
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 166: His Ashimel

Eight minutes later, without a single speeding limit broken, Clark pulled up on the curb in front of Whitney's house. His mom, he's already known, was working, and Whitney was very... very alone. But from Whitney... with Chloe it had been a need to work off her nervous energy. With Whitney, he was desperately, desperately sad, and Clark pulled the brake and got out of the car, with the little box in hand. He stepped up the walkway, posing to peer at Ms. Fordman's rosebush which refused to grow sitting by the door. It was dead, brown and broken, and looked more likely to pull up roots and hunt down the neighborhood cats in the dead of night than grow.

Sigh. He reached up, and rang the doorbell.

Whitney had just gotten out of the shower when the doorbell rang. "Just a minute!" he yelled, and dropped the towel around his waist, pulling on jeans over his still-wet legs and draping the towel around the shoulder as he rubbed his hair dry. "Who's there?"

"I'm the ghost of Gandhi. I come bearing gifts."

Whitney didn't bother getting any further dressed as he came down the stairs, bare-foot and bare-chested. "Hey, Clark." Muffled through the door, and then locks clicked, chains were undone, and Whitney opened the door. "Come on in."

Clark stepped over the threshold, shyly, and reached for him the moment he was in, wrapping his arms around his ashimel and hugging him. Tightly. Just hugging him, because he had missed him, desperately, and he felt tears prick his eyes as he held him, tightly, to his chest. "Hi."

Whitney didn't miss a beat, just wrapped his arms around Clark and drew in long, heaving breaths. "Hey." Nothing else said, door barely kicked closed, Whitney just stood in the threshold, squeezing his Clark as tightly as he could.

"So, life sucks and I miss you." He said muffled, conversationally into a slender shoulder. "We got stuck on the ceiling night before last, and you and Chloe weren't there to save us. It sucks. You suck. No more sex for you in public, ever again." All muffled, all hugged tightly, squeezed. "I miss you."

"I miss you." He choked off a snort at getting stuck on the ceiling. "No more sex in public, ever again. I'm sorry--I would have loved to have seen you on the ceiling, and by the way? If you're going to make me fly... I want some fuckin' seat belts, man." Still didn't let go.

"Chloe is hot. Couldn't help it. Lex? With Dom and Lionel." Choked snickers, and yeah, he was getting it worse for laughing, but he couldn't help it as he stroked Whitney's damp hair. "The flying thing is a relatively new experience. That's how Lex, and I? Got stuck on the ceiling. Lex made Pete a man. it was all very amusing. Not THEN, but I've had time to reflect."

"If mom had been home, I'd have been in so much trouble." He thumped Clark's shoulder gently. "You're damn right my girl is hot." The stroking and petting of his hair was calming and relaxing, and Whitney felt his shoulders loosening, just a little. "I miss you, Clark."

"I miss you more, ashimel. I nearly ripped the house apart the other night." He looked up and presented the little white box, with the camera. "From me. Well," Hot FLUSH. "Not the lacy things. Those are from Chloe. She says, 'He'll know what to do'."

"And I spent all day yesterday putting the house here back together. I think I've fixed everything that I can possibly fix in a five hundred yard radius. I'm running out of things to do, Clark. And it's making me crazed." He took the box, tucked it in his pocket, and turned his attention back to Clark. "Thank you. For what you did. Earlier."

"You were both going nuts. It was in my power to help." he said softly, rubbing his thumb against Whitney's cheekbone. "I love making you happy, Whitney." Clarks voice was so very tender. "I love it when I make you smile, and I make you happy. I live for making my sha'nauch and my aushna' happy."

"You helped." Whitney caught the thumb stroking his face and kissed the base of it. "You helped a lot. I miss her, so much. And just... touching her like that... it was what I needed."

He beamed at him, pulling him in close to press their lips together, tenderly, and motioned his hand. "Let's go upstairs, and you can open it. Will your mom get mad if I'm here?"

"No, I don't think so. She didn't say people couldn't visit me, just that I couldn't go out." His hand slid up to cup Clark's cheek and kiss him again, softly, and then his hand dropped to lace their fingers together. "Come on. Let's go."

"Awesome. Plus? Parents, for some reason, can't get enough of me. Even Chloe's dad, and he's one mean bastard." he smiled, pressing a kiss to his lovers hand as he brought their fingers to his lips, kissing once… twice... three times, and adoration poured into his heart for his ashimel. Whitney was his, Chloe was Lex's, and they all know it. It didn't mean that Clark loved Chloe any less… he just… he adored Whitney, and he laced an arm around his waist as they walked up the steps.

"Mr. Sullivan's not all bad. I mean, he almost had a coronary at dinner the other night when I called him Dad, but that was just me being a bitch." He snuggled into Clark's arm around his waist, and he squeezed their fingers together all the tighter.

"You called him… dad?" Clark burst out laughing. Couldn't help it. "How hard did Chloe hit you?"

"She didn't hit me. She stomped on my foot and I think my toe is still broken." He leaned his head on Clark's shoulder and just soaked in the laughter and the joy that poured out of his ashimel.

"If she was wearing heels I'll take a look at it for you." he smiled as they came up the stairs and walked around the curving hall to Whitney's room. Clark was used to stepping over his ever present laundry basket in the hall, and smiled as they walked in.

It still smelled like orgasm. Clark soaked it up like it were water, purring softly as he pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his ashimels lips and beamed at him. "Open your gift."

Whitney nodded, and sat down on the bed, but then, tugged Clark in after him. He leaned back, so that he were half reclining, and Clark landed on top of him. Whitney just stroked his hand over Clark's face, through the soft hair that was cropped so close to the skull, cradled it carefully in one large hand. His eyes didn't leave Clark's as he touched, re-learning.

Clark looked at him, for a very long moment, fingertips moving over the cheek of someone he trusted more than life itself, and kissed the roaming hand gently every time it swept his lips. Then set his head on Whitney's chest, to listen to his heartbeat for a long moment, and kissed his chest softly as he rolled over and snuggled in against his side, legs tangled.

Whitney's arms came around and held Clark tightly, possessively to him, putting his chin on top of his friend's head and just lay there quietly. Needing. Soaking Clark in, so when he left, he wouldn't be quite so alone again. So it wouldn't hurt quite so much. His fingers stroked over Clark's arm, down his elbow.

And how Clark understood. His fingers gently stroked Whitney's chest… his shoulders, his arms, and hugged him close to his body, eyes closed as they cuddled quietly. Pressed warm, giving kisses to his chest, his arm, his neck and throat, and held him in the circle of his arms as he closed his eyes. "You are not alone. I am always here, Whitney."

"I know," Whitney said quietly. "Don't understand it, don't question it, I just... know it." He kept stroking Clark's arms gently. "I think I'd go crazy sometimes if you weren't here."

"If I were dating Chloe? I'd go crazy, too." His lips quirked, wickedly, as he toed his boots off and wrapped his socked feet around Whitney's, snuggling them up. "She's nuts, Whitney. Certifiably. She made me *blush*."

Whitney's toes curled around Clark's instinctively. "She is nuts. But you know? She's a very... sane kind of nuts, if that makes sense." A kiss to Clark's temple. "What did she do that made you blush?"

"You'll see." Mysterious little grin up at him, as he sniffled softly. "Your room smells like something very addictive."

Whitney blushed. "Sorry. I haven't had a chance to clean up after... you know."

"I'm glad you didn't. Was it good?" Clark whispered, looking up.

"Yeah. It was. It was... very good." A soft grin. "Even the falling was... new and unique."

He blushed, hotly. "I wasn't kidding about the flying. I can. Sort of. Lex is convinced, I doubt it, but yeah. I floated on the ceiling for about an hour the other day. Of course, we had mind numbing sex, and..." Another hard, hard blush. "Lets not even go there."

Whitney laughed softly, and curled even tighter around Clark. "I don't like that other people saw you."

"Pete, and Shay." he supplied, immediately. "Lex and I? stuck on the ceiling. Pete came in, paled, called Shay, and they both got us down. With a pool cue."

"Don't care." Little growl. "Don't like it."

A shiver ran down his back. "I like that you don't like it." Clark said softly, looking up at him. "Lex was really calm about it. Really, really calm. Me? Freaking out."

Whitney growled. "I should have been there to help you. Protect you." He curled even tighter around Clark. "It's the second time I've failed you."

"You've never failed me, Whitney." Clark whispered, looking up at that in shock as his hand came to a stubbly, blond cheek. "When did you freak out, baby?"

"I wasn't there to help with your baby. Now I'm not there to help with this." He held Clark as tightly as he could, eyes squeezed shut as he rubbed his cheek against Clark's hand.

"Don't feel bad, ashimel." His heart wrenched, as he straightened up to gently stroke his lips across Whitney's cheeks. "There was nothing any of us could have done. Mar was fated to die, Whitney, don't… don't hold guilt over it, because then you look back on his memory in bad. "

"I don't... I don't feel bad I couldn't save his life. I feel bad that I couldn't help you."

"No one could help me." He said softly. "Not even Lex. Why do you feel guilt, Whitney? It is something you shouldn't have to. No one could help me, except me. Don't..." He reached up to gently turn his face towards him. "Don't hurt, Whitney."

"I hurt." He opened his eyes and looked down. "I hurt because I couldn't keep you from hurt. That is what I'm supposed to do; help you and protect you. I can't do either."

"Yes, you can." Clark said, quietly. "You're doing it right now."

Whitney shook his head. "No. You're helping me, Clark. You're letting me... not lose it, for another day or week." He squeezed his friend tightly in his arms. "You're loving me."

"I love you." Answered, quietly. "I love you, but I'm a selfish person, because I came to see you to calm my heart down. I was so angry I couldn't take care of you this week, Whitney."

"I know you were. I felt it." Whitney just kept holding Clark tightly. "I felt you raging, in the back of my mind, and I wouldn't get more upset because of you. I felt you there, knew what you wanted, and it helped."

"Rip Chloe's dads head off." He growled, quietly, as he pressed a kiss to Whitney's shoulder. "Bury your mom in the backyard. And kidnap you and Chloe on Lex's jet and the four of us go to Cancun."

"I was all for it." Whitney kept stroking Clark's arms. "Wanted to be with you and Lex and especially Chloe. But couldn't. Couldn't be. I hated it."

Clark spoke, gently, to raise his spirits. "Well... you know... 'bout an hour ago you were."

"Yeah... I know." He smiled down at his lover. "And have I thanked you yet?"

"Twice." Clark beamed. "I'm not a virgin anymore!"

Whitney had to chuckle again. "You weren't a virgin to begin with; I think Lex took care of that."

"I was a girl virgin." Knowing nod. "Hadn't you realized? All the times we've played together, I was never in Chloe." he suddenly stopped, and looked across at his ashimel. "I suddenly realized I didn't ask permission." A hard wince. "I'm sorry, ashimel."

Whitney shook his head. "You don't have to ask for permission, Clark. Not me, anyway."

"I didn't have to, but I should have. I'm sorry." His fingers stroked down his arm, and he pressed a tender kiss to Whitney's arm... his shoulder. "Let me make you feel good, Whitney?"

"Don't be sorry. I know she needed you too. You don't have to apologize." He arched his neck just a little at the kiss on his shoulder. "Yes... please."

"I'm making rounds." Which was all he could snicker, amusement and joy up at him as he slid his fingers down his chest. "I can't... get it back up yet. But… but." His fingers slid down over Whitney's crotch, softly, as he reached up to kiss him, mouth fitting his beautiful ashimel's and diving.

Whitney opened his mouth under Clark's, head raising up just a little, his nipples scraping against the rough flannel of Clark's shirt, tongue thrusting deep and hungrily into his ashimel's mouth. Sweeping, hard seeking thrusts, and his hands tightened on Clark's shoulders, holding himself up by his grip.

"Lex is going to be jealous." he whispered, amusement in his eyes as he bit little hickeys out of the line of his lovers throat, neck, down where a shirt would hide it as he scraped his mouth down to a tense little nipple. "He's going to give me a spanking later." He whispered into his lovers skin, as his lips came down his lovers chest and bit, nibbling at the little belly button.

"Lucky Lex," Whitney gritted out, arching into Clark's mouth. His hands came up to gently caress his lover's head, and he rubbed his thumb over Clark's lips. "You shouldn't... if you can't too."

"Can. In a minute. Getting there." he muttered, as he stroked down to the half buttoned jeans, tugging until they came down and he leaned down, wrapping his lips around the stirring cock and sucked the still limp length down his throat.

"Ungh!" Whitney thrust his hips up, sliding his cock deeper into Clark's throat as he hardened. Slick wet heat all around him, and he was still half-limp but filling faster and faster. "Want... suck you... share the pleasure."

"Will. Shh." Clark muttered, sharing the texture, the taste, the feeling with a quiet Lex as he rubbed his lips over the tip and got off the bed, unbuttoning his jeans, tugging his t-shirt over his head, and stripping. Again. Which just amused him, endlessly, beaming at his ashimel as he did it. "Can't bring you all close to me, I'll come to you. I'm such a slut." but he was laughing as he said it, and searched Whitney's bedside table for lube.

"Drawer... top drawer... back corner, white bottle," he gasped out, and then he sat up, and glared. "Not... not a slut, Clark. Don't... don't say it. Bad enough Chloe thinks it... can't have you think it too."

"Just joking." He muttered, but he grinned, rolled his eyes, and got the bottle, as well as a condom. He opened the little cap, leaning back on his haunches over Whitney's thighs, and peered at the little bottle. "Expiration, 2002. Whitney? You've been using bad lube." A glare at him, a roll of his eyes, and he climbed to his feet, all six and a half feet of pure masculine muscle, and his buns flexed all the way to the bathroom.

A shudder of drawers as he searched...found a bottle of Neutrogena lotion, and he walked back into the bedroom, climbing back on the bed.

"Didn't know." Whitney settled in the bed while Clark was gone, spreading his legs open and propping himself up on pillows. He pulled his shirt off, got rid of his jeans, and was waiting for Clark to come back.

He saw the propped up hips, the naked thighs spread, and his eyes widened as his lips spread, crawling back up behind Whitney. Instead if sliding the condom on himself, though, he slid it on Whitney, pinching the top and half rolling half pulling it down the long... very long cock, and a surge of pleasure rushed to his brain as he shared the sight with his lover.

Lotion warmed on his hands and he spread the thick liquid over Whitney's cock, before reaching back, and sliding the first two in himself. Round two. You ready?

Only if we're not going to take flight again. Lex sighed. He'd learned his lesson; he was just walking through the door of the mansion. Lionel had driven him home, thank God, or else he'd still be on the road with Dominic.

Whitney moaned softly as the condom slid down over his cock, almost protested it, but then remembered the baby, and brought one hand forward, securing the condom and holding his cock steady, his entire body thrumming with excitement.

Come join us.

Clark ducked his head and wrapped his lips around Whitney's balls, sucking them both into his mouth as his fingers worked inside of him, stretching himself not for his need, but for his lovers. His lips worked around the softly haired globes, licking them tenderly, kissing each one.

You've got to be joking; my ribs are sore, and I can't even think of getting my dick up again.

Whitney shuddered again, feeling Clark's wet breath over his balls, whimpering softly and rubbing one large, hairy thigh over Clark's shoulder.

I'm so sorry, aushna. Don't be angry. Finished working his fingers inside of him and let his ashimels balls slip from his mouth, crawling up over him, straightening, and arranging himself over Whitney's very, very long cock.

I'm not angry; he needs you. Make him happy, Clark. You need him just as much. I'll be waiting... and watching.

Whitney's hand still steadied himself, and he sighed. "Don't hurt yourself," he whimpered, holding his hips down, keeping himself from arching up into his lover. "Be careful."

I love you.

His lips spread down at Whitney, smiling at him as he began to sink down on the long cock. "I… have had... practice in… uh… this." He rolled his hips and sank down lower, groaning as he shifted his body and sank even lower, moaning hard in his throat as he pressed his hands to Whitney's belly.

I love you, my aushna'.

Whitney smiled back. "Don't... know about that... Chloe says... bigger'n Lex." But it was teasing, biting his lip as Clark slid down on him, feeling hands on his belly and he looped his fingers through them. "You're... so hot... like I thought... just moreso."

He'd forgotten. Whitney had never been inside of him, and today had been a day of firsts in that respect, as he lost his voice, just gazing down at him as he sank down. Longer than Lex...but not thicker, and the length speared through him so that when he finally rolled down to rest on Whitney's thighs, he all but felt him in his brain.


His cock was hot, burning, and hard, lying on his belly as he searched out Whitney's hands.

Whitney's hands met Clark's as they searched, met palm to palm as their fingers linked for a moment. Whitney pulled himself up, letting the tensile strength in Clark's arms hold him upright as he kissed his lover. "Touch you?" Whitney asked quietly.

"Please." He whimpered, as long, shaking arms wrapped around Whitney's shoulders to hold his body, and his lips, close. He wanted to stay like this, just for a moment longer, and he squeezed around Whitney's long cock... at least ten inches long, speared inside of him and uh, God, his cock twitched at the thought as he squeezed and relaxed around him, finding his ground as he held his lover and kissed him deeply.

Whitney leaned back, letting Clark fall forward with him, them rolled over quickly, shuddering as Clark shifted and squeezed around him, hands sliding up Clark's chest, mouths meeting again and again in wet, frantic kisses as he touched hard shoulders, sculpted biceps, smooth forearms to lace their fingers together.

His eyes widened, incredibly, gasping as he suddenly found himself on very soft blankets and sheets, pillow half under his head and half under his upraised arms, and Whitney's weight over him. A deep, heavy keen of shock, delight, pleasure, and he whimpered and rolled his hips upwards, gasping tightly as he squeezed the hands linked through his.

Whitney's eyes slid half-shut, balancing his weight gently as he thrust into Clark. He knew, of course, that he couldn't hurt Clark by going too hard or too fast, but he couldn't. He wouldn't. Instead, he tightened his grip on Clark's fingers and started to thrust, gliding out gently to press deep inside again, moving more with each thrust, pounding deeper into Clark's hot, silky depths.

"Uh! Yes!" Echoed from his lips as he began to roll his hips upwards. He planted each foot on the bed beside Whitney's thrusting hips and rose and fell, his fingers squeezing Whitney's as his eyes rolled closed. His heart was pounding a mile a minute, his skin tingling with pleasure, eyes clenched closed as he rose and fell. How Chloe must have felt when they had sex... Clark could barely think about because he was experiencing deep, heavy pleasure with each thrust he felt into his brain. "A-Ashi-mel!" he cried it, with joy, and humped upwards, his sturdy hips rolling. "Harder, please, please harder!"

Whitney dropped his head, grunting slightly as he bit at each of Clark's pert little nipples as he thrust, one hand loosening from the clasp to hold his lover's hips steady as his own rolled, thrusting and pushing himself deeper until he made it to the hilt. He paused for a long second, buried to the balls inside of Clark, and then pulled out, barely leaving the head sheathed before slamming the entire length forward.

"GRAH!" He half screamed, back bowed as he pushed up. Oh my GOD and he could NOT have been more pleased, groaning hard in erotic pleasure as he fucked downwards. "Yes, yes please! Push harder, harder Ashimel, YES!" Shrilled and half out of his mind, as he viced around Whitney's pounding length, caught him in deep, worked his muscles around him as his hand that Whitney had let go came down to grab his cock and stroke it, hard.

Whitney squeezed Clark's other hand all the tighter, grunting as he pushed in with fierce strokes, fought hard to pull out of Clark's greedy, clinging passage only to pound back in. He let go of Clark's hips, licked the fleshy pad of his thumb and scraped it over Clark's nipples, rubbing each one and pressing down on it, rubbing in tiny circles as he shook Clark's body with the power of his strokes. His pelvis slapped into Clark's with loud, echoing noises, hand clasped tightly through his lover's, mouth whispering and panting words of love.

Clark thrashed, hard, pounding up with each slap of Whitney's crotch into him, half out of his mind as he let go of his cock and scraped his nails down a long, tense back. Rippled with muscles, strong, agile, and Clark much preferred his aushna, but...this. It was primal, to every beat of his heart, so much so that he could barely take a breath between the pounds into his body. Raspy, delicious, gorgeous, the easy slide of the condom in and out, his blood boiling, singing, for this experience. The touch on his nipples was fire down through his body, straight to his cock, and he was seventeen. He couldn't help the orgasm that was already starting to sharpen and accelerate his movements, even as he fought it down, his body sheathed in sweat.

"Ungh!" Whitney's cry of ecstasy rung out as Clark's nails slid down his back, and his hand tightened on Clark's shoulder, pulling himself in deeper on each in-stroke, pumping his hips and rolling against Clark as his own pace quickened, sensing the rush in his lover. "Come on, soon now, I know it, feel it in my head, come on," Whitney crooned softly, licking Clark's cheek before taking another kiss from wet, full lips.

Clark dived between them, sucking the tongue in and biting it as his fingers rushed up to grasp the unfamiliar feeling of hair, fisting as he held him close. Not wide enough, not… no, and he lifted his hips, one leg rising to slide over the tense, hard mound of Whitney's ass. Pounded, over and over and over and over, his body vibrating as he pushed up, and up, over and over, head falling back as tingles rushed over his body and his palm came down, to feel Whitney sliding in and out, head thrown back and back arched.

More grunts as teeth sunk into his tongue and Whitney stroked faster. Animal mating, harsh, hot and hard, because he needed Clark. He bent his own body to meet Clark's, bending to his arching, rubbing their chests together, moaning as nipples rubbed against nipples. His legs were almost aching, fingers twisted together with Clark's as his chest heaved. "Come on, want to feel you come, Clark. Come for me, please, come on, baby, please."

All Whitney had to do was beg like that. That's all. And Clark gasped, shoved up, once, twice, and exploded. He let out a loud, sharp sound of gasping pleasure and rushed his hand to his cock, squeezing and stroking it as it exploded. Orgasm, orgasm, orgasm, close, close, and his eyes flew open, a word of warning on his lips.

And screamed.

Pleasure was intense, erotic, deep, and he felt them coming up off the bed, even with his entire body tense and hard, and he let out another cry of agonized, perfect pleasure as he grasped the side of the bed tightly, moaning harshly.

Whitney cried out at the tight, wrenching grip on his cock. He didn't come, not yet, held onto it, forced it down, sucked hard at Clark's neck as they rose up, clenched his fingers through Clark's as he shuddered, still, slowly moving in Clark's sheath, bordering on orgasm, teeth biting his lover's shoulder.

Oh God, how he felt it, and he grasped the long, beautiful blond hair in tight fists and connected their bodies, so his ashimel could feel the outrageous pleasure he was in right now.

Explosion. As soon as Whitney felt the hands fisting in his hair, pulling roughly, his cock exploded inside of his lover, firing jet after jet into the rubber sheath covering him. Wished it away with all of his might, just to feel Clark tight around him, then didn't think or wish anything as he became one with the pleasure Clark funneled into him. He was sure he screamed or maybe it was only in his head as he tightened his grip on Clark, trembling on top of his lover.

Clark was sobbing with his pleasure when he felt the prickly hunk of the ceiling get stuck on the backs of his hands wound around Whitney's waist. He hit with a dull thud, wincing loudly as he kept his eyes closed, groaning and quickly stopping the links he had to Chloe and Lex so they wouldn't float too, sighing, very deeply, as he winced.

Whitney cracked his eyes open. "Clark... we're on the ceiling."

"Shh. Orgasmic bliss." he muttered, rolling his hips up to his lover, over and over, before settling him in cozily deep, yawning hard as he wound his arms around him. He was comfortable, sweaty, and not on the ground anymore. Life? Not so bad. Leeeeeeex. Whine.

"Okay." Whitney could live with that. He burrowed tightly against Clark, wrapping his bulk around as much as his lover's as he possibly could, snuffling his skin every so often with soft little licks to his shoulder.

Lex was leaning against the headboard, lazily stroking himself when he felt the connection quickly cut, and then the whine in his head. Clark? What is it?

The little licks pleased him, deeply, and he licked back, dragging the flat of his tongue over Whitney's throat and collar bone. Couldn't stop thinking about you. ...I'm stuck on the ceiling again. He licked over the little freckles on Whitney's skin, the ripples of muscle, over and over, letting his tongue drag up to his face, jaw, the rasp of his stubble more ticklish than painful.

Again? Lex sighed, tucked his cock away, and winced as he sat up on the side of the bed. You're at Whitney's right?

You can finish. We're okay here, I can get him down. A deep, erotic purr at the thought of his lover stroking himself to what they were doing, and he sent his zings of pleasure to his lover as his palm stroked down Whitney's back. We're naked. On his ceiling. He's getting ceiling butt impresses, you better hurry.

Lex just shook his head. You've got to be kidding; talk about a show-stopper. I'm on my way over. Get him down if you can, and then I'll help him get you down. Or would you rather I brought Pete and Shayla with me? At least they have experience.

Whitney just ignored the fact that Clark was having a mental conversation with Lex, and kept licking his throat and his shoulder, making soft little mmm's all along.

Clark lapped at the hollow of Whitney's throat, brought his hand down to the come still hot and wet on his belly, and brought it up, to lap and share with Whitney. Sweet, different then humans, and he licked and lapped at his fingers as he squeezed Whitney's ass cheek, keeping his legs up so his sweet ashimel wouldn't go tumbling down to a broken leg. Come alone, please. Bring some Kryptonite too, babe.

I don't like it. But I will. It's in my mother's box; I'll be there shortly. Lex swung his feet down to the floor and got up, putting on his shoes as he walked.

Whitney sucked Clark's fingers as they slid into his mouth, licked them clean of the sweet, crisp essence that coated them as he bit along the fingernail, rubbing his head under Clark's chin.

Clark purred, like a long, contented cat, and snuggled Whitney in deeper, his lips rubbing very tenderly against Whitney's hair as he held him. "Lex is on the way, ashimel." He murmured it, gently, as he held him close.

"How did you get down the last time?" Whitney said it through a yawn.

"Meteor rock." Nod, as if this made the most sense in the world, and he blinked once. "Its my Achilles heal."

"WHAT?!" Whitney's head shot up, slamming into Clark's chin and he winced. "No fucking way!"

"Ow!" More out of shock then pain, glaring at him as he kept his hand behind Whitney's head, so he wouldn't hit the prickly ceiling. "Well yeah. I was stuck on the ceiling of his office. Have you not seen the ceiling? Its... tall. No other way to get down, cause I'm stuck, ashimel. I can get you down though, okay?"

"No way. I'm not going to let him hurt you." Whitney growled it. "You get me down and I'll help you down."

"No other way, ashimel." Was all he sighed, softly. He grasped him close and pushed, with a hand, rolling them over so that his butt and back where against the wall and Whitney was trapped in powerful arms. "Gravity is a bitch."

Whitney looked up at his lover as they changed positions, and his hands stroked possessively over Clark. "Not going without you."

"Yes you are." Clark instructed, and let go of his lovers ass and backside, carefully angling his bottom half toward the bed only a few short feet away. "Get your feet on the bed, ashimel." Gently but sternly, as he kept him anchored tightly so he wouldn't fall.

"Drop my arms, just a little; come on, Clark, I'm a fucking football player, not a porcelain doll!" Whitney stretched until his toes were only six to eight inches away. "Okay, drop."

Clark snarled and angled Whitney's face to his hard, peering darkly into those deep blue eyes. "You are MINE, and I do not care if you are a football player, I will not drop my ashimel just anywhere, are we understood and clear?"

Whitney shot his head up, glaring back into Clark's eyes and kissing him roughly, possessively. "And I won't let him bring in here something that's going to hurt you."

Clark kissed back just as hard, as he carefully pushed up with his thighs and the backs of his legs against the wall, as he lowered him even further, so his toes touched the bed they'd just made love in. "Mine." He snarled, kissing again, then once more, as he carefully began to let go. "Aushna' knows, he will not let harm come to me. Its the only way, ashimel, I can't get down any other way."

"Don't let go," Whitney said. "Let me pull you down." He suited action to word, keeping his grip on Clark's hand and started trying to reel him in.

Tried. Clark rose a brow at him. "Whitney? I'm two hundred and forty six pounds and all of Earth's gravity against you. You can try, babe, but… yeah."

"Then, push off and help me. I'm not a lightweight; I'm a good two ten, two twenty myself." He kept pulling.

Clark sighed, deeply, and entertained himself with watching Whitney's muscles flex as he pushed up and stood up on the ceiling, looking down at him as he just stood there, like he did it every day.

With a grunt, Whitney gave up. "You can fly, fucking well land."

"The last time I landed I ended up in a cow pie, with a calf licking at my cheek." Clark declared, and let go to thump against the ceiling, crossing his arms across his chest and looking down at him sadly. "If this were to happen outside? Id fly away."

"You're not outside, Clark. This can't happen outside. Please... land. Just... think heavy." He shrugged it. "You gotta figure out how this works."

"I've only been telling him that for the last three weeks, but maybe he'll listen to you." Lex was leaning against the doorframe. "Impressive work there, Whitney, but it's not going to work. Your door was open downstairs so I came on in; I hope you don't mind but I locked it this time."

"Hi, Lex."

He was eight shades of pink, as he winced at his lover from his spot on the ceiling, pushing a hand up against the ceiling and craning down to peer at him. "I'm... a little stuck. Twice today."

"Hi, Clark. Yes, I know. I've experienced one of them. But you were able to get down from it. How?" He put his coat down on Whitney's bed. "Whitney, you might want to get dressed, just in case your mother comes home, and um... open a window when we get Clark down. A shower wouldn't hurt, either, but I assume your mother knows you jerk off." He turned his attention to his lover. "I'm waiting."

"Yes, how. I know how. Meteor rock. So lay it on me, aushna'." Clark pushed up from the ceiling so he was doing a headstand off the ceiling, and winced, tipped over, and hit the ceiling with dull thud and a rain of plaster. He winced down at Whitney and tried again, pushing up with thick, sturdy legs and grasped the ceiling tightly. "Oookay."

"No, I meant, how did you get down with Chloe? I don't think she had any meteor rock lying around her bedroom."

"Oh." A swallow. "We didn't hit the ceiling. I only flew for a second."

"Well, let's not tell her. She'll feel deprived."

Whitney tugged a t-shirt over his head and glared at Lex as soon as his head was free. "You gotta get him down without usin' that thing."

Lex quirked an eyebrow. "Because you were having so much success with your method before I came in? Clark, we're going to go see your father as soon as we get you down." He looked under his coat and picked up the lead box. "Are you ready?"

"No. There's spackle on my butt." He whimpered, closing his eyes tightly with his feet directly pointed down at the floor, waiting for his lover. "Move a little, Ashimel, so you don't get hit when I fall."

"We'll wipe it off when you hit bottom." Lex barely cracked open the box.

Clark fell like a sack of potatoes. He got dizzy for a moment...his head swam, and he found himself rushing downwards.

A solid thud against the floor, and he stared upwards at the ceiling, gasping as he blinkblinkblinked, the veins in his arms, face, chest, squiggling and turning a sickly, ugly green, moaning harshly as he rolled onto his side. "Ow."

Lex snapped the case shut as soon as Clark started to fall, and by the time Clark hit the floor, the box was closed and back on the bed.

And he found himself very nearly run over by Whitney, who crouched in the floor beside Clark, scrunching down and hugging him.

And over a wide quarterbacks shoulder, Clark grinned. Broadly. Nearly getting killed brought on the smoochies. Heh. It rocked to be him. He grinned, broadly, and rubbed his lips against Whitney's shoulder as his fingers reached out for Lex's hand, gently stroking Whitney's back. "Hey, its alright. See? I'm definitely okay."

"Don't care." Whitney kissed the shoulder he was holding onto. "Not going to let that happen again. My job to keep you safe." He squeezed Clark tightly and smiled into his shoulder. "Dork."

Lex wound his fingers through Clark's squeezing them lightly, and running his other hand over Whitney's shoulder. "It's okay, Whitney. Don't worry. It's my job before it's yours; I'm going to protect him."

"Its not every day I get hugs and smoochens just because I fell off the ceiling." But he dragged his aushna in close, pulling him close to press a warm, tender kiss to his lips. "And its my job to protect you both, so shh."

"Whitney?" He asked it, quietly. "You can't leave the house, can you?" Clark quickly climbed to his feet, like falling off the ceiling was a daily occurrence, rubbing a hand across his bare chest as he glanced to Lex, and then back to Whitney.

"No, I can't." He shook his head. "I can't go anywhere."

"When you can... meet my dad, okay?" He said it, quietly, as he grabbed his jeans off the floor, beginning to hop into them, reaching for his yellow t-shirt at the same time.

"Jonathan? I've met your dad before, Clark. He's... kind of like my dad, but... moreso."

"No, Whitney." He stopped mid tugging his jeans onto his hips, and touched his wrist, squeezing, tightly. "My real dad."

"Your--how?" He blinked. "I... you... how?" He looked at the phone beside his bed. "Let me call Mom. I'll tell her you came over cause you need help cleaning out the barn. Something. See if she'll let me work."

Clark smiled at him and tugged his shirt on over his head, finishing his jeans a moment later until he looked relatively normal, and smiled at Lex glaring at him. His fingers slid down to his lovers crotch, lips spreading wickedly, as he felt him up and enjoyed every moment. "Hi."

Lex just spread his legs, just a little, letting the cock that had never fully softened fall closer to his lover's grasp inside the loose-fitting black trousers. "Whitney, don't. You can't lie. It's physical impossibility for you. Clark's father isn't going anywhere; as soon as you're free, you and Chloe will both get to meet him, all right?"'

Clark wasn't listening. Period. Feeling like a bitch was nice, and it took his mind off his worries when he was with his sha'nauch. He pressed Lex against the wall to Whitney's bedroom, dropping down to his knees as he dropped his mouth to Lex's crotch, licking, lapping, nipping at the long length tucked away.

Whitney got down on his knees beside Clark, kissing him and sharing Lex's cock between them, one hand plastered on Lex's belly to hold him still and the other battling with Clark to suck the length down.

Lex thudded his head against the bedroom wall, moaning softly and then cursing as Whitney's mouth was added to Clark's. He tried to thrust into both mouths but the hand splayed on his belly kept him from moving as his lovers sucked him and licked him.

Ohhh yes. Clarks big green eyes shifted to look at Whitney, eyes dancing as he glanced up at Lex, and began to unbutton and unzip his trousers. Fingers sliding between his thighs, stroking over cloth covered balls, asshole, thighs, cock, on a natural high as his fingers slid the zipper down and he pressed his mouth against the side of the bare, underwearless cock, searching for Whitney's mouth to kiss with Lex's cock between them.

Whitney's mouth was right there, sliding over the base, lapping at it softly before he felt Clark's mouth searching for his and he came back, mouth open over the head as he kissed Clark wetly, the thrusting of their tongues rubbing over the head of Lex's cock.

Lex's hands came down, one to Clark's head, one to fist tightly in Whitney's blond hair. He dragged Whitney up long enough to kiss him, tongue thrusting fiercely and taking total possession of the blond boy's mouth as he slid his hand into Whitney's jeans. He dragged his nails over a slowly-hardening cock, and then shoved Whitney back down to his cock.

Clark gasped, softly, deeply, erotically pleased with Lex's actions of possession, and he looked up for the same treatment, lips curving almost wickedly as his fingers slid over Whitney's crotch. His mouth continued at Lex's cock, sucking, licking.. .then drawing him in completely, mouth wrapping around him and pulling him into his throat. His fingernails dragged lightly down his lovers belly, pleased, erotically so, and slid his fingers down to roll balls gently in his palm.

Lex gripped the sides of Clark's head tightly, abandoning Whitney's head entirely for the moment as he hauled Clark up, kissing him deeply, sucking until the taste of Whitney was gone entirely from his lover's mouth. He dropped his hands to Clark's chest, pinching and rolling hard little nubs as he kissed possessively, refusing to let go of his lover's mouth.

Clark kissed back, just as deeply, pleased moan in his throat as he dragged him just as close, kissing ferociously, thrusting his tongue in deeply and his arms wrapped around his shoulders.

And that was just about as much teasing as he was going to give, as he carefully let go, innocent little smile on his face as he straightened Lex's shirt gently, stroked over his cock, and began to tuck him in. "My father."

Whitney used the side of his head to butt Clark's hand away as he sucked Lex's cock into his throat. Deep suck, then a lick as he pulled away, feeling Clark's hand on his head pushing him back.

Sweet. Sweet smile, a deep kiss for Whitney, and Lex buttoned and zipped his lover back up, giving the hard column of flesh a gentle stroke as he straightened. "Aushna'... big blue has been waiting for us. Wouldn't you rather... wait? Until later?"

Growl from Lex. "Of course we'll wait. I don't need blood in my head anyway."

Clark's eyes just danced, as his lips pressed Lex's, and he turned to give Whitney another one before gently opening the door. "I love you, Whitney. Look at your gift before your mom comes home, ashimel."

Whitney pulled himself up by Clark's hand, and kissed his ashimel in return. "Come back soon," he pled softly. "I miss." He turned his eyes to Lex. "Miss you too, but miss him more." He stroked his hand up Clark's arm. "Be careful."

"We will." Clark murmured, kissing his cheek gently before taking Lex's hand, and motioning gently for them to leave. He didn't want to look at his heartbroken ashimel anymore, as tears flooded his eyes, boots in hand as they walked out into the hall.

Almost lost it at the hamper filled with socks. Almost.

Lex stroked Whitney's jaw gently once, then put his arm around Clark, tightening possessively. "Sssh," Lex cautioned softly. "Don't. Not until you're outside. He'll hear."

Clark nodded, tightly, squeezing Lex's waist tightly as they brimmed in his eyes, hardly able to look past them as he swallowed deeply. He made them stop only once, to push his feet into his socks and boots, tying them quickly as his chin trembled, hard.

Lex paused quietly while Clark put on his shoes, and he looked over his lover's bent form. Whitney was standing in the bedroom door, at the end of the hall. Lex looked down at Clark, then inclined his head back towards Whitney's bedroom. There was a brief second where Whitney's eyes met his, and then to Lex's relief, he disappeared silently back into the bedroom.

A heavily swallowed sob as he climbed to his feet, searching for Lex's hand as they walked towards the door. He hated leaving his ashimel alone, and his 'come back soon' had torn his heart apart. All he wanted to do was grab him and yank him close and screw the world, he was taking them to Bermuda and the world be damned.

Lex held Clark's hand tightly in his own, keeping their fingers laced so firmly together that it would take seconds to break away. "I know," Lex said quietly, feeling the heartbreak his lover was feeling, and he rubbed the back of Clark's hand with his thumb. "Come on. We'll take my car; you're in no shape to drive."

"I don't… want to leave my ashimel." Clark said, very, very quietly, looking at his lover and hardly able to see him. He'd put on a brave face, but he couldn't... he couldn't leave his ashimel, and he swallowed a soft sob as he squeezed Lex's hand tightly.

"I know you don't, but if his mother comes home and finds us here, it's going to be worse for him," Lex said it quietly, but firmly. "We both know you're not supposed to be here, at least, not without his mother's permission right now, and if you stay, it's just going to be even harder to leave tonight."

Deep breath. Deep... deep breath. "I know. I know it. I just..." He swallowed the sob as he squeezed Lex's hand tighter, biting his lower lip tightly as his chin shook and trembled.

Lex looked up at the door. "Come on, Clark. We're almost there. Just a few more steps." The heartbreak his aushna' was feeling nearly killed him, but Lex swallowed it back and kept going.

"I don't want t-to leave him… alone." He sobbed it, quietly, as he squeezed Lex's hand again and dragged him close, pressing his face into his lovers shoulder, and letting out the deeply wretched sound. "I don't want my sha'nauch to be alone."

"I know. I don't either. I don't want either of them to be alone. But there's nothing we can do right now that won't make things worse." Lex put his arms around his lover, squeezed him tightly.

Whitney gently pushed Lex out of the way, having come out of his room and down the stairs as he'd heard the sob from Clark. He pulled Clark against him, squeezing him tightly to his chest. "Don't cry, ashimel," he whispered softly.

Clark sobbed himself and wrapped his arms tightly around his ashimel, bringing him in as tightly as was humanly possible, and hugging him, and Lex, both. He hugged them tightly and buried his face in their shoulders, letting a soft sound of anguish echo in his heart. "My sha'nauch suffer, and there is nothing I can do."

Whitney shook his head. "You do. You keep us from being sad." His arms tightened around Clark. "When I feel you with me, I am not sad. When I have you with me, I am happy. You do what you can, and we know. We feel."

Lex didn't say anything; it wasn't his place to say anything. He wasn't the one suffering, not like Clark was.

"I am here to make you happy, I am here to take your pain away, and now, I can't. I can't help my ashimel." Clark lifted his head up to kiss Whitney softly, twice, three times, sniffle and bring him in for another tight embrace. "I care for you so much, ashimel. You have to be a good person, and do not let yourself have any more trouble."

Whitney pressed his face against Clark's shoulder. "You do take the pain away. Just the thought of you brings a smile. I won't get into any more trouble; I promise you that."

A sharp nod, and Clark rubbed his cheeks dry with his palm, sniffling softly as he kissed Whitney's hair once more before grasping Lex's hand. "I'll come see you tomorrow, Whitney."

"I'll be here," he said through a closed throat. "I'll be waiting."



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