
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 20: Good Vibrations

Lionel glared at his lover, who was perched beside him in the helicopter.  Lionel had all but raised holy hell about Dominic flying, but Dominic had quietly pointed out the fact that he was perfectly capable of making his own decisions, and that Lionel was definitely going to need his assistant by his side while he catalogued the damages and worked out estimates and budgets with Lex and the heads of the assessment teams.  "Dominic... are you sure you're up for this?" Lionel asked, for what had to be the tenth time since they'd lifted off.


"Yes." He barely kept the exasperation out of his voice...barely, restraining the grin that threatened to pull at his lips. "Lionel, beloved, I'm fine. I'm healing, I promise not to take the sling off, and the doctor signed off on it. I have to work for my paycheck, you know." He pointedly looked at him and recited number five from the LuthorCorp Handbook To Good Management. "A slacking employee is no employee of this corporation."


Lionel rolled his eyes.  "You don't have to quote that to me, Dominic, I wrote the damned thing," he grumbled. 


"I should know, I edited it." He shot right back, amused as he dialed his phone to ask his assistant a few questions over the financial reports she'd gotten for him, trying to keep a straight face at the open agitation coming from the left side of the helicopter.


Lionel growled softly, wondering exactly when this entire situation had spiraled out of control, and then he quashed the thought immediately.  It hadn't.  He was worrying and he knew it, and it irritated him.  He pushed the irritation below the surface, and contented himself with glaring at Dominic.  "Jiminy... if you start overworking yourself..."


"You'll hang me from the rafters and beat me." A pause. "Which doesn't sound entirely bad, now that I think of it." He sent dancing eyes at his love, patting the knee next to his gently. "Stop worrying, Lionel. I'll be fine, I promise. And if I'm not, at all, I'll let you know. Okay?"


"Incorrigible brat."  Lionel wasn't sulking; Luthor's didn't sulk.  He was.... in deep thought.  Yes, that was it.  He was deep in thought as he stared at his lover.  "All right.  I'll be watching you, Dominic."


"Yes, darling, but I'm your brat. And don't you forget it." Another grin and Dominic leaned in to nip the sulk away, kissing softly and tugging at the edges of his beard playfully. "Watch my ass?"


"Among other things."  Lionel relented, and gave his lover a smile and a kiss.  Then he sobered.  "Dominic... what do I say to Lex?"


"Ah...that's the question of the hour, I'm afraid." He squeezed his knee again. "Be yourself, that's all you really can do. The process of healing isn't at all's how much you make of it, what you do, that speaks louder then words. Just be the man your son remembers."


"That's what I was afraid you'd say."  Lionel closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the bubble.  "Dominic... may I ask a favor of you?"


"Of course." He tucked his papers in his briefcase which was no small feat while trying to work with one arm, while the other was bloody operational, slipped his cell phone away into his pocket, and gave him his undivided attention.


"Help me with Lex; if it seems to you that I'm making a mistake, or if things aren't going well... help me."  He looked his lover in the eye.  "I... don't like asking for help, Dominic... you know this.  But... Lex is simply too important.  And... I am not good at this.  I need your help, Jiminy... please."


"Of course. Lionel, did you feel you even had to ask?" He reached over and took the slim hand, cupping it in his and squeezing. "Of course. Of course I'll help you, love."


"Thank you."  Lionel squeezed Dominic's hand in return.  "I... needed to ask.  I knew you would, but... for myself, I had to ask.  I have to learn to trust you, with my weaknesses as well as my strengths because I know you won't hurt me."


"Never. Not in a million years." He smiled at him a little, holding his hand in his lap, gently caressing it with his thumb. Guilt. He knew he was responsible for more then a few times where he withheld things about himself from his lover... and here Lionel was, giving his heart on a silver platter, and dammit. He kept his face blank of it, smiling at Lionel tenderly, and motioned out the window. "We're almost there."


Lionel smiled back, and looked down.  The rubble was clearly visible from the sky, and it was a minor miracle that the landing pad for the chopper hadn't been destroyed by the debris.  The dark splotch of midnight blue turned out to be Lex's Jaguar, and Lionel nodded.  "Lex is already there to meet us."


"Which one is that one? The 98, or the 2000? I can never tell." He frowned, gathering his things up and making sure his belt was buckled as they began to rocky decent.


"Probably the 2000; it's flashier."  Lionel slipped his hand back into his lover's.  "Dominic... you don't have to be frightened, you realize... as long as you are with me, I'll never let you fall."


He swallowed hard and inhaled through his nose, fingers clamping down around Lionel's tightly. "Yes. I know." It still scares me half to death, though. He closed his eyes as he'd done every time they'd gone on the plane, on the helicopter, anything, and his discomfort was almost invisible as he slowly breathed. "Once, when we came back from Tokyo, you had me get on the phone with the prime minister while we were landing. Something had happened...stock plummet, or some sort. We were going insane trying to call everyone. Had it been anyone but he, I would have lost my lunch. Damn man's accent is a distracting one."


Lionel laughed.  "Why do you think that you get the supreme pleasure of speaking to the man?"  He slipped his hand up to rub the back of Dominic's neck.  "I can't stand to listen to the man speak; Hsieh Chiang overplays his accent for the regional appeal and it's a constant irritant."


"He...he does indeed." Another swallow, shifting in his seat. "Don't get him into a conversation about anything other then business. Damn his wife and her hot house flowers. He had me engaged for three hours once, discussing the advantages of hot houses rather then green houses, and how his wife had some nonsensical conservatist group over it.”


"Do you know what he grows in those hothouses?  Illegal plants.  Herbs, orchids, all things that are illegal to export but are high-end merchandise in the States, especially to Chinese and Japanese immigrants.  He exports them under a dummy shipping company, sells them in Chinatown, and reaps the profits without anyone the wiser."  Lionel grinned sharkily.  "It's how I keep the man in my pocket."


A blink. "Well, damn." And suddenly, whoosh, displaced air and they landed with a thud that made his vision swim for just a moment. He played it off, offering his lover a sneaky grin as he gathered his things, willing his knees to work as he popped open the door. "Maybe you can get us a weekend in Hong Kong, free of charge."


Lionel leaned over.  "How do you think I got Lex shipped off over there?"  He waited for Dominic to climb out, and then followed.


Lex was leaning against his car as the helicopter landed, and before he went to meet his father and Dominic, he reached through the window to pick up a small box he'd brought with him, and carried it to the landing pad.  "Dad... Dominic!  Over here," he called out unnecessarily, climbing the steps.  "I come bearing gifts."


"So did the Trojans, Lex."  Lionel's voice was surprisingly free of derision.


"Do you see any horses, Dad?"  Lex swept his hand around. 


"I'm going to pretend I don't see the disturbing subtext going on here and stay quietly anonymous." He murmured, looking innocent as he shook Lex's hand. "Hello, Lex."


"Dominic... how are you feeling?  Better?"  He shook Dominic's hand firmly.


"Subtext?" Lionel murmured back, genuinely curious.


"Much better, thank you. How are things here at the....well, what's left of the plant?" Politely, side glancing at his lover with silly amusement, then back to Lex.


Lex extended the box, pulling the cardboard lid back with a flourish.  Inside the box nestled three candied apples, a small handful of popcorn wrapped in cellophane and a purple ribbon, and a can of soda.  "This is for you, Dad."  A smile at Dominic.  "We're getting the wreckage cleared now; by the end of the week, our construction teams hope to be able to get in and test the foundations, and by early Monday, we should have the final estimates of rebuilding time."


Lionel took the box from his son, examining the contents, fingering the small packages gently, and then without a word, he reached out and embraced his son tightly, arms around his shoulders and fierce emotion choking him.


Dominic couldn't help chuckling, shaking his head and glancing out over the construction teams and community people, sighing softly at the destruction and trying not to be to intent on the father/son moment though it made him grin like an idiot.


Lex was surprised by his father's embrace but returned it fiercely, his own hands clutching his father tightly and hiding his face against Lionel's shoulder.  "I love you, Dad... I missed you so much... thank you for coming back."


Lionel swallowed hard, his warm hands rubbing Lex's back and shoulders.  "I never left, Lex... I just... treated you badly and I'm sorry.  Can we... can you forgive an old man and let us start over?"


A hard nod.  "I'd love that, Dad... I really would."


"Alright, alright." A smile at both of them, clapping both their backs. "Come off it now, you're going to make me ruin my eye shadow, and we all know how hard it is to apply." A snort that was all sweetness, bending down to retrieve his briefcase with his one free hand.


Lex choked gently on that, forcing down the tight ball of something that had lodged in his throat.  "Right.  Okay.  We came to work, right?  Let's work."


Lionel left his hand on his son's shoulder as Lex straightened and with his other hand, picked up Dominic's briefcase and handed it to him.  "Have you picked out an office yet?"


"There's a temporary space over here that they've set up, a second trailer behind the foreman's.  The rest of the team is in there now, all the contractor heads and the team leaders."


Dominic took it gratefully, but not without a glare at him, then smiled at Lex and motioned his briefcase holding hand a bit. "Lead the way."


As soon as Lex had turned he sent his lover a triumphant smile, hoping it made up for not being able to touch him or say anything, winking sweetly.


Lionel didn't flinch under Dominic's glare, only returned the grin.  "Thank you." 


Lex led the way down to the trailer, and opened the door, ushering his father and Dominic in.  "Gentlemen, I believe you know my father, Lionel Luthor, and his right hand man, Dominic Senatori."


There were nods and murmurs all around, and in the midst of all the respectful glances, a sharp pair of blue eyes locked onto Dominic, and flat lips curled in a dark smirk.


He walked in behind Lionel, still flush with the pleasure of having seen the sweet father and son moment he'd just witnessed...and all of a sudden that sweet happiness drained out of his body. His skin went cold...his eyes went stony hard and blank, and he took on an outstanding frigid exterior. He stayed quiet, nodding and murmuring a hello or two, but he ignored the man completely. "Hello."


There were hello's exchanged all around, and the familiar stranger didn't drop the smirk as he settled closer to the front of the curve.  "Hello... Mr. Senatori.  It's nice to... see you again."


Lionel bristled immediately, sensing the sudden change in his lover, and then his attention riveted on the man speaking.  He leaned over to get his son's attention.  "Lex... who is that?"


Lex took a quick glance.  "Ethan.... Hill, I think.  He's a LuthorCorp contractor, works in one of construction departments."


"Hello, Mr. Hill." Quietly, professionally, as he took a seat next to Lionel, taking out his paperwork and damning his wounded arm to fucking hell and back as he pulled the paper work out one handed, letting his lover know without words not to help him.


Lionel sat quietly to the side, picking up on the professionalism emanating from his lover and didn't move, watching the exchanges carefully.


"I'm... glad to see you're doing well."  Ethan seemed to have declared himself spokesman of the group.  "We wondered if we'd be seeing you, Mr. Luthor, or if you'd be running this from Metropolis, since Mr. Senatori was wounded."  Ethan flicked a look at Lex as he sat back. 


Lionel merely pinned Ethan with a glare.  "The situation is such, Mr. Hill, that I believe it needed my... immediate personal attention.  Do you have a problem with that?"


Dominic's throat worked, but he didn't say a word, simply setting his paperwork on the tabletop, and opened a pen.


A raised brow as Lex watched the exchange, picking up on the cool indifference from Dominic, and wasn't that strange? "My father is primary shareholder of the plant, as well as my boss, and that's why he's here. That, however, doesn't change the fact that I'm project manager, and it would do everyone here good to remember that." A moment. "Please start your presentation, Mr. Hill."


Ethan rose.  "I don't think anyone has forgotten exactly who is in charge, Lex."  He laced the name with formality, though his attention flipped once more towards Dominic.  "The presentation from the contractor sector is simple; the plant should be rebuilt along the same original blueprints, with the exception of the redundant storage facility at the base.  We feel that storage area could be better utilized as room for a new processing tank, larger capacity than before which will allow the production to increase." 


Lionel watched Dominic, and listened to Ethan talk.  Midway through, Lionel leaned over to his assistant.  "Dominic... is he talking bullshit?  Or is it actually feasible to dump the third level altogether and create a new processing facility underneath and expand the production?"


"It sounds alright, sir." Low, but his voice was like stone, and he didn't even meet Lionel's eyes. "It would raise production by at least thirty percent, and get the safety patrolman off the companies' back once and for all." He rose his voice, speaking aloud to the group. "Do you have a financial overview of utility of space? How much will it cost LuthorCorp?"


Ethan picked up a stack of papers and personally delivered them to Dominic.  "Right here, Mr. Senatori.  It's covered in the second estimate, on page eight.  That would cost about fifty thousand dollars for the entire conversion of the lower facility, but since it's going to have to be rebuilt anyway, you're going to have a financial outlay there no matter what you choose to do with the space."


He took them without making physical contact, opening them to glance through, and did he see the words? God, no. "The choice lies with Mr. Luthor, but this is a valid safety precaution and use of space. A good idea."


"How long is the initial rebuilding going to take, Mr. Hill? Do you guys have an approximate estimate?" Lex asked.


Lionel noticed instantly the fact that Dominic wouldn't meet his eyes, and reached down into his briefcase and pulled out his telephone and a sheaf of papers.  "Excuse me, gentlemen, for just a moment."  Stepping outside, he called the same team that had taken care of Lawrence.  "I want to know everything there is to know about Ethan Hill.  He's currently a LuthorCorp employee, and I want the dossier in an hour."


Ethan turned his attention to Lex.  "Well, depending on how quickly you and your father get a decision to us about the lower facility and we check the structural soundness of the foundation... we can have the plant rebuilt to operational status in four months."


Lionel reentered the trailer, sitting quietly beside Dominic and pulling the financial report from his hands.  "Lex... this is your plant, what do you think about the storage being converted?"  Then he trained a glare on Ethan.  "Mr. Hill... I don't see any retrofitting figures in here."


"Retrofitting?" Ethan blinked.


Lex was watching everything, cool, confident, noting the interactions like the scientist he was, but damned if Clark's face didn't keep interupting his flow of thoughts. "I think the conversion would be an advantage to the plant. Everything would surely run smoother, anyhow. However, like my father, I'd like to see retrofitting figures as well. And I'd like for you to show us the blueprints, please."


"I don't have retrofit figures available, Mr. Luthor."  Goddamn them.  "The blueprints are being drawn as we speak; they're due to be picked up tomorrow afternoon.  The only thing we have are rough sketches and a few artists' renditions."


"Was this meeting a surprise to you, Mr. Hill?"  Lionel's eyes narrowed.  "Or are you always so incompetent and unprepared?"


Dominic piped up. "I'd like to see the sketches, please." A moment. "That is, if you have them presentable."


Lex smirked at his fathers words, eyes boring into the mans. "Yes. Lets see the sketches. I want to see where I'll be going to work everyday."


Ethan glared at Dominic, and almost threw the cardboard tube at him as he savagely rolled the drawings out on the table.  "Here are the sketches; the renditions are in my truck."


"Well, do you think that you could possibly be troubled to go and fetch them, Mr. Hill?  Or would that be an imposition?" Lionel rose a brow.


Dominic would have laughed if any of this were humorous, instead he glanced out over the drawings...impressive. Everything in him wanted to point out flaws, but right now, he could barely bring himself to stay here and speak normally, let alone point out flaws.


"I'll be right back... sir."  Ethan nearly spit the words out as he left.


Lionel drew a pen out of his briefcase and shook his head, making red circles and notations on the sketches.  "Lex... what the hell is this man still doing on the staff?  If the blueprints reflect these flaws, then they're going to have to be completely re-drawn!"


"It'll be taken care of." Lex gritted it out. "I'll make sure of it."


"To the left, sir." Dominic pointed to a window that was badly proportioned to the rest of the building, sitting out there like a badly And it was ugly. "And the doors should be wider."


Lionel nodded, making the notations that Dominic had pointed out.  "Look at the structural weaknesses, here, and then down on the proposed new level.  The walls aren't parallel, and the entire structure will be unstable if those inequities aren't cleared up."  He sat back in the chair, sliding the prints over to Dominic.  "Where are these renditions?"


"Sir?" He couldn't look at him. He couldn't. Not, and see the man who was showing this presentation. So he kept his eyes trained on the paperwork, circling another rafter that looked terrible and had no reason, a hundred bucks wasted...then the side doors, making a note for them to be larger.


"No, Dominic.  I wasn't asking you for the renditions, I was wondering where our Mr. Hill was with them."




Ethan came back into the room, only to find his sketches completely marred by red marks and Dominic in possession of them, marking them further.  A loud snap of paper, and the artistic renditions of the buildings unfurled on the table in front of them.  The exterior of the plant was much like it had been before, but the interior had been almost completely redesigned, and almost as badly as the sketches had been done.  "Here you are, Mr. Luthor, sir."  He moved to lean over Dominic's shoulder.  "Perhaps you can explain to me all the notations?"


The warm breath on his neck churned his belly, reacting badly with the medication he'd taken before leaving, and he had to stop a moment before he could speak. "The doors, here." He marked them over again, larger." They're too small. How exactly do you except the trucks to unload everyday?" A pause, a silent intake of breath and he smelled the same way he always did. It made him sick. "These eves. No use for them, take them off." Another pause. "These, and here. How exactly do you want them to be supported? Thin air?"


Ethan leaned over Dominic's shoulder to point to the eaves.  "These eaves that you say have no use?  They're supporting the weight of the floor above them, because if you'll look at the artistry, you'll see this is where the heavy reclamations are, and instead of using reinforced concrete to build the ceiling with, I went with support girders and crossed rafters to redistribute the weight."


Lionel interrupted.  "You fool.  Haven't you bothered to look at the safety regulations?  Anywhere the tanks are must be, by federal regulation, supported by reinforced concrete in case of a spill."


Please get away from me. "Exactly. Change it. Have you read over the handbook of human safety? If not, I'll give you one. Read it. Make the changes. And then get back to us when you have a straight story, and a safety conscious one."


Temper, temper. Sigh.


Lionel looked at his son.  "I want this man off the project, Lex.  I want someone... capable to re-draw the sketches and the blueprints and have them re-presented to us at the end of the week."


He was watching Ethan with the hawk eyes of a man who was gathering everything in. "Its done."


"You can't pull me off this project, Mr. Luthor," Ethan said firmly, looking at Lionel.  "I have a contract that says otherwise."


"Mr. Hill... are you presuming to dictate to me what I can and cannot do?"  A look at Lex.  "I'd like to see Mr. Hill's contract, Lex."


He nodded wordlessly and stood, leaving the trailer to go to the adjoining one.


Ethan nodded tersely at Lionel, but turned the majority of his attention to Dominic.  "You see... Mr. Senatori, I am well aware of the handbook.  I also know that doing things my way is cheaper, and I know which inspectors will pass the plant."


A knock on the trailer door interrupted the hissed conversations, and Lionel got up to answer it.  A man dressed completely in black came into the trailer, handed Lionel a folder of papers, and then waited quietly as Lionel withdrew an envelope from his briefcase and passed it over.  The man left, and Lionel settled back into his seat, scanning over the papers he'd just received.


"Excuse me, Mr. Hill." A moment, and Dominic slipped on his glasses to better look at the man, little gold frames accenting his face to perfection. "We don't do things half-assed at this plant. Mr. Luthor is more then willing to put time, energy, and as much money as its needed to make this one of the most successful, health conscious plants in the nation. If you're not willing to comply with that, we may have a bit of a dilemma."


Ethan's hand slipped under the table and stroked Dominic's leg as he spoke.  "Now, now, Mr. Senatori, there's no reason to threaten anyone."


He couldn't help it. The touch revolted him in a way he'd only felt once before in his life, and he calmly got up from the table and away from Ethan's slim fingers. "I'm sorry, gentlemen, excuse me." He turned on his heel, and left.


Lionel looked up in an instant, aware that while he'd been reading, something had occurred to drive his lover to leaving, and he narrowed his eyes at Ethan as he waited for Lex to come back with the contract. He narrowed his eyes further when he saw Ethan heading to the door.  "MR. HILL!" Lionel called sharply. 


Ethan froze near the door.  "Yes, Mr. Luthor?"


"I do not take kindly to people walking out on the middle of a discussion with me, Mr. Hill.  I am not done with you."  Not by a long shot.  "We are merely waiting for Lex to return with your contract, and after we have... ascertained your state of employment, then you will be free to go.  Until that time, you are still in my employ, and I expect you to stay in your place."


It took Lex a few minutes to find Mr. Hills file...the office was a mess of paperwork still getting organized, though the poor secretary was trying her best. And he told her so, the encouragement strange on his tongue as he walked back to the other office, file in hand. Two steps up...and he walked in to the empty office, but for his father, and Mr. Hill. He handed the file wordlessly to his father, settling in the seat beside him.


He couldn't breath. It was so hard... hard to take in air, and Dominic gulped in the frigid winter breeze like it was his last hope for survival. A moment... he walked around the building, to a small secluded area between the numerous trailer's, and rested his forehead on the cool plastic of the siding. Dammit. Dammit. 


"Ah, thank you, Lex."  Lionel tucked away the other papers and examined the contracts in the file.  He would have liked to have had Dominic's take on this, but was satisfied, for the moment, to rely on his own knowledge.  "Well now, Mr. Hill.  It seems to me that there is a clause in your contract where you can be either transferred to another concurrent project or removed from the current one with a stipend of half the promised salary." 


Ethan gritted his teeth.  "Well, Mr. Luthor?"


Lionel looked at his son.  "Cut him a check for the half salary stipend.  I want you off the premises by the end of the day and back in Metropolis.  You're no longer part of the project, do you understand me?"


"Yes, sir.  Completely."  He slammed the door behind him, eyes flicking to either side and looking for Dominic.  He wandered around the side of the building, and grinned darkly as he found him, leaning against the side of one of the trailers.  "Hello... Dominic.  Long time no see, baby."


A look up, and he'd be damned if he'd shake. If he'd hiss in fury. If his heart would feel anything other then hatred. "Come to gloat then, I see."


"Gloat, Dominic?  No... just to... renew an old acquaintance."  He moved closer to his former lover.  "That wasn't a nice thing to do in there, embarrassing me in front of the big man and his son."


"You deserved every word." He lifted himself from the side of the trailer, eyes carefully cool. "That blue print idea was a joke, and we both know it. You insulted Mr. Luthor's intelligence as well as your own, coming out here with that half assed, piece of shit idea and expecting Lionel bloody Luthor to actually agree on it. It was fruitless, and a waste of your time and mine."


Ethan's large hand shot out and gently caught Dominic around the throat.  "I can see that a lot of things have changed, baby... and that you've forgotten your training."


His entire body shuddered in fear, eyes never leaving his but he could feel his knees going to water. "Get your fucking hand off me."


Ethan's grip tightened just a little bit.  "That's not how you speak to me, Dominic."


He couldn't even move to defend himself, his only free hand reaching out to shove at him, try and get him off him, and even he knew after all this time it was still fruitless. "It now, you bastard, let go."


Ethan's free hand caught Dominic's around the wrist and squeezed, pushing down.  "No it's not, bitch."


God. This man, this disgusting man, was going to hurt him, right here, with hundreds of people just around the other side of the building and he had no way of screaming. His breath was struggling to slide past the grip on his neck, his chest heaved. "Let go."


The man in black from earlier was just climbing into his jeep when he caught sight of the two men between the trailers and slipped his sunglasses back on as he headed towards the main one.  Tapping on the door, he waited to be admitted.


"No, Dominic... it's time you learned your place again."  Ethan's hand tightened again around Dominic's throat, and he leaned in.  "Show me what you've been up to, bitch... show me how you kiss the big man."


Dominic tried to swallow, damning his arm, damning his weakness, damning himself, hating himself as deeply as he ever had, struggling to get away from him with all his might except...except it only excited the one pushing tightly against him, and he whimpered in horror at what he was feeling against his thigh. Oh, god. He couldn't speak...he was beyond words...but he reached inside of every well of energy and spit at the man, hard.


Ethan rubbed his cock against Dominic, and then let go of his arm long enough to slap him.  "Do that again, bitch, and I'll do worse," Ethan snarled, wiping the spit from his cheek as he shoved Dominic back hard against the trailer wall, squeezing his throat as his now-free hand started to tear at the fly of his pants.  "On your knees, Dom."


Lionel heard the tapping at the door, opening it to admit the man from before.  "And what do you want?"


"Mr. Luthor.  Sir.  I just thought you'd like to know that your assistant seems to be in a bit of trouble with Mr. Hill."


Lionel jumped to his feet.  "What?  Where?"  Professionalism and such be damned.  "Where's Dominic, and why didn't you intervene?  Never mind; give me whatever you're carrying."  Lionel held his hand out.


After a moment, the man surrendered a nine millimeter pistol and a Bowie knife from his boot.


Lionel weighed both weapons in his hand, pocketing the knife and cocking the pistol on his way out the door.

He wouldn't cry. He wouldn't. He was better then that, better then letting this man see his weakness. But his arm hurt so, so much, and his stomach was churning and his head was light, but he would be damned, God damned, if he would let this man ruin what he had with Lionel. Making him filthy, untouchable. He had that for 3 years, and when he broke free from it he vowed himself never again.




"G-go to h...hell, fucking bloody b-bastard."


Ethan brought his free hand back and slapped Dominic again, this time hard enough so that when his hand came away, there was blood on the heel of it.  "I said, on your knees, bitch."


His head snapped against the side of the building with the blow...familiar, in that far away kind of remembrance. How many times this happened, every night for months that slowly turned to years....the pleasure that wasn't so pleasurable anymore, the pain every night until a week in the hospital had told him it was time to leave. Time to move on.


And here he was, under Ethan's hand again, and it was a punishment, he knew. For being happy.


But if it was one thing he knew he had, despite everything in his life...he had his pride.




Ethan raised his hand and licked the blood from it, grinning.  He pulled back to hit again, but a cold voice stopped him.


"I'd listen to him if I were you, Mr. Hill."  Lionel's voice was chillingly cold as he pulled back the hammer on the pistol.  "Dominic?"


He couldn't meet his lovers eyes. Not here. Not with this mans erection pressed into his hip, not with his lip bleeding, not with the cold sweat he was bathed in. He couldn't even speak, just staring at a far off spot in the distance, willing himself to be strong. "Stay out of this, Lionel."


"No."  Lionel's voice was hard with finality.  "Let him go, Ethan."


Ethan's lips curved in a smirk as he leaned forward and licked the blood from Dominic's lip.  "Do what he says, Mr. Luthor... stay out of it.  The bitch doesn't know his place any more... and I'm going to show it to him."


Terror, revulsion, utter sadness leaped up to swallow his heart as he turned his face away from the touch, not letting it go and this, this too was familiar. The blood letting, the blood taking. The cruel licks along his body. "I'm n...not your bitch."


"Yes... you are," Ethan whispered, licking him again.  "You're my bitch, and if you want to keep the big man safe... you'll tell him to back off now... because wouldn't it be a tragedy if one day in his office... the structure just caved in on him?"


Lionel watched, angry and infuriated.  "Let him go.  Now."  Nobody touched his Dominic like that... nobody. 


Dominic's chin was trembling, dammit, dammit, and he couldn't stop it, as hard as he tried, pinned with pain from his gunshot wound, awash in misery of his heart, sadness clouding all his senses, because he was ruining the best thing in his life...for this. Until, quite suddenly, he realized he didn't have to take it. Not like before. He shoved, once, twice, trying to unpin Ethan, spitting on him again and hissing. "Get the fuck off me now, goddamn you, goddamn you, don't threaten me, don't you dare treat me like that, I'm not your fucking bitch, you're nothing to me, nothing, goddamn you!" Another hard shove, attempting to get himself unstuck, violently struggling.


Ethan grimaced as a stray blow caught him in the stomach and he stumbled back, surprised by the fight that his little bitch was showing.  "You little cocksucker."


"Fuck you Ethan, bastard, little asshole, did you really think I'd submit to you again? Did you really think you could come in here and try and hurt me? Did you think you could muscle me into your little game again? If you did, you're badly mistaken." Cold, hard, ruthless. "Go back to the hole you crawled out of."


Ethan was still doubled over from the punch to his gut, trying to suck in his breath.  "Fucking... little bitch.  I'll tell... big man what I know.  The dog.  The three guys... he'll dump you faster than last week's trash."


"Dominic.  Get away from him," Lionel called.  "Get out of the way."


Dominic didn't hear. He was beyond hearing now. To have his humiliation, his terror, brought up in such a filthy way, and all he was hearing was the blood roar in his ears. "Fuck you!" He screamed it, pushing Ethan past Lionel to slam into the trailer behind them, shoving him up hard against the wall with his free hand. His arm was pressed up against his neck, blue eyes a dark slate gray, face that had been bloodless flushing in fury. "You stay away from me. Stay away from me and what's mine, Ethan, or I swear to god you'll wish for death after I'm through with you."


Lionel hurried down between the two trailers, stopping only a foot and a half away from Dominic and Ethan.


"I'm so scared," Ethan strangled out.  "You won't hurt me, Dominic... you don't have the balls."


"That's the question, you see, do I have the balls? Do you think that I do? Three years, Ethan. Pain, agony. You hurt me, Ethan, you did. But destroy me? No, my friend. You made me stronger. So in answer to your question, oh yes." He pushed in harder, as hard as he could, his knee ramming up into the tender groin. "I have the balls."


Lionel's hand fell on Dominic's shoulder.  "Dominic... Jiminy."  He put special emphasis on the nickname.


Ethan screamed, sound choked off by Dominic's arm as he tried to curl around his balls, fighting a wave of retching nausea.


The name sent him crashing down, eyes going wide and glassy as he looked up into his lovers for the first time since laying eyes on Ethan. He swallowed hard, stumbling back from the screaming man, working his throat reflexively as he averted his gaze again. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Lionel. I'm sorry."


"You've got nothing to be sorry for, Dominic."  Lionel moved between Dominic and Ethan, keeping the pistol aimed at Ethan as he stood close to his lover.  "Are you all right?"




Lionel reached into his pocket and offered the knife to Dominic wordlessly.


"I can't." He stepped back again, further, three, four steps, until he felt the cool building against his back. "I won't be him. I won't turn into what he is."


"Then let me."  Lionel's voice was devoid of anything other than revulsion and anger towards Ethan.


"No. No." Solemnly, the weight of the world there on his slim shoulders. "He's not worth your life with me. Don't."


Lionel slid the knife back into the pocket of his jacket, but didn't drop the gun until he felt the pressure of Dominic's hand on his arm.  "I love you, Jiminy."


"I'm not weak." Sternly, his voice grating like sandpaper. "I can protect myself. I can stop these things from happening. I'm not a child, I'm not a woman."


Ethan wheezed, straightening himself as he leaned against the opposite trailer.  "You're a pussy, Dominic," he choked.


Lionel shook his head.  "I know you're not weak, Dominic."


"I'm not the one wheezing for breath, Ethan." Quietly, gazing at him hard. "Go on home now."


Ethan shook his head, voice grating.  "Not... until he knows... what a bitch you are."  He pulled himself up and glared at Lionel.  "Did you know, big man?  Your little cricket... got fucked by a dog?  Told me... himself.  On his back like... the little slut he is... got... fucked but good.  Three guys... worked him over... before I got to him."


Lionel's eyes flared with barely contained fury as the pent up frustration and guilt about that very incident roiled to the top and before he realized it, Lionel had slammed Ethan against the wall and shoved the barrel of the gun down his mouth to shut up the filthy litany.  "Shut... up!  You won't hurt him again!"


If Dominic thought about it long enough, he could still feel it.


"The police are on there way." Lex murmured quietly from his stance at the front of the small ally way, and he hoped that... dammit.


Lex heard. Lex knew. Lex knew he had been defiled by...he'd been...Lex knew.  Dominic could feel himself flying apart in little pieces, little chunks of himself floating away, every scrap of manhood, self respect, honor and integrity he'd fought to build all his life was being ripped away in slashes, chunks of it gone, leaving his soul cold and bare.


Thank God.  Lionel shoved the bastard towards Lex.  "Get him out of here, Lex, or I swear..."  He cut off his words.  "Get Juarez to help you hold him until the police get here."  He turned towards Dominic, heart aching for his beloved.  "Dominic... let's go.  Beloved... please."


Ethan stumbled as Lionel shoved him, and he landed on his hands and knees, spitting gun oil onto the ground, and still retching slightly. 


"I could have taken care of it myself. I'm a man, Lionel, I could have done this myself." Stone hard, dark, his eyes stormy and gray.


"I know you could have, Jiminy."  Lionel's eyes were dark with anger. 


"I don't need yours, or anyone else's, protection."


Lionel stiffened slightly.  "As you wish, Dominic."


"I can take care of myself. I can fight people off, I can defend myself, I can take care of myself when I need to. He didn't hurt me. He didn't get the chance."


"He hurt you, Dominic."  Lionel raised a hand to wipe at the remaining blood on his lover's lip, but stopped himself before he touched.


Lionel didn't have to. He swayed and stumbled foreword on his own accord, grasping onto the strong arms for support as his blood roared and his head swam. "I'm strong. I don't need anyone."


Lionel easily caught his lover.  "I know you're strong, Dominic; I've never once thought otherwise," he murmured quietly, steadying Dominic and burying deeply the hurt he knew he should not feel, knowing that Dominic didn't mean what he'd said the way it sounded.


"I got away from him then, I can do it again. I can. I did. I'm strong. I don't need anyone. I don't need anyone." He buried his face in the slim column of throat, his free hands fingers clenching tight in the wool coat as he hugged him fiercely, his every muscle trembling as he tried not to let them give out. Not now. Not yet.


Lionel wrapped his arms tightly around his lover, murmuring soothingly.  "You are strong, Dominic... I admire you so much for it.  You have survived so much, beaten so many odds... you are the strongest man I know, beloved."


"Take me home. Lionel, please. I need to go home." His voice was barely audible, trembling in his lovers arms as he tried to let go, tried to stand straight.


Lionel nodded.  "Gladly.  Metropolis?  Our rooms at the estate?  Your apartment?  Just tell me, beloved, and I will take you anywhere."  He rubbed Dominic's back soothingly, rubbing his cheek against that of his lover.


"Our rooms." The closer, the better. His voice was heavy, dark, somber, and cold. So, so cold. "Please."


"Of course."  Lionel dropped the gun and the knife on the ground, and pulled off his greatcoat, wrapping it around Dominic's shoulders.  "We'll take Lex's car, and send the driver back for him so you don't have to wait.  Go on and go to the car; I'll get the keys from my son."


I don't want to go alone. "Yes." He took the keys, wrapping the coat further around himself as he started out of the alley, head held high, shoulder on fire, knees like water, but he'd have his integrity to the bloody end.




He turned, to look at his lover. "Yes?"


"Do you--will  you walk with me?" he asked after a moment.  "I--thought that I could but I can't... I want you to be by my side.  Please?"


"Yes." A stiff nod and he walked to him, standing in front of him and waiting for him to lead the way. Cool. Hurt.


Lionel stared at his lover for a long, long moment, and then silently held out his hand.


He stopped for a long moment...turning point. Fork in the road. Take his hand, and it was giving his heart to someone again, again to be hurt or mangled or wounded, to be ripped apart, to be taken advantage of. Let go, and he'd never love again. Ever.


He didn't fear pain. Not in the least. Couldn't, after everything he'd been through.


He reached out and took the strong palm, squeezing it hard.


As Dominic stared, Lionel pulled himself to his full height, wondering what Dominic was looking for in him and praying to whatever deity was around that whatever he was looking for, he would find. Terror began to build in his soul, until finally Dominic's hand wrapped around his own, squeezing it tightly. Lionel brought Dominic's hand to his mouth, kissing it softly before walking beside him, towards the trailer.


Lex was waiting for them outside, shifting impatiently as he tossed the keys from hand to hand.  As soon as he caught sight of his father, Lex turned the corner and came to them.  "Here.  Take the car, get out of here."  He looked at Dominic, and held his hand out.  "You... are a brave man, Dominic."


He could barely meet Lex's eyes. Lex knew. This young man, sweet young man, didn't have to know those types of things about him. Not the Lex he used to play Go Fish with every Christmas, not the young man who was standing in the ruins of his plant. He let go of Lionel's hand to tightly shake the offered hand. "Just an idiot."


"Not an idiot at all."  Lex knew this was not the time to push, but he truly did not know what to say to reassure him, and was not sure why he wanted to.  He shook Dominic's hand firmly, and sighed.  "I'm proud to know you."  Where that came from, Lex wasn't quite sure, but he hoped it was the right thing.


"The feeling is mutual, Lex." Quietly, hint of a smile, but that was just about all he could muster, and he hoped the young man knew what it was he felt. He turned his eyes at Lionel, swallowing without wanting to, eyes meeting his and pleading. "Lets go home."


Lionel took Dominic's hand again, not bothering to hide it, and took the keys in the other.  "We'll send the driver back for you, Lex."  He nodded at his son, knowing that Lex would realize.


Lex returned Dominic's smile.  "I'll see you at home as soon as this is taken care of."


A little nod before he suddenly looked up. "My briefcase...our legal documentation, my phone. I've got to...Lionel, I have to go get it, if anyone gets their hands on it they could do comprehensible damage, I..." He let go again. "Let me go get it."


Lionel nodded.  "All right.  I'll go with you; I need to get mine as well, and you can't handle both with your arm in a sling."


The flash in his eyes was almost unnoticeable. "Alright."


Lex to the rescue.  "Dad, I'll get yours later.  I need you to approve a few things for me before you leave."


Lionel flicked his eyes over to Lex.  "All right, Lex... does it have to be now?"


"Yes, it does."  Stubborn met stubborn.


Lionel growled at his son.  "Fine.  Dominic... get yours, leave mine, and meet me in the trailer with Lex."


I don't want to be here, I don't want to be here, I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE. "Alright." He let go of Lionel's hand again and turned, heading to the offices where there things were inside. He didn't want someone unfortunate, like a journalist, pawing through his personal possessions. First, how rude was it? Second, they did it on a normal basis. And that was the last thing he wanted here.


Lionel turned to Lex.  "All right, Lex.  What is this really about?  There's nothing in these papers that you can't forge my signature on."


Lex worded his next sentence carefully.  "Dad... God only knows I'm the last person to be giving advice on matters like this, but there is a fine line between caring for somebody and suffocating them, and you're treading it.  Don't treat Dominic any differently because you're sleeping with him... he's still a damned capable man and frankly... you're de-balling him."


Lionel studied his son.  "You're right, Lex... you're not one to give me advice on these things.  I've worked with Dominic far longer than you have, and I believe I know him just a bit better than you do.  I appreciate that you're concerned about him, but it's not your affair."


"Just tread carefully, Dad... he's good for you and I don't want to see you fuck this up."


Dominic gathered his paper work carefully, setting everything in its proper spot, proper order, all very proper. Yes. Orderly and organized and fixed to his liking. Cell phone in his pocket, and he took a moment to gather Lionel's things, snap the briefcase shut and set it aside for getting later. A walk back to his briefcase and it was in his hand, and the next instant he was stepping down the steps again, anxious to get home.


Lionel nodded at his son.  "I appreciate the concern for Dominic's well being; I'll make sure to remind him of it the next time you stick him in the trunk of your car."


"That was a long time ago, Dad... and a different situation."


"Lex... thank you."  Lionel's attitude changed.  "I'm... not used to you being concerned.  I'm sorry."  Out of the window he saw Dominic exiting the other trailer, and he headed to the door.  "Lex... thank you."  With that, he stepped out the steps, and met Dominic on the path.  "Ready to go home?"


A nod, silent, and he would have held out his hand if both were incapacitated, his eyes flickering up into the milk chocolate irises before down again.


Lionel slipped his arm around Dominic's waist and pulled him close as they walked.  "How about a hot soak and brandy when we get home?"  He turned off the alarm and unlocked the doors, opening the passenger side for Dominic.


I want to get drunk. So very, very drunk. "It sounds wonderful." Mechanical, quiet, sliding into the plush leather and as soon as he did he shut his eyes, leaning back against the warm seat and breathing in stiffly through his nose.


Lionel slid into the driver's seat, making sure the windows were rolled up, and looked over at his lover.  He cranked the car, and within seconds, the engines were purring and the car was flying towards the castle.  Lionel shifted easily, the intricacies of driving a stick shift coming easily back to him.  The majority of his attention was focused on his lover, and he shifted into 4th, cruising at near triple digits as he reached out, cradling the back of Dominic's head in his hand.  "Jiminy... I love you so," he said softly.  "Please... tell me how I can fix this for you."


He leaned into the warm touch, but his face was carefully blank, his body language noncommittal and his eyes like dark, shimmering pools in his face. "I love you too, Lionel." A murmur, and it came from his heart. "Theirs nothing that can make this better. I don't want to talk about it."


Lionel didn't move his hand.  "You have to, Dominic.  Is he... the one you told me about?  That never let you inside him, who treated you so badly?"


He flinched at the words, and he spoke as quietly as he could. "Yes. That's him."


"He's a fool, if he never knew your touch," Lionel said quietly.  "What... how badly did he hurt you?"


"Oh, lover." he looked out the window. "Its not how he hurt me. He tore my body, cut my skin, held me down, pinned me in a way I couldn't come for hours. Days, sometimes. But I could deal with that... at the beginning, I asked for it. It was later, when his real self came out, that I truly began to be hurt."


Lionel's hand fell, drawing Dominic closer.  "Tell me... because I don't ever want to do those things to you.  And Dominic... you should have let me take care of him."  Lionel's hand tightened briefly.  "My conscience can handle that."


"I don't need you to take care of anything for me." He pressed his face into the warm shoulder, and didn't offer anything else, just linking their fingers tight and swallowing around the lump in his throat.


Lionel held him as closely as possible, pressing his foot down on the pedal and pushing the car faster towards the estate.  "I know you don't need to, Dominic.  But... I want to.  I want to take care of you.  I want to be the person you turn to."


"You always will be. I promise you that." But again, it was quiet, soft, just leaning against his lover as the mansion came into view. "I'm so tired."


Lionel let his fingers drift through Dominic's closely cropped hair.  "You can rest, beloved.  The tub is large enough.  You can rest in the tub, and I'll bring brandy to you."  He was silent as he pulled in the driveway, and parked in the circle at the front.  "Will you be able to make it in?"


He nodded silently, letting Lionel go with a little bit of sadness as he reached for the door. "I'm very tired." The mansion was gorgeous against the early afternoon gloom of the weather, and snow was beginning to fall again. "It looks like we'll have a white Christmas this year.”


Lionel left the keys in the switch and picked up Dominic's briefcase out of habit, forgetting for the moment that it wasn't his own.  "I hope that your family will be able to make it through the snow, although if they can't, we will make arrangements for them to be brought here."  He hurried around the front of the car, and met his lover on the other side.  "Dominic... I hurt for you."


"I hurt for me too, Lionel." He took his hand, squeezing it reassuringly as they started to walk... and he offered Lionel a little half smile. "My family would come in rain or shine, snow or heat. They'll be here, in all of their mini van, aeroplane glory."


Lionel laced their fingers together and squeezed them firmly.  Enrique was waiting to open the door for them, and Lionel barely paused to throw out his order.  "Take the car back to the plant site and pick up my son."  He rubbed his thumb over Dominic's as he tugged him towards the stairs.  "I'm anxious to meet your family, beloved."


He shrugged his shoulders a little, stepping up with him until they were on the landing, walking back to their room as easily and comfortably as the lovers they were. "I only hope you'll like them." A little smile at Ms. Bird, who was just finishing smoothing out their very cool and comfy comforter, smiling a little at them and with a curt nod to Lionel, she was gone. "They're a bit strange at times."


Lionel dropped the briefcase on the nearest chair, shrugged off his coat, and wrapped both his arms around Dominic, pulling him close and breathing deeply.  "I have wanted to do that... all afternoon," Lionel murmured softly.  "But Lex... Lex pointed out that I was being slightly... overbearing, and I am sorry."  He rubbed his hands gently over Dominic's face.  "Can I... help you undress?"


He couldn't help it...the smile into his lovers cheek just couldn't be stopped. "You're not overbearing, my love. It just bothers me sometimes, to feel inadequate. I...Lionel, Lex knows. He overheard. He knows now, about..." A swallow. "I have to talk to him about it. I just hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable." A pause and he looked up at him, starting to shed his coat. "Please help me, beloved."


His wool, barely green suit jacket came away from his shoulder sticky with matted blood.


Lionel shook his head, nuzzling his lover's cheek chastely.  "It doesn't bother me, beloved... it only bothers me that it distresses you."  He slid his hands down, sliding his jacket off, and swearing loudly as he saw the blood.  "Dominic..."  Lionel's voice was dangerously angry, though not at his lover.  "You said he didn't hurt you."  Quickly and efficiently, Lionel's hands stripped Dominic's shirt and undershirt off, and he growled as he saw the bloody bandage that he almost couldn't touch, so soggy with blood it was.  "If that bastard tore your stitches, I will have his head."


He smiled a little, touching his lovers cheek softly and bringing their mouths together for a chaste kiss...gentle, soft, loving. "I'm fine." He looked down at the bandage with disinterest, downplaying his reaction in light of Lionel's very pale face. "It just shifted a bit, beloved. I'm fine." Another nod, gently stroking his cheek. "I will talk to Lex about it. I have to. He'll question it until it leads to discomfort between us, and that's not something I want." Another shift, and he unstuck the gauze from around his chest, unhooking the tape and beginning to unwind it. "Lets take a bath. Please."


Lionel's hands shook as they moved to help unwind the gauze and the tape, growling as more blood came into sight, fresher and brighter red.  He swallowed down the bile in his throat and kept unwinding, moving slower as he came closer to the wound.  "As soon as we've gotten you undressed, I'll run the tub for you."


"It'll be alright." He kept his lovers gaze in his eyes, ducking his head to meet the dark puppy brown ones every time his eyes tried to deviate down. "Do you think I should talk to Lex about it soon? Or let it wait for a few days?" And finally...the bandaging, which was attached to the gauze, slowly rose off the wound. His skin was pale around the gunshot itself, the slash stapled together, stitches all around the edges. It was small, but it oozed blood, his skin covered in the sticky red. "What do you think?"


"I think that bastard... is going to die."  Lionel's voice softened.  "I think... that you should rest tonight, and talk to Lex about it in the morning, unless you want to do it as soon as he comes home.  Because, beloved... you need to rest."


"I'd like to take a bath...please." He swallowed a little, taking his hand. "And that brandy you offered before sounds so, so good right now."


"I'm going to clean this off, and if it doesn't look any better in a couple of hours, I'm calling the doctor, despite your protests."  Lionel's voice brooked no argument as his hands quickly unfastened Dominic's slacks and slid them down his legs, easing his underwear down with them, then gently peeling off shoes and socks.  "You're so beautiful."


"Fresh." An amused murmur, stepping out of his pants when Lionel told him to, his fingers gently sliding through the luxurious hair. "You're too good to me. Don't you know that? You're too good for the likes of me."


Lionel rocked back on his heels, hands shooting up to catch Dominic's hands and holding them tightly in his hair.  "No, Dominic... never say that.  You are the one who is too good for me, you are the one who deserves more than this crabby old man is capable of."


"My wish was a joke. It was all...all just a joke." His fingers tightened in the long hair. "How could I have wished for a child, for someone to take care of, Lionel? How could I be so selfish, to bring a baby into our world? How did you and Lillian do it, Lionel? How? How could you accept a tiny creature into the world we live in, and not be wracked with guilt and fear?"


Lionel stood and pulled Dominic into his arms.  "No, it wasn't a joke.  Bringing a child... bringing a child into the world is a beautiful thing, because there is this life, this life that you hold in your hands, and you know that it was created from the love that you share with another person.  And that the responsibility for shaping that life lies with you, and the knowledge that the little person that you hold in your arms will one day grow up and make a difference in the world.  That's how.  Hope, beloved... hope."


He swallowed hard, grasping his lover tight, bringing him in close to him. "I love you. I love you so much. I love you. You give me hope. I love you so much, Lionel, so much inside my heart." He was trembling and he knew it.


Lionel pulled his trembling lover close, rubbing his back and whispering in his ear.  "You will make a wonderful father, Dominic... and I still want a family with you."


"How? How can I? With what haunts me, what can hurt me even now; I'm not strong, I'm not steadfast. I can hold my own against any cut throat, but Lionel, Lionel when it comes to my heart I'm not. I'm not." He swallowed against the hard neck, silent for a few long moments, before he spoke again, much quieter and calmer. "Take a bath with me?"


"You can because you are strong.  You are strong enough to love me, knowing that I will hurt you and not mean to, knowing that I am not perfect, and you still dare to love me.  Your heart is so terribly strong, beloved, and I envy you."  He ran his fingers through Dominic's hair.  "Let me get out of my clothes and we'll bathe together."


"You're so good to me. After everything that's happened, Lionel...I love you with my whole heart." He stroked the warm cheek softly. "Do you know that? Do you know how much I love you? What I would do for you, my lovely one?"


Lionel swallowed hard.  "Not... Dominic... I don't know what to say to that.  No one has ever loved me so whole-heartedly, so much of themselves given to me, and... I treasure you." He swallowed hard again.  "Please... please say you will continue thinking about a family with me."


He nodded wordlessly, kissing him softly, and lay his cheek on his lovers shoulder. "I give my life to you. In every way possible, Lionel. No one, nobody, has ever heard those words from me. And I promise you, no one ever will but you."


Lionel stood, shocked wordless by his lover's declaration, and held him, if possible, even more tenderly than before.  "I promise you, Dominic... I will protect your life with all that I am, and never forsake you." 


He held him softly close, leaned up to kiss him again softly with the hint of their coffee still on their mouths, gently touching his face with his fingertips. "My knees are going to give out. Undress...lets go relax."


Lionel moved and without a word picked Dominic up and carried him into the bathroom, nuzzling Dominic's fingertips and kissing him softly.  He settled Dominic in the tub, and then turned the hot water on, letting the steaming water fill the large marble tub as he straightened, undressing quickly and efficiently.


He loved it when Lionel swept him off his feet. Not that he'd ever admit it of course...but looking up, watching all that glorious skin come into view made his heart soar and his eyes go wicked, watching him with all the sweetness in the world as he waggled his brows. "Yes, come on iii-iiiin."


"I'm guessing... the water's fine?"  Lionel's voice was softly teasing as he shed his clothes, moving naked around the room and gathering several things; soft cloths, gentle soap, a tall bottle of sage oil that created a relaxing steam bath as Lionel sank into the water behind his lover, pulling Dominic against him and cradling him against his chest.


He leaned back against his love, letting Lionel's legs slip past his sides, and he raised his own to brace the sides of the tub. He leaned back gratefully into the long chest offering rest, careful not to let his shoulder underneath. "Mmmm. Waters more then fine."


Lionel cursed.  "Brandy."


He shrugged absently, letting his fingers slide to the back of his lovers neck as he curled his face in close to the warm, prickly beard, breathing in the warm scent of aftershave and soap he always seemed to carry. "Always...always smell so good. Like vanilla. And the ocean."


"Vanilla?" Lionel queried softly.  "I didn't realize I smelled like vanilla." He dipped one of the cloths in the clear, hot water, and started to delicately swab at his lover's injured shoulder.  "But if you like it, I'll make sure to keep using it... would you like that?"


"Mmmm." His voice was laced with discomfort, shifting better against his lover and sighing into his skin. "You do. Like Christmas time." A sudden grin into all that skin. "You use Christmas cologne, don't you?"


"Christmas cologne?  Yes, I suppose I do, seeing as how it's only available at Christmas time through several custom perfumeries."  Lionel's voice continued to be a soothing rumble.  "It's called Nighttime Breezes, and despite the name, I find I like the scent."  He continued to gently dab and clean away the blood on his lover's shoulder and body.  "If this hurts you too much, just say so."


He was smiling. "I remember. The first year you asked me to pick it up for you and cut the check for it, I spent an hour after trying to speak without a tremble in my voice." He sniffed at the softly scented skin, licking it gently and tasting his lover. "I never thought I'd be doing that to it, of course.."


"Tasting it?  It can't have a very good taste."  Lionel rinsed the cloth out, then soaked it in the water again and laid it over the wound as a kind of bandage.  "You always smell... delicious.  What do you wear?  It's always... subtle, but it always remains.  It's very nice."


"It does." A slight shift as he covered the stitches and staples, looking up at him and licking again. "Tastes very good. Like you." He sat up, then, sloshing and splashing, turning and linking his legs around his lovers waist, resting his legs on Lionel's thighs as he soaped up another small hand towel. "Don't laugh at me... but... Clinique Happy, for men."


Lionel's hands rested briefly on Dominic's thighs before sliding up to rest on his waist as he tilted his head back to rest on the side of the tub, looking up at his beloved.  "Happy.  It suits you, and it smells very... desirable, on you." 


He leaned in and gently swept the towel over Lionel's neck...across the thick shoulders, watching the fuzzy white foamy soap slick over the warm skin. "Its my irony." Another broad sweep, lip caught between his teeth, slicking the little towel down over his chest...across the nipple ring. "You excite me so much."


Lionel arched into the caress across his nipple ring, feeling his nipple harden in response to it.  "Irony?" he asked through the gentle hiss, and gripped Dominic's hips a little tighter.  "You do more than excite me, Jiminy... you make me... feel alive."


He watched it harden in fascination, tracing the other one the same way, eyes wide and his voice quiet. "Irony...because for a long time I wasn't happy." He skimmed his lips over his lovers mouth, setting his forehead on his to look down at what his fingers were doing to Lionel's body...and wasn't that a vicious thrill? "You're so erotic."


Lionel's hands slid carefully up his lover's back, tracing strong muscles and slim shoulders, firm skin and easy ripples of motion, and gently stroked his shoulders.  "Erotic... that's the first time I've been called that... but I think I like it."  He slid one hand down, over the uninjured side of his lover's chest.  "Especially if it means... you want me, as much as I need you." His hand paused.  "Are you happy now, beloved?"


"No one ever called you erotic?" He looked up at his lover in disbelief, gently stroking his cheek. "My darling. You're amazing...beautiful and god, I'm so happy now. You could never really know how you've changed my life. How you changed everything." He was smiling. "In every way possible." His smile turned silly at the edges. "I mean, I have someone to go to the movies with now, and neck with, and go shopping with. I'm a happy man."


Lionel caught the stroking hand and pressed it to his lips.  "No one," he said against the soft skin.  "I will go to the movies with you.  I will gladly... neck? is it?... with you.  But... no matter how much I adore you... I will not shop with you.  Unless it is at home, over the internet, with you naked in my lap."


"Necking." He reached up and pressed a hot kiss to the crook of his lovers jaw, where he could smother the grin. "I'm quite convincing. You cant resist my pout, lovely one, and you know it, too."


Lionel growled.  "Of course I can't resist.  You have, and I'm not sure how, turned me into something resembling a marshmallow."  Another growl.  "I never used to be this susceptible to pouting."


He smiled broadly and nipped at his lower lip, scooting in to align their hips together, crotches rubbing lightly...teasingly, genitals cupped in the most wonderful, sweet, loving way that was all about being lovers. "If it helps at all, at least you aren't a poofy marshmallow. You're one of the nicely shaped ones at the top of the bag."


"Oh, well yes.  Heaven forbid I be a poofy marshmallow," he murmured into Dominic's mouth.  "Next you'll be telling me that my hair emotes."


"Darling, you and I both know it quotes Shakespeare to you on a regular basis." Amusement warred in his voice, his eyes dancing as he gazed up at him, kissing gently. "I think now is a proper time to tell you of my little... strangities."


Lionel grinned in return, the kiss deepening briefly before Dominic spoke again, and Lionel tucked him closer to his chest.  "Strangeities?"


"Yes. You know...quirks." He scooted in, sighing softly. "I don't tell you nearly as much of myself as you share about yourself. So...I love the Beach Boys." He pretended to strangle the word, fluttering a hand to his heart.


Lionel cleared his throat, voice dropping to a base.  "I'm picking up Good Vibrations... he's giving me ex-ci-tations..."  Then he sobered.  "And if you repeat a word of that to anyone outside of this room, I will have to kill you."


He laughed out loud, looking up at him and laughing again, delight alive in his expression and his heart. "Lionel, good Jesus, did you just....sing?" Oh, he was gonna make the most of this, grinning up at him, dimples winking in each cheek.


"I did not sing.  I merely... repeated song lyrics."


"The lies!" He pointed at him chidingly, still grinning, and didn't this man have the knack for tugging him out of his funks? Oh, yes. "I love Brian Adams. And Rod Stewart, and Billy Joel." A serious nod, tugging at the edges of his hair. "I like eating Twinkies."


Lionel's eyes softened around the edges.  "Don't tell me you like that insipidly romantic song from that horrendous Robin Hood movie several years back?" he teased.  "Although I must admit to a certain... fascination with Billy Joel, as I have heard We Didn't Start The Fire echoing from Lex's room many times when he was home."  Then a face of complete disgust.  "Twinkies?  McDonald's?  I'm appalled, Jiminy.  Completely."  But his eyes twinkled.


"Darling, I didn't want to tell you, but...Elton John? Me? Addicted."


"He's... distressingly, flamingly and obnoxiously... effeminate."


"As well as Twinkies, and McDonalds and...I have this knack for going to the mall on crowded Saturday mornings. I love Barnes and Noble.......did you just use the word "flamingly" in a sentence?" He barely controlled the explosion of chuckles, looking at him with brow risen.


"Yes, I did.  I used the word flamingly in a sentence."  Lionel raised his own brow to match.


"Baby? We flame too."


Lionel choked on his next breath.  "We... do not... flame!!" he wheezed out.  "I... am physically... incapable... of flaming!"


"We're bend us over, roast marshmallows over our asses gay." A serious nod, though it amused him endlessly to watch Lionel's face as he thought it over.


Lionel's spluttering continued.  "We are not!"  The choking turned to barely held in laughter as the image of flames shooting out of his ass came to his mind.


He licked the tip of his index finger, set it on Lionel's shoulder, and hissed with a completely straight face.


Lionel burst into peals of deep, baritone laughter.  "I know that I'm hot, Dominic... but I do not flame."


He grinned at his lover with a broad smile, eyebrows shooting up as his eyes danced. "I don't flame either. At least, not intentionally. There are times, though, that Lex has told me our gazes to one another could light a small fire in a quiet room, but other then that..."


Lionel laughed again.  "And I suppose his glances to the young Mr. Kent are simply brotherly affection?" he asked, brow raised.  "He's one to talk; they can barely keep their thoughts to themselves.  I would be willing to wager that if you watch Lex closely enough, you can see him mentally stripping Clark as he watches him."


"More then once, actually." He grinned. "Clark blushes a bright crimson every single time. Its adorable, for lack of a better word." He shook his head and sighed good- naturedly. "What are we going to do with those two, is the question."


"Lock them in a room together, take away their clothing, and hope they both survive?"  Lionel wrapped his arms around Dominic's waist, indescribably happy to see the good humor twinkling back in his lover's eyes.


"Terrifying thought, that is." He pretended a shudder. "Probably what they think of us going at it, but lord, Jesus God. I hate pointing out to him that Clarks just a boy, but he never seems to care."


Lionel shook his head.  "The boy's nearly seventeen, Dominic.  Much older than Lex was when he began his.... activities."  He rubbed his cheek against Dominic's shoulder.  "About the age I began."


"Really?" He tipped his head to look at his lover, caressing a warm cheek. "17?"


Lionel nodded.  "Seventeen.  Much to my father's chagrin, I might add.  He was... less than thrilled to find that I had begun to sleep with my history tutor, a handsome man of almost twice my age, but who was paid well for his discretion." A pained sigh.  "I believe he would have found it much more acceptable had Mr. Harrison been Ms. Harrison instead."


"" He looked at him curiously. "How was it? The first time?"


"Very short.  I had no interest in allowing him inside me, which was just as well, because he would rather have had it up the ass anyway.  I did not last very long, but he was patient with me and I learned.  Looking back?  It was... very fumbling, very quick, and not at all satisfying."


"How terribly unromantic." He smiled gently, caressing the rough cheek. "And for a teenage boy...What a mental blow. Sex, not satisfying? Heavens." He shook his head lightly and leaned in closer. "My first experience was with a girl. Young sprite of a thing, red hair and big blue eyes. Annie. It was her first time too, so you can imagine. It took us ten minutes to find out what went where, and after that...yes, well."


Lionel laughed softly.  "I can just imagine.  By the time I had my first woman... I was well aware of where things went, and how it was supposed to go; my father saw to that."


"Yes, well, at least you had parental support. I grew up in an Irish household where we were never to learn about those things until our marriage bed, which of course made finding out before it all the more worthwhile. All I knew was that there were openings things went in and came out of, and damned if I knew what was what. Women were puzzles to me, for that. In a way...still are. How they derive pleasure from sex is still beyond me."


"Support... yes, that's one thing you could call it."  He rubbed his hands over his lover's skin.  "I could help you figure it out, but I sincerely hope you won't ever be needing those skills."


His grin was purely wicked at the edges. "Maybe sometime we'll engage in a ménage a trois and you'll have to show me, darling." His eyes danced teasingly, pushing Lionel's hands lower, so they rode his ass.


Lionel's hands gently, carefully kneaded the firm flesh of his lover's backside.  "I'll... never share you, Dominic," he purred quietly.  "Not with another woman... ever."


"I love you, lovely." A gentle kiss to his lips. "I love you so much." Another gentle kiss...another. "They're overrated."


Lionel used his grip on Dominic's ass to pull him closer, and deepened the kiss.  "Anyone... who is not you... is overrated."





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