
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 265: The Perfect Distraction

Lex nodded. "I'm not completely crazy yet," he said softly, watching the elevator doors close. "I just know I don't like hospitals. My mother was never in one, but despite that, I don't like them." He looked down at Clark's copy of Elaine's card, with her phone number on it. "She seems nice; I know why Dominic likes her now. I might... I might talk to her, Clark. Not about you, or anything--I wouldn't do that--but your father... isn't quite objective enough, and I don't think he's forgiven me for letting CK go with Bruce to fight Bane. I need... I need help somewhere, Clark. Things are falling apart faster than I can hold them together. You're the only thing that isn't, and I love you for it."

"I know." Clark murmured. "I know you hate hospitals, and I know you like Elaine, and I know you feel guilty, and I know things are falling apart. That's why I called her here, for you and your dad." He kissed his lovers cheek gently, his throat, then his neck. "I love you. I want to make sure you're safe, and that you're happy, baby. I suck at talking about stuff because I have only one way of doing things, you know? I don't get why there would be other ways of doing things. So she's going to help you." Clark kissed his cheek. "And we're going to go home and make love."

Lex blinked, and then nestled into Clark's arms as he spoke. "I... don't have a problem with that kind of therapy," he said with a little grin. "Just so long as you don't try the same thing with my father."

Clark had many more reasons behind sex than even Lex knew, but he kissed his cheek again and looked at the numbers ticking off as the elevator lowered. "I love your dad very much. I wish he'd just… let it go. I have a feeling this isn't going to be solved very fast, Lex."

"I don't think it is either, but... he's not going to let it go." He kept Clark's arms tightly around his waist. "I know Dad, and he just... won't. That's not who he is. It's going to have to be beaten into that thick head of his, past that cushion of hair which I think insulates him from reality, and pounded as hard as you can into him." Lex blinked. "Or perhaps another metaphor that's not quite so violent."

"No, that one works." Clark smiled a little at him, sliding his fingers up over the nape of his lovers neck as the elevator dinged. He let go, taking his hand again, keys in his pocket, and walked out of the huge door across from the elevators to the parking lot. "I'll see if I can get it out of him. He loves me, he won't hurt me."

"He has a habit of hurting those he loves," Lex said softly. "And I have the scars to prove it." He tightened his fingers on Clark's and kissed them as they walked out, staying close--almost clinging. "Just be careful with him."

"With your dad? of course." Clark answered back, kissing him back as he beeped the Ferrari, sitting there quiet as can be, and unlocked the doors with the push of a button. He let go of his lover only to open the door for him, quietly, then walked around the car to get in as well.

Lex slid into the passenger seat of the car, closing it behind himself and clicking his seat belt on over his lap. He leaned his head back against the ergonomic headrest, and sighed appreciatively. "If you don't mind, Clark? I think I'm going to close my eyes over here until we get home."

"That's fine, baby." Clark murmured quietly, as he slid in himself. He buckled his seat belt firmly, quietly, before starting the car up.

They were home in ten minutes. He took a lot of side streets and took the long way around Riley field so Lex could rest enough that he could calm before they got home. And when he got there he cut the car and just sat there, watching his lover there in the morning light.

He was so beautiful.

Lex wasn't exactly asleep; he was too used to driving to be able to sleep in the car, but he was resting, his eyes closed and cheek resting against the headrest, turned to look out the window but too damn tired to open his eyes. He heard the car turn off, thought about moving, decided it wasn't worth it quiet yet, and just took a deep breath before prying his eyes open. "Hi."

"Hi." God, his aushna' was so beautiful. He carefully opened the car door and slipped out, acknowledging that it was drizzling again as he went around the car and took his lovers hand in his. He handed the keys to Enrique, who was already holding the door open for them, and stepped in out of the cool weather. "I'll bring some hot chocolate… you go upstairs. I'll be there in a second."

Lex gave a crooked little smile as he swung his legs out and took a deep breath of the clean air around the house. "Oh, no. You go upstairs first. I refuse to be the first one attacked by three overzealous, furry little butterballs who have been deprived of company for the last few days."

"They're with Ms. Bird." Clark nodded, and smiled a little then as he led his lover to the kitchen. it was empty, and quiet for once, and he easily took down two mugs and with the little microwaveable packs, heated up two steaming cups of instant hot chocolate. Right now was for his lover and himself, and though he felt oddly disjointed, he could fulfill that at least. He handed the mug to Lex and took the other one for himself, before taking his hand again and starting up the steps.

Lex sat quietly on the barstools by the counter until Clark handed him a mug, and followed Clark up a few of the steps, and then stopped. "I should have these things ripped up," Lex mused softly. "There's no need for a fucking grand staircase in this place. Put in some normal steps, or one of those birdcage elevators even."

Clark didn't say it, but if Dominic got better, he figured they'd need an elevator anyway. But he didn't say that, just shaking his head quietly. "No. Maybe you can carpet them over, though." He murmured, and kissed Lex's cheek softly as they walked up.

"We have rugs that we switch out, but I think you're right. Flat carpeting with no corners to trip over might be better." He kept moving, slowly as he watched his feet moving surely on each stair. "But I think getting rid of them is the best."

"Whatever you decide to do, I'm behind you. Lucky I've got the nifty flying thing." A little murmur to him as he slowly went up too, sipping his hot chocolate as well. "Maybe an escalator. You could make them fashionable."

Lex just laughed softly, keeping his hands around the mug as it warmed his fingers. "Yeah. I can't imagine having an escalator in here, nor them becoming the rage for houses."

"It'd be fun. I've never been on one." Clark smiled lightly at him, his eyes twinkling softly as he kissed his lovers cheek gently. They came up onto the second landing… someone had ripped all of the carpets up, and all that lay was bare hardwood floor all the way down the hall. Clark ignored it, just stepping into the hall, his lover in tow.

"Dad had Graham do it, which he was only too happy to do. He hasn't thought any further ahead than this, though, because he hasn't mentioned carpeting or tearing up the steps or anything else." Lex just kept his eyes on his lover's head as they walked.

"I figured." Was all Clark said, though he turned to take his aushna's hand quietly as they walked. "Nothing sounds better than one hell of a hot shower right now." Clark murmured, as he squeezed Lex's hand gently in his own. "Are you going to the office today?"

Lex nodded. "Yeah, I am. There's paperwork and crises that are piling up faster than I can deal with them, but bless their hearts, Wally and Charlie are both working their asses off, at least keeping things from getting worse. Wally, in fact, has already had my things moved back over to the Zeus building, so that my office is back across from Dad's and I can handle these things as they come along."

"Maybe... if... if by Friday or so? if things haven't... haven't gotten better…" Clark looked at his lover quietly. "Maybe you should take responsibility for the building, and run it till your dad's ready to come back. I know I said it the other day and all, but I think you'd do a good job, and your dad, when he's got his brains back around him, would really appreciate all the work and effort you put in the family business."

Lex just shook his head. "I don't know, Clark. I have no way of knowing how long it's going to be, what deals my father wanted to make, what he has going, who he's hired, hell, I don't even know if anybody's been working with Lindy or not trying to get the accounting department back on it's feet!"

"No. But Charlie does." Clark pointed out tenderly, eyebrow raised at his lover.

"Clark... no. I don't mind working there, but I'm not running the whole gin joint. Just... no. You think I'm sleepless and grouchy now? Give it a week."

"No." Clark said again. "But if you don't take over, who will? If Dominic's going to be... be sick for a long time, who's going to take care of LuthorCorp?"

"Bruce can," Lex said stubbornly. "He's had a shitload more practice at it than I have; I barely got a crap factory out of the red and got it producing a profit."

"Of course, Bruce will be able to run Wayne Enterprises, Wayne Tech, Wayne Aviation, LuthorCorp and LexCorp." Clark pinned his lover with a glare.

"Of course he will; he's got a full board of experienced directors, he's got capable people, and he didn't just uproot his company, move it, and lose half to three-quarters of his trained staff in the process," Lex pointed out. "LuthorCorp, on the other hand, just moved to Smallville, lost about half the personnel who knew what in the hell they were doing, we're in the middle of training seminars now to train the new people we've hired, but hell, even our board of directors are wet behind the ears! Charles and Reynolds Coffings are the only ones on the board who even know what the hell they're doing there. The rest of them have no idea what LuthorCorp does, how we work, who we are, or anything."

It wasn't Clark's company. He didn't know what the hell went into running it. But he knew, in his soul that if Lionel could do it, so could Lex. So he met stubborn with stubborn, even as his lover tried to talk himself out of it. "You're also your father's son. That company will be yours someday. Bruce took over Wayne Enterprises when he was what, twenty one? Who says you can't do it?"

"I do, Clark," Lex said softly.

"Then you're as blind as your dad. You're going to let him win? You're going to let yourself think you aren't good enough, or that you can't do it?"

"That's just the thing, Clark, I know that I'm not good enough. I know that I can't do this."

But even as he said it, he heard Dominic's voice in his head. Rubbish, boy. You're perfectly capable of doing this with one thumb up your arse the whole way.

"I think you're scared of messing up." Clark responded back, just as stubbornly, as he set his cup of hot chocolate on the dresser as they entered the bedroom. He started to peel out of his light sweater and toe off his boots at the same time, even as he talked. "You can do this. There's no way you can't not do this with your eyes closed."

"Or one thumb up my ass," he said softly, sitting on the side of the bed and putting his hot chocolate down carefully on the table beside the bed. "I am scared of messing up," Lex agreed. "I could cost a lot of people a lot of money."

"And since when has Alexander J Luthor ever given a rats fat ass about other peoples problems?" Clark rose a brow as he leaned down, crouching before his lover and setting his hands gently on smooth thighs covered with slacks. "You'll do well because you're amazing, baby."

"Since he started being friends with Clark J Kent," Lex answered back, just as quickly. He brought his hands up to cover Clark's, and squeezed them without answering.

Clark managed a little smile as he leaned up to kiss his lover.

Then something caught, because though the taste of unbrushed teeth and coffee was less than pleasant, the taste of his lover was, and he murmured his appreciation for it as he licked and kissed, nibbling softly on that full lower lip for a long, long moment.

Lex's warm hands rose to either side of Clark's face, holding him still gently, kissing his lover back lazily as he let Clark do what he willed, feeling the teasing nibbles and murmuring appreciatively.

He let go the next moment, gently, cupping his cheeks softly for a moment before he rose and turned to the bathroom. "Come on, Lex. You need to shower too… I'll get the hot water going."

"Is that a hint?" Lex called after his lover, and laughed softly, stretching as he got up, unbuttoning his shirt as he followed Clark into the bathroom. "And are we sharing?"

"If you're okay with it." Clark answered as he finished unbuttoning his jeans, smiling a little at him. "You stink. But so do I, so that's little consolation." He sucked his belly in and wriggled his hips as he tugged his jeans down, taking the boxers with them as he undressed. The water was running, hot, the spray warm and waiting.

"I'm definitely okay with it." Lex picked up Clark's clothes as he wiggled out of them, tossing them into the dirty hamper along with his shirt, and he started on his slacks, tossing the belt back into the bedroom as he unbuttoned and unzipped his slacks, sliding them down and then peeling off his socks and boxers, tossing them all into the dirty laundry basket, and looked around. "Did you get out towels, or should I?"

Clark took a little glance... a shy glance, at Lex's body. it felt like ages and years since he'd seen it in all of its naked glory, and he felt a flush raise up on his cheeks as he grasped the two fluffy towels from the shelf, with a new bar of soap and a new bottle of shampoo, and offered them to his lover. "Got it all. Need anything else?"

"Just a back to wash," he said softly, taking the bar of soap as he got into the shower. He put the bar of soap on the little ledge and turned Clark around, so that his back was to the spray, and then Lex stood back against the wall. "You don't ever have to blush about looking at me," Lex said softly, a light tinge of heat flushing his own cheeks. "I'm always just... so amazed you want to."

Clark flushed all the harder for that, fumbling as he got into the shower with his lover, and turned his back to the spray. it was tall enough that it ran in rivulets down his neck and chest, getting caught in the lines of his belly, and he shifted and tried to rub the blush off of his chest, before turning his back to his lover to dampen his hair without a word.

When Clark turned around to dampen his hair, Lex picked up the soap and worked up a rapid lather between his hands, and once they were soapy and covered in suds, Lex dragged them over his lover's back. Gentle, slow sweeps that spread the thick white lather across Clark's broad back and shoulders, they soothed Lex as he repeated them, over and over again.

A long, quiet expulsion of breath. Wooboy. He swallowed and caught the hands as they slid over his sides, squeezing them tightly for a moment before letting go, to continue dampening his hair. He ducked his head under the spray a few times before pushing the water out of his eyes and turning, throat tight and his body trembling softly as he looked at his lover. "I don't mean to blush."

Lex let Clark turn around, and picked up the soap bar again, lathering his hands to attack Clark's chest next in the same soothing, gentle circles. "I know you don't. And I don't mean that to criticize you. I just... don't want you feeling ashamed because you want to look at me naked. I like looking at you naked because I love you. You are beautiful, and everything about you is beautiful to me."

"Remember what I said about not getting mushy?" Clark chastised gently, lips twitching in amusement as he kissed his lovers neck a little, quietly. But then the smell and the taste got the better of him, and he returned his mouth to the flat expanse of skin, licking and sucking lightly. "I'm not ashamed. When I see you naked, I get bad, bad thoughts."

"I can't help it. You make me mushy," Lex pointed out, arching his throat and closing his eyes as the warm spray hit him in the face. "No, they're good. Good, good thoughts," he said, through mouthfuls of water.

"How can they be good, when I want it so much?" Clark asked in amusement as he flicked his tongue across his lovers earlobe and carefully took over. His hands moved over his lovers wet back, down his spine, and rubbed lightly, teasingly, right at the top of his crack.

"Because wanting is good," Lex said seriously. "If you don't have wants and desires, then you don't have growth. You stagnate. I don't want that to happen to you."

"Growth?" Clark asked, almost too innocently, as he rubbed his erection already stiffening against Lex's belly. "Growth can be good." But he slid down and pressed his mouth to Lex's, not minding the coffee the second time around, and dove deep and luxuriously. His arms tightened around Lex's back and waist, pressing their wet bodies flush against one another, and mouthed a warm lower lip like it were the tastiest treat ever.

Lex's hand slid between their bodies, wrapping around the slick, wet erection that rubbed against his stomach, stroking it with tender, delicate strokes as he arched into Clark's kisses, free arm snaking around to anchor himself against Clark's shoulder as he thrust warmly against Clark's body.

"No." Clark shook his head, tightly, and stepped back from the intoxicating kiss and the delicious arm snug around him, shaking his head again and stepping under the spray. "We wash. Then we go and take care of..." His fingers ran down his lovers crotch adoringly, quietly. "You soap, I'll shampoo, then we'll trade."

Lex sulked. "I should get to shampoo you. I don't have anything to shampoo."

Clarks lips twitched at his poor sulking lover, and he kissed his throat softly, then his earlobe, as he whispered, "You're so sexy hairless and slick, like a snake waiting to be taught just how delicious fucking a lion can be."

Lex's tongue flickered out and licked across Clark's cheek, then flicked out again and licked over his lips and then his ear. "So teach me, my lion," he said, growling softly.

"First you have to be a clean snake." Clark murmured back, as he took the soap off the little shelf and began lathering it against a little hand towel, before sliding it over his lovers body. "Because I like to taste you when you're fresh out of the shower. When all of your skin is freshly washed, freshly cleaned. Its all you, for miles and miles." A lick to his ear, before he stroked the towel over it, and ran it down his lovers arms.

"Mmmm." Lex slithered in Clark's grasp, soap making him slippery as he turned around, rubbing his chest against Clark's to get it soapy, spreading the soap on his arms against Clark's as he twisted and turned, brushing a barely-soaped ass over Clark's cock to build the lather up.

Clark groaned, deeply, as he ran his fingers from his lovers shoulders, down his belly, down his hips, and stroked his soapy hands over his lovers crotch. He rubbed against him, slowly and softly, sliding an arm around Lex's hips and lifting and dropping him against him just like he wanted it. Rubbing just… like... that... and his burning cock ached to be inside. But he didn't let it, not yet, not while he gently cleaned his lover's thighs, then bent down to burry his face between slender, firm cheeks and lick.

Lex purred as Clark thrust against him, the soap sliding their bodies together perfectly. He spread his legs a little when he felt Clark's hands on his thighs, and was glad he'd done it when he felt Clark's tongue licking over him, and he moaned softly. He leaned forward, exposing himself entirely, hands bracing on the wall as his forehead rested against his arm. "Please, that feels so good."

"Not here." He murmured gently against his lovers cheek, giving it a tender bite before sliding upwards, gently, rubbing his cheek softly against his lovers back as he rose to his feet. He pulled and turned so they traded places, letting his lover rinse as he kissed his nipples, his chest.

Lex moaned in ecstasy as the hot water hit his back full on for the first time in days. He arched into it, tired and aching muscles screaming in pleasure at the heat and vibration that was making them feel so wonderful. His entire body went boneless except for Clark's strength holding him up, and if it hadn't been for Clark, he'd have oozed into a puddle on the floor of the shower. "Holy hell that feels good."

And just as his lover was cresting that wave, Clark slipped his lovers cock in his mouth and sucked it down his throat.

It was easy enough, grasping his lovers hip in one hand and his balls in the other, pushing the final little bit of length down his throat and then swallowing spastically around him. He slid him out, sucking the entire time, and let him slide free with a warm nuzzle to the base of his erection.

Lex's boneless body shuddered again, slipping and sliding against Clark's in the process as his cock was sucked down deep. But not nearly for long enough, and the nuzzle did nothing but make him moan again as blood rushed to finish hardening his cock completely, and he rubbed forward against Clark just a little.

Clark smiled gently as his lover rubbed and rocked against him, and he nibbled softly at the head of Lex's erection. He licked at the liquid pooled there, both shower water and precome, and nibbled softly along the slit. traced his tongue across it, then down around the head, murmuring in pleasure before he rose to his feet and carefully slid his body in snugly against Lex's. He carefully, gently, lifted him up so their hips were in alignment, rubbing slowly and gently as he took the shower off.

Lex's legs barely supported him as Clark lifted him up, and his arms went around his aushna's shoulders, holding tightly and caressing that broad expanse with his fingertips as he tucked his face into the crook of Clark's neck and let him turn the shower off as he got comfortable in Clark's grip.

Clark carefully, gently, hooked his hand under the smooth expanse of Lex's behind and lifted him up so their crotches were snug together. He helped Lex wrap his thighs around his waist, hooking in back, and stepped out. Grabbed a towel and rubbed it over his lovers back before he leaned Lex against the towel and the towel against the wall.

That jaw was too delicious to ignore any longer. He nipped it, nibbled, then sucked hard.

Then did it again, to one of his lovers nipples.

Lex moaned very softly as he was lifted, wrapping eagerly as he was instructed, hugging Clark's waist with his legs and tipping his head so that the jaw his lover sought was easily accessible. He gave another moan that became louder and longer as he felt Clark sucking on his jaw, and then down to his nipples, and he tightened his legs around Clark's waist, pulling him closer and sliding one of his hands between them, tugging lightly on Clark's nipples in return.

"No." Clark murmured around the nub in his mouth, and pinned Lex against the wall with his hips as he dragged his lovers fingers into his hair. He slid them away and back down around his waist and ass as he continued to suck on the hard nipples, over and over, deliciously tonguing them. They tasted so good and he almost couldn't decide which was better and he purred with his predicament as he bit and tugged.

Lex's fingers tightened in Clark's hair, letting the strands that were now almost totally black again slide through his fingers before moving them to Clark's shoulders, pulling himself tightly against Clark's body and rubbing his crotch against his lover's. Lex's head fell forward, and he pressed soft, frantic kisses to the top of Clark's hair, rubbing his cheek in it as it rested there.

Ohh yesss. The slow, insistent drag of erection against erection was extremely good and Clark rocked forward, rubbing back into the shallow channel of his lovers hip as he nipped and nibbled harder. Alright. Couldn't take it. He lifted his lover again tightly into his arms, carefully cradling his backside against his arm as he strode into the bedroom, towel forgotten.

Lex moaned again at the rocking motion, moving forward to meet Clark's with ease, and then he found himself swept up in Clark's arm, towel falling to the floor as he was cocooned by the heat from Clark's body, and his arms went back around Clark's neck, pulling those firm, ripe lips down to be kissed and bit.

Clark moaned, deeply and tremblingly, as he pushed the sheets of their bed down and carefully, so carefully, deposited his lover there in the middle of the mattress. He leaned back, turning to the bathroom to get the damp towel again, and quickly dried himself off before sliding under the sheets with his aushna'. He went into the side drawer as he settled his weight over Lex's prone body and took out the lube, setting it beside his hip as he looked down at his handsome lover.

He quietly licked and nipped at those beautiful lips and smiled, gently, as he brushed his mouth across eyelids, a pert little nose, high cheekbones and that strong chin. Then down his neck, biting gently at it as he buried his face in the crook of shoulder and neck, biting a bruise there.

The only move Lex made after being deposited so gently was to pull the sheets up over his hip, and let them settle over his legs. But when Clark came back to the bed, Lex rolled onto his back, hands going to stroke up Clark's stomach, over his chest and shoulders, then back down to do it all over again. His head rolled to the side as he slid his hands up to Clark's back, stroking gently over the wide scar there, then up the strong column of vertebrae as he brought one leg up, sliding it around Clark's hip and pulling him down, so that he felt the weight actually on his body, instead of just over it.

At the tug Clark grinned, delighted, and chuckled softly as he pressed his handsome lover into the mattress. He kept one elbow up to keep the weight off of his lovers chest so he could at least breathe, and murmured his pleasure gently down at him. With an easy movement he tugged the blankets up over them, over his shoulders, and smiled down at Lex as he began to gently kiss him, and rocked, ever so gently, against the long, hard evidence of his lovers arousal. Slow, gentle, quiet movements, but he didn't want to get his lover too close to the end. He had a mind to make love to Lex, and he intended to follow it.

He turned, quietly, and grasped the lube, opening it slowly as he shimmied down Lex's body the smallest bit, and spread his thighs with a gentle kiss to the left one. He greased his fingers slowly, carefully, making sure they were coated, before he gently began to rub against his lovers entrance as he nipped a tiny belly button.

Lex couldn't help the arching and the squirming. Clark pressing down against him felt delightful, even more so, in a way, than Clark cuddled up against him in the night, and he pressed up into it. He returned the soft kisses, murmuring and moaning his pleasure softly as the warmth of their bodies stayed trapped in the blankets and Lex's cool skin started to heat up.

Clark pushed his thighs apart and Lex was glad to do it, spreading them wide as he could, propping one foot on the bed and bending his knee so that he was open even further. The soft kisses were little feather-like touches, and the sharp nip of teeth at his navel caused him to arch again, pleading for Clark's fingers to slide in already.

Which Clark didn't do, of course. He just kept right on rubbing, gently, waking his lover's body up to his touches as his mouth came down and trapped twin balls in the warm heat of his mouth. He sucked gently on them, rubbing his tongue across them and playing with them gently as his free hand lightly trapped his cock. He stroked in time with his tongue as his finger played, pretending to slip in but not doing it all the way. Light, arousing touches, gently, stroking rubs.

Lex's hands slid down, tangling in Clark's hair, then falling to knot in the sheets as his body twisted across the smooth cotton. He arched and turned, pleading with Clark as he felt his balls being sucked, whimpering as Clark's finger barely teased his opening. Lex's legs were open all the way, exposing himself and begging as he squirmed, voice deep and husky with his want.

"Tell me what you want." Clark murmured, softly, as he let go of those warm balls and licked his way up to the head of the warm erection in his hand. He licked and suckled at the tip like it were a lollypop, and murmured in pleasure as he sucked softly and swirled his tongue around the ridge.

"Want you, Clark, please," he panted softly, and then gave a sharp cry as Clark's tongue licked around the head of his cock. His fingers tightened in the sheets as his body stiffened, back arching as he tried to encourage Clark to do more. "Please, want you inside, fuck me, love me, touch me, please." Repeated litany of "fuck me, love me, touch me," over and over again as he writhed, eyes squeezed shut as his hands tore and pawed at the sheets.

As soon as his lover said those three things, Clark speared his finger inside of him. Slow, but strong pushed forward, breaching that tiny entrance with all his love as he stroked in deep. Crooked his finger and rubbed against the prostate, slow and easy as he continued to suck on the tip of Lex's cock. Over and over as he thrust his finger in and out, in and out, adding a second and spreading him open all the more.

Lex gave a little shout, opening his legs as widely as possible as Clark's finger slipped into him, and he could have cried with it. Instead he tightened on it with every stroke, holding it in his body as Clark stretched him, pushing up with his arms until he was half sitting and could reach Clark's head. He slid his fingers through soft, warm hair and kept petting and stroking, whimpering out his pleasure as he squirmed eagerly on Clark's fingers.

Clark murmured his encouragement around Lex's cock, wrapping his not inconsiderable lips firmly around the tip as he thrust and pushed, stroking slowly but surely to open his lover up. And when it was all he could take, all he could stand, he lifted up and slid his fingers from Lex's body.

He carefully reached up to kiss his aushna' as he stroked his fingers over his cock, slicking it, adding more from the bottle and making sure he was as slippery as possibly as he kissed his lover tenderly. "Want?"

"Yes, I want, I want so much," Lex confirmed, returning the tender kiss with hunger, need and powerful want as he tried to stay still. His leg came back up around Clark's hip to pull him down, even as he lifted his hips to meet Clark's crotch as he pulled it down. "Please, Clark, I want."

"I love you when you're like this." Clark whispered, in awe and arousal. He rubbed his lips against his lovers mouth, tenderly, softly, licking and nipping. "We're going to do it a different way. Chloe told me about it... do you want to try?"

Lex gave his lover a panting little smile. "I'm always like this for you," he said, reaching up and running his hands over Clark's body. "Yes, I want to try, I will try anything with you."

"Okay." He smiled, broadly, kissing his lovers chest, his neck, his lips, nibbling and licking lovingly. "Turn on your side. bend your top leg up as far as you can, almost touching your chest." Clark rose up from his lean against his lover and pushed the blankets back, stroking his cock firmly without arousing himself further. Just a few times, as his lover began to move, and he helped him as much as he could.

Lex gave a wild little grin; he knew this position. He brought his leg up, hooking his elbow under his knee to help hold himself there, until Clark's body could slide between his legs and he could let his leg fall over his lover's shoulder. "Wonder how Chloe found out about this," he teased, looking at his lover with hungry eyes.

"Noo. Not like that." Clark grinned at him anyway, cause he saw the pleasure in his face, and he shook his head. He gently helped his lover turn on his side, and brought his knee up, though the knee still lay on the bed. He helped his lovers hips shift until his cheeks parted naturally, and he held him there, his cock jutting right where Clark could grasp it. "Like this."

He didn't give Lex time to say anything else. Just slid his hips in close, very close, and breached his lovers entrance before he could take another breath. Slow, firm push inside, hot flesh trapping his erection and making him groan, as he leaned over his lover and claimed his mouth for his.

Lex turned his head and kissed back fiercely, pushing down against the hard cock that speared into him. A little whimper as his muscles stretched, swallowing Clark in and making Lex feel so good and so possessed, and one of Lex's hands reached up behind, sliding into Clark's hair and holding a tight handful as he kissed, so that his lover's mouth couldn't move from his as he sucked and bit at teasingly full lips.

The feeling of Clark inside him was exquisite, packed full and tight and he squeezed hard with his muscles, trying to pull Clark deeper inside.

Clark groaned, deeply, hard. Turned like this Lex's entrance was all the tighter, squeezing the life out of him, and he didn't know how he could thrust let alone not come until his lover had had some semblance of an orgasm. A low, quiet whimper, a trembling shake of pleasure that made his whole body convulse against Lex's, and he arched his hips and thrust in hard the last inch or two, whimpering loudly.

Lex's hungry mouth and eagerly-licking tongue sucked down the loud whimpers and groans as Clark got situated inside of him. The last hard thrust made Lex's ass tighten even more around Clark's shaft, squeezing it as Lex moved his hips, letting himself slide along the length just enough to tease his lover as he kept kissing, fingers tight in Clark's hair.

"I'm... not... not hurting you?" Clark gasped, rocking slowly, firmly, starting with slow, gentle thrusts that barely moved at all as he got used to this intensely sexy, intensely delicious position. His knees were firmly planted, one right beneath the back of Lex's upraised knee, the other pressed firmly against his lovers thigh. His back would have whined if he were human, but he was completely content, bent and kissing his lover as they began to thrust against one another.

"You're not hurting," Lex moaned back out, fingers still tight in Clark's hair and tugging his mouth back down for more delicious kisses. He was voracious, tasting every part of Clark's mouth, sucking his tongue and biting his lips, nibbling hard at them as he took kiss after kiss from his lover, pushing his ass back against Clark's cock as it thrust forward.

Clark grunted, deeply, and grasped Lex's erection as he put his weight on his opposite hand to hold himself up. He began to stroke it in time with his thrusts, smiling down at his lover as they kissed violently hard, sucking at one another's mouths. The position was just fucking amazing, Clark could feel his lovers body all the way into his brain, and he buried himself as far as he could with every thrust. He pulled back, further now, and pushed back in with sharp, but gentle, movements. "Touch… touch your nipples." He panted, roughly, stroking harder as he put the muscle in his hips behind it.

Lex shuddered as Clark's strokes got harder, sharper, and the deep voice that Clark had during sex touched the quiet part of Lex's brain and made him do either exactly as he was told or refusing to do a damn thing in hopes of the deep voice punishing him with hard spanks to his ass and deep strokes of his cock. This time, however, Lex obeyed, moving his hand from Clark's hair to his nipples, rolling each of the hard little nubs in turn, pulling and tugging on them, squeezing sharply and wringing more gasps from himself as he lunged back into Clark's hard thrusts.

"Yeeesss." Long, deep hiss. When Lex was wracked with pleasure his entrance got hard as steel, and Clark grunted as he began to search for Lex's prostate with each thrust in. He moved his hips, little by little, searching...found.

He thrust against it and squeezed Lex's cock at the same time as he thrust roughly, hard against that spot, over and over. He let go of his lover's cock to pinch and knead his butt, stroking over it lovingly and ringing hard slaps against it. "Mine, you are mine, only mine, don't you ever forget it." He snarled into Lex's ear as he thrust in all the harder for it. "Touch your cock. Squeeze it, stroke it. Pull on it until it makes you scream."

Lex shuddered as Clark started growling in his ears, and he tightened his ass even more as Clark pounded against his prostate. His eyes were almost crossing with the ferocity of the strokes and the pleasure each one gave him, and he whimpered. "Only yours, won't ever forget, I swear." His hand left his nipples immediately and started stroking his cock, squeezing it and tugging the head and the skin of his cock with rough strokes, moaning, then whimpering, then giving short little screams as the shaft became harder and harder, and Lex jacked himself faster, squeezing and pulling on the shaft and his balls as hard as he could.

"Just like that." Clark snarled as his hips went fast, driving into his lover with intensity but always gentleness. He grasped his lovers hip and drove him back into his thrusts, quick, fast, hard and so delicious it was making his eyes cross and his body shudder in pleasure. He grunted, hard, and squeezed his lovers hip as he lifted his lovers knee and turned him, while still inside of him.

His eyes crossed as they corkscrewed and he groaned, in pleasure. He turned Lex back onto his back, lifting the leg that had been bent over his shoulder, so they were face to face. And he moved, thrusting, watching Lex's hand on his cock, watching Lex's face.

Lex cried out as he was lifted, turned and moved on his lover's cock, and he shuddered with it as Clark's eyes fastened on him. he arched his back, as much as he could, stroking his cock and offering it to his lover as he squirmed, squeezing his lover's shaft as hard as he could and trembling, whimpering, begging for permission to come even as his eyes screwed shut again as he fought off the oncoming tide.

Clark had learned from the master. He leaned down to his lovers ear as they slid with sweat, and whispered, "Do you want me to lead you around with a chain on your cock? Want to wear anal beads, just for me? Want me to fill you up with my hot come, inside of you, filling you up so deeply you can't move? Want me to put your cock in that death trap, and hide it under your clothes? Want to wear Alexa's underwear, your cock trapped tight, bound, helpless, wearing a vibrating egg only I can control? Want to be under my mercy?" Harsh whispers as his own strokes began to shorten.

Lex whimpered with each picture that Clark painted for him, teased him with each image, asking as though he wanted Lex to decide which. The chain on his cock, then Alexa's underwear, black lace and lycra, his cock tucked back and hidden away from his touch, at Clark's mercy, in his control, and he nodded, fiercely, yes, to whichever Clark wanted, and his hand sped up on his cock, feeling it twitching and knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

"Then come." Clark murmured, as he slammed in and writhed, exploding inside of his lover.

Lex felt Clark's orgasm explode inside of him, and his hand tightened on his cock as he gave a hoarse cry. He didn't even feel the explosion of his own cock, just felt the come splashing on his hand, his thighs and saw it on the sheets as he shuddered. His ass throbbed around Clark's cock, his muscles squeezing the base just as Lex's fingers were vice-tight around his own, squeezing the come out with short, rough little cries as he humped back.

Clark moaned, very deeply but very softly, as he stroked his hips forward once... twice... and came. He exploded, feeling his balls tighten and contract as they spilled forth, wrenching a deep, powerful groan from him as his body locked with pleasure just a second later. He stroked, bucking forward and giving his lover all he could. he moaned, softly, as he pressed his mouth to Lex's and writhed against him where he was buried deep and spurting.

Lex panted softly as Clark came inside of him, squeezing and bearing down on Clark's cock as tightly as he could, meeting Clark's mouth with his own and kissing him hard and deep, teasting and twisting his tongue inside his lover's mouth and rubbing his chest against Clark's. His voice was reduced to quiet little whimpers and moans as he squeezed and rubbed.

Clark moaned all the deeper, all the quieter, smiling into his lovers mouth even as he panted, and rubbed forward as Lex squeezed. He carefully grunted and slid free of his lovers body, gently rubbing red streaked thighs as he helped Lex onto his back. He collapsed himself next to his lover, turned cozily on his side, and heaved for breath as he brought Lex in close. "Muh."

Lex's head slid in under Clark's chin, the top of his head rubbing and butting like a cat as he snuggled into Clark's side and licked his throat and chest. His arms went around Clark's waist, pulling himself in close as he tangled his legs with his lover's. "You always seem to know what I need."

"No mushy crap." He panted, shivering as he snuggled in close. Lex's head cupped under Clarks chin so easily, and Clark never failed to enjoy it. He snuggled him close, mewling himself and rubbing their intertwined legs together gently.

"I'm not being mushy," Lex said, knowing full well he was. "I'm being honest." His fingers drew idle patterns on Clark's chest as he stared at the wall, still snuggled close and rubbing his legs against Clark's.

Clark smiled at him anyway, just because he could, and kissed his neck and throat, his cheek and nose. "I'm glad I could take your mind off things for a while. My cock likes making you happy, you know." As if in answer, it twitched, streaking a wet trail over his lovers belly, and Clark winced and chuckled at the same time as he rubbed it away.

"And I like making your cock happy," Lex agreed, reaching down and stroking his lover's twitching organ. "But, it's not just your cock that makes me happy, though I won't deny it does a fine job on it's own."

"Shhh. No mushy stuff. Just sex. And possibly another shower." Clark murmured, but he kissed Lex's mouth again, softly, just because he could, and ran his fingers down a warm bicep as he snuggled him in. "My mom's expecting us tonight, don't forget. I've got to go to take my exams in about an hour and a half, too."

"How long will your exams take?" Lex asked, still drawing aimless little patterns on Clark's stomach.

Which Clark loved. He let Lex do it, because it calmed them both, and he looked up at the ceiling as he slid more onto his back and propped his head up with his arm. "Probably an hour or less. I've got to pretend I'm taking my time, after all."

"You're having a special sitting for them, right?" Lex's fingers kept moving.

"Sure do. Shay, Pete, Chloe, Whitney and me. Won't take us long, I don't think. Not that any of us studied." He made a face. "I'm so glad the school years over." He stopped, then, and looked across at his lover. "Is it weird having a high school student for a lover?"

"I don't think about it, actually, unless someone else brings it up," Lex confessed. "I think I stopped thinking of you as a high school student when you started going out with me."

"Really?" He looked across at him. "If it helps, I don't think I ever stopped thinking about you as Lex, heir to the LuthorCorp empire. Its just so much of who you are." His fingers gently slid over Lex's head, rubbing the knot of bone at the back. "Just like the hundred thousand dollar cars and the expensive scotch and the sex toy closet. Its all you."

Lex's brow wrinkled gently. "Thanks. I was kind of hoping that got shed a while back." He couldn't help frowning, but then his face cleared. "Now the cars, yes. That's a vice that's all mine, but the liquor is my father's, I'm afraid. I really need to think about cultivating myself a few vices that aren't my father's."

"Why'd your face wrinkle up like that?" Clark tipped his head to look down at him, frowning himself.

"Because I'd like to think that people see me for more than the LuthorCorp heir," he said softly. "Especially people that are important to me. But, you're right when you say it's a part of me, so I can't really complain."

"But that's not all you are. But it is you, Lex, no matter how much you don't want it or whatever." He tipped his head quietly. "You are Lex Luthor, heir to LuthorCorp's empire. Your dad is a bastard, you are bald, your step dad is entirely too hyper for his own good, and you owns three colors of the same car. Why should you be ashamed of who you are?"

"I actually own four colors of the same car," Lex said after a moment. "I have four of the same Ferrari because the make suits me well. I also have two of the Lamborghini Diablo, but that's only because I wrecked the first and Hans rebuilt it."

Clark's lips twitched quietly as he looked up at the pretty ceiling, rolling his eyes good naturedly as he looked at the stucco. "Lex?" He paused for a moment. "Can I ask you something that you promise you won't flip out over?"

Lex crooked a brow. "Nothing good ever comes out of that preface," he said after a moment. "But, yes, you can ask. I won't flip out."

"You always flip out. But you've got to promise me you won't." He didn't look at his lover, still studying the ceiling. "Because it has nothing to do with you. I just... I want to know. I need to know."

"I promise, Clark." He reached over, and made Clark look at him. "I won't flip out."

Clark turned his face a little to look at him. "Were CK and Kal better than me?"

Lex knew the answer instantly, and he didn't hesitate. "No. They were just different."

"Different?" He didn't understand, obviously, and he looked at his lover with wrinkled brows.

"Different," Lex repeated, and paused, trying to figure out the best way to explain things. "CK and Kal... they were different than you are. They were parts of you, each one of them had a specific set of your character traits, but they were also... kind of distinctive, in their own ways."

His throat almost closed as he heard the obvious adoration in his lovers voice, and he nodded, quietly, looking at him from his curls. "Better?"

"No. Not better. Just different." Lex turned onto his side, so that he could look down at Clark. "I loved them. I can't say that I didn't. But I missed you, too. I can't tell you how guilty I felt, when faced with the two of them, and I still thought about you. Then I felt worse, for wanting them to be able to experience everything, because it would mean I didn't have you. Clark... if you'd asked me to choose, I would have chosen you. Because you are the one I love."

He wasn't so sure about that but he smiled anyway, nodding quietly and running his fingertips down his lovers cheek. "Thank you for that. I'm glad you missed me. It was… odd. I don't remember anything… just walking in behind you at the Brandywine, then waking up in bed with come everywhere. It was definitely kind of scary. Misplaced time, or whatever."

"Yeah." Lex rubbed his hands over Clark's stomach. "I have... some of CK's memories for you. If you want them. Before they joined... he left them with me. They're in my head, and they're for you. So you can remember what you did, at least with the League. Bruce says... that you made him proud."

"Not right now." He whispered, even as he gently thumbed his lovers ear. "But thank you. I'll look at them when... when I have more… I dunno. But anyway, I'm going to go shower again, kay?"

"Okay." Lex left his hand on Clark's chest. "I'll drop you off for your exams, then go to work for a while, and then come back for you when you're done?"

"Sure. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Another small smile for him, a tender kiss to his cheek, and he rolled up from the covers, grunting at the dried come on his chest and hand from Lex, and smirked at him all the more deviously as he pretended to whistle jauntily all the way to the bathroom.

"I always worry about you," Lex called after him, rolling onto his side and watching Clark's ass as he pranced into the bathroom, then flopped onto his back and stared up at the ceiling as he exhaled deeply. "Fuck."



go on to the next part