
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 242: Educational Resource

Oh no. More bad touching! But no! It felt good, and he gave a little whine in his throat as Kal's fingers brushed over something especially nice and he whimpered, angling his body unconsciously to get that same place stroked again. His eyes were huge and he shook his head, no no no no no, but oh, yes.

"Ohh... yes, baby. Just like that. You like that, huh?" Kal carefully unbuttoned and unzipped him, slowly and carefully, even as he leaned over and wrapped his mouth over a hard nipple poking through the thin sweater. "Don't pull away. I'm you... you're me." he murmured around the nipple, even as he licked and came up to gently brush his lips over CK's. "Just like that. See? You taste so good... look at you." His fingers snaked into the jeans and wrapped tightly around a cock that was the mirror double of his own. "Mmmm... so big... just like that."

CK meeped out another little squeak as he felt his hips thrust forward, mortified at his body's motions even as he opened his mouth for the kiss that Kal was giving him. Masturbation, Kal'd said, because they were both really each other, and then CK's brain stopped thinking as Kal opened his jeans and brought out his cock. He tried to drop his hands to shield himself, but just ended up spilling out over Kal's lap and meep!

Lex felt the lurch when CK tipped over, and he raised his eyes to the mirror. He was about to say something about separating them again, and his words caught in his throat as he caught a glimpse of Kal's hand around CK's cock and holy shit.

Kal purred, deeply, unspeakably aroused to be doing these things to what was his own body, except... not... and it was just so fucking good. He smiled up at CK, eyes bright, and kept stroking his cock as he reached back up to kiss him. Deep, deeper, his brain fizzling out as his free hand grasped a handful of short, curly hair and tipped CK's head back to meet his hunger. His fingers quickened on the hard cock as he did, dragging the other him onto his body so Kal was half-sprawled on his back, and CK was sprawled half on Kal's own belly. "Just like this. Ohhh yes."

And meep! CK toppled over just enough so that his body was laying over Kal's, his mouth being plundered by a deep kiss, and oh, bad, but so good, and he wiggled just a little so that his tummy pressed down on Kal's cock and rubbed against it, because that felt good too, and he jumped when Kal's tongue licked his, and he gave a choked off little giggle as he licked back. Kal wasn't quite so scary now, and he nestled in just a little closer.

Lex stomped on the brakes with both feet as he downshifted quickly, almost running a red light and spinning through the intersection. He couldn't take his eyes off what was happening in the back seat, and he was watching it in the mirror. Clark on Clark and his brain was really trying to short out, and Lex refused to let it

Kal purred, deeply, grunting as he tugged CK's shirt up over his head, and gently smoothed his fingers down the long, long back. Stroked gently over the scar, murmuring his understanding of it, before sliding his fingers from CK's cock and instead letting both hands slide down the back of his jeans. Grasped a butt of granite, giving it a rough squeeze, and pressed CK's cock all the harder against him as he began to thrust and undulate even as they kissed. "Like that? Feels good baby?"

Oh. Good touching, warm palm on his back, and he arched into it like a cat, then shuddered hard as Kal's strong fingers closed around his ass and hauled him in. He squeaked deep in his throat, rubbed his hips forward against Kal's, mouth seeking another kiss as he reached up with his hands and pulled their bodies as flush as possible, so that their cocks stroked together. "Yeeeeees!" CK squeaked, shivering against Kal as they rocked.

A horn blowing behind him pointed out that the light was green and that Lex could go through it any time he so chose. He blinked as he realized it and shot through the intersection, blowing through yellow lights and ignoring stop signs as he swerved across empty lanes and kept his eyes glued to the back seat. The closer CK and Kal got, the more their features blurred together, taking Kal's rough edges and sharp planes, blunting them with CK's soft lines, and "Clark!"

"Ohh yes... so beautiful baby, feel so good, just like that." Kal groaned, deeply, as his fingers quested over the taut ass and stroked down the cleft of it. His cock rubbed up, high, over and over against the hard one pressed tightly against him and he groaned, deeply, trembling in ecstasy as he did it. "Yeah... so good.... touch me, okay? Kiss me... can you do that? I want to feel your mouth on me, CK, want to feel your lips on me."

He could do that, he guessed, and CK licked his lips before kissing Kal, lips to lips first then down his throat, lapping at the taste of his salty skin, nibbling at the strong, hard tendons of his neck with sharp white teeth, and even as he looked up under his lashes for approval, his hands were sliding down, over Kal's belly and into the top of his leather jeans, pushing the shirt up to rub over a naked belly. "L--like th-this?"

"Oh, yes. That's so good... so good, you taste so good." He groaned when the mouth slid away, and gently stroked over the little puckered opening he'd found, rubbing around it even as his thighs spread all the wider. "Like that? Like that, CK?"

OH! Okay, whoa! He squirmed a little bit, rubbing against the fingers that teased down there because holy wow! He moved his mouth down a little lower as his hands pushed Kal's shirt up, echoing what Kal had done to him and nibbling hard pebbled nipples through the mesh, wetting them with his tongue as he nodded fiercely. He did indeed like that.

Lex's knuckles were white on the steering wheel, and he was watching avidly in the backseat. Driving had long since gone to autopilot, and he'd narrowly avoided three collisions and had to change lanes four times to keep from rear-ending someone, but he was only two blocks from the apartment, if the twins in the back seat didn't kill him first.

"I think we're killing Lex, baby." Kal grunted, as he slid his fingers free, wet them, and then slid them back down and with careful prodding, slid the first finger in. The reflex of shock only made it able for him to press in all the way, and he groaned, softly, squirming his finger even as CK started sucking on his nipples. "Oh, baby, you're a virgin? Never taken it?" A deeper, harder moan as he found his mouth again and kissed him furiously, squirming up into the delicious, hard cock, thrusting harder against it.

CK's eyes were huge as dinner plates as Kal's finger slid inside of him, and he bit down in his surprise. He laved the bitten nipple immediately with kisses, and rocked his hips forward. "N--never," CK whispered, feeling the finger working inside of him, panting against Kal's skin as their cocks throbbed against each other.

"Its okay baby... member what I said? Masturbating. Same person, two bodies. You okay with that? Okay? or you want our aushna'?" He looked up at Lex, then. "Want our aushna' to take your virginity, baby? Its okay if you do, I can just suck you off, make you come so hard you'll scream. Want that?"

Lex was going to drive into the nearest light post. He couldn't even speak, just met Kal's eyes in the rearview mirror as he fought to swallow down the lump in his throat--and his pants. "I--" Lex's voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. "It's up to you."

CK looked from Kal to Lex and back again, and gave a little whine. "I want Kenep," he said softly, undulating against Kal.

"Okay." He whispered, gently, and rose up with CK in his arms. "Sit back, kay? Spread your thighs wide too. Spread them so I can suck." He tugged CK's jeans down enough so his balls could slip out, too, and leaned down to kiss them before he situated himself. One leg tucked under him, leaning down with his elbows on the seat, and he grasped firm thighs before swallowing CK down in one movement.

The front tire of the Lamborghini hit the curbing as CK let out a hoarse yelp. It didn't take a genius to figure out why, because Kal's head had disappeared behind the seat, and CK looked about ready to pop. Didn't say anything, just slammed his eyes shut for a second, then ripped his eyes away from the mirror and onto the street. Almost there, almost there.

CK did yelp as Kal swallowed him down, and his fists left an accidental dent in the back molding before he got a handhold in Kal's hair. He meeped out his apology in choked-off little noises as his hands slid over Kal's back and shoulders, eyes closed and body taut with the strain of not coming like a virgin in Kal's experienced mouth.

Oh, God. The taste, salty and heavy, yet sweet like candy, flooded Kal's senses. He realized he must taste like this all the time, like unmined candy licorice, and he purred, deeply, as he sucked on the hard cock. Pushed easily past his gag reflex, he swallowed around him and fucked him slowly and carefully with his mouth, scraping his teeth over indestructible flesh. You can come, baby, no one's telling you not to. You're a good boy... very good boy. You can come. Come, come!

Like he could resist. CK's eyes were screwed as he thrust forward, letting Kal's throat close wetly around him and he was in heaven. Tight, hot, wet, all three wrapped around his sock and Kal was sucking and CK gave little mewling cries as he came.


His eyes were rolling back in his head, and his hands were cupping Kal's head tightly, fingers in his hair and pulling.

The yanks and pulls were delicious, the cries and mewls even more so, and Kal grinned around CK's cock as he swallowed each and every drop that poured into his throat, the taste, sharp like licorice, making him purr in pleasure as he lapped it all up, licking the hard cock when he came up and making sure he got every drop. Suckled at the tip until no more came out, and he purred, softly, happily, murmuring in pleasure. "Like that, baby. So good... so good. Feels good?"

Lex stood on the brakes again, not noticing that the front fender of the Lamborghini crumpled against the side of the building as he swerved wildly into a parking space and ripped the key out of the ignition. Hans was going to have his ass over the wear and tear on the brake pads but he could truly not give a fuck because Clark was in the back seat, sucking himself in the not-auto-fellatio way, and he slammed the door as he got out.


CK gave little whimpers at the crumpled fender, the slammed door, but his arms were around Kal's neck, and he was panting hard as his cock still thrummed and jerked, even though it was empty.

"Pretty." Kal whispered, and he smiled down at him. "I like you, CK. You may be kind of a cry baby, but you're sexy as fuck. Want to be inside me, next?" He asked, temptuously, as he licked over a long, deliciously sexy throat, and glanced up as Lex got out. "Think he forgot its a two door, baby?" A wicked, wicked snort, and another nuzzling kiss. "Taste so good."

CK gave deep little shudders at the thought of being inside of Kal, and his eyes just got huge. "I... you mean... you'd... but..." he blinked as he tried to pull a fuzzed up brain together. "Is he mad?" He kissed Kal again, and realized that the taste in his mouth was his. And he licked it experimentally, sucking on Kal's tongue as he tasted himself, trying to decide if he liked it.

Lex was inside, lightly thumping his head on the marble countertop as he talked to the security guard. "I want the cameras off, and if you say a single goddamned word about what you see come through that door, I'll kill you myself. You got me?" The guard nodded in fear and flicked the switches off, turning off the security cameras and running for the bathroom.

"Bloody crazy, baby. I really like you." Kal whispered, smiling happily at him as he kissed and sucked back, licking with all he was worth, enjoying the sucking on his mouth as his own cock gave a jerk and a whine. "Yes, I would. Want you inside me? Baby, fuckin' A. I want you so deep I can't talk. I wanna feel you all the way in my throat." A mock bat of his eyelashes. "Unless you don't want to?"

CK shook his head furiously. "No! I want to. I just... never done it before." He swallowed nervously. "Don't... know how. But! Yeah. Cause... I like you too." He slipped his hand shyly down and stroked Kal's cock as he squirmed in the backseat.

"Its okay... you don't have to know how, baby. You're still me." His fingers stroked through all of that hair, and he grinned, broadly, as he licked and kissed. "Whoever said Lex knew what he was talking about? We've got plenty of hair. Just because he liked it long doesn't mean he doesn't have a handhol--ohfuck." A low groan, and he brought his hand down to press CK's against his cock. "B… baby, tell me you've fucked your fist before."

Convulsive nod. "Y-yeah. I h-have. Before."

Lex came back out to the car and pounded on the windshield. "I'm so sorry to interrupt your little self-love initiative here, but would you perhaps like to take this up to the fucking apartment?"

Kal blinked out the window, then grinned lazily, and while CK's head was turned, sucked his earlobe into his mouth from behind, letting his long tongue trace the shell of it as he kept his eyes on Lex's through the window.

Lex blew a breath out through thinned lips and silently reminded himself to never trust Kal again.

CK jumped a mile out of his skin when Lex pounded on the windshield, and he curled up against Kal's chest as wide spheres fixed on Lex's angry face.

Kal leaned over CK's shoulder, casually, and pushed the door open, which had been open the whole time, eyes wide and innocent, amused out of his mind, as he whispered into CK's shoulder, "Get out of the car, baby. We're going up to a big bed. Sound good?"

Lex just glared. Didn't say a word as he stalked into the foyer of the building, because he didn't really trust himself not to break out into a string of non-English curses.

CK jumped again, but nodded. "Wow. He is. Pissed, I mean." He gave Kal's cock another idle stroke as awkward limbs climbed out of the car and tucked everything away so he wasn't like, naked in front of the world, and then slunk out from behind the car door and shifted his weight foot to foot.

Kal did the same, though he was much less obvious, just sticking his cock in his pants, leaving them unzipped and unbuttoned, so his belly and pubes were totally obvious. His arm went around CK's waist and butt, snuggling him in as he swaggered towards the door, following Lex in with a little snicker. The lobby was deserted, not that he cared, following his obviously very irritated Kenep to the elevators.

The elevator dinged right about the time Kal sauntered over, and Lex physically shoved them into the elevator in front of him, then hit the button for the 99th floor with a particular viciousness.

Kal got shoved in but his smile was broad. He leaned against the elevator wall and situated CK in front of him, so his back was to Kal's chest, and Kal liked that just fine, nibbling on a long expanse of throat as Lex all but prowled like a cat. "Tasty." He murmured into the long, delicious throat, even as his eyes danced over the long, broad shoulder at Lex. "Auuusshhnnaa'."

Lex bared his teeth at Kal and growled under his breath, mentally cursing the slowness of the elevator as it dinged off floor after floor. Next time, he was taking the fucking express elevator.

CK was skittery in the elevator, jumping at the growl and mewling softly as Kal nibbled his throat. He closed his eyes in one second and jerked them open the next when he heard Kenep's growling, and whined miserably.

"Aushna', I'm trying to suck myself. Could you shut up?" Kal demanded, even as he turned CK's mouth towards his for a long, delicious kiss. He tasted so fucking good, addictive as hell, like candy and something else that was so very familiar, and oddly not at the same time. His fingers twined down to a warm crotch, still wet and hot, bundled in and zipped under denim, and carefully stroked over it gently.

That little proclamation got nothing but a loud growl and a soft spate of cursing, English and Kryptonian mixed together.

CK jumped again at the string of curses, but Kal had his mouth and wasn't letting go. He gave a little moan as Kal's strong fingers stroked over his tucked-away cock, and his hips gave a little shudder. "He's mad," he whispered to Kal's sensitive ears. "He doesn't like us."

"Sure he does, baby. He's just really, really horny. Can't you tell?" He turned CK's face towards Lex now, who had his back to them, and pointed at the constant foot to foot motions he was doing. "He does that when his cock's hard... and its all tucked away, baby. Wanna tease him?" Kal didn't wait for a response, just, with CK's help, lifted the barrier between woman and man, so... all Lex was feeling was his nipples and his raging hard on.

CK just nodded and he followed Kal's directions, uniting their thoughts and letting the barrier dissolved and Lex was Lex again, instead of Alexa. "Won't he be madder if we tease?"

Of course he will be, Lex thought to himself, and then hissed as he felt the other trappings of the night fall away and he was acutely, painfully aware of his cock, which felt hard as a rock and uncomfortably cramped and trapped behind the silicon vagina.

"Of course, baby." Kal whispered into CK's throat, even as he smiled at Lex. Properly sexually frustrated meant a good, hard fuck. "Just remember, Lex." he chided, even as he snuggled CK closer to him. "He gets me first, baby." A lick, and a kiss to his throat as the door chimed 99. "Lead the way, Kenep."

"We're the only fucking residence on the fucking floor. Surely you can find your way down the fucking hall," Lex snarled.

Kal rose a brow. "I ain't being pissy. Watch your mouth, dude. Ain't done shit to you, damn." He pushed past him, CK in arm, holding him around the waist and glaring back at him as he sauntered to the door at the end of the hall.

Lex was actually glad he didn't have his aushna's abilities. If he had? There would have been two sizzling holes in the middle of Kal's skull.

CK flipped his eyes back and forth, and he reached out gently and petted Lex's tense arm. He flinched when Lex jerked away, and didn't try to touch him again as he stayed pressed up against Kal.

"You stay with me, baby. He's plenty pissed." Kal muttered, as Lex opened the door beside them. The cool air of the apartment blew against his face as he entered, CK in arm, and took a glance around. "Seems good. Let's order some pizza, I'm fucking starved."

"Phone's on the counter," Lex snarled shortly and slammed into the bedroom, locking the bathroom door behind him.

Kal stared after him. Was that guilt he was feeling? "CK? Will you order some food? Ima go see what's wrong with Lex, alright?"

CK nodded, gulping hard. "What--what do you want on your p-pizza?" he asked, dropping the phone book as he tried to open it and then bent over quickly to retrieve it.

Kal hissed, softly, and bent as well to give the left cheek a savage bite through the jeans, sucking hard on the spot even as he helped CK rise. "Whatever, baby. You're me, you know what I like. Be back."

CK yelped, and then blushed as he realized what Kal had just done and almost dropped the phone book again. "O--okay. I'll get something good. Five be enough?"

"Get six just to be sure." Kal said over his shoulder, as he sauntered into the bedroom. The lock turned under his hands easily, but he stopped at the bathroom door, and knocked, twice. "Lex."

CK nodded and thumbed quickly through the phone book.

Lex was in the middle of cleaning off his makeup, and he snarled at the door. "Fuck off."

"Not yet. Gotta eat first. What's your damage, Kenep, anyway?" He'd knocked. He'd been civil. He twisted the knob and opened the bathroom door, letting it swing open. "What's got your panties in a fuckin' bunch? It your 'ghini? I can get it fixed."

"My car is the least of my worries, Kal," Lex said shortly. He didn't appreciate having his privacy invaded, and his voice showed it. "Hans will bring the 9-11 in the morning, and he'll have the Murcielago taken to the shop and have it fixed and the brake pads replaced."

"So what's the deal? Is it cause I sucked him off?" He pointed at the door, and glared back. "You told me to be nice, and I was. The fuck else do you want from me? You were all, 'lets get home so we can fuck' like, ten minutes ago! What the hell changed?"

Lex turned back to the mirror and went back to washing his face, scrubbing the makeup off and carefully removing his earrings. "I have some cleaning up to do, if you don't mind." His wig was tossed carelessly over the sink, and he picked up the bottle of makeup remover and went to work on his cheekbones.

"No, goddammit." Kal stalked to the sink and yanked Lex's wrists up from what he was doing, standing behind him and holding his hands immobile up and out of the way. "You're going to fucking well tell me why you aren't talking to me. Think I cheated on you? Think he cheated on you? Is that what this is all about?"

"Let go of me," Lex said calmly.

"No." Stubborn met stubborn.

"Kal, let go of me. Now. Or you're going to dislocate my shoulder as I try and pull away."

"You won't. You trust me. So tell me what the fuck crawled up your skirt, so I can go eat, then fuck you."

Lex took a deep breath and jerked.

Kal let go in time, and he took a step back, brow furrowing tightly. "Man, whatever. You can't talk to me, fine. Bastard. You can't ever tell me jack, you know? That's a fucking shame. I'm going to go out and talk to my sobbing, sniffling half, dude."

"Fine." Lex sat back down in front of the sink, and went back to taking off his makeup. "Money for the pizza is in the cabinet under the telephone; there should be a pack of hundreds in there."

"Whatever. Finish. Because CK won't let anyone but you take his virginity, and I want a piece of that ass as soon as possible."

Lex didn't blink. "I'm sure you can talk him into it."

"Bullshit. You're our aushna'." Kal sneered it at him, even as he stalked out, muttering. "CK!" He bellowed, loudly. "C'mere, baby!"

Holy shit!! CK jumped out of his skin and sent the three glasses of wine he'd just poured shattering to the ground. "What!!!" He made a quick pass of picking up the glass shards and everything, mopping up the wine, and was in the bedroom in a seconds.

"Baby, hey." Kal caught him before he went careening through the door, and turned him to look at Lex, removing his makeup in front of the sink. "Tell him what you told me, about your virginity and who should take it."

He blinked. "I thought Kenep was?" Another blink. "I mean, that's what I wanted, I thought..."

Lex just kept stoically scrubbing his face clean, tossing the used swabs into the trash can as soon as they were soiled through.

"He don't believe me. thinks I'm some kinda bullshit liar." Kal snorted as he motioned at Lex, sitting there, scrubbing and ignoring them. "Too proud, dude. I should be more worried about you and me being split, but all I can think about is going to bed, after eating a pizza. But baby, ain't gonna happen if he says no." He motioned at Lex.

"I'm not worried about the two of you being split," Lex said, voice flat. "If the effects of the red Kryptonite in the beadwork holds true to the other exposures we've dealt with, then you should naturally re-integrate by this time Sunday night. If at that point you haven't, we'll return to Smallville and I'll re-open my lab, and begin formulation of the antidote that Dr. Hamilton provided me with during the last exposure."

CK blinked. "What... did he just say?"

"Blah blah, science stuff." Kal murmured, as he set his chin on CK's shoulder. "Isn't he hot when he starts talking science?"

"Um... if I knew what he was talking about? I might say yes." A blink. "Does... that mean he doesn't... want?"

"Dunno." For once, Kal felt kind of sad. "I was looking forward to it. But dude, if he doesn't want to, I guess you and me get to watch Lord of the Rings and eat pizza. And drink cock. ...Coke. I'm hoping he's got some." Kal finished in a flurry of embarrassment, snarling and stomping off to the kitchen.

Lex's chest gave a little tug at that, hearing Clark's slip come out of that mouth. He missed Clark--the whole one--and his head felt kind of lonely without Clark there.

CK gave a little snicker then turned back to look at Lex. "Kenep? Are you...?"

"I'm fine," he said interrupted brusquely. "Go eat your dinner."


"No buts, CK. Go."

CK's lower lip was trembling, but he didn't start crying until he got out to the kitchen, and he bawled.

"CK. Dude." Kal winced as his other half started sobbing uncontrollably, just wailing, and he winced as he wrapped his arms around him, and heaved a sigh. "Dude, you're like a fuckin' leech. Come on. Get a coke and lets go sit down." He grabbed two, just for them, handing one to his twin and motioned for him to sit with him on the couch. "Stupid bastard. Its alright, baby."

CK took the drink and sat down, wailing the whole while as he dropped down beside Kal. "He hates us!" CK wailed plaintively. "He doesn't want us anymore."

"Sure, he does. He's just a turd." Kal winced as CK plunked down and wailed, holding his ear on that side closed as he held him. "Come on, its okay. I'm sure once he gets his head out of his ass he'll wanna take your virginity baby. Hey, anyway, how are you a virgin anyway?"

CK kept wailing as he sniffled. "I don't know," he shrugged as he sobbed. "I guess... I guess cause I'm so... you know. Stupid. Weak. Whatever. Nobody ever wants to."

"You're not stupid or weak. Hello. You come from me, and I come from you. I'm one sexy bitch." Kal puffed up slightly, even as he hugged him closer. "You're awesome, CK. Anyone'd want to fuck you. Have you seen you? You're a hunk, and I say that in a purely terrible way, cause you're me. But hey, dude, seriously. Whitney and Chloe. Come on now."

CK just wailed all the harder at that. "My own aushna' doesn't even want me!"

"That's cause his heads stuck up his ass, like I told ya. He's gotta lick his wounds. We did crash his 'ghini tonight, baby." Kal nodded. "You know how he is with the cars. Come on... lay here with me. We can convince him he should fuck us later, kay?"

CK just kept wailing into Kal's shoulder. "We're better than some stupid old car!"

"Course we are. 'Cept we're not worth three hundred thousand dollars, baby. He's gotta be pissed." He looked down. "I think he feels left out. Stupid ass. If I had two of him, dude, you wouldn't see me nancing around."

CK sniffled again. "We are too worth that." He rubbed his face in Kal's shoulder. "Why's he feel left out?"

"Cause I sucked you off, I guess. Maybe thinks we don't need him?" Kal frowned. Deeply. He didn't say it, but he felt an ache in his chest from it, and he glowered at the floor.

"Stupid head," CK said, letting his cheek rest on Kal's shoulder as he slowly stopped crying.

"I know, baby. There... stop crying. God you're cute." He said gently, as he stroked his hair softly.

CK sniffled. "You look just like me. You're cute too, then." Little smile.

"Yeah. Don't tell anybody. I got an image to maintain here, CK." Kal muttered, and leaned over to nibble a soft kiss from his neck. "Want me to get you off again, baby?"

"Kay. I won't tell anybody." He let his leg fall over Kal's thigh in answer to the invitation, and buried his blushing face in Kal's neck as he nodded yes.

Lex slammed out of the bedroom, dressed in casual slacks and a pullover, and stalked through the living room only long enough to confiscate a bottle of bourbon from the bar. He slammed the doors to the bedroom shut behind him as he disappeared back into the other room.

Every slam made CK jump, wide-eyed, and his grip on Kal's bicep tightened.

Kal looked up, as Lex slammed and moved, and looked down at his twin gently, with a knowing, wicked little smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "CK? How brave you feel, baby?"

"Not at all," he supplied instantly.

"Well... how do you feel about making love with our aushna', then?"

His eyes widened, but he nodded. "He... he doesn't want us. But... if he did... yes. I'd... I do. Want to. With him."

"He does want us. But our dear Lex has this power, CK, that I dunno if you know about." He looked up as the doorbell rang, and yanked one of the hundred dollar bills from the roll on the table, and walked to the door. Paid for the six pizzas with it, had the pizza boy keep the change to the poor guy's horror, and Kal set the pizza on the table. "Later, baby. Come with me, kay?"

Wide-eyed nod and he snagged one of the pizzas to take in there anyway, just in case Lex might be hungry, and he followed Kal towards the bedroom.

"Lex?" The door was slightly ajar from how hard it had slammed, and Kal pushed it open with one boot. "Lex, you in here?"

"Of course I am," Lex said blandly, and took another drink from the bottle. The laptop that stayed in the apartment was turned on, and he was paging through stock projections.

"Oh." CK? put the pizza down, baby, and follow my lead. Whatever I do, you do opposite. Okay? He walked quietly and silently around the bed towards the desk, as he gently lifted the laptop, shut it, and straddled Lex's lap, closely. "Apparently your brain doesn't think very well. We're going to... help you." He leaned down and sucked Lex's earlobe into his mouth, biting and sucking it, and opened his eyes only to gently grasp the back of CK's neck and bring him down to the opposite ear.

CK nodded, and put the pizza down on the dresser, and then his eyes goggled. Kal... in front... okay. He could do this! He climbed into bed behind Lex, knees situating themselves on either side of Lex's hips, scrunching down so he was level with Lex's body. He made a little squeak when Kal brought his mouth down to Lex's other ear, but he sucked the soft little morsel into his mouth, generous lips teasing it artlessly as he nibbled it, teeth raking across it as he looked up at Kal for approval.

"I was working on that," Lex said, forcing his voice to modulate carefully without falling into the breathlessness that wanted to overtake him. Pressed warmly between two hard, familiar bodies, slick skin on either side of him, and Lex closed his eyes. "What are you doing?" he asked, taking pride in the fact that his voice didn't tremble.

"Doing good, baby." Kal murmured, softly, before he whispered to Lex, "Seducing you. Your aushna' is a virgin. I think it would do you good to take better care of him. You took me as a virgin, didn't you?" he asked, undulating his hips in a hard lap, and licking down Lex's neck, gently guiding CK with him. "Right there, CK. Remember, how he likes it? bite, a little." He did it on his side, nibbling on Lex's pulse point.

CK closed his eyes and nodded, letting Kal's shared memories and warm hand show him the way, his teeth scoring lightly over Lex's throat, biting and sucking the bobbing Adam's apple every time Lex swallowed, sucking the skin around it as well as rubbing the back of his neck.

"It seems to me... the two of you have things... well in hand." The pauses were breathless, and Lex was fighting his instincts to raise his hands and arch his throat. The firm weight in his lap cause him to react, betraying his carefully-forged indifference even as he fought to hold onto it.

"Why are you angry?" Kal murmured, as he gently stroked his fingers through his twin's hair, down long arms, and undulated on Lex's lap, groaning heavily even as he leaned down to give a nipple a sharp biting pinch through cloth. "And what the hell is up with these clothes? Hold on, CK." He helped CK rise a bit, before he tugged the shirt up and away, onto the floor. "Mmmmm. Better."

"One customarily wears clothes in the presence of others," Lex said as dryly as he could manage as he was being stripped by his aushna'... both of them.

"Bu--but we're not... p-people, are we?" CK's hands were sliding over Lex's bare back as Kal stripped the shirt off. "W-we're aushna'." His hands slid up Lex's side and thumbs stroked over his hipbones before moving up.

"That's right, baby." Kal said, with a smirk on his lips for Lex, even if he gave CK a real one. "You're learning very well... just like that. Bring your hands around… he likes it when you play with his nipples. There... there you go." He helped him bring his hands to Lex's pebbled nipples, and leaned down, to yank at Lex's pants and underwear, until the button opened and he could drag them down a bit.

He didn't do much else, though, as he licked a stripe from Lex's bare cock, half hard there in the ruins of fabric. "Watch close, CK. See how I suck him."

CK nodded eagerly, resting his chin on Lex's shoulder as his fingers restlessly teased and squeezed pebbled nipples, tugging occasionally and pinching when he got excited.

"I'm not... a test dummy here," Lex protested, voice quavering slightly as his cock was exposed, and then again as he was licked. "Wh--what do you want?"

"We. We want you." Kal murmured, softly, before bringing his mouth down over him and sucking him, hard, all the way down his throat. He loved to suck people off, fucking adored it, more than sex any day, and he began to move up and down, gripping what he let go, sucking on the head, laving it, before burying his mouth back down on his aushna's crotch.

Lex tried to twitch away, but CK held him tightly, and every squeeze of tender nipples sent a jolt to his cock as it was buried in Kal's mouth. One hand rose to slide through the dark locks on Kal's head as he sucked, and he fisted his hand tightly in them, moaning softly as he gave in, arching his throat back and resting the back of his head on CK's shoulder.

CK was watching Kal, his eyes wide open, when the back of Lex's head hit his shoulder. He tore his eyes away from Kal long enough to look at the long throat exposed to him and he started sucking again, biting all over it and licking as much of it as he could reach, keeping a watch on Kal and his fingers busy on Lex's chest. He had no idea what he was doing, was doing what he remembered Kal doing, and hoped to God he was doing it right.

Kal let go of Lex's cock with a soft pop, licking the top once before looking up, casually. "So, Lex, you said you didn't want us. You said for us to get out. Do you still want us to leave? We are your aushna'... this is temporary, so..." A little smile, though he was slightly uncomfortable asking for sex, and he shifted, a little angrily, even as he watched CK touch and suck.

Lex's fingers tightened in Kal's hair as he pulled him down. "Don't go," he whispered softly. "Please don't." He relaxed his grip, just slightly, and cleared his throat. "Go if you want, stay if you want."

CK looked up at Kal, at that, and shook his head. "I don't wanna go, I want to stay, please?" He was rubbing his chin in Lex's shoulder, and watching Lex's other hand stroke restlessly and possessively through Kal's hair.

"I want to stay." Kal breathed, as he looked at his aushna' carefully. "But… first things first. CK? Come here, baby. Come around here, kay?" He rose up at the same time, motioning CK in front of Lex, and went into the side drawer, tugging out the two bottles of lube, and condoms. "Kenep... until we're finished, lets not... not go at it without these, okay?" He shot his eyes at Lex, then, and set the condoms, and the lube, on the side of Lex's hip, before he stripped. He helped CK up to his feet, kissing him blindingly, and carefully undressed him as he kissed him, until they were hot, naked, trembling.

Lex nodded, understanding in a little painful shot exactly what Kal meant, because of CK's innocence and possible ignorance... he just nodded, and picked them up as Kal handed them down, and made sure they were in easy reach of the bed, and he swallowed, looking down.

CK moved as Kal told him to, holding up his arms, shimmying his hips, squirming his thighs, kicking out his feet, and rolling his shoulders until all of his clothes were gone. His mouth was red and wet from Kal's kisses, he was already panting, and his cock was straining up proudly from his groin even as he blushed and looked at Kal, then Lex.

"You're doing very, very good baby." Kal smiled, warmly at him, before sneering down at Lex. "Come here, CK. I want you to get on all fours right here for a second, okay? Your elbows and your knees. Lean over and play with Lex's cock… you know he likes that. I'm going to touch you...get you stretched for him."

Lex put out his hand and blocked CK's, keeping his aushna's hand away from his cock. The sneering looks from Kal, the afterthought inclusion, it wasn't going to work, and Lex started to roll over.

CK threw a panicked look from Lex to Kal and back, pleading with his hands and eyes for Lex to stay where he was and let CK touch him.

"What're you doing?" Kal asked, even as he swept his fingers over CK's neck and back to calm him, peering down at Lex on his belly, in question. "You want him to take you, Lex?"

Lex looked up at Kal. "I don't think I need to be here for this," he said softly. "You two seem to have each other well in hand, and if all I'm going to be is a convenient dick, then I'd really rather not, you understand I'm sure."

Kal looked down at him for a long, long moment. "You know what, Lex? Fuck you. I'm still Clark, you know that? I'm still Clark, and so is he," He motioned down at CK, who looked ready to cry again. "And dude, you... you just fucked up in the worst way imaginable. Dude. Just... dude. I'm leaving. You coming, CK?" He asked it down of the young man laying, flush with desire.

CK looked helplessly from one man to the other, the other half of him, and his aushna', and didn't know what to do.

Lex didn't answer, but just looked up at Kal for a long moment. "No, Kal. I haven't fucked up. I saw, just now, just how fucking necessary I am to this whole operation here, and I'm not going to be a convenience to facilitate this, no matter how much my body may say I want it."

"You don't have to. I don't mind. I'm just not going to sit here and be told I'm using somebody for a sex toy. I'm a bastard, not a fucking rapist. What the fuck do I look like to you, eh? Last, what, ten months I haven't done anything but love you, and... dude. Just..." He was upset, and angry, and there was a ball of tension in his throat that pissed him off. "I was gonna get him ready for you, dude. That's it. But you know what? No skin off my goddamned back."

CK just... he wanted to burst into tears, and he couldn't. Just couldn't. "K--kenep? Please? Talk? To us, I mean. We... we're still Clark. we're just... two of us." He stroked Lex's shoulder, and it hurt to feel him flinch away. "Kal, don't get mad or anything. Please?"

"Tell that to him. You know, someone told me once to get over my damned self and stop making it all about me. I think maybe YOU need to hear those words, Lexy dear. Fucking hell. So much for eternal love, right? So much for aushna'." And if his voice cracked, he covered it with an angry snarl. "I'm so fucking leaving. CK, you can stay. He won't hurt you."

"Don't go," CK said. "I can't think as well when you're not here." He stayed close to Lex, close as he could without touching, and waiting to see if Lex was going to talk.

Lex heard the crack anyway, more in his head than in his ears, and it made his chest tighten again. "I don't... I thought I got through to you, Kal. Thought you knew how I felt. About this. Going down the stairs, at the club, the people looking, being envious? It was going to be nice, and I liked the idea of the three of us. I thought you knew. Then in the car... suddenly it was like all about Kal and CK, and you didn't need Lex anymore to make it work. Kal and CK were getting along and Lex didn't matter anymore. You got to fuck Alexa, and then it was on to the new thing with CK."

"So all I am is some cheap slut to you, huh?" Kal wanted to sob, but instead he laughed and shook his head. "Dude. Dude. Are you even listening to yourself? We're Clark. We got split in two. We're both Clark, just because we gave ourselves names to differentiate us. And you're jealous. You're jealous of... of us and its fucking insane, and I can't believe you're this much of an ass."

CK shook his head. "Kal, no, listen to what he's feeling, not what he's saying." This is what he was good at, and sucked at too, because he couldn't translate it into words. But that's what he did when he was part of Clark, listened to the feeling and not the words, so he did it now.

"I don't..." He looked at CK and glared, though it wasn't hard felt. "Listen to what he's feeling? Like a jealous bitch. Dude, I'm you, you're me. We haven't even fucked. I got you off, and that's it. I fucked Alexa because she's a hot broad, but I didn't think... dude. I just don't even want to. Alright?"

"Please?" CK asked, and he motioned for Kal to come over. "Come on. You c-can do it. If I can you can, cause we're us." Which made no sense, but he knew it'd work.

Lex just glared back at Kal, arms crossed over his chest, trying to hide what he was feeling, and failing miserably. Ever since they'd left Ireland, he hadn't been able to hide anything from his aushna', and he supposed, deep down inside, he didn't need to.

Kal didn't sit down on the edge of the bed, furious at Lex as he glared, as deeply as he could. "Dude. I'm not some cheap slut. I didn't go off and fuck the first six people I saw, though I goddamn well should have. You jealous fuck. CK's a virgin, never done this stuff, was crying uncontrollably, and I try to comfort him and you go off the goddamn handle."

"And that's just it," Lex said softly. "You didn't need me to do it. Whenever you--Clark--were upset, you came to me. Because that's what I'm here for. But this time... you took care of it yourself. More than literally. And you didn't need me to do it."

CK whined softly in the back of his throat, because his confidence was waning as rapidly as Kal was angered, and he wrapped his arms around his waist and squeezed.

"Oh. So this is about me having a spine, and taking care of my shit by myself. Is that it?" Kal was getting more angry by the moment. "because I took care of myself and took care of myself, you're all pissed as fuck? The fuck is your deal, dude?"

CK understood it, but he couldn't express it. It was like, not having a place anymore, and he just hugged himself tighter. "Don't get mad, Kal."

"How can I not, baby?" Kal's eyes flickered to his. "Just because we took care of ourselves, Lex is going off. Baby, that's not normal. Don't you think so?"

CK shook his head. "It's not that."

Lex transferred his glare to CK for a moment, and then back to Kal. "This is about an aushna' not being necessary anymore, Kal," he said softly. "You've figured out a way to be rid of me. Not that you want to, but you've got it. You've got someone to take care of, you can obviously take care of yourself, provide what you need, and that doesn't leave a damn thing for me to do."

"This is all about sex to you, then." Kal's eyes flickered again, but there was a deep well of pain awakening in him that he hated. No one could hurt him like this but this ignorant fool sitting in front of him. "Me and CK… Clark... was affected by red K. You're sitting here telling me that its all okay now, because I've got CK to fuck me, and that hey, all I need taken care of is the sex? Dude, you ignorant fuck."

"No, Kal, what I'm telling you is, you don't need me for anything. I tried at the club to tell you that I loved you, tried to tell you that it was... all right to feel it in return. And yes, I know you do because you are my aushna', but no, you don't. I do love you, Kal, but you don't want--need--whatever--anything from me. Physical, emotional, whatever. I offered it, you rejected it, and then you went and took it from someone else." He swallowed hard. "That tends to make me feel more than a little superfluous." Lex cursed inwardly. He'd thought he was over this a long time ago, thought he was over it when Clark had gone to Whitney the first time he was exposed to red Kryptonite. But apparently not.

"You think so, then?" Kal pointed at CK. "Then what about him? Huh? He loves you so much he can't breathe. And what about me? You think I don't love you? You think this is just some twisted sex fantasy, where its all good and peaches while we're fucking, but when we're not I don't need anything from you? Dude, fuck you. I had your baby, and you can still sit here and spout shit like this. We just got over fighting about this shit and here we are again." His voice was cracking painfully along every word, and he snarled, loudly, cursing vehemently as he did so. "FUCK you. FUCK. YOU. Fuck you, and your goddamned complex, all the way to the fucking end of the world. You piece of shit bastard."

CK just shook his head, and he did start crying this time, because for once in his life, both years and hours, he actually understood both sides of it, and the pain was crushing. "I hate you both!" he yelled. "You make me hurt!" He kept his arms wrapped around his midsection, and squeezed. He hurt because his aushna' rejected him, he hurt because Kal wasn't making an effort and he just hurt.

"No, I think you do love me, when you're Clark," he said softly. "I want you to now, but I don't know if you can." His eyes widened in shock at CK's outburst, and he swallowed hard again, moving lube bottles and condoms out of the way as he moved forward. "CK?"

"Don't!" he cried. "Not until you trust me!"

"Don't, baby." Kal said, very gently, even as he glared at Lex. "Don't touch him. Dude. You still don't trust me. Even after all you said, you still don't trust me that I love you so much. You don't even... don't even give a fuck. I'm trying here, trying as hard as I can, even when CK and I are together as Clark, but dude. Just... you don't even get it. You don't. For all I give you, the more you think shit like this."

"I do get it." Lex dropped his hands into his lap, and his fingers went unconsciously to the gold band still on his finger. "I don't always express it. But I get it."

"Then why are you sitting here telling me I don't love you?"

"Because I know Clark does. But split open like this? Kal... I don't know. Everything I offered in the room, you rejected. I had to hold you in place with a threat to my own safety and dare you to hurt me. My link to you both is split in two, and I can't tell what is coming through, only that it's there." His fingers still worried the ring gently. "Now you're telling me that you do want it/feel it/need it/whatever it and I just... don't know what to think."

"Dude, man. Whatever." Kal yanked his leather pants back on, and took CK's sweater, tugging it over his head. Didn't say where he was going, just turned and stalked out of the room. Yanked his boots on, grabbed his wallet from the counter, and slammed the apartment door closed behind him.

Lex looked at CK, then got up from the bed. "Stay here. I'm going to go find him." He put his pullover back on and pulled on his pants, and was surprised when CK blocked his way. "Stay here."

"You don't even know what you've done," CK said sadly, hugging himself still. "You hurt him. You make him think you don't care for him at all. You make him feel useless, and used." He rubbed his head then. "I can't think without Kal."

Lex listened to everything as he put his shoes on, then pushed past CK and picked up his money, ID, and keys as he walked through the apartment, and closed the door behind him. "Kal!" he yelled out, looking up and down the hall.

He was waiting for the elevator, patiently. The stairs were locked, maintenance for water damage, and as much fun as it would be, slipping and falling ninety nine stories wouldn't be fun. So he waited, angrily, even as Lex called after him. "Fuck you. Go away."

"I'm not going away," Lex said, sprinting to catch up with him before the elevator got there. "Kal... listen. I didn't mean to hurt you, dammit."

"Bullshit. You didn't hurt me. Nothing hurts Kal." But he glared at him sideways. "You don't even think about it before you stay stuff. When we're Clark, it pisses me the fuck off. I've given you everything--what do you want, blood?"

"I know differently." Lex sat down on the bench beside Kal, and reached out to touch the scar on Kal's back under the sweater. "I do think before I say things, Kal. I try and say them in the way that makes sense, the best way I can, to explain what I think and what I feel. And I don't know what else to do."

Kal looked at him, sideways, angrily, even as he couldn't help himself. He lay his head on Lex's shoulder, still glaring, still fuming, even as he sat there. "I shouldn't have gone off. But you shouldn't have doubted. I haven't ever doubted you since we got together--why do you insist on doing it to me?"

Lex let his head lean down and rest against Kal's. "I don't know," Lex said softly. "I can't help it. There's just this part of me that thinks no matter what, you're going to outgrow me. Or realize you don't really need me, and that scares me. That scared me tonight. Once you were with CK, it was like... you had everything you needed."

"When I was with CK it was like what?" Kal demanded, looking up. "Just because I had a sex outlet didn't mean I didn't need you. Dude… I'm not even going to explain this to you anymore." He was too tired. "I'm going back to Smallville."

"It wasn't just sex." Lex put his hand on Kal's arm carefully. "I tried to tell you that before, but you weren't listening. He calmed you down. He got you logical, though I think that's more due to the fact that he's attuned to you and you to him, and you got him to stop crying--so much," he added quickly. "You did for each other what I couldn't do for either of you."

"Because we're the same person, you stubborn bald ass."

"I know that," Lex said, squeezing Kal's arm. "Which only makes it worse. Because if you know you can do it for yourself--not sexually, but in every other thing--if you know that you can do these things for yourself, then what are you going to have for me?"

Kal pinched the bridge of his nose, something he'd copied from Dominic, and rubbed his temples. "Dude. You're like a fucking brick wall, I swear to God. Trust. Just... fucking trust." The elevator dinged in front of him, and he rose. "I've always been able to calm myself down, and get myself logical, again. Its what people do. If you think all I need you for is that, then you're blind as a bat and twice as fucking dumb."

Lex didn't get up from beside Kal. "Don't get on that elevator."

Kal glared back at him. "Don't tell me what to do."

"I'm not telling, Kal. I'm asking."

A little smirk, though he didn't feel like smirking. "And if I say no?"

"As you've so eloquently pointed out before... there's not a lot I can do to stop you." Lex shrugged.

Kal stopped. He had a hand stopping the elevator doors from closing, and he looked at Lex for a long moment, silently. "And if I say yes?"

Lex gave another little shrug. "I don't know what you want to hear, Kal. I've asked you not to go. If you stay, we'll keep talking. We'll go back and make sure CK is all right."

"I don't want to keep talking. I want to be in one body so you stop looking at me like that." Kal snarled, as he let up on the elevator and watched it close. "CK's a virgin. You probably ruined him for life."

Lex let his shoulders slump a little. "I don't mean to look at you like any way than..." A little pause, and he sighed. "I love you."

"I love you too." Kal snarled. "Now stop being a fucking pussy and get back in the apartment."

A soft chuckle at that. "I think that if this part of you had met me five years ago, we could have destroyed the world."

"Whatever. I would have fucked you dead." Kal growled, darkly. "All I know is that if I have to live with these blue balls until tomorrow, someone's severely going to pay." He snarled, as he yanked the door open and glared, waiting for Lex to walk in.



go on to the next part