
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 270: Ethan's Visit

The evening was warm as the heat of the day began to evaporate into the clouds overhead. The humidity had dried up as the day had progressed, and by the time Clark and Lex were leaving Nell's Flower Shop, with a dozen red tulips and white orchids, it was comfortable enough to breathe.

Lex? Was barely able to contain the giggles and sniggers as he carefully passed the flowers over to Clark, and picked the bottle of Merlot out of the back seat and put it gently in Clark's lap. He gave the slightly dusty bottle a little pet, then Clark's crotch, and then took the steering wheel with an angelic grin. "I can't believe you didn't know she fired you," he said, cranking the little Porsche up and revving the engine as he shifted into gear and pulled out into the light flow of traffic out of the slowly-reviving downtown area.

To tell the honest truth, neither could Clark.

Sure, he hadn't touched his cell phone for three weeks. Sure, he hadn't read his email in that long, his livejournal had been pathetically forgotten about, his groups and web friends left in the dust. But he couldn't *help* that--his life had recently exploded like a rebounding rillywheel, though he would have given anything to sink into fanfiction and never come out right about now.

So he just stared at his lover, blinked twice, and looked back out the windshield. "I can't believe I got fired."

Lex just patted him on the leg. "Good thing you're writing for the Daily Planet then," he nodded sagely.

Clark let his shocked gaze travel to his lover. Another blink... two in fact… and he stared at him. "At least she was nice about it." He answered, wincing slightly before closing his eyes with a sigh.

Lex just gave a little grin. "I'm not heartbroken, Clark; I've always thought you deserved better than slopping coffee out to people. Writing for the Daily Planet is a step in the right direction, believe me." Clark's astonished look wasn't lost on him.

Clark still made a face at him, but couldn't keep it for long. Since the afternoon when Lex had so skillfully taken away his renewed virginity, Clark had been this side of giddy. He got shivery for no reason at all, and felt stupid in love with his wonderful aushna'. Found himself blushing for no apparent reason at times, and gaze Lex shy looks, and he was utterly disgusted himself because he was acting like a blushing bride.

He just couldn't help it.

He was blushing now, brightly, his eyes downcast as he grinned a little to himself. "You think so?"

Lex's fingers skipped off the gearshift to slide up and down Clark's forearm. "Yeah, I really think so. Come on. You're this side of brilliant, you've got more abilities in your toes than most people in their whole bodies, and you're damned sure not a waitress, not that there's anything wrong with it."

"Waiter." Clark retorted back, but he grinned at his lover anyway and took the fingers on his forearm, raising them to his lips to kiss and lick gently. "I wish we didn't have to see my parents tonight."

"I know, but we promised." Lex didn't dare close his eyes and luxuriate in the feeling of Clark's lips and tongue on his fingers, but he wanted to. Instead he gave a little throaty purr, and smiled. "But we don't have to stay long; have dinner, have conversation, then go and do... whatever." He raised his eyebrow suggestively. He was actively avoiding mentioning anything to do with the hospital, or Dominic, for as long as he could.

So was Clark. He heard the ghost of the thought in Lex's head and instead softly nipped and sucked a little at Lex's thumb. It was very, very strange, because in many ways this didn't feel new, but in other did. He wasn't so sure he liked it. He wasn't the person he'd been before he'd been split, but neither was he someone else. He was... himself. With very slightly less experience. For instance, he wished with all his might that Lex was fucking him rightnowthisveryinstant because there was nothing as delicious as his lover pounding him into the mattress. And floor. And chair. And whatever other surface they deemed suitable for a nice, hot round. He liked it facing Lex, he liked it facing away from him, hands and knees, bent over a table. He could care less. As long as that hot length was pounding and claiming him.

He hadn't felt like this, this ravenous urge to mate constantly, since before Mar died.

And the fact that his libido seemed to be in full swing, happy again after so many months, made the spots of color return to Clarks cheeks.

Lex reached out with his thumb, stroking it over Clark's lips before sliding it over his cheekbone, then back down to Clark's mouth. He gently worked Clark's mouth open, sliding his thumb in as the rest of his fingers cupped Clark's cheek and chin, sliding the thick digit in and out as Clark sucked lightly on it.

His own cheeks were slightly red and he was panting softly, thanking God for a long stretch of road with nobody on it as he drove one handed, flirting dirtily with his lover using the other.

Clark moaned, very, very softly as Lex's finger slid slowly in and out. He used his free hand to carefully hold Lex's palm gently in his own, sucking steadily at the finger Lex had given him as a special treat, and he set about lavishing it with his tongue and teeth with as much skill as he could. He sucked softly at the base, licking upward towards the tip of the thumb, and nipped sharply at it as he moaned softly in his throat and squirmed in his seat.

Every suck on Lex's thumb sent little sparks of arousal shooting straight through his body, down to his groin, straight to his cock. If he dared to flick his eyes down, he could see the fabric moving and stretching tautly over his erection as it grew, and he himself moaned, taking his foot off the gas pedal as he closed his eyes, couldn't help it for a moment, then snapped them open again as he let the car's cruise control take over, keeping their speed steady as he steered, and let more of his attention wander to his lover.

He gave in to a wracking shiver as he felt Lex's arousal grow. His fingers could help but let go of the flowers and slide over Lex's lap, stroking over the hardening cock within the slender slacks and stroking firmly at the long length of heat he could feel burning against his palm through cotton. He groaned, in absolute crazed lust, around Lex's thumb, and whimpered loudly as he sucked, the sound reverberating across the very thing he was sucking.

Lex slowly and reluctantly pulled his thumb out of Clark's mouth, wiping the wetness off on Clark's lips before sliding it into his own to suck clean. He gave his lover a trembling smile, and put both hands firmly back on the steering wheel as he raised his hips. "I can't do three things at once," he admitted hoarsely. "And right now, your hand feels too good to give up."

Clark whined, piteously, high in his throat, before Lex all but gave him permission to do what he wanted. Except, they were going to get to his parents house any damn minute, but Clark didn't want it to *stop*, and he whined louder as he stroked over Lex's crotch, his tongue stroking out to lick his swollen lips in want as he rubbed over the hard erection matching his own underneath Lex's trousers.

"We're going--to be at--your parents' soon," Lex panted softly. "Can't stop... side of the road... too many questions of someone passes by," he said, most coherency leaving him as Clark's tongue licked his lips even as his lover's hand stroked harder and faster.

Clark whimpered again, loudly, and let go of his lover very, very tentatively. He would have rather cut off his own hand, and his cock was untouched, hard as rock in his pants. He forgot to breathe as he rubbed it upwards, eyes rolling closed in hot pleasure even as he fought to control the sensations in his body as hard as he could. "Stop? Have to, right?"

Lex nodded. "Have to." He leaned over the side console and rubbed his own red cheek against Clark's.

Clark mewled softly and rubbed his cheek against Lex's, blushing hotly as he forgot about himself, and tried in vain to get his mutinous body under control. He took a very deep breath and let it out just as slowly, quietly, throat bobbing as he fought to calm himself down.

"Think your parents will notice if I blow you in the car before we go in?" he murmured softly.

At *that* Clark nearly came. He moaned, loudly, mewling again as he shuddered all over. "Yes!"

"Think they'd care that I'm sucking their son's cock while they're in there waiting for us to come in for chicken and pumpkin pie?" he asked again.

Oh. Dammit. He whined again, putting on his best pout as he looked down at his crotch, and at Lex's words, willed it to go down. Did he want it to? No. But he couldn't always get what he wanted. ...Always.

Lex would have laughed if he hadn't been in nearly the same predicament. As it was, he figured he could help Clark with his problem, just a little. "Put the wine and the flowers in the back seat and open your fly," Lex ordered.

"Nooo." He shook his head frantically. "No. I can wait. I'm strong, dammit." His sore pride gave a wounded thump as he rose his chin, daring Lex to argue *that*.

"If you want to wait, that's fine with me," Lex said with a little shrug, and a bigger grin. "Just think what your mother's going to think when she sees just how much her little boy has... ah, grown, lately."

Clark looked at his lover in complete and total horror for about ten seconds straight before he burned crimson and ducked his head in both horror and shame. "You are... so mean!"

Lex burst out into laughter choked off by his arousal, but laughed all the harder at Clark's blush as he crowed.

Clark was absolutely mortified. Simply mortified. He covered his face with his hands and cringed as his lover laughed, making a face at him through his arousal. His erection, however, had the fun job of going down a little as Lex giggled at him, and he sighed in soft relief as he found himself softening enough where it wouldn't be... noticeable. "Butthead."

Lex blinked, rearranging himself with one hand as he steered with the other, using his foot on the accelerator to ease off the cruise control and put himself back in the driver's seat, so to speak. "I am not a butthead." He paused. "And that may be the first time that anyone's called me that."

"I'll make sure to call you it more often, then." Clark answered, sniffing at him regally as he adjusted his own cock. "Besides, I'm not huge. So shut up."

"Clark, you could give Whitney a run for his money, and between the two of you, you'd scare the horses."

"Nuht UH!" Clark yelled, glaring at him as self importantly as he could. "You are an exaggerating butthead, Lex Luthor, and I will have no further association with you." He turned his nose up, obviously joking with him, and sniffed again.

Lex just lost it at being called butthead Lex Luthor, and the whole car was filled with loud gales of laughter as he panted and choked for breath. "I'll get... out the yardstick... when we get home," Lex wheezed, holding his stomach against the steering wheel as he fought to breathe.

"HEY!" Clark yelled again, and glared at him, deeply, as he turned to regard the window. "I am so not talking to you. You're implying exaggerations, dammit!"

Lex was still trying to fight off the whoops of hysterical laughter. "Not.. implying. Telling!!"

Alright. At that, Clark grinned a little, but then glared again as they drove up onto Kent land, sniffling and unsmushing the flowers on his lap as he got ready to get out of the car. In truth he was fighting the giggles, but he was still miffed at Lex for laughing, and sniffled again in regal upset as he looked down his nose at Lex.

Lex snickered, couldn't help it, and brushed his palm against the length of Clark's cock as he retrieved the bottle of wine from between his lover's legs. "You go in first, so you get the hugs and I don't poke your mother's eye out."

"Ass." Clark glared back, smacking his hand away impatiently, leaning over to kiss him, and after a deep breath, and one more adjustment, he climbed out of the car with the flowers. His dad was sitting on the porch as he got out of the car and Clark rose a hand in greeting as he smiled. "Hey, dad!"

"Yes, I have a nice one, thank you," Lex muttered, returning the kiss deeply as he could before pulling away and climbing out of the car. Habit made him lock the doors and set the alarm, and he nodded to Mr. Kent as he tucked the wine bottle in his elbow and the keys in his pocket.

"Hey, son," Jonathan called from his rocking chair. His whittling knife was in his hand, and he was working on a woodcarving. "Your mother's been lookin' forward to gettin' the two of you over here for a while now, makin' sure you're taken care of." He nodded at Lex. "Lex, you too. Martha's worried about how skinny you are."

Typical. Hadn't seen his dad in almost a month, and his dad didn't say anything about it. Clark climbed the porch stairs, waiting for Lex, and then squeezed his dads shoulder as he passed into the house. "Hey mom!"

"Hi, baby!" Martha cried back, mimicking her sons enthusiasm before smiling broadly at the both of them. "There are the banes of my existence! Come on, come in!" She reached over and gave Clark a huge hug, Lex a kiss on the cheek, and motioned them both to sit as she waddled around the kitchen.

Jonathan put his hand over Clark's and squeezed it in return, smiling up at him as Clark went in the house. He didn't come in because he'd been chased out on the pain of death if he tried to help or coddle once more, and he just rocked quietly in his rocker. He missed Clark being around and underfoot, but he understood, in a way, that Clark was growing up no matter how much Jonathan wished it otherwise.

"Flowers," Lex cued in with a kick and a mutter, and he returned the kiss on his cheek as he sat down at the table. "At the risk of being clobbered with your oven mitt, Martha, is there anything that Clark and I can do to help you? We brought wine, though I think it'd be better saved to celebrate with after the baby's been born."

"NOT you too!" She snarled, glaring at Lex darkly as she waddled her way around, as she'd been doing for the last six months. She didn't need any help, but she smiled at him after glaring him into submission, winking sweetly as she kept moving around the kitchen. "The day I can't move around my own kitchen... will actually be sooner than anyone says. These kids are killing my bladder. If one if them isn't kicking it, the other's sitting on it." A heavy sigh as she smiled and poured them tea.

Lex held up his hands in surrender as he accepted the teacup. "I'm guessing that's why your husband has been banished to the front porch," he said, sipping delicately. "I wouldn't be a gentleman if I didn't at least offer to help," he pointed out gently. "Even at the risk of my own safety."

"True." She smiled at him, then at Clark, who had remained dutifully quiet. The happiness fizzled out of her, just a little, at Lex's obvious exhaustion, and the worry lines creasing Clarks eyes. Asking how Lionel and Dominic were was for later, though, when it wouldn't be awkward for either of them. So she set out the honey and sugar and milk, too, and smiled as she plunked herself in the stool across from them. "How did the exams go, Clark?"

"Good." Clark smiled right back. "You knew they would."

Lex's hand slid up to the back of Clark's neck and rubbed gently. "I'm proud of him. He managed to do it and do it well despite all the stress we've been under," and that was the closest allusion he'd make to the current situation. "I'm very proud of him." He kissed Clark's shoulder gently through the shirt, and blinked away the exhaustion as he grinned. "But you know that feeling, I'm sure."

"Of course I do." Martha answered pristinely, as she waited for the chicken to heat in the oven. "How's LuthorCorp? Is that new assistant of yours holding up?" She asked, as she rubbed her belly lightly.

"Wally? Oh, yeah. He's probably holding up better than I am, but we're really going to see what he's made of. I got the board of directors' vote of confidence today, which makes me CEO pro-tem until my father officially takes a leave of absence." Lex rubbed the heels of his hands over his eyes.

"You look tired." Martha commented, but nodded softly at him as she gently reached for his hand. "We'll talk about all of that later, or even some other time. Now, you and Clark just relax, and we'll have a nice dinne--" She looked up as a car door slammed outside, and looked up. "Oh, that'll be Ethan. He did say he was coming by for a moment."

Lex was only slightly startled. "I am tired," he confessed softly, and squeezed Martha's hand in return. He jumped at the loud slam of a car door, and shook his head. "Ethan. We sent Felicia flowers and I've called to see how she's doing, I just haven't had a chance to get to Metropolis to see her. And I should have. Fuck."

Jonathan was still rocking as he watched Ethan pull up in the driveway beside Lex's Porsche. It was strange, seeing his friend out of uniform after so long in it, and driving a blue pickup instead of a squad car. "Ethan! Come on up; Clark and Lex came over for dinner; Martha banished me out here cause I wouldn't stop fussin' over her. I'll go in with you."

Ethan was utterly exhausted. He couldn't help it--between hospital visits, having their marriage papers finalized, and trying to keep up with his job, he was a wreck. If he took any more time off from his job on the force he knew he was going to have to take time off without pay--something he just couldn't afford with a baby only a few weeks away.

So there he stood, tired, weary, and quiet, in front of Jonathan, hand outstretched as they shook hands firmly. "Jon. How're you doin'?"

"Better'n you, looks like." He shook Ethan's hand just as firmly, then dragged him into a hug. "Y'look like you been through the wringer. How's Felicia?" He pulled his friend carefully up the steps and let him sit down in the rocker. "Clark! Lex!! One you kids bring Ethan out some coffee?"

"I'll do it, Martha," Lex volunteered softly. "Just show me where it is."

Martha shook her head and stood up, hoisting herself off the stool and getting a mug down from the cabinet. She filled it up with hot coffee, added a bit of milk and sugar like she knew Ethan liked, without hardly thinking about it. "Ethan, come on in. We were just about to sit down to some supper, if you'd like to join us."

Ethan walked up the stairs with Jonathan and smiled quietly at Martha as she offered, despite her being as big as a boat. "No thanks, Martha. I've got to get back to Metropolis soon as I can. Just came by to see how you were all doin'." He nodded at the two boys. "Clark, Lex."

"Sheriff," Lex said softly. "How's Felicia doing?"

"Martha, we got enough to pack up Ethan a basket to take back? Get him some real food for a change, not that city crap he's been eatin'?" He clapped his hand on Ethan's shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"Of course." Martha answered, but was stopped by her son, who she glared at.

"Sit. Let me do something." Was all Clark said to smooth out her glare, carefully helping her back to her seat as he turned to the huge covered platters and fished out the basket from one of the cabinets.

"Fel's alright." Ethan rubbed his hand through his hair to straighten it a little, sighing softly. "Restricted to bed rest, so you know how that's going on her nerves. She can't overstress herself or it'll happen again, so she's sleeping a lot, when she can. She wanted me to come by and see how the Kents were, and check in on Lionel and Dominic."

Lex flinched, but looked Ethan in the eye. "I can tell you that, but chances are, you're not gonna want to tell Felicia. Dominic still hasn't woken up, Dad's terrorizing the staff, refusing to leave, and Clark had to haul him almost bodily out of the ICU to bring him home and give him a bath and put him to bed like a five year old. He won't step aside at LuthorCorp so I had to go to the board on my own and get their votes of confidence so I could step in until Dad and Dominic get back, and did I mention that Dad's therapist is considering closing her private practice so that she can take care of Dad's mental state?"

Martha gasped softly, and it was the only sound in the room for a long, long moment.

"Not to mention when... if... Dominic wakes up he's going to have to have extensive physical therapy, and that's if his mind hasn't been ruined by the swelling and hematomas he's had." Clark added, quietly. "Lionel will very likely not survive it if something happens to him."

"Shit." Ethan breathed softly. "Lex, I'm so sorry."

"There's also the possibility of strokes because of the pressure that's still building up in his head from the swelling. If one of the blood vessels burst and cause a serious stroke, then..." Lex let it trail off. "I'm sorry too, Ethan."

Ethan offered his hand to the younger man and shook his, firmly, squeezing it tightly. "If you guys need anything, just give me a call. I'll drop whatever."

Clark watched, quietly, and all of the pain of the last few weeks came back. He wish he could escape it for a little while again but alas, his little while was over, and it was time to rejoin the real world. He sighed softly as he covered the Tupperware he'd put the food up, and set them and soda's and cake inside of the basket itself.

Lex nodded. "I appreciate that," he said, returning the firm handshake. "But you and Felicia have both done a great deal for us in the past, and with Felicia ill right now, we wouldn't think of bothering either of you." He gave a smile. "I'm sorry we haven't been to see her personally, but things have been a little on the hectic side."

Jonathan just shook his head a little. "You don't have to apologize, Lex. Nobody's blamin' you for anything."

Lex looked rather startled, as though he hadn't quite expected that, and he gave a crooked little smile. "Thank you, Mr. Kent."

"Well, still. You let me know. Dom and Lionel are good men, and I hope it works out for them. Call me if anything changes, Fel's worried sick." A quiet sigh, as Clark offered him the basket. "Thanks again."

"No problem." Martha answered quickly, and kissed his cheek before giving him a tight hug. "You call us if anything changes."

"Will do. Thanks again for the food."

Clark moved around the table as the adults began to say goodbye, and wound an arm around Lex's waist, giving his hip a tender squeeze as he pulled him close to his side.

"We'll let you know, Sheriff." Lex wrapped his arms around Clark in return, leaving his head on his lover's shoulder as he stepped back, letting Ethan and the Kents say goodbye.

"If you need anythin', don't hesitate to call," Jonathan scolded. "Even if it's just somebody to come and sit with Felicia and keep'er entertained, hear?"

"Will do." He shook Jonathans hand to, and rose a hand to Lex and Clark. "See you both soon."

"Bye." Clark waved himself as his dad showed Ethan out, and turned to look down at Lex in his arms. He kissed the bare head gently, then the earlobe, tenderly nipping it to get his mind off of his current dark thoughts. He kissed his lovers neck and cheek, gently, holding him tightly in his arms. "I love you."

Lex waved silently to Ethan, closing his eyes as Clark gently kissed him. He knew Clark was trying to distract him, and he was trying his best to be distracted, but it wasn't working. It just wasn't. He'd been distracted all that he could be, and having laid everything out to Ethan, listening to thing after thing pile up, of all the things going wrong, all the factors that meant Dominic might not even survive and it was just too much to ignore as he gripped his lover's hand tightly.

Martha saw it, but she didn't say a word. Not yet, not until she heard Jonathan and Ethan walking down the walk. "Lex, baby, I'm so sorry. But you can't believe that something bad will happen--you can never go into something like that believing in the worst. Dominic's a very strong man. He's dealt with your father for twenty years, hasn't he? if that doesn't speak of his strength, I don't know what does. He will be okay. You have to believe it, baby."

Lex just gave Martha a sad half-smile. "I know that, Martha. I know how strong Dominic is. But my father is..." he paused, searching for the right words. "Is choosing to not deal with reality," he finally continued. "He's of the mind that Dominic will wake up and be perfectly all right, hale and hearty and ready to walk out of the hospital within moments. While I'd like to believe nothing more... someone has to look after the real things. The company, the day to day arrangements, things of that nature... Dominic is incapacitated, Dad is refusing... sadly, that leaves me to deal with it. Whether or not I want to." Lex's hand was still tight on Clark's, so much so that his knuckles were white.

"But you have us, baby." She murmured, and reached over to give him a huge hug, as much as she could while her children were dancing the conga in her belly. "You have Jonathan and me. Just say the word, and we're there. I may be as big as a house but I can help with whatever you need. Lionel will listen to me, I think. I hope."

"My father's not even listening to me any longer," Lex confessed. "Or to Clark. It took the both of us screaming at the top of our lungs and telling him that Dominic was going to die--" and his breath hitched in his throat "--before he'd even consent to showering, sleeping, and putting on clean clothes."

Jonathan rolled his eyes. "Honey? Looks like you and I are going to be paying a certain stubborn old bastard a visit in the hospital tomorrow, what do you think?"

"I think so, too." Martha answered, as she squeezed Lex's hands in her much smaller own. "Honey, we've got a history with your father than you don't know the half about. We'll be fine, I promise. We'll make him listen to reason, even if its only a little bit of reason. Mmkay?"

Lex looked down at Martha's delicate hands, and was careful when he grasped them back. "His therapist should be there tomorrow--her name's Elaine Nacheyez. I... think you'll like her," he said with a bit of a grin. "She'll be coming to the mansion later in the afternoon to talk to me; I've asked her to." His eyes flickered up to Clark. "I need the help."

Clark nodded, softly at Lex. He was so very, very proud that he could admit it, to his parents of all people, and gently squeezed his shoulder as Lex spoke with his mother. "She's fiery, mom. Like a little bombshell waiting to explode. She's the only one who's been getting through to Lionel without using curse words or threats." At that, he blushed a little.

"Sometimes, the only way the man thinks is when he's being cursed and threatened at." Martha answered, as she reached up to kiss Lex's cheek. "I'm glad you did, Lex. Come on... lets get a good meal in you." She answered, and turned to push them off towards the hall. "Go wash up. Your father will help me set the table while you do."

"No, Elaine prefers rolled-up newspapers," Lex said with a small laugh. He stood up when Martha kissed his cheek, and he let himself be pushed off down the hall to the bathroom that was just around the corner.

Jonathan went over to the cabinet and took down four plates, then reached two shelves over and brought down four tall glasses. He left the glasses sitting by the sink as he carried the four plates over to the table. "Don't think I ever seen that boy look so tired, Martha."

Neither had she. Which is why she'd kicked them out, so she could talk about them. Duh. She walked around towards him as well, slapping his hand and pointing at the sink and dish soap sitting there, as she took the glasses from him and set them on the table. "Its causing a terrible strain. My heart, however, lies with Lionel." At that, it gave a kick and squeeze. "The poor darling."

Jonathan flinched playfully from the slap on his hand, and obligingly stuck them under the tap, washing them with great vigor. "I don't know which I feel worse for; the kid or Lionel. Lionel's just a plain-ass stubborn goat, but Lex... I think Lex's too grounded in what is to have much hope in what could be."

"I know." A heaved sigh and she picked up the basket of rolls, leaning over her belly for the platter of mashed potatoes before waddling to the table. Not that she waddled, of course, she was too dignified for something like that. Walking carefully was more like it.

Hands now clean, Jonathan peered into the oven at the chicken, and then picked up the bowl of homemade creamed corn and carried it to the table too, then got the slaw out of the fridge and piled it on too. "We're gonna have to look out for those boys, Martha. Neither one of 'em is lookin' out for themselves, too busy lookin' out for each other and for Lionel too."

"I know. That's their biggest fault... or maybe their biggest gift. They love each other too much to care about themselves." At that, she smiled softly and set the utensils she was spreading out on linen napkins. "We will look after them, even if we have to drag them. Tonight I'll pack some sandwiches and things for Lionel."

"I think it's kind of both; nobody else ain't ever gonna about them the way they care about each other, and they both need it. I don't even know which one 'em needs it more. Clark cause he's special, or Lex cause he ain't ever had it before." Jonathan added butter to the table for the rolls, then got a bag of ice out of the freezer and started banging it against the counter to unfreeze it.

Martha decided to let him finish. She sat down with a soft sigh on her stool again, rubbing her aching middle softly as Jonathan went about it. "Get the chicken out of the oven, honey."

Clark heard that particular line, and couldn't help exploding into snickers as she said it. Heheh. then again, his brain was trying violently to be anywhere but where it was, so he just grinned at his mothers glare as he entered the kitchen, rubbing damp palms on his jeans. "Sorry, mom."

Jonathan chuckled softly too. "Bet your mother does want to get those two little chickens outta her oven soon enough," he said with a grin. "Come on in, boys, have a seat." He donned Martha's pink oven mitts without a word, and he brought out the large platter of warmed chicken and set it directly on the ceramic cooling tile sitting in the middle of the table.

Lex followed Clark out with dry hands, having dried them on the towels in the bathroom, and he was quiet as he came in. "That smells delicious, Martha."

"Of course it does, I made it." Martha answered serenely back, and caught Lex's arm before he passed her. She used it to get herself down, sighing as she looked down at her mountainous belly, and glared at Jonathan's back as she let Lex lead her to the dining room. "He says that now. You just wait, I'm only looking for an excuse to break all the bones in his hand."

Lex tucked Martha's hand firmly into the crook of his elbow. "And I'm sure you'll do it, too." He held up his other hand. "Squeeze here, at the base, of the fingers, it's where the thinnest bones are and why everyone breaks or jams their fingers. The little finger is the smallest bone and then you can move up from there," he confided.

"Really." Martha answered in interest, giving Jonathan an entirely sweet smile now, which made her son laugh. She noticed he sat in his usual spot, and it was nice to know things hadn't changed. She carefully pulled her seat out and sat in her own, smiling at Lex. "Sit wherever you like, dear."

Yeah, right. Clark was giving Lex the eye and motioning for him to sit beside him, fingers itching to grasp his lovers again as he and his dad each plunked down.

"Really." Lex gave Martha a kiss to the cheek as she settled in, then rounded the table to take the seat beside his lover, his intentions to sit there never even in question as he slid his hand under the table for Clark to grasp tightly. "Thank you again," he said softly, "for having us over."

"We're more than happy." Martha answered, smiling gently at him as she grasped her own husbands hand, over the table, linking their palms gently.

- = - = -

The meal that Martha had made them was delicious, though Lex hadn't expected it to be any other way. He'd eaten a little of everything, his appetite almost nothing but he ate to keep Martha and Clark from worrying about him. Chicken and potatoes, corn and coleslaw, rolls and even a slice of pie. Tea and coffee, and he felt like he wasn't going to eat again for a month. Of course, his back seat was full of little baskets of food for him to take home--half the pumpkin pie, two meals' worth of chicken, more corn and potatoes than he'd seen in one place in a very long time. There were also fresh fruits and vegetables in the basket--despite the still daily deliveries of Kent Farm Organic Produce to his estate, Lex was still being given food.

If he'd eaten all of this, he'd turn into one of the oversize balloons from the Macy's parades.

There was even a large box of tea leaves in one of the boxes--Martha's special blend of chamomile and rosemary that Lex actually looked forward to trying, especially since she'd promised him that it soothed headaches and helped to encourage sleep.

Not that Clark needed it.

He'd fallen asleep almost seconds after he'd climbed into the car. He'd eaten until he felt like he was going to pop, and lethargy was the next item on the agenda, of course. He'd had sex twice today, eaten like he hadn't in a long time, and now was time for a nap. Which he was utilizing thoroughly. Cat naps often kept him going, after all, and if he slept now, maybe he could convince Lex of a little fun later. Which amused.

So much so that it brought him awake ten minutes later, as they turned into the street that led down to the mansion.

His fingers gently, ever so gently, slid over Lex's bicep, lovingly, and he murmured a half spoken sentiment that he felt in his heart.

"Welcome back, sleepyhead," Lex teased softly, leaning over to kiss Clark's stroking fingers. "I wasn't going to wake you up until we'd gotten home." He smiled softly as he straightened back up and steered down the long, private driveway.

"Mmmm. I'm going to explode."

Which was true. Because really, he'd polished off a chicken, a bowl of mashed potatoes, and two pies by himself.

Mmm. Piiiee. He purred softly at the thought, giving a little lust-filled sigh.

"There's still half another pie in the backseat," Lex pointed out. "Your mother sent it home with us--apparently, she thinks Ms. Bird isn't feeding me enough." A little sigh. "I couldn't tell her no."

That Lex knew exactly what he was lusting over made him grin, and he leaned over to nuzzle Lex's throat as they parked. "Telling my mom no is a cardinal sin, baby."

Yeah. So. Maybe he really wanted a cardinal sin of Lex. Maybe he wanted... yeah. But saying it? Wooboy. He blushed crimson even as he licked and nipped, and looked up hopefully, praying he wasn't actually going to have to say it.

"Telling your mother no is enough to have my balls removed from my body, but I like them too much where they are to risk it," Lex corrected, and he slid his hands through Clark's hair, letting him nuzzle freely. "Come on; help me get the rest of the food inside, and then we'll go and see what we can do about that blush."

Oh. Clark grinned at him, just a little, shyly, and shook his head as he stroked Lex's thigh softly. "Its okay. We don't… you know." Because now he felt like he was pushing it. Greedy. Two spectacular orgasms in one day and wanting more. He shook his head again as the car parked, looking at Lex, measuring his reactions, as he reached behind him to get the bigger basket and pushed the door open.

"No, that's true," Lex said calmly, pulling out the smaller basket and the gallon of tea. "But we want to."

Clark shifted absently, nodding at him, as he got out of the car with the basket. He closed the convertible door behind him, and looked up at the mansion silently. A place where so, so much had happened, a place where his life had changed, and he felt a love for the old stone more than he'd ever let on to anyone. In all of its forms... covered in fall leaves, drenched with ice and snow, wet with rain. It was always the same place, strong and sturdy and loving, always the same home he'd come to see.

Except, horrifically, it wasn't home without Dominic. And he understood that, felt that, and wished with all of his might for Dominic to wake up in that exact moment, as he stared at the colored glass and lovely windows.

Lex paused, following his lover's gaze up, over the flat roofs, the high turrets, the stained glass and rough-hewn Scottish granite that had been quarried in his ancestors' homeland. "I hate this place," he said softly, dropping his eyes and heading into the garage, and then the house itself.

The words shocked him, and Clarks eyes widened as he followed Lex through the garage and into the hallway by the office. "What? Why?"

Lex had paused in the kitchen only long enough to leave the baskets sitting out on the counter for Ms. Bird to unpack. "Because, Clark, with the exception of knowing you, nothing good has ever happened in this place." He shoved open the door to the office, both doors swinging open in a grandiose gesture as he walked in.

"What do you mean, nothing good?" Clark stared at his lover, a profound feeling of guilt settling on his shoulders. "Our son was born here. Kal and CK were here. We made love here for the first time--you and your father stopped fighting and learned to care about each other again. You and Dominic became friends, and we had dinner here a hundred different times. We took our sha'nauch here. We were here when Lionel and Dominic fell in love, and got married. A lot has happened here, good and bad, but you can't always look at the bad." Clark said softly, as he followed Lex in quietly. He had a feeling something was bothering Lex aside from all of the shit already bothering him, but instead of being rude and looking for himself, asked, "Is everything alright?"

"And all that happened because you were here," Lex pointed out. "I was sent here because I was a bad little boy and Daddy didn't want to deal with me any longer. My mother died in this place; so did my son. Dominic may very well die because of what happened to him here." He poured himself a drink, and gave a little sigh. "No, Clark. Everything isn't all right. I'm just... tired. It's not you, I promise." He threw back the drink, then turned around to face his lover. "It's not you, Clark."

Clark nodded a little, as he stood next to his lover as he drank down whatever he'd poured into his glass. "I know. I'm sorry, though." He nodded again, but didn't dare touch Lex when he was feeling like this, so instead he crossed them over his chest. "I was just being a bit ignorant. Because... you've lost a lot here. I didn't think of it that way."

"I heard what Jonathan said about me, and he's right, you know," Lex said softly. "I do live too much in what is to think about what could be. I can't get out of it, and it's frustrating. I want to hope for Dominic to get better, but I can't. My father raised me never to go out on flights of fancy, and now that I need to... I can't."

"But, Lex, do you really think he's going to die? In all honesty. Think about it. Do you really, truly believe he's going to die?" Clark asked him, skeptically.

The squat glass in Lex's hand cracked as he gripped it, but it didn't break. "Yeah, Clark. I do."

"Why?" Clark ignored the crack, just concentrating on his lovers face. "Why do you think he will?"

"Because he doesn't want to live," Lex said simply. "You know Dominic. Yeah, he's always energetic, but... you don't know the things about him that I do. That I've found out about by accident. Things he'd rather die than have to live and deal with every day because he thinks it makes him a broken man."

"Maybe he does. But don't you think that with his daughter only months away from being born, his husband, and us, that he wants to stay here for us? Don't you think he's found reasons to live?"

"I don't think so," Lex said softly. "I think what he doesn't want to live with is worse than what he does want to live for."

"I think you're mistaken." Clark said just as quietly, but shook his head as he reached out to take the glass from Lex's hand, gently covering the damp palm with both of his. "Why don't we go and shower? We can do whatever tomorrow, okay? Lets go get cleaned up, and go to sleep."

Sleep. Lex nearly laughed aloud at the thought, but he didn't want to worry his lover. "How about we shower, then talk? I think the cookies are still upstairs from this afternoon, and I'll have Enrique bring up hot chocolate, instead of chocolate milk? We need to talk about Whitney's graduation, and what he's going to do after it and how we can help," Lex pointed out. "Considering they're graduating at the end of the week."

Clark nodded softly, still gently holding Lex's hand in his, and kissed the knuckles softly. "Shower, than talk. I can do that." He kissed his lovers hand again and wound it tightly with his own, before motioning to the staircase at the end of the office. "Lets go that way, kay?" Didn't mention it, but he hated using the main stairwell now, and didn't as much as possible. He kissed Lex's hand again and tucked it into his elbow. "Lead the way, monsieur."

"Okay." Lex squeezed Clark's hand tightly, then squeezed his arm as his hand was tucked in. "I can lead." He gave a tired little smile, and started up the stairs, walking past the rows and rows of books and followed the little balcony out onto the second floor, then down a few more steps until they got up to the third floor, and their bedrooms.

Clark followed easily, staying right beside Lex the whole while, and carefully enshrouded Lex's heart with a blanket of Clarks own love for him, peace and kinship, to abate some of the anxiety in his lovers soul. His fingers were gently on the hand tucked in his elbow, stroking tenderly as they walked. "You know, Lex? You may have to get an elevator in the house."

"I know. It's on my list of things to do this century; call architects and an installation company to see how it can be integrated into the house's existing structure."

"Only this century?" Clark asked lightly, hoping to coax a smile out of his lover as they opened the door to their hallway. "And here I thought you were a man of planning."

"I am," Lex said, obliging with a small smile he really didn't feel. "I have things planned into the next century. This phone call to the architect is actually at the top of the urgent list."

"I think so too." He answered, as he pushed open the door to their bedroom.

All the sheets had been changed, the blankets pulled back, pillows fluffed. There were two sets of pajamas waiting to be adorned, fresh towels and underwear, and slippers and socks sitting on the bed end. Clark couldn't help smiling a little at it, as he let go of Lex's hand and carefully began to undress, setting the baskets of imperishable food on the chair by their door. "Lex? Would it be okay if I went and got the puppies?"

"Yeah. That'd be great; I'd like to see them. Feels like forever since we've just played with them." He was unbuttoning his shirt as he spoke, easing his feet out of his shoes and bent down halfway through the buttons to massage his feet. "I need to get new shoes."

"Or just buy tennis shoes and be done with it." Clark said, as he toed out of his boots. He pulled on a blue t-shirt over his bare chest and left his jeans buttoned as he turned toward the door. "be right back."

He walked, sock clad, back down through the hall. Cut through Shay's secret passage, and then down into the kitchen, using the wooden kitchen steps lightly.

He knocked, gently, on Ms. Birds door, and waited for her to open as he stood there.

At the knock to her door, there was a cacophony of barking and meowing, and Ms. Bird elbowed her way to the door, gently and carefully scattering three puppies, a kitten, and somebody's stray white mouse--she suspected it was just a regular mouse in the house, but she was still feeding him anyway--and cracked open the door.

Her old face spread into a smile as she saw Clark, and the puppy barking inside went up threefold as they caught the scent of their Clark. "Come in vith you," she said, stepping back carefully over wiggling puppies and creaking her bones down into her chair.

Clark grinned at her, and stepped in, looking down in delight at his screaming babies. They were leaping up, paws on his legs, barking like mad, and grinned at Ms Bird again as he kissed her cheek. "I came to collect the hellions, Ms. Bird. I hope you don't mind?" He asked, as she sat down in her chair again. He wondered, briefly, how her rooms smelled so nicely with all three puppies and Freddie, but grinned anyway as he looked at her. "Freddie's upstairs in the library already. Would it be okay?"

"Of course it vill be okay. I tink dey miss you." She picked up the other kitten in her room, a black and white stray she'd adopted as her own. "Dis is Markus; he is my baby." She tucked her kitten against her chest, and pointed to the mouse in the cage. "His name es Mickey."

"Hiiii, Markus." Clark murmured to the tiny kitten who had tucked itself against Ms. Birds bosom, and gently stroked his velvety ears with a smile. "He's a good boy. Hello, little baby." And then to the mouse, "Hello, Mickey, its nice to make your acquaintance."

The puppies were still barking like mad and he rolled his eyes good naturardly at them, as he led the way to the door. "Lex and I are going to be taking turns staying at home, Ms. Bird, so we'll take care of the pups and give you time with your new kitten."

The little white mouse squeaked as Clark looked at him, and ran into his rattling little exercise wheel, running insanely on the wheel as it whizzed around in circles.

Ms. Bird chuckled at the mouse, and then turned a disapproving stare on Clark. "Chu must let dem visit!" she said, shaking her finger at him. "Dey hef grown quite attached to me, and I haef to dem!"

"I will! Don't worry!" Clark grinned again, and then reached over to hug her tightly. "Things suck, Ms. Bird. We'll need all the sticking together that we can get." He said softly, into her hair, and then smiled a little again as he whistled for the puppies to stop.

They all did. On a dime. Quivering with excitement, but they stopped, and he led them again to the door. "See you later, Ms. Bird."

Ms. Bird gave Clark a tight, tight hug. "Yes, dey do suck, but we vill get tru dem," she said softly. "You know you ken count on me to help vhen chu need."

"I know. I may come to you sooner than you think." Clark answered, softly, before nodding his good night to her, and leading the puppies through the house. They needed to walk up the normal stairs this time, and he carefully led the puppies up the steps, slowly, making sure they all made it up. Arthur was a regular roly-poly and Cleo was leaping up the stairs with wiry little muscles.

And Clark couldn't help leaning down to pick Samson up, and bury his face in his fur.

Samson just started wiggling as soon as Clark picked him up, trying to turn around and lick and bite and chew on the Clark because the Clark was back, he hadn't forgotten his Samson after all, no no no no no no no, and he was just wiggling like an insane little puppy trying to LICK.

And it was with every wiggle that Clark started to cry. He couldn't help it. He couldn't help any of it. He began to cry in soft, swallowed sobs, and sat down at the top of the stairs on the second step down, burying his face in Samson's back and crying heavily. Silent, wrenching pain down in his chest, and he felt it squeezing and tightening with every sound. He was so goddamned sad, so goddamned SAD, because Lionel and Dominic were a part of his family and suddenly they weren't there anymore, and the pain was eating him alive.

Samson started wiggling even harder at that and finally got himself twisted and turned around enough that he could lick at Clark's face and give sad little whines when Clark sobbed, licking and chewing on his ears and his hair and just wiggling and rubbing up against his Clark.

Artie stopped in mid-climb and he plopped down two stairs on his butt before his feet scrabbled in place and pulled him back up, putting his paws on Clark's leg and headbutting his chest and shoulder.

And Cleo's eyes were huge as she watched the Clark cry, and she could almost smell his saddyness, and she whined herself and wriggled until she was between his legs, hopping up onto his chest with her paws and staring at him as her bruder licked him and tried to make him stop the saddyness.

Clark couldn't help it. He couldn't. He needed to have a few minutes to himself, and the fact that these little babies understood what he felt, even at a primal level, made him hug them all close to him and kiss their fur, trying to stop crying as he swallowed each breath and hugged them gently.

Samson just kept licking as fast and hard as he could, his fat little butt wiggling as he wormed and squirmed and gave sad little cries as he bounced in Clark's hands, licking his face and the salty stuff that came down.

Artie just dropped his head on Clark's chest, whining and occasionally snuffling the warm flannel.

It took about ten minutes for Clark to stop. The harder cries were bitten into his fist so Lex wouldn't hear, and eventually he got down to harsh little hiccups and swallowed sobs. Now, he took a deep breath and just sighed, softly, swallowing tightly as he nuzzled the three of them gently in his arms. "I love you guys so much."

Artie was trying to lick Clark's chin, but he couldn't, because Samson was licking everywhere at once. Finally, Artie leaned over and took a bite out of Samson's rear end, and when Samson stopped licking to give a cry of pain, Artie looked supremely happy with himself as he turned around and licked Clark's face clean of Samson slobber.

At that Clark couldn't help giving a choked little laugh, carefully, and gently, hugging the three of them to him as he rubbed drool off his face with his chin. He kissed the three of them and set them on the hallway floor, standing himself. "Come on, kiddos." He said, rubbing the last of his tears and his cries away. "Lets go see what Lex is doing."

Samson was still wriggling a little in Clark's arms, situating himself and using his two-ton puppy butt to shove Artie out of the way as he reclaimed his place of glory under Clark's chin so he could start licking everywhere again, whining and crying like a little baby when Clark put him down.

Artie took another bite of fat Samson rump, then slid off Clark's lap as he was set down on the floor. As soon as he was down, he hurled himself at Samson, headbutting the fat butt of his brother and taking the lead, trotting with his tail up right behind Clark's feet.

Yeah. Right. Cleo all but rolled her eyes and used all her pretty new muscles to jump over Artie. She hit him on accident though and they went rolling, until she could get rightinfrontwhereshebelonged, snuggling under Clark's feet as he walked, cause that's what happened when two stupid boys didn't remember their sister!

Clark quietly led them down the hall, stepping over them as they fought, and rubbed his face clean until a passing glance in a hanging mirror in the hall told him he looked again like himself. He plastered a smile on his face, rubbed his fingers through his hair to rumple it a bit more, and opened the bedroom door. "I'm baa-aaack!"

Samson cried and whined as he followed Clark, expecting and begging to be picked up. He snapped at Cleo-tail and Artie-tail as they rolled, but they were too fast for a pudgy puppy like him and instead, he ended up with a mouthful of Clark-jeans as he got dragged along.

Artie growled and nipped Cleo's ear, stepping on her back to jump back in front, and lifted his tail to show her his white rump as he trotted into the bedroom and threw himself at the bed.

Lex was sitting on the corner of the bed, in black satin pajama bottoms and bare feet, toes wiggling as he bent down and scooped up Artie. "Hey, Clark. Artie, my little man, you're getting big!"

Clark just sighed, rolling his eyes as he lifted one leg, dangling Samson for a second. "I went puppy fishing and got two fat ones and a scrawny one. I think I'm throwing them back."

Yeah, right. Cleo saw one look of her The Lex and exploded with barks and squeals, leaping around in circles, ears flopping in excitement, before she tensed and sproinged onto the bed.

And attacked her The Lex, licking him all over and barking like mad.

"I think she's happy to see you." Clark said, smiling as he began to shuck out of his clothes. "Bathe already?"

"Hey, baby girl," Lex said softly, picking Cleo up and setting her flat on his chest so she could lick him to her pleasure. "Yeah, I did--had a quick shower while you were gone." His hand was stroking the back of Cleo's velvety ears as he cuddled her, letting her lick and just petting her. "I missed you too, Cleo, yes, I did."

Samson dropped from Clark's pant leg with a very loud yelp, and he whined for a minute before trotting over to the bed and pawing the sheets.

Cleo beamed at him and licked him all over before settling down for pets and strokes, all but preening as she snuggled in and sighed, deeply, happily. YESS. This was the spot. She was cozy and comfy, and snuggled in again as she barked at Artie.

"Okay." Clark nodded at him as he lifted Samson up to the bed as well, gently petting his very large head before shooing him off to sit with Lex. He turned, unbuttoning the last button on his jeans and dropped them, before stepping into the bathroom. "Your dad's asleep, again. I X-Rayed before I came in."

Samson waddled across the sheets and dropped his huge bulk onto Lex's leg, sighing a huge puppy sigh as he waited for the Clark to get back for more licking and Samson-coddling.

Lex just kept petting Cleo's soft little ears and scratching her fur. "He needs to sleep, God knows. I'm surprised he didn't go back to the hospital." He sighed again, and raised his head so that he could rub his cheek against Cleo's warm, but wet, nose. "If I were any kind of a son, I'd find out why he didn't." He let his head fwump back on the pillow and closed his eyes as he kept petting.

Artie flomped right at Lex's hip, curling up into the curve of it and putting his head on his paws.

"Don't. He's asleep, Lex, so let him sleep. I'm going to shower, and change, and run to the hospital to see if everything's alright, after we talk, okay?" The shower was already running, hot and ready, as Clark spoke. He tugged his socks off and finally slid under the hot, delicious spray, listening for his lover as he began to scrub over his sticky body.

Cleo beamed and sighed herself, rubbing up against the big The Lex's head, and lay her head on her paws, too, sleepily.

"That..." Lex considered his options briefly. "Sounds like a plan, as long as I don't have to go." He sighed as Cleo did, and he rolled over just enough to reach into the drawer and pull out the little zipper bag full of puppy treats. "Come here, baby girl," he said softly, offering her the chewy treat in the palm of his hand.

Eh. She sniffed at the treat, sniffed again, and laid her head back down. The Singing Lady had given her SOOO many treats that she was sick of them! So she just licked her chops and sighed again, making herself as much as a nuisance as possible.

Clark nodded as he scrubbed shampoo through his hair, and yelled, "I'll go by myself! I'm sure Elaine's left by now, and I don't want Dominic to be alone for long."

Lex held the treat out a minute longer, then when she didn't eat it, Lex slid it back in the bag and put the bag back in the drawer. "I don't think Cleo likes me any longer," Lex called. "She won't eat out of my hand!" He turned and looked at the clock on the bedside table. "It's only eight, Clark; Graham told Dad earlier this week that he was going to stay until midnight every night, to see if he could get the old codger to sleep."

"Did he?" Clark yelled back, as he ducked his head under the spray. He had a feeling Ms. Bird had spoiled the puppies beyond imagining, so didn't comment on the comment as he rubbed the soap from his hair and began in on his body. "I'll still go check, just in case."

"Yeah, he did!" He snuggled Cleo in further against his shoulder, cradling her and petting her as he rubbed her soft ears and warm muzzle. "What's the matter, little girl?" he asked softly. "You don't like me anymore?" He scratched behind her ears and rubbed his cheek against her nose. "I missed you."

A muffled oomph as his foot found Samson, and he started scratching Samson's side with his toes, and he felt Artie still piled up comfortably against his hip.

Cleo just stared at him in adoration, panting softly from all the excitement of a minute ago, and set her chin on Lex's shoulder, giving him a look to make sure it was okay, and snuggled in, wriggling up Lex's body to make sure she was as close as humanly possible. Yay! Comfy!

Clark finished scrubbing his hair and his body, rinsing off, and in five minutes took the shower off and stepped out. He dried off quickly, rubbing the huge terry cloth towel over his chest and hips, and warmed his face with the soft cotton before he opened the bathroom door again. He took the light off and shut it behind him to keep the humid air out of the bathroom, and towels his hair dry as he groped for his clothes on the bed.

"You don't have to get dressed yet," Lex answered, patting the bed beside him. "You just have to not mind sharing the bed for a while." He poked Samson with his foot, then pointed to Artie with his elbow.

Samson looked up at Lex. Okay, what was the Lex poking him for? He knew the Clark was coming, he was just waiting. That's what Samsons did. They waited before attacking. To get the best position. He chuffed a hot breath up towards Lex, and licked where he'd been poked before rolling back over onto his back.

Clark smiled and leaned down to scratch Samson's chest, grinning at him as he did it, before pulling his boxers on, and then his white under-shirt. He slid into the bed beside Lex and yawned softly, setting his head on the shoulder Cleo wasn't occupying.

"Hey," Lex said softly, leaning his head over against Clark's. "How's it going?"

Samson immediately rolled onto his pudgy paws and trundled his fat butt up to plop right on Clark's chest, squirming his way into the warm ClarkandLex space.

Clark accepted the pudgy puppy into his arms, hugging him close as he pulled Artie up to snuggle between them, as well, and lay his head back on the fluffy pillows. "I'm so tired. I'm going to check in on Dom, and then I'm home."

"I know the feeling." He looked at his watch, and then the alarm. "I'm going to have to set the alarm an hour early and be up at five; do you want me to wake you when I go in, or let you sleep?"

"Why five?" Clark yawned, deeply, as he said it, so it sounded more like, "i ive?" but he didn't care, just snuggling against his lover. "By the way, Ms. Bird's been feeding them treats nonstop. They're probably sick of them."

"Because I need more hours in the day to work, and since I can't have that, I have to get up earlier so I can lengthen my work day." He scrubbed his hands over his eyes. "Wally's going to be demanding a raise or killing Bruce for sending him here one."

"Lex, baby, you can't get up at five." Clark answered, his eyebrows furrowing tightly even despite his closed eyes, and his exhausted body melting into the bed. "Please. Be there at a normal hour, not six."

"I have to, Clark. At least for the next week or so. You really don't realize the shit that's piled up. It's going to hit the fan if it goes unchecked for another week, and I can't put the entire company on hold while I work nine to five."

Clark looked at his lover sadly now, turning his neck to look at those darkly shadowed eyes, and just... nodded. "Let me put my clothes on. I'll be back in fifteen minutes, alright? And we'll go to sleep."

"I'll be here when you get back," Lex said, picking up Clark's hand and kissing his palm gently.

"Promise?" Clark murmured, out of habit rather than question, as he leaned forward and pressed still-damp lips against his lovers. He kissed him once, twice, three times, before rolling from the sheets and climbing to his feet. He yanked his shirt on, his jeans, and then pushed his feet into sandals he loved.

"I promise." Lex watched him carefully. "I'll even be awake. Tell Dominic... tell Dominic that I'm taking care of work and Dad, and for him to just concentrate on getting better."

"I will." Another kiss, then one more, and Clark was gone.




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