
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 193: Hot and Cold

The sounds had finally stopped.

Consuela perked an ear from the main consol, and took a cursory glance over her shoulder.

For the last forty five minutes, cries and yells had been echoing from the back rooms. At first, Consuela had almost sent Trish back to make sure everything was alright, but after the third cry she realized they were cries of ecstasy, and her face, for the first time in her twenty nine years of life, flushed. Her cocoa skin hid most of it but even NOW she was still slightly burning, as the noises finally died down.

Damn if she hadn't known that old Mr. Luthor had the spice of life in him. Old bones could move like new when one had something new to move them. Hee!

Leo just whistled as silence finally descended. "Holy shit, Connie. What the hell was that!!"

Her dimples winked on as she rose one expressive brow at her co-pilot. "If you've got to ask, you ain't doin' it right."

He blinked. "Well. Remind me not to take another Luthor/Luthor flight."

"Oh, come on. They aren't as bad as shipping Bruce Wayne around, now are they?"

"At least all he did was brood."

"Not make hot, passionate love?"

"If he did, it was quiet. Kid in the cast bitched a lot, but hey. All in all, a quiet flight." Leo sighed again. "Man, didn't know an old guy could get it up and work it quite like that."

"Well, have you seen his plaything?" Consuela asked, one expressive brow raising up as she side glanced towards her copilot. "His husbands a little thing, but he's got a lot of energy. Sweet guy, too, he's real nice to Phillip all the time. Hey, bring our alt up a little, alright? There's a lot of clouds... probably some run off from Hurricane Irene. Been hitting Florida real hard the last few days."

"Roger that." Leo took the wheel and raised the nose into a steady climb for ten thousand feet, and then leveled back out. "Cruisin' at thirty thousand feet, and oh yeah, look at those clouds. If they rise up, we're gonna hit big-time turbulence."

"I know. Don't wanna scare the little guy more than's necessary. Trish? Honey, you here?"

"Meep!" Between the loud sexy noises in the back and the yelling she got when she'd tried to talk to Lionel and now the mention of turbulence and clouds and stuff, she was clutching to her seat so tightly her knuckles were white.

Consuela smiled at her, and rose a brow. "Its alright, sweetheart. Why don't you go on back and let Mr. Luthor know we might hit some turbulence. If they want to sleep that's fine, but let him know we're keeping him afoot of the situation, mmkay?"

Trish jerked her head at that to stare at the pilot. "Bu-b-b-b-b-b-but... you you you you can't b-be serious? Because he yelled. The last time I tried to ask anything!"

"He likes to yell, honey. Just go with the flow, okay? If he yells, you..." Sigh. No. He was going to yell, and Trish was going to come running. "You got the wheel, Leo?"

"Yeah, I'm good to go, captain." Leo winked over his shoulder. "Me and Trish got it under control."

A smile at the young lady and Consuela rose to her teeny feet, stepping around the poor dear and sliding through the cockpit door. Crap. She sighed, softly, tidying up as she went... fixing coats and shoes, tucking Mr. Luthors laptop in its padded bag in case there was turbulence and it fell, and finally reached the back rooms, knocking softly on the last door. "Mr. Luthor?"

Lionel growled softly, and pulled the blanket over just enough of their naked bodies so that she didn't see anything she wasn't supposed to. "Yes?" he barked sharply.

She kept the door carefully closed, open only the smallest crack so she could speak. "Mr. Luthor, we're going to be passing through some clouds in the next hour that might cause some turbulence. You're perfectly safe, but if it gets rough enough, I may ask you to seat yourselves with seat belts."

"Wonderful. Fucking wonderful. Thank you, Consuela." He sighed, and then growled again for good measure. "Can we not detour around it?"

"Detour would mean two extra hours tacked on to the trip, Mr. Luthor. Its your call."

Lionel... just sighed.

Ten to twelve hour trip. Dominic would have heart failure if he were stuck on the plane for that long.

Turbulence. During which Dominic would panic, and have heart failure, thinking they were going to drop out of the damned sky.

"Fine, just go through it. And hope it doesn't get too bad." Deep sigh.

"Yes, sir. I'll have Trish tell you when you should get your seat belts on, alright?"


She smiled and shook her head, closing the door quickly and firmly, before slipping through the cabin once more.

"We're going to die." Dominic whimpered, from the covers, half hidden under his lover. He'd been asleep, until someone had opened their door, and...they. Were. Going. To. Die.

"We are not going to die," Lionel said with a sigh. He got out of bed, and went to the corner of the room, picking up his pants and handing Dominic the medicine bottle from the pocket. "Here."

He grasped it, tightly, and hid back under the blankets. "Die. A horrible, horrible death with the fishes."

"Morgan Dominic Senatori Luthor, we are NOT going to die."

"Sharks. And jelly fish. And fish. They're going to eat our rotting flesh as we float about on a plane wing and die of dehydration and starvation."

"Oh, what a charming picture you paint. You forget that the seat cushions are flotation devices, and that we have cell phones and the Global Position System on the console. God forbid anything should happen, we will be duly rescued."

"Not me. I'll hemorrhage and die." Muffled, under a pillow. "We'll be eaten, chewed on by little creatures, and roast alive under the hot baking sun, with the freezing atlantic under us."

"You have been watching that Titanic movie entirely too much." Lionel batted his lover over the head with a pillow.

"Die! A horrid, horrid death!" Dominic wailed, and hid further under the pillows. "Lionel, please, please please don't let us die, we just started having a life, and our baby, and please!"

Lionel batted his lover with the pillow again. "We're. Not. Going. To. Die." Each word was punctuated by a whap with the pillow.

"YES WE ARE!" Dominic yelled back, and finally grabbed him by the pillow, yanked, sent Lionel tumbling on the bed, and Dominic leaned over and grasped him like a burr..or actually, like Freddie, nails like claws hooking into his lovers bare shoulders.

Lionel let himself be tumbled back onto the bed, and raised an eyebrow. "Learning from Freddie, are we?"

Heavy, tear laden whimper into a shoulder.

"Here's what we're going to do. We're going to get up. We're going to get dressed. And then we're going to sit down out in the cabin and turn on the television."

"Television?" He asked it on a sob, as he grasped Lionel even tighter, closer, and wished with all his might for Herbert.

"There's a television in the cabin, over the drinks. It's just behind a panel. It gets nearly all the channels."

He grasped him, tightly for a moment, as he gathered his strength. "I'm sorry."

"It's quite all right." He tapped the medicine bottle in Dominic's grip. "There you go. Take what you need."

Dominic was ashamed. Deeply so. But he sat up, after having gotten that much sought after courage, and opened the bottle without shaking hands, shaking out three...four pills, and downing them before his lover could say a word. One after the other, with a shot of scotch to chase them down with, and he swallowed, hard, and shifted up so he could climb into his jeans.

Lionel just raised an eyebrow. "You sure you should be taking those with scotch?"

"The whole bottle, if I could." But he shook his head, and got to his feet, the achy hollow feeling in his ass a welcome distraction. He shifted, hissed, and tugged his t-shirt on over his head, pulling it down his belly and over his belt and jeans. He looked a moment and found his lovers shirt, offering it even as he gripped the side panel of the wall. "No more fear."

Lionel pulled on his own slacks and top on quickly, and put his shoes on next. "No more fear, Dominic. Consuela is a talented pilot, and you have nothing to worry about."

"Eating. With. The fishes." Was all he murmured, and he vowed not to cling to his lover like a vine anymore until they landed.

Lionel just sighed. "We will not. Come on. I'm sure we can find one of your shows on out here." He held the cabin door open, and waited for his lover to walk out.

Dominic swallowed, hard... without looking, touched a hand to his jeans to make sure his zipper was up, and finally stepped through, swallowing, fingers running through his hair.

The cabin hadn't changed a bit, and Lionel secured his laptop by his chair as he sat down, and offered a water bottle to his lover, and then the remote from the corner pocket of the chair. "Here. Just click the power button, and the console will open and you can surf to your heart's content."

Dominic, in his socked feet, slid into one of the chairs, dragging his legs up under him. He swallowed, hard, taking the bottle and the remote, and curled in closer. Alright. Alright. Plane. Chairs. TV. Not going to die. "When… when before, you didn't know how much it scared me, it was easier, wasn't it?"

"What was easier?" Lionel said, reaching down and picking up the newspaper that had been left by his chair at some point.

"Easier. In general. You didn't have a freaking out assistant."

"To be honest, I didn't notice you freaking out that much."

"Just now, or back then?" Eyebrow.

"Back then, of course." Lionel's newspaper rattled, but he didn't let his lover see the twitching lips.

"That's because I was drugged. And going insane. I'm sure our trips to Taiwan forever marked these seats with my nails."

More newspaper rustlings. "They were reupholstered four times in the last ten years. Do remind me to bill you later."

He glared, and he turned more on his side, knees up close to his belly. "That's not funny. I am having real problems here, and you! You're trying to be funny."

Lionel schooled his features before lowering the newspaper. "Who says anything about me being funny?"

His mouth dropped. "You did not have to reupholster because of me. You liar."

Lionel raised the newspapers back up, confident in his laptop's ability to falsify receipts, temporarily at least. "I can show you the receipts if you like."

He glared, and just lay his chin back down on his upraised knees. "I'm going to make Elaine give you a nice big phobia, so you won't feel left out."


"No. Something much better. Maybe... Ablutophobia. fear of washing and bathi--...maybe not."

"Arachnophobia," Lionel repeated again, from behind his newspapers. "I don't like spiders."

Dominic blinked, and rose his head. "I know you don't like them, but they aren't a phobia."

"Any irrational fear or dislike is considered a phobia, no matter how slight or overly-developed."

"You don't run screaming every time you see a spider, Lionel."

"Only because I don't allow myself," he said calmly, folding his newspaper down again. "My father wouldn't allow anything else, and rather than take the beating or deprivations he had slated for my punishment, I forced myself to operate despite the fear and dislike. I despise spiders to this day, however I pride myself on the fact that no one knows it."

Dominic tipped his head. Huh. " very liberating. You've a lot of self control, Lionel."

"Yes, I do. Though I don't recommend my father's method of having it beaten into you."

"Your father was a bastard." Dominic said it automatically, because he was, but there was a whole other conversation there he didn't want to delve into. "I wish I had your strength."

"Yes, he was, but it accomplished his means." Lionel raised his newspaper again. "No, you don't."

"Bull. You're strong, and I wish I had that strength. You know, I can't even remember where the fear comes from?"

"It doesn't matter where the fear comes from; it's enough that it's there. That makes it a valid fear." Quiet pause. "I'm not strong, Dominic, I'm stubborn. I refuse to let things get to me, bother me, or upset me. That isn't strength. That's pigheadedness, and the things that should touch me, oftentimes do not. Don't wish that on yourself."

"You are stubborn, and I'll lay payment on that." Dominic answered, with a grin quirking his lips, though he tipped his head. "It is strength, in its own way. And you're lying when you say things that should touch you don't. Things touch you all the time, I've seen it meself, whether you realize it or not."

"Only lately, and only because of you." His head didn't emerge that time.

"Are you flirting with me?"

"Yes, I am. But I'm also telling you the truth."

"I think.." Dominic scooted over, tugging the hand rest between seats up, and stretched out, laying his head on his lovers lap, with the TV on before them. "We bring out the best in each other. Cause we're good, that way."

Lionel discarded the newspaper then, and looked down at Dominic's head in his lap. "Now there, I will agree with you, wholeheartedly. You do bring out the best in me."

"And you, me. Even if I'm at the moment a nervous wreck. I'm less wreckish, knowing I can mount your lap and cling like a burr, and you'll just yell at me a bit. Which is quite amusing, considering the last time we were on this plane I don't remember a thing."

"I remember enough for the both of us." He ran his fingers gently through Dominic's hair. "Don't worry. Nothing is going to happen."

"Fishes. Sharks. Ever see Jaws?"

"No, I haven't, and I don't wish to." Lionel looked down firmly at his lover. "Nothing. Will. Happen. Do I lie to you, Dominic?"

"Occasionally." Eyebrow, daring him to argue that one.

Lionel conceded the point with a nod. "Do I lie to you about the important things?"

"No." And that was the honest truth. "Not ever, in all our years together. Except the time when you were addicted to lesbian porn, and you said it was Lex. Though I knew all along, and I knew you knew, so I don't think that's lying."

Lionel bit off a choke. He let the lesbian porn bit pass by, and looked seriously at his lover. "Then why do you think I'm lying to you now?"

"Because its irrational fear." His throat bobbed. "I know you, my husband, wouldn't lie to me. It just frightens me so. Death by small entrapped space would drive me mad, first, love."

"Don't be afraid," Lionel answered back softly. "Nothing will happen to you as long as I am here to prevent it."

"I love you. I don't know what I did in another life to deserve you, but aces to me." He reached up and took his lovers hand, kissing it warmly, and turned onto his side, facing the TV, cheek on his lovers thigh and Lionel's hand close. "I love you, so very much. I love you so much, Lionel."

"Not as much as I love you, Dominic." He squeezed his lover's hand firmly, and wove their fingers together. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'd be an evil, wicked, sexy man." Dominic muttered, eyes closed as he basked in the warmth of his lovers leg against him, cozy and perfect. "Did I mention evil?'

"Yes, I do believe you mentioned evil." Lionel still had a small smile on his face as he stroked through Dominic's hair.

"Evil. Very sexy. Though you're very sexy now, and slightly evil, so I suppose you'd be much like you are now. Only... probably with more hair. And majestically flowing about. You'd have more time, since you wouldn't be having regular sex. ...Alright, you'd be having regular sex, but the evil persona embodies a great deal more manly mane."

"You think I'd have longer hair?" Soft chuckle. "I don't think I could stand it. I think shoulder-length suits me quite well."

"It does. But the evil persona has a cloud of hair, love. And much beadier eyes."

"Beady eyes, a cloud of hair, and I suppose, two little horns coming out of the top of my head?"

"Indeed. But no flickering forked tongue. The forked tongue would in no way be ideal for sneaking kisses. Because yes, I'd be your little evil henchman."

"But think what it could do for rimming." Lionel snickered at his own suggestion, then grinned innocently.

Well. And Dominic shuddered all over the place at that. From his head to his toes, which all but curled, and the hollowness in his ass, still slightly slick with lube, shivered and pulsed. "Uuhnn."

Lionel watched with barely-veiled amusement as his lover shuddered at that suggestion. "Jussssst think," Lionel said, his esses hissing exaggeratedly. "You don't realizzzzzzzze what a forked tongue can do for you."

A choked giggle, though his skin had flushed, and he looked up, eyebrow raised. "Probably what that sneaky little vibrator could do for you."

"Which we packed, by the way. I made sure of it."

His grin widened. "I never thought you'd like it as much as you have."

"Oh, I've come to like it a great deal. However, I packed it on this trip so that I could introduce you to it's uses."



"What?" His eyes widened, as he stared at his lover. "Seriously?"

"Of course, seriously."

He shuddered, all over. "I bought it some time ago... for no reason. Just to have it. When I used it on you was the first time Id used it period. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And... I'm definitely glad I'll be enjoying it." Big grin.

"Oh, yes, you will be." Wolfish grin.

He snorted at him and rolled back onto his side. "Cocky."

"Yes, yes, I am. Proud of it too; it's gotten me out of more scrapes than I care to think of."

He smiled again, eyes closed, and shifted the smallest bit, so the hand caught underneath his body lay by his face, on his lovers thigh. "Of course it has. You don't want to think it, but your good heart has done the same thing. You're squishy at the center like a big yellow peep."

"What a horrid thought. I am not a yellow marshmallow... bird." A little frown of distaste followed that comparison. "Nor am I soft and gooey."

"Mmm. Says you." Dominic muttered, and shifted again, to get the zipper of his jeans from pressing on his belly. "If you weren't gooey you wouldn't love me."

"That's not true, Dominic. I've loved you... a very long time. And I have never been gooey in the center." Soft touches to his cheek. "I am perhaps indulgent, and take special care of the important people in my life, but I am not gooey."

Dominic's fingers came up, to squeeze the hand stroking his cheek tightly. "I love you. I love you, so much. I'm sure I haven't said it in the last five minutes. I love you, so very dearly. You're everything in my life, too, Lionel. Everything." He squeezed, and turned his head, to kiss their joined fingers. "But, you're very gooey, and soft, and you have a sweet center that makes me giggle like a loon every time I see it."

Lionel rolled his eyes at the last. "Very well, Dominic," he said, making no attempt to keep the patronizing tone out of his voice. "I'm a gooey centered... Peep, did you say?"

He grinned. "Ass." And turned his head again, though he kept the warm fingers, big and soft on his face. "I meant it, though. You're everything. I don't think I've ever been happier in my life than the times I have with you. Every joy of my life has been the days you've been with me since we got together."

Lionel did indeed feel warm inside at that, and he heaved a little sigh to cover the elation. "I feel the same way, Dominic. You know that. Every good thing that has happened to me lately has happened because of you."

Dominic knew it, cause he knew his lover, and his lips quirked. "You can feel warm, you know. Its kind of the reason we're lovers." He was too tired to look at him, though he gave his hand a squeeze. "I love you, Lionel. Like no one ever before, I love you. I love you, I hope, like you've never felt."

Lionel nodded softly. "It is like nothing I've ever felt. Being loved by you is a wholly new experience that I've never had, and was never prepared for."

"It only gets better from here, Lionel." He grinned, crookedly. "Only gets better from here. All the hard stuff is in the past, now. Getting over the hump, getting married, having our various issues aired. It'll only go up from here, my love. I see nothing but clear skies. Our daughter being born, our house built, and our lives begun together."

Lionel gave a very happy grin at the mention of his daughter. "Yes... I agree. Things are going to get better from here on out."

"Oh, beloved, before I forget. When we're in Ireland, we're to look for maid of honor dresses for Fellie." Dominic's eyes rolled all over his head. "Christ be to God. She begged me to look. So I'm looking. And before you say it, yes, Ive been avoiding her like the plague. I don't want her to think romantically of me, and now you've made me self conscious around her."

"I didn't tell you so you'd avoid her, you ass. I told you so that you'd talk to her and be able to be around her without being self-conscious!"

"Well, I'm avoiding her. And I am self conscious. Every look she gives me I misconstrue. Damn you, Luthor, damn you."

"Dominic." Lionel's voice was serious. "Don't avoid her. She's been your friend of God knows how many years. Talk to her. She knows you love me, and you know she loves Ethan. Have a word with her about it. See if you don't come to an understanding."

"Mm." He was a half asleep already. "Talking. Will do. Friend. Yep. Sleeping now."

"Dodging, yes, you are. Sleep, though. You need the rest." He wisely didn't mention the turbulence, because so far, they were having a smooth ride. "I'll wake you if anything arises."

"Fish. Sharks. Jellies. Various sea life creatures. If I awake to something nibbling on my toes, we're going to have words, Lionel." Dominic answered, though his voice was quiet with encroaching drugged slumber. "I love you, husband. Seriously. If you need me, wake me up."

"What if you awake to me nibbling on your toes?" Lionel asked rhetorically. "I love you, my husband. And yes, I will wake you if I need to."

Too tired to answer. He was so sleepy. He rolled over a little more, so his back was tucked against the seats, head still cozy on his lovers leg, and he let himself let go. Quiet for a few long moments as sleep began to take him, listening to his lovers deep, quiet, even breaths, and he fell asleep to them, at peace with the safety of his lovers arms.

- = - = -

They were seeing The Ring. Clark had heard about it from some of his friends, and knew it was supposed to scare the bejesus out of you, but Clark wasn't human. He didn't scare easily. So that's why, as the story was unfolding before them on the big screen, Clark was busy in his lovers pants.

The house lights had gone down, popcorn and coke distributed, and Clark was sharing a tub of it, and a soda, with his lover.

Not that he was paying attention.

No... not at all. Chloe sat to his right, and Whitney to Lex's left, so they were cocooned and ensconced. And it was very easy, very...easy, as the movie finally started, to drop his palm into his lovers crotch and give it a light, warm squeeze as he got the soda for a sip.

Lex was ready to bolt out of his skin. He was so jumpy and on edge with the torment Clark had already put him through, and these little touches were not doing him any more good. He wanted nothing more than to reach into Clark's consciousness and kick the ever-living shit out of his too-smug lover, but one thought stopped him.

Y'know, I'd really like to come at some point tonight.

I know you would. Which is why you're going to be a good boy for me, aren't you? Clark whispered it in his thoughts as he sipped his soda happily, munching on popcorn and offering his lover the tub.

Kiss my Luthor ass, Kent. Lex snarled it in his head even as he took a handful of greasy popcorn. Do you realize how much crap I'm ingesting?

Mmm. Speaking of your lovely ass, tell me how it "Feels." he whispered, into the shell of his lovers ear. "Tell me how tight and hot you are... how packed full. Full of what, an hour ago, was hugging my cock and ass, tight in my jeans."

Lex leaned over the seat to whisper in Clark's ear, and he helped himself to a nibble of luscious earlobe while he was at it, paying absolutely no attention to the movie as he sucked. "I'd rather it was your cock," he breathed out softly. "Rather it was me sitting on your lap with your cock shoved up my ass."

"I didn't... ask what you wanted, now, did I?" Clark murmured back, eyebrow elevated even as he shifted and trembled under the nibbles. "I asked you to tell it feels, knowing I put you like this and you can't get away from it."

Lex didn't let up with his licks and nibbles. "It feels... so good. It's making me crazed, and that's not easy to do." He dug his nails into Clark's thigh. "On edge. If many more people get in my way today, I feel like I could mow them over."

Clark's grin was wolfish and wicked, as he reached over, like he were going to get the soda again, and instead tweaked a hard nipple that he could see outlined in his lovers sweater. He rubbed against it, rubbing the scratchy sweater materiel against the tense nub, and smiled, innocently, as he watched the movie. No one was paying attention to them in the least, and it pleasured him knowing it. "Really."

Lex bit down hard on Clark's shoulder as Clark leaned over him, the scratching scrape across his sensitive chest making him yelp softly even as he muffled it in Clark's body. Fucking bastard! he hissed in his head.

Not fucking yet, but I'll allow the 'bastard' part. Smug little grin as he kept stroking, not stopping for a few moments until he moved down… down into his lovers ass. Tell me, Kenep... how would you feel about coming in a crowded movie theater?

Right now? I truly wouldn't give a fuck if Mother Theresa herself were watching. He arched into the stroking as much as he could without drawing attention to himself.

You are not allowed to come, Aushna'. A wicked half smile, with a raised brow, as he happily crunched on his popcorn. "But I'll make you feel good, if you want." He whispered, softly, into a warm ear, licking the shell softly and taking a glance behind himself and Lex. Three older people, about his parents age. Didn't even notice them. Thank God.

Barely suppressed groan. "How do you think I'm not going to come if you do anything?" He closed his eyes and scooted down further in the chair, trying to alleviate some of the ache.

Because if you come, Lex, I'm going to keep you in shackles and torment you for the rest of the night, day, and probably all of tomorrow evening. Do you want that? Maybe...I'll fill you up with water. Or keep you just like this, with my boxers stuffed up inside of you, tight as can be, with a vibrator pushed in. Do you want that, Lex? Do you really want a day of torture? Clark asked it, quietly, as he ever so carefully unhooked the eye of his lovers slacks, and let the quiet zipper slide down noiselessly so he could slip in and wrap his fingers around his prize. All bunched up and tucked away in the jock but Clark didn't mind, just massaging the bulge in the palm of his hand softly and pressing a little closer, to keep what they were doing away from the people around them.

Lex couldn't help the shudder that went through him at the images Clark's words painted. Couldn't help flashing back to leather clubs, spending hours stretched on the X, sometimes a whole night out on the cross, even though he was harder and needier now than he'd ever been back then. Back then he'd been too drugged out to notice anything, to feel much of anything, but now, he was feeling every drag of Clark's finger across his tightly bound package.

What Lex didn't know is that Clark could never live with himself knowing his lover suffered. It was a game, for now, but no way could he ever tie him up and leave him somewhere. But it was better that Lex never knew that, as one eyebrow came up. He slid the jock strap aside, just the smallest bit, and thumbed the vein along the underside, then moved a little more inside and stroked over the head of his lovers erection. "Tell me, Lex. Tell me all of the things you want. What you want from me."

Lex wasn't coherent. At all. He heard Clark's question. Understood it, intrinsically. Whimpered as the jock was shifted aside, gasped softly as Clark teased the vein, and then bit down on the yelp that the touch of his head brought. Couldn't vocalize as he thrust up, eyes screwed shut and knuckles white as they gripped the popcorn tub so it didn't spill.

Chloe was ass deep in the movie, when a strange, wicked little tingle slid through her blood. She blinked… tipped her head, glanced to the side at Shay, then over to the left...and her eyes turned to saucers. Clark's hand had disappeared behind Lex's arm rest, and Lex was shifting, grasping the arm rest itself. OH she knew what THEY were doing, and she thunked Clark on the arm with a glare.

At the thunk he turned surprised eyes to Chloe... smiling, wickedly, as his fingers continued the caress on his lovers cock.

Tell me what you want, Lex. Tell me what you want from me. I won't ask you again.

Lex barely choked out a giggle at the thunk and the glare, but he was far, far too busy trying to remember how to formulate words. Want, want, want... want to come, want to fuck, want to come, want to fuck. Only things that he could formulate, and he repeated them, over and over again.

Oh, come now. You can be a lot, LOT more creative than that. He gave Lex's cock one final stroke, before slipping away... and pulling his lovers bound package out from his pants, and though the jock, black like the slacks, wasn't noticeable, it was to Clark. The scent of his lover was unmistakable under all the popcorn and snacks, and he let the wet material cool in the air as he ate some more popcorn, looking at the movie he hadnt watched in the least.

Lex was swearing silently in Kryptonian, because at the moment, it was coming to him easier than English was. He swore up and down, trying to translate his desires into English, and finally gave up as he talked. "me 'i' redquas, uhinklo'wri aushna." (You are my master/protector; I want the ultimate pleasure with you, aushana'.)

"Yes, Kenep." Clark whispered, softly. He'd heard the fight in his lovers mind to speak, and when the soft words of his native tongue slid from Lex's lips, it was like a shiver, all over his body. He felt Chloe's glare in his side but he couldn't help it, because the words had impassioned him more than he'd ever let on. Touch me. He took shaking, hard fingers and brought them down to his crotch, where he was still hard as rock, and rubbed his lovers palm against himself softly. "Touch, aushna'. I protect you… I am your master. You protect me... you are my master. Touch." We need to go home, Kenep.

Lex's fingers tightened instantly around his lover's cock, eyes closing as he stroked and settled into his seat. Pleasuring Clark was good; it took his mind off his own predicament.

Home. Lex blinked, and held out his phone. Ameedol called. Say we are needed elsewhere. He couldn't speak out loud again, not yet when he couldn't speak in English.

Excellent. Clark turned to Chloe, and figured the lie was a waste on her, when her eyes rolled. "Leaving. Needed, Lionel called. Tell Shay and Pete."

"Suuuure." Chloe muttered, eyes rolling, but she grinned at him, sideways, and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "Have fun."

Shayla elbowed Whitney, who grunted softly and let her lean over him to get to Chloe. "They going to fuck?" she chirped.

Whitney reached around Shayla's ass for a handful of popcorn, sighing and rolling his eyes at Pete, who was sitting a seat over.

Lex gripped Clark's hand as they got up. "Maghontale', ashikana," he muttered softly in apology.

"Ante, ashimel." Chloe whispered back, without thinking, and gently squeezed his leg in encouragement, smiling.

Clark, swiftly, buttoned and zipped his lover before they rose, acting in moments. They hadn't dragged anything with them so he winked at Whitney, muttering apologies as he took his lovers hand, tightly, and led him through the aisle. Out, finally, out the lit staircase, and he led Lex down them easily, and out, to the exit door that wound through the treacherous little black hallway. Out, finally, into the air, and Clark turned a crooked grin at Lex, eyes dancing in joy and pleasure as he squeezed his palm tightly. "Squeeze, Lex. Tight, around it. Squeeze tight... imagine its my cock."

Lex glared at his lover evilly even as he did as he was told, his fingers lacing tightly through Clark's as he clenched down on the material shoved up into him. Hissing grunts, pleading noises that spilled out of his throat, and curses in another language as he bore down on it.

Clark led him through the lobby full of people, not paying attention to any of them, and instead casually wound his arm around his lovers waist, still holding his hand warmly as they casually strolled out of the huge lobby and into the night. The mansion was a ways walk, but he didn't plan on walking at all. "Tight, Kenep? Tell me."

Lex still held tightly, and he nodded. "Tight," he finally echoed. "Tight as I can, squeezing, throbbing... little thumping feeling."

"I will be in you, soon, soon, my beautiful." He whispered it, softly, because for his love of games he wanted his aushna to come, come hard, so hard he'd feel it for days. He went around the building, Lex carefully safe in his arms, and when he was sure there was no one around, he lifted Lex up into the circle of his embrace. Up, knees over one arm, his back and shoulders in the other, lover draped across the expanse of his grasp. "Hold on, tight."

Lex wrapped his arms tightly around Clark's neck, right hand locked around his left wrist and securing his grip on his lover. "I'm holding," he gritted out. "Please."

"Shhh. Soon, Kenep. Soon, there will be pleasure. Don't beg for me." He murmured, softly, and took off running. He held his lover tightly in his grasp, ducking through trees until he leapt...and never came down. He flew, almost like a bird catching the tail wind, flying just over the trees so they wouldn't be noticed. Swooped down when they reached Riley's field, swooping down further and hitting the ground, just a kick from it to get them back up. Fast, very fast, sweeping through the air and towards the mansion much faster than any car could ever accomplish.

Lex tucked this accomplishment in the back of his mind, because at the moment he was too hot to do anything but cling to his lover and concentrate on not coming.

But he stared, he watched, his brain boosted by his abilities cataloged every bit, every deep dip that his lover made, how he kicked off from the ground to stay airborne. You can fly, you can fly, you can fly!

"Soar." Clark whispered, into the shell of his lovers ear, and brought him close, close to his body because they were going to... crash. Possibly. He'd been working on landing, so said the bruises that had come and gone over his hips and back, and he twisted himself up to almost standing as they reached the ground. Instead of kicking off he dug his heels in, Lex grasped tightly to his body as he plowed back first into the trunk of a tree. A blink, as the leaves shook, and he smiled, broadly, as he set his aushna down on the ground.

Lex gave a dry chuckle. "Better than... cow patty." He panted softly as his feet touched the ground, and he turned, rubbing himself gently against his lover before pulling away and whimpering needily.

Clark smiled, wolfishly. "If I had the supplies I wanted, Lex, I'd make you strip right here. Would you like that, aushna? To be naked, servicing me, here, where everyone could see you?"

Fierce nod. "Yes... not ashamed of you, aushna'... proud to serve you." He whimpered again, and rubbed against Clark again.

"I love you, too much, aushna'. You should never feel humiliated, because of your mate." He whispered it, as he took his lovers hand and led him to the stairs of the house. He entered, called a, "We're back, going upstairs Ms. Bird!" and tugged his lover gently with him, leading him up the long staircase. The night was light and warm, and with each step of the way Clark undressed his lover. Shirt, first... a pause, along the second hall, to remove his slacks. Socks, then, until finally, when they stopped in front of their bedroom door, his lover wore nothing but the jock strap, and what was packed inside of him. "Go in. I want you... to light candles. Theirs something I need from the other room. Stay here... I want you to lay on our bed, and squeeze. Okay?"

"Okay." Lex nodded, over and over again, shuddering with every step as air brushed over his naked, sensitive skin. His hand trembled as he went through the drawers of the dresser by the bed, until he came up with matches. Still shaking, he lit the match and lit the first candle, then blew out the match, picked the tall taper up, and used it to light the various other candles on either side of the bed, and then carefully returned it to it's holder and lay down on the bed, bearing down as tightly as he could on the fabric packed into him.

Carefully, quietly, Clark stepped down the hall, smiling at his lover as he slid into the bedroom, and carefully stopped in front of the locked door of their old bedroom. The lock gave with a twist of his wrist, along with his heart, as he opened the door.

The room had been stripped bare. Completely. No carpets, no furniture, no wallpaper. Nothing but cement and white walls, the glue still stuck to them, and it struck him, standing there, just how much Lionel and Dominic had done for him. The room stunk of bleach and disinfectant, scratches along the floor that only a floor cleaner could make.

Right where he was stepping was where he'd fallen, agonized. And there, where he'd ripped his drenched sweater in half, and thrown it on their bed. He followed his steps, transfixed, watching in his head... watching as if from afar, what his lover had imagined, that he'd gone through. It wasn't that far from the truth, and he carefully touched the bathroom door, very softly, where it was closed and locked. His baby had died in that room. His little boy had taken his last breath in that room, and when it was time, when Clark didn't feel like his heart was going to beat out of his chest, he would make the most proper memorial for him in that room, no matter how odd it seemed. Where his child had died.

For now, with one last glance towards the bathroom, Clark pushed into the empty closet. Ignored all the memories they'd had in this closet and went down the small enclosure until he found the door to the toy room.

Everything was there, as he'd expected, and he entered without another word, looking over the expanse. This bedroom had first and foremost been Lex's, and he'd ask him, later, if he wanted to move back to it.

Every kind of torture device he could imagine, and he looked over them, transfixed for a moment. He plucked a dark green cock ring off one of the hooks, for himself, but that was it. He kept looking, gazing over the items... until his eyes fell on the enormous fake cock he and Lex had tried to use numerous times and hadn't been able to.

He took it off its stand and peered down at it. Pebbly surface, with vibration if one wanted, "Soft, medium, and who needs a man?" and at the memory Clark grinned, rolling his eyes for a moment as he looked around again.

The bedroom door closed behind him a minute later, hard, and he'd make sure to replace the lock when he remembered to do so, before walking back to the bedroom.

Lex was on the bed in their current bedroom, his hands knotted into fists as he fought the urge to stroke his cock and bring the torture to a close--or a beginning. Instead, he concentrated on just what he'd been told.

Until he saw the memories flashing through his lover's head, one by one, until they were turned off, as though Clark had flipped a switch somewhere and was ignoring the pain. He whimpered softly, distressed that his aushna' had had to be alone, to deal with that, even for a short while, and it provided enough distraction, just enough, so that when Clark came back into the room, Lex was writhing gently on the bed, ass bearing down and clenching tight, hands dug tightly into the bedspread of the bed.

He smiled, warmly, softly, and closed the door behind him. The lock clicked and locked with a slight rasp of metal on metal, and Clark set the dildo, and the ring, down on the bed, his eyes never leaving his lovers.

His shirt came up, dropping down to expose tawny, warm skin, and his pants slipped down his thighs and fell away, revealing a cock so hard it had darkened. In the dark room, lit only be candles, his lover appeared warm, soft, pale and lovely, and Clark murmured his approval as he mounted the bed below him. He kissed his lovers thigh, very softly, tenderly, and rubbed his lips in the next moment over the bound package, licking the bottom softly.

Lex whined softly as he saw the huge dildo, and his ass gave an involuntary thump around the fabric as Clark jostled the bed, climbing onto it. He spread his legs wide, invitingly, hoping that Clark would take pity on him, fuck him, let him come, but no such luck, not yet.

The kiss to his cock was painful in the most arousing way possible, and he just whimpered at the very gentle pressure, bucking up as hard as he could, attempting to get more pressure, more contact, on his aching cock.

Clark smiled, very gently, and shook his head, as he pressed a tender, chaste kiss to his lovers thigh. He reached up, then, crawling up over his lover before leaning slightly to the side, on one elbow, and kissed him. A warm, gentle, impossibly tender kiss, full of soft licks and little giving sucks, explorations and invitations to do the same. He kissed him like he'd kissed him the first time... so tenderly, so gently.

He moved down from his lips, mouthing chin and jaw, and letting his lips softly kiss every spot on the way down his throat where his pulse sang.

Oh, God.

Not what he wanted.

Not what he wanted at all. He wanted hard and fast, teeth and biting and scraping and scratching and blood and hot. Throbbing and pulsing and sweat and fucking like animals and dear God Clark was going to kill him.

Lex pushed up enough to mouth the side of his lover's face, his ear, down his cheek and chin to his neck, nibbling and sucking the long column as his hands moved to pull himself up, braced on Clark's shoulders as he tried to scoot closer.

Clark carefully helped his shaking, energy filled lover, gently, ever so gently, sliding them closer. His cock was hard, and it ever so gently rubbed against the channel of Lex's thigh, as he smiled into hot skin. He kissed, softly, peppering them down to pebbled hard nipples. He licked each one, tenderly, murmuring his pleasure into them as he bit and sucked, worked into hardness. He rubbed his fingertips easily across one, then the other, licking down a warm belly... a warm belly button... lower. He pressed a kiss to the bulge again, tenderly, ever so tenderly, and slowly, carefully, unhooked it from its snaps. Lex's cock... was blood red and dark with blood and he smiled, softly, as he tenderly licked the swollen head.

Lex hurried to help Clark move him closer, arms and legs tight like a burr around him as he rocked in his lover's lap. The murmurs of pleasure were sweet music to Lex, and one hand slipped up to gently card through Clark's hair, rubbing gently, petting and stroking.

Then he screamed, sharply and shrilly, as Clark licked across the head of his cock. Bright, burning spike of agony that turned into hard shudders of pleasure shot through Lex with the scrape of Clark's taste buds against the over-sensitized skin of his cock.

His lips curved, as he looked up at his screaming lover. He knew how this would feel, and a part of him, albeit a sick part, enjoyed every moment. He licked again, giving his lover another shock of pleasure, as he carefully unwound the jock that had pressed tight into pliant skin, and carefully removed it.

And with it, he grasped the edge of the cotton, and tugged, firmly but gently, as he began to pull out the materiel from his lover.

He was stretched open wide... amazingly wide, and Clark swallowed, hard, watching quietly at the stretch his lover hard. Jesus, Jesus Christ. It would be... perfect, for the dildo, and his fingertips ever, ever so gently, slid inside his love, seeking his prostate.

The second lick brought a quieter, hoarser scream, one that rumbled deep in his chest and spoke more of pleasure than of pain. He couldn't stop the cries that came as Clark tugged the jock off and away, and then when he sprang free entirely, he sobbed once in choked relief.

It didn't last, and the scream rang out again as the fabric slowly started to slide out of him. The rasping of the rough seams against the soft tissues of his ass was excruciating, and his cock leaked during every second of it. The press against his prostate nearly had him coming, and Lex was sobbing again, begging, pleading, control almost completely shot as he arched into Clark's seeking fingers.

There had been just enough, just enough lube to slide in and stroke, and he ignored his lover's sobs and screams for more. In due time he'd take care of him, just like he always did, and he smiled up at him as he coated his fingertips with lube, and slid in again. The other hand, without anything to do, carefully unsnapped the cock ring, and with his teeth as an aid, hooked it around the base of his lovers balls and cock, so he wouldn't come prematurely.

Clark would jut have to hold it.

He stroked over the soft, warm tissues of his lovers insides, careful to spread the lube as far in, and as far deeply, as he could. His fingers and hand were totally wet, completely, and he pulled out his two fingers and added a third, stroking in. "You need to be nice and slick, baby." He whispered, softly, into a tense thigh, licking and kissing the scar Clark himself had left there, gently nibbling on the skin.

The cock ring was a welcome agony to his already aching balls, but the need to come had been slightly abated by it. The orgasm was still there, and Lex dropped grateful kisses onto whatever expanses of Clark's skin he could reach in thanks.

His hips lifted, his legs spread wide, and he let his head fall back as he forced himself wider open. "You can... probably get... your whole hand in," he grunted.

"I know." But he had no intention of. He just gently stroked, because he knew his lover was stretched and wide, and he pressed tender, loving kisses to the bound cock and tightly drawn balls, licking them warmly and tenderly. He kept stretching his fingers inside, because the last thing he wanted was to hurt his lover, but when he realized, finally, that his lover was stretched open as wide as he could be, he sat up. His wet fingers grasped the long, hard cock, and Clark opened the lube, squirting a healthy dose of the slickening lube onto it. He stroked over it, over and over, watching it in his hand. It was enormous, huge, and how his lover could fit this into his body was... a mystery. And would be, until he saw it for himself.

"I'm going to slide this into you, Lex." He whispered it, softly, as his thumb returned to the exposed hole, gently rubbing the rim. "Tell me… when to stop."

He carefully, ever so carefully, positioned the head of the cock at his lovers entrance, and turned the vibrations on the lowest setting, before carefully beginning to push the heavy length in.

"Don't stop!" Lex pushed down as Clark started pushing it in. His body was stretched open, waiting to be filled and when Clark obliged him, Lex helped. He slid his hands down and held his cheeks apart, further opening himself.

The vibration against his already sensitive ass was torment, but it was the sweetest kind as he was packed full of hard, unforgiving plastic instead of shapeless fabric. He batted Clark's hands away, clamping his ass tightly around the dildo as he rolled to his knees, spreading them wide so that he was lying with his ass open and in the air with his torso pillowed on his arms, inviting Clark to push the blue monster deeper.

"Oh, Lex." He whispered, whimpered as his lover rolled and presented himself. He got up onto his knees, carefully kissing his lovers cheeks, and gently, gently, thrust the blue monster out a little before back in, deep, deeper, pressing in and out like rolling hips did. He didn't know when to stop, trusting his lover to tell him, so he carefully massaged pendulous balls, gently stroking them as he moved.

Clark's cock was so hard, so unbelievably hard.

"K--keep going, Clark." Lex's hands were scrabbling over his chest, tugging at his nipples, pinching them as he stayed spread open, his stretched passage trying to grab the plastic with his muscles and suck it in.

"Okay." He whispered it, softly. He pressed more in, pressed it carefully, terrified of hurting his lover but he was accepting every merciless inch that Clark was pressing into him. He murmured, softly, whimpering quietly as he grasped his cock and gave it a squeeze. This was unlike anything he'd ever seen, anything they'd ever done, and he careful, carefully, kept moving, unbelieving of what he was seeing. He pressed warm, gentle, tender kisses to his lovers skin, every inch he could find, and licked softly, murmuring softly in pleasure as he did. "So beautiful. So open."

Lex shuddered as Clark kissed all over him, and he reached back, letting go of his nipples long enough to reach back and spread his ass open again, bobbling gently and begging wordlessly for more. This was nothing like they'd done before, this was left over from his old days and it was dark and dirty and hot and wonderful all at the same time. He grunted, clenched down on the fake cock that penetrated, and then reached up to feel.

Wasn't even halfway yet, and he groaned. "More, Clark... I can take it all."

"No... don't... don't want to hurt you." He whispered, into his lovers cheek, then the back of his hip, raining kisses over him as Clark's fingers came around a pale hip and grasped his cock. "I don't want to hurt you, Lex."

Harsh, hard grunt as Clark's hand gripped his cock "P-please, Clark. You're not hurting me. Can take it, take it all, done it before, need it all, please, please, Clark, please." Soft whimpering as he begged. "If you hurt I'll stop you, just please, don't stop."

Christ, God. They were laying here, on their bed, with Lex, the richest young plaything in the world, ass in the air to his farm boy, and Clark couldn't have been more pleasured, or more pleased. He sat back, one leg sprawled by Lex's head, the other going to brace on the floor, and Clark wrapped his lips around the bottom of the dildo, sucking as he pressed it further into his lover. He sucked like it were a cock, a huge one but a cock nonetheless, dragging his mouth over it and sucking harder as he pressed more into his aushna'. Further, deeper, and as he pushed in closer he was able to *get* closer, and his hand returned once more to Lex's cock, stroking it firmly and gently.

Lex cried out in pleasure as the dildo pressed further in. He let go of his cheeks and lowered his chest again, going back into presentation mode as Clark's hand closed around his cock.

His ass clenched around the dildo, causing it to jerk slightly, and he thrust forward into Clark's hand, rubbing his cock frantically into the tight grip of his lover, pushing back against the dildo and sucking more of it into his ass with every rock of his hips.

Clark pushed, further and further, his eyes clenched shut, until he realized very abruptly their was nothing left to push. The flat, flared base lay pressed snugly against Lex's cheeks and Clark cried out, loudly, harshly, shaking and shivering all over as he grasped Lex's cock tighter in his hand. He didn't know what Lex would want to do now... fuck him, receive a blow job, whatever, and Clark licked and sucked all over until... yes. He slid down, onto his back, lifting his lover slightly so he could squirm underneath him, and suck his lovers cock down his throat.

Hoarse, ragged cry from a scratchy throat as his bound and painful cock was engulfed in wet heat. His hands knotted in the sheets as he came up on his knees, just enough, and he started to fuck Clark's mouth.

Couldn't help it, not sure if he could stop even if he wanted to, and he thrust. Hard and fast, his hands going white-knuckled with their strong grip on the sheets as he humped into his lover's mouth, quick and rapid and wanting.

Not that he could speak, and he sent whimpering desires across the link he shared with his lover, pleading for a hard spanking that turned his ass red, then a hard fuck that left him used and drained before finally letting him come. Knew he wouldn't get any of it, begged instead just for release.

No, no he wouldn't. Clark wouldn't fuck him like that, not this first time with their new toy, but he did do something his lover wanted. He raked his nails down his lovers cheeks, as his mouth worked where it could to get his lover off, sucking and licking between thrusts, and spanked the smooth, round globes of his lovers ass. Hard, sharp spanks, over and over, massaging the heating skin between movements. They were covered in spit and lube, sweat and heat, and Clark sucked, harder, faster, letting his lover use him for his desire as he unsnapped the cock ring for a better orgasm. It was soon, Clark could feel it, but for now he let Lex enjoy this fine, sharp pleasure as much as he could.

Lex moaned as Clark's wide hands started spanking him, and he shuddered with every one. His cock shoved deeper into Clark's throat, skin burning with every slap and then, the removal of his cock ring. Soft howl from deep in his throat as he thrust into Clark's mouth, and every inch of his willpower went into fighting off his orgasm for a few more seconds, feeling the heat from his spanked ass permeating the rest of his body as he sunk into Clark's throat.

Clark pulled free, as soon as he felt his lover struggle, and gently, tenderly, carefully rolled him over, as softly as he could, and because he knew his lover couldn't move, he reached back, sucked his fingers and stretched himself, quickly, looking down at him as he did it. "Want me, aushna?" He whispered, hoarsely, half crazed with desire and want as his mouth descended and sucked on hard nipples, nipping up to his neck and throat, then to his lips, kissing him deeply, heavily, as he stretched himself.

"Yes," he croaked sharply, kissing Clark deeply and trembling hard as he pushed down orgasm. "Not going to come, not going to come, not going to come," he chanted to himself, rubbing his sore ass on the prickly bedspread as he clenched down on the huge dildo that stretched him open. "Hurry, please, Clark, please."

"Don't beg, don't beg, don't beg," Clark whispered, heavily, kissing him one last time before reaching back, grasping the hard, wet cock, and he sank down onto it. He rolled his hips, swallowing heavily as his lover slid into him inch by inch, movement by movement, pressing down so that he'd get Lex in faster, and whimpered softly, quietly, as he squeezed Lex's cock tightly and rocked, thrusting without any preamble. "Lex, Lex, oh God, Lex, aushna', aushna!"

Lex bucked up, fell down hard on the dildo, squeaked hard as it shoved against his prostate and his cock jerked hungrily in Clark's ass. Over and over again he repeated this, hands going to anchor on Clark's hips, squeezing tightly, fingers digging into his lover's invulnerable flesh and leaned up to suck kisses from Clark's broad chest and sweaty throat. Each drop down of his hips caused his cock to jerk, and he wrapped his hand around Clark's organ, jerking hard. "Jesus, Clark," he whimpered, thrusting up hard.

Clark moaned, hard, heavily, whimpering loudly. He hardly had to thrust... Lex's cock and hips were working, and Clark helped where he could as he gasped and threw his head back. Hard strokes, heavy as they moved, and the scent of their sweat, drenching their bodies, sent him nearly into mental chaos. Even now, even NOW he didn't let Lex thrust as hard as he wanted, keeping it slower, sweeter, than the hard, rough fucking both their bodies wanted. He kept it achingly slow, careful to feel every sensation, and grasped his lovers hands tightly over his hips, holding on.

Lex cried out as Clark gentled his thrusts, pulling himself up just enough to suck kisses from Clark's chest again, and then dropped back down, entire body jerking as his prostate was rubbed by the huge dildo and his guts were bounced around by it. Hiss of pleasure and he thrust up into Clark again, pleading with his motions for one good, hard thrust that would make him explode.

Clark looked down at him, and he felt the beg in his heart and mind. Instead, he gave one, two, three, four short, tiny little thrusts, and then one deep, hard one, raising up before slamming back down and squeezing, with all of his might. His own cock was hot, burning, and he wrapped his hand around Lex's on his cock and stroked, hard, heavy, because he wanted, wanted to come, come now, come now!

Lex screamed as he came. Hoarse scream that faded into silence before he was done because his voice gave out. His mouth was still hanging open but nothing was coming out. His back arched completely off the bed, nails digging into Clark's hips as he came.

And he came. Hot, hard, and fast, and it felt like a volcano was erupting in his balls as he shot load after load into Clark's body. He was barely aware of clamping his hand tightly around Clark's cock and jerking savagely, jacking him off as roughly as Lex was coming, with voiceless grunts and squeaks as his ass clenched around the huge dildo.

He sobbed with pleasure, back arching as he squeezed tightly. His lover was coming, and coming, so much and he wailed, sobbing his pleasure as he came. His body erupted, balls exploding, and the white ribbons hit his lovers chest and tummy, all over, all over. His back was arched tight, his body shaking in agony, because he knew he-- he came. He cried out, shrilly, then screamed as he came, his body erupting with sweet, hot pleasure that ran all over his body. Up his arms, across his tummy and down his crotch and he fell forward without another word, orgasming as he fell against his beautiful lover, and wailed a third time, in ecstasy.

Lex rocked into Clark again as he started to come, squeaking as tight muscles squeezed his cock and pulled the last hot rush of come out of him as he trembled. Relished the feel of his lover's come on his chest, rubbing it in with exhausted, limp fingers as he wrapped his arms around Clark, squirming wetly against him as he tried to maneuver his cock out. "Don't wanna," he muttered. "Gotta."

He whimpered, softly but deeply, because he knew, but he didn't want. He wanted Lex in, deep and in, and he whimpered again as it was almost lost to him. Not that he could think much beyond ohshitthisfeelsgood. His body was shaking with post coital bliss and he rolled onto his side to get the weight off of Lex's torso, instead tugging him close into the circle of his arms, his muscles keeping Lex in, deeply. "Lex... have to clean out anyway. Stay, little while."

"Okay," Lex croaked, surrendering the motions he didn't want to make anyway. Instead he laid his head on Clark's shoulder and stroked over his hip, sucking at his shoulder and his throat, licking his chin and nuzzling his cheek. "I love you," he said, in the raspy voice of a man who'd screamed his lungs out.

"I love you." Clark whispered back, softly, because that was all he could manage. Lex had come so much, so much, and he stroked the limp cock tenderly, before rising up to finish. He carefully, so, so carefully, sat up, and began to pull the enormous cock stuck in his lover out. Gently, tenderly, carefully, pulling and twisting it out, inch by inch, gently and slowly.

Lex caught his lover's hand at the wrist. "T-trust me," Lex rasped out. "Pull, all at once."

"Don't... don't want to hurt." He whispered, whimpered, softly.

"You won't, believe me. But it won't come out otherwise." Lex grimaced. "Been there."

"Hurt?" Clark asked, with a near horror.

"Ripped, yeah," Lex confided softly. "But you won't. Because you used enough lube and got me open enough. Just pull, all at once, and you'll see."

Clark swallowed, hard, the anger bubbling under the surface at someone who had HURT his aushna', and with the anger feeding his courage, he pulled the dildo all at once. He was careful the whole time, sliding it out at once, and pulled it out with a quiet little pop.

There were very light streaks of blood on...

"Lex. I hurt you. Lex."

Hiss of relief as the huge dildo was extracted, and he flopped uselessly onto his back. His ass gave hollow thumps as he closed his eyes, and then cracked one open. "No, you didn't."

He swallowed, hard, still sitting there on his butt and one leg, and his throat bobbed helplessly as he set the dildo on the floor. He crawled up his lovers body and carefully tugged him close, into his arms, inspecting him even as he shivered. "So good?"

"God yes." Deep, sated shudders as he snuggled into Clark's arms and sighed. Then he lifted his head just a little. "Now I have to start thinking of payback."

His lips curved, though his fingers were still making sure he was alright, stroking over him, licking his shoulders and chest like he always did after intense sex. "Had you screaming." No amount of joy could cover his pride over that.

"Yes you did." Lex did a little licking and nuzzling of his own. "Not many people do that, you know... I don't scream for everyone."

"Just me. And your big blue." Clark whispered, smiling now, just a little, as the worry began to slide away into pure pleasure. "I like you screaming."

"I haven't screamed for anyone in years," he confessed softly. "Not after I started the drugs. I didn't feel it enough to scream; no one made me feel it." He looked seriously at his lover, tracing the smile gently. "You make me feel."

"I love you, aushna'." Clark whispered in response, quietly, because the pride he felt was unreal. His chest puffed up a little, and he straightened up, in the eyes of his lover, as he kissed him deeply, gently. "I love you, so much. I'll make you feel whenever you want to feel."

Lex returned the gentle kiss deeply, stretching his used body and relishing the feel of it. "I always want to feel when I'm with you." He rubbed his lover's chest gently, then over the heartbeat that pounded near his throat. "I'm sorry you had to go in there alone."

"Alone?" A blink... then realization, and he nodded, softly. "I was ready. I wouldn't have if I wasn't. It... its different. They ripped everything up...the rooms empty. I didn't… go in the bathroom." He swallowed, and didn't want to talk about it in any sort of fashion. "I have to clean up, Lex... you came, and came, and came." He grinned, then, his eyes crinkling with pleasure. "I'm filled up. Dripping down my thighs."

Lex nodded in understanding. "I don't ever want to go back in there," he said softly, unaware of his lover's earlier thoughts. "I'll move the toys in here; our closet has one too, and we'll never have to go back there." He snuggled. "You made me come. Felt like I was never going to get stopped." He didn't let go, either. "Let's go; you can clean us both up. Then we can figure out how to apologize to Chloe and the rest of the guys."

"Apologize? For... bailing out on movie and pizza because we had to come home and fuck, and I do mean now?" his lips twitched, but only a little, grazing his lips across Lex's. "I wondered if you wanted to. Go back into that room. I'm glad you don't... I like this room. I love this room. Its ours, in a way the other one never was. But we can move stuff in here, Lex."

Lex returned the graze of lips with a little nibble. "I don't want to." He looked around. "I like this room too; we've made it ours, and it's beautiful. Granted, the wallpaper needs to go, and so does the ivy--God bless you, Mother, but it sucks--but all in all, I like it."

"Me too." He grinned. "And a new comforter. And maybe a new throw carpet, too. And the ivy... which makes my eyes cross every time I see it. Your mom was cool to make it pretty, Lex, but baby, we need something different."

Little shudder. "No purple. No burgundy."

He blinked, tipping his head... and watched Lex as his realization dawned. "No red, either. Maybe... blue? Or green?"

"I like green," Lex finally said after a moment of consideration. "Or a nice, deep, cobalt blue." A little pause and he shifted, squishing slightly. "I can have Carolyn's sister, who is a decorator, bring us her swatch book in the morning and we can pick out the samples we like and go from there." Then Lex blinked. "Jesus Christ. Did I just say that? I'm turning into the gay stereotype. Next thing you know, we'll be picking out curtains together."

He grinned. Broadly. "No swatches. No curtains. We'll go to the store and get what we want. Cause we're manly men." He rubbed his lips across Lex's shoulder, tenderly. "Not stereotype. Homey. You're looking to make a home with me, Lex, aren't you?"

Grousing. "Feels more like fucking nesting."

Clark smiled, even broader, and propped himself up on one elbow. "Its called eeoumhi, and it usually happens after the first six months to a year after aushna' find one another. They, as you say, nest, build their comfort zone. Which is why you've been restless over all of our rooms."

"That would explain the urge I had to call an architect," he muttered softly, tweaking a nipple. "You could have told me before I had house plans drawn up. Nothing serious, mind you, just sketches."

His lips curved, again, gently. "Its okay. Its natural... my dad told me it would happen. I've caught myself doing it, too. Its just another way we keep one another safe and comfortable, by reflecting it into our environment."

Lex sighed. "It's going to come in handy in about a year."


"Because, in case you haven't thought about it, you're going to be going to college. And since I'm not going to let you stay here and go to the community college, it means we're going to be going. Away. Apartment-hunting, decorating, all that crap."

He tipped his head. "I hadn't even thought about it. I guess... yeah, we will be." He hadn't thought much that far in the future, and his heart gave a heavy trip when he realized Lex would indeed be coming. "I love you. I didn't know if you'd come with me. I love you."

"Why wouldn't I go with you, Clark? Nervous breakdowns notwithstanding, I get the jitters if I'm too far away from you for too long. I'd lose my mind--literally."

"I just thought...." What had he thought? In truth, he hadn't even thought about it at all. So instead he grinned, and gently kissed Lex's lips, softly. "I love you. I love you."

"I love you," Lex echoed softly, his mouth craving the sweet kisses that his lover was bestowing on him. "I wouldn't leave you, not for anything." His hand cupped Clark's face gently, careful not to smear him with come and sweat as he did.

He smiled, softly, rubbing his lips again tenderly over Lex's, before he rose up. "Lex, gotta get cleaned out. Think a bath will do it?"

"Yeah, I think so," Lex said softly. "Should."

"Too tired for kinky enemas and the erections they'll bring." Murmured, sheepish words, with a soft, slightly wicked grin as he rolled up, to his feet, and offered his arms. "Liked my boxers stuffed inside you, Lex?"

"Definitely liked," Lex answered, rolling into his lover's offered arms and not even bothering to stand on his own feet. "Gave me the shivers all over."

He slid his arms under Lex's body and carefully lifted him, up close and tucked in tightly, even as he smiled. "I... used to do it. Went to school like that, sometimes. Id get so hard I could probably carve glass with my cock."

"I love that you can do that," he whispered softly.

"Carve glass with my cock?" An eyebrow rose. "I've never tried it, though I've been known to puncture things. My jeans, your lingerie box, various sheets. You should see my mother's expression whenever she encounters holy sheets."

"No... sweep me away like that." Lex leaned his head on Clark's shoulder again. "Your poor mother."

"I love sweeping you away. Sweeping you close. You're my aushna', and the best treatment for you is what I'll give you. I love you, so deeply, so much, Lex. I love you so much."

Lex couldn't help the sappy, happy beam that slid over his features at that. "I love you, Clark... I don't know that I can tell you how much, only... that you are everything."

"I know. You don't have to tell me. I only tell you cause I love seeing your face." Clark whispered, with a smile, kissing his lover gently. "Bath. Warm bath. Soap and bubbles... and candles. Okay?"

"Warm bath. Soap, bubbles, candles... a nice, warm, salt-water gargle." He snuggled in close. "You... make me so happy."

"Ditto." Said on a warm, gentle kiss. "I love you, Lex."

"I love you." Then a little nose wrinkle. "We reek, you know that?"

"I know tha... that." A moment, and he tipped his head, quietly, as if listening to something. "Lex? is there a way to call your dad?"

Lex perked up at that. "Yeah, there is, why?"

"Something's wrong." All traces of the teasing love were gone, for the moment, as his eyes sharpened. "Something's wrong. Call, and check on them."

"Right." Lex slid out of his lover's arms, hurrying back into the bedroom and picking up the phone, pausing for a second as he flipped his mental rolodex and found his father's cell phone. Global networking had it's advantages, and he dialed quickly, listening to the ring as he tapped his fingers on the dresser, waiting for someone to pick up.

Dominic was just about ready to faint. He wasn't sobbing hysterically, yet, but he was plastered into his seat like saran wrap clinging to a bowl. His seatbelt was on, tight, and to his advantage he wasn't saying a word as the plane rocked under them with another blast of turbulence.

He was going to start screaming. Or faint. One or the other.

They. Were going. To die.

Lionel heard his telephone ringing, from the bag beside Dominic's chair, and he sighed. "Dominic? Dominic!" he shouted, and then forcibly lowered his voice. "Answer my telephone, please." Something he told Dominic to do every day.

"Phone." Alright. Phone. He could deal. He let go, forcibly, of one of the arm rests, and dropped his hand into the bag beside him, rooting for a moment before he found the vibrating, tinkling phone, and picked it up, opening it to his hear. "H-hello?"

"Dominic? it's Lex. Is everything all right? What's wrong?" Lex carefully let his mind reach out and caress, then jerked back when all he got was a jumbled flood of panic and fear of impending death. "Dom?"

"Turbulence. Death. Fishes. Swimming." He mumbled, before swallowing, hard. "Turbulence, from… one of the... the hurricanes. Everything... is okay. We… are okay. Don't... don't worry. Father? Talk?"

"You're hitting a hard pocket of turbulence?" His tone implied that's it? but he didn't say it. "Are you all right? You, physically, I mean."

"Of course. I'm fabulous."

"If you can be a sarcastic bitch, then you're okay." Deep sigh, as he flicked his eyes to Clark. "Yeah, lemme talk to Dad."

Dominic held the phone out to his husband, who he knew had grown weary of him already, and closed his eyes, leaning back into the chair and fighting on breathing normally.

Lionel accepted the phone carefully and leaned back into the seat. "Yes, Lex?"

"Dad... pardon the crudity but what the fuck is going on? Dominic's so panicked that if I had hair, it'd be standing on end!" Lex forcibly calmed himself. "Is it just the turbulence?"

Lionel nodded. "Yes, it's just the turbulence. Dominic is... understandably terrified of it, and we've been dealing with it for nearly half an hour now; Consuela says we're hitting the worst now, but we've got another twenty minutes at least."

Dominic gave him a seething glare, one eyebrow raising up. Oh, yes, husband. Really, because terrified is the least of it. He rolled his eyes at him and lay his head back down again, still grasping the arm rests tightly underneath his palms.

Lionel smiled back at the seething glare. "And he's glaring at me for underestimating the terror."

Lex snorted again. "Yeah, I'd say you're underestimating it. Did you give him the pills?"

"As prescribed, yes."

"Fucking idiot!"

Dominic just settled back, glaring darkly at his lover before tucking himself up and letting out a very unmasculine yelp when their was a push of turbulence. He was a Irishman who prided himself on his honor, integrity, and strength, but he was about to get out of this seat and run about screaming until he was either knocked unconscious or his lover caught him.

"Perhaps I am an idiot, but you aren't Herbert's flying companion, I am, and I prefer to have Dominic sober." He tapped the second bottle against his knee as he talked.

"Dad... do you want him sober and unconscious, or awake and drugged up hysterical?" Lex glared at the phone, though he knew it wasn't doing a bit of good.

"Sober, please." But Lionel sighed, and pitched the other bottle to his lover.

Dominic didn't even watch it sail past, grasping the seat tightly and trying to breathe. Elaine would do him good right about now, and he just inhaled and exhaled deeply...then blinked. He rooted a moment again, in the bag beside him, searching even as he closed his eyes, and his hands wrapped around his cell.

It took him .5 seconds to demon dial Elaine's office.

Julie was just packing up to close the office when she heard the phone ring, and she answered it with a chirp. "Dr. Nacheyez' office, can I help you?"

"Hi. Its Dominic Senatori." He bit it off, teeth clenched. "Is... Elaine in, by any chance?"

Whooboy. "She sure is, sugar. You're on her emergency list, so lemme pipe you right through." She clicked the hold button, then buzzed Elaine. "Doc? Mr. Senatori's on the first line, and he doesn't sound happy."

Elaine nodded; she'd been expecting this call. "Thank you, Elaine, I've got it." She picked up the blinking line and smiled into the receiver. "Hello, Dominic. How are you feeling?"

"Hi. Not good." He gritted, teeth clenched as his lover spoke to Lex on the other phone. His fingers were so tight on the arm rests his muscles ached, but there was no way on God's earth he could let go without embarrassing himself.

"In flight jitters?" she guessed.

"If by jitters you mean quaking movements that not even a good bout of rough sex could cure, than aye, you're correct."

Elaine tapped her pen on the desktop as she booted up her laptop, clicking up a game of Solitaire. "Did you take both kinds of your medication?" She set it to Autoplay, as watching the cards play themselves helped her to think.

"Yes. I might have taken a bit too much. Though it hasn't helped. I'm not asleep, nor am I in a drugged stupor. I'm just... here. I can't let go of me seat, Lionel's calm as the breeze beside me, and I want to throttle his head in."

Her brow furrowed. "Did you perhaps take it with alcohol?"


She made a little clicking noise. "Shame on you, Dominic. Don't you ever listen to your doctor? You don't take that medicine with alcohol because alcohol dulls the effects of it."

He was going to cry like a baby. Not that he wanted to. But he was. "Oh, no, Elaine. Oh, God."

"Don't panic on me yet, Dominic. How long ago did you take them?"

"About.... about an hour and a half ago." He swallowed, heavily, as they hit another pocket of turbulence and he had to bite on his lip, hard.

"All right." She furrowed her brow again, watching the cards deal themselves out. "You can take two more of each, but no more than that, but take it with water. Only two, because I don't want you to overdose. Understand me?"

"Will it do anything to help?" he asked it, swallowing the whimper and gritting his teeth again.

"It should help dull things, but I can't promise that it'll make all the symptoms go away. You should be able to at least partially function, enough to survive the flight."

"What. The bloody hell. was I thinking, Elaine. Me? PLANE?! Why didn't I fucking book us a boat ride, like normal claustrophobic people?"

"Because you knew that a boat couldn't get you there as quickly as an airplane, and your husband doesn't own a boat, as far as I know."

"He's going to invest in one." Alright. So maybe one little whimper escaped. "Elaine, please tell me I'm going to survive this trip, and we're going to make it to Ireland. Please, dearest God."

"Dominic, you're going to survive this trip. You're going to survive the trip home in a week. And you're not going to mix medication and alcohol for the return trip."

"Okay. Survive. Not going to end up fish bait. No alcohol and medication. Check." He swallowed, hard. "Thank you, Elaine. I'm sorry to bother you at this late hour."

"Not at all; it's what I'm here for. I'll be in the office for another half hour, and after that, you'll have to call the emergency number I gave you."

"I'll be alright. Thank you, Elaine. I'm just… yes. Well."

"In the midst of a great panic attack?"

"The greatest and most enormous. I think the only reason I haven't leapt out the window is the thought of my baby girl."

"And the fact that it would not only kill you but suck your lover out into the vacuum as well," Elaine deadpanned.

"Indeed. The suspense grates on my nerves." Dominic deadpanned back, but he was able to have a small smile over it. "You help me, though. Thank you, Elaine. Seriously. If I didn't have you I might have to turn to Lex, and the poor dear isn't ready to hear about his step father going postal thirty thousand feet up."

"Quite all right; glad to be able to help." She smiled at the phone. "It's what I'm here for."

"You're married to your work, Elaine. Go home, have yourself a tea and to bed with you. Alright? Amuse yourself with thoughts of me clinging like a burr to my poor husband." He smiled into the phone, and risked a glance at said husband. "Good night, dear."

"Goodnight, Dominic." Elaine hung up slowly, and turned the autoplay feature off, finishing the Solitaire game herself.

Lionel had hung up the phone with Lex, and had crossed his legs, hands laced together over his knee as he stared blandly at his lover, eyebrow elevated.

He glared back, and hung the phone up, setting the phone back into the bag as he carefully, slowly, let go of the seat rest. His fingers ached, his muscles ached, and he winced as he did it, carefully, slowly, reaching forward for the pill bottle that had fallen by Lionel's shoe. He picked it up, holding his hand out for the other one, and glared, daring him to argue.

"I threw it to you earlier," Lionel said calmly, pointing across the room. "I don't know what you did to the other one, as I gave it to you in the bedroom."

He had to walk to the back room.

Okay. Crap.

So much for that.

He lay his head back, closing his eyes, and breathed, softly, quietly. The worst of the shaking was over, his ears were plugged from their height in the air, his body was shivering and aching with the grasp he had on it, and he swallowed two of the pillows from the bottle in his hand, setting the bottle in the bag, and retrieved a small bottle of water to chase them down with. Swallowed, gone, and he closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on sleeping.

Lionel sighed, got up from the chair, walked carefully across the lurching cabin, and picked up the bottle of pills as they rolled out of the corner where they landed. He dropped them into his lover's lap as he passed, and then buckled himself back into his chair and picked up his long-ago discarded newspaper.

He wanted to take his lovers hand, but he didn't know if he should, because he could tell how exasperated Lionel was with him. It shamed him, deeply, but he took two of the pills and swallowed them, with another drink of water, before grasping his handles again and closing his eyes.

"I'm not, you know," Lionel said from behind his newspaper.

He didn't say anything, but his eye slit open, looking at him sideways.

"Not whatever that huge sigh of yours thinks I am."

He didn't say anything. Just closed his eyes again. And instead, opened his mouth and sang. Better to sing than to be horrified, as he was. He'd done it, for a long time, elevators, helicopters, and other various pulleys and moving closed things. "One summer evening drunk to hell, I sat there nearly lifeless. And old man in the corner sang where the water lilies grow. And on the jukebox Johnny sang, about a thing called love. And it's how you are kid and what's your name. And how would you bloody know."

When Dominic paused, Lionel raised his eyebrow and cleared his throat, interrupting the next verse. "You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips. And there's no tenderness like before in your fingertips. You're trying hard not to show it, But baby, baby I know it...You've lost that lovin' feeling, Whoa, that lovin' feeling, You've lost that lovin' feeling, Now it's gone...gone...gone...wooooooh."

He blinked at him, twice, three times, and rose his voice in song, their voices overlapping in their strong masculine music. His was filled with lilt, his lover with baritone, and he met it strongly. "In the merry month of June, from me home I started, left the girls of Dublin nearly broken hearted. Saluted father dear, kissed me darlin' mother, drank a pint of beer me grief and tears to smother."

Lionel gave a ghost of a grin as he dropped his own melody and let Dominic sing. He sounded lovely, with the lilt in his voice, and it was a pleasure to listen to.

His voice quavered with every bounce of turbulence, but he kept right on singing, his eyes closing once mid way so he could reign in control of himself, until... he realized, mid pub song about Annie Clooney and her fairest heart, that the shaking had stopped. He cut himself off mid note and swallowed, hard, looking at his lover. His hand stroked over the back of Lionel's, grasping it tightly as he could, and swallowed. "We're not dying?"

Lionel squeezed his lover's hand firmly. "We're not dying, Dominic. We're just out of the turbulence. That's why the shaking stopped."

"Not dying." A shaky breath. "Okay. Lionel, I'm... going to go back to bed. If... we die, tell me."

"No, not dying." He unbuckled his seat belt, and smiled. "Come on. I'll go to the bedroom with you and help you get to sleep." He stood in front of his lover's chair and offered both hands to pull him up with.

"I'm sorry, Lionel." He said it, quietly, as he pulled himself up. He felt so ashamed of himself, so very, very very ashamed, and he would have said more if Consuela hadn't decided in that moment to make her presence known.

"Mr. Luthors, we seem to have passed just fine through all of the turbulence. We got clear of any tail debris from the hurricane, and it even gave us a push. We're making excellent time. We should be landing in Dublin International Airport in four hours."

"Nothing to be sorry for." Lionel was just in the midst of wrapping his arms around his lover, and growled softly at the interruption. "Thank you, Consuela. At least that ride was good for something other than a shaking." He looked down at his lover. "You see? We've picked up a nice tailwind and we're moving along. We'll be there before you know it."

"Yes, sir, indeed." She smiled at them, both, and motioned absently towards Trish, hiding in the cockpit door that was just barely cracked open. "Are you both feeling hungry? We have excellent in flight meals prepared, if either of you feel like eating. Just let Trish know."

Dominic shook his head, tightly at her. "No. Just some a seven up, please."

"I'll let her know. And you, Mr. Luthor?"

"Not right now, thank you." He stroked his lover's head gently. "Maybe later, after we get settled back down after the shake up."

"That's fine. Just let us know."

Dominic watched the pilot slip back into the cockpit, his fingers tightly closed around his lover's bicep, and didn't realize it until he looked down. "Oh… sorry. Sorry, beloved. Elaine couldn't believe sex didn't calm me down, by the way. I heard it in her voice." Instead he searched for warm fingers. "I'm sorry for being such a wuss over this."

Lionel shook his head gently, and wrapped his fingers around his lover's. "You're not being a wuss, Dominic. And you don't have anything to be sorry about." A playful kiss to his lover's nose. "I found it hard to believe too, and if I didn't know the extent of your phobia, I'd be quite worried over my prowess and abilities."

Trish was almost tiptoeing over to them, and she had a green bottle in her hands, working the cap nervously. "S-sir?" she asked, thrusting the bottle out in front of her like a shield. "H-here's the drink you w-wanted."

Blink. "Thank you, Trish. Why...are you nervous?" Because he'd noticed it, and he tucked the closed bottle under his arm, as he leaned down for his silver watch, that he'd taken off.

She flipped her eyes to each Luthor in turn. "Be-be-because. You're Luthor's."

His brow perched up near his hairline. "And because we're Luthor's, we're evoking your fright and horror?"

Timid little nod, and she started edging back towards her station at the cock pit.

"Young lady!" Lionel bellowed. "Don't you dare run away while you're being spoken to!"

She gave a little squeak of terror but stopped edging.

Dominic jumped when his lover yelled, and gave him a swift stomp on the foot and a nipple twist. "What did I say about the yelling?" Then, to the young lady. "Theirs no need to be frightened. I'm only a Luthor by marriage. He's a mean coot, indeed, but you don't have to be frightened, alright?"

Lionel yelped and looked evilly at his lover. "Dammit, Dominic! I said I wouldn't yell at you again! That didn't include the rest of the population!!!" He brought his hand up to rub gently at the tingling nipple that smarted from the twist.

Another squeak, but this time it was almost laughter this time at what Dominic had done.

Another glare at his lover, and he just shook his head and rolled his eyes, sparing a smile at the young lady that he meant, before taking his lovers hand. "No yelling, period. My heart, in elevated positions, can't take it. Now come along, Lionel."

Trish flashed him a teeny, timid grin before fleeing back to the cockpit.

Lionel just glared at his lover. "No yelling, period?"

"Not while we're soaring through the clouds in a contraption that was never meant to fly, love." Dominic answered, though he accepted the glare with a little timid smile of his own, squeezing his hand tightly as they maneuvered. "I love you."

"Of course it was meant to fly. That's what it was built for. Otherwise you'd have sprouted wings to fly yourself around. As they didn't... we're stuck in airplanes." He squeezed back. "I love you, little cricket."

"Its alright, that I'm a bit frightened?"

"It's more than all right." Lionel pulled his lover close, so that he could slide his arms back around him. "You're human; you're allowed to be frightened. I've learned just lately that it's not at all a bad thing to be."

"I love you." Dominic answered back, softly. "Why have you been frightened, my love?"

"I've been frightened that I'd lose my family before it was begun. I knew... I knew we had other eggs, Dominic, it wasn't that. It was... it was the time. Any later... and I wouldn't have been around for the most important parts of her life. I know people will say, it was only nine months, it was only a year, but what they never realized is... a year to find another woman, another three months to engineer, nine more moths to carry, that's two years. Sixty one years old, and having a child, and not being able to enjoy her growing up. I didn't want that. There's not that many differences between fifty-nine and sixty one, but I want to enjoy every year with her I had."

"I know, Lionel." Dominic answered, softly, quietly, gripping his lovers arm tightly as they walked. "I know. That's why it hurt so much, and why it was so scary, when everything was happening. I didn't want you to lose the opportunity, Lionel, to have our little Briar Rose. I know how frightened you must have been, but you tackled it like a man. I was so proud of you, angel, so proud."

"Like a man, right. Drugging and drinking myself into a stupor."

"You weren't in a stupor. You... well, alright, yes, it is qualified as a stupor, but after the stomach pump, things weren't so bad. I don't think... I think maybe, that things in our life, things that happen in our lives, aren't measured by our own travesties anymore, but by what Clark and Lex went through with Richard. Everything seems... better, anything better, than that day."

"Maybe so," Lionel said softly, opening the door to the bedroom. "That was the worst day. I don't ever what to have a day like it. I don't ever want my son to have a day like it, ever again."

"I don't, either." Dominic whispered, softly, as he slipped into the bedroom. It was dark, but for a slowly burning light in the corner of the room, and he sat on the unmade bed again, getting comfortable...then lying back, waiting for his lover as he pulled sheets and blankets back for him. "The worst part, for me, is when you asked me for the butterfly knife. I didn't understand what you were saying, hadn't a clue what we needed a knife for... and then I saw."

Lionel eased off his shoes as he got into the bed beside his lover. "The worst part, for me... was seeing my son hold a dead child and not want to give it up," Lionel said softly. "Bruce had to finally take the baby from him and put it in another room, and even then..." Lionel's throat closed. "The worst part was walking into that cold room and seeing that little infant lying in a blanket on a metal table and know every bit of the soul-slicing agony that my son was feeling and know that I couldn't stop it."

He swallowed, hard, tight, as he offered his arms, because they hadn't talked about it. At all. Since that day. Dominic had never wanted to broach the subject until his lover was ready, and now, that they were cuddled close to one another, they could talk about it. "I saw him. I didn't... couldn't touch him, because he wasn't mine. But I saw him, Lionel, and the only thing I can remember thinking was how beautiful he was. Like a little angel. His face had the most beautiful features I've ever seen on an infant. He was like a slice of heaven, and I knew, even though the room was bitterly cold, he would be... like a furnace of warmth and love for the rest of Lex and Clark's lives."

Lionel sighed as he curled next to his lover. "He was beautiful," Lionel said softly. "He was beautiful, and he is going to be a light in their lives." He squeezed Dominic's fingers tightly. "But I don't know as I would ever say the anguish was worth the light."

His throat tightened. All he could see, over and over, in his minds eye, was his lover walking in and seeing the baby dead on the table. He held him, closer for that, swallowing around the lump in his throat. "All the blood. There much blood. Lionel. We were ripping up carpets, tearing off wallpaper… it had soaked through the carpet, the padding, and had pooled on the cement."

"I know. So much had to be burned, destroyed, moved, and changed." Hard swallow. "I'd never seen so much of it, but I knew when we saw it that we had to take charge. Lex was in no state to, and neither was Clark."

"No, they weren't." He whispered, and stayed quiet, for a long moment. "They haven't given up."

"I know they haven't, and I can't tell you how proud I am of both of them."

"Me too." He gently, ever so gently, stroked his lovers arm. "I'm proud of you, too, Lionel."

Lionel looked down at Dominic's hand, stroking him. "Don't be."

"And why shouldn't I be?"

"Because I haven't done anything that out of the ordinary." Lionel sighed. "All I've done is be a man, Dominic. I've done what I thought had to be done, good or bad, and made a lot of wrong decisions. But it's nothing to be proud of."

"Yes, it is." Dominic looked up, because the ring of truth was in his words. "Yes. It is. You're a good man, Lionel. You have a level head, and a good heart. I suck at trying to explain what I see, but... I am very proud of you. Just for being yourself, the man, father, and husband you are."

Lionel leaned over and kissed his lover softly, rubbing his thumbs along Dominic's cheeks. "I know you are, Dominic. It's one of the reasons I love you so."

He knew Lionel didn't believe it of himself, but it didn't matter. He would, eventually. For now, his medication was beginning to kick in, and his eyelashes fluttered once, as he fought to keep himself afloat of what was going on around him. "Lionel... I love you, and adore you, deeply. You are a man worth being proud over."

"I'm proud of you, little cricket. Because you love me, you make me better. Because you're so good at what you do, and because of the size of your heart. I love you, Jiminy. Go to sleep; I'll be here with you." He kissed his lover's eyes closed.

And surprisingly enough, they stayed closed. "I don't want to leave you."

"You never will, Dominic." His arms wound around his lover and pulled him close. "You will never leave me."

"If we die... wake me up, kay?" He murmured, softly. "So handsome, so beautiful, my husband. Mine, mine alone, my husband."

Lionel sighed. "We're not going to die. But yes, if we do, I will wake you up. I won't let you sleep through your own demise." Little grin, then.

"Better not." Dominic muttered, and he opened his eyes once more, gazing into his lovers. Several long moments, just looking, as cliché as it was, and his thumb came up, to carefully trace over the laugh lines and curve of a regal eyelid. "I love you, Lionel."

"I love you, Dominic." Lionel let his eyes close as Dominic's thumb stroked over him. "I love you."

"I'm so blessed you're with me. The most blessed man on all the earth. No one has a love like ours... no one ever will. You're my husband, Lionel, and in no part of me could I have wished for a better life's mate, to share my problems and my joys. You're everything I ever wanted. You're everything to me." He pressed his lips to his husbands, softly, and tucked him close, getting himself closer too. "Sleep. We'll be there soon."

Lionel snuggled into his lover's arms. "Yes, we will be." He left his head resting on Dominic's shoulder as his hand slid up his lover's chest to rest on his heart. "Sometimes, I feel very, very honored that you believe so much in me," he said softly. "Other times, I'm just awed by it."

"You're an awe striking individual." Dominic murmured tenderly, as he pressed closer, eyes closed. "You're a beautiful individual. I love you like I've loved no one else in my life. You're kind, compassionate, and just so damn cute." His lips quirked. "Now go to sleep. No more sentimentalities, unless we're about to die."

Lionel opened his mouth, and then he caught the quirk of his lover's lips. Instead of saying anything else, Lionel just leaned over, pressed a soft kiss to his lover's mouth, and cuddled him close, keeping his arms firmly locked around him. "Sweet dreams, Jiminy."



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