
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 240: Revisiting Alexa

"Yeah right." But he grinned anyway, a little shyly, as he kept his shirt down over the obvious stain on his jeans, and shifted from foot to foot. "Did... did Lex tell you? About the clothes. No... no girly... stuff. You know? Gonna go as me this time. Sort of."

Rico just sighed. "Ay yi yi. Do you think I am an amateur at this, little mouse?" He flicked Clark's nose with his fingers. "Yes, I know. Off with this stuff. Down to what you were born with, and oh, was God so generous to you."

Clark swallowed, hard, and blushed again. Hard. "I… erm. Do you think… your bathroom? Clean up. A little. Sorry... sorry if we were loud." If he tried, his cheeks couldn't be any redder. Honestly. He could almost taste his blush. "If… if that's okay. You know. I mean."

Rico pointed. "That way, and if you are in there more than two minutes, I will come in and fetch you out myself, comprehende?"

"Comprehendo." Clark nodded, hard, and stepped around him, slipping into the bathroom. He quickly tugged his shirt up and off, and his jeans down, shoes toed off, socks too, and set it in a pile before he used one sock to wet under the faucet and scrub his cock clean. Which it liked, but he glared at it even as he cleaned his belly and thighs, making sure he wasn't stinky, and folded all of his clothes into a ball, shoes in hand.

Rico busied himself setting out the things in the Clark suitcase, and gave a little whistle. Lexy must have packed this himself, because oh mi dios, little mouse is going to die! He whistled as he set out the leather pants, the see-through mesh shirt, the armbands and wrist cuffs, the thick-soled biker boots, the chrome-plated belt.

Clark swallowed four or five breaths, in a row, looking at himself in the mirror. Ran his fingers through his hair to get the tangles out...breathed again...and opened the bathroom door, his clothes in arm.

Hiding himself as best as he could.

Rico flounced over, yanked the clothes out of Clark's hands, and tossed them into the corner. "All right... oh my God, Aden's going to have a fit over your hair, he's going to attack you with the brush as soon as he sees you." He flapped his hands at Clark's head and rolled his eyes. "Oh well. Let's see..." He held out the black string pouch that Lex had put in there for underwear. "Here you go, let's start with this, my mouse."

Clark, being Clark, nearly choked on his breath, moving to cover himself with his hands... then deciding not to, cause Rico would tug them away anyway, and he just blushed crimson as he took the pouch from Rico. "I... can't believe I'm naked in front of you. Again."

"I can't believe you're not naked in front of me more often," Rico teased. "I've seen Lexy's skinny ass more times than I ever care to, thank you very much. I'd much rather look at yours."

He blushed, hotter, and looked at the pouch in his hand... figuring, vaguely, what to do with it, except it only covered ONE of the parts that needed covering.

However? One was one more than he had right now, and he bent down quickly, pulling the string over his feet, knees, thighs, and up on his hips, tucking his cock into it with another harder blush as he did it, silently.

"Oh, for the love of Mike." Rico slapped Clark's hands away as he reached around the little pouch, sliding Clark's cock into it and making sure the strings laid snugly around his hips and up the crack of Clark's ass. "There. It's not like I haven't seen it before, mouse."

His mouth dropped open and he all but jumped away, eyes wide in his head as he cupped over himself and turned his hip. "Uh, hey! That's mine! No touchy!"

"No, mouse, that's Lexy's, and if you don't want to stain the inside liner of those pretty leather pants, you're going to let me get you in this right, because otherwise you're going to strangle off blood to some very vital parts."

Oh. Clarks eyes, already wide, went even more wide. "Oh. Well. Is it in right?" He pointed down at his cock, and winced even as he straightened again, and coughed.

Rico reached down and made a last minor adjustment to it, and then straightened up. "It is now." He smiled. "Mouse, don't you worry about anything. I'm not a fool; I'm not going to hit on you. Lexy'd rip my head off and shove it up my ass, and I'd much rather have Aden there."

"Okay." His throat bobbed. "Not naked often. Just with Lex. Its weird." He was more than a little self conscious about his scar, and his abs, and his thighs, and pretty much the whole thing. "I don't like being naked." He said firmly, but then shifted when he saw what was on the bed.



He glared at it, anyway, and bit his lip tightly.

"You? Not like being naked?" Rico scoffed, and he let the accent and the affectations fall away completely. "Mouse, you've got the body for it. You've got the skin for it, and you've got the overprotective bitch of a boyfriend for it. If Lexy had any brain in his head at all, he'd keep you naked and chained to the bed for his pleasure." He held out the leather pants next. "C'mon, in you go."

Clark swallowed, all the harder for it, and shifted from foot to foot. "You don't really believe that." He answered, finally, as he tugged the leather pants up his legs, over his thighs... blinking at how tight they were, and he had to wriggle and move until they were partly up over his butt.

"Actually, darling, I do believe it." Rico stopped, and pulled Clark's chin up to look in his eyes. "Looks like it's you who doesn't believe it."

He shook his head a little, and shifted to his other foot again as he kept tugging the pants up. "Not really. Have you see the mark on my back? And my legs are all weird."

Rico swatted Clark's hands away from the pants, took hold of the waist, and pulled up firmly so that the liner slid with the pants and they moved the rest of the way up Clark's hips. "I've never noticed the mark on your back, no, and your legs are perfect. They're nice, they're long, they're thick they're strong and oh my God, they'd fit around a waist so nice."

Clark's mouth dropped even as he blushed bright. "I can't believe you just said that. You bitch. DO you want these pants to fit or not?" Clark demanded, as he pushed his cock down so that the pants could be buttoned and zipped. "Christ, and Lex could have bought these a little tighter."

"No, darling, if he'd bought them any tighter, the crotch would have been too little." He rubbed his hand through the groin in demonstration. "As it was, we had to let it out a little, which is why the waist dips so low."

"You were in on this." Clark glared again, and sighed, even as he shifted the pants on his hips a little, and grunted. "I'm going like Christina Aguilera's BDSM shopping slag. I'm thrilled." But he grinned anyway, and looked over his shoulder. The waist just hid his scar, thank God.

"Would you stop worrying about your back!" Rico fussed, threading the belt quickly through the belt loops and adjusting the buckle so that it slung low, right over Clark's crotch.

Clark sighed again, even as Rico kept fussing. Obviously, crotch touching was a go, and he just waited, shifting and standing still. "Are… um. You going to do… makeup?"

Rico slapped Clark's hip as he fidgeted, and then straightened. "Yes, I'm going to do makeup for you. Not much, because that would defeat the purpose, but yes." He fussed on the bed, and then handed the shirt over. "Here, put this on, don't bother tucking it in."

"Kay." Clark took the shirt… looked at it until he found the holes, and pulled it on over his head. It lay loose against his skin, open in a circular v-shape at the neck, showing his collar bones and neck off, and he shivered, softly, in delight. "Wow. this is... so very incredibly indecently sexy."

Rico scoffed in his throat. "And you thought Lexy would pick you out something that wasn't?" He slapped the leather collar into Clark's hands. "Here, put this on, then sit down and let me get the socks and the boots."

"Okay." Didn't bother saying no, he just plunked down on the bed as he put the collar on quickly.... and gave a very soft groan as the leather encompassed his throat, sighing softly as he closed his eyes. Lex, this is so sexy. I can't wait to see you, baby, I want to have you, I want to fuck you.

Rico made quick work of tugging on the plain white socks, and then sliding on the clunky boots over then. The wide cuffed leather pants fell perfectly over the boot, hiding them almost from sight and he rocked back on his heels. "I don't know which one of you they're going to envy more. You or Lex."

"My aus--my Lex is going to be the most beautiful person there. Have you seen how beautiful he is?" Clark asked softly, as he climbed back to his feet. The boots had a slight heel and he quickly got used to them, sliding his wallet from his jeans and into the back pocket of the leather jeans. "Holy crap these are tight. Do I look okay?"

Rico pushed up to his feet and examined Clark closely as he buckled on the wrist cuffs, straightened the collar just a little, and adjusted the fall of shirt and belt. "You look... well, look." Rico pushed him over towards the mirror. "You look beautiful, Mouse."

Clark looked into the mirror... and his cheeks blushed. He was almost embarrassed about what he saw, and he shifted absently. "I look ridiculous."

"You do not." He popped Clark's butt hard, then almost swooned over the firmness of it. "You look amazing, and people are going to die to be Lexy."

Rico popped his butt and Clarks eyes widened, before he glared and rubbed against the cheek that didn't really hurt, but he put up airs anyway. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Because somebody has really done a number on you, Mouse. There are people in this world who would put a gun to their plastic surgeon's head if they thought they had a CHANCE of looking like you do. You're cut, you're rippled you're--" he strangled a moan. "Hard. Firm. Built and stacked, and you don't see it and I'm beginning to see why Lexy gets frustrated with you, Precious." Deep sigh. "Look at me, darling. I'm not lying. You are fuckable. You are. Believe it. Deal with it."

Clark shifted uncomfortably, even as he looked at Rico. He saw honesty in his eyes, and he shifted again, and heaved a little sigh. "I dunno. No one ever called me those things but Lex, and its Lex. He has to. I've just been Clark Kent, farm boy, you know? Its kind of hard to see yourself different when all your life no one ever said it but your mom and your boyfriend."

"Ay yi yi. That's it. I'm kidnapping you and Lexy out of that backassed cow town first thing in the morning, and you're coming to live in civilization. Where you will be appreciated."

Clark grinned, then, finally, his eyes dancing. "I only have to be appreciated by my lover, after all. Are you guys going to get ready, too? What are you wearing?"

"Aht. No fair peeking. Yes, we're going to get ready, but unlike you, we won't take quite as long because Aden won't be fighting me every step of the way." Pointed glare.

Big, sheepish grin, as he blew a curl off his forehead. "I'll keep my hands off Lex till then. Makeup's the last thing, right? Want me to sit somewhere?"

"No, no, you're fine. Just stay right there in front of the mirror, and don't babble when I'm working on your eyeliner. You blink, and I could put your eye out." He picked up the makeup case that had Clark's name on it and he rolled his eyes. "Jesus Marimba. You'd think Lexy doesn't trust a licensed fucking cosmetologist to pick out colors for you." A snort, but he picked up the light shade of blush. "Turn to the side, darling, let me see your cheeks." Rico's free hand slapped Clark's ass. "Not these either."

"Ow!" Clark yelped again, glaring as he plunked on the stool in front of the mirror, and turned his face side to side, sighing dramatically as Rico began to dust his cheeks with the foundation.

And his cock?

His cock decided to make an appearance, as in, becoming a very obvious lump in his leather pants, and he groaned softly, both in embarrassment and lust.

"Don't you glare at me, Clark Kent." Rico loaded the brush twice as he was working, putting a fine base of the powder on, highlighting some places and shadowing others. "That ass of yours is like a brick wall. I could bounce a quarter off it. Don't you EVEN try to make me think that hurt."

He shifted... was Rico oblivious of his arousal? Lets hope. Because he only got harder as he felt the now-familiar slip and slide of powder on his cheeks, and he shuddered all over, throat bobbing as he kept his eyes closed. "Quarter." He muttered.

"Yes, a quarter. I could probably bounce a silver dollar off of it, but I don't have one handy. I have a quarter in my pocket." He bumped his hip against Clark's bicep as he changed powder for lipstick.

His throat bobbed as he caught sight of the lipstick. His eyes went wide and oval, his mouth dropped, and he swallowed, shaking his head tightly. "Rico. If you put that on me, I'm going to.." Horror lit his cheeks, and his green eyes went even wider.

"Blow your wad in your little velvet pouch?" Rico hmmed.

Clark's eyes widened all the more and he gasped as he turned pink.

"Oh, please." Rico made a rude noise. "Pucker up, princess."

"But... but..." He did as he was told, opening his mouth slightly as Lex had taught him to do, and tried to hold his heaving breath as his cock twitched in his pants. Oh. Oh, fuck.

"What about your butt? It's a very nice one, hard and firm and I'm guessing tight as a little drum." Rico smoothed the lipstick on Clark's bottom lip first, using his thumb to smudge along the lip line just a little.

Clark jerked once as the lipstick slid over his lower lip, and came in his pants like he was fourteen and Lana had just kissed him. He gasped, his eyes fell closed and his mouth trembled open all the more, horrified about what he'd just done but he couldn't help it. LEX! Lex! Oh, my God! I'm so sorry!

Rico took advantage of the panting, open mouth to apply the lipstick to Clark's top lip. "Pucker and rub," he instructed dryly, tossing the lipstick back into the makeup case and peering in. "My God, why did he put mascara in here, I'm not covering up THOSE lashes with this gunk!"

In the other bedroom, Lex was trying so hard to mask snickers, but wasn't at all successful. Clark... it's all right. Please. Calm down, it's all right. Just clean yourself off, rinse the pouch off--it's made for this--and dry it before you put it back on.

Clark was still shivering with the pleasure of it even though he couldn't meet Rico's eyes, just mushing his lips together, rubbing them together so the color went on both, and looked down in absolute horror. "I'm… so sorry. I can't believe I… I'm so sorry. I tried. I'm sorry." I JUST CAME IN MY PANTS IN FRONT OF A MAN I DON'T KNOW! IT IS NOT ALRIGHT GODAMMIT!

"Darling, you're not the first queen to bust his nuts when the makeup goes on. Go, get cleaned up, and we'll tidy up the lipstick and finish the shading when you get back." He shooed Clark off towards the bathroom.

Clark. It is all right. Rico and Aden won't mind, and you're going to get to know them both. Rico's seen me come in a lot less than my pants before, so don't worry. He's not going to hurt you.

"I'm… not a queen." He gasped, even as he stood up and all but ran into the bathroom. He closed, and locked, the door behind him, leaning against it even as he panted, looking down at his crotch in horror. He undid the belt, unbuttoned his leather and tugged it down his hips, as he tugged his boiling hot, extremely wet cock out, glaring at it ferociously. You've come in front of him? Don't tell me. I don't want to know. I can never look at him in the face again.

I've come in front of him, yes, I've come while fucking someone else in front of him, I've come while I was jerking myself off with him and the rest of his posse in the same seat with me at the clubs. See, Clark... that's the thing. Nobody cares what your dick does. Just what YOU do, and you are not your cock.

Clark shoved the spike of jealousy down and instead grabbed a small wash cloth, running it under the hot water before scrubbing his cock clean. The inside of the pouch was wet too and he cleaned it up as best as he could, making sure it wouldn't get sticky and yank at precious hairs before he put himself back together. The little towel went in the hamper sitting by the shower, he pushed his cock back into his pouch, and buttoned himself back up.

Do you want some advice?

Please. Clark yanked the leather back up, wriggling his butt back into the extremely snug leather.

Take your balls and squeeze them into the pouch too. Yes, it'll be uncomfortable, especially with the size you are, but it'll keep you from getting hard quite so fast.

Ow! And... ow! But he nodded to himself and reached down into his crotch again. With a bit of jostling, and a glare at his hyper cock, he none too gently shoved his balls into the pouch, glaring as they got squeezed and mushed along with his cock. There. Bastards. He buttoned up again... shivering at the different, better feeling, and purred very softly as he tugged his leather back onto his hips, buttoning and zipping.

One more piece of advice, and this one's free. Don't be jealous of things that happened in the past. They're just that. Past. They're not going to happen again.

I know. I can't help it. Mine. Was all he said, even as he opened the bathroom door, and inched back out, tucking and re-buckling his belt. "I'm... really sorry, Rico. I'll be good. Sorry." He plunked back down on the stool, and blushed again. "I've never... I can't believe I..."

Always yours, was Lex's last thought before he let himself slide back to where Aden was finishing the touches on his wig.

Rico rolled his eyes. "Don't be good on my account," he snorted, and he had the eyeliner pencil in his hand. "Tilt your head back, look at the ceiling, and don't blink."

"Kay." He did as he was told, squirming before finally setting his hands in his lap, and looked up as Rico instructed, staring at the ceiling. "Where did you and Lex meet, Rico?" He asked.

"Oh, now that's a good story. Do you want the good meeting or the one where he told me to take my flaming ass right on out the door and not to singe the wallpaper on the way out?"

Clark grinned, broadly. "Both. because both sound like Lex." He said, even as he rubbed an inch out of his side and shifted to allow Rico more room to get his eyes colored in.

"Weeeell... the first time I met him he was... oh, God. Barely eighteen and what a punk bitch he was. I'd come to his house, to fit Lionel for his seasonal wardrobe in silk from China--man has an eye for luxury--and in comes in Lexy. Skinny ass little kid, demanding money from his old man and the keys to the liquor cabinet. Lionel said no, because I was supposed to fit Lex next, and Lex just went off. Told me that his clothes were just fine the way they were, and for me to take my flaming ass right out the door and to not singe the wallpaper of the bedroom on the way out." He capped the pencil after outlining both of Clark's eyes, and smudged it just a little with the spongy tip on the opposite end of the brush. "There now, let me look at you."

Clark blinked a few times to get the weird rubbed feeling away and looked at Rico, even as his dimples winked. "Lex was a trip when he was young, I've come to know. He's better now. I think now that he and his dad are okay, and the chip on his shoulder has had time to heal, he's better. I don't know where I'd be without him." Clark answered, and grinned, again. "Which is why I feel guilty for exploding in my pants like a twelve year old."

Rico thumped Clark's shoulder viciously. "Oh please. If I thought for one second that was for me, then you could feel guilty. But like I said, you're not the first man to bust his nuts when the makeup goes on." Sneaky little glance left, then right. "Lex did, the first time he put it on? Exploded like a hair trigger, Mouse."

Clarks eyes went wide again. "No way. Seriously?"

"Like it was the fourth of July," Rico nodded solemnly.

Clark cracked up. "He told me he never has! He was just cool as a cucumber, the first time he put it on me, and I came. He was just like, it's all good, don't worry about it. That bitch!"

"He just wishes," Rico sniffed. "I had to scrub the ceiling of the salon down."

Clark cracked up all over again, and was able to meet Rico's eye now. "I probably would have paid good money to see that."

"I wouldn't have traded it for a thousand dollars, I promise you that." Rico picked up the hairbrush, and started teasing Clark's hair, so that it was ruffled, but not messy.

Clark tipped his head forward helpfully, and adjusted one of the cuffs on his wrist, then the collar around his throat. "He's going to go get his nipples pierced this weekend. For me."

"That's a new wrinkle. At least he's not getting his cock pierced, though why you would? Is beyond me. Tongue, on the other hand?" He stuck out his tongue and wiggled it, showing the silver stud through it. "Great for blow jobs."

Clarks eyes went even wider. "Doesn't that... hurt?"

"Tongue or dick?" He asked, sticking the brush handle carefully in his mouth and running his fingers through Clark's hair to fluff it.

"Tongue." He made a face. "Dick goes without saying. Ow. But your tongue. I mean... cause... cause ow."

"It only hurts the first time," Rico said with a brow wiggle. "I wouldn't recommend it if you don't like pain, because yes, it does hurt." Then he leaned forward to whisper. "But you'll have to ask Aden if it's worth it."

Clark's eyes widened all the more. "I don't think Lex would get one. Cause... business man and all. But... but he might, when we go back to college. And I'll definitely not say no." His lips twitched. "Aden screams enough for me to know. He's not shy around us anymore, huh?"

"Well, it took him awhile to get over Lex's assfit at the new office, but I think he's getting there." A happy little sigh. "My shy little baby is slowly coming out of his shell."

"He's a sweet guy." Clark beamed up at him. "You're lucky to have him."

"Yes, I am." Rico was completely serious. "The guy he was with before... total comestain on the trousers of humanity. Stuck-up actor type, didn't know what he had." Little growl in his voice.

"Where did you guys work? I never asked you." Clark asked, as he blew a stray curl off his forehead and rubbed it off his skin until it was up with the rest of his crazy hair.

"Very short-lived soap opera," was his surprising reply. "Aden was camera grip and did occasional wardrobe, and I was makeup and wardrobe master." Thumped his chest proudly. "I clothed some of the ugliest people you've ever seen and made them look halfway decent."

Clark cracked up. Again. Who could help it? "Ugly people? Geez, you're so nice. But that sounds like fun, why'd you guys leave and come here? If you don't mind my asking."

"I don't mind at all. A very ugly murder happened on the set. Production shut down not long after that, the case was never solved, and I managed to talk Aden into a new city, new start, away from that asswipe comestain actor-type I mentioned earlier, and here we are."

Clark winced at that, even as he listened. "You guys look so happy here. House, business. Clubbing. He... when he looks at you, its like he sees his life. Its really sweet, and really endearing. You guys seem so happy."

Rico reached out and thumped Clark's head again. "Mouse, if you'd open your eyes and see it, that's the same way Lexy looks at you, added to a huge dose of fuck-you-on-the-spot."

"I know." Another broad smile. "He's the love of my life. We're going to be unionized next year."

"Aaaah!" A poke to Clark's shoulder. "I better be invited. White? Is so out."

"Of course you're invited. And you're doing flowers." A snicker. "And since neither of us are exactly virgins, white is definitely out."

Rude snort. "You'd think sex was an Olympic sport with the way Lex and I fuck."

"Oh, pish. Lex has got an all-white suit that he got years ago shoved in his closet. I should know, I tailored it for him. If he wears it? Tell him you'll break his fingers." Rico's eyes widened. "You could both get medals, if what Dominic says is true."

"Dominic, huh?" Clark snorted. "I'll make sure to corner him later." He wriggled. "Am I ready to go?"

Rico fluffed Clark's hair with his fingers one more time, giving it that just been fucked look, and he nodded. "You're ready to go, Mouse."

"Awesome." He beamed and rose up to his feet, even as he gave Rico a big hug. "Thank you. You're awesome." He let go and all but bounded out of the room. "Lex! I wanna see you, lemme in!"

"We are putting on finishing touches!" Aden yelled through the door. "Go sit down!"

Rico just shook his head with amusement as he shrugged out of the flamboyant shirt and pounded on the door. "Forget about your finishing touches, precious, I'm coming in to get dressed!"

Aden snarled, and fixed one more of Lex's earrings, adjusting it just so, lifted Lex's breasts up to give them more lift under the deep cut shirt, and glowered at the door. "Fine. Come in. I think Alexa is ready, anyway."

Rico slammed his arm against the door frame. "No, Mouse, you have to wait and see your pretty lady when she comes out." He opened the door just enough to squeeze through. "Ready or not, here I come!"

"Then get your ass in here and stop queening around," Lex groused.

Aden grinned up at his lover, then. He was already decked out--he'd gotten dressed while Lex had. A long, flowing lavender dress, with strings for shoulders, breasts fuller and up higher then they'd been last time, with a deep brown wig hanging locks of hair tumbling down his shoulders. He'd slid into the bustier, made his shape feminine with sashaying hips and legs, and he rose a brow at his handsome amor, shifting his weight from one tall silver heel to the other. "Come in and get ready, already. Your clothes are on the bed, amor. I'm wearing your purple jewels, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, darling." Rico closed the door firmly behind himself and leaned over to kiss his little Aden. "Lex, I'm so glad that I'm not going to be exposed to your bare ass yet again in my life." He tossed the shirt on the bed, peeled off his khakis and glared in the mirror. "Darling, you do need to work on Clark's self esteem problems. He's fire-hot and doesn't know it."

Lex snorted. "Tell me about it. I don't know for sure who did it, but I think I do, and if the bitch weren't already dead I'd kill her." Lex was dressed to kill, long legs for once clothed in thigh highs, garter belt around his waist holding them up over the silk panties under the dress. The dress was floor-length, slit to the hip on either side and had a silver belt that draped down the front of his belly. The new, larger inserts filled out the bodice of the dress perfectly, giving him more curves where he needed them. The dress itself was a deep shade of purple, with one long sleeve and the other arm was sleeveless. His feet were in silver pumps that matched the belt and the jewelry, the only thing he hadn't taken off was the gold ring Clark had given him. On his right hand was a little silver ring with an amethyst on it, and his long red wig cascaded down past his ass as it hung in a straight, shimmering curtain.

Aden snickered, then, and rolled his eyes as he adjusted the garter a little tighter, so the thigh highs wouldn't sag, and nodded, stepping back and tapping his heel for a moment. "Perfecto. Now, will you help me with Rico?" He pointed at the outfit on the bed and picked up the underwear first, pushing Rico's off his hips and then handing him the pouch and string. "Tuck it back, amor. Be careful though, and don't get it too tight like last time."

"And don't come in it either," Lex chastised softly.

Rico flipped them both off as he shimmied expertly into the pouch, tucking himself away with practiced motions and adjusting it against his hips and ass.

"There we go, amor." Aden kissed his lovers chest gently as he fixed the top of the underwear along his lovers belly so it wouldn't leave lines, and smiled up at him as he pinched a nipple none too gently. "Pretty. You can get into the rest of it alone, no? We'll wait for you in the parlor."

Rico's arm shot out and wrapped around Aden, lifting him up the slightest bit and nibbling a kiss from beautifully-done lips. "Mmm. Yes, I just dressed Clark, I believe I can manage dressing myself in no time." He shooed them towards the door. "Ah, and Aden? Don't be surprised if Clark asks you about my tongue ring at some point tonight." He stuck his tongue out and waggled it at the two of them.

Aden snickered back, kissed him right back just as gently, and then took Lex's hand and dragged him out of the room. "Come on, your Clark awaits. Probably trying not to jack off." A little giggle as he said it, tossing his curls over his shoulder as he led Lex into the living room.

Oh. Oh, God. Clark gave an audible groan when he saw his lover, and shuddered all over as he took a step forward... another. "Oh, Lex."

"He'll live." Lex gave a little curtsey as Clark came towards him, and held out his hand. Once Clark had taken it, Lex twirled a single step so that his back rested against Clark's chest, his hair moving with him and falling over his shoulder as he leaned back. "Hi, Clark."

"Hi, Lex." Clark murmured, softly, stroking some of the long red streaks of hair from Lex shoulder, and pressed a kiss on the fragrant, soft skin, his fingertips stroking over his lovers belly. With the touch, up over his breasts gently, then down over his bound crotch, he gave his lover what it felt like to be a woman, from the softly moving breasts that moved with every breath, to the covered, moist entrance waiting for him to touch. "Alexa, actually."

Lex used his ability to latch onto that feeling, and made it his own, absorbing the feelings and the nuances of being a woman into his body as he moved. Drew in a sharp breath as he turned and his breasts jiggled softly, nipples scraping against the fabric of the halter that held them in place. "Alexa, at your service." His painted lips curved in a little smile upwards at his lover.

"You look beautiful." Clark murmured, very quietly, as his fingers slid up her side and over her breasts again, stroking the underside of one with his thumb. "Very beautiful, you know."

"Alright, alright, no getting frisky until we're at the club." Aden said from behind them, and slapped Clark's hands away as he smoothed Lex's dress out. "Touch later. Everyone has to see this first. RICO! Hurry your Latin ass up!"

Lex gave another little shiver as Clark thumbed the underside of his breast, and then glared at Aden. "He can touch. He won't mess it up." His voice had gotten a little more throaty than usual, and he pressed his panty-clad ass back against Clark's crotch.

"UNO MOMENTO!" Rico bellowed. He was tucking his jeans into his boots, tightening the straps around his calves and his ankles, smoothing the line of his pants down his thighs. His shirt was on, arms bulging slightly through the sleeveless arms, and the rest of his chest was covered in black mesh as he slid a short-sleeve silver shirt over it.

Clark brought his hands to slender hips and pressed his lover back into his cock, gently rubbing against Lex as he slid his fingers down Lex's front, and murmured quietly into his ear, "Do you want my fingers inside of you, aushna'? Do you want me to fuck you hard, make you scream?" He murmured, quietly, into Lex's ear. "Your breasts are so firm." He murmured, as his fingers trailed up again. "Are you even wearing a bra?"

Alexa shook his head no. "Just a halter, to hold them in place," he confessed softly, pressing back against Clark and guiding his lover's hand to the slit in dress, where his fingers would have complete access to Alexa's body under the slits.

"I can see. I wonder how much we'd have to hide to clamp your nipples up." He murmured, then grinned and set his chin on Alexa's shoulder as Aden rolled his eyes. "And what am I to call you this evening, madam?"

"Dina." Aden said with a sweet smirk, and clipped the last lock of hair into place as he shifted.

Alexa gave a little chuckle and undulated back against Clark. "You couldn't," he said softly. "They'd show."

Rico threw the door open, finally. He'd buckled a silver plated collar around his throat, black hair slicked back and a black leather jacket thrown over his shoulder, just in case the night got cool. "My Dina," Rico purred, pulling him back against his chest and nibbling his throat. "Mmm... the scent is delicious."

"Maybe later tonight. I don't mind if they show." Clark murmured, against Alexa's throat. "Show you're mine." He turned half from Rico's entrance and ran his fingers under the long slitted skirt, stroking over where in both of their minds, she was wet, and hot, waiting to be slid into. "Maybe fill you up."

Aden grinned, broadly, as he was tugged back against Rico's just, and groaned softly. The dress Rico had laid out had apparently been shucked for this, and Aden purred, softly, as he rose his arms up to wrap around his lovers neck backwards. "Going to fuck me like your little bitch?" He whispered into his lovers ear, rubbing back against him.

Alexa purred. "I don't mind either," he said huskily. He moaned as Clark's fingers slid into his pussy, and humped on his hands just once as he wiggled got himself situated against Clark. He couldn't wait to see what Clark's reaction was going to be when his finger slid into the silicon and foam vagina that was hiding under the underwear.

Lex didn't have to wait long. Clark jerked back, eyes wide, and a gasp slid away from his mouth... before he returned his fingers back down, eyes wide as he looked across at his lovers eyes, and with his memory of Chloe's sheath, the wet, tight heat he got when he touched her, he transferred the feeling to Lex. Slid his fingers inside, hot and wet and delicious, and purred softly as Aden and Rico talked behind them.

Alexa chuckled softly, bending his knees slightly and letting Clark's fingers slide further inside of him, and the chuckle bit off into a moan as he cemented the feeling, slick and wet and hot, inside his psyche and between his legs. He purred hard, loudly, riding Clark's fingers as much as he could. "Deeper."

Rico dragged Aden further back against him, situating his groin against Aden's ass and thrusting forward. "You better believe it, chica. Your ass? Is mine. All night long." He rubbed against it again, and then slid his hand over Aden's throat, dipping down to tease a nipple.

"No." Clark murmured. He slid his fingers free from the panties and licked his lovers earlobe, nibbling it gently as he stroked his palm up and down a delicious though. He turned in time to see Rico bring Aden's butt flush back against his crotch and grinned, broadly, even as he blushed. "Come on, guys. Lets go to the club before we do this. We taking our cars?"

"Yes," Lex answered, overriding anything else Rico or Aden might have said. "Separate cars, in fact, because I intend to, at some point on the drive home, blow Clark. I'm not doing that in your little Corvair, no offense. We're taking our own cars."

Aden gave a long laugh and nodded, even as he grasped his lovers hand and moseyed on towards the door, handbag swinging. "Follow us, not the other way around, eh?"

Rico raised his eyebrow. "That, in case you didn't notice it, Lexy, was a rebuke for how fast you drive. We can't keep up. You're not the lead dog tonight, bitch. Deal."

One graceful finger rose to flip them off. "I don't have a problem following you."

"Cause I'm driving." Clark snorted, as he grasped the keys before Lex could grab them, and moseyed out in front of Lex, keeping their fingers twined as he did so.

- = - = -

Clark liked Latin music. So much so that he couldn't say no to it. When he heard it his hips began to move--it was mortifying, and usually only happened in the privacy of his and Lex's bedroom, but he didn't say anything, just grasping his lovers hand, tightly, as they walked into Brandywine.

It was rocking tonight.

There were women and men from every walk of upper crust life, dancing the night away. Hips shaking--was that Don Trump?--bellies bared, butts wriggling as-- "Alexa!" He said under the din. "Is that Ricky Martin, or a look-alike?!" he asked, pointing at the stage as he followed Aden.

"Which do you think?" Alexa yelled into Clark's ear, and slid a three folded hundred dollar bills into Clark's hand. "Shake hands with Max when he comes over; slide him the cash so he knows who you're with and you won't be hassled the rest of the night!"

"You never know with this place!" Clark yelled back, even as he took the money. Didn't bother to look at how much it was. Just ran a provocative hand down his lovers ass, popped it just to watch those gorgeous breasts bounce, and bit his lip as he took Max's hand and gave it a firm shake, passing the money over to him without a word. "Let's dance!"

Dina was already dragging Rico out onto the floor. She'd left her purse in the car, tucked her money in her bra, and was shaking her hips as she grasped the back of her lovers head and dragged him down to her cleavage.

The bouncer nodded as they went into the club proper, passing them through the foyer without further harassment.

The whole place was done in shades of red, from bright vermilion drapes to deep rust plush carpeting and rugs. The chandeliers had red bulbs in them, the statues were draped with red scarves. "They must have a new decorator," Alexa yelled, rubbing her ass back against Clark's cock and sucking a little breath in as her chest moved.

"had to have." Clark muttered into her ear as he dragged her out onto the floor and began to dance. He wasn't good at normal dancing... at gyrating? He wrote the book. He rubbed and moved, grasping all that long, flowing hair in his hands and dragging her close... closer. "God, you smell so good. Do you know how good you smell?"

Alexa purred as she pressed herself against Clark, rubbing her hands over his chest and matching him gyration for gyration, hips undulating and making her breasts move again and again. "Like sin, I hope," she shouted.

"Better than sin. Sex." Clark said back, though in her ear as he sucked the lobe. There were at least two hundred other couples dancing, leather, mesh, skin tight, collars, blond, brunette, redhead. "You're the most beautiful woman here." Clark breathed, as he moved and pressed, stroking over a firm, taut ass and giving it a rough squeeze.

Alexa moaned at the rough squeeze to her ass, and she gripped dual handfuls of shirt to haul Clark up to her. "And you are the most gorgeous man here... I want to shove you up against the wall, and ride you while everybody watches and knows nobody but me can fuck you."

"Yessssss." Clark hissed, loudly, snarling as he lifted Alexa up, crushing her to his chest as he feasted on her lips and undulated his hips against her. He wasn't aware of the other couples watching them, didn't even think to know that they were getting appreciative looks, or that Aden was moaning. All he knew was that he had his lover and he snarled again, kissing her ferociously as he filled his hands with her ass and crushed her against him.

Alexa's legs wrapped around Clark's waist as he lifted her up, moaning softly as her breasts were being flattened against his chest, and her panties were rubbing his belt buckle through her dress. Her mouth was full of his tongue and she sucked it hard, biting his lips and the tip of it roughly as she moaned back, pushing against his hips.

Clark kissed back, hard, fucking her mouth with his tongue, but as soon as he knew it was going to get hot in a hurry... his hands came to her hips and lifted her down, setting her back on the floor with amused, devilish eyes and bruised lips. "No, no, no. Lets...get a drink. Shall we?" Asked as he pressed his rock hard cock against her belly.

Alexa's hand slid down to his cock and stroked it as it pressed against her and she licked her lips. "A drink? Sounds just perfect to... cool off with." She didn't stop stroking him as she started walking to the bar, heels clicking faintly against the floor even through the muffling carpet.

"Mmm." He followed her, taking her hand off his cock and raising it above their heads in one quick movement... then gentled, and lowered her hand to his hair as he sucked on her throat. "Cool off with." He muttered, as his fingers slid over her back, up into her hair, to fist.

She tightened her fingers in his hair instantly, scratching lightly against his scalp with short fingernails as she returned the kiss, pressed against the wall, and she pushed her torso forward, making her nipples scrape across his chest so he could feel their pebbled texture.

"Tease." He muttered, against a mouthful of her throat, which he teased and bruised, even as shy eyes came upwards. "Buy us a drink?"

"Anything you want, sailor." She let her nails slide out of his hair, down his cheek, and flicked at his chin. "Got a preference? Or..." She trailed the R out as long as she could. "Do you trust the lady's judgment?"

"I trust...the lady's judgment." Clark purred, quietly, as he licked her throat again, drew big palms down her sides, and sighed softly as he let go to grasp her hand. "You're so beautiful. I don't know how you don't know that."

She shrugged, and leaned over to lick his cheek. "You're one to talk, Mr. Kent," she said, batting her eyelashes at him as she turned to the bar. "Two B-52s, a dry martini, and..." She sized up Clark. "Double screwdriver."

He gave a very soft, very low groan, ignoring the bar tender and stroking his fingers over her breasts, down her chest, then back up, fondling her and not giving a fuck who was watching. "So beautiful. Alexa... have to get a room, please." He grunted, softly, as he licked her neck, her throat, her ear, and nearly bit her lobe when Dina came sliding up.

"God, you guys are so sexy." She gasped, her eyes wide, cheeks flushed, skin goosebumped as Rico did... bad, bad things behind her. "So, so sexy!"

Rico's coat had been discarded, and his shirt was thin enough to have been paper as he rubbed his cock against Dina's ass, murmuring in her ear and nibbling on her throat. "Si, and I told you little Mouse would find his footing with the lady."

Alexa arched her neck and let the back of her head lay on Clark's shoulder, pushing her breasts forward for fondling as she smiled at the bartender, who was smirking as he fixed their shots first, and then the drinks.

Clark let his fingers slide down as he grinned down at Aden, who was all but wriggling, and his eyes danced. "Bartender.." He looked over his shoulders. "Can we take these upstairs?"

"Not supposed to."

Alexa reached into her cleavage and produced another hundred-dollar bill and slid it across the bar.

"But I don't suppose anyone will care," he amended, tucking the bill into his pocket.

Alexa picked up the first layered shot and swallowed it down without blinking, and then wrapped elegant fingers around the stem of the martini glass.

Clark took his, too, winked at Aden and Rico, and grasped his lovers hand tightly in his own, as he led him through the crowd. He would have killed for a bottle of tequila and a lime wedge right now but he didn't say anything, smiling back at his beautiful as he led his lover towards the stairs, Dina's cat calls following him.

"I can go back and get it from the bar if you really want it," Alexa offered, keeping her drink upright in one hand as Clark pulled her with the other.

"That's alright." Clark purred at her, as they stepped over someone who had crashed on the stairs, helping Alexa up over it gently, and groaned when he saw a flash of flesh under the split in her skirt. "I want to know where you got that. After I fuck it."

"A lady never gives away her secrets," she answered back primly, guiding Clark's fingers into her cleavage again and to the stack of bills in a money clip that was tucked securely there. "Get it for as long as you want."

"If I'm to do it properly, we'll need the whole night." He snickered it. "But since we're going home for that… two hours should do it. What do you think?"

"I think we can... find something to do with the time," she purred back, nipping at his shoulder.

"Obviously." He was much more… confident than the last time they'd been here. He knew to expect half dressed transies in the hall, making out on the floor, fucking on leather sofas, and stepped over them and around them whenever he had to, before he stopped in front of the only free door.

He turned to Alexa then, quietly, and pushed the shoulder of the sleeve off her shoulder, leaning down to suck at bare skin, as he bared the simple mesh and lace tube top his lover was wearing, and leaned down to suck at the hard nipples gently, before...

Two hundred dollars were pushed into the slot, and he smiled, broadly, letting his lover go. "You first."

Alexa's fingers slid through Clark's hair, tugging his mouth forward as long as he was sucking, but whimpered when he stopped and let her go. She gave him a longing look as she opened the door.

And pushed through a beaded curtain. It hadn't been here the last time, but apparently, it was part of the new decor. Fake gemstones--diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires and amethyst--rattled as she shoved through the cheap strands and around the little corner into the room itself, done in luxuriant silk and linen sheets.

Clark followed her, his heart hammering in his chest, and pushed through the curtains.

He felt something… an odd sensation, though he figured it was just his wildly beating heart. He looked down at his fingers for a long moment… stared at them as he felt something like an energy beam shoot through him. He wasn't aware at the time, but it looked like he was standing in a beam of refracted like, so there were eight Clarks one after another... five Clarks... two Clarks.



go on to the next part