
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 214: Please Save the Sheep

or, "1993 Calling, They Want Their Clothing Back"


Lex was frowning as he stood in the doorway. "Are you okay?" he asked, arms crossed over his chest. "Remind me to fire Wally in the morning."

Clark shook his head, gave his lover a warning look, and stepped back into his lovers office. "Shhh, aushna'. Don't fly off the handle, and don't sit here and argue. I'm too tired for arguing. And... too scared." He looked up, in a mild, deep horror, at Rico waving around his measuring tape.

"I'm not flying off the handle--I'm sitting here simmering quietly and waiting to axe Mr. West in the morning, aren't I?" He stroked over the back of Clark's neck again. "Don't be scared, they're just going to measure you, and if they get too friendly, I'll be here to intervene."

"Don't fire Wally. I like him." Clark answered, as he peaked into the office in a near horror.

Aden was bopping a hip up and down, carefully following the music he'd put on the little boom box that he and Rico always took with them when they went for fittings and such, and peered at the huge catalogues he and his lover had brought. They were for fashion consultants, at least four feet tall and that much wide, and he and Rico had spread the books out on the long conference table in the adjoining room to look at. Aden was muttering to himself, taking down numbers on a sketch pad of certain outfits, and putting sticky notes on the tops of the pages themselves to remember where they are. "Look at that one, Rico. Sand blasted jeans, baby blue top. It would look amazing with his hair. I don't know about the leather wrist band... he isn't a wrist band guy. He's gay, not flamboyant. Though I like those black boots... just, without heel. Do they have some without--…" He looked up, at Clark, and smiled. "There you are!"

"Here I am." Clark said weakly, as he slid into the room.

"We're doing it in here, guapo, because there aren't any cameras to watch you strip." He motioned around to the camera-less room.

Lex just gave a little chuckle. "You see? They're always concerned about your modesty." He pointed to the corner, where there was an ornate Oriental dressing screen spread across it. "Down to your bare ass, Clark. It's nothing they haven't seen before."

"Mebbe not, but ai, are we looking forward to it." He gave Clark a little simper as he squeezed behind Aden. "Darling, no. No leather wristbands unless you want to do the bondage cuffs for him and Lex both. Just no." He tapped the page lightly. "Sand blasting yes, but we are staying away from blue. Ai yi yi. Red, blue and yellow. If I never see him in those colors again, I'll be happy." He flipped the page and pointed to the same top in a greenish color. "There, you see? Better in green, to bring out his eyes."

"My--" Clark was dark red in the face before he'd even said anything. "My ass? Naked?! Why do I have to be naked??"

Aden ignored Clarks shrill squeak as he peered at the picture again. "Yes, but we can't have all of his clothes be green, amor. I think pale powder blue, and every shade of green... maroon, and light to medium browns. Yellow, as well, bright yellow... t-shirts. And white, to bring out his startlingly firm pecs." Aden nodded, at his lover.

"Because, darling, if you're not down to your bare ass, then we don't know what is you and what is your layers, and all you end up with more shapeless sacks like what you've got on!" Rico sang out, and pushed Clark towards the ornate shade. "Lex, darling, did you bring his clothes?"

"About half of them, because that's all I could get packed up on short notice. Most of the jeans, except the ones I like him in, most of the blue and red t-shirts--yellow is good, I don't mind yellow, and all the flannel I could get my hands on."

Rico slapped his palm against his face. "Ai yi yi. Aden, precious, did you bring the boxes from the store?"

"HEY!" Clark cried, as he was shoved behind the Chinese screen, and he was a sputtering mess as he stared out from behind it. "You took my CLOTHES?! What's wrong with my clothes!"

"Everything, amor. Your mama did what she could to dress you, but she didn't know how to dress such a big boy. We're going to get you right, don't worry." Aden smiled, pinched Clark's cheek, and gave him a push behind the screen, as he nodded at his lover. "Yes, amorcito. They're all on borrow, so whatever Clark doesn't like we can take back. I've got eight boxes in the car downstairs, after the fitting, so we can get him to try it all on. And Clark, before you ask, we're doing the fitting here because the fax at the mansion isn't working, so Lex told us, and we need to send the measurements to Metropolis, so its there for morning."

"Clark, what isn't wrong with your clothes?" Lex asked rhetorically. "The fax isn't working; I think the... project that we're doing with your father is temporarily disrupting the lines," he said meaningfully. "So we're here. Some of the clothes, I hope, will be altered in the next day or two, so you have new clothes to take on the trip with you, and the rest will be a wardrobe to pick up when you get home."

Rico just grinned. "Aye, I think some of the things will work well with his jeans, won't make him look too out of place, and there's a little outfit in one of the boxes with black pants and a little slick top that'll be so pretty on mi grande here."

Clark was pouting. Big time. There was nothing wrong with his clothes, and he shot that, mentally, at his lover, as his shirt came up over the Chinese screen. "I don't see why I need new clothes."

Aden, sensing hurt feelings, quickly jumped in though, hip shifting. "You, amor, are a very, very handsome person. Your clothes don't suit your body any longer… we're helping you bridge the gap towards what you were, as a young man, to what you are now, as a fully grown man."

Lex soothed. You're right, there's nothing wrong with them. You've just outgrown them. Aden's right... Clark, the man that you are now shouldn't dress in these boy's clothes. You'll feel better. More in tune with yourself, when you're in adult clothing. You're... off-balance now, because you know you're a man, but nobody sees you as a man because you still dress like the boy they knew. Don't be angry, aushna'.

"I'm not angry." He peaked up over the screen. "I'm just irked. Like you all know what fashion is."

Aden, rather than be angry, was charmed. "I have a double major in cosmetology and design, Clark."

He blinked, rapidly. Glared. And went back to tugging his belt off.

"He's also worked as a costumer on several stage productions and a soap opera," Lex pointed out. He squeezed behind the screen with Clark, and stroked his shoulder gently. "I'm sorry if I insulted you; I didn't mean to. I was teasing you."

Rico was fussing in the background, mumbling to himself as he went through the boxes. "Burn that." He tossed a particularly hideous red and blue flannel shirt into the corner. "Everything we're getting rid of goes in that corner. What he doesn't like, goes at the end of the table."

He wasn't particularly angry. Just pouting, and he stuck his lip out at his lover. "I don't dress badly." Said as he shimmied out of horrid jeans, of course, the belt sitting over the screen as well.

"And I've dressed the President!" Aden chimed in, before smiling at his lover and going into the five huge boxes sitting on the table. "The solid block t-shirts we should keep. They look very good on him... make him look much more masculine and big. That's a good thing, especially during college." He set the five solid colored t-shirts on the keep table. Took out a handful of flannel... stared at the checkers in horror, and threw them into the corner.

"You just dress like you're still fifteen, instead of almost twenty." He leaned over and licked Clark's throat gently. "We're getting you set, don't worry."

Another glare, as he tugged his socks off, but it slid away as his eyes widened. "Do I have to take my underwear off? Really?"

He stroked possessively over Clark's hip. "You really should. Let me ask Aden. Rico will say yes just to see your package." Lex raised his voice. "Aden! Does it have to be bare ass, or can he keep on the underwear?"

Rico hurled a handful of pullovers, old and ratty, into the corner, and then leaned over to Aden. "Tell him down to his bare ass," Rico encouraged.

Aden smiled, but they really did need to have it all, so he winced and spoke up. "It has to be, for us to get the proper measurements. We want everything to fit perfectly--that is our job. We promise we won't look." Much.

Clark just... shuddered out a heaved sigh, and pushed down his underwear. "Fine. If anyone sees me outside of you all, they're dead."

"Yes, they are." Lex couldn't help the possessive stroke of Clark's exposed genitals, and he growled softly.

Clark bat his lovers hand away, and glared at him. "Alright, not having an erection is a good thing." He pressed his lips to Lex's temple, considered covering himself to preserve his modesty, and just... heaved a sigh, and threw his shoulders back, stepping out from behind the Chinese screen.

And nearly jumped back behind it when the back of Aden's hand hit his own forehead, and he nearly toppled backwards.

"Lord, Jesus. He's like Adonis." Aden gasped, grabbing onto Rico and fanning his face. "Jesus Almighty."

Rico's eyes were popping out of his head. "Madre del Dios, Clark. Tu es muy gigante!" English deserted him, and he caught Aden, supporting his lover as he stared.

Clark just... wailed. "Stop! Christ!"

Aden was all but a puddle on the floor. Who wouldn't be? Clark was the most beautiful specimen of sheer male beauty he'd ever seen. Nothing was out or proportion, at all. Everything matched to perfection, such perfection his eyes boggled, and the only mar on his beautiful body was the scar that cut across his hips, side to side. Other than that...he was an Adonis. He was Apollo, straight from heaven, and he just...he fluttered a hand to his chest. "Wow. Rico... you were right. Not one flaw."

Rico nodded. "Didn't I tell you, beauty? I told you he was going to be exquisite. Mi Dio, it's going to be a sin to cover this with anything."

Lex growled, deep in his throat, and stepped in front of his lover, arms crossed over his chest as he bared his teeth. "Dec'krah."

Aden's eyes widened, and he took a step back.

"Lex." Clark whispered t softly, and gently leaned down, to kiss his lovers ear, and speak into it. "Be proud, of me. Do not be angry...they have each other, and would never wish to take me."

Rico's eyebrow shot up as he pulled Aden back with him. "Lex, darling?"

Lex's hackles slowly fell, but he didn't move out from in front of Clark. "There is pride, aushna', and there is disrespect. This is disrespect; they only admire the physical and not all that you are."

Aden blinked, and fear began to slide into his blood, just a little, but enough to make him hide behind his much bigger lover, grasping his arm tightly. What was ausna?

"Kenep... shh. They were not disrespecting, they did not disrespect me at all. They flatter me, in my physical appearance. They know me in all that I am already, but this is shocking to them... shh, my love." Clark gently turned Lex towards him, cupped his cheeks, and gently kissed his face.

Lex let himself be turned around, let himself be kissed and calmed by his lover's gentle kisses and reassurances. His arms looped around Clark's waist and pulled him closer before rubbing his face in the left side of Clark's throat.

Clark very, very gently caressed Lex's face. He peppered his cheeks and temples with kisses, then the top of his head, and held him warmly for a very long moment, rubbing his back gently. And after five minutes, almost six, he lifted up, carefully tucking Lex's head up to look at him, and smiled warmly. "Beautiful aushna'. Don't be jealous... you have nothing to be jealous about."

Lex just nodded, and moved to the side, boosting himself up to sit on the edge of the table where he could watch like a hawk, without saying a word.

Aden was still very much hiding behind Rico, and when Lex looked at him, he buried his face in his lovers shirt.

"Shh… guys, its okay." Clark cleared his throat, carefully. "Lex gets a little jealous sometimes."

"Mmmhmmm." Rico's hand was on his hip, and the other soothed Aden softly, whispering to him as he glared at Clark. "Little drama queen needs to get his ass off his shoulders."

Clark swallowed, carefully, and shifted. "Not a drama queen, Rico. Just some things no one but us understand, that we'll tell you about someday. You okay, Aden?"

Aden nodded, shook his head, nodded, and held on tighter to his lover.

"Mmmhmm," Rico repeated again, rolling his eyes. "You say issues, I say drama queen." He looked down at Aden. "Come on, precious. Lex might be pissy, but he's not going to hurt you."

"Lex won't hurt you." Clark added, very gently, and nodded as big blue eyes peaked over Rico's shoulder. He smiled at him, reassuringly, and glanced at Lex once, before back to them. "He just likes to spoil good moods."

A little, tiny smile, and he swallowed, stepping out from behind his lover, though he kept a fistful of his shirt in his hand for a few more moments.

Lex still didn't say anything, just sitting quietly perched on the edge of the table, watching the proceedings carefully.

Rico petted Aden reassuringly. "It's okay, darling," he said quietly, but firmly. "I won't let him do anything else to upset you, all right?" He tilted Aden's face up to look at him. "I promise."

He swallowed, nodded, and reached up to kiss his lover softly, hanging onto him but loosening his hand on his lovers shirt, and hugged him tight before looking at Clark. "Okay." A cleared throat, and he shifted. "Ah... let's get you measured. Rico..." He handed him the measuring tape, and took a pad and pen for himself. "I'll copy it down."

"You got it." He moved Clark over a few steps, straight into the lamplight. "All right; let's start with the leg." He pulled the measure out, one hand holding it at the bottom of Clark's hip, and pulling it down to his ankle. "Hip to ankle is 40 inches. Hip to waist is six inches." Then without pause he let the tape curl back up, and then wrapped it around Clark's ankle. "Left ankle circumference is ten inches, right ankle is nine and three-quarters."

Clark stood carefully still, swallowing, and shifted. Crap. He wanted to tell both Rico and Aden, badly, but he couldn't. Not in any sort of way. So he just shifted and sighed at Lex, shaking his head quietly as he let Rico work. His body tingled in the cold air, though he couldn't quite feel how cold it was, and he moved as he was instructed.

Rico moved the measuring tape up Clark's leg. "Knee is fourteen, both legs. Thighs are fucking tree trunks; inseam is..." A deep exhalation. "Fourteen inches." He rocked back on his heels. "That's going to make the crotch about seven or eight inches bigger than we'd thought, precious."

Aden didn't dare comment on that, just scribbled it down quickly. Didn't look up, didn't look at Lex, didn't do anything but write.

Clark winced, looking down at himself. "I'm not that big."

"Yes you are," Rico pointed out. "We did your dresses, remember, amigo? You have grown since then, and I am not talking about your height." A raised eyebrow dared Clark to argue with him. "Aden, do we still have the dress models at the salon?"

Clark blushed, even hotter, and looked away, though it was obvious pleasure, and he caught Lex's eye, smiling at him.

"Yes." Aden said, immediately, and swallowed hard. "Yes, we do. They're put together in the back of the storage room."

"We're going to have to update it with these new measurements. Ai. You're goin' to be a lot of work, amigo, but you're going to be worth it. Our masterpiece."

Clark smiled again, softly, shyly, and rolled his eyes in amusement. "Whatever. I'm not a perfect one after all."

"Amor, you're very much near perfect." Aden said before stopping himself, and all but squeaked and looked back down at the pen and pad.

"Thank you." Clark smiled again.

"He's right, you are." Lex didn't say anything else, just stayed at his perch on the table.

Rico kept fussing with the measuring tape, measuring his waist, chest, shoulders, bicep, arm, wrist and neck. Each measurement was recited to Aden, and after measuring nearly everything but Clark's cock, he sighed. "I think we've got the measurements done. What did I forget? Are we ready to bring up the boxes?"

"Yes." Aden answered, as he set the pad, full of notations, down, and looked at the rest of the boxes. He and Aden had separated everything, and that which was acceptable went in one box, and that which wasn't was in another. "Ah... it d-depends… on Lex. Where? He wants to go? Stay here, or go to the privacy of his home."

Lex shrugged. "Up to Clark. I don't care; his choice where he'd rather be." He reached out and ran his hand up and down his lover's spine gently.

"I'd like to be at home." Clark nodded, quickly, throat bobbing. "We've got a dinner date in an hour and a half... it'd be better if we were home, that way we could just go out. Sound good?" He looked at his lover, begging him with his eyes to go back to being happy.

"That sounds good to me. Clark, go get dressed, and we'll pack the rest of this up to take back home for the fitting and trying on."

Clark was still quietly, gently begging with his eyes. He didn't want things to go badly, and he reached his hand out for his lover, quietly.

Lex reached out to meet Clark's and their fingers twined effortlessly, pressing their palms together as he brought the back of Clark's hand to his mouth for kissing.

Yeah right. Not an answer, but it would do, and Clark squeezed once before smiling at Rico and Aden. "Okay. The house. And Rico... you and Aden, when would you be available to go to the Brandywine again?"

Lex's grip tightened on Clark's, but he didn't say a word aloud.

Rico snorted. "Darling, we're available whenever you want to go."

Clark sideglanced his lover, carefully squeezing his hand. Its alright, Kenep. I want to again... if you do. Please, talk to me. "I'd love to, but I don't even know what I'd wear. Maybe you guys could help me?"

Aden brightened, and he beamed softly. "I have a brand new green dance dress I've been dying to try out."

Rico giggled. "It'll look gorgeous on you, baby. Especially with the emeralds you've got in the jewelry box"

Rico and Aden looked so in love with one another in that one moment that Clark felt his stomach go mushy, even as he carefully tugged up his jeans again. "You guys are sweet. I think...maybe weekend after the one coming? Friday night?"

Aden just positively beamed at his lover, kissed his cheek, and shyly nodded at Clark. "If its alright with Lex?"

Lex nodded, then shook his head. "Pete and Shayla's dance is that Saturday, isn't it?"

"That's right... but maybe Friday?" Hopeful look.

He gave a little shrug. "Anything you want is all right with me, Clark, you know that." He gave his love a little smile as he said it. But remember what happened the last time? he asked softly in his lover's head.

Which is why we have to make it right. I don't want to stop that part of you, or of me. I want to wear those things, and go out like that, Lex... its a part of who I am. And a part of who you are. Its alright if you're uncomfortable... we can make an excuse.

I'm not uncomfortable. I just don't want it to happen again. I don't think I could stand it.

It won't, baby. I promise you. I've grown since then... I've lost Mar, and I've lost a lot of my innocence. He tipped his head at his lover, quietly.

You haven't lost all of it. He stroked his fingers over Clark's, echoing the tip without realizing as he looked into Clark's eyes. I will be the man you want me to be.

Clark frowned, deeply, and when he realized Aden and Rico were staring at them, smiled at them quietly. "Let Lex and I talk about it in the car." He let go of Lex's warm fingers to tug his t-shirt on. "We'll decide when we reach the house. We'll meet you there?"

Aden nodded, and smiled quietly. "Sure." he gathered up the books and catalogues, the paper and things, and picked up the box of things Clark would be keeping.

Rico just rolled his eyes. "You know, darlings, you two suck at keeping secrets." But he swished his hips anyway, and packed some of the other boxes, labeled "Bonfire fuel," with Clark's flannel and the other discarded clothes.

Clark smiled, pushed into his boots, took Lex's hand, and led out the door. No, Lex. You won't be the man I want you to be--you already are. Please, Lex--don't make me scream at you again. I'm not your king, you're not my servant. You have to be your own man--the spice and life about you, baby. Please, don't tell me those things.

Lex gave a little shudder. I won't make you yell at me again, and I won't let myself lose my temper. I just... can't risk losing you again. I don't have anyone to help make it right this time. All I have is you, and I can't lose that.

Clark's heart was starting to tremble with anger, and he bit his lip, hard, to keep it in. "You won't lose me, aushna'. But you can't live in fear of it... I won't leave you. Please, have faith in that."

"I have faith in you, Clark," Lex answered back softly. "I also have faith in my ability to fuck things up."

"You won't fuck it up." A quiet, gentle look at him. "I'm not the person I was, Lex. Not at all. Neither are you. We've grown, and changed, and I think we've grown up. I get things now that I didn't get six months ago, when we went to the club. I didn't know what real pain was, and I didn't know what a rock you were for me, how strong you were. I didn't know that I could count on you, I didn't know that you make mistakes, too. I didn't know any of it, but now I am strong, and I do know that you're just human. Okay?"

Lex just nodded. "Okay." He sighed. "I'm not any of those things, Clark. I'm not a rock; I'm not strong, I just love you. That's all." He rubbed his hand over Clark's back, where he knew the scar from their son's birth was. "I'm just a guy who loves his boyfriend."

"You're more than that, and thinking you are is just dumb." Clark answered quietly, as he tugged Lex's fingers away from his scar and to his hip instead, letting Lex's arm wrap around his waist gently. "By the way? Getting pissed over them looking at me made me feel real good." A little wicked grin at his lover.

Lex gave a genuine growl in return. "I didn't like it." He hugged Clark's waist tightly, so that their hips touched as they stood there together.

"I did." Clark smiled, warmly, and kissed the tip of his lovers nose before they walked again. "I loved it, in fact. Lex... you saw the way they look at one another. They're so in love that can barely keep themselves from pawing."

Another little growl. "Then they can fucking well paw themselves and stop staring at you like you're their wet dreams come true." Did he sound sulky? Of course.

Clark smiled, crookedly. "They were just taken aback by my sheer lack of hair."

"No, they were swooning over the size of your dick," he groused.

"Ooo-ooh. That's what that was." Eye roll. "Please. They've seen bigger. They were just making those noises cause they had to."

"Clark, did you hear what Rico said? You've gotten bigger since they measured the shirt and pants for the dresses. No, they haven't seen bigger because at this point? They haven't seen Whitney."

His heart skipped a few beats. "I'm nineteen, Lex. How can I get any bigger? if I get any bigger I'm going to have to start tossing it over my shoulder and passing it off as an engorged belly button."

"I don't know, Clark, but I'm sure he's right. Rico does tend to notice these things." No small amount of sarcasm dripped from his voice.

Clark ever so gently jabbed his elbow into his lovers ribs. "Hush, and stop. Unless someone complimenting your aushna' shames and angers you."

Lex raised his hand and rubbed his ribs. "Ow. Stop poking me." He gave a little grin. "Complimenting is fine. Ogling is not."

"Right. So... what am I supposed to do, when I read on the internet what a hot piece of ass you are, or see you on the TV being complimented for having the best pate of two thousand three?"

"You're more than welcome to hunt them down and kick their asses," Lex offered.

"Right." Clark snorted again, quietly, and took his hand in his. "So, are we going to go?"

Lex clasped their fingers tightly. "If you're serious about it, yes."

"Of course I am." A quiet smile at him. "I want something different. And bigger boobs. Because if I'm going to make them real, they might as well be bouncy." He nonchalantly stroked his lover's nipple gently, with their hands still clasped.

"I'll make sure that there's bigger inserts for you; I'll special order them before we leave." He brought his hand up to cup over Clark's, holding it to his chest. "I don't... I don't know what will happen. Because of the abilities I've developed. I don't want to hurt you again."

"Its okay." Clark just smiled. "Baby... its okay." He gently, very gently, pressed his lips to his lover's forehead. "I want... to go all out. Will you let me?"

"Of course I will," Lex answered instantly, closing his eyes and concentrating on feeling the soft press of lips to his skin. "You can do anything you want. I just don't want to hurt you in the process."

"You won't. You can help me." He whispered it, as they stepped out of the Zeus building, Aden and Rico's car already pulling out in front of them. He gently stopped his lover, stroked his neck softly. "You can help me… take away your cock for the evening. Make you feel wet... waiting for something to pound into you. Do you want that, aushna'? Do you want to feel wet, soaked through.." His voice was quiet, seductive, gently gliding his lips over his lovers skin. "Soaked through your panties? Feel your nipples, hard... waiting to be touched?"

Lex gave a quiet little shudder as Clark's words slid over his skin like hot silk. His nipples already were hard and wanting, just from the soft whisper of words and warm breath against his flesh. "I want that," he gasped out softly. "I want it, I want to feel it with you."

"What about... me driving into you? Where you're hot, wet, tight? Over, and over, fucking you so hard you can't stand it? Do you want that, aushna'?"

The quiet shudder turned into a full-body moan as he leaned against his lover, hand squeezing Clark's tightly. "I want it all, every bit of it." His teeth latched firmly onto Clark's ear and sucked. "I already want it."

"See that we have good clothes, aushna'." He whispered softly, smiling down at him as he kissed each of his lovers eyes closed, and arched the tiniest bit in the darkness of early night, so their bodies rubbed gently together. "Come on… let me go parade around like a model, and then we'll go to dinner."

Lex gave another little moan as Clark rubbed against him, and he sighed. "And after dinner?"

A very, very quiet little smile. "After dinner activities will be your choice. And by choice I mean shackles or handcuffs."

"Handcuffs," Lex answered right away. "On me or you?"

A dangerous little glint in his eye. "You."

"Handcuffs," Lex reiterated.

His eyes danced, quietly. "Well, then." But he shifted topics easily, as he wound his arm around Lex's slender waist, hugging him close to his body. "I think something happened with Shayla and Pete. They aren't speaking."

"Yeah, I got that listening to your mind earlier--that's relaxing, by the way, just listening in to what you're thinking." A deep sigh. "Remember I mentioned the maturity of a Smurf? I think that issue might have come into play."

"Why?" Clark crossed his glance at his lover, and looked almost horrified. "You don't think she… messed up, during the sex, do you?"

"Yeah, I do. I think she did. I don't know what, but I think she did."

Clark just... he looked down, still horrified beyond expression, and let his throat bob. "Christ. Pete must be... a wreck. Christ. That girl... Jesus fuck. Let's ask her when we get home, okay? She might want to sit with Aden, Rico, you and me... we can ask her. I think right now, she needs a gaggle of gay men to really imprint in her noggin just how serious shit like this is."

"I told you, Clark. Maturity of a Smurf. I'm actually not surprised. I would have been more surprised if it had gone off without a hitch. Seriously, Clark, did you really expect it to go right?"

"Yes." And now, Clark looked very sad, quietly looking at his lover as he lifted him up into his arms. "Yes, I would have." He took a glance around, made sure they weren't being watched, and took off running, leaping… and catching a tail wind, so he soared quietly over the woods between LuthorCorp and the mansion. "I would have at least expected her to come to us if it went wrong!" He said loudly, over the whistling wind.

Lex just shook his head quietly. No, she wouldn't have. I'll bet that when I get home, we find a box of cleaned toys sitting on the bed or on the floor of our bedroom, with no explanation.

Probably. I'm going to have her sit with us, so she can at least get that anal sex isn't a joke, especially for someone like Pete. He didn't have to come down to push off the ground, since they were so close to the mansion, and grasped his lover tightly as he started down, towards the orchard in the back. He flew past it, said a prayer for his little Mar, and brought his legs down, holding Lex tightly.

And kept his feet on the ground, as they landed. Of course, that wasn't the only thing on the ground, like, oh, his back, but he didn't say anything, just sighing.

Lex just oofed softly. "One of these days, we're gonna have to work on your landings." He wrapped his arms around Clark's neck. "I love you. And don't make her if she doesn't want to. Just tell her she's welcome if she wants to come. Forcing the issue might do more harm than good."

"Okay." Another sigh, as he let his lover up, and climbed to his own feet, dusting off his pants, and took his handsome aushna's hand, all in a single movement. "Come on... Rico and Aden are in the house, I can hear them. You...take them up to the bedroom? I'm going to go talk to Shay."

"Of course. I'll even do my best to keep Rico out of your closet and underwear drawer." He gave his lover a kiss. "Hurry back to me," he said softly.

"I will." Clark pressed a kiss to his lovers face and let his hand go. In a flash he'd sped around the house and to the secret stairwell behind the lion statue, which always remained ajar. He opened it and slipped through, sliding the statue back to its spot, and went up the stairs, shaking dirt out of his shoes at the door quickly.

The rooms were quiet, which lately wasn't abnormal, and he found Shay's room in a similar state.

He knocked on the door, twice, and waited, silently.

Shayla reached over and switched off the little nature-sound console that Morgan had given her, and put her book down on the dresser. "Yeah?"

"Hey, Shay. It's me. Can I come in?"

"Yeah, it's unlocked. Come on in." She sighed softly. She didn't really want to deal with Clark, because she knew he was here for his report, and what the hell was she going to tell him?

Yeah, if only Shay knew he already had a clue. He stepped in, slipping a small smile on his face, and looked down to make sure everything was buttoned. "Hey, Shay. I'm putting on a fashion show for Lex and his stylist... my whole wardrobe was thrown out tonight, apparently, for having too much flannel. Want to come watch?"

She gave a little laugh. "Not that you didn't need it, but, I'm sorry because you sound so incensed." Then she sighed. "I don't think so, but... here." She hung over the side of the bed for a minute, and pulled out the black bag. "Thanks for the loan, and tell Lex thanks, too."

"Lex said you'd do this." He closed the door behind him, carefully, and walked over to the bed. Plunked on it, and looked at her. "We're friends. So... tell me what happened." He toed off his shoes and like he belonged there, crawled up the bed, plopping down laying next to her, and gave her big eyes.

"Lex said I'd do what?" She pulled up her feet and made room for him on the big bed, and offered him Otto the Bunny. "It didn't work out."

"Lex told me you'd give the bag back, without an explanation." He tipped his head, set his head on her pillow. "What happened?"

"Well, Lex is either psychic, a really good judge of character, or just a lucky guesser."

"All three." Clark murmured, and gently squeezed her hand. "What happened, Shay? Tell me."

When he turned down the bunny, she hugged him and put her head on the pillow too. "It just didn't work out."

"Bull. What happened, Shay? No way would he have said no. You can tell me, I promise." A gentle stroke of her face. "I'm Clark, remember? Its okay to talk to me."

"No, he didn't say no. I fucked up, but that's not news." She turned her back to him, but just so she could snuggle up against his chest.

Clark tugged her close, and gently held her much smaller body close to his chest. He sighed into her hair, not in happiness but pain for her, and gently stroked her face. "What happened?"

"Chloe called. Right after we got started, right when I had just gotten inside. She was crying, she was upset because Whitney was being an asshole, and I had to talk to her, Clark. She needed me. And Pete got upset."

HOLY FUCK! Clark kept a clamp on his vocal cords.



"I know. It was stupid, all right. But I knew she was gonna need me!"

Clark was choking on the heaving coughs. He strangled them down, swallowed them deep, and fought for composure. " answered the phone?"

"I answered the phone." She was hugging her rabbit tightly. "And if you're going to lecture me, then don't, alright? Pete's already done it, and I feel like shit for picking my best friend over my boyfriend, and I don't like that feeling. So buzz off."

"I'm not… well, I was going to lecture you, but Shay… wow." He cleared his throat. "What did he do? I mean… did he leave?"

"Yeah, he left. And yelled at me. And slammed the door. So, you know, like I said. It didn't work out. And it had been going so well, too. I mean, he had to help me get inside, but then he'd rolled over, and I was just getting situated on top of him when Chloe called. I was teasing him while I was on the phone with her, but I guess... I don't guess it was enough for him. Or something. Because he stormed into the bathroom, took a shower, and left. He talked to me, told me basically how stupid I was for picking up the phone--never mind that Chloe was crying and needed me--and that I was stupid for not knowing he was about to come when I was trying to get on top of him and not hurt him and wasn't exactly paying attention to his nearness to orgasm." She ran her arm over her sniffly nose.

Clark winced, gently, and kissed her temple gently, as he listened to her, cuddled up so cozily against him. "Well... Shay, lemme tell you something fundamental about Pete. He's the kind of guy who has a one track mind. When he's talking to you, whatever, all of him is there talking to you. He doesn't think about anything else. He has focus, attention, and stupidly, expects everyone around him to have the same for him. Now, I'm not saying that you didn't mess up... you did. But he just got pissy and cranky, too. But Shay, the phone? Couldn't you have called her back?" His eyebrows knit. "Okay. Not the issue. First off--apologize to one another. Second? Try again. Because seems like you had it... you just got distracted."

"I did apologize." Sort of. "But I don't think he's going to want to try it again any time soon."

"Sure he is. Shay, he's a guy. He was about to fuck. You got inside of him, he was about to come... how many other signs do you need that he liked it?" His eyebrow rose. "You just have a hard case of I-can't-take-the-phone-away-citis."

"Yeah, he liked it. But that doesn't mean he's gonna want to do it again with me." She pushed the bag with her foot. "And I'm not sure I could do it again." She just sighed. "I knew Whitney was being an asshole, Clark. He avoided us. All day at school. And I knew when he got home, whenever that was, he was going to upset Chloe. And there's no way I could not be there for her. She's never not been there for me, and I'm not gonna start now."

"Whitney is going through some tough times, Shay, but you let me worry about him, okay? About he and Chloe both. I didn't even know they'd argued, though now I can keep an eye on them." His fingers stroked gently through her hair. "Make things right, Shay. Try again."

"I did everything right, Clark. I did everything right, just like you told me, and he still left. One mistake, and he left. Didn't matter what I tried to do, he just left." The soft touch on her hair had her sobbing then, and she turned over to cry on his shoulder.

Ah, crap. Clark ever so gently tucked her close and nodded against her hair, kissing it gently as he kept her close. "Sh... oh sweetie. Come on, honey, don't cry." He gently stroked her hair, her back. "It'll be okay, okay? He probably feels like major crap, anyway, knowing Pete." He kissed her head again, her cheek, and a soft one on the lips. "Don't cry, okay? I hate it when you guys cry. When you and Chloe cry together, its like my worst nightmare come true." Trying to get her to smile, just a little one, as he stroked her hair. "Come on... come let me show off my gaywear. What do you say? And then we can go out and get some dinner."

She sniffled against his shoulder, and let go of Otto to hug Clark instead. "I'm sorry, I hate crying, I just... can't do anything right." She squeezed his waist tighter, and then rubbed her arm across her face again. "Gaywear, huh?"

"Sure you can, Shay. I used to feel like that, but it just took me a while to realize, its not always me fucking up. You know? Other people fuck up too, and you can't blame yourself, sweetie." Another little kiss to her forehead, and he smiled. "Gaywear. You can meet my extravagant fashion designer, too."

"It's not that Wally guy, is it?" She frowned. "He's a pain in the butt."

"Nope." A little smile. "His name is Rico. His lover, Aden, is here too. Want to come see them try and transform my clothes?"

"Yeah, okay." A little sniffle. "As long as I can hide. Behind you, I mean."

He smiled a little again, nodded, and sat up. "Come on. They're waiting for us." He climbed up, scooped up her rabbit and his boots, and offered his free hand to her.

Shayla took his hand and pulled herself up to her feet, and then took her rabbit and hugged him tightly. "His name is Otto. I have no idea why." She looked down. "Thanks, by the way. For everything."

"Sure, Shay. What's a gay man for, anyway?" At that though, Clark grinned broadly and stepped out of her bedroom. He carefully led the way through the secret passage and ended up on the hall he and Lex shared with Dominic and Lionel. "Shay... don't talk about... how special I am. Aden and Rico don't know." He said in a very quiet voice, as he knocked on the bedroom door. "I'm here, with a blond to spare!"

She nodded. "Got it. No talking about specialness." She blushed at the blond to spare. "Lex is going to kill me."

The Lex in question was sitting in the middle of the bed in the lotus position. He was trying really, really hard not to say a word about what he'd heard through his link with Clark. "Come on in, we're ready, and Clark, nothing's been tossed on the bonfire yet."

"Wonderful." Clark put on his usual glare, though the stare slid away in the next moment. There was a huge rack of clothes sitting right by the closet door, waiting for him, and he just...heaved a sigh.

Aden was engrossed in his clip board for a moment, until he heard a young female voice, and looked up, startled and shy. "H-h-hello. I'm Aden... its nice to meet... you." A little shy smile, and a cleared throat at Clark. "Need you in briefs, Clark, and nothing else. We'll start compiling clothes."

"Hi, Aden. I'm Shayla." She transferred Otto to her other arm and held out her hand for a handshake. "I'm Morgan--well, you probably know him as Dominic's--little sister."

Rico had on reading glasses and he slid them down to the tip of his nose. "Mmhmm. Just like you to bring back a pretty little thing," he said, looking at Clark over the rims. "I'd be worried, Lex."

Aden smiled, gently, and squeezed. "I figured you might be." Another smile, as he held her hand after the shake and led her gently over to sit by Lex on the bed.

"I'm gay as a maypole, thank you." Clark glared and went into his drawer to get his briefs, before locking himself in the bathroom.

Shayla just smiled at the quiet young man. "Thanks." She scooted up onto the top of the bed, among all the pillows and such, and settled Otto between her legs as she pushed her glasses up on her nose. "Yeah, Clark's gay. We're just friends."

"That's what they all say, darling." But he smiled at her. "You look just like Dominic, young lady."

Lex watched quietly as Shayla got settled on the bed. "I'm not worried, Rico. Shayla's got her own boyfriend, and I don't think Clark's her type."

"HEY!" Clark yelled from the bathroom.

"She does look like Dominic." Aden smiled at her, before looking back down at the planner, and then looking at the tickets on the rack. "Hmm. A9 and D15...look, amor." Aden took the outfit out from the others and paired it. A hunter green sweater, and deep black slacks, silky to the touch.

Lex just chuckled. "You're gay, Clark. I don't think gay is her type!" he yelled back.

Shayla just frowned at that, and plucked a piece of fuzz of Otto's ear as she scrunched back into the pillows.

Rico pushed his glasses up at that. "Si, corazon. Pair that outfit with the cream turtleneck there, for under the sweater, and the black loafers... S8s, I think they are."

"Yes." Aden plucked it from the bar as well, and laid the outfit out beside Lex and Shayla, peering at it for a long moment. "Mmm... very macho, but also very elegant and sophisticated. Masculine. Like it, Lex?"

Clark finally came out of the bathroom and heaved a heavy sigh. Naked but for a pair of briefs, and he rubbed his cool arms carefully, shifting on either foot in mild embarrassment.

Lex nodded. "I like it. The green blazer, too, the third one on the rack from the left. I don't know that he'll need a coat, but see if that one will match the sweater."

Aden picked it up, ignoring Clarks semi nude state, and peered at the outfit, carefully. "Yes. I think… no, no coat. The coat is one too many layers. Clark! Come try this, amor, see how it looks on you. I hope the slacks aren't too boxy."

They felt like silk as Clark touched them, and he sighed quietly, looking down at the outfit that had to cost five hundred dollars. But one look at his lover, who was clearly in the fashion zone, and he heaved a sigh, tugging the slacks on over his briefs.

"He's going to need something with a coat or blazer, if not an actual suit." Lex hmmed. "Dad's favorite trick is a turtleneck, a blazer, and matching slacks. Will that work on Clark?" He waved his lover over. "Rico, come here, look at the seat. That's going to have to be let out, but can you do that without disturbing the symmetry?"

Rico came over and looked at the anatomy in question. "Si, amigo. This is why I say you should have come to work for us. You have good eyes." He reached for the seamster's chalk on the table, and drew in two lines over the cheeks of Clark's ass. "We will split the seams here, and here. Then we will bring the pleats up and over, to add the more room here."

Clark shifted. Sighed, over all three bent heads, at Shay, and shook his head. "Uh… guys?"

Poor Clark," Shayla said softly. "They're not even paying you any attention."

Lex was shaking his head in disagreement. "No, because see, if you pull the pleats up here, that's going to pull the crotch tight, and despite the fact I like looking at Clark's cock, I don't want anyone else to. Can you rip the seam of the back pleat, here, and let it fall loose instead? Will that open the seat room?"

Clark looked down. "Guys?"

"Yeah… it wouldn't be too hard, though we might have to take in the flow of the lines here and here," Aden pointed to each hip. "And make it a tad pit snugger around the hips to fit well along the seat. If we put too many pleats, it'll look very strange, like he's got an extra bit of ass hanging loose."


Lex nodded. "Yeah, I see your idea, Aden. But if you tuck in, instead of pleat, because Christ, there's already too much pleating going on, will the tucks be strong enough to hold?"

Shayla was snickering quietly into Otto's fur.

Rico was dusting and erasing and redrawing lines quickly as he could, to illustrate his points, as well as Lex's and Aden's.


Lex blinked. "Yes, Clark?"

Clark glared down at him. "I hate these pants."

Shayla's quiet snickers turned into outright laughing.

Lex glared back up. "Well why didn't you just say so before we started all this?"

"I tried." Another glare, as he smacked Rico's hands away from his butt. "I don't do good in slacks. I'm not the fourth Luthor. I like my jeans, dammit."

Aden, to his lover's defense, was keeping his own laughter to a minimum. "Alright, Clark. Black jeans?"

"At least." Another glare at the three of them. "I'm not Ken, here, to play dress up."

"You're going to have to have at least one pair of slacks, and that doesn't include your suit or your tux--which will be custom made, by the way," Lex added. "What don't you like about these, so we at least know what to look for."

Rico slapped Clark's ass in retaliation. "I'm working here, darling, don't flatter yourself."

"Bull." Clark muttered, as he looked across at his lover. "I don't like the way they fit. They pinch my middle. And they're not long enough. I don't like them."

Aden heard the pout, and bit his lip to keep the chuckle in. "Lets try something different then, shall we?"

"Ai yi yi. Listen to the prima donna." Rico rolled his eyes. "We can let out the hems, amigo. We can also let out the waist, if that is what you don't like."

Clark glared back at him. "I'm not going to buy pants that don't fit from the get go. I'm not dumb."

"You're not buying them, Clark, I am. Now listen to the man, that's what the point of this fitting session is. None of these are going to fit you perfectly."

Clarks eyes flashed, quietly, as he looked up at Lex for a long moment. "No, you're not."

Lex returned the steady look. "We'll discuss it later."

"Discuss what, later? That you're making me throw all of my clothes away, to buy clothes that don't fit?"

"No," Lex said softly. "We're going to discuss who is going to pay for this new wardrobe."

Oh, Clark's hackles rose. Big time. "I work now, Lex. I'm not going to buy clothes that are too expensive, and that I can't afford. For that I'll go to Wal-Mart."

Lex drew in a deep breath, not moving from his yoga position on the middle of the bed. "Clark, can we not do this right now?"

Clark knew the other three in the room were looking at him, and he glared, deeply. But rather than ruin the night he let it go, not saying anything else as his teeth ground tightly.

"Iiiiiii... think that's my cue to leave," Shayla said softly, sliding off the bed. "Clark... man. I wish you luck. You're welcome to come hide out in my room."

"I might." Clark answered her without looking at her, as his glare drove into his aushna'. I have my pride, and I have my dignity. I won't buy something I can't pay for. You are my lover, but I am my own man.

She cringed at the glare, and it wasn't even directed at her. "Yeeeah. You can come on in anytime, the door's open for you." She held out the rabbit. "Want me to leave Otto?"

Lex met the glare head-on. I have my pride too, Kal, and I have my needs. One of those needs is to provide for you, and by all the gods that are holy, I am going to do it.

"No, thank you, Shayla." I am provided for. I had my clothes, I thought they were fine. What was wrong with my clothes? Why do I need to look like you? Are you ashamed of me, aushna', for dressing the way that I do?

"Kay." She slid out the door, and sighed. "Holy shit, he shouldn't have said that." The stuffed rabbit in her arms bobbled it's head in a nod of agreement as she held it and ran.

I am not ashamed of you, Clark. I don't care anymore whether you get the clothes or not. I thought you might like to have something new, different, and adult, that fit you. At that, he slid off the bed, and went to the door. "I'm going downstairs for a drink."

You're not going anywhere. Are you a coward now, Kenep? Talk to me, here, like a man.

Aden looked from Lex to Clark, and back again. Rico had told him a few weeks ago that something wasn't quite right about the two, and now he saw it, first hand. They looked to be talking, yet… no sound. How odd.

I am not a coward. I am, however, thirsty.

Bull. Shit.

I'm sorry you don't believe me, Kal.

I don't believe you. I think you're going to buy all of this for me anyway, no matter what I say to tell you no. And its not that I don't appreciate it, but I HAVE to make my own way! Why, WHY can't you understand?

I wasn't aware that buying you clothes kept you from making your own way. By all means, Clark, if you'd rather keep the baggy jeans and the flannel, have it your way. I'll pay Rico and Aden for their time and we'll see them at the club.

"You... don't....FUCK!" Clark yelled it, on top of his lungs, struggled out of the pants, and stomped into the bathroom, for his clothes.

Lex didn't answer the yelled accusation or the expletive, instead leaving the room and going down to his office, for the drink that he'd wanted moments ago.

Rico looked over at Aden. "Well, that's interesting!"



go on to the next part