
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 212: With the Best of Intentions

Shayla was all but hyperventilating. Clark'd told her that Pete was coming, and she was trying not to bounce on the bed as she did it. She was snuggled into the slick sheets and comfy blankets that Clark had made her bed up with, and she'd unwrapped the peppermint and popped it in her mouth, just in case, and now she had nice, minty-fresh breath.

And if Clark always carried peppermint, then that would explain the minty-fresh taste that Chloe talked about--

And she realized she was babbling. Her little foot was bopping a mile a minute as she started worming and squirming on the bed, trying to find a comfortable, yet sexy position that would completely knock Pete's socks off, and ended up on her side, one hand resting on her hip, legs crossed, and her other hand supporting her head.

She made sure the bag was still in the floor by the bed for the umpteenth time, and then in a rush, reached behind her and dragged over Otto, her oldest, and most comfiest stuffed rabbit she owned, and clutched him tightly to her chest.

"Thanks, Ms. Bird."

Pete had walked into the Luthor mansion barely five minutes ago, and he was already loaded down with orange soda and cookies. Ms. Bird had caught him, heard his stomach rumble, and had piled him up before sending him upstairs. Not that he minded too much... soda and cookies would be a good diversion from all the homework he had. Not that he wanted to do it, but he had to, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.


He shifted the weight of his backpack on his shoulders a little, to get the left strap off of his collar bone, and walked quietly up the steps, his yellow boots making hardly a sound as he did it. "Hey, Shay, I'm here!" He called out.

Holy crap. Okay. She could do this, no turning back. "Come on in, I'm ready to go!"

For what? He blinked and stopped in front of her half open door, pushing it open with his hip.

And yelped.

Yeah. He would admit it. He nearly dropped his armful of stuff.

And who wouldn't, anyhow? She was dressed to kill, and Pete was ready to have a coronary. Lace, everywhere he saw, satin sheets, candles, music, vanilla. Okay. He'd stepped into the wrong dream, here.

She blinked at him from the bed, and she'd totally blanked out on the candles until she saw Pete staring at them. "Come in and close the door," she said softly, and she was very, very proud to note that her voice didn't tremble in the least.

Of course, she was choking Otto, but hey, he was plush. He didn't care.

His heart almost stopped. Her voice, very deep, quiet... sexy. Okay. Okay, there was something huge going down here, and he wasn't sure if he found that upsetting or shocking, because Shay... well, it was Shay, after all.

And his cock, tucked down in his jeans, stirred quietly.

"Shay?" He asked it, quietly, as he came in and shut the door… throwing the lock for good measure, as he gripped the cookies and soda tighter to his chest.

"Put it all down, and come sit here beside me," she said, sitting up, carefully setting the poor, strangled bunny to the side, and pulling her feet up to rest flat on the bed in their needle heels.

Uhmuhfuck. He nodded, quietly, swallowing and setting the soda and cookies down on her desk, sliding his backpack off his shoulders to land with a dull thump by the desk chair, and took a step forward... another, settling beside her and letting his fingers slide over her belly, wrapped in all of that silk and lace. "Shay…" He whispered, softly, breathlessly, and leaned in to kiss her.

Her hand came up to press in the middle of his chest, and she kept the kiss from becoming too deep just yet. But she kissed him back, nibbling and sucking his lower lip into her mouth, licking over it as she let him tease her tongue into his mouth, and her barely-there nails scraped through his shirt.

He choked on the quiet groan, and had he mentioned his cock was definitely interested? It twitched in his jeans and Pete rubbed it gently without thought as he kissed her. Let go a moment later to try and press her back, so he could have her, because all he was seeing was naked breasts, tight corset, hose, and heels. And his brain? Blanking. He ducked down, to try and suck at her teased, pert nipples, and groaned softly against her breasts.

"No," she said softly, staying upright and sliding her hand down his chest to stroke over his cock, just where his hands had been. "Don't touch; let me. Lay down." She moved up, just a little bit, so that he could lay down beside her, and she could crawl over him once he was prone.

He swallowed, hard, and okay, sex. Sex was good. Sex was definitely not bad. He swallowed, his brain not following more than that, and kicked off his boots quickly, pushing them aside once he had, and lay back on the bed, his breath hitching silently. So glad he'd gone home for a shower, so glad, SO GLAD, because at least he didn't stink. And had he mentioned sex? "S-Shay... what... what brought this on?"

She climbed over his hips and rested her behind on his belly as her hands slid down his arms. "Does anything have to bring on the fact that I want my boyfriend?" she asked softly, leaning over him to kiss him again as the hand that had just stroked over his arm brought up the black bag to sit on the bed beside her, contents hidden from Pete's sight.

Right. Don't offend the girlfriend. Pete let his hands trail up her thighs to cup her dainty little waist, and gently slid his fingers over it, over the snug panties, and groaned, very softly, as he kissed her back. "No... unexpected." Fleeting smile that was just shy. "Kinda get winded when I find my girlfriend in nothing but a swatch of sin." A not ungentle scrape of his fingernails down one of her ass cheeks.

"Mmm. Unexpected. That is the word of the day." Little moan as his nails raked over her cheek, and her chest thrust forward for just a minute, and then she looked down at him. "Close your eyes."

"Word of the day." He repeated back, quietly, feeling her moan, watching her bare breasts bounce. "Want me to... get undressed?" he asked it, softly, before doing as she asked without needing to be told again. Just closed his eyes, his fingers sliding up under her underwear to stroke.

"No, we'll get to that... in just a second." She reached into the bag and came out with the collar that Lex had given her. Stared at it for several moments, then slid it gently in place around Pete's neck, and snapped it with room to spare. Wasn't tight at all; her entire little hand fit between the leather and Pete's skin, but she figured that was good, because that'd be equal to about two Clark-sized fingers.

Oh. My God. Pete's eyes flew open, in a half a moment, staring at his girlfriend with all but dilated pupils. Had Shay just... she had. He was wearing a collar. Holy... holy fuck, and he shuddered, all over, in pleasure, his jeans becoming unbearably tight as he gave a soft, shuddering moan. "Shay.."

"Yeah, baby?" Her fingers were gently working the buttons of Pete's shirt, sliding each one through it's hole and pushing it open before moving down to the next one, kissing each little expanse of skin as it was bared.

Oh, God. Okay. Had he mentioned, oh God? "Wh-what... what are you going to do?" Said on a heavy groan as her fingers stroked over his nipples by accident, which sent a line of heat to his crotch, which made his head swim, and had he mentioned he liked sex with his girlfriend?

"If I don't lose my nerve?" Soft little titter of laughter. "I'm going to fuck you."


He gasped, bucked, the jeans had to come off NOW. Oh! GOD! He let out a sharp sound at what she said, thrashing for a moment because no fucking way, she way, but here she was and it turned Pete on. So much, so much, and he shuddered, all over, his body shaking. Shay. Fuck him.

A thousand fantasies came crawling into his head, of her doing exactly what she'd just said, and "You're my wet dream c-come true."

"You're going to have to help me, a little. Because--I've never done it before. I got--I got a few pointers, but... yeah." As she was talking, her hands pushed his shirt open entirely and then fished out the clamps. "But I want to do this, for you, because I love you." She made sure the clamps were turned up, just like she'd been shown, and clamped each one to one of Pete's little nubs.

Pete let out a quaking little sob. Fuck him, fuck. Him. She was… and they were... and it was okay, he wasn't freaked out at all. In fact... he wanted to fuck so much that it ached inside, had been for weeks, though he hadn't told anyone. He wanted, he wanted so much, and if the person he loved was going to do it for him, hell no was he gonna say no.

Then she had to go and put the clamps on him, and his eyes rolled up, shutting tight, and his fingers viced on her hips, trying to grind her down on his aching cock.

She gave a little start at the sob, and then when he ground her down on his cock, she squeezed his hips with her thighs, and flicked the clamps ever so gently as she moved down to mouth his cock through his jeans. "Don't. Not yet," she said softly, nibbling at the shape of the head through the fabric, rubbing her cheek against his strong thigh.

Alright. Pete was going to rip the jeans off if she didn't get them off. He was ready to lose control, big time, and he wasn't sure who was holding the power here, so he reached up and massaged the aching nipples, clamped up tight, and shuddered at the heat that rolled through his body, delicious aching pain. A quiet, deep grunt, as he stroked over her hair… over one pert breast, and had he mentioned fucking? Fucking was good. "Shay... Shay... like this, I like this." He whispered. Had to let her know he was on board, as the collar sat like a weight around his neck, reminding him he was hers.

That had been the sexiest fucking thing ever, and all he wanted to do was submit to her and be fucked.

Oh, that helped. That helped a lot. Those breathy whispers made her shoulders feel much lighter than before, and she inched back up to reach into the black bag again, and came out, after a little bit of sorting, with the cock ring. "Is this okay?" she asked, innocent grin belying her busy hand as it worked his zipper down and unbuttoned his jeans.

Fuck. The jeans came undone and a pressure let go from his crotch… he breathed a heavy, deep sigh of relief as she unbuttoned and unzipped, and he lifted his hips slightly to help her with his jeans. "Yes... yes, that's... yes, oh... Shay, yes. Everything, yes."

"Everything leaves a lot of open territory," she teased, and she fumbled a little with the straps as she buckled them into place, binding his balls and strapping his cock carefully, then licked over the bound shaft and sucked the head into her mouth.

Pete was going to explode. He was already, five minutes after entering, nearing his peak arousal, and she was in no way helping. Or really helping, however you looked at it. She licked over his cock, sucked, and his eyes went white, squeezing tightly as he whimpered, softly. Okay. Okay, this was good.

Shayla was listening to Pete's whimpering, sucking his cock and keeping her hands braced on his thighs as she did, then started easing his underwear and jeans down. Rolling them gently over his hips and down over the firm globes of his ass, and then she sat up, letting his cock slide out of her mouth entirely as she sat up and pulled them the rest of the way off, pausing only to pull off his shoes and socks, and dropped them all in a pile beside the bed. "There we go." She rubbed the scratchy lace of her outfit all over his bared skin, and her hands came up to his, holding them, and effectively holding him down as she scraped against him.

Did he mention he was shuddering? yes, well, he was. Deeply. Shaking, trembling, his body aching as she scraped up and down, letting the lace catch his bolt upright cock, his hardened nipples, the sensitive parts of his tummy and crotch. She was moving over him like a cat, scraping and stroking, and Pete let exploding breaths escape him, panting and trembling. "Sh-Shay... Sh... Oh God... fuck, oh... Jesus, Christ, please, please," He reached down, had to touch himself, even if the cock ring was snug and tight around his balls, had to stroke and lesson some of the tension.

"No!" she said sharply, and reached to pop his hand. "I said no. No touching. Bad Pete." She stopped scraping against him and sat back up on his chest, so her body blocked his reach to his cock.

The pop fired something inside of him, and his eyes widened, before he whimpered softly and let go. Ohhh Jesus. She was...oh Jesus. He shivered, all over, trembling softly in wait, seeing what she had up her sleeve. He stopped trying to stroke himself, just swallowing hard underneath the collar, and gently slid his fingers over her hips as he looked at her with owl eyes. "Yes, ma'am." He whispered, softly, which only made his cock jerk uncontrollably.

"That's what I like to hear," she said softly, sliding down his chest again. She was already wet and aching to ride him, but this wasn't going to be all about her this time. "Open your legs for me, please?"

He was trembling, hard, and when she whispered to...fuck. He slid his thighs open, quietly, bending his legs slightly like he once did for Dick to allow her better access, and shuddered all over. He wanted to touch his cock so much but he knew he shouldn't, even as he arched his hips without meaning to and bit off another cry.

She watched as he raised his hips, just like Clark had told her, and she reached to the foot of the bed and grabbed one of her little pillows and slid it under him, so he couldn't fall back down if he wanted to. Instead of reaching into the bag she went into the drawer beside her bed and came out with the little pump bottle of lube, and squeezed out enough to get her fingers slick and wet. "I'm going to try not to hurt you, but if I do, you have to say, all right?" She looked up at him, her chin resting on his tummy.

Yeah right. Like he heard a word. All Pete knew was that she had pressed up a pillow under him, so he was spread and unable to close his legs back up, and his cock was painting precome over his stomach as it twitched, and he shuddered. He heard her, intently, over the roaring of his blood, as she slickened whatever she was slickening, and the excitement welled so deeply that he thrashed, shuddering violently. He nodded to whatever she was saying, barely heard a word, and spread his thighs further as he squeezed his eyes shut.

He didn't answer her verbally, but she knew that he'd cry out or say something if she hurt him, so without teasing him any further, Shayla started to stretch him, easing one little finger inside him, pressing until she felt resistance, then stopping, and pulling back out, then repeating the motion until she felt a little give and slipped in further.

She wouldn't push IN! She was teasing him, or maybe not, he didn't know, but every time he tried to grip her and tug her in she slid away. He shuddered, hard, and instead made his body relax so she'd know what to do, stopping the hard tug of his insides so she'd slip in. He couldn't speak... he just couldn't, because he wasn't thinking with any of the sense God gave him. All he wanted was to fuck, hard, and he'd tell her later--

Fuck. He winced, when she tried too hard, and decided, yeah, now would be good. "Sh-Shay... ma'am.... push i-in when I let go. Kay? Push..." His body relaxed again, just a little. "Now, push now, can get all the w-way in."

She caught her lip between her teeth and nodded, grabbing the lube bottle first and adding more to make her fingers even more slippery than they already were. "Okay." She felt his body relax and she pushed forward, firmly but gently, and gasped softly when her finger slid all the way inside of him. He was so hot inside, and the tight grip on her digit felt like it might break it, and she looked up at him. "Am I? This tight for you? Is this what you feel?"

Pete's eyes were shut tight, quiet, just... enjoying this. He never in a million years thought he ever would, but somehow, receiving it from Shayla made everything… different. She wasn't a guy... he could push her off if it got where he didn't like it. And there was something in that that reassured him like nothing else had. He squeezed her finger again, shuddering, and just nodded, eyes closed and body thrumming with arousal. "There... good, i's good, very good, just like that."

She nodded tremblingly, and started stroking again, moving her finger back and forth inside until she could move freely. She had seen him do this to himself before, knew that when she could move freely it was time for another one, and she slicked her fingers again and went to work again, this time with two. She stroked slowly, feeling the tightness widen slowly to accommodate her fingers and yet, still be tight around her.

"Oh, Fuck.." A low, trembling groan escaped from his chest, and his hips came up, working her fingers in deeper. She felt...oh God, so good, good right there and he was shaking and shuddering, his cock swollen and solid on his belly. He hadn't been this hard in a long, long time, and he gave a quiet wail as he worked his hips up and down, so she'd fuck him with her fingers.

She stopped, frozen. "Did--did I hurt you? I didn't?" She paused her fingers inside of him, holding them still as her breath caught in her throat.

He shook his head, gritting his teeth, and tried to push down and up. Couldn't speak... vocal cords completely tight.

She got the message then. "Oh." She smiled softly, knowing she hadn't done anything wrong, and started stroking again, thrusting her fingers firmly, but carefully, into Pete's body, adding just a little more lube and keeping them slick as she pushed them in. "Like that, baby?"

He nodded, tightly, and all he wanted was to heave her up, slide inside, and fuck. Her. Blind. Because Pete, in all seriousness, doubted she'd fuck him. This was it, and it pleasured him behind words, even as he tugged her gently, so their mouths could meet. He kissed her deeply, stroking his arousal into her mouth, his hands over her body, stroking her breasts and nipples... down over her ass, to the panties that were sopping wet. He stroked the heat, moaning into her mouth as the scent of her arousal clouded his senses, and kept rubbing against her, as she rubbed inside of him.

She kissed him back, just as hot and hard as he kissed her, sucking on his tongue and rubbing her body against his. She worked her hips against his hand as he rubbed her, and she moaned softly, answering his cries with cries of her own as she tried to pull herself away. "I need your help with this," she admitted softly. "Help me get strapped on?"

"St-strap?" he groaned, softly, as she lay against him, and put just a little pressure on his aching cock.

She rotated her hips again, rubbing the scratchy, damp lace of her panties against his cock. "Strap. Yes. I mean, how else do you think I'm going to do this?" She held the two plastic cocks up, and rooted for the harness quickly.

Pete's eyes rolled closed, tightly. Okay. So what had he been saying about her not fucking him. A deep, wrenching cry of excitement came from him before he could help it, rubbing his cock against her wet panties and all but shuddering off the bed. He held her close, tightly, whimpering softly every few moments, and nodded tightly.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, letting him pull them both up, and then she handed him the black strapped harness and the two dildos. "Get on your knees and put them on me."

Pete's eyes widened, tightly, and he whispered, "Yes, ma'am." Before doing as he was told. His ass felt hollowed, empty, stretched and waiting, and he carefully took the dildo's and the harness from her. His hands were shaking but it didn't take long to figure the harness out, and he strapped it around her waist, the long piece in the middle that would go underneath and up. He quickly slid her panties down, unlacing them so they came off easily, and the full scent of her arousal hit him in the face.

So he had to lean down and lick over where she was wet and dripping, and begin to suck.

She liked that. She liked seeing him on her knees and between her legs like that, and her hand went to the back of his head, holding his mouth against her wet lips as she gave soft little moans. Her other hand went to his shoulder, holding herself up, and she let him keep licking and teasing her until her knees went weak. "Enough, I want to be inside you."

A hard, trembling nod, and he kissed carefully over her crotch and thighs, licking anything he'd missed, before carefully attaching the two dildo's to the strap. The longer, straight one went in front, the curved in back where it would slide into Shayla, and he carefully made sure the ring was snug and secure. He spread her wet lips, very carefully, and pressed the dildo into her, his fingers shaking as he made sure to slide it in, snugly, all the way, and attached the leather strap to the one around her waist.

Shayla moaned as she felt the shorter one sliding inside her, pressing her wet lips open and for a brief moment, she wished for it to be attached to Pete. But then she looked down, seeing him crouched in front of her like this, and her body shuddered. He needed this, and she wanted to give it to him.

Her hips wiggled as she got everything situated inside of her, and stroked her hand over her cock, slicking it with the lube that was left on her hand before reaching for the bottle.

He moaned, heavily, deeply, when he saw her slide her hand over the cock. He shook his head, pulling her hand free, and used his t-shirt hanging half off the bed to wipe the long dildo clean.

Instead? He wrapped his lips around it and sucked it all the way down his throat.

She moaned out softly again, feeling the sucks in Pete's throat moving and jostling the dildo inside of her, and her hands came to the back of his head, holding it still as she rocked against his mouth, causing the one inside her to shift as she fucked his throat.

He didn't say anything. He couldn't. Just sucked, softly, quietly, like he knew how to do, pressed the rubbery dildo down his throat and back up again. It felt... he didn't know how to say it. To suck something again, like this, knowing it was causing pleasure, and he groaned softly as he did it faster, pushing into it and sliding it free. His fingers clamped on her hips as he did it, sucking a little harder, a little deeper.

Shayla moaned again, rising up on her toes to ride the strokes of Pete's mouth as his hands tightened on her hips, and she wriggled in his hands. Didn't stop him from sucking; encouraged it, instead, as he thrust forward, rocking on her toes and holding his head, pulling it forward. Everything she'd learned in blowing him, she reversed and put to work as he sucked her.

Pete sucked for at least five more minutes, until his mouth was numb, his throat tingling, and his heart racing. He was so aroused he couldn't speak, hearing nothing but the frantic beats of his overworked heart until he could do nothing but lean back, lay back, letting her go with a quiet little pop, and stretched out on the blankets, baring himself to her again. He wanted, he wanted, and he shuddered as he grasped his burning cock, giving it a tight squeeze before letting go. "Pl-please... Shay… pl..." He reached down around himself, re-stretching his muscles so they were a little wider, the slick lube on his cheeks and thighs enough as he slid his fingers in, rolled and scissored them, and slid out.

Shayla nodded as she watched him opening himself up, giving soft little cries as she stroked the wet shaft that jutted out from between her legs, and she climbed up onto the bed over him. "Do you want? Like this? Or... do you want to ride me?" She stroked her hand over his chest as she started lubing the shaft.

"Don't care, don't care," He croaked, wriggling his hips. He'd been good, a good boy, didn't touch much, hadn't tried to scratch his nipples off, please, oh please, fuck me, fuck me hard. "Please, Shay, can't take... please, going to explode, please, please."

She crawled between his legs, stroking the shaft and making sure the tip was lubed especially well as she leaned forward, and positioned herself carefully. She remembered what Clark had told her, that Pete would be out of his mind and she was careful to make sure that his hips were still tipped up and she started to work herself into Pete's body with careful little strokes.

Pete wailed, quietly, and let out a hard, quiet sob. athis wasn't the way to have it, because she couldn't get in this way, but the only choice would be... "Sh-Shay, no... not this way… harder baby, turn... ride you, okay? Will, please, hurry, hurry."

She nodded. "Oh--okay." She pulled away from him, dumping more lube onto the cock and stroking down over the shaft as she squirmed down to lay beside him, her hand around the shaft holding it steady, like he did when she rode him. "I want... this to be good for you."

He nodded, heavily, kissing her deeply, biting at her lips, before he sat up and swung his leg over her. The hard cock was rubbing right against him and he spread his legs further apart, settling down on it.

Then sliding down it.

His body opened up easily as he slid down the huge shaft, only coming up and down twice to make sure it would fit. It slid in, rubbing gently past his prostate, further, further, filling him up so that all he could do was wail quietly, his body shakign as his back arched. His chest thrust out, the nipple chain dancing as he settled down onto her, completely, and shook all over.

Shayla reached up over her, ran her hands over Pete's chest as she flicked the clamps gently with her fingertip, tugging the chain carefully as she pushed herself upright, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to her.

"Shay." Pete whimpered, very softly, as he lay down against her. He was filled, tightly, and his throat was tight, his cock like a stone against his belly. "Shay, Shay, you… you're... baby." He whimpered it again, deeply. H never thought in a million years that Shay would ever... but she had, and he pressed down further. "W... want me… on m-m-my back?"

"Yes, please," she whimpered softly, rocking against him and wiggling as she felt the dildo moving gently inside of him. "Want you on your back." She nibbled kisses from his mouth, flicked the nipple clamps again, tugged delicately as she rubbed against him. "Want to make love to you, make you feel good."

Okay. Okay, that was all he needed. He choked on the sound of want and held her hips tightly with his knees, holding her upper body up close to him, and rolled over. He rolled over, splayed over the blankets and pillows, Shay's lithe body over his, and shuddered, all over.

She was inside of him.

He let a little bit of him calm, a little bit relax, his heart slamming madly inside of his chest as he took deep, quiet breaths to get himself under control, and kissed her face, her chest, her body.

Shayla couldn't believe she was inside of him. Couldn't believe she was doing this, hadn't lost her nerve, and she caught his face, looking into hazed, foggy eyes as she kissed him again and again, twitching her hips slightly and causing the dildo to slide out, and then back inside, of her lover. Her eyes fell shut as she tugged at the clamps on his chest again, and then opened her mouth to tell him to take them off.

Was shocked to hear herself ring like the telephone, and then blinked at the ringing phone. The caller ID displayed Chloe's number, and she grinned down at her lover, wriggling against her own dildo. "I have to take this. It's Chloe, she said she'd call when Whit got home. So be still and quiet, okay?"

Pete's eyes had been open, gazing into his beautiful lovers, before rolling closed. She'd begun to thrust, quiet, aching movements that spoke of inexperience, but he could teach her. It wasn't hard, to move and thrust at all, and his throat bobbed, heart slamming in his chest as he'd begun to move under her.

And then she'd stopped, and he shuddered, all over. Whatever control he'd brought over himself? So gone it was in Bermuda. He watched her, not understanding, as the hard plastic and rubber shifted inside of him and gently slipped over his prostate.


Chloe tipped her head, sniffing into the blanket, and rubbed her eyes. She'd just had an argument to end all arguments with Whitney, over stupid CLOTHES, and she hiccupped a quiet sob as she waited for Shay to answer.

Shayla picked up the phone. "Hello, baby. What's up?" She popped Pete's tummy lightly with her fingertips, shaking her head, then put her fingers over his lips.

Uhfuck. He arched, aching, aching all over, middle of sex and she was answering the fucking TELEPHONE?! He reached down, gripping his cock tightly, and opened his mouth to suck down the fingers over his lips, licking over them with the broad sweep of his tongue. Not that he was thinking about revenge. At the moment? Thinking about surviving.

"Hey... hey, Shay." Chloe hiccupped.

"Chloe? What's wrong?" Shay sat up a little straighter, accidentally shifting both her dildo and the one inside her lover, and gave a little hiss. "Stiffness," she said, before Chloe could ask, and rubbed her fingertips over the tongue that lapped at them. "Are you okay?"

Pete heaved a whimper, quietly, as quietly as he could, as he wriggled his hips. Please, please fuck him, please. He didn't want to be interrupted, he didn't want her attention somewhere else, he wanted her to be thinking about him. He wriggled again, begging softly, silently, for her to hang up and look at him, as he slid his fingers over her body.

"No." A hard sniffle. "Whitney and I got into an argument. Because I picked up his clothes."

Shayla leaned over and gave Pete a silent kiss, licking her lips slightly as she straightened back up, and took one of the nipple clamps off. "Why did he yell at you for picking up his clothes? I'd have a happy cow if Pete picked up my clothes." She gave a little jerk of her hips that thrust gently into him, but kept her fingertips over his mouth, pleading for quiet.

Please, please, please, he begged with his eyes as he moved upwards, rolling his hips into the thrust, and then she had to go and take off one of the nipple clamps, and he had to bite his fist to muffle the cry. He was going crazy under her, begging with his movements for her to touch him, for her to move, please, fuck, please yes move please please please.

"B-because of the baby. And I made him dinner and he screamed and yelled." A hiccupping little sob.

Shayla made the same little motion again, thrusting inside her lover with little rocking strokes, and licked over one nipple as Chloe talked. Classless, maybe, but she couldn't help it. "You do know he's being an asshole, right? I can have Clark or Lex over there if you need to; they might be busy but Pete and I can interrupt them." When she mentioned his name, Shayla gave the unclamped nipple a little twist.

Yeah. Well.

Pete looked at her for a long moment, sweat sliding down his temple, and ground his jaw, tightly. He shifted upwards, wriggling back on the pillows so the dildo slid out of him, with an aching little movement, and he ground his jaw and let his head fall back as it slid out of him. His muscles squeezed automatically, closing in tight, and he unclamped the other nipple, as well as the collar around his neck, and rolled out of the bed.

His cock, which had been so hard, lolled and softened, and his balls ached. Didn't give a fuck, just ground his jaw tightly and pushed open the bathroom door, slamming it closed and locked behind him.

Chloe let out another sob. "He was h-horrible Shay, horrible, I don't even know if he wants the baby a-anymore... he said I'm a horrible mother, that I'm going to be bad, he... he said.." She was crying, heavily, into her tissue.

Shay cursed silently to herself, reaching out after Pete as he slammed the bathroom door. Fuck. "You know he wants the baby, Chloe," she said, squeezing her eyes closed as she rolled out onto the bed. This is not how it was supposed to go, dammit. "He's just... he's freaking out. I don't know why. But you know, and I know, that you're not going to be a bad mother, and I don't think he thinks it either. He's probably still spazzing out over this weekend."

"Y-you think?" Chloe's voice was heavy, thick, and she gave another sob as she tried to calm herself. "I can't take it anymore, Shay, I can't. I'm so tired… I just want him to love me, to stop...being like this, I just.."

His ass was burning, but Pete didn't give a fucking rats ass. He just yanked a towel out of the linen closet, got a bar of soap, and put the hot water on in the shower stall, before lowering his head under it, silently. He heard her right outside and ignored it. She was still gonna be on the phone? Fine. He began to scrub his chest with the soap, ducking his head under the spray.

"Yeah, I think. I definitely think." She sighed, and thunked her head on the bathroom door, rattling the knob but finding it locked. "He does love you. And if he'd pull his head out of his ass, he'd see that you love him too, and he'd stop being so macho gung-ho bullshitty about it. He's just... flipping out about something. Hell if I know what." Her little foot kicked the heavy oak door, and she swore to herself again as she felt like she'd broken toes.

Chloe blinked, quietly. "What's wrong?"

Pete glared at the door of the shower stall, where he could see the bathroom door through it. He glared as it rattled again and just scrubbed his face and shoulders, moving down his belly and washing away the streaks of precome he'd left on it. Down, over his aching crotch, which had been so ready for love and now...not. In any way. He scrubbed down over his legs, and took a small wash cloth from the shelf, soaping it up quickly. It dipped down, between his cheeks, cleaning away the squelching lube, rubbing it away so he was clean again, and rinsed it out, setting it over the stall to take with him as he rinsed his body off.

"Nothing, I just crunched my toes on the bathroom door walking around," she said. She was still glaring at the other side of the locked door, and rattled the knob again before going back to bed. "Seriously, you want me to send Lex over? He kicked Whitney's ass once already, he can do it again."

Chloe shook her head, sniffling hard and pulling another tissue out. But just as she did it, Whitney knocked on her door, and she looked up. "Shay, he's here. Call you back."

"Okay. Okay, good. Leave me a voicemail if I don't pick up, okay?"

"Thank you, Shay." Chloe hiccupped, hard, and wished she could give her a hug. "I love you, thank you."

"I love you too, Chloe. Go, kick his ass, and then tell him you love him. And you're welcome."

Chloe sniffled, hard, and hung up the phone, as she turned up to her lover as he entered.

And Pete stepped from the shower, drying as he went, tying the towel he had been drying with around his waist. He was in a rage and he knew it, and damn he wish he could walk out without Shay knowing. But he'd have to face her sooner than later, because she was in the bedroom. His comb was in the first drawer and he brushed out his hair after drying it, glaring at it as well, and stepped out of the bathroom, the towel braced around his hips.

As soon as Chloe hung up, Shayla turned the cordless phone off, switched off the ringer, and went back to the bathroom door. Instead of balling up her fist and bruising it, she picked up a book off her dresser and started pounding on the door with that instead. Didn't bother yelling, just pounded.

He'd have to open the door eventually.

Pete opened the door, and got a book in the chest.


He coughed, his glare deepening, and he didn't bother looking at her as he stepped around her for his clothes.

She dropped the book as soon as the door opened, but she still managed to clock him in the chest, and she grabbed his towel. "Are you even going to talk to me? Or are you just going to storm out in a sulk?"

Maybe not the right thing to say.

She sighed. "Okay, forget that. Look... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have answered the phone, but Chloe's my best friend. She needed me, and she was crying because Whitney was mean to her."

His eyes flashed when she accused him of sulking, and then went very angry, and very cold. "No, Shayla. It just means you'd rather do anything else than fuck me. If you were uncomfortable about it, you should have told me. I'm not going to sit around in the middle of sex and wait for you to finish your phone conversation. I'm worth more than that, and so are you." He bent down for his clothes, letting his towel drop so he could yank on his jeans.

"No!" She put her hands on his shoulders, and made him look at her. "You think I'd go through alla this shit to do somethin' I didna want to do?" She glared. "Nervous, yeah. No' wantin' to do it? No. Scared? Yeah. But it doesn't mean that I didn't wanna. Fuck, Pete, you think I'd gone to to--" Almost said gone to Lex before she remembered that Pete didn't like Lex too much. "--all this trouble to pick this out and learn how to use it if I didn't want? Not like you held me down and said, do this or I'm gone, now did ya? No, ye didn'!" Wasn't even aware that her accent slipped in a bit as she was talking.

Yeah, well. He was still plenty fucking hurt, and his eyes flashed. "Then if you went through all of this, why did you pick up the phone, Shay?"

"Because it was Chloe, and I know what happened this weekend. He ran out on her, came over here to beat up Lex, and got his ass kicked in the process," she explained softly. "I knew he was gonna be pissed when he finally had to face her today, cause he avoided us all fuckin' day in school, or didn't you notice?"

"Yeah I noticed, I'm not fucking dumb." Pete snarled it, as he tugged his shirt on. "I ain't stupid, Shay, I know what's goin' on."

"No, goddammit, you don't." She sighed. "I know... you miss it. And sometimes I'm scared you'll go because I don't have it. And I want to do this for you. I do. But I'm scared, and I've never done it before, and I'm nervous. I don't want to hurt you, and that's all I've done. I thought... I thought you'd like it. Being teased, being touched like that, I thought it was what would make you happy, and I wanted to give that to you."

He grit his teeth. He refused to let guilt settle on his shoulders, and he just looked at her, for a long moment. "I do, Shay." Christ, she made his voice soft. UGH. "I do want you to do those things, because I like it. But Shay... how would you feel, if I was inside you, making love to you, and I stopped to pick up the phone, because Clark called?"

"I'd do just what you did, for a while. I'd sit there and tease you. Bite your fingers. Move around, try and distract you." She shrugged. "But that's just me, I guess. I don't... know what the fuck I'm doing, I guess." She reached down and unhooked the straps from around her waist and thighs and tossed them over Pete's shoulder and into the bathroom. "I'll wash 'em later and take 'em back to Lex." Then she turned around and crawled into bed, grabbing Otto and hugging him again. "I'm sorry."

Fuck. Fuck. He ignored the whole Lex thing, because that's where he figured they'd come from anyway, and followed her carefully, to sit down beside her on the bed. His ass, still stretched, gave a dull, heavy thump. "Shay... look. I'm sorry. I over reacted...I don't know what I'm doing half the time either. I'm kind of an ass." His brows knit. "I didn't think Id ever want to have sex like that hurt me that you werent as into it as me. Do you understand that?"

"Yeah, I understand that, it's just... it's not that I wasn't into it, Pete. You don't get that. I just... I knew my friend was going to need me too. And I couldn't just not answer the phone, you know?" She sniffled, then shifted a bit as she curled up more around her rabbit.

"Yeah...but Shay, answering the phone during that wasn't... a great move." He swallowed again, and looked down at her, his eyebrows knit. "I was ready to come anyway... it would have taken us five minutes. You could have called her after, Shay."

"I didn't know that," she said, slightly defensively.

He looked at her for a long moment. "Didn't know I was going to come? Shay, don't insult my intelligence, alright? We've had sex a lot, and you know when I'm ready, just like I know when you are."

"Yeah, but in case you didn't notice? Things change when you're doing something you've never done before!" she exploded. "I was trying not to hurt you and make sure you got off, not watching to see if you were ready to come! I was trying to get situated so I could start fucking you!"

His brows creased, heavily… and he just looked down at his lap. "Fine, Shay. I'm going to go, alright? I'll talk to you later." He rose, pushing his boots on, and tied them quickly as he shoved his wallet into his back pocket.

"Fine, go." She just hugged her rabbit all the tighter, and couldn't help sniffling again. But she wasn't going to cry. Not in front of him, anyway.

Now he just felt like an insensitive jackass. FUCK! But he couldn't stay, not right now, and he turned, stopping at the door as his fingers viced in his jacket pocket. "Thank you, anyway."

"Whatever." Her shoulder shrugged and she was almost choking Otto again.

"I mean it." He said, softly, and felt a pang of pain up in his throat, choking him. He didn't say anything else, and closed the door behind him.

As soon as the door closed, she turned her head into the pillow and just started to cry. Didn't even bother to drag off the lacy stuff she didn't feel like wearing anymore, just curled up with her old, faithful bunny, and cried.



go on to the next part