
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 302: The Prodigal Son Returns

There was an immense, pounding, throbbing, aching, thrum in his head. He knew better than to open his eyes--any hint of light, whether daylight, strobe light, or even soft lamplight--would exacerbate the headache into near-migraine proportions.

Lex breathed, deeply, as he tried to figure out what in the fuck he'd done last night to be this hung over.

Fucking chloral hydrate, he swore. I'm never going to mainline that shit ever... fucking... again. Provided I survive this time.

Lex grunted at that, as more memory came back. He, for once, hadn't partied himself to--

Himself. His hands went to his chest, and then shot down to his crotch, elated beyond expression when he felt a dick and two testicles.

"Yes, Kenep, they are still there, and from what I can see under the blankets, they are quite functional." Jor-El's voice was dryly amused.

"I don't care," Lex rasped out, his voice back to normal, masculine sounding in his throat. "I'm just so fucking glad to have them back."

"So is my son, I would wager. He is at the hospital with your father and Dominic, and shall be home shortly. Would you like something to drink?"

"Yeah. Scotch. On the dresser, clear decanter. Just... bring the whole thing over."

Clark, for his part, was deeply, unspeakably amused at the elation going on in his head. He grinned to himself, cheeks flushed as he stopped right outside of Smallville for a moment to untangle a bramble from his sock, which was deeply annoying him, and murmured in his thoughts, Hi, baby.

Don't you Hi baby me, Clark Kent. Whatever you did gave me a hangover that won't fucking wait. But on the upside, I got my dick back, so I can't complain.

Clark, stupidly, felt tears spring up into his eyes, of joy, as he took off running again. I missed you. I'll be home in five minutes, kay?

I'll be here when you get back. Lex still had his eyes closed, and took the scotch bottle by touch when Jor-El put it in his hands. "Ah, thank you," he murmured out loud, and took a nice, deep gulp.

Clark took off running again. The sun had yet to rise, and the earth was already warm and muggy with the days heat and the rain storm from the night before, which, after contemplation, he was sure he'd caused. Regardless, he ran as fast as he could, and when he was sure it was safe, leapt... and stayed up.

The exhilarating, terrifying feeling of being weightless sent him soaring through the air, overjoyed and powerful as he moved through the air like a bird, and only landed when he neared Luthor property. He ran the last half mile, leaping over the low wall of the garden, and took the back door up into the house.

He was breathless in the doorway when he saw his lover, his Lex, and his father smiling, and he toed his shoes off in one movement and pounced on his lover in the next.

Lex grunted as Clark pounced on him, and on the bed, and he carefully put the scotch bottle to the side as he cracked open one eye.

And instantly regretted it as what little light there was in the room assaulted his eyes. "I'm going to kill whomever turned on that fucking lamp," Lex answered, wrapping his arms around Clark and pulling him down on top of him. "I missed you."

Oh, the bed went bouncing, pillows went flying, and Clark covered his face in kisses. He wasn't sure if Lex was okay with him right now but he couldn't care less, because he hugged him as tightly as he could, kissing him furiously and happily and oh, he was overjoyed. "I love you!"

"I love you too," Lex answered back, keeping his eyes slitted closed and hugging him tightly. "It's okay, Clark. I'm me. Or, as me as I ever was."

"Okay," Clark smiled at him, and then looked shyly at his father. "Could we have privacy, Father?"

"You only had to ask, Kal-El," Jor-El said softly. "I'll leave you alone with your aushna'." He smiled as he closed the bedroom door, and left them alone.

"Hi, Clark," Lex said softly.

"Hi, Lex," Clark said back, sitting there on his knees tangled with Lex's legs, and he sat back on his ankles as he looked at him, gnawing on his lip. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too." He smiled up as much as he could through the ache in his head.

"I'm sorry I was terrible to you... Alexis. I'm sorry… I couldn't keep myself… excited for you. Her. I didn't know how to tell you."

"It's okay," Lex answered. "I'm not even thinking about that right now." He took another drink from the bottle. "I'll worry about it later. Right now, I want a shower, a half bottle of aspirin, and to feel like me again."

Clark nodded, firmly, and kissed his lover gently before scrambling off the bed to the bathroom. When he returned he had two aspirin and a glass of water in hand, and he handed them over to his lover with a firm nod. "Take this. Then shower. Then we'll go see Lionel and Dominic, after you eat and rest."

"Eat," Lex said skeptically. But he took the pills, and washed them down with scotch.

"Lex!" Clark cried it, scandalized. "Scotch and medicine don't go together, or is what your dad did not even registering? Ass."

"Scotch and medicine, no. Scotch and aspirin? I lived on for eight years."

Clark glared, but rather then say anything else, he sat back down on the edge of the bed and kissed his lover's cheek, very, very tenderly. "I missed you. How's the link feeling?"

Lex gave it a good, hard yank. "It feels... normal, actually. Like it's supposed to."

Clark felt the tug, and smiled. Just… smiled. "There was a hole in it. Your powers, which I patched up by the way, tore a chunk into it. But it was okay, before I left your head." he stroked a hand over it, eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're so powerful you took my breath away."

Lex gave a little shove at the walls. "Hm. That would explain these," he said, testing the barriers. And then he smiled. "I like taking your breath away, Clark."

Clark's dimples winked on, and he lowered his eyes with a blush. "I gave you some of my strength, permanently, so you can control your powers. It'll be easier for you to use them now, and much more natural."

Lex's eyebrow raised. "It was that bad?"

"Pretty bad," He answered back, as he took Lex's slender fingers in his own--wonderfully, gloriously masculine--and kissed them, tenderly, over and over.

Lex pulled his hands away from Clark's mouth and used them instead to cup his face, and bring Clark's mouth to his, where he really wanted it. A kiss, a real kiss, from his lover, and Lex pressed his lips against Clark's gently in asking.

Clark kissed back without hesitating, kissing furiously gentle but hard at the same time, over and over, sucking and licking over his lover's lips, teeth, tongue. he sucked on it in his appreciation, ecstatic to find the mouth hard and strong under his, and groaned deeply as he did it. "Not wet… not soft...good," he whimpered.

Lex returned the kiss deeply, letting Clark take and possess his mouth for long moments before he pushed back, taking control for himself. His fingers laced through Clark's hair, his tongue thrust into Clark's mouth, deep stabs that claimed Clark's mouth for his own as he sucked and nibbled at wide, full lips.

The kiss shifted, control being given and taken gently, and Clark yielded now as he let himself be kissed, moaning very softly into that lovely mouth as he shifted and lay back on the bed, taking Lex with him and never breaking the kiss as he was possessed, and possessed in return.

Lex rolled on top of Clark, straddling his waist as he braced his hands on Clark's shoulders, breaking away after a particularly sharp lance of dizziness and pain in his head. "I'm going to need a lot more aspirin before I keep doing this," Lex said, letting his head thunk down to Clark's shoulder, and he whimpered.

Clark blushed, hot and red, and gave a little grin under Lex's body as he looked up. "Sorry. Too fast. Sorry." He got up on one elbow, and lightly kissed his lover's lips, once, twice, three times. "We can… later."

"I certainly hope so, because a very, very insistent portion of my anatomy is telling me that it's tired of not being used and is ready for some action." He kissed Clark's shoulder as he sat up. "Look by the dresser and see if there's a pair of black sunglasses sitting there, with silver rims."

He nodded, firmly, trying not to be mortified about how he was acting, and he rolled up from the bed, tugging his clothes back into general order before he looked on the dresser. "Yeah, they're here."

"Good, then I won't die when I open my eyes." Lex stumbled across the bedroom to the dresser, found the sunglasses by touch, and winced when he opened his eyes behind the tinted lenses. "There, that's... somewhat better, at least." He looked at Clark through the dark glasses. "You want to share a shower?"

Clark looked down at his lover, hiding behind shades, looking entirely too pale, and couldn't help but smile. "No, baby. You go ahead. I'll clean up out here, lay out some clothes, get Ms. Bird to bring us food. And remind me to leave a note for Eddie, he won't know what's going on."

"Eddie. Eddie is..." Lex had to stop and think. "Right, the therapist. Leave me a note too, Clark, because I don't know what the hell is going on either. Fill me in after the shower? And do you love me enough to bring me coffee? A lot of it, actually?"

"I love you enough to run to Columbia, but I think the border patrol would get suspicious," Clark answered, smiling at him again and just... elated to see his lover, sleepy and achey but there, whole, no more boobs and just... "Just Lex." he sighed, overjoyed.

"Yes, Just Lex," he echoed with a grin. "And Clark? I love you, dearly, but I'm not dressing up again for quite some time. Just... getting that out of the way."

Clark blushed from his toes all the way up to his hairline, a bright, fire engine red that lit all the way into his scalp. He cleared his throat and looked down, still blushing, nodding furiously and coughing softly. "No more dressing up," he answered, smiling shyly down at his toes.

Lex snickered softly at the shy look down and the blush. "You're so cute when you blush, Clark." Lex held out his hand. "Come on. Wash my back for me."

"Are you sure?" Clark asked softly, even as his fingers clasped his lover's tightly, with both hands. "Okay. I can wash backs. I'm a good back washer."

"Yes, I'm sure. I wouldn't be asking if I weren't." Lex tightened his fingers around Clark's, and gave him a smile. "I don't hold anything against you," he said after a quiet moment, drawing Clark into the bathroom behind him. "If that's what you're worried about. I don't know if I should or not, but I don't."

Clark stepped over the threshold of the bathroom, his fingers tightening on his lovers as Lex spoke. Oh, and here came the babbles. "I tried. I didn't want to make you upset. But it was hard, like it was when I ever tried to talk to Lana, because I didn't get why she ever got upset and then I realized I didn't understand why you were upset, and then I hurt you and you yelled at me to stop, and I was so scared I'd hurt you somehow that I couldn't get... get hard, I'm sorry, I really am sorry, I'm a good aushna', but I couldn't, I'm sorry."

Lex just raised the hand not twined with his lover's and clapped it over his mouth. "Clark. Babble later. Kiss now, shower in a minute, and don't worry ever, okay?"

"I feel terrible," Clark said, miserably, and turned his head to look at the big mirror behind the sinks, where he and Lex were standing. Lex was shorter then him, a few inches anyway, and Clark watched them both, the way their hands were, the closeness of their bodies, and without turning his eyes, wrapped his arms around Lex's shoulders waist and held him close. "I love my aushna'."

"Don't," Lex said, covering Clark's arms with his own and letting his head rest on Clark's shoulder. "I love my aushna', and I'm proud of him for coping with a very, very strange situation in the best way he could."

He nodded, quietly, against his lover's cheek, and with thumb and forefinger, tilted Lex's head up to him to gently kiss him.

Lex leaned his head back as Clark tilted it, accepting the kiss that Clark was offering. His hands moved, up and backwards so that he could slide his hands, albeit awkwardly, through Clark's hair, rubbing his shoulders against Clark's chest in soft caresses as they kissed.

Clark kissed him, gently, adoringly, licking over soft lips, nibbling on the scar, before letting go with a parting kiss and burying his face in his lover's neck, hugging him tightly. His fingers wrapped around a warm waist, hugging him close, open palmed and pressing him close. "I love you so much. Don't ever go away again."

"I won't," Lex promised, shaping his body to Clark's as much as he could. "I won't leave my aushna' again."

"Good." Another kiss, muffled into his lover's shoulder, before lifting his head to brush a kiss across a slender temple. "Lionel and Dominic are okay. Before you woke up I was in Metropolis, checking on them. Dominic's sinking into depression, Lionel's doing the same. The surgery is tonight."

Lex blinked several times, waiting for his murky mind to fill in the blanks. "Right. The surgery. Did Dad happen to mention how optimistic or pessimistic the doctors are, or anything remotely useful?"

"Yes. He said that the doctors think it's going to be a total success--the medicine is what was doing a lot of the damage. Dom's in a fair amount of pain, now that he can feel everything again." A sympathetic little wince. "But he said that about a month and a half or so after the surgery, with physical therapy, and Dom'll be walking again. Probably with some assistance, but everything will work again."

"That's good." Lex rubbed the bridge of his nose behind the sunglasses. "Eddie's been working for us what, a grand total of three days and we're already up and changing the program on him. Remind me when we leave the note for him to arrange a meeting with him too and see if he's willing to stay on, and work with Dom anyway, despite the fact it's not as severe as we thought."

Clark nodded. "I think he will anyway. From what your dad said, it'll be full rehab and physical therapy. He'll probably do it anyway, just cause Dom's a patient of his sisters."

"I hope so; doesn't seem like Eddie's afraid of Dom's crap." He gave a little snort. "Must run in that family."

Clark grinned, at that, and finally let his lover go to prepare the shower for them. He pulled out warm towels, shampoo and soap, a razor for him to get rid of the stubble on his cheeks, and turned to his lover, shyly. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be." He blinked, then looked down, then looked back up at Clark and blinked again. "I don't have anything to shave, do I?"

"I do," Clark smiled, blushing again as he pulled his t-shirt up over his head, letting it fall before dropping his hands to his waist. He unbuttoned his jeans and tugged the zipper down, slowly undressing even as he thought about how to say what he wanted to say. Well.. "Lex… when I give my powers to you, my skin is soft as a human's, right?"

Lex's already-naked body stretched and his shoulder popped, but he nodded. "That's right, it is. AT least, we assume that it is, because you can get hurt, cut, broken ribs, etc, so I feel fairly safe in saying that it's a fair assumption."

He nodded, again, and shimmied out of his jeans and underpants, tugging his socks off as well before he walked over to Lex, and gently offered his hand. "What... would you say if I got… um.."

Lex took Clark's hand and looked up at him. "Got what, baby?"

Clark felt flushed and warm all over at the little name, and he bit his lip to keep from smiling too widely as he and Lex climbed into the shower. "My nipples pierced."

Lex stopped to think it over. "Well... considering that when you take your powers back you tend to heal instantly and your body would likely reject anything made of foreign materials... I'd have to look at designing a lead-plated Kryptonite ring, with enough porous leak-through to keep just the pierced tissue soft, but enough shielding so that it doesn't constantly make you sick."

Clark nearly bit through his lip. That Lex wasn't rejecting the idea? Huge YAY. "Whitney and I were talking about it, before everything happened with you becoming a girl, and... I meant to bring it up. But yeah, kind of didn't have an opportunity." He looked at his lover, quietly, as he backed up under the spray and pulled Lex along with him. "Do you like the idea?"

"Whitney as the nipple jewelry type... I never would have figured that, but then, I'm always willing to be surprised by people." He gave a long, guttural sigh of relief as hot water hit his body, and he groaned a second time as he rolled his neck and then popped it. "I do like the idea, but it doesn't seem... you. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just..." Lex shoved some of the cotton batting that his brain seemed wrapped up in. "It doesn't seem a very Clark-ish thing to do."

Oh. He kind of fell, at that. "Yeah, I know. I was just thinking about it. I guess its teenage rebellion, you know?" No need to mention that he really didn't have any parents to make his life hell, aside from his biological father who was really nice, and his earth parents who he hadn't seen for a few weeks. On purpose. "But if you don't like the idea, I won't do it."

"No, Clark. I do like the idea." Lex turned around in the shower, and looked at his lover. "I do. It's something I would have done, had my holes not closed up days after I got them. Believe me, I tried. It was the same with tattoos and with a hundred other ways to think about modifying your body. If it makes you happy? Then we'll do it. If it doesn't? Then we won't. It's that simple."

He shook his head. "No. It'll probably hurt like a mother fucker, and having Kryptonite attached to my body 24/7 might not be the best of ideas," Clark smiled into his lover's ear, even as the hot water warmed his body. He pulled the soap down from the little shelf he'd set it on, and squirted some of it into a wash cloth, before meticulously beginning to clean his aushna'.

"Yes, it will hurt, but... you should actually be talking to my father about this, not me, seeing as how he's the Luthor with the successful nipple piercing, and while we're at the scrubbing, could you please scrub that thought out of my brain for the rest of my life?"

Clark chuckled softly as he slowly stroked the cloth over Lex's shoulders and down his back, trying not to make any of his movements construed as, well, sexy, and carefully cleaned Lex's skin. "I don't want to talk to Lionel about piercing. He's got enough trouble to be going on with." He kissed his lover's cheek, and scrubbed down his back, all the way to the waist, before coming around to clean his lover's arms. He stroked the cloth over his biceps, down his forearms, taking special care not to rub too hard along the tattooed mark of their joining on his lover's forearm, and then gently, very gently, cleaned his fingers before returning to his belly.

Lex hmmmed. "You could talk to Rico then, and Aden. I know they both have several successful piercings each, though the locations of them are, at the moment, eluding me." He brought Clark's hand back to the mark on his arm and looked up. "Just because I think I'm going to die if I have sex this very instant doesn't mean that I don't want you, Clark. And I don't want you to be afraid of letting me see that you want me. Give me a day or so to shake the chloral hydrate, and we're not going to be leaving the bedroom. At all. Okay?"

Clark nodded, but didn't speak, as he slowly stroked the cloth over his lover's belly, down his hips, and carefully cleaned his cock before blushing and bending over a little to clean his lover's thighs and butt. He scrubbed the towel down his lover's backside, over his calves, and then crouched and tapped each foot to clean his feet.

After he was done he straightened again, rinsed the cloth out, and then filled it with soap again before very, very gently cleaning his lover's neck, up over his head, and then his face, gently, making sure not a drop of soap got into his eyes.

Lex couldn't help the soft purr that came out of his throat at the careful, worshipful touches from Clark's skilled hands. "That... feels good, Clark. I should feel bad, but... no. I'm a spoiled brat, I admit it."

"Yes, you are," Clark murmured, gently stroking the cloth over his lover's ears, before gently sweeping soapy suds falling toward his eyes. He moved him under the spray, letting the soap sluice off, and used his hands to make sure not an inch of skin was left with any soap.

Lex just grinned and let Clark finish rinsing him off, and he stretched for a third time, popping every joint that hadn't already been popped, then bending over to stretch out his spine and straightening back up as he turned around again to look at Clark. He didn't say a word, just held his hand out for the rag and the soap.

Clark nearly turned purple. "Lex, no. I can wash myself. Get the shampoo behind you?"

Lex just wiggled his fingers.

Clark just stared at him in horror.

Lex returned the horrified look with a raised brow. "You don't want me scrubbing your back?"

Clark didn't know whether to shake his head or nod. He knew he was going to embarrass himself. But it was Lex, his aushna', and he handed over the towel and the soap before turning his back to his lover for scrubbing and ducked his head under the spray to dampen his hair. Which was entirely too long, but he'd be damned if he was cutting it. Instead he squirted a dollop of shampoo onto his palm and began to scrub through his hair, scritching at the scalp to make sure it was clean.

Lex sighed, and slid his hands up the back of Clark's neck, catching double handfuls of shampoo suds and massaging them into the back of his lover's hair and the back of his heads. "You know, you're doing my job for me," Lex commented, his fingers working steadily and scrunching Clark's soapy hair.

"Mmm," Clark answered, as he rubbed the sides of his head to get the soap worked in. "If you... you like, you could shave me, though?"

"You're trusting me with a razor close to your skin? You're lucky that you're invulnerable. I had to get Dom to help me shave last time, but I think I got the hang of it."

Clark grinned, shyly, back at him. "Yeah. Maybe.." You could shave me somewhere else, too. WHOA doggie! Bad thoughts, Clark, bad!

"Where else would you like me to shave you?" Lex asked innocently, standing behind his lover and sliding one lathery hand down to spread the bubbles through Clark's pubic hair.

"Stop reading my thoughts," Clark scolded, and if it was a little breathless, he didn't say anything. Goosebumps spread over his body like an over-reactive sixteen year old, and he swallowed as he fought for some control as he ducked his head under the spray and wet suds slid down his chest, belly and back.

"You shouted it," Lex replied, sliding his hands down Clark's body and helping wipe the soap suds away.

He glared lightly over his shoulder, but finished pushing soap out of his hair, and quickly got another smaller dollop, scrubbed it through his hair, and rinsed again before turning to face his lover. "I want you to," he admitted, softly, "but only if you want to."

Lex slid his hands down further now that Clark was facing him, running his fingers through the hair at Clark's groin, rinsing out the soap that he'd spread there before. "I'll be careful," Lex promised. "And hopefully I won't nick anything."

Too bad the thought of nicking something, and bleeding, was scarily sexy. Clark didn't bother saying it though, biting his lip as he looked down at Lex's hands. "I can't promise I won't stay soft," he admitted, very quietly.

"Soft or hard, I'll still do it." He pressed a kiss to Clark's wet chest.

"Okay," he smiled, shyly, at him, and kissed his lover's head. "I like the feeling. Not having any hair, down there, to get tugged on from underwear or whatever. When I rub against you, and there's no hair, it feels really, really good."

Lex gave a wry smile. "I can vouch for the pleasure of the experience," he said, sliding his hands back up Clark's chest, then paused to pick the washcloth off his own shoulder as he soaped it up. "Front or back?"

"Front or back what?" Clark asked, almost dreamily, from above his lover.

"That you want me to wash first."

"Oh." Clark blushed again, and didn't get the choice of his clothes to hide behind--everything from the nipples up lit up. "Whatever you like is okay."

Lex grinned, and put his washcloth on Clark's chest, sweeping right along the lines of his blush. "I love making you blush."

"You think its funny, do you?" Clark asked, though without malice, even as much as he tried to glare.

"I think it's hysterical," Lex corrected, sliding the cloth over Clark's nipples, and down his sternum, covering every inch in thick soapsuds that were rinsed off by the streaming water.

Clark closed his eyes, and very, very quietly, purred. "Masochist," he murmured, licking his lower lip.

"No, no, I'm a sadist, Clark, because I enjoy teasing you. You, on the other hand, are the masochist, because you like it when I torture you." He tweaked each of Clark's nipples with the rough cloth, then slid down to sweep over his hips, then down over his ass and the crease where cheek met thigh.

Oh. Well, Clark had never thought about it like that. He bit his lip, so tightly that if he'd been human he would have split his lip, to keep the groan in when Lex pinched his nipples, which thanks to the water and the temperature, were rock hard. Then down, to his back side, and he gnawed on his lips to keep the sounds in.

Lex almost stopped. Almost. But he worked his fingers between Clark's cheeks and brushing the cloth up quickly between the two globes before sliding up his spine, brushing lightly over the little tailbone there before getting on his knees to start on Clark's lower body.

Clark almost felt his knees buckle when Lex stroked over the bump along his back, but his fingers scrabbled across the tiles and held on tightly. Instead he looked down at his lover down on his knees and gnawed on his lower lip tightly as he kept still. His cock? Mortifyingly starting to fill and lift, and Clark felt a wash of shame as he looked away, horror stricken. "Sorry."

"Don't be; that's the reaction I'm looking for," Lex murmured softly, his hand slick with soap rising up to stroke the growing shaft.

"But… no, Lex," Clark whined softly from his slump against the shower, eyes closing tightly as he moaned, softly. "You... you're still not... I don't..." he whined, pitifully, even as his hips gave a direct counteract from his mind and lifted into the strokes on his cock.

"I do," Lex said softly, still stroking. "Let me, please." He moved a little closer to Clark, still stroking, dropping the cloth to the floor as he did.

Clark nodded, clenching his eyes shut as he moved his hips again, unable to stop as Lex's fingers stroked over him. Good, not nearly hard enough, fabulous, tight, hot, delicious, warm, Lex. A wave of guilt overtook him at it, though, and he felt himself start to soften as he nearly bit through his lip. "I'm sorry. I couldn't, when… when you were Alexis. I don't... I love you."

Lex paused in his stroking when he felt Clark softening, but instead of standing up, he pulled Clark down to his level. "I love you, Clark. I don't doubt that you love me. I don't doubt that you loved me when I got jammed in the feminine mode. I'm sorry that she--I--said those things to you. But I don't blame you, and I'm not angry."

"But you were… she was... right. You were both right. I should have looked beyond your skin and looked… at you. And I didn't," Clark said, his throat tightening even as he slumped down on his knees. "I didn't look past your boobs."

"If you could have? I'd have been impressed. They were kind of in your face at the time." Lex reached up and turned off the shower, letting the water drain as he kept Clark on his knees, looking at him. "It probably didn't help that she--I--was being a clinging vine and a shrinking violet all at the same time."

Clark gnawed on his lip again, not quite able to look at his lover. "It's not that. I love you, you know that. I should have looked to the inside you."

"Clark? In case you didn't notice? The inside me was just as fucked up as the outside me. There wasn't a lot of inside me to be seen." Lex made Clark look at him, turning his chin and when that didn't budge, angling himself so that his face was directly in the line of Clark's sight.

Clark's chin, which Lex had just tried to move, trembled. "I'm sorry I couldn't stay hard for you."

"It's okay, Clark. I'm sorry I--she--I said all those hurtful things to you." He reached out and stroked Clark's cheek. "Don't be upset, baby. I'm not."

"It wasn't hurtful. I'm just ashamed," Clark admitted, quietly, as he finally, finally, looked up at his lover. He reached out to quietly touch a warm cheek, biting his lower lip again as he stroked his fingertips down a goose-pimpled cheek. "You're not mad?"

"I'm not mad," Lex said softly. "I'm not mad, hurt, angry, upset, or anything. And I don't want you to be. I didn't know how to react in the situation. How could I expect you to know?"

Clark nodded, and looked up with a little smile, then, his clouded eyes clearing a bit. "You were really whiny."

Lex nodded. "Yes, I was. I'd like to think I'm not quite that whiny when I'm at myself."

Clark shook his head. "You're not whiny, ever." He reached out to touch his lover's hand, then scooted a little closer in all the suds collected in the bottom of the shower. "Love you."

Lex pulled Clark against him. "I love you, Clark." He snuggled close. "And yes, I am whiny, but only when I'm met with my father's bare ass, so I think I'm allowed."

The skin crinkled at the corners of Clark's eyes, as he wound his arms around a slender waist and set his head on a firm shoulder. "You were really pretty. If it were a game, it would have been... really nice. But I panicked, I thought I'd never get my aushna' back."

"For a while there, I wondered that too." Lex rubbed his hand over his head, liking the smooth feel. "I didn't mean to upset you with the head-shaving. It just... made sense at the time."

"You were trying to be something you aren't. I didn't like that," Clark said softly, as he stroked his lover's back. "Don't ever change yourself because of me, kay?" He looked up, then, and kissed his lover on the chin, then the lips, lightly and chastely. "Come on, lets get finished. Would you mind shaving my face? Every time I do it, I leave everything behind."

"I won't, Clark. I like who I am, when I'm not fucked in the head. I wouldn't change that. It took me twenty some years to do it, but I'm finally at a place where I'm comfortable in my own skin for a change." He rubbed his thumb over Clark's lips after they kissed him. "I'll shave your face and anywhere else you want me to shave."

"You sound like Dominic," Clark answered, softly, as he stroked his lover's face, then his mouth, kissing him again, deeper, then a little more, coaxing Lex's tongue into his mouth as he stroked his into Lex's, and closed his eyes as his fingers stroked over a bald head, pulling it up toward him.

Lex didn't bother to be affronted by that, not when Clark was kissing him so beautifully. He let Clark's fingers cradle his head gently, eyes closed as he kissed back, letting his tongue lick and tease at Clark's as it slowly slid over to his lover's mouth.

Clark felt the mild indignation and it snorted a laugh out of Clark, as he leaned back enough to nibble and bite at Lex's lovely lips. "I mean that he was thinking that just a few days ago. It was all but being shouted through the link, didn't you feel it?"

"I try not to pay attention to Dominic's shaving habits," he murmured, nipping back.

"Not shaving," Clark answered, lips twitching, "I meant that," he licked over Lex's scar, and despite their volition, his fingers stroked down Lex's hips toward the prize between them. "Dominic was thinking that it took him a long time to become who he was, and he wouldn't give it up for anyone."

"Let's talk shaving," Lex murmured. "Because if we keep talking about Dominic, then whatever you're looking for down there is going to vanish. Rapidly."

Clark's lips twitched, as his fingers gently encased warm balls and massaged them, ever so tenderly, in hand, before letting go and climbing to his feet. He helped Lex to his, but only to the warm, wet bench beside the shower head. "Right here."

Lex gave a soft little murmur as Clark rolled his balls, and he let his lover move him onto the bench. One foot stayed planted flat on the floor, the other spread wide and propped onto the bench itself, exposing himself to Clark's curious view. 'That better?"

Clark moaned, low in his throat. "Lex, you're a horrible tease," he whispered softly, even if he adored being teased, and didn't blush this time when his cock began to get interested. It twitched lightly and began to fill and harden, which made Clark's eyelashes fall to half mast. "Will it get in the way of shaving?" he asked, softly, as the hot water fell over his side.

"Yes, I am," he said with an unrepentant grin as he studied Clark's cock. "And actually, it'll probably make it easier to shave, standing erect like that, instead of laying flaccid against the hair and having to be moved out of the way."

Yeah, well. Lex saying the word "erect" wasn't good for Clark, because his cock twitched again and he bit his lip as he reached to press it against his belly. The last thing anyone needed was for Lex to get his eye poked out.

Lex brushed Clark's hands out of the way and leaned forward on his bench, wrapping his fist around Clark's cock and tugging him forward by it. "Take two steps closer, Clark. I won't bite... unless you ask me to."

"Yes, please," Clark gasped, before he realized Lex was saying it as a joke, and then? Well, he blushed. Hard. "Or... uh, not." The fact that Lex lead him forward by his cock was fiendishly sexy and he twitched, biting his lip tightly. "You know, my capacity for kink scares me sometimes."

Lex didn't answer; he was too busy peppering sharp little bites over Clark's thighs, scrotum, and the base of his lover's cock, deliberately avoiding the shaft as he closed his eyes, teeth working invulnerable skin carefully.

Clark gave a sharp, loud cry, bucking his hips upward and forward as Lex started to use his teeth. In good places, some which bordered on pain, but oh, God, he moaned. He shot a hand out to grasp the side of the wall. "Lex!" he cried it, sharply. "Not like this, no, bed, okay? bed, please?"

Lex gave a little groan. "You want me to stop now?" He sighed. "You are into torture." He stood up and braced himself on Clark's shoulder a moment, taking a bite out of a strong bicep, then sighed. "Lead the way, baby."

Clark grinned, but it was a trembling one, as he grasped Lex up and swung him up into his arms. He stepped out of the shower, chewing on his lover's earlobe as he forewent towels and walked, damp and dripping, to the bedroom. His cock was bumping against his lover's backside and hips but he didn't care as he sucked a hickey out of his neck as he lay his lover out on the comforter.

Lex reached out and pulled Clark down on top of him. "You want to be on top or on bottom?"

Clark didn't bother answering as he claimed Lex's mouth and kissed him. Hard. He sucked on his tongue before letting go enough to slide down a glistening, delicious neck, cool with water that he lapped up. Down further, over his chest where he stopped to give pert little nipples hard, sharp sucks, before down the long length of a belly. He didn't dawdle, didn't stop, just sucking his lover's cock into his mouth, steadying it with one hand while the other stroked over firm hips and warm balls as he began on his task, his treat.

Lex groaned as he arched his back, dragging a pillow down and shoving it under his head as he watched Clark for a moment, then reached down and slapped him on the hip. "Turn around and share, because if you don't share, I get cranky."

Clark didn't hear him for a second, so intent on his treat was he. It tasted divine, long and hard in his mouth, and his skin flew over with bumps of shivering pleasure as he arched his back and buried his mouth in his lover's crotch, breathing the scent of him in and mewling in pleasure, which never made it past his chest.

Lex reached down and gripped Clark's hair tightly in his hand, tugging firmly. "I. Want. Your cock. Now," he said clearly. "Turn. Around."

A hand tangled in his wet hair and tugged, and the shock made Lex's cock slip from his wide lips, making him moan with the loss as he looked up, uncomprehending. "How?" he asked, helplessly, as he ducked his mouth back down to drag his tongue over the red skin of his lover's cock.

Lex pushed Clark onto his back, then climbed over him, turning his body and mounting his lover so that his mouth was near Clark's cock and Lex's own cock was near Clark's mouth. "This is how," Lex said as he rested his cheek on Clark's thigh.

Clark made rather undignified sounds as he was rolled over onto his back, but then Lex clambered over him and he moaned, loudly, as his mouth immediately went back to the hot, dribbling reward waiting for him. He sucked on it like a man drowning, his arousal rising hot and hard so he moaned and writhed against the bed, his fingers shaking as they moved over his lover, stroking, and after sucking on his fingers, rubbed them firmly and tightly over the hot rosebud waiting for him, teasing as he sucked.

Lex arched his back as Clark's fingers rubbed over his opening, and his mouth slid around Clark's cock and sucked. His tongue slid up and down the shaft, scraping over the head as the change in position caused the cotton that felt like was muffling his brain to shift as he did so. He ignored it, too intent on sucking Clark to the root, tasting him and feeling him after what felt like forever, his teeth biting the head sharply, catching in the slit as he pulled back before sliding back down.

Clark nearly cried with it, as he shifted and used his few inches in height to his advantage. He lifted his head and with one sharp push, pressed his tongue into his lover's opening, deep, as his fingers pinched and scraped against hard cheeks. He moaned, loudly, Lex's wet cock bopping his chin and neck, but didn't care as he gave in to this spectacular feeling, his fingers shaking with it.

Lex shouted out muffled around his lover's thick cock, sucking it all the way into his throat as Clark's tongue pushed into his opening. His hands went to squeeze Clark's balls gently, tugging a little roughly as he sucked, scraping his teeth along the shaft.

"Yes, yes, yes," he panted, harshly, begging without words as he pushed up and stroked his tongue inside his lover forcefully, several times. He grasped Lex's cock and tugged on it, raising his knees to cradle Lex's shoulders and sides as he bent Lex's cock back, and worked with the pain he knew that would cause as he pushed two fingers, wet only with spit, into his lover as he sucked on the hard length the hard way.

Lex shuddered hard, his body rocking with the trembles that Clark's fingers brought in him. The fuzz in his head moved when he did, and he sucked harder, and faster, moaning in the spikes of pain and pleasure that his twisted cock was feeling. Too long since his cock had felt anything and it hurt in the best possible way, throbbing against Clark's tongue as his ass clamped down on the invading fingers as he deep-throated Clark, over and over again, his teeth yanking at the head as he pulled up and panted, then scraping his teeth down the shaft as he went down.

Clark cried out around his lover's cock as his frenzy reached a fevered pitch, sucking harder, harder still on Lex's cock as his fingers stroked into his lover's ass deeply, rubbing against the small gland further inside, and sucking hard on his lover's erection as he humped upwards, mewling and sobbing in want.

Lex's cock exploded almost before he realized it, his throat locked in a scream around Clark's cock as it was buried to the balls between his lips, and his hips shoved down on Clark's fingers, sucking them in with his muscles as his cock shot hard, heavy loads of come into Clark's throat.

Clark sobbed in pleasure as his lover came, nearly choking on the hot emission but he swallowed every single drop, throat working convulsively and fingers rubbing hard on his lover's prostate as he arched, twice, heavily, and came himself. He felt his balls tighten as he rubbed his back against the sheets of the bed, felt himself come, and the pleasure came on the heels of release, making him cry out, sharply, in ecstasy.

Lex, too, nearly choked when Clark's orgasm rushed out of his lover's cock. His throat worked to swallow the massive outpouring, jaw aching from not having done this in so long as he licked and sucked his lover's cock clean even as his hands dug into the sheets as he thrust out his own orgasm. Hard, fast, and completely exhausting, Lex refused to let his muscles sag until he'd licked every inch, and Clark forcibly tugged himself away.

Well, the pulling was more of a total loss of muscle control, and Clark slurped at his lover's cock before pulling off and resting his face against one warm thigh. He groaned, softly into the skin, and murmured his pleasure as he licked and kissed his lover's inner thighs and crotch, snuffling the skin and beginning to lick every inch of skin he could get.

"Thank you for not turning me on my head," Lex said, rolling onto his side and collapsing on the bed, groaning as he brought his arm over his eyes.

"That's why I suggested the bedroom," Clark muffled into a taut, delicious thigh, as he sucked and licked all the skin, the perineum, and then up to the warm, spent balls, licking a them softly until he could nuzzle them and the softening length for a moment in bliss. After a moment, just one more, he rose up a little and curled up beside his lover right side up, so his face was pressed warm against a thin chest. "I'm so gay."

"Yes, you are." Lex reached out, and with the arm that wasn't shielding his eyes from the sun, he wrapped it around Clark and held him close. "You're a big gay alien."

For some reason, that didn't sound as bad as it did in his head.

Clark grinned, looked up, and licked his lover's chin like a pleased puppy. "I love you."

Lex peeked out from under his elbow at the lick, then licked Clark's nose playfully. "I love you too, you big gay alien." He giggled.



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