
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 254: Mistake With Consequences

Bruce wasn't trusting enough to let anyone in this group down into the Batcave. Not by a long shot; Dick was the only one who got that right. But his house they were welcome in, and he looked at the grim faces sitting in the room around him.

Dick, his lover, sitting on the corner of his desk. Wally, who'd just arrived from Metropolis half an hour ago, as soon as he'd gotten Bruce's call. Diana, sitting primly on the couch, hair pulled up in a severe bun as she listened.

"And that's the situation. This Bane character isn't the first one who's escaped from Santa Prista, and I'm sure he won't be the last. However, he is the only one who responded--hell, survived--the Venom experiments, and that makes him dangerous." He handed out the photos the security camera had handed out.

Bane was twice the size of Bruce at least, with grotesque muscles piled on top of muscles.

"He was a bodybuilder to begin with, and add the Venom steroid to that... they've created a monster. A monster who can kill anything in his path."

Wally whistled as he took one of the pictures, of the man literally breaking a guard in half. "And you think the four of us are gonna stop this bad ass from..." He waited for Bruce to fill in the blank.

"We already know he's on his way to Gotham City," Bruce said darkly. "Commissioner Gordon was alerted when they found this--" He clicked up a slide on the wall behind him. "--in what was left of his cell." It was half of a cell wall, covered in newspaper clippings and crudely drawn photos of Batman, with red X's and crosshairs drawn on every single picture. "They have reason to believe that I am his target." He took a deep breath. "I don't care about that; I don't want him hurting anybody in my city. That's why you're here. I need your help."

Diana arched her own brow, quietly, as she listened to Bruce speak. He wasn't one prone to theatrics, and she took what he was saying at face value. The pictures in her hands were incriminating, incredibly so, and she frowned deeply as she re-crossed her legs. "What are you proposing, Wayne? I know you better than anyone--You wouldn't have called all of us out here just to give us a warning. What is it?"

The woman knew him too well, and he thought for a moment, carefully, as he studied his own set of photo's lying flat on his desk. A little glance to Dick... one to Wally... he knew the yell was coming, but... "Clark Kent."

"No. Absolutely not!" Her heels clicked as she stomped to her feet. "Absolutely not. He hasn't fully developed, he's a boy!"

Wally cringed. "I gotta agree with the beautiful lady here... but not causea that. I got two words for ya, Bruce... Lex. Luthor."

Dick just shook his head. "I'm with Bruce. None of us--not even you Wally--are indestructible, and that's just one of this kid's abilities. Bruce and I saw him stop a dam breaking single-handedly." He picked up the picture of the security guard being snapped in two. "I don't want any of you turning out like this." Especially Bruce, and it was killing Dick every second to hide his emotions and be Robin. "Clark's got the talent. Time he used it."

"I do not think so!" She pointed at Bruce, then Dick, and glared down her finger at them. "He's a young man. Too young of a man. Nineteen? Might as well be thirteen. He hasn't grown up, and I'll be damned if this is the way he's going to be thrust into the adult world! Killing a man! I do not think so." She glared and crossed her arms across her chest.

"It may be our only choice." Bruce said calmly, as he picked up another photograph, of a car that had been crushed into a sardine can. "We can't let this continue. I'm cunning, Wally is fast, and you can fly, Diana. But it isn't enough."

Dick nodded in agreement. "Clark's fast, it's up in the air whether or not he can fly, but he can lift a fucking tractor and Di? I'd like to see you do that with your bare hands. Not to mention? He has laser vision, and he can breathe out ice, and did I forget the part where he's invulnerable? Christ only knows what else he can do that Lex hasn't told us about." He shoved his hands in his pocket. "I'm all for pulling out the big guns."

Wally knew that his next comment was gonna make him persona non grata around Wayne Manor, possibly permanently, but it had to be said, because Diana was dancing around it politely, but was too nice to say it. "Dick... I'm not sayin' you don't got valid points, but... you're not exactly the most impartial jury here."

Dick just snarled. "Fuck you too, Wally. I'm not letting my personal feelings get in the way of this. I'm not Bruce's yes man, nor am I his ass-kisser, and you fucking know it. I make my own choices, and I think Bruce is right in this case."

Bruce turned his gaze to Dick for a moment, wondering if he should comment on the ass licking, but decided not to right now as he flickered his gaze back to Wally and Diana. "I wouldn't be calling on all of you, or Clark, if there wasn't a need. Bane isn't the Joker. He isn't Two-Face. He is deviously cunning... he has an IQ of 173. This isn't brawn with no brains. This is a man who knows his strength and can use it. I'm not strong enough to fight him alone... and you don't know how hard it was to admit that, at first. But I'm asking you now, I'm telling you... the one person I know who can do this is Clark. He's a force to be reckoned with, we need him."

Diana sniffed, and gave another glare, before she sat down, smoothed her skirt, and re-crossed her legs. "He's only a baby. This is a big boy game. Are you sure initiating him with this--"

"Who else could we initiate him with, Diana?" Bruce asked it, softly, and finally just... rubbed his eyes.

Dick's glare was still shooting knives at Wally, but in the interest of preserving their team's welfare, he didn't say anything as he went to stand behind Bruce, and start rubbing his shoulders. "Dammit, would you look?" Dick asked softly. "This is Bruce here. You both know he wouldn't be asking you if there were absolutely no other fucking choice."

Wally dropped his gaze, and shrugged. "It's up to you guys; I'm just part of the team and--"

"Bullshit, Wally," Dick said again, keeping his voice pitched quietly, and just on this side of civil. "You are on the team. You vote."

"I want you both to understand something." Bruce said quietly, as he stilled Dick's hand on his shoulder, and instead squeezed it tightly, kissed the back, and held it in his own for a moment before letting go. "Clark already has a spot on our team. He's already part of the JLA, its just a manner of time. He's coming into his own... his suit is finished, his powers have nearly come into fruition. He's going to be a part of this time. We just need him a little earlier than we thought."

Dick squeezed Bruce's hand tightly, and let his hand drop out of sight, resting instead against Bruce's back to offer more quiet support. "Clark knows it; Lex has seen the suits. Clark's the one who approached Bruce about the suits, even though he hasn't had the chance to come and see them yet. It's not like we're kidnapping him in the dark of night!!"

"Lex would kill me." Bruce muttered, as he pinched the bridge of his nose, something he had caught from Dominic.

Diana was still quiet, still glaring, her legs crossed, her arms crossed, watching the two of them as she thought. When she spoke... it was quiet, but strong. "I don't want him to get hurt. He's only a baby, he hasn't gotten a chance to see this world's horrors yet. If he gets hurt, Bruce, I'll take it out of your hide."

"Get in line." Bruce answered back, softly.

"I point out again, Bruce, you ain't broke this to Lex," Wally said quietly. "It ain't the kid I'm quite worried about, your Highness," he said, nodding respectfully--for once--towards Diana. "You can convince Lex? You got my vote."

"Luthor is another jar of worms." Diana muttered. "I'm in, of course. You didn't have to ask me. If we all are there when we tell Luthor, do you think it will help?"

"Can of worms, and no, Diana, but thanks. Lex is going to berate me in private anyway. I'll contact you all as soon as I have an answer, and tonight, we hunt for Bane." Bruce answered.

"You want me back in Smallville or here?" Wally asked. He felt like ducking at the glares that Dick was shooting at him.

"Dick." Was all Bruce said, quietly, to get him to stop, as he rose his eyes to Wally. "Yes. Dick and I will go with you... I left a voice message on Lex's machine this evening for him to get back to me about meeting with me. I'm sure there will be no problem."

Dick tightened his hands on Bruce's shoulders, but didn't say anything but, "I'll go and get started packing; have Alfred come up and help with the suits, all right? He's familiar with the new designs."

Wally just nodded. "Right. And since I can beat your jet to Smallville, do you want me to hang around and take the flight with you, or hoof it on ahead?

"Go on ahead, Wally. I'll call you in the morning."

"You look too weary for all of us." Diana said, and looked at the three men quietly for a moment. "A new chapter in the Justice League begins tonight. Our group will never be the same, when Clark Kent becomes our fifth member. I do hope you are all prepared for this."

Wally nodded. "You're more right than you know, your Highness," he muttered. "We're ready for it, I think. Not like we have a choice."

"No. But our dynamic will shift. It will be interesting to see just how much it will shift, and how often we'll have to ask Lex Luthor to stay out of our private affairs." She rose to her feet. "Now if you'll excuse me, gentlemen. I have a meeting tomorrow morning. If you need me, contact me on my cell."

"We will," Dick said quietly, and suddenly wanted everybody the fuck out of the mansion, like, this instant. "And I think Lex'll be cool once he sees that Clark's not going to get hurt, abused or exposed during this." His hands tightened on the back of Bruce's chair.

"Riiiight," Wally said dryly, and held his elbow out to Diana. "Shall we go, your Highness?"

Diana glared at him, ignored his elbow, and flounced out on her own, tote bag in tow.

"That woman's a fire cracker." Bruce said when he heard Alfred say goodnight to her, and chuckled softly, rubbing his face. "Good night, Wally. Be careful on the way back."

"Yeah, and one of these days, I'm gonna get a piece of that fuse," he said with a grin, and he got up from his chair. "I'll smooth the waters for you, much as I can with the Luthor man," he said softly.

"Tits and a vagina, Wally." Was all Bruce said, though he just shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Everything will go alright. Just get some rest."

"Yeah, got a feelin' that it's gonna be a long row to hoe," Wally answered. "I'm out." He blew out of the mansion, shouting to Alfred as he went by, and slammed the door behind him.

Once everyone was gone, Dick put his hands back on Bruce's shoulders and squeezed. "That went well, man."

As soon as the Manor door closed, Bruce's head thumped against his desk with all the melodrama he could muster. And just lay there. Didn't move.

Dick chuckled softly, and slid around, picking up Bruce's head and dropping it in his lap. "If you're gonna be melodramatic about it, might as well make it useful," and he smiled, trying not to let his voice crack.

Bruce lifted his head and set his cheek on Dick's thigh, expelling a very long sigh into his lovers crotch as he closed his eyes and rested. "I'm either too young, or too old, for this. I thought these things didn't happen until one was at least forty five. Like Sean Connery. Sean Connery could have kicked some ass."

"Sean Connery's an old fucker. You could beat him with one arm behind your back." Dick's fingers stroked through Bruce's hair gently.

"But kind of sexy. In that old man ass kicking way." Bruce muttered again, as he enjoyed the touch of his lovers fingers in his hair. He didn't deserve them, but as long as they were there, he couldn't resist their temptation. "Do you think I'm making the right decision, Dick?"

"Yeah, I do," Dick answered instantly. "I think Clark's got the goods that we need to help us; the cold fact is, compared to Clark... we're kids. He's the big boy on the playground and he doesn't know it yet."

"Doesn't need to know, he's already arrogant enough." Bruce answered back, as he rose his head to look up into that young, trusting face, and he supposed it was the extremely late hour, but he felt… like he could say this, without causing more undo pain to his love. "I wish I could still send you away. Dick... Bane... he's..."

"Dangerous," Dick answered, and this time his voice did crack. "I'm scared for you, Bruce," he confessed softly. "He's coming after you, I don't know why, and he could..." He stopped, swallowed hard, and changed tactics. "Don't make me leave."

"Nothing could make you leave. I stand by my word." Bruce cupped Dick's cheeks, very gently, and then let his hands fall away. "He won't hurt me, or you. That's what the Justice League is for."

Dick reached down and picked Bruce's hands back up. "You could make me leave; if you asked me to go, I would, because I couldn't stand the thought of your mind not on the fight, and if you were worried about me... you could get hurt. But now... I'm scared for you, and I want to be with you. Help fight by your side."

"You're strong enough." Bruce said, quietly, as he turned his eyes over his lovers legs. "Your knee is healed. You're strong enough to be with us--..." Bruce just didn't have it in him to lie. "I want you to be with me." Now please, he didn't want to talk anymore. He rose to his feet and motioned his head. "To bed."

Dick just nodded, and put his arms around Bruce's waist. "Come on. You can sleep while I pack--Alfred'll get the suits in the cave, and I can sleep on the flight to Metropolis in the morning, all right?"

Bruce shook his head, carefully. "No. There's no time to sleep, Dick." He didn't say anything else, simply taking Dick's hand in his and kissing the backs of his lovers fingers gently, reverently.

Dick's voice caught in his throat. "You have to sleep, Bruce. You haven't in the last forty-eight hours; I know; you've been awake when I went to sleep and awake again when I woke up and I haven't even slept that much. Please. At least on the plane, if you won't rest now. Because if you don't, you won't be at your best to face Bane."

"I will rest." He knew Dick was right, and he gently squeezed that hand again as he motioned for Dick to follow him. "Lets get a shower in, pack, and I will... will call Lex." Wanted to? No. GOD no.

"We'll call Lex," Dick corrected. "We'll do it together. Because he can be a prick on a good day, and I'm not going to let him fuck with your head like he did last time you talked to him." His hands went to rest determinedly on his hips.

Bruce couldn't help chuckling softly. "My hero. You look so handsome today, by the way." He gently plunked at the sleeve of the pullover Dick was wearing, and smiled at him, a ghost of a smile anyway, as he squeezed their joined fingers again. He was so glad Dick was there, but even Bruce Wayne had a limit on the nancying.

Dick gave a little chuckle himself at the gentle reminder. "Right. Okay. I can't help being overprotective, Bruce, but I'll stop." A little grin. "You don't look so bad yourself, back in black." He rubbed his shoulder against Bruce's, indicating the black turtleneck and slacks. He squeezed Bruce's fingers in return, and gave a sheepish grin of apology.

And because of it, Bruce gave a broader smile, his arm linking gently around Dick's hip and hugging him close to his own. "Overprotective? Who said anything about that?" Teasing question, eyebrow up high as he squeezed that hip tenderly. "Black is right. I look good in black."

Dick's arms went to anchor tightly around Bruce's waist, and hugged back as tightly as he could. "You look good in--or out--of anything. Including rubber." He let his head fall on Bruce's shoulder. "Just because I'm scared doesn't mean you can't count on me," he said seriously, for a moment. "When I put on the cape, I'll leave everything else behind. I promise."

Bruce shook his head, carefully. "No, you won't." He said, a little sadly, as he squeezed Dick's hip again and set his head on Dick's, leading him up the stairs. "Its impossible for us to leave things behind, don't you see?"

"Because it's the fact that we care what happens to other people that makes us do this in the first place?" Dick asked as they headed up the stairs.

"Of course." Bruce answered back quietly, squeezing again. "Got it in one. That's why I'm afraid for you when you're with me, and why I'm afraid for me when I'm with you. Because if someone hurt you, anyone, I'd murder them, Dick. I don't care who it could be. I would kill them in cold blood. As disgustingly dramatic as it sounds." Bruce added, with a little smirk, as he pushed the bedroom door open.

Dick nodded, a little fearfully. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way; I mean... you were the one who told me that I shouldn't kill Two-Face, because it wasn't right, and in the end I'm glad that I didn't. But this... this is something different. Whether it's right or wrong... I don't know what I'd do to them if they hurt you."

"Family and lovers are different." Bruce said, quietly. He knew all about that type of pain. "But you're my chosen lover. You are my soul mate." A very quiet squeeze to Dick's hand, as he turned him to him in the darkness of their bedroom and ever so carefully kissed him, cupping his cheeks reverently in his hands.

Dick kissed back, fiercely and possessively. "But that's just it," Dick whispered into Bruce's mouth. "You're my family too."

At Dick's words, Bruce didn't know if he was flattered or terrified. He closed his eyes for a moment, kissing back, licking at Dick's mouth softly, and moaned wordlessly as his fingers tightened in his lovers hair. He couldn't speak, just kissing, over and over and over, in his deep, dark pleasure.

Dick's arms tightened around Bruce further as they kissed, and he leaned back against the wall, pulling Bruce with him so that his lover's weight pinned him against the wall. "I love you," Dick said softly into the kisses, even as his fingers stroked over Bruce's back and hips, up over the turtleneck and into Bruce's hair to keep their mouths pressed together.

"I love you." He allowed the touches but his hands went to take Dick's in his when they slid into his hair. He clasped them, tightly together, and brought both sets of hands instead to his heart, as he kissed his lover very gently, reverently. "I love you very much." He said quietly.

Dick's hands tightened in Bruce's, fingertips stroking over the soft black material that covered his lover's chest. "I don't want to lose you; promise me that you'll let all of us help you."

"Yes. That's what the Justice League is for." He murmured without really answering the question, as he let go of Dicks hands and brought them to his face, angling it towards him. "Don't move, hmm?" He carefully let go of those short, curly locks and knelt instead, keeping his movements very gentle as he unbuttoned Dick's slacks.

"I won't move," Dick promised, his hands resting on Bruce's shoulders as he stood there. "And thank you."

"What could you possibly have to thank me for?" Bruce asked it quietly, as he finished opening the last button, and covered his mouth gently over the hardening treat laying hidden there for him, in the darkness of their bedroom.

Dick shivered. "For loving me." For this, he thought quietly to himself. Because I'm scared I may never have it again.

"There's no need to thank me for that. Its my pleasure." There was a note of amusement in his voice though, even as he covered his mouth back over Dick's cock and sucked it hard, in one swallow. His fingers tightened around what he couldn't take in at this angle and he began to suck, slow and sure, lapping all over the tip before back in.

Dick couldn't help the groans that came out of his throat as Bruce started to suck. His hands tightened in the black turtleneck's fabric, and he shuddered at the hard sucks, coupled with the firm strokes, and he gave little moans as his body pushed forward, asking for more.

Bruce was more than happy to oblige. He opened his mouth further and let his free fingers dance over the crack of his ass, thumbing the little opening as he stroked in and out, steadily and firmly. He sucked, working his lips around the hard erection that jutted proudly from Dick's crotch, and he smiled around it at the thought as he lapped at the tip, very teasingly.

Dick's hands moved from turtleneck to hair, and he gripped gently as he started to make lazy thrusts, sliding over Bruce's slick, talented tongue and shivering the whole time. "Fuck, Bruce... feels so good." He closed his eyes as his head thudded back against the wall, but opened them in the next second because he couldn't bear to not see.

Bruce watched that flushed face twist with pleasure, as Dick's eyes opened, and he met them with a smile as he angled his head and sucked his lover all the way down his throat, pushing him past his gag reflex carefully.

"Bruce!!" All Dick could manage was the shout of his lover's name as he shuddered, the grip on Bruce's hair tightening as he thrust forward, pulling Bruce down at the same time and keeping himself buried in Bruce's throat for long, drawn-out seconds before sliding back to let him breathe. He pushed forward again, trusting his lover to stop if he got too energetic, and he moaned, loudly, at the sensation of tight, hot, and wet around his cock.

Ohh, yes. Watching Dick lose control was one of Bruce's few kinks, and he watched with pleasure as his lover began to thrust up and down, back and forward. The grasp in his hair was only pleasure because he trusted Dick to be gentle, and he sucked, steadily, strongly, as his tongue lapped over the long length.

Dick was swearing softly under his breath as Bruce's too-talented tongue found every little cranny and sweet spot on his cock as he sucked. Teeth scraped over the length of Dick's cock, not roughly but teasingly just like he liked it, and he shuddered again, thrusting just a little bit harder, always aware of his lover. He felt his cock jerking, felt his balls throbbing as Bruce sucked his cock, and he couldn't stop shivering. Too close, too close, and if Bruce didn't stop, Dick wasn't going to be able to hold out.

Bruce stopped.

He lifted his head, then, and just because he very rarely did anything kinky, he stroked Dick's cock hard in his hands, watching the tip as he stroked, faster and faster, harder, brushing the tip with increasing frequency as his lover got close, closer.

"Bruce, I'm going... kinky son of a bitch..." He shuddered in Bruce's hands, his own hands fisted against the wall now for balance as his hips thrust forward, stroking his cock in Bruce's fingers. "Fuck, here it comes," because Dick couldn't hold it back. An image had flashed, right in front of his eyes, of Bruce's face dripping with come from Dick's cock and he exploded on the heels of it.

Which was what happened a moment later. Bruce closed his eyes as his lover came, felling the wet heat stroke his face and roll down, and he moaned, very softly, very, very deeply as it happened. The taste, the smell, both inexplicably more of his lover than anything else, and he gave another moan, and another, his already tense cock hardening further in his pants. He shivered and licked his lover lip, lifting his face as Dick finally finished coming, and opened his eyes to look up with a hard, shivering grunt.

Dick slid down on watery legs to his knees, kissing Bruce's mouth deeply, sucking on his lips and chin, licking up his cheek and rubbing against his face, smearing them both with Dick's seed as it splashed down onto the black turtleneck, a bright clash of color, white against black, and Dick growled. "Please, Bruce, I want," he said, shoving the neck of the shirt down so he could suck and bite Bruce's.

Bruce's eyes were at half mast, quiet and shivering, and he was so aroused he couldn't speak. He just sat there, swaying slightly, mouth trembled open as Dick rubbed their faces together. He could smell Dick everywhere, feel him everywhere, and he he belonged, like he was claimed by someone, and oh, deep, long, heavy moan. He couldn't quite move yet, just licking his lips with a trembling tongue as Dick bit his throat, but he couldn't help thrusting forward even if he was on his knees. "Want what?" He asked, softly.

"I want you, I want you, Bruce, please, suck you, fuck you, fuck me, something, please." His hand dipped down, pressing against the hard bulge in Bruce's slacks and rubbing with his palm as he begged.

Oh. Bruce leaned forward, a horrifying mewl of pleasure exploding from his lips as he did it. He couldn't help it, because oh, that was so fucking good. "Okay. I can't really think right now." He whispered, as Dick rubbed his hard prick and his fingers came up to rub the come into his skin. "I li-like this." Voice broken. "A lot."

"I do too," Dick confessed, rubbing Bruce's dick frantically as he rubbed their cheeks together, smearing it on both their skins as it dried. "I can't think either, I'm about to die, I just want you, need you, everything."

Bruce Wayne rarely, if ever, did things of a kinky nature. Not like this. But could he help it? Hell no. He shakily climbed to his feet, his beautiful lover looking utterly, completely crazed in front of him, and he took his hand, carefully in his own, and brought him close. "What do you want to do?" His voice was a croak.

Dick pressed tightly against Bruce, rubbing his crotch against Bruce's, his hand still cupped over Bruce's cock. "Want you to fuck me," Dick pled. "Hard as you can, feel it forever, please?" His hands stroked and rubbed over Bruce's crotch, his hips, and then thrust against him.

"Is this goodbye?" Bruce asked, softly, as he jerked up into Dick's ministrations, even as he calmly slid his turtleneck up over his head, his glasses falling with it, and yanked Dick's own shirt up. He led his handsome lover to the bed even as he nestled against Dick's chest, lapping at hard nipples, his arms tightly embraced around Dick's waist.

"No, God, no, never goodbye." Dick gripped Bruce's face and made him look up. "I'm just scared for you, Bruce. Ever since I saw those pictures I keep seeing you snapped in half like that and I can't close my eyes without seeing it." He kissed Bruce fiercely, possessively. "I want you, I want this, because when I'm with you I'm not scared."

Bruce's eyes, quiet and tired, looked up at Dick for a long moment, as he gentled the fingers on his face, gentled the fierce hips moving against his. "We'll win. But sometimes I wonder how great the cost can be. I suppose... I'm scared, too." The whispered admission nearly killed him, as he set his forehead on Dick's.

Dick just tightened his grip around Bruce's waist as Bruce gentled him, and he buried the panting breaths in his lover's shoulder. "We'll get through it. We'll win. We always do." He sounded more as though he were trying to convince himself of that. "Don't be scared, Bruce. We're both going to be all right."

"We always win." Bruce murmured, softly, as he turned his lover to the thick silk sheets laying over their bed, waiting for them to fall into. For some reason, the thought had his movements tightening, his touch gentling as he carefully stripped Dick of his clothes. Slow, easy, and when the last shoe had been shed, with his lover lay pliant under him, he whispered, "Turn over, to your stomach."

Dick rolled over obediently, luxuriating for long moment against the slick silk as he snuggled in, and then rolled onto his stomach as Bruce instructed, holding his hands out behind him in an attempt to draw Bruce down against him.

Bruce lifted himself up, carefully, and shed out of his own slacks. He carefully tugged them downwards and let them slide off, shifting from hip to hip to get them completely off as he smiled down at Dick. It was one of pure joy, one he could give now that Dick wasn't looking at him, and though his eyes were thick with worry and misery, he let himself fall into the moment. He reached up and gently kneaded Dick's shoulders, massaging carefully as he did so.

Dick whimpered softly, feeling Bruce shifting behind him without being able to see what his lover was doing. His hands still reached out, and once he felt Bruce's weight settle, and Bruce's hands come to his shoulders, he gave a small, contented sigh and brought his hands around to pillow his head, arching into every touch and stroke of his lover's fingers.

Bruce murmured his quiet pleasure as he began to kiss and lick over his lovers shoulders. His mouth replaced his hands and his hands slid downwards, to embrace a slender waist. He kissed, thickly, deeply over the beautiful skin, over ridges of muscles, and then down, licking each vertebrae quietly.

Dick shuddered, whimpering and pleading with Bruce quietly as he arched into every touch. His hands came down to his waist, squeezing Bruce's hands around him, turning his head around to brush kisses along Bruce's cheek, down his chin and jaw as he moved away.

Bruce smiled softly at the little kisses, and the moans that he could cause under his hands. He slid down, further still, until the hand under Dick's hip lifted, and he carefully brought his lovers knees up to brace himself, despite his shoulders still laying flat on the bed. It opened up a whole new world, and he licked down over the cleft softly, with pleasure, murmuring quietly.

Dick's hands came back, spreading his cheeks open for Bruce's exploring little tongue. "Please, Bruce, please."

Like he had to be told twice. He popped Dick's hands away and turned, sitting himself behind his lover. His legs went over Dick', the backs of his knees hooking around the backs of Dick's, and he spread the cheeks open quietly before his tongue slid in and dove. He flickered all across the star burst, teasing with little touches, before pressing in as deeply as he could, his tongue stroking in and out until he could bury it deep. His hand came back up to Dick's cock, grasping the filling member again and began to stroke it into hardness as he licked.

Dick gave sharp little cries as Bruce swatted his hands away, and thrust his hips forward so that his cock stroked in Bruce's hand. The agile tongue lapping around his opening was driving him crazy, and his hand joined Bruce's on his cock, squeezing firm, gentle fingers that he knew well as he rocked and pleaded.

He could feel his lovers cries in his tongue, as he thrust. In and out, worming it in deep and tugging it out, only to thrust forward and back, again, again. His fingers squeezed Dicks cock tightly, and when he found his lover to have found his own rhythm, he grasped Dick's balls and began to roll them in his fingers like he knew he liked. Stroking, tugging, gently, to promote very, very good orgasm. He continued licking and thrusting, moaning very softly under his breath as he did so.

Dick felt Bruce's hand on his balls, and he started giving mewling little cries. "No, no, Bruce, you haven't, you haven't, please, please," he whimpered.

"I want you to come." Bruce breathed, licking at the starburst and teasing it with nips. "Don't you want to come?"

"Not without you," Dick pled. "Not without you, not without you, please, Bruce, want you to come with me." He rocked back, trying to touch as much of his lover's skin as he could. "Please, with you."

"With me." Bruce murmured, finally. He couldn't say no when his lover was pleading like that, so he shifted back, leaning against the footboard and spreading his legs, as he gently tugged Dick's hips. "Come to me."

Dick moved back against his lover, giving happy little cries as he settled in Bruce's lap, pulling Bruce's arms around his waist as he leaned his head back, letting it rest on Bruce's shoulder as he wiggled his ass over Bruce's cock. "Please?"

Bruce let out a very long, very deep breath and held his lovers hips still for a moment while he leaned over the bed and dragged out a small box he kept under there for times like this. He yanked out a condom, as well as the lube, and showed his lover the ribbed condom to him. "Put it on me." He said softly, as he uncapped the lube with trembling fingers.

Dick swung his hips around and settled them over his lover's calves, trembling hands taking the condom and ripping it open carefully. He bent over, licking and dragging up the bottom of the shaft, then couldn't help but take another lick, and then another, before rolling the ribbed condom down with a firm, but gentle hand, tugging it down, stroking over the shaft to settle it in place, and secured it around the base.

Bruce's fingers almost faltered on his lovers entrance when Dick liked over him. He shuddered, leaning forward, and using the movement to press his fingers into his lover. The entrance, already wet, let him slick inside easily. He grunted softly as the condom wrapped around him... squeezed… and he moaned, harshly, into his lovers neck as he bit. Another few strokes with his fingers, making sure his lover was open, and he let go, shifting back and spreading his legs, waiting for Dick to mount him.

Dick paused for a minute, nearly turning back around, but then, Bruce's eyes lifted to his and Dick's heart melted. He straddled his lover carefully, one hand steadying the shaft as he lowered himself, wrapping his legs around Bruce's waist as his hands gripped Bruce's face gently, sucking hard kisses from his lover's beautiful mouth.

Dick was like a burr, one of the many things he was good at. The feeling was exquisite, shattering, and Bruce wrapped tightly around Dick's waist as his lover sank onto him. The ridges on the condom made him moan aloud as Dick slid down over him, and he grasped his lovers waist, tightly, as he pulled his legs back and leaned forward to lay Dick against the blankets. He pressed in, hard, deep, as deeply as he could, thrusting until he was balls deep.

He didn't wait to give his lover a breath, just pulling out and slamming in.

Dick moaned hard as Bruce slammed into him, and his arms still gripped Bruce tightly as he raised his hips to meet his lover. The breathless pants between every stroke only made Dick lunge up harder, meeting Bruce's every movement with one of his own.

His ass clenched tightly around his lover's cock, feeling the ribs scraping inside and shuddering harder with each stroke inside him as he squirmed.

Bruce stopped the third stroke in. He pulled out of his lover and tugged the condom off, slicking his cock with a little more lube, and he shifted, laying down over his handsome lover as he led himself back home. This time, instead of slamming, he sank in slowly, carefully, moaning very softly as he gathered Dick in his arms, sliding them under Dick's shoulders and gathering him close to his chest as he began to move.

He didn't want to fuck. He wanted love. And so he gave, so he could receive.

Dick responded eagerly to the change in mood, his hands sliding up to rub over Bruce's chest, tugging his nipples gently, mouthing his Adam's apple and sucking it roughly as he bit teasingly, licking and kissing Bruce's skin. His hips raised up to meet Bruce's, encouraging him to press deeply with every stroke, wrapping his arms and legs close.

Bruce murmured, very gently, in the only show of happiness he knew how to give. He slowly rocked into his lover, pulling out carefully before quickly sliding in again. Over, and over, easy and sweet as his mouth worried a mark on Dick's throat, then one right behind his ear, one of his very favorite spots. He could feel the wet heat against his belly and he rubbed his stomach down into his lovers cock on the downstroke, smiling as it grated over the muscles in his belly.

Dick's mouth moved, whispering loving endearments into Bruce's ear, pulling the lobe into his mouth and nibbling on it.

Then Bruce's stomach touched his cock and he arched wildly, letting out a soft, but desperate cry as he let go of Bruce's shoulders and let his hand slide down to his cock, working between their bellies to stroke the hard shaft. "I love you Bruce, I love you," he whimpered, arching hard.

"I love you." Bruce murmured, gently, and took Dick's hand from his cock for a moment as he remembered something from a long time ago. He was roasting alive in his own sexual need but this...this was good, this was what he wanted. He rose to his knees, carefully staying inside of his lover, and jerked inside of Dick's beautiful body as he twisted himself a moment...then leaned down, nearly bending in half, and sucked his lovers cock into his mouth. His cock twitched hard in its ensconce, his entire body shivered in primal, glittering glee, and he sucked hard at Dick's cock as his free hand smacked his bottom.

The twisting of the muscles around his unmoving erection was absolute bliss.

Dick's eyes snapped wide in disbelief as Bruce's flexibility came into play and watched as he folded himself in half to suck his cock.

Hoarse, shocked cry as he came, couldn't not come, steel-hard cock in his ass and fiery hot wet mouth around his cock, and Dick's world shattered with the violence of it. He clenched, hard, around Bruce's shaft, squeezing it hard with every shudder of his cock as his balls boiled out every drop of semen they'd produced.

Bruce grinned around Dick's erection as it exploded, sucking all he could down, and if some of it dribbled down his chin, it didn't matter. It matched the ones already there. A long, deep, pleasured hum in his throat as he sucked, and though he wasn't too worried about his own orgasm, he lifted up with a lick of his lips and began to move again, delight in his expression as he leaned down to kiss his love.

Dick's fingers wove tightly through Bruce's hair, returning the kiss as best he could through the bright haze that covered his vision, exhaustion and orgasm combining to turn his limbs to almost lead. But he arched up, wrapping his tired legs around Bruce's waist, whispering soft pleas into Bruce's mouth for his lover to take his pleasure too.

"Just a little bit." Bruce murmured, as he kissed his lover softly, deeply. In truth, he was almost too worried to feel a lot of pleasure, but he could see his lover wanted it, so he thrust faster, harder, working up to his own climax.

When it came he keened through it, jerking forward and filling his lover with his essence, which made him moan all the softer, all the deeper, for it.

He thrust it all out and purred quietly, murmuring his thank you's and his I love you's as he twisted and jerked, pleasure radiating from his crotch as he pluffed down onto Dick's chest and began to kiss.

Dick's arms wrapped tightly around Bruce as he dropped his weight, and he brushed his fingers carefully through the dark fringe of hair. "Thank you, Bruce, thank you," he whispered softly, squeezing Bruce's cock with tired muscles as it slowly slid out of him, aching to keep his lover in and a part of him for as long as he could. The soft kisses and the leaden limbs were relaxing him, and his fingers kept petting.

No. No. Bruce carefully slid his thumb down to his lovers entrance, keeping it closed as he rooted under the bed again. He came up with one of their plugs... this one completely black, and he licked across the tip of it before he slid it down and into Dick. He pressed it in deep, the flared base snuggling into Dick's body with a little push from Bruce. He groaned, very softly then, and glanced up at Dick with an almost quiet embarrassment. "Lex does it to Clark, sometimes. I didn't realize how sexy it was until I thought about it." He pressed it in a little deeper, carefully situating it flush against Dick's body. "Keep it there. I want you filled with me... I want you to smell like me."

Dick nodded gratefully, a light blush on tired cheeks staining his skin red. "I was scared to ask," he whispered softly, sliding his hand down to stroke over his belly, wet with his orgasm, then over Bruce's washboard stomach, feeling the outline of a fit physique, the hard muscle of a strong, capable man.

"Never be scared to ask." Bruce murmured, very quietly, as he added his fingers to Dick's belly and stretched out beside him, bringing him close to his body. "The next time, I'll fill you up with something different...make you keep it in. For as long as i want." He whispered softly, licking across his lovers throat.

Dick curled up instinctively beside Bruce, rubbing their fingertips over his stomach. "Promise? Promise there'll be a next time?"

"Oh yes. You can count on it." Bruce gently kissed his shoulder, his neck, his cheek bone. "Go to sleep, Dick. I'll wake you up in the morning."

Dick shook his head. "Just for an hour; we've still got to pack and check the suits for Clark, and talk to Lex."

"Stop thinking for a while, Dick." Another kiss, another nuzzle. "Go to sleep. I will wake you, I promise."

Dick yawned as he nodded. "Can't stop thinking." He burrowed closer to Bruce's chest, seeking and finding warmth from this man he loved.

"I love you, Dick Grayson." Bruce murmured, quietly. "Sleep."

"Love you," Dick answered back, but the last of it was lost in a soft, quiet snore.

- = - = -

Forty five minutes later, in the absolute quiet of their bedroom, Bruce stopped to look at his lover. He only had his briefcase… no packing was needed, after all, he'd be back within the morning. He gently looked at his sleeping over as he arranged his jacket a bit, and sat down at the antique desk under the window.

He pulled one sheet of his personal stationary from the grand oaken box sitting on the corner of the desk. Along the top, it read, Wayne and Grayson, and Bruce took a moment to look at the elegant script before lifting his pen and writing.


I'm in Smallville, don't panic. I'll be back before ten... have everything ready. We're going into New York City to meet Diana. Get Clark's suit, and pack the spare just in case. I expect everything will be ready when I get back… I trust you.


Bruce stopped for a moment, looking at his tidy script for a moment... then threw cautions to the wind.


Please don't be angry with me. I'll have Clark with me when I arrive...make sure the plane has plenty of food for him. And remember, orange juice.

I love you.

B. Wayne


Bruce stopped again, and thought for a moment.


P.S. You can take the plug out, but pack it, as well.

Alfred was waiting by the front door of the manor, and gave his master a disapproving stare. "I do hope you don't expect me to handle young Mr. Grayson all by myself when he wakes up to find you gone, sir."

"You're spry for your age, Alfred." Was all Bruce said, though he gave him a tired smile as he ran his fingers through hair he'd let get a little too long in all the worry of the last few weeks. "Anything you'd like me to take to Hilde?"

Oh, Hilde. Alfred's old heart gave a little pitter. "Nothing but my fondest regards and wishes," he said wistfully, thinking of his little Bird.

Bruce couldn't help a small smile at the little smile on Alfred's lips, and he just shook his head. "They talk a lot these days about internet dating, you know." Was all he said, patting him on the arm as he started down the stairs, briefcase and top coat in arm.

Alfred gave a little scoff, but he tucked the thought away for later possible perusal. "Perhaps, Master. Do travel safely, and give Mr. Kent my regards as well."

"I will. I'll call in after... the meeting." he didn't want to talk too loud about it, though he'd told Alfred just last night about it all. "Don't worry, Alfred. Things will go well." He opened the door to the mansion, briefcase tight in hand, and nodded at the taxi waiting for him. "Please, take care of him, Alfred."

"You know I will, Master Bruce. He'll come to no harm, I promise you, and all will be ready for your return." The old butler pulled himself up as he looked at the young man who he'd raised like a son. "Travel safely, Master."

"I will." Bruce gently squeezed Alfred's arm, and with another glance at the staircase, Bruce was gone.

Alfred just shook his head, and turned on the house intercom system as he plodded slowly towards the Batcave, to start packing the suits.



go on to the next part