
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 233: Aushna and Sha'nauch

Clark attacked his ashimel.

And that would be literally.

No sooner had Whitney opened the door than Clark had given the bag of presents they'd brought for their sha'nauch to Lex, and literally launched himself at his ashimel. They went tumbling with a clatter of bodies hitting, limbs going each way, and Clark yelling on top of his lungs in his joy.

And there they were, sprawled on the ground, and he kissed his ashimel over and over and over and over, not stopping, a big idiot grin on his face. "My ashimel! How I have missed you!"

"Clark!!" Whitney had heard the ringing doorbell, and had beaten Chloe down the stairs to open the door.

And was then hit in the chest by a flying freight train. "You're back, Clark! I missed you. But Shayla said you guys were fucking all weekend, does that mean you guys made up? Did I say I missed you?" Whitney wrapped his legs around Clark's so that his ashimel couldn't move, and he returned the kisses with the same enthusiasm they were given.

Lex just raised an eyebrow, kicked the pile of intertwined limbs out of the way, and safely closed the front door, locking it behind him and finding a safe spot to put the bag of presents down. He shed his greatcoat next, draping it over the side of the couch, and he looked up at Chloe coming down the stairs. He felt the same urge to bowl her over, but unlike Clark, just moved over to the foot of the stairs and waited for her. "Ignore the speedbump at the bottom of the stairs," he said softly.

Chloe grinned, softly, and came easily down the steps. She was moving around much easier than she had after her accident and she just beamed, happily, laughing at Clark and Whitney screaming and yelling at one another as her fingers came around Lex's neck and hugged him hard, still standing on the second to last step. "Hi, you." She whispered softly, and kissed his neck and cheek from her vantage point, hugging him, tenderly and gently.

"I MISSED YOU!" Clark yelled, though he was so happy and he just kissed him all over again. He'd all but vibrated in his seat with the need to see his sha'nauch all through lunch, until finally Lex, accusing him of being a Mexican jumping bean, paid and let them leave. And here they were, HERE they WERE and Clark was just overjoyed as he yelled all over again, kissing his ashimels face all over, his lips, his throat, and yeah, he was barely keeping himself from ripping Whitney's clothes off and having his devilish way with him.

Lex wrapped his arms around her spreading waist and carefully swung her down, over the boys on the floor until she was standing on her feet, and he kissed her again. "Hey, you," he answered back softly, stroking his fingers over her cheek and through her hair as he pulled her down onto the couch with him, snuggling her beside him and holding her tightly. "I missed you."

Whitney kept his arms and legs wrapped around Clark, stroking his hands over Clark's back and biting and nipping his lover's full lips. "I missed you, Clark, I missed you so much." He kept stroking, rubbing, and arching against Clark as Clark pressed down against him, and he didn't even care that he was rolling around on the floor, he just didn't care.

Chloe smiled, teeth shining, eyes bright, as she held Lex close in her arms and let him hold her, just as she held him, closely. All the animosity seemed to be gone between the four of them, thank God, or else Whitney was too busy with Clark to realize...oh. Well then. She kissed Lex back, just as softly, then kissed him again, running her fingers over his sunny skin. "You gained weight." She whispered, smiling as she did so.

Clark kissed him back, over and over, then gasped, heaved, and tugged Whitney up into his arms. Time for sex in a bit. Now... he yanked Whitney along with him, snuggled so close to him they were all but appendages, and dropped to his knees, to give Chloe a very long, very soft kiss, even as Lex kissed her cheeks and temples. Dropped his head down, then, and kissed her growing tummy softly, before giving her a long embrace around the middle, cheek resting on her belly button. "Missed you."

"Missed you." Chloe murmured, softly, and ran her fingers through Clark's hair, so gently.

Lex purred softly as he returned the deep kiss she gave him, and then moved his kisses to her face, her temples, fingers pushing strands of her hair behind her ears as he kissed, and he laughed softly. "Yeah. Dominic's grandmother fed me. You should have seen the baskets of food she sent home with us. Ms. Bird won't have to cook for a month." He nuzzled her cheek again, and then slid his head so that it rested on her shoulder, tucked against the crook of her neck. "You smell so pretty."

Whitney was just grinning like an idiot, getting on his knees behind Clark and wrapping his arms around Clark's waist, resting his chest across his friend's back and his chin on Clark's shoulder, so that his cheek rubbed against Clark's.

Clark let Chloe go a moment later and thunked down on his butt, turning, and wrapping Whitney up tight in his arms and his lap. He snuggled him, beaming broadly, and kissed his cheek, his throat, his neck, and had he mentioned he wanted his ashimel right now please? Other things to talk about, first. "How are you guys? Doctor, Chloe?"

"Said I'm fine." Chloe smiled down at the two of them, and looked up into Lex's eyes, meeting them, before glancing at Whitney, and back again to Lex. Trying to tell him something? Her? Never. She smiled instead and kissed him again. "He said I shouldn't do anything too strenuous for a little while, but I've got a clean bill of health. In fact, he said I probably haven't been this healthy before, ever." A giggle.

Lex wasn't nearly as stupid as his reputation would have him be. He knew precisely what she was still worried about, and even as his fingers stroked over her swelling stomach, he smiled up at her. "I'm so glad to hear that you're all right," he said softly, kissing her cheek again. "I'm glad that you and the baby both are all right."

He shared a thought with Clark, about how worried he'd privately been that his outbursts in Ireland might have hurt Chloe and the baby again, and he shared his relief too.

Clark smiled up at his lover, gently, and then down at his ashimel, cuddled and embraced in his arms, and snuggled him close. "Want you." He murmured into the shell of a lovely ear, even as he smiled down at him. "Brought presents for you guys, first, though. Wanna see?"

Chloe smiled, broadly, up at Lex, and kissed his cheek again as she squeezed his hand on her tummy and brought him over her belly button, where the little guy had taken to shifting and sleeping against, or kicking the hell out of, and grinned up at him. "He's been moving around all day. You can feel him, sometimes... I'll tell you when he moves around."

"I want you too." Whitney nipped back at Clark's ear as he was shifted gently, and he settled in the floor. "Presents. Fucking. Gee. There's a challenge."

Lex laughed softly Whitney's comment, and left his hand resting on Chloe's stomach. He vaguely remembered doing this when he was younger, putting his hand and sometimes his ear against Lillian's stomach, to hear Julian moving around in there. He also remembered getting kicked in the ear for his trouble, and laughing as his mother laughed, and promising that he'd kick Julian back for it one day before hugging her and being sent off to bed.

"He's going to be a little hellion. At least he'll have a linebacker--"

"Quarterback, thank you very much," Whitney corrected.

"Quarterback in the family to play with and tire him out. Tell me, how old do you think he'll be before his first word is football?"

"You mean to tell me he won't be born with break pads and a helmet?" Chloe raised a brow at her ashimel in question, though her lips twitched p as she peered at the bag Lex had in his lap. "Presents. Then fucking. If you guys are gentle, I can play too." A little grin at them, a shy grin, even as she twitched. "Come on, cough up the goods."

Clark grinned, broadly, nibbling on Whitney's jaw even as he met Lex's eyes and laughed. "We played football, with Dominic's family. Kicked some ASS as I recall. Lex plays it like whoooaa." Clark grinned again, and tickled Whitney's side. "He won our game for us."

"Lex only played under duress from Crystabel," Lex reminded. "And only because she threatened not to let Clark play if I didn't."

Whitney's eyes widened. "You played football? YOU, Lex Luthor, played football? And, American football? Holy shit, I'd give my ball sac to see that game."

Lex reached over Chloe and dug through the bag and held out a camcorder tape. "Cough up your ball sac, Mr. Fordman."

"Or actually, just drop your pants." Clark murmured with a mouthful of Whitney's ear, sucking lightly, softly on it, nibbling, even as he purred and snuggled his ashimel closer in his arms, loving the feeling of him cuddling into Clark's big hug, and purred softly as he did so.

Chloe just laughed. "I was hoping you guys would tape it. I can't wait to see it… I've always wanted to go to Ireland." Big smile up at Lex, as she kissed his cheek. "I bet you were very manly, huh?"

Lex wiggled his fingers again, expecting payment, and then leaned down off the couch to kiss Whitney gently. "You get to watch me make an idiot out of myself, and then we have presents for everyone. After that?" He stroked his hand gently over Chloe's belly, and up over her chest. "We'll see."

Whitney did snuggle back into Clark's hug, but he leaned forward to accept the kiss coming from Lex. "Mmm," he said softly, and then cuddled back into Clark when Lex pulled away. "I can't wait to see this."

Chloe bit her lip, tightly, when Lex's fingers went over her sore breasts. They were bigger, fuller, uncomfortable as hell, but she'd gotten a good maternity bra and the aches were down to a minimum. Now she just looked like she was lugging around two cantaloupes on her chest, and they were doing hell for her back. But she grinned anyway, and purred softly when Lex stroked them gently, her grin speaking volumes when he and Whitney kissed.

"Its really funny, I gotta tell you. Dominic and his little self, running around like he's lost his damn mind. Lionel sitting on the sidelines... Lex, running like Gumby. And me. Giant Clark and my bad self."

Lex straightened again, sliding his hands under her fuller breasts as he gave the tape to Clark to deal with, and lifted the heavy weights gently as he could, rubbing his thumb over nipples that had gotten larger and more prominent, and part of him couldn't wait to get his mouth around them. "Poor baby," he whispered softly.

"Lex... running... like Gumby?" Whitney was cracking up as he caught the tape Lex threw at him. "GUMBY???? Lex doesn't move like Gumby!!"

Chloe bit her lip, softly, her blue eyes huge in her head as she looked up at Lex, meeting his own gaze. They ached when he touched them, but as he rubbed and stroked the pain went away, to be filled with flittering pleasure. She and Whitney had made love not even a night ago, the first time in weeks, and now she'd have her sha'nauch too, and she just sighed, softly. "Its okay...want to kiss them and make it better?" Chloe asked it with twinkling eyes, brows crinkled wickedly.

Clark looked up and caught sight of just what Lex was doing, and he purred, softly, even as he grinned down at Whitney. "He runs like he's trying to fly. Its really cute, actually." Clark's dimples winked as he kissed Whitney's eyebrow, then his nose, and murmured for him to watch Lex and Chloe.

"Mmm... more thank you know," Lex said softly, keeping his thumbs massaging the large nipples and firm globes in his hands. He leaned over, his tongue licking through her shirt to drag the fabric of her bra over the surface of her nipples.

Whitney chuckled softly, and then made a little ooo noise as he watched Lex nibbling at his girlfriend. "Mmmm."

Clark tapped his fingers against his lovers calf. "Excuse me, Mr. Luthor. Wasn't it you who said we were going to keep this clean?" Clark's eyebrows were up, even as his fingers traveled without looking over the seat of Whitney's jeans, squeezing and stroking the firm skin hidden right under denim.

Yeah, right. If Lex stopped, Chloe was throwing a fit. She heaved a trembling sigh when Lex licked through her simple t-shirt and did something very nice and oh, boy. She trembled, softly, and murmured as her fingers stroked over his bare head, finding nothing to grab onto, and instead hooked against the back of his neck, tugging him closer.

"Pretty." Clark whispered, softly, as he stroked Whitney's ass gently, just watching.

Lex ignored Clark's tapping on his calf, kicking out gently as he slipped his hands under Chloe's shirt and pushed it up, licking over the bra again and making the fabric scrape over the nipple again. He felt her fingers on the back of his head and guided one up to the knob on the back of his head and let the other pull him in closer, sucking the nipple and the bra in his mouth together.

Whitney's ass wiggled gently against Clark's hand, giving a little moan as he got himself situated in Clark's lap, pushing down against his cock.

Oh, God. Chloe gave a tremble, then another one, leaning back against the couch even as she gasped, "Whitney's room. Big bed. Come on...oh, God, Lex," She jerked even as his fingers slid under her shirt, and it embarrassed her, in a deep part of herself, that she wasn't the skinny woman she'd once been, she tried to keep her big shirt down as much as possible, even as Lex slid over her breasts and made her jump and mewl. He was sucking like a pro and she moaned softly, even as her fingernails lightly scratched along the back of the bump. "Lex... Lex, ashimel, please." Whimpered, very softly.

Clark himself purred, quietly, even as he bucked Whitney up and climbed to his feet. "Let's go. Whitney, lock the front door, okay?" He pushed his ashimel gently towards the front hall, even as his fingers stroked over Lex's bare head as well. "Come on, aushna'."

Lex glared up at the shirt, and then felt Clark's fingers skating across the back of his head, and he stood up. He pulled Chloe up with him, nibbling her ear as he heard the metallic clink of the deadbolt being thrown and the shades pulled down, and he let her go long enough to let her climb the stairs without being hurt.

Whitney was surprised to find himself on his feet, and he balanced himself against the wall gently as he reached out and locked the door, throwing the deadbolt and chaining the chain lock as well, and then turned back towards Clark and licked his fingers as they slid over Lex's head.

Clark murmured his joy, even as he took Whitney's hand in his and gently brought him close. "No sex. Making love. I have missed my sha'nauch, have not had you for so long." His fingers gently stroked over Chloe's face, then Whitney's shoulder, and he hugged his ashimel gently in his arms. "We'll need blankets. Some towels, too, and lube. We will take care, because we love. Come on... Lex, you've got Chloe?" Clark asked, as he stroked over her blond hair getting long in the back, her beautiful, heaving breasts, down her soft, warm tummy.

Whitney wound his arms around Clark's torso as he touched Chloe. "Blankets I already have; some from my old room, and the ones Mr. Sullivan lets me use. Towels are in the bathroom and lube we have tons of." He rubbed his chest against Clark's.

Lex pulled Chloe close to him. "I've got Chloe," Lex said softly, kissing her hair and rubbing their cheeks together as he looped his arms above her stomach and pulled her close.

Clark just... just beamed. Beamed. He grabbed the bag with the presents, which there was tons of, and started up the stairs, with Whitney in his arms. He nuzzled his lover, gently, over and over, and kissed his nose, his throat, as he whispered, "We have so much to tell you, ashimel. First, this. We need it. I missed my sha'nauch so much." Another warm kiss as he let Whitney lead him, looking back once every few moments to check on Chloe and Lex.

Whitney half turned as he started up the stairs, making sure that half of him was constantly in contact with Clark as they fumbled up the steps. "Don't care about presents, you're the best present ever, missed you so much, haven't been with you in forever, missed you so." He started sliding his hands under Clark's shirt and pulling him up.

Lex's hands slid over Chloe's stomach, stroking warmly, nibbling and nuzzling her neck. "Come on, beautiful girl, come on." He pulled her slowly up the steps, kissing and whispering encouragements. "I've missed you so."

Clark gently let Whitney lead the way, and when they entered his bedroom, Clark took over. he gently deposited his lover on the sheets, carefully, and closed the door behind Lex and Chloe, locking it. He put the night light on and doused the shades, leaving them in partial darkness. With a blink of his eye he lit the candles that still sat on the guest room dresser, the night table, and the desk, before slipping into Whitney's bathroom. From there he took the towels, moistened a few hand towels, and put them under his arm, before looking over himself.

His crotch was bulging.

The bathroom door closed quietly behind him, and he set the towels on the trunk at the end of the bed, and smiled, warmly. "Get the lube, Whitney?" He turned the sheets of the bed down, and stepped forward, gently, lowering his head to kiss Chloe's lips, softly. The feel of her snug, wet, hot channel brought back a flood of delicious, beautiful memories and he murmured, softly, as he brought her in as close as he could, with her belly.

Oh. Oh, yes. Chloe's fingers stroked through Clark's, gently, rubbing his silky locks in her fingertips even as she rose up, for his kisses. He was so good at doing just *that* and she purred, loudly and softly, murmuring her joy and her pleasure as his fingers slid down her back and over her backside.

Lex stayed out of Clark's way, for the moment, sitting on the edge of the bed and staying pressed close to her and letting his hands slide back to her breasts and his thumb stroking over her nipples.

Whitney obediently rolled off the bed, and went across to the dresser, pulling the big tube of slick lube out of the top drawer and tossing it onto the bed, and then pulled another, smaller tube of the same kind out and tossing it onto the bed as well as he slid back onto the bed. To his surprise, he found Lex waiting for him, and he wrapped his arms around Lex's long back and rubbed his cheek against a pale, strong shoulder.

Clark finished kissing her, gently, and tugged his wallet out. In it were three condoms, and he set them carefully on the chest, beside the lube, and looked up quietly at the three of them. He slipped, carefully, down onto his knees, and gently took Chloe's hand so she could stand. Her little linen work out shorts came down, and with her grasp on his shoulder, he was able to slip them off her feet and down onto the floor. She sat down again, carefully, and he slid forward, just a little, spreading her knees and burying his face between her sweet, lovely thighs.

She gave a gasping shriek, mouth falling open as her head fell backward, and she arched her hips up quickly, giving a loud, hard keening sound. She wailed, softly, rubbing herself against Clark's suddenly very strong, very busy mouth and threw her head back to let out another harsh sound. "Clark!"

Lex leaned back and nodded against Whitney, rubbing his face against the boy's, but rose to his feet and stood behind Chloe, accepting her weight against his body and rubbing her nipples between his fingers as supported her, his head leaning over her shoulder to suck on her throat and her shoulder, licking little trails down her back.

Whitney got on his knees behind Clark, flattening himself on the floor and swiping his tongue up, licking between Clark's cheeks as he sought out the tight starburst.

Chloe moaned, loudly and yet softly at the same time, and spread her thighs further to Clark's very, very delicious mouth. Another aching whimper, a heaved sigh as she squealed and rubbed against her beautiful lovers mouth. He was so good at it now that she'd showed him what to do, and she wailed again, louder, as she grasped Lex's hands on her breasts to ground herself.

Oh yeah. Heaven? Yes. Clark made some sounds as he licked and sucked, his fingers trailing over her wet lips as he stroked his tongue alone her little bunch of nerves. Whitney behind him, doing that thing and he gave a short cry into his ashikana's body as Whitney sought entrance into his body as well. He lifted up and finished yanking his jeans off, then his t-shirt, and began to lick and suck at Chloe's body again as Whitney did that thing.

Once Clark was free of denim and cotton, Whitney brought his mouth back down, licking and sucking in earnest. He nibbled his way down Clark's cheeks, spreading them gently with his fingers as he pushed his tongue between them, and then, deep into the tight little opening that waited for him. Over and over again, he teased the hole with his tongue, pushing in, flicking the tip inside, then dragging back out again as he rubbed his stubbled chin over Clark's balls.

Lex gave a pleased little noise as Chloe's hands came up to his, and he tugged her nipples just a little harder--not enough to hurt, just enough to feel good as he teased them, moving around to her side just enough to do what he'd been yearning to do since he'd come in and sucked one into his mouth, drawing on it firmly but gently, aware of the soreness and using his hands to soothe it as he sucked.

Clark gave a buck and another wail down below them. Whitney was so good at doing just that and his cry was short and fierce as he rubbed back into the attention his backside was getting. So good, so very good, and his nipples hardened tightly, his cock rubbing against his belly as his fingers rested on Chloe's thighs. His own tongue swept into her body when she gave her own cry, and he opened his eyes to look up at Lex sucking her nipples. Her belly was really beautiful... it didn't bother him in the least, and he just murmured a hello in his heart to the little baby inside as Chloe's eyes squeezed shut.

"Oh, God! OH GOD!" The soreness only made the pleasure ten times more delicious and Chloe squealed, rearing up into Clark's mouth as Lex sucked. She squeezed his hands again, wailing, and ran her fingers down her body to her clit. As Clark's mouth filled her she rubbed, hard, because orgasm was so perilously close.

Lex switched nipples, turning her slightly and moving slightly so that he could reach it, bringing the neglected one to his lips and sucking it, just as firmly as he had the first. His hands still gently rubbed and massaged the swollen mounds with tender care as he laved the hard pebble in his mouth, his clothes still on for the moment and his trapped cock rubbed against Chloe's hip as she rocked against Clark's mouth.

Whitney's tongue delved deep as it could, pushing as far into Clark as he was able before sliding back out again, nibbling and sucking the muscle rim before plunging back deep again. His own cock rubbed the carpet from his unzipped jeans, and he whimpered so that the vibrations made by his mouth would slide like water through Clark's body.

Chloe wailed. Couldn't help it. When Clark's cry vibrated through her she came, climaxing so hard she jerked back and knocked her head against Lex's shoulder. Didn't feel it, didn't CARE, just screaming in pleasure as her hips rubbed frantically against Clark's mouth. "Oh, God! OH GOD!"

Clark swallowed, hard, taking in all of her orgasm with sucks and laps, licks and nips, licking over and over even as his eyes clenched and Whitney rubbed inside of his body. Slickening him for his passage, perhaps? Clark almost sobbed in the pleasure of the idea, and he shared his fantasies with his lovers as he twitched and writhed, moaning helplessly.

Whitney gave another little noise into Clark's body, and when he pulled his tongue away, he sucked his finger wetly and then let it slide in the tight little opening where his tongue had been. Couldn't help using the other hand to land a little spank on the firm ass upturned to him as he licked Chloe clean, and he liked that. "Good boy," Whitney whispered harshly, leaning over Clark so that his chest rubbed against Clark's back. "Clean her up like a good boy." His finger pulled out and rubbed over the opening, without penetrating.

Oh, GOD! He gave a sharp cry, another one, and clenched his eyes shut as Chloe's sob of pleasure echoed up above him. Whitney, teasing, teasing BAD, but so GOOD, because Clark was always the dominant and giving it over to Whitney was delicious. He sucked and licked at Chloe's wetness, swallowing it in deeply as he cleaned her, tongue dragging over her folds and inside of her, licking and sucking even as he trembled. "Good, good boy." He whispered, shaking as he did it, and trying to rear back into the finger teasing him.

Lex held Chloe's weight against him even as he heard and felt what Whitney was saying to Clark, and he couldn't help the little grin. He leaned forward and whispered in Chloe's ear that she should do the same as Whitney, and he let go of her with one hand as he started to unbutton his shirt.

Whitney gave Clark another little pop to the ass as he rubbed his finger over the opening again, teasing without penetration. "Good boys don't work for it, Clark, they *wait* for it," he said with a husky tone to his voice.

Do the same as Whitney? Huh? She blinked dumbly, still trembling after her orgasm, and murmured her pleasure even as she tugged the sheet up over herself, to keep herself warm, purring softly as she scooted back a little from Clark's tense face. Instead hse leaned down and kissed it, gently, licking her own secretions as his eyes squeezed tight. "Shhh, baby. Soon, kay? Soon."

"I want." He whimpered to her, returning her little kisses… then wailing when Whitney flicked against a little spot and made his entire body convulse. "UH!"

"I know you want it," Whitney said quietly, and landed another loud smack to Clark's ass. "But you gotta earn it first, don't you?" Another pop, and Whitney reached with his other hand for the lube bottle, pulling his fingers away from Clark entirely for the moment. "You did good, taking care of Chloe like that. You did very good." Each compliment earned Clark a pop on the butt.

Lex let his shirt slither down his shoulders and he folded it carefully over the chair in Chloe's room, and he slid his shoes under the chair before pulling off his socks, then sliding his slacks and underwear off and folding them neatly across the chair as well. Naked now, he knelt behind Chloe again, hands sliding under the sheet to touch her, stroke gently over her swelling stomach and suck hard at her ear so that his body didn't get in the way of her seeing or Clark touching.

Chloe snuggled back against him, content now to watch, and made soft noises as she cuddled against Lex's body and ever so carefully teased him with little strokes and touches to his body. Her fingers slid down his sides, though her back was to his chest, and squeezed his thighs, ass, and hips in her hands, massaging as she watched Clark trembling in front of her. "He's so handsome, Lex. Look at him... he's even more handsome when he's waiting to be fucked. Isn't he? He looks like a Grecian god." She whispered, as her fingers found his cock.

Yeah, well, Clark didn't feel like one right now. Right at the moment he felt like... well, he didn't know what, but what he did do was move Chloe over, just a little, and leaned over further to swallow his lovers cock down his throat. Servicing his sha'nauch and aushna' was just so damn naughty and he reveled in it, sucking hard at his lovers cock as Chloe made squeaks from beside him.

"He is," Lex answered softly, and then moaned deeply when Clark swallowed him down. He slid his fingers through Clark's hair, luxuriating in the reappearance of hair long enough to grasp, and he tugged on it gently, directing Clark needlessly to suck the sensitive spots on his cock as he pulled Chloe forward so that he could kiss her. He swallowed every little squeak she made as his tongue stroked in her mouth, tasting her and touching her, and promising to give her all of his attention in moments, because she was his.

Whitney took one of the condoms out of his bedside table, so that the three Clark brought could be saved for later, and rolled one quickly down his shaft. Then he lubed himself, both cock and fingers, and stroked two lubed digits deep into Clark's ass as he sucked on Lex, and Whitney's other hand went back to popping his cheeks. "Good boy, taking care of Lex without having to be told. Good, good boy."

Clark almost choked on his lovers cock, as his cry rang through the room. Two fingers lanced into him with no warning and it was so fucking hot, his cock painting streaks on his belly as he ground backwards, bucking into the fingers even as his cheeks hollowed with each suck. He closed his eyes, tightly, groaning softly in pleasure as Chloe's fingers touched his back... then over the bump, and he screamed, on top of his lungs. Mouth being fucked, ass filled, cock hard, and the bump. He couldn't stop crying out, yelling into his lovers cock something that resembled "Fuck me!" and sucked all the harder, fingers dragging around his lovers hips and holding tight as he moved.

Lex broke away from Chloe long enough to look up at Whitney, and he pulled away from his aushna' with a deep kiss and a nod to his ashimel. Kissing Clark again and sending a quick picture of what he meant to do, Lex picked up one of the condoms for himself. Habit of course, because you couldn't get a pregnant woman pregnant, but he slid it down his cock anyway, and laid himself down on the floor, sliding under Clark so that he could reach his lover's cock, and he drew Chloe down on top of him. "Ride me?" he asked softly, eyes imploring her as his rubber-clad cock twitched slightly as it tried to reach towards her, and his fingers laced with hers. "Please?"

Whitney smoothed more lube inside of Clark's body, using a third finger to spread it deeper and wider, and then he pulled his fingers out entirely, and rubbed the slick head of the condom against Clark's opening. "Fuck you, hmm?" Whitney teased. "You want me, Clark? Tell me."

"Okay." Chloe whispered, and slid down to the floor quickly, moaning softly at Clark's strangled face, and gave him a soft kiss even as she slipped down. "I'll try...might be hard, kay? Slow. Gonna try." Chloe murmured, and slid her leg over him, biting her lip tightly as she took Lex's hands in hers to help her. "Want you, my ashimel, want you."

Clark gave another sob and tried to push back, only succeeding in making the very tip of his ashimels erection slide in, and he wailed, trying to get him in even as he jerked and pushed, rubbed, fingers sliding down to grasp his cock as tightly as he could. He began to stroke, unable to help it, not even thinking in English as he sobbed his want.

"Take your time," Lex said softly, sliding his hands up to her hips and steadying her carefully. "First time we've done it like this; I want to feel you, Chloe," he kept whispering. "I want to feel you around me." His fingers tightened gently on her waist as he balanced her.

Whitney gave Clark a sharp slap to the ass, and left just the head of his cock inside of him. "Take your hand off your cock and let Lex suck it," he ordered softly. "That's what he's down there for. Guide it in if you want, but don't touch after that." He petted Clark's back gently, rubbing over the little bump. "And if you do that, then I'll fuck you."

Do it? Do what?? ...Oh. Oh! Oh FUCK. "Lex, aushna, please, please, you have to, please!" He wailed down at his lover, squeezing his cock again before letting go. Oh, god he hoped Lex put those porn star lips to good use even as he grasped the side of the bed, aching to be filled and being teased mercilessly. He wailed, trying to push back again, hips rolling as he begged. "Please, please, ashimel, please!"

It was with Clark's scream for more that Chloe slid down onto Lex's erection. She gasped... then moaned, deeply, as the thick length lanced inside of her, slowly and surely, and she trembled, eyes closed tightly as she purred her soft pleasure. "Oh...God, yes."

As soon as Whitney saw Clark's hands come to the side of the bed, he pushed forward and sunk into the hot depths of Clark's ass. Only the second time he'd been inside of Clark, the first time when Clark had come to him during the suspension, and his teeth gritted. He was still hot, still tight, and he couldn't help the thrust forward to push himself further in, hands moving to hold Clark's cheeks wide to accommodate him.

Lex moaned hard as Chloe slid down on him. She was hot satin and wet silk inside, and he slowly, carefully pushed into her, thrusting slowly and almost shallowly until she got comfortable on him, and his heart swelled as she tightened around him. His mouth opened to moan again, and he found the head of Clark's cock pressing against his lips and he swallowed it down, sucking hard and using his teeth to rub over the head as he licked it, rocking his hips gently under Chloe.

"Oh, God, oh, GOD!" Whitney slid into him like butter, all the way inside, and Clark bucked back, sharply, when his lover stroked against his prostate. It was aching, he was aching, and he pushed and moved, wanting thrusts, wanting to be fucked raw. He growled it in his throat as he wriggled back and forth, begging with his hips and his eyes to move.

Chloe keened, very softly, as she finally slid all the way down onto Lex's cock. She wriggled, purred softly as she took him in, and tightened reflexively around him. He was busy with Clark but she didn't mind, just raising up and moving down, slowly, quietly, carefully, surely. She dragged the sheet from the bed, covering herself a little bit as she moved, and brought her fingers up to her breasts, rubbing and tweaking her nipples.

Lex slid his hands back up and pulled the sheet down, then let his hands slide down, to stroke gently over her stomach, rubbing the curve of either side with his thumbs as he had her nipples, even as he kept his head arched back, throat tight around Clark's cock as he let Clark thrust into him.

Whitney got the message and gave a little growl as he let go of Clark's cheeks and grabbed his hips instead. He yanked back, pulling his lover back to meet his groin as he thrust forward, listening to the hard pound of flesh slapping flesh as he pulled out to the hilt and then sheathed himself fully again, each long spearing stroke met by his pulling back of Clark's hips.

"God, yes!" He was noisy today. He truly didn't give a fuck. He moved and pushed, the hard heat lancing inside of him like a burning inferno and he wailed, sharply, wriggling and pushing, faster and faster, shoulders arched as his back moved. Here, right now, is where he felt the length he'd gained in his cock as Lex had said, because he moved in and out of his lovers throat with ease, pushing in and coming out even as he was fucked in and pulled out of. His fingers stroked over his own nipples, sweating with eyes closed, and he set his forehead on his arms as he wailed.

Chloe moaned, herself, deeply as she stroked up and down, moving as Lex touched her. Her fingers reached out and slid where her ashimel were joined, rubbing over Whitney's cock and Clark's distended ring of muscle, stroking softly as they moved in and out.

Whitney didn't stop his motions; he kept fucking Clark hard and fast, hands digging into his lover's flesh as hard as they could and hauling Clark back to meet every downstroke. Growled as he lunged forward, pushing himself balls-deep with every stroke, growled again as he saw little fingers dancing over the opening and brushing lightly over his cock.

Lex kept his throat still, letting his lover's cock slide in and out of it, felt his gag reflex trying to kick in at this awkward angle and smiled around his mouthful of Clark's dick because he knew Clark had gotten bigger, and he grinned, his fingers continuing their gentle touching of Chloe's stomach before moving upwards again to her breasts, then down, over the swelled tummy and underneath to where her sheath wrapped around his cock, and the fingers of one hand found her clit and gently rubbed.

He was going to come. Going to come. He had been so hard, he'd sucked Chloe into oblivious, then his lover nearly so, and he grit his teeth, tightly. Knew he'd be punished if he decided it'd be ideal to come right now and instead pushed and moved back and forth, groaning deeply, darkly, heavily as he trembled, shuddered, holding onto his orgasm with a tight fist even as he stroked into his love'rs throat. I'm not that much bigger, fuck, you brilliantly sexy man, love when you let me fuck your mouth, YES!

Lex grinned again around his mouthful, and he let Clark in on one of his dirty little secrets. I love when you fuck my mouth like this, Clark. I love it when you straddle me and fuck my face and grab my head, just like I did to you, and make me suck you right where you want it. Harder sucks accompanied that, and he relaxed his throat to let it slide entirely in his mouth for deepthroating sucks.

Whitney was determined that Clark was going to come before he did, and he let go of one hip to start landing smacks on Clark's ass again. "Wanna come, Clark? Tell me. Tell me how much you wanna blow that load right down Lex's throat or over his face. C'mon, Clark, fuckin' tell me." He kept pounding into Clark as hard as he could, shifting slightly to seek out the prostate, and moving his other hand so that it hovered just over Clark's tail bump. "I'm waitin'."

"GNUH!" Sharp, loud cry of gasping pleasure as heat rolled over his body. Couldn't control it when Whitney thrust against his prostate and touched the bump again, and he wailed, loudly, feeling his scar stretch and itch, felt his cock explode as he came, and trembled, whimpering in a half fear before orgasm blew his mind away.

When again he was aware of himself he was slumped against the bed, his orgasm painting his lovers lips and tongue, and he was half conscious. He sobbed, half in ache and half in pleasure, as he came, and guh fuck it was GOOD.

It was a live show. AN indecently sexy live show and Chloe bucked, hurrying her movements as she strove towards orgasm. Lex was so long and so hot, her boyfriend so deliciously cruel, and she gave short sounds of panting moans as she fucked up and down.

Lex's fingers quickened on Chloe's clit, tugging gently, rolling it against the slick latex covering his cock, and licking his lips clean of Clark's orgasm. As soon as he was clean he straightened up, just enough to kiss his lover warmly, sharing Clark's come with Chloe as his tongue stroked in her mouth again, free hand coming up to hold her face still to his hotly-possessive mouth.

Whitney gave a delicious cry as he felt Clark spasming around him and coming. Couldn't stop popping the firm ass that gripped his cock like a steel trap, and he grunted hard, fighting off his orgasm with hard moans until Clark had come.

Only then did he thrust forward, lasting only two more strokes deep into Clark's body before he exploded.

Chloe came. Couldn't not watch that show, couldn't not taste Clark's come on her tongue as Lex kissed her deeply, and not. She rubbed forward, humping against him once, twice... then gasped, throwing her head back and coming fiercely. She gave a short, loud cry of joy as she did, rubbing her nipples frantically as she did it to prolong the pleasure, and moaned, heavily, in joy.

Clark gave another long, heavy moan, and wished like hell he could feel his ashimels come inside his body. Wondered why he didn't... then realized, in that instant, that Whitney had been protecting him, and he gave a long, soft moan even as sadness swamped him. Stupid, stupid ovaries.

Whitney reacted to the sadness that came out of that moan without thinking, letting his cock slide slowly out of his ashimel as he leaned forward and pulled Clark back so they were back to chest, and he put his cheek on Clark's shoulder, whispering little nothings as he petted and soothed.

Lex arched his back as he felt Chloe coming, letting his cock slide deeply into her again so that her muscles would have the hard shaft to clench around, and he groaned as he felt it. Groaned again as he felt the hot baptism of her juices around him, even through the latex covering, and he stroked once inside of her, coming as her walls still rippled lightly around him, squeezing him and milking his cock as he rubbed inside her.

Clark didn't say anything, just purring softly as he snuggled back against Whitney's body, rubbing his wet ass against an even more wet cock, and made soft little noises as he watched Chloe and Lex come. She was gorgeous, back bowed, chest up high, crying out in pleasure, and Lex was so careful with her, so careful that it made him love his aushna' all the more, and he murmured in agreement as Lex came inside of her. Good aushna', good coming, so beautiful my love.

Lex felt the ripple of approbation from his lover, heard the quiet words inside his head and let his climax ripple through the link, the contentment and the love he felt for all of them suffusing the link as he stroked over Chloe's shoulders and sides, nibbling along her throat and murmuring softly that she needed to lie down on the bed, and he would lay there with her if she wanted, still buried inside her and occasionally twitching as he held her.

Whitney lapped quietly at Clark's ear, snuffling his sweaty skin and rubbing against him as he cuddled, soothing the sadness away as he watched the tableau in front of them, surprisingly unpossessive as he knew Lex wasn't taking her away, just sharing.

Clark purred, even louder, as Lex came, and smiled at his back, gently, as he let his eyes close for a moment. He was safe here, safe, warm, loved, and that was one of the best feelings he'd ever felt in a long, long time. In fact, he couldn't remember having been this happy in months, and he tried to think back to when he was... and couldn't. It felt good now, knowing that maybe the hump of their pain was over, and they were climbing back up to happiness.

Chloe made her own noises as she settled back down onto Lex, gasping for breath as her orgasm finished dancing out of her and her walls rippled in steady thrums against Lex's cock, even as she purred and trembled with the pleasure it caused her. "Uuuhn." She whispered.

Lex leaned back, his head falling to rest in Clark's lap, and he pulled Chloe down with him, turning her on her side so that he kept her off the floor and cushioned with his body as he rested, and his fingers stroked gently through her hair.

He felt what his aushna' was thinking, and looked up at him, and vocalized his answer. "We are over it," Lex said softly, and he snuggled his head deeper into Clark's lap.

Whitney, once he was sure that Clark was all right, settled in happily behind his lover, cuddling him and hugging him tightly, stroking over his chest and giving little happy hugs.

"It feels so good." Clark moaned, softly, in his throat, as he involuntarily squeezed tight against slippery emptiness and made another low purring sound in his throat. "Uuuhn. Need up. Water. Parched."

Yeah, well, Chloe wasn't saying much of anything. She was tired. She closed her eyes, leaning against Lex's body, and fell asleep within a minute or two or orgasm, cuddled in against Lex's warm chest as she heaved a soft snore.

Lex gave a little laugh as he heard Chloe's snore, and kissed her cheek gently. "I'm going to stay here with Chloe and let her sleep; if you'll lift her up to the bed, Clark, I'll crawl in after her. Whitney will help get cleaned up, and then we can show then what we brought them back and show the football tape too." He didn't even bother to check his watch; he didn't really want to go back to work today, not with the fight with his father hanging over his head; he'd rather stay here with his ashimel and his aushna'.

Whitney stretched, arching his back and cracking his spine as he gave a little moan of pleasure at the bones popping. "Mmm. Yeah. Water's good. Coke's better. So's food, actually." He cracked an eye open. "You get drinks, I'll be snack patrol?"

It was with Lex's soft jostle that Chloe opened her eyes again, and looked up...and for the first time, noticed the chain hanging around Clark's tired neck, and the hint of gold on her ashimels finger. She blinked... got up on one elbow, and looked out across her men, all laying sprawled on the floor... and her eyes welled even as she smiled. "Heeey. You're getting married, huh?"

Lex's eye fell to his ring, which nobody else had noticed, and he grinned. "Yeah. We are." He couldn't help the dopey grin as he reached up and kissed Chloe again. "Clark proposed on the airplane and everything."

"No. Way." She let out a high pitched squeal and tossed her arms around Lex's neck, then reached out, yanked Clark's hair until he yelped and came close, and hugged them both at the same time. "OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod! YES! Finally! You guys aren't total stooges!" She squealed again and gave them huge, sloppy kisses on the lips, then giggled and burst into tears.

"Chloe! Don't… don't cry!" Clark's entire body flushed crimson as she sobbed and laughed at the same time, horrified because he just could never understand girls when they cried. He almost hid under his lover, gaping, and shook his shoulder. "Do something!"

Lex wrapped one arm around Clark and one around Chloe, turning his face into Chloe's shoulder when Clark started hiding under him. "Sssh... hey, come on now, Chloe, it's okay. You're still going to be our best girl." He tugged her hair lightly. "And you're going to get to be the... well, I don't know if you'll be the maid of honor, exactly, because I don't quite know how these things work with our people, but we'll make sure you're in the wedding party." He kissed her wet cheeks. "I know you're happy, baby, but don't cry."

"Are you JOKING? I am so way more than happy!" She squealed again and hugged him tightly, kissing his cheeks back, and grinned as Clark hid behind Lex, tugging him out and hugging him, too. "This is so awesome! I am just so happy for you guys. Finally, you pulled your head out of your ass."

"Gee, thanks." Clark snickered, and turned to give Whitney a long, very soft kiss, even as he smiled into his lips.

"We didn't have our heads up our asses," Lex huffed, but he held Chloe tightly, squeezing her carefully and hugging her. "But yes. You're the first person to know, hell, the first person to notice, so don't say anything to anyone else. I'm a mean bastard; I want to see how long they go without seeing it." He snickered. "The weekend after Felicia's wedding, we've got the spread with People set up, and the interview together. Sometime during that week,--" and here he looked at Clark. "--I'd like to have a little reception for our friends, and let them in on our... engagement, I suppose it is."

Whitney was nibbling Clark's lips between kisses. "As long as I'm invited, I'm groovy."

"Engagement." Clark murmured, giving Whitney one more nibbling, gentle kiss, before reaching out and pressing his lips to Lex's. He kissed his lover, long and deep, with the romance he felt in his soul, a kiss that was very different to the ones he gave to his sha'nauch. His kiss for his aushna' was long and deep, soft, and when he finally let those luscious lips go, he purred deeply, and gave a long, soft sigh of happiness. "We decided to get married a long time ago... I don't think my mom and dad will let us get married before schools over, and out of respect to them, we're going to wait." He sat up, then, and motioned them up onto the bed. "Come on guys, floors cold."

Lex returned the kiss just as deeply and soulfully, pouring everything he felt for his aushna' into the kiss, and then brought Clark's fingers to his lips and kissed them too, then wrapped his own through Clark's. "Actually, since you're over the age of consent in Kansas, you don't actually need your parents' permission to get married," Lex said softly. "Come to think of it, you're actually over eighteen, and don't need your parents' permission for anything any longer, but I do agree that it's better to wait, out of respect for Jonathan and Martha." Then he blinked again, and gave his lover a little smile. "Speaking of parents..."

Whitney waited expectantly, for one of them to fill in the blanks. When nothing was forthcoming, he sighed. "Okay, I'll bite. What about parents?" Felt a little stab of pain, and if they were going to complain about Jonathan, Martha, Lionel or Dominic, he was going to have a fit. Easter had just made him realize how much he missed *his* parents, and they needed to be glad to still have them, despite the irritation factor.

"My father, Jor-El, is with us now."

Chloe waited a beat. When he didn't continue talking, she blinked. "What do you mean, with you now? Hasn't he always been around?"

Clark's eyes were reddening as he looked at her, though his joy was just about a physical entity, as he smiled and shyly looked down. "No. He's with us permanently. He was able to use the ship and create a body from cells from my hair, and skin and stuff. He's with us for good."

Chloe's mouth dropped. Just... she stared over Lex's shoulder, and blinked at him, twice. "Holy shit."

Lex nodded. "Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction when we got home and found him sitting on our bed." A little laugh. "Holy shit seems to pretty much cover it."

Whoa. "Whoa. Waitaminute." Whitney took a deep breath. "You're sayin' that your father, Jor-El, the guy in the ship? Is now a real person? The fuck?"

Clark shot him a crooked grin. "A real guy in a ship. A nice guy in a ship, actually. He's really cool, you'll like him when you meet him." Another shy smile, and his dimples winked. "I'm not alone anymore, you know? Being unalone is a really cool feeling. I kinda get what you guys feel in your normal lives."

"The fuck, Clark!" But Whitney was grinning. "That's fucking amazing!" He hugged Clark in his enthusiasm. "Holy shit, I thought I wasn't going to have to go through another parental examination!" He flomped down dramatically, putting his head on Chloe's thigh.

Lex gave a smile. "You really will like him, Whitney. So will you, Chloe. He's already eager to meet you. He knows who you are already; he's linked with Clark and with me too."

Clark nodded, smiled, and wrinkled his nose at his ashimel as he hugged him, tightly, and kissed his cheek with a giggle. As soon as he lay his head on Chloe's thigh, though, he sneaked over and wrapped his fingers around his soft cock, stroking it slowly and softly, getting him hard again, even as he grinned at Lex. "Hey, guys, by the way... are we going to Metropolis tomorrow to get the wedding and dance competition shopping done? Because I don't own a single suit, and I know you don't either, Whitney." Name punctuated by a squeeze of his hand as he worked his lover into hardness, licking over the condom flavored head.

Whitney groaned, half in disgust at the mention of shopping and half in pleasure at the stimulation of his cock. "Man, don't you even mention shopping to Chloe. I went shopping with her and Shay and Pete one time, and we were trapped in the fuckin' mall for HOURS."

Lex shrugged. "I actually found shopping with the two of them to be an interesting experience, though it was a rather prolonged one," Lex added in as he gazed up at her.

"Fucking?" Clark asked, softly, as he kept squeezing and moving, bringing his lover to hardness before... well. He just sort of mounted him, his ass still loose and wet, and sank down onto him with hard little squeezes all the way down. "I dunno, shopping with Chloe and Lex could be… uhn... fun." He muttered, and squeezed his own cock tightly as he sank and settled on Whitney's hips. "Yeah, well, you had Shay, Lex." Clark's brow rose, a grin flew over his face, and he began to move in easy, bucking thrusts.

Chloe purred, very softly, as she watched them, then snickered at Lex, eyebrows wriggling. "If I remember correctly, by the end of it you were begging me to kill her for you?" She leaned down and flickered her tongue over Clark's cock, making him gasp, before rising and smiling again at him. "And this is clothes shopping."

Lex put his hand over his heart. "By the time you see this video and meet Ms. Penelope Gallagher, a clone of our Shayla? You will never again wonder why I feel that way." He slid his fingers up Chloe's thighs as she licked at Clark's cock, and they slipped inside of her wet folds, teasing gently.

Whitney groaned again, this time in sheer exhilaration as Clark sank down on him again, and he lifted his hips up to meet Clark's rolling thrusts. "There ain't--" he grunted. "A dressin' room--" another moan. "Big enough," he finally got out.

"Yeah, right. We'd… uh... we'd find one." Clark grit out, softly, trembling as he arched his back, his chest thrusting out as he ground down on his ashimels cock, right against his prostate, and moaned softly. Kept right on stroking, squeezing once in a while, and sighed, deeply. "Come here, Chloe."

She knew what he wanted. She saw it in her head, and purred her nod as she went to him. She wanted this, oh yes, most definitely, and she grasped the lube even as she whispered, "Careful, kay?"

"Always careful with my ashikana." Clark murmured into her lips as he kissed her, gently, and turned her so her back was facing his chest. He let her bend forward the smallest bit, carefully, and lubed his fingers before sliding them into her back entrance, as deeply as he could. She grunted in front of him...moaned, and he gave a softly pleasured his as she squeezed around him. Careful, so careful, stretching her, preparing her for his entrance.

An entrance which, a moment later, was like coming home. She straightened against him and sank down onto his cock like the little sex kitten she was, and he murmured his pleasure into her throat as he grasped her hips, holding her close, gently, at an angle. "Lex. Put a condom on, and come here."

Lex let his fingers slide out of her as she moved, and he gave a little moan as he watched her situate herself on Clark's cock, and he reached for one of the condoms on the footboard and slid it down his cock as he moved. Spread the lube further over the length of his cock as he moved up and closer, until he was kneeling in front of her, hands stroking over her breasts as he smiled at her, waiting for direction. "Guide me, Clark, I'm yours."

Whitney stilled inside Clark as he carefully settled Chloe on him, and he moaned again as the added weight pushed Clark further onto his cock, spearing the entire length deep and groaning.

Yeah, well. Clark was nearly in heaven. Whitney, so fucking long, so big inside of him, and he moaned himself as he wriggled down onto him as well, squeezing the cock tightly inside as Chloe settled down onto of him. He was filled and filling, and the feeling was absolutely exquisite. "Sit on Whitney's chest... ashimel, you might not see much this time around, I'm sorry." To Lex. "Slide inside of her. You guide her, careful with her tummy, mm?"

Chloe gave a long mewling sob at the words, and ground down hard on Clark even as her fingers raced down to stroke over herself at the delicious, insanely sexy thought of what was about to happen. "God, oh God!"

Seeing? Huh? What the hell was Clark babbling about anyway? He was about to lose his mind as he thrust up into Clark's ass, moaning as he felt Clark squeezing and digging his nails into Clark's hip.

Lex's fingers slid down to stroke over Chloe's. "Mmm... let me, baby, please?" He leaned forward and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth as he carefully supported her stomach, raising her up just a little on Clark's cock so that he could ease under her and slide his cock into her opening.

"Yes… yes please." Chloe lifted up, helping him as much as she could, and then when she sank down onto twin cocks, one longer, one thicker, she gave a low scream in her throat in pleasure, her body bucking down to accept it all greedily, locking tight around the hot speared lengths, and her hands flew to her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples tightly.

"I want you to rim Lex, Whitney." Clark murmured, quietly, as he carefully grasped Lex's fingers in his on Chloe's hips and moved her up and down on top of them, so they moved in tandem. "Just like this."

Whitney didn't have to be told twice, and his hands left Clark's hips to spread Lex open, letting his tongue sweep gently over the little opening, asking for permission to enter.

Lex gave a little mewl of pleasure as Whitney's tongue licked over him, and he pressed down against the slick tongue, just a little, and it speared inside of him with a long, shuddering moan.

The moan he let out wracked Whitney's body, and his cock shuddered in the hot furnace of Clark's ass. He thrust harder, rocking his hips and pushing up into his lover, squeezing hard on Lex's cheeks as his tongue thrust in and out like a little cock.

Lex bucked up gently into Chloe, feeling Clark moving with him. He groaned, hard and fast, feeling his cock rubbing against his aushna's inside the hot little passageway and his teeth tugged carefully on a swollen nipple, kneading her breast gently.

Clark purred, quietly, gently, and kept Chloe close to his chest as he moved. Slow, easy movements that counteracted Lex's, keeping her body as close to his as he could. Protecting her even as he made love to her, and if her cries and mewls in his ear were any sign, he was doing something right. She sobbed in pleasure, screwing tightly around him every once in a bit, and he groaned, deeply in her ear, every time she did. Slow, even when the cock under him bucked up and slammed into him, and made him want to scream in the pleasure of it. "Chloe...Chloe.'

Lost. She was lost. So much pleasure, so full, full to brimming, and she trembled hard between her ashimel, squealing softly as she squeezed and rubbed, ached and yelled.

Each one of Chloe's cries slid into Whitney's ears and blood like wildfire, and he slammed harder into Clark for every one of them. It was incredibly arousing to hear making those noises, after so long, and he rocked up into Clark harder and harder, grunting with every thrust as though he could push his pleasure through Clark and into his girlfriend.

Lex's cock moved slowly, but rhythmically, inside Chloe's wet heat as they rocked together, moaning as he felt Whitney's tongue stabbing into him again and again. His tongue lapped at Chloe's full nipples, his hands supported her heavy breasts, and he couldn't stop the noises in his throat.

Clark's moans filled the room as he came. A slow, thick climax, filling his soul to brimming, his heart jack tripping thickly in his chest as he came, then felt pleasure ricochet through him, and he gave a soft cry into Chloe's ear as Whitney slammed up, over and over, into him. He trembled, shaking as he grasped her breasts and needed them, holding them for Lex even as he moaned, deeply, heavily, and whimpered softly as he licked and sucked on her throat.

Chloe felt the wash of heat in her body and gave a heavy cry, as she came herself. She clamped down on both of them inside her, eliciting delicious moans, and gave a short, soulful cry as she twitched, thrusting her chest up to a deliriously gorgeous mouth as she wailed.

Whitney felt Clark clenching hard around him, and he kept pounding hard, sweat rolling down his temples as he exploded. Couldn't help it, his body arched almost to the breaking point as he came, shooting over and over again as he shook with the violence of his orgasm.

Lex was the last to come, and he deliberately prolonged the orgasm in order to enjoy Chloe's for as long as he could. Her muscles were tight around his cock and he could feel his shaft twitching in answer to being squeezed, and his mouth kept drawing gently on her nipples, moving back and forth before surrendering the weight to Clark's hands, keeping his mouth on the nipples only as he slid his hands down to cup her thighs, and he thrust twice, rubbing the head of his cock against Clark's as he came. Hard and fast, his fingertips stroked over Chloe's thighs as he shuddered, and let his forehead rest lightly in the valley of her cleavage.

"Uhfuckohmygod." Clark ground out, heavily, as he squeezed Whitney's cock tightly, nearly feeling him in his damn brain, and moaned, harshly, heavily, as he rubbed against Lex's cock inside of his ashikana, wailing at the feeling and holding her close. "Oh, fuck. Fuck. So good."

"So good." Chloe gasped, trembling down from her orgasm as she held her ashimel tightly in her arms, moaning into his ear.

Lex's hands moved from Chloe's thighs and came around to hug them both, sliding carefully around Chloe's waist and then Clark's, pulling them both close to him as he felt Whitney underneath him, and moved gently from his straddle over Whitney's chest so he could sit up.

Whitney sat up carefully, wrapping his arms around the group and joining in the group hug, kissing Chloe's stomach and Clark's arm, Lex's hip and anything else within reach as he gave soft little moans of contentment.

Clark grinned at him, crookedly, and gently stroked over his ashimels face and chest, hips, and kissed him, over and over, hugging him softly. "Now I'm parched. Lets go get nourishment, kay?" A grin at his other sha'nauch, a kiss to their faces. "And then presents."

"Nourishment," Lex echoed. "What I wouldn't give for Bordeaux and Gouda right now."

"Or, hey, cheese and crackers?" Chloe asked weakly, giggling as she climbed up to her feet... hissed in pleasure, stretched, and got the sheet again, wrapping herself in it as she sat and cuddled up on the big bed like the queen of Sheba. "Or… mmm… some cold piiizzaaa.."

"For once I'm actually in agreement. Cheese and crackers." Lex boosted himself up on the bed beside Chloe. "And in deference to our mother to be here... juice instead of wine." He gave a little mock-suffering sigh up at Chloe. "The things I do."

Whitney gave a snort. "Do we even have any block cheese in the house?" he asked, scratching his head as he stretched under Clark.

Clark gave a low, soft purr, and wriggled Whitney close, before hefting up to his feet. He set his ashimel on the bed and prowled over him, giving him a long, slow, soft kiss, and completely ignored everyone else as he smiled into his lips. "If not, you've got an alien on top of you. I can go anywhere in the US for cheese. Feel like some gouda? I can do it. Swiss? Check."

Whitney hooked his leg around Clark's hip and arched into the kisses. "Mmm. That's right. I'd almost forgotten. The last I heard, you were going to New York for strawberry Danishes and making the rest of us mere mortal boyfriends look bad." He gave a pretty little growl.

"Look at that," Lex said primly, sniffing. "Ignoring us entirely, like we don't even exist." He cuddled up warmly to Chloe's side, and rested his head on her shoulder. "Provolone and white rye sound delicious to you?"

"Hey now." Clark looked up, grinned, and crawled over Whitney, to thunk down sitting in front of Chloe, and tugged her feet into his lap. "I said I can do it. I never said anything that I would." Cute little smirk as he kissed Chloe's toes, and bat his lashes at his lover.

"Promises, promises, promises." Chloe tsk-tsked, wriggling her toes in Clark's embrace and sighing gently, as she snuggled Lex up to her side.

"You don't have to go any further than the mansion," Lex pointed out, just lounging. "I have Gouda, Swiss, Provolone, Feta, Gorgonzola, cheddar of three kinds, bleu cheese dip, and I think Ms. Bird keeps Monterey Jack for Freddie."

Clark made a face. "Did you know, I hate cheese? Except for on pizza. But like, sitting here and eating a block of it? Ewww. But." He smiled and rose to his feet, giving Whitney another kiss, then his lover, then Chloe's pretty toes. "I'll do it for you all." Dramatic sigh.

"You see? He loves us." Lex wiggled his own toes. "If you'll look in the wine closet under the staircase, there should be a bottle of sparkling apple cider that will go perfectly with the provolone."

"Fine. But know this. I only do it cause I love you." A snort of his own, an Clark threw his clothes on in a mad dash, literally, yanking them on at light speed and creating a light draft before he was gone.



go on to the next part