
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 25: Beloved

After the end of the song, Lex contemplated releasing his lover, but instead, held on tightly as the next song started.  He didn't know what it was, and he wasn't even sure that he cared, at the moment.  The only thing that Lex knew was that he was with Clark, Clark had--somehow--found a way to forgive him for breaking his promise, and that through some miracle he was sure he didn't deserve... Clark still loved him.  Was asking his forgiveness for something.  There was nothing that Lex could possibly think of that would make him walk away from Clark.  "You know I love you, don't you, Clark?"  Lex asked softly, running his fingers through the thick mat of his lover's hair.  "Come on... the water's getting cold... let me wash you off this time.  Please?" 


He let slide gently down the slim expanse of back as Celine Dion’s voice sang quietly from the radio. The waltz was easy, slow, comfortable slide as they moved, and he tenderly ducked his head and pressed a warm, chaste kiss along a slim collarbone. "I'll always love you, Lex. Always." But his eyes, their light, soft green, were still haunted in his face, still reserved and almost...scared. "We can wash each other."


Lex's smile was reassuring, happy, and full of life, if not a little unsure of himself.  "I'd like that.  And," he said, nipping gently at his lover's throat, "I owe you a back rub."  He rubbed his cheek against Clark's.  "And a shave."


"I...I'd like that. I'd really..." He swallowed hard and pressed his cheek against his lovers, to hide the tremble in his chin. He gently, reverently kissed a downy earlobe, singing softly along with the woman’s voice drifting from the radio. "The first time I ever saw your face...I felt the sun rise in your eyes. And the moon, and the stars were the gifts you gave to the dark."


Lex trembled again, couldn't stop himself.   Couldn't believe that Clark loved him--a liar, a man who broke his word--so much.  "Clark... I'm so sorry.  I'm sorry I couldn't be the kind of man you are.  But I hope I can be someday... with you by my side."


"And the first time...I ever kissed your mouth. I felt the earth turn in my the trembling heart of a captive bird. And the first time..." Gentle swaying, as he wrapped his arms about his lovers back, caressing the skin tenderly. "I ever lay with you, and felt your heart so close to mine... I thought our joy would fill the earth." A single palm slid up and cupped the back of the naked skull, making his lover look at him. See his eyes...see the tears that were so close to brimming and sliding down his cheeks. "You make me so happy. Don’t ever think you're less of anything. You’re kind and patient and strong, and you saved me, Lex. You saved me. You are everything to me, everything in this world. Don’t you ever, ever forget that.


Lex raised his hand and used it to wipe away the little tears that escaped Clark's control.  "I won't forget it, Clark.  I won't.  I give you my word on that, and you can believe that this word, I won't break."  He kissed his love softly on the face, ignoring the stubbly cheek.  "You... I just don't know how to tell you how much you mean to me."


"You don’t have to. I already know." A moist smile and a sniffle, and he threw his head back to push the hair out of his eyes. "We're way too mushy for our own good." He grasped his lovers hand and led him to the bathtub, where the bubbles and soap were waiting for them. "You forgive me?"


"Of course I forgive you, Clark... there's nothing I couldn't forgive."  He stopped at the side of the tub and looked up.  "But you've done nothing that you need to ask me to forgive you for.  But of course... of course you have it." 


"I’m glad. I thought...thought that you'd be angry. I just...I don’t really know how to explain what it was like to be under that rocks influence. It was like...every single thought I'd ever had, ever, was suddenly at the front of my head, making me act on impulse, you know? That’s why...why I did the 69 thing with you. Cause I wanted to, and so I did it. Like...I didn’t care if it hurt you or not. Or on the highway, Lex, when I just… just pounded into you." He paused a moment, stepping into the tub and holding his arms out to his lover. "Did..." Quietly. "Did you like me like that?"


Lex climbed in immediately after his lover, and pulled Clark's arms around him.  "I did like you like that, Clark.  You see... there's a very dark part of me that, for a long time, I gave into.  I let it rule me, I did very dark and dangerous things, but I was a bored little spoiled rich brat and I did what I wanted.  I still have that part of me, Clark, but it's not who I am anymore.  And yes... oh, yes, Clark, I did like you like that.  But I like you better like this.  Because this is who you are, just like this is who I am.  But we both... we both have a darkness inside of us, and yes... I liked it."


He leaned in and took a single, savage bite out of the patch of skin right beneath his lovers left ear, the sweetness in his expression warring with this side of wicked. "Yeah? How much did you like it?"


"I got off on it," Lex answered, growling as he wrapped his leg around Clark and sent them both toppling into the water with a splash.  He rubbed himself along Clark's body, thrusting and rocking against his lover's body.  "I thought it was some of the best sex we'd ever had."  He continued rocking against Clark.  "But I like it when we make love better... do you see the difference?"


He laughed out loud when they hit the water, gazing up through the bubbles at his lover and squirmed his hips in answer. They were gonna be okay. And it dropped this enormous weight from his shoulders. "I see the--oh...Lex...--difference, yeah, oh… oh yeah."


" question..."He leaned up and sucked his lovers chin, mouthing it for a few long, lovely moments before scraping his teeth so, so gently against the angular expanse of his jaw. " you wanna do it again?" He let wet fingers drift up over Lex's back, squirming a moment to get his legs wrapped tight about his lover.


A small, half-drunken grin as he felt Clark moving back against him, and he oozed away, the oil in the water making his body slippery.  "Do I want to expose you to the red meteor rock again?  Not... not for all the money in my Swiss bank accounts, Clark.  I wouldn't dare take that chance with you, and I promise you something else, that if you do it yourself, I will find a way to kick your ass and make it stick.  I'm not going to have you putting yourself at that kind of risk again, no matter what."


His face lit up with a soft grin and he gently stroked his lovers cheek, propping himself up on one elbow to gently kiss his cheekbones... the tip of his nose...and his lips. "I lov--"


Sudden, heart shattering scream from across the mansion, and Clark jumped so hard he nearly bucked Lex out of the bathtub. "Oh, my God! What was that?? Lex!" He scrambled to get out from underneath his love, the water and oil slippery and making him struggle, tugging Lex up to a seated position.


Lex's head dropped to his knees, his shoulders shaking.  "Jesus fucking Christ... the man is a pussy... he sounds like he's having Porsche flashbacks," he muttered.


"What??" Clark stared at him, mid rise, blinking.


"It's just Dominic, Clark.  He and my father are... well, I don't want to know what they're doing, but if you're lacking in imagination I could offer up a few guesses."  Lex's head was still on his raised knees as he tried not to laugh.


His mouth...dropped. Just. Dropped. All the blood that had drained out of his face came back in full force, flushing his cheeks and neck and chest, closing his mouth with a click as he suddenly sat back hard in the tub. Another scream, louder then the one before, and he was sure he'd never be able to look at Mr. Senatori ever again without being pink. He dropped his head, looking up through his curls at his lover, and swallowed. "They're...having..."


"Sex, Clark.  Probably with collars and chains and clamps and the entire nine, knowing my father."  Lex finally raised his head, once he was back in control of himself.


He looked absolutely mortified. "Like....S and M?"


"Yes.  Like S&M, but with a little B&D thrown in, just for fun."  Lex smirked.


He looked down at his lap, trying to process that for a second. "So...being tied up is a...turn on?" He glanced up again, all the innocence of his age shining in his eyes. "And hit? I...Pete told me about it once, but I didn’t believe him. Why... why is that so good?"


Lex snickered.  "Clark... this is not a conversation I'm going to have with you until you're about fifty years old and you stop blushing at everything."  The snicker turned into a grin.  "Come on.  Use that heat vision and warm us up a couple of towels, and I'll explain it to you on the way."


"I don’t know about you, but being hit isn’t great. And stuff. You know?" And he wasn’t doing anything to try and hide how hard he'd become with thoughts of being blindfolded and utterly possessed.


“Oh no, Clark... that's just it.  You don't know.  There's... there's a quite a bit of that kind of thing which depends on just how much you trust your partner, and some that's dependant on how much you like losing control."


"" A small, shy grin. "Okay." He glanced over at two happy towels waiting for them on the small towel stool, warming them...singing them a little, but he stopped once things started to smoke. He listened to Lex's words quietly all throughout, but when he finally glanced back, his eyes were still firey. "Mmm. Losing control." Low, grumbling voice he hadn't meant, but oooo that sounded nice.


Lex's eyebrows notched up at the growl.  "Yes... not so much losing, but... knowing that it's being taken away from you and not being able to do anything about it."  He waited a beat.  "That's part of why I liked our sex so much... because you were taking me and there was nothing that I could do to stop you."


"Lex..." It came out more like a groan then he intended. "Stop. I..." Want to do it again, but I want you to take me, please oh please. "I cant take it." He rose up, a little shy over the condition his crotch was in at the moment, but offered his arms down with a little grin. "You promise you'll show me sometime? Everything? You promised you'd teach me...I want you to teach me everything."


Lex pulled himself up, oily skin gliding over Clark's as he straightened himself, rubbing hard.  "You can take it, Clark... you can.  Because you're just a little stronger than you think you are."  His hand wrapped around Clark's cock and stroked.  "I promise I'll teach you, Clark.  Everything that you can think of, and then some."


A quiet groan and he let his fingertips slide down his lovers back, over the swell of his ass, and down his thighs as he buried his face in Lex's neck. "C... Can I..." Another moan, this time arching into his love's touch. "Can I ask you? Some questions?"


"Only if we go somewhere that we're not likely to be interrupted by another of Dominic's... vocalizations.  You pick the place, and I'll answer anything you want to know."  He wrapped himself in the towel, and then smiled.  "Don't wear anything that's not... accessible."


He suddenly paused, and his smile was absolutely priceless. "Lex... we can go from vowing our eternal love to one another to giggling, to S n' M in the next sentence. You do realize we're very random, energetic people, don't you?" Another soft smile and he reached over to press a warm kiss against his lovers cheek. "Since I'm very spontaneous, however," He climbed from the tub and offered his hand to his lover for just a moment, waiting for him to follow.


As soon as Lex stepped out, Clark ripped the towel off, dropped to his knees, and sucked the hot, hard cock into his mouth.


Lex grunted as Clark swallowed him down, and his hands moved down over Clark's shoulders, urging his hands up.  Once he had Clark's hands in his, he squeezed Clark's wrists together and held them tightly.  "All right, Clark... here's a little taste of it.  You can't break out of this now without hurting me, and I know you won't do that.  The question now becomes... can you let me fuck your pretty little face without getting off on it?"


He swirled his tongue around it, becoming familiar again with his lovers smooth, hard length, and erasing any memories whatsoever of how Whitney had fit in his mouth. No thoughts of Whitney, none, not of length comparisons or girth or taste. Just his lover, sweet as honey and bitter as that first sip of orange juice. Lovely. He sucked hard at it, throwing his entire soul behind the movement, sucking hard before.... before he relaxed his throat and for the first time, pushed his lovers erection past his gag reflex. Strange, hard, like he was choking, but something inside of him told him he didn't need to breath. Not like people did.


His lovers voice, then his arms being raised above his head, and he looked up, his lovers cock so far down his throat that his nose buried in the fragrant skin of Lex's hairless crotch.


Lex nodded down at his lover.  "Very... oh yes... good, Clark... you know what to do already."  He rocked his hips back and thrust forward, his cock sliding wetly out of Clark's throat and then back down.  He rocked twice, three times, and then a fourth, Clark's mouth and throat welcoming him each time. 


He swallowed when he could, eyes huge in his head as he watched Lex like a man gone insane. Delicious, knowing Lex was using him, USING him to get off and it was so hot he almost came. ...Almost. He tested the strength, feeling Lex's wrists tight around him, and instead threw himself behind the blow job again. Sucked whenever Lex rose out of him, swirled his tongue whenever he surged back in. In and out, slow, rhythmic, and he felt his hips moving in time, jerking in the air.


Lex. Was. Using. Him. Oh, God.


Lex stopped his thrusting as soon as he realized Clark was moving.  "No, Clark.  I told you... no getting off on it."  He raised his foot and pressed it down against Clark's stomach, pushing Clark down onto his ass and keeping him pinned there with his weight and Clark's own compliance.


He gasped, or as much as he could with Lex inside of him, breathing shallowly through his nose and watching him as he plopped down on his ass. He ached to bring his lover in close, burry his face in that warm crotch and suck him til he screamed...but this. This. It was erotic beyond his every dream, and he moaned as he watched Lex's deep blue eyes.


"Now... can you keep still and let me do this... or do I have to stop and finish it myself?" 


He shook his head violently, fingers fisting as he tried to rein in the shuddering, and watched his lover as he showed him the darker part of his fantasy life. Of this... restraining, holding, fucking. So goddamn hot.


"Then get back up on your knees.  If I see you moving again, I finish it myself.  Do you understand?  Nod if you do."  Lex hadn't removed his cock from Clark's mouth, and he waited, hand on the base as he was poised to withdraw.


He nodded frantically and wriggled and squirmed his way back up onto his knees, watching his lover tense, the muscles in his thighs hardening as he climbed back up.


Once Clark was back on his knees, Lex pushed his cock back into his lover's throat.  There was nothing gentle about it, and he stroked Clark's palms with his thumbs as he fucked his lover's tight, wet throat.  "You're... so hot, Clark."  He dropped Clark's hands.  "Don't move.  Don't touch.  Keep them exactly where they are."  His hands knotted tightly in Clark's hair, and Lex threw himself into rocking down his lover's throat, knowing that he couldn't hurt Clark and keeping a close eye on him for bad reactions.  "If you move, I stop."


He was trembling, nonstop. His fingers were fisted in the air, watching Lex with enormous eyes as his throat and mouth were invaded, again, again, again. He could barely breathe, the instinctual tug for him to inhale alluding him as Lex' fingers slid into his hair and gripped. The motions though. He felt himself being rocked back and forth, being Lex's willing orifice, and he was positive he'd look back and be horrified of his willingness, but it was so...intensely erotic. He moaned, loudly at that, holding his arms up as hard as he could as Lex pounded into him, hard as he could.


The moan vibrated through Lex's cock, and he shuddered hard as he came.  Fast and hard, it shocked him that he'd come so quickly, but he kept thrusting, kept his cock buried in Clark's throat as he poured jet after jet into his lover's accepting mouth.  The fact that Clark had actually capitulated, actually given control of himself over to Lex had been hotter than almost anything else he could think of, and once he was done, he pulled himself out of Clark's mouth and looked down at his kneeling lover.


He swallowed hard when he felt the organ in his mouth pulse, sucking down every last drop of his lovers seed into him. The long, slow tug out of him had him gasping for breath, swallowing hard as his jaw fell closed, and he realized vaguely that he hadn’t brought his hands down, still trembling and aroused as he'd ever been in his life. He looked up at him in trepidation and bold faced want, swallowing hard again and keeping quiet.


“Very good, Clark.  Put your arms down, and tell me what you're feeling."  He touched Clark's face gently, feeling the scruff under his fingertips and stroking it.


He brought his arms shakily down, working his throat around the soreness already going away, and lay his hands in his lap as he sat back on his haunches. "G-Go….Good." Trembling whisper.


"I didn't tell you to touch anything, Clark, just to tell me how you felt.  Hands on your hips."  He didn't stop stroking Clark's face or his hair.  "Do you want to come, Clark?"


He set his palms on the sharp bones of each hip, watching him with reverent adoration and a good dose of sexual, predator fear that aroused him out of his mind, all mixed into one. "Pl... please."


"All right.  You can.  What do you want?  And keep in mind, Clark... that I won't always ask.  But... I think that your good performance should be rewarded."  He followed that with a kiss to his lover's full lips, tasting himself and telling Clark without words how much Lex loved him.


"R...rub my back. Do t-the 69 with me again." Shallow whisper, fingers of one hand sliding up to cradle the side of his lovers head, the other already moving to slide his lover in close...because very apparently, he hadn’t quite grasped the full concept of what this all was, still needing to provide pleasure for his mate, for his lover. A stroke down the warm back, caress of a wet thigh, gently rubbing his thumb where thigh met crotch.


"Do you want to stay here, Clark?  Listen to my father fucking Dominic while lying in bed with me sitting on your ass and rubbing your back?"  He stroked Clark's hair.  "Or do you want to go somewhere it's just... me and you?"


He slowly started to get to his feet...then stopped, and looked for permission.


"Good boy, Clark.  Go.  Lie down if you want to stay, get dressed if you want to go."


He climbed to his feet and very slowly wrapped his arms around Lex's shoulders, bringing him in and hugging him tightly. Tight as he could without hurting something, rocking slowly as he kissed his ear, his cheek, the corner of his eye. "Anything, to show you I love you."


"I love you, Clark."  Lex's hands stroked gently over Clark's back.  "The choice is yours, Clark... and if you want to stop here that's all right too.  It's not an easy thing to get into, and we should start slowly."  He ran his fingers up over Clark's shoulder, and down to his nipple.  "We could go to your loft, and make love on the couch."


He smiled a little, looking down at him and softly stroking his cheekbones with each thumb. "Did you like it?"


"The question is, Clark... did you like it."  He smiled a little in return.  "The answer to your question was shot down your throat."


Admittance was hard on his tongue, but this was Lex. His mate. He would do anything, ANYTHING for him, anything that he liked, anything he enjoyed...and he would derive his pleasure, too. "It's... it's hard to explain. Lex...I can read my blood very well. It... It doesn’t make sense, I-I know," And harder by the minute as his hard cock pulsed on his belly. "But...its...whenever we're together I can see inside your head. I know what you want, what you don’t like, what makes you hot. And then... it... It makes me hot, too. I liked it, because I could feel your pleasure. And I liked it, because yeah..." A hard blush. "It was hot.  D... does that make sense? Its okay if I don’t make sense. I think its the blood currently pooled in my groin."


Lex almost grinned at that.  "Yes, it makes sense.  And that in and of itself is a frightening thought."  He dropped his hand to play with Clark's hard cock.  "All I know is that you do see inside my head, you can read my mind sometimes, and I don't want what I like to keep you from saying what you like."


He grinned at that and angled his hips up into his lovers touch, smiling again as the playful glint returned to his eyes. "I cant see what you're thinking. Just...feeling. Sometimes I hear you talk in my other language. I... Its ni--" He paused for a long moment, then, his eyes clouding and shifting out of focus, concentrating on what appeared to be a spot on the wall behind them even though he wasn’t really seeing it.


"It's what?"  Lex's brow furrowed as he caught Clark's change.  "Clark?  Are you all right?"  His hand dropped from his lover's cock, turning suddenly serious.


He stared for a few more minutes before his gaze locked on Lex's worried eyes. Something...he.. "I don’t have to tell you anything, Lex." The same words he'd used while under possession of the red meteor fragments, but their was unmistakable gentility and love behind them that was all Clark. "You can see for yourself." He gently took Lex's hands, setting them open, palm to palm, fingertip to fingertip, and set his forehead against Lex's.


Rush. Pure, hot, molten, and he squeezed his eyes shut as the dark blue haze brightened to a stunning white....before memories began to jolt through his mind. Sharing thoughts, seeing through Lex's eyes as he went through his everyday life...the desperate love in Lex's heart whenever an image of Clark would come up. Of his own young face caught in passion, of the sweet grins he would give. Each memory spiked a beautiful emotion, spiraling down into the deep, the wanting, the erotic. Primal impulses...memories of another time, of straps and leather, whipped cream and silk. Of lipstick and wigs, jeans and snug t-shirts. Hot, hot, and he vaguely felt his balls explode as he came all over his belly and chest as Lex's fantasies rolled through his mind. Thoughts, hazy and made up, of Clark in impossible positions, of toys and bathtubs and candles.


He could just barely hear himself screaming as he gave Lex that same link to him. To go into his mind. To see what he saw, to read his memories, to watch his fantasies.


Lex almost jerked away at first, but the gentle touch and the quiet wade through his memories and fantasies and thoughts were nothing but comforting and curious, and there was a slight... almost flavor to the sharing, the remembered feel of fresh grass and sunshine cutting through the dark swaths in his head.  He tightened his fingers around Clark's as he explored the memories, feeling himself weeping at the feelings of love and acceptance that he felt every time he experienced Martha and Jonathan through Clark's eyes.  He felt his throat constricting as he saw himself in situation after situation where Clark rescued him, watched his own death and rebirth at the hands of his lover.  "Clark."


He didn’t say a word but in his heart he grasped onto Lex, hard, and shared with him the thoughts of their future. Of children and squabbles and family arguments and dinner time. Homework and children’s papers and very suddenly, the image of an elderly looking Lionel, hugging an older Lex. He gave him the pleasure, the joy of learning new words in English even as the link whispered in his language. The first day of school, when Pete came up to him and asked to be his friend in his no-nonsense manner he'd never lost. The first kiss...the valentine cards he'd flushed over.


Darker...the pain of seeing his lover through the windshield...then the unmistakable, agonizing surge of love when Lex breathed on his own.


He moved his hands , taking Lex's fingers with him and cupping them against his chest, keeping their sharing open and alive, but this time, he could speak to his lover without the roar of language. "I love you."


"Aushna', Kal-El," Lex replied, shocked to hear himself speaking a language he knows he doesn't know but feels natural to him nonetheless.  "Mekin uot kilaysh ne-ne."  He knew that he was linking himself to Clark with those words; they sounded too ritual to be anything but a pledge, and he was glad to give it.  "Mekin uot kilaysh ne-ne."


"Aushna', Oakenepel." He whispered, heart surging heart with love and he could feel his lover feel that raw emotion as he spoke. "Mekin uot kilaysh ne-ne, sa'lumkana." His throat closed and he tightened his fingers around Lex's, there, on his chest because finally...finally. They were one. It thrilled him so much that all his thoughts raced through every single wonderful emotion he'd ever had that mirrored as closely to this one as they could...including pictures of his mother, his real mother, kissing him and holding him... Of a man who looked exactly like him, of a different world that wasn’t very different at all. The tears came, trickling down his cheeks, more overjoyed and overwhelmed then he'd ever been in his life.


Lex's tears matched Clark's as they shared not just the memories but the feelings.  Lex tried to sort through his own memories to find anything resembling this, and for a brief moment threw up a barrier when he found a single memory.  Then he brought it immediately back down, and let Clark see the only person who meant as much to him as Clark did.


His mother.  Lillian, with her bright shock of red hair wrapping her arms around her son, their hair almost blending in together as she lifted him in her arms and set him beside her on the bed and showed him the book she was reading.  He couldn't read the large words yet, but she read them to him, laughing and drawing pictures with her voice as Lex sat by her side.


The memory of Lillian was almost sacred to Lex, and he shared it with Clark without further hesitation.


He reached in...and almost felt the silky red hair of Lex's childhood, ghosting over it with love and adoration...of complete trust, that he would hold this memory and keep it safe until the day he died. Sacred, there, in his heart, in something he would never share with another living soul again. He wrapped his arms around Lex's mind and hugged, made him understand how much it meant for him to share that single moment in time where his lover had been so happy. So beautiful. "Aushna'. Aushna', Oakenepel."


"Kal-El."  He let the sound of his own name roll through his thoughts as he spoke Clark's, deciding that he liked Clark's name better than his own.  "Kal-El."  He wrapped himself in the wave of love and caring that Clark was offering, wrapped his thoughts and his feelings in it, and made a mental picture of himself inside a gossamer cocoon.  "Aushna', Kal-El."


Without words he made his lover understand that he would never be alone again, not while he himself was still on this earth...but it was time for the bound to end. He let Lex feel how it was draining him, reaching forward in body to press his lips against his lovers as he poured every bit of who he was and why he loved to his lover. And with it, he whispered, You are what I’ve been searching for.  He slowly let go of his grasp and let go of Lex's fingertips, the slow, easy slide back to normal reality comforting and if he did this every day. His fingers instead slid around his lover, kissing deeper, exploring every crevice and dip of the warm mouth under his, tasting tears and joy.


Lex shuddered against the comforting strength of his lover as he felt the whole of Clark's being poured into him.  For a single terrifying, exhilarating instant he was his lover, and the in the instant afterwards there was no way of knowing where Clark ended and Lex began.  His eyes were nearly wired open, pupils wide and dilated as his synapses fired repeatedly, categorizing what had just been poured into his thoughts.  Minutes later, Lex found himself being kissed and touched by his lover, and he wrapped himself completely around Clark.  "That... I have no words, Clark."  He couldn't express how he felt about what had just happened, and it was frightening and thrilling to know that there was still so much of Clark inside him now.  "I love you."


He smiled very softly, cupping his trembling cheeks tenderly before stroking across his skin...over his head, down his shoulders, over his arms until their hands met again and he squeezed them tightly. Kisses peppered over his skin, warm and gentle and loving, bringing his mate down from the exhilarating rush by grounding him in the real world. Gentle kisses along the slim, strong jaw… then up, to kiss each eyelid as they fluttered closed. "I love you."


Lex's hands explored Clark's almost finger by finger, moving up his arms to his shoulders, then over his cheekbones and down to his mouth.  "Clark... I don't... I can still feel you.  In my head."


He ducked his head just a little so Lex could touch him, kissing the fingertips when they passed his mouth, and letting his eyes close as they swept over the eyelids. "You always will. No matter where we are, what’s happening, I'll be with you. I promise you."


Lex liked that idea.  He liked the idea of not being alone any longer.  It was definitely a good thing.  "I know you will, Clark... I just don't know what to say.  You... you are amazing."


"Shh...let me take you to the special place. I want to touch you... I need to finish claiming you." He didn’t quite understand what he was saying but in his heart he knew what he needed to do, simply linking fingers through Lex's and pulling him so gently towards the bedroom. "Clothes. Something simple. You wont need them for very long."


"All right."  Lex trusted Clark, something he'd rarely done before, and wasted very little time as he went to his closet and pulled out the first things that fell into his hands; a pair of black slacks, and a black turtleneck.  He didn't bother with underwear or anything else, just pulling the black clothes on over bare skin, and then turned back to his lover.  "Do I need to bring anything else?"


"Nothing." He himself was in his jeans and the dark blue t-shirt he'd come in with, and he walked over and simply took his fingers again, linking them warmly. "You are so beautiful. Do you know that? You are exquisite."


Lex shook his head.  "Only to you, Clark.  Most people look at me and see a freak.  And those that don't... only see someone they want to fuck."


"No one will, ever again. No one will touch you, or hurt you, or make you feel less then what you are, so long as I’m here." A moment, and he wrapped Lex close to him, hefting him up in his arms. "Do you trust me?"


"You know that I do," Lex said simply.  "I trust you with my heart."


He didn’t wait for another word, just taking off. Through the hall, down the steps, out the back door...and through their link, through their bound that would be there forever, Clark let his love feel the exhilaration and freedom he took from this. From just running, because he could. Across the corn fields, blowing stalks away before they even touched Lex's skin. Across Miller’s Pond, the water splashing away before it ever soaked his feet. Across the hill, down the long path and there was his home. The place he'd grown up, the place he adored. The place now, where he would bring the love of his life to finish claiming him.


Lex laughed.  The laughter was his own but the feeling of the wind on his face, the feeling of almost-flying, almost leaving the ground and sailing, the feeling of outrunning nature itself pounded through him.  This was power, not the kind that he'd been raised with but real power, and he found he didn't care a single thing about it.  He didn't want to possess it, he didn't want to control it, he just wanted to be it.  And he laughed at the sheer joy of being free.


The sound of his lover laughing shocked him, and he couldn’t help it--he laughed too, delighted beyond words that he could share this amazing feeling with the one person in this world that meant more to him then anything else. Sharing the fun of it, the freedom, the feeling like they were flying. He sped as fast as he could up to the barn, making sure not to disturb his parents, and stopped on the bottom of the stairs leading to his loft, nuzzling Lex's neck softly.


Lex raised his head slightly to accommodate Clark's gentle nuzzling, and then stretched in his arms.  "I just... I just had an amazing realization, Clark.  Because of you."  He kissed Clark softly.  "You... you are the epitome of everything that I am supposed to want--power.  There's not a single force on this earth that you can't overwhelm--not nature, not weather, nothing manufactured by man.  You're the single most powerful individual on this planet... and I really don't give a flying fuck."  He laughed again.  "I just realized that."


The smile that graced his face was full of amusement and joy, eyes twinkling as he pressed tender kisses to his jaw... Then to his lips, meeting the gentle tongue softly as he walked slowly up the steps to his loft. "You love me; that’s why. You look beyond all of don’t see something to be scared, just something to be adored. Its why I love you, Lex. You see the man, not the monster. Just as in you, I see you, not the rich kid, not the business man, not the corporate director. My lover, who doesn’t eat like he should, who likes wearing sweat pants to bed in the winter time, and who's read King Arthur nine times."


"You're not a monster, Clark.  You're not a monster any more than I'm my father."  He smiled.  "The Pendragon Cycle--the Arthurian books--they were always my favorite.  I could curl up and read those books for hours, and I'd literally find myself in Camelot, riding along Lancelot and Percival, or tending court with Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.  I watched Merlin perform his magic, I quested for the Holy Grail, I saw young Arthur pull the sword from the stone."  Lex shook his head.  "That's just... who I am, I suppose."


"This is the person I love; the person I treasure. You're everything to me." He stopped at the top of the steps and slowly, tenderly let Lex down, helping him straighten. "I have spent my life in here, Lex. Dreaming, imagining, wondering. I have fed every curiosity, read all of my books, studied for school. Thought of you...made myself crazy thinking how you tasted. Then that first day, when we made love, I came here and wrote down every thing you'd made me feel, and how in love with you I was. This me. The changes, as they happen, are changes inside of my heart. This is the plane of my existence." He tenderly leaned over and pressed a very, very soft kiss to Lex's forehead... To his his lips. "Be with me, here."


Lex nodded, and returned the soft kiss with a harder one of his own.  "Yes."  He slid his hands over Clark's chest, resting them over his heart. "yes... I will be with you, here.  In your place."


Another duck of his head and he had Lex's earlobe in his mouth...downy and soft, and he sucked softly as he began to undress him. Reverent, worshipful, he slowly slid the top of the turtleneck up...then distracted himself with rubbing the skin along his back over his palms, leaning further down so Lex could hold him, wrap those sweet arms around his neck and be his. "Touch me, beloved." Barest of a murmur into his ear. "Be inside me."


Lex nodded.  "Yes."  it seemed all he was capable of saying, and he slid his hands down, under the blue t-shirt that Clark was wearing and hissed as he touched hot skin.  "You're so hot, Clark."  He pushed up, moving the shirt out of the way as he bared the firmly sculpted chest, kissing the hard stomach, teasing the abs with his tongue, then kissing up his chest as he pulled the t-shirt off.


A harsh shudder and he arched into the wet touch, sliding the turtleneck up...up... Gone, tossing it behind him before leaning in and sucking at the hard nipples. The skin, all that white skin with the moons light on it was like milk, and he ached to taste it all. The soft indention at the base of his throat...the long expanse to one firm pectoral that he nibbled and licked. The small, hard nub surrounded by that dark areole, and he sucked at it, firmed it as his wide palms traced the muscles of his back. Inherently, instinctually different, but in a good way. "So soft." Whispered against the nipple he was mouthing, touching him like he would shatter...with as much care and attention as he could give.


Lex's hands slid back down to the waistband of Clark's jeans, and with trembling fingers opened the buttons and slid down the zipper.  His hands slipped inside, touching the warm, firm flesh of his lover's ass as he pushed the jeans down, and used his grip to pull their bodies closer together.


He worshipped Lex's body... A single spot not untouched, making sure to trail the fire of his mouth over every inch he was capable of. Over every square inch, shrugging away from Lex's hands because this wasn’t about him. Not at all. Tonight was giving to his lover, and he stroked his fingers up his sides, slowly sliding up...up...making Lex raise his arms up, so he could watch all the muscles in his abdomen flex and roll over his ribs. Then slowly...tenderly, he leaned in and touched his mouth to where pectoral met the underneath part of his arm, mouthing it softly as their fingers linked briefly above their heads. Gentle licking, ravenous, before he swept his palms lightly down from his hands to his waist, watching the nipples harden even further under his hungry gaze.


Snap, and the slacks were undone...slide, and they slipped down his hips to pool on the ground. He walked his lover in a bit, so he could step from his clothes, and slowly led him to the low slung tan hammock hanging from one corner of the room to the other. "Let me touch you."


"Touch me, Clark."  He moved as Clark directed him, feeling the hammock against the back of his legs and looking up.  "I think you've discovered the one place I've never made love before." 


Slow smile and he lifted his lover, helping him in, before slowly tugging his jeans. Snap....slide down and he was naked, vulnerable...before he stretched out over his lover. How he managed to keep them both straight in it he'll never know, but there was so much lily white skin to touch and he didn’t dare spare another moment. How could he, when the ridge of his hip asked for a kiss, when the small belly button begged for attention? When there were miles and miles of skin to taste, to touch?


Hot, experienced mouth. It slid, exploring, from nipples to belly... Down, dipping his tongue into the belly button there asking for him, and sucked hard at it as he rubbed the slim hips softly.


Lex purred softly, a deep rumble from far down in his chest as Clark teased him with these worshipful touches.  He'd never known he could make the sound, somehow suspected, with the two brain cells still firing, that he'd somehow absorbed one of Clark's noises but then didn't care at all as gentle hands moved his hips and a wet tongue thrust into his navel.  He arched his back, lifting his body closer to Clark, setting the hammock to swaying as he pulled Clark in to touch him. 


The sound made his lips curve in all that skin and he pressed a quiet chuckle into an angular hip, letting his mouth wet it softly as his fingers danced. Stroking digits slid up, over his lovers sides until each hand was filled with a warm chest, hard nipples digging into each of his palms.  The feeling was so wonderful, so outrageously sexy that he could be causing these feelings within his love, that he had to taste. He moved up, lapping at one, and gently closed his teeth around the hard nub.


Then pulled up, the tiny pebble still caught in his teeth, and shook his head, like a stallion.


Lex's purr increased as he cried out, his hands moving to Clark's hair as he pulled himself up towards the mouth tugging at his nipple.  He couldn't help but follow as Clark nipped and tugged, words gone as he attempted to make his pleasure known through grunts and keens of need and want. 


He forced himself to let go of Clark's hair, and slid them down his back instead, digging his nails into the unbreakable flesh of his lover and dragged them up and down, clawing for purchase as he rocked against Clark.


The sobs of want under him drove him insane, and he lapped and sucked at the nipple he'd been biting softly, tracing his tongue all around it before letting go and blowing softly on the wet flesh. A slight shift and he grasped the other nipple in his mouth, giving it the same treatment as he twisted and pinched the one he'd just had in his mouth. He paused just a moment, sucking at two of his fingers, and as he clasped the nipple back in his mouth he reached his other hand down. Past the weeping erection and the soft balls to the opening there right beneath, and stroked it softly before pushing in.


He slid he felt the rough protrusion of his lovers gland, and rubbed it tenderly, following the same strokes as his tongue on the tense chest.


Lex bucked up against Clark's fingers, pushing down as his body fell and he twisted against the intruding fingers, almost riding them as he lifted and rolled into Clark's body.  "Dammit, Clark... Either... either fuck me... or let me fuck you," he pled.  "I'm... losing my mind.  In... in a good way."  His legs were wrapped around Clark's hips as he lifted up, mouth finding its way over his jaw and lips.


A low smile and he ghosted his fingertips over his lover, the heat rolling from the pale skin giving him a hard stab of pleasure. "Always impatient." But he let Lex ride his fingers, let him stab down and thrust...before he reached down and yanked on his lovers erection hard, stabbing at his prostate at the same time. Doing it once, twice… three times in a row, before leaning back and lifting his lover with him, so he sat on his digits and let them slide as deep as they could, and beginning to trade places. "This is why I love you."


"I wouldn't be so impatient if you didn't make me so hot, Clark," Lex reminded him, gasping and bucking hard as Clark's fingers penetrated him entirely, and he bore down hard on them.  "Why... you love me?"  He shuddered again at the hand on his cock, pushing himself into the hard grip.  "Clark... God.  This... Christ.  No words."


He felt the muscles squeezing down on him and gasped softly, groaned, leaning back in the hammock and dragging his lover with him. He pulled his fingers out of all that tight heat and grasped Lex's face, leaning in and pressing his mouth to his. Heavy and hot as he dragged his loves hips closer, the darkness enveloping them entirely as he slowly, softly lifted Lex over him, his erection rubbing the tiny stretched hole, and held his lovers hips. "Ride me. I want to see your face...I want to watch your skin."


Lex kissed his lover softly, tongue thrusting in to possess and devour, one hand braced on Clark's hips as he reached the other back to steady Clark's cock.  "Oh, Clark... do you realize... how many times I'd thought of riding you like this?"  He shifted back just enough, and started to slide down onto his lover's erection.  "God, Clark."


Jonathan was sitting quietly in the house, reading the day's newspaper and trying not to worry about the new bills that had come in today's mail delivery.  He heard noises outside, and when they didn't stop, he got up from his seat on the couch and walked out to the porch.  The noises were coming from the barn, muffled cries and shouts, and he went closer, entering the barn and standing at the base of the stairs, not saying anything.


He grunted...then moaned loudly as his lovers body slid down...the passage so hot and tight and good, feeling like he was sliding home. He clenched his eyes shut and grasped Lex's hips, not tugging or pulling; just holding Lex to ground himself, as he shifted and slid in to the quick. " bea-beautiful, so h-hot.."


He slowly shifted, not moving, letting his lover control this how he wanted, and slowly, as Lex finished sliding down...he opened the flood gates to his mind, and let his lover feel what it was like for Lex to slide over him, take him in. Let his lover share how tingly his mouth felt, how hot his ass was, how pleasured his lower belly was. Let him feel everything. Everything.


Lex screamed as he felt Clark's sensations washing over him.  Felt his own cock enveloped by tight heat, felt hands on his skin and pressure on his body.  He tried to sort his own feelings out from Clark's but gave up, instead clenching his fingers around Clark's over his hips and started to move.  The sway of the hammock moved them both as Lex slid up and down, and it amazed Lex that he could even feel the rough weave of the hammock ropes rubbing against his ass as he rode his lover's cock.


Jonathan closed his eyes as soon as he realized what was happening upstairs.  Part of him didn't want to see this, but he knew now, without a doubt, that Clark was no longer his little boy.  Clark was a grown man now, a grown man with a lover who... obviously adored him.  Grunts, cries and whispers, moans and choked out names floated down to the listening man, and he shook his head.


Lionel.  Jonathan couldn't help but think about Lionel, and he felt a tremendous, tremendous sadness in his heart.  Lionel's son and his son were lovers, were in love, and they seemed destined to have the life that he and Lionel had been denied.  Joy and sadness both filled Jonathan's heart, joy for his son, sadness for himself. 


And as his lover moved, lifted and dropped, rocked on him, he gave those sensations to Lex, gave him what he was feeling. The tight heat wrapped around his cock as it was moved up and down, the heat in his balls as the friction started to make them tense. His belly, sweat pooling there on his skin, and his hands, grasping Lex's hips as his lovers hands covered his own. So beautiful, so beautiful, and it flushed all over his face as he felt himself being taken, and taking in return. The best of both worlds. Lily white skin so beautiful in the moonlight, and all he could do was drink it in as they moved in sync, watch him as the rough materiel of the hammock scratched his back, as the soft pillow under his head dampened with their intermingling breaths sweetened in the air between them.


Lex leaned down, kissing his lover through the swimming haze of sensations, unable to think or do anything but move as he made love with his mate.  Clark swayed under him, the hammock swayed them both, and Lex balanced himself on Clark's thighs with ease as he held tightly to his lover's hands.  Clark's skin was sweat slick as they moved together, and he felt himself sliding against the sweaty flesh and falling headlong into his lover's mind.


Jonathan felt strange watching his son and Lionel's together, but he couldn't stop himself from watching the love between them.  It was almost a palpable force that flowed around them, moving with them and through them, and he almost wanted to cry.  This... this kind of love was what he'd had with Lionel... and would never have with Martha.  And that saddened him.  Turning his back on the loving couple, Jonathan left the barn in silence, hoping his intrusion had gone unnoticed.


The shallow, concave dip of his belly. The barest hint of muscles ridged over ribs. Lex's strong shoulders, tense and trembling as his legs, powerful like a cheetah, rose and fell, moved and pushed Clark inside. All those miles of skin, such soft white skin, hairless and smooth as his fingers traced over it. Like silk from India, draped tight over his long, lithe body, matching the feeling of him inside the small channel where Clark was buried in. Home. It was home. As much as this hammock was home, and every single wonderful feeling he'd ever had washed in his heart at how...natural this was. How complete he felt, and like a little click, he felt their claiming become complete.


Lex's hot lips, the real world, feeling his lovers cock ramming into him, felt the tight sheath as he thrust into his love.


And went insane. He let out a hollow cry, as if finally broken from his stupor, and grasped Lex's erection hard, jacking it in his fingers as he thrust up into the willing body, letting out another near scream as he thrashed hard. "Oh, God, LEX!"


As soon as Clark's fingers touched him, Lex felt the jolt of something that seemed to knife through his lover's conscience and he felt it knife through him as well.  A near super-awareness, a clean division of who was feeling what sliced through both their minds and Lex ground down on Clark's cock, the sweat down his back suddenly feeling like acid, hot and scorching against his skin.  The sweat on his forehead rolled down his face like boulders, and he almost swore he could hear them splashing onto his lover's chest.  His nails dug into Clark's hands, moved to his chest and scraped over pebbled nipples as he moved in a sudden frenzy, fucking himself hard on Clark's cock as he rolled his hips, bringing each thrust into contact with his prostate.


He clenched his eyes shut as tight as he could as he lost control of his body. Powers completely going insane, mind screaming, soul screaming, entire body screaming to pour out of his mouth. Everything seemed to slow down and speed up at the same time, and he watched Lex's face as it slowed down to a near crawl, watched his face screwed up in pleasure, his eyes clenched, the sweat on his forehead dripping down to him.


It was the most erotic thing he'd ever seen in his life.


Life sped up, so fast, so fast, his hips slamming three times into his lover with lightening quick thrusts before he slammed against his lovers prostate, held, and came so hard he was sure his body was coming out of his cock.


Molten, from his toes to his hair line, and his mouth opened in a silent scream.


Lex cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure as Clark slammed into him faster than he could comprehend, feeling the thrusts shaking his entire body and almost breaking him.  Then the hot flow of come that boiled and scalded him inside, and the scream that had been silent in Clark's throat tore out of his own.  A howling, harsh noise that poured out of him as violently as his orgasm did, splashing white streaks on Clark's chest as he trembled and jerked.


He let out another long wail, nearly sobbing with it, jerking and thrusting out his orgasm inside his lover as his wobbly, boneless arms rose and brought him down hard in a crushing kiss. Hard, loving, full of emotion and an intense, sharp love that almost made him feel like his heart was bursting. His shaking lover, there atop him, and everything in him suddenly turned to comfort, to hold, to protect. He curled his arms close around him and rolled, holding his shaking love close to him and cuddling him as close as he could, which had turned into a distinct Clark thing to do. "L...Lex." And the name came out as a groan.


Lex curled up around his lover, arms and legs tangled together as they swayed in the rope hammock.  The cool breeze was just what Lex needed to cool off his feverish skin and he trembled as it washed over him.  He burrowed against Clark's side, mouthing gentle kisses along his still-unshaven cheek and throat.  "Clark... I'm here, baby."


"I...I-I am yours, Oakenepel. Now I’m yours. You are mine, and I am yours, and if you will have me...I will be yours until the day I die."


"Of course I'll have you, Kal-El.  I'll have you until the end of time."  Lex moved closer and rubbed his cheek against Clark's.  "I'll have you as long as you will have me." 


"Good." A loving, tender smile and he arranged his limbs so that Lex was pressed tighter into him...and if he could have, he would have tugged him into his own body. "Now, with that said," A full body shudder wracked through him, and he groaned. "How hot was that?"


Lex grunted happily as he was tucked closer.  "That... was just... amazing.  I don't... have words.  Literally, Clark.  Just... feelings."


"Did I hurt you?" He ducked his head to meet Lex's eyes, face washed with concern, drifting his palm down to rub his lovers ass as his own gave a hard, well used pulse. And he smiled at his lovers words. "You don’t mind? That I invaded your privacy? It just kinda...happened. Cause...cause you showed me that its okay to loose control sometimes, and that’s...that’s kinda how it came." A tender whisper, as he pressed his mouth to Lex's forehead. "Thank you for sharing your mama with me."


"I don't mind at all, Clark.  I told you once before... you know more about me than any other soul on this earth.  This is just proof of that.  You know everything about me, Clark... and you didn't run away."  A quiet pause.  "You're welcome.  I... i wish you could have met her, Clark.  She would have liked you.  this... this was the closest that I could come to letting you meet her."


"She was so pretty. She had a mom smile." Affirmative nod as soft fingers gently soothed his love. "I bet wherever she is now, she’s grinning at us, you know."


"I'm sure she is."  Lex touched his own heart, and then Clark's.  "She's right here, Clark... and I can feel her smiling at us."





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