
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 257: Morning of Men

Dominic was sobbing. Hysterically.

He didn't think he would. Honestly. He thought he'd have finally gotten his composure, but one look into the garage a half hour later, Lex at his side, and he just wailed.

His beloved beautiful car was sitting in the corner devoted to Hans, Lex's mechanic. She was a soup can. And Dominic leaned over her and cried for the better part of five minutes.

When he'd finally ripped himself away he and Lex had gotten into Lionel's green Beemer, and he sat there, sniffling, trying to calm himself down as he avoided looking back at his beautiful baby. "She's gone." He whispered.

"Don't worry, Dom. Hans is an amazing man; he'll put her right in no time." Usually his voice would have been far, far more reassuring than it was, but at the moment, it was taking a great deal of his composure just to stay together.

He felt Dominic's pain, though, and patted his shoulder gently. "She's not gone. Just sick, and out of commission for a while. But you'll see, she'll be better soon."

"My poor old girl. She was so dependable. And cozy." But Dominic shifted, shuddered a sigh, and cranked the car. "Seatbelt, darling. Lock yourself in proper like." He himself slid out of his light jacket, as it was too warm out to be wearing one, and pushed the sleeves up. He'd put on a different sweater--coincidently, Lionel's--and as the sleeves were a skosh too long, chose to push them up. He was comfortable, though, and with a glance at his mirrors to make sure they were aligned correctly, and pushing his seat forward and up a bit, he started out of the garage.

Lex rolled his eyes, but fastened the seat belt anyway. "You drive like you're a hundred years old, Dominic. I'd actually like to get there before my sister is collecting Social Security," he grumbled. He was comfortable in what he always wore, lightweight black slacks and a dusty lavender pullover with three-quarter sleeves pushed up his forearm.

"Excuse me, I was just careened into like a bowling pin last night." Dominic snapped back, and glared at his step son as he carefully got out of the garage and led the car, slower than usual, out onto the road that connected with Main Street. "I'm a wee bit uncomfortable. Only, sadly enough, I'm the better of the two of us, because if your hands were shaking any worse we'd have crashed into every light pole from here to Toni's house."

Lex looked down at his hands and quickly shoved them in his pockets. "I'm fine," is all he said.

"Of course you are. And I'm dark haired and six one." Dominic snorted back, as he checked his mirrors, flicked on his blinker, and quickly turned out onto the road.

"That'd be news to Dad," he said, idly looking out the window, vainly hoping for a swirl of displaced air that would mean it was all a mistake, and that CK was back.

"Its about Clark, isn't it?" Dominic asked, no nonsense, as he drove. So slow, sadly, that people were passing him left and right, but oh bloody damn well.

"No, it's not about Clark. It's about Kal and CK," Lex clarified. "They're different people."

"Yes, they are. Why don't you tell me about them?" raised brow. "It'll give me something to think about other than my driving, what do you think?" Dominic didn't wait for a response. "Kal is a lovely young man. A free spirit."

"He's a pain in my fucking ass. Stubborn as a bull, headstrong, and if you thought Bruce Wayne has a problem with swallowing his pride? Kal makes Bruce look like a fucking pussy," Lex answered, rubbing his temples.

"And yet, he is the man you fell in love with." Dominic said, quietly.

"Yeah, he is," Lex agreed. "And not even because of Clark, but because of who Kal is himself."

Dominic tipped his head to one side. "Then what seems to be the problem? You love him, he loves you. I know you adore CK, I've seen it. The alien in you responds to the alien in him."

"Problems," Lex corrected. "The main problem is, neither one of them are supposed to be here. The other, corollary problems? CK doesn't think clearly without Kal. Kal doesn't think rationally without CK. CK is going out and doing something very dangerous, which I am very proud of him for, but it means that he is sacrificing half of his life to other people, and it saddens me, not just for CK, but for Kal too, because Kal will not be able to spend the rest of his life with the person who means so much more to him than even I do. I'm saddened for Clark, himself, because I see this is what he is going to do; he is going to spend half of his life saving the world, and he's going to miss out on many things because of it. It's a sacrifice he should never have to make, and he's going to be making it twice, once as Ck and once as himself. I'm miserable because of the way I feel; I feel guilty for wanting Clark back whole, and I feel guilty for not appreciating Kal and CK while they're here. I feel guilty for wanting to deny Clark his life, and yet I feel guilty for not trying to fight harder to find a way to keep CK and Kal here longer. Pick your fucking problem, Dom. I've got a bushel."

Dominic was thoughtful for a few minutes after Lex spoke, driving in silence for a little ways, before he turned out onto the main street of Smallville, instead of detouring to Toni's house. He found a good spot at this hour of the morning and cozied into the parallel parking spot in front of the Talon. He took the keys out of the ignition, motioned his head for Lex to follow him, and climbed out of the car.

Lex ground his teeth. I'm really not up for public display, dammit! But he hid the ground teeth behind a forced smile and got out of the car, hands still shoved deeply in his pockets to hide the shaking as he got out of the car and stepped onto the sidewalk. Absently dropped change into the parking meter because he realized this car didn't have the Luthor vanity plates and he didn't feel like a hassle with the local meter maids.

Dominic had been rooting in his pocket for it, but since Lex had the change handy, he didn't push it. He did grab his jacket though before closing and locking the door. He knew Lex didn't want to be in public with this, but right at the moment, Dominic didn't care. Lex needed a wee bit of civilization, if that wasn't the truth, and he pushed the Talon door open, raising a hand and waving to Nell before they took a seat at an empty table near the very back.

Lex didn't bother waving, he just dropped into the seat closest to the wall and tried to blend in. "Why are we here, Dominic?" he demanded softly, keeping his hands balled into fists under the table.

"Because. You need to see other people and other human beings outside of your social and family circle. You need to be in public." Dominic answered, quietly, and smiled at the young woman who came over to take their orders. "French Vanilla Latte, please. No foam. You, Lex?"

"Nothing, thank you." He glared at Dominic. "No, actually, I don't need to be in public," he hissed under his breath, glaring the whole while.

"Yes you do, my love." Dominic said quietly, a little sadly, as the waitress left. "All you've seen for three days is CK and Kal, and the problems and pain they are posing on you. You're losing your mind, you just told me in the car. You need to step back and analyze the situation, as you are so good at." Dominic shifted. "For instance, why can't Kal and CK think clearly without one another? What do they possess that makes it hard, aside from being two halves of the same person?" He looked at Lex thoughtfully. "Clark will make that sacrifice, Lex. Its the kind of man he is. A good man. There are so few in this world you know, so few truly, exceptionally good people. Clark will be a man of the people, darling, as will you. Its the bond you form now that will keep you from killing one another then."

"I know he's going to, Dominic. And part of me is proud of him for being able to do it. The other half of me? Is so sad. Because he'll never have a life of his own after this. It's going to be a constant... litany of calls. Help, help, help, all over the world, and he... he's going to end up sacrificing his life for other people, and never know what it's like to live for himself. I can't even give CK and Kal that any longer."

"But you forget." Dominic murmured, stopping only for the waitress when she gave them the check and the coffee, and he looked at Lex again after they were once again alone. "He will live for himself, as well, because he wants to do it. He's going to use his powers for good, to save people, so he knows when he goes to sleep at night that he's done as much as he can."

"That's not what I mean." Lex shook his head, and leaned forward, trying to trap the idea and give it form in his speech. "Well, in a way, it is what I mean. Clark never will be able to sleep. There's always going to be someone crying out for his help; how do you think Clark's going to be able to stand sleeping, when he hears these voices calling out please, help me, save me? This will become his life; Clark isn't like Bruce. Bruce can go home at the end of the day and know that he's done well. Clark can't."

"Yes, he can, Lex. Sometimes I think, you paint Clark in a very holy and biblical light. He's not innocent, or chaste, my love." Dominic dared him to argue that. "He has you, and he will have a family. Others won't count above you."

"So where is CK now?" Lex asked softly. "Spending his literal last few hours with Kal and I? Or is he off helping others? Tell me I'm painting that in a biblical light, and I'll call you a fucking liar."

"CK is helping others because he isn't Clark." Dominic said, softly. "Clark is the mixture of CK and Kal. CK is blind, wonderful, beautiful. Kal is devious, cunning, and completely self absorbed."

Lex couldn't help the rueful chuckle. "You got that right."

"Together, they will not fail you." Dominic murmured, gently, and squeezed Lex's hand as he set the cup of coffee in front of him. "Together, they are a wonderful young man, who loves you beyond the world itself."

"I hope you're right, Dominic," Lex said softly. "Because I can't bear the thought of Clark never getting to live."

"I know you can't. You will get through this, and you will be stronger." Dominic squeezed his hand, tightly. "For now, enjoy the time you have left with Kal, and then CK when he returns home."

Lex looked up at Dominic. "CK won't have any time left when he gets home," he said softly, and the pain was apparent in Lex's eyes. "That's the thing. As it looks now... I'm not even sure he'll be home in time for the merging, and I... I have no idea what's going to happen if that's the case."

"You'll fix it." Dominic shrugged. "If something goes wrong, you'll fix it. You've got the coolest head in a situation I've ever seen, Lex. You'll be fine, and Clark will be fine." A moment. "I miss him. I really miss him."

"In every situation that doesn't involve Clark. Every time he's needed me, I've flipped out." Lex just... let his head drop silently to the table at that. "I miss him too. And every time I feel that, there's a part of my soul that gets eaten away."

"Because you love different aspects of Clark equally?" Dominic smiled at him a little bit and rose one eyebrow, as he leaned his elbow on the table and gently rubbed Lex's back. "You're so weird. They're both Clark. They're both parts of him, and as you love him, you love them."

"No. Because when I say I miss him, I'm saying that I want two other people who mean just as much to me to die."

"But they're not dying, Lex. That's what I'm trying to tell you." Dominic shifted again, and thought for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. "Lets take your father, for instance. Lionel is, at the heart, a schizophrenic. There are two, totally different aspects of his personality. He has Mean Old Codger, and he has Sweet Wonderful Friend and Lover. These two personalities don't mix well. Clark is the same way, which I think is a reason we love them both so much. Clark is the alien, and he's also the man. He's the sweet, and he's the furious. He has both personalities living and breathing within him, and even though Kal and CK will be rejoined, it doesn't mean that they're going to go away. You react and love them everyday."

Lex shook his head. "That's not what I mean and you know it. I mean they are going to die. They are no longer going to be separate entities. They will no longer be able to love, touch, feel, hell, they won't even know they're alive." His voice cracked, and if he'd been thinking, he'd have been horrified. "They'll be dead. Yes, their personality aspects will still be inside of Clark, but they, their memories, their feelings, their experiences, will be gone. They will, for all intents, be dead. and I can't wish that for them, no matter what."

Dominic's eyebrows drew together, tightly. "They're also both your aushna'." He felt like giving him a hard shake, but he knew this wasn't the time or place. "Clark. Who isn't here. Clark, who's been split into two different people who, aside from sharing Clark's face, are not him. Clark is gone until they come back together, Lex. I know you feel badly, and I know the guilt you're going through is immense, but this is necessary if you want your lover back." A raised brow. "Unless you don't want him back?"

Lex's eyes pinned Dominic to the back of the chair, and if he'd had his lover's gifts, he was sure there'd be two smoking holes in his skull. "You know that's not the case; how dare you?" He growled it, throatily. "I just fucking sat here and told you I do, and that I feel guilty for it! I just fucking sat here and told you that!"

"No, you didn't. You told me that you love them both, as different people." Dominic looked back at him, tranquilly. "You told me you miss him. What I'm asking you is this--do you want him like this? Do you think they want to stay like this? I'm sure if they missed the time when they're supposed to combine together again, they'd be separate forever."

"I don't know what they want!" he exploded. "If they miss the merge, then yes, they might be separate forever, they might both blink out of existence, they might merge anyway no matter where they're at or what they're doing, I don't fucking know!" He forced himself to lower his voice in public as he glared at his friend. "What I want isn't the question, Dominic, it's what they want, and what has to happen. What I want? Is for this to have never happened. Is for this situation to have never occurred, because I will not be the one to sentence people I love to die to fulfill my own whims."

"If you don't know what they want... why not ask?" Dominic asked softly, looking at him with the same even ness he'd been watching him with. "You see, it has everything to do with what you want. Clark, right now, is unable to think for himself, because he has two minds working at the same time, who want different things. You have to think for him, Lex, take their best interests and solve the problem." Be an adult, no matter how badly it hurt.

Lex shook his head. "And I can't be the one to do that. Because if I say, don't merge, I could be sentencing them all to die. Clark, because I'd never see him again, and CK and Kal because I don't know what could happen to them if they were separate forever. And if I say merge, then I'm killing two unique beings whom I will never, ever see again."

Dominic nodded, softly, and squeezed his step sons arm gently, before dragging him close for a tight hug. "You'll make the right choice. You're a good boy, and I know Clark has all the faith in the world in you. You'll do what's right, because you're your father's son." Another squeeze of his arm. "I think that Kal and CK will be more alive in Clark, more than you think, when he comes back."

Lex returned the hug gratefully, insanely gratefully, in fact, because Dominic was just there, someone who cared and was trying to help him share this, and he couldn't, no matter how much Lex wanted him to. "I don't know what I'm going to do or how I'm going to do it," he confessed. "I just don't know."

"You already know." Dominic murmured softly, into his shoulder, as he held him close. "You just have to realize it." He kissed the side of his jaw and let him go, to smile crookedly at him, gently and helpfully. "Come on. Lets go see my Surrogate Mama, and then you can be at home with Kal."

"Dad's lucky to have you, I hope he knows that." Lex dragged his hands over his face, wryly noticing that at the moment, they weren't shaking. "Yeah, let's go see how my sister's doing."

"Of course he doesn't. It keeps out marriage interesting." But Dominic was just kidding, and he gave his step son a little smile as he rubbed his back again. "From what Toni told me, giving her severe indigestion." He set the money for the coffee on the table and rose, jacket in hand.

"That's my Rory," Lex crowed softly. "Fiery little thing, and not even out of the oven yet. Dad said I used to kick Mother a lot, and so did Julian. We're impatient people, we Luthors."

"Ready to be born and get on with things, I should suspect." Dominic smiled back, even as he rose a brow. "'Rory', hmm? And when did this come about? Lionel and I aren't even sure about Aurora, though between you and me, I've nearly convinced him." Wicked little sideways grin. "He seems to like that its a princess name."

"Rory," Lex explained. "Because she's going to completely idolize her big brother, and she's going to hate the girly Aurora. So, when she hangs out with her cool big brother Lex, she's going to need a cool name. So, we'll be Lex and Rory."

At that, Dominic couldn't help laughing softly, hoping to cheer his step son as he held the door to the Talon open for him. In truth, his entire soul quivered in pleasure at what Lex was saying. They were going to be a family. A real, very real, family. He didn't say anything for a moment, just beeping the doors open and sliding into the front seat.

He waited until Lex had gotten in beside him, before looking at him, hands on the top of the wheel. "She is your sister, you know. In every way possible." He didn't know how else to explain it, so he just cranked the engine and tugged his seat belt on.

"Yeah. I know. I realized it a few weeks ago. Clark was sleeping, and I was reading, waiting to fall asleep. And I just realized, as I was reading, that Aurora really was going to be my sister. I used to think, when I was younger, that Dad would have made sure that Julian and I didn't like each other very much. That he'd make us compete against each other for everything, award the winner and punish the loser. But now... I know that's wrong. Aurora's going to really be... my sister. No matter how young she is."

"Of course she is. A twenty three year old difference isn't much, after all." Dominic murmured, lips twitching quietly as he turned out into the street. "Your father loved Julian more than even you could imagine. He would have never pitted you against him... he would have pitted you both against him, I think. United front. With Aurora... that's different." He shook his head. "If you had told me a year ago that I would be married to your father and expecting a baby, I'd have laughed in your face. Who knew. Lionel Luthor and Dominic Senatori, domesticated." A little shudder, but he snickered regardless.

"I'll go you one better than that," Lex said softly. "Lex Luthor, domesticated." He sighed. "You know, the rest of the world has got to be having a field day with that concept."

Dominic turned his eyes then, on him. "I always knew you would be. With a brood of children and a big house with a picket fence." A raised brow as he stopped at a stop sign. "Just because instead of a woman its Clark doesn't mean the picture is any different. If anything, it fits better."

Lex snorted, but didn't have it in him to do anything else. "I wouldn't have believed it. At least, not up until I came to Smallville. If you'd told me prior to that, I'd have asked to share your bong, because you were obviously smoking the good shit."

"We used to make the good stuff when I was young." Dominic answered, even as he started driving again. "Your father and Kal talked last night. I think you and I need to have the same talk. Enjoy what you have left with Kal, Lex. Now isn't the time to feel the pain--there's time for pain later. Enjoy now. Take him for a swim. Have as much sex as is physically possible."

Lex just growled softly at that. "I have to have words with my father for calling Kal stupid," he growled again. "But it worked." He settled back into the car seat. "We were having as much sex as we could; CK and I both were--well, those are details you don't really need."

"No, thank you." Dominic murmured, even as he turned the next left, then a right after that, and came up on Grahams farm house.

His truck, as well as Toni's car, were sitting in the drive. "Damn." He whispered, as he cut the ignition and opened the door, climbing out. "Come on, Lex. Look as dignified as you can."

"You weren't expecting Graham to be there?" He bristled slightly. "If he lays a hand on you? He'll answer to me."

Graham was sitting on the side of the porch, pocket knife in hand as he had the garbage disposal dismantled in front of him and he was cleaning it out. He growled as his brother's fancy car pulled into the driveway, but he didn't do anything else. "She's in th'office, tryin' to org'nize those files o'hers."

Dominic blinked. He pocketed his keys at the bottom of the stairs, and sideglanced Lex as he walked up onto the porch. He stopped in front of him for a moment...decided not to press his luck, and nodded, walking past him.

Oh, not another one. Jesus, Christ! How many more of these people were there? They all looked the same! What had his Ms. Toni DONE?! Arnie glared at the new person... people, actually, but since he sniffed what smelled like dogs on the second guy, he couldn't be that bad, right? Right. He harrumphed and blew out a breath, before yeah, setting his jaw back on his paws.

"AAAYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Shane squealed, on top of his lungs. He'd been playing with--eating--a crayon with a big colorin' book his annie Toni gave him, but his UNCA! AND THE NOT-BEST-FRIEND! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! He squealed and got up, toddling over, and then the Unca bent down and Shaney squealed and clapped his hands.

Lex chuckled at the dog, and quietly gave thanks that none of the three puppies would quite grow into that hundred and ten pound monster. But he petted the dog carefully, not wanting to get bitten, and then bent down beside Dominic. "Hey, Shaney boy. I haven't seen you in a while."

"Aye, boyo, dinna shriek so. Toni's goin' t'think I've let Arnie chew you up," Graham said from his corner of the porch.

Shaney was still clapping, squealing and dancing in his uncles arms, and he gave him huge wet kisses before squealing again and wriggling his fingers at Lex. "Abaduhgba?" He asked, big dorky grin as he showed the Not Best Friend the crayon in his hand. Gooey!

Dominic gave the little boy a kiss on the cheek, then on the top of his downy head, and didn't say anything as he rose up to his feet again.

Toni just snickered at the whole picture, hand on her back, eyebrow up high as she looked at Graham's back, to Dominic's own shocked eyes. "Come on in, boys. Graham, watch Arnie for a while, will you?"

"Aye," he answered, looking at the sleeping dog on the porch. "I'll watch 'im."

Lex wrinkled his nose at the chewy, gooey crayon in Shaney's hand. "I didn't think those crayons were fit for human consumption, kiddo." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his white handkerchief, grimaced, and cleaned Shane's hand quickly before picking him up.

And grunting. "Good Christ, what have you been feeding this kid. I've carried lighter bricks."

Toni nodded, smiled, and led the three of them into the house. "Come on, this way. 'Scuse the mess, we're still... ahh... adjusting." That was to say, she'd been stream lining the furniture in a chick way, while Graham grunted from the porch. But the house already looked fabulous. There were pretty curtains, tons of flowers, and homey touches here and there that made it look, even in her eyes, ten times better. Less mountain man, more Man Mountain and Room Mate Lover. She liked it, and she winked at the two men and Shaney. "We've got... ahh. Iced tea?"

"Please." Dominic smiled at her, as he looked over his shoulder before entering the kitchen. "You're looking wonderful, Toni."

"Liar." Smirk. "Iced tea, Lex? Set that pumpkin down, he can walk by himself."

"I know he can," Lex said, shifting Shane's weight just a little bit so he could hoist the boy farther up on his shoulder. "But my father would never let me live it down if he finds out I didn't cater to His Royal Highness' whims."

Like Shane was saying no. Hah! He just beamed and hugged the Not Best Friendies neck, squeezing and peering at him intently before starting to investigate Lex's mouth with his fingers.

Dominic grinned across at them and carefully helping Toni into a kitchen chair before he poured the tea himself, into three glasses and a sippy cup. "What did you do to my brother, darling? Lobotomy in his sleep?"

"Of couuurrsee." Toni intoned, just like Frankenstein. "Braainnss!"

Lex was trying to speak past a mouthful of waxy-tasting Shane hand, and he quickly plucked the investigatory fingers out of his mouth. "I find it much more likely that he, like you and my father, are terrified of this lovely lady's wrath." He sat down at the table beside Dominic, and picked up one of the glasses. "Thank you."

Dominic nodded at Lex, then grinned at his sister in law and squeezed her hand gently in his. "You look-" He stopped. He'd heard a voice up, further in the house, and his eyes went as wide as saucers. "She's here?!" he hissed at Toni, and almost fell out of his chair leaping to his feet. "We have to go!"

Toni yanked on his hand, glaring, as Shaney squealed and burst out laughing. "Sit down! You stupid idiot, she's not going to eat your brains too! Why have you been ignoring her?" Demanded. "Are you still all bent out of shape about her still crushing you?"

Felicia was waddling. And cursing. And yelling a little bit more. "Do I hear that no good Irish ass who's been avoiding me ever since he got back?" she bellowed as she waddled down the stairs and into the kitchen, and she rounded on Dominic almost immediately. "Don't you EVEN think that gorgeous wedding dress gets you off my shit list, Morgan Dominic Senatori!"

Lex gave a little cringe, and buried it in Shane's shoulder. "She's middle naming you, Dominic. That's never a good thing."

"You're next, Lex Luthor!"

"At least she doesn't know my middle name," he whispered to Shane.

Dominic flinched, visibly, and for the first time realized just how good a wall Lionel was too hide behind. He desperately wished his lover was here, as he winced again, shifting from foot to foot. "Felicia! Hello… ah, hello love." Was he ready to bolt? Maybe just a little. "I… ah... and... see... with all the business...its actually Dominic Luthor now... ah... so, you like the dress?" Meekly.

Shane just cracked up, clapping his hands. "Fey-y!"

Her finger came up, and she started poking him in the shoulder. "You no good scoundrel! You've been avoiding me!" poke "You haven't returned my calls!" poke "You've been ignoring me!" poke and wail "I'm going to get Lionel to give me away!"

"I haven't-- stop poking me!" Dominic wailed, holding his shoulder and jerking away from her terrible finger of death. "I didn't mean to! its been a heavy load at work! Lionel's kept me on my back! I've been sick!"

"And if it hadn't been for Toni, I'd not have heard a word of it!!" She crossed her arms over her very expectant stomach, and just glared.

Dominic winced, and looked at his smirking step son, a raised brow from Toni, and he bit his lip tightly as he looked back at Felicia. "Maybe… maybe we should… talk?"

"MAYBE?" she shrieked. "MAYBE!!!!????"


Lex raised his hand, leaning his tired cheek on Shane's head. "I know."

"Nobody asked you, Luthor!"

"I… I..." He winced again, and he could swear he heard his brother sneering. THAT was why the bastard had been alright with him coming in the house! "Felicia, I swear, its nothing like that! I... you... and... uh..." Shit! He wanted to turn and bolt so badly he could almost taste it, but he didn't allow himself, just shifting anxiously and swallowing. "Fellie… let's go to another room and talk."

"Don't you Fellie me, Dominic Senatori! You're a right bastard, deserting me before my wedding!!" And she burst into tears, right in the middle of the kitchen.

Lex leaned over. "Don't worry, that's normal; Chloe did that with Jor the other day; screaming at him one second and bawling on his shoulder the next."

Dominic stared at Fellie in total horror, eyes the size of dishpans. THIS was why he was gay, people. He winced, didn't know what to do to make her stop as she wailed, and tried to awkwardly pat her on the shoulder, wincing again and doing his best to make her to stop. "Fellie... its not about that darling... its just been..." I've been a bastard. "I… and..."

Toni rolled. her. Eyes. "If I start crying for no reason before the baby is born, kick me in the ass." She muttered out of the corner of her mouth at Lex.

"Of course I will," Lex smirked back. "As long as Rory won't kick me back; just as a fair warning, Julian and I were both kickers, and I expect Rory to start any day now." And then he glared at Dominic. "For Christ's sakes, touch her, she's a woman, not a pile of garbage!"

Dominic looked at Lex in horror, before back at Fellie, and he carefully pulled her into a hug before she started kicking and attacking him. She was, after all, a couple of inches taller than him. "I'm sorry, darling. Come here... there we are. Don't cry, I do adore you so, you know. Come on… lets go have ourselves a chat."

Toni glared at Lex. "If she starts kicking, I'm kicking back."

Felicia was just sobbing as she hugged Dominic back, wailing loudly and rubbing her cheek into his shoulder as she bawled. "Okay," she sniffled, and just kept right on wailing.

Lex snickered. "I'm sure she'll just kick back harder. Did Dominic bring you a copy of that--and I use this term loosely--football game his family played in Ireland? With his genes and my fathers? She'll kick."

Dominic winced over Felicia's sobbing head at the two at the table and carefully led her from the room. He didn't know much about this house but Fellie seemed to be guiding him somewhere so he followed her lead, rubbing the small of her back gently and hugging her close. "I'm sorry love, I've been a heel. Please forgive me."

"You've been horrible!" she wailed, moving them through the big formal living room and into the smaller den, with comfortable, Graham-sized couches, hardwood floors, and even a fireplace. She flomped down on one of the couches and dragged Dominic down with her. "I'm getting married IN SIX DAYS! And you haven't even asked how the dress fit!!"

Fuck. Was that guilt? Yes, yes it was. "I know, darling… I've just been... a bit preoccupied... I'm sorry, really, because I'm lying again. I didn't... you… I..." Why, why was it that when he got around this woman, all he seemed to do was stutter? Could it be because he'd fucked her once upon a time? Possibly.

"I what?" she asked, sniffling as she looked up at him. "Do you not want to give me away? Is that it? I can do without being given away you know, I can walk down that aisle to meet Ethan by myself!"

"No... its not that." Dominic realized they were in a study abruptly, and he wondered a moment what Graham and his oafish brain could possibly be studying before he realized it was Toni's. Of course. He led Fellie to the big leather couch, helping her sit, and then plunked down beside her. "Its...its not that, darling. I really have been busy, but I've… I've been avoiding you." He plowed right through before she could wail. "I've been... you've... darling, someone told me you've still got a wee bit of a..." Yeah. Fool? Yeah. He muttered the next part under his breath.

"Got what?" she asked, not able to hear his mumble through her plugged up ears.

"A crush. On me." FUCK!

She sniffled. "That's what this is about?" Another sniffle, and her chin wobbled. "I do not! I mean, yeah, you were my first serious boyfriend and then my friend, so yeah, I kept a lot of stuff and sometimes I do freak out about how I look when you're around but no! I wouldn't be going to marry Ethan if I had anything like that left over for you!" She picked up one of the pillows and smacked him over the head with it. "You're my friend, and yeah, I'm always going to have a little soft spot for you, but it's not like that!"

"Are you sure?" His voice was still tiny, as she thunked him on the head. "I don't want to come between you and Ethan. I know it makes me sound like a pompous ass, but I really don't. I was trying to stay away, so... so you'd marry him and not even think about me."

She thunked him again. "I can't believe you'd think that of me!!" The wailing turned into yelling again. "I seriously can't believe you think that little of me, as well as you know me!" The pillow thunkings got harder and faster.

"OW! Fellie!" He held his hands up to keep himself from getting hit too hard, not that it hurt, but he didn't have a lot of hair to speak of after all. "I wasn't thinking little of you! I was going on assumptions To--" Fuck! FUCK! "Someone told me about!"

"ANTONIA BRAXTON!" she shrieked.

"The war yell comes back to me." Toni muttered into Shaney's cheek, as he'd crawled across the table to hug her. "Dear God. The girls got some lungs on her. All this screaming. Her poor kid." She set Shaney on the table and heaved herself up out of her chair, before gathering Shane close and handing him to Lex.

"It wasn't her fault! I thought the same thing! Don't be angry at her!" Dominic yelled back, grasping her wrists before she throttled him again, and held them close to his chest. "Don't. be. Angry."

"Good luck?" Lex offered as he took Shane back, settling him back on his lap and balancing the sippy cup, just like Toni had shown him.

"Don't be angry!! DON'T BE ANGRY!!!" she cried. "Of course I'm going to bloody well be angry! You're both tryin' to live my life and choose shit for me, and you're both my friends, but STOP IT!"

Dominic twitched at the scream that nearly took out his ear drums, and he just shook his head, letting her go. "It wasn't that at all. You're eight months pregnant, about to get married. Darling, you don't need the added stress in your life."

"What's all of this screamin'?" Toni muttered, after she'd glared at Grahams back on the porch before moseying into the back room.


"Ohh, that. Well, its the truth, ain't it?" Toni asked demurely, as she sent a slightly pale Dominic a death glare, and sat herself on the coffee table in front of them with a sigh. "Shut up, alright? They heard you in damn China."

"It is NOT the truth!!"

Dominic winced again, and rubbed his eyes carefully, sighing.

Toni just rose a brow at her friend. "He's been honest with you, Fel. You be honest with him. I left Lex alone with Shane, gonna make sure Shaney ain't ripping his earlobes off. And enough with the screaming, huh?"

"Lex can watch a goddamned baby, he's old enough to know what to do and not do!" She glared at her best friend. "And I am being honest with him! Yes, I do still care about him, I'm always gonna, but that's not gonna stop me from marryin' Ethan!"

Dominic wondered, briefly, if he could slip out un noticed. Didn't dare try, of course. But that didn't mean he couldn't think about it. "I'm glad… you don't. But...yes. Lets forget about this. Friendly mistake, is all, darling, Toni would never hurt you for the hell of it. Quite alright."

"Forget about it! I ain't forgettin' shit if that means you are avoidin' me and don't want to be a part of my wedding!" She pushed her waddly self up off the couch. "That's fine! You don't have to be! Consider yourself uninvited as my giver-away! I'll give my own damn self away!"

"Felicia! Its not like that!" Dominic yelled, as he rose up and caught her, half before she tipped over, and half before she left. "Its not like that. Of course I want to be a part of your wedding, would I have brought you home a dress if I didn't? You're my friend, and I adore you. I was just scared for you, because I see how wonderful Ethan is." Something was panicking in Dominic's chest. "I don't want to lose you as my friend. You've always been there for me, darling. Please, forgive an arrogant ass his short comings."

"You're damned right Ethan's wonderful! I'm not gonna do anything to screw that up! I love Ethan, he loves me, we're going to have a family soon, and that's just that!"

Fuck! SHIT! This was why he had been fucking ignoring her! "Fellie, please. I'm sorry for ever thinking such a thing. Please, I'm sorry."

She glared at him. "You should be sorry!" she sniffled. "I was trying to figure out what I did wrooooong!" Back to wailing after the sniffle, and half of "wrong" was lost in the sob.

Which was making Toni's chin tremble, and she glared at her friend from her seat on the coffee table. "oh, you shut up and stop blaming him! You know I had to make sure my Fel was gonna be good wi-with her man, and if this gay ass was in the way I h-had to make sure… sure..." Toni broke down into sobs and stood up, wrapping her arms around her friend.

Dominic opened his mouth to speak and was drowned out by the twin wailings going on before him.

Felicia lurched to her feet, and wrapped her arms around Toni, sobbing into her shoulder. "I love you too, Toni, you're my best friend!!!!"

Lex cringed as he heard the crying, and he looked down at Shane. "Oh dear God. I feel sorry for your uncle."

Dominic was absolutely horrified. He stared at the two of them, sobbing and screaming at one another in obvious joy, and his entire body was in a state of shock was he blinked. Twice. The. Fuck? He blinked again, looked at the door, horror written all over his features as he backed up.

"I know, my best friend ever and I couldn't let him mess it all up cause Ethan is the best and the baby is the best and I couldn't let them mess it up cause you deserve so much better!!!!!" Toni wailed into her friends shoulder, crying all the harder for it.

Felicia just wailed back. "You're so wonderful trying to make sure nothing goes wrong and it's all his fault, I just know it, I just don't know how yet because you're just the best ever!" She kept squeezing Toni tightly and hugging her.

Dominic turned, and bolted.

He leapt over a toy truck in the hall, slid into the kitchen, and grasped Lex's arms, hauling him to his arms as he switched Shane to the other hip. Didn't say anything, just dragging his nephew and step son out of the kitchen, through the hall, and he plunked Shane into Graham's lap before bolting down the porch steps.

Lex just kind of blinked as he was being hauled out, and barely got a chance to put down Shane's sippy cup on the table before he found himself dragged down the porch steps.

Graham just smirked as he hefted Shaney up to his shoulder. "Aye, yer welcome, an' ye can come back anytime!" he yelled out, snickering after his hightailing brother.

Dominic grit his teeth but ignored him. He took the sippy cup, set it on the second to last porch stair, and still ignoring his brother he yanked the keys out of his pocket. "They were crying. Crying! Together! Screaming and sobbing and oh, dear God you had better drive."

Lex took the keys in hands that by now had stopped shaking, and he gave a little smile. "Come on, I'll take you home. You can have a stiff drink, and forget about the crying women for a while."

Absolutely fucking mortified, and his anger with his brother only doubled as he slid into the passenger seat. "The nerve of him, stupid mother fucking asshole. God, I can't bloody stand him."

"Because he didn't warn you?" Lex slid into the driver's seat, and buckled his seat belt in one sweeping motion. "Buckle up and hold on."

"Because he knew. And he's laughing at me. He knows how much… women fucking terrify me." Hurt pride was more than a little problem, and Dominic growled low in his throat.

Lex's brow creased. "Dominic, they're people. They just have different sets of sex organs than we do." He cranked the car and revved the engine, just to hear it purr and get a good idea of it's capability before he spun out of the driveway.

"They are not people. They are aliens from another planet. I have yet to find one in my existence that I understand, let alone am not terrified of." Which made a lot of sense as to why his demon bitch in his dreams was, in fact, a woman. "I don't like them!"

"Your sisters. Megan, Lindy, and Shayla," Lex pointed out. He kept his foot heavy on the accelerator, already nearing the triple digits and they'd just made it out onto the main thoroughfare.

"They are not normal! I do not understand them! MEGAN MADE ME BUY CONDOMS FOR SHAYLA!" Dominic bellowed, then covered his face with his hands. "I'm so glad you didn't have to see that. Sobbing. Sobbing."

Lex pulled his lips between his teeth as he considered the tamest reply he could make to that, without revealing the fact he'd been at all involved in setting up her sex life. Finally, he settled on... "I'm sure you bought her the best kind."

Dominic looked through his hands at Lex, and just glared. "You evil little shit. I can't believe you just said that. Bought her the best kind, honestly! She's a little girl! and Megan made me... she made me buy..." He couldn't say douche before eleven o'clock in the morning. "Other! Female... things!"

That little girl is fucking her boyfriend regularly, and I don't just mean her being on the receiving end, Lex thought. But he didn't say it. Instead, he just shook his head sadly. "You're going to have a female child, Dominic. You're going to have to learn to deal with it. Before you know it, you'll be going out in the middle of the afternoon on emergency tampon runs for her first period."

Dominic's face lost more than a little blood, which rushed down to his toes. "Oh. My God. Oh, my God. What have we... I'm going to kill Lionel. That bastard. Oh, my God. I'm… we're... to talk to her about...the periods and… and..." He wailed. Loudly.

"The periods," Lex said, with a great deal of relish. "Tampons, pads, panty liners." An evil smirk. "Don't forget the sex talk. with condoms and everything. And just think, by that time, Dad'll be what, in his seventies? Guess who gets the pleasure?"

"You sadistic prick. As her brother you'll be right there helping me. I'll be damned if I'm doing it alone. I don't even know what half of those things do, and I'd rather not know, thank you so much. Birth control? panty liners? Toni."

"Of course I'll help. She'll never let me, you know, because brothers aren't supposed to know those things, but of course I will. I'll also give her the no drugs, no alcohol speech, as my tainted past might well hold a great deal of sway as to my knowledge of such things." The Beemer was tearing along at about 110 as they cruised, and the scenery was flying by as he steered towards the mansion.

Dominic couldn't even be horrified by the car shooting like a rocket everywhere, just let himself be horrified by the things Lex was saying. "Aurora is still a babe, and I refuse to think about periods, boys, and tampons. We are not talking about it any more." Dominic muttered, firmly.

"That's right, Dom. Deny, deny, deny."

"I am so talking to Lionel about this. The man better be counting his blessings." Dominic muttered, and he pointed as the mansion came into view. "Come out of Warp five now, please. I want to live to see tomorrow. I think."

"I'm not in warp at all. The car isn't equipped with nacelles, and I can't hope to exceed the speed of light in this car. Without nacelles, I can't warp space around the vehicle, and without the warping, I'd never be able to achieve anything over lightspeed."

Dominic stared for a moment. "Darling, your geekiness frightens. Take it down a level." But he didn't say any more as they sped down the street and oh, blissful home, and he climbed out of the car as Lex parked.

"Blame on the technical journals," he quipped, with a bit of a Scottish accent. "Besides, I want to get home and make sure Kal and my father haven't killed one another while we've left them to their own devices." He left the car in front of the house, keys in the ignition for one of the servants to park, and he followed Dominic up the stairs. "And I'm hoping to hear from Bruce or CK soon."

"I am too." This time, Dominic let his gaze flicker to Lex's in seriousness, as he reached out suddenly and hugged his step son. "Even if you are an impossible git, I still love you. If you need me, you know where to find me."

Lex returned the tight hug, and nodded. "I know where. As soon as I find out anything, I'll let you and Dad know."

"Please do. Keep Kal safe." Dominic squeezed one last time and let go, as Enrique opened the front door. "Go on, then. I'm to find your father."

"I will, don't worry. Kal's... the only thing I'm thinking about right now." He stepped into the front door, listening, waiting to hear the sounds of yelling, throwing, or even dismemberment.

All he heard was... "They're talking?"

Dominic...well, he blinked. Twice. "They are." He tipped his head, listening, even as he hung his jacket up on the coat rack. "Isn't that a marvel? How peculiar." But he just snorted. "Not that it wouldn't be. They seemed to be getting on well, I told you."

"Getting along? Threatening to kill each other, calling each other stupid and repressed? That's getting along?" Lex just shrugged as he raised his voice. "Kal? Dad? We're home; you can stop killing each other now!"

Kal glanced up, sleepily. He was laying, quietly, on the couch in the library, and he yawned behind his hand at the sudden call. Hmmm. "Is that them?" He asked mid way through another yawn, and had to repeat himself after he was through. "That's them? I didn't think they'd be home yet."

He'd been dozing quietly on the couch as Lionel read aloud beside him. It had been quiet, comfortable, very peaceful, and though Jor kept tossing him pointed looks from across the room, Kal had settled and gotten comfortable after a while. He hated Lionel, old goat, but he couldn't help feeling relaxed and comfortable around him, and it made the deep, longing pain of his other so far away less anguish filled.

"Knowing the way my son drives? I'm actually quite surprised it took them this long to go and return." He folded the newspaper section up carefully, and didn't bother to raise his voice; Luthors did not yell, despite Lex's raised voice, and he looked pointedly at the door in anticipation. "Which section would you like to hear next? We've Cultural, Business, and Entertainment."

Lex listened for a reply, and when he didn't hear one, he grimaced. "Damned old bastard," he mumbled. "He did this to me when I was five, and I hated it then. Luthors do not yell, son," he mimicked.

Dominic almost choked on the giggle that leapt up in his throat. "They don't yell, do they? Is that what he told you? Buggering liar." But it was said with every bit of love he felt and he rolled his eyes, motioning for Lex to follow him as they walked down the hall. "I'll bet you they're in your office."

"Yeah. Yelling? Lots of energy goes into yelling. Energy used for better things. And hey, read to me about entertainment." Kal grinned, crookedly. "I wanna hear all about what Julia's up to, or how Ben and Jennifer didn't really break up. Though damn, was her pink diamond a gaudy piece of tripe. She looked like she was lugging around the Queen Victoria on her ring finger. I bet you she pulled a muscle or two."

The names meant absolutely nothing to Lionel other than the associations of faces, but he picked up the Entertainment section of the newspaper, folded it back, and began to read.

"Yeah, well, Dad was never big on talking about sex, so I'm assuming he means that they don't yell when they're not fucking or fighting," he said, and then leaned against the doorway.

Kal was stretched out on the couch like a king, Jor-El was glaring angrily, and Lionel was reading to Kal as though he were the king's steward. "Shall we leave you three alone?"

Jor-El transferred his angry glare to Lex, but said only, "Good morning, Oakenepel."

"Hey, guys. Don't mind the mean old fucker in the corner. He's just pissed cause CK's off gallivanting the world. Hey, Dom, baby, you look shaken up." Kal glanced up at them, though he didn't move from his spot on the couch, even as he beckoned to Lex with an eyebrow and a little, private smile.

"Good morning, Jor-El." Dominic greeted him with a little smile, even as he turned to look down at Kal. "Oh, nothing much. Screaming, sobbing women. My bastard brother. Lionel, you look deviously handsome this morning." As if he hadn't fucked his lover blind an hour and a half ago. He smiled, sweetly, all the same.

"Not to mention, I drove him home, so he was praying every step of the way. Dad? I think he dented the dash holding it so hard." He went to the couch with Kal immediately, sitting down beside him, then leaning, so that his body fitted perfectly against Kal's. "I traumatized him, but left the cows unmolested."

"I look handsome every morning, thank you," Lionel said primly, and offered a coffee cup to his husband. "Coffee?"

"Good morning, Dominic," Jor-El greeted calmly.

Kal scooted a little to let Lex snuggle against his side, and he beamed across at him, kissing his cheek and nose as they moved around and settled their limbs together. It was always easier than he thought it would be, and he amused himself with thoughts of how cozy they were together as he listened to the men talk.

"Very true, husband." Dominic smiled at him and took the coffee, as he took a seat on the coffee table. "How are you this morning, Jor-El? You seem rested. Have you been enjoying the library?"

Lex's fingers stroked comfortingly over Kal's thigh as he got close, letting his head lean back against his lover's shoulder as arms and legs fit together like pieces from a jigsaw puzzle.

"I have; it's been a source of great information, though some of it is conflicting. I have no doubt that I will clarify it all once all the information I've read has been processed, but I have no complaint."

"If you need anything, the library upstairs is free for your perusal." Dominic said kindly, his eyes dancing happily. "I'm sure you're enjoying non-fiction, but fiction is a great deal of fun. Lionel and I have extensive libraries if you should ever feel like reading something different."

"Anne Rice'll do him good." Kal muttered into Lex's cheek, even as he grinned at him and cleared his throat loudly at Lionel. "excuse me, you were about to say what Edward Burns has been up to. I don't have all day here. Literally."

Lex barely kept the snorted laughter in as he batted his eyes innocently at Kal. "Let him read all the non fiction first, before he starts in with the fiction," Lex said softly, cuddled up close to his aushna'.

"Yes, I was." Lionel rattled his paper. "Before all the interruptions, at least." He snapped the paper sharply, opening it back to the article he'd been reading before and started reading again, after shooting death glares all around the room.

Dominic beamed at his husband, adoringly so, and let his eyebrows waggle as he took the paper out of Lionel's grasp, handed it to Lex, and took Lionel's hand in his as he motioned a shoulder absently.

Dogwood Ross was standing in the doorway of the room.



go on to the next part