
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 187: Stepping Out

"My feet hurt."

That was her constant complaint.

But, she was getting better! She hadn't twisted her ankle once. The music was familiar, that played from the little boom box they'd hijacked from the auditorium, because they'd been practicing to it for a whole month and a half. She was actually getting the steps.

She was also tired as fuck. Never again was she going to let Graham give her Shane for an all-nighter. Kid did NOT know the meaning of the words, sleep through the night.

"I know they do, baby. Come on, one more time." Pete answered, smiling at her in her shorts and her heels, shaking his head as he put the music on again. A few threads of Queen of the Night came on as he flipped one too many songs, and then he put it right, and got into the position where she would dance around him for the first few moments of the song. The dance numbers illustrated the music and the lyrics... a woman letting a man go even as much as she loved him, and he not wanting to let her go. He loved it.

He'd written the steps, after all.

He was on his knees in front of her as the song started, and he waited for her to move, watching her feet the whole time.

She wiggled her toes at him, in the open-toed shoes, and shook her head, getting herself in position in front of him, then moving elegantly around in front of him, a tight circle with her back to him, showing that she was trying to leave, but her head kept looking over her shoulder, back at him, trying to see what he was doing.

She wasn't watching her feet anymore, because she knew the steps, and she knew where Pete would be.

He watched, making sure she was getting the steps right. The choreography with their upper bodies would come later... as long as she learned the steps, it would make everything else fifteen times easier. He rose to his feet when Whitney stopped solo singing and came up to Shayla's turned body, palm on her hip and free hand on her back, turning her, then dipping her in a circle, their bodies extremely close until the beat thumped once more and she pulled away from him.

Shayla smiled as he dipped her, getting a little head rush as she let him move her body, and then she pulled away from him again, heels tapping on the gym floor as she circled him again, hand on his shoulder pushing herself away with each pivot so that her back stayed to him and she was looking out at the imaginary audience.

Chloe was barely keeping in the squeals as she watched. Shayla had gotten as good as Lana had been in such a short time, and she watched happily from her spot on the bleachers as the music thumped, their moves graceful below. Pete had really done it again, really done it, and they were moving with such grace and poise that it seemed almost impossible to be that graceful.

Pete moved with her, dropping to his knees and skidding just enough so that he was in front of her, almost begging, and yeah, this part Shayla had gotten a knot or fifteen for. He lifted her by the hips and she somersaulted over him, and he winced, waiting for the bang and the scream he'd heard way too many times in the previous weeks.

She landed on her feet, wobbly as hell, heels skidding over the floor, but she stayed on her feet, and her body was clammy with the fade of the adrenaline rush as she missed two steps pulling herself steady, but then picked up the third step about half a beat late.

Pete sighed, and flopped down on the middle of the linoleum, belly first, staying there splattered as he muttered, "At least you didn't crack your head open again."

She stopped in mid-step, and put one of her heeled feet on his shoulder. "Hey, it's not my fault. I told you I was NOT acrobatically inclined, and you still wanna flip me ass over teakettle!"

"Shay, baby, but I'M doing the work for you." He leaned over and took her leg with him, so she'd plop on his belly. "Come on, baby. Its gorgeous, you look sexy as fuck doing it, just put feet under ass. When I flip you over, my hands are gonna stay on your ass and back. Just get your footing and walk away, I'll stay like that for a moment, cause it looks good. Kay?"

"I don't think it was that bad!" Chloe chimed in from her spot on the bleachers, the boom box next to her.

She shrieked as her butt hit his belly, and she straddled his chest. "Kay, but you do know chicks are top-heavy, right?" she asked, propping her tits up with her hands. "The fulcrum point is going to be a skosh different to make up for that!"

It was on the tip of his tongue to say she wasn't top heavy but he carefully stopped himself, just reaching up to kiss her breasts. "I know, sweetie. You'll do fine. Come on, lets try again. Lets just practice that for a little while. Is it harder in your heels?"

She considered. "Well, every time I've done it without my heels, I've busted my ass. I did it once in heels, and I didn't bust my ass. Gee. What do you think?"

He snickered. "True. You might be a little off cause you're not wearing the helmet, either."

"Yeah, well, laugh all you want to, but I ain't like AJ. I ain't got the money to pay for a million CAT scans, and I don't want a billion concussions."

He snickered again, but it was gentle, as Chloe rewound the music. He had heard I Will Always Love You enough times that if he ever heard it again after this competition he'd be sick. But he got back into position, waiting for her to join him.

Shayla sighed, getting into position in front of Pete, waiting for her flip. "Okay, flip me like a pancake, baby."

"Come on, sister girl." He smiled and lifted her up by her butt, lifting her over his head before leaning back and waiting for her hands to touch the ground, straining backwards in the moment as he waited, following the music so he'd know how fast it had to be.

"Whoa! Okay!" Shayla's hands hit the floor and she used them to push herself up to her feet. "Whoa!! Holy shit! No fucking way am I doing a Jennifer Grey here!"

He cracked up and straightened easily up again, snickering over his shoulder and up at her. "Holy shit yes you are. Was it easier this time when I was braced on only one knee, and the other leg was up? Or are knees easier?"

"Um... both is easier; you're more solid and it gives me a better place to push off from," she said, after thinking a minute. "You were wobbly and it threw me off."

"Gee, thanks." A snort. "Lets try again. Try and land on your left leg, so the right can go into the next step."

"Right. Land on the left, right moves into the step. You're fuckin' lucky I can land on either leg at all instead of on my ass!!" She smacked him in the back of the head. "Okay. Let's try it again."

He winced, but of course it didn't hurt him. He just snorted, loudly, and was about to speak when the bell rang for class. "Fuck. Come on, Shay, get your tennies on. You sweaty? Chloe, baby, get the radio! Don't forget your backpack again." He stepped out of his own dance shoes at the same time, pushing into clunky tennies instead and stuffed his shoes into his back pack.

"No, I'm good." Shay sighed in absolute ecstasy as she got out of the dancing heels, and back into her good old sandals. "Oh, Christ, that feels good. I may kiss whomever had the bright idea to make Birkenstocks." She wiggled her toes freely in the clodhoppers, and bounced over to the bleachers, leaning over to her best friend. "C'mon, let's go, cause I see a little blond head peeking in through the window."

Chloe giggled and got her things together, and when she climbed up to her feet, she showed off her new outfit for the fourth time that day to her friend. "You know, I am one sexy bitch." She beamed it, grabbed her backpack and slid into it, as she gathered her books close and made sure her button down, which was open to show a really cute blouse underneath, was hiding what it had to be hiding. "You guys...really look amazing out there, Shay."

"Yeah, baby, you are one sexy bitch." She slid her hand down Chloe's back and pinched her ass. "And, thank you. We've been workin' like a sumbitch, and I swear, he's out to either make me a dancer or torture information out of me." She rubbed at one of her feet. "I'm not sure which it is yet."

Chloe just snickered, wickedly, her own sandals pattering lightly against the thick gym floor as she waved at her boyfriend a little with a few wriggled fingers. He hadn't said much to her in the last few days and she just tipped her head, slightly, and smiled back down at Shayla to distract herself. "You'll get it. You're even better than Lana was. Whenever Pete would tell her she did something wrong, she'd burst into tears."

"Oh, dear GOD. I HATE those teary bitches." Shayla rolled her eyes theatrically as she wiggled a pair of bunny ears behind Chloe's head.

Whitney waved back, through the hole in the gym door, then pushed it open to come in. "She's not a bunny, Shay, knock off the ears."

"I am so a bunny." Chloe answered with self righteous indignation, scoffing at her boyfriend as she reached up for a kiss. "A pink one, who grants magic wishes and eats chocolate instead of carrots. I mean, you can't get any more easter-y than me, here." She pointed to her pastel outfit, then beamed and looped her arm through Shayla's.

Whitney leaned down and gave his girlfriend a kiss, dipping deeply and barely keeping it on this side of decent. "Didn't realize you were advertising your status as my personal sex bunny, but, okay."

The joke made her look up in surprise, eyes widening for a moment before snickering, and rolling her eyes. "Take care, Shay, he's gotten into your medication."

Shayla thumped Whitney hard in the bicep. "You bastard! You got in my stash! Admit it!"

Whitney nodded solemnly. "I jimmied open your locker and pigged out on Midol."

"At least now we'll know when that helpless time of the month comes, Whitney'll be cramp free." Pete snorted from a foot or two in front of them, turning and walking backwards as he talked. "Cause there's nothing like that cramp free, clean feeling."

"ASSHOLE!" Shayla dropped her backpack as she turned on her boyfriend, chasing him hell-bent across the gym.

Pete busted out laughing and ran as fast as he could... which wasn't really fast, cause he wasn't really running, and he turned and me onslaught of flying blond Senatori with a thump and a thud on the floor, laughing a she kept tiny fists from pummeling him into oblivion. "I'm sorry! I promise! You can cramp all you want!"

Shayla landed on top of him, and kept poking at him with her little fists. "You just wait and see if you get any this afternoon, Pete Ross."

Whitney just snorted. "Glad that's not me, baby." He looked down at her. "Chloe... we need to talk. Like, this afternoon, maybe? After school?"

"Sure." She didn't really know if he'd be okay with holding her hand, so she just grasped her purse strap, keeping her books close to her chest. "What's up?"

Pete was just laughing so hard he was crying as Chloe and Whit passed out of the gym, still deflecting tiny fists. "You just wait and see if you can resist!"

"Well... I talked to Clark and Lex last night, and they--"

One of the guys from the football team, Whitney's replacement, was passing through with some of his buddies. Most of the guys were quiet, letting Ted blow the shit out of his ass, and only Steve--Whitney's best friend on the team--bothered to nod at him as they walked past.

"Hey, check it out." Ted elbowed the jock next to him. "It's Fordman and his little whore." He snickered. "Wonder how much it'd be to get her on her back for me?"

Chloe looked up at that, violently fast, and her heart might have cracked and shattered. She wasn't sure, all she knew was that she flinched, and felt an agonizing pain in her gut where the shards must have fallen, and she closed her eyes for a moment, looking away.

"Man, what the fuck did you just say?" Pete had since climbed to his feet, Shay in tow, and he tipped his head. "Oh no I know your punk ass just didn't say what I think it said. What, your mama never taught you no manners? You're a fuckin' asshole, Ted, and you've got so much steam comin' out'chor ass you have got to be lettin' one of your buddies nail ya. Who is it today... Robert?" Robert was red faced, and looking away. "Steve? Come on now, I gotta know."

Whitney very calmly turned around and put his hand on Pete's shoulder. "Please, let me." Without a word further, he decked Ted straight in the jaw, then stomped his balls. "You. Me. After school. Parking lot. Bring whoever you feel like you gotta have to back your ass up." He put his weight down on his foot again, crushing his nuts, and then walked away, putting his arm around Chloe. "Come on. Let's get to class, hey?"

Ms. Bethel, the freshman English teacher, came bustling into the hallway. "What is going on here?" she demanded sharply, seeing the big quarterback sprawled on the floor.

Shayla piped up. "It's my fault! I dropped my book bag, Pete was helping me pick my books up, and I accidentally kinda sorta tripped this guy here when I was picking my stuff up, right?" She fluttered her eyelashes innocently at the teacher. "I think he might have landed on something important." She added a giggle to the act.

The teacher rolled her eyes. "You need to be more careful, missy." She bustled over to the boy. "Come on, let's get you up now." She glared at the boys. "Well? Don't just leave him on the floor, now."

Pete stepped over him, giving him a snarl behind the teachers back, and grabbed Shayla's arm, hustling her along. He was just about fuming red from the ears, all but snorting like an enraged horse, and he stomped, lifting Shayla up on each up step so she was barely on the floor, as he caught up with Whitney. "Dude, yo, gonna help you deck his fuckin' ASS."

Chloe didn't say anything from under Whitney's arm. It wasn't okay, in any way, so she wouldn't tell them it was.

"Whoa! Little girl! Short legs! Dragging!!"

Whitney changed direction at the end of the hall, and shoved the door of the Torch office open. "Come on in." He pulled her into the office behind him, sat down on the corner of the desk, and then wrapped both of his arms around her. "Come on. He's bullshittin' in front of those guys, okay? You're not a whore, Chloe."

Chloe didn't say anything, not even at the blinking Clark, and lay her head on his shoulder, still not saying a word.

"What? What? Pete, you're scuffing my floor. What?" Clark climbed to his feet, over to the blond sha'nauch, and crouched down to where Chloe was nearly in tears. "What happened? What who did? Did who what? Come on! Talk to me here. What happened?"

"Man, Ted fuckin' Arnold was all," Pete made his voice deep and idiotic. "Could lay her in ten seconds!" Back to normal. "And Whit lost it. Nailed him in the nuts man, got him good. Gonna fight him after school, you in?"

"Of course I'm in." Clark snarled it, then gently pet Chloe's hair. "its alright, ashikana. No one will hurt you. You are a beautiful flower, and they're jealous of you. Don't cry, okay?"

Whitney held her close. "Come on, baby. You're better than this." He hugged her gently. "They're just jealous, Clark's right about that. You're prettier than they are, you're smarter than they are, and you're goin' out with the best lookin' guy in the school." Brief smile. "Please, baby. Don't let them hurt you. They're just a bunch of petty fuckers."

"But they... they had, had a point." She snuffled it, hard, her voice quaking cause she was about to cry and she hated it. She hadn't had a witty comeback, hadn't had anything for those assholes, and her chin quivered. "Those petty sons of bitches."

"No, no, they didn't. You're not a whore, Chloe. At all. Come on. You're the least whorish woman in this school."

"Hey! Girl here!!" Shayla viciously kicked Whitney in the shin with the toe of her Birkenstocks.

"Shut up, Shay." Whitney glared at her, and then looked back at Chloe. "Seriously, you are. You're the least slutty one. They're just jealous that they can't have you, so they have to make it like they don't want you. Like... what's that called, sour grapes."

"Don't... try and make this better, okay?" She said it on a sob, horrified of herself, and climbed shakily to her feet. "Just... don't. its not... okay. Its in no... way... okay." She grabbed her books, and her notebooks, and she didn't know why Whitney was being so nice to her after all he'd been through, after how distant he had been from her, and she pushed past them, past them all, and into the hallway to go to class.

"Yoooookay. I'm going to go and see if I can calm down Hurricane Chloe there, cause she definitely don't need to be alone." Shay grabbed her stuff. "You guys... Don't kill anybody till I get back, okay?"

"Don't count on it." Clark growled, darkly. For someone to tell Chloe she was a slut was a direct reflection on him and his choice, just as he'd told Whitney last night, and he growled, deeply, darkly, in his throat. "That son of a bitch, that asshole. You just wait, he's going to cry uncle, aunt, cousin and God before I'm through with him."

Whitney got up and glared. "No, Clark. He's mine first. I don't care what you do with him after that, but he's mine first. Chloe's my girlfriend, she's the mother of my child, and that bastard's mine."

"WHOA! Hold on! Reel'er back in! How the fuck do you know that?" Pete demanded, glaring at him... then turning his icy glare on Clark.

"He guessed it! It wasn't me, I swear." Clark held his hands up.

"I'm not stupid, Pete. I figured it out all by myself. Nobody had to draw me a picture, nobody had to tell me dick, okay? I know. It's not that hard. She's eating like a horse, she's gaining weight, and everything she wears is suddenly two sizes too big. Besides, I've been living with her for the past month, and guess what I noticed her NOT having? See? Just because I act stupid doesn't mean I am."

"Man, I didn't even know dude. But hey, man," Pete held up his hands, and shook his head. "Tell me when you're gonna go beat their asses in, man. Going to class, 'fore I'm late."

"You heard. After school. Soon as the coward shows his face. He's mine, and you guys can have what's left."

"Aces. See ya'll later." He gave his girlfriends kiss a cheek, and he was off.

Clark shook his head softly at Shay first, then looked at Whitney. "Whitney, if they catch you, you aren't graduating."

"That's why it's gonna be after school, man. They can't control what I do on my own time."

"Cops can." Clark answered, softly, and rubbed Whitney's cheek gently. "I'll be there. Love you, ashimel. Now get the fuck out of my office and let me do some work."

"The cops can arrest me. I'll be out on bail before the evening's over." He kissed Clark's cheek in return. "You got my back." He turned to Pete. "You too, man. Come on. I'm going to wait for Chloe outside of her class, in case those sons of bitches try anything else."

"Got it." Clark answered, and he smiled as he turned to go, shaking his head softly and looking back at his computer. it was blank, the head story he needed for the newspaper, which had been pushed back to the end of the week. He had three days to complete it, and he was still a complete. Blank. He'd had two or so ideas in the last few days but they'd ended up sucking ass, and he sighed as he looked up at Shayla when Pete and Whitney left. "You wouldn't by any chance have any stellar ideas for a front page story, would you?"

"Just so happens... I do." She plunked down that morning's newspaper, folded back to the banner headline of the Supreme Court overturning the Texas sodomy law. "Did you know that Kansas has a law that's been invalidated by this ruling?" she asked innocently.

"No shit?" He blinked, and looked down at the newspaper. A moment's reading... his eyes widened, and he let out a short, barking cry of pleasure. "Oh, my God!"

"Have at it, baby doll."

"Shayla, you're such a god send." He leaned over and gave her a big kiss before laughing out loud again in joy and climbing to his feet. "I've got to tell Lex."

"No problem, glad to be of service!" She plopped down on the desk and waited for the tardy bell to ring. Since she intended to skip class anyway... what the hell. There were worse places to be, and... Torch had internet!

- = - = -

His heart was pounding. Sturdy feet had him racing across the lawn, bursting in through the doors like the devil was on his tail, and the steps pounded on as he flew up them. His short hair was flying, his eyes were huge, and he could barely hear anything over the pounding in his heart as Dominic flew through the doors that led to the library and tackled his lover. He let out a hard, long cry of absolutely mind numbing joy at the same time as they went sprawling, and he was barely aware of Lex as he kissed his lover, over and over and over, loud smacking kisses with more sounds of total, complete, utter elation. He was waving the newspaper like it were the holy grail, still yelling half in English and half in something else, and hugging his lover tightly.

Lionel hit the floor, most of his weight landing on his ass as he blinked up at his lover. "Morgan Dominic Senatori, what in the name of all that is holy has gotten into you?" He braced his hands on his lover's shoulders, pushing him back enough to look at him. "Did you win the lottery? What is it, love?"

He was still rambling, completely unintelligible as he launched himself back onto Lionel's body, hugging him tightly, skin flushed, eyes wide, and an idiot grin on his lips.

Lex made a wild grab for the newspaper, tugging it out of Dominic's hand. "Give... give it here... Dom... Dom! Dom, release!" He jerked hard, and stumbled back a few steps, victorious.

Dominic just kissed his lover all over again, kissing him all over his face and lips as he hugged him as hard as he could, coat all askew, limbs tangled on the carpet, and he was this close to crying because everything he'd ever been was just justified in a way he couldn't explain and he gave another cry of happiness, kissing him hard and deeply.

Lionel had completely given up on attempting to get a straight answer out of his lover.

He'd also completely given up on attempting to get up out of the floor. Instead, he lay there in an undignified heap, returning the frantic kisses that his lover was showering him with, stroking and rubbing Dominic's shoulders, arms, chest, and cheeks, touching him all over in an attempt to calm him down.

Lex snorted. "I'm expecting my own freight train at any second, but I can tell you what it is; Dom just got wind of the court's new ruling."

Another hard cry of joy and he just hugged his lover all over again, raining him with kisses and all but jumping up and down on his lover as he hugged him all the tighter. "I canna believe it! ITS ALL OKAY NOW!" He cried it, cause yeah, beyond words, beyond coherency, and he'd driven his car like a demon through the town coming to his lover.

"Yes... yes, my lovely, it is. It's all perfectly legal now." Lionel slid his hands soothingly over Dominic's shoulders. "Though I will miss the bit of risk I felt when it was all against the law."

"Its! Not! Against! The! Law! Anymore!" Dominic cried it, all over again, and hugged his lover hard, hard as he could, and he could really use some really hot violent sex right about now but work, and yes, but he was just about a star going nova in leather loafers and he finally got back to his feet, helping his lover up with him.

Lionel straightened his suit as Dominic helped him up, and he sighed. "Come. Let's have a toast, then. Lex, can you pour for us, please?" Lionel pointed his over-enthusiastic lover towards the couch. "Dominic, I think perhaps it's time you should sit down and rest a moment, before you wear yourself out."

Lex snorted again. "Dom, you sure you can handle a drink right now?" He lined up three brandy glasses, and poured each glass halfway full. He carried one to his father, then went back for the other two, and handed one to Dominic."

Dominic took it, still all but vibrating with energy, and just beamed at the two of them as he hugged his lovers waist again, snuggling him down on the couch with him. "I'm fine. More than fine. This is amazing, just... amazing. I went to so many rallies when I was younger, I fought so hard to have our group noticed, and nothing. Suddenly these two men sue and all of a sudden the Supreme Court is saying being gay is now legal and I'm just..."

Lionel oofed slightly as Dominic pulled him down onto the couch with him, and he sighed. "You... have a deplorable excess of energy, my little cricket." But he grinned. "I'm happy to see you happy. It makes me happy, if I might overuse the expression."

Lex raised his glass in toast. "Yeah, I'm expecting pretty much the same reaction when Clark sees the newspaper."

"That's alright, its warranted." Dominic was just beaming, like an idiot, all but vibrating energy into his lover. "We have to throw a party. A huge, huge party. A gay party!" He laughed, and tossed the drink back in one swallow. "A huge, huge party, invite everyone, have a media circus. The coming out party of the century!"

Lionel snorted. "I don't think that we're going to quite have a huge gay party. But I don't see the harm in a small celebration, Dominic. SMALL being the operative word, here."

Dominic grinned at him, a blinding smile of white teeth and dimples. "I love parties. I threw one about two years ago that people are still talking about."

"Small. Gathering."

"Party! Streamers!! Whiskey!"

"No, Dominic. Small, intimate gathering."

"Dammit." he sighed at him. "Spoil me' fun. But! I'm off. I've got work to do, I just came home for hugs." he climbed up, gave Lex a big bear hug that nearly lifted him off the floor, blew a kiss at his lover, and he was gone.

Lex just blinked at his father, eyes nearly popped out of his sockets from the hug. "Hurricane Dominic, blowing through Smallville."

Lionel sighed. "And this was one of his calm days."

- = - = -

The afternoon sun was blazing when the bell rang at the end of the day. It was hot, uncomfortably so, and it spoke of a blazing summer that wouldn't relent. Fabulous. Of course, Pete wasn't soaking up the hot suns rays after being in disgusting neon lighted rooms all day. He was boiling. Chloe, one of his bestest best friends, had been called a name by some punk assed bitch.

And Pete was gonna take care of it, hopefully before Whitney lost his mind.

He found Clark easily, nodding at him, and despite Shay's protests shooed her to her car and on her way home. Need be, Clark could take them, no biggy. He'd sent his backpack along with her, so he was free to move as he stopped by the parking lot fence and stepped right out of it, waiting. And glaring. "Man, we gonna get so busted for this."

"Course we are." Clark answered mildly, brow raised and arms crossed.

"Why we still bein' bone heads and sticking around?"

"Because we are, in fact, bone heads." Clark muttered, and when he caught sight of Whitney he straightened his back, chest puffed out, glaring at the guys trailing him.

Whitney wasn't even paying attention to the assholes behind him. He trusted them to hold to the few rules of brawling--one, you didn't jump the person you're fighting until you were all settled. If you did? You got called a coward, no matter who won the fight. He boosted himself over the fence, and landed on the other side, just off of school property. "Come on, guys... let's get this goin'."

Ted balked as he saw Whitney jump the fence, and stalled. "What's the sitch, Fordman? Too scared to do take it like a man?"

Whitney rolled his eyes. "I just don't want it stopped by anything other than your unconscious ass hittin' the gravel. Now get the fuck over here."

"Aint nothin' but a scared bitch, Ted. 'Fraid Pwinthiple Weynolds isn't going to take care of you?" Pete taunted, making a mock sniffle as he said it.

Clark was just quiet, silent. He was stronger than all five of these boys combined... stronger that twenty five men combined, than two hundred and fifty, but he'd let this go and see where it went, ready to jump in where he'd be needed. He stopped Pete from talking by a hand motion and just backed Whitney up, staring Ted down.

Steve had stayed out of it; he was Whitney's friend as well as Ted's, and he'd said from the beginning that he wasn't showing up in it. Two other guys from the football team had come with him, though, and Ted boosted himself over the fence, and hit the ground with a thud of sneakers. Two more thuds followed as the other two jocks landed, and Ted approached Whitney. "Didn't know you were so pussywhipped, Wh--"

Whitney's fist crashed into Ted's mouth, shutting off the rest of his insult. The result was a satisfying crunch of knuckle against teeth and a wet flow of blood from his split lip. "Don't. Go there. Bastard." Each pause was filled with another meaty thud of fist on flesh, and then Ted swung, catching him in the gut and doubling him over.

"Oh no you didn't, bitch." Pete went in and swung, hard, catching Ted's jaw and shoving him off Whitney with a snarl and a flare of nostrils. "You messed with my Chloe man. Ain't cool. You know, and I thought you owed her, for letting you pass freshman health, English, and math. You owe her, and instead, all you do is talk smack about her. You ain't nothing but garbage, you little bastard, garbage and filth and not even work being in her shadow."

Clark watched. Didn't say anything else, because if he went in snarling, people were leaving with broken bones. Didn't dare ask if Whitney was alright... broken guy code, big time. Just stood there, like stone.

Whitney straightened up and pushed Pete back. "No you don't, man. This is my fuckin' fight, I told you that. You get what's left." He launched himself at Ted, elbow catching his chest and slamming Ted back into the fence. Hard fists flew again, until a knee caught him in the chin and Ted shoved him back a few steps.

"You're whipped, Fordman!" Ted shouted, leaning against the fence as he spit blood out of his mouth. "Fuckin' pussywhipped bastard!"

Whitney lunged for him again, catching him with a knee to the balls. "Don't you dare talk about her like that!!"

Clark just shook his head as Pete opened his mouth to snarl, and pulled him back, quietly watching and raising a brow at the two jocks, daring them to move towards him. His honor had been messed with today. Whitney was fighting it back, and Clark knew he needed to have this, so he just waited to see.

One of the two had been moving towards Whitney and Ted, but when he caught sight of Clark's expression, he eased back into his slouch, hands in his pockets, and just watching.

Even odds sucked.

Ted whoofed with the impact to his crotch, dropping to his knees to protect his balls, and then choked on the dust that they'd raised.

Whitney's hands came around Ted's neck, squeezing hard as he could, thumbs pushing down on his windpipe. "Take it back, you motherfucker."

Pete was all but bouncing with energy. He wanted a piece of ass to destroy. And these guys looked like just the piece he'd been looking for. He sneered at the guys backing off and yeah, so Clark was cool to have around, but Pete kept an eye on the fight going on in front of them. Didn't want to kill the guy, just make sure he didn't talk about Chloe ever. Again.

Ted was trying to speak, he was trying to choke out the words Whitney wanted to hear, but he couldn't suck in enough air to do it. His nuts were throbbing, and he was seeing black spots behind his eyes.

When he wasn't answering, Whitney dropped one hand and balled up his fist, smashing Ted in the face with it, over and over again. "FUCKING ASSWIPE! APOLOGIZE!!!"

Clark watched, watched as the rage in Whitney's movements punched the guys face, over and over and over, and yet, he waited. Still waited. Masculine rules of engagement, and he knew them well. But he waited, because he didn't want to interfere and do something, so he just watched on with Pete fuming beside him.

Whitney didn't stop pounding until his fist was covered in blood, and Ted wasn't moving. He dropped the unconscious quarterback, and looked at the other two. "All right, which of you two assholes is next?"

He didn't look so swell himself; busted lip, black eye starting to swell, blood everywhere.

Alright. And now Clark stepped forward. He bent down for a moment, ensuring himself that the boy was breathing, and rose up to his feet. He wanted nothing but to cuddle his ashimel close, but he touched his arm a moment, and gave a seething glare full of hatred at the other two boys. "If you say who did it, I'll hunt you down. Are we clear?"

One guy, the bigger of the two, flipped Clark off. "Fuck you, man."

The smaller one dug his hand into the bigger boy's shoulder. "Warren! Back off because he's BIGGER than you are and you could seriously get your ass kicked!!"

Warren shook off his friend's hand. "Shut up, Andrew." Warren glared at Clark. "You come after us? We tell the principal who did this to Ted."

Clark blinked at him. Twice, even. "That's... what I just said, you brainless fucktard. You say nothing, we say nothing. Including the little prank you pulled on Ms. Nevada." Clark glared, darkly, at him. "Cause if by any chance I hear you're spreading any information around, I'll make sure the principle, and the police, know just what the fuck you did to her. Capice?"

The little guy spoke up first. "Sure! We got it. Come on, man, let's just get Ted and get the fuck out of here."

"Take him to the hospital. Nose is broken." Clark answered, and then finally grabbed Whitney's arm, gently but firmly, and pulled him along with him, stopping Pete from speaking with a... crushing squeeze to the shoulder, and led them to Whitney's truck. Once they were out of ear shot, he turned his gaze towards his ashimel, eyebrow raised. "Feel better?"

"Not in the fucking slightest. I want those other two assholes."

"Nooo you don't. Come on, Whitney. Gimmie your keys, you're bleeding everywhere. Fuck. Pete, get in the damn truck and shut up already. Whitney, in!" His voice commanded now, as he pulled the door open, and glared at the seat.

"Fuck you too, Clark." Pete muttered, and slid into the back seat, glaring as he tugged his seat belt on. "Wanted to kick some fuckin' ass dude!"

"Yes, I do!" But Whitney did as he was instructed, passing over his keys and sliding into the truck's front seat and snapping his seat belt on. "Those sons of bitches need their faces pounded in!"

"Of course they do. However, you are not judge and jury, so sit the fuck--thank you." Clark answered mildly, and went around the truck, quickly sliding in and revving it up. "To the mansion, Batman." He pulled the truck out of parking, watching in his rearview mirror as the two guys started peeling the guy from the ground, and glanced at Whitney, then Pete. "Dude."

"Yes, I am the fuckin' judge and Jury. They talked about my lady. They need their faces broken." He flexed bloody knuckles as he watched them pulling what was left of Ted up.

A raised brow at the my lady part, but Clark just drove in silence, reaching the mansion in no time with his ashimel muttering beside him. No cops following them, no principle screaming to find them... they were in the clear.

Thank God.

Lex? You at home, baby? I' Whitney with me. Someone talked about Chloe... he kicked the living snot out of them. Shay probably already told you.

Lex looked up from the computer. Yes; I'm in my office. Gah. They're fumigating half the buildings, Dad and I had to work at home this afternoon, but I think Dom's at one of the clean ones. A brief pause. She didn't say a word, and neither did Chloe, for that matter. Come on; I've got first aid we can use to clean him up with. Do I need to call Toby?

No, its not serious. Just scraped fingers...from what I saw, some bruises, a bloody nose. He was kind of the one inflicting the damage, not the other way around. Clark pulled up in front of the mansion and slid out of the truck, keys pushed into his pocket, and pulled the seat forward for Pete to climb out.

Bring him on into the office, then. We'll get him cleaned up. God knows I've cleaned myself up enough after these things. Lex closed his laptop and went to the hallway closet, bringing out the duffel bag with money, clothes, and the first aid kit in it. It had been replenished after Dominic had used it ages ago to sew up Lex's very first marks by Clark, and he carried it back into his office now, spreading the things out on his desk and dragging one of the chairs in front of it for Whitney to sit down in.

Clark went around the truck, shoes quiet on the cement, and opened Whitney's door, motioning him down and glaring at him, just daring him to get out of line. "Lets go, ashimel."

Whitney wasn't stupid enough to get on Clark's bad side. He slid sullenly out of the truck, limping slightly on a sore knee, but the catch in it was worked out by the time they got to the front door.

Yeah, Clark saw it, and he ran his fingers down Whitney's head to gently squeeze his neck, and he went to open the door when Enrique opened it for him. To his credit Enrique didn't say anything, and Clark led Whitney down the hall, watching Pete slither up the steps quickly to go find Shay as he led Whitney to the office. "You did good." He finally answered, softly, and gave his neck another squeeze. "You make me proud to be El."

Whitney just glared. "You should have let me finish them all off." But he didn't say anything in disagreement, just purring softly as Clark's hand squeezed his neck and they headed down towards the office. He let Clark propel him in, and then headed for the chair in front of the desk.

Lex whistled softly. "I'd hate to see what's left of the other guy."

"Broken, bleeding, unconscious?" Clark asked mildly, then nodded slightly as he pushed Whitney into the chair and took the one beside him. "Or possibly even worse." But he sighed, softly, and leaned up to kiss Lex's tummy as he propped his legs up. "Asshole was saying he could lay Chloe. Whitney beat them within an inch of their lives."

"Good for you," Lex grinned maliciously. "I hope you broke every body part you could reach and then some."

"He might be without kids." Clark said, then shook his head and started unpeeling bandages and getting cotton balls ready. "Take off your shirt, ashimel." He was already x-raying his body over, checking his ribs and his knee, and finding everything relatively intact, he switched over to looking through flesh. Several dark bruises already forming under his skin from where Clark could see, arms and belly, thighs and one on his butt, and he winced softly before flicking it off and gently rubbing his chest softly.

"You should have told me about, Whitney. I'd have come with you. Maybe helped you out a bit.... maybe finished the job for you." Lex picked up one of the cotton balls and dampened it with alcohol. "This is gonna sting, okay?"

"Whatever." Whitney was sullen. "He wouldn't let me finish it. There were three of them, and Clark only let me take care of one of 'em." He hissed as Lex started swabbing away the blood on his forehead from the gash over his eye. "Fuck, that hurts."

"Its alcohol. Watch your language." Clark answered back, and gently began to swab at his knuckles, leaning down to catch the pad of each finger before he wrapped the knuckles with white gauze. He was, methodical, gently taping it around his hand and pressing more soft, quiet kisses to the back of his hand before he finished. "There. What hurts? Anything in your head?"

"No, the fucking alcohol in an open cut hurts!" Whitney gestured to his head with bandaged hands.

"I told you it might." Lex finished cleaning off the blood, and taped one of the other bandages over his eye. "You might want to put some ice on that swelling when we're done here, and toss those clothes into the laundry here; Ms. Bird's used to bloodstains." Slight swallow at the memory of so much of Clark's blood that had had to be cleaned up.

Clark glanced up at the flash, and he gently caressed a hip covered by expensive slacks, gently thumping the curve softly. Whitney was pissed, and rightly so, but Clark wasn't so sure if he should have been talking to him. "I don't know if we should tell Chloe about this. She might get angry that her boyfriend beat someone to a pulp." No, he wasn't trying to get what he wanted, of course not. "You never know."

"I won't tell her, but she's going to put it together when she finds out that the boy who mouthed off at her is suddenly in the hospital." Sharper answer than he'd meant as he ran his hands over Whitney's face, checking for other cuts that needed tending.

"Mmmm. Maybe coming true is a better idea." Clark answered, looking over his ashimel quickly and finding only one more cut, along his collar, and gently thumbed it closed, kissing it tenderly, a slight smear of blood on his lips. He leaned in and pressed them to Whitney's lips, then up to Lex's, and felt... a tingle, up his spine, where their bond was strengthened even more. "Mm."

Whitney licked his lips slightly, pulling in the taste of his own blood off Clark's lips and sighed happily. "Either way, I should be the one to deal with her, cause she's going to take a look at my face and go ballistic."

"She really is. You sure? You don't want us there?" Clark asked it softly, innocently, smiling at him gently as he tucked his blond locks behind his ears.

"Yeah, I'm sure." His face cracked into a small smile. "There's gonna be enough of an explosion as it is." Soft sigh. "Don't need anyone else there to take the heat and add to it."

"Alright. Well....she might be with Shay....or did she go home, Lex?" Clark looked at him. Tell him she went home. I think she did, anyway. they need time to talk, Lex, something happened to Whitney and I think... he might be feeling a little better.

"I think she went home, actually," Lex said thoughtfully, following his lover's instructions. "If she's not home when you get there, give me a call and I'll help you find her."

Clark nodded again and gave Whitney a smile, pressing in close to give him another kiss, then reached up and shared the taste, the blood, and the love, with his aushna', diving his tongue in deep between pliant lips and giving him a kiss of passion, of the love of their people, before breaking free, kissing kissed-swollen lips once more, and turning to smile at Whitney in pride. "Want me to take you home?"

"No... I think I can make it a few blocks without a problem." Whitney returned the smile. "Thanks, Clark... for being there and backing me up out there. It meant a lot."

"Course. You apologize to Pete tomorrow, for not letting him get his punches in." Clark smiled, and kissed him once more. "I'll be here if you need anything, ashimel. Take care."

"I will. I'll apologize." Whitney stroked his hand over Clark's chest, and growled. "I'll call you later. Let you know how I weathered the blast."

Lex added his own hug to the mix. "Thank you for standing up for Chloe. When I couldn't."

A quiet smile, with his arm looped around Lex's waist, and he waved Whitney on. "Go. Be careful… remember, Gabe'll go down if you nail him in the knee."

"I'll remember that." Whitney didn't quite whistle as he left, collecting his keys from Clark and heading down the hallway towards his truck. He felt... better. Much better, and kind of free, now that he had defended Chloe's honor to the best of his ability, and he pulled off quickly.

Lex leaned his head against Clark's shoulder. "He seems to be in a better mood."

"All it took was an ass kicking. Poor Ted." Clark grinned and rubbed his lips against his lovers ear. "I heard having gay sex is legal now."

Lex purred softly. "Oddly enough, I heard the same thing."

"Really." He rubbed them a little lower, so he could nibble on an earlobe, sucking on it softly... then nosing behind his ear, to lick quietly. "Its the best thing to happen to the gay rights movement ever. This is Rosa Parks for the gay man."

"Yeah, it is, and it's about fucking time, too." Lex closed his eyes as Clark licked and nibbled on him. "Just one question, baby."

"Mmm?" Clark asked, as he nibbled quietly on the long line of his lovers neck, licking quietly at the dip of tendon and muscle as he made his way down to the curve of neck and shoulder just waiting for him.

"Why are we just talking about it instead of doing it?" Coupled with a sharp nip to the crown of Clark's ear.

A wicked grin slid across his lips, and he looked at his lover shyly, his neck tingling. "I was...kind of hoping maybe... you could… you know. I feel empty. If you want though, its okay." Another smile, softer than the first, and he kissed his lover softly, deeply, tenderly, before breaking away and sliding back down to pert nipples.

Lex nodded. "I can. I always want to. But... only if you... return the favor for me later. I... sometimes I miss you too." He lifted his leg and wrapped it around Clark's waist. "I love you, Clark."

"You miss me?" Clark whispered, as he nibbled down the long throat and sucked on a hard chest peaking out of a purple shirt, purring softly and licking steadily, mmming.

"I miss you a lot," Lex nodded, wrapping his arms around Clark and holding on tightly. "I miss feeling you inside me, miss you being a part of me."

He purred, softly, deeply, against his lovers skin. "Me. You. won't come, promise." He rubbed a hand down his lovers body, over his crotch warmly, lapping softly at his collar bone. His free hand moved over his back, his ass, and he purred softly. He let go long enough to drop to his knees and suck, warmly, softly, on his lovers cloth covered cock, lapping at the cotton and mouthing it through the materiel.

Lex shivered, hand stroking the back of his lover's head, caressing gently as his knees wavered. "I miss--"

"I know." Clark whispered from down between his lovers legs. They hadn't made love in a while, a week or more, simply because of so much happening, and he kept licking, sucking, shivering hard with the thought of Lex fucking his mouth, and he whimpered as he lapped softly.

Lex stroked harder over Clark's head, thumbs rubbing over his ears. "Feels like so long," he murmured softly, sliding his hands down to Clark's shoulders and pulling him up. "Let's go... upstairs, do it right, please?"

"Kay." He mumbled, and climbed up to his feet, his fingertips stroking over his lovers hips as drug-like excitement began to slide through his blood. "Mmmkay." Another mutter, another mumble, and he caught an earlobe as their bodies fit snuggly together, nibbling and biting and yeah, door, but he liked licking. Weighed... licking, walking, licking, walking, and alright, the licking won.

Lex didn't have a problem with the licking, rocking his hips gently against Clark's, leg still hooked around Clark's waist tugging him closer to his lover's body.

"Muuuhhhrr." Clark muttered, and yeah, so. He lifted Lex's hips and got the rest of him twined up, and started up the library stares with him attached. Walking and licking! Whoda thunk it. He sucked, biting gently...then a little harder, and mmmmmm.

Lex arched into the bites, hands rubbing over Clark's chest, his own body trembling with delight and anticipation. His cock throbbed with the need to pound into Clark, mark him and reclaim him, even though his aushna' belonged to him. His ass thumped hollowly, in time with the throbbing of his cock, as it ached to accept his aushna's hard length inside.

Clark was shuddering, his entire body shivering as he moved up the stairs. He moved, from ear to neck, and began to suck hickeys from his pliant skin. His fingers held tight to his ass, holding him close, holding him tight, kneading the warm flesh in his big hands as his cock twitched hard. A long, desperate moan and he sought his lovers mouth, over and over, sucking kisses from him as he stumbled down the hall.

Lex's mouth returned every hungry kiss with a voracious one of his own. The hands that kneaded his ass just made his cock thump harder, and he rubbed it against Clark's belly, hands moving to pinch nipples and scrape his nails over Clark's chest as they kissed, frantic mating of mouths as they fought their way up the stairs.

"Nuh!" he cried it with a mouthful of warm ear, thumping back against the wall and arching his hips, thrusting forward and whimpering deeply as he finally pushed into their room. He was mildly aware of the puppies laying in a heap under the window chewing on something but everything was gone from his mind as he sprawled Lex out on their bed and attacked. He sucked, licked, nibbling and biting, his fingers streaking down a long chest and ripping buttons open all the way. "Uhn!" He cried it, loudly, as he caught sight of delicious skin, and he leaned down and began to lick and suck, biting hard at pert nipples as he tried to keep steady hands on his lovers slacks.

Lex batted Clark's hands out of the way as he ripped the button open on his slacks, shoving them down, twisting his hips and jerking the zipper down hurriedly as he started to squirm out of them. Once they were down around his thighs Lex moved his hands back up, yanking at Clark's shirt, pulling it over his lover's head in a frenzy.

He let out another cry as his body shook with heat. His lover was squirming, straining under him and he let out a sharp sob of pleasure, his upper body squirming away from the shirt as he leaned down and sucked his lover down his throat, pushing him past gag reflex and into his throat so he could suck.

The shirt came off in his hands and Lex threw it to the side as he arched up, crying out loudly as Clark swallowed him down. His hands knotted in the sheets as he rocked up, whimpering at the tight traction of Clark's throat around him and he keened softly, begging in soft cries for more and faster as he kept his legs moving, pushing his pants down further and further.

He shoved the pants down his lovers legs, pushing them and squirming as he sucked, hard, moving up and down as fast as he could as he shoved. He heard a blank as his lovers belt hit the hardwood, then the whoosh of fabric as the pants fell after them, and he continued licking, sucking, whimpering loudly as he did it. His hand came down under his balls, rubbing and rolling them in his hand as he sucked, steadily, hard and fast and MORE!

Lex was naked and Clark was close to it, and Lex sat up in bed, pushing frantically at Clark's shoulders as he lifted his hips, pushing deep and moaning harshly as his balls were fondled and he shuddered. "Off, off, naked Clark, please, want to get inside you," Lex panted out, hands scrabbling against Clark.

The rambled words made more shudders race over his body, pleasure shooting straight from his head, down his constricted throat, and down his belly to his groin, where it pooled and heated. He moaned around his lovers cock, pulling off with a wet suck as he lay back towards the foot of the bed. He pushed out of his jeans, quickly, so fast, quickly, and he let out a sharp cry as his burning cock was brushed on his jeans way down, whimpering and moaning as he kicked his jeans down and off. "Please, yes, please!"

Lex rolled over so that he was lying on his lover's belly, his cock slick with precome and he pressed his fingers in Clark's entrance. Too needy to stretch fully, Lex's cock prodded his lover's opening and slid in slowly, the tightness stretching slowly around his familiar shape as he grunted, a long moan wrung out of him as he pressed in.

"Nuuuh!!!!" Clark cried it, sharply, loudly, as he rolled his hips and shoved down. The sting of stretch came and went and his lover was in and he wanted to fuck now!! He let out another hard, quaking cry and thrashed on the blankets, arms falling out to his sides… then up over his head, grasping the foot rails as he wailed. "Please, please FUCK ME!"

Lex reared up at that, sheathing himself to the hilt and then slowly pulling back out. He slammed back in again, fucking his lover in long, steady strokes that got harder and faster as he went. His hands braced on Clark's wide chest, palms grinding down on his nipples, mouth seeking out his lover's as he sucked violently on his tongue.

He kissed him, hard, his entire body shuddering with pleasure. He never thought he, Clark Kent, would be one to spread his legs and beg for cock up the ass but he did and he wanted it and it felt so fucking good. He whimpered, loudly, before the sound got cut off by the deep, hard kiss. They were rocking the bed with the ferocity of their thrusts, his entire body shaking with aching pleasure as he moved, rolling his hips up and down. Had to keep a hold on himself, had to, no other way to do it cause he had plans still and he wailed, loudly, squeezing his lover hard.

Cleo... just... stared. Her daddies never made weirdy noises like that. They were crying and yelling or something, and she blinked up from her shoe, tipping her head quizzically. A NICE smell was coming and she wanted to lick but She Wasn't Allowed On The Bed. So she just sniffed, and watched in confusion. Was her daddies hurting each other?

Lex was moaning hard into Clark's mouth, fingers intertwined in Clark's as he pounded hard into his lover's body. His cock pulled out to the root, then shoved back in, hard and deep. He was so caught up in being inside his lover, that he didn't notice three pairs of puppy eyes on him.

WOOHOO! Play smell! Samson nudged Cleo's butt with his nose, and when she didn't jump up, he did, and he bounded across the bed, and started licking the dangling things between Lex's legs, cause they smelled GOOD!!!!!!

Lex gave out a shriek as he felt a rough tongue on his balls.

Clark stared, uncomprehendingly, when Lex stopped, and he whimpered, than wailed, because he wasn't moving, and he was going to kill him if he didn't cry first, trying to move--oh fuck. "S-SAMMY! OFF THE BED NOW!" He roared.

Whoa! No way was she going up there! She had jumped halfway up but nooo, she jumped back down. The smell was nice, but it wasn't worth a pop!

Sammy just cocked his head to the side, and trotted up the bed to flop down and put his head on Clark's shoulder.

Lex was so hard he ached, but he *couldn't* move while Samson was still on the bed with his lover.

"Uuhn." Clark said it on a sob, because they couldn't move, they were lodged together and connected and SAMSON WOULDNT LEAVE, and shaking hands moved from his clench on the footboard to Samson. The urge to boot him out a window was great, but instead he set him on the floor, whistled the 'you are in SUCH trouble' whistle and groaned, loudly, his cock thumping and twitching on his belly.

Samson jumped back up on the bed, arfing and headbutting Lex in the belly. OFF MY CLARK!

Artie raised his head from his Gucci loafer at the arfing, and bounded up onto the bed, adding his headbutts to Samson's.

Lex groaned, shuddering, his cock throbbing inside his lover, and he shoved the puppies off Clark's belly. "Get. Lost," he gritted out.

Hey! Cleo time too! She jumped up quickly and climbed on top of the Clarks tummy, settling herself right between the Lex and the Clark, and she beamed, wagging her tail. Yummy smell! Me too!

"Gonna… skin... alive." Clark croaked, loudly, his entire body shuddering, a hot sweat coming out over his skin because stopping while having sex was torture, torture to the extreme, and he shivered and shuddered, tossing his head from side to side like an agitated horse. "Uuh. Oh, God."

"It's worse than having children." Lex swatted at the three dogs. "Get off. Get lost. Go chew your shoes."

Uh huh. Yeah. Right. Samson kept headbutting Lex to get him OFF Papa Clark. Cause the noise? Not good. Even though the yummy smell was yummier than usual.

"Alright. Done." Clark shifted, because he couldn't take it, the hard, edgy burn of his lover sliding free eliciting a loud moan, and he rose to his feet, gathering all three dogs in his big arms, and walked over to the bathroom door, dumping them in the middle. Didn't say anything else, just closed the door, and he was shaking with want, his erection painting clear streaks across his belly as he leaked precome. He gave it a soft rub, and aching rub, and whimpered as he climbed back on the bad, tube of lube in hand. "H-here. In. Please."

Samson whined, clawing at the door and butting his head against it.

Lex nearly crushed the tube, squeezing it in his haste and his need, and he slathered his cock with it, fingers wet and slick as they stretched Clark again, taking only a little more time to open him up completely before sliding back in.

Immediate groan as he slid his cock in on a cushion of smooth, cool wetness, and he closed his eyes in ecstasy, one slick hand gripping Clark's cock as he started his pounding strokes again.

"N-No..." He moaned, loudly, shaking his lovers hand away from his cock. The touch had felt like electricity on him and he'd felt his orgasm leap up, but he shoved it back down, arching into his lovers smooth, easy thrusts and rocking with him quickly. He grasped the sheets and blankets... his lovers neck, the footboard, moaning hysterically as his lover thrust. It was easy, sweet, lovely, and he tuned out everything he was thinking, feeling, and doing, and just was. Pleasure ricocheted off his insides, moaning hard and shaking.

Lex let go of his lover's cock and slid slick fingers up to twist hard little nipples, then up to brace on strong shoulders that never failed to turn him on or make him feel safe. His cock slid out easily now, no pain as he thrust, no fear of hurting his lover, just hard, pounding strokes as Lex shifted his hips to pound against Clark's prostate.

"GNUH!" He screamed it, loudly, reaching down and wrenching his balls so orgasm wouldn't come because the shock of pleasure had been electric, all the way through his body. He wailed, aching with need as his body clenched on his lover, over and over, and he had tears of pleasure in his eyes as he moved and thrust. "L-Lex, Lex, uh!!!"

Lex's hand moved over his lover's forearm, caressing the rainbow-colored mark that decorated both of their skins. Rhythmic rubs that matched the thrusting in his lover's ass, and he could barely choke out a reply. "Cl--Clark!!"

He would have come, would have, if he didn't have a clench down on his body and his self control. He let out a shattering cry as his lover stroked over his skin, over their marks, wailing loudly as he thrust up, harder, faster, counter pointing his lover as the bed rocked and slammed, the puppies cried, and the world fell around them in pieces. He was so outrageously turned out, so turned on, so hard, so painfully hard and he wailed, in agonized pleasure.

Lex was going to come. He couldn't hold it back any longer. "G--going--come, Clark, going--can't stop!" His entire body shuddered as he thrust, teeth falling to fasten on Clark's throat, sucking hard as his cock jerked, his orgasm spurting out of him in hard ribbons as he clenched his eyes shut.

The hot flood inside of him nearly did him in. Nearly, nearly, but Clarks mind sharpened with pleasure, and his fingers, slick from where his lover had grasped his hand, and he shivered, hard, squeezing before arching and pulling free. He moved, pushing his shivering, jerking lover back over onto the blankets, and pressed two fingers inside, quickly, no time for thoughts or words. They moved in and stretched, slicking him, and what Clark couldn't get inside he put on his cock.

One stroke, two, and then Clark was pressing his cock against the stretched hole, pushing in firmly but slowly, cradling his shivering lover close as Clark whimpered in agonized pleasure.

Lex keened, cried out in ecstasy at the top of his lungs. Rolled over, latched his legs around Clark's waist and pulled up, clutching tightly at Clark as he was cradled against his lover's body.

Clark let out a dusky laugh, panting hard as he finished pressing in as far as he possibly could, squirming until his balls rested against his lovers backside, and he began to thrust. It wouldn't be long, wouldn't be long, but maybe long enough to get his lover hard again as he began to thrust hard and tight. Quick, halting thrusts because he was so hot and he needed to come, his movements fluid and graceful as he grasped each of his lovers hands and wound their fingers together. He lay his head on his lovers shoulder, resting against him as they made love, and he whimpered for mercy as he moved.

Getting hard again? Lex was there. He'd felt the blood rushing back to his cock faster than it should have, but he didn't care. He ached for Clark to take him, wrapped his legs tighter, squeezed his thighs firmly around Clark's hips as he gave himself up entirely.

His body arched, his back bowed, his hands grabbed Clark tightly and rode out the rocking thrusts, biting his throat and sucking his chest.

"Come come gonna come gonna come," Clark wailed it into his lovers neck, thrusting harder as he gave a body wide shiver, shaking against his lover as he fucked him faster. He felt the heat growing against his belly and he brought his hand down, squeezing Lex's cock tightly in his hand and fucking his fist over it as he thrust. Now, now, had to come now, HAD TO COME NOW!

Lex slid his heels up further, to rub over the scar on his lover's back, over the bony little spur he knew was there, that gave his lover such pleasure. His sheath was tight around Clark, throbbing as he arched up, his cock trembling in Clark's fist.

He wailed, loudly, the wail going loud and resonating towards the end, almost alien, as he came. He couldn't help it, it was pulled from him, from his lovers feet rubbing against his back, to the tightening around him, and he spilled out into him, moaning deeply, heavily as he stroked against his lovers crotch, skin slapping as he fought to get it out. He wailed again, harder, at the pleasure he knew--

Was coming.

Sharp, hard sound as orgasm flooded over him and he screamed, loudly, head bucking like a wild horse as the intense, aching pleasure washed through his blood

Lex howled as Clark's orgasm spilled inside of him, throbbing cock stretching his sheath even further as his own cock twitched, jumping as each spray of hot semen coated his insides.

His neck was arched almost to breaking, and his hips rode Clark's cock again, rubbing the spurting head against his prostate.

Clark let out a harsh, sobbing cry as he finally fell onto his lover, crying out again and moaning deeply as he undulated his hips, over and over, rocking into his lover for as long as he could with how good it felt. He grunted and shivered, his trembling fingers returning to his lovers cock as he thrust out his orgasm, and began to pump the hard length again in fluid, hard strokes. The lube Lex had used inside of him still coated his cock and Clark used it to pump him harder and faster, grunting and whimpering into his lovers chest as he did in total, complete pleasure.

Three, four, and then on the fifth stroke of his cock, Lex came again. Quickly, in irregular spurts, but he came, heartbeat thumping frantically as his body pushed out an impossible orgasm. He shuddered in Clark's arms, panting for breath, ass clamping tightly around Clark's cock and refusing to let it slide out as his arms and legs slid bonelessly down from around his lover.

Clark slid just as bonelessly as his beautiful aushna'. He watched him come, watch him come beautifully, and he continued to gently stroke the orgasm from his cock, fingers wrapped warmly around it, as he slumped against his lover. His muscles were burning, his ass was burning and thumping hollowly with an imaginary cock where there had been one before, and he just... whimpered. He whimpered, and shivered, and curled with his lover as snuggly as he could. Shaking arms brought cozy blankets up and he didn't have to work, and oh the joy. the joy, of being in bed at four in the afternoon and sweating and panting with orgasm.

"I'm glad you don't have to work," Lex panted out softly, rocking against his lover. "You work too much as it is... even though I realize that's a huge case of the pot calling the kettle black." Deep sigh as he ran his hands up and down Clark's back and shoulders. "Mmmm."

He grunted, quietly, muttering something softly as he rolled over his lover, rolling over onto his side and gathering him close. Post coital bliss, and his vocal cords weren't working, but he knew through their bond Lex knew they were alright. He was just shivering, in ecstasy, muttering quietly and rubbing his fingers across his lovers scented head.




"BARK BARK BARK!!" skritch skritch skritch

Lex grunted. "Your dogs are scratching up my door."

Clark grunted, quietly, not saying anything as he began to lick his lover. Over his jaw bone and neck, across his cheek and up his temple, licking quietly and methodically as his cock twitched in ecstasy, still lodged tight in his lovers body. His tongue trailed a warm temple, forehead and cheek, coming down the other side to start licking at a smooth neck.

Lex just purred. Softly, but with growing volume, as he grunted and shifted and moved to give Clark access to everywhere he wanted to lick. Rough tongue scraping over his skin and it felt ecstatically good.

He licked down over his lovers Adams apple, then down to the indent at the base of his neck, his fingers sliding over his lovers back and down to the ass Clark still filled, squeezing it and rubbing where they met with his thumb as he sucked on a warm nipple, lapping all over it. He moved on a moment later, up his lovers shoulder before back down the sculpted skin, licking like a cat.

Lex's hands slid over Clark's skin, stroking and petting, arching up as he was licked, offering his own licks as he half rose, his tongue lapping over Clark's ear, his jaw, his throat, everything that came within licking distance.

When his lover began to lick him back he felt a pit of satisfaction in his tummy, and he sighed, softly, kissing his lover so tenderly and gently now, just once, as he snuggled him close. At least they were on the right side of the bed, with their warm pillows, and the puppies were crying but he couldn't quite find it in himself to get him. His eyes were falling closed, as he tried to keep them open in vain, and he purred softly in exhaustion as he rolled closer and cuddled in deeper.

Lex was tucked in firmly beside his lover, didn't quite care that the babies were whimpering in the bathroom, and his limbs were hopelessly tangled with his lover's. His legs hugged Clark's waist and his arms were tangled around Clark's shoulders, and his mouth pressed little kisses over his cheeks and forehead now that they were snuggled together and his fingers stroked over the back of Clark's neck.

That was all it took. The warm pets, the gentle kisses, and Clark fell asleep, there in the cocoon of his lovers arms, where they were wound together tightly and snuggling. All he wanted, all week long, and he made a soft noise as he snuggled in closer and slept.


go on to the next part