
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 16: Addicted

Lionel was still young enough to enjoy a good football game, but just old enough to realize that most of the high school kids out on the field didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of making it with the Sharks.  But, he had done what he was supposed to do, and had come with the scout to check out the newest prospects.  Two players in particular caught his attention; the quarterback, some young buck named Jack Fordman, and the tailback, a slender blond youth named... "What's the tailback's name again?"


"Kent, Mr. Luthor," the scout answered.  "You got a good eye; the kid's got a lot of promise."


Lionel made a non-committal noise as his eyes fastened on the blond Kent boy again, smirking when he noticed the boy turning his way.


Third quarter. End of the second pass. It had just finished drizzling a bit, the ground was wet under his spiked shoes. Intent...intent on the game. His best friend at the other end, waiting for his pass. "Hut. One. Spike two." He grunted and the pass was hurled between the legs of the freshman kid. He caught the ball easily, launched his hand back....where the fuck had Jack gone?! He glared, looking around, precious seconds...someone was watching him.


The hairs rose on the back of his neck, and with a blink he glanced up into the audience....attention caught. Tall. Slender. Piercing eyes so hot he'd never seen anything like them...light beard over a strongly jawed face.


Oh, God.


Someone slammed into him from behind...then several someone's, until he was at the bottom of the pile and gasping for breath. "Fuck...Rosenbaum, get the hell off me!" He snarled it at the guy currently elbowing his spleen, making a face as the coach came over to scream. He listened a little...eyes flickering past his shoulder to catch Lionel's eye again, know, of course got him screamed at some more.


Thank you, God, for jock straps.


Lionel smirked as he watched the young man's eyes flick over him, and waited for it to happen again.  When Kent's eyes were on him again, Lionel raised his hand and ran it through his hair, an obvious acknowledgement of the boy's attention on him.  "Looks like he's having a bit of trouble paying attention to the coach," Lionel observed.


The scout snorted.  "He's jailbait, Ly.  Don't even think about it.  Besides, Walt's got his ass in the wringer now."


Lionel gave a secretive grin.


Said coach chewed him out but damn good, and Jon winced at the threats, the unspoken words of "get with the damn program"...but oh, then the guy dragged his fingers through all that hair and he swallowed down what was left of his heart and set his jaw. Get with the program, Kent. You're straight. And playing football. In the rain. With your buddies who'd rather break your ribs then see you get a scholarship to go to college with. Pay. Attention.


Lionel watched the rest of the team with detached interest, asking all the right questions, while the majority of his attention was settled on the tailback.  Kent had promise, and in more ways than one.  "I want to meet the team after the game."


Scout shrugged.  "Sure, why not?  Not got anything better to do.  You'll probably get to know some of these kids when we get 'em on the team anyway, might as well start tonight."


It ended...they won, of course. Whenever he played they always won, but tonight was a little less then other nights. 8 to 5. Too close for comfort, even if he'd made 6 of the 8 touchdowns. He laughed out loud with his friends, socking Jack in the shoulder for making him miss the first touchdown, and unsnapped his helmet...devilishly aware for the first time how very tight his pants were. Christ. He needed a therapist. Something. It was the 70's, he was a high school senior, but that didn’t mean that it was a time for experimenting. Life. Scholarship. Football. No time for anything else.


Even dreams of a handsome man.


Lionel followed the scout down the bleachers and into the in zone, where Walt waved them over to the team.  "Guys, shut up and listen up!!  This is Eric Johnson, he's scoutin' for the Metropolis Sharks!  This tall drinka water is Lionel Luthor, owner of the team."  Walt's eyes narrowed.  "Fordman!  Kent!  Get your pansy asses over here!"


Lionel smirked at Jonathan.


Jon jogged over, dragging his fingers through his long blond sweaty hair and pretending like his heart hadn’t stuttered when Coach had said the man’s name. Lionel Luthor. Like an ocean wave, tumbling over his mind, vivid and swift and elegant. Lionel. Oh. Sigh. "Right here, coach."


"You wanna stare at the stands?  At least know who the hell you're staring at!  Mr. Luthor, EJ... this is Jonathan Kent.  Best damn tailback in the state."


He didn't blush, and it saved him, because he passed a strong gaze, blue eyes bright and beautiful, to the taller man. He offered his hand to Mr. Johnson, shook it firmly and hard like his father had always shown him, than offered it to Lionel. "Nice to meet you."


Lionel shook his hand firmly.  "Nice to finally see you up close, Mr. Kent.  Nice work out there tonight."  As soon as Jonathan's hand touched his, there was a leap of electricity between them, and he knew the other man had to feel it too.  "I want you on my team, Mr. Kent."


His eyes went very, very wide.


It wasn’t because of the offer. At least, not because of the spoken one.


He took his hand back, shifting his helmet to the other hand, and swallowed thickly around the lump in his throat. "Sir... I... that would be a dream come true. I..." He stuttered quiet, offering his best smile.


Lionel turned to EJ.  "Make it happen."  Then he turned back to Jonathan.  "Good.  I'm glad to hear you're amenable."  He smiled, full wattage.  "Coach, I don't suppose I could steal your tailback here for a few hours?"  It wasn't really a question, because Lionel had no intentions of taking ‘No’ for an answer.  "I'd like to talk to you a little more in-depth about the kind of contract you'd be looking for."  His grin belied the seriousness of the words, and he half-raised an eyebrow as he waited for Jonathan's reaction.


He was in shock. Jack was busy jumping next to him, ready to tackle him in manly hugs...because that’s just the way he was. Friendly, loving...the best friend a guy could ask for. "Sir, I...." Jon swallowed hard and glanced at his coach. "Yes. I mean, of course, yes. God, I...I almost can’t believe this is happening." He smiled again, teeth all glinting. "Its…wow. Yes. God, yes."


Lionel smiled.  "Let's go then." 


So he followed. A wave to his friend, a smile at his coach, and he was following EJ and the attractive goddamn hunk down through the main part of the gym, shocked and pleased and amazed and a hundred, million things. Sharks. He was gonna play for the Sharks, get his education. His life was looking so good, so shiny and new, and could the man’s ass flex any more in those slacks? He decided not to have those thoughts, just running his fingers through his hair again and swallowing, hoping he didn’t stink too badly.


Lionel was well aware of Jonathan's reactions to him, and he smiled quietly, hiding his mirth.  EJ was glaring at him evilly, and Lionel dismissed him.  "Eric, I think that I can handle talking to Mr. Kent alone.  I assure you, we're both adults, and I promise I won't take advantage of his youthful innocence and good looks."


"Yeah, right," was EJ's comment.  "I'm assuming you can get your own way back to Metropolis for the night?"


"Of course."  Lionel watched EJ leave, and then turned to Jonathan.  "Now then... where were we?"


He'd vague astonishment, and surprise. He...what? Whoa. Okay. Keep moving, Jon, just let it slide. "Uh....I actually don't know. Mr.'re serious? About...this?" Surprise shone on his face as he slid into a chair in front of Lionel, setting his helmet on the floor and sprawling easily.


Lionel laughed softly.  "Yes, I'm serious.  You should know, Jonathan, that I don't say things that I don't mean."  He leaned forward onto the chair, bringing himself into Jonathan's personal space and feeling the crackle between them.


It made his breath catch. All right. So he'd just dumped Nell. And before her, Patricia. And before her, Marilyn. But...but....even his first time hadn’t been that spark, that....slam of feeling he was feeling now as he looked into the smooth face and tender eyes, the quirked mouth and wicked lines around those very, very soft lips which were just lightly bearded, and oh. Oh. Guy is holding your future. Don’t. Fuck. It. Up. " I...I know. And all. Can you give me some info...on it?" He swallowed hard, moving his feet a little as he got more comfortable with the damn raging hard-on inside the very hard cup, grassed feet leaving a mess all over the concrete floor.


Lionel watched as Jonathan shifted.  "Well... what kind of information are you looking for, Jonathan?  Length?  Duration?"  He grinned.  "I can... give you whatever information you want."


Gyuhgrpuh. "Mr. Luthor? Are you flirting with me?" Big mouthed country boy.


"You just noticed?"  Lionel's grin turned... sharky.


His eyes widened and he sat back a little. "Yeah. Small town hick, and all. Can..." Mental anguish for 200. "Can I ask why?"


"Because I like you... I find you very attractive... and I don't think either of us can deny the fact that there's enough electricity jumping between us right now to light up your stadium."


"I....I’m straight." And it even sounded hollow to his own ears, as those big blue eyes stared out from the longish, stylishly cut hair and the square jaw. As he stared with something other then complete rapture at being found by a scout.


"Oh... really?"  Lionel leaned forward and slid his hands into Jonathan's hair and pulled him to meet his hungry mouth as he kissed the blond boy expertly, tongue thrusting and tasting.


Surprise...then a sound, deep in his chest he'd never made before, as his mouth starting working. He wasn’t inexperienced, not by any regard, but this...the soft, hot mouth, the strong tongue, the sheer maleness of it all had him being swept up and away, something shifting inside of him and clicking right into place. The finger’s...long, thickly knuckled, tugging at his sweaty hair, the hungry nips and possessive strokes of the tongue, and he gasped and made the unidentified noise again, louder.


Lionel deepened the kiss, threading his fingers even tighter through Jonathan's hair as he stood in front of him, separated by only the chair back as he kissed Jonathan deeply and then broke away, gasping and panting as he dropped his hands to the young man's shoulders.  "Straight?"


"Yes." He hissed, reaching up, sliding his fingers through the hair that had teased the hell out of him, and tugged down for another kiss. Harder and this time he controlled it, working his fingers through the long hair, getting to his feet as well. Fight for dominance, for control, and he tipped his head and attacked, nose sliding over nose as he changed angles, delving deeper...longer.


Lionel changed his stance, letting Jonathan have the lead, for now, as he opened his mouth and pliantly melded his body against Jonathan's, leg pushing to fit between Jonathan's thighs as his hands cupped Jonathan's face.


Didn't help. Didn’t. Didn’t. Help. He thrust easily, turning...spinning him around, and with the easy strength of a guy who trained all the time, pinned him against the wall and attacked. Fierce mouths trying to win, cupping the slender face as his hips moved on their own accord and oh, god, he was ruining his chance to play for the Sharks and damned if he cared. He'd be a farmer, just like his dad for the rest of his life if it meant getting this...this for five minutes. All the depression and sadness that had clouded over his time of uncertainty vanished, and he knew...he was gay. And he wanted this man. Now. Now.


Lionel's tongue pushed back against Jonathan's as he rubbed his thigh against the young man's, feeling the push of strength that manhandled him against the wall, and he allowed it... for now.  When Jonathan's hands touched his face, Lionel let his hands slide down past the pads and guards and land on Jonathan's ass, firm and tight in the white football pants, and he squeezed firmly, kneading the perfectly-shaped globes as Jonathan kissed him.


Oh, GOD. He was...and...but...this was wrong. He couldn’t. Like the good farm boy he was, the good upbringing he'd had...he stopped. He couldn’t continue, as much as he wanted to, because he knew it was wrong. "Sir..." He tried to catch his breath, taking a handful of steps back as his body thrummed with energy. "Sir, I’m sorry, I...I don’t know what..." He swallowed hard, face burning as he stared at the ground. "I apologize. I...." He leaned down and picked up his helmet, taking another set of steps back.


Lionel growled, and paced forward, following Jonathan.  "If I wanted your apologies, I'd ask for them.  And I think the fact that you had your tongue down my throat allows you to call me Lionel, don't you think?"


"I just met you!" Another step, and suddenly his back was against the closed door and he wanted, wantedwanted and it was bad! "I can’t,'ve got my football scholarship in your hands and I...I can’t ruin it, I can’t, even though I want y...." Hard swallow. "You're older then me, and I’m from Smallville and it would just be a fun jump in the sheets and I can’t."


Lionel slammed his hands on the wall, on either side of Jonathan's head and kept him pinned there with his body.  "If you seriously think that I intend to hold your football scholarship over your head for anything that we might have... then I will walk out this door, right now."  Lionel dropped his hands and turned to walk away.  "Just know, Jonathan... that you won't have this chance again.  I may like you, and I damn sure am attracted to you, but I will not chase you down."


That got him mad and he straightened, glaring, ignoring the rage of blood between his thighs. "And I’m sure not going to take threats from you, Mr. Luthor." Fuck you too, you crazy ass sexy hot liquid orgasm over a fire DAMMIT. He turned and opened the door, trying to gather himself up and get back on the playing field, but yeah, could his mind function? No.


Lionel's hands came over his shoulder and slammed the door shut, pinning him against it. "A threat, Jonathan?  No... Luthor's don't threaten.  We make promises."  His tongue licked Jonathan's throat and neck. 


He leaned against the cool wood as fire sparked over his skin where the man had licked...awakening all these sensations inside of him, want and fever and pure heat and he knew the sound coming from him now. Moans. He was moaning, for the first time in his life. He'd never moaned with any girl...barely even by himself. But... oh, " that again."


Lionel said nothing, only licked over Jonathan's throat again, scoring it lightly with his teeth as he dragged them across the entire column of tanned skin. 


Alright. So. He turned and attacked, and it wasn't a conscious thought...just...yes. He dragged his hands down the strong arms...muscles under his fingers, no soft skin here. Pulled him in tight...cursed the cup holding his cock in tight, groaning heavily as he thrust into the taller man, hissing, doing it again. Again. Nothing like being with Nell here, no sweet foreplay or tender kissing. Just want, passionate, fired want, and he growled darkly as he took his pleasure.


And Lionel took his.


Lionel's hips thrust back against Jonathan, rubbing his hard cock against the waistband of Jonathan's pants as he growled.  His hands reached down and started to peel Jonathan's shirt up, pulling it up over the pads and rubbing hot hands over his exposed skin before dropping to his knees, running his tongue down the center of Jonathan's chest, teasing his navel, and licking back up to take another hot kiss. 


"Lionel." Dominic interrupted quietly, holding up a hand as he rubbed his own bare belly, shaking his head. "Baby?"


Lionel shook himself slightly, pulling himself out of the memories.  "Yes?"


"I love you to pieces. But please...I'd rather not here about Jonathans cock when ours are pressed together." He smiled softly, glancing up with dancing eyes.


Lionel... blushed.  "I'm... Christ.  I'm so sorry, Dominic.  I didn't... think.  I seem to have that problem quite a bit lately."  He buried his face in Dominic's shoulder.  "I'm sorry."


"Don’t be." He smiled, caressing the back of his hair gently. "But please, continue on. What happened after that day?"


Jonathan let out a cry of shocked pleasure, leaning into the warm mouth...the possessive hand. And in the year to come, he found himself in that same position more times then he could remember, shaking, shuddering, letting out sobs of want and heated cries of need. It was eight months before he realized it. Eight months of seeing each other in secret...graduation, college starting. Eight months of going out on dates, of complete secret, of complete beauty.


The moon was out, a sliver in the sky. The black night was filled with stars, a thousand twinkling stars, and their hands were linked as Lionel drove. The top was down on the sizzling black thunderbird, the leather seats warm under his butt. Spring time in Smallville. He was going home, for spring vacation, and Lionel had been so kind as to offer him transportation.


They sat there, holding hands tightly, as comfortable as the lovers they were in silence. Until Jonathan rolled his head on the back of the seat and spoke three small words for the first time. "I love you."


Lionel's fingers locked tightly around Jonathan's, and he raised his free hand, turning Jonathan's head so that his lover faced him.  "Jonathan... I do love you.  You complete me, and I don't know what I would do if you weren't in my life; I don't know what I would become."


He didn’t notice the old farmers truck on the side of the road, hobbling towards home...didn’t realize he shouldn’t have been reaching over, kissing his lover in a town that was all eyes all the time. But he did, and the kiss was chaste and sweet, full of promise and a love he'd never known with anyone. "You'd be all right." He grinned cheesily, shaking his head and letting his hand fall warmly down into the cup of his crotch. "Of course, you wouldn’t have the best time without me, though.."


Lionel moved so that Jonathan's hand fell more directly onto his cock as he licked his lips.  "I'm sure I could... find a way to make do," he teased his lover. 


He grinned and gave it a friendly squeeze, and all the terror, and weeks of sweating, and pondering how to say it....and telling Lionel he loved him had been the easiest thing he'd ever done. "Hah! You so couldn’t. You'd just jack yourself into the hospital."


Lionel gave him a half-wicked, and half-sad grin.  "I hope that I never have to find out."  He leaned over, taking another kiss from his lover, this one not quite so chaste but still sweet.


"Nah. Never worry. I’m with you till the bloody end, Ly." A broad grin, eyes twinkling as he kissed back, then leaned over the gear stick and lay his head on Lionel's shoulder.


Lionel leaned his head just enough so that his head pressed against Jonathan's as he drove.  The quietude of the car rolling along a straight road in the middle of the cornfields was soothing to Lionel as they drew closer to the Kent's farm.


Big yellow house...fields of corn and wheat. It looked so flourishing, so wonderful. He loved it, and every time he saw it, remembered how much he missed it. "Sometimes home never looked so good."


Lionel grinned softly.  "You should come to the sight.  They've blocked off the foundation for the castle."


He grinned broadly, glancing up. "Really? So you're going through with it then?" He asked it as they pulled to a stop in front of the house. "You're really gonna have the castle built out here? Lionel, you're such a brat." He wrinkled his nose at him and climbed out of the car.


"I...have a feeling something bad is coming." Dominic whispered it softly, stroking his lovers cheek gently as he interupted.


Lionel nodded.  "Enter Hiram Kent, Jonathan's father.  And... if you think Jonathan is stubborn... this man wrote the book on it," Lionel said softly.  "Hiram... doesn't like me very much."


"Dad, stop. STOP." Jonathan’s voice was tight, his eyes wild as he tried to stay in front of Lionel, even as his father roared his anger. "Stop acting like this!"


Lionel stayed quiet, and put a restraining hand on his lover's shoulder.  "Maybe I should leave, Jonathan.  Let your father cool down."


He looked back with pleading in his eyes, his heart something obviously destroyed at seeing his dad acting like this, and didn't realize that the look he was sending his father was a look his own son would send him years in the future. "Please, Lionel. I'll come find you in the morning, just..." A wince, as his mother and father screamed at each other. "Please."


"I understand."  He ached to kiss his lover, and instead contented himself with a gentle hug, and a kiss to his hand.  "I love you, Jonathan... don't ever forget that."


In the background, Hiram's voice was thick and heavy, loud and clear. "I won’t have my boy be a fag, goddamn it, Amy! He's a Kent, a hardworkin' man and I'll be damned, goddamned, to have him go after Luthor! Don’t you remember what they did to us?! Don’t you remember? How can you say this is all right?!"


His chin dimpled but he wouldn’t cry, refused to, and nodded stiffly. "I love you. Please...just...just go. I'll call you in the morning, we'll get out of here."


Lionel nodded, squeezing Jonathan's hand.  "You can leave with me now if you want to, Jonathan.  We can go, and not come back."


"I can’t." He looked up, sadness in his eyes. "Ly, you know that. My sisters mom can't handle her, and my dad’s temper, at the same time. We've got the farm...I can’t. I want to, god..." He leaned in and squeezed him tight. "I love you. I'll call you in the morning."


"I love you."  Lionel returned the hug, kissed his lover softly on the face, and brushed his thumb over Jonathan's cheek.  "I will wait for your call... and I'll have everything ready to leave in a moment's notice."  He turned and started to walk away, and then turned back to look at Jonathan.  "I'm proud of you, Jonathan... I love you."  With that, he hurried back to the car, slamming the Thunderbird in gear and pulling out of the driveway, closing his ears and his heart to the painful words that Hiram Kent had been shouting about him.


It was a long night. Painful. Jonathan got the beating of his life from his father...they tore the house apart screaming at each other. His father...he'd never been a patient man. In fact, he'd always pushed him, hurt him to be a stronger person. Teased him, taunted him...forbid him with guilt.


Forbid him from seeing Lionel.


"Dad, I love him!"


"So, what are you now? A little queer, eh? A little cock sucking queer? I wont have you ruin our family, Jonathan Kent, I wont have you make our family name a joke!"


"I won''s not like that…dad, it's not like that, please."


"You see him again and forget about this family, forget you ever knew us, and forget about school. I wont pay for a godamn dime, Jon, I won't."


"Why are you doing this? Why are you hurting me?"


"Because I'm your father and I know what's best."


Lionel's voice broke as he stopped talking.  "That's... that's pretty much the story, love.  Jonathan... Jonathan was beaten down by his father, and I... I didn't realize that Hiram had almost destroyed him; I just thought he'd been playing with me all along, and I closed myself off from him... everything, really.  The whole world, because I wouldn't allow myself to be hurt like Jonathan hurt me."


His frown was trembling, his eyes full of tears, and without a word Dominic reached up and just...hugged his lover. As hard as he could, pressing him in tight and nuzzling his throat. "How do you do it? love, how do you get up in the morning? How?"


Lionel shrugged.  "For the longest time, I didn't want to, but I did it to spite Jonathan.  I figured that if he wanted me out of his life that badly, the best thing I could do to spite him was to make myself such a name that he wouldn't be able to walk down to the street corner without hearing me mentioned.  Even if I couldn't be in his life, I would be there, in his face, a constant reminder of what we had and what we destroyed."  He sighed.  "Then, when I married Lillian... that became secondary, and then trinary when Lex was born.  They became my reason.  And now... now you are."


"And after all that time...he came here? To you?" He was feeling decidedly foolish over their quarrel, and swallowed around the embarrassment. "What did he tell you?"


"He told me the truth."  Lionel pulled Dominic close to him.  "That it hadn't been his choice, that Hiram had battered him down.  Things that I should have realized a long time ago, if I hadn't been so determined to hang onto the pain and the hate.  He apologized... apologized for hurting me, wanted to make things right, finally."


Quietly. "Do you still care about him, Lionel? Tell me the truth. I don't ever want to stand in the way of something you can have again...and I'll always love you, always be here waiting."


Lionel pulled himself up again to look down at Dominic.  "Care about him?  Yes.  I think I always will.  But I don't want him."  He laid his hand over Dominic's heart.  "Do you know what I told Jonathan, when you saw us together and then left?"


He cupped the palm over his chest, keeping the warm hand there. "Hmm?"


"I told him that I had to go after you... because I couldn't bear to lose another love."


His lips spread and he felt such an intense love in his heart he thought it would just beat until it burst. No words would ever, ever be enough to phrase it, to bring it into context. 

It was enough that Lionel knew.


"I'm sorry I acted like a fool, before. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did." Dominic nodded it, reaching up to slide his fingers through his lover’s hair, the sheet lying comfortably between them, candles flickering warmly. "You’re such a beautiful man. So strong, stronger then all of us, lovely one."


"You didn't know," Lionel said quietly, sadly.  "You had every right to react like you did."


"Lionel..." He reached up, pulled his shoulders in close to his, wrapped his arms around him. "You're breaking my heart. I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry I said the things I said...I’m sorry I hurt you. You don't deserve that."


Lionel shook his head.  "Don't apologize to me, Dominic."  But his words were quiet, without rancor.  "I don't deserve the apology; I was the one who hurt you."


"You're angry with me." Statement, not a question, and he squeezed his hands tight, willing him to understand. "It’s you. Just you. No one else will ever have me like you. I won’t leave you, Lionel. I don’t have parents to answer to, I don’t have someone standing in the way. It sounds hollow...but we're stuck together, until the end."


"No."  Lionel struggled to look at his lover, and finally pulled himself free so that he could meet Dominic's eyes.  "I am most certainly not angry at you, Jiminy."  He left his hand on Dominic's chest.  "I... trust you, Dominic.  I know you won't leave me, I believe that you won't.  But... I also believe that I will hurt you, just as I did today, and that is something I can't live with."


"You're going to have to, Lionel." He met his gaze steadily, and struggled to sit up, it taking him a bit longer then Lionel, but he did, and met his gaze full on. "A relationship, one that works and thrives and grows, is about arguing and disagreeing, then finding a middle ground to work from. That’s what love is. We've never agreed won’t change now that we're together. We'll still yell and argue, you'll still threaten to fire me," He said it with a quick grin, "We'll bitch and complain but at the end...its that bond that keeps us together. Lionel, I could rage and scream at you for hours, but at the end I'd still have you in my bed, accepting you into me with whispered words of love." A long moment, and he squeezed his hand. "I’ve vowed my life to you. That won’t change, despite what I scream at you."


Lionel was quiet as he considered Dominic's words, and then took one of his lover's hands in his own.  "You left me empty, Dominic."  Lionel's voice was so quiet, he was almost unheard... almost. 


His eyebrows creased...tipped his head, and squeezed the fingers interlocking with his in confusion. "What?"


Lionel shook his head.  "I thought... I wanted you... inside me.  But instead... you used the toy and I made love to you." He looked up at his lover.  "You left me empty.  Wanting.  And…. I hated that feeling."


Realization washed over him, and he didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry, instead settling on reaching over and hugging him, as tightly as he could. "Lionel! Baby, oh God. I'm so sorry! I..." Damn him. Damn him and his non skills at sex. "I just....I denied you for such a long while and....I wanted to show you, show you that I could bring you pain and pleasure, want and fear and that...that it was okay, that I'd always be here. I'm so sorry, I didn't know wanted me too..." They hadn't, not since that first time, and he held him tighter. "I had no idea, I'm so, so sorry."


Lionel held Dominic tightly.  "I thought it was your way of punishing me… because I'd hurt you."  He hated this weakness, hated it passionately, but he trusted Dominic with it, trusted him not to use it and take advantage of it. 


"No, no, no, Lionel, no." He murmured it, stroking the back of his head as he held him tightly. "Lovely one, I would never, ever use sex as punishment, never. When you come to bed with me, its to be with me, not to get even with anything that happened. Lionel..." He flushed a little, kissing his shoulder gently. "I wasn't sure. Its only been that one time...I didn't know if you wanted it, or liked it, or anything. I'm so sorry I left you feeling that way. So, so sorry."


Lionel leaned up and kissed his lover softly.  "I told you; I am not good at things like this; I should have known you wouldn't do that, and yet, I assumed you did."  A squeeze of his lover's hand.  "I liked it, Dominic.  I liked it a lot, and... yes.  I'd like you to do it again."


"You mean that?" A kiss right back, Dominic's lips sliding effortlessly over his lovers, wet and slick and warm. "Its all a learning game, understanding and mistakes, failures in communication. You failed to realize I'd never hurt you like that...I failed to realize you'd ever want me inside of you again." And all right, the words brought a shudder from him, delicious and trembly. "And now I know more then I did a bit ago."


Lionel kissed him back, his hands clasping Dominic's tightly as he pressed close.  "I hate failing anything, Dominic, you know that," Lionel said quietly.  "Especially when it means that you get hurt in the process.  I don't want to keep hurting you, Dominic.  I don't ever want to see you look at me again the way you did in the War Room."


He suddenly grinned, brightly, breaking the tension with his silly beam. "I really destroyed it, didn't I? Poor baby, I popped you good a few times." He leaned in and gently rubbed the flowering bruise on his chest, still grinning like a loon, wicked and silly. "Actually...if I think about it...I popped you good more then once." Snicker. "And I'm wounded."


Lionel ran his fingers lightly over the back of Dominic's head.  "You popped me quite a few good times," he said softly.  "How is your shoulder, by the way?  Did you hurt yourself?"


"Ah." A shake of his head. "It hurts me like a damn bitch in heat. But I’m used to the pain now...if that makes sense." He nodded it, sighed. "I need to go clean it in a bit. Are you hungry love?"


"It makes sense, but it doesn't make me happy."  Lionel moved in the bed, so that Dominic lay between his legs and Lionel's torso cradled his lover's.  "We could both use cleaning up.  And no... I'm not hungry, but if you are, I'll have something brought up for you; what kind of soup do you prefer?"


He leaned back, closed his eyes and slid his fingertips over Lionel's hand, shifting it to hold it to his belly. He spoke, disregarding the question for the moment. "I want you to promise me something."


"I will promise you anything."


"Stop feeling guilty. Stop feeling you did something wrong."


Lionel shook his head.  "I can't promise you that, Dominic.  Because I did.  You were right; I should have told you about Jonathan from the start, but I didn't.  And then... the things I said in anger... I wronged you, beloved."


"But I’ve forgiven you. It’s in the past now...we can move on. Will you promise me that you'll do that? Move on?"


Lionel nodded.  "I will move on."  He pulled Dominic closer to him, his fingers playing idly on his lover's stomach.  "But only because you've asked."


He grinned. "I’m a right fellow that way." A long moment of thought. "All right, let me amend myself. I’ve almost forgiven you." He nodded, all seriousness, turning to look up at him with huge eyes. "There's still one more thing, one more thing you need to promise me."


Lionel craned his head to look at Dominic.  "What is it, Jiminy?"


"You wont tell the doctor about what I’m about to do." He squirmed from Lionel's grasp and reached over to the side table, past the empty bowl of caramel, and picked up the phone. He dialed 10 to get Enrique in his office on the first floor....and jumped out of Lionel's way so he couldn’t grab the phone. "Yes, Enrique? It’s Mr. Senatori. Yes, would you please go into town...McDonalds. Get me a Big Mac? Super size it? ...Coke. Yep. Thank you." He hung up and looked at Lionel through his eyelashes, all innocence. "I promise I won’t eat the whole thing. ...I'll leave something, to appease you."


Lionel glared.  "I should be absolutely appalled."


He snickered, obviously in an amused, silly mood, wriggling his brows as he jumped out of the way, laughing out loud. "No, you shouldn’t. Come on now, don’t tell me you've never had McDonalds. Want me to call him back? Get you something too?" Unspoken: Cause I ain’t sharing.


"I have never had anything from a restaurant so commonly named as McDonalds, and I pride myself on that fact."  Lionel continued to glare.  "And no, I am not appalled.  I should be, yes, but no.  I'm not."


"Mmmmhmm. You'll be saying that when you take a whiff of it." He laughed again, getting on his knees, crawling over, and placing a smacking kiss on his mouth. "You're completely appalled, and I find it disconcertingly funny." He chuckled it, eyes dancing. "Lionel, you're telling me you've never eaten junk food? Ever? Not in the entire time we've known one another?"


"Have I ever sent you out for it?" Lionel asked calmly.


A moment of thought. " Not ever."


"And do I look like the type of person who would just pop in to the drive-through window and spring for a box of fries and a sandwich which contains my monthly allotment of grease, fat, calories and cholesterol?"


"Disturbing thought, because no...never. You and grease aren’t good friends, I know that much for a fact."


"Now, Dominic... ask me again if I have ever had McDonald's."


"I almost feel like you've been deprived." He pinched a warm hip, then his thigh... warm, lovely skin. "In fact, because of it, I will let you share my fries and addict you to them in such a way that you'll be having Enrique make runs into town for more." He smirked, and slowly lay down beside him, and it was completely obvious all of a sudden that he was so giggly because he was so very, very tired. His body was worn out, put through the ringer after the long day they'd had...between the fight, the press release this morning, and the heart stopping love they'd just made...he was going to sleep and sleep hard, but valiantly tried to stay awake for a little while longer. Or, well, his eyes were all but wired open. He stretched out beside his lover, pillowing his head on his hand, and sighed. "Where did you grow up, Lionel?"


"A very quiet, very wealthy suburb of Metropolis," he said, nestling beside his lover.  "My father... was a man much like myself, but he raised me the best way that he could and I can't fault him for that; Philip Luthor provided well for us."


"His father started the family business, right?" He yawned quietly, cuddling in close and tugging absently at the blankets pooled at their feet, on the floor...all over the bed. "He was the one who began it all?" Sudden look at him. "Do you have siblings, Lionel?"


"That's right." Lionel pulled the blankets up.  "Julian Luthor--whom my son was named for--began the empire.  My grandfather.  If he had had his way, my name would have been Alexander, but my mother intervened, and I was christened Lionel Phillip Luthor.  But Grandfather Julian began everything, and it was because of him that we have the LuthorCorp empire today."  A quiet, pensive look.  "I was an only child; what would have been my younger sister was a stillbirth, and my mother didn't get pregnant again after that."


He tipped his head, noting it and reminding himself to ask later. "I remember reading about your grandfather when I first entered in the corporation...the first two weeks I had to learn the history of the plant. I didn’t, though, because they threw me in hook line and sinker and didn’t pull me out again." He paused a moment and touched his lover’s hand, stroking it gently. "It’s going to be his birthday next month." Quietly. He'd been there...he'd held Lillian's hand as the baby was born, he'd been there to witness the infants first weeks of life...he'd been there when they found him so still in his crib one fateful morning. He'd loved that child with everything inside of him, just like he loved Lex. "We should do something for it."


"Must we?" Lionel asked softly, the memory of his lost son forever entwined with that of his namesake.


"We don’t have to." A slight nod, but his fingers tightened around Lionel's. "Did you always want to go into the family business?"


"No.  It was never my intention, I had merely hoped to work long enough to establish myself and begin a career in another field but... that was only to accomodate the hope of having a life with Jonathan.  When that didn't happen... I threw myself into the business and I have grown to love it."


" and your son are exactly alike. Did you ever notice that?"


"We are?"  The look was blank and full of surprise.


He laughed. "Yes! Think of it from this perspective. Your father wanted you to go into the family business; you flat out refused. You had a love affair with a wonderful man, though it ended badly. Your empire has flourished. You’re stubborn, pig headed, sarcastic." His smile was classic as he held out his hand. "Now take Lex. His father wants him to go into the family business...he’s flat our refused. He's having a love affair with a boy who’s sure to break his heart. He's stubborn, pig headed, and sarcastic. You've both lost, both loved...he even answers the phone the same way you do."


Lionel considered that for long, long moments.  "How unobservant of me," he finally said seriously.  "I can't believe that, out of all the observations I have made about my son... that this one has been the one that escaped me."


"Well, it’s true." He paused to look at him. "I always thought you knew."


Lionel shook his head.  "He answers the phone the same way as I do?"


"Even uses the same tone." He affirmed.


"I never realized." Lionel shook his head.  "How is it, Dominic?  How is it that you know so much more about my son than I do?"

He paused mid stroke of the long forearm and reached up to trace a laugh line along his lovers eye. "I've known him since he was 7 years old, Lionel. I’ve seen you both grow and change...and I love him, very, very much. Of course, if you tell him that I might have to call in that favor we have with the hit man, but..." He smiled.

Lionel shook his head.  "I won't tell."  He just sighed instead.  "I should have realized it years ago, Dominic... my son is growing up to be just like me, and I am making the same mistakes with him that I had hoped to avoid."  He ran his fingers through his hair.  "But, thanks to you, I am finally starting to see that... and starting to make amends."


"Ah, pish." He shook his head too, tugging his fingers through the short blond hair that he begrudgingly knew had begun to thin a year ago. "Lionel, you give me too much credit. knew all along. I just pushed you in the right direction." He smiled softly, his eyes glowing.


"Maybe," Lionel allowed.  "But I wouldn't have acknowledged it without you."  He sighed deeply again.  "I just hope that it hasn't gone too far to be repaired."


"Do you remember...right before your wife died. He came to us in the was a few days before your birthday. It was snowing outside... like it is now. And he gave you a picture. Do you remember?"


"I remember.  The picture is safely hidden in my desk in Metropolis, framed and tucked away where no one else could find it."


He nodded softly, continuing to speak in that quiet voice. "Of you and he...from the summer time, when you'd taken him to the fair. When you put him on your shoulders and let him put candy apple all over your hair even by accident, when you both rode the roller coasters and played games you could never win." He paused a moment. "Lionel, Lex is still that little boy. Just older...none the wiser. Hardened by life, and by you, but at his heart he's still your child." A gentle turn so that he could pull Lionel closer. "It’s been 12 years, but you can still take his hand and go to the fair with him."


"It took me almost three days to wash the caramel out; I thought that I was going to have to cut it off," he remembered quietly.  "But it finally came out." He looked at Dominic.  "I wonder where in Smallville I can get candied apples."


His grin had the dimples in his cheeks winking, and his fingers reaching over to glide through the soft hair. "He'll remember."


"I hope so," he said quietly.  "Lex... means the world to me.  I want him to know how... sorry I am."


"Lionel... it’s not about being sorry. Just starting over, fresh, clean slate. Tell him you're getting to have a second chance, because that’s what this is. A second chance." He murmured it, sitting up slowly as he heard Enrique and his presumable gait coming up the steps. "He loves you, so much." He reached over and slowly...very gently slipped into a robe, climbing to his feet as he walked to the door. Two slick knocks and he cracked it open....ahhhhh. McDonalds smell. "Thank you, Enrique."


"It is the pleasure dat be mine." He clacked his heels together after handing the food over and walked off.


A happy sigh and he closed the door, letting the robe fall off his shoulders, and sniffed happily at his prize. "Oh. Ohhh. Oh. It’s been almost a month, my sweet, but I can still remember how drippy you get all over my fingers." He said it to the Big Mac box lovingly, petting it.


Lionel rolled his eyes at the smell of grease in the air.  "Good God, Dominic.  Shall I leave you two alone?"


He laughed out loud, eyes dancing, and jumped on the bed, the mattress bouncing as he got comfortable. "You might have to. We get very in touch and personal." He reached in…pulled out a French fry and bit into it with a roll of his eyes and a mmmm. "Oh. Oh yeah." His eyes were dancing when he opened them, offering one over to him as he popped the straw into his cup and took a sip of carbonated goodness.


"Do you realize how much... crap I'd be ingesting if I ate that fry?" he asked, leaning over and sucking it into his mouth, the salt stinging on his tongue as he crunched through the outer layer to get to the hot, steaming inside.


He looked at him in innocence as his lips brushed his very glad to have tugged the sheet over his lap, and he munched into his sandwich with a gusto unparalleled. "Uh huh." He mumbled it over a mouthful, happy eyes squinted as he watched his lover chew. "I can't help it. I've been addicted all my life."


"I can safely say this is most probably the first French fry I have ever eaten in my entire existence."


"You lie." His blinked at him as he licked a stray bit of ketchup from the base of his thumb. "Are you serious, Lionel?"


"I ask you again, have you ever known me to consume anything even remotely resembling fast food, or French fries, for that matter?"


He shook his head, offering another one and scooting in a little closer.


Lionel obediently opened his mouth as Dominic slid another salty fry into his mouth, crunching it carefully as he looked up at him, smiling. 


He reached over and sucked that smile right into his mouth, kissing hard and passionately because watching him crunch on French fries was doing bad things to his body. Bad. Things. However, he did it in such a way that he'd stolen half his lovers French fry, eyes dancing as he chewed happily. "And you like them, don't lie." He offered his box between them, taking another sip of coke and offering it, too.


Lionel kissed Dominic happily, surrendering the fry and sliding his hand up to Dominic's face.  "Like them?  Maybe."  Lionel's fingers slipped into the box and withdrew a handful.  "I'll have to try them again to see."


His dimples winked again, watching him in delight as he took another sip of soda, his happy tummy bouncing in joy at having some real food finally in it, cause damn. Living on ham sandwiches wasn't cutting it. "Ms Birds going to kill me." He took another bite of his sandwich, nodding carefully.


"As long as you don't spill on her sheets, you should be safe."  Lionel twisted to reach the cup of soda, taking a drink and grimacing at the sickly sweet taste.  "How can you drink that?  Might as well pour sugar in a cup and drink that."  This was said delicately around a mouthful of fries.


He grinned around a mouthful of his own fries. "Its goooood. I should have started you off on something a little less caffeinated, but they don't ever have diet here in Smallville. And I promise you now I won’t make you drink Dr Pepper until stage five is complete." Wicked intent in his eyes, leaning in to lick a stripe on his cheek just because, mming softly and mumbling under his breath. "French fries and Lionel...mmmm..."


"Dr. Pepper?  Didn't we buy the company who manufactures that?" Lionel asked idly, taking the moment to steal another handful of Dominic's fries.  "You will not find me drinking anything younger than you are, my friend."


He grinned in delight once more, reaching over to nibble at his ear before munching on his hamburger... last bite...mmmmmmmmmm. "Cokes older then I am."


"No.  The name brand is older," he breathed quietly.  "The beverage was made just a few days ago."


"Really?" He asked it quietly, having lost his interest in the food and gently leaning over to lick the nipple ring... loop his tongue through it, play with it in his mouth. "I still can't believe you got this for me. didn't it hurt?"


Lionel hissed happily.  "Yes, it did hurt, but just for a moment.  How is I know the right people, and why... is for you." 


"How does it feel?" He tugged on it with his teeth before looking up at him and stealing a French fry, munching on it happily.


"It's... ah... interesting," Lionel said, raising an eyebrow.  "It's... constantly hard, because the ring is always there, rubbing against it.  Always sensitive because it's so hard."


His belly jerked, his mouth trembled open and he swallowed absently around the food that had lodged halfway down his throat. "Feels good?"


"Feels... very good.  Feels... odd, though.  Makes me very aware of myself, of what my body is feeling."  Lionel stole his fries back, but nibbled on them halfheartedly under Dominic's intent stare.


He sucked his own lower lip into his mouth, chewed on it. "Really?" His fingers had found the hard nipple and were skimming over it, around and around...tug at the tiny ring, over and over...skimming across the heat he found there.


"Yessssss... really."  Lionel dropped the fries as his head arched back, throat swallowing hard as his nipple throbbed in Dominic's fingers, back arching slightly to answer the gentle tugs of the ring.


"It's..." He groaned and leaned down, sucking it again, nibbling...then tenderly bit around it, pinching it between his teeth. "So erotic, Lionel, it's..." He let go to rub his saliva over it, get it hard and wet and cold. "Does it make you hot for me?"


Lionel's hands clenched in the sheets as he turned his torso into Dominic's mouth.  "God... yes," he whimpered softly, actually whimpered and didn't give a damn.  "Hot.. hard... hungry... for you."


"Wait. Hold on." He let go and gathered their trash, putting Lionel's French fries away for later consumption, coke on the floor, and he pulled him up in a seated position, pulling him in close and sucking hard again. Again. Rhythmic licks and bites, touches and strokes, trembling fingers dancing over his shoulder blades.


Lionel's hands tightened on Dominic's shoulders, throaty growls coming out of his throat as he let Dominic explore the ring with his tongue, fingers kneading and digging into his skin as Lionel moaned softly, the constant attention to his nipples and chest making his entire body ache.  His cock throbbed and tried to rise, his ass ached hollowly, and he growled again.


"Lionel..." He murmured it into the hard skin, looping his tongue through the ring again, feeling it with his mouth as his fingertips slipped down below the sheet to touch his lovers filling cock. "Can I ask...ask you something?" He slid his hands around his lover, keeping his lover still as he touched and laved the unpierced nipple, sucking and biting it without reserve as he looped his fingers around Lionel's beginning erection and tugged up.


"You can... ask me anything," Lionel answered, rocking up gently into the sheath of Dominic's hand as it wrapped around his cock.


"Will you ride me?" Murmured question, tugging him in closer...then getting at a strange angle to lean down and suck at the head of the cock in his hand, working it with his tongue. He touched the slit, stroked it, then down to lave the ridges. "Sit on top of me...slide down...let me have you?"


"Oh... God yes."  Another throb of his cock and it grew harder in his lover's mouth.  "I would... God yes."


He was panting. Did he care? No. God. No. "Let me open you up...Lionel..." He scooted back, letting him go for the time being. "Get on your knees and your elbows...let me do this." He nodded, pleaded, dragging slim fingers through all the glorious dark hair.


Lionel nodded wordlessly, rolling onto his knees, his head resting against his crossed arms.  "Do... touch me, Dominic.  God... hurry."  The fingers of one hand gently snaked upwards to tease his nipple ring, tugging it gently as he rocked backwards towards his lover.


He got behind him...moaning loudly at the sight that greeted him. He'd never...never...GOD. He leaned it and sucked hard at the back of warm thighs, let his tongue trace all the soft sinews of muscle and skin...down...down to lick the back of his balls...then up, the spot right behind them, the patch of skin that he had to admit was his favorite. He kissed, gentle, soft, his fingertips working over his taut, trembling skin. "Relax...relax, sweetheart…calm down..."


Lionel nodded, taking a deep breath and forcing his body to still.  Years of established willpower was the only thing that allowed him to relax and force his body to calm for his lover, and he used Dominic's voice to guide him.  "I'm calm," Lionel gritted out slowly.


"Liar." His voice smiled before he gently kissed the small hole that....oh god…he was going to be inside of soon. "Do you like...when I do this, Lionel?" A murmur as he kissed again, licking softly. "Are you okay with it?"


A hard nod that shook his entire body.  "I like it, Dominic... very much.  More... than I thought I would."


"Doesn't gross you out?" He said it quietly before sliding his tongue inside, pushing in softly...letting it a suck around the tiny puckered ridges.


Dominic actually expected an answer, Lionel knew, but damned if he could formulate anything other than single syllables.  "No."


Another thrust of his mouth before his fingers, which had been stroking over his back, took over. He let go with his mouth and leaned over his love, opening the side drawer of the night stand and tugging out the small tube of slicker they'd used before. He opened it with trembling hands, slicking his fingers..then slowly slid a single digit in to the first knuckle. He stroked and soothed his lovers back, willing him to relax, gently kissing the small of his back and trying not to thrust against the leg he was pressed against.


Lionel calmed as soon as Dominic touched him, his hungry body rocking back on his lover's finger as he relaxed, feeling his body going slack as he pushed back.  His fingers still lightly tugged the ring through his nipple, head down on his arms as he tried to imagine Dominic behind him, and shuddered once.


The shudder let him press fully inside, immediately seeking his lovers prostate as he thrust in an out, opening...slowly...softly...another digit sliding inside effortlessly, opening him as gently as he knew how, scissoring his fingers and taking a bite from that place at the small of his back. "Sure...are you sure?"


Lionel's voice was trembling and husky.  "I'm sure," he replied throatily, shuddering again as his prostate was brushed again and again.  "Very sure, need you, want you, sure of it."


He let his fingers slide away...tugging his lover up so they switched places, so he slowly lay back against the pillows, so he was looking up at Lionel with huge eyes as his cock stood straight up. "You control what you like...what feels good. Show me how you like it. Let me take you, baby."


"Let me know... if I do this wrong... this is the first time I've been on top like this," Lionel confessed, moving into position as he slowly lowered himself onto Dominic.  His spread legs and thighs took the brunt of his weight, and he took Dominic's hands in his own, lacing their fingers together as he moved, sliding up slowly and then back down, rolling his hips in the process as he found a pace that suited him.


He hissed, not letting his eyes go, moaning loudly as the hot fist trapped him inside. God. Christ. GOD. He arched up just a little with each slide down, holding onto his lovers hands as he let Lionel see what he did to him when Lionel let him inside of him. The agonized pleasure, hot as fire under his skin. "Yes....L...Lionel yes..."


Lionel's eyes widened as he watched the effect he had on Dominic.  Spreading his legs wider, he brought himself further down onto his lover until they were pressed together, and Lionel was riding him hard, fast, his ass squeezing Dominic's cock as he moved, sweat rolling down his neck and back, catching in his hair and matting it to his skin.  His fingers held Dominic's tightly, guiding one to his chest and the nipple ring, the other to his cock and released them as he leaned back, gripping Dominic's calves and changing the angle as he pushed himself down further and further onto his lover's cock.


He was screaming. It was vague in his ears, but with each thrust down the cry shot out of his mouth in the shape of his lovers name, arching blindingly, crying for God and Christ and the virgin Mary, hissing and moaning with each slide down onto him. Sweet pleasure as ripe as that first bite into a peach, his skin goose bumped and flushed brilliantly. His fingers jacked his lover hard, trembling fingers pushing and pulling like he knew how to do, aching to prolong the exquisite feeling he was having right now. He tugged at the nipple ring, rolling it in his fingertips as he felt Lionel's hands grasp his legs, and forced himself not to come. God, not yet, please.


Lionel growled in pleasure as Dominic tugged his ring, pushing down harder on his lover's cock and sheathing him entirely before tightening his grip on Dominic's legs and rocking quickly back and forth as Dominic's cock rubbed against his gland.  He bit his lip as his head arched back, grunting in response to each of Dominic's shouts of his name.


He hissed and with strength he didn't know, pushed and rolled them over. Their bodies aligned...he grabbed Lionel's hands, dragged them over his head, and pushed in with all his might, staying there for a long moment as he breathed hard. "Want you to scream. Scream my name." He pulled out and slammed back in, bracing himself against his lovers body with each hard thrust. His head ducked down and he claimed the nipple ring for his own, lapping at the tiny nipple, tugging it with his teeth, rumbling purrs into it so the vibrations sent those delicious goose bumps over his lovers body as well.


Lionel's entire body rippled in surprise and he pushed up against Dominic's possessive strokes, trembling as shocks raced through his body, raising goose bumps on his flesh as his nipple ring vibrated in his chest.  "Oh, God! Dominic!"  Lionel couldn't contain the cries any longer, and with each shout of his lover's name, his voice became louder and louder.  "Dominic, please!!"


Pushed, harder, faster, pistoning his hips inside and out, the heat and tight grip of his lovers body nearly sending him over.




As soon as he felt them both begin that delicious ascent to orgasm....right before they leapt off the edge...he stopped his hips, gripping Lionel's wrists tighter as he bore his gaze down into those glazed brown eyes...waiting...ten seconds...twenty...then started all over again, thrusting hard and fast.


Felt the edge draw close. Stopped. Ten seconds...15....20. And started up again, thrusting as hard as he dared, catching his lovers mouth to swallow the screams.


Lionel was nearly ready to kill his lover, arching up into him, throat raw with crying out and screams as he pushed up against him.  "Don't... don't stop," Lionel begged.  "Please, don't."


Dominic wasn't known for listening. He did it...twice more...stopping...starting all over again, until his thighs were burning and his belly was aching and he thought his balls would never forgive him, ever again. The fifth time he did it he changed his angle, pushing in harder with no intent to stop. Watching his lover, his eyes glazed, hair a mess, sweat beaded all over that delicious skin as he worked him up...up...higher, so close, so closeclose, so close, and he felt his balls get harder, tighter. He leaned down and took Lionel's mouth, matching his hips to his tongue, thrusting against his lover in every way he knew show his love. His ache. What this man, what Lionel did to him. "Come for me...come for me...Lionel, come for me, come for me..."


Lionel shoved back frantically against his lover, feeling a tidal wave overwhelming him as his hands remained pinned over his head.  His body writhed as finally, his balls exploded and he came, harder than he'd ever come before, his entire BODY arching with it, pushing out each pulse with a hard twist of his torso and a thrust of his hips.  Dominic's face swam in front of his eyes, the only thing he could see, the rest of his sight haloed in darkness with silver stars dancing around his lover's face.  "Dominic... I love you, belong to you, always, beloved."


He let out a cry, screwing his eyes shut as his lovers body caught him, held him in, and he exploded, coming so hard his arms almost gave out, teeth clenched and breath held as he shot inside his love. Hot streams that felt like that wouldn't end, his body shaking, shuddering, his hips twisting and thrusting in as a full body shudder wracked through him. He moaned, loudly, finally toppling down to lay over his love with a long, keening sound of pleasure, pillowing his head on Lionel's chest as his muscles all relaxed and refused to move. He felt his loves cock still shuddering between their bellies and he reached down, gently touching it, stroking it softly...comforting. "Lionel...Lionel...I love you so much...oh, G...."


Lionel brought his arms around Dominic, holding him closely and wrapping himself around his lover.  "Ssssh.... I love you... always will."  He murmured quietly to Dominic, and then jumped as someone pounded on the locked door.


He barely heard it, because the toll of the day finally crashed down on him. He was falling asleep before his lovers words of love were barely out of his mouth, relaxed there on his Lionel's chest. "Mmm."


After a few long moments..."Dominic... I'll get the door," he said dryly, wrapping his lover securely in the blankets on the bed and wrapping himself in the discarded black silk kimono as he answered the door.  "What?"


Enrique jumped back at the snarl.  "I'm sorry, sir, but this just came for you."  He held out the two envelopes, both bearing Lionel's name.


Lionel's throat tightened as he took them.  "Thank you."  He closed the door in Enrique's face, and then studied the plain manila envelopes.


Dominic curled in close, rolling over onto his belly, and pushed his face into the pillows with a satisfied sound deep in his chest...fingers lolling out onto the blankets...where...?..."Lionel? What...." He looked up, bleary eyed. "Who?"


"Enrique.  He was just delivering something to me."  He knew what was in one envelope, and had a surprisingly sickening hunch as to what was in the other as he rejoined his lover on the bed.  "I'm going to take these to my office; I'm not sure you'll want to see."


He didn't understand...he was too deeply engrossed by encroaching dreams to think. "Mmm. Love you."


"I love you, Dominic."  Lionel sat himself on the edge of the bed, and ran his fingers through Dominic's hair as he opened the first envelope.  As he'd expected, they were the pictures of Lawrence, and he didn't blink an eye at the carnage the photos depicted. Setting them to the side, he opened up the second envelope with trepidation, and then, as the photographs spilled out into his hands, he nearly dropped them.


The sudden intake of air had him opening an eye. He looked at the length of Lionel's long back, shaking himself from the sleep his body craved, rubbing an eye and sitting up a little. When his eye caught what Lionel was staring at, he wished he would have just gone to sleep. His face burned, a hot, hot red as humiliation and embarrassment and sadness crept over his senses...and he'd never felt more awake in his life. "Lionel, I..."


"No, Dominic.  Don't apologize, please.  This... this was nothing you did."  Lionel's voice was hollow, and he felt sick as his thumb rubbed over the much younger face of his lover, bruised, bloody and torn.  "I told them... I told them to destroy these things," he said hoarsely.


He swallowed hard and looked over his shoulder…sitting behind him and pressing his mouth to that same shoulder, kissing it tenderly as the other photos came into view. Tied up...bleeding. "Three of them. There was three of them, that first night. Lawrence...his two friends. They thought it was really damn funny to innitiate the new meat. I think Lawrence was--...he recognized that I was more skillful then he. I think he saw me as a threat."


"Who were they?  Do you know their names?  I... I want them punished."  Lionel flipped sickly through the photographs, watching as things worsened until he could no longer look, and he was only halfway through the stack.  He dropped the photographs onto the bed and wrapped his arms around Dominic.  "You are better.  You were much better at the job than he ever was.  I saw that within a month.  He... he was right to fear you, but so wrong to do this."


He didn't say anything, just picking up the stack Lionel had dropped, looking down at them as he flipped each one, dead emotion in his eyes. The rape wasn't so bad...if he really thought, he could almost remember it hadn’t hurt. He'd been so torn, so bloody inside by that point that it didn't even matter. He passed the photo's of their dog sucking his limp genitals, of the animal... His chin quivered once but he turned the photos over so all you could see was the back, swallowing very, very hard. "I’m going to go shower."


"Dominic."  Lionel caught his lover's wrist.  "I love you.  This... I won't let this go unavenged."


He looked up at him…shrugged a shoulder. "Lionel, it’s too late. The men in the photos are all dead. The friends were killed the third year I worked for you, in a car wreck. Don’t you remember? They were board members. Huge funeral, all the friends and family and you made me go with you, so I had to watch them put into the ground. Watched their wives cry and their children wail for their daddies, watched their friends and family mourn for those two men who spent every night for a week fucking me dead. It’s done. It happened, and It's done. I’ve already healed, I’ve been to therapy for it actually. It’s done. So...just...don’t."


"You should have told me, Dominic.  Not... not the truth.  But you should have told me, and I would not have made you go."  He didn't let go of his lover.  "I can't let it go, Dominic.  This should not have happened.  And it should have been brought to my attention!"  He forced himself to lower his voice.  "I am not so insensitive a man to let something like this go unanswered, Dominic, especially to someone close to me."


"I wasn’t close to you, Lionel." He looked at him with agony in his eyes, trying to wrench free but his lover wouldn't let go. "Not then, not when this happened, not at the funeral, nothing. How could I say that? How? "Sir, those two men we're going to bury today almost killed me with their dicks, fucked me within an inch of my life"? Or, how about, "Sir, I cant go see my two rapists put into the ground.". No. Not then. Not when every show of weakness made you laugh at me."


Lionel let Dominic go at that.  "If I hadn't seen something in you, Dominic, I never would have chosen you to succeed Lawrence," he said quietly.  There was nothing else he could say.  "I would have seen to this then."


"Lionel, let me go. Please. Please." It was opening a rush of pain in his heart and he couldn't see, could barely speak through the wall of emotion, and he pulled his wrist in when he let go, tightening his arms around himself. "I was so young, Lionel, I was young, but I grew. We grew together. You hardened me, you made me into a strong man. I don't ever for a day doubt what you saw in me. Please don't...don't feel guilty about this. Please." He hated feeling like this, helpless, trying to explain, trying to make it right. "It's not your fault. It's mine. I should have spoken up, but I was a scared kid. 25 years old. I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't know anything."


Lionel picked up the pictures, being careful not to look at them as he brandished them between himself and Dominic.  "Look at these pictures, Dominic.  Look at what I was unable to prevent or avenge for you, and tell me that I should let it go." 


He let out a sob, unable to look at them as he squeezed his arms around him tighter, shaking his head several times. "I can’t. Please, don’t. Lionel, it happened so many years ago, it’s done, it’s over with, it happened and it’s got to be let go. Please, please."


Lionel dropped the photographs back on the bed.  "I can't let it go, Dominic.  I'm sorry."  He walked over to his lover, wrapping his arms around Dominic.  "I can assure you that it will never happen again."


He couldn’t quite bring himself to hug back. "I have to shower."


"Do you... want me to help?"


He shook his head a little too quickly, climbing to his feet and backing away a few steps...then really looked. Because Lionel was standing there, with the most heartbroken expression...and he offered his hand to him. "Come help me."


As soon as Dominic had pulled away from him, Lionel had drawn himself up, holding himself stiffly erect, his eyes showing the agony and the upset at his lover's refusal.  Then when Dominic turned back to him, Lionel took the offered hand, kissed it once, and followed his lover without a word.




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