
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 29: Soothing the Soul

Lionel walked calmly down the hallway towards Graham, counting to ten in every language that he knew, and when that didn't work, he started at ten and counted backwards.  He'd gotten through English, Greek, German and Japanese before he reached Graham's spot and could speak without raising his voice.  "Was that Dominic that just went up those stairs?" he asked, eyes glittering dangerously.


Graham's eyes had followed his brothers, and his expression was softly troubled. Talking for him was a difficult thing to do, especially with his more verbally eclectic brother. He adored him, so much, but Dominic just didn’t understand that he wanted the best for him. Dammit. He--...Lionel.


His expression immediately went blank, brow raising as he rose to his full height of 6'4. "Yes, it was."

Lionel pulled himself up to his own not-inconsiderable height of 6"1'.  "What did you say to him?  He was supposed to come back and find me; what did you do to upset him?"  He glared at the bearded man in front of him.  "You may be his brother, Graham, but I am the man who loves your brother, and you better get used to that fact.  I won't have you upsetting him, and if that is going to be your agenda, you can find another place to spend the holidays."


Pride had him glaring. "I didn’t say anything but the truth. Mr. Luthor, I don’t like you. I don’t like the fact that you've hurt my brother in the past, and I don’t want him having any part to do with you. But he claims to care for you, so I’m going to be patient, and I’m going to wait. But I don’t like you, and I don’t like that he's with you. I don’t have an agenda."


"And what do you know of the truth, Mr. Senatori?  Whatever you think you know, I can assure you that you know only half of the story, if that."  Lionel slipped his family crest off long enough to pull off the ring that matched Dominic's and held it out to Graham.  "Did you happen to notice something like this on your brother's hand?  No?  Look closer, Mr. Senatori, next time you see him."  He slipped it back onto his hand, and then slipped the crest ring back over it.  "Ask him about it."


He frowned and looked away. He didn’t want to admit it, dammit, he didn’t want to see it. His kid brother wasn’t gay. "Half the truth? Which half? When you drugged him and locked him in a trunk for a day? When you made him work for two days straight without rest? Taking him everywhere when he's ill, not giving him a moments rest? Is that the half I don’t know about? Because if its not, Id sure like to be educated."


"My son drugged Dominic and twisted him into the trunk of my car.  When I found him in the trunk of the car, the tape had just been removed from his mouth, he was breathing heavily, and he couldn't move because he'd been cramped in position for eighteen hours.  Did I close the lid back on him?  Yes. Do you want to know why?  Because I didn't want to drag him out into the streets looking like that.  I drove back to the office and brought him out there, slowly, on his own.  You do realize, don't you, that Dominic is an independent man, yes?  That he does not like having things done for him?  I know it, even if you don't.  God knows I've worked with him long enough to know it."  A deep breath before he raised his voice.  "Two days straight without rest... if he's working, do you think he's working alone?  No.  I don't ask of Dominic anything that I'm not willing to ask of myself.  Have him tell you about this last trip.  This trip that I forbid him to come along on.  Have you ever worked a twenty two hour day, Mr. Senatori?  I have.  They're not fun.  But they were worth it so that I could return to your brother."  Another pause, and another spate of counting in Greek.  "The half that you don't know, Mr. Senatori, is that your brother is very, very dear to me.  And I've done all within my power in the last few months to make sure that nothing ill happens to him." 


He couldn’t stop himself before he looked away, staring at some unknown point in the hall beside them...and finally, he looked up, nodded, turned, and walked away.

Lionel sighed, and walked briefly back down to the china room.  "Marie?  Will you be all right in here if I go to check on Dominic?  I believe he and Graham had words.  I'll send Enrique in to make sure that you find your way back, and we'll continue our tour later?"


She was in complete rapture, and almost didn’t hear him as she waved a hand and peered at light blue china that must have been four hundred years old. "Uh huh. That’s fine." She tossed a delighted smile at him and continued looking.


Lionel realized that he could have told her he was eloping with Dominic while doing headstands and he could not have distracted her from the china.  He moved as quickly as he could, climbing the stairs.  Halfway up, he met Enrique who was coming down with a tray from one of the bedrooms.   "Ms. Marie is in the china room; please see to it that she's safely conducted back to her family."  He threw the order over his shoulder as he jogged up the stairs, and looked around.  The nearest room was the library, and he opened the doors, looking in.  Dominic was sitting on the piano bench, staring without seeing at the wall of books beyond.  Lionel came in and sat quietly beside him, fingers picking out a quiet melody on the keyboard as he waited for his lover to acknowledge him.


His hands were clasped and between his knees...shoulders slumped as he watched the wall. Everything Graham had hurt him, deeply, that his brother didn’t have even a little faith in him. Then his mother, and the pain of seeing her complete disgust, and he was now an emotional mess. Welcome to the last two weeks of his life.


He felt Lionel’s presence… smelled his cologne, more then anything. Then the softly tinkling music, and he looked down in his lap.


Lionel continued to play quietly, pressing his shoulder against Dominic's.  "Do you want to talk about it?" was his only spoken word, the piece moving from a simple exercise into the complexity of a Bach chorale.


He shook his head a little bit, listening quietly as his lover moved close.


Lionel's fingers moved rapidly over the keyboard, the chords of the music drifting around the library as the sunlight shone in through the window.  He left his body pressed against the length of Dominic's as he played, every so often leaning against him for a moment before straightening back to the keys again. 


He listened softly...letting his eyes close and his head bow as the music drifted through his mind as beautiful as that first step into love. Powerful and emotional as the man beside him, the sun hitting all the reds and golds in his hair, the slim body that pressed once in a while to his.


Lionel played until the end of the movement, and then paused.  In the quiet, he studied his lover, then pressed a hot kiss to his throat.  Straightening again, his fingers sought out the familiar chords of Ave Maria.  "I spoke to your brother on the way up here," he said quietly as he played, the melody slipping around them both. 


His eyes flickered open just a crack, not meeting his gaze but nodding a little as Lionel began to play one of their favorite songs. As his lover sat there, like everything wasn’t ruined now. "I’m sorry."


"For what?"  His voice was still quiet.  "It's not your fault that he's prideful and stubborn."  Long fingers danced elegantly over the keys as he concentrated on his lover.


"They’re not accepting. You shouldn’t have to go through this." Quiet.


"Neither should you."  Lionel didn't pause in his playing, but his attention shifted entirely to his lover.  "You're part of the family, Dominic.  I'm not.  Between the two of us, I'd say you're the one that shouldn't be dealing with this."


A low, heavy chuckle, and he waved a hand. "I’m used to it. You're not. I don’t want you to think...they’re insane. They’re not so bad, once you get used to them. I...I don’t want you to think less of me."


At that, Lionel did stop playing.  "If you don't think less of me because of my family--Lex--then I am not going to think less of you for your family's over protectiveness.  Besides... they're not all against us.  Marie and Belinda seem to be on our side, as does Megan."


"I didn’t tell you. About the Morgan, thing. Inconsiderate, I should have warned you."


A light smirk.  "That was a bit to get used to, but on the whole, I think I can handle it.  I will call you Dominic, everyone else will call you Morgan, and you'll merely develop a split personality to deal with it."  Lionel turned back to the keys and started playing again, choosing to pick up Ave Maria from where he'd stopped it before.


Alright. Dammit. He giggled, glancing up with wet eyes and just shaking his head. "Dork. Morgan is me. Dominic is me. I’m...Momanic." He closed his eyes again, listening to his lover play for a few long moments...what felt like an eternity...before very quietly...he opened his mouth, and sang. His voice rolled like thunder over the hills of Ireland, soft and lilting, quiet but powerful, and he slowly lay his head on his lovers shoulder as he did. "Gratia pleena... Mariaaa, graaatia pleeena, Maria, gratia plena. Ave ave Dominus, Do-oominus tecum."


Lionel's hands faltered as he listened to his lover, but he didn't miss a note.  He kept the song steady as the melody lifted Dominic's voice, and he shivered.  "You sing beautifully, beloved."  His body pressed tightly against his lover's and he didn't move.


He quieted, smiling a little and shrugging a shoulder absently. "I like that song." He turned his face to press a kiss against the sharp shoulder bone that protruded right where his cheek was pressed. "Thank you, beloved."


"You're welcome."  He stopped playing, and embraced his lover carefully.  "I'll play for you more often if you'll sing for me."  Another pause.  I'm afraid I upset your brother when I spoke to him on my way up."


"Good." Quietly, and Dominic pressed a tender kiss along his lovers cheek...then his jaw, letting himself be held as his legs dangled out on the other side of the bench from his love. "In light of it, I'll repeat what Shayla told me last week. He needs a headoutaasserectomy, stat."


"I like the way she thinks."  Lionel's hand cupped his lover's jaw.  "Please tell me you haven't let them upset you too badly... or made you rethink your decision to be with me.  I... I know what Graham said when we came down the stairs."


He shook his head softly, pressing his cheek into his lovers hand softly, fingertips drifting over his beard. "If anything, beloved, it made me realize how much I love you. I have my insecurities...that some day you'll leave me, or realize what a mistake it was for you to ever get involved with me. But then I think how happy you've made me, how devoted you are to me, how much you love me, and those things go away. Those thoughts disappear. Because theirs nothing on this earth, nothing, that I could love more then you. That you can...can put up with my family to make me happy and dear god all mighty is that snot on your shirt?"


As if he understood, a sudden happy clapping came from the doorway.


Dominic jumped and peered around his lover, looking for....for the baby, and there he sat, half in the hall and half in the door, squealing in delight as he started to crawl in. "Oh, dear God. Lionel, what have you done?"


"Mama!!! Mamamamamma!"


Shane crawled in, motor legs moving, and for being such a chunky little guy he sure moved fast. His butt wriggled and he moved in with the crunch of pamper in his pants and pacifier hanging off its clasp on his shirt, picking up every single spec of dirt on the floor as he went. "Mama!"


"Yes, that is snot on my shirt, and does this answer your question?"  Lionel picked up the baby as it came towards him.  "For some reason I cannot fathom, he seems to have formed an attachment to me."  He put Shane back up on his shoulder.  "There.  At least now I won't step on you."


"MAMA!" he squealed, bopping and jumping, all about leaping out of Lionel’s arms in his excitement. He touched all over Lionel’s face with his nice dirty hands, beaming at him before nuzzling his cheek against Lionel’s beard and rubbing. "Mama."


The smile that broke from Dominic was one he was sure he'd never felt in his life. Lionel. With a baby in his arms, and it was so natural, for him to have snot on his shirt and a child in his arms, and alright. So. Melting. His bad mood was diminishing in light of this adorable scene. "But...snot. On your shirt. You let him get snot on your shirt?"


Shaney blinked....then sneezed so hard the boogers dribbled down his chin. And he stuck his tongue out to lick them.


Dominic sighed heavily and reached into his pocket, pulling out a wad of tissues and quickly cleaned the kid up in his no nonsense manner, wipewipewipe, all done. "I’ve told Graham to give him some damn Tylenol, but he keeps insisting no child of his needs medication." Eye. Roll.


"Let?  Does it look to you like I had a choice in the matter?"  Lionel held the baby still while Dominic cleaned.  "Don't use that kind of language around the baby; I'll be blamed for him picking it up," Lionel grumbled.  He put Shane back into his arm, cradling him close.  "I believe your mother should be running through the door any moment, and oh, Dominic, please stand back.  He's been fed but if it comes back up, it'd be a shame for us both to be covered in vomit."


"Lionel, he can't understand us." A swift grin slid across his face, eyes dancing. "Mama hen." He tucked the used tissue back in his he wasn’t used to it by now. "Shaney’s not prone to puking. Adrian, however, will yack all over you, the person next to you, and the person next to them. He's got a Reflex… and its disgusting." He made a face. "I adore my nieces and nephews, but I suppose only a mothers love could deal with that."


Shane pressed in close for a minute, but obviously had other thoughts. He leapt up and down, obviously wanting to play, squealing and tugging at his bestest friends chest hair.


"Well, that's good to know.  Do be a good man and point out Adrian to me, so I may avoid him at all costs."  He yelped loudly when Shane caught a handful of chest hair, and he reached down and tried to disentangle the chubby fist.  "That's attached, my dear boy, and we don't pull on things that are attached."  He shifted him away from the open neck of his shirt to where he sat up straight.  "No pulling my chest hair.  And please... if you're going to think I'm one of your parents, please, call me Papa at the least."


Tug, tug, tug, TUG, and not only did he have a handful of hair in his hand, he laughed out loud at Lionel’s expression, exploding into giggles and squealing. Again! Again! Anything to let his funny best friend make that face again! He reached again, squealing, tugging at Lionel’s shirt front...and peering inside. Unsatisfied, chest hair forgotten, he blinked up at him and grinned again.


Dominic sat back and watched for a few minutes. His lover, sweet and educated, sophisticated and elegant, and here he was, with a baby in his arms. It was, by far, the sweetest, most wonderful thing he'd ever seen, and he was more then happy to watch… before he casually murmured, "Our child will look like him."


Lionel yelped again, and barely muffled a curse.  "Aren't we the industrious little fellow.  How about I read to you from the stock reports, hmm?  Would that bore us to sleep, hmm?"  He lightly rocked Shane against his knee.  "Would you like that, working with Uncle Lionel?"  And that nearly gagged him coming out of his mouth.  Then he heard Dominic's comment.  "No, our baby will look more like Riley's children, I am sure, considering he looks more like you than Graham."  He didn't let the quaver in his voice show, but his hand trembled where Shane gripped his finger.  A family.  A real one.


"Our child will be beautiful. You know that, right? With his father’s good looks and his daddies common sense...he'll be beautiful. So beautiful and wonderful. He'll be curious and gentle and hard headed." He smiled softly and gently stroked Shane’s head.


Shane sent adoring eyes at his former favorite uncle, instead beaming at the new one as if working with Uncle Lionel would be the most fascinating thing in the world. He'd sure be able to get into the pens, anyway. "Mamaaaa amama uhr?"


"Just think, Dominic... that child is going to have both our hard heads."  He shuddered.  "And I thought that Lex would be a hellion to raise, I can't imagine a child that is as stubborn as you and I combined."  He stroked Shane's head quietly, his fingers brushing over Dominic's.  "But she will be as beautiful as you are."


His eyes met his lovers...locked, and very softly, he leaned over the baby and pressed his mouth against those soft lips begging for a kiss. He poured his heart into that kiss, giving his lover the gift of knowing how beautiful this was, and how much seeing him holding Shane meant to him. How much thoughts of their own daughter meant to him. The baby gurgled and googled between them, and if he thought about it, he could almost picture himself doing this a year down the road, hugging and holding...his family. "Dear god, I love you."


"I love you."  Lionel's hands were full of the baby, but he kissed back as much as he could, absorbing all the love that Dominic was giving him and giving as much of it back as he could.  He wanted to share this with Dominic, wanted Dominic to know how much it meant to him to be allowed into Dominic's life and into his family.


No one was looking at him! Everyone was talking and kissing and no attention to Shaney, here! Nonono, that’s not how things worked. He latched onto both beards with gooey baby drool fingers and yanked...then grinned broadly when the big eyes of his favorite uncles met his. "Mama!"


Lionel yelped into his lover's mouth and then glared down at the baby.  "Would you like... Uncle Lionel... to jerk a knot in your ass, my boy?  Then do not pull."  He gently tapped Shane's fist until the hand let go.  "Bad boy."  He sighed, and looked up at Dominic.  "This child has gender issues."


"Way to get attention, champ." His lips spread in a grin and he pressed a kiss to the tiny, downy head, and leaned his elbows back on the piano… jumping when it clanged. Instead of getting up, though, he turned on the stool and faced the piano and put his fingertips on the keys...slowly tapping out an old lullaby Lindy used to sing to him when he was little. "No, darling, you have child issues." Huge grin.


His chin trembled. Hard. Dimpled all the way in, eyes filling, and he suddenly looked so miserable, little lips screwing up....before he let out a wail. His best friend didn’t love him anymore! Noooooo!


"I do not have issues.  Luthor's do not have issues."  Tell that to Lex's therapist...   "I am not this child's mother.  I will not stand for being called Mama."  Then he winced as Shane shrieked.  "Child, you must be quiet."  He picked the baby up and brought Shane face to face with him.  "Be quiet, dear boy, or I will have to drop you off the nearest balcony."  Lionel did nothing of the sort, however, instead cuddling the boy up to his chest and rocking gently.  "You know, if you want to grow up and be like your Uncle Lionel, you're going to have to learn to be quiet."


Shaney kept sniffling hard, rubbing his tears into Lionel’s shirt and whimpering, thumb immediately going into his mouth. He sucked, and managed to come off as looking completely miserable, chin trembling as he grasped onto his shirt in one chubby fist.


"You’ve hurt his feelings, Lionel." Amused, sweet face, still playing as one eyebrow arched. "It's better then him calling you poopoo, which, by the way, he finds incredibly amusing to say in public, as the reaction from his father usually sends everyone into shrieks of laughter. He's a little spotlight hogger, much like you and the blankets."


Lionel moved so that Shane's head lay on his shoulder.  "Little baby, don't you cry, Papa loves you, don't you cry.  Day will come, wait and see, another day for you and me."  His voice was quiet and deep, rumbling in his chest where Shane's head rested.  "I am not a blanket hog," he defended himself.


His fingers faltered on the keys, and his eyes moved to look at Lionel. Oh. God. There, singing for the baby, and never since the day he'd met him had he been as hot for him as he was right at this instant. The voice, quiet and baritone and deep, and he barely restrained the shiver at the pure beauty of it. The sex that screamed at him.


Better. That’s how things were supposed ta be, excuse me very much. He was the King, everyone else had to smoochie him and sing to him and change his poopie pampers and feed him bottles. And oh, his hero was snuggling him, and after his hard, sudden cry....he fell asleep.


Very, very softly. "You have a knack for that."


Lionel shook his head, and spoke just as softly.  "It used to put Lex to sleep, and for a long time I used to be quite offended until Lillian pointed out that the reason for a lullaby was to put the child to sleep."  He rubbed Shane's back quietly as he slept quietly.


“I’m afraid I’m about to wake him up."


He leaned over and grasped his face, yanking him into a hot, heavy kiss that he tried for to be gentle and instead all he wanted to do was rip every thread of clothing off and take him hot and hard against the soft Persian rug under their feet. He groaned with the want of it, streaking his fingers through all that luxurious hair and fisting, setting his forehead on his lovers and gasping. "I’ve been a good boy, I haven’t even touched myself, Lionel, I’m going insane Lionel, almost a month since we…”


Lionel kissed him back hungrily and slid his free hand around the back of Dominic's hair.  "I know, love... I know.  Not a night went by for me that I didn't go to sleep thinking of you and wake up needing you desperately."  He got carefully to his feet, pushing Dominic back as he walked forward until he was pinned against the bookcase.  "Take him downstairs to your mother and then meet me back in our room, now."  He emphasized his last word with a quick grasp of his lover's cock.


He let out a heavy groan and carefully took Shane in his arms, kissing the downy cheek and starting for the door, aroused out of his mind and he couldn’t walk down the stairs like this! Deep, deep, deep breath and he groaned softly, picturing...trees, paper, magazines, babies, labor, gravel....


He made it down the steps without a circus suddenly pitching a tent in his pants, and without a word handed the infant over to a somewhat shocked Ms Bird. "Ms. Bird, darling, if anyone even goes near our rooms, tell them that I will personally come and nail their heads to the wall."


"Es about time," she huffed, putting the toddler in her arms like an old pro.  "Chu vill be undisturbed; I vill meck chure of it."  She petted Shane quietly and lovingly.  "Go be with hem."  She carried the baby with her back to the kitchen, humming a lullaby as she walked.


Back in their bedroom, Lionel was stripping his clothes off and threw the dirty sweater into the corner hamper with great relish.  Wary of another intrusion, he left his slacks and socks on, but kicked off his shoes and stood by the window, looking out and waiting for his lover.


He gave Ms Bird a huge smile and took off, racing back up the steps with his renewed health and the thought from a few months before came hurling back in his head. When will it be when I can again take you, my lover?




He stripped his shirt off, lost it somewhere on the way. Unbuttoned his pants and threw open the door to their bedroom. Three strides and he threw himself at his lover, wrapping his arms around his neck and back and kissing him so hard their lips were sure to bruise. "Now, now, now!"


Lionel turned just in time to catch Dominic and wrapped his arms around his lover.  "Yes, now."  He kissed back just as hard, just as brutally, just as hungrily as his hands pushed down the unbuttoned pants and his large, warm hand wrapped around Dominic's erection.  "Anything, love... anything you want."  He thrust forward gently, pulling Dominic's hands down to his pants.  "Let me out."


"Yes, oh god, yes! Baby, anything," He cried it into his neck, fingers streaking down narrow hips and ending at the eye hook slacks. He struggled with them for a long moment...two...before his fingers slithered inside and he gripped his lovers cock hard, tugging it and stroking as his mouth bruised his lovers neck, thrusting against him all at the same time. "Missed you, missed touching you, mine, no one else’s, mine, love you, mine."


"All yours."  Lionel was pushing back against his lover, hungry, desperate and needy as he stroked, arching his throat into Dominic's hungry mauling.  "Want you inside me, Dominic... need to feel you."


Graham hesitated at the foot of the stairs.  The last that Shane had been seen, he'd been crawling up the stairs to the second floor, and he sighed.  A bell for that kid was sounding like a better and better idea.  He climbed up the stairs, listening for his son's wailing cries.  Muffled noises from behind the first bedroom--Morgan's, if he remembered correctly--and he knocked on the door.  "Morgan?  I came to relieve you--they said Shane was crawling this way."  When he got no response, he tried the door, figuring he couldn't be heard over the baby's cries.


His fingers let go of the slim, hard cock, instead sliding both palms down the back of his lovers pants. Soft, bare ass and he squeezed the firm cheeks hard, pushing them in to his and moaning at the touch. Their erections skidded across one another, moved, and he fell back against the wall beside their bed, moans escalating. Thrust, so easy to thrust when he had leverage now and he moved, eyes slitted as he hissed.


And coincidently, faced the door, lover in his arms and moving.


Graham pushed the door open, and then blushed a bright, fiery red.  "I'm--I'm sorry.  I'm interrupting.  Right.  Sorry."  He tried to slam the door shut, but ended up slamming it on his foot and howling in pain.  "Son of a bitch!" he hissed, hopping.  He couldn't believe what he'd just walked in on--he would not see his brother together with another man.


He hadn’t heard Graham walk in. Hadn’t registered that he was seeing him, so in tuned with what his body was feeling. But when he screamed "Son of a bitch!", Dominic froze and his eyes widened, stuttering as he stopped thrusting against his love. "Oh, god. Oh, god. L… Lionel…"


Lionel pried his eyes open with a great deal of effort, forcing his brain to clear.  "Dominic?"  He hadn't heard anything, only knew that Dominic was upset about something.  "What?"


Graham was still swearing softly outside the door.


He dropped down from the partial stance he'd had against his lover, moaning softly and wincing as he cupped his babies face, helping him focus as he groaned. "G... Gr-raham just saw us...gotta ta-talk to him, baby, I'll... I'll be back, promise, will be."


"Fuck... fuck him."  Lionel held Dominic by the wrists.  "Let... him see how much I need you... hurry back, or better yet... don't go."  He pulled his lover close.  "Don't go."


"No… baby, I..." He moaned and leaned in to press hot, scalding kisses against his cheeks and throat. "I h-have to. He...he wont understand, have to apologize, be r-right back, promise."


"Hurry."  He returned the hot, fevered kisses as best he could.  "Please, need you... hurry."


He buttoned up his pants...a feat, unto itself, and willed his erection way for the second time in that many minutes. He couldn’t go out in the hallway to his brother with a hard on. Couldn’t, wouldn’t. Only this was so hard to make it go away, when the addictive scent of his lovers arousal floating in his brain.


He gulped for air, leaned down and squeezed his balls hard, twisting them... yelping… and after two more minutes, opened the door, stepped into the hall, and closed it behind him.


"Morgan."  Graham's voice was... stilted.  He simply didn't know what to say to that display.


He almost couldn’t meet his brother in the face. "I’m...I’m sorry you had to see that."


"Yeah... me too."  He swallowed hard.  "I'm looking for my son.  Rumor had it he was headed this way.  I thought it was him making noise behind the door; I wouldn't have come in otherwise."


"I took him downstairs...Ms Bird has him, in the kitchen I do believe." He still couldn’t meet his brothers eyes...but finally, flickered up to them for a moment, before back down. "I’m sorry, again."


"I knocked, but I didn't get an answer."  He couldn't meet Morgan's eyes.  "Didn't mean to interrupt."


"Don’t be disgusted with me." Softly.


"I--I'm not.  Not... because of that.  Just... who you're with, Morgan.  I don't want to even think about what I interrupted.  Not with him."  Graham was trying to force the words out.


"He's my lover. We're that." His shoes were absolutely fascinating. "We've been like that together a lot. Because I wanted him too."


"Morgan, I can't hear this.  I don't want to hear this, and I damn sure don't want to see it.  I don't want to know that Lindy has sex, I don't even want to think about Shayla having sex, and... this is... this just... I can't, Morgan.  I'm sorry."


He nodded a little like he understood, but in his heart he didn’t, not at all. Graham had been there, to help him and his family through everything...his sisters pregnancy, the divorces, the scandals that broke out amongst his siblings every once in a while. And it almost felt his brother was deserting him, when he needed him more then ever. But instead he gave a little shrug. "I understand. I’m sorry to have made you feel embarrassed."


"I'll get over it."  Graham put his hand on Dominic's shoulder.  "Morgan... I'm sorry.  I know you; you're disappointed in me.  I don't want to let you down, but... this is something that it's not easy for me to accept."


He rose his gaze up, finally… not quite able to meet his face, but swallowing hard around the sudden hard lump in his throat. "I wish you could accept me for who I am. But... but I understand you cant. I just...I wish you were there for me, when I need you most."


"I love you, Morgan.  No matter who or what you pick to do with your life.  You know that.  I just... Morgan, why someone who has treated you so badly?"  He dragged his gaze upwards.  "I'm always going to be here for you, Morgan.  I might not understand, might not always approve, but I'm your brother, and I'm always going to love you and support you."


His chin trembled hard, and he tried to hide it by ducking his face. "I love him. He's changed...and I love him. And...and I...I cant help feeling you're a million miles away. I’m... I love you, you're my brother."


"Look at me, Morgan."  Graham reached out and tipped his brother's chin up.  "If he's changed, then we'll all see it, and there won't be a problem.  I won't speak for anyone but myself, I just don't like the bastard.  But... Marie and Megan and Lindy seem to, and God only knows what Shay or anyone else does.  Just... be patient, and we'll do the same.  I don't want you think you've lost me, little brother.  Because you never will."


Alright, well. He leaned forward and grasped him, hard, hugging him as tightly as he could and burying his face in that woodsy scented shoulder that Graham seemed to have always had. He swallowed at the lump; again, again, forcing it down so he wouldn't lose his composure. "Thank you, big brother."


"You're welcome."  He held Dominic tightly, letting the tight hug say for him all the comforting words that he sucked at saying.  "You know if he doesn't treat you right, he's a dead man."


He couldn’t help laughing, pulling away and holding him at arms length warmly, hands on his shoulders. "You've got a deal. Thank you, Graham. For all of this. With Mindy's..." He swallowed and matched his eyes with his brothers. "I didn’t think you'd come. But its a pleasure having you in the house. Shane's... he's gotten so big. I just wish I'd had the courage to talk to you before now and tell you so."


Graham blinked.  "Of course I'd come, Morgan.  There's no way I'd miss it.  I'd never pass up a chance to see you."  He sighed.  "I wish you'd told all of us, so we knew what to expect, because this has got to be damned uncomfortable for everyone, including you."  A tight squeeze around his brother's shoulders.  "But we'll get through it."


A little shrug, looking down. "I didn’t want to, because I knew mama would have a heart attack, and all of you would look at me weird for the whole holiday season, and Shayla would crack her jokes...and after the last month or so, I really needed all of you, normal, without that boulder."


"I'll try and hold Shay's cracks down to a minimum, but that's like trying to stop the oceans with a sponge."  He sighed.  "Dominic... let me see your hands," he said suddenly, remembering the ring Lionel had thrown in his face.


His eyes were wide. "I...Graham, I was just t...touching..."


"Just let me see them, Morgan, now."  He shook his head.  "Please."


He held his hands out in front of him and watched his face. Long of finger, slim width and wide of palm. Hands that had never seen a days labor, but had passed over things that no other living soul would ever touch. Millions of dollars, cover ups, raises, Christmas bonus's, leather, Kings hand shakes... and Lionel’s skin. Above all, the last was the most important in the entire world.


Graham's eyes were drawn to his brother's left hand, and he brought it up closer to his face.  His thumb rubbed over the delicate ring on the last finger.  "I'll be damned."


"What?" A blink, before his eyes softened and he smiled. "Lionel brought it back to me from Hong Kong. I couldn’t believe it fit so well, but here we are. He has one, just like mine."


"I know.  He showed it to me and told me to ask you about it... so I'm asking."  Graham let his brother's hand drop.  "I didn't believe him."


"If anything, he doesn’t lie. In fact...he tells the truth, every time." He smiled a little, rubbing the ring with soft fingertips. "I...I’m gonna go back in, with him. Is that okay?"


"Just answer me one thing, Morgan."




"What, exactly, does this mean?" he asked, holding the ring up so they both could see it.


"Lionel didn’t say it in so many words, but its our engagement ring." A soft smile, eyes warming with tenderness and utter, complete love. "It means that I mean the world to him, and I’m his...just like his ring means he means the world to me, and he's mine."


Graham watched the transformation in his brother's eyes, and listened to what he said.  "Go back to him."  He sighed.  "I can't believe I'm going to say this, but... if he's gotten you a ring, then he has to be serious about you."  A squeeze to Dominic's shoulder.  "Don't let him go, Morgan."


He grinned at his brother, dimples winking in each cheek, big green eyes dancing. "Still a sucker for romance no matter where it comes from." He hugged him fiercely once more and turned back, stopping with his hand on the knob to the bedroom and glancing at his brother once more. "Thank you."


 "You're welcome, though I'm not sure what for," Graham said gamely.  "Just... be happy, little brother."


"Thank you." Another soft smile, and he opened the door, slipping inside, and let it click shut behind him.


And all the while, he had a huge, idiot grin on his face.


"" He called softly, not seeing him in the bedroom...then the sound of splashing water from the shower, and he slowly stripped his shirt off once more...stopping, turning back, and locking the bedroom door before quietly padding to the bathroom. "Lovely one?"


"Come on in... the water's fine."  Lionel leaned over and opened the shower door.  "Assuming, that is, that you're alone and without clothing."  He peered out behind the glass, his hair slicked back against his neck, chest hair glistening where water drops caught in the thick forest there.


His eyes danced as he watched his lover step half out, quickly tugging his pants off and letting them slide down his hips. He stepped around Lionel’s already discarded clothing and across the cold tile, sliding right into the warm, tender arms and snuggling deep as they stepped back in. A heavy sigh at the warmth of the water, and Dominic snuggled as the droplets rained down over his back. "Me and Graham made up."


"Good," Lionel said, moving his mouth across Dominic's throat and neck.  "Glad to hear it."  More sucking, hot kisses to the arched throat.  "Did you lock the door this time?  And tell everyone to leave?"  His hand slipped down Dominic's belly, teasing his navel with quick rakes of his fingernails.


Oh, damn. He let his head drop back....then that mouth, there at his Adam’s apple and he shuddered, arching up into the hot mouth as fingernails raked over his belly button. Straight shot down to his groin and his cock jumped hard, the earlier promise of orgasm rushing to fill the poor abused organ. "Locked. Gone. Oh, god, yes."


"Good."  A hard bite to the crisp, wet skin over his lover's Adam's apple as his hand wrapped around Dominic's cock and jerked.  "I want you inside me, Dominic.  Now."  He stroked harder, moving his mouth down Dominic's throat to capture a nipple and then growl into it.


"Di-Did you h... hear? We're...we're friends. Ag...aga...Lionel!!!" Half scream as twin pleasure points spiked and he let out a wail, grasping the hair in his fingers tugging him down for a hard, heavy kiss. One hand slid away, the other gripping at the base of Lionel's skull and kissing hard, and moved to wrap around the hard, jutting cock pressing into his hip, rubbing his thumb against the white hot tip quickly and harshly. "M... mean t-that?"


"I mean that," Lionel growled again, teeth worrying Dominic's lower lip before dropping back down to his nipple.  He thrust his cock into Dominic's hand, rubbing his back against the shower wall before rocking forward against his lover.  "I also mean now."


He laughed out loud, the sound dark with lust, and he...he almost didn’t know how to do it rough, letting go of the hard erection and tugging him gently. "T...turn around...I, I don’t want to move, please?" He soothed the soft skin of his lovers back, gently thumbing the vertebrae, and leaned in to kiss the salty neck as Lionel was turning.


Lionel turned in the shower, his palms pressing against the wall as he presented himself to his lover.  "You better move, and soon," he growled, trying not to stroke his aching cock.  "I want you, Dominic... want to feel you in me, want to remember it and know you're with me."


And as soon as he had, he dropped to his knees and buried his mouth in his lovers ass.


He sucked at each exposed cheek once before delving in, deep, not waiting for pleasantries as he sucked at the exposed ridge...and bit. Just as Lionel had, right at the rim, and he ducked his head and thrust his tongue in deep, fingers of his free hand reaching around to jerk his lovers cock. Hard, rhythmic thrusts of his mouth, suction around the tiny hole, and he thrust in again at the same time that he circled his lovers cock head… and tapped the ultra sensitive spot right where the ridges around the head met.


Lionel bit down on his scream, forcing it to become a tortured cry of his lover's name.  "Dominic!!"  He rocked back against Dominic's tongue while thrusting his cock forward, eyes shut and head arched back into the spray of the shower.  His legs buckled but he locked them in place, arching his body even more as he fought to stay on his feet.  "Dominic... I need you so."  One hand slipped down from the wall and covered Dominic's on his cock, squeezing and stroking.


A few more powerful strokes of his tongue and he rose, planting thick kisses all the way up his back, and twin fingers slid to take his mouths place as he gently bunched them and slid them in, deep, deep as he could. "Tell me. Scream for me, my love." His voice sounded throaty and dark, accented and heavy, and he swallowed against the hard ball of want that had traded up the one of distress from earlier with Graham. Just pure, aching want, and his cock throbbed as his mouth and chest tingled, making themselves known as he gently stroked his chest against the taut back. "Tell me how much you need me." Erotic whisper into soft hair, and his fingers scissored deep...and skimmed across the prostate they knew they'd find.


The accent cut straight across Lionel's brain and fired off huge streaks of fire that shot through his body and straight to his cock.  The fingers in his ass stretched him and he opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.  Just hard, needy sounds, whimpers, cries and growls as he pushed back against his lover.  "D--Dominic... need you inside me.  Couldn't stop thinking about it."  Sobbing cry as he nearly screamed at the touch of his prostate.  "Seeing... you were crying as I left... broke my heart... wanted you so much...  take me, Dominic, make the pain go away."


"One more, be-beloved, one's gonna hurt a little, just a little, take a deep breath... don’t tense up, one more finger and then I'll be so deep, so deep inside. Thrust inside you, make you feel so full and tight, make you forget about everything else but me inside you." He rasped softly against the bucking, trembling back, slowly sliding all his fingers out before he bunched up the first three and slowly started to slide in. First time, and he'd do it right. He was going to take his lover hard, and he didn’t want him hurt...not now, not ever. "Feel how hard I am? Want you so much...want to feel your heat wrap around me and grab me, like a fist, just squeeze me so hard inside baby, so hard."


Lionel relaxed, sucking in a deep breath and crying out in pure ecstasy as Dominic's fingers penetrated him.  His free hand scrabbled on the tile wall of the shower as he squeezed his cock, gripping Dominic's fingers tightly as he did so.  "I want you," Lionel gasped out, pushing down on the fingers moving inside him.  "All of you, always, as deep in me as you can get."  He turned his head as much as he could, seeking a kiss from his lover in the wet spray.  "You're... you're all I want."


He kissed him, hard and passionate as his fingers moved, knees trembling as he locked them tight against the backs of his lovers legs. He gripped the cock in his hand hard, fingers sliding free to grip his lovers as his fingers slid out of his soft, stretched entrance. "Want you. I love you. Gonna take you… let me take you. So hard and fast." But it was said as an almost question, gazing at him with fogged eyes as he positioned himself, the head of his erection rubbing tantalizingly across that soft, hot fist waiting for him to slide into.


Lionel nodded as hard as he could, angling his body so that his stretched opening slowly slid over the head of Dominic's teasing cock.  "In me now, Dominic."  Quiet, sure-spoken words, heavy with need and rough with want.  "Do it, do anything, just... love me."


He groaned hard and, grasping the hips in his palms, thrust in with a single movement, balls deep and moaning loudly. Hot, hot, weeks since he'd done this and it was like coming home, moaning loudly and staying still...waiting for his lover to get used to his size once more. Not that he was overly large at all, but inside… it felt different. It was different.


So he drove himself insane for ten seconds, sitting there in the inferno of his lovers body...before he lost his mind. He pulled out, letting out a harsh wail before slamming back in, hard as he could, setting a rough, out of control pace that had his balls slapping against the soft thighs and his body shuddering hard.


Lionel’s fingers curled against the tile wall as he held himself up, pushing back hard and down against Dominic's thrusts.  Yes, this is what he'd wanted, never had had before his lover and wanted it now.  He couldn't stop the hoarse cries and deep screams coming out of his throat; they poured out with each beautiful pound into his ass.


"Dominic."  He repeated his lover's name over and over again in a harsh, raw voice as he tightened his ass hard around his cock, holding it in for as long as he possibly could.  His hair was plastered against the back of his neck and he didn't *care.*  The only thing he cared about was the man inside him.  "I love you."


"I love you, god, I love you, I love you," He gasped, thrusting harder, gripping the pale hips and pulling him back into each of the thrusts before… before he decided he didn’t LIKE that. He didn’t like not seeing his lovers face, didn’t like not being able to watch his face as he gave him this roaring pleasure. He pulled out of his lover completely and tugged him up and around, pushing him against the wall of the hot shower as his mind screamed to get back in and keep going. "Up. Legs. Legs, around my waist. Now. Wont hurt. Now."


Lionel did as he was told, shocked at the strength of his lover's healed body and he realized that he'd thought of Dominic as prissy.  All that went out of the window as he moved, twisted around and wrapped his legs around Dominic's waist as he braced himself against the wall of the shower, his weight on his back and hands as he held himself there.  He leaned forward, kissing Dominic hotly.  "Back inside."


He hauled him easily up, higher, so his lovers cock was pressed against his upper belly. One palm kept his lovers waist solidly against him, the other braced them both against the wall, and in a single push he slammed back in...oh...god...liking this angle SO much better. He pushed up, grunting, burying his face in Lionel’s neck and biting the skin hard, thrusting as hard as he could into the warm, inviting sheath. "Uh, god, oh... so... uh... hard… L... tight..."


Lionel's hands slipped down to his lover's ass, using handholds of the firm flesh to pull Dominic even further into him.  "Just what I want... harder, Dominic."  The back of his head thumped against the wall, and he didn't even feel it as Dominic drove into him.  "I need... please, Dominic.  Harder.  Don't... hold back.  Everything.  Need everything."  His hands kneaded Dominic's ass, heels pulling him in close as Lionel moved his hands to Dominic's chest and tweaking a nipple.


He let out a harsh, loud cry and angled his lovers hips, pushing in as hard as he could, staying there for a half a second, and stared at his lover, teeth clenched. "When I’m through, you'll wish you hadn’t asked that of me."


He took his lover like an animal. Grunting, panting, thrusting like he didn’t care that his lover could get hurt. Pushing him past any threshold he ever knew before. Solid slams inside his tiny passage that shook them both, and he tore and bit at his lovers chest. Nipple ring in his mouth, solid, and he bit the nipple that housed the threaded ring as hard as he could, sucking at the ring in the same moment. Writhed, moved against him, tortured him every once in a while by sliding inside and just moving his cock in circular motions...rubbing against all the walls, arousing beyond belief, and then thrust hard once more.


He hit his lovers gland each and every single time.


Lionel was screaming.  He had once prided himself on never losing his mind during sex, but this was mindless fucking with his lover, mindless because he trusted Dominic enough to let go and just *be.*  He arched and twisted and turned his body into the avid caresses of his lover, his own mouth seeking skin to lick and bite and fastening on his shoulder.  His nipple throbbed, his body jerked, twitched, and throbbed around Dominic's cock, and his own was an aching mass of need.  "I can't... touch... touch me, let me touch, going to die," he ground out into Dominic's shoulder, feeling his cock burning with each pound of his prostate.  "Never leaving you again, I swear."  He bit down hard on Dominic's shoulder, rubbing over his chest and belly with his hands and nails, then dragging them up his lover's back.


He streaked his hands up the long back, holding him close as his mouth moved from nipple to neck and he bit, again and again, love bites that would turn into enormous bruises. Sucked, hard at a single one, pounding into him as hard and good as he could. He slid in that slim, slick passage almost all the way out, feeling his lovers body catch and hold his cock head, and then thrust back in as hard as he could, deep, deeper, feeling his lovers body swallow him whole.


In his head, Pavarotti was singing Ave Maria as loud as he could.


He stopped his hips again, circled the head deep inside, gently rubbing against the gland each and every single time. Make this last longer. Just a little longer, please god. "Promise me chains. Whips. Collar....leash." Harsh, gasping into the soft ear, dirty talking in that deep, rumbling voice of his. "Promise you'll sixty nine with me...suck me down, and feel me between your thighs, milking your cock for all you're worth."


"Promise," Lionel moaned out, riding the now gentle thrusts with rolls of his hips.  "Promise you chains... promise you a collar and a leash, drag you around with me and do what I want with you... promise you whips and lashes that feel like kisses."  He nearly whimpered.  "Promise I'll do anything you want."  His nails dragged up Dominic's back again, marking the smooth skin with red furrows.  "Promise I'll always make you mine."


He groaned darkly. "Promise me you'll let me do the same." And this time he punched it with a thrust, starting to move inside of him again with no intention of stopping. Panting, unable to breath, hot and steamy, cant breath, chest tight, wanting, wanting so much, orgasm wanting to break free as his chest constricted and he thrust up into the tight sheath of warm body, body jolting with each movement.


He watched his lovers eyes...needing to watch him as he stroked, in, out, in, fucking him against the side of their running shower, with water pouring between them, Lionel’s dark red cock against his belly, his own undulating inside his lovers body, and he nearly lost his mind.


But he'd be damned if Lionel didn’t come first.


"Le-let me tie you up, fuck you so hard, gag you, make you watch me masturbate, wear anal beads all day, all day without taking them out, feeling me thrust against you, hard, inside, hard.."


"YES!" Lionel shouted, unable to say anything.  A touch on his cock was all it took and his entire body shook violently, locking in place as he all but twisted himself in half as he came so hard.   "P-promise... be your slave... let you do everything, want to feel it all for you."  His hands gripped Dominic's shoulders tightly as hot streams of semen flew out of his cock to land on Dominic's belly before being washed off on the shower.  Images flashing through his brain as he came, his body never stopped jerking as he pushed down against his lover's cock.  "My word... I promise... anything you want, I want."


Couldn’t feel anything, couldn’t move, couldn’t hear a word, just the tight grip of his lovers body and he let out a harsh wail, feeling the hot splash of semen on his belly, before... before his mind exploded. He saw white and locked his knees tight, letting out a hollow, harsh cry into his lovers shoulder as he twisted and jerked his hips, burying himself in as far as he possibly could...and letting go. Coming like he'd never end, letting out harsh grunts of ache as Lionel’s body milked him for everything he was.


He sagged against his love, groaning deeply into hot skin, fingers trembling as they raced over his lovers body. "L...L....d...didnt h...hurt... y… you..?.."


Lionel shook his head, beyond speech for very long moments.  "I'm... I'm fine.  You didn't hurt me."  He let his legs slide down and locked them so they would support him, and then he drew Dominic close and kissed him deeply as their bodies were still linked together.  His tongue thrust in and swept over, possessing his mouth utterly.  "I love you.  I love you."  He rubbed his hand over the healed shoulder.  "I'm glad this is gone... so many things in store."  He kissed again, holding Dominic close and slowly easing off his cock so he could gather Dominic in his arms.  "Will... will you let me hold you?"


He panted roughly, his hips giving soft, shallow thrusts up into the quivering, willing sheath. Spent. His body was completely spent, and he shuddered hard to keep himself up, groaning darkly into a caramel shoulder. "Love y-you… love you, baby, I love you so much." He grunted, mouthing the dusky skin with his tongue and lips. Suck...a loving kiss to the flowering hickey there on a perfect neck, and he licked it softly with great relish. "Hold me 'while. Please."


Lionel wrapped his arms around Dominic, picking up the closest towel and wrapping them both in the long white folds.  He scrubbed at his own hair and then at Dominic's.  "You're beautiful. I hope you realize that."  He caressed down the length of his lover's back and squeezed his firm ass gently.


And he didn’t like that. He took the towel gently from his lover as they stepped out of the shower, and gently stroked the soft, dusky skin. He pat it dry...leaning in to lick at the rivulets that slipped down the long shoulder blades...gently caressed a soft bruise under his nipple as he finished patting him dry. "You're beautiful." Quiet, awed voice, gazing up at him with a little crooked smile. "Lovely, you're beautiful."


Lionel looked down at himself, and then smirked back up at Dominic.  "Well, I was the World's Sexiest Man, if you'll remember... there is a certain standard that I have to live up to."  He rubbed his fingertips over the marks on his skin.  "I love these."


A little blush lit his cheeks, and he reverently skimmed his lips over the toned belly, the belly button...then up, to lick softly at a pectoral. "I hope I look this good when I’m your age." A moment, and he shot his gaze up. "Not that you're old, lover." He gave the nipple ring a nip, and blushed. "I bought you something."


Lionel buried the snicker in Dominic's neck.  "I'm old enough," he compromised.  "And Dominic... you do not need to buy me anything."  He shivered at the tongue that skipped over him.


"I went into Metropolis to pick up a few things for the family, and...I saw it, and couldn’t stop thinking of you. Hold on, just a moment."


He let go of his love and padded very nakedly into the bedroom, dropping to his knees and rooting under the bed where he'd hid the Christmas gifts for his family, and after going through a jeweler’s bag, took out a tiny black box. He stood back up and walked quietly back into the bathroom, stopping in front of his lover and kissing his chin. "I had it engraved, so you'll always know you're mine." And he presented the little box, cracking it open...


Where a nipple ring sat there on dark satin.


He grinned wickedly at the small hoop of pure white gold, and slipped it out, stepping in beside his lover and tilting the ring so he could see the engraving along the inside.


Forever my Lovely One.


"I..I was gonna wait till Christmas, but I thought you'd like it now." A small, shy grin.


Lionel ran his fingertips over the white gold ring, feeling the rough letters of the inscription as he did.  "It's... I love it, Dominic.  It's beautiful."  He moved his hands down, and then paused.  "Would you?  Like to put it on me?"  He let his hand move to the back of Dominic's head, tilting it up.  "I want it now," he confirmed quietly.  "Something to mark me as yours."


"You don’t need to be marked to know you're mine, as I’m yours." He answered softly, sweet eyes meeting his as he looked at his nipple with a little peer. "I...I don’t know how. I don’t want to hurt you, beloved."


"It's simple."  Lionel reached up and unscrewed the small titanium ball on the left side of the ring, and then pulled the bar through his nipple.  The hole remained opened, and Lionel hissed in pleasure as it manipulated his nipple.  "Just slide it back through the hole."


He swallowed hard… and instead, leaned down to gently kiss the little nipple softly, nibble at it, love at it like only he was wont to do. After gently licking it, he turned to the bathroom shelves and reached into it for a moment... removing a bottle of alcohol and some cottony swabs. He moistened the cotton, then moved back to his love and gently swiped it over the little nipple, making sure it was completely clean...working like a surgeon, peering at it with tender love and care.


Lionel shivered and thrust forward gently as Dominic's mouth carefully laved his nipple, and then shivered as the cold alcohol and the colder air brushed over his nipple and hardened it.  "Dominic.......  you're teasing."


"Just now realized, lover?" Teasing smother of his words into a warm chest, and he caught his tongue between his teeth as he gently took out the ring from the satin. "Its...its so tiny. The hole. Are you certain I wont hurt you?" Quietly spoken, glancing up at him.


"I'm certain.  The hole is there, the bar fits through it, and the ball screws on at the end."  He left his hands resting on Dominic's shoulder.  "You can do this, Dominic.  You will not hurt me."


"I’m just wondering how fast it'll take me to slip this in and drop to my knees to give you a blow job, beloved." Innocently, as he pinched the tiny nipple and slowly slid the bar through it, the gold gorgeous against all of that skin and hair. He screwed the tiny ball at the end, where their initials were carved, and glanced up at him, eyes dancing. "You should have seen the woman’s face at the jeweler’s when I asked if they sold nipple rings."


Lionel sucked in a deep breath, holding very still as Dominic slid the ring on.  "You... are going to be the death of me."  He moved his palm to gently cradle the back of Dominic's head as he worked.  "You're going to just... kill me."


His smile was priceless. "Why darling, are you saying I’m going to put you into an early grave?"


He was about to say more, already lowering to his knees, when a scream of joy and the sound of the returning Senatori woman echoed all through the enormous house. Dominic blinked just a little, straightening again, and thudded against his lover. "Kill me."


"Only if your family doesn't first," Lionel said, in light of the returning clan.  "Remind me again as to why you made me promise not to kill them?"


"Because I knew you'd want to." Amusement lit his face, and pressed a chaste, soft kiss to his lips. "Come on, lets get dressed and see what the girls bought."





go to the next part