
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 209: Lex Lessons

For once, she used the doors.

The front door, the door to the hallway, and now, she was standing in the door to the movie room, which is where Enrique had told her that Clark and Lex were hiding after the morning's computer chat. Which she'd interrupted without really meaning to.

But, whatever. She was on a mission. She stood in the door, hoping they'd notice her, and when they didn't, she tiptoed in and flung herself on Clark's back, hugging his neck. "HI!!"


Legolas and Aragorn were suddenly covered with a flash of pink, and Clark gasped, loudly.

He was lying on his belly on the long, warm couch, head propped in his lovers lap. He'd been carefully stroking his love's covered crotch, gently, with his thumb, and had murmured soft, amused little words up to him ever once in a while, when suddenly... WHAM, and he was being winded by a tiny girl who couldn't have weighed more than eighty pounds.

He blinked, looked up over his shoulder... stared. "Shay. You just ruptured my kidney."

"Did not. I couldn't rupture anything on you if I tried." she bounced. "Hi, Lex."

Lex nearly ended up on the floor as the flying pink blur suddenly appeared, and he glared. "What in the hell are you doing here?"

Another little bounce and a huge, sunny smile. "You said I could come by any time! Well! It's anytime!"

Lex sighed long-sufferingly. "I didn't mean right away."


Clark glanced up at the both of them, and if his smile was a skosh too innocent, he didn't say anything. Instead his lips curved into a little knowing smirk and he sat up, taking Shay with him, to sit on the end of the couch. The sun was shining, birds chirping, and the AC was blowing cool air into an otherwise warm room. Clark rubbed at his cheekbone with one shoulder, smiled again, and glanced back at Shay. "Lex told me."

"LEX!!!" She glared at him from the other end of the couch. "You said you weren't going to tell anyone!!!!"

Lex shrugged. "Clark isn't anyone, you know that."

Suddenly, Shayla brightened. "Oh, then that's okay, Clark can help demo!!"

Lex sat straight up. "Oh, hell no, Clark can't."

"Heeey. Why not?" He pouted. "Am I too disgusting to look at or something? Why can't I model?"

"Yeah, why can't he model?" Shayla parroted. "Just look at him, he was built for modeling! Those cheekbones, that smile, that face, those lips and the hips!"

"I'm disturbed that you've noticed all these things about my lover," Lex groused. "And I am not going to have you seeing Clark in these things, at all."

Clarks lips twitched. "What? A leather pouch and a whip?" His eyebrow raised. I thought seeing me submitting and begging for mercy was one of your many... many fantasies, beautiful.

Not in front of the twit it's not! Lex groused in his head. "Fine. You can model, Clark. But you, little girl, are NOT going to test drive anything out on my lover. Are we clear about this?"

Shayla turned around and batted her eyes at Clark. "Only if Clark says no."

Clark grinned at her. "No. Sorry. But.." He glanced, shyly, at his lover. "I do know what its like not to understand anything about stuff like this, and being taught was embarrassing. So I'm in your boat, and we'll show you what you'll need to fuck him properly." He rose to his feet, making sure his flip-flops were pushed on, and ran his fingers through his short cropped hair. "Lead on, fair maiden."

She pouted. "Fine, leave me in the dark." Little sniffle, but she bounded up as she slid off his lap. "I don't know where we're leading."

"Our bedroom," Lex supplied.

"Hell Yes!!!" Shayla pumped her fist in the air and bolted out of the room at a dead run.

Lex looked back at his lover. "We should be very afraid that she knows the way."

Clark smiled back and watched as his lover rose, all fluid limbs and grace, and held him gently in his arms for a moment. "If it makes you uncomfortable, tell me so. I'll… leave my jeans on, unless we need to take them off. Okay?"

He just sighed. "Uncomfortable? No. I've done this for too many people to feel uncomfortable about it. This, however? I know more than I need to about the situation, and for Christ's sake, Clark, this is someone who's about as mature as a Smurf."

Clark shook his head, gently, and wrapped his arm around Lex's waist as they began walking. "She's not immature, Lex. She's innocent. There's a difference, there. I think she needs this to fulfill what Pete needs, and Pete needs this... to feel like she understands him. And through experience, they'll have growth." he stroked his lovers side, gently. "Don't you see how much she's changed since we met her?"

Lex gave a very loud, very rude snort. "We are still talking about the same person, right? Dominic's annoying little sister."

Clark smiled, gently, down at him. "Yes."

"Clark, I have underwear that's older than she is. Innocence is one thing. This? Is immaturity. It's amazing to me that Mr. Ross hasn't strangled her yet."

"It's not." Clark murmured, softly, as he pressed his lips to Lex's temple. "you'll see. Come on." He pushed open the bedroom door the rest of the way and stepped in, smiling at Shayla on their bed. A puppy... Artie, by the big spot on his butt, was in her lap, and Clark grinned as he closed the door, and locked it, behind Lex.

"He just looked kinda lonely, sitting on the bed all by himself, so I picked him and we plopped at the first comfortable place." She was cuddling the puppy up against her chest, almost like a little furry shield.

"Okay. Let's... figure out what you want." Lex dragged a chair over, and straddled it in front of Shayla, crossing his arms over the back of it. "What is it, exactly, do you want?"

"Um... I was talking to Chloe, and she said, she said that you could help me figure out what it is I need."

He shook his head. "No, Shayla, I'm not talking about what you need. I'm talking about, what you want. What it is you want to do, and from there, we'll figure out what you need."

Clark almost smiled at the lost look on her face, and he sat down beside her, after closing the shades. "What do you feel like doing to him, Shay? Go into your deepest, darkest fantasies and take out what it is that you want to do most."

Shay raised on shoulder and then let it fall. "I don't know. I never... you know, it kind of never came up until recently, you know? Didn't even think about it happening. I mean, I knew Chloe did to Whitney, but I never thought of me and Pete doing it until I talked to her Saturday and she told me everything. And it's kind of weird to think about it now, but I want to give Pete what he wants, and what he needs, cause I want him to be happy." The other shoulder rose into a shrug, and she cuddled the puppy closer.

Lex, surprisingly, didn't roll his eyes, but let Clark feel the deep sigh that was building in his chest as he slowly exhaled it. "That's all well and good, Shayla, but you're not going to just breeze in here and breeze out with a cock under your pants. You've got to know what you want, and what you're going to do with it, before I give you anything."

Clark nodded, quietly. "Shayla, you can only do this if you want to do this. I know having a cock must seem easy, but its not. Making love TO someone, rather than being made love to, is a little more... tricky. You have to know what you want, and how you want it. I mean, you're giving me a run around answer, sweetie. You said you talked to Chloe about this on Saturday. Well... its Monday afternoon. Don't tell me you didn't fantasize about it at all." He gently squeezed her hand. "Tell me what you want to do to him."

She blushed, and she rubbed her hot cheeks against soft puppy fur. "I did think, a little, but... you know. Chloe said he could r--ride me, because I'm so little compared to him, and... it's something that I like doing to him. So I think maybe he'd like that too."

Clark smiled. Yes. Getting somewhere, and he passed a secret glance at Lex. "Good. See? That's what you gotta think about. Chloe was definitely right... riding someone feels very, very good, as you know, and its no different for a guy taking it. Though, Shayla, you can fuck him too, you know. You're not that small, sweetie. You could have him lay on the bed, and you stand beside it, fucking him standing. It gives you much more muscle and power." He gently rubbed her hot cheek with his fingertip. "Shhh. Don't blush, its okay."

"So says the king of the blushers," she muttered into Artie's satiny coat as she petted him.

Fine, you're getting through with her? You get to pry the answers out of her. I'll sit here and ask the questions. You deal. "That's right, progress is very good. Okay. Just to add to Clark's idea you could also bend him over the closest surface, or just have him reach for his ankles and hold on, because that'll give you the leverage you need." Little sigh. "Is there anything else you've been thinking of that you might need or want?"

"Definitely. A table, the footboard, wherever. It can go a lot of ways, Shay... sex doesn't always have to be in the missionary position." He smiled at her, gently. "You could go doggy style, too, if he's into that. Just... whatever he wants, and whatever feels good for you." He glanced at Lex. "This one... we might have to give you some examples. Because... I don't know that you know a lot about sex toys.... I'm right to presume?"

A tiny little squeak. "Right. I don't know jack. And that's literal."

Lex glared at his lover. You are not going to demo anything for this girl, Clark Kent.

Clark glanced up, snorted at his lover. "Not demo-ing, Lex. Just… gonna show her, okay?" He rose up to his feet. "Come on, Shay. Put Artie down and come with us."

"No way, Fredo. The dog stays with me." But she got up behind Clark, and clutched Artie tightly. "He's my protector." She looked down, where the protector in question was drooling on her shoulder.

"That dog couldn't protect it's own ass, Shayla." A snort in return to his lover, and he glared. "Don't be shocked at anything you see in there." He waved his hand towards the closet. "Go ahead, I have to get a few things laid out in here too."

"Okay." Clark smiled at his lover and motioned Shayla along, taking Artie out of her arms and setting him on the floor so he wouldn't follow into the closet. "There… close the door behind you. The AC unit in here clicks on and off, we'll be fine." He led the way down the long closet to the secret door, carefully pushing winter pants on their hangers down a bit to open the door. "Come on, watch your head."

Shayla whimpered as Clark took Artie and put him down, and the ducked as he pushed clothes out of the way and she closed the door. It wasn't dark, thanks to an overhead bulb, and it smelled like Lex cologne and Clark, and yum. But she ducked under the pants, and found a little door already open. "You guys have got a closet in your closet?"

"Yeah." He slipped into the room, and waited for a scream. Shayla was vocal like that, and he carefully winced, just in case.

"HOLY SHIT!!" Bellowed at the top of her not-inconsiderable Senatori lungs. "Mother of fuckin' Jesus on his cross, I don't know what half this shit even does!"

Clark let go of the wince as soon as the cry was over, and nodded. The walls were covered with sex toys, glass shelves and drawers filled with stuff, and Clark pulled his shirt off and set it on the side. "Yep. Lemme show you." He got a small stool out from under Lex's makeup counter and set it down on the penis shaped rug, so Shay could watch.

Shayla just kind of dropped onto the stool as her jaw dropped open. "Holy... okay, this might just hit that realm of TMI that I didn't think I could ever get to about yours and Lex's sex life," she confided as her eyes grew huge.

His lips quirked. "Its Lex's. I've only used like, three things. Here...but these you're going to want to use." He pulled a pair of clover clamps off one of the several glass hooks on the mirrored wall, and sat down on the stool in front of Shayla's that he pulled out a moment later. "These are clover clamps. Have you ever seen them?"

Wide-eyed shake of her head. "Holy crap. The closest I ever got to things like this were wooden clothespins."

Clark just smiled. "Same concept. Only these were made for nipples, and they have much more power behind them, and they hurt? Like a bitch. But they also feel very, very good." He turned them in his hand. "You always want to put them on pointing up. If you put them on the other way, you're creating some painful tension that might damage his chest. Okay? Always up at down. You squeeze here… and here... and the clamp opens up. See? That's all you do."

"Oh... kay. Pointing up. I can do that. Squeezing, I can do that too." She held her hand out for the clamps. "And these won't like, yank his nipples off his chest, right?"

"No." He grinned. "Here... I'll put one on to show you." A glance at the door. "Lex is gonna kill me, but whatever." He reached up and tweaked one nipple, rolling it in his fingers until it hardened, and then carefully applied the clamp, hissing quietly. "See? Just like this. You make sure its on tight, and it won't go anywhere. It'll stay on his chest wherever you move him... that's the beauty of them." He carefully unclamped it, rubbing feeling back into the sore nub, and tipped his head. "I've got a question for you. Do you want this to be.... a consensual thing? Or do you want to dominate him?"

Her eyes just got wider as she watched, and she winced as she watched the clamp biting into Clark's skin. "Yeowch, are you okay?" She refrained from touching, just barely. "Yeah, no, I think we've had just enough non-consensual anything going on with Pete, I think we'll stick with the consensual for now, thanks."

"Good choice." He smiled at her, and shook his head. "Doesn't hurt, sweetie. Well, it puts a lot of pressure, but it doesn't cause pain. Just feels wicked good." He handed her the clamps, the little chain clinking, and looked back at the wall. "I think... a cock ring is in order." He rose to his feet and carefully selected a dark blue ring, made of denim and metal, with metallic snaps, and sat down again. "This will keep him from coming. He may beg for it, especially when it gets too be too much, but he doesn't want it to end. You snap it around the base of his cock and balls, okay? As snug and tight as you can."

"This isn't one you and Lex have like, personally used, right?" She looked askew at him. "Cause... just hello, weirdsville."

He grinned, and shook his head, pointing to the drawer full of them. "No. Lex buys them new all the time."

"Oh, thank God." She swallowed hard. "Okay. I think I can handle a cock ring without a demonstration, thanks. I'm familiar enough with Pete's equipment I can visualize."

His grin broadened. "I'm not flashing you my cock, sweetie. Don't flip out." He rose again, to the chest of drawers, and searched for a moment before handing her an unopened bottle of KY. "Lube. Have you used it before?"

"Oh, yeah. Lube we're good for. I've got two bottles at home, and a ton of condoms, too, with lube."

"You're gonna want to use a lot, Shay." He tipped his head at her. "As much as you can. You slick your fingers, and stretch him, then slick the dildo, and then slick him again if you need to." A moment. "Do you know how to stretch, Shay?"

Shy little nod. "Yeah. I mean, I've never done it, but Pete's done it to me enough... yeah. I know." She coughed. "We've, uh, yeah. Had a need for it."

Clark grinned at her. "He took you in back?" But he shook his head, as he sat down. "He might be nervous, Shay." Now it was he who blushed, softly. "You slide one finger in... wriggle it around. Keep coming back out for lube if you need to... you want him as slick as possible." He tipped his head. "Then, when he's ready, add a second finger, and slide them all the way in, to the second knuckle, and move them like you're pretending your fingers are scissors. Over and over and over, and get more lube if you have to. Just do it until you can't feel him resisting anymore. And when he stops resisting, then you're ready."

"Eeeyah. He did. And he let me watch, once, when he was... getting himself ready, for the... the vibrator. So. Yeah. I'm down with the stretching. Slick, slow, lube."

He nodded, and his eyebrows knit. "Go slow, Shay. Because of everything with Dick… he's going to tense up. Just... go very slow." But he climbed back up to his feet, and smiled as he rested his side against the drawers. "We've got some plugs, too. If you want to tease him. You plug him up and don't let him come… talk about getting someone crazy." He rose his voice. "Lex! I'm getting into the BDSM thing, come here babe. Need help."

She swallowed hard, and nodded. "I know, Clark. Believe me... I know probably better than anyone how tense he gets when Dick's name is even mentioned, and I don't even want to think about it. I mean, we just started having sex again and I'm not going to fuck that up."

"I told you no demonstrations!" filtered in through the wall, but there was a series of muffled thumps as Lex came in through the closet, and first thing he did was glare at his boyfriend's bare chest.

"I know, Shay. Just take it really slow, sweetie, as slow as you can." And Clark just grinned at his grumbly aushna', and rolled his eyes. "Come on, Lex. I needed to show her nipple clamps. And... Shay, just because you're not gonna dominate, doesn't mean that you will be in the dominating position, and plenty able to make him scream and yell."

"You didn't need to show her anything," Lex grumbled. "And, okay. I'm here. You want advice on how to make him grovel at your feet?"

Clark grinned, broadly. "I have a feeling I'm going to loooove this demonstration." But he snickered and sat back down on the stool, wriggling his eyebrows.

"Oh no you don't," Lex said pointedly, dragging Clark back up there with him. "If I'm going to do this, then you're gonna help me." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Where do you want to start? Whips, chains, plugs, scourges, insertions, fisting, what?"

Clark shivered all over, and gave his lover a wicked grin as he stood beside him. "All of it." He side glanced Shayla. "You ready for this sweetie?"

Shayla's eyes were just boggling. "Um... okay. No. Cause I lost him after, Where do you want to start? And I don't think I'm ready, in ANY way, for this conversation."

He grinned at her. "Neither was I, when I first started making love with Lex. But learning as we went along was definitely a good thing, and since Pete has no damn clue, you're gonna have to be the one to teach him. Believe me… it makes your sex life much more fulfilling and interesting."

A startled blink. "Me? Teach? I haven't even HAD sex until I met Pete, okay? This is all shiny and new to me."

"Shay…" Clark snorted. "Pete's had sex with two people before you, and one of them was a guy. His first time was with Helena Broskitt, when they were both drunk, so he barely remembers it. And then there was Dick. You're the first real woman relationship sweetie... everything's new to him, too."

"Yeah, well, he's a lot better at it than I am, including the fact that him and Dick had to help me pick out my first ever vibrator, so when I say shiny and new, I mean shiny and new in the way that means, never done this before at all."

"Its okay, Shay." Clark leaned down and gently took her hand. "Seriously. I've only had one lover, too. I was in your spot a few months back, so trust me, okay? We'll show you."

"Oh, I do trust you, Clark. And you too, AJ. However? This is migrating towards that area of TMI I mentioned before." Hard little swallow. "Let's... just go with the basics, kay, and if I need anything else, I'll come back for Dominatrix lessons."

Lex just shrugged, his scary little smile that screamed, I have all the experience in the world and I'm not afraid to show you firmly in place. "Suit yourself, Shay."

He grinned at her. "Deal. Basics are good."

Clark firmly stomped his lovers foot.

Lex yelped, and glared at his lover. "What the hell was that for?"

"Be nice to Shay. I know what it was like to be clueless. Still do, so shh." He turned back to Shay. "We can show you some good positions, sweetie." He grasped Lex's hips and turned him, so Lex's back lay flat against Clarks chest. He pushed a wide handed palm against his lovers back, making him bend over at the waist, and held his hips firmly planted against his own. "This is the one where you can lean him over. Make sure... see, how Lex's feet spread? Make sure that his hips are tilted up. If they're tilted down, the first thrust is going to hurt like a bitch."

Lex didn't protest as he was manhandled into position, just hobbling on his crippled foot as he spread his legs, and canted his hips upwards, and wiggled just a little against Clark's crotch.

"Yeep." She squeaked, then cleared her throat. "Yeah, I see. Up. Like the clamps. Check."

"Exactly. Because you will hurt him, Shay, and he might be too excited to remember to press them up, okay?" He reached for his lovers arms to straighten him up, and crouched down on the floor, taking Lex with him. "You can do doggy style. Lean over, Lex."

Woof, woof, thought Lex snarkily as he bent over, getting on his hands and knees in front of Clark and snuggling his ass back against Clark's crotch. "This is actually one of my favorite positions, because if you're on bottom, it means you're going to get a nice, deep, hard fuck. And if you're on top, you can pound in hard, fuck fast, and still have your hands free to tease, rub, and even jack your bottom off with."

Shayla's face was scalding hot. "Definitely getting into the TMI area here."

Clark grinned, rubbing a little right back, but trying to keep professional as possible about the intricacies of the positions. "This is a really good one. You're very much the dominant in this position, as well as the one we just did. You spread your legs around his..." Clark slipped into the perfect position, knees spread around his lovers own spread ones. "Like this. You can bend down over him and touch him all over, and he will definitely like that." He moved back an inch or two and helped his lover down onto his back on the thick carpet. "This is a little change on that same position, only he's on his back, instead. You stay sitting up, and fuck him like that."

Lex's legs wrapped around Clark's waist and he lifted up with his lower body, arching his back and supporting his weight on his shoulders. "You're still top here, but you can see his face, touch his body this way. This is also a good position for slow lovemaking instead of quick fucking, because you can kiss your lover gently, trail them down his chest, whatever."

Another little squeak as she watched Lex flow like water around Clark, and nodded.

Clark nodded, his lips quirking down at his lover as he gently stroked a long thigh, gently. "Definitely a love making position. And of course, you can do missionary very easily from this, just lay over him and move over him." He pressed his lovers legs up a little and stretched out over him, his hips in alignment. "See, how I'm down a little? That's so I can fuck him easier. You lay splayed between his legs like this, side to side." He rose up, gently unlocking his lovers legs, and instead let himself lay back. "Lex'll demonstrate the ways you ride someone when you're having anal sex. Its... very different from regular sex."

"I'll take your word for it!!!" she shouted. "Definitely already know more than I came here for!!!!"

Lex's scary little smile was still in place as he elevated his eyebrow. "What, giving up so soon? I thought this is what you wanted, spying on Clark and I together." He paused, pushing her buttons. "Would it help if we took our clothes off?"

Clark grinned, sideways at her, from his stretch on the carpet, though it was a gentle smile. "Shay... Pete's gonna be crazy by the time it gets to this stage. If you don't know how to do it right, you're going to hurt him, and then he's really never gonna want to have sex again. This is a really really sensitive thing for him, and you need to do it right. Alright?"

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Now I know how Pete felt when Megan came in and started spouting off the ten rules of safe sex." She peeked out from behind her hands. "Make him shut up, and you got a deal."

Clark glared at his lover, and wagged his finger. "You, hush it." To Shay, "Better?"

"Only if he listens!!"

Lex looked down at his lover and pantomimed a zipper shutting over his mouth. Then he pushed Clark's legs down straight, and slid down so that he was situated over his lover's crotch, then turned around, so that his back was to Clark and his face was towards Clark's feet.

Clark bit down the groan when his lover sat just like that, not vocalizing it, as much as he wanted to, as he rose his knees up. "You can do it... this way. Its the most comfortable, outside of the standard riding, because your asshole is, in fact, in the back. This way he controls the movement, but you miss his face and body. But this way... you can also watch him move, and its definitely arousing."

"And, depending on how supple you are, you can lean forward, which gives your lover his hips, and lets him move you. Or, you can lean back, into his arms, so he can jack you off." Lex moved each way as he spoke. "Just be careful leaning back, because it puts uncomfortable pressure on certain sensitive portions of anatomy."

Clark bit off another groan, though he turned his head and bit Lex's earlobe for rubbing at perfect little places. He cleared his throat though, and nodded. "Exactly. This is the same if he's facing forward... he leans forward a little, and you raise your hips a little, so you can enter him, and he can still ride your thrusts." He paused. "Did we miss anything, Lex? Any positions?"

Lex snorted. "I don't think they're ready for the Kama Sutra just yet."

Clark grinned up at his lover. "I don't think we are." He carefully helped his lover up, and rose up to his knees himself, resting down on them as he looked up at Shay. "You couldn't go wrong with a little control, Shay. I mean, controlling him. Maybe... a collar. Or even... some sexy underwear."

Her eyes were huge as dinner plates. "S--sexy underwear?" Her brain was still firing about thirty seconds behind the conversation.

"For him. And for you. You... we're going to get you something nice. Lex has a lot of stuff. But for him... yeah, we gotta find something for him." He grinned at her. "Culture shock. Blink, baby."

"Blink?" Oh yeah. The thing you do with your eyelids. She blinked, but her eyes were still huge.

Clark just… he snickered, quietly, and glanced at his lover for guidance. He was a pro, just not... a PRO.

Lex snorted. "Did you show her cock rings?"

Clark pointed to her hands. "The denim one. And the clover clamps, the second pair you have that aren't as tight. I gave her some new lube, too, and we were just talking butt plugs when you screamed through the wall."

Oh yeah. Shayla looked down in her lap, blinked, and held her hands out so Lex could examine the loot.

"Okay, yeah. Good. Um... I don't know if either of them are ready for plugs or--"

"Beads!" she exploded.

Clark glanced up. Hello. "Beads... beads might work. For the both of you." He glanced up to his lover again. "They're in one of the drawers baby... maybe those purple ones for Shay? They aren't as thick as like, the red ones."

"I think we need to have a talk with Chloe about the things she puts in this pink little head." But he walked over to the cabinet of drawers, and pulled out the fourth one. He reached into the back and pulled out a strand of neon pink silicon-jelly anal beads, smaller than any others he had. "Here, I think these will be just right. Rule one and only--do not use a silicon based lubricant with these. That will destroy them, because these? Also made of silicon. Stick with water based, and you won't go wrong. Rule two. Do not put them all the way in. I don't care what you see on the internet, and I don't care that there is a pull string. Always leave one bead out, just in case. Strings are known to break off during wear, and then where would you be?"

"In the hospital, asking Toni to get them removed with a pair of really long tweezers, without telling your mom." Clark chimed in, lips spreading. "The lube I gave you is water based, it'll work. But yeah, leaving one out is always the best bet, just in case."

"No silicon, check. But." She swallowed hard. "Won't leaving one out defeat the purpose of having them in there?"

Lex grinned. "Not when you feel it rubbing outside your ass too, bumping against the ones inside and grinding against the muscle there. No."

Clark just rolled his eyes at Lex's teasing words, and grinned himself. "Shay, it feels good. Believe me. Very, very good." He turned to look at his smiling boyfriend, and gave him a gentle poke in the ribs. "We need a good harness. Something that'll give her a dildo inside, too." He glanced at Shayla as he thought. "Do you want your ass to be filled, something other than the beads? A vibrator, maybe?"

Wide-eyed blinks. "Whahuhwhowhere?"

He grinned and stepped around her to the glass wall behind her, and selected a normal looking harness. "This is a strap on harness, sweetie. There are different kinds. There's gonna be a dildo strapped onto the front, like this," Clark grabbed a purple one from the glass shelf beside the harnesses and showed her, by snapping it in and on, snugly. "Something like this. This is what he moves against. But, at the same time, you can be filled, in the ass, in the front, or know, both. However you want it."

Her jaw was hanging open at the hinge. "Um, yeah. Remember what I said about the basics? Let's just sort of... you know, go with the basics and if I need anything else we'll figure it out. A harness I've got, for the moment anyway, cause Chloe let me try hers on this weekend--we were supposed to just hang out Saturday and then me have dinner with Pete but then Whitney was an asshole so I ended up staying the whole weekend and I'm having dinner with Pete tomorrow night after school and Chloe let try it on so I know what I'm looking for and I'm suddenly realizing that I'm babbling so I'll shut up now."

Clark smiled, gently at her, and nodded as he set the harness back down. "Okay, you've got one, that's good. And you said you have dildos, right?"

She heaved a deep breath after the nonstop babble, and nodded. "Yeah. Well... you know, the vibrators. I don't... not that like, look real or anything, and I don't know that the vibrator will fit in the harness, so."

Clark nodded, and looked up at Lex. Lex would be the best person to select a dildo, and he motioned at his lover to offer his advice and help as he plunked back down on the stool, leaning both hands on the wooden seat between his legs.

Lex just grinned, and crooked his finger. "Follow me, my little munchkins." He pushed open the closet door, and headed back out into the bedroom.

On the bed, there were five rows of different sized, different color, different substance dildos. Some had little battery packs, some didn't, most of them had testicles on them, and Lex gestured to them proudly. Every color in the rainbow was present, and there was an overwhelming amount of purple in the mix.

Behind the rows of dildos were different kinds of harnesses, and he grinned. "Welcome to Lexemporium."

Clark choked off the laugh right as it bubbled up, and slapped a hand over his mouth before plopping down at the top of the bed, on the pillows. "Lexemporium, where you can find dildos, dildos, dildos, all for the price of nothing!" He grinned, broadly, and picked up a very long, skinny blue one that he really liked, and wriggled his eyebrows at his lover before setting it down. "Shay, a hint of advice? Don't get anything that resembles with Dick was."

"Yeah, that's no problem. I remember Dick's dick pretty well." She bit her lip. "But um. This is a lot of cock."

"I knoo-oo-www." Sing song voice, more wriggled brows. "Well... what do you know he likes?"

Oh, Christ. And Lex smirking at her was NOT helping matters. At all. "Um... well... he likes... um... the vibrator, it's like, nine or ten inches long, and he likes that. But it's, you know, kind of thinner, and Dick was..." She made a little motion with her hands. "Sausage-y."

Clark, being the gentleman he was, didn't choke. "Okay. That rules out the shorter ones." He selected the six and seven inched ones and set them aside, in a little pile. "Long and a little thick. Right?"

Squeaky little nod.

Oh, and was Lex enjoying this? Immensely. Serves the little bitch right for all the spying and nosing she'd done on Lex and Clark.

Clark ever so demurely kicked his lover in the shin, and gently took Shayla's hand, sitting her down on the bed. "Its okay, Shay. Lex is just being a dick. Pick the one you like, sweetie." He took the cock ring, clamps, and anal beads from her, and stood up, to find her a bag to put it in. He rooted under the bed for a moment… came out with a dog toy, which Artie came and took, and found a small black bag, which he tugged out.

He set the sex toys, and the lube, in it, and smiled at her as he set the bag to the side. "Its okay, Shay. Its me, Clark, alright? I'm almost a brother here. You don't have to worry about me teasing you or whatever, because Pete's my friend, and you're my friend. So...its okay, okay?" A gently touch of her cheek with his thumb. "Just chill out and calm down. I won't let Lex tease you anymore, you don't deserve it." A glare at his lover, than another gentle smile at Shayla. "Pick your dildo, and then we'll get you some pretty lingerie."

I am not being a dick. I'm merely enjoying the fact that we're getting to turn the tables on this nosy little girl and giving her far, far more than she ever bargained on getting. Me, petty? Never. Lex leaned down and rubbed his hand over his shin, on the spot where Clark had kicked him. "That hurt, Clark," he said aloud.

Shayla almost bolted when Artie came out, but she stayed. Because Christ, she'd gone this far, it was really going to suck if she couldn't stick it out and get the last of it. She gladly surrendered the things in her hands, but then, she didn't have anything to hold in her hands so she shoved them in her pockets as she rocked on her heels.

And tried to ignore Lex as she looked over the display on the bed. Her hand reached out and hovered over one of the black dildos on the bed, but then reached out and snatched the tan flesh-toned one beside it. Then she leaned over again and grabbed the harness that was sitting closest to her, because it looked the most like the one Chloe had gotten, and she shoved them both at Clark. "Here. Put 'em in the bag!"

Yeah, but she's being unselfish, and doing this for Pete, Lex. She's not thinking about herself, she's thinking about making her boyfriend feel good, and we both can appreciate what she's trying to do, without teasing her. Seriously, quit it. You're hurting her feelings, and if she starts feeling weird about sex now, she's never gonna be okay with it. You need to be more understanding. Clark answered back without uttering a word, just smiled and shook his head. "Shay. Seriously, sweetie. Come on, alright? You need to see how it works. Don't feel weird."

He took the dildo and turned it so it was facing the right way, and attached it to the front of the harness. "Okay. Now... we need one for you, sweetie. The whole point of a strap on is to fill both yourself and your partner. At least, I think so. Pick one that you think you'll like." He smiled, gently at her, and picked up another flesh toned one, since she seemed to like that better than a neon color. "What about this one? its thick and long, but not too thick, or too long. It might be just perfect for what you need."

"Don't feel weird, right. That's like the dentist saying it's not going to hurt a bit." She snorted, and studiously ignored Lex as she looked at Clark, blushing hard. "Yeah... yeah, that's fine. Christ this is strange." She looked down where the first one was fitted in the harness, thought of Pete's 180 pounds pushing back against her, and then swallowed hard. "Maybe one that's a little shorter and won't rearrange my internal organs."

His lips twitched. "That might be the ticket. Its not strange... just something people don't usually talk about. Sex should be celebrated, sweetie, in every form." He set the long dildo down, and motioned to the shorter ones, that had the same thickness. "Maybe one of these?"

"And believe me, I've done enough celebrating to know," Lex said, and leaned against the dresser. "Don't mind me staring, I'm just planning out what to put you in. And just a tip? Anything I give you, you may have get Chloe to help you take in the bodices of, because what I've got is a mid-B to very low C cup, and I'm guessing you've got a low A."

A squeak and an embarrassed nod. "Yes!" Then she turned her eyes back to Clark. "Yeah, those are good."

Thank you, Lex. Clark gazed at him with quiet thank you, before letting his eyes fall back to Shay. He picked up a shorter, flesh toned dildo, and motioned at it before connecting it to the inside of the harness. "Okay. This separates, sweetie. These two, and here. You connect it around your waist, first, making sure the dildo is inside you properly, and then you connect the one between your legs up, on the band underneath the strap on."

Shayla just shook her head. "Christ. Okay. I can do this." Little sigh. "I think. I'm going to take this stuff back upstairs and shove it as far under my bed as it can go."

"I think..." He murmured. "You need to do this, soon. I promise you, Shay… Pete's going to go crazy." he squeezed her hand, gently. "Lets get you some underwear, now. Lex is good at that, he'll get you something that looks really nice."

Lex held his hand out and caught Shayla square in the chest. "Oh no, little girl, half of what I have in there, you don't need to see." He looked her up and down one final time, flicks of his eyes cataloging slightly flaring hips, small chest, indention at her throat, and the high rise of her leg to meet hip. "I'll be right back."

Clark winced and nodded, tugging Shay back to the bed. "Shay...seriously. You dont. I mean, when I saw it I nearly passed out."

"Yeah. This is definitely one of those TMI things." She sighed. "I am NEVER going to look at the two of you again. Ever."

He smiled at her and shook his head, as he set the harness and dildo in the bag. "Shay, you don't know the half of what Lex and I have done. When I start telling you about chains, leashes, enemas and handcuffs, then its too much information."


But the mention of one of those things had Clark raising his voice to his lover. "Lex, do you think he'll need an enema?"

"I don't know, have his bowels been moving regularly?" Lex yelled back from the depths of his closet.

"CLARK!!!! LEX!!!!!!!" She squealed, and hid her face in Clark's shoulder. "I hate you both right now!!!"

"Why?" Clark looked down. "These are necessary questions, Shay, for his health. Seriously. Anal sex isn't just about going in, bim bam boom. Its got to be prepared for, sweetie." He tipped his head. "Do you know what an enema is? You might need to give him one... he might enjoy it. It feels pretty good. You just fill him up with water, make him hold it, then let it come out."

"It's a little more complicated than that!" Yelled again from the closet. "Did he go to the hospital after Dick?"

"He went to the doctor, yes, and to a counselor too. I'll..." her voice fell. "I'll ask if he... um... needs it."

Lex's bald head stuck out of the door. "Then if he went to the doctor you're fine, but depending on how much lube you use, you might want to suggest one afterwards unless he wants to slide all night." Then he disappeared back into the closet.

Clark grinned up at his lover when he stuck his head out, and nodded down to the little blond currently tucked in his arms. "And you'll be using a lot of lube. But I'm biased, cause I think enema's are the best thing ever invented. All that water pressing down on your prostate?" He gave a quiet little purr. "Very nice. But also, very practical. Though he probably knows how to use one, already, especially if he was with Dick."

"Not even going there," she said, shaking her head firmly. "I hate your boyfriend. I hate my boyfriend, at the moment, even though he has no idea I'm even doing this. I hate Chloe for giving me this idea."

"Don't, Shay." Clark squeezed her hand again, and brought her closer to his shoulder. "Pete is going to appreciate this more than you know. He needs it, Shay. He needs you, like this, and I don't think he ever thought you'd do something like it. Its going to mean a lot to him, all the effort and embarrassment you're going through. And that's what'll stick."

"Yeah, well, I don't... I'm not doing this so he'll stick---well, yeah, I am, but--I just want to do something for him to make HIM happy, like he's been doing to make ME happy. We just... we just started having sex again, and I don't want him to feel like he's missing out on anything. And I can do this for him."

"That means something, Shay." Clark answered, quietly, and smiled gently at her. "You know... if you don't get the courage to use the strap on, you can use just the dildo. Im sure he won't mind, at all." A warm smile, and an even warmer kiss on the cheek. "You're a good girlfriend, Shay."

She blushed. "No. I'm not at all. If I were, then I wouldn't be having a problem with this."

"Its just new." He grinned at her. "Once you get into the flow, it'll come easy. Just… its fun, Shay. He's going to be going crazy because of what you're doing to him, and you'll see. It's a blast. He's going to be at your beg and mercy."

"Then he's lucky I'm a sucker."

"Aaaah, here we go." Lex reappeared in the bedroom, carrying two boxes and pushing half a rack of things out. "Now, these are all fairly tame for you, Shayla, but they're good enough for what you want. They shouldn't freak you out, either, so they're good for that." He held the top box out. "Okay. First thing you do is pick out the choker you like best, and then we'll pick out what coordinates with it."


"Oooo." Clark peaked into the box. "These are nice, Lex." He looked up. "Shay, you said you're gonna go vanilla, right? Lex... I think something pale. Maybe... light pink, or cream. Something that accents her skin."

"Yeah, very, very vanilla. Like, the most white bread you've ever seen in one place outside of the bakery." she peered into the box over Clark's shoulder. "That creamy one with the lace is pretty."

Clark agreed, and he gently took the lovely bit of lace out. "Oh, it has a little pink dangly pearl. That is very, very pretty." He looked at Shay and carefully slid it around her neck, tying it closed at the back of his neck with the long bits of silky ribbon. "Oh, wow. Lex, I think that's it."

Lex cocked his head and looked, rooted through the box, held up two more, discarded them, and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I think it is too. That looks nice. Okay... here we go." Lex flitted through on the rack and pulled out two outfits. "You can wear these together, or separately. I suggest separate, actually, but it's up to you." He handed the first rack over, and Shayla looked at it.

Little lacy panties that were barely there, sheer stockings the same pale cream as the choker, a lace pair of lace garters that matched. She couldn't help it, she squealed. "Yes!!! Yes, this is it! This is what he likes cause he lost his it over the dance competition contest with the corset and the garter and the heels!!!!" Couldn't help the little squeal, because at least this she knew.

Clark grinned, cheered over her shriek, and chuckled softly. "That;s a really pretty choice, Shay. Its also really kinky, too… it'll be a startling contrast to the black leather harness. He'll get a kick out of it." He grinned, broadly, up at her. He agreed, definitely. "Okay. So... we've got that. You don't really need a bra, with the corset, you know." Clark thought a moment. "Let your breasts just be free. They'll definitely bring them up high and make them much fuller." A smile at her. "I think... some cream, or very pale pink, heels."

"I got those heels from Meggie!!!! She gave them to me a couple of years ago!!!! They're imports from Milan--"

"The custom Ferragumo?" Lex interrupted, dipping into the second box. "Like these?"

"YES!! Like those!!!!" She bounced up straight. "Yes!! Megan brought them home and gave them to me and they FIT!!"

Clark winced as the shrieks went supersonic, but he grinned, anyway. "Shay, those are... wow. Okay. I want her to try this on, so we can see. And we can see if it needs to be taken in or whatever. Do you mind, Shay? Leave your bra on, so you'll be covered."

"No, I don't mind, but..." She held it up. "I can tell you right now it's going to have to be." She stood up to stand beside Lex, and her head barely came up to his shoulder. Then she walked around him, and stood in front him. There was about four inches of Lex on either side of her. "Duh. Simple logic."

Clark grinned. "Not with a corset. much smaller than he looks." He gave his lover a wicked little smile. "Try it on?"

"Okay. I'm borrowing your bathroom and I'm locking the door." She disappeared in the bathroom with the clothes and started getting dressed.

"Since when did I become Sex Central?" Lex questioned plaintively.

"Since today." Clark murmured, smiling, and picked up the long, skinny dildo, and took his lovers hand. "Come with me."

Lex definitely liked the smile, and the dildo, and he rose from the bed behind his lover. "Mmm. Anywhere you want to go."

"Its gonna take Shay about... half an hour." Clark murmured, as he led his lover into the closet, then the sex closet. Yeah, rolling around on the penis shaped rug had aroused him beyond speech, and his cock definitely let itself be known as he closed the little door behind him. "Bend over the little table, Lex." He set the blue dildo down on the stool Shay had vacated and went into the big chest of drawers. From it, he took lube, and a long looking dildo... hollowed in the middle, with straps to connect around ones waist. They only had about fifteen to twenty minutes to do this, so he unbuttoned his jeans and leaned over his leaning lover, to kiss him deeply.

Lex did exactly as he was told, spreading his legs as he leaned over, fitting his body against Clark's as it draped over him, his mouth open as he sucked down the hungry kisses from his lover. He wiggled his ass gently, rocking back against Clark, squeezing and flexing his cheeks so that it rippled against his lover.

"You made me very horny." Clark whispered, gently into the kiss, as he carefully worked his lovers slacks down. "Very horny. Tell me, Lex... tell me if you want me."

"You even have to ask?" Lex brought his lover's hand down to stroke his cock through his underwear. "I want you. I always want you."

"Good." Clark smiled, warmly, as he bit his lovers neck, gently rubbing his boxered cock against his lovers carefully bared backside. "I found... something you hadn't told me about. But... I've been doing my homework." He gently kissed his lovers throat and neck, his back, carefully stroking over tensed nipples as he rubbed his hips against Lex's ass. Over and over, his cock sliding against the lovely split and curve, and he purred quietly as he took hold of his lovers cock. "I want to play with you... but for now... this is enough."

He rose and took the hollowed dildo, sliding it on over his own rock hard length, so his normal nine inches came up to at least twelve. He snapped the straps around his hips, and slickened his fingers, sliding them into his lover without letting him look back.

"Mmm. Play with me, Clark. Make me your toy." He purred, softly, and the purr turned into a deep moan as Clark's fingers pressed into him, and he squeezed down against them as they stroked. "Whenever you want, I'm here." Liked when Clark used him like this, and ground back against him.

"I know you are." Clark answered, quietly, looking over his shoulder, before he slicked the thin plastic covering his cock. There was a small hole at the tip, for his come to come out of he guessed, and he pressed the blunt head of the huge dick at his lovers entrance, and pressed in, lips quirking quietly even as he groaned at the tight squeeze. "Lex... you were... holding out on me."

Lex grunted sharply, arching as Clark's enlarged cock pressed into him. "Holding--out?" Loved the feel of being stretched and filled and squeezed down hard, adding the compression of his muscles to the squeeze around the sheath.

"Didn't... know... this existed." He groaned, heavily, as the rolls and ribs inside of the toy squeezed around him, and he moaned deeply as he pushed in harder, aching to have all of it inside. "F-fuck... Lex, Lex," His hips came out a little bit before sliding in, deeper, and he began to fuck his lover before he was all the way inside, pushing in and out fast and hard.

Lex rocked back against his aushna', relaxing his body and absorbing as much of the shaft as he could with every stroke, his hands reaching back for Clark's hips to pull him all the way in. "Push, Clark, please, push in, all the way."

"Please, Lex, I c-can't, can't, have to fuck, please." He pushed, in and out, hard, fast, rocking as he went. This felt unbelievable, pressure from the inside of the toy pressing on weird places all over, and he gave a short, hard cry as he leaned over his lover, grasped his cock under the table, and jacked him off, hard. A quick, messy, delicious fuck is all he wanted, and he pushed, hard and fast, fucking his aushna' as deeply as he could.

Lex nodded and was rocking back even as he nodded in agreement, pushing hard against Clark, his hands in fists as he moaned. Clark's hand jacking him off brought growling noises to his throat, and he fucked back as hard as he could against his lover. "Fuck, please, yes, yes, goddammit."

"Like this, baby?" he whispered, gritted, the hard, heaving thrusts deliciously short and quick, and he pushed and moved his lover so he was standing. Clark moved upwards, gritting his teeth at the new position, and jerked as he thrust. he grasped his lovers cock all the harder, squeezing it tight, and pinched Lex's nipples between thumb and forefinger.

Lex grunted as Clark pulled him to his feet, and he braced against the wall, letting Clark have his way. "Oh, God." He was shuddering, hard, trembling all over and the thrusts in his ass burned and stretched inside and his cock was twitching. "Fuck, Clark, fuck, I'm going to come, too fast, feels too fucking good."

Clark jacked off, harder, wrapping his fingers tighter around his lovers long length as he moved. Shay was due out of the bathroom any minute but he had to have this, HAD to, and he pushed and thrust harder, harder, eyes closed as his hips snapped and his cock drove in deep. Over, and over, and over.

And then it was over.

He came, abruptly, spilling deeply inside his lover, and orgasmed almost an instant later. He bit his lovers skin to keep the cry in, pleasure ricocheting off his insides like a wave of pure, delicious heat, and he gave a startled, but deep, moan.

Lex came almost a split second before Clark did, his body locking around Clark's, come painting the slick walls and glass shelving but he didn't give a flying fuck. His nails dragged down the wall as he came, grunting hard and rocking back against Clark, screaming once when Clark came inside him, and then his body sagged back against his lover, Clark's moan vibrating through Lex's body.

Clark purred, deeply, and gave a single, long sound as he carefully, very carefully, dislodged himself from his lovers tight entrance. The slick toy unsnapped and came off, and Clark took hold of his wet cock, marking his territory and gently marking Lex's entrance with his wet come. He rubbed it, gently, over the starburst, unaware of why he was doing such a thing, and didn't say anything else as he hitched up Lex's slacks, well aware of how sticky and wet he was.

"Ridden hard... put away wet." He whispered into the shell of a warm ear, and quietly, carefully, zipped Lex back up.

Lex whimpered softly as Clark eased out of him, and he looked around the room quickly. He pulled down one of the thick plugs and handed it to his lover. "Keep me open for you?" he asked questioningly, unzipping and sliding his pants back down, bending over and exposing his marked hole.

Clark blinked... stared at his lover for a long moment, before his entire body shook and shuddered. "Yes, aushna'." He whispered softly, as he carefully slicked the plug. He positioned it at his lovers entrance, and pressed it in in one single movement, slowing down when he got towards the flared end. He pressed it, snugly, against his lover, making sure it was in as far as it could go, and he shivered and trembled, all over. "I love you, Kenep."

squeezed the plug with his ass and gave a soft little moan as Clark slid it in. "God, yes." He straightened up, and moaned softly again. "I love you, Kal," he said softly, turning around as he pulled his slacks up, sucking hard at Clark's tongue and wrapping both arms and a leg around Clark's neck and hip.

Clark wrapped up right back, kissing him deeply, warmly. He held his aushna' close, as close as he could, to feel the long, lithe body held close against his. "I love you, so much. Thank you." He whispered, as he gently tugged at a full lower lip, nibbling it quietly and murmuring his soft, warm pleasure.

He rubbed against Clark, purring and kissing in return, nibbling full lips and licking. "I love you. You're welcome, thank you too." His hands stroked over Clark's back, pulling him closer. "Get rid of the girl."

He grinned, wickedly, his eyes dancing as he looked down at his beautiful lover. "Definitely get rid of the girl. I want... to submit to you. I want… chains… whips. Will..." Swallow. "Will you give that to me?"

Lex nodded. "I will." He ran his hand down Clark's chest, flicking open the two buttons at the neck of his lover's shirt. "I'll give you that and more."

"Okay." He whispered, quietly, and before Lex could tease him anymore, grasped his hand and pulled him out, buttoning his jeans on the way. "Shay! You finished?"

"Uh huh!" she sang out. She was sitting on the corner of the bed, legs crossed at the knee and leaning back on the bed. She'd darted upstairs to get her own corset, from the dance competition costume, and her heels, and the stockings were a bit too long for her shorter legs, so they were rolled under before being attached to the garters and the belt. The gauzy panties fit just snugly over the shadowed area between her legs, and her just-barely shoulder length hair was tossed over her shoulder as she beamed at the men coming out of the closet.

"Oh." Clark stopped, midway, and smiled at her. "Shay. Wow. You Total babe." And she was. He'd never seen her look so beautiful, and right in that instant, Clark realized what a young lady she was. He smiled, softly, and nodded, as he tipped her head. "Yes. Wow. Shay... wow. Before... before you do it? Come over to our room, and we'll do your makeup and your hair. You look beautiful."

Lex shook his head. "Hair, yes. Makeup, no. Are you joking?" He went to get on the bed beside her and he looked at her eyelashes. "She doesn't need it; look at these eyelashes. I've known women who'd kill for them. Also? She's got the same cheekbone slope that Dominic's got; if you try blush, it's going to make it look more hollowed out than it already is." Lex ran the flat of his fingers against her cheek, and tried not to squirm his ass too much on the delicious plug inside of him. "Yours are a sharper slant, and a higher peak, so if you highlight the peak, the shading falls down naturally, but she doesn't need that to disguise or soften."

Clark grinned, broadly. "I agree. Though I have no idea what you just said. She's hot." he smiled at her, broadly. "Hair... up into a French bun, I think. With little wisps that women do all the time, falling down over her face." He nodded a few times, tugging a few strands of hair, and smiled at her. "You look beautiful, and no way on this earth is he going to be able to resist you."

"Don't get any ideas, Clark." Lex reached quickly behind her and twisted the hair up into a little bun, and sighed. "Yeah, we're not going to have any choice but to have the wisps, because it's not all long enough to fit in the bun yet. We could try this..." Lex dropped the back of her hair, and instead pulled the bangs and sides back, and twisted a kind of rough braid that fell loose in the back. "There."

"Ookay, now I just feel like a Barbie doll." But she beamed up at Clark. "You don't think he can? Really?"

Clark purred, softly. "You look amazing, Shayla. Just...utterly amazing, and I'm serious about it. And no way could he resists you. I can't resist you, and I'm as gay as they come." But he smiled, warmly, at her. "When are you thinking about doing all this?"

A little blush. "Like, today. This afternoon, when he comes over for homework time after supper."

"Oh!" Clark's eyes widened, but he beamed. "I thought you were saving this. Hey, awesome. Okay... well, we can put your hair up, and you can just put clothes on over this stuff. What do you think?"

"If I saved it? I'd never get the stones up to do it again," Shayla confessed.

"You've got stones, sweetie. Big ones." Another grin, and Clark looked her over, clicked his tongue, and went into the closet.

When he returned, a moment later, he was carrying pajama pants and an old t-shirt. "This. You gotta wear this. And socks. So he has no clue, no CLUE whatsoever, that this is happening." He grinned. "They're Chloe's, she left them over last time. So he has like, no idea that you're about to strip and do something for him that he's gonna die over."

"Yeah, I can do that. I'm smooth. Then I'll hide the stuff in the bathroom, and then make him think I have to go. And when I get in there... yeah. Cause yeah."

Clark grinned, wickedly. "Yeah. Just... Shay, make sure you put the strap on right, okay? You don't wanna be going at it, and suddenly a strap comes loose." A little wince, and he nodded, carefully fixing her corset a bit, straightening it. "Alright. Lex? You start her hair. I'm gonna get this stuff packed up, and put it in her room."

"What, do I look like Rico to you? Do I have flames coming out of my ass?" But he went into one of the boxes he'd brought out earlier, and pulled out a hairbrush, several elastic holders, and other hairstyling implements usually reserved for his wing. "Go, hide the stuff. I won't yank her bald."

"You better not, cause my brother will kick your ass if you do," Shayla vowed.

Lex tweaked her hair as he brushed it. "And what are you going to tell him? Morgan, I was talking to Lex and Clark getting sex toys, tips, and a strap on and Lex yanked all my hair out! Dom'd have heart failure before you got past sex toys."

Clark snorted. Loudly. "He can't even listen to Lex talking about his sex life. You're blood, Shay. He heard you mentioning fucking your boyfriend with a strap on and he'd be in the ground." But he grinned and plunked down on the bed, to watch them for a moment. "You look beautiful though, Shay, you really do. No way is he gonna be able to say no."

She blushed again, and gave Clark a little grin. "I hope you're right. I know the clothes will drive him out of his mind. Oh!" She gave a little start, and Lex popped her hip with the hairbrush to keep her still. "We forgot to get a collar for Pete!"

Lex had the comb in his mouth, but he kicked the second box that he'd brought out, and the lid slid off to reveal every kind of collar you could think of.

Clark choked on the thought before he could let it reach Lex's head.

He was so one of the Fab 5.

He watched Lex pop Shay with the brush, then use a foot and a hip swivel to open a box, and bit into his lip. "What was it that you were saying about sashay, Lex?" he asked innocently, as he looked over Shay's shoulder at the box. "Something studded."

Lex glared at Clark, though he didn't spit the comb out of his mouth. You wanna get laid tonight, bucko? Lay off the Kieran jokes.

Shayla used her feet to nimbly kick the lid off the rest of the way, and then received another hip-pop from Lex when she bent over to pick the box up off the floor and set it in her lap. Then she sat back and let Lex finish whatever he was doing as she started picking up collars.

She found one that had fake green stones in it, and held it up. "That'd look nice on you, Clark." She tossed it over to him as she went back through the box.

"Yeesh." Clark winced at the fake rocks. "Too much like meteor rocks. Its making me belly roil just looking at it." He peered into the box. "Something that're mine, but at the same time, something that isn't very... doggish. That's the wrong impression you want. You want a submission collar... oooh, look at that black leather one in the corner."

"I should be frightened that Lex has so many of these." She pulled the black leather one in question out and looked at it. It had little metal studs all around the circumference, and a buckle at the back. There was also a little ring that could be fastened to a leash, she supposed, and she snapped the leather between her hands to test the flexibility.

Lex strangled on his gasp at the sound of snapping leather in the bedroom, and his ass pulsed hard and uncontrollably around the thick plug that spread him open.

Clark looked up at the sound his lover gave, and gave Lex a feral, wicked little smile behind Shayla's head. He licked his lower lip, tipped his head as he watched his beautiful lover, and reached out to gently run a hand down and over Lex's thick cock before looking back at the collars. "I like that one, Shay. Though... I don't think you're ready for a collar yet. What you want to do is make it tight, but not uncomfortable. And you test that by... well, here." He took the green one Shay had given him and put it on, quickly looping it and buckling it. "You make sure you can stick your first two fingers between his neck and the collar, like this." he slid his fingers, wriggled them. "You don't want him to choke, or not be able to get enough just want him aware that its there, at all times."

"Got it. There, but not tight." She nodded. "I can do that. But, I think you're right. Definitely not ready."

Lex hissed softly again, barely stopping himself from rocking forward and shoving his erection into Shayla's back. Instead, he tugged her hair back and twisted it up, using several of the elastics and one of the twirl sticks to hold the bun in place, and let the rest of the hair that hadn't been caught fall down over her shoulders. "There, Clark, how's that?"

"Very nice. Tight." He answered, his dimples winking. "Very... yeah. Snug. I like that. Won't come undone?" He gave it an experimental tug, and smiled. "Awesome. Okay, Shay?" He took the collar from her, and set it in the bag with the rest of her things. "You're ready. Put your clothes on, and... well, wait. Its what, five now? You just have to wait for an hour or two."

"Shit, it's five? He'll be here in thirty minutes!" Sheer panic. "Fuck!"

Clark kissed her temple. "Thirty minutes is just enough time. Go clean up, brush your teeth, whatever. Shay... breathe. I promise, everything? Is gonna be okay." A big grin at her. "He hasn't got a clue what's in store."

"Breathe?? Yeah, right! Bite me!!!" She was grabbing the t-shirt and pajama bottoms as she spoke. "Do I still need to put these on, or just wait like this on the bed? And my hair is fine, I brushed my teeth this morning, and I'm good."

"Just like that, I think." Clark tipped his head and looked her over. "Definitely. Including the pumps. Light some candles, put some romantic music on."

She panted softly. "Candles. Check. Got a ton. They're all vanilla. Vanilla's good, right? Right. Pumps, oh yeah. on your feet, dork. Okay. Got the shoes covered. Got the stuff in the bag." Sheer flash of panic. "Add the strap on now or later? Later, right?"

"Later. You can ask him to help you with it... tell him what you want to do. Shay.." Clark smiled gently and took her shoulders. "Sweetie, its Pete. Seriously, its gonna be okay. Talk about it with him, see what you both want. Don't panic... just go with the flow, and it'll all work out."

"Don't panic. Bite me."

He grinned and kissed her forehead, instead. "Come on, I'll help you get ready. Lex… why don't you stay here and... do something productive?" Clark asked, warmly, with the wicked glint in his eye as he took Shay's hand in his, the bag in the other.

Lex's grin curved wickedly. "I can do productive."

He grinned, kissed him over Shays shoulder, and let the pretty girl out of the room. "Can you walk in those heels, anyway, Shay?" He asked it quietly, as they stepped into the dark, quiet hall, the early evening light streaming in through the enormous windows as they started for the secret passage.

"Oh yeah. I've had practice with the spiking and the walking. I can even DANCE in these heels," and to prove it, she did a little soft-shoe.

Clark grinned, broadly, and rolled his eyes to heaven as he used his shoulder to push open the secret passage door, and lead her through it. "You guys look great doing it. And Shay? I expect the full report after this all goes down. Remember... the nipple clamps point down. And make them snug enough so he can move around and they won't fall off. I suggest... collar, then nipple clamps. Start from his head and move downwards... at least that's my system, and it works."

"No!" She panicked. "I thought the clamps were up!!"

"Ahah!" He beamed. "Good! You caught it." A little dance. "Making sure you knew, Shay. Good. Always make them point up, no matter what, we are." He pushed open her bedroom door, and looked around with a nod. "Okay. I'm going to light candles. You? Do all your womanly stuff. Okay, also? Use condoms on the dildos, okay? The plastic can irritate your skin if not." He set the bag down on the bed and looked in a little candy dish Shay had by the door for a lighter.

"Lighter's in the top dresser drawer!" she sang out, and slammed the door to the bathroom. Once she was in there, she stared at herself in the mirror over the sink. "Okay, Senatori. You can fuckin' do this. Don't you pansy out on me now, you bitch. You stick it through, or so help me, I'll kick my own fuckin' ass, you hear me?" A firm nod. "Okay. Christ on a fucking crutch." She went under the counter for a moment and dug out the douche that she kept there, and quickly cleaned herself out before shimmying back into the little panties and checking her stockings again. No runs. Great. Okay. "Okay, champ. this is it." She threw open the bathroom door, and then flung herself on the rumpled, but made-up bed.

Clark grinned, down at her. He'd heard her talking to herself and had barely kept the snort in, but the candles were all lit, and the room looked lovely. He picked her up, bodily, and quickly unmade the bed, changing the sheets for the slick cream silk sheets he'd brought from the linen closet in he and his lovers bedroom. The sheets changed, silk rasping against silk, and he remade the bed in a way that made all the pillows look plump, the sheets and blankets thick, and the bed ready to be crawled into and made love in. "There."

"Wow. No mint on my pillow?" She snerked, and then hugged him. "Thank you," she said seriously. "Thank you so much."

"No problem. And..." He hugged her with one big arm, and went into his pocket with the other, extracting a slightly fuzzy peppermint, which he put on the pillow. "There." Big beam, and a kiss to her cheek. "I meant it. Full report."

She couldn't help giggling into his shoulder. "Dork. You're the best big brother ever, and I mean that." She grinned, though, at the request for a full report. "What, you think I kiss and tell?" She batted her eyes innocently.

Another broad grin. "Okay. Just the highlights." He kissed her cheek and let her go, quickly slipping to the door. "Good luck. I think he's on his way, I can hear the tired engine of his beat up old car on main street."

"Crap!" She grabbed the black bag and shoved it right under the edge of her bed, right beside her bookbag, so she could play it cool when Pete came in. "Okay. I'm ready. I can do this. And if you hear me yelling for help, run."

"I will." He grinned again, and with a final wink, closed the door behind him.



go on to the next part