "B--be inside? you want to be inside of me?" Truth in gray eyes and he whimpered as he pulled the clamps off, fingers coming down to detach the cock ring and okay, yeah. "Now? O--or later? I w--want.." Another whimper as his mouth came over his lovers, stroking over soft, bare skin as he begged, thrusting his hips up. "Please, I w--want you to love me like that again. I'm sorry I teased."

"Of course I want you like that," Lex whispered, leaning into the strokes, rubbing their cocks together as Clark thrust up against him, kissing him deeply, and nibbling on his lower lip. "But only if you're ready."

"Yes… yes, please." But instead of the tears that wanted to come up he beamed, giggling as he pulled away from the wall and leaned back, legs and arms wrapping around Lex and snuggling him close. "Yeah. Inside. Inside me. Inside me, inside me. I can't… can't wait. Oh God." And he was all but squirming as he bared himself for his lover, sucking on his own two fingers and bringing them down. He slid his fingers inside of himself, eyes falling shut with a soft groan, and he probed deeply. Deep enough, wide enough, wanted, yep.

Lex, for that second, watching Clark's fingers sliding in and out of him, wanted desperately to have the cock-ring binding him and holding his orgasm behind the slick little ring. He gripped his cock hard, squeezing the base and tugging his balls, anything he could think of not to come just from watching Clark open himself up. "L--" Lex's voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. "Lube?"

"Don't have any." He whimpered it, as he rubbed around the rim, just the way he liked, stroking the edges before he shuddered and slipped his fingers free. "Have a condom, wallet. Has lube on it...smear it off and on you?" His hips bucked without his meaning them to, and he groaned as he wrapped his fingers around his cock. "H-hurry, Lex. Baby, want you in. Hurry."

Lex dug through Clark's clothes, came up with his wallet, and located the condom instantly. He ripped it open, and slid it over his cock in reverse, slicking himself with a thin layer and then tossed it away. He moved over to his lover, licking and sucking Clark's cock once, licking over his lover's fingers, then crawled the rest of the way up his body, until he was kneeling between Clark's outstretched thighs. "Tell me you're sure, aushna'."

"If… you don't...get in.." He panted, one leg coming around his lovers hip to hold on to something, the other bent at the knee, foot flat against the floor and thighs spread wide. "Am… going... to… kill." His hips bucked again all on their own, moaning as he felt Lex close and he wanted. "In, b-baby, in, please, hurry. Go slow, long time, want you. Please, please. Love you, know you love me, want me, I love you."

Lex's hands stroked gently over Clark's face and shoulders as he guided himself in. "I love you, Clark, so much." Soft kiss as he eased himself inside his lover's body, excruciatingly slow when all he wanted to do was pound in like a madman.

Oh. God. He gasped in pleasure at the slow, easy burn as his lover slid into his body, moaning in guttural pleasure as he flexed his hips and let himself sink further down, grunting in pleasure as his arms ached to pull Lex down and close. Pleasure, pleasure, and he could see and feel his lovers desperation even as he whimpered. Lex was so big, so big, and all he wanted was to keep Lex deep inside forever, as his body relaxed and he rolled his hips down, accepting him in entirety.

Lex closed his eyes and counted in Greek as Clark sucked him entirely in, and he shuddered, arms wavering for a long moment as he tried to keep control. Slowly he pulled out, then pushed back in quickly because he simply couldn't bear to be away from his lover. Slow out, quick in, and Lex's body rolled against his lovers, repeating that same pattern, over and over again.

Harsh, gasping breaths as Lex began to thrust. Uh. God. He planted both feet down now and arched his back, pushing into each of his lovers thrusts as his fingers grasped his lovers arms and tugged him down to him, grunting as they made love. Easy slaps of flesh and Clark couldn't get his eyes off of his sweet lover, working over and over and over as he groaned in distinct, shattering pleasure. Felt so good, so very good, and he groaned in ache as he shuddered and squeezed around his lover tightly. "Yesss." He hissed.

Lex grunted hard as Clark squeezed around him, and he shuddered, stroking harder into his lover's sheath than he had before, kissing Clark roughly, stroking with his tongue and his cock in the same rhythm as his hips slapped against Clark's groin, balls rubbing together as he reached down, gently stroking Clark's cock. "That's my baby," Lex whispered into Clark's mouth, moving it down to his shoulder, biting and licking.

Oh God uh, felt so good, so very good and he worked his hips with his lover as they kissed, hard. His fingers came up to hook against the back of Lex's neck and hold him close, free hand covering his lovers around his cock and jacking harder. Sweet, lovely, beautiful pleasure and he let out a hard, gusty laugh with joy, moaning at the end of it. His hips worked frantically, rolling forward and back with each thrust, as his arm came around strong shoulders to hold on tight. "Yes, yes, uh, God!!!"

Lex shuddered again as Clark's hand wrapped around his and guided him, and his mouth licked over Clark's throat, sucking at his Adam's apple, moving down to nip hard at pebbled nipples as he slammed in, need to go slow forgotten in the tight, hot clasp of his lover's sheath. "Clark... fuck, Clark, so tight, you're so hot."

It had been so long, and later he would be embarrassed for coming like the seventeen year old boy he was. But for now his hips snapped up when his lover thrust against his prostate, head on, slamming against it at this angle, and he exploded. Thick white ribbons all over his belly and chest, and he stayed craned up as he climaxed.

He let out a wail, hadn't meant to but out in came, in pure, perfect pleasure. He clamped down on his lover as the feelings and pleasure swamped through his blood stream, leaving him nearly limp as it washed through him. Oh God and he let out a sob of pure joy, wrapping his arms tightly around his lover.

Lex pressed his mouth tightly to Clark's, kissing him and sucking the deep wail into his throat as he thrust forward. Three, then five more strokes inside his lover, sheath rippling and squeezing him and he came, too, filling his lover with pulse after pulse of hot come, and he collapsed onto Clark, boneless and sated, tongue lapping and hands stroking neglected flesh as he lay on Clark's chest.

Hot. Hot. Groan. Sticky and well used and a rumbling purr echoed in his chest as he rolled, just a little, so they were on their sides, Lex firmly in his arms as he licked over him. Throat, chest, each fingertip sucked and soothed, then warm, lovely lips, as his free palm stroked up and down his lovers back. Oh. God.

Lex would never understand it, but the feeling of Lex's come deep inside of him, lodged firmly into his body by the warm cock inside brought tears of joy and pleasure to his eyes. He squeezed firmly, keeping him inside and close, as his mouth licked and kissed over his lovers chin and cheek, pressing tender kisses to the soft flesh. "I love you. Love you."

Lex snuggled as close to his lover as he could, stroking Clark's hip and stomach, mouthing soft kisses and returning the ones that were planted on him. "I love you, Clark."

He did understand, just a little, as he caught the thought straying through his lover's head. "I understand," he whispered, hands sliding over to Clark's ass and pulling him in more firmly. "I love being inside you."

His eyes opened.

And ever so carefully, he shifted up and let Lex slide from him easily, the sperm Lex had shot so deep inside of him warm inside, and a quiet, lewd pop escaping their bodies when they dislodged from one another. He didn't even have to explain why he did it, even when his heart ached to keep his lover inside, for them to roll over and sleep as he pressed his lips to Lex's and gently cupped his cheeks. "I love you, my aushna'."

Lex felt a little heartbreak as Clark let him slide out, but he knew why. He wrapped his arms around his lover, clung tightly to him and burrowed his face into Clark's shoulder, as much as he could until Clark pulled him back and kissed him. "I love you, my aushna'," Lex repeated softly. "I love you so much." His sandy lashes blinked, clearing his eyes for a second, though they still remained bright.

"Don't cry. Don't cry, aushna'." He whispered so softly, pressing each eye closed. "Shhh. You know... we should use condoms sometimes. So you can stay inside me. I love you, aushna'. I love you, so much." And the fact that he was so sad over it just made him wrap his arms around his beautiful lover and cradle him close to his chest. "How I love you."

"I love you." Lex curled into the offered arms, letting his lover cradle him. "I know... I know why we can't. I just miss it. I don't know why. I miss it; we've only done it once and I miss doing it."

"I know. I know, baby. Even if I wake up covered in goo, I miss it too." He nuzzled Lex's ear softly, as he closed his eyes. "I thought... having sex again, would be hard. It wasn't. It wasn't hard, at all."

Lex shook his head. "It was easy. It was so easy to be with you again," he said softly. "I missed you."

"My prostate missed you more. Believe me." Embarrassed flush against the side of his lovers head, as he tucked him closer to his wide chest.

Lex laughed softly at that, and burrowed in tightly. "I know the feeling; mine missed you too." He licked softly at a broad shoulder. "But we're back together now."

"I missed you like hell." He lifted his head a little to look at his lover. Really... look at him. "I missed you so very much. But you want to know something?"

"What, sweetie?"

Had never called him that. But damn if he didn't like it. "I'm really glad we went through this. So, so glad."

Lex shook his head. "I'm not glad we went through it; I never want to see you hurt like that again. But as long as we end up together, then that's all that matters."

"I am." His wide palms stroked over his lovers bare head. "We have learned more about our friendship, our relationship, and ourselves, in this past month then ever before. We're so much closer than we were... do you feel that?"

Lex nodded. "Yes. I feel that. I know that. And I love that we are. I just hate the way that it came about."

"I don't." He rubbed his fingers again, gently. "It was meant for us to go through this, and bury our baby. Theirs reasons for things in this world that we'll never understand. You know? And I don't think I could have gone through this with anyone but you."

"I know I wouldn't have. At least, not come out of it sane." He squeezed Clark's fingers again, leaving his head on his lover's shoulder. "I don't want to go through it again. Ever again. But Clark, you're right. I think we had to, to understand each other."

"I think so, too. Cause we were fighting all the time, and cranky with each other." A press of his lips to Lex's brow… and he blinked, then, changing the subject before he began to cry, his thumb stroking the soft hairs. "Are these your originals?"

Lex nodded. "Yeah, they are. They didn't fall out; I don't know why."

"They're like… super brows." He stroked one gently. "They're kinda blond, now, huh?"

"They do that to blend in with my skin; they used to be a dark red, like my hair, but the older I've gotten, the more they've grown."

"How do your eyebrows blend with anything, baby? They're eyebrows." A kiss to each one, gently tracing the length of his lovers forehead with his fingertips.

"I don't know, they just... do." Lex shrugged against Clark's skin, kissing his bicep.

"Maybe they're magical eyebrows." Or maybe you're a mutant because of the radiation. Whispered in his mind toward his lover, as he hadn't wanted to say it out loud, his thumb stroking underneath each one.

"Maybe," Lex nodded, acknowledging both. "It's okay to say it, Clark. It's true. I just don't seem to be as homicidal as everyone else in this town."

He smiled. Broadly. And pointed up at the security cameras.

Lex waved. "Hi, Dad. Hi, Bruce. Get your rocks off? Good." He turned back over.

"Maybe he was nice and took off the television sets once we started panting and moaning?"

"More than likely, they're not turned on yet," Lex muttered. Then he sat up in his lover's arms, and leaned against his chest. "See? No red lights."

"Mmm. Think if we scream loud enough, they'll flip on?" Interest was spiking as his lover sat up and leaned back against him, his first two fingers walking down his lovers chest... belly... crotch, stopping at the tip of his cock to rub teeny tiny little circles in.

"If you wanted to be on film... all you had do was say so. I can have cameras set up in the bedroom, lighting adjusted, and the machines hidden behind the mirrors." He arched into the stroking circles on his cock, shivering.

"So we them? How much to get whipped? Mmm...I want to stuff you full of ice cubes again. Make you shake and shudder when I drop hot wax on you at the same time. Would you... like that?" Innocently asked in his ear, as he brought him a little bit closer and rubbed his hardening cock against the small of Lex's back.

Quiet whimpers as he pushed back against Clark's growing cock. "I'd love it. Love it... if you could turn on the videotape... watch me jacking off for you, sliding big blue into my ass and riding it."

Soft, long purr. "You're so beautiful when you masturbate… like a Grecian god, all long muscles and tense face. Like you're aching, aching for me. So beautiful, beautiful." He muttered against his lovers neck, stroking his thumbs down tense little nipples and his eyes danced as he nipped Lex's ear. "I love making you hot for me."

"I am arching for you," Lex whispered. "I can't tell you how many times I did that before we got together. Laying in bed, stroking myself, arching myself into my hand and thinking it was yours, wrapped around me and stroking."

"You thought of me, Lex?" Murmured into the smooth, white column, as his thumbs traced tensing little nipples, and his hard, hard cock painted liquid stripes across the small of his beautiful lovers gorgeous back. You thought of me, doing what? This?" His fingers came around his lovers cock and began to stroke, ever so gently. "Thought of me in collar, cuffs? Leash?"

"You... you on your knees... sucking me off. Me on my knees... serving you. Fucking you... hard as you could take, begging for more of me." Dirty, dirty words, and he rubbed his ass against Clark's crotch as he talked, arching his chest into the fingers on his nipples.

"Always beg. Oh, Lex, always beg, baby. Had dreams of spanking you, hard… laying you over my lap and spanking you until you screamed... sliding big blue inside of you… sliding water inside you, plugging you up, and waiting until you begged for mercy. Thought of you putting a leash around my throat... taking me out to the clubs like that. Thought of you with the co--corset," Shudder. Just… a hard shudder. "And what I could make you feel while you were in it."

Lex turned around and straddled Clark's thighs, so that the curve of his ass rubbed against Clark's cock. "I want you to do it," Lex pled, eyes on his lover and watching him. "I want to be draped over your lap, like this," he said, changing position again and rubbing his cock against Clark's leg. I want to be your master, Clark, and I want to be your slave."

"Me too." He groaned it as his palm reverently stroked over Lex's crotch, rubbing softly... cupping his balls, stroking over them, over and over, as his mouth came up immediately to begin to suck and kiss over the scar that marked Lex as his. "That's what makes us so cool... can be both, there isn't always one or the other, like Dom and y-your dad. Uh, God," And he couldn't take it anymore, as his thumb came back around to his lovers little entrance, thumbed it...then sucked his thumb in his mouth until it was wet enough, returning it back down to the tiny hole and pressing him. He wouldn't hurt his lover, as much as he wanted to be inside, and his hands shook as he went slow.

Opened him, stretched him open, and as easily as he could he angled his lovers hips over his own, braced his back to the wall, and begged his lover to sink down on him with his eyes.

Lex squeezed Clark's thumb with his muscles, tightly as he could, rocking back against it and moaning softly. "Face to face, Clark?" Lex asked, pulling up to crawl over his lover. "Or chest to back? It's up to you." Then without another word, he dropped his mouth, sucking Clark's cock into his mouth, slicking it with his tongue and his saliva, laving up and down the shaft as he waited for Clark's answer.

His head thudded hard against the plaster, not cracking anything thank God but he just moaned, arching and watching as the head of his cock disappeared inside of a talented, talented mouth. Nothing sexier in the world than watching his lover go down on him, and he shuddered at the thought as his fingers stroked his face. "-.your back. To my chest. Please." Wanted to touch and fondle and watch his cock go in and out and he shuddered all over at the thought as he ached and throbbed. "I want you to feel like what it is to have sex... as a-a woman. Sometime. Not now, but later, when you can have the corset. Want that." He whispered it, as his cock twitched and throbbed, blood darkening it as he hissed in pleasure, just as the thought. His thumb pressed all the way in and bent and stretched his lover because he COULD NOT take this. Could not. No. "Let me in." He growled, as he began to try and move him.

Lex shook his head no, deepthroating Clark's cock and sucking it hard, fingers going to his balls and fondling the warm sac gently, rubbing them against his chin and cheek, making his lower face slick and shiny with spit. His muscles tightened as Clark's finger crooked, and his cock oozed a jet of precome as his hips thrust forward. He just sucked harder, intent on serving and pleasing his lover before riding him.

Oh God and it felt so good, he couldn't demand anything else. Rubbing and sucking, licking him and Clark nearly went blind with pleasure, watching every single thing Lex did. Suck him down and come back up and uh God. If Clark had muscles of steel then Lex had them of something… stronger than... steel. Couldn't really consider it, because oh yes, Lex was sucking his cock, and his brain was pretty much kaputz. "Lex, Lex," He wept his pleasure as he thrust his hips up, begging as his lover rubbed against his crotch.

At the cry of his name, Lex slid his lips from his lover's cock, placing a soft kiss on the head, then held it steady as he turned, his back to Clark's chest, as he lowered himself onto the hard shaft. Wince as the thick head stretched him open, groan of pleasure as he let himself sink onto the slick shaft, then a moan as he spread his knees to take every inch of his lover inside of him. Tight squeeze with his ass, then he leaned forward, hands gripping Clark's calves tightly, and he started to ride.

Oh "FUCK!" because OH MY GOD! He gasped, half in horrified wonder, half in complete ecstasy, all in surprise. Lex was riding him backwards and he'd never.... completely different experience and he gave a harsh wail, thumping back and actually cracking the plaster this time as his hands came to his lovers cock and began to stroke. He sank hard bites along his lovers flank, in his hot, hot pleasure, moaning almost hysterically as he thrust up as much as he could. Which wasn't much… Lex was controlling this and uh, God. He reached in to pinch hard nipples, the hand that had been stroking Lex's erection coming around to stroke his own, where he was entering and leaving Lex's body. Stroked his thumb over the stretched rim, over his cock entering and leaving, and moaned harshly in pleasure.

Lex tightened around his lover, grinning madly over his shoulder as he pushed back, his ass sliding up and down his lover's cock, hesitating briefly at the head before slamming back down in a single, hard stroke that wrenched pleasured gasps out of Lex every time he did it. His ass thudded against Clark's groin, a loud slap of flesh against flesh in the quiet hallway, nails digging into Clark's leg. He pushed harder when he felt Clark's thumb rubbing his hole and leaned forward further, lying almost bent in half, chest touching his knees as he rode Clark and gave him a better view of his cock in Lex's ass.

And what a view. Never seen it, not like this, the long, powerful line of Lex's back, the gorgeous, firm ass, long legs bent, and CLARK INSIDE OF HIM. He let out another insane cry, wanting to wrench his cock off and jack it as hard as he could every time Lex slammed back onto him. He felt like an animal was alive inside of him, snarling for moremoremoremore and he whimpered like the pleasured individual he was, jaw clenched and neck muscles bulging. He scraped his nails along Lex's nipples, groaning hard in ecstasy with each ripple of his lovers sheath, with each shove down, and oh fuck, FUCK, he was going to come and NO, and he begged his body to stop even as he thrust. "Uh! Uh! GOD!"

Lex stilled. As soon as he heard Clark's yelling, felt the frustration flowing through his lover, he froze. Didn't move, held his muscles tense by sheer willpower and stayed balanced, half on and half off of his lover's cock. His own ached, his chest was red with lines scraped by Clark's nails, and he wanted to finish this, but not yet. Not until his lover was pleasured, not until his aushna' was sated.

"LEX!" He all but screamed, throwing his head back as sweat broke out and rolled down his temples, his chest heaving. Oh my GOD this was TORTURE and he felt the orgasm that ebbed falling back, just a little, shaking and shuddering as he viced his fingers on his lovers hips. Pure pleasure, pure pleasure, and he couldn't take this as he let out a hard wail. "Lex, PLEASE!"

Lex still didn't move, his body tense and sweating, waiting for the orgasm to recede further. When he was satisfied with it, only then did he give into the insistent tugging on his hips and slammed back down, pulling up excruciatingly slowly and easing back down again, in slow, rocking movements as he leaned forward, exposing his opening and Clark's cock inside of him.

"Lex, LEX!" He screamed, head thrashing on the wall and slamming back and forth. Oh GOD and it was SLOW and he was going to lose his mind, mind, lose it, as his fingers returned to his lovers cock, stroking as his fingers viced on a warm hip, begging as he watched. Watched each slamming stroke, watched each stroke his lover pressed up and down on him and oh MY GOD and he wailed it, as he clenched his eyes shut.

Couldn't keep them close for long. Had to open them, and he let out another cry of ecstasy.

Lex gave a harsh, heady groan as Clark's fingers wrapped around his cock again, and with each stroke to the heavy shaft, Lex moved faster, quickly approaching the rapid, slamming pace he'd had before. He straightened just enough to give him a different leverage, and the next stroke slammed his prostate against his aushna's cock. Savage, animalistic scream from Lex's throat as he lost control and rode as hard as he could. His ass bounced against Clark's groin, taking the entire length inside himself, squeezing it before pulling off only to slam back down again.

Clark lost his mind. He gripped Lex's hips as his lover became an animal over him, and he screamed himself, fighting not to hurt him as he arched and thrust on every push down, letting out harsh wails into his lovers skin as he grasped him, hard, close to him. Oh God, oh, God, oh, GOD, and his lover would come FIRST, because he fucking SAID so, and he stroked harder, faster, thumbing the tip as his other hand worked the tense balls, moaning hysterically. Lost his mind, lost whatever, and God they were loud but he didn't CARE as he jacked him off as hard, good, and pleasurably as he could.

Lex sat straight up, the constant pressure on his prostate from the changed position causing him to ride faster, squeeze Clark's cock harder as his own cock throbbed in his lover's hand. He was steadily leaking precome and didn't give a fuck just screamed as Clark's hand tightened around him, jacking him hard, rolling his balls against each other, and couldn't hold it in any longer. He came in a hard, shuddering instant, body turning into a quivering mass as everything he was shot out of his cock in hard, white pulses over his lover's hand.

OH GOD YES. He exploded almost as soon as his lover did, coming so hard he saw stars. Lex's body stroked it out of him and he took a panting breath because he knew orgasm would--

A hard, quaking cry, then scream as he thrust up, his body exploding with sensation. Shocks of pleasure radiating out from his crotch and all over his body, eyes tearing, nipples peaking, lips tingling. His entire body shook with pleasure and he moaned hard as he shook over his love, gasping and panting like he'd run a five mile race as he all but collapsed against the wall.

Lex was just as boneless, sagging back against his lover as he felt the explosion of warmth inside him, and braced physically and mentally for the orgasm.

The stars exploded inside his head, entire galaxy lighting up the inside of his eyelids as he leaned back against Clark, shuddering, sharing the pleasure as his sheath rippled around his lover's cock, gasping to breath and sliding gently on the sheen of sweat that slickened both of their bodies.

"Fuck." Was all he could say, or rather, groan, as he slid bonelessly down from the wall, where cracked plaster still clung to his hair, and lay on the floor, Lex cradled against his chest. He was shaking, shuddering with pleasure, and he keened like an animal, his arms tightly around his lovers waist, his body slick with sweat and exhausted.

Sleep. Uh huh. Hooky. Sleep.

"Can't," Lex panted softly, catching the images floating through his lover's head, still twitching around Clark's cock every now and then. "You can't... hooky. Remember?"

"Damn." He whimpered. "Never having 'nother orgasm, ever. best ever had, cant top it. Wanna die."

Lex chuckled softly at that. "Not... going to be celibate... for the rest of my life, Clark. You're... going to have to have sex with me again."

"C'n you top that?" He muttered against the back of his lovers neck, as his chest heaved for a breath.

"Only if you spank me first," Lex answered, rubbing the back of his head against Clark's cheek.

Groan. Even then? His cock wasn't coming up. It was firmly not... up. And he just snuggled him closer, tugging his shirt over to cover them gently. "C'n we take a li'lle nap?"

"Sadly no." But Lex didn't move a muscle, other than to twitch around his still-embedded lover. "You have to get back to work before asshole Reynolds comes looking for you and you get in trouble, and I need to get back to Dad and Bruce."

"Mmm." He muttered as he cuddled his lover close, his heart still racing but slowly beginning to come down as he calmed. His sweat cooled on his skin and he felt lazy and lethargic, and he yawned softly into the back of his lovers shoulder. "You make me lazy."

Lex smiled at the yawn, and stifled one of his own. "You make me lazy too. I can think of nothing I'd like more than to curl up in one of these corners and sleep for... oh, about a week. However? We both have responsibilities, as much as it sucks, and believe me, it does suck."

"Sucks." But he knew Lex had to go, and he carefully pulled out of him, groaning at the loss of contact as he pressed his lips gently to every inch of skin he could find. "Thank you, Lex."

Lex turned around and straddled his lover, nuzzling as he was nuzzled in kind. "No. Don't thank me. I love being with you. You don't have to thank me for it."

"Mmm'do. Mid day orgasms are things t'be thankful for." A lick against a warm cheek, another hug and cuddle, as he slowly sat up and tugged Lex into his lap. "Feel good. I love you."

"I feel... amazing." He stroked his fingertips over Clark's cheek, felt sated pleasure and happiness flowing into him from Clark, and he let his own flow back into his lover. "I love you." His legs wrapped around Clark's waist. "Lunch... is almost over. We need to eat something--other than each other that is."

Wicked. Giggle. "But what if I only want you?"

Another giggle in return. "Then you'll have to wait until after dinner tonight." He kissed Clark's nose. "Because I'm going to call Chloe's dad and you are going to call Whitney's mother, and we're going to invite them over for dinner, so we can see them and they can, hopefully, see each other."

"And we can see them in their underpants?" A beat. "Its possible I'm on sex overload." He kissed his lovers chin, cheek, and lips, as he rose with his lover wrapped around him and carefully set him down, going back down for clothes. "Will do. We're being like, James Bond and stuff. Right?"

"That's exactly right." Lex admired the lean, muscled cut of his lover's body as Clark bent for their clothes. "You are on sex overload, but so am I. We haven't been together in so long... we both crave it. My skin is almost crawling with how much I want you, even now." He ran his hands over Clark's back, hesitating only briefly over the scar.

Clark gave a soft purr, as he looked over his shoulder at his lovers hands. "You can.. .can touch it, you know. Maybe… on Saturday? We can spend the day in bed. Fuck the world. We're having an aushna' day." He smiled, then, like a big dork.

Lex touched the scar then, letting his fingertips wander over the white line, the only thing that marred the tawny perfection of his lover's skin. "Saturday." He made a brief mental calculation. "You'll have to let me out of bed about... eight that morning, Clark. I'll have to check the samples in the lab and make sure the splicing took and then introduce it into the egg. Otherwise I'm yours."

He looked down at his shirt as Lex touched the scar. It was raised and ugly, but healing as time went on, strangely, much slower than he would have thought. He looked over his shoulder, though, and smiled softly. "Deal. Speaking of eggs, I feel like some. Scrambled, not the ovary kind, you know. And some pancakes. We don't have time for Denny's do we? Dammit. You gotta take me there for dinner. I'm having a craving, Lex. A very large, very ugly, craving."

Lex thought for a minute. "Actually... let me talk to Dad. I think I can create you a position so you'll be working with us, and we can take a working lunch at Denny's, you and me, Dad and Bruce."

A choke, and he burst. out. Laughing.

Lex stopped in mid-motion. "What?"

"You... guys. Are worth... about six billion dollars altogether... and we're gonna eat... at Denny's?" He just kept right on giggling. "Sorry, baby, but I cant see it happening. When hell freezes over, and the Devil gives out free snow cones."

"We're actually worth about thirty to fifty billion combined, but that's all right. Dad and Dominic eat at Denny's fairly often." Lex blinked as he kept getting dressed.

"Denny's?!" Clark just kept right on staring. "Your DAD? At DENNY'S? Lex, you know, they say you can get struck down for lying like that. Please. Your dad hasn't ever stepped in a Denny's. And if he has, its been to shut it down or cause he lost something and was looking for it, and not even then."

"You don't believe me? Go and ask him. I think the last time he went that I know of, he had grapefruit, toast, and coffee. Dominic had pancakes and God knows what else. The waitress... Kathy, I think it is? Is Sheriff Goodall's sister."

Clark didn't believe a word he said, but he smiled at him anyway. Cause the gesture? was really sweet, and he helped his lover into his shirt as he smiled. "I love you."

"Come on. We're going to talk to Dad." Lex clamped an arm around Clark's wrist. "Let's go."

"Whaaat? So now you don't love me?" Mock sniffle even as he snickered, tugging his flannel button down on quickly as he was all but dragged out of the room, still carrying his shoe.

Lex buttoned with one hand while he dragged with the other, tucking, straightening, and creasing as he pulled, and then pounded his fist on the door of his father's office. "DAD!!"

Dominic heard his step son through the phone and he let out a hard cough, and a sniffle. He was snuggled in bed, wrapped in a blanket, watching Legend as he snuffled. he was surrounded in discarded, very gross tissues, had a huge mug of hot soup that was kept warm on a little warming plate ms. Bird had brought, and he was wrapped to the nines in warmities. He'd called his lover cause he missed him, and he snuffled, hard, and rolled his eyes. "Tell himb to shud up."

Lionel chuckled into the phone. "You should have heard them before; Bruce left in disgust after the second or third scream. And they think we're vocal." Lionel put his hand over the mouthpiece. "Come in, Lex, but do be quiet about it."

Lex flung the door open, and stopped short seeing his father on the phone, and he dragged Clark into one of the chairs. "Here, we'll wait."

Dominic heard that, too, and he was just pleased pink as he snuggled in...coughed hard, and reached for Ms. Birds soup. Took a sip of it and he felt his sinuses begin to clear, thank Gods. "You kndow... he wouldna kndow if I wud sayin' bad dings on da phone, now woulnn'he?"

"Pushy." But Clark pinched his butt, just cause he could.

"Clark, keep your hands off my ass while Dad's talking to Dominic!" Lex winked at his lover and sat half on his father's desk.

Lionel rolled his eyes. "No, he wouldn't." He looked at his son. "Lex, I realize you just got laid, but please remove your ass from the vicinity of my desk, please, and act your age."

"I thought laying him was funner then the tile." Clark explained, and had the pleasure of hearing Dominic crack up, cough, wheeze, and laugh some more. "He's such a cute little Irishman." He reached up, snagged Lex around the waist, and pulled him into his lap, growling like a tiger and nipping his jaw.

"Clark, please. I don't need the details." Lionel sighed into the phone. "Jiminy... give me strength not to wring their necks."

Lex growled back, caught up in his lover's playfulness. "Dad! Put Dom on speakerphone!!!"

Lionel... just sighed again. "Lex wants you on speakerphone, little cricket."

"If he cam undershtand, go rite ahead." He let out another torrent of coughing, snuffling as he leaned into the pillows and put the movie back on. Damn the lead actor was a hunk. With the hair and the ass. Mmmm. So sad that he was not above beyond lusting over actors.

Clark nipped and licked, bit at his lovers jaw as he snuggled in, ignoring Lionel cause if he looked at the older man he'd turn crimson, nipping cheerfully.

"Very well, Jiminy." Lionel clicked on the speaker. "Lex, do make this fast."

He rumbled deep in his throat. "I'll be brief. Dom? Tell Clark about yours and Dad's dinner date at Denny's."

Blink. "The pard where he had to 'spect the silverw're? Or..the pard where he said I ade like a pig? Or the pard where he fucki'g 'fused to ead anyding oder den grabefruit?"

Clark stopped licking and kissing and looked up, eyes wide. "Oh. guys...did eat at Denny's?"


Lex just beamed. "I told you so."

Lionel nodded in agreement. "Sadly, I can collaborate that. We have patronized that establishment twice, neither of which time I was completely convinced about the sanitation of the facilities."

"He's jusd cranky cause he lobes me and canna say no."

Clark gave another blink..blinkblinkblink, and stared at Lionel. A moment... up at Lex... and then a whoop. "I am GOIN' to Denny's!"

"I do love you, little cricket. Now drink your soup and stop straining your voice. If you need me, message me on the laptop." Lionel picked up the telephone receiver, and clicked the speakerphone off. "There."

Lex leaned over and flicked the speaker back on. "I'm not done with you yet, Dom. Did we ever fill the civilian student liaison position?"

"Mmmm. Legen's is a good mobie." He gave a hard yawn, didn't hear a damn word either of them said. Gobildy gobildy 'civilian' gobildy gook. "The leadinb lady 'minds me of Meggie. I's prolly Meggie, showin' her asrd everyw'ere."

Lex growled. "Would you quit looking at Mia Sara's ass and listen to me, Dom? I need to know about the civilian student liaison position!"

Lionel glared. "Don't raise your voice at him; he's ill and he is not working."

"What p'tition? The one 'bout the kids?" Dominic blinked twice and rolled over onto his side, nearly falling off the bed as he reached for his paperwork in his briefcase. Kept from spilling his soup, sipping the lid and then blinking blearily down at the fully signed papers. "Mmmm. I's filled. And I promise I wont spoll soup on it."

"Not the petition, Jiminy, the position," Lionel enunciated for his sick lover. "Or, if the position is filled, can you tell us who it is?"

"Ohh." Blink at the papers. "My glasses fell sombwhere. Canna read it. Little bit." Peer down at the papers, getting all but nose close. "Uh...filled, yep."

"By who, Dominic?"

"Uh. Oh. I's embty. Yep. Looking at the wrong papers." He groaned and set the papers down, as he set his soup on the bedside table and rolled over in completely exaustion, cell phone to his ear. "Sorry. Thoud you were talkin' boud someding else."

"Good. It's filled now. Clark Kent is the new student liaison, and we'll be bringing the signed permission slips home to file tonight." Then he picked up the receiver and put it to his ear. "Clark and I are going to lunch, and we need the weekend volunteer list, the paperwork on Whitney and Chloe, and all the student injury files." Then he held the receiver out to his father.

"Nothing like the sweet smell of nepotism in the morning." Lionel put the phone back to his ear. "Did you get all that, Dominic?"

He was completely asleep. Phone still to his ear, cheek smushed into the pillow, blankets all but over his head… and he snored, softly.

Lionel had to laugh. "Sweet dreams, little cricket." He hung up the phone. "I know where what you want is; it's in the large brown box marked SHS in the back of the office; help yourself but make sure all of those papers come back."

Lex glared. "I know, Dad. I know how to handle confidential paperwork."

"Right, of course. I'm sorry, Lex. You're just..."

"Acting my age?"

Deep, deep sigh. "Something like that."

Lex turned to his lover. "Come on, Clark. You carry the box, and I'll spring for lunch."



go on to the next part