
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 219: Almost To the Breaking Point

Lionel was well acquainted with the bustle of Dublin airport, after having landed here himself a week ago. He was leaning against the pillar in the center of the disembarkation area, arms crossed across his chest. His hair was tossed back over his shoulders, his body wrapped in a leather jacket, a pair of black jeans, muddy hiking boots and a charcoal gray turtleneck. His sunglasses were perched on top of his head, holding his bangs and the sides of his hair back, and he was smiling down at his lover, who had been staring at him non-stop since he'd gotten dressed that morning.

He supposed the outfit was slightly shocking, to someone used to seeing him in nothing but suits. But it was comfortable, especially for waiting, which he had been doing for the last hour. He'd held his tongue since Wednesday on the whole publicity mess for fighting in the streets, and he was waiting to see Lex to talk to him in person about it.

His foot nudged his lover's leg. "Breathe. Close your mouth."

"I am breathing. I just can't do it while your black-wrapped cock is barely a foot from my own." Dominic muttered.

He was eating the best strawberry ice cream cake that he could just about die.

He'd been savoring it for fifteen minutes, at least. His son and Clark were due in any moment, but hey, caring? Not particularly. He had his cake. And his lover, being a teasy, evil, teasy AND evil bastard. Just for it, Dominic offered him a spoonful across his own leather jacket shoulder.

Lionel leaned over and sucked the bite off the spoon, his tongue flicking across the bowl of it to lick all the cream off of it as he straightened up. Outside the window, the silver and black jet with the LuthorCorp logo had just taxied down the runway, and Lionel tapped his lover on the shoulder. "They're heeeeere," he sang out softly, hands going into his pockets as he watched the sleek airplane roll to a stop.

Dominic just... sighed. He ate the last spoonful from the little paper bowl and threw it away, rubbing his mouth with one palm after he swallowed. He wouldn't ever admit it, of course, but he'd missed the both of them plenty this week, and he shifted, quietly, as he watched. The fact that they'd be boarding the same plane in a three days made his stomach flip, but he put it out of his head as he watched, his fingers sliding into his lover's. "Oh, joy." Little droll mutter.

Lionel favored his lover with an indulgent grin. "Hush. I know you missed them." He watched as his son and his son's mate came down the steps, suitcases in hand.

Lex was, eerily enough, dressed very similar to Lionel, missing only the leather jacket. Instead he wore a dusty lavender turtleneck and a black duster over it, with chrome sunglasses on his face reflecting the sun out of his eyes. Clark climbed down behind Lex, and Lionel raised an eyebrow at Clark's outfit.

Yeah, Clark was dressed to kill.

And he was freakin' uncomfortable.

Tan jeans, a black t-shirt, and a dark leather coat. Boots completed it, and if he was uncomfortable, which he was, he sure as hell looked it. He shifted, muttered as they came down the steps and into customs, and caught sight of Dominic and Lionel.

He beamed, waved over the security men checking him over.

"Hallo, Clark!" Dominic answered the frantic wave with a grin, and walked over to where a great cluster of people were waiting for the people who'd just de-boarded another plane.

Lex looked back at his lover, and grinned. "You look great, Clark, but I know you're uncomfortable. You humored me; thank you. Tell you what, soon as we get to the house, you can change into regular clothes." He squeezed his lover's shoulder, and proceeded down the steps with him.

He waved at Dominic too, raising his eyebrow as his father came quietly behind Dominic.

Lionel gave a more sedate, calmer wave as he followed his lover over to the gate, and watched as they picked their way through the knot of people who'd unloaded from another flight.

"Thank God. I brought what you didn't burn." Clark muttered back to his lover, and smiled, looking at their surroundings. It was pouring rain, but it smelled... really good, and he was in Ireland! How cool was that!

However? First glance at Dominic and Lionel, and his mouth dropped. "Holy crap, you guys gained weight!"

Dominic opened his mouth to got cut off, and his mouth dropped. "Excuse me?"

"Weight! You gained some!" he wrapped his arms tightly around Dominic, giving him a huge bear hug, then did the same to Lionel, squeezing tightly.

Lionel's arms came up and hugged Clark tightly in return, and gave him a small smile. "You'll gain it too, now that you're here, because Ms. Finn is clucking left and right about how malnourished the two of you are, and is determined to cook every bit of food on the Isle and feed it to you."

Clark was still grinning, as he let go enough to laugh, then hug him again. "Yeah, right. I'm not skinny... Lex? Blow at him hard enough and he'll fly away."

Dominic was too busily grinning as he took the bag Lex was heaving, and offered his hand. "It's good to see you. Missed you, laddie, but I'm damned glad you both could come. It hasna been the same without all the clucking going on around us, believe me."

Lex disregarded the offered hand, and pulled Dominic into a hug. "I owe you an ass kicking for calling me a stupid boy, but I'm so glad to see you, I'll let it pass." He squeezed a little harder. "I--we both did, really--missed you, too."

Lionel gave both Clark and Lex a critical once-over. "Clark, my boy, you look very nice. It's a surprise, but a nice one nonetheless." He hugged Clark again, and then straightened slightly into his usually more reserved persona. "We brought the Explorer, so there's room for all of us, plus your baggage in the back, Lex."

Dominic squeezed him, tightly, hugging him hard before letting go enough to side glance his lover and Clark. "He does look nice... Lex, you didn't actually go through with the burning, did you?"

Clark's very dignified mouth fell. "So it was a conspiracy! I KNEW IT!"

Innocent stare. "Of course not, laddie. Come now, get the bags... there we are. Its a bit wet today, I'm afraid, has been for two days, but you'll still be able to see the cottage. Your father and I have gotten it quite fixed up," To Lex, "And it looks just amazing. Gran is making a big dinner for tonight, and a few of my… our… relations will be over to see you. They've heard a lot of you, indeed." His lips quirked, but he beamed.

Clark glared over at Dominic, and gave a regal little sniff. "Well, you did gain weight."

"Indeed." Dominic grinned at him again. "Though I canna say its hurting me."

Lex flipped a look over to his lover. "No, I didn't actually go through with the burning. The boxes are being stored in a warehouse in old Smallville, the location of which I won't disclose."

Lionel couldn't help the grin that played across his face. "You shouldn't tease Clark like that."

Lex sniffed. "Who says I'm teasing?" But his hand rubbed Clark's back reassuringly.

Clark gave a wail, as they started to walk towards the doors leading out of the airport. "Are you seeing this? This mistreatment?" But even as he said it he brightened. "Dominic, I never would have thought it, but Ireland is really, really nice."

"Of course it is. What all did you expect?" Dominic asked easily, lips quirking. "Come now...we're going off for some supper somewhere. What do you both feel like eating?"

Lex shook his head. "I'm not all that hungry; I had a dinner on the plane," Lex protested gently.

Lionel fixed his glare on his son. "You're going to eat."

Lex held up his hands in surrender. "Clark? What do you want to eat?"

Dominic's grin broadened across his lips and he rolled his eyes as he led the way out of the airport, to the bustling people on the street getting taxi's and the like. The SUV was parked a little ways down the street and he smiled, even as the rain poured like the heavens had opened up.

"I dunno... something Irish." Clark answered, shyly, even as he gazed out. "Wow. Its pouring. Holy crap."

"The newsman has said it should be ending by tonight, thanks be to God." A sly look across at Clark. "Irish food, aye? I know the place, then."

"Irish food in Ireland? Gee, Clark, I'm shocked." Lex raised up on his tiptoes and kissed his lover gently. "Haven't done that in about an hour," he said in a quieter voice. He slid his hand down to capture Clark's free one, and laced their fingers together. "We can make a run for it, I don't mind getting wet. We just left rain back in Metropolis a day or two ago."

Clark glared at his lover, but it was washed away with the kiss as he smiled and squeezed his lovers hand, tightly. "Yeah, guys… its pouring rain back home, too."

"Fabulous." Dominic muttered, and just...sighed. "No way getting around it. Come on, laddies, we're parked just across the way. Alright? Here we go." He reached out, snagged his lovers hand in his, and hitched the bag up on his shoulder a little tighter before making their way across the parking lot.

Lionel squeezed Dominic's hand in his as they headed out into the rain. He was still less than thrilled with the effect of the rain and the humidity on his hair, but he didn't say a word as he splashed through the standing puddles at a brisk walk, shaking his mane mostly dry as they approached the shallow overhang where the car was parked.

Lex tightened his grip on Clark's hand and kissed the strong digits softly, and then smiled. "Once more unto the breach, dear friend?"

Clark had no clue what Lex was talking about, so he just squeezed his lovers hand and looked out at the rain. It was literally pouring, buckets of rain, and he just sighed as he stepped out into it, behind Lionel and Dominic. it was good to see them again, definitely, and immediately something had lodged into place that had been off-kilter for days now. Something just... off. He looked up, the leather jacket sheeting rain, and sighed at the water dramatically as he followed.

Lex chuckled softly as the Shakespeare reference went right over Clark's head and snuggled close to him as they hurried through the rain, unmindful of it sheeting down his bald scalp and down his waterproof duster. He squeezed Clark's hand in reassurance as they followed, and joined his father under the small overhang. "Nice weather you've ordered for us, Dominic," Lex teased.

"Isn't it, now? I'm positively thrilled." Dominic said loudly over the rain. He unlocked the back doors of the SUV quickly with his key and slid into the front seat as well, sopping rain onto the seats as he shuddered in cold and started the engine. "Strap in, Lionel, people drive crazier than usual when its pourin'."

"Henry V." Clark answered, quietly. "I haven't read it yet, but Chloe likes it." He rose his voice as he opened the car door and held it open for Lex, looking up as his ringlets went wet, grumpy, and frizzy.

Lionel snorted. "I am quite unafraid of the driving in this country, rain or shine, as I know that Lex and I are both capable of driving better." But he did pull his seat belt on, buckling it over his chest.

Lex grinned at Clark and kissed him softly. "Yeah, I like it too." He stroked over Clark's cheek gently as he slid in, and then pulled Clark in behind him. "Go ahead, you and Dad both need to shake off like St. Bernards."

Dominic just snorted, and ran his fingers through his short cropped hair gleefully. "This is why short hair, or no hair, are always the better option." A few water drops went flying but it was nothing like his lovers soaked hair, or Clark's, for that matter. "You'd have thought there was a single umbrella in the cottage, but no."

Clark accepted the kisses and sat back against the chair, dragging his fingers through his hair. "Mine's not that long yet." He leaned forward to grin. "Lionel, I packed your favorite dryer, by the way, like you told me to."

"Bless you, dear boy, you are a saint." A blink. "Did you bring the attachments for it as well?" Didn't matter if he had or not; by the simple act of bringing it, Clark had won himself a place in Lionel's will.

"Yes, we got the attachments, and the extra voltage adapter," Lex said tiredly. "And, speaking of things I brought for you..." Lex paused for just a moment as he delved into the carry on bag and pulled out the little black case full of needles. "These are the tranquilizers you asked for."

"Ah, yes, excellent, thank you, Lex." Lionel collected the little black case gleefully, and checked the needles and barrels for damage. Finding none, he zipped the little case up and stowed it in the glove compartment.

Clark just stayed quiet when Lex answered for him, and lay his head back on the seat, with a sigh. He'd slept on the plane, but he was tired anyway, and he looked out the window as the Irish landscape awaited them.

"I suppose your father hasn't told you just what he needs all those things for, now did he?" Dominic asked secretively, as he shifted in the seat and tugged his seat belt on. "Belts, laddies. And off we'll go. How are you feeling for a show, as well?"

Lex reached around in the seat and slid his arm around Clark's waist. "Are you feeling all right, Clark?" he asked softly, laying his head on his aushna's shoulder. "No, he hasn't, he just asked me to bring it along."

"Ahh. Well see, I was hoping you might now, as he hasn't told me, either. I'm in the dark as well, I'm afraid. Though at this point, I'm not certain if that's a good thing, or a bad thing." Dominic slid a sly look at his husband and started out into traffic, quickly, before reaching for his lovers hand.

"I'm alright." In truth? He was just alright. Everything from the last few days was still reeling in his head, and he felt mildly stunned, mildly out of sorts. He let Lex hold him and just lay his head on the seat again, with a yawn. "Where are you taking us, Dominic?"

"A lovely little place, indeed. Kings Hire, one of the most famous restaurants in all of Ireland. Its quite an old style place... big leather chairs at all the tables, which are as thick and sturdy as an elephant's leg. The food is very, very good. I've been there many times, to the pub they run right next door, indeed."

Lex raised an eyebrow in interest. "We're going pub crawling? You should have warned me; I would have dressed up for the occasion." He ran his fingers through the growing locks of his lover's hair, scratching his head gently, and pressing the occasional kiss to his temple, accompanied with silent pleas to feel better.

Lionel didn't say a word. "They're not for your family--yet," is all he teased, and he looked in the mirror at his son. "You are not going pub crawling, nor will I let you take Clark crawling."

Dominic grinned. "Lex, pubs in Ireland, and most of Europe, arena what they are in the states. They're quite the family affair, indeed, though great fun as well. No, darling, the pub is in the rooms next door to the restaurant," And he glanced to Lionel, "Which is completely respectable, indeed. Its a bit pricey, but well worth it."

"Vodka makes me sneeze." Clark wrinkled his nose. "Just thought I'd throw that in there."

Lionel gave a hearty laugh at that. "You're in the wrong part of Europe to worry about vodka, Clark. Here you'll have only to worry about whiskey and stout Guinness ale."

Lex rubbed Clark's back gently, and hid a laugh. "I didn't know vodka made you sneeze. I'll have to make sure we get rid of it at home, unless we mix it with orange juice for you." Soft kiss to his jaw.

"He's a big boy, Lex." Dominic chided, as he steered into the throe of traffic. "He can well indeed remember not to drink it. Though.." Another sly grin. "Guinness won't make you sneeze, I sincerely doubt. And there isna a legal drinking age to speak of in Ireland. So we might get you one, laddie, and dunna you be trying to tell me you don't drink, because high time have I found you and your mates, your boyfriend included, drunk as skunks." Dominic chided, even as he squeezed his lovers hand.

Clark let his lips curve into a grin, at that. "Yeah. Maybe a Guinness would be good... that sounds good."

"Indeed." Dominic smiled, back, even as he sideglanced his lover. "You've got the bank notes with you, aye?"

Lex bristled at the soft reprimand, but didn't say anything as he kept stroking through Clark's hair. Instead, he just reached into his pocket, and pulled out a large wad of pound notes in various denominations, held together by a platinum money clip. "If he doesn't, I do."

Lionel snorted. "Yes, I do; you well know I wouldn't leave the house without it." He held his own wad up, amusingly enough in a money clip that matched his son's.

Clark just... shook his head. "I have fifteen American cents to my name right now." He muttered, as he closed his eyes again and yawned.

"As do I." Dominic heaved a dramatic sigh and let go of his lovers hand to stomp on the breaks and grasp the wheel tight, rolling down the window and bellowing something truly, astoundingly rude at someone who'd just cut him off, and flicked him off through the pouring rain.

And Clark blushed crimson, mouth dropping open. "Dominic!"

"Didna you see what he DID?!" Dominic yelled out the window, spat something out even more rude than the previous words, and kept right on driving.

Lex picked up the pound notes again and peeled off half of them, and then folded them back up and slid them in Clark's breast pocket. "Now you have enough to get anything you want." He barely blinked at the abrupt throwing on of brakes, and didn't think it was at all rude to hear Dominic shouting in another language. "You should hear my father when he drives," needled Lex.

Lionel was far too accustomed to Dominic's driving to say a word. He just shrugged. "Yes, I did see what he did, and you're quite right in calling him whatever it was you called him."

"That bastard cut me off! What, is he in primary school, yet? Fuck!" Another glare out the window, before he tried to catch his breath from the snarling he'd just done, glowering out the windshield. "I mean, honestly."

Clark, as he was a good guy, didn't let his teeth grit. He didn't. But he knew, even as Lex folded the notes and put them in his pocket, that he wouldn't use a dime of it. He actually had brought two hundred and fifty dollars with him, to get exchanged somewhere so he could bring home souvenirs for his parents and his sha'nauch, so he just stayed quiet, watching the two interact in the front seat.

"I called him a nasty, bloody mother fucking asswipe who had the face and the sense of a toad, the little cock sucker."

Clark bit his lip. Tightly. "But... Dominic? Aren't you a cock s--"

"Don't go there, Clark."

Choked on the snort. "But--"

"I love you like a son. But don't go there."

Lex leaned up and whispered into Clark's ear. "My life is your life, Clark, what I have belongs to you, and it's just as much your money as it is mine. Isn't that the way of it?" His hand stroked over Clark's bicep gently, ignoring Dominic for the moment.

Lionel, however, went there. "Yes, Clark, he is a cocksucker too." Sideways glance to his lover. "I am too, and I'd wager both you and my son are."

That Lex couldn't ignore, and he choked on the irate gasps. "Dad!!"

Clark didn't answer his lover, but choked on the laughter as he grinned at Lionel. "Yep. Cock sucker, all the way. I've been told I've got the lips for it by certain people," Knowing glance at Lex.

It was on the tip of Dominic's tongue to make a particularly evil little joke, but he refrained at the last moment. He didn't want Lex going all crazy psycho, not today at least, as he was having a particularly fabulous day. So he just grinned, and rolled his eyes. "Yes. I'm a cock sucker, you bastards. However, I'm quite proud of my title, and don't refer to it as cock sucking. Actually... I prefer pole eating. Stick snuggling. Fellatio Constantly Interruptus."

"You most certainly do, but I don't want to see those lips wrapped around anyone's cock but mine... and occasionally Whitney's." Slid his hand inside Clark's shirt at that, rubbing lightly over smooth skin. "Dom... please. I don't want to hear this."

"Pole eating? Stick snuggling?" Lionel just blinked at his lover. "What happened to plain old cocksucking?"

"Oh, and I want to hear about Clark blowing Whitney?" Dominic glared in the rear view mirror, even as he smirked at his lover. "I was just teasing. I havena called it those things in my life. Though... you know, the cock sucking thing, that's a tough one. Because there are times when, you know, it isna really cock sucking. Its... well, we aren't going to talk about that so soon to the dinner hour. Lex, Clark, look out the window." They had just started to cross a bridge, that curved and turned down off the highway and into the main part of Dublin. "There's Dublin. You can see Trinity College and Hallaster Park on the left.... the book of Kells is there. And we're about to enter the city... its just so lovely, indeed."

Clark looked past his lover and looked out the window, breathing out a soft breath. "Wow. Its… wow. I've never seen anything like this."

There were trees, old, well kept buildings, towering sky scrapers... but it was done in a way, a classy way, that the united states could never, in a million years, master. "Wow."

"Let's not ever discuss that with each other, dinner hour or not. What do you say?" Lex stayed snuggled tightly against his lover, and turned to look out the same window as Clark. "Wow is right."

The majesty of the old buildings was unmistakable, and Lex could tell that they'd been built and created not by architects paid to do a job but by artisans proud of their craft. That was the difference that he noticed immediately, and he dragged his fingertips lightly down the window. "It's amazing."

"Indeed it is." And at that, Dominic beamed. "Most of Ireland is like this, though not with quite such majesty, of course. I'm sure you'll enjoy Cobh, Lex, with all of your interest in architecture. The homes have been there since the great potato famine. Some, as much as three hundred and fifty years. The port that's still used today housed the Lusitania, the people of the Titanic, and was both a naval base for the English Queen's arm in the early twenties, but where the Irish immigrants set sail from throughout most of the last century or two." Dominic looked in the mirror. "There's a majesty about the place that I'm sure you'll like." He followed the highway exit off into the city and sighed, softly, as he shifted in his chair and began to weave among cars.

"I'm suddenly regretting the fact that I've left my sketchbook at home," he pouted. "Even though I haven't touched it in years."

Dominic smiled, anyway, and took a left, then a right, honking the horn one more time before he found the restaurant. He nodded, muttering to himself as he took the nearest left to the little road behind the buildings it was in, and they found themselves in a tiny parking lot. "Christ. Now I know why Margee wasna a bit tentative about giving us the SUV. An SUV in Dublin, indeed." he growled softly and parked, as best he could, in a narrow little spot, and heaved in a breath.

Lionel patted his lover's shoulder. "I have faith in you, Dominic. You can pilot this great beast all over the island without a worry in the world, and do it quite safer than many others out on the road."

Lex pursed his lips and made little kissy noises as his father talked, and he squeezed Clark's hand tightly again.

Dominic flicked his step son, and used it to cover the kiss he pressed against his lover's mouth. "Minty kisses." He whispered, softly, giving his lover another nip on the lips before smiling and pulling the keys out of the ignition. "Come on, laddies. Its only adrizzling over here, a bit."

"Thank God." Clark squeezed Lex's hand, too, but softly, and let go to open the SUV door and slide out. It was drizzling, quietly, but he was sure his hair couldn't be salvaged any sort of way, so he just sighed, and tried to fluff it down a little.

Lex slid out beside his lover, and kept a grip on Clark's arm, to let Lionel and Dominic fall a few steps ahead of them. "Clark... I didn't mean to upset you or offend you earlier. You know that, right?"

Lionel gave the same exasperated sigh, and shook his damp hair out in the drizzle as he took Dominic's elbow firmly, and started steering him towards the restaurant door.

"Have I become the seeing blind now, or something?" Dominic glared, even as he squeezed his lovers elbow, and snuggled him closer to him.

"A little." Clark said, softly, after a moments thought. "I'm just thinking. Don't take it personally, okay?" He slid his fingers into Lex's, and followed Dom and Lionel, a few steps in front of them.

"No, we are giving Lex and Clark their privacy to discuss whatever it is they're discussing," Lionel said firmly, but he relaxed his grip on Dominic's arm and pulled him in closer.

Lex kept his pace with his lover, fingers squeezing tightly. "I have to take it personally; you're personal to me." He squeezed again, and then brushed a kiss across Clark's knuckles.

"So, you mean, trying to be the doting father and step father without being obvious about it?" Dominic nodded, wanly. "I remember being young, unfortunately." Wisely said, though with hardly a straight face. "They can talk later. Food, Lex! Step on it, already, laddie!"

Clark just smiled, quietly, and squeezed back without answering, even as he pressed a kiss to his lovers temple. "We're coming. Wow, there are a lot of people out."

"Its coming on Friday night, love." Was all Dominic said, even as he led them in through the heavy oaken doors of the restaurant.

It was filled with people, to brimming, and he sighed softly. "Let's hope there might be a table for us, now, indeed." The restaurant was just as Dominic had said. Dimly lit, very nicely decorated with private tables shrouded in their own lights from lovely lamps. The waiters flowed through the tables like water, and there was cheerful laughter, jovial singing from a rowdy group in the corner, and many a couple.

"Bite me, Dominic!!" But the aroma of home-cooked food floating out the doors and windows was too enticing to resist, and Lex allowed himself to be put off and concentrated instead on the food smells coming out, and despite himself, his stomach growled. "We're coming! And it smells delicious."

Lionel said nothing, and held the heavy door open for Clark and his son. As Clark walked through, Lionel put his hand on Clark's arm and gave him a quick look of concern, but didn't say anything as Clark passed him and Lex entered the establishment. There was a little cloud of rich cigar smoke in the air, and Lionel patted his pocket carefully to make sure his own cigar stash was still safe.

"'alo mates, we'come t' Kin's 'ire. Wha'mi'te I be geddin' yer tebl' fer?" The host smiled, quietly, at the four very well dressed gentlemen who'd just entered, and began to lift leather-bound menus.

"Four, please." Dominic answered, and leaned in a little. "Could we have a quiet table, sir? As quiet and hidden away as possible, please."

"Yes, sir." The host nodded and motioned for them to follow him.

Lionel followed his lover and the host, his eyes flickering around the busy restaurant and taking in the surroundings and the large, heaping plates of food on each table, along with the oversized drink pitchers and generous glasses.

Lex's grip tightened on Clark's arm. "You're all right, aren't you?" A cold, ugly shiver of fear slid in his veins. Clark had fallen asleep, with Lex still buried inside him several nights before, and while Lex had made sure to pull himself out quickly afterwards... he couldn't help the tight knot that suddenly seemed to fill his gullet.

Clark just nodded at his lover, and smiled, softly. "I'm okay. I'm serious, okay?" Though he felt the echo of the shudder from his lover, he gentled his fingers on Lex's and brought them to his lips tightly and quietly. "Here's our table… look. Nice and quiet. Lets sit." He slid into the seat the host offered him, smiling as he sank down onto the thick, comfortable cushion.

Dominic smiled as well, though he was aware of something going on with Clark and Lex both. He stayed quiet, just accepting his menu graciously, as he settled into his own chair. "Ah...lets see, what will you be havin' for drink? Clark?"

"I'd like.. a soda. Whatever you have that's orange. And..." A sly glance at Dominic. "A Guinness."

"Pint, Ale, or Lager?" The host asked.

Clark looked blank for a moment… blinking... then remembered something from his favorite movie ever, and smiled. "Pint, please."

Dominic's lips curved. "A lager for me, please, and a spot of pre dinner tea."

The knot in Lex's stomach didn't loosen in the least. He sat down beside Clark, ready to do everything but rip Clark's brain out of his head to see if what he was so, so afraid of was happening again. Didn't hear Clark's drink order, didn't hear Dominic's, didn't hear his father's.

Lionel perused the choices carefully. "Ah, yes. I'll have a pint also, and two glasses of Glenfidditch, one for myself and one for my son." He nodded towards Lex when it became apparent that he wasn't going to speak up for himself.

Lex didn't hear it at all, so focused was he on Clark, trying to figure out what was wrong with him, figure out a way to get inside and see.

Clark waited, for at least ten seconds, until the Host had disappeared to give their waiter the drink orders, before he looked at his lover, and spoke, very quietly. "I'm not pregnant again, Lex. Stop freaking out."

Yes, well. Those words choked Dominic from speaking, and he bit his lip, tightly.

"This is exactly how you were acting before, Clark, and you said that nothing was wrong with you." Lex kept his voice low, so that it wouldn't carry out of their table. "I don't want to come home to finding you nearly dead in a pool of your own blood again."

Clark just shook his head, ignoring him for a moment as he looked over his menu. "I know if I'm not right, Lex. I'm fine. I swear to you, I'm definitely alright. I'd know by now if I was, because I'd feel weird. But I don't. I feel like a slightly annoyed version of myself."

Lex slammed his hand down on the table. "You wouldn't admit to feeling weird before; why would I think you'd admit to it now?" A glare that seemed angry, but was in fact fueled by intense fear. "For all I know, you're sitting there and telling me everything is fine so that I don't worry and in the morning, I'm going to wake up and find you dead!"

Dominic... he winced, quietly, and looked down at his menu, for fear of seeming like he was intruding, and didn't say anything as he looked at the words that made no sense.

"Lex. Stop making a scene, alright? We've made enough of them in Smallville, I don't want more halfway across the world." Clark said, very quietly, very evenly. "Its not that I wouldn't admit it… its that I didn't understand. Now I do. And I don't feel like that, so stop freaking out."

Lionel had no such problem with sitting up and listening. When Clark said that, Lionel looked at his son. "Lex... enough. Listen to Clark. If you respect him, listen to him and trust him not to lie to you." Hard, hard glare to his son. "If Clark isn't insulted, I am on his behalf; you're calling him a liar in front of his family and people he respects; stop it."

Lex ignored his father. "I'm not making a scene, dammit, I'm trying to find out what's the deal with you!" He kept his voice low again, this time by an act of sheer willpower. "I think I have a right to freak out."

Clark agreed with Lionel, completely, and he looked at him in gratitude a moment before locking his eyes back on Lex. "Yes, you do." Calmly, evenly, quietly. "You have every right to freak out. But you should also trust me. After everything we fought about back home, you still don't get it, Lex. I would never lie to you, never cover anything up. If you think I am, or I have, it wasn't intended."

"I do trust you, Clark, and yes, I do get it, but I'm here to tell you that when I see the same situation happening a second time, keeping in mind what happened the first? Yes, I'm going to be a little bit more paranoid than I usually am about it. Call me an insensitive jackass, but I'm not quite ready to lose you or another child right at the moment."

"Alexander." Lionel's voice was deadly quiet, and it cut through Lex's tirade like a knife. "Be silent. Now."

Lex's mouth snapped closed in offended silence as he glared at his father, unable to completely disrespect this man despite the years of animosity between them.

Clark was so angry that such raw emotions had been brought to the surface that he was almost shaking with fury, and he took deep, silent breaths for a moment or two, to get himself back under control, before he hissed, "Do you think I'd be so completely stupid, so incredibly fucking dumb and irresponsible, to even risk getting pregnant and losing another baby? Do you think, hey, Clark's only nineteen, he doesn't understand? Don't you know I live my life, every day, waking up in terror and wondering if today will be the day when I start feeling strange, and have my body ripped open and a child I made with the love we share die in my arms?" All said very quietly, very evenly, and very calmly, though the anger was quaking in his voice. "No, Lex. If I even remotely thought I was pregnant again, I would have fucking told you the instant I started feeling weird, and not hide it like a child."

Dominic was just wincing, with each cursed word and snarled sentence, and he all but wanted to hide under his lovers arm.

Lionel wondered, briefly, when he'd gone from being a business man to a relationship counselor, because his relationship was not on the most solid of ground itself on occasion. "Clark, Alexander, I'm going to ask you both to shut up, stop talking, and consider for a moment. Lex, I want you to think about what Clark just said to you, and I don't want to hear you say a single thing. Clark, what I want you to consider is, don't you think Lex has a right to be irrationally worried, considering what we all walked into the last time? I'm not saying he is right or wrong in what he's done, only that there is a solid reasoning for him to feel this way. Excessive, yes, I won't deny that, but valid nonetheless. That's what I want you both to consider."

Clark grit his teeth, tightly, the sound almost grinding audibly, as he glared down at his menu. He was tired of fighting, tired of all of it. He just wanted things to go back to the way they were, but it was so hard. Their niche was gone, even the temporary one was gone, and Clark felt... out of sorts with his lover. He just let his eyes fall to half mast, as he took a quiet, and silent, breath, the third one of the evening, to calm himself. "I'm sorry, Lex. I didn't mean to make your feelings feel unjustified."

Lex just glared at his father until a receiving a silent nod, and he took that as permission to speak. "I'm sorry too, Clark, I just... I don't know what I'd do if that happened again. I came so close to losing you before, and the idea of it makes me crazy. And not in the good way." He put his hand on Clark's tense leg under the table. "I can't lose you, Clark."

"I don't want to leave you. But you have to trust me. You have to. I'm not so much younger than you, Lex. Sure, you've got all of the parties and booze under your belt, but I've got things I've battled, powers I've learned, and people I've lost under mine. So you just have to trust me, and take me as your equal. Because I'm not your equal right now. I'm just Clark, your teenage lover." He looked up at Lex, then. "I'm not a teenager anymore, Lex, as much as my body says so. I'm not. And I don't want to be treated like one anymore. I'm sick of being told I don't know what I'm talking about, or that what I'm saying is a lie. I'm sick of being treated, by everyone, like I'm more inferior than them." He closed his eyes for a moment. It was something he'd battled with all of his life, the simple unfairness of life, and what it brought. The unfairness that he be treated differently. "I'm different. But I'm not so different, Lex." A quiet sigh. "I'm sorry. Maybe they're just my frustrations."

Dominic spoke up then, quietly. "Life is very unfair, Clark. Very, very unfair. All you can do... is live with it, and love the people around you, without picking at them over every single little thing." He tipped his head quietly, and when he wasn't screamed at, continued. "Lex worries because he loves you. And, being a Luthor, reacts in the same way all of them do--hostility and aggression. Fear is just an emotion they forgot to learn how to show, love."

Lionel sat back then, and pulled out one of his cigars, lighting it in satisfaction. He was quite proud of the results of his facilitation, and he offered the cigar to his lover without a word.

Lex gave a quiet nod. "You're right. I'm sorry. I do still think of you as a young teenager. But I'm trying not to. Not that it helps, but I'm trying. I'm trying to think of you as an adult, because I know you're ready to make the transition yourself. That's what the clothes were about, not trying to change you. Just... help you be grown up. I'm sorry if it went too far." He watched in disbelief as his father lit up, but then turned his attention back to his lover. But before he could say anything else, Dominic started speaking, and he kept his mouth shut, waiting for Clark's reaction.

Clark nodded, quietly, and swallowed tightly, as he looked down. "I'm sorry." He was just so tired of fighting. So very tired. He didn't say anything else, and swallowed again.

"Yeah, Lex, love. Great show, that. Insensitive jackass. Why didn't you just take him into the city to shop?" Dominic raised a brow. "That's how your father coerces me into letting him buy me things." He took a drag from the cigar, and sighed, softly, letting the smoke out through his nose. "You buy him things, he can't say no. That's good. You burning his wardrobe to the ground and bringing in stylists to tell him how bad he looks? That's baaaad."

"Dominic?" Lionel said it softly. "Don't irritate the situation further," he continued.

"No, it's quite all right," Lex said, and his voice had a touch of frost to it. "He's already made it clear he thinks of me as a stupid little boy, and nothing more." He dismissed everything else from his mind, and picked up his menu, scanning over the unfamiliar dishes to make his choice for dinner.

Dominic leaned over, after handing the cigar back to his husband, and leaned over the table, tapping the menu down so Lex would look at him. "You're my step son. I love you, dearly. You're not stupid, my love. Indeed, you're quite an intelligent boy, just... you're very young. I forget sometimes just how young. But I do love you, and you know that, so don't try and convince yourself otherwise." He let up on the menu then, and looked down at his, once more.

Lex ignored it, and raised his menu back up, studying the lamb dishes with much more scrutiny than was necessary.

Lionel sighed, and offered the cigar to Clark. "What do you think you'll have tonight, young man?"

Dominic got through to him. Finally. He all but cheered, even as he turned the page and kept looking.

Clark's throat was very tight, the swelling in his heart almost unbreathable, and under the table, he found his lovers hand, and squeezed it, tightly, in his own. Didn't say anything for a moment, just looking for his voice and finally cleared it softly. "I don't know, yet."

Lex locked his fingers with Clark and squeezed them as hard as he could, holding them tightly and for dear life, not saying anything either as he kept just staring blankly at his menu.

"Well, if you find you like the taste of the pint, there's a ale-basted beef roast that you might enjoy," he said diplomatically. "Has Lex introduced you to lamb and veal yet?"

Dominic bit his lip. Tightly, for that.

Alright, he couldn't help it. "He's lived on a farm for sixteen years, Lionel."

Clark gave a little smile, but for that, it was a small one, even if it was amused, and he rubbed his cheek with the heel of his hand. "Had both, before. I've had pretty much everything but bugs."

"Mmm… you know... you might enjoy the quail. Its served as a breast, with a thick cream sauce... almost like the a thickened chicken broth. Its delicious, and that's probably what I'm to have."

Clark thought for a moment. "That sounds good, too. Beef roast sounds good too, though." A glance at his lover. "What are you going to have?" Quietly, his fingers squeezing Lex's again, tightly.

Lionel gave his lover a glare. "Despite that, I find it hard to believe that baby lamb in mint sauce and tender veal cutlet in marinara sauce are staples in the Kent family menu." He huffed softly, but buried the smile under his beard. "If you cared for the lamb, you could try the mutton rack with mint and whiskey."

Lex shook his head. "I don't know; I haven't decided yet." His fingers were still tight around Clark's, and they hadn't let go their grip. "The quail sounds good, but so does the rack of lamb."

"Eh. We raise those animals, Lionel. I've had them as pets. I'd rather not eat my pets." Clark said, grinning cause he'd caught the smile, and his cheeks rose in a soft blush. "My mom makes cutlets actually, in tomato basil sauce. Really, really good. I think... I'm gonna have the quail, though."

Dominic bat his eyes innocent-like at his lover, and shut his menu. "And I. With...a thick roasted potato, indeed."

"I was going to ask about that... there's a lot of potatoes on this menu. Do they grow them here, or something?"

Dominic choked and just about died laughing.

Lionel was proud of his lover for not mentioning Bessie. It might have been a world's record, in fact, for the longest time Dominic had gone without insulting Jonathan. Instead, he cleared his throat. "Ah. Yes. They do grow them here, Clark. It's their primary crop, and the reason that many Irish families migrated to the United States in the early 1900s, because of the great potato famine. The crops were lost, rotted, there were no ways to support their families here, and so they immigrated to the United States, where they hoped to find jobs and food for themselves and their families."

Lex didn't say anything, just shot Dominic a very evil glare for laughing at his lover.

Clark bit his lip, tightly, and his blush rose, softly, though it was in amusement. "It... was a joke, guys."

Dominic was still cracking up, and hooted all the louder for Lex's glare.

"I knew it was," Lex said softly. "It's why I didn't lecture." The glare transferred itself to his father.

Lionel shrugged it off. "I'm sorry, Clark. I didn't realize you were joking."

And his brow rose, at his lover, in amusement as he wiped at his teared eyes behind his glasses. "Oh, darling, don't look at me so. I still think he's a cow fucking bastard."

Lionel just sighed. "And you were going for a record, too."

Clark grinned at Lionel, to show he hadn't taken it seriously, and glanced at Dominic with amusement of his own. "My dad's not so bad. Alright, maybe he is, but that's a whole other conversation. I'm gonna have… rice, and a roasted potato too, that sounds good."

It was right in that moment that Sheila Moonahan stopped at their table, and smiled. "Hallo, welcome to King's Hire." She set the tray down, with their drinks, including a pitcher of ale to refill all they wanted, in the center of their table. "I'm Sheila, and I'm to be your hostess for this evening. How might I serve?"

When the others didn't say anything, he took the lead in ordering, to show them just what kind of questions would be asked and the like. "Evening, Sheila. I'd like the quail... finely broiled, mm? Roasted potato, for a side." Dominic said, and motioned at Clark. "He'd... like the same, correct?" At Clark's nod he continued. "The same, finely broiled, and the same side, as well as rice. Garlic Biciot, if you've got it."

"We do, sir." Sheila was writing it all down quickly. "Would you both like the soup of the day?"

"And it is?"

"Vegetables and Chicken Miniottes."

"Oh, lovely." Dominic nodded. "I'd like it, please." When Clark nodded, he smiled. "Make that two."

"Wonderful." Sheila smiled. "And you both, sirs?" She asked of the hairless, as well as the older, gentlemen.

Lionel closed his menu. "I'd like the braised lamb in mint sauce please, and yes, the potato is just fine to go with it. The soup would be lovely, and if you have it, I'd like a small loaf of dark rye bread with sweet cream butter."

Lex put his own menu to the side, suddenly finding himself not very hungry despite the appealing aromas wafting out of the kitchen. "I'll have the Guinness-basted beef roast, with a vegetable kabob, grilled please, and that'll be all."

"No soup, Lex?" Lionel asked.

"No, thank you. That's all for me."

Sheila nodded, and smiled. "It'll be ten minutes, sirs. The gentlemen from table four over there," She motioned over her shoulder at a group of business men sitting under a window, who all raised their hands in hello. "Asked for appetizers to be served for you. Fried soda bread, smoked shrimpettes and beef kabobs in a light sauce, free of charge, as well as our house wine." She took the tall bottle of red wine from the center of the table, where she'd set the drinks in the traditional circle, and carefully, and quickly, with the skilled hands of a waitress, popped the cork and set it, and the towel folded around it, on the table top. "Enjoy yourselves. I'll be back in a moment with your appetizers."

Dominic's eyes had widened when she'd said gentlemen, and had hardly wanted to look, but he did.

Fuck. Business partners.




"Lionel, if you go over there and strike up a deep conversation with them, I'll divorce you."

Clark turned to look over his shoulder, quietly, in interest. "Heeey. Look, Lex. He's got a mullet. Cool. Its like looking into the eighties, only its Ireland and its probably in style."

Dominic snorted, quietly. "Yeah, right. In style my blond ass."

Lionel chuckled softly. "I have no intention of striking up any kind of conversation with them, Dominic. In depth or otherwise. I'll speak to them a bit later in the night before they leave, thanking them politely, but as you--and they--can plainly see, I am with my family tonight on a personal outing, and they can, quite frankly, go straight to hell."

Dominic, his green eyes glinting in happiness, beamed at his lover, dimples winking on. "Really?"

"Really," Lionel confirmed, catching the eye of one of the men at the table, nodding in acknowledgement, and then turned his attention back to the table.

"You know, Lionel," Dominic said, quietly, partially just for his ears only, as he took his lovers hand atop the table, and squeezed it, before linking their fingers. "After all this time, you can still surprise me."

Lionel gave his lover a small smile. "That's good to know; I like not being predictable. It adds spice to life."

Dominic returned the smile, and maybe he had adoration in his eyes, but he wasn't about to admit it to anyone, as he squeezed Lionel's hand. "I love you, husband."

Lionel leaned over just enough to press a quick kiss to his lover's mouth. "I love you, little cricket."

"Okay. Mandatory aweee." Clark, immensely cheered by the open display of affection for some reason, just about positively beamed. "You guys are just way too cute for your own good."

Lionel just chuckled softly, and turned his attention back to the two young men. "We are not... cute. In any sense of the word."

"Yeah right. That's what you think." He smiled, blushing softly, only stopping his words as the waitress set the appetizers down, and then piped up again. "You guys are so sweet you make my teeth ache. But that's your charm. That's what holds you both together. You guys really, truly, love one another. I guess you don't see it, but I do, and I'm sure Lex does. Its an inspiration."

Now it was Dominic's turn to blush softly, though he didn't say anything.

Lex just nodded quietly, still holding onto Clark's hand tightly with both of his own. "I see it. And Clark's right, it is slightly charming."

Lionel took it all in stride. "You should take a look at yourself, Clark, and if you did, you'd see that what Dominic and I have with each other is nothing compared to what you and Lex share." He said it softly, but firmly. "I don't want to see either of you lose that."

"Neither do I." Dominic said, just as softly. "You need to take care of it, because if you don't, it'll whither and decay. There's nothing sadder than watching a relationship you treasure die, and that can't, and shouldn't, happen to you. Nurture, and take care, because you can't take for granted what you have. I'm sure your father and myself are prime examples of it."

Lex just swallowed hard, and tightened his grip on Clark's hand, squeezing so hard that if Clark had been human, it would have been painful. He was terrified, to his core, of just that, and if his father and Dominic were seeing it, then Clark had to be slipping through his fingers, and he just looked down.

"Lex... hush, baby." Dominic shook his head. "Dunna take it the wrong way, my love. Its not like that, at all. Clark loves you. Its painfully obvious in every way. He's so attached to you he's your fifth appendage. Do as Clark tells you, and trust. Because if you don't trust, you go to weekly therapy, like your da' and I." A little rueful grin at his lover, though it was full of love.

"We're thinking of doing that anyway," Lex said softly, and he still didn't let go of Clark's hand.

"Really?" His brows rose, though he wasn't surprised at all. "Who are you thinking about going to?"

"We haven't decided yet; we just agreed on it a few days ago. We..." He looked up then. "We wanted to talk to you and Dad first."

Clark nodded, swallowing softly. "We're pretty screwed up, you know." He looked down at the pint in front of him, as if realizing he had it, and took a sip. Loved it. And took another, as he unfolded his napkin on his lap.

Dominic thought, for a moment, before nodding. "What do you need to ask?"

"Who you recommend. What we should tell. If we should tell anything at all." He looked over. "Clark suggested his father, and I think it's a good idea, because he knows everything."

Lionel gave a polite little cough to cover the vicious kick he gave his lover's shin. "I don't think that Jonathan would be the right choice, Lex. He has proven to be... shall we just leave it at less than tolerant, in the past."

Dominic's eyes widened, he scowled at his lover, and just... rolled his eyes. "They're not talking about Jon, dolt. I think you just kicked my leg into my ass. No sex, ever again, bastid."

Clark's lips twitched, quietly.

His glare smoothed, and he just… he sighed. "You have to find someone you trust, completely. Someone you're comfortable with. I... well. I think... if you feel that its a good decision... talk to Elaine, the therapist who helps Lionel and I. She knows all of our dirty secrets, even the highly illegal ones. She knows everything, and not once has she in any way hurt us for knowing, in all the years I have been going, and Lionel has been going."

"This is a little different than illegal activity, Dominic. For all we know, she could think Clark's seriously disturbed and attempt to have him committed to an institution, and I won't allow that to happen."

Dominic shook his head, and tried to find better words. "She's a very open minded woman. Though, if you think it might not be a good idea, then we'll look for someone." He stopped for a moment, and looked up at Lionel, helplessly, for help.

For once, Lionel didn't have advice to give. "I think...," he said carefully, "...that Elaine might benefit you both a great deal. However, I also share, and understand, Lex's reservations about this. It's not that he doesn't trust Elaine, it's that he doesn't trust anyone with a secret like this, and well he shouldn't. Too many people know it already, for my comfort at least."

"Not as many as you think." Clark said, softly. "Chloe and Whitney. Pete and Shay. My parents. And you guys." Clark nodded, crookedly, and tipped his head. "And probably Ms. Bird, by now. But that's it, no one else even has a clue." His throat bobbed. "And... and we'd have to find someone, very, very trustworthy, to know about me. Because... yeah. Asylum."

"And what about Mr. Wayne and his young friend?" Lionel asked softly. "That's six more people than I'm comfortable with knowing what's going on." He sighed. "I would recommend Elaine were it not for your specialness."

"Bruce knows because I saved his sorry carcass." Clark snarled, and then winced and swallowed, hard. "Sorry. I hate the bastard." Another breath. "But. He's helping me… making me... a suit." He nodded, and let his throat bob. "You know. Like Batman's. So... I'm not too worried about that. He and Dick will keep my secret." A wince. "And Lex's new assistant knows, because Bruce sent him."

"Fuck," Lionel swore softly. "Lex, why--"

"Because Mr. West is just as special as Clark is, in his own way. Have you heard of the Flash?"

"Keystone City? Yes, I have." Lionel's brow suddenly smoothed out. "Ah. I understand. Mr. West and Bruce are both special individuals." Nobody ever said Lionel Luthor was a stupid man.

Clark nodded, quietly. "Yes, they are. Very special. Which is why they know, and they're helping me. This Diana woman, too, but I haven't met her, yet." He just...he sighed, and rubbed his cheek softly. "Come on, guys. Lets eat."

Dominic was very quiet, taking it in. None of the joking demeanor was here now, as he listened, trying to think of some kind of solution for his step son.

Lionel settled back in his chair and picked up several pieces of the soda bread, putting it on the small appetizer plate and crunching it carefully.

Lex picked up his glass and took a drink, nodding in appreciation before holding it out to Clark, offering a drink of it to him. The appetizers made his stomach turn, and he just shook his head silently as they were offered to him.

Clark took a sip of it, smiling a little, and nodded.

And Dominic watched them, quietly, settled back with his lover, as his step son and Clark interacted. The way they moved around one another, the way they were careful to help one another, even if it was handing over a napkin, or stopping a bit of beef from falling off a fork. It was beautiful, much like he and Lionel did, and he smiled, just a little, up at his lover, with the very thing he was thinking in his eyes.

Lex took one of the empty wineglasses from the table and filled it from his larger glass, and set it by his lover's elbow with a little smile, and took Clark's hand in his again, squeezing tightly as he took a sip from Clark's pint mug.

Lionel nodded quietly in acknowledgement of his lover's observation, and then observed the situation himself. Much of the jovial mood they'd had before was gone, driven out by the serious nature of the personal business they'd had to conduct. Sometimes, Lionel reflected to himself, it was better to talk about business, rather than talk about pleasure.



go on to the next part