
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 217: Itskla

Clark just smiled, very softly. Only Shayla, of all people, would ask him for an airborne ride to Pete's for sex, and because it was her, Clark had agreed. He was glad they were doing better, had made up after their tryst, and where Pete had found it to forgive her, and where Shay had found it to forgive him, was a mystery.

But, strangely enough? It was also liberating as well.

Clark flew through Smallville, quietly over the trees and in hiding where he could, until he made it back to the mansion. It was dark, everyone asleep, and he caught sight of the balcony that led to his and his lovers bedroom. He straightened as much as he could, legs first like a bird..

And ended up sprawled on the tile of said balcony, face first, and he just... winced.

Fuck. More practice needed.

He climbed to his feet, dusting his PJ's off, and walked back into the bedroom, shutting the terrace doors. And it was as he was closing them that he noticed the answering machine blinking. He knew who it had to be but he crossed the room anyway, and hit play as he toed off his slippers.

"Clark? It's Lex. Are you still awake?" There was a pause, almost thirty seconds long. "Of course you're not. It's a school night, like you said." Then a sigh. "I just... wanted to talk to you. See that you got home all right... tell you that I miss you. That I wish you were here. I love you, Clark. You'll get this in the morning, I guess... have a good day, and I'll see you at lunch." Then the quiet click of a phone hanging up, and the machine beeped off.


Clark looked back down at his slippers... sighed, deeply at them, and pushed them on. He grabbed a sweat shirt as well, tugging it on over his simple sleeveless t-shirt, and hiked his pajama pants up a little higher as he did it. "What I do for you, Luthor." He murmured, and took off from the terrace again.

He almost fell, almost, slammed into the branches of an oak tree, but he managed to get going again and flew over the forest, across Riley field, and over Old Smallville, which was deep and quiet with the silence of night. He flew over the roof tops of the lovely homes and looked up, gauging how far the LuthorCorp buildings were. He flew over the fence, across the small park, and knew he'd never make the window he could see his lover through, so he landed with a small thud on the cement, lost his footing, and fell face first.


He got up, carefully, dusting the seat of his pajamas off, and walked into the building and up the steps.

The security alarm in Lex's office was blinking steadily, and Lex was ignoring it. He knew it meant someone had breeched the building, but at the moment, he simply didn't care. He just kept working, making sure the columns of figures added up to what they were supposed to, making sure that the explanations for the columns matched the numbers, that the projections worked, and that all of the preparations were in place. The only thing scheduled for tomorrow was a meeting with Chloe's father, and Lex paused in his work to make several notes about the meeting, and the best way to offer the man the promotion to Lex's old position as plant manager.

And Clark looked in through the door. His lover hadn't noticed him yet, and he cleared his throat, quietly, as he knocked lightly on the open door. "Hey. Can I come in?"

Lex's head jerked up in surprise. "Clark! Of course you can come in, you don't have to ask. Please. I thought you were asleep; I'd have turned security off if I'd known you were coming." He reached over and flicked the switch off under his desk, which reset the security system.

"Nah... reading. Trucked Shay over to Pete's place." He walked in, feeling uncomfortable in his pajamas when Lex was still in the suit, and he swallowed. Lex was acting like nothing was wrong. Yeah, well, what a bunch of bullshit, and he felt even worse as he walked in the rest of the way and walked over to the chairs in front of the desk. "I got your message."

Lex shrugged out of his jacket as Clark came in, and nodded to him to sit down. "I'm glad you did," he said quietly. "I just... missed you."

He swallowed. Hard. But he sat down, carefully, in front of him, and rubbed his arm quietly as he looked at him. "Lex... about today. I'm... I'm sorry, for jumping down your throat. I didn't mean to... I was just frustrated, and took it out on you. I'm... I'm really sorry."

Lex shook his head, and he flicked his computer screen off as he looked at Clark. "I don't... I didn't call you for an apology, Clark, I called you because I missed you and wanted to hear your voice," he admitted quietly.

"I missed you too." He whispered it, with a little hard swallow. "But I am sorry, for yelling." Clarks eyes drifted down to his hands in his lap. "And I'm sorry for saying the things I did. I appreciate everything you give me, Lex, even if I feel horrible about it."

"I don't want you to feel horrible about it, Clark." Lex sighed, and rapped the papers in his hand on the edge of the desk, straightening their edges before sliding them into their presentation folder. "I told you one time before, that you're taking care of me, and I don't get to take care of you. And you admitted that it was true, because you had to make your own way. And I understand that, Clark, I do, but how? How can there be anything equal between us, if you won't let me do what I can for you when you've done everything you can for me?"

Then he rubbed his temples. "But that's not important right now. It's not. I just... don't want to fight with you, Clark. I can't. It hurts when I do. Please... just no more fighting?"

He swallowed, tightly. "We have to fight. its how we stay sane." But he let his eyes close, and his head came down to sit on his lovers desk, for a long moment, eyes tightly shut. "You love me. No one ever loved me like you do, Kenep. No one ever loved me as much. I don't give you anything but my love... don't you see that?"

Lex reached over his desk to gently stroke the back of Clark's hair. "You give me everything, Clark. You give me love, you give me hope, faith that I didn't think I had any longer, in myself and in other people, you trust me when I don't trust myself. You give me a reason to be, a person to be other than my name, you give me new experiences that I could never dream of having without you."

It only made him feel worse. "I'm sorry I said those horrible things."

He shook his head again. "You had a right," Lex answered softly, still stroking Clark's hair gently.

He was tired. Just... tired. He was tired of arguing, tired of feeling this bad, tired of pretty much the whole thing, and he rose his head, quietly, to look at his lover. The fight in him was gone, and he just... he deflated. "You were trying to be nice to me, and I threw it in your face." Quietly. "I just felt... like you wanted to change me into something I'm not." He looked down for a moment. "Lex? Do you think maybe...we should see a psychiatrist? Like Lionel and Dominic do?"

"I wouldn't change you, Clark, because I love you the way you are." His hand slid down to stroke over Clark's cheek. "I don't know; do you want to? If you think it would help, we'll go. I'll go with you."

Clark rose his hand and cupped the one Lex had on his face, softly, squeezing it tightly. "I think it would help us." Quietly. "I really do. I think it would help us, Lex. There's only so much we can deal with before we start to lose it." His throat bobbed, tightly, and he looked down for a moment. "I can't get Mar out of my head. He's in my dreams, in my thoughts, always in my head. I can't get the guilt out of me, I can't stop the pain. We need... to talk to someone we can trust, who can help us, Lex."

Lex nodded. "I know. He's in my thoughts too, and I can feel him in yours. If you think it'll help, I'll find Toby in the morning, and he'll help us find someone we can trust." His thumbs stroked Clark's cheekbones gently. "We'll go together."

Tears filled his eyes brimming as he watched his lover, looked at him quietly. "I want... I want more kids. I want children, but every time I think about it, I see Mar, I see him as we're burying him and then I can't escape the guilt I feel for wanting more, after my first son, our little boy, died. I can't... I can't feel anything but sadness, because my body wants to bear children but my head... its all a jumble, all a mushed up jumble." His voice cracked and he lay his head down on the desk again, though it was coupled with a sob.

Lex came around the desk then, getting up quietly from his chair and getting down on his knees in front of Clark. "I want children too, Clark," Lex said softly, his hand sliding up to bring Clark's head down to his shoulder. "We'll find someone to help us work through that jumble, I promise."

"I can't stop… I can't.. I want babies so much, I want to have a family with you, with my aushna', but I can't because I failed you, I lost your first child, he's dead and there's nothing we can do, nothing. I made you... I made you, my Lex, lose his first child, the pride of who we are, buried on the hill and there's nothing I can do." His voice and words were tumbling to get out, coupled with the sobs and he leaned forward to wrap his arms around his lover's middle. "And I think, how, how can I be happy, how can I experience happiness, when he's gone? How can I be happy when I can't share it with my baby?"

"Ssssh." Lex wrapped his arms around Clark, pulling him out of the chair so that they were both on the floor together, Lex's back against the desk and cradling his lover. "It wasn't your fault that Mar died, Clark. It wasn't. It's like... it's like blaming a twelve year old for miscarrying a baby. Your body wasn't ready yet, and that's not your fault. That's not my fault." He rocked Clark against him softly. "Mar himself told us to be happy, Clark. He told us that. He told us that his happiness is seeing us happy."

"I know, but I c-can't… I can't. I can't be happy when he's dead." He was shaking, tears trailing his face as he leaned tightly against his lover. "I don't know who I am anymore, I don't know who I'm supposed to be, where do I go, what do I do. I don't know how I'm supposed to relate to the world when the world doesn't understand my pain. Mar told us to be happy, and I'm trying, God knows I'm trying but I can't... I can't, I can't. I can't be happy when he's gone. I can't be happy, I can't deal with this guilt, because I want more babies, even if they do too, I'm selfish and I want kids so much I can barely breathe." All said in hiccupping sobs, quiet and shaking, against Lex's more slender chest.

"Be happy with me," Lex said softly. "We both... we both want a family, Clark. I didn't know how much I did until I met Mar, but he's shown me that I want a family too. And we will have it. We will, I promise that. But it's not time yet. Clark, you're not out high school. You need to finish high school at least, before we think about a family again. I know that's a lot to ask."

He was trembling, silent, in Lex's arms. He already knew that… he already knew. He was in pain, so much pain, because it would be almost a year and a half, two years, before they could even consider it, and his chin trembled. "I know. A while still, until we can have kids. I know. You don't have to tell me." He croaked, softly.

"I know I don't." Lex just left Clark's head on his shoulder, cradled close. "You shouldn't feel guilty for wanting another baby, Clark. You shouldn't. But I know that doesn't mean you don't. But you shouldn't. There isn't a reason to. We have your father now, to ask, and he will be here to help us soon. We know now, Clark, so much more than we did then."

His eyes closed, and in his heart, he could remember the searing pain of labor, and he trembled. He would endure it, endure ten times worse, if it meant he could have a child. "I know. I'm sorry for all of this, Lex... I don't mean to be this way. I'm sorry." He swallowed, hard, and used the sleeve of his sweatshirt to dry his face quietly. He hated showing weakness, even in front of his lover, and he heaved a quiet, trembling sigh. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Lex murmured. "This is what I'm here for. I'm here to give you the strength you need. You're here to give me the strength I need. It's what we do for each other, and don't be sorry for it."

"I can't help it." A little trembling heaved sigh, as he swallowed tightly and let his head lay on his lovers shoulder, cuddling in close to him there against his desk. But his lovers words were quiet, and profound, and he looked up, astonished, eyes rimmed and bleary with red, skin slightly pale. "You read our blood?"

Lex blinked as he mentally reviewed the words he'd just spoken. "Yeah... I think I did."

He closed his eyes. "What else did it tell you?"

He cradled Clark closer to him, stroking quietly. "I didn't realize it." He just let himself speak without really thinking about it. "That your pain is mine, and mine is yours; we share it together to make it go away. Your love is mine, and all that we need is faith in it, and it will hold us together for always."

To hear his lover finally saying it made Clark tremble all over, and his fingers dug into his lovers hip. "Do you believe it?"

Lex's grip on his lover tightened. "Yeah. I do believe it, Clark. I do believe in it."

A quiet sound, between a whimper and a sound of pleasure and Clark wrapped around him, tightly, hugging him close to his body. "Christ, thank God, I thought I was going to have to pound it into you."

Lex returned the hug tightly, letting his arms and his body bend and mold to fit Clark's, so that they were one. "You could have; I wouldn't have minded," came the soft reply. "But I believe." He kissed Clark's forehead gently, holding close.

"Finally." He whispered, softly, and let his eyes close. "Finally you understand aushna'. Lex… Lex. I love you, so much. I love you, I love you so much." His fingers squeezed Lex's, tightly, holding his lover close to his body. "Come home with me... pack with me, for our trip."

Lex covered Clark's face with gentle kisses, licks, and nibbles. Not sexual, not at the moment, despite the fact that Clark aroused him beyond belief. Just soft, loving kisses, meant to calm and reassure his lover. "Okay. We'll go home. But let me pack for both of us; you need your rest. You didn't sleep at all last night, writing that article."

Lex covered Clark's face with gentle kisses, licks, and nibbles. Not sexual, not at the moment, despite the fact that Clark aroused him beyond belief. Just soft, loving kisses, meant to calm and reassure his lover. "Okay. We'll go home. But let me pack for both of us; you need your rest. You didn't sleep at all last night, writing that article."

"Didn't sleep." He repeated, softly, and let his eyes close against the warm kisses. They were so wonderful and he didn't let them stop, just tipping his head back for his lover to do as he wished, and sighed, softly and deeply. "I love you, Lex."

Lex followed the inviting arch of Clark's throat, showering it with soft, reverent kisses as he paused to listen to the heart beating under his lover's skin. "I love you, Clark." His hands slid over Clark's shoulders, rubbing them softly with his thumbs. "Come on. You had the right idea; let's go home. Get you in bed, and I'll pack."

"Home sounds good." Clark murmured, quietly, and finally set his head on his lovers shoulder, carefully, letting his eyes close and his breath even out. It was safe, Even if he was bigger than Lex, much bigger at that, and even if he didn't really relate to his lover at all... it was okay. It was safe, and where he belonged. "Two years ago I'd never have thought that right here was home."

"I wouldn't have either," Lex said softly. "But it is. Wherever you are, that's where home is. Doesn't matter where it's at, just as long as it's with you. You are my home, Clark Kal-El. You are my heart and my home, and I will never forsake you."

Clark closed his eyes, and let the warm words flow over him like water. "I'll never forsake you, Lex." He whispered, softly. "Never. I love you, so much. You could never know how much I do." His fingertips gently moved over his lovers tummy, and finally, he found the strength to climb to his feet. He rose, carefully, holding his hand out to his lover, and sighed, quietly.

Lex caught Clark's fingers as they stroked over his stomach, and then caught them again as Clark held out his hand. He laced their fingers together tightly as he flowed to his feet, and looked up at his lover, free hand resting on Clark's chest. "I know," he said softly. "I feel it."

He smiled at him, quietly, and kissed his lips softly before shaking his head. "Home. I'm so tired. When do we catch the flight?"

"2 AM Friday morning," Lex said softly. "That'll get us there about seven or eight in the morning."

"Tonight, then." He whispered, and yawned softly as he looked at the clock. It was already nearing midnight, and he sighed. "Come on… let's go. I'll sleep on the plane."

Lex gave his lover a tired grin. "No, not tonight. Tomorrow night. You have school tomorrow, remember?" His arm wound around Clark's waist and squeezed.

"Okay." Clark yawned, softly, deeply, and muttered as he looked at his watch. "You're right. Sleepy, Lex. Let's go home. I don't trust myself to fly...will you drive?"

Lex nodded. "My car's back in the parking lot at the restaurant; do you want to sleep here and wait for me to pick you up, or do you want to walk back there with me?"

"Oh... no, I don't want you walking alone." He sighed. "I took the keys. They're at home. Come on.... come here." He hefted Lex up in his arms, grabbed his lovers suit jacket, and set it over his tummy. "Hold on, okay?"

Lex gave a soft laugh. "I can walk alone." He smiled. "You want me to call one of the drivers from the garage to take us home?"

"No. Hang on tight." He moved with his lover to the open window, and looked out of it... then down at the concrete... and nodded. "Okay. Close the window behind us, kay? I can float for like, a few seconds at a time. Hold on tight."

"Clark, no, listen." He stroked his lover's chest. "Let's walk. Together. If you feel like it."

He stopped... looked at his aushna'. Maybe Lex… didn't trust him? Possibly, and he nodded and set him down. "Whatever you want. Its alright by me… I'm just very tired. Lets go, okay?"

"No, look at me." He felt the shiver of distrust slide through him. "I trust you." He put his hands on either side of Clark's face. "I trust you. If you want to run, we run. If you want to fly, we fly. But if you don't want to? We can walk. I don't mind. But whatever we do, I want it to be something we do together. Not because you think I do or don't trust you, but because it's what we both want to do. You said you didn't feel like flying; we don't have to."

"We can run." Clark whispered, softly. "I'm just so tired, Lex… I'm so tired. I need to sleep." It was very, very rare when Clark was actually tired, but staying up for two and a half days did it to him. He was completely exhausted.

"Do you want me to take us?" he offered softly. "I can borrow your abilities long enough to carry you."

Clark grinned, then, dimples winking on for the first time that day. "No. Its like an ant carrying a leaf. Lets just go… come on." He took his lovers hand and nodded. "Get your things."

Lex shrugged into his jacket, and closed it over his stomach. "There. They're gotten. Everything else is ready to go."

"Good." Clark led his lover out of the room and down the steps, silently. He rubbed his stomach a little, heaving a quiet yawn, and slid his arm around his lovers waist. "You think...Lex? Instead of Toby... you think my dad would listen?"

Lex nestled close to his lover. "I don't think Jonathan would be the most open-minded person to listen to our problems," he said with a teasing little grin.

A little, quiet smile, and a little seed of worry and fear bloomed in his chest. He hadn't meant his dad at all… he'd meant Jor, and he said it, quietly. "I meant my other dad. Jor-El. Do you think he'd listen?"

"I know what you meant, Clark." Lex squeezed back. "And yes, I think he'd listen. I think Jor-El would love to listen."

Clark quieted for a moment. "I want to talk to my dad, too. I need to just talk to him...I think tomorrow, before school, I'll go see him."

Lex nodded. "I think that'd be a good idea." He squeezed Clark's waist tightly. "I think you should. Then I'll bring you lunch--if that's okay?--and then after school? We'll come home and pack."

"Yeah, that's okay." A little smile at him, as he squeezed his hand. "That's definitely okay." A quiet, little heaved yawn. "I already got off of work until Tuesday, so its okay." Another quiet yawn, and he wrapped his fingers through his lovers a little tighter. "Lex?"

Soft grin. "Excellent. That means we have the whole holiday together." He stroked over Clark's back, and then squeezed his fingers. "Yeah?"

"When we get home, will you make love to me?"

Lex's skin electrified with the thought of it. "Of course I will," he said softly, leaning over to nip a little kiss from Clark's earlobe.

Clark let his eyes fall to half mast, as they walked down the steps, and absently pushed some of his bed rumpled hair off his forehead. "Promise?"

"I promise." Lex let his hand slide down into the back of Clark's pants, stroking lightly over the small of his lover's back, carefully avoiding the scar and the bone until they were home.

"Will you come inside me?" Another quiet, very quiet whisper, his eyes flickering to his lovers.

Lex nodded. "I will. But I won't stay inside you all night." He brought Clark's hand to his heart. "My blood is roaring for it. There's fire in my heart. But I won't. I can't."

"Can't, I know." Murmured back, as he stroked over his lovers heart, where it beat beneath flesh. "I still want to feel you... hot and good inside. Okay?" He squeezed his lovers hand, brought it to his lips to kiss. "Lets hurry. Hurry, okay?" They stepped out of the building into the night. "Lock up, so we can go."

"You will feel me inside. I promise you that." He rubbed his hand over Clark's ass, and turned to lock the door of the building. "We've got a security officer who's patrolling the entire complex, and he'll lock the main gates at midnight."

"Okay." Clark whispered, softly, as he squeezed his lovers hand and set his temple on his lovers. "Lets go home." He swept his lover into his arms, careful to hold him close and took off running. There was a symphony going on in his head, his heart was racing, almost in dread, almost in pained panic, and completely in love. The sooner he showed his lover he loved him, that he would give up all else for him, had his feet racing for some reason, racing as fast and hard as he could, running until he leapt into the air, and flew.

Like a bird taking flight. Having Lex in his arms, here, in the darkness of night where they were together, where they'd always be together, where his aushna' had read his blood, had him soaring. None of the jagged flights of before, but here, now, where his blood finally responded to Lex's, where they finally read one another's, and all it had taken was this.

Clark let out a sound of pure pleasure there in the air, inhuman but utterly beautiful, as his heart pounded in his chest, as his body finally did what it had been trying to do for months. It flew. Like a bird with outstretched wing, and he made the sound again, guttural but high, like a bird's song, crying out to the heavens in joy. His body flew as it had been meant to, his hollowed bones making them go higher, higher still, in the dead of night.

Lex's breath caught in his throat as Clark's body lifted. then he laughed out loud as they took flight, feeling the light soaring as he held tightly to his aushna'. His blood was singing loudly in his head, pouring through his veins in pounding rhythms as the wind lifted and raised them, buffeted their bodies gently as he held tightly to Clark. "You're doing it, Clark, you're doing it!" His hands slid inside his lover's short to feel the pounding heart. "You've done it!"

Clark let out another loud sound, unspeakably beautiful but distinctly him, and he felt such a joy that was almost indescribable. He felt happiness like he'd never before encountered as he flew, and his slamming heart, hiccupping in his chest, felt the earth like it never had. He felt connected to each grain of sand, each blade of grass, and each and every single air particle in the world. He felt the wind move under him like it were a lover, he felt so unbelievably aware that all he could do was make the sound, again, again, in outrageous joy, in complete disbelief, as he flew fast, so fast.

Lex laughed too, unable to duplicate the sound that Clark was making but knowing it for the ecstasy that it was. He shifted in Clark's arms, turning so that his arms were woven tightly around Clark's chest and left his lover's hands open to fly. I am so proud to you, my aushna'!!

Kenep, distinguaer frektin trenk itskla, ITSKLA! Clark cried in his head. (Kenep, the sky is our limit, I'm free, FREE!) He heard it, he felt it, and when he felt the tight arms around his chest and back, he let go of his aushna to spread his arms. The clouds flew over his face, misty and soft, and the joy took over his heart as he soared down, downward. They had to land because he had to rest, had to understand this, and he screamed his pleasure once more before swooping down. Like a hurtling bullet, as fast as he possibly could, his fingers clamping around his lovers body as he hurtled towards the ground.

He pulled up, at the last moment, and landed, carefully, softly, on the terrace he and Lex shared, and let out another sound, unspeakably moved.

Tears ran down his face in it, his heart beat frantically with it, and he made a soft, indistinguishable sound.

Lex had braced himself for a hard landing, and felt Clark touching down gently, easily, and his hands went directly to Clark's face, drying his tears, wiping them off his face, panting softly as the exhilaration from his lover poured into him. "You're free, Clark, you're free." He kissed Clark fiercely, worshipfully, sliding his hands down and over his lover's body. "You've done it. You did it. Clark, there's nothing you can't do. Man really can fly." He looked into Clark's eyes. "You can fly."

Clark was trembling, from the feet up, shaking as he grasped his lover, and kissed him. He kissed him hard, deeply, sucking the kiss from him as he pushed back, towards their bed. Now, now, the energy was flying over his body and he needed now, he needed because he wanted. He whispered the words in his native tongue, because right at the moment he couldn't decipher anything other than that, and moaned his joy as they moved.

Lex went backwards as Clark propelled him, dropping the black suit jacket to the floor, untying his tie as they went back towards the bed. He sucked down the words that Clark whispered to him, answered them back with kisses and words of his own as he got the tie off, tossed it to the floor beside the jacket, and his hands went to Clark's shirt, pushing up the pajama top and rubbing over his chest and abs.

Yeah, right. Clark, or Kal, as his mind frame was currently in, ripped his lovers suit shirt down the middle, doing the same with the pants, though the tie didn't give, and Clark used it to yank his lover forward on top of him. He writhed upwards, his cock hard and tense and ready, and snarled his want as he sucked kisses from his lovers lips and body. He yanked on tense little nipples, rubbing them tightly, and his body throbbed in time to his blood.

Lex moaned roughly as Clark possessed him, yanking and ripping and tearing and Lex just rubbed all over the length of his lover's body, grinding his hips against Clark's as he finished pushing the shirt out of the way, and his mouth went to bite roughly at Clark's nipples, sucking them as Clark teased his, giving nips for every pull.

No. Now. Wanted now. NOW! No time for kissing, no time for playing, he just bit his lovers nipples savagely, then moved down, down his lovers body, tugging hard on his cock. Now, now, he needed NOW!

He rolled over his lover, pushing him quickly, and yanked open the side dresser drawer until he found the lube. The bottle broke in his hands, lube fell everywhere, but he didn't give a fuck because he slid two fingers inside of himself, then slid down onto Lex.

A single, hard push down at Lex was embedded tightly in his body. Good, good, just like this, good, and he began to thrust up and down, slick fingers looking for Lex's as they mated like animals, beasts, fucking for the sake of the fuck.

Lex cried out roughly as Clark sucked him in, pushed him in, barely slick but hot and so tight and Lex pulled himself up to his knees, hands lacing through Clark's for traction as he started to pound into his lover, pushing him down, into the mattress with hard, powerful strokes as he went, leaning forward and lapping at Clark's throat again, putting his mouth over the faint scar on his lover's throat, then arching his own so that Clark's mouth could reach his scar in return.

He wailed, hard, thrashing under his lover. His body arched, all tensile strength, veins and muscles bulging and a physical scream echoing out of him. He pushed and moved, helping his lover as he thrust, and when he arched and offered, Clark couldn't refuse. He sucked on his lovers throat, hard, his full lips, which he'd always hated for being too feminine, were now a blessing as he covered his lovers hairless throat and sucked. His hair was damp with sweat, his eyes wild and closed tight, his body shaking with energy as they moved and thrust, mating violently.

Harsh, yelling sobs as he arched, twisted into Clark's mouth, trembling as he gripped Clark's fingers, fucking him hard, pounding into him with every stroke. Didn't even try to hold Clark down, couldn't have held him down if he'd wanted to, and he moaned, hard and long and tremblingly as Clark's mouth sucked his throat, and he shuddered, whimpering. "God, yes, God Christ, yes, please, please," he poured out, muttering a long litany of words as he pushed into Clark's mouth ad his body at the same time.

Clark sucked all the harder for it, over and over, as the masculine cries from over him undid the knot in his belly and shook his entire body in pleasure. His lovers voice, so deep and beautiful, was unbelievably erotic when he screamed in ecstasy and Clark let out his own cry, the bed creaking, their bodies slapping, as they moved. They fucked so hard that the burn of sex was lighting his body on fire, making his crotch burn in pain and pleasure and he wailed, because the feeling was so good, so unbelievably good that he couldn't stop himself. "YES!"

Lex's hand slid under Clark's back, working under the hard sweaty body, and pushed up hard on the little bone that poked out of his lover's spine. Rubbed it, stroked it, would have jacked it off if it had been hard enough, and his cock pounded Clark's slick ass as hard as he could. Heard the bed creaking and didn't care, just growled at it, cried out from the pleasure as he buried himself, over and over again in his lover. His teeth tore at Clark's throat, sucking and biting and scoring, licking his chin and lips, chewing on full lips that tasted so beautiful, and then Lex's nails started dragging down Clark's chest, letting go of the little bump to reach around him.

The touch on the bump had him screaming, on top of his lungs, and his eyes flew open as they moved, letting out harsh, shocked cries. Orgasm was close, to close, building down at the base of his spine, and he gave sharp, hard sounds as his own nails streaked down his lovers back, over where his legs were twined around his hips, and pushed him in, closer, further, as he began to shake with encroaching climax. "KENEP!"

Lex's hand slid down to wrap around Clark's cock, fisting it with hard, tight strokes as he pounded into his lover. His own orgasm was rushing, and he was shoving it down as hard as he could, laboring to bring Clark off before him. "Please, Kal, please, come for me, come for your aushna', please!" He rubbed the top of his head under Clark's chin as he pounded into him, the yell of his name only driving himself faster.

Clark exploded.

His breath, his cock, his heart and mind and soul. It all gave at once, and the same sheer freedom of soaring came back to him now, in an orgasm so free that it couldn't be classified as anything earth bound. He made the sound again, inhuman and loud, over his lovers head as he held him tightly.

And then the pleasure, and it rushed up to take him, claim him, and he screamed all over again, hard and loud and vibrating.

Lex's cock exploded as soon as Clark screamed, and he pumped his lover full of hot, creamy semen. Deep, shuddering strokes as he held Clark, as Clark held him, and his heart swelled in his chest as the noise rang in his ears and he wrapped around Clark tightly, holding everything together with his arms and legs around his lover, panting hard.

The heat flooded inside of him and Clarks back arched, coming up off of their sweaty sheets as he shuddered. All over, in aching pleasure, and he whimpered, deeply, softly, and slumped against the sheets. His legs fell from his lovers waist, his body shook, and sweat slid down his neck as he moaned softly. "Oh... oh F-fuck, fuck... oh fuck... Kenep... trenk... Kenep."

Lex licked Clark's skin all over his chest, all over his shoulders. Despite his avowal not to, Lex stayed buried in his lover to the hilt, squeezing Clark's cock in his fist, nuzzling as he licked and tasted the sated sweat from Clark's skin. Satisfied that his mate was pleased, Lex gave a little purr, and nudged Clark onto his side. "Turn over, on your stomach."

Clark panted, hard, barely able to breath, as he looked up hazily at his love. He groaned quietly, softly, and shuddered up into the squeeze on his cock before following directions. His lover was sill in him, and he squeezed, whimpering softly. "How… still inside?"

Lex just laughed softly. "Sssh. Talent." Once Clark was on his stomach, Lex's hands went to his shoulders and started to rub. "Relax. Sleep."

Clark squirmed and moved over onto his tummy, the slide and stretch in his ass like a delicious aching thing, and he purred, softly, as he slumped down on the sheets. "Daphstemlin'aq, sa'lumkana aushna'." Clark whispered, quietly, as his eyes drifted close. He was still panting for breath, covered in a sheen of sweat, but he trembled, and moaned, very softly.

Lex rumbled softly in his throat, feeling Clark relaxing and slumping under him. His fingertips were drawn to certain spots, at the base of Clark's neck, at his shoulders. Without realizing what he was doing, he was following an intricate pattern of pressure points as he massaged, design to relax and ease tension into slumber.

If it was possible, this was better than sex. Nothing came from him but purring rumbles, until the purring rumbles lessened, and under his lovers hands, he fell asleep.

Lex smiled as soon as Clark was asleep, and he slowly pulled himself out of his lover and cuddled down beside him. He curled all around Clark, tucking in around exposed curves and covering their twined bodies with the quilt as he breathed deeply of the sated air around his lover and slept.



go on to the next part