
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 27: Rings and Ketchup

The night passed as it always did when he was wrapped in his lovers arms...comfortable and cool, loving and accepting... except this night was different then all the rest. This night Lionel had made love to him, and he could barely wrap his mind about how he was feeling. He would awaken at different times of the night and watch his beloved sleep...watched the way his chest rose and fell, the way his eyelashes fluttered. He could never watch long, though, because almost on instinct Lionel’s eyes would open, and he would whisper if he was okay. God. He was more then okay.


He awoke the next morning and took a long, warm shower with his lover, wordless and loving...caressing one another’s bodies in comfort rather then sex.


Today work had to be done...the holiday was nearing and before it came, holiday bonuses needed to be made, factory blue prints approved, finances redone. His lover came and went, starting early on their work, and he stayed back for a few minutes...pondering what had occurred the night before. beautiful it had been. Sex wasn’t supposed to be about that, about touching like that. Sex was about pain and hard pleasure. .....Right?


He dressed for a day of muscle numbing work, old Adidas warm up pants, tennis shoes, and a green t-shirt his younger sister had bought him last year for his birthday. Blink 1-something. Whatever, it was comfortable, so he adorned it without another thought.


He left for a few minutes in one of Lex's cars--he was less the confident the lad would have approved, but oh well--and returned ten minutes later with McDonalds. Big Mac, two boxes of fries, and a big Dr Pepper. Mmmm. Food of champions.


Lionel watched Dominic out of the corner of his eye all throughout the morning.  Something was troubling his lover, he knew.  He felt it, more inside of himself than any knowledge in his brain, and on some level that both frightened him and filled him with joy.


Lunchtime came, and with it, the smell of grease, and he almost couldn't stop the smile that crossed his face.  In anticipation of French fries his mouth watered, and he hoped that Dominic had gotten them separate boxes--because as much as he liked to share, he liked having a box all to himself better.


Lex watched everything, a hawk eye on the proceedings.  He was almost shocked at Dominic's chosen attire, and was shocked at his father's absolute acceptance of sweats and a t-shirt instead of crisply pressed slacks, shirt and tie, and well-shined loafers. 


And then... his stomach turned.  The heavy scent of pre-fabricated grease hit his nostrils as Dominic came in carrying a brown paper bag, worn almost transparent with grease spots near the bottom.  "Dominic... could I possibly trouble you to use a coaster, at the very least?"


He raised a brow at Lex's obvious like his father. Don’t knock it till you've tried it, man. "For my Coke? No, its alright. I'll set it here on the floor." Your nice, wood polished floor. He set it down between himself and Lionel, setting the bag to the side before pulling a leg up underneath himself and sitting down, whistling softly. "Damn. We have enough work here till last until Christmas."  A casual glance at his lover, and he gave him a soft, crooked little grin that was all for him. "Have you gotten the blueprints already, Lionel?"


Lex gritted his teeth.  "The floor is hardwood, Dominic, and I'd appreciate it if there were no wet rings left on it.  I can have Enrique bring a coaster and a napkin for you, no trouble at all."


"Leave it be, Lex," Lionel said warningly.  "Let the staff do what they are paid to do and earn their extravagant paychecks once in a while."  He slid his leg over just enough so that it pressed lightly and reassuringly against Dominic's.  "No.  I haven't; they're supposed to be on their way via courier, but if they're not here in the next half hour, I'm not going to be very happy."


Cheeky grin up at Lex before he shifted his attention back to his lover. "Ah, well, then. What were you both working on before I interrupted?"


A glare from Lex was his only reply.


"That bastard Ethan had his ass coming out of his elbows," Lionel muttered darkly.  "There's not a single thing in this entire portfolio that is even close to accurate.  The figures have been artificially inflated by fifteen to twenty percent in nearly every case."  Lionel threw one of the estimates down in utter disgust.  "There's enough bullshit here to fuel the plant for an entire quarter, and we've got to make sense of it by the weekend."


"Well...want to see something?" He took the papers Lionel had just thrown in disgust, adjusting them in front of him... four financial reports, for each quarter of building. "Ethan was always...well, not very mathematically oriented. I had to go behind him and redo our finances, constantly. But I did find out that...." He reached over and took Lex's calculator, tapping into it...scrawling on a sheet of paper, then typing again...and he held the calculator up so his lover could see the numbers. "Simple formula. I used to call it the Non-Bullshit Formula. It deciphers his hieroglyphics." A serious nod, and he wrote down the formula for them...nodding again.


Lionel pounced on the formula, fitting numbers he'd already calculated into the formula and checked.  He cursed roundly.  "Dominic, you've just earned a raise.  For this, I will give you a corner office with a view.  That lousy son of a--"


He couldn’t help grinning at his lover, wriggling his brows, and for just a moment, forgot Lex was sitting there. "I dunno, I like the view already." Pause....a soft flush, and he tugged his food out of the bag, setting the French fries in front of them very discreetly, and leaned down to take a sip of his coke as he got more comfortable. "Alright, well, lets see. Lex, I can do the Christmas bonus's in an hour. All I need is a check book and your fathers signature, so let me have the paperwork."


 "Dominic, I have no doubt that by this time in your career, you can write my father's signature almost better than he could."  Lex surrendered the plant checkbook with a faint growl.


Lionel inhaled deeply of the scent wafting up from the small red box.  "Jiminy, this just might get you the key to the executive washroom," Lionel teased, sliding a small handful of fries out and ducking his head as he silently chewed them.  A silk napkin already lay across his lap, and he wiped the grease and salt from his fingers before picking up the next set of reports.  "Lex... go through and highlight the inaccuracies and pass them over to me; I'll use Dominic's formula to recheck the figures we've already done and then start in on the new estimates."


He wriggled his brows instead of taking the bait, grinning at Lex sweetly as he took the checkbook. "Yes, but it wouldn’t be right, correct?" He looked down at the paperwork and hummed innocently. They fell silent, for a few moments, working in tandem despite this being a first time. They fell into a grove, passing paperwork back and forth, and he picked up a few fries, crunching happily into them before... "Oh, ketchup." He reached into the bag and took out two little packets...laying a napkin down on Lex's King Louis the 16th table and squirting ketchup on it...making sure it leaked through the napkin, and motioned to Lionel to try it. "Better with ketchup."


There was ketchup on his table.  There.  Was.  Ketchup.  On his table.  "There's ketchup on my table, Dominic."  He closed his eyes, counted to ten in Greek, and opened them again.  The fucking ketchup was still there.  "Dominic... there is ketchup on my table."


Lionel leaned over, ignoring his son's words--a talent that he'd grown quite adept with over the last few years--and dipped two fries into the large splotch of ketchup.  And promptly decided that he didn't like it.  "That is disgusting.  I'll stick with just salt, thank you."  Reaching down without a thought, he picked up the soda cup from the floor and took a drink, rinsing the taste out of his mouth.


Lex was apoplectic.  "What... what in the name of God is going on here, Dad?"


"Have you tried it with mayonnaise? That’s really good, but after a while you get that gooey mayo taste in your mouth." A serious nod, pointedly ignoring the younger Luthor as he took a sip of the Coke too. "I have to get you to try the steak fries from Wendy's. Now those are good. If you think these are a sin, wait'll you try the other ones. Oh, lovely, hand me those artists sketches from beside you? Those are the ones that the new contractor drew up, I presume? They’re beautiful."


Lex could feel himself twitching and it wasn't a pleasant feeling.  No.  Instead, it was as though every muscle in his body was about to hemorrhage, and his fingers flexed around the corner of his calculator.


"As a general rule, Dominic, I like mayonnaise even less than I like ketchup.  If it's all the same to you, I'd rather keep my fries unspoiled and wholesome."  He barely looked up at his son's strangled question.  "What was that, Lex?  I didn't hear you."


Oh...he was aching to kiss his lover, and damn Lex for staring. He set a peer at him, resting his elbow against the table and raising a brow. "Are you quite alright? Calm yourself down, Lex, the veins in your head are throbbing."


"The... the veins in my head are throbbing?"  Lex was strangling out every single word.  "I have... I have ketchup on my table.  I have wet rings from a paper soda cup on my floor.  I have grease in my office, smudges from greasy fingers on my tabletops and papers, and my father is sitting here in the middle of this... LUNACY! like it's the most natural thing in the world!!"


He blinked a little...and couldn’t help the grin he cracked, eyes widening to match Lex's, only his was out of fun rather then fury. "You always were a prissy little bitch, weren’t you?"


"ME!!  Prissy--"  Lex was seriously unable to formulate full words.


Lionel didn't even bother to look up.  "Children, back to your corners.  Don't make me separate you two.  Lex... be calm.  There is nothing here to get this worked up about."


Dominic’s face broke out into a full grin and he grabbed the papers he'd been working on again, speaking without looking up. "If you want the ketchup off the table, clean the ketchup off the table. Bitching old woman that you are." Serious infliction in his words that was too serious that it was funny, trying not to grin again as he carefully scribbled the first of 200 checks he'd be making today.


Deep breaths, and they were not... fucking... working.  "Dominic... take the ketchup and shove it up your tight little ass," Lex growled angrily.  "Dad... are you... are you feeling all right?  Nipple ring infected, maybe going to your brain?"


At that, Lionel's head snapped up and he pinned his lover with a hard, questioning gaze.


He nearly choked on his French fry, eyes moving up to meet his lovers furious gaze...then he leaned in and kissed him hard and sweet, not saying a word as he let go, nipped Lionel's lower lip, and continued on with his work. Did he give a damn that Lex had just seen it? Nope.


Lionel's slight anger fizzed out at the kiss, and he followed behind Dominic, pressing his lips briefly against a t-shirt covered bicep before going back to his work without a word.


A stroke.  Lex just knew that if he raised his hands to the sides of his head, he could feel the pulmonary embolism growing and throbbing inside his skull.  "You... you..."  Deep breaths.  Coherency.  "You are both... insane.  This... this is a very bad dream.  Because I know my father does not consume French fries, nor does he conduct himself in PDAs." 


"Really?" He glanced up, grinned this side of wicked at Lex's completely shell shocked, furious, unbelieving expression. "Because...well...if I’m seeing correctly with these damn little glasses, your father IS eating French fries, and we DID just kiss, and you, my dear friend, should be more open minded and stop stereotyping your father into something he is not."  Laadeeda. And he scooted closer to his lover, out of spite and out of love for this man.


Lionel said nothing, only moving, so that when Dominic scooted closer to him, he ended up almost in Lionel's lap.  Looking over at his son, Lionel very slowly and deliberately kissed Dominic again, hands holding his face gently as his tongue probed, leaving absolutely no doubt as to what he was doing... or feeling.


Oh. Damn. There went all of his composure. He cupped his lovers face...then down and around his neck, kissing back just as softly even as his face flushed with slight embarrassment and pleasure. This...this was his Lionel from last night, this was his lover, and he adored him beyond anything else, ever, on this earth. He opened his mouth to the silent plea and met tongue for tongue, gently skimming his fingertips through all that hair before knotting...and letting go, licking his lower lip as he flushed again, not daring a glance at Lex, but just looking into his lovers eyes for a fraction of a moment that felt like a lifetime.


And softly, he mouthed, 'Love you.'


"And I love you," Lionel said back quietly, but in the silence of the room, it rolled like thunder.  He left his arms possessively around Dominic, and turned to glare at his son, almost daring him to make an issue of it.


Lex was sitting in stupefied shock.  Lionel... his father... and Dominic... his little lapdog of a drone... and they... they were... and then there was a small synapse firing in his brain.  Lionel had just kissed Dominic the same way that Lex himself kissed Clark.  Tenderness, love, passion, friendship, and a hundred other things he looked at his father and catalogued quickly as it dawned.  Like a bolt from the blue.  He wasn't sure if he believed it... but he got it.


He swallowed and slid himself from his partial seat in Lionel’s lap, flushing again, only all the amusement was gone to be filled with something much more powerful and beautiful. He swallowed again, licked his lower lip to taste Lionel, and shifted a tiny bit in his seat, unable to look at Lex. "Yes...well, then. Lets get these finances done. Would you all like to go out to dinner? The three of us, and Clark? We could head into Metropolis and catch the theater, as well."


Lex just... stared.  "You and Dad and me and Clark.  Just a happy little family, off to dinner and oh yes, then to the theater, like there's not a care in the world?  Have you taken leave of your senses?  Do you even have a clue as to how asinine that sounds??"


"There's no need to get personal, Lex.  If you don't wish to go, merely say so."  Lionel raised his head again and glared at his son.  "And that is all you need to say, whichever way you decide to go."


It hurt him more then he care to let on, but he shrugged absently at Lex and looked back down at his paperwork, shuffling it to grab at the root financial report for the new utility of the third level of the plant. It was the only idea that had come from Ethan’s disastrous meeting, and he absently rubbed at his goatee as his free fingers slipped under the desk and stroked once over Lionel’s crotch, comforting and...he hoped, arousing.


Lionel's hand shot out under the table and caught his lover's, guessing at the pain that Lex's bitter words was causing.  He squeezed them tightly and then guided them back to his crotch, shaping them to the long shaft that slid down his leg.  He scratched around the table until he found a clean sheet of paper, and tapping his pen on it several times to get Dominic's attention, once he had it, he scribbled a very quick note... I love you.


Lex quietly craned his neck to see what was written on the paper, and his eyes boggled back into his head as soon as he got an eyeful.  He hadn't expected that, but he'd be damned if he'd apologize either. 


He glanced up at him under his eyelashes, saying a thousand words with his look, but the biggest one of all was, 'I want a family.'. He wanted so badly to cuddle up and do their work together, but he knew...he was supposed to be professional right now. As much as one could, while rubbing the long, soft shaft through the thin slacks. He squeezed his lovers crotch gently, massaging it as his other fingers took his pen and wrote back, I’m sorry for being silly.


"You're not," Lionel said quietly, for Dominic's ears alone.  Privately he was disappointed with Lex for not attempting to be more accepting of Dominic, especially after the way Dominic had been trying so hard to keep Lex's confidence and not betray the word he'd given.  "So, Lex... do you think you'd like to tell me about last night?  Dominic said it was quite a ride, but the details would have to come from you."  He moved his leg so that Dominic had free access to his crotch, rubbing his knee against Dominic's.


Lex looked up in surprise at that, but his father's head was down, pen scratching across his papers as though the question had been as casual as what had been for dinner last night.  His gaze switched to Dominic, and he glared.


He kept stroking softly, rubbing his thumb against the head before gently massaging his thigh, happy and content to be able to touch his lover wherever and whenever he wanted...within reason, of course. Or not.


He met Lex's glare with one of his own. "I didn’t tell him."


Lionel murmured softly at the gentle touches, feeling a slow rush of blood to his groin.


"That's quite surprising, Dominic... I figured you would have run home and told Daddy everything like the good little boy you are."


That was it. He let go of Lionel abruptly and climbed to his feet, glaring at the younger Luthor with this side of murder. "Alright, little boy. Want to have at it? Because its very possible I could knock that chip right off your shoulder and with it, your ass, into next week."


Lex got quickly to his feet and unbuttoned his shirt sleeves as he rose.  "All right, Dominic... I'll take that threat.  And I'll raise you a promise; Luthors never lose.  Isn't that right, Dad?"


Lionel shrugged, never having lifted his eyes from his papers.  Everything in him screamed to stop it, but something radiating out from Dominic stopped him and he let his lover have his head.  "I personally hope he trounces you solidly."


Dominic glared and walked around the table, seething as he stared at him. "I didn’t tell him anything, you little bitch. In fact, I kept things from him, for you, even though it hurt him. I kept my word, I’m protecting Clark, and now you're suddenly acting like the spoiled little brat you are."


"I've never been able to trust you before, Dominic... just because you're fucking my father regularly now, that's supposed to have changed?"  He met Dominic at the corner of the table.  "What's your price, Dominic, for protecting Clark?  What's your price for keeping your word?  Because I don't believe for a second that you're doing it out of the goodness of your black little heart."


Lionel seethed quietly, and notched up his hope that Dominic would knock the chip from his son's shoulder.  This was grating on his nerves, and was beginning to threaten the truce between father and son, neither of which he wanted.  He still said nothing, instead putting his papers aside and watching his son and his love prepare to rip each other to shreds.


He stared at him for a long moment, a mix of hurt and fury, brows furrowed deeply before he shook his head. "You don’t get it, Lex. You're too stuck in your tiny little cookie cutter world that you cant see what’s going on around you; what’s been going on around you for a long time. Do you think your father and I are new? No. We've been having sex for a long time." A moment, as he watched Lex's face register. "Yes. Sex. Sex, sex, sex.  Wet, rough, sweet sex. But you know what? It’s MY sex, and if you go into it for your own sordid means ever again I will personally tear your windpipe out and make a lovely table ornament from it.  As for protecting Clark at a price, the only thing I ask is that you be fucking nice to me for a damn change. I haven’t done anything in the last year to offend you, so you need to suck it up and move on, like the grown up you are.  Oh, and also. Its not a black heart, thank you very much."


"I know just how long he's been fucking you, Dominic.  And I know just who else's he's been fucking all along.  Just like he knows who I have and haven't been sleeping with.  We keep tabs on things like that, don't we, Dad?  I could mention Victoria Hardwick, or that pretty Italian Ambassador and his wife, but I wouldn't want to upset your delicate little nature.  But the question here, Dominic... isn't who my father's been fucking but who you have been."  A deep breath.  "Did you ever tell my father about how you fucked me?  I guess not.  You've done more to offend me in the last few years--digging around Clark and his family, insinuating that I don't know how to run my business, and there's no reason that I should trust you with anything.  I needed you last night, Dominic, I can't deny that, but I just wonder what price I'll have to pay for that assistance."


That accusation got Lionel's attention, and he looked over at his lover.  He didn't want to interrupt, but... he couldn't let it go by without somehow acknowledging it.  "Dominic?"


"What the hell are you talking about?!" He stared at him, mouth all but hanging open at the jaw. "Excuse me, as I was the only sober one among us, I distinctly remember your attacking me." He threw his hands up, turning his back on him as he rubbed his face with his palm. Dammit. He didn’t need to be reminded of how many people Lionel had been with...and why he had. Hell, he'd helped arrange those visits, and make the people disappear without the press knowing the wiser. And it had broken his heart, every. Single. Time.


He wasn’t delicate, dammit.


He turned around and the Dominic from the war room came back, all fire in his eyes as he stared at Lex darkly. "I only wish, Lex, that someday soon you will grow the fuck up."


Lionel finally rose from his seat.  It was time to put a stop to this, before things got any further out of hand.  He put his hand on Dominic's shoulder, and used it to pull himself up.  "This will stop this instant, both of you.  Lex... I don't know what you think you're talking about, but I'd suggest you get your story straight.  Dominic... I'm going to go to the bedroom and bring down the stock estimates you brought up last night; I will be back in a moment and I expect the room to still be standing, have I made myself clear?"


"Of course you have, Father."  Sarcasm dripped from Lex's tone.


That was it.


He'd tried to be really patient until now. He had. This was his lovers son, after all. But somehow, his fist was flying before he knew it, and he felt it impact skin a moment later. Relish and goddamn revenge and anger and he took his arm back, shaking the knuckles and glaring. "You're so stupid. So stupid."


Lionel walked out of the room without a backwards glance.


Lex's hand shot up to his face, feeling the crunch of knuckles against his nose and his cheekbone and coming back with the surprising feel of blood on his fingertips.  "Stupid?  Because I don't believe that you were the poor innocent victim to big bad Lex coming onto you?  Or because I know you're just a fuck toy for my father to amuse himself with?"  He dropped his bloody fingers, and his tongue snaked out to lick at the blood that dripped down.  "Care to try that again... pussy?"


"You did come on to me, you little twit. High out of your mind and I was driving home and you swallowed me before I could do anything." He let his anger and resentment and hate show at his words, hissing, "I’m not his fuck toy." And the fist flew again...despite the fact that he knew he was about to get a broken nose, thanks to Lex.


All the years of adrenalization from the clubs came back to him and Lex moved, catching Dominic's arm and using his grip to pull him forward into a fist to the jaw.  Bones creaked but didn't break, and Lex shoved him back.  "What the fuck are you talking about, Dominic?  I remember... I was behind the wheel.  You were in the car beside me, bitching about my driving... I told you to find something productive to do with your mouth and you sucked me off."  Lex shook his fist as he grated out the words, tongue still lapping at the blood dripping from his nose.


He wouldn’t let out a cry at it but he grunted, falling back and the wound in his arm let out a yelp at him for being abusive to it. Yeah, well, you know wound? Shut the fuck up. "No, you little shit. You passed out behind the wheel and we almost smashed into the side of a blockbuster. I had to wrestle you into the passenger seat and drive us home, and then YOU leaned over and sucked ME off. I couldn’t stop you and drive at the same time, and Metropolis was packed with traffic. That’s what happened, Lex, but you were too FUCKED UP at the time to remember it correctly."


"Where did you pick me up from, Dominic?  I would never let you behind the wheel of one of my cars like that.  When was it?"  Lex stalked behind the desk.  "Stop lying, Dominic!"


"1997. Club Dupont, in the burrows of North street where you so enjoyed to go and get yourself high as a kite. You were sixteen, almost seventeen, and you called me unable to talk, just laugh. And instead of worrying your father, I went looking for you." Wounded pride, and he straightened his spine and shoulders. "I found you with some bimbo, dragged you out of the club, and you screamed and pitched a fit in the fucking street because I wouldn’t let you drive. Rather then gather any MORE attention to yourself then you already had, I let you drive. You weren’t driving more then five minutes before you passed out and we were almost killed.


"So I pulled you out, put you in the passenger seat, and you woke up midway through downtown metropolis, without speaking, and unzipped my pants and sucked me down your throat. I kicked and beat you and almost choked you trying to rip you off by the shirt, but it didn’t work. So yes, Lex, that’s what happened.  People were blaring their horns, traffic was a mess, and here I had you in my lap, unable to get you the hell off, and you were..." A heavy sigh and he rubbed his face again. "You were young, and you were dumb. But don’t you ever think I would touch you like that. If anything, I loved you as my own son."


Lex deflated, dropping back into the chair behind the desk.  "I don't remember it that way at all," he said quietly.  "I remember you doing that to me."  He looked up at Dominic's softly spoken words.  "I never understood why you did that to me, Dominic... I trusted you."


"And until this moment I always thought..." Lionel’s exact words to him, two months prior, and he grinned inside when the rest of him couldn’t. "I always thought you knew."


"No.  That's.... I hated you, Dominic.  I trusted you, you were... you were my friend.  And you--I thought you took advantage of me.  I hated you for that."  Lex couldn't--wouldn't--meet Dominic's eyes.  "I couldn't understand it."


"See? This is your brain on drugs. They’re bad for you, but did you ever listen to me? No." He slowly sank into his own seat, watching him as he kept his eyes averted. "I would do anything for you...and have. Our business lives aside, because as I’ve said before… anything goes when we're playing executives. But here, in private life, Lex...why would you ever think I'd purposely hurt you?  I studied the Kents because your father saw how you were with Clark, and he wanted to know how the family of his son’s lover was like, and he couldn’t ask you directly. Every comment I made about your running your business was only to make it better, to make it stronger. Everything I’ve done I’ve done to make things better, and I almost cant believe you didn’t...didn’t see that."


"You worked for my father, Dominic.  What else was I supposed to expect?  I've never had help coming from his quarter before, why should you have been any different?"  Lex drummed his fingers nervously on the tabletop.  "I never trusted you after that moment, no matter what you did, I never trusted it again."


Lionel stood quietly outside the office, leaning against the door and idly flipping through the papers in his hand.  Neither man knew he was there and he preferred it that way, especially with the real conversation that seemed to be happening between them.


A hard swallow, and Lex ran his hand over his head.  "It hurt."


Dammit. He was trying to stay mad, but this boy was just that--a boy, and he looked so miserable, with his sad eyes and the crunched nose and he couldn’t help sighing softly. "Maybe...we'll do what my mother always did when confronted with situations like these. She used to tell me that whenever someone didn’t get what I was saying, or mutual misinterpretation occurred, you could start over. Acknowledge it, and move on. We could do that. And maybe...give being friends another go of it." He tipped his head. "What do you think? Clean slate?"


Finally, Lex looked up.  "Clean slate."  He looked down, and then held out his hand.  "I knew you'd keep your word, Dominic.  About Clark."


Well, duh." He took the hand and shook firmly. "Their is something I need to ask of you."


"Go ahead... and if it's something I can do, I'll make it happen."  He was relieved when Dominic shook his hand, and he was willing to give him whatever he asked for as a concession for his behavior.


"I know you don’t understand what your father and I have. I can see it, in your face, every time we're near one another. But this, you should know... I’m not his, or anyone else’s, fuck toy. He's not using me, or doing this to keep me in line. Theirs something there with us, and I don’t expect you to acknowledge it....but don’t say those things in front of him. He'd never tell you to his face, but you hurt him when you do; you make him feel cheap. And very frankly, Lex, even though I do care for you a great deal; I wont have you, or anyone else, upsetting him when its unnecessary. Don’t talk about him like he's soulless, or wicked, or that what we have is a dirty, dark thing, because very frankly, Lex, I'll have to punch your teeth in if you do.  Fair warning. And next time I wont wait as long to do it."


Lex shook his head.  "I don't... I don't believe that my father has these things in him, Dominic.  I want to.  Believe me, I want to.  But I don't think he does. You... I can't believe that you do.  You know my father, have known him longer than almost anyone else.  I want my father, Dominic.  I truly do.  But... I'm just not sure he's there any longer.  He's trying.  The apples, the dinner, the concern for me... and it breaks my heart that I don't believe it's genuine."


He looked away, down at his hands, because... because hearing this child say it only terrified the illogical parts of his heart that whispered insecurities at him when it so chose. Instead, he took the love, the agonized part of his heart that was so deeply in love, and he offered it to Lex. "He is so much more then you could ever realize, so much more then he shows anyone. He's insecure and sweet and terrified and strong. He's trying, he truly is, and I love him so much for it. He is my everything. Everything. I was so lost until the day I found him, and now its...I’m more me. Lex, how can that be fake? How can that be forced?"


Lionel bit his lip as he stood outside the door.  Until that moment, there had been some voice inside of him that had told him that he was bad for Dominic, that he would end up causing his lover pain, but hearing those words shut that little voice up once and for all.  He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, listening to Dominic's voice speak of how much he loved him.


"I don't know, Dominic.  I've never been in love before, and I'm following a high-school kid around trying to figure it out!"  Lex threw his hands up in exasperation.  "When he kissed you earlier, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was watching Clark and I, but those feelings... those feelings just can't settle at home with my image of my father."


And in a very quiet way, Lionel's heart broke, just a little when he heard that. 


"Then you are truly an idiot. He is a human being, Lex, he is alive and breathing and he makes mistakes. He hurts, just like the rest of us, just like you hurt all those years of missing your mother, he hurt all those years of losing the one person he loved more then anything in this world, more then you, or me, or Jonathan. He loved her, and he lost her, and his infant son, and in a way, he lost you, because he couldn’t love anymore. And Lex, I watched this. Every minute of every day, I watched your relationship with him erode, I watched you go to drugs and sex and alcohol, and I couldn’t say a word because it wasn’t my place. ...I suppose it still isn’t, but I don’t care. You need to see him as a real man, and not the big bad wolf coming out of the dark to bite you in the ass.  Its not that he wouldn’t, Lex. Its that he couldn’t."


Lex looked up at Dominic, eyes dark with unshed tears.  "If he couldn't love me then, how can he love me now?  When I went to him at my mother's funeral, do you remember what he told me?  He told me to shut up and go away, only he said it a hell of a lot more genteelly.  I did what he told me.  I shut up and I went away.  And I lost him, Dominic.  I lost him at that graveside and I've never been able to get him back."


Fuck. And goddamn. "He's different now. He's changed. Do you think that bastard at the gravesite could ever look at me and see someone he could love? No. He's changed, he's different. I don’t expect you to understand...but Lex, give it time. He wants to try again, he wants so badly to be your father again. I cant speak for him, but I know he loves you, I know he cares so much about you, more then anyone else. He adores you. You're his son. His flesh and blood." He shrugged a shoulder absently though, sudden weariness coursing through him. "I cant argue with you about it anymore, Lex. I just hope that you'll open your eyes, let him in when he tries to get close. Don’t push him away."


"Now you don't get it."  Lex looked up at Dominic.  "I don't want to push him away.  I'm just afraid he's suckering me in just like he has every other time I've tried to close the gap between us.  The only thing that's different this time?  He made the first move, not me."


Lionel couldn't stand listening to his son any longer, and he pushed away from the wall and went into the room, knocking lightly on the door.  "I'm sorry... am I interrupting?  Took longer than I expected to find these papers."


He looked up and dashed his palms against each eye, where it had grown damp, and smiled a little at his lover. "Its alright, we're just finishing up, here."


"Good... I take it you got your disagreements.... all worked out?"  He paused in his sentence long enough to press soft kisses to either corner of Dominic's eyes, tasting the salty tears.  He could see a dark bruise already forming on Dominic's jaw, and he was not happy about it.  Then he turned to Lex, and saw the blood on his face and his shirt.  "I take it you did."


Another small smile and he let his eyes close at the soft touches of his lovers mouth on his face, letting his throat work to swallow at the lump seeing his love, and knowing what this child thought of him, them, everything. broke him, and he climbed slowly to his feet. "My arms acting up a bit...I think I’m going to go lie down for a little while." A little nod, and an almost lazy stride to the door. "If you need me, I'll be upstairs."


"I always need you, Dominic."  Lionel's eyes followed his lover to the door.  "Are you all right?  Let me look at your arm."


Lex watched in silence as his father interacted with Dominic.


Lionel rested his hand on Dominic's elbow.  "We're fine," he said quietly.  "It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks... just us."


A little smile and he leaned up to press a gentle kiss to his cheek, and with that, he was gone.


Lionel turned his gaze on Lex.  "Are you satisfied, Lex?  Did you find whatever it was you were looking for?  Did you..."  And here Lionel swallowed hard.  "Did you get your pound of flesh, or your blood or whatever it was you hoped to accomplish?"  Another hard swallow.  "Do you hate me that much, Lex?  Truly?"


"I don't know what you're talking about, Dad."  Lex slumped in his seat, elbows resting on the pile of papers, and suddenly Lex erupted, sweeping the stack in front of him onto the floor in a useless pique of temper. 


"That little scene with Dominic.  You hurt him, Lex... and you hurt me."  Lex got up to leave, and Lionel blocked him.  "I heard what you said, Lex.  I did the best that I could do by you; I'm sorry that I couldn't live up to your expectations of me.  But don't bring Dominic--or anyone else--into this.  It's between you and me."


"My expectations?  My expectations?  Dad, are you drunk?  The only thing I ever expected out of you was to be my father."  He rubbed his hands over his face.  "And you couldn't even do that."


Lionel gazed levelly at his son, refusing to let Lex see how much the words cut him.  "You expected me to be your mother, Lex.  And I'm sorry that I wasn't.  There was nobody that could have been as loving as she was.  You expected me to treat you exactly as she did, and I didn't.  And you've never forgiven me for that.  I'm trying now.  That man... that man that just walked out this door is the reason why I can.  Dominic loves me, Lex.  Whether you are capable of understanding that or not is, quite frankly, your problem.  But don't bring it to our doorstep; neither of us needs it." 


Clark blinked, paused in the hall as Mr. Senatori walked by, eyes all red and shoulders slumped. Whoa? He shifted the bundle of Christmas orchids in his arms, setting them at the bottom of the stairwell, and turned the corner, seeing Lionel...and Lex. Lex, who was bleeding! Oh, God!


Fierce protectiveness and he strode in, intent on staying peaceful until he knew exactly who's ass to kick. "Lex?"


“I'm all right, Clark.  It's nothing."  Lex looked up at his lover.  "Come on in; I'm sorry about the mess.  I had... a bit of a tantrum."  Lex flicked his gaze from Clark to his father, and then back to his lover.  "I'm fine," he repeated.


"Mr. Luthor?" He blinked at Lionel, then at Lex, then at Lionel. "Did you guys get in a fight?"


"No, Clark.  We didn't.  He and Dominic had a bit of a disagreement, that's all."  He pulled himself up to his full height, not pleased at having to answer to the boy but letting it go for his son's sake.  "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to check on Dominic."  He dropped the stock reports on the table and left the room, striding angrily down the hallway and towards the kitchen.


He looked after the older man for a moment before shifting to his lover, eyebrows drawing as he slowly offered his arms to Lex. "C'mere." He drew Lex in tight, tight to his chest, and frowned the blood. "What happened?"


Lex wrapped himself around Clark.  "Dominic and I were arguing... he hit me.  I hit him.  We argued some more... almost cleared the air, and then... exchanging words with my father.  None of them pleasant, but... I suppose they needed to be said."


"Ah." Sudden understanding dawned on him, and he barely smothered the joy. "You finally broke the ice. How is this bad?"


 He gently pressed his mouth to the eyebrow and then shifted, linking an arm around his lovers waist and motioning for him to lead the way with a gentle smile. "Well, now its broken. You don’t have to worry about it, anymore."


"Unfortunately, the ice might not be the only thing broken," Lex admitted, pausing at the bundle of flowers.  "For anyone I know?"  He stepped delicately over them and leaned against the railing, briefly tilting his head back to alleviate the pressure in his head.  "There's a good possibility that my nose and Dominic's jaw could be, too."


He shifted a little and watched him. After last night, everything felt so much...more, and he almost didn’t know how to react to it. Instead he gently skimmed fingertips over Lex's face, smiling crookedly at the thickness of his voice. "Was it worth it?"

"Getting punched in the nose?  Well... to be honest, no.  As much as I like being fucked hard, I'm not actually all that fond of non-sexual physical pain."  He tugged Clark over to him, needing him close. 


He swept his lover up and gently kissed the bridge of his smushed nose, walking up the steps and coddling him close. "I think your pain deserves swept attention." A little nod and he walked quietly to the rooms off on the left hallway from Dominic and Lionel’s... and through the open doorway, he caught a peak of the two together, and sighed softly.


"Clark?"  Lex looked up at the sigh from his lover.  "What's wrong?"  He relaxed against Clark as he was carried into the bedroom, and let his arms slide around Clark's waist and shoulder.  "What upset you?"


He set him down slowly, listening a little to what the older men were saying down the hall, and he gazed at his lover tenderly, stroking his cheek. "You know I love you, right?"


Lex turned his face into the stroking hand, capturing it against his cheek.  "Of course I know," he answered back, just as quietly as Clark had asked it.


"You know Id do anything for you? Id carry you to the ends of the world?"


Lex nodded.  "I know, Clark.  I don't doubt you."


"Take your head out of your ass." Said, of course, as gently as possible.


Lex blinked.  "I'm sorry?"  That was the only response that he could come up with, pausing in the middle of his unbuttoning.


"Lex, I adore you. I love you so much. But've got issues." He gently kneaded the fingers that had stilled on his buttons. "Big ones. And I’m not trying to tell you they’re worthless...because they mean so much to you, and to me. But this...its like a grudge, you've got against your dad. Granted, its justified, but you've got to give an inch to take an inch. Do you see what I’m saying?"  A flinch, eyes squeezing, one staying cracked open.  "....don’t kill me."


"I... no."  Lex's fingers caught Clark's in his.  "My relationship with my father is one big issue.  One big issue that's made up of thousands of little issues."  He squeezed Clark's hands, and then reached up to rub out the furrow in Clark's brow and forcing his eyes to open.  "I'm not going to kill you."


 "Clark... you make me happy.  I'm happy because of you.  I'm... anything else in my life is simply incidental at this point, because as long as you are in my life, I don't have anything to be unhappy about.  It's... trivial."


He smiled again and instead of answering he swept his lover up in his arms, hauled him close, and gave him a bear hug. "You make me happier, sa’lumkana. But really, we're a mushy bunch of guys. How does that go for our reps, huh?" He growled into Lex's neck once and toppled onto the bed....


And tickled him, without mercy. "Cheetah. Bet I can make you giggle."


 "I do not giggle, Clark.  Nor am I ticklish.  However, you are welcome to try."  Lex leaned back on the bed, lacing his fingers behind his head as he waited.  


He leaned down, removed a sock and a shoe, and wrapped his mouth around the tiny toes, sucking once before blowing lightly over them.


Lex's foot twitched as the cold breath blew over his foot, and he raised an eyebrow, looking down at Clark.  "This is what you do?  You're going to have to do better than that, Clark."


Gently, softly, without another glance, he sucked twin toes in his mouth, and sucked hard before moving up and down… much like he did to certain other appendages, watching his love with a sweet glance.


Lex sucked in a sharp breath between his teeth as Clark blew his toes.  Literally.  Arousal flushed through him, and he moved his hips, thrusting them gently as he raised his foot and wiggled his toes against Clark's tongue.


The slim toes slipped from his mouth with a slick wet suction, and he leaned in and wrapped his lips around the big toe, sucking on it like he was mouthing Lex's erection...laving the tip, then all around, before sliding it into his mouth and sucking, working it with his tongue. Smooth fingertips gently caressing a smoother ankle, and green eyes fluttered closed as he gave his lovers toes affection and love.


"I thought... we were tickling... not teasing," Lex gasped out, head tilted back as his hips and feet thrust forward into his lover's mouth.  His hands had moved from behind his head to rest on his knees, and his nails dug into his skin.


“Got sidetracked." He murmured softly, letting his teeth scrape the big toe before he let go and gently moved his mouth up the clothed leg...up, past the hip, and he gently lifted Lex's shirt to thrust his tongue into the dip of his lovers navel. He could almost see the quiver that shot straight to his lovers groin, and he hid the wicked grin into his skin as he kissed up. Over the shirt...stopping to tap a hard nipple through cotton, before down a strong shoulder...over a smooth bicep...and finally, his fingers. He lifted Lex's hand and studied it for a long moment...looking at how the tendons and muscles connected.  He took Lex's first finger in his mouth down to the root and sucked, hard.


"Clark!"  Lex couldn't help the exclamation that slipped out of him as his finger was engulfed in the hot wet cavern of Clark's mouth.  He sat up, using his free hand to push himself up and then pulled himself forward.  His mouth latched onto the back of Clark's shoulder as he kissed down and forward over his chest.  "Can two play?" he asked breathlessly.


He grinned around Lex's finger and sucked the middle one in too, sucking in tandem and letting his tongue stroke and sooth the trembling flesh. A light shrug...then a groan as lips ghosted over his clothed chest, sighing and letting the fingers go with another soft slurp. "Lex..."


Lex's teeth worried the ridge of scapular bone as he listened to Clark groan.  As soon as his fingers were free of the inferno of Clark's mouth, Lex moved quickly, sprawling over Clark's lap as he thrust his tongue into a mouth still open from his call of Lex's name.  "If you're not... going to say... 'let's make love together, Lex' then I'm not sure I want to hear it," he growled playfully.


Clark clasped his fingers tightly about the smooth skin above Lex's ears, tugging him in, winding his legs around his waist, and growling back as Lex did that thing, where he thrust his tongue down his throat and thrust his hips forward at the same time. The growl turned into a lusty moan, and he began to struggle with his lovers clothes as his mouth was invaded. "Was gonna.." Gasp, wrenching at Lex's sweat as he began to role the expensive clothe up his back. "Ask you to make o-out, b... but..." He let out a lusty chuckle. "Cant say no to sex."


Lex's laugh was lost in the struggle to remove clothes.  "Mother--Clark... I have a full closet.  Do not be afraid to tear.  This shirt is already ruined."  He rocked his hips against Clark again as he took another deep kiss, tongue delving deep and sweeping back out in teasing licks over Clark's palette.  "Why... why make out... when we... can do this?" he asked between panting breaths.


And he couldn’t help it; he was giggling and laughing...and when the shirt tore down the middle, he burst into peals of laughter. "I ripped your corset off!" And alright, well, he couldn’t stop laughing long enough to kiss him, the laugh long and husky and turned on as he rose his hips and pressed wickedly against Lex's.


"I'll... show you a corset, Clark."  Lex pushed Clark back, and disappeared into his closet.  A thump inside, and a hidden door in the wall opened into a second closet, and before long, he reappeared in front of Clark with a black leather corset tied across his chest.  A twist of his torso and the ties were in back where they should have been.  "Now... rip this corset, Clark."  He pushed Clark back on the bed, attacking him with a sudden fervor as his hands kneaded like paws at his lover's shoulders.


Except...well. He was in shock. He gasped, eyes wide in his flushed face, and he sank back long enough to get a good, long look at him. He stopped Lex's furious hands and just stared, watching him with deep, opaque eyes. It looked...looked almost like he...he had breasts.


Oh, God.


His moan was deep, guttural, and his fingers ghosted almost...reverently across the hard materiel that covered Lex's slim waist. Oh. Oh, Jesus. Oh. God. He rose his fingertips up...over the cups where breasts should have been... then higher, where Lex's slim collar bone peaked out.


A sudden gasp and he wrenched his hips up, just once, and came so hard he saw stars, letting out a wail of pleasure erupt from his lips as he came hot and hard between them, partially in his jeans, and partially all over his shirt.


Some fell on Lex's black covered belly, and he was sure his eyes rolled back in his head.


Lex looked down in complete and total shock at his lover.  He hadn't expected the corset to turn his lover on quite so much or so fast, and an idiotic grin spread across his face, despite the fact that he was still hard and wanting. 


Clark... liked the corset.  It was a fair chance that... "Don't move."  Lex kissed his lover deeply.  "Trust me." 


A quick trip back into the closet brought Lex back out in a mid-length black leather skirt instead of slacks, heels on bare feet, and he straddled Clark's waist as quick fingers unbuttoned his jeans.  Without a word, he leaned over and engulfed Clark's cock in his mouth, sucking hard as the corset rubbed against the denim of Clark's jeans. 


He let out a hard, harsh scream, cock already beginning to harden as blood rushed to his groin, fingers ghosting down over him as he watched. Leather, and a corset, and heels, heels and Lex was leaning over him and if Clark thought just right, he could imagine painted lips around him.


He let out another long wail and twisted his hips, completely hard again as he arched and ached, sobbing with want as he squirmed on the sheets, latching onto the slim blankets and gripping hard. "LexLexLEX!"


He could see where the corset was rubbing against him, see the leather clad bottom bop up in the air as Lex sucked him hard, and he let out another wail, throwing his head back and clenching his eyes shut as he thrust up without being able to control himself. "LEX!"


"Good boy, Clark... get hard for me.  That's right."  Lex made sure that Clark's cock was slick with his saliva, and then moved back.  He mounted his lover quickly, skirt flaring out on either side of his legs as he slid down on Clark's cock, heels digging into the mattress.  "Look at me, Clark."  He braced his hands on Clark's shoulders as he started to ride.


He let out another scream and grasped Lex's hips as hard as he could without hurting him, eyes peeled to the way the skirt slid on either side of his lover, of the corset and the image of heavy breasts that piece of materiel made seem were there. Then invisible heat, trapping him, and he arched and buried himself as far as he could go, eyes shut tight and ignoring his lover as he started to meet every single one of his thrusts, pushing and arching with a heavy, dark moan.


The leather skirt slid over Lex's skin as he started to sweat, and his thighs gripped Clark's waist tightly as he moved.  The noises coming from his lover enthralled him, and Lex stopped moving, clenching his ass tightly on Clark's cock to get his attention.  "Look at me, Clark... I want you to look at me when I fuck you, do you understand me?"


The only reason he didn’t come when Lex's inside muscles gripped him was because he just had, ten minutes prior. And that’s it. He let out another wail, blood all but boiling in his veins as he threw his eyes open...and watched, with a nearly dry mouth, at what was there for him. Lex, the black, the leather, his heavy gasps, the way his chest heaved and everything...moved. And it was strange, because he wasn’t attracted to women at all, but seeing his lover, there, on top of him, it was possibly the most erotic moment of his entire life. To date. And that was saying something else.


"Good.  I want you to keep watching me, Clark."  Lex started moving again, his hands on Clark's at his hips as he rose up and slid back down Clark's hard cock.  Then, he let Clark's hands go, trusting him to keep the rhythm as he closed his own eyes, sliding his hands over his waist, then up the leather corset to the lightly padded cups which he stroked as though they were breasts, and then back down his sides to brace his hands on Clark's thighs.  The motion pressed his hard cock forward, and it tented the leather skirt, outlined in relief by the black material.


No problem moving, nononono, not with moving, god no, and he arched and thrust...then let out another shattering cry as Lex's eyes fluttered shut and...those hands. Those hands, like white silk, moved over all that black erotica, over his waist, up to cup his breasts, and he thought he was going to die a very agonized death any moment. His heartbeat was thudding in his ears as he watched, as Lex's thumbs brushed over nipples that he knew weren’t there but almost seemed like they were...the down, down over his front before Lex's fingers touched blazing hot skin, and he let out another hard cry as his hands laced up underneath the leather and grasped Lex's bare waist, slamming into him as hard as he could at his angle, eyes clenched like his jaw.


Another tight clench of his ass around Clark's cock.  "I said... open eyes.  Or I stop, and you never see any of this again."  He pressed down against Clark's pull up, slowing the thrusts into him as he clenched down.  "Open, Clark."  The leather was moist and he could feel sweat and precome mixing and rolling down his thighs under the skirt.


He opened them, letting out a needy sob as he tried to push up and found he couldn’t, watching him and begging, begging, babbling incoherently as he tried to push up...fingers sliding under the skirt to shape his fingers against the tight, hot cock that was supposed to be there, but with Lex looking like this, he almost found he hadn’t expected it. He stroked, moaning, aching and pleading for him without words to move, movemovemove, because if Lex clenched once more around him he was going to lose his mind and his control, and he wanted, wanted Lex to come. Come too, hard and fast and hot.


"That's... that's right... jerk me off."  Lex's voice was harsh, and his body was a tensile arch as he fought the need to come.  He gripped Clark's thighs hard as he started moving again, sweat rolling off his head, down his back, even between his thighs as the friction of Clark's hand added to the wet, sweltering heat between his legs.  "Make me come, Clark."


He wanted to roll Lex over and pound into him until he bled. He knew he wanted it, he accepted it, and he fought the sensation every step of the way. His mate was in charge, and it pleased Lex enormously to be so, so he gripped the dripping cock in his hand and jacked....moaning loudly at the image his hand moving under Lex's skirt made. Comecomecomecome so close, close close and he thrust hard into his lover, his Lex, not closing his eyes despite the fact that he was blind. "Lex! Oh, God!"


Lex's ass clenched around him a final time as Clark's hand jerked his cock.  The last conscious thing he did was reach under himself and twist Clark's balls almost violently, keeping him from coming.  "Some... somehow... I know, Clark... what you want to do."  He was fighting to get the words out, his own balls boiling with the need to get off.  "Scary... but amazing... knowing what you're feeling."  He couldn't hold back any longer, and he came hard.  Come spilled all over Clark's hands, fell back to pool on Lex's own balls and thighs in the hot confines of the leather skirt.  Lex's eyes were screwed shut, and he was riding the hard cock spearing his ass.  "Do... do it, Clark... you know... you know I want it."


He let out a sob of want, feeling his lover clench around him hard as he came, and Clark stilled his rapidly moving fingers and held tight as his lover came. He kept jacking, slowly, to work him through the orgasm, and almost...almost reluctant to let go. Or, reluctant to let go if he was conscious whatsoever of his actions. He let out a sob, stilling his rapidly firing hips, and tugged, pulled Lex into his chest....feeling the slick slide of wetness between leather and Lex's skin, and moaned as he rolled over. He was thrusting before he had Lex on his back, shoving into him as deep as he could go before pulling out almost all the way, over and over and over, letting out harsh, hollow cries into a slim, naked shoulder.


Lex's legs were weak from the hard orgasm as he moved against Clark, using the little strength left in him to lift up and meet his lover as Clark pounded into him.  The skirt was pushed up around his waist and it freed his cock as the humid rush of air between his legs escaped and in its place the dry heat of his lover's thrusting body.  His hand worked his cock as he felt himself rising again, almost impossibly soon if Clark's arousal wasn't leaking into his body.  His other hand caught Clark by the back of the head, and guided his mouth to the already-healing marks from the day before.  "Mark me, Clark."


He streaked the skirt up as far as it would go on the slim hips and pounded in, watching as his body was accepted in by Lex's, and then back out...then up, the heavy balls already hardening and tightening, and...slim, perfect fingers around his wet, come smeared cock as he jerked it.


No more thought, gone, moving as fast as he would allow and then...then Lex's fingers. And the offering of the slightly marked, smooth neck.


He buried his face in and bit, hard, watching the bite blossom for a moment before he leaned down, buried his face in Lex's breasts, and erupted. Hard, so hard, so deep inside his love and he let out a hollow cry into the luxurious warmth around him, pounding in, straining and stilling as he twisted his hips. So hard, so hard, pleasure all over his body, and he moaned hard once more before collapsing onto Lex's hard body.


Lex arched and cried out as Clark's teeth marked his skin again, re-bruising but not bloodying the prior mark.  Another thrust, and the vibration of Clark's cry into his chest sent him into a second orgasm, harder than the first as he exploded into his own hand.  Come splattered against Clark's still-clothed body, dripped again onto Lex's body, and his throat was raw with panting and crying out as Clark fell against him.  Lex brought his arms around Clark's shoulders and pressed their bodies tight together, not knowing or caring if both sets of clothing were ruined by sweat and come.  "Clark... are you all right?"


He would be. Eventually. When he could think. Or move. Or breath properly. And when his brain wasn’t completely short circuited. Or when the heat of Lex's body wasn’t a total, shudder inducing experience. Buried so far inside the twitching walls, and...well, so much for vocabulary. He decided instead on a rough grunt, chest rising and falling as he lay there, over his lover, like a big boulder. Did he care? No. Just the heat from their come, sweat and his naked back and he still had his jeans on and he was so dirty. Uh GOD.


Lex let out a breathy laugh as he fought to catch his breath.  "That was... fun.  I never... knew you liked... skirts, Clark."  A teasing nip to his lover's eyebrow because it was the closest thing within his reach as he twitched his hips and caused his ass to shudder again around Clark's cock. 


Another grunt as he fought to move...failing miserably, so instead he moved his head a little to catch his Lex's gaze, swallowing heavily and moaning softly at the deep shudder within his lover. And god, how he loved being inside of him, even when they were done having sex. "Guhmph."


"I'll take your guhmph and raise it an mppgh," Lex teased, making the noise rumble in his sore throat.  "You should have told me."  A deep breath.  "The things I could show you."


"Uh..." A hard swallow around a dry throat, not moving an inch as he watched him. "Uh didn’t know. Mmph…like you li-like this. N… not cause you're a girl...cause you’re Lex. In... in a dress." Another hard shudder. "And high heels."


If he didn’t stop this, he was going to shudder himself right off the bed.


Lex thought about sitting up but gave up as he liked the feel of Clark laying on him too much.  "Does anything you find out... surprise you any more?"  His tone was teasing.  "It shouldn't."


“Was so surprised." He whimpered loudly. "I thought you were teasing about the corset."


Lex laughed.  "You should know... I don't tease."  He loved the sound of Clark's whimpering.  "I have... an entire closet... hidden away from prying eyes." 


He gasped. Oh. That had caught his attention. He got up on one elbow, looking down at his lover and he could almost feel his spent cock want to rise. If he hadn’t shot his entire body out of it just a few moments before. "Cl… closet?"


"Closet, Clark.  Full of clothes."  He smirked up at his lover, comfortable being pinned by him for the moment.  "Down, boy.  If you're good... I'll show you sometime."  He wouldn't mention that nearly half the closet had clothes tailored to fit Clark, just in case.  He'd let it be a surprise once he got the boy in there.


His pout was heavy and deep. "Show me now. Pleease?" Those big green pleading eyes. "I promise I'll be good."


Lex laughed softly.  "You have to get up off me first, and I don't think either of us wants to do that yet."


"Nuht uh." He smiled, and his face had that distinct drugged quality about it, like he was about to fall asleep.


And shocked them both, when he ripped the corset clean in half.


The skirt was next, though instead of being torn it was delicately rolled down slim hips, and Clark met his lovers eyes once before burying his face in his crotch. He licked and swathed his tongue through all the pooled come, lapping at it, taking it into himself in the only way he knew to show he had enjoyed this. Giving every spot of his genitals a warm tongue bath; behind his balls, across the slit at the tip, and a hard suck right at the top of the base.


Lex had been lulled by Clark's sleepy face and quiet voice, and he was shocked when the leather ties ripped and the corset fell to either side of him.  He raised his hips as Clark's eyes met his, and then when Clark's rough tongue started lapping him clean, he cried out softly, mewling cries of quiet pleasure as Clark licked and nipped.


He didn’t bother glancing up because this was wonderful. Lapping and licking, taking all the taste for himself and none for anyone else. Possessive, wanting, aching.


And as soon as he'd finished he crawled back up his body and pressed a tender, soft kiss against Lex's forehead...his nose...then his lips. "Taste like leather, like goodness." A soft exhale, as he rolled off of his lover and tugged his naked body in close...feeling much more comfortable and secure of his lover like this. "You had boobs."


Lex wrapped around Clark, and snorted breathlessly.  Clark's licking of him had given him a chance to catch his breath and lose it again, all at the same time as he became quietly aroused again, though thankfully he wasn't hard yet.  "I had padding, Clark.  My cock prevents me from having tits."


"But they were boobs. They were." He insisted it. "In my Lex, head, I..." He couldn’t help it; he opened their link that had gone quietly unnoticed for a while and shared with him the image he'd taken...Lex, atop him, riding him, heaving chest that from his angle looked real. Of the hard cock jutting out from the leather...of the pure, hot pleasure of what seeing this caused him. "See?" A moment. "Lex...did we just have cross dressing sex?"


Lex shuddered at the image of himself riding Clark like that.  Viscerally, he'd never realized how he looked dressed like that, and he felt an absurd spear of lust... for himself.  A deep twitch in his belly, and he wondered if it were Clark's leftover lust he felt.  "I... I see.  They do look real."  He sucked in a deep breath.  "We had kinky sex.  We won't have cross dressing sex until we get you in a skirt too."


He smiled as he watched Lex's belly twitch...almost unseeable, but he caught it. "My lust. Just thought I'd share." And then, well, Lex had to go and mention stuff about Clark in a dress, and he lost whatever "it" he'd managed to retain in the last few minutes. He felt himself darken, stutter, his body reacting so, so badly to that as his eyes flew open. " too?"


"You too, Atticus."  Lex rubbed his belly, feeling the twitch.  "Interesting feeling, that... I never quite realized what an odd feeling it was to feel lust... for yourself."


"Welcome to the world in which I live, Lex." A soft, wicked smile as he gave an ever so shallow thrust against his lover and he rubbed his belly for him, in gentle, soothing, arousing strokes. "You looked so good. I want to see what you've got...I want to go out with you looking like that. makeup. And...and hose."


"I never wear hose, Clark.  They irritate my skin.  But you're more than welcome to them.  I actually prefer stockings with a garter belt."  He thrust easily into the shallow strokes.  "And I have enough cosmetics to make us both into the belles of the ball."




"Hmm?"  Lex answered, drumming his fingers lightly on Clark's shoulder.


"I love you." A quiet, tender smile, and he leaned in and kissed Lex with all the gentleness he felt.


Lex returned the gentle kiss, slipping his hand to the back of Clark's neck and holding him there.  "I love you," he whispered into the young man's mouth.





Lionel's angry stride carried him quickly to the kitchen where he barked out orders for an ice pack and then once it was made, he moved back to the stairs, carrying it quickly to the upstairs bedroom, and knocked firmly on the door.  "Jiminy?"


He rose his eyes, looking at the bedroom door from his spot at the bathroom sink, and called softly. "You don’t have to knock, Lionel." Oh, yeah. His jaw was gonna be nice. Big and black and blue. Wonderful. He walked out of the bathroom, tennis shoes already toed off and by the door, and he cracked the bedroom door open.


"I know," Lionel said.  "I just do it anyway."  He closed the door behind him as he walked to the sink.  "Let me see."  He placed the ice pack in Dominic's hand, and clicked his tongue.  "My son has a better hook than I gave him credit for; I only hope his nose bothers him as badly."  He raised Dominic's hand and kissed the back of it before putting it to his jaw.  "Lie down, and let me look at your shoulder."


 A low, soft laugh, angling his jaw and swiveling it a few times. "Its alright. My arms alright, too. I just want to lie down for a little while. Lex makes me tired." He glanced up at him, and let his brows crunch. "I know you heard him. I’m so sorry, Lionel."


"It's all right.  I suppose I needed to hear those things, no matter how much they bothered me.  It's not your fault, Jiminy.  You have nothing that you need to apologize for."  Lionel nodded, and closed his eyes.  "Would you mind if I laid down with you?  Or... would you prefer to be alone?"  He opened his eyes and looked at his lover.  "Either way, I'll understand.  I won't hold it against you."


"Lionel, if I had any energy left, your nose would be broken too." He linked an arm about his waist and walked with him to the bedroom, head on his shoulder. "I never slept with him, Lionel. Don’t ever think that. Don’t ever question. He was 16, he sucked me until he passed out. I never came...never got hard, in fact. Don’t tear yourself up over it, because I know you will." A pause, and he sat on the edge of their bed. "Of anyone, I thought he would understand the most, about you and me. That he'd get it. And its...he's just like the rest. He doesn’t get it. But if you've taught me anything, its that I don’t have to prove myself to anyone. And I don’t plan to.”


"I don't believe you did, Dominic.  I was there.  I saw the ways he would stagger in, unaware of who and where he was, at all hours of the night and morning.  I don't doubt for a moment that you were telling the truth."  He leaned his head so that his cheek rested on top of Dominic's head.  "I don't think anyone would have blamed you if you had gotten hard or gotten off; from some things I've overheard, my son is quite... skilled in that area."  A small, bitter laugh as he let that fact out.  "You realize he was fucking people I was doing business with every day, don't you?  He would start with their children but then he'd be fucking the fathers soon enough, and I heard about it."  A shake of his head.  "I think there are things that we both hold against each other."


"Why though, Lionel? Why do you hold it against one another, after all these years? He's been sober for over two years now. He's been a good lad, he finished school, he's...he's normal. I...remember, what I said? About clean slates? Wipe it clean, lover. Don’t...don’t be me and my father."


Lionel sighed.  "Why, Dominic?  Why is because of little displays like that.  Why is because of the bruise on your jaw."  He sat down on the bed and pulled Dominic down beside him, waiting for his lover to get comfortable before lying down beside him.  "Just when I think that he has grown up and can be erased of his faults, he throws a childish display of temper, throws physical punches, and does his best to hurt both of us with every word from his mouth.  That, beloved, is not the behavior of an adult."


"He's not an adult, Lionel." Softly, leaning his head in close and cuddling warmly, sighing. "He's barely twenty one. Five years ago he was sixteen. Five years before that, he was eleven. He's still a baby, and he's trying, and if it were me Id be reacting the same. Just… give him time. It'll happen...its not an overnight process. Its going to take a lot of talking and spending time with one another and being neck and neck."


Lionel didn't answer right away, instead kissing Dominic's temple as his head nestled close.  "I suppose that you're right.  To me, Lex has been an adult for the last... five or ten years, because he's never... never done anything that I would associate with a child's behavior.  I will... I will try to keep in mind that Lex, for all of his bravado... is still a child."


He was tired, now...sleepy, and he didn’t want to think about that anymore. He didn’t want to think about Lex anymore, not now, when he was in the circle of those hard, gentle arms. "Lionel...I...I need to ask you something."

"Ask me anything, Jiminy, and it's yours."  Lionel kissed his temple again, and pulled him even closer.


"Last made me feel it was something surreal. You… you made me feel things inside me that I’ve never felt before, never thought I'd ever know. It...I...thank you." He swallowed as best he could, speaking the tender words and glancing up at him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," was Lionel's soft reply.  "You make me feel like that every second of the day... you make me into a better man.  If I can give you back even a part of that simply by showing you how much I love to touch you, how much I adore and worship you, then that's all that I ask."  He brushed his mouth over his lover's, kissing sweetly.  "Get used to it."


His voice dropped a few levels, pitch soft, tone gentle until it was a whisper against a soft neck. "It was like laying with you for the first time. No one ever touched me, loved me like that. No one made me feel so whole, so part of something. if I wanted to, I could have had the stars in my hand, or stopped the earth just to preserve that single moment when you slid inside me and whispered in my ear that you loved me. When… when you gave, and took nothing for yourself. And I love you, Lionel. I love you for making me feel complete, and whole, and alive.  I...I suppose that’s why, today, when Lex called me your had to make sure he knew I wasn’t, not at all. I’m not...I don’t think I ever have been. I had to make him understand it wasn’t cheap, it wasn’t anything but completely, awe inspiringly, beautiful."


"I... I don't know how to say what I am feeling, Dominic."  His hands rubbed his lover's gently.  "But last night... last night I loved you for the first time.  I didn't want... I didn't want it to be you giving to me.  I wanted to give to you.  To make you feel just a tenth as special as I feel when I'm with you."  Another soft kiss.  "If you want the stars, I'll buy every one in the sky for you."


Lionel leaned over and kissed his beloved warmly, clasping him tightly.  "Dominic... I don't want to... but I'm going to have to leave.  I took a call earlier, in the bedroom.  There's trouble in Hong Kong, and I don't dare leave it to anyone else.  Normally I'd trust it to you... but you're in no condition to take care of it.  I'm expecting to be gone a week, but it could turn into two.  I will be home before Christmas."  He brushed another kiss over Dominic's lips.  "You are going to stay here.  Or, if you're not comfortable here without me, then I'll have you driven to Metropolis before I leave."


His eyes snapped to his, and already, here came the shakes of his head, the pleading in his eyes. "No, Lionel, I’m alright, I would be fine to travel with you. You can trust me, I could still do a good job if we went together."


Lionel raised his fingers and rubbed them lightly over Dominic's lips as he spoke, and then waited for him to finish.  "Absolutely not.  You're well on the road to your recovery, and I won't have it set back this close to the finish."  He pressed feathery kisses over Dominic's face, moving his mouth carefully, lips nibbling gently.  "When I come back, you'll be well again."  He nuzzled delicately at the joint of his lover's wounded shoulder.  "Do you want to come with me, miss your family's arrival here, and set your recovery back until after the first of the year?  Or will you let me go alone, and be well for me when I come back?" 


"Do you really want to help me, Dominic?  Stay here.  Watch over my interests here.  The plant.  My son.  His lover."  His eyes met Dominic's.  "Don't weep.  Please."  He caressed his love's cheek gently.  "I will ache for you every night, Jiminy."


His brows creased and he looked down, playing with the second button of Lionel’s shirt for a long moment to get his composure back, lower lip sucked in and held between his teeth for a long moment before he spoke, the sound gruffer then before. "I cant be away from you for two weeks."


"Yes.  You can.  Dominic... there will come a time, in the future, when I will no longer be here."  He clasped Dominic's hand against his chest, and held it there tightly.  "You must be able to function without me."  He brought the hand to his mouth and kissed it before putting it back on his chest.  "You must."  A quiet pause.  "If you want to come along, I'm not strong enough to stop you.  But we both know it would be best for you, and your health, if you stayed."


His chin trembled hard for several long moments, throat swallowing reflexively as Lionel suddenly painted a life of himself without his lover, and the thought...the thought nearly tore whatever was in his heart away. Terrified. It terrified him. " You wont. You wont be gone. You cant. cant, Lionel, could never function without you, I couldn’t. You’re the part of me that’s happy and strong and good, and like... Like you said once. I can never lose you, because I don’t know what would become of me. I would...I couldn’t." And that said, he swallowed down the chunk of his heart that was lodged in his throat and nestled in close. "I cant make the trip, I know that. I'll get sick again. And...and I know you have to go. But... You promise me you wont be gone long? You promise?"


Lionel said nothing for a long moment as he pulled Dominic close, as close as he could hold his lover without sharing the same skin.  His hands touched and cradled gently, voice starting to quietly whisper soothing words.  "I promise you, Dominic.  I will not be gone long.  Two weeks at the most, sooner if I can possibly arrange it."  He breathed deeply of Dominic's scent.  "I will call you, to make sure you are taking care of yourself."  A kiss to his lover's short hair.  "I will be around for quite a while longer, Dominic.  Don't think you're getting rid of me so soon."  Another kiss.  "But in twenty or thirty years... it will happen.  But that's to be talked about then... and not now."  His legs tangled in Dominic's as his arms held tightly.  "Do you want to help me pack?"


He cuddled his chest close, wrapping his arms around his long back and snuggling, face buried in his shoulder as they spoke. Lionel’s tender caresses and soft murmurs were like a balm, and they calmed the mind numbing, gut wrenching fear inside of him for the moment. "Yes you will be here, for another 30 years. Because I said so. We've got 30 years of bitching left in us." Quietly, and fingertips gently grazed the ends of Lionel’s hair. "Call me every night? Please? And yes, I'll help you pack. When...when do you leave?"


"As soon as possible; probably this evening, as soon as I have the plane fueled and ready for flight."  He sighed.  "The timing couldn't have been worse; I am serious when I say that given the situation between you and Lex, if you want to stay in your apartment while I am gone, I'll drop you off there myself as I drive to the airstrip."


" family will be here in a handful of days. And believe me when I say this...we don’t fit in my apartment." Sudden, apprehensive glance up, and he traced his lovers lips softly with his fingertips. "Are you sure its alright that they stay here? Maybe I should ask Lex."


Lionel kissed the soft finger as it touched his lips.  "I don't think so.  Lex would deny you merely to be a bastard.  However, the last time I checked, it is still my name on the deed to this home, not Lex's.  And your family is welcome here.  If my son doesn't like it... he and his attitude can find another residence for the holidays."


"I want to see my family so badly, this year. After everything...I need them, to ground me again." Softly, caressing the soft kisses against his digit. "They’re going to adore you. I just wish you could have been here, beloved, to meet them when they got here." Softly, and he leaned forward to press a kiss where Lionel’s heart beat hard and strong under his ear. "I want you to meet Ellie, and my twin. My mother." Sudden, soft smile. "I’m positive they wont leave till they’ve met the man of my dreams."


"Have them stay until New Year's," Lionel suddenly decreed.  "If they're able, that is.  "That way, I will get to meet your family and they will be able to spend time getting to know me as well."  He laced his hand through Dominic's and squeezed.  "I will do my best to make a good impression on them," he teased.


"Darling… its not impressions you should worry about." He paused, thinking about his family with a little grin tugging at the corner of his lips. "Perhaps maintaining your sanity, and do you see how you can make me smile when I was sad a moment ago?" He offered a mock glare.


"Then I have accomplished my goal; you don't realize how it rips at the heart I didn't realize I still had to see you sad."  He kissed the corners of Dominic's grin.  "If I can survive the horrible decade of Lex's descent into the underground, then I believe I can survive anything."


"You say that now. You might want to join your son after its through." A serious nod and he met his lovers lips and kissed him, soft and gentle, fingers lacing through all that glorious hair to drag him just a little closer. He looped his tongue about his lovers and tugged, bringing it into his mouth where it belonged, and gently stroked the tense back as they kissed and that warm breath tickled over him, as he felt every noise his lover made in his own skin.


Lionel surrendered to the kiss, drawing Dominic's tongue into his mouth for a gentle taste before giving his own back again.  His hands rubbed over Dominic's shoulder and down his arm, then fell to rest on his waist as he tucked Dominic closer in to him.  A quick break for breath, and Lionel adjusted their bodies so that there was no space at all between them, then kissed his lover again. 


Tender, soft, comforting, and when they broke, he felt...complete. All right. Like everything was...was going to be okay. "Alright, well." A soft, husky murmur...then a blink as laughter broke out a few hallways down, and he scrunched his brows at the tone in them. "Lionel? When you get back? Lets soundproof the bedrooms, yes?"


Lionel's forehead fell to press against Dominic's shoulder.  "I think... that would be a very good idea... for all of our sakes'.  I sincerely doubt they wish to hear us any more than we wish to hear them."


He smiled softly, tenderly stroking Lionel’s hair about his ear… then down to gently thumb the nipple ring… lower, to cup his slim waist and bring him in close. "I love you."


"I love you, Dominic."  He flinched at the scream coming from the other bedroom.  "Perhaps you'd like to call for that soundproofing while I'm away, yes?"  He touched Dominic's hand on his waist, trailed up to touch his shoulder and then his face, in almost the reverse direction Dominic had gone.  "I will miss you so."


He couldn’t help laughing, eyes dancing as they met Lionel’s, before he sobered just a bit and kissed him again, and again, fingertips rubbing at his skin in adoration. "Promise me you'll call. Promise? You wont be like," He dropped his voice an octave, "Yes, Dominic, I'll call". Back to normal. "And not call, right? Because if you do, I’m coming to Hong Kong, if you like it or not. I’m sure the prime minister would get it all arranged for me, as I listened to him talk about Zimbeya flowers for three hours the day before yesterday."


Lionel nodded.  "The last time I left you, Dominic... I went to Metropolis for three hours, and I called you the moment my helicopter left the ground."  He looked down, a twinkle in his eye.  "What does that tell you about what the telephone bill will look like?"


He couldn’t help a smile as he leaned forward and sucked a tender kiss from underneath his lovers jaw. "...Says the worlds second richest man."  He glanced up, eyes dancing, green eyes sparkling as he tried to get used to the idea of being away from his love for so long, but somehow appeased that he'd at least hear his voice. "Lex bought a 35,000 dollar Matchbox car at an auction once.. .and you let him. Do you remember? I nearly wept while cutting the check."


"And I will be third richest when the telephone company is done with me, but it will be worth it."  He returned the small smile.  "I remember, though now I am not sure why I did, nor do I know what has happened to that car.  I am sure it was wrecked with Lex's other vehicles at some point."  He rubbed a thumb over Dominic's goatee.  "I do remember you being rather... testy about it."


"It was a Hot Wheels car. I paid the equivalent of my year’s salary...on a tiny hot wheels car, Lionel." He looked up at him, totally aghast. "I was mortified, but when the dealer handed the box to Lex, I understand why you did it. He happy." He rose his face a little, smiling and letting his eyes fall to half mast as he nearly whispered, "I like it when you rub my goatee like that."


Lionel's thumb made the same motion again, kissing each of his lover's sleepy eyes.  "I like being able to touch you like this," he confessed quietly.  "By the time of the auction, $35,000 seemed a small price to pay to see a smile on my son's face."  Another light caress of Dominic's goatee.  "No less than I'd pay to see you smile... and so much more."


He gave him a silly, mock-spoiled look. "Its cause you love me, and you'll gladly pay ten thousand dollars worth of phone bills because really, why not just keep me happy, and in Smallville?" His eyes danced....then he blinked as more screams erupted from the other room, distinctly young Mr. Kents. "Lionel, what do you think of appropriating the western wing, for us? Sharing rooms with Lex and Clark hasn’t been a problem...until now. As they’re in the opposite hallway, and we might as well be in bed with them, I can safely say I wont be compelled to masturbate until you come home."


"I think... that is the best idea you've had all day."  He nibbled in amusement at Dominic's ear.  "In fact, that is your project.  Supervise having our things moved; perhaps you can get the charming Ms. Bird to assist you in marshalling the household troops."


"I think I'll do that." A soft smile, and he leaned in to gently nose Lionel’s neck. "You'll be safe? Promise you wont get into any mischief?"


"It will be hard, but I think I can manage for two weeks."  A smile into Dominic's neck.  "Especially with my heart here at home to guide me.  I will be safe, Jiminy."


"Promise? No unnecessary car rides? No excessive drinking? Going to bed at 10, getting up at 6?" He looked up at him, bat his lashes, and bit his lip.


"I will have a driver take me anywhere I need to go, and limit myself to two glasses of brandy, one of which I will have in the evening as I speak with you."  He bent his head, using his tongue to pry out the bitten lip and suck it gently.  "I give you my word."


He opened his mouth willingly, sighing into the warm, familiar lips that signified everything home was to him. "And for those cute boys… they can look, but they cant touch." A soft groan and he felt the tiny suck slide through his body and warm him all over; like a shot of wine, quick and warm. "That boy who pinched your butt last time got such a look from me that I bet you ten dollars that he shits his pants just thinking about you.”


"I don't believe I'll need to look... or even entertain.  So set your mind at ease, Dominic.  I will be faithful."  He let his eyes smile at his lover.  "There will be no boys or girls, I can give you my word on that.  I am going for work, not recreation, and the Minister knows this."


"I wasn’t asking that." Softly, though it pleased him immensely to hear the words, and he let his pleasure show. "You can masturbate, and think of me." And he shivered softly against warm skin at the thought. He'd never seen his lover masturbate for him, ever, and he wondered vaguely if...."That is, if you do."


That won a very deep chuckle from Lionel that soon turned into full-fledged laughter.  "I do masturbate, Dominic, and more often than you would believe."  The laughter died to small chuckles again, and he continued, the amused glint very bright.  "What makes you think I don't already do that?"


His cheeks flushed rosy and he looked up, eyes hopeful and questioning and full of joy, biting his lip once more. "You do? Really? I just… I never thought you did. I... I’ve always been there to help with that, you know? I never would have known." His words had the softest of accents, tender underneath the meaning of his words, and he smiled in pure pleasure. "Well, while you're masturbating and thinking of me, you can remember this and grin."


Lionel shuddered at the soft lilt.  "Say that sentence again," he commanded softly, voice suddenly husky.


He blinked at the sudden shudder, tipping his head and repeating it just as quietly as he had. "I’ve always been there to help with that....I never would have known." And there it was again, just as soft but it was there when it hadn’t been as pronounced before. Of course, Dominic didn’t even realize it, sounding normal to himself, and he watched Lionel’s face with curiosity. "Is there something I said wrong?"


Lionel kissed his lover hard.  "Nothing's wrong, Dominic.  Just... I never realized how... nice your accent sounds.  In fact... I don't think I've ever know you to speak with an accent, other than the light Wales intonations from your schooling."


He kissed back, eyes widening when his lover let go, and he tipped his head. "Ohhh. Is that what got you all worked up?" A grin that lit right into his eyes. "I try to suppress it when I’m around you, but it gets hard sometimes. Speaking standardized English gets to be a pain in the ass, but if my mother ever taught me anything is that its the proper way of speaking in the business world...and if I remember correctly, the only way to get anywhere in life. So...when I decided I was going to go into business, she sent me to a vocalizing academy we couldn’t afford for a few months, to get it under control." His eyes danced. "It used to be much, much worse."


"Don't... suppress."  The command was a deep, deep growl.  "It's fine when you're dealing with a boardroom full of tightasses, but... do not suppress it."  Another growl that should have been words, but really wasn't.  "It's nothing to hide... nothing to say 'it's worse' about."  A rueful grin.  "Believe me."


"Why Lionel..." He sent a questioning, surprised, pleased expression to him. "If I didn’t know any better, I would have said it...turns you on?"


Lionel's eyebrow elevated.  "Do you really think so?" he asked, with all the sarcasm he could muster.  He shifted so that Dominic's leg fell against his thigh, where his cock lay, stirring to life. 


Surprise, and a lance of pleasured amusement. "Well, what if..." He lowered his voice, let his accent thicken his words quietly as he gently stroked the bearded cheek with his fingertips. "I told you that it could be much more pronounced? Much softer?"


A hard shudder shot through Lionel's body, ending up in his cock which swiftly filled.  "I'd... have to hurt you... if you hid it... ever again."  He moved very gently against his lover's leg, so delicate that the motion couldn't be called humping.


Because Lionel had never humped a thing in his life and would damn not start with Dominic. Dominic would have to kick him in the ass if he even tried, but gently shifted and moved his thigh against his love. "Have ta hide it. You wouldn' understand me if I didn’t." He gently pressed soft kisses to each eyelid, then moved to his mouth and caught.


Another hard shudder and Lionel kissed Dominic fiercely, tongue thrusting in and battling for supremacy as he pushed in through soft lips to rake once over his teeth and then his palette before capturing his tongue to suck it roughly.  His lower body moved against Dominic's as he shifted again, tucking Dominic beneath him.


The shudder worked through him and he found himself reciprocating the feeling, letting him take his mouth with only a little bit of a fight, groaning softly as his lover sucked at his tongue. The hips moved more steadily, and he groaned as he was tugged and pulled underneath his lover, raising his hips so Lionel could press into his thigh. "Touch yourself, lovely...touch yourself thinkin' of me...listenin' to my voice here, in your ear," He leaned in and whispered, "Listen to me tell you how I masturbated this mornin' to how you'd made me feel."


A stab of want raced through Lionel's body and pooled in his cock.  A soft groan, and his hands were tearing at the button that held his slacks closed, at the zipper that confined him.  A few quick motions and he was open, cock thrusting out of his opened zipper of it's own hungry need as he wrapped his fist around himself.  The honeyed sound of Dominic's accented voice slid over him like silken fire and he squeezed tightly as he stroked.  "Talk... talk to me.  Let me hear you.  Tell me what you did."  Each word was a battle to get out.


His own nerve endings fired with lust, watching his lover scramble...then groaning softly as he watched those perfect, beautiful hands wrap around himself, and yes, well. So much for composure. "I always think of you. Always. Bent over the desk, letting me take you so deep inside. The tight grip of your ass around me, the sweet cries in my ear when I raise you to stand with me, let me take you like that, so hard and fast. I wrap my fingers about myself and jerk, so hard, like its you I’m fucking and its so hot and good and dirty. Our suits are all soiled and you just don’t care, letting me take you and love you, jack you off and bite your shoulder blades. Twisting...twisting you hard...just like that, baby, just like that." He murmured, watching Lionel’s hand around himself.


Lionel shuddered like the boy he hadn't been in decades.  Dominic's voice was a sweet sin in his ears, the pictures were teasing torment as his hand slid hard and fast over his cock.  He bit down his cries, not wanting to interrupt the honeyed flow of Dominic's voice as he jacked faster.  His hips thrust forward, his cock sliding faster in his hand.  "Promise me... you will... fuck me like that," Lionel gritted out softly, wrist twisting as he jerked himself off.  "Dominic... your voice... like honey... thick and sweet."


He blushed, but kept talking, pleasured beyond anything else at the hard heat he felt moving against his leg, the fingers, the strangled note in Lionel’s voice. "I’ve fucked you like that a million times in my mind. Sometimes its out in public… hard, quick sex in a bathroom stall, where we're both trying to stay quiet and just can’t manage it." Quietly, pressing soft kisses to his lovers face. "Sometimes you tie me up, so I cant get off my shoulders and knees, and you fuck me until I scream. Sometimes I think you have chains attached to my nipples from my balls, and as they tighten, they tug and...oh." A soft shudder, and his cock swelled hard in his pants as he watched his lover move. "Sometimes I think about you in black leather. Sometimes I think of you in chains."


Blurring images moving too fast for Lionel to focus on behind his eyes, Dominic's voice soft and hot in his ear.  Bathroom stalls and black leather and Dominic's face swimming in a black swirl behind blind eyes as he closed them and stroked harder.  So near now, his lover's softly spoken words sending erotic heat through his bloodstream and pooling always, always in his cock and he was an old man who couldn't take this!  His fist closed tight around the base of his cock in mid-stroke as he felt his balls twitching, and two more strokes later he exploded, coming hot and hard over his hand as he finally let out a soft moan.  "Dominic."


He felt him come...felt the heat on his lower belly from the come his lover hadn’t caught, and moaned along with him as he clenched his eyes shut and reached up, kissing him blindingly and tenderly and hotly. He rose his lovers fist a moment later and lapped at it, sharing this taste with him, licking at his knuckles and the back of his hand softly.


Lionel's tongue slipped almost lazily into Dominic's mouth, kissing him hotly in return.  When his hand was raised to his mouth, Lionel relaxed his fingers and hesitated only a moment before meeting Dominic's mouth, his fingers trapped between them, and he tasted himself and Dominic together for the first time.  "Promise me something, Dominic," Lionel asked softly, between cleansing licks and kisses.


Erotic. Like strawberries and seven up and salty cheesecake and ginger ale, only not quite. He couldn’t pinpoint it, but when their mouths met, it tasted so right and good, and he shuddered before his lover started to lick at his own fingers. "Mm hmm?"


"Promise me that you will find the courage in you somewhere to make those fantasies come true."  Lionel paused between licks to look at his lover's reaction.


His breath stuttered out, and he swallowed the sudden lump in his throat, gaze glued to his loves. "Do you...y-you mean that? You wont get angry with me?"


Sober eyes filled with love met Dominic's.  "I mean it, Jiminy.  I won't get angry with you; I told you once before, I enjoy making your fantasies come true."  He dropped his now-cleaned hand and leaned forward.  "I want you to have your fantasies too, Dominic... because you are mine."


He grinned, from ear to ear, and ever so softly pulled his hips away from Lionel’s, squirming out from under him...and instead, he reached in and snuggled him, spooned him in from behind...just holding him softly and tenderly, rubbing his lips against his bare neck. "Okay. I will, I promise, lovely one. I love you, so."


"I love you, Dominic... more than I thought I possibly could."  He stroked Dominic's hands with his thumbs, fighting the temptation to slip into a sated sleep beside his lover.  "I will hold you to that promise."


He did this, leaned in behind him, so that Lionel wouldn’t see him fighting the tears that were threatening to fall, the pain he felt at being away from his lover for 2 weeks. 14 days. How the FUCK was he going to make it? "Alright, beloved." Smooth and unnoticeable that he was moments away from burying his face in Lionel’s neck and bawling. "Will you let me sleep? And...and when I wake up, you'll be gone? I cant say goodbye to you, and I sound dumb, I know, but I cant help it."


"Of course, Jiminy."  Lionel's voice was uncharacteristically quiet, and he slipped his fingers through Dominic's.  "Sleep now, my love."  He brought their intertwined fingers up and kissed them softly, moving closer to Dominic as his lover lay nestled behind him.  "I'll be back before you miss me."


"Don’t think that’s possible." He whispered, and he nestled in close to him, gently stroking his fingertips for a few minutes...before his movements grew slower...then stopped altogether, and his breath was quiet with sleep… despite the two tears that had slipped and rolled down the side of his face.

Lionel waited until Dominic was still beside him, and then turned to look.  He nearly leaned over and kissed the tears away, but stopped a breath away.  He'd promised not to wake his lover, and it all but broke his heart to leave Dominic with tears on his face.  He packed quietly and quickly, taking the barest minimum of things he would need, and then stopped.  Walking to the dresser first and then to the bathroom, he picked up the bottle of Dominic's cologne, and changed it for his own.  Walking back to his suitcase, Lionel reverently placed the bottle of Happy for Men in a shatterproof plastic box and then in his suitcase.  The last thing he picked up was a pale green handkerchief, almost white with wear.  Usually worn in the breast pocket of his suit, Lionel folded the small square up and set it on the pillow beside his lover.  Then before he woke Dominic, he left.




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