
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 281: Three Times

It was a little after nine in the evening when Lex got home. He'd stopped by the hospital to see Dominic, but he'd already gone to sleep for the night, and Lionel had informed Lex that he was going to stay overnight with Dominic. So he'd said his goodnights to his sleeping stepfather and stubborn father, then gotten back behind the wheel of the Maserati.

Seriously considered going into Metropolis tonight and working from the penthouse, so he didn't keep Clark awake, but discarded it immediately. Just because he was mad and sulking didn't mean he had to run, and he knew that if he did, Clark would have been even more upset with him, for vanishing so quickly after he'd woken up.

He just patted the laptop in the seat beside him, made sure that the four days' worth of backed up paperwork had been tucked into the flap on the front, and picked up his cell phone. He dialed the bedroom, his personal line, hoping Clark would be close enough to the room to hear it.

He was. Clark was laying in bed, half watching Ms. Congeniality on cable and half wishing he were asleep. The puppies were asleep in their room, but Freddie wouldn't get out from under the bed so Clark had left him there. He was under the covers up to the neck, cozily, because he wanted to turn in early today and get some rest for the first time in three days. He didn't have to sleep a lot, but when he stayed up for too long, like three day's worth, he got a little crazy.

He picked up the phone anyway. "Mm'lo?"

"I didn't mean to wake you up, Clark," Lex said brusquely. "I'm on my way home and I wanted to know if you wanted anything from McDonald's on the way, because I think that's all I'm going to have for dinner tonight."

"Not asleep." He said, quietly. "No, thank you, though."

"All right. I'll be home as soon as I've gone through the drive through for myself then. I'll be working in the office downstairs, because I have a shitload of files to copy over to the laptop in the office to get caught up on while I was out." He nodded. "I'll probably be late tonight, so I'm going to say goodnight now, so I don't wake you later."

Meaning, I'm not coming to bed, don't wait up for me, and for that matter, don't expect to see me. Clark wasn't stupid, he read right through it. Rather than let himself get any more upset, though... "For what its worth, I'm sorry."

"I told you in the car this morning, Clark. You don't have anything to be sorry for." Lex's tone was more clipped than he'd meant for it to be.

"If I didn't, you wouldn't be angry at me." Clark answered back. "I was just upset."

"I'm not angry at you either," Lex pointed out. "I was in a good mood this morning, I tried to share my good mood with you, it didn't work, and I won't try to force it upon you again. I learned, and I went about my day. I'm not angry, and I'm not upset."

"That's what I'm talking about, Lex. There's no need to be offended… I told you I was sorry. So… I'm sorry. You are angry, I'm not stupid."

"No, you're not stupid at all." Lex cranked the car as he talked on the phone. "You don't have anything to be sorry about, and I don't have anything to be angry about." He looked both ways before peeling out of the parking space. "Last chance for French fries."

"I'd just like it if you talked to me. I'm not hungry." Clark said softly from half under the blankets, watching the movie without following it at all.

"I am talking to you," Lex pointed out as he pulled out of the hospital parking lot and roared down the highway towards the fast food restaurant.

"I hate it when you get like this." Clark said, as he turned onto his side and pulled Lex's pillow toward him. "I'm sorry I pulled away from you. And embarrassed you, in the elevator."

"I'd ask get like what, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to know the answer." A hard brake as he turned into McDonald's and rolled his eyes at the long drive-through wait. "And you didn't embarrass me, you irritated me. I told you twice that you didn't have to apologize, and you kept on."

Clark sucked when it came to stuff like this. So he just rubbed a hand over his face and left it pressed there against Lex's pillow and his face both. "I won't do it again, I promise."

"Yes, you will. You'll irritate me a hundred times, and I'll irritate you a hundred times more than that. We'll cope."

"Yeah. Prolly." Clark said, quietly. "Doesn't mean you have to sleep in your office, though."

"Who said anything about sleep? You haven't seen the work I brought home."

"Same thing, Lex."

Lex just shrugged, though he knew Clark couldn't see. "Hold on, it's my turn to order." He rolled down his window, and ordered quickly. "Give me two super-size fries, a super-size Dr. Pepper, a medium iced tea, four cheeseburgers, a side salad, two ten-piece chicken nuggets, and a large Oreo milkshake." He picked the phone back up. "Sorry about that, Clark."

"That's alright." Clark said, quietly. He didn't say anything else, just setting the phone more comfortably against his ear as he rolled more onto his back.

"Now, at the risk of opening a can of worms I don't want to deal with tonight, what, exactly, do I get like?" He rolled up to the first window and passed his money over, not realizing he handed over a fifty and the cashier had to get the manager to make his change.

"You close up and act like the Lex you were before I claimed you as aushna'." Clark said, quietly. "Distance yourself. And make me feel like a stupid, submissive country hick."

"You're not a stupid, or a submissive, anything, unless you want to be. If I don't ever teach you anything else, Clark, take this one lesson away. Nobody can make you feel inferior to them unless you let them. If you believe that you're just as good as they are? Then they can't make you think you're less."

Therein lay the problem. But Clark didn't bother saying so. "I'll remember that."

"Good. Shit, hang on." Lex dropped the phone on top of the laptop as he manhandled the four bags of food and three drink cups into the car. The drink tray went into the floor, and he carefully rescued his phone from under the bags of grease. "Sorry, had to get the food in."

"Okay. Well… I'll let you go so you can drive safely. I'll see you tomorrow or whatever."

"I always drive safely," Lex pointed out, peeling out of the McDonald's parking lot in a scream of tire and rubber.

"Yeah, I know." Clark shifted again and tugged his socks off, before pulling his legs warmly under the pillows. "I'll let you go so you can keep your eyes on the road."

"Meaning now that you've told me what you don't like about me, you're ready to hang up," Lex said evenly, cruising in the triple digits as he turned towards the mansion. "Come downstairs when I get home, because half this shit is yours." He turned off the phone then, and tossed it down on the seat beside him.

Bullshit. Clark glared at the phone, both hurt and angry, set it back on the side table, took the TV and lamp off, and rolled over onto his side to go to sleep. Fuck him if Lex thought he was going anywhere he wanted. Yeah, he'd been in a pissed off mood this morning, but he'd only been half-serious. So if all this was going to come from that… fuck it. He closed his eyes, and waited for sleep to come.

Lex gunned the Italian sportscar up almost to redline, almost standing on the accelerator as he downshifted for the curves, listening to the wind scream recklessly along the aerodynamics of the car.

He was almost screaming himself as he rounded the last curve before home, and he eased off the accelerator, dropping into the lowest gear possible and dropping off acceleration as he came into the driveway.

He took the turn so sharply that the left two wheels came completely off the ground, and the right wheels left screaming skidmarks behind them where he laid rubber on the turn. The entire car lurched as the other wheels hit the ground, and the speedometer had just barely dropped below double digits.

He slammed on the brakes as he steered in the curve, and the car rolled to a precise, pinpoint stop in front of the garage door. He opened the door and walked around to the passenger side, the smell of burnt rubber heavy in the air as he grinned like maniac, pulling out the food bags, his laptop, and the drinks.

Clark was already half asleep. The last few days had taken their toll on him, what with watching over Lex as he slept, the ungrateful little bastard. He shifted, just a little, warmer under the blankets, as he heard the sound of a door close downstairs. He was already too far gone to care about it, though, just shifting into dreams easily and sleepily.

Lex was whistling as he dropped the food off in the fridge, cringing as Ms. Bird beat him over the head with her wooden spoon for driving like a maniac, for marking up the driveway with tire marks, and for making her kitchen smell like burning rubber. She shooed him upstairs for a bath, but he took his salad and his fries and his drink to the office instead, still whistling as he settled in to work behind his terminal, booting up the laptop and deeply inhaling the scent of freshly-laid tire treads.

Clark listened to him, even half asleep feeling tears fill his throat and eyes. He thought their days of going to bed angry at one another were gone, but apparently not. Sometimes, more often times than not actually, it was so bloody hard living with Lex. He accepted that as true as he lay there, willing dreams to finally take him in.

Downstairs, Lex realized the screen of the computer was blurring, though he couldn't quite figure out why until he felt wetness rolling down his cheeks. He realized, then, that Clark had to be crying, and he went back to the kitchen, taking out the food he'd just put into the fridge and added his own to it, balancing it all very carefully as he climbed the stairs to his bedroom, and knocked with his foot.

Clark looked up at the hollow thumps against the door, and sat up. He rubbed his face clear, drying it and raking his fingers through his hair, before he opened the bedroom door.

Wasn't surprised to see Lex in the least. "Hey. Came for clothes?"

Lex held out the four bags and three cups. "I came because I couldn't see the screen any longer," he answered back just as blandly.

"Oh." He took the bags and the cups, though the smell made him nauseous rather than hungry. "I'm going to go to sleep."

As soon as Clark took the bags out of his hands, Lex pulled out one of the napkins and wiped his own face with it, then wiped Clark's without saying a word.

Clark swallowed, tightly, as Lex wiped his face clean, and as soon as he was done he set the bags on the small table beside their door and looked at Lex's hands. "You might want to wash those clean before you touch your cell phone or anything."

"Yeah, I probably should." He didn't, though, just wadded up the napkin and stroked his fingers over Clark's cheek.

Clark closed his eyes as his lover touched his cheek, and he brought his own hand up to cover it. "Lex, I'm so tired."

"I know," he said softly, bringing his other hand up to rest over Clark's heart, high on his neck.

"Would it be okay to go to sleep?" Clark asked of his lover, leaning forward to rest his forehead against Lex's. "I know its early, but I'll be quiet. I'm sorry for everything."

Lex closed his eyes, and found Clark's mouth by instinct, offering a soft kiss. "Of course it's all right to sleep." He paused, then made another offer. "Do you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?"

"I just want you to stay." Clark said, quietly, and stroked a palm down Lex's side. "If you want."

Lex shook his head. "No. It's if you want. You want me to stay, so I'll stay." He kissed Clark's forehead again, softly, and then let them rest together.

"I didn't mean to be mean this morning." Clark said softly, and gently kissed Lex again, offering his own soft kiss this time.

Lex took the offered kiss gently, and slid one hand down his side to rest over Clark's. "I shouldn't have been so sensitive; I don't know why I was."

"Cause you'd just woken up." Another quiet kiss, then another, and he let his eyes close. "I have to sleep, Lex."

"I know. I figured you'd wake up hungry in the night; I got you four burgers, and some nuggets, a soft drink and a milkshake." He kissed each of Clark's closed eyes. "Come on. Let's get you to bed."

"I didn't really mean to upset you. I don't want to make you feel exasperated with me." Clark answered, shrugging one huge shoulder. "I promise I won't apologize so much anymore, kay?"

"No. Don't do that." He let his fingers run through Clark's hair once. "Just... blame it on me waking up and being over-sensitive, all right?" he asked softly. "This isn't your fault. This is mine."

"Not your fault." Clark said, on a heavy yawn, as he turned from Lex to bed once more. He was wrapped in warm pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, and he slid under the covers as he yawned again, scooting over to allow Lex room if he wanted it. "Just a misunderstanding. Come on, in?"

Lex nodded, and started peeling off the clothes he'd gone to work in. Shoes were tucked under the bed, shirt and slacks and underwear were tossed into the hamper, socks followed, and his jacket got tossed over the chair at the end of the dresser as he slipped nakedly into the sheets beside his lover. He snuggled in, sliding his arm around Clark's waist, and kissing his shoulder. "Sleep, Clark. I'll be here for you."

Clark wrapped his arms around Lex's shoulders, leaning into the cuddle Lex was offering sleepily. He cracked one eye open at the jacket sitting over the chair by the bed, and muttered, "Told you it'd be cold in that hospital."

Lex just laughed softly. "And I wore it in the hospital, just like you said." He squeezed Clark's hands, and pulled them around his waist.

Clark bit his lip softly, exhausted as he lay there against Lex's body. He closed his eyes to just feel, and gently kissed the skin under his cheek as his fingers gently stroked his lovers stomach. "We're okay?"

"We're okay," Lex answered back, his fingers stroking the back of his lover's over his stomach.

"Are you sure?" Clark whispered, as he kissed the patch of skin again, softly.

"I'm sure, if you can forgive me for being touchy, that is," Lex said with a little smile.

Clark nodded, softly. Of course he could. He kissed the skin once more, licking softly and looking up at his lover hopefully.

Lex turned and gave Clark a bright little smile, licking across his lover's cheek gently before capturing the full, teasing lips in a soft, genuine kiss.

Oh yay. Clark lifted his head and kissed him back, turning his head slightly as he turned more onto his stomach. He leaned up into ever nip and suck, biting gently on those lovely lips as he sucked. His eyes fell to half mast… then fell closed as he moaned softly into his lovers mouth.

Lex gave quiet little moans in return as he slid alongside Clark's body, kissing him and wrapping his arms tightly around him, holding him close and sucking on his lover's tongue and lips. He murmured softly in Clark's thoughts, indistinct words of love and apology as he ran his fingers through Clark's hair.

Clark slid up as Lex slid down, so they were face to face now as they kissed. He was wearing entirely too many clothes but he didn't care, because he knew exactly what he wanted right now, this instant. This. Kissing, licking, and his heart began to speed up as he shifted and made his arousal obvious.

Lex felt Clark's cock pressing into his leg, and he murmured approvingly as he rolled Clark onto his back. Far too many clothes, Lex agreed, and even as he kissed his lover, Lex moved his hands down to slide under Clark's t-shirt, pushing it up to expose his chest and his stomach. Lex flashed a grin as he licked his lips, and he scooted down just enough so that when he dipped his head, his tongue found Clark's navel without warning, and he slowly, thoroughly licked his way up Clark's sternum, laving each nipple as he passed by it, dipping into the hollow beneath his lover's adam's apple, dragging flatly over his shoulder bone and collar bone as he pushed the shirt further up, over Clark's head and arms, then dropping it to the floor.

"Oh, God!" Clark half moaned and half cried when his lovers tongues licked across his stone hard nipples. He shuddered and rose his arms up as the shirt was pushed up and up, slow and sure, then shuddered when the cold air hit his now wet skin. As soon as his fingers were free they raked over Lex's back, up to his head to hold him right where he was. His neck was an intense erogenous zone and he purred hard, arching his hips against Lex's waist. "God, so good at this, Lex, so good."

Lex just murmured his smile into his lover's skin as the shirt fell to the ground, and his hands slid back down to Clark's hips, guiding them in their thrusts against him as he continued his attentions to Clark's neck. He raked his teeth lightly over the little spot he knew the little milk-nipple lurked, he sucked hard over Clark's pounding pulse, licking over the skin as it throbbed in his mouth, all the while rocking his hips against Clark's.

Clark moaned, loudly. His body shuddered at each of Lex's teases, and thought to give back as he was being given. He stroked his fingers down his lovers back and down to his butt and hips, spreading those gorgeous cheeks and dragging his thumb down between them to rub against the pert little opening he knew was there, pressing against it so Lex jerked his hips against him. He grinned, wickedly, and did it again as he turned his head for his lovers kisses.

Lex obediently moved his mouth to the other side of Clark's neck and throat, sucking at the soft skin there, licking down the little groove of his shoulder to his chest, moaning as Clark's thumb dragged over his hole and thrust his hips back against it. He bit hard on Clark's neck, sucking in the next instant, rubbing not just his hips but his entire body against Clark's in hunger as he licked.

Clark attached his mouth to his lovers throat as Lex sucked somewhere lower, licking and sucking as his free hand stroked over Lex's slender back and pressed him close, so close. He arched, rubbing and moving, and when he couldn't stand it anymore, reached over to their bedside table and let his fingers rake for the lube. It took him a second but finally his fingers wrapped around it and he pulled it toward him, grunting deeply. He opened the bottle with a shaking hand, smearing some of the hot heat over both hands, and used one hand to pinch his lovers nipples, slicking them with lube just because he wanted to. The other hand went back down Lex's body and without preamble he stroked one finger deep into his lover.

Lex's head arched back with the slide of Clark's finger inside him, and he renewed his attack on Clark's body with it. His tongue licked savagely over Clark's nipples, sucking each one as the roughness of his taste buds dragged over them. He licked further up, from shoulder to shoulder, then going back to the pulse he favored to suck it hard, laving the skin over it like the head of a cock. He moaned into Clark's skin as he pushed back against his lover's stroking finger, wiggling to get himself seated further down on the stroking digit.

Clark moaned right back because when Lex lost his inhibitions and began to wriggle and squirm atop him, Clark nearly lost his mind. He slid in another finger into his lovers hot, tight little ass because honestly, wriggling this much was not doing good things for his patience and entirely good things to his libido. He didn't want to come yet, not yet, so he stroked both fingers into impossible tight heat, stretching his lover gently as he stroked his back and brought his head back up for more devastatingly gorgeous kisses.

Lex's mouth latched onto Clark's as he kissed deeply, hands going to brace himself on Clark's chest as he wiggled his ass again, pushing his lover's fingers deeper. His thighs squeezed Clark's waist, his toes slipping under the waist of Clark's pajama bottoms and carefully finding his cock, stroking the wet head with nimble little toes that curled tightly around the length as he sucked Clark's tongue.

Clark moaned so loudly he was sure Ms. Bird heard him downstairs. He clenched his teeth and shut his eyes tightly against his lovers teasing strokes on his cock. He moved, utilizing all of their height difference by pressing Lex against his chest and pushing a pillow underneath his own hips, so his cock was at just... the right... angle. He grasped Lex around the hips with his powerful thighs and slid his fingers away, brushing the tight little entrance with the head of his erection before breaching it. Just a little, just the head, and he moaned softly as he slowly began to stroke in, deeper. "You have to hump against me," Clark whispered, the very thought making him break out into sweat and his cock jerked as it began to slide into his lover. "Okay?"

Lex nodded, and moved to clamp his knees around Clark's waist as he started to move. He slid his whole body up Clark's chest, the lube smeared on his nipples gliding over his hairless skin to slick his chest so that there was no friction. He moved like his entire body was greased, sliding quickly back and forth, his ass swallowing Clark's cock to the root before pulling off almost completely, only in the next moment to swallow it back down again.

So maybe Clark liked being the dominant. Maybe just a little. Maybe watching Lex thoroughly debauch himself on Clarks body was the fucking sexiest thing he'd ever seen in his entire life. He growled in pleasure as he watched his lover, who was wanton with need, move over him like a lithe little leopard and oh Jesus it was so desperately, incredibly arousing, He stroked over Lex's ass, down where they were connected, feeling Lex moving to push him inside. He stayed completely still, letting Lex rub against him just because he was terrible like that, and he growled in pleasure.

Lex heard the growl and pushed himself up, all of his weight pushing him down on Clark's cock as he started to rock, just backwards and forwards, enough to move Clark's cock inside him without it ever leaving the hot confines of his body. He truly was humping Clark's body now, thrusting and rubbing against it, sliding back and forth on it, trapping his cock against Clark's belly as he thrust and rolled, nails digging into Clark's hips as he pushed against them.

Clark pulled his lovers head down so he could whisper into his ear, "I love watching you make yourself dirty on me," He murmured, then bit his lovers earlobe and raked his hands down Lex's body and then back up. He pressed Lex's waist more into his belly so his lovers cock rubbed against the rough protrusions of the muscles on Clarks stomach, giving him something to put pressure against as he licked and sucked the thin line of blood he'd brought up on his lover's earlobe.

Lex moaned hard as Clark bit down on his ear, then even harder as he sucked the blood off, and he shuddered. The shuddering only caused his cock to rub harder against Clark's abs, and his mouth vibrated against Clark's. His hips rode Clark's cock faster, nails digging in harder as he worked more to get himself--and his lover--off. He leaned, just a little, and shouted loudly as the head of Clark's cock finally found and rammed against his prostate. He stayed in the slight lean as he humped, making sure that he was rubbed every movement he made.

Clark moaned back just as loudly, snarling in pleasure as his lover pushed against him. Lex's body had broken out in sweat and Clark was getting off on this so hard, loving every hump, every movement. He rocked back enough to calm his bodies need to move but Lex did the work, and Clark loved it. it was like watching Lex masturbate on him and he moaned loudly again, crying out as his fingers dug into Lex's hips. "Yes, baby, yes!"

Lex's hands reached down and stilled Clark's so that they held him in the perfect position, the head of Clark's cock ramming against his prostate as he moved, little bounces that stroked against him coming and going. The rest of his body straightened up, and his hand went around the hard, dripping length of his cock. His fist tightened around the shaft, jacking it hard, the thumb grinding almost cruelly into the slit as he bounced on Clark's shaft.

A sharp cry and hard squeeze of the muscles in Lex's ass precursed his orgasm by microseconds as Lex's fist stroked it out, thick white streams that fell on his hand as well as Clark's belly and their thighs. Smeared and slicked as it mixed with sweat, Lex kept rocking on Clark's cock until his orgasm was done and his balls empty.

Like Clark couldn't come. As soon as Lex began to come Clark exploded, mouth dry and voice hoarse as he clenched his eyes shut, throwing his head back and crying out. He looked almost like he was agony, but it was pure, complete, total ecstasy as his own balls emptied into his lover, his hips jerking as they filled him full. He mewled, deeply, loudly, as all the energy rolled out of him in one movement, body shuddering in pleasure as he groaned and held his lover close. He squeezed Lex's body close to his and captured his lovers mouth, kissing him deeply as he continued to come, rocking his hips as he did.

Lex shuddered and returned Clark's kisses deeply, clamping down tightly on his lover's cock and making sure that nothing inside of him escaped, even as Clark's rocking thrusts pushed it deeper inside him. His arms wound around Clark's shoulders as he licked and snuffled contentedly against his lover's shoulder, then his mouth, taking each kiss as it was given and sucking hard on it.

Clark's arms came around Lex's shoulders, holding him close as he panted roughly and his body shuddered. He gently, lovingly, stroked over Lex's back and shoulders, letting his legs unlock from Lex's waist and come down. He licked and kissed Lex's neck, his chin, nipping at the skin sharply even as he snuffled right back, purring loudly.

Lex smiled as his hand came up to stroke Clark's hair. "Felt good?"

"Good, so good," Clark whispered, and he would have said more if the phone didn't ring by the bed.

Lex's head dropped to Clark's shoulder, and he growled. "Whomever this is, I'm going to kill them." He picked up the phone, and held it up to his ear. "This better be good."

"Oh, honey, it was delicious." Chloe purred. She was laying, stretched out and sweating, beside her lover, after the gorgeous sex they'd just had. It was too uncomfortable for normal sex, so she'd just ridden Whitney into oblivion, and she sincerely doubted Clark or Lex had been giving them the image of the both of them fucking. Which of course had made her extremely hot, and her lover boiling, so she just grinned like a dweeb up at her fiancé as she spoke. "I called to thank you."

"For?" he asked, but the growl was gone from his voice. His hand covered the speaker of the phone as he looked up at Clark. "Chloe. Thanking us. For... I have no fucking idea."

"Sending us the image of the two of you rutting like rabbits." Chloe said, all too cheerfully. "And jumpstarting our libidos."

Lex blinked. "We did that? Well, you're welcome. You also interrupted. Go away." But he was grinning anyway.

Chloe grinned herself. "We haven't had sex in two months, Lex. Believe me, it was appreciated."

"Tell that man of yours to start getting on the ball." He paused. "No pun intended. You can always come to Clark and I, you know. We can take care of you."

"Hey, I heard that," Whitney yelled lazily, ensconced with his girlfriend on their new king-size bed, which his feet did NOT hang off the end of.

"We might come over anyway, but Lex, I believe we can do fine on our own." A wicked giggle. "You guys could come over here you know... king sized bed..."

Lex raised his eyebrow. "I still vote for you coming over here. Queen size bed. Large blankets. Wide bed that has slept the four of us on more than one occasion. I don't fancy sleeping in the floor, or at anyone's feet." Though, the thought of curling up at Clark's feet with a collar? Oddly appealing, and he poked his aushna' in the belly as he shared the image.

Clark was still running in Post Sex Deliciousness, and he moaned, loudly, at the image. With a chain. And a whip. Another shiver, and though he was half asleep he turned into his lovers sticky arms, purring deeply.

Lex just rubbed the top of his head under Clark's chin. "Well? Who's going where?" He glared at the phone. "Chloe, your thoughts?"

"'m going to sleep." Chloe said, sleepily, and giggled into it. "Sex tomorrow. Night, ashimel."

Lex laughed. "Goodnight, ashikana." He hung up on her, and crawled up Clark's chest to curl up against him. He poked his lover gently. "We're going to have sex with Chloe and Whitney tomorrow," he informed his aushna'.

"Kay." Clark murmured. His mouth was busy, gently licking Lex's left nipple, sucking it as sleepy as he was, and purring softly as he did it. He nibbled around it to harden it fully then caught it between his teeth, scraping back and forth. "Tired." He murmured.

"And horny," Lex teased.

"And horny," Clark repeated, grinning up at him as he stroked his fingertips down Lex's stomach. "Can I have a ride?" He asked, stroking down the sticky length of Lex's still hot cock.

"God yes," Lex groaned, rolling onto his back and pulling Clark over on top of him. "Ride me hard, Clark."

Clark snickered down at his lover as he slid his weight over his lover, then leaned up to sit on Lex's cock. He rubbed a little, squirming and sitting there comfortably as he played with Lex's nipples. "Gotta get you hard enough first, baby." He whispered, as he stroked up over his own wet and hot cock, rubbing the tip and hardening himself.

Lex reached under Clark, stroking himself hard again and arching as Clark tugged his nipples. "You know," he said conversationally, rubbing against his aushna', "I do have the collar and the leash and the whip in my little closet."

"I know." Clark said softly, eyes closing softly as he ran his fingers over his own hips and up his belly as he pleased, arousing himself for what was to come.

"I can give you that," he pointed out. "Curled up at your feet, like a good little pet, then crawling up beside you when we get sleepy and sleep beside you." He slid his hand up Clark's stomach too, then out to stroke his cock and gently roll his balls between his gentle palms. "I can be your pet and your equal."

Clark shook his head, eyes closed as he reached for the lube by Lex's head. "Can't be my pet and be my equal at the same time, aushna'." He whispered, as he opened the little bottle. He slathered his fingers with the slickener liberally, then reached behind them to slide them both into his ass at the same time. He pressed them in as far as they could go, wriggling slightly until he could fit them, and sighed deeply as he shivered.

"Then I'll be whichever you want me to be." He wrapped one hand around Clark's cock, stroking it, and the other around his own, making sure he was hard and slick for his lover to slide down on.

"I'd rather have an equal aushna' than a pet to crawl by my feet. You are worth more than that." Clark whispered down at him, making sure he was slick enough for what they were about to do before he slid his fingers out of himself. Instead of sliding down, however, he climbed up to his feet and went into the closet. He'd seen something he definitely wanted to try, and hadn't thought about it until just now.

He walked into the hidden closet and looked for just what he wanted, before he walked back out. In hand was a small, condom-thin little plastic toy. A sheeth, connected to a remote. He slid up on the bed and carefully lubed his lovers erection, making sure it was wet enough, before sliding the sheeth on over his lovers cock. It snapped and held at the end with a cock ring, so it was completely secure and snug.

Clark carefully mounted it, lifting up onto his knees and spreading his thighs as he leaned back to hold Lex steady, and sank down on it. A low, quiet moan shook from him at the movement and he slid... carefully... slowly... down. He was still tight, so tight, and he winced a little as his body opened up to Lex's long length. With one last single push and a deep, trembling little sigh Clark settled on Lex's hips, whimpering softly in want.

When he turned the toy on, it began to vibrate.

Lex moaned as Clark's fingers snapped the cock ring into place, and he couldn't help the gentle buck of his hips in as Clark slicked it up. He pushed harder when he felt Clark sliding down and then made himself stop, feeling how tight Clark was and reminding himself that his lover's body was new at this, while his lover himself wasn't.

He was still until Clark was completely speared on his cock, and just as he started to thrust, the tight little sheath started to vibrate. It was almost more torture for Lex than it was for Clark, because the tight clasp of his lover's body was only magnified by the shaking and scraping of the toy's plastic up and down his length as he reached up, wrapping his fingers through Clark's and pushing his hips up.

"Good?" Clark murmured in delight, grinning down at him as he shifted his body, carefully angling his knees more and starting to move up and down. It was tight, so fucking tight but he couldn't stop even if he tried, slowly but surely beginning to ride his lover. Back and forth, slow rocking that made him murmur in pleasure as he felt the vibrations shaking all the way up to his brains. "Other... ways... to make you… submissive to me," Clark whispered, and glanced wickedly down at Lex as he rocked.

"Very good," he murmured, rocking up and meeting Clark carefully, stroke for rocking thrust. "Always... always submissive... for my aushna'... no one else, only you." He smiled too, and thrust up into Clark's body. He brought one set of intertwined fingers over to kiss Clark's fingers, and he sucked each one into his mouth as he watched Clark ride him.

Clark beamed down at him as he moved, slow and careful but sure. it felt good, right at the knife's edge of pain, and he purred softly as his eyes glassed over and closed. He rocked and thrust carefully and gently against his lover, squeezing around him on every downstroke as the toy vibrated and pleased them both. He smiled down at Lex quietly, and teased softly, "Our sha'nauch are starting again, too."

"They've got endurance," Lex gasped softly, arching up and pressing into his lover as Clark pressed down.

"No, just incredible aphrodisiacs," Clark moaned back down at him, and grasped his erection firmly as he began to move. He leaned over, bracing one hand by Lex's head as he used his knees to push up and down, moaning softly in pleasure with each bucking bounce.

Lex leaned up and kissed his way up Clark's arm, sucking on his shoulder, and then his throat as he sat up, wrapping his arm around Clark's chest and holding himself up as he licked over the salty skin, moaning and shuddering with each of Clark's squeezes to his cock.

When Lex rose to half sitting Clark stilled, cheeks flushed and mouth trembled open, until his lover moved. He let his eyes close, relishing in each of Lex's shifts because GOD that felt good inside, and he purred quietly at his partner as he wriggled and squeezed Lex's erection. He waited until Lex was comfortable and then licked over his lovers lips, kissing him ferociously as he wound his arms around Lex's shoulders and held on. His back arched and his hips thrust forward, making him cry out in pleasure.

Lex clung tightly to his lover as he licked and kissed, keeping his hips still so that Clark rocked against him, fucking himself as Lex returned the hungry, demanding kisses with ones of his own, his fingers anchored tightly in Clark's hair as he shuddered, the vibrating sheath scraping pleasurably along his shaft as he felt Clark moving around him.

"Good, Lex, so good," Clark whispered hoarsely, holding tightly as he began to move faster again. His eyes closed as he concentrated on the thrusts and movements, holding onto his lover as tightly as he could as he wailed. Lex hit his prostate perfectly and he almost chewed through his lip to keep the scream in, moving and pushing harder and faster as his eyes rolled shut.

"Scream for me, Clark," Lex murmured, using his teeth to tug Clark's lip free so that he could suck on it, soothing the hard bites to the tender flesh. "Scream for me, tell me how good I'm making you feel, tell me how deep my cock is inside you, how hard you're fucking yourself on me, tell me, Clark, scream for me and tell me you like what I do to you." His hands tightened in his lover's hair and he kissed Clark harder, drawing in deep breaths through his nose so that he could breathe and not break the kisses, raising his hips now to match Clark's thrusts down.

At Lex's words Clark finally let go. He gave a sharp, hard cry between them before it muffled with Lex's mouth. He arched his back with every thrust down, wild and wanton on his lovers long length, fucking himself hard as he filled with pleasure. His eyes rolled back and his crotch *burned* with heat, erection thumping his belly with every movement. He grasped it hard between their bodies as the other hand went to his lover's head, grasping it tightly as they kissed and he gave short cries punctuated with the hard breaths of every thrust.

When Lex felt his lover let go, he let go himself. Couldn't come, not as much as his cock burned for it, not with the cock ring that held the sheath in place, but his hips thrust hard, slamming up into Clark's body with every push down, helping Clark fuck himself as he kept his hands tight in his lover's hair, pulling Clark's mouth hard onto his, sucking the hard cries, sucking the kisses, breathing the scent of their bodies pressed tightly together as he watched Clark's hand stroking his cock.

Clark palmed his erection as hard as he could against Lex's belly, squeezing the end tightly, then stroking up to the head where he rubbed. His eyes had long rolled back, his head thrown back as well as he shifted and squirmed, undulated and thrust. With a gasp he let his cock go and grasped his lovers hand, moving it to the bump along his back.

Lex grinned wolfishly, palming the bump and pressing it as hard as he could, before rubbing it in little concentric circles with the heel of his hand as his back arched, pushing his cock to the hilt inside of Clark with every stroke.

When his lover hit his prostate for the last time, Clark felt orgasm approach. He was just able to reach behind him and unclasp the cock ring from around Lex's cock before he slammed down as far as he could on Lex's cock and came. His back curved all on its own and he sobbed out a cry of pleasure, head thrown back and erection spurting wildly as he thrust down on Lex's cock in tiny, jerking movements. Another wail, harsh and needful, when orgasm struck and sent his body to nirvana.

Lex screamed as Clark unsnapped the cock ring and slammed up as Clark shoved down. He shuddered hard, hips thrusting and rocking as he came, feeling Clark's come sliding down his chest and his body. He jerked hard, keeping his hand pressed against Clark's lower back, massaging the little bump and stroking over it with his fingertips even as he urged Clark to keep coming, to come harder, to come faster.

Oh, God, Clark did. Every rub made all of the muscles in his crotch tighten and loosen and Clarks eyes rolled back as orgasm continued to swamp him. It was unbelievable, unspeakable, incredible. Each rub kept his orgasm going, each stroke kept the pleasure swimming, and he began to jerk with it as his come, thick and long, stroked over their bodies. He opened his mouth at some point and screamed he was sure but he couldn't hear or see or feel anything but this.

Lex's mouth opened to swallow the screams, and he kept his hand pressed on Clark's back, slowly moving away from the bump as he licked kisses over his lover's face, his free hand coming to rub Clark's come into his skin and then slickened his palm with it as he slipped down to stroke Clark's cock.

Clark fell forward. All his muscles let go as soon as Lex stopped stroking and he lost all control of his muscles as he slumped onto his lover. He couldn't even speak, eyes clenched shut as he shuddered and whimpered. He couldn't even talk, his balls felt like they were about to crawl up into his body and hide after that orgasm, and he panted out shuddered, "Wow"'s that barely managed to get out of his throat.

Lex chuckled softly as he laid down--collapsed, more like it--onto the bed and gathered Clark against him. "Was it good for you too, baby?" he asked in an exaggerated, sultry drawl.

Clark shuddered all over at the voice, his sheath shivering around Lex's cock as Lex said that, and he choked out a groan as he squirmed on top of his lovers softening cock to keep him in. His eyes closed and he whispered his pleasure against Lex's skin, still struggling for breath as he closed his eyes against Lex's neck.

Lex's cock stayed tucked firmly inside his lover's body, and he yawned, deeply. His arms wound tightly around his lover's neck and held him, kissing Clark's ear and his cheek, nibbling on his chin, rubbing against him gently. "I love you."

"I love you," Clark croaked back, and held Lex tightly just as he was being held. He couldn't respond to the kisses, too shivery and trembling to do more than hold him, but he looked up, quietly, and whispered again, "I love you."

Lex just nodded, rubbing his cheek against Clark's. He understood, and he squirmed just a little bit, getting closer to Clark and hugging him tightly. "I know; I'm sorry for earlier."

"Me too. I'm sorry I was stupid." Clark whispered and moved until the messy sheets could be pulled up on top of them. They were wet, sticky, and Clark was probably going to have a few hairs ripped out tomorrow when they tried to separate, but he didn't care. He carefully squeezed around his lovers cock before shifting his hips up to let Lex slip out of him. For a second, as it always did, it felt like his insides were going to come out too, but after a moment everything settled again and he squirmed happily to get comfortable. He licked his lovers cheek, his neck, his throat, and closed his eyes softly.

"You weren't stupid." Lex murmured, frowning slightly as he slipped out of Clark's warm body, but the warmth of the embrace he was in made up for it as he curled around Clark. "You weren't." He let Clark lick, and he gave his lover little licks in return, snuffling licks along his collar and shoulder, and a light nibble at his throat.

Clark looked up gently at his lovers frown, and when he understood why Lex was doing it, he gently reached down to slip the toy off, and showed his lover the hole along the tip. "Came inside me, baby. Can't stay." As much as he fucking wished Lex could, and he let that feeling flow through their link as he dropped the toy off the side of the bed and curled around his lover.

"I know," Lex said, wiping his hands clean on the sheet and stroking down Clark's cheek gently.

"You wanted to stay?" Clark asked, brows furrowed as he watched Lex.

He nodded. "I did. I always do. But I know I can't." He stroked Clark's cheek again, ran a thumb over Clark's eyebrow, and smiled. "It's all right, Clark."

"I want to, too." Clark whispered, watching his lovers expression as he licked his lips, the light taste of semen on them and amusingly enough, having no idea how the taste got there. He liked it anyway, of course, and he shared it with Lex as he gently kissed him. "Best part about conception will be that we'll get to, you know."

Lex licked Clark's mouth hungrily, purring softly. "Yes... it will be." He gave a little smile as he stroked down Clark's back, squeezed one firm cheek, and then moved to tighten both arms around Clark.

He beamed at his lover and purred himself, softly, as he closed his eyes and snuggled in close. "Let's try for less pain next time around though, kay?"

Lex's eyes opened at that, and he kissed Clark's forehead. "I promise you that, Clark. I promise that I will be there, this time, to take care of you and help you."

"And we won't call them stupid names." He muttered into Lex's throat. "Soon, Lex? I want… I need them."

"We'll give them proper names," Lex murmured, and he nodded. "Soon. After you've graduated, and gotten a good start at college... then."

"How many can we have?" Clark whispered, looking up at Lex again… then shifting so they were face to face, sharing Lex's pillow.

"As many as you want," Lex said softly. "God knows we've got enough money, and we build a house big enough for all our children." He laced his fingers through Clark's, and squeezed gently.

Wrong thing to say to Clark Kent, Baby Lover. He grinned at Lex, delightedly. "Really? So… four? or… six?"

"Really," Lex said with a smile. "Four. Six. Ten, if it makes you happy." His smile widened. "I'll be the best father I can be."

"Me too." He was beaming like an idiot. "I want lots. Cause I didn't have any until… well... last month. So I didn't have a proper childhood with fighting and games and stuff. I want a lot of kids. Lots. You'll be a wonderful daddy."

"Then you'll have them. I don't want our children growing up alone, Clark. Both of us did, for various reasons, and I don't want our children to. I want them to have brothers, and sisters, and everything that we didn't."

"Definitely. Except a mom. But hey, two dads for the price of one is good too." Clark beamed at his lover. Just... beamed. And then snickered as he remembered something. "Your dad told me the other day that he will be Father and Dominic's going to be Daddy. And that he refuses to play Horsie, because Rory will actually have a horse."

"That... sounds distressingly like my father," Lex agreed with a nod. "And, I bet he had a conniption when you called his princess Rory."

"Of course he did. I'll bet you ten dollars that within a year we see him giving her piggy rides around the house."

"Of course he will be. Sooner than that, unless I underestimate Aurora's ability to wrap her fathers--both of them--around her delicate little pinky fingers." He snorted, and snuggled closer to Clark. "Her brother and brother in law will be equally wrapped, you realize."

"Not me." Clark answered, quite proudly. "I'm wrap proof."

Lex laughed at that, so hard he curled around his stomach. "Samson," he wheezed.

Clark glared as Lex began to laugh and had to let him go so his lover wouldn't fall off the bed. Ohh and he glared even more at the mention of his little puppykins, but glared anyway, as fiercely as he could.

"You... whipped," Lex choked out, still laughing so hard he was tearing up.

"I am not!" Clark yelled, and gave his lover a shove. "Not, not, not!"

"Yes you are!!" Lex rolled onto his back, gasping, giving him huge puppy eyes as he did.

Oh, Clark sniffed and stuck out the Lip of Doom. "I am not."

"Yes you are." Lex rolled onto his side, and grinned up at his lover.

"When it comes to you? Yes. But not to anyone else!"

Lex's nose crinkled. "Me. Samson. Artie. Cleo. Freddie. Your kid sisters. Your mother. Your father--Jor-El I mean."

Clark sniffled and leaned down to lick his lovers nose crinkle, nipping it lightly. He nibbled around it, down to Lex's full, soft lips, and traced his thumb over the chin dimple softly. "Only you." He said softly, as he kissed his lover again.

"Only me," Lex echoed softly, still smiling as Clark kissed and nibbled him. He stroked his fingers through Clark's hair, tugging gently, rubbing their noses together as they kissed.

"No more sex. Can't handle it." Clark said, though if he was talking to his lightly twitching cock or Lex he didn't know, an he just turned on his side to tuck Lex in close to his body. He turned his lover so his back pressed to Clark's chest, and snuggled a blanket over them sleepily. "Mmmm."

Lex chuckled softly. "I can't believe you're sexed out." He cuddled closely to Clark, and tucked the blanket under his chin. "Wally's going to have a fit when I bring all that work back undone. I thought he was going to have an orgasm when I brought it all home to do. Oh well. He'll survive."

"We can get up early 'n do it." Clark muttered sleepily into Lex's ear, licking the shell softly as he rubbed softly against Lex, sleepily. "You smell so good. Like me. Marked lover."

"To do all that? We'll have to get up at two in the morning, and that's if I hope to get to work by nine." He grinned anyway, and wiggled against his lover. "I like that I smell like you."

"Marked." Clark murmured, and because the thought obviously pleasured, he shivered softly against Lex's back. Pro's and cons. Once more? Just once? Three times if he did. A record for him. And his body was tired but obviously not tired enough. But he was sleepy… but... but. He licked the back of Lex's neck from base to the knob at the back of his head, and sucked on the little protrusion as gently rubbed his wet crotch against Lex's wet backside.

Lex wiggled back against Clark's cock, squeezing it just a little between his cheeks, and curling up around his lover. "Sleep, Clark. We'll need to have all the rest we can get if you're going to help me with working in the morning, and by the way, we have to go to the bank together before lunchtime. The new signature cards for the joint account came in, and we have to fill them out before we can take money out of it."

Eh. Clark heard lunch, bank, signature, and that was pretty much it. He lapped at his lovers neck softly, breathing in the mingled scents of their love making with every sniff and huff against Lex's porcelain skin. When that didn't satisfy he rose to his feet once more, untangling himself from Lex's arms, and walked back into the closet.

This time when he returned, he had a little plastic toy in hand and a collar. He slid back under the covers before Lex could see it too clearly, and murmured to him, "You're my pet. My bitch. Don't you forget it." Finished with a low growl. He slid down Lex's body the smallest bit and lubed the toy quickly before sliding it into his lover's loose entrance, still wet with semen. He pressed it in as deep as it would go and, with the attached pump, began to fill it with air. Slow, easy, filling it and filling it as he bit his lovers asscheek, hard. "Mine." he growled.

Lex rose to his elbow to watch Clark rooting in the closet, but in the dark room and the speed that his lover moved, Lex couldn't see what Clark was doing or what he brought back. He just lay there, relaxed under the blankets, and then moaned softly as Clark growled into his ear. "Yours," he grunted back, his hips thrusting involuntarily against the inflating plug in his ass, squirming as his tired cock started to raise it's head with interest again.

The toy had the spectacular advantage of being hollowed, so though it left his lover with an almost uncomfortable feeling of being tightly filled, it didn't plug him up. Clark wasn't a fan of being plugged all night and then taking it out the next morning… if he got cramps, he knew his lover did. This toy was a new one to the collection, one he'd bought before the accident and had just been waiting to use.

He pumped the toy until his lover was open and packed as full as he could be without hurting something. When he was satisfied he detached the pump and plugged the hole it had been attached to, making sure the base of the toy was snug against Lex's backside. He slipped up, carefully, and attached the collar to his lovers throat, making sure it was snug enough to be felt every time he moved but not enough to hurt.

And then he slid comfortably close, cozily even, and closed his eyes. "Night, baby."

Lex growled deep in his throat, and dragged one of Clark's hands down to his cock, wrapping both their hands around the shaft. "Goodnight my ass," he grunted, pushing a mostly-erect cock through their combined grasp.

Clark's fingers wrapped loosely around Lex's erection, even as he hid the smirk in his partners shoulder. "Don't we have to get to the bank before lunchtime? Sign our new cards for the joint account?" He asked innocently. "Sleep, too, work to do." He grasped the base of Lex's erection firmly but didn't move as he held onto it.

"Yes, we do, and we've got to work in a few hours to see Chloe and Whitney too, not to mention the rest of the stuff we just named off, but you are not going to leave me wanting like this," he whined.

"Besides, I think I like you like this." Clark murmured, as he let go of his lovers cock and slid a wide palm down his Lex's hip and ass. "Packed so tightly you can feel it in your brain, aren't you? Remember, when I plugged you up with your own boxers?" He whispered, quietly, gnawing on Lex's earlobe. "I wonder, if you could go like that all... day.... long."

He licked Lex's earlobe again, and transferred the nibbles to behind it on the soft skin of his neck. "I wonder if you know that...just with a little..." He reached into Lex's mind through their silver thread and gave all the muscles in his lovers ass a pinch, so that they all viced at the same time. "If you could handle it."

Lex gave a little snarl as Clark made the muscles in his ass twitch, and it turned into a deep moan as the clench made the full plug shift inside him, and his cock jerked again. "Not without losing my mind," he grunted, moving his hand back to his cock to stroke it.

Oh, Clark adored little sins like that. When Lex admitted something Clark knew had to wear on his pride to say, it felt like little by little, inch by inch, Clark approached manhood. He loved making his lover shudder and ache, twitch and moan, and his mouth descended to Lex's to suck and kiss deeply. As he was kissing his lover he turned him over onto his back, slowly, gently, and carefully, after making sure he left Lex thoroughly well kissed, leaned down to give the same oral attention to a more needful part of his partners anatomy.

The deep, plundering kisses left Lex lying limp and barely sated, but enough that he could be turned, moved, twisted to suit his lover. His cock thumped deeply as he was turned onto his back and the plug shifted again, pushing itself firmer and deeper into Lex's body, and then his back arched as Clark's mouth trailed over his cock. His eyes snapped open as his body twisted, and he pushed up on his elbows, to see Clark's dark head bobbing at his groin, feel the shifting and moving inside his ass as Clark sucked, and even as he sat up, Lex's head fell back with a deep, guttural moan that he had no hope of suppressing.

Christ, God. The moan spoke of Lex's undoing and Clark answered it in kind, groaning softly in pleasure as he sucked. He lapped over the head of his lovers cock like a pro, sucking it down deep on every move down until his lovers entire heat was covered in the slickness of his saliva. He poured his being into what he was doing, bringing his Kenep pleasure, and tweaked and twitched at his lovers muscles every time he felt like it. His fingers palmed heavy balls, stroking and kneading them in his palm like warm bread waiting to be molded.

Three orgasms in one night for Kenep. That was the goal. Three.

Lex's fingers were fisted tightly in the sheets on the bed, almost clawing through them as he dug in. His legs were spread wantonly wide, body on offer to his lover as he rocked forward, the irregular clenches of his ass around the toy making him shudder every time. One hand came up to stroke the collar around his throat, then moved down to tease and pinch nipples that were pebbled hard with ready desire as he moaned again, his head still arched back, eyes staring sightlessly at the ceiling as he gave his body over to his lover. He was too wrapped up, too selfish at the moment to think of Clark's pleasure too, but the truth of it was he couldn't think at all through the red haze that wrapped around his brain and clung tightly, wringing out hot, sweaty moans.

The spread of Lex's body, the hot agony of pleasure flushed under all those miles of pale flesh, and Clark was in utter, and total, heaven. He sucked like a man dying, eyes open and wide to catch all of it, see all of what his lover was doing. Hairless and gorgeous, sleek and silver lined, and when Clark made all of that sheer *strength* slide out to make the body before him loose and ecstasy filled, he pat himself on the back for a job well done. Lex needed to let loose and give up once in a while, and Clark was more than happy to fill the roll for him.

He sucked until he felt like his cheeks would never deflate and inflate again, moving as fast as he dared and slurping at the tip of his lovers erection like he were slurping at a particularly thick straw, not stopping until he had to take another breath and bring his mouth back down around the long length.

Lex was lost, utterly and completely. Could barely remember who--or what--he was, fingernails scraping his nipples and his chest, hips thrusting towards the dark head between his spread thighs, towards the suction that was pulling his soul out through his cock. His balls were tender, sore from being overworked but he was going to come again, and the pain of it turned the pleasure even more bright in his brain, cutting into him with every suck as he shuddered, cried out, squeezed his eyes shut so tightly that tears trickled from the corners.

Couldn't think of his lover's name, couldn't think of anything as his entire body and being exploded in a flash of white light behind his eyelids, wordless cries loud in the dark bedroom as his aching balls loosened and spat their final load of come into the waiting mouth.


Clark let his lover rear up, swallowing hard around the long length as it was thrust into his throat, and held his lovers hips as he came. He swallowed the hot streaks pouring down his throat convulsively, squeezing his lovers ass cheeks and working them tightly and firmly around what was inside of him, making sure he was utterly aware of it as he came. He looked beautiful, lost and screaming, crying there above him, and Clark smiled around his treat as he continued to swallow and suck every single drop out of his treat.

Lex's cries were interrupted by deep moans, every time Clark kneaded his cheeks and made the plug inside him shift deeper, bringing his attention briefly to his ass and the fact that it wasn't quite rubbing his prostate no matter how much he squirmed on it before Clark sucked harder again and brought his attention back to his cock as it emptied into Clark's mouth. Not nearly the sizable load he'd shot off twice before, Lex shuddered hard none the less, trembling as he dragged his nails over Clark's arms, trying to get a handhold to pull him up.

As soon as he felt Lex's body empty, Clark sucked off of his lover's cock and began to lick it. He sucked and scraped, lapped and licked, cleaning every single spot of come off of his lovers cock as he did it. He cleaned methodically, stroking from Lex's balls to the head of his cock, licking each crevice until it was clean. And then, only then, did Clark crawl up his lovers body and kiss him, warmly and deeply.

Lex's body was limp and watery, arms like wet noodles as he raised them to wrap around Clark's shoulders and pull him down. He whimpered softly, tugging Clark's weight down on him as he kissed, seeking his own taste on his lover's tongue, sucking greedily and hungrily as he stroked his hands over Clark's shoulders, his back, over his chest and back up to his hair.

Clark spread his weight down on Lex's body as it was asked for and smiled gently, licking at his lovers throat tenderly and smiling as he was kissed. He kissed Lex back, sharing the taste gently as his hands, such big hands as they were, moved over Lex's body, soothing it tenderly. With a flick he deflated the plug and slipped it out, tossing it onto the floor. He also gently unbuckled the collar, kissing across it as he did it, and set it on the floor as well, before his mouth gently licked at the line of Lex's throat.

Lex whimpered softly as the plug was taken out, and the collar discarded, but the soft whimpers were lost in the pleasurable murmurs of Clark's mouth skating across his throat. His fingers stroked through Clark's hair, not quite strong enough to drag Clark up for kisses, but hoping that he'd get the message anyway as he arched and wiggled, situating his body more completely under the comfortable press of Clark's weight against him.

Clark was absolutely delighted. He beamed down at Lex tiredly, licking his neck and throat gently, massaging Lex's long skin as he situated himself comfortably over his lovers long, slender body. He kissed him, ever so gently, ever so carefully, as he soothed away the aches in Lex's long torso and the tension in his hips, beaming down at him like an idiot. "Good?"

Lex grinned back, nodding as much as he could and tightening his grip around Clark's waist. "Very good, aushna'," he said softly, moving one hand to rub tiredly over Clark's stomach. "You took nothing for yourself/"

"I didn't want to." Clark murmured into his lovers throat, gently licking and sucking softly at it. He set his cheek on Lex's chest then to listen to his pounding heart, and relaxed over his partner like a big Clark shaped blanket.

Lex brought his hand to rest on the back of Clark's neck, and squeezed gently. "You are more unselfish than I am," he murmured softly, stroking the nape. "You are too good to your aushna'."

"I love you." Whispered into Lex's neck. He shifted more comfortably and yawned into his skin softly, even as his fingers stroked up and down Lex's sides.

"I love you too," Lex answered back, snuggling Clark warmly on top of him, using his feet to inch up the blanket and covered his lover with the soft flannel. "I'll buy you some flannel sheets this winter, when it's cooler, but right now, it's too hot for them. Will you settle for a flannel blanket instead?" He grinned into Clark's cheek. "I promise, I didn't even cut up your shirts to make it."

"Pr'mise?" Clark answered, grinning as he rolled slightly to one side so he wouldn't suffocate Lex, but kept his chest and belly pressed tightly to Lex's side, top leg still wrapped around Lex's.

"Yes, I promise," Lex grinned back, leaning down to nibble his lover's ear.

"Cool." Sleepy grin. "Three times. I'm the master."

He chuckled softly. "Yes, yes, you are the master of the universe."

"Master of the Lex." Clark yawned again, and pressed his cheek against a warm, slightly damp, nipple, eyes closing.

"Master of my world," Lex confirmed, rubbing his cheek against the top of Clark's head. "I love you. Thank you."

"Don't go mushy." Clark yawned again, cracked one eye open to grin up at his lover, and pulled the blanket higher up over there bodies as he let his body calm down into sleep.

"I'm not," Lex grinned, snuggling down against his lover. "I'm just being honest." He paused. "And seriously considering taking you to work and hiding behind you so Wally doesn't yell that much." A little snicker, and he closed his eyes. "Goodnight, Clark."

"Honest, and mushy." Clark snorted back, but he shifted to accommodate Lex's movements, his hand sliding up to cup Lex's cheek. "You don't ever have to thank me for making you feel good. I'll always make you feel good, no matter what. I love you. It's my pleasure."

Lex kissed Clark's palm, and then brought it up to rest over his heart. "I know you will. I just sometimes wonder that I deserve you. Not an hour ago, we were yelling and sniping at each other over my cell phone and now we're here. You amaze me, Clark, in every way possible for me to be amazed."

Clark grinned, and said, quite modestly, "I'm special. Just kick back and enjoy the ride."

Lex smiled down at that. "You are special, Clark. that much I will agree to." He sat up just enough to press a soft kiss to his lover's cheek, then settled back down for sleep. "I'm glad you talked me into bed," he teased.

"Didn't take much persuading," Clark reminded, gently stroking over Lex's wet cock in example.

Lex snorted softly at that. "Yeah. I'm easy, Clark. Just don't ever tell anyone else."

Clark beamed up at him. "Not easy. Sexual." He licked his lovers nipple softly, contemplating briefly going for round four, but oh, too tired. So as soon as his cock realized that and stopped getting interested, he slumped comfortably against his lover and closed his eyes. "Very sexual."

"Oh, God, I don't think I can get it up again," Lex moaned, but then he felt Clark relaxing and he grinned. "Omnisexual, so I've been told, considering some of the things we've done with a pool cue, but that's neither here nor there."

Clark... purred. Loudly. Memories of that pool cue filled him up with pleasure, making him shiver against Lex's side as he held him. "Guhn."

"That was not a hint for a fourth," he chuckled. "But if you're nice? We can possibly work it into tomorrow's schedule."

Yeah, right. Hints. Clark was half asleep. He cracked an eye open, grinned, and closed them again as he rubbed his cheek into Lex's chest, his body relaxed and sated against his lovers body. "I love you so much."

Lex's heart swelled as he felt Clark relaxing against him, reveling as always in the trust that Clark put in him. "I love you, Kal-El reshkuma," he said softly.

"Pool cues and sha'nauch 'morrow?" Clark asked without opening his eyes, the ticking of the clock by the office door the only sound aside from their mingled breaths.

"Pool cues, sha'nauch, working our asses off, and finalizing the joint account tomorrow," Lex confirmed. "You're actually going to be coming with me to LuthorCorp tomorrow, I hope you realize, and working in my office. I won't be too much of a slave driver. Not to mention you get to make out with the boss."

"Kay." Clark yawned again mid-word and gave a soft exhalation of breath as he rested. "Work. 'count. Wally."

"Right." Lex let his eyes fall closed again, and snuggled close. "But now we're going to sleep."

Clark didn't answer. The next thing he said, a few minutes later, was a soft snore.



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