
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 248: The Day He Said No

"Hey, you're the one who wanted to go and see the... how did you put it? The hot chicks dancin' their asses off?" Lex snapped the latex gloves off his hands as he dropped them into the trash can. "I don't care how bad this shit smells, you're leaving it in for twenty minutes."

Kal had, after all, wanted to go to the dance competition. Lex wouldn't have said it to his face, but he figured that Kal was feeling kind of guilty about disappointing Pete, who was his best friend, not to mention the hot chick he was dating. Lex couldn't think of her as anything but a kid, but if Kal wanted to think of her as a hot chick? More power to him.

But, since there couldn't be two Clarks going? Kal was currently undergoing a dye job on his hair, to turn it a luxuriant auburn red.

"I think it's going to look cool," CK said, feet tucked up under him. "I'm just glad you happened to have two suits our size here."

"Lucky, yes." Lex cleared his throat as he busied himself tossing away the remnants of the hair dye kit. He wouldn't dare admit that there were five more suits just like these in the spare closet. "I think the red color is going to match Kal's new complexion, so CK, don't wear a tie at all, all right? Just the white shirt, pants, and jacket. I'm hoping Kal's hair, the shades, and the attitude are going to draw enough attention away from the fact that you're twins."

Yeah, well. Kal was bopping his hands against the stool he was sitting on, legs spread as he danced. He'd been listening to them but then he'd gotten the song stuck in his head, and it was all he could do but follow it. He was immensely pleased about his singing, because unlike Clark, Kal could hold a very, very nice harmony just fine. He bopped his fingers along with the beat as he did so. "Zabe dap zabe dap zabadeebarabap! Bara bara bah doo dah!" He bopped along with it, singing ontop of his lungs as the ucky red stuff in his hair made his nose itch. Didn't really care, just bopping along to it, before he climbed to his feet and grasped Lex in his arms, dancing with him. And though he looked fairly ridiculous, bare-chested with a towel on his shoulders, his hair up in goop, he still danced.

"Zoo bee do, doo da da! Zoooo be doo, wha wha warababa!"

Lex raised his eyebrow and looked at CK as he danced with Kal. "I wonder where the harmony is usually hiding?" He sneezed at the smell of hair dye and winced as he tilted his head back so that it wouldn't stain his bald scalp. But he loved dancing with Kal, feeling the strong body in his arms and close to him, so he didn't say a word. "Doo wop fever, I presume?"

CK just shrugged. "Don't look at me, I can't sing a note. I just sort of... crack. But yeah, I think it's from like, Tarzan or something."

Kal was still dancing, bopping with his lover as he did so. He was also a fabulous dancer, and he grasped Lex's hand and spun him, grinning broadly at him as he continued to sing, dipping him low as he did it. Twirled him out of his arms and grasped CK's hand in his own, spinning him into his embrace and began to dance with him. "Dweeepup wee ooo!"

CK tittered as Kal twirled him up and started dancing.

Of course, he tripped over his own feet twice and stepped on Kal's three times, and it was definitely evident who got the dancing talent and who didn't.

Like Kal cared. He just held him closer, laughing as they danced, hips rubbing as they did so.

Late afternoon was cresting the sky. He'd watched the sun crack through the clouds like a golden beacon, and because he wanted to, he'd celebrated with a glass of wine and a kiss from his aushna and his other. Then the hair dying stuff, and the stink was gross, but he didn't care, because he was here doing what he wanted to do and he was happy. He wanted to dance, so he danced, and he sang on top of his lungs as he did it.

Lex just sat back and laughed as he watched CK tripping on Kal's feet, and snuggled into the couch. He was trying very, very hard not to think on the fact that by this time tomorrow... he might be saying goodbye to Kal and CK both. It was always there, present in the back of his mind, but he was ignoring it as much as he could.

Instead, he grinned and leaned forward, sorting through the pile of food on the coffee table and came up with a cold vanilla coke and sniffed it. It wasn't too syrupy smelling, and he opened it, listening to the carbonation fizz and took a drink, nearly choking on it when CK's head banged against Kal's nose.

"Ow!" Kal cracked up mid song and stopped to rub his nose, grinning over his hand at his CK. "its okay, baby, you dance really good. I'm proud of you. Hey, grab me an orange soda from the fridge?"

When CK turned Kal's eyes teared in pain as he rubbed his aching nose, lifting his hand from it and mouthing, is it broken? to his aushna'.

The coke went spraying out of Lex's mouth at that, and he waved Kal over, his eyes watering from the carbonation as it went up his nose and he looked carefully at it. "Doesn't look like it," Lex said softly, still chortling to himself.

Kal's eyes were still wide as saucers as he kept rubbing, then grinned again and let it go, much to his horror, when CK turned back around. "Man, I'm famished. I feel like... cookies and milk."

"If you can eat them in fifteen--what am I saying, fifteen minutes. You'll inhale them in fifteen seconds." He waved vaguely towards the cabinets. "There's four boxes of Oreos, and two bags of chocolate chip up there."

"Oh my God." A low moan, like he'd just orgasmed, and he opened the cabinet to fetch... "Peanut butter Oreos." His breath caught, and he mocked a tear along his cheek, giving a little fake sob. "Oh, my heart. My poor pounding heart. CK, get the gallon of milk. I've got mugs."

"Yo-your heart is f-fine," CK snorted, getting the milk out as requested, and picking up a second bag of peanut butter Oreos and bringing them to the couch. "Kenep?"

Lex held up his vanilla Coke. "No, thank you, I think this is my junk-food quotient for the millennia right here."

"W-wuss," CK said, shooting his aushna' an apologetic glance.

"What's wrong?" Kal asked his beautiful lover, as he shifted and took the stool with him. The dye had to sit on his head for thirty minutes, so had plenty of time to watch a bit of Dumb and Dumber and eat a bag of Oreos by himself. "Why're you all stuttering, baby?"

He blushed at being called on it. "Because I can't dance and--and I might have broken your nose. And I called our aushna' a wuss."

"He is a wuss, my beautiful love." Kal grinned, gently at him, even as he plunked on the stool comfortably and shifted to get comfy. "And you can so dance. I wouldn't have danced with you otherwise, would I have?"

Lex snorted. "I'm not a wuss, thank you very much. Just because I don't consume the copious amounts of sugar and such that you do doesn't mean I'm a wuss."

"Aha. So you admit it. You non sugar fiend. I should be insulted." Kal sniffed, and winked at his other as he glared at Lex. "You need some sugar. It will broaden your horizons."

"I have not been a sugar fiend for years, Kal. Nor do I intend to re-start." He didn't mention Sugar had been the name of a specialized drug that he'd designed himself for about a year.

Kal glared at him, even as he dunked the first cookie into his mug, then dropped the whole sopping mess in his mouth, and chewed in glee. "Ush vera goot. Goot, Ee-Kay?"

Lex returned the glare with a blank smirk, and then his jaw dropped as the entire cookie got shoved in.

CK was giggling and trying not to spray cookie crumbs all over. " 'erra 'ood!" he mumbled through a mouthful of soggy cookie and milk.

Kal grinned around his black and peanut butter cookie and chewed cheerfully, taking a long swig of milk, before he leaned over and gave Lex a very cookie-laden kiss, purring deeply at the taste of expensive wine and class form Lex's mouth mixed with Oreo cookie.

Lex almost brought his hand up to Kal's hair, but stopped at the last minute as he remembered the dye currently sitting there, and instead reached under the towel to tease a nipple with little scratches as he kissed, and then grinned lazily.

Kal grinned broadly at his delightful lover, and purred gently as he licked his lip, even as he thrust his chest out for the little scritches and scratches. "I told you they were good. But noooo."

CK pouted on his end of the couch. "Hey. I want in on some of the kissing action!" He scootched down until he was wormed in between Lex and Kal. "Okay, you can kiss now."

Lex laughed softly and leaned over, capturing CK's mouth in a very deep, very prolonged kiss as he stroked his chest and shoulder, nibbling at full lips and teasing a cookie-laced tongue.

Which just made Kal indecently jealous, and he leaned in to nip at their lips until he got to play too, licking across tongues sweeping one another's mouths. His fingers slid up CK's back and into his hair, gently, pressing him in closer, gently, to him.

Lex grinned as CK added his mouth to the mix, and he slowly pulled back until the kiss was shared three ways, messy in places but tongues licked and sucked as teeth nibbled and nipped, and Lex's hands stroked over Kal and CK both.

Kal purred, quietly, but he didn't let it go further, at least not for him. He pulled back, smiling brightly, and kissed Lex's cheek and jaw, then CK's lips and chin, and gave a very soft, very happy sigh. "You guys can fuck, if you wanna. I'm good here. I had too much this morning. Recharge. Oreos!" He picked up the box again happily and dove into it.

"MEEP!!" CK scrambled up and blinked, looking without thinking through the pajama pants Kal had on and meeped again at the bruises. "You should have told me! K-kal!! I h-h-hurt you!!" CK was on the verge of bursting into tears.

"What?" Kal looked up… then looked down... then shook his head. "Baby, no. Baby, look at me. Hey! Look at me!" he set his milk down and thudded down on Lex's lap, to tug CK into his arms for a tight hug. "Baby, stop. Hey. How many times have we put bruises on Lex?"

CK's chin was still trembling. "L-lots!" he wailed. "B-b-b-but I'm the one who's s-s-s-s-supposed to be in control!!" He tightened his grip on Kal's biceps, then wailed again as he realized what he was doing and gentled it.

Lex reached up around CK and hugged him and Kal both gently. "CK, it's okay. Bruises fade. That's all they are, just broken little capillaries near the skin. They heal in a day or two, that's all. It's like, they're hickeys your hands made."

Kal looked down at Lex with a snort, and then grinned up at CK, nodding gently and cupping his beautiful cheeks. "Plus? its totally sexy. Clark never bruises. You have no idea how hard I jacked off in the shower, stroking over the bruises."

CK heaved a huge breath. "R-r-really?"

"Hell yeah. I mean, dude. How would you feel if I'd marked your skin where I'd fucked you? Knowing it was me who'd done it, and that you were claimed? Possessed?" His voice was quiet, and smoky. "And mind?"

At that thought, CK gave a little shiver. "I'd l-l-like it." He swallowed hard. "I d-d-didn't hurt you?"

"You didn't hurt me. At all. I promise, babe." Kal smiled gently at him, and kissed his neck and jaw gently, even as his eyes danced. "And now, my head is burning. Lex, time to see if I'm now a red head?"

Lex looked down at his watch. "Yeah, it's time to rinse. Come on; let's get in the bathroom. CK, you stay here. I want this to be a surprise when you see it." He tugged Kal into the bathroom, snagging the aloe conditioner as he went in. "C'mon. Pull that chair in here from the bedroom; the shower head will detach and I'll rinse, so you don't have to get in the shower and get this crap all over your skin, okay?"

"Kick ass." Kal snagged the chair from the bedroom as they passed and heaved it into the bedroom, setting it beside the bath tub until Lex showed him what he wanted him to do. "Think it worked? I might have to plant a seed in Clarks head to get his colored if it comes out good."

"I don't know but yes, I think it worked. I can see highlights already, and that's usually a good sign. And no, please don't plant that seed; I like Clark with his dark hair. Although... he could bleach it. That would certainly be a different look for him." He moved the chair in front of the sink closest to the shower stall, and motioned for Kal to sit.

Kal plunked down on the chair and grinned crookedly at Lex, as he watched him get everything ready. "Lex... you really love him a lot, don't you?"

"Clark? Of course I do; he's my life." Lex paused in mid-reach into the shower stall, and brought his hands back to his sides. "What brought this on?"

"I dunno. It just surprises me and CK sometimes, I guess. I don't think Clark believes how lucky he is half the time, you know? You love him so utterly. Nobody ever loved him like you do. And I don't think anyone ever loved you like he loves you, huh?"

Lex paused. "No. They haven't. Not so completely, with almost utter disregard for his own self. No one ever has, and no one ever will." Another quiet pause. "I think the only time I got close to feeling for another person what I feel for Clark is when I held Mar-El. In those few little seconds, I knew I'd have done anything, given anything for him, and that's how I feel about Clark, every second of the day. I'd do anything, give him anything."

"Mar-El was a very special person." Kal smiled up at him, then, with none of the sadness Clark always felt, but with that same sadness reverberating in Kal's eyes. "I wonder what he'll say in the Other when your daughters are born."

"Aw, man, sisters? Where's my brothers, Pops?" Lex mimicked in a ten-year-old voice.

At that Kal gave a half laugh and a half sob, grinning even as his eyes filled. "Alright, shut up already and wash this shit out of my hair before it burns clear through to my brain."

Lex wrapped his arms around Kal's waist and hugged tightly, resting his head on Kal's chest for a moment before getting back up and going back over to the shower. He ran the water warm before turning on the removable shower head, and then pulled it over to the sink. He reached under the sink for a fresh pair of rubber gloves, and was humming Chopin's 22nd Nocturne concerto as he did. As he straightened, he wiggled his fingers. "Let me have the aloe conditioner; I have to massage that in before I rinse."

"Alright." He handed it over wordlessly, sighing as he leaned down over the sink. They fell into a comfortable, quiet silence as Lex worked, and though Kal would never admit it, the feeling of Lex's fingers rubbing through his hair felt unbelievably, unspeakably good. He purred, softly, and quietly, as Lex worked, and sighed as he wriggled closer. "I was Chopin was still alive. I mean, sure, he'd be like, two hundred and forty years old, but he did cool shit with music. I love music."

"There's a CD at home you should hear," Lex mused silently. "It's several years old, but it's all of Chopin's concertos done on the grand piano upstairs in my father's library." Lex balanced the sprayer against his shoulder as he worked the warm water and the conditioner through Kal's hair, scritching across his scalp as he did. "Sometimes I wish Clark would let me wash his hair like this," he said softly, and then shook his head. "Look at that. You're not going to be the carrot-top redhead that I was, but I think you're going to be respectable at that."

He purred, deeply, as Lex scratched and rubbed, the feeling making his eyes roll in pleasure. "All… you have to do... is ask. God this feels good." Quiet groan, and a heaved, pleased sigh as Lex rubbed his fingers so carefully and yet deeply, and his eyes had long since rolled closed. "So good."

Lex kept scrunching with one hand as he sprayed with the other, dropping the conditioner bottle into the trash can and started to rinse after working up a nice red lather. "This is going to look rather interesting on you, come to think of it."

"Bad?" His eyebrows furrowed, even as his eyes stayed closed, and he couldn't get toooo upset. He'd go with blue hair if it meant Lex kept scratching and making his head feel that good. "Or good?"

"Good, actually. Though come to think of it, I should have done your eyebrows as well, just to match the hair." He craned his neck as his fingers kept scrunching through Kal's hair. "But I think I can get away with it if I glitter them a little instead, and use a little mascara and eyeliner to enhance your eyes and detract from your eyebrows and lashes." More scrunching, and more studying. "You and CK look just different enough that if I change your hair color, alter your eyes and dress you differently, you should pass. Your features are sharper; his are softer, and I might have to heighten the sharpness of your cheekbones," he mused.

"More makeup?" A very low, very deep purr, and his cock definitely liked that idea, because it twitched in his pants and began to harden. "Like... more makeup on my face? Where you put it on? And ride me at the same time?" Added hopefully, his eyes finally opening and gazing imploringly at his aushna'.

Lex chuckled softly. "Yes, more makeup on your face. And no, I won't ride you at the same time, because you don't know how much that would smear and destroy the careful balance needed to shade. I tell you to be still for a reason. Fucking you while I'm trying to apply this would kind of defeat the purpose." He nuzzled Kal's nose gently. "However, I will ride you before or after."

"Okay." He beamed up at him, before grasping Lex's hips standing right beside his face, and nuzzled the cock hidden behind cool slacks. "Ride me while CK watches?"

Lex gave a little gasp as his fingers tightened in slippery hair. "Oh. Yes. Definitely." His hips gave a little undulation as his cock sat up and took notice.

"Or maybe... maybe let me rim you, while CK sucks you?" Kal asked softly, purring quietly as he nuzzled the hardening length, licking gently over the cloth as he rubbed where the balls were tucked away.

Lex gave another little undulation against Kal as he rubbed and licked, and his fingers tightened again. "I'm... flexible," he panted softly, scritching still with the fingers that were tightly wrapped in Kal's hair.

"I know you are. I've seen it." Kal murmured, even as he smiled up at him and let go, to be a good boy until Lex finished with his hair. "Our sha'nauch are still coming here, first, right?"

"They're supposed to be, yes, if Whitney can keep Chloe out of the boutiques down on the boulevard," Lex said dryly, rubbing against Kal's shoulder one more time as he went back to rinsing. "Grab your towel, we're almost done."

"Really? think he'll freak out seeing us?" But Kal gave only a very small smile, a little nervous one at that. "I don't want him to... I don't want to... with them today. Okay? I mean, is that alright?"

"That's why we're finishing now, before they get here, so we can see what his reaction is going to be. I'm thinking he's going to react to you like Clark did to me when I had hair; you're still you, just be slightly..." he made a face as he repeated Clark's words. "Wigged out."

"Wigged out?" Kal gave a laugh at that, the nervous smile spreading wide. "You are such a freakin dweeb dude. But hey, that's cool. Just keep them out of my pants, and I'm aces."

Lex gave a little nod. "I'll make sure he stays out of your pants, Kal. I think Whitney's going to be very, very weirded out." He turned off the shower head, put it back in the shower, and turned off the shower. "All right... let me have the towel." He wrapped it around Kal's hair as he helped him sit up, and started rubbing it briskly.

Kal closed his eyes as he saw hair and a towel rubbing like beating birds wings over his face, and closed his eyes tightly as Lex dried, speaking muffled through it. "Prolly. He's my friend though, it'll all be good." He shifted then, as Lex lifted the towel, and peaked out from the bangs hanging in his eyes. "CK's more the alien guy than me, so he understands the whole sha'nauch thing more."

Lex pulled the towel away and stared. "I'm impressed." Then he looked down. "Kal... if you don't want to see them at all, you don't have to. We can explain what happened, and I'll help you clean out the boxes in the bedroom; they need to go into the study at the end of the hall anyway, because they're all Dad's things from the office, that he didn't move, and I can get you ready with the makeup and the clothes while they're with CK."

He shook his head. "Nah, its okay. I'm not worried about it, just a little weirded out. Its all good, I promise. Plus, they're my friends, you know? its alright, definitely." He shifted and grinned up at Lex. "I look good? or are you just saying that so you don't burst out laughing?" His fingers came up to his hair, running his fingers through the wet, curly mess.

Lex slapped his fingers down and handed him a mirror. "You look good." He dug through the small duffel bag in the corner for the hairbrush, and he started brushing the bangs out of Kal's eyes.

Kal took the mirror...and grinned. "Hey. I'm like… a red head. Weird. Its a nice color though, huh? I look hot. Fuckin A."

"Yeah, you do." He grinned back. "You want me to trim your bangs while I'm at it? I'm not as good as Aden, but it won't be a hack job, either. He taught me the basics so I could trim my wigs and keep them up."

"Yeah. Cut it up, make it uneven." He was being serious though, as he grinned up at his aushna'. "I'll spike it up. it'll look hella hot. Come on, Lex. I leave it up to your capable hands."

Lex snorted, and picked up the scissors, also in the bag with the wigs and the hairbrush. "Do you want CK to see you pre-cut or afterwards?"

"Doesn't matter. CK! Baby! Come on in here." He yelled, even as he shifted sitting up in the chair and turned so he could look in the big mirror behind the sink.

"Kay!" he yelled, shoving in the last Oreo in the bag and washing it down with the last chug of milk out of the gallon. He was drinking as he walked into the bathroom, and his eyes got huge as he looked. "Wow. Kal. It's... red."

"I know. Isn't it fuckin awesome?" Kal grinned up at him, even as he beckoned him forward. He knew his arousal was evident to CK, and he knew CK knew Lex's was stronger. "CK? In a few minutes, after Lex finishes cutting my hair, we're gonna try something. Kay? Come sit over here on my lap so I can tell you."

CK blinked suspiciously as he moved forward, as though he didn't quite recognize Kal with red hair. "What are we going to try?" He got next to Kal and sniffed, and when he didn't smell anything weird, he plopped down ungracefully in Kal's lap.

Lex winced into Kal's hair at the ungraceful plop, and hoped it hadn't broken Kal's dick. "It's okay, CK. Its still Kal."

WOO boy. Kal winced, though ever so slightly, and smiled through it as he tugged Ck closer in to his arms, snuggling him gently against his belly as he leaned against the chair back. "You want to be inside Lex, baby?"

CK's eyes got huge as he looked over at Lex in the mirror. "You? Want me? Inside of you?" Huge blink of eyes the size of dinner plates. "Really, aushna'?"

Lex nodded. "Yes, really," he said with a little grin. "Kal's had the pleasure, now it's my turn. I want you, CK, just as much as you want me. Please?"

"Maybe we can both be inside of him." Kal whispered into CK's hair, loud enough for Lex to hear. "if you're willing to try."

CK's eyes got even huger, and nearly popped out of his head. "BOTH?" he shrieked.

Lex cringed at the shriek as he snipped, but nodded. "Yes, you both can. You'll fit, CK. If Clark's fist and part of his forearm can, I think the two of you together can."

Kal grinned, broadly at his poor lovers eyes, and he gently massaged his others crotch gently, eyebrow raising. "We'll fit fine. If you want to, of course..." A low, dramatic sigh. "If you don't feel like it… then I suppose we can find something else to do.."

CK squeaked as Kal's fingers started working on his crotch. Then he meeped at the idea of finding something else to do. "No! I mean! Yes! No to finding something else to do and yes to being inside of Kenep!!"

Kal smiled, broadly, then looked up at Lex. "What do you say, Kenep? You... up... for it?"

A little glare. "Of course I am, Kal. You know I'm always... up for anything." He reached out for CK's hand, and brought it to his crotch so that his lover could explore.

CK's eyes widened further as he was given permission to touch, and his fingers roved over Lex's crotch, feeling and exploring as best he could through the black slacks.

"Alright, alright. We've made plans, doesn't mean we have to get randy. My hair is at stake here." He smacked CK's hand away, though it was lightly and Kal was smiling in gentle amusement, before he cuddled CK up close and stayed still for Lex's scissors. "You like the hair, CK? We aren't gonna look alike, aushna'."

CK meeped as his hand was smacked, and shook it gently as he wrapped it around Kal's neck instead as he snuggled in. "I like the hair. It's weird, but I like it. And I think our sha'nauch will like it too."

Lex nodded. "No, you're not. I may not even have to use the makeup, though I think I will just to be on the doubly safe side."

The mention of it made Kal purr all the louder. "Makeup. Uhgnph." He murmured in pleasure, shivering as he rubbed CK down a little on his crotch. "CK, I want you to be fucked, so badly, baby. I want to watch you scream."

Little, tiny blink, and a deep blush at the next suggestion. "M-m-maybe? If Whitney's here? He can f-fuck me? While I fuck Kenep?"

His throat closed, and he nodded a little, letting a smile touch his lips. "If you want to, of course. Whatever you want, my other. You can have anything you want... it'd be so hot."

CK blinked. "You? Don't want Whitney?" Little blink. "Oh. Okay. I just... if we're both with Kenep, then... who's going to be inside me? Cause. I want to share Kenep, With you. Like that."

"Its okay, about Whitney. Whatever you want." Kal smiled again, gently, and stroked over CK's head as tufts of hair fell under Lex's scissors. "He can fuck you first, baby. Want that? Think you can be hard again to be inside him with me, afterward?"

CK's head nodded so hard it almost snapped off. "Definitely. Hard again. Yeah. Me. I can do that."

"Are you sure?" Kal teased, gently, eyes dancing. "Gotta make absolute sure."

"Oh yeah. Definitely, definitely sure. Like, super-sure." More nodding.

And Kal would have spoken more, if the doorbell didn't ring.

Her feet were KILLING her.

Not that she was surprised. But they were just absolutely aching.

She shifted from one foot to the other, rubbing an achey sore out of her spine as she did so. She was tired, hungry, she had to pee, and if Lex Luthor didn't open this goddamned door right now and provide cookies and a toilet.… Chloe grunted, in severe irritation, and glanced up at her boyfriend, glaring at him dare he say a WORD.

And rose her fist again to pou--erm. Knock.

Whitney? Speak to the Wild Sullivan Beast when it was on the rampage? Hell no. He just shoved his hands in his pocket, adjusting their bag over his shoulder, and hmmmed quietly to himself as he rocked on his heels.

Lex nearly jumped out of his skin at the heavy knock, and bellowed into the living room. "JUST A MINUTE!!!" He sighed. "That's Chloe and Whitney." He looked down at Kal. "You'll be okay?" Then at CK. "And you will be too?"

CK shifted his weight and sighed. "Yeah, I'll be okay. Crap. No sharing. Okay. I can do this!"

Kal smiled, crookedly at Lex, even as he soothed a hand down CK's back and helped him up, so he could stand, too. "Go on and get the door... let me get a shirt." He brushed the hairs off of his shoulders, his hair, stuck up at odd angles, making his angular face all the handsome. He ran his fingers through the mess in pleasure, nodded, and tugged CK into the bedroom for a t-shirt.

Chloe shifted again and hissed, deeply, as she waited for Lex to hurry his goddamned ass up.

Lex tossed down the hairbrush and scissors, brushing Kal's hair off his chest as he walked through the bedroom, bare feet padding across the plush carpet. He detoured around the crumpled Oreo bag, tossed the empty milk jug into the trash can as he passed by it, and unlocked the four locks on the door. "Come in."

Whitney gave a quiet little sigh of relief. Thank you, he mouthed silently.

"Bathroom." Chloe muttered, as she gave Lex a withering glare and looked around. "El toileto. Please, lead me towards it. I'm going to piddle on the rug like Cleo. Come on, Luthor! MOVE your spindly legs! Where's the bathroom?!" She yelled, and gave him another evil glare.

Lex snorted, and clapped his hands over his mouth to keep the laugh in. "Down the hall and to your left, door beside the guest bedroom," he pointed, and shook his head gently. "My legs are not spindly," he continued, backing out of the way and letting her through. "Whitney... come on in. My sympathy."

"Man, you don't even know." He fwumped down on the sofa, and closed his eyes.

Chloe stomped down the hall, ignored all the commotion going on around the house, ignored the voices in the bedroom, and opened the bathroom, disappearing inside.

Honestly. Who did he think he was, her delightful lover, taking her out without a toilet in sight? It was HIS baby sitting on HER bladder, after freakin' all! Christ, Jesus!

She relieved herself with a tired, tired sigh, and was just washing her hands under the lovely sink when she blinked and stopped, thinking back a moment.


Lex dropped down onto the couch beside her. "Try me. You'd be surprised." He cleared his throat. "You can come out now, you know."

CK poked his head through the door and gave a shy little wave. "Hi."

Chloe stopped, opened the bathroom door, and was about to speak when Clark shadowed the doorway. Though... not Clark. Not... because the hair... was red. And spiky. And though it WAS Clark... red? Spiky? "the fuck did you do to your hair?" She demanded, fists on her hips.

"Like it?" He gave a low, quiet purr at her, and ran his fingers over her hair in quiet pleasure. "Man. He said you were hot, but dude, you're a fucking babe. Pregnancy makes you sexier, you know."

Whitney just... kind of did a little double take. There was... "Lex?" he asked quietly. "I think I'm having a hallucination. Because there is a Clark peeking out at me from the bedroom. There is also a Clark conversing with my girlfriend." He looked over. "You didn't sneak me anything, did you? Spike the... air?"

Lex ran his fingers over his bald scalp. "No. I didn't sneak you anything, I didn't spike anything--other than his hair--and you are not hallucinating. You are, in fact, seeing double."

"I need a drink."

"Not you but me, Aikman."

Kal smiled, suavely, and took Chloe's arm, happy in her shock that she didn't cosh him in the brains, and led her sexiness into the living room. "Myyy my my. CK, we do choose them, don't we? Baby, goddamn. I mean, wow. Could you imagine how sexy we'd be fucking?" Kal asked his other, though his eyes glinted with amusement. "Please, Chloe, take a seat, sugar lips. Your feet have to be killing you."

"they are." Chloe muttered, eyes still huge as she plunked down on the couch...and then her mouth positively dropped as Kal tugged her sneakers off and.... "Oh. Oh, that's good."

CK slunk out of the bathroom and gave another little wave as he came through the bedroom door. "Wow. We can. Chloe. You're really, really pretty when you're pregnant. I mean, really. You're like... glowing." He came and perched on the side of the table, picking up her other foot from Kal and rubbing one while Kal rubbed the other.

Whitney's jaw dropped the rest of the way open. "Holy shit."

"You're telling me." Lex leaned back against the couch, and put an arm around each one of his sha'nauch.

Chloe sideglanced Lex, her eyes still slit with pleasure as Kal did something that made all the muscles in her feet relax, and she heaved a very deep sigh. "Thank you… erm. Clark. I appreciate that. What's the deal?" To Lex, then. "What's the deal? Huh? Wha? And huh again?, you there?" She pointed at Kal. "Don't stop."

"Call me Kal." Kal murmured up at her, smiling as his eyes shifted shyly to Whitney's, before back to hers quickly, and it horrified him to feel himself blush all the way up to the roots of his red hair.

Lex glared. "You, and you there, is not how you address them," he growled softly. "The redhead is Kal; this is CK." He nudged CK's knee with his own. They're my aushna'." He rubbed his foot along Kal's thigh as he blushed. "Don't make my aushna' blush."

Whitney looked. Kal. CK. Not a Clark in sight. "This... is bruising my brain, Lex. Stop getting all defensive and tell what happened?"

CK ducked his head and gave his aushna' a little grin at the knee nudge. "We... we split. We're both Clark, but we split. Kenep thinks it's because of the red meteor rock--the club we went to, it had it in the beaded curtains." He ducked his head again and smiled at Lex.

"CK's right. That's exactly what I think happened, and since I had the club shut down, I can get the beads analyzed."

Chloe found herself absolutely charmed by the other ones... CK's... smile. She grinned at him, broadly, and then shook her head at Lex as she tried to take it in. "This is too weird. Two Clarks. Kal and CK, I'm sorry. And yeah, please, defense? Right now? Shut it and stuff it." A little glare, before she looked at the two of them thoughtfully. "Split into two? And how are you going to... unsplit... them. No offence, guys."

"None taken." Kal responded immediately, even as his heart hammered in sadness. "We've got... about twenty three hours until we're merged."

Lex's hands tightened on his thighs at the question because he knew what Kal was feeling. Stupid, insensitive... He took a deep breath. This was his sha'nauch, his Chloe and he couldn't be angry with her, not deeply and not for long. He let a breath out slowly, and glared at her. "But we're not worrying about that right now," he said firmly, tone indicating that the subject was not only off-limits, but dead and locked away.

His anger shocked her, made her recoil the slightest bit, and she let her brow wrinkle as she looked away and crossed her arms across her swollen breasts. "Fine. I was just trying to help."

CK swallowed hard, and leaned forward. "It's okay, Kenep. You can talk about it. Not... not going to break, here." Another little ducked-head grin, and he gave a little one to Whitney too. "You're quiet, ashimel."

Whitney just shook his head. "I'm still trying to get my head around the concept that there's two of you," he said. "I'm not even to the point of worrying about anything else yet."

Kal lifted a glance up, and smirked. "We've had ample time to have fun with the concept, Whit. I can be conceptual for the both of us. In fact, CK and I were going to until the damn bell rang and ruined my concentration." Easily said, as he plunked up on the coffee table with CK, and smirked sideways at him before winking.

Whitney blinked. "I... you... wow. Okay, that's a new wrinkle I hadn't thought of before." He scrubbed the heel of his hands over his eyes. "I thought... okay. Obviously I was wrong, and Lex? You? Are one lucky bastard."

Lex got up and sat on the floor between his aushna', one arm wrapped around each leg. "Yes. I am." He hugged them tightly as he sat there, and rubbed a cheek against each.

Kal rolled his eyes down at his aushna', making a mock face to make CK laugh, before he leaned back and rose a brow at Whitney. "Speaking of, what're you both doing here so early? Kenep said you'd be a while. We were expecting, what, an hour or so CK?" Sideglance at his other. "What's the deal? You guys can't be all that hyped to wear uncomfortable clothes."

"You're joking, right?" Whitney snorted. "We had to. Shayla called our cell phones, panicking like you wouldn't believe because Pete hadn't told her there was going to be an audience at the convention hall. Chloe here had us set out immediately because our wonderful little pink skittle was complaining that she hadn't heard from you about coming because Morgan had said you were busy."

"We were definitely busy. And definitely coming." Kal said with mock distraction, shifting his eyes to CK. "Right? Or was that before or after I passed out, baby?"

"Naughty." Chloe muttered, and shook her finger at him. "The both of you. I should have known. Its like Sex Day, everyday. Lex, you lucky bastardo."

Lex just gave a wicked little smirk. "Double the pleasure, double the fun. You can reassure our little skittle that everyone is going to be there tonight, and we're going to bring a friend; Kal Elliot, one of Clark's cousins who's in the area on business." He gave Kal's leg a little squeeze.

CK flushed. "After. K-Kenep and I? Had our wicked way? With your unconscious body." A deeper blush, but he giggled.

"Now that is what I like to hear!" Kal hooted and leaned forward to drag CK into a deep, delighted kiss, letting go with a pop and a laugh as he nuzzled his throat. "Dweeb."

And Chloe was just rooted to the spot, mouth trembled open, as they kissed. Deep and delicious, two Clarks, kissing, each other, and it had to be even sexier than when Whitney kissed Clark, or when Lex kissed Clark. All sloppy tongues and hands and oh my GOD she gave a short, wheezy sigh, and shivered in delight.

CK wrapped his arms around Kal's waist and pressed close, kissing him deep and unashamed to be doing it in front of people who weren't Kenep. He just tightened his embrace and sucked hard at Kal's tongue and lips, giving little slurps and sucks as they went along, and then letting his full lips smack against Kal's as they separated, and he left his head on Kal's shoulder for more nuzzles.

Whitney's eyes were about to pop out of his head, and he grunted. Cock was getting very interested, because Clark on Clark and maybe he'd had a little threesome fantasy once, way before all this and he'd jacked his cock dry three times over it. Yeah. No reason to get all hot and bothered now, but he couldn't help the little grunt as he watched.

Lex just stayed on the floor, smiling as he listened to his aushna' kissing above him, and let his head lean heavily on Kal's knee, inviting pets and caresses.

They didn't come. Kal let go of CK after a few moments, puling away, and wasn't able to meet Whitney's eyes as he rose. "I'm gonna get some drinks. You guys feel like anything? Dr Pepper, CK?" He was shifting from foot to foot, and tugged absently at the hem of his t-shirt.

Chloe watched the… Kal's sudden embarrassment, and her eyebrow rose in amusement as she watched him shifting and bouncing. "Sure, sweetie. Some ice water would be nice. I peed everything I had out."

"M-more information than we needed," CK said with a big smile.

Lex pushed himself to his feet in one fluid movement. "I'll help. Drinks for everybody. Water for Chloe... Whitney?"

"Uh. Yeah. Drink. Dr. Pepper's good. Thanks." Oblivious? Him? Kinda.

Kal nodded quickly and walked around CK, hopping over the short stool he'd left in the living room earlier, and all but fled to the kitchen. Living room and kitchen shamed the same space, but it was far away, a little, and he could swallow a few puffs of air in peace as he opened the fridge and began rooting around in it.

Lex appeared in the kitchen behind him a moment later, setting out five glasses and pulling out the ice bucket as he started filling the glasses with ice. "Are you all right?"

CK beamed brightly. "You interrupted the sex. But we don't mind. We can do it later." He leaned forward, still beaming. "We're going to share Kenep."

Chloe was just charmed. Who wouldn't be? God, he was cute. Her grin lit her face like the sun, her dimples winked on, and she cracked up. She wanted to lean forward and squeeze his cheek, and pat his hair, but she didn't, just giggling helplessly at his utter happiness. "Sounds like fun. Have you decided who's going to be on top?"

"Yup." Kal said lightly, as he tugged out the Dr Pepper and unscrewed the bottle.

He nodded. "I am. Kal's going to be on bottom. Kenep's going to be the middle of the sandwich."

Whitney's head? About to explode, and he dropped it between his knees. Of course, that meant his cock was pressing against his trachea and cutting off his breathing, but really, who needed to breathe?

Lex filled each glass to the bottom edge of the Greek key design on the rim, and put the ice back in the freezer. "Nervous because of the kiss?"

"Sounds good." Chloe said just as cheerfully, as she rubbed her belly and her boyfriend hyperventilated beside her. "Definitely a good position. You may wanna try, afterward, Kal on his hands and knees, Lex inside of him, and you inside of Lex. That's a fun one." She smiled, cheekily, at him, and beamed as she pet the empty space between herself and Whitney. "Come sit over here and give me some comfort. My entire body aches."

"Nervous because Whitney's ready to pounce." Kal murmured quietly, as he set the cups on the tray.

"Okay!" CK chirped, and plopped down right in the middle. He turned around and slid his hand to the small of her back, rubbing and popping unknowingly the same bone that Jor-El had before. "How's that feel?"

Lex nodded, and he moved to stand between Kal and the living room, blocking the line of sight. "Kal... trust me. He won't unless you give him the sign that it's all right. And I'll talk to him. Tell him that it's not going to happen. He'll understand, even if he is disappointed. But frankly, I'm more concerned about you than his disappointment." He slid his hand down to stroke on Kal's hip, and hug him gently. "I am your aushna', Kal. I'll protect you."

Kal accepted the hug, though it was hard for him to return, he did manage a cheek to cheek kiss to his aushna' before he picked the tray up and, with apologetic eyes, offered to carry it as he motioned towards the living room.

"Baby, I'm keeping you and tying you to my bed." Chloe breathed, as all her muscles went loose, and she nearly squealed in pleasure as she wriggled her toes. "God that's good. And you're so cuddly!" She snuggled next to him, and beamed. "I hope it doesn't interrupt the whole threesome thoughts."

"Don't apologize," Lex murmured softly, following behind his aushna' with a light but possessive hand on his back.

And stopped short at seeing CK cuddled up beside Chloe, and he raised a brow again. "I see who got the cuddle genes too," he murmured again, and followed Kal into the living room.

CK just beamed happily again and cuddled up to Chloe's offered snuggles. "It won't. I can have the threesome thoughts anytime. I'm having it right now, even though you interrupted. I can wait. I'm good at waiting."

"You certainly are. And hey, with Little Fordman here, it kind of is a threesome, just not the sexy kind. He's sitting on my bladder, after all. Little runt. CK, honey? Would you check if Whitney's breathing, over there?"

"Sodas and water for the little lady." Kal said, as he set the big tray down on the coffee table and handed drinks out. He wasn't able to meet Whitney's eyes and set his cup on the coffee table in front of him, as he shifted and plunked down on the floor beside Lex.

CK rolled over and poked Whitney in the shoulder. "Ashimel?" He poked again, and when Whitney didn't respond, he hauled him up by the scruff of the neck.

Whitney just groaned. "I'm dead, CK, okay?"

"Okay!" Cheerfully chirped, and he let Whitney's head fall again, not thinking to wince as it bounced off his knees, and he turned back to grin at Chloe. "He's breathing. Just dead."

Lex was trying not to crack up at CK even as he shifted, so that he was half sitting in Kal's lap, shielding him and staking a silent claim. "God, CK, you're going to kill him bouncing his head like that."

"Probably bad, too."

But Kal had sat down, and the first thought that had come to him was… he was a badass mother fuck. He was. He was courageous, and strong, and he could open a can of whoop ass and send whoever he did it to reeling. He was strong, and fierce, and he opened his eyes to look up at Whitney.

And he could face his fears.

He got up from behind Lex, gently shaking his head, and crawled around the heavy coffee table to the couch, leaning back on his heels there on the floor. One hand came up to gently touch Whitney's knee... and then his free fingers swept through all of that luxurious hair.

Lex nodded, and didn't move, just keeping a hawk eye on proceedings. Each ashimel had a twin, CK and Chloe, Whitney and Kal, and Lex was paying particular attention to Kal.

Whitney looked up as fingers stroked through his hair, and he rested his chin on his thighs. He blinked owlishly at Kal, who was just different enough from Clark, up close, that it gave him a little case of the heebies. But he blinked again, and gave a little smile. "Don't mind me. I'm just going to strangle my cock until it falls off and gives up."

Kal smiled, though only a little, because he saw the wariness come in and out of Whitney's eyes. "Its okay. Everything will be better soon, and I won't freak you out anymore. But hey, its all good. Why is your cock standing up and demanding attention, anyhow? CK and me? We're just Clark, times two."

"By better, you mean you'll be gone?" Little nod as he answered his own question. "You're not freakin' me out, Kal. It's just... a little weird." And then he gave a little wry grin. "Yes, you and CK. And that's it exactly. Clark, who is one gorgeous fucking individual, multiplied. Twice the gorgeous, making out with himself? Yeah. It's going to be getting little Whitney's attention."

"Doesn't matter, right now." Kal said, and hoped his ashimel understood, as he carefully glanced at CK, who's attention was on Chloe, before back to Whitney. "We'll talk about that some other time, though. And hey, dude, its all good. I love CK.. he's my other. Long story, yadda yadda, don't really get it all, you know."

He nodded; he got it, even as little blood as was currently in his brain. "I don't blame you; guy's nothin' but a huge teddy bear. I'd love him too."

Kal smiled, and found himself inexplicably near tears. To hide them, and save his masculinity, he leaned up and over for a soft, gentle kiss to Whitney's lips, kissing them very softly because he wasn't sure he was quite welcome here just yet.

Whitney was startled, but in a good way, as he opened his mouth up to accept the little kiss that Kal was giving him, and his hand came up to run through spiky red locks. Tugged them playfully as he smiled, and pressed a little closer to his ashimel.

CK was just... insanely proud of Kal, and he beamed at Lex, pride showing through every inch of it.

Lex nodded just a little as he kept watching, ready to step in and intervene should it become necessary.

Kal gave one last soft kiss, smiled, and shifted with a deeply masculine oomph to turn the television on. He spread his legs out, back do the couch cozily, and flipped it on until he found a suitable sports game. "FOOOOTTBBAALLLLLLL!"

Lex scooted over and squeezed in between CK's legs and Kal's torso, turning on his hip to do it as he rested his hand on Kal's chest and his head on CK's thigh.

Whitney blinked in surprise as the warm mouth slid away from his, and he almost chased it except for the obvious nature of the "stop here" vibe he was getting.

Most definitely stop here. No more. Not right now, not ever if Kal decided. He didn't like... that. Whitney was his best friend, and sure, the kisses were yummy, but he felt a horrible guilt at cheating on Lex. So he snuggled his aushna' in close, and yawned into his bare head, as he watched the TV.

Chloe was still watching, quietly, and her eyebrow rose at the interaction, cataloguing everything she could, as fast as she could.

Lex leaned up and kissed Kal softly, but possessively, stroking his chest and giving silent reassurance. He straightened then, looping one arm through CK's legs and the other around Kal's waist so that he touched both of his aushna'.

CK gave Chloe another cuddle, and then oozed down, plopping in the floor beside Lex and Kal, lifting Lex, cuddling in beside Kal, and letting Lex plop back down on his lap.

And Kal was in no way comfortable with any of this. He was turning into some shy bitch or something, but he couldn't look either of them in the face, just watching the game as he did so. They had about an hour before they had to go anywhere, and he rubbed his belly anxiously, shifting the slightest bit away from CK and Lex. "Why're you guys here early, anyway?"

"Came to see you." Chloe supplied, her brow raised as she watched them move around one another. "Whitney came for sex, I'm assuming." But her grin was teasing as she glanced at her lover.

Whitney just blushed. Then coughed. Then blushed again.

Lex gave Kal's arm a little squeeze. "Then he came to the wrong place today," he said softly. "Check back in a few days, if he can hold it that long."

CK gave a little whine in the back of his throat as he curled up tighter around Kal's waist.

Kal allowed CK to hold him... he couldn't ever deny him, but he smiled, a little crookedly, up at Whitney. "Sorry, bud. If you can get your rocks off with CK here, or Lex, its all good, and I don't mind. But my cock is off limits. Sorry to squash any flights of fancy there you were having. Cause man, if I had two of you?" A low whistle.

Chloe had to literally bite her lip to keep her laughter in, as she motioned Lex up to her. "C'mere, ashimel? I've got something to show you."

Lex gave Kal a little kiss and an apologetic cough as he slid up onto the couch between Chloe and Whitney. He slid his hand over Whitney's thigh apologetically as he settled in, and gave his attention to Chloe. "I'm here," he said softly, kissing her cheek.

Whitney groaned again. "No. That's okay. You're great, CK, really. Lex? You're hot. I'll just disappear into the bathroom for a little while and jerk myself into oblivion."

Kal grinned, crookedly, up at him. "That's the spirit, Whit. We've got six kinds of lotions in there. Don't use the purple one, it stings." Amused beam at the TV screen as he cuddled CK all the closer to him... then looked up when Chloe rustled some papers, and his grin widened.

Chloe gently held up the first sonogram of her son, and grinned in delight as she handed them over to Lex. He had been leaning into her belly when it had been done, so his little body and face were very clear in the picture. And one of them, the last, was nothing but a big foot, pressed against her belly.

"Right. The purple one stings. No purple." Whitney just gently thudded his head against the side of the chair.

Lex took the little pictures with a knot in his throat as he rubbed his finger over a huge little foot. "He's going to have huge feet; Chloe, you better hope this baby turns. If he's coming out feet-first you're going to be in for a hard time." He looked at the other pictures, seeing the body forming, so tiny, the little head growing, the eyes that would be laughing and smiling and grinning in only a few months. "He's going to be a beautiful baby, Chloe."

She smiled up at him, softly, even as she closed her fingers around Lex's. "Thank you for sharing this with me. I wasn't sure if you would want to see them, but you are his uncle, after all. You had a right to it."

"Lemme see?" Kal asked, and took one of the sheets of paper, his eyes widening before he laughed out loud. "Whoa there! Check out that foot! Dude, now that's some cute shit." Another grin, in amused delight, as he rubbed his fingers over it. "He's gonna be a big one, Chloe, babe."

Lex smiled softly, and squeezed Chloe's hand tightly. "It's okay, Chloe. I'm not going to melt down anymore. I can see these and be happy for you, don't worry. I've come to terms with it." He squeezed her hand again, and kissed her fingers gently. "Uncle Lex. Though if Shayla teaches him uncle AJ, I may be killing my nephew."

CK giggled. "That foot's almost as big as mine." He stuck his bare foot up in the air and wiggled his toes for comparison. "He's gonna come out big as me and Kal. Wow. Poor Chloe."

"He'd better not." Chloe muttered, even as she passed an amused glanced at her boyfriend. "You guys should have seen his face when we found out its a boy. Like he couldn't believe I'd been right all along." Chloe snickered, as she rubbed her middle lightly.

"Course he's a boy. What else did you expect, Whit?" Kal rose a brow up at him and beamed again at the pictures, before handing them to Lex. "They're really cute."

"Of course they're cute. The baby has good genes." Lex took the pictures again, and handed them back to Chloe. "He's got the prettiest mother in the state, and the second best looking father." Little snicker at Whitney.

"Hey! I take exception that." Whitney puffed up. "I am the best-looking father in the state."

"Buuullshit. What about Lionel?" At the silence that met him, he glared. "Please. He's been sexiest man like, eight years running. I'm not the only one who friggin sees it."

"No, he's pretty hot." Chloe admonished, tipping her head thoughtfully. "Just never though I'd see a Clark say that." But her eyes were wicked and amused. "He's got a really great butt."

Lex gave a little cough. "And this is where I question the taste of my aushna' and my sha'nauch," he grumbled.

"Oh, come on, Lex. He does have it goin' on for a guy who's almost sixty." Little blushy grin as Whitney squirmed in his seat. "You know he'd be kind of fun in the sack."

"Kind of? He's got Dominic, the cutest blond this side of the Mississippi. I bet they tangle the sheets up good." Chloe expelled a long, shuddery little sigh at the thought, and fanned her face with her hand.

"We've heard them a few times," Kal nodded up at her. "They like to scream."

Lex growled. "Chloe? Thank you so much for that image." Sulky little pout as he crossed his arms over his chest.

CK tittered. "He's just sulky because he's walked in on them so many times. He can tell us all about it."

Lex thumped the back of CK's head with his foot. "Thank you ever so much for the public humiliation, CK. Remind me of that the next time I think of pulling your pants down in public."

"You wouldn't. You love him too much." Kal grinned over at Lex, as he ran his fingers over CK's arm and kept him cuddled in close. "Yeah dude, if I remember correctly, you cried and threw up afterward?"

"For this I might." More sulking. "I did not cry. I just merely swore I was going to scrub my brain clean."

"You cried. And drank half a bottle of whiskey, if I remember." Innocent said, as he hummed and shifted back cozily into Whitney's legs. Stopped. And looked down, whispering quietly into CK's ear. "Can I ask you something?"

"I did not cry," Lex said, and that was the end of it. "But I did drink the whiskey." He settled back in the couch for a spectacular sulk.

CK looked up at Kal with big eyes, and nodded. "Uh huh."

Kal was still whispering, very, very quietly, almost soundlessly, though he knew CK could hear him. "I'm scared of touching him. I know he wants... is it okay to? Will Kenep be angry at us?"

"It's okay," CK answered back, just as softly. "Kenep won't be angry at us at all. He just wants to protect us, if we don't want to."

"Are you sure?" Kal asked, even softer.

CK nodded. "Want me to ask and prove it?"

Kal was horrified to feel himself flush a brilliant red. "I'd feel embarrassed."

"Then I'll ask. I won't even bring your name into it." He reached up and poked Lex in the leg. "Psst."

For some reason, Lex was insanely amused at the little hiss for attention, and he leaned over. "Yes?"

He tugged Lex down closer. "Is it okay if I want to... you know. With Whitney?"

Lex gave a nod. "Of course; he's our ashimel. If you want to, then you don't need permission. If you don't want to, don't feel like you have to. It works either way."

Kal looked up as Lex spoke, quietly, and his heart thumped quietly in his chest as he tugged back on CK's arm, ignoring Chloe's amused smile as if she thought it cute for them to be whispering, and whispered again, "I want to... suck... you know. Whitney. Would you help me?"

CK gave another little nod. "Course I will. But... it's not hard, you know. You just suck it like you suck Kenep's."

"Yeah right. I call your bullshit. Have you forgotten how big his cock is?" Kal hissed.

"Not as big as ours," he said proudly.

"Bulllllllshit." Kal muttered, but he grinned, gave CK's lips a kiss, and turned around so he could sit on his ankles, though between Whitney's spread thighs. "I think maybe I changed my mind." He said to his buddy softly, and began to unzip and unbutton his jeans.

Whitney's eyes were open wide as Kal's hands came up to rub between his thighs. He was barely blinking, because he hadn't expected this, but he certainly wasn't stupid enough to say no to it. "I--I'm glad you changed your mind," Whitney said dumbly.

CK leaned over Kal's shoulder, beaming up as he started nibbling on Kal's ear and sucking the earlobe softly. "I think he liked it when we made out before. Maybe if I start out by kissing you and then move over to him he'll like it better?"

Lex kept his arm wrapped around Chloe and held tightly to his side, watching Kal carefully in case things got out of hand, moved too fast, or he just needed--or wanted--to stop for any reason, and Lex was ready to call a halt to it in a heartbeat should he need to.

"Stop." Kal murmured at Lex, and made a shrugging, get away a little motion with his shoulder at him. "You're suffocating me. I'm not going to run screaming like a little girl." He muttered again up at him, and leaned over Whitney's lap again, his fingertips tracing the folds in the jeans idly as he did so. He could sense the heat, feel the hot, wet fire of it through the jeans, and he stopped midway through unbuttoning to gently nuzzle what he was about to do good things to. "You smell good, dude."

Lex nodded and relaxed, leaning back a little against Chloe as he watched out of the corner of his eye, giving Kal what he'd asked for as he turned his attention to observing CK, Whitney, and their reactions.

CK nudged Kal gently with his shoulder, chastising him for not sharing the pretty treat, and wriggled around behind Kal, rocking his hips against Kal's backside as he leaned over to kiss Whitney firmly. "We're still Clark, ashimel," CK said softly, lapping lightly at Whitney's lips.

Whitney moaned softly at the wet nuzzle of a generous-lipped mouth against his cock, through the constricting prison that was laughingly passing for his jeans. He'd reached out to slide his fingers through Kal's hair, but he choked on the gasp. "T-taste good too, s-so I'm told," he stuttered out, and then latched onto CK's mouth, kissing him.

"Not that." Kal said, as he brushed a broad sweep across Whitney's hidden crotch, before he quietly tugged the jeans open, the underwear aside, and grinned up at him. "You taste like those candies you like so much, War Heads. CK has the good tasting come. Its like licorice." He bent his head again and licked across the tip of the hard cock, anchoring warm hips to keep them in place as he did so.

Chloe was watching quietly, and though she was aroused, she was more pleased than anything. She watched, Lex in her arms, and though the baby was in no mood to let her play, she could appreciate what was happening in front of her. "So pretty."

He was supposed to respond to that? CK was kissing, Kal was sucking, his head was about to explode, and he was supposed to answer? He felt hands holding him down and tried not to thrust, despite the fact that all his brain wanted to do was shove his cock hard into the hot, wet throat that was tentatively lapping across the head. His fingers clenched hard on CK's biceps as he held the thrusts back, moaning hotly into warm lips that pressed hard against his.

CK grinned dorkily, sucking down the kisses as long as Whitney was willing to provide them. He felt the grip on his biceps and refused to flip out, instead sliding his hands down and unbuttoning Whitney's shirt, dragging his nails down the white undershirt as it was exposed before raking it up out of his waistband and up to expose his belly and chest.

Lex's hands slid around her arms, and he let his head lean against her shoulder. "They are. They're both so amazing." Quiet little confession. "As much as I love them both... part of me misses Clark so much. But I don't want to think about them... leaving."

Kal caught Lex's words, and though he had to close his eyes to hide the pain, he was positive he'd hidden it all when he sucked Whitney's cock down. Far, past his tongue, working on memory as he opened his throat and shoved him down as hard and deep as he could. He gagged, but only once, and let his lips circle and hold the base tightly as he swallowed around the hard length pressed deep inside. Whitney was huge but Kal knew exactly what he was doing, and he let him slip out, sucking all the while, before letting him slide free.

"I do, too." Chloe murmured, even as she smiled quietly. "They're really sweet, Lex."

Hidden it from everybody but the one who shared his brain, almost, and CK shot his aushna' a dirty look as he kissed Whitney's chest, then moved down to cuddle Kal, sliding his hands over Kal's back and squeezing his waist tightly as he nibbled the back of Kal's neck, trying to give him as much pleasure as he could to make up for the pain Lex's insensitive comment had inflicted.

Whitney moaned, his body shuddering in long, hard shakes as Kal sucked him deep and then let him go. The moan came out in a deep, guttural rumble as his hands let go of CK and gripped Kal instead, hands closing roughly on his shoulders and squeezing hard, kneading as he lifted up in pleading.

Lex gave a sad little shiver. "I feel so guilty. I feel guilty for wanting Clark back, and I feel guilty for wanting them to stay as long as they can."

This was so wrong. Very, very wrong. But Kal sucked again at the huge cock lying hard in Whitney's lap, licking down it as the panic grew. He closed his eyes, all the tighter, until the touch on his shoulders did him in. He jerked back, let go of the hard cock in his mouth, and nearly bowled CK over as he skirted backwards on his butt, shaking his head hard as he fought the gag rising in his throat. "I can't. I'm sorry. I can't do this. I'm sorry."

Lex moved in a flash, pushing off the couch and pinning Whitney with a hard glare as he got on his knees beside Kal, stroking his shoulders. "It's okay. You don't have to do it." He wrapped his arms around Kal and squeezed tightly. "It's okay. You don't have to do anything."

CK moved out of the way, zipping out of Kal's path and then zipping right back, so that he was sitting on his heels beside Kal, holding his hand and squeezing. "It's okay. It's okay, isn't it, Whitney?"

Strangled. "Yeah. Of course it's okay, man. Dude, don't worry about it." His balls tried to shrivel at the glare Lex gave him, even though he hadn't done anything.

"Don't... don't touch me right now." Kal demanded, shoving back from Lex and wrapping his arms around his knees, hugging them tightly to his chest. The taste in his mouth was horrible and he shuddered, laying his cheek on his upraised knees. "Its not Whitney, dude. Its me. Duh. Whitney, I'm so sorry. I can't. You're my friend. I have Lex, and... and CK. I can't. I'm sorry." His eyes were pained as he looked up at him.

Chloe had been waiting for it, and was looking not at all surprised, as she sat there on the couch.

Lex rocked back when Kal shoved him, letting go and sitting on his heels, hiding the hurt at the rejection. He'd just been trying to comfort.

CK rubbed Kal's shoulders, and looked at Lex. "Go and get him something to drink, aushna'."

Lex nodded and got to his feet, going out to the kitchen and getting a bottle of coke and a glass of orange juice, bringing them back to Kal.

Whitney was mystified, and shot a look to his girlfriend. "You'll explain this later, right?" he muttered to her. Then he blinked at Kal. "Man, don't even worry. It's cool, okay? Don't even." He held his hand out.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! What do you fucking people not understand about NOT TOUCHING ME?!" Roared like a lion and stalking like one too, as he climbed to his feet and slammed backward. "Leave me the fucking well alone! I'm not some pansy assed bitch who needs a glass of water and a hug to fucking feel better! LEAVE ME ALONE!" He turned and stormed down the hall, the walls shuddering with the force of his slamming the door.

"Kal is the human part that lives in Clark." Chloe murmured, wincing at the slamming door. "He's all the masculinity, all the pride, all the things he hides in favor of his alien side. You, CK." A gentle smile at him.

Lex just looked shocked as CK stormed out, carrying the drinks back out to the kitchen, putting the soda back in the fridge, and pouring the orange juice down the sink. Very carefully, he rinsed the glass out, put it in the little dishwasher, and wiped down the sink area. He washed his hands next, dried them on the towel, and went into the bedroom, closing the door behind himself.

CK blinked. "There needs to be about two more of me." He sighed, and plunked back down Indian style on the floor. "I miss Kal. I miss Lex. I miss being one person, because then everybody liked me then. I miss everybody not fighting."

"Me too, honey." Chloe offered her fingers to his. "Don't worry, it'll be better soon." She'd caught on, after a while, that Lex didn't want CK to know about the eventual transformation back, so she just squeezed his hand gently. "I don't either, baby." Then up, to her poor, aroused boyfriend. "I'm sorry." She murmured to him, and kissed his cheek, gently.

CK took Chloe's hand and squeezed it, sighing as he rested his cheek against it. "I want it to be better now."

"I'm just gonna... you know, excuse myself to the bathroom here. Or the hall. Or the car. The kitchen. Somewhere. And I'll be right back, okay?"

"Okay." Chloe said, wincing softly and kissing his cheek again, before she tugged CK up with her onto the couch. "I know you do, honey, but sometimes we've just got to wait. You know? For better things to come. If you don't, the better things won't seem so great after they get here." Another gentle squeeze. "You're a sweetheart, CK. Kal's kind of a cranky pants. He'll live, though."

Whitney disappeared down the hall, and closed the guest bathroom door behind him with a sigh of strangled relief.

CK watched until Whitney was disappeared, and he curled up on the couch, putting his head in Chloe's lap and tucking his elbows against his chest. "I probably should have done something to help him, but I didn't feel like it," he said softly. "I just want everybody to stop fighting and stop bickering. And stop looking at us like we're weirdos or something."

"The situation is weird, baby." Chloe answered softly as she let her fingertips play through his hair. "The fighting will stop soon. I don't think Kal is okay with having us here right now. He's human... you're not. He doesn't accept or understand it, you know? We just expected him too. He'll be okay, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, he will be. He's in there, and he just doesn't want anyone with him. But he'll be okay." Little shiver. "I know he doesn't get it, cause he didn't get the odd parts. I'm the freaky one. I got the alien and the power and the stuff. So I know he'll be okay. I just... even Lionel thinks I'm a freak, and he never does. Well.. at least I think he thinks Kal's a freak. Not so much about me, maybe."

"Probably cause Kal tried shoving his tongue down his throat." Chloe commented with ease and amusement, an eyebrow raised in obvious amusement as she did so. "Could be. Maybe."

"He didn't like us before that, eve." CK just shook his head. "Lex is in there pouting, Kal's upset, and I can't help either one of them."

"I've learned, hon, that the best times to help them is when you don't do anything at all. Sheer male arrogance and stupidity, you know? Give them time. They just need to lick their wounds and have a good mope." Chloe nodded, wisely, even though her eyebrow rose with her smile.

There was a little cough from the bathroom, then the toilet flushed and Whitney came back out. Much less red-faced than when he'd gone in, and with the semblance of a wry smile on his face. "Hi. Sorry about that." He came back into the living room, and instead of disturbing CK, he sat on the chair across from the couch. "I'm sorry we showed up early, caused all this. Didn't mean to."

CK shrugged. "It's okay. I'm glad you're here, ashimel."

"And I'm glad you're not poking someone's eye out anymore." Chloe smiled at him, even as her fingers kept up in CK's hair. "We should probably run over to Dominic's place, see if Pete and Shay need a hand. Want to come with us, CK?"

CK shook his head no, eyes wide. "N-no. I don't think. I don't think I can leave Kal."

"Oh. I never thought of that." She looked up. "Well… Whitney, I think its best you stay. You're… you can control it if something happens. I can get a ride with Phillip to Dominic's."

Whitney shook his head. "No. I think we both need to get out of here. We seem to have thrown everybody for a loop, and I think it's best if we just... go." He squared his shoulders, and squeezed CK's shoulder. "Don't even sweat it, okay?" Then he looked up at Chloe. "You go and beard Lex. Tell him we're leaving. I'll tell Kal."

"Beard Lex? Your language mystifies, Big Fordman." Chloe muttered back at him, and climbed to her feet, albeit unsteadily. "There we go. Come on, little Fordman, work with me here." She glared down at him, then shifted and sighed as she began back towards the bedroom. Two knocks, that's all she needed before she cracked the door open and slipped inside a little. "Lex, we're leaving baby."

Lex's back was to the door, and he just nodded from the bed. "All right; I'm sorry about all the confusion. Hopefully the next time you visit us here, we won't have this problem."

"Lex? Stop moping, baby. Go and talk to him, kay?" She said in way of help, and gently closed the door behind her for a second so she could run her fingers over his bare head. "He's been through a lot. He just freaked out sweetie."

He closed his eyes as she touched him, stroking gently over his head. "I'm not moping, Chloe. I just don't know what to do without upsetting him any further. I was watching him too much, I freaked him out, I tried to take care of him, I was smothering him, he didn't want me to touch him, and so I didn't."

"Pride got hurt. Not Clark you're talking to in there, babe. He's a human man, who's got pride coming out of his gills. He's a different fish to fry, baby." Another smile at him, as she leaned down to kiss his head, before the smile flitted away. "CK doesn't know he's going to merge with him later tomorrow, does he?"

Lex shook his head. "No, he doesn't. At least, I don't think he understands. I'm not sure what he thinks is going to happen, but Kal and I both agreed that we're not going to bring it up to him. We're both happier that he doesn't understand."

"Is he?"

"You saw yourself; he is. He doesn't know, Chloe. He might be the alien part of Clark, but he's also the innocent part." At that, he rolled over. "You saw. It's like telling a five year old he's going to die in twenty-four hours. I can't do that."

She nodded, quietly, but she sat down beside Lex, though she didn't dare lay down. If she lay down, she wasn't getting back up. "Lex, honey... its innocence, yes. But if he is purely Clarks alien psyche, he's also very intelligent. He might already know, and isn't telling either of you, as to not upset you."

"That's the thing. I don't know if he's purely anything. If it's a pure division, if it's a personality division more than anything else, and the powers got stuck with one personality instead of the other, or if it was a random split."

"No use in thinking about it now." Chloe squeezed his shoulder, gently, and kissed his fingers as she clasped them in her own. "I love you so much. You'll do good. I'm sorry you have to go through this at all, honey."

"I'm not," Lex said softly. "When it's all done, I'm going to know Clark better for having seen both parts of him like this. Despite the fact that yes, I am going to miss them both, they're going to be there, inside of him, and it's all going to work out." He kissed her hand gently. "Did Whitney get his problem taken care of?"

She smiled a little and nodded. "Yep. All taken care of." She tipped her head. "I hope it works out, Lex. For all of our sakes, I hope it does."

"It will. If... if they don't merge back together, then I've made arrangements for us to return to Smallville, where I can access my lab and create the antidote that Dr. Hamilton discovered. I'm reluctant to do that, however, in this case, as it's not simply a behavior that was modified, but that he was split in two." A little sigh.

She just shook her head, carefully. "We're going to get ready with Shay and Pete. We'll see you tonight, okay? Be careful. Make amends." Chloe gently stroked over Lex's head again, her thumb stroking his earlobe tenderly, before she carefully hoisted herself up. "If you need anything, you know where you can find us. Call the cell."

Lex kissed her hand again. "I'll call. You'll see us at the competition, I hope." He watched her move. "You're beautiful," he said softly. "Do you need any help getting downstairs?"

"Nah. I've got a hundred and ninety pounds of dude who had better piggy back me if I ask." Chloe smirked, but she kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly. "See you later babe."

Lex hugged her back, carefully so that he didn't hurt her or the baby, and gave her a little grin. "I love you, Chloe," he said softly. "Thank you."

"Sure, baby." She rose up, hefted really, and waddled to the door, opening and closing it behind her.

As Chloe wandered into the bedroom to deal with Lex, Whitney ambled down the little hallway and knocked on the door to the room Kal had taken refuge in. "Hey, Kal? It's Whit... I wanted to let you know we're leaving," he said through the door.

"Get the fuck out, and lock the goddamned door behind you." Came the ferocious roar from within.

Whitney almost jumped out of his skin. "Okay. We, uh, we were going to ask if you wanted to come to Pete and Shay's with us? But CK said it's not a great idea, so. The invite's open if your change your mind." He bolted away from the door, half-afraid of the person bellowing behind it, and nearly bowled his girlfriend over as he skidded to a halt. "Yeah, the thing I said about leaving? We should really do that."

Chloe was just closing Lex's door when she heard the snarl, and she just sighed and rubbed her face. "Come on, lets get going. Jesus, they're both so damn cranky. Get the door, baby?"

Whitney nodded, and peered over the couch. "CK? We're gonna get. If they get too bitchy? Give us a call, all right? We'll come back over and help."

CK nodded, and got on up on his knees, peering over the back of the couch at the two of them. "They won't snarl at me, either one of them. I'll be okay, I promise." He held his arms out for hugs, and Whitney hugged him. "We'll see you guys in a little while, kay?"

"Sure, baby." Chloe leaned forward and kissed his cheek gently, squeezing his back tightly, and nodded at the door to Whitney. "Come on, honey." She tugged absently at his hand until it gave, and led him out.

CK hugged Chloe back and watched them go, then dropped back on the couch and wrapped his arms around his knees as he tried to decide who he was going to try and talk to first.

Then, the decision was made for him as Lex came out of the bedroom, and sat down on the couch beside him. "I'm sorry I walked out earlier; I just needed a minute."

CK just gave a little nod. "It's okay. I just don't like you looking at us like we're weird. When Kal yanked away, you were looking at him like he was a freak or something, and I didn't like that. Cause he's not. Stop it."

Lex just shook his head gently. "I wasn't looking at him like he was a freak," Lex reassured. "It just hurt my feelings. I was trying to make him feel better and he didn't want it. That's all, okay? I promise."



go on to the next part