
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 244: Reality

Kal… Kal just grinned, watching as the pleasure made his others eyes roll up, and watched as he fainted with amusement, even as Lex stroked into him.

Lex pulled out his tongue as CK collapsed, and he kept stroking until there was nothing else to be expelled from his aushna's cock, and then he lay on the bed beside CK, cuddling him close. His cock was boiling, but he was going to wait, and take CK if it killed them both, and he stroked his hand over his lover's damp flank. "I think we broke him," Lex said softly, grinning up at Kal.

"I think so, too." Amused, as he lay there on his side, propped up by an elbow. "Give him a minute. He'll come back. Did you hear what he was thinking? God, he's so fuckin cute." Snickered, even as he lay down on his back.

"Just bits and pieces, when he was the most excited." His hand kept stroking CK's hip even as he looked over at Kal. "You're realizing it, aren't you?" he asked sadly.

A raised brow. "Realizing what?"

"That it doesn't matter," Lex said softly. "That what happens now is everything, because in the strictest sense, there's not going to be a future for any of this."

"Dude. Don't even know what the fuck you're talking about." But even as he said it, yeah, he sounded hollow as fuck, and he looked up at the ceiling.

Lex just nodded, and fell silent, the fingers of one hand reaching over to play idly with the strands of Kal's hair as he lay flopped on his back.

They were quiet, for a long time, as CK beside them went from fainting to sleeping, and gave soft snores quietly.

"I love him, you know."

Lex nodded. "I know. He loves you, too."

"I know we're Clark, dude. But I guess... maybe I just dunno how to explain it." A light roll of his eyes at himself. "We... won't get what you and Clark get. Even though… we are Clark. its different. Its all different. I... I love him like I love you. In a different way… in a deeper way. I know him, and I want to stay with him. Except time is ticking and even though this just happened tonight, in two days he'll be gone, and I'll be gone and" I'm so sad I can barely stand it. "And its just fucking weird."

Lex nodded, and closed his eyes, forcing some of the blood in his cock to return to circulation in the rest of his body. "You love him like a part of you. And he is a part of you, even more than I am as your aushna'. He's... an extension of you. I'm just connected to you. I actually understand that now." His fingers still played in Kal's hair. "I'm with you there on the weirdness scale." A little sigh. "I'll miss you both."

If his chin trembled, he dared Lex to say anything about it. "Clark... he keeps me locked away. When CK and I get mushed back together, I'll only see him, and see you, when Clark's all pissed off." A little smile, to keep himself from sobbing like some sissy bitch. "He doesn't like me much. Not that I would understand why." Preening snicker that died on his lips, and he turned his eyes from the ceiling to CK's body between them. "I don't know how I'm going to live without him. I won't even know he was alive. I won't remember I was alive." His eyes filled now, as furious as he was with himself, and he ran his fingers gruffly over CK's hair. "I love him so much, and I won't even remember."

Lex's fingers tightened gently in Kal's hair, and turned his head enough to look at Lex. "But I'll remember. And you'll see it in me, and you'll be able to remember, even a little. Because I won't forget." He tightened his fingers a little more. "I won't forget you. Or CK. Or any of this." A little pause. "I make you a promise, Kal. When you and CK are back together, as Clark, I will share this with him. He'll remember, through this, too."

"It doesn't matter. Because I won't be here to see it. This... its all wrong, all of it, its so wrong. And I know it can't stay like this, because this is not how its supposed to be. But I… just found this, just found him," His fingers were shaking now, as they stroked through CK's hair. "And I'll be gone. I'm so fucking scared, because no one will ever know how much I loved him," He was shaking now with his sobs, his body shaking violently as he held CK close. "No one will ever know. And I'll be back inside Clark, and so will CK, but we won't even know it, we'll just be him. We won't ever... I won't ever get to hold him again, or kiss him, or share kisses with him, and it fucking hurts. I don't want to hurt anymore. I hurt when Mar died, when CK almost did, when everything good inside of us hid away, and now..." His heart felt like it was ripping out of his chest with each word and he rocked against CK quietly, holding him in his arms close.

Lex let go of CK as Kal drew him close, and instead, moved around the bed so that he could wrap around Kal from behind, cradling the larger frame between his and CK's. "I'll know. I know that's not much of a consolation, because you won't be here, but I will know, Kal. And I'll make sure Clark knows." He stroked Kal's taut biceps gently, kissed the back of a corded neck, ran soothing fingers through dark hair. "I don't know how to make the hurt go away. I don't know how to make you stay here, either. Tell me what I can do for you, Kal, and I will."

"There's no way we can. We're Clark... Clark is us." But the sobs had stopped to make way for silent tears, as he lay there, Lex in tight behind him, and stared into a beautiful, beautiful face as it slept. His fingers moved over soft hair, gentle dimples, and soft lips, and his heart was viced, tight, like a drum, in his chest. "There's nothing you can do." He finally said, quietly, as misery took him over. "I'm tired of being sad. You know? I'm just so tired of being so fucking sad all the time. I wish it was like before, when it was more innocent. But its not, it won't ever be again." He grasped Lex's hands, tightly around his middle, holding him as powerfully close as he could. "Clark won't understand, Lex. Don't explain it to him... he won't get it, and it'll just freak him out. Has a habit of it, when he's one person." He said quietly, as he grasped his fingers tightly and his chest heaved with his quiet sobs. "God, this fucking sucks."

Lex moved even closer, his arousal draining entirely away in the face of Kal's misery, and he twined his legs around Kal's hips, hugging with his entire body. "I won't try to explain. But I won't hide it from him either," he said softly. "I'll... talk to him. About letting you out more often. I'd like to see more of you." He squeezed his hands tightly as he could. "I love you, Kal. I want you to know that. Despite... anything I said that hurt you, it wasn't meant to. I do love you."

For some reason that made him even sadder and his shoulders shook, gasping in his pain as he cried, trying to make himself stop but with each thing that he tried, it only got worse. "I won't even know. You love me now, but when I'm back with CK, I won't ever even know. He won't ever get to feel you again, Lex." And for some reason, the absolute pity of it had him turning, pressing close to Lex's chest and winding his arms around his waist as he fell apart. "He… he was in so much pleasure, did you see him? He was so happy, he felt so good. I want you to have him, again, and again, before its too late. He doesn't understand, Lex. He's... he's too innocent, too chaste. He doesn't understand what's coming, but I do. You have to promise me, promise me you'll make him feel so good that even when he's gone he'll remember how good it felt for you to be his alone. He needs that--he craves it. He's wanted to be happy for so long."

Lex wrapped both of his arms around Kal and hugged tightly. "I promise, Kal. He'll know. I promise he'll know what it's like, he'll remember." He kissed Kal's face softly, rubbed his cheek against Kal's. "He'll never understand what's coming, I won't let him. And when it happens, the only thing he'll know is how much he's loved. By both of us." He cradled Kal close, stroked him gently. "Sssh. I'm your aushna' too, Kal. I'll take care of both of you. I know you don't need it, but I'm going to anyway." Lex promised himself, then and there, that LexCorp was not going to become his life, not like the plant had. Clark was. And if Clark wanted to eat cheeseburgers in bed, then he was going to.

"I do need you. I just don't need you to fuck me, or me to fuck you. I can feel that anytime I want to. I just need you to be with me, okay? As fucking gross as needy as that sounds, cause I don't need jack shit from anybody… I just need you to be close to me." He nodded, his eyes shifting and looking up as he tried to clear his eyes. "Fucking hell. I'm such a damn sissy, I swear, that bastard's wearing off on me."

"It's not gross." Lex kissed his ear softly, and when he saw Kal looking up at him, Lex quickly closed his eyes, to show that he hadn't witnessed anything. "I'll be as close to you as you can stand," he promised softly. "Tomorrow, while Dad and Dom are out? We'll have lunch here--I'll cook--and then? We'll get CK in a hot soak, you too, to get you cleaned up, and I'll read to you. I know. It sounds stupid. But we're reading the Tolkein books, Clark and I both, and I'll read to you out of yours."

Kal rubbed his face clean with the heels of his hands, rubbing them hard and hot as he fought to control himself. "I just don't want to be away from you. I'm sorry, for the way I acted tonight. It was just so new, I didn't understand. I'm so used to being inside of him… it was so weird." Another rub of his nose, and though he was still damp, it'd do. He turned, onto his back, just enough to stroke CK's hair gently as he slept, and didn't know how he'd slept through all of that, but the snores were quiet, so he swallowed, and cleared his throat. "Are we going to stay here? I thought you'd want Jor to help you get this... this all straightened out."

"We're going to stay here," Lex decided. "I want... I want you two to be able to have everything you can. Then, if after forty-eight hours you haven't reunited... then we'll go back to Smallville, and Jor-El." He kissed Kal's shoulder gently. "You won't be away from me, I promise." Another kiss. "And don't apologize to me; you had a right to act that way. I didn't act well either; we were both getting used to the situation, and there's no apology necessary." A third kiss to his shoulder, and as Kal shifted onto his back, Lex shifted too so that he was now pressed against Kal's side, head resting on the shoulder he'd just kissed.

"I love you, Lex." he said, quietly, gruffly, even as he looked at CK. "You're my aushna'. No one else would have been the same. You're perfect for Clark, and I know for a fact that he loves you more than anything. More than I love CK, more than Dom and Lionel love each other. He loves you, he's devoted his life to you. And dude, don't tell him I said this, but he's like, fucking crazy about having kids."

"I love you, Kal." And it was true. He did, he loved Kal every bit as much as Clark. "He's my life; I love him more than I think I can comprehend sometimes." He rubbed his hand lightly over Kal's chest. "I made myself a promise just now, that when I was with Clark again, I wouldn't let LexCorp take over my life, the way LuthorCorp did with Dad. If he wants cheeseburgers and coke in bed, then he can have that. And I know about the kids." A soft little smile. "I want them more than I can say."

"No, Lex." He sideglanced him. "Dude, you have no fucking clue. There was serious shit going on in his head for months. Shit he never told you about. Shit like suicide, dude." Kal stopped, then, and felt almost guilty for saying this, even as he finally sat up, quietly, to watch him. He needed a minute to breathe, here, just to think. "Shit like running away. But he didn't. He didn't, because you were there, and he loved you more than anything, even more than Mar. He loved you, and he wouldn't leave you." A shift. "I hate all this hearty heart shit."

Lex let Kal sit up, and he blinked. "I had... no idea." His fingers found Kal's and wove them tightly together. "No, he never told me. But I'm glad that he didn't; I don't know what I'd have done." He brought Kal's fingers to his mouth for a kiss. "I think I have you to thank for this," he said quietly, bringing their fingers to the gold band on Lex's hand.

"Dude. He's such a pussy." A roll of his eyes, then. "He didn't want to give it to you, and then he did, and then he didn't. Talk about some frustrating twenty four hours. Christ." But he rubbed the golden band on Lex's finger, and his already clenched heart tightened uncontrollably. "Its so pretty close up."

"I'm glad he finally did," Lex said softly, feeling the clench in his own chest too. "He wears his around his neck, but if you want to wear mine, you can."

"No... its yours." A slight smile. "He left it at home. Its in the cigar box on the dresser... he didn't want to lose it at the club. Hah. Lose one ring, gain two people." Another snort, but it was half hearted as he leaned down to brush his lips across CK's, and looked up at Lex. "Its fuckin weird I love him, isn't it?"

Lex shook his head. "No. It's not. I told you, he's a part of you, even more than I am."

He nodded, kissing CK's lips again, then again, gently, rubbing his thumb gently against the dimple softly before he leaned down to kiss the back of a shoulder reverently, before letting go gently. "Should we wake him up?"

Lex shook his head. "No. Let him sleep; when he wakes up himself is enough time to do whatever he wants." He tugged on Kal's hand gently with their linked fingers. "Come share half a cold pizza with me."

"Yeah?" If he took the hand a little too eagerly, his glare DARED Lex to bring attention to it, as he rose up. "You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." He tugged again. "My stomach is growling, and you can even have the pepperoni, since our favorite Hoover is currently sleeping off the other three pizzas he ate."

Kal smirked even as he rose up, letting go for just a minute to grab the blankets and cover CK up, close and cuddly as could be. "Don't think he'll get freaked out?"

"Not if we're just in the other room, though if you'd rather, I can bring the pizza back in here and we can eat in bed, and maybe find something on TV." He reached into the bedside table and handed Kal the remote, clicking the power button and causing the wood panels over the dresser to retract and reveal a wide-screen entertainment center. "Just don't go in the closet, because I think that's where Dad keeps his toys for him and Dominic."

"Dude, Lex." He tugged, even as he handed the remote. "Your dad and Dominic are like, fucking seriously hot together. Sweet, sure, but when they're sending smoldering eye fucks at one another?" Kal shuddered all over. "I know you could never look at Clark the same if he said it, so I'll say it for him. Dude." He slipped from the room, just for a moment, and returned a few moments later with a pizza still warm in its box and the liter of Pepsi, plastic cups sitting over the cap. "And don't even sit there and tell me Dominic isn't really hot. And Lionel, too, but yeah, dad."

Lex made a face. "Thanks, Kal. Any sexual thoughts I might have had have been killed for the next fifteen years of my life." He took the pizza box and lifted the lid, barely grimacing at the grease and fatty smell that wafted up from the cheese, and sighed. "My arteries are hardening from the smell alone." He plucked off a piece of pepperoni, and held it out to Kal. "Dominic... I actually tried to seduce, years ago. And when that didn't work, I went after his twin sister, Megan. Beautiful lady she was, but it was all to get back at Dominic for not sleeping with me." A grimace then. "My father's sexual nature is not a subject I wish to discuss."

"Course not." Kal plunked on the bed, but gently, as to not stir CK from his orgasmic slumber, and shifted without bringing attention to it so he was nestled close against Lex, leaning against the headboard. "Dominic is all types of fucking hot. Kinda skinny, but I see why that's appealing." A little sideways smirk. "But he's got the eyes, and the build. He's really hot. And your dad..." he hooted. "Jesus fuckin A! Built like a fuckin quarterback. He's got that broad, bear look goin'. He's severely handsome."

Lex put the slice of pizza he'd just taken out of the box right back in. "Thanks again," he said dryly. "I'm losing my appetite. My father is not handsome. He is not built, stacked, hot, good looking, nor any other adjective you could apply to sexual attractiveness. In fact, I would go so far as to say that if you mention my father again, my dick will never forgive you."

"That's cause you agree." Kal said, with vague amusement beside him, as he rose a casual brow. "Alright, no more talking about how your dad is prime A love meat. Check." Another grin, though it was silly, as he glanced beside him and down at CK, gently running his fingers through soft hair, even as he pressed in close to Lex. "I lied, you know."

A full body shudder at the mention of Lionel being "prime A love meat." He couldn't help it. "That's probably the most repulsive analogy you could have drawn." Lex leaned his weight back against Kal's shoulder, so they were leaning against each other. "What did you lie about?"

"I lied about not wanting you to have me." Quietly, without looking at him, even as he tried for a smirk. "I'm a shitty liar, anyway, you should have seen right through that."

Lex shrugged. "You tend to get a little cranky when I call you on it." He kissed Kal's temple softly. "I didn't want to upset you further."

"Sure do." He shifted, though, and if his chin trembled, he didn't say anything, just leaning his head on Lex's shoulder for a moment. Lifted up the next moment and got another slice of pizza, munching into it as he watched the TV.

Lex turned his head just a little, kissing the back of Kal's neck and sliding his fingers inside of Kal's shirt. He leaned over enough to steal a bite off Kal's pizza slice, then picked up the soda bottle and poured a glass, taking a deep drink and then holding it up for Kal.

The touch was very, very good. Even though he only showed that it was when Lex turned away to pour some soda, and took in a quiet breath as he did it. He took the cup and took a drink, before offering it back, then watched as Lex chewed, out of the corner of his eyes. He bit some of the pizza, too, looking down at his beautiful CK, then back to Lex, silently.

Lex took the plastic cup back, took another drink from it, then set it to the side, on the corner of the bedside table. He ignored the pizza for a moment, instead scooting closer that his fingers slid under Kal's t-shirt to palm a hard nipple before sliding up and over his heart, rubbing softly there with gentle strokes before sliding back down to tease a flat belly. "Anything you want," Lex offered softly as he touched slowly, gently.

"Oh, yes." A quiet, long groan of pleasure that had his head falling back. "What I want, we don't… have time for." He flashed a wicked grin up at him, even as his hips rose up when Lex's wide palm slid over his belly. "I dunno what I want. What do you want?"

"What don't we have time for?" Lex asked, nibbling a collarbone through the t-shirt. His hands stroked Kal's belly again, but for the moment, didn't tease any lower.

When Lex started nibbling, Kal turned his head to one side, even as his heart began to clench up with pain again. "Everything." He said, quietly, even as he smirked a little. "Just want you to be inside of me. Is that alright? Or had your heart set on being fucked by the ever sexy Kal?"

Lex nodded. "Can you be satisfied with everything I can give you, instead of everything in the world?" He slid his hands over Kal's chest, instinctively rubbing where he knew the lump would be. "I can live with both," he continued whispering. "I can be inside you... then later? You can fuck me hard as you want."

He jerked upwards, gasped, and ground back into where Lex was rubbing his bump, his head thrown back and chest arched upwards as his fingers grasped Lex's shoulders heedlessly. "Fucking hell. Christ, don't stop." The pleasure was unbelievable and he groaned deeply, as his hand came back too and showed his lover just how to touch it. "Like this... scratch over it with your--ohfuck."

His cock was rising in his boxer shorts, twitching uncontrollably, and he groaned. "Damn that's good."

Lex did exactly as he was told, dragging his nails over the little bump as his mouth fastened onto Kal's arched throat and sucked. Tangy sweat that tasted familiar and slightly mineralistic at the same time, and Lex pressed against the bump again, two fingers rubbing firmly over it before going back to scraping it with his nails. His teeth dragged over Kal's throat in tandem, leaving little score marks that disappeared almost instantly.

"Ohfuckthatsgood." Low, throaty moan that had him jerking and hissing in pleasure, rubbing back and rubbing up, even as he shrugged Lex up as CK made a quiet noise beside them. "Dude, lets go somewhere else. Alright? Not here, let him sleep."

"All right," Lex said softly, and instead of sliding off Kal's body, Lex latched his arms and legs around Kal's neck and waist. "Anywhere you want to go?" He started licking and nibbling as Kal stood up with him, and he was sucking on the closest earlobe.

"You expect me to carry your lazy ass?" Kal glared at him, even as he did exactly that, climbing to his feet and hoisting Lex up tightly around his waist, nibbling and licking his throat and neck, his jaw, even as he rose and latched Lex in tightly. With the position they were in they were able to-- "Oh yes. Oh… fuckin' hell that's good." A low, heavy groan and an undulation upwards as he rubbed his aching crotch against Lex's. "Fuck. Where to?"

"Of course I do," Lex answered, mid-nibble. "Mmmm... we could go to the guest room, on the other side of the apartment, but that's probably further away from CK than either of us wants to be... though I could always fuck you over the kitchen counter."

A long, low shudder right through his body. "Crisco, Lex? Dude, thought you had better taste than that." But he led them out of the bedroom and headed towards the front room. Instead of veering to the kitchen, though, he stopped in the living room and dropped Lex on the couch they'd been on just a while ago, and snuggled in between Lex's spread thighs, before starting in on the hard cock between his aushna's thighs.

"I do have better taste; I said nothing about using Crisco as lube, just... bending you over the counter and fucking you raw." He dragged his nails up Kal's back before he was dropped on the couch, and he gave a little moan as his aushna's wet mouth licked over his cock. He slid his hands through Kal's hair, tugging gently, guiding carefully over the shaft as he trembled.

Kal didn't have time to respond, just shifting his shoulders and pressing his head down over Lex's severely delicious cock. Swallowed it all down in one push and swallow, further down then even when he and CK were joined, and swallowed hard around it, working it with his throat as he rubbed the base with his lips. Up, up out of his throat, a hard suck at the tip, and back down again for another go.

Lex's back arched as he tightened his fists in Kal's hair. Clark had never deepthroated him like this before, and he couldn't help pushing his cock into Kal's throat as he did it now. Moaned loudly, gutturally, limbs tense and taut with the strain of not fucking Kal's throat violently, and his head was rolling against the back of the couch.

When he sucked up the second time, sucked hard at the tip and looked up, his lips were bruised, his cheeks flushed, his eyes wicked and wide. "You can, you know. He'll never tell you, but when you use him for your pleasure, its the sexiest thing on the planet." He wrapped his lips back around the tip and slid down the length, which was harder than he'd felt in a long time, and sucked downwards.

Lex didn't need a second invitation. His grip in Kal's hair didn't lapse, and he started pulling Kal down by it, rocking his hips up and fucking his aushna's throat hard with every lunge of his hips. His balls bounced gently against Kal's chin, and Lex's only commentary was a continual barrage of moans and groans that expressed just how hot and aroused he was by this.

Kal started to move with him, easy and quiet, letting Lex fuck his throat even as he moved and helped him. Sucked up and down, over and over, fucking sexy as hell. He kept his teeth tucked under his lips, and his tongue sliding over the hard length, peppering over Lex's favorite spots insistently. Usually, Clark slipped over them and stopped until Lex crested to another wave of arousal, but Kal didn't let him as Clark usually did, pushing through and sucking at those spots insistently, even as his hand came up to stroke and cup hard balls.

Lex's hands slid out of Kal's hair and down to his shoulders, holding on and balancing himself on them as he fucked Kal's throat over and over again. His eyes were screwed shut as his body bowed, pleading and begging between groans for mercy, for orgasm, because he was on the edge of it, with Kal's tongue scraping over and over again at the sensitive spots on his cock, and he was almost ready to cry with his need to explode.

Oh God that was good. He kept stroking over the delicious places on his beautiful aushna's cock, sucking hard on the stroke up right under the ridge on the bottom of his lovers cock. He sucked, licked, stroked hard with his tongue before sliding back down, and swallowed, very hard, around the head, massaging it with his throat muscles.

And that was it. That was all Lex could take, and his nails dug deeply into Kal's skin as he came. His back arched, his hips thrust, and his cock buried to the root in Kal's throat as his balls jerked out their creamy load. Groaning, panting, trying to catch his breath as he orgasmed, and it wasn't working because Kal's mouth was still hot on his cock, sucking and massaging and licking his orgasm out of him.

It was delicious. That's all Kal could think, as he sucked and slurped every single drop from his lovers delicious cock. He made utterly rude, utterly sexy noises as he did it, sucking and licking and swallowing as much as he could from his lovers spilling organ, licking over it, sucking and stroking it with his fingers to get as much out of it as he could. Groaned, deeply, in pleasure, and purred deeply as he sucked him off.

Lex felt as though the strings to his body had been cut. He was just sprawled out on the couch, body thumping occasionally with blunt pleasure as he petted and stroked his fingers through Kal's hair, tugging him up weakly. "Up, come up," is all he got out, pulling gently.

He nodded, even as he finished sucking it all down, swallowing around what he'd been giving and purring, deeply, softly, in pleasure. That Lex had found him worthy to have it pleased him enormously and he gave the sagging cock gently strokes and a very soft kiss against the tip, before climbing up beside him with a smirk on his red tinged lips. "Fuck I'm good."

Lex crawled into Kal's lap, letting his wet cock press against the waistband of Kal's boxers as he devoured his aushna's mouth in a deep, hard kiss. His tongue thrust deep, licking, sucking his own come out of Kal's mouth, teeth scraping over full lips, biting them as he kissed. His hands pressed down on Kal's shoulder as he reached down, stroking himself back to hardness as he kept kissing.

Kal gave a low, breathy laugh as Lex slid into his lap. His arms came around a firm waist, his tongue licking and sucking at the delicious lips even as his lover stroked himself. "Lex… you don't have to fuck me with your cock, y'know." He said, wickedly, eyebrow raising as he glanced back. "Sure your dad and Dom wouldn't mind if you borrowed something." And whatever that something was shuddered his hips up even as he groaned. "I'm not CK.. I like whips, I like chains. Doesn't have to be vanilla, you know."

Lex thrust his hips forward. "Mmm. I know. There's nothing that can hold you down, unless I made chains of Kryptonite alloy, with a thick casing of lead around it. To protect you from most of it's effects." He ground his ass down on Kal's groin as he rocked in his lap. "Come on then. Let's go to the other bedroom; that's where most of the toys stay."

Kal took Lex's fingers quietly, and led them down to his once again flaccid cock. "Dunno if I want to anymore." he said quietly, as he looked away towards the window. "I swear, never had a problem with my cock before." Embarrassment made his cheeks flush slightly. "Clark's usually up and ready to go."

Lex reached up and turned Kal's face back towards him. "It's okay, Kal." He settled in his aushna's lap, curling his arms around Kal's neck and resting his head on his shoulder. "Don't be embarrassed." His tongue flicked out and licked along the teasing red stripe of blush."

His eyes fell quietly as Lex curled up against him, and he didn't say anything for a long, long time. Shifted only once, to get more comfortable, and then lay his head back to rest, eyes closed as he did so.

"I love you," Lex said softly, bringing one hand to rest on Kal's chest. "And I'm happy to be with you. Just like this."

"I love you." Kal said quietly, then snorted. "Course you are, I'm your goddamned pillow here." But he didn't say it in a mean way, just tugging Lex closer.

"And a comfortable pillow you are," Lex snorted back, snuggling in tighter as Kal pulled him closer. He kneaded Kal's shoulder gently to get his head situated just right, and then wrapped his arms around his aushna's waist. "Don't worry. If CK wakes up, we'll hear."

"are you sure?" He glanced backwards.

Lex nodded. "Yes, I'm sure. But if you'd rather move back into the bedroom, then we can. But with the door open like that, we'll hear when he moves around, or if he calls out."

"No... I'm tired. I just want to stay here?" He heaved a silent, quiet sound, and rolled his head the other way on the back of the couch as he closed hi eyes.

Lex tucked his head back under Kal's chin, on the other side this time, and wound his arms around his waist. Paused a second, then got up and went to the hall closet, bringing back a purple goosedown comforter and spread it over the both of them as he crawled back on top of Kal. "There we go. Nice and warm?"

"Mmm." he muttered, quietly, and rested under the purple blanket softly as he closed his eyes. "I love you, Lex. I love you a lot. You know that, right?"

Lex nodded softly. "I know. I love you, Kal." And I will miss you when you are gone, he thought a little sadly.

"Alright, then. Go to fucking sleep already. Christ, you babble like a motherfucker." He closed his eyes and snuggled in close, yawning and shifting until he was comfortable.

Lex laughed softly, rubbing his face in Kal's neck as he pulled the blanket up over his shoulder, cuddling close to Kal and stretching along his aushna's body. "Sweet dreams, my aushna'."




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