
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 304: A Culmination of War

He picked it up, clicked "on", and put it to his ear. "Hello?"


Clark held the phone away from his ear, winced as his eardrums rattled, and then set it back to his face. "Dick. Dude, did you ever consider that maybe someone else was? Christ. What do you want?"

"You're alive. That's good. That means Lex is alive. Tell me that Big Daddy and Dom are still alive, and you've made my day." Dick was sitting behind one of the desks in the Batcave, papers, photos, and medical charts spread out all around him.

"Dominic's in the hospital, Dick. Bruce should have told you that," Clark answered, and looked apologetically at Lionel as they walked. "Now's really not a great time."

"Hospital, shmospital. Dead or alive, Clark, and if you don't tell me, I'm going to have to hurt you."

"Everyone's alive! Jeez!" Clark cried, then winced as nurses turned to glare at him. "The fuck is your problem? Why did you call me ten times?"

Dick gave a little cheer and spun around in his chair at that. "Thank you Jesus, finally some good news. Okay. The short, over the phone version? A little night-flying bird found out that Dr. Jaheel has been working on the Venom project and we got him grabbed up before he could slide back down to Santa Prisca and start on the new batch of V-derivates for the next round of human trials."

Oh, God. Something weak flew through Clark's knee caps, and he stopped in the ER waiting room, sinking down in a chair despite Lionel being beside him. "What? Oh, God. that's why they arrested him without a charge! Where's Br--" he stopped… looked around. "The flying birdy?"

"He's tying up a few things with the Commish as we speak, and then we're going to be flying your way in a day or two, because there's a lot of questions that we've got for the doctor, namely who's been funding him, because everything we keep backtracking ends at a brick wall and an empty account in the Grand Caymans."

Lionel stopped, his attention instantly riveted on Clark as the arrest was mentioned, and he froze, glaring at the young man as he waited for an answer to his look.

"I can tell you that. I overheard a… conversation. Listen, Lionel and I are headed back to the pent house--Lex is tying some stuff up here in the hospital. Let me call you from the house, alright? Walls have ears. I'll call you back in a bit." And without waiting for an answer, hung up, grabbed Lionel's arm, and not caring about the sheeting rain, stepped outside. He stopped, made Lionel wait under the awning, and sprinted out into the rain for the Bentley again.

Lionel crossed his arms over his chest, tapping his foot as he waited impatiently for Clark to bring the car around, puzzling out the pieces of Clark's conversation that he'd heard.

"Clark, wait!" But it was too late. Clark'd hung up, and Dick swore vehemently as he picked up the cell phone again, and linked to Bruce's private, scrambling satellite and left what little information Clark had given him on Batman's computer, so that as soon as he came online, the mask would feed him the update.

Lex emerged from the elevator at a run, jogging towards his father as his coat flared out behind him. The sliding doors opened and let him out into the rainy, muggy air, and he leaned up just a bit to talk quietly. "Dad... Bruce called my cell while I was in Dominic's room. He didn't have time to talk long--he was in transit, but we need to get home as fast as we can, or at least somewhere we know isn't under surveillance."

Lionel nodded. "Clark just got off a phone call with young Mr. Grayson, I do believe, and he says the same thing."

Lex just nodded. "Good."

Clark, as quickly as was possible under the speed limit, brought the car around. A Bentley, and though it was strange to drive, Clark managed it all the same. He unlocked the doors and pulled his seat belt on, quickly, waiting for Lionel and Lex to get to him as he put the headlights on under the dark gray sky.

Lionel slid into the front seat beside Clark, and Lex slid into the passenger seat behind them. "Clark, Dad said you just talked to Dick? Bruce called while I was in Dominic's room--what did Dick tell you?"

Lionel slammed his door with a little more force than necessary, shutting up his son for the moment. "I would like to know what, precisely, your friends have to do with Doctor Jaheel."

"I talked to Dick--he left like, nine messages on my phone. He said that Jaheel's been working on the Venom project that sicced Bane on us in the first place, and he was heading back to... Santa Prista, I think he said? Prisca? Something like that, to start on a new trial of medication. Ah... a mutual... erm… friend of Bruce and Dick's got the Commissioner involved after he found out, and Bruce and Dick are coming out here to see us in the next day or so."

"What they don't know is who's funding it--but we do. Hardwick."

Lionel sneered. "You mean Batman. Don't insult my intelligence by pussyfooting around it, Clark."

Lex did a double-take, but he was less than surprised. "That's basically what Bruce said, only a lot more colorfully. Commissioner Gordon's involved the federal authorities instead of the local constabulary because there's been black-market drug trafficking, that they've tied conclusively to Jaheel. The feds are holding him pending this investigation, and they're sharing what they know with Gordon, who is in turn, funneling it back to Bruce. The only thing Bruce can't find is the connection to Hardwick, because the account they trace keeps showing empty and is registered to a non-existent company."

Heh. If only Lionel knew how close he was. "Yes, Batman, Lionel. He and Bruce are close, and he's been getting this stuff done for him." Clark answered, before sideglancing his lover. "Its a non-existent company because its literally a non-existent company. Hardwick went bankrupt, and LuthorCorp absorbed it like day old bread," Clark answered, with a light smirk, as he began to drive. "Jaheel's been using his patients as guinea pigs. I'll bet you anything he was going to use it on Dominic, to see how restorative the drug is."

Lionel's sneer deepened, but he didn't correct Clark's misunderstanding. He knew Bruce was Batman, but he let it lie. "Close, yes," he said sarcastically. "And yes, in light of this new information, I wouldn't be surprised. I would also not be surprised to find that he had intended to see if this drug could be used on a crippled or wounded person to make them work past their capacity."

"Bastard," Clark whispered, vehemently, though not to Lionel. He drove a little faster then he normally would have in this weather but he wanted to get home. He remembered just where it was, and after taking a left, two rights, and went through three red lights, he was pulling the car into the parking hub of a very, very expensive building complex.

Lex was sitting back in the seat, and glared at his father. "How long have you known?"

Lionel rolled his eyes. "You are less than circumspect, Lex. And the sudden appearance of Batman, in Smallville, when the only Gothamites in town were your friends? Not very difficult to figure it out, Lex. I am not stupid."

"Known what?" Clark asked, as he stopped the car and put into park… then felt his eyes widen and panic rise up in his throat as he looked over his shoulder into the backseat. "You know?!"

"That Bruce Wayne is Batman? Yes, Clark, I know. I've known for several years now, actually. I know that his young friend Dick is Robin, and that your Mr. West is also part of that Justice League. There is, in fact, very little that goes on under my nose that I do not know about." Lionel shrugged. "I simply don't care."

"You sly bastard," Clark uttered before he could stop himself, then bit his lip tightly as he did. "Sorry. But really! Jeez, Lionel, you're too smart for your own good. Come on, we might as well explain it to you properly." Clark climbed out of the car, sopping wet and dripping, handing the keys over to the doorman after a glance to Lex to make sure this was what one did, and thanked god for the ceiling of the garage as he shook out his coat.

Lex nodded subtly at Clark, sending along a quick burst of reassurance as they proceeded across the parking deck to the elevator.

Lionel actually laughed at that. "Thank you for the compliment, dear boy. I have endeavored all my life to be a sly bastard, as you call it, and it is sometimes nice to hear that quality appreciated."

Clark smiled, but the feeling felt tight on his face as he felt out of place, and he grasped Lex's hand as they followed Lionel.

Lex kissed Clark's hand gently. "You're as out of place here as I am," he murmured softly. "You belong here, Clark. You just have to believe it."

"I know," Clark murmured, and kissed Lex's cheek back, very gently, as they followed Lionel up to the penthouse. It was warm in the building but comfortably so, and after they got to the door which Lionel was open, Clark shrugged out of his sopping wet coat, did the same to his shoes so he wouldn't track it into the expensive apartment he hadn't been in in a long, long time, and picked up both things as he followed Lionel in. "," he whispered, softly. "It's nice, Lionel."

"Why thank you, Clark." Lionel shed his coat and hung it in on the rack by the door in one smooth motion as he went straight to the bar. "Lex?"

"Scotch, please. Neat. And if you're out, brandy." Lex folded his coat over the back of one of the chairs, took Clark's shoes and put them on the bottom of the coat rack, and then hung Clark's coat on the coat rack too. "Make yourself at home, Clark."

"I would never let myself get out of good scotch, son," Lionel chided gently, fixing two glasses and looking up at Clark. "Can I offer you a drink, Clark?"

"Um… orange juice, if you've got any," Clark answered, not knowing what to do with too big hands and feet which now felt way too big and clumsy in this apartment, where if he turned he'd break something worth millions. So after pushing damp girls off his forehead and setting the suitcase he and Lex packed on the floor, he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Let me look in the refrigerator." Lionel handed one of the drinks to his son and opened the door to the refrigerator, peering in. "Ah... no. Wait... I know Dominic." He closed the refrigerator, and opened the freezer, and certainly enough, there were three little cylinders of frozen orange juice concentrate. "Unfortunately it's frozen."

Lex nearly snorted his alcohol. "Give me that, Dad. Give me the glass pitcher from the iced tea service." He ran the water hot in the sink, popping the lid on the cylinder after thawing the juice to a thick sludge.

Lionel did as he was told, and held the glass pitcher steady as Lex poured in the orange juice sludge, then measured out the appropriate number of cans and stirred. Once it was stirred and no longer resembled sludge, Lionel got the ice from the ice dispenser, and filled a tall glass with ice, then watched as Lex poured juice over the crackling ice.

Lex snorted as Lionel held the glass still. "Dad, it's not rocket science. It's making frozen orange juice. It shouldn't take two Luthors to make OJ."

"And yet," Clark answered, grinning as he hopped up on a barstool, barely elbowed out the phone and a vase, and after that kept all gangling and offensive limbs to himself. "Believe me, Lionel, you're gonna be making a lot of it. Shaney used to drink this stuff by the bucket full. Orange juice, too, after his dad weaned him off of a bottle and formula."

"No, Clark, Dominic will be making a lot of this," Lex said with a snort. "My father, like me, seems to have a problem with simple kitchen etiquette--you won't let me in there unless I'm cooking and even then it's seven courses, nearly every bowl and pan in the kitchen, and you make me clean up after it."

Clark smiled, anyway, and held out a hand for the glass Lionel was holding even as he looked, uneasily, at the phone beside him.

Which was ringing.

Which Bruce was calling, and no one was picking up. He gave an irritated scowl from beside Dick, sitting up higher in his chair and growling under his voice as he waited for someone to pick up the damn PHONE.

Lionel reached out with one hand and picked up the phone, and handed Clark the glass with the other. "Luthor," he answered, drying his hands off on a towel before picking his scotch up from the bar.

"Lionel. It's Bruce."

"Bruce, good to hear from you again. I take it this isn't just a social call?" He put his glass down at that, and snapped his fingers, pointing to the living room, the coffee table, and the large-ish speakerphone on the coffee table.

Lex got the message and straightened from his slouch at the bar, tugging Clark over to the couch and clicking on the speakerphone. "Bruce? We're all here--me, Dad, and Clark."


Clark couldn't help the snort of laughter. "Hello to you, too, you bastard. We filled Lionel in--he already knows. We're in Metropolis, Dominic's sick, he got out of surgery a while ago. Is this a secure line?"

Bruce, for his part, didn't snap. Though he wanted to. Badly.  "It leads directly from the Batcave, Clark, you tell me."

Clark gasped. "Ixney on the batay!"

"Clark, I told you in the car that I wasn't quite as stupid as I pretend to be. I know full well what Mr. Wayne's secret identity is; I simply don't care."

Lex chuckled dryly. "Don't mince words, Dad. Tell us what you really think." He held up a hand. "Figuratively speaking." He leaned forward. "Clark talked to Dick, I talked to you, and Dad hasn't talked to anyone. But, before we go further, I've got something to tell you that you're going to love me for."

Bruce was silent for a moment, mentally kicking himself in the ass, but he'd deal with Lionel later. "What's that?"

"The name of the person financing Jaheel's operations. We're on the search of proof ourselves, and I think we're close, and as soon as we get it I'll turn it over to you," Lex said with a smug grin.

"Spill it, Lex, I don't have time for games."

"Sir Harry Hardwick," Lex said with all seriousness. "Clark overheard it in the hospital, when we were in the ER earlier with Shayla. That's why we got Dom to the hospital; Sir Harry's been bankrolling Jaheel and in return, Jaheel's botched Dominic's surgery and recovery. The drugs he was on were all normal, though it was a strange cocktail, and I'll fax over a list as soon as I get the records, so we can backtrack it and compare it with the breakdown of the chemicals in Venom. Anyway, Sir Harry's the money behind this, but we didn't know why."

"Hardwick." Bruce mused, and was silent for a moment. "You're sure it's him?"

"Heard him with my own two super ears, Bruce."

Bruce fell silent again, thinking. "This all came down this morning. Hardwick's got to be feeling the pressure--if he thinks he's covered this up as much as he supposes he has." A moment. "I think it's time for the Bat to visit Metropolis. Up for a little midnight excursion, flyboy?"

Clark almost visible brightened. "Always."

Lionel was quiet as he sat on the sofa. "By the time you get here, I'll have a packet of information on Hardwick drawn up for you, including everything we know so far about his dealings with Jaheel and the contact information for the team that's tracking this down. They'll report to me first and then you; you'll get the same information I do and I won't hold anything back."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Lionel. I'll be in Metropolis in two hours. Be ready by the time I get there, Kent, I don't have time to be mollycoddling you."

"You won't have to, Wayne," Clark answered, all too calmly.

"See you soon." And he hung up.

"I hate that guy," Clark snarled vehemently, before throwing himself back on the couch.

"Goodbye, Bruce, nice talking to you again," Lex said to the empty air, and then choked on his laughter as he rubbed Clark's shoulder. "Poor baby. If it's any consolation? I don't think Bruce likes you all that much either."

"He's such a stuck up pooftah. I want to punch," which he articulated with a punch in the air. "The wind out of his sales. Or his lights out, one or the other," he glared, and grumpily got up to get hist juice, before flopping next to his lover again, taking a long drink. "You alright, Lionel?"

Lionel was swirling the amber liquor in his glass, and looked up at Clark when he spoke. "Hmm? Oh, yes, I'm fine, Clark. Just thinking... trying to remember something that I used to know a long time ago." He went back to studying the play of light over his liquor.

There was a long silence, and then Lex sighed explosively. "And that would be?" he asked, letting the end of the sentence trail off, inviting Lionel to finish it.

Clark looked at his father in law expectantly, taking another swig of juice from his glass and sighing as the orangy goodness slid down his throat to cool his tummy. It wasn't as good as the real stuff, but good enough, and he all but purred as he pulled his legs under him and leaned against Lex comfortably, socked toes pushed under a pillow to warm.

"The Hardwicks and the Luthors have been at war for generations, Clark," Lionel explained softly. "Which is what I told Lex during the entire Cadmus fiasco," he said as he sipped his drinks. "Sir Harry's single-minded ambition was to control LuthorCorp, and he attempted to use Lex to do it. After we made the offer for Hardwick Enterprises, Harry made a rather pointed comment about housing a snake in my bosom and how it would one day turn it's venom on me."

Clark leaned forward, a frown gouging his forehead. "We won't let him. He isn't taking anyone away, and we're going to jump out of the way before the venom gets into our family. He didn't count on you having a parselmouth for a son in law, and I'll be damned if he's going to hurt us. As soon as some of the rain dies down I'm going to Smallville to get the suit, and then I'll be back."

"Oh, I'm not afraid of that, Clark." Lionel smiled. "You see, there was one thing we couldn't touch in the acquisition, and I'm trying to remember the name of it. It was an equity trading house, and it was... some sort of venomous snake in the name of it. The name is nowhere in the paperwork, but if I can remember it, that would likely be what and where he's funneling the money through because it's the only property left to him."

"I'll remember that. Bruce is probably going to break into his house--if not, I'll suggest it. We'll get to the bottom of this. Lex? Think the Flash would be in on it?"

Lex shrugged. "I'm sure Wally would love the chance to break and enter, but don't you think that a flying blue blob and a bright red lightning bolt would attract a skosh too much attention?"

"True," he sideglanced Lionel, then back to Lex. "He'd feel left out if not, though."

"When Bruce gets here, I'll see if Wally's a codebreaker. If he is, then I've got some work for him to do," Lex mused. "There's several of Jaheel's accounts that we know the numbers to, and if Wally's a cracker, then we can get him and his speedy fingers to work cracking the numbers open and seeing if it backtracks through the equity house."

"Got it. In the meantime, Lex, lets go clean up? I smell like rain and sweat, and its kinda grossing me out. We'll be back out in a bit, Lionel."

Lionel just nodded. "The shower is down the hall, third door on your right, I believe, and there should be clean towels and plenty of hot water. The hot tub is on the left, across the hall if you'd like to soak."

"No time. Thanks, Lionel," Clark answered, and he stood up, walking in his socked feet to the kitchen to set his glass in the sink, before coming back, taking his lover's hand, and tugging him along.

Lex let Clark pull him along, shooting an occasional glance over his shoulder at Lionel as they disappeared down the hall. He barely had time to grab the suitcase, and it thumped once against his leg before he got it adjusted. "Rain and sweat? I kind of like it."

"I know," Clark answered, as he pulled Lex to the last bedroom at the end of the short hall, opened it, closed it, then pushed Lex against the door. He pulled the suitcase from his hands and set it on the floor, before dropping to his knees and nuzzling Lex's crotch fiercely, sucking and licking at the cotton and his fingers scrabbled for the zipper and button.

Lex moaned softly, his hands scrabbling for handholds in Clark's hair as he arched, shuddering as Clark's fingers raked and fumbled over him. "Cl--Clark, what? N-not that I--harder, rub harder, there, yes--mind, exactly, but what?" His fingers clenched tightly in Clark's hair, pulling his mouth close to breathe moist breath through the zipper as he shivered.

"Shh. We're going to play a game," Clark murmured, quietly, against Lex's hardening cock, lapping it through bottom as he worked the button and zipper open and down. "Don't make a sound. Don't let your dad know we're doing this, because he wants so much that its all but coming off of him in waves. Okay? Don't let him get jealous of us."

"G--game?" Lex asked softly, biting his lip and his tongue to keep the moans in as Clark licked and lapped over him. "No noise. Dad'll get jealous. Got it." He leaned his head back against the door, closing his eyes and rocking his hips forward as his grip in Clark's hair tightened.

Clark dragged Lex's pants down, pushing the sweater out of the war, and filled his mouth with pure Lex. He nuzzled against his lover's crotch, tongue dragging over the hot length that bounced out of the opening of trousers, and he ran his tongue over the tip, teasing the moistened slit and sucking lightly on it as his mouth dragged down to the warm, tight balls underneath. Clark plunked down to sitting on his heals as he licked and kept the moans in, just barely, struggling to keep silent as he ran his mouth up and sucked on the head again, softly.

Lex's head thumped gently against the door as he bit his tongue again, feeling his teeth draw blood as Clark sucked him in for an instant, and he could feel his cock twitch in demand as Clark paid attention to his balls instead. He hadn't even realized he'd been hard until Clark had pulled him out, and his hips thrust forward again, swallowing coppery blood as he tried to get Clark to take more of the length into his mouth.

Clark's fingers dragged over his lover's thighs to turn him upside down… instead, he let go with a quiet pop and struggled to his feet, dragging his tongue over his lover's mouth as he pushed him toward the bed, to sitting on the edge of it.

As soon as Lex was sitting Clark dropped back down and feasted, his tongue drawing the hard length inside and he sucked, hard, dribbling spit a little but totally not caring.

Lex let himself fall backward, reaching one of the pillows and moaning into it, letting it muffle the outcry as he thrust his hips up again, feeling Clark's saliva slicking his cock and balls as his lover sucked. He thumped his head on the soft mattress as he bottled in the next cry, letting it ease out into the pillow as he bit it.

Clark smiled around his mouthful at his lover's frustrated, muffled cries, and he squirmed there on the floor at Lex's feet, his fingers aiding his stroking and teasing as he murmured his pleasure. He loved cock. Adored it, could live off of it, and the thought was incredibly kinky, making his moan vibrate through his mouthful as he clenched his eyes shut and let his fantasy take him over. His lover, tying him to the bed and feeding him nothing but semen for days on end, and some primal part of Clark's alien heart thumped in painful arousal at the thought, and he groaned as he reached down to grasp a handful of himself through jeans and squeeze.

The groan made Lex's cock harden even more in Clark's mouth, making the hard shaft ache as Clark sucked on it. Lex's fingers dug into the pillow, mauling it as he tore at the fabric with his teeth, muffling his cries and screams as he shuddered, rocking up to meet every motion with a thrust into Clark's throat.

A flash of what Clark had thought sped through Lex's mind, too quick to leave anything but a general impression and desire in it's wake, and then the hard squeeze to his cock, and Lex could see it all through his and Clark's link. He thrust harder, one hand letting go of the pillow to reach out for his lover.

The thought was so unbelievably, astoundingly arousing that Clark felt his entire body jerk awake with arousal, and he let go of Lex's cock with a wet, hot slurp as he pushed Lex back and crawled up over him, pulling the pillow away to dive into that delicious, hot mouth, kissing him hard as his hips ground down against Lex's.

Lex devoured the kiss that Clark was giving him, and he rubbed his bare cock against the hard, grating feel of Clark's zipper and the stone-hard flesh under it, giving deep, throaty moans at every collision and every second of contact as flesh scraped across zipper, cock twitching in appreciation.

Clark, who'd felt his lover see his thoughts, begged for it with all his heart. "Please Lex, I want to be punished, I want to do that, okay?" he begged quietly into his lover's ear, "Remember, shhh, quiet." He wrenched the zipper of his jeans open, ripping them in the process but not caring, as he yanked his shirt up one handed and leaned over to the bedside table, praying to all the Gods.

YES. Lube. Condoms. He axed the second but grabbed the tube, leaning back to yank Lex's pants down, shoes and socks following from the bed.

Lex nodded. "Yes, yes, anything, we'll do that, I promise." He spread his arms out, flexing his shoulders before pushing himself up, licking over Clark's ribs, up his side to suck on his shoulder as he was leaning over, then laid back flat and raised his hips, letting Clark rip the clothes from his lower body in a single yank as Lex worked his shirt off himself, making himself as naked as Clark was.

Clark nodded fiercely as he pulled one of the pillows from the side of the bed they weren't currently using to prop under Lex's hips, and slicked his fingers fast before he set one hand on his lover's knee and the other looked for... found... the starburst to Lex's opening.

He pressed his fingertip inside, then his finger, pressing it in gently and rubbing up against the top wall as he watched, flushed, lips bitten and swollen, his finger disappear in his lover.

He pulled it out, added a second one, and pressed the both of them inside, stretching his lover open.

Lex spread his legs wide, keeping his thighs open and cheeks spread as Clark's fingers stroked inside him. He squeezed them with his muscles, pushed down to slide them further in, rocked his hips to slide them in and out. "Fuck me, Clark, please," he whimpered softly, pressing the heel of his hand to his mouth and biting down so that he could strangle the words out.

"Tell me, Lex. Whisper to me, tell me how much you want me," Clark said, quietly, as he leaned down to savagely bite on Lex's nipples, as he added a third finger, stretching and preparing his lover for the thorough reaming he was about to receive.

Lex cried out wordlessly, arching and gibbering softly as he tried to put coherency into his thoughts. "Want you--so much," he choked out. "Die... if you're not inside me. Too--too long, gotta feel you, fuck me, fuck me, please, hard, fast, don't stop, make me scream, please, Clark, please." He rubbed himself against Clark, grunting and giving soft, mewling cries as his nipples were bitten, raking his nails over Clark's hips and sides as he wrapped his thighs around Clark's hips.

"If you scream, I'll stop," Clark murmured with steel and heat in his voice, before he positioned himself, and in one, clean, hard stab, stroked himself into Lex's clenching body, as hard as he could, the jolt making him bury a biting moan into the wound he created with his teeth in Lex's shoulder.

Lex whimpered at the threat, then locked his throat as he dug his teeth into Clark's forearm to keep the scream at bay as Clark's cock slammed into him hard. He squeezed Clark's cock as hard as he could with his ass, pushing down and bouncing on the mattress as he lifted his lower body with his legs.

As soon as he was firmly seated in his lover, Clark mouthed the wound in apology, gently sucking and licking on it as he gave gentle little hip swivels and rocks, slowly, tenderly, letting his lover get used to his length and girth again as he gently kissed and sucked at his lover's neck and throat, lapping at it with the broad length of his tongue. His fingers pinched a hard nipple, the other elbow keeping him upright over Lex's body, and he coaxed Lex's legs up around his chest and back as he did.

Lex's body didn't take much coaxing, his legs moving as Clark urged them, muscles twitching and tugging on Clark's cock as he dragged his lover's mouth up, kissing roughly and wetly as he snapped his hips up, taking more of Clark's length into him. "If you don't... just please Clark, please, fuck me," Lex pled.

Oh, he was. Slow, gentle, sure, pulling out the smallest bit and pushing home, slow and easy, setting a warm pace as his mouth came to Lex's and kissed him, deeply, his mouth falling to a tight nipple in the next moment as he slowly began to rock, in and out, building the rhythm up.

"Don't, not slow, please, Clark, hard, fast," he whimpered, squeezing his legs around Clark's waist as his nails dragged down Clark's arms and then his back. He was gritting his teeth to stay quiet, begging with his body and his voice.

He didn't have to be told twice.

He pulled his hips back and with a loving, but hard, movement he slammed forward, vaguely feeling his lover's gland as he began to fuck him in earnest, his fingers digging into the blankets around Lex's head as he did, sucking hard on the nipple in his mouth as his lover's wet cock dragged against the muscles in his belly. He moved sharp and fast, pounding into Lex's willing flesh as his mouth found his lover's again, and he moaned into it, deeply.

Lex screamed, but it wasn't vocal; it was a burst of sensation from his mind that exploded over both of them, skating over his skin like static electricity, mouth working hard against Clark, sucking deep kisses and moans out of Clark's mouth as he rocked up, pushing back against his lover with all his might.

The power of Lex's abilities swept into his mind and Clark's heart nearly stopped with the flood of it. He fell against his lover, gasping at the sheer, shocking pleasure of what Lex had just done, and his hips pistoned of their own accordance as he keened like a pleasure ridden animal, lapping at the skin under his mouth as he fucked forward, hard, deep.

Lex's body finally responded to getting what it wanted, and his back arched, thrusting and rocking up against Clark, fucking him back just as hard and fast, squeezing Clark's cock hard, massaging with his muscles as he sucked the keens down his throat, letting them mingle with his own screams before swallowing them down.

His cock was rock hard, dripping against Clark's belly, but he wasn't going to come yet. He was determined, and instead, he slid his hands down, rubbing over Clark's back, shifting his hips so that Clark's cock hammered directly against his prostate instead of glancing off as he howled silently into his lover's lips.

Clark moaned, loudly, hard, deeply, his body arching into Lex's and pushing himself as deeply as he could into his lover's body as the wonderful, delicious sheath squeezed him tightly. He mewled into it, moving and pushing as he thrust against Lex's body like a man dying. He couldn't stop even if he wanted to.

He rocked hard into Lex, harder still, thrusting tightly and firmly into him, feeling the pleasure and thrusts up into his very brain.

And then he decided it wasn't enough. He wanted to watch Lex make an utter slut of himself at Clark's wide hands, and he grasped Lex's shoulders and rolled over, so Lex was up on top. Right where he liked him.

Lex braced his hands on Clark's chest, balancing himself for a moment as he fought the wave of disorientation that washed over him, but it worked itself out as soon as it came, and he started to ride. Hard, fast, and bouncing, his legs spread wide around Clark's waist, one hand going up over his chest to tease and pinch his nipples, the other teasing his balls with vicious tugs that helped to push back his orgasm because he was determined that Clark was going to swallow it this time. His thighs were taut with strain as he rode, raising and lowering himself on Clark's hard cock as he ground down, shuddering with every thrust against his gland and he jerked his balls roughly again.

Clark moaned, loudly, as his lover began to bounce on top of him like an exuberant puppy, humping against him, and the sight was un-fucking-believable. He nearly bit through his lip to keep the sound in, the wail that hummed in his chest and made his eyes clench and open, clench and open, his balls and cock rigid and boiling with encroaching orgasm. Clark flexed his hips and moved up into every one of Lex's downstrokes, moaning softly as he fondled his lover's cock with rough, but gentle, squeezes and jacks, hips throbbing up and down.

His orgasm blindsided him. All he was aware of was that the pleasure snuck up on him like a sneaky little thing and he was pouring into his lover's velvety depths, the pleasure following only seconds later and this time he keened in pleasure and horror, as he set to stroking Lex's cock harder to get him to come.

Lex slid his hands down and pressed Clark's wrists to the bed, grunting hard as he felt his lover's come scalding him inside. He rode harder, and faster, milking Clark's cock with every twitch until finally, he pulled himself off his lover's cock and climbed over Clark's body until he was kneeling over his shoulders. His cock was rubbing over Clark's mouth, head skating over slick, full lips as Lex gripped the base, slapping the head very gently against Clark's lips.

Clark's entire body broke out with trembles and he grasped Lex's hips, bringing his mouth up and opening it to suck his lover's cockhead, then the whole thing, his cock pulsing with unbelievable ecstasy at the action as he sucked on the hard cock, over and over, stroking his tongue and teeth over the tense vein along the underneath as he moaned with his mouthful.

It only took a few hard, quick strokes of Lex fucking his lover's throat for him to come, over-stimulated cock coming harder than he'd thought possible, emptying a hot flood into Clark's mouth as he couldn't stop thrusting.

Clark swallowed every single drop, sucking it out of his lover like nectar, and he moaned as he did it, eyes closed tightly as he swallowed it all. All of it, all of it, and he shuddered from head to toe as he let Lex's cock slip out, wet and hot and smeared, to stroke across his face as he nuzzled it.

Lex gripped the base of his cock, rubbing the wet head still dribbling come and saliva and rubbed it over Clark's cheeks, his chin, his forehead, then over his lips again as the last of his come dribbled out.

Oh, he moaned, muffled into Lex's skin, eyes clenched shut. "Good?" he rasped, softly. "Want, want you, to torture me like that, promise me, promise?"

Lex just grunted as he looked down at Clark, face shiny. "I promise," Lex said, drawing his thumb through the marks on Clark's forehead and then his thumb. "Over this weekend coming, I'll tie you up to the bed, never let you leave, use you and feed you nothing but me."

The idea was so absolutely delicious that Clark's cock twitched, hard, in post orgasmic bliss, and he shuddered hard. "Punish me?" he asked, softly, dragging his fingers over Lex's flesh as he began to clean his lover's cock.

"For what?" Lex asked softly, letting Clark lick him clean. His fingers tugged firmly in Clark's hair, directing his lips and tongue.

"Whatever you want," he moaned. "Make it pinch, make it hurt."

Lex slid his hand down Clark's chest, twisting a nipple. "Like that?"

He whimpered softly, nodding feverishly as he slid the broad plane of his tongue over his lover's wet cock, sucking and licking all evidence of their love making away as his cock softened enough for him to slip out of his lover's stretched body. The wet heat of his own come lay against his skin as Lex shifted on his chest, and the thought was deliriously sexy.

Lex twisted Clark's nipple again, and slowly dismounted his lover as he felt Clark slide out of him and he laid on the bed beside his aushna', hand stroking Clark's chest flatly. "I love you."

"I love you more. Feel good?" he asked, gutturally, as he shifted his tongue to his lover's neck, over the already healing wound, as he sucked and licked at it, like a cat with cream.

"Feel very good," Lex confirmed, nuzzling against Clark's wet cheek. "You?"

Yeah right, like that was a question. He smiled, instead, licking his lover's lips, then kissing him softly to share the taste of his treat, and murmured his pleasure against flushed skin as he sat up. "Shower?"

"We're both kind of ripe," Lex nodded. "Shower."

"And then I've got to go home to get the suit. You'll be okay here with your dad?"

"Meaning, will I kill him while you're gone?" Lex snuggled in closer to Clark's side. "I think I can hold off on the patricide for a few more hours."

"I'll be at the hospital again in the morning. Bruce and Dick will probably need to stay over, if we find anything," Clark answered, as he kissed his Lex's mouth, soft and wide, and licked across the full lips. "Promise me, this weekend, mm?"

Lex returned the kisses, spending a few long moments thoroughly licking out Clark's mouth and sucking on his full lower lip before reluctantly letting go and nodding. "We can chopper them into the mansion if they don't want to take a hotel room here in town," he said, moving his mouth to nibble on Clark's ear.

When Lex didn't answer him about the second part he was a little distressed, and he squirmed as he let Lex suck on his mouth, his eyes fluttering shut as he licked across the warm lips, licking his treat away from a lovely, warm mouth. He kissed his lover warmly, deeply, his fingers coming up to cup his skull again, and almost laid back again except--"Mission," he grunted, with a wet pop as their mouths let go.

Lex nodded. "I know." He stroked his fingertips over Clark's shoulder and chest, teasing a nipple as he rolled onto his side. "This weekend, provided you don't have to... work," he said meaningfully. "With Bruce."

Clark moaned softly as Lex played with his nipple, and leaned down so he wouldn't stop, as his eyes fluttered shut. "Promise? I want," he whispered softly, fingers stroking over a soft penis, stroking the wet heat and down to gently thumb warm balls.

"I promise," Lex murmured, arching into the little strokes. "I want it too, to make you happy." He tugged Clark's nipple again.

"It's not about being happy," Clark answered, giving another agitated squirm as he tried to think it through. "It's about... something else. That I need. I want. For as long as you're willing to do it."

Lex nibbled Clark's ear again. "I'll do it as long as you need it. Keep you locked up and tied down so you can't escape."

Oh. Now, he moaned, low in his throat, as his cock gave a half hearted pulse between his thighs. "Punish me? let me let go?"

Lex nodded. "Of everything." He trailed his tongue down the back of Clark's jaw, down his neck and around his throat. "You carry so much on your shoulders, Clark, and I'm going to take it all away."

His fingers tensed, and clawed into his thigh as he arched his throat. "Give me what I need?"

"Always," Lex murmured, hand sliding down to stroke his cock, struggling to surge back to hardness now, rubbing it against Clark's thigh as he wrapped his leg around Clark's.

"I need it," Clark said, almost desperately, but wouldn't let himself lean down and take just what he wanted from Lex's luxuriant, delightful body. "Later. Come on, come shower with me, kay?"

"I know you do, Clark," Lex murmured softly, still rubbing himself against Clark's leg. "Not later. Now."

"Now?" Clark whimpered, rubbing back against his lover as his green eyes glazed over and shuttered, closing in pleasure.

"Now," Lex repeated hoarsely, his cock finally hardening completely again as it scraped roughly against Clark's hairy thigh, sliding against it in a slick track of its own leaking wetness.

Clark groaned, deeply and loudly, as he leaned back against the sheets next to his lovely partner and claimed his mouth with his own. Their hips and chests aligned, one slightly hairy one rubbing against a clean shaven one, hips and crotches snuggled and thrusting. He felt Lex's cock leaving a damp trail along his hip and he moaned, deeply, licking and kissing his lover's neck as his mouth fell to that lovely, warm, still-wet skin.

Lex rolled on top of his lover, keeping his cock thrusting against Clark's thigh and hip, hands braced on Clark's shoulders as he rocked and got himself ready, closer to orgasm, snapping his hips faster and rubbing harder.

When Lex rolled over him and settled on his body, with seemingly no other decision and obviously not going to enter him, Clark moaned. Loudly. He lifted his knees to cradle his lover's body against his own, rubbing himself to orgasm right alongside his lover, eyes closed tightly as pleasure washed across his skin at the movements and friction they were creating together. God only knew it, but his cock had never been this happy before he started sleeping with Lex, and the days where his hand used to be enough were so long gone. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd masturbated alone, and he sent that amusing thought toward his lover as he pushed and rubbed against Lex's insistent, moving body, moaning softly in delight.

Lex brought his fingers up to brush over Clark's lips, reminding him to be quiet because of Lionel, rubbing himself faster alongside his lover. His lips curved softly at that thought, reaching down between them to stroke both cocks in his hand, thrusting forward and squeezing each shaft as he muffled his moans in his own shoulder.

He loved being just where he was. Maybe it made him a natural submissive, but Clark loved being underneath his lover's body, getting rubbed against, getting stroked against, and he looked up at his lover through the slits of his eyes, biting on his lower lip to keep the moans in as he pushed his hips up into the tight fist around him, stroking him and the long length of his lover hard. He thrashed under him, throwing his head to the side and clenching one hand around his lover's shoulders, the other on the bed, eyes closing tightly.

The hand not stroking their cocks together slid through Clark's hair, yanking his head back so that Lex could suck hard on his throat. He licked and sucked, dragging his teeth over his lover's pounding pulse, shuddering hard as he rocked his hips and rubbed against Clark's cock in his fist.

Knew he was going to come fast this time, and he let go, sliding his hands out of Clark's hair to slam his wrists back against the pillows, keeping Clark pinned to the bed as he crawled up, and slid his cock between Clark's lips again. "Suck," he ordered hoarsely.

Clark's moan, though mostly caught in his chest without being given voice, trilled through his head in unspeakable joy and delight as he reached up immediately and wrapped his lips around the hard cock. He sucked it down and in, mouth spread and stretched wide around it as he slurped happily, goosebumps racing over his body as he caught his own cock and stroked it between his legs, shaking as he kept the other hand steadying Lex's cock.

Lex reached back and pulled Clark's hand away from his cock, lacing the fingers together so that he couldn't move it, and let his hips rock forward into Clark's mouth. His eyes fell half-shut, thrusting forward as he kept Clark's hand tangled up in his own, and he shuddered with every hard suck. "Make me come, Clark."

Yes, sir. His mouth began to work hard on the long length, using every skill he knew to do it. He sucked hard but skillfully, licking around the head, dragging his teeth down the long vein, brushing all the good parts his lover liked along the head. He suckled on the ridge, pleasing himself with fantasies of a ring through the head, and licked the slit before down again, the slip and slide of his own saliva making it easier as he relaxed his throat and brought his lover as deeply in as he could at this angle.

Lex's free hand reached down and pulled Clark's head up, just enough so that the rest of his cock could slide entirely into Clark's throat. He stayed like that for a long, agonizing second as tight hot wet closed around him, but he pulled back out, to the very tip, until the head of his cock was barely resting on Clark's full lips, and he thrust back in, making sure that he scraped himself on Clark's teeth.

The hard, rough scrape on his sensitive cock, combined with the tightness and depths of Clark's throat sent Lex over the edge again, and he pulled back as he came, letting it fill his lover's mouth instead of going just down his throat.

Clark mewled like a bitch in heat as he lifted his head when Lex thrust into his mouth, and he felt his lover expand in his mouth before exploding all over his tongue. Lex's come had never had a specific taste aside from bitter and kind of gross, though of course that had changed little by little to sweet as Lex became his aushna' and beyond, but now? Clark sucked on it like it were ambrosia, swallowing the mouthfuls with such heady pleasure, such rapture, that all he needed was a touch, one touch and he'd come, and he begged for it nonsensically as he bucked his hips and swallowed everything Lex gave him.

Lex kept his grip tight in Clark's hair as he bucked out the last of his orgasm, feeling his cock emptying into his lover's mouth. Slowly he pulled out, stroking his free fingers over Clark's lips as they slid out of his hair, and he climbed off his lover. "Tell me you want to come, Clark," he teased, letting the fingertips that had just brushed over Clark's lips slide down to draw wide circles around his cock and balls.

"I w-want to come," Clark whispered, still shell shocked over Lex's orgasm to say anything, licking every corner of his lips and mouth to suck it all down. Some insistent calm in him gentled after that, though his body was still in agonized want, and he moaned softly and quietly as he arched his hips. "Please?"

"But I thought you wanted punishment," Lex whispered into Clark's ear, his hot breath sliding like wet silk over Clark's skin.

"Yes, I want, I want," Clark begged, eyes closing and thighs spreading in invitation. "Please?"

"Then you don't get to come," Lex said, straightening up. "But we do have to take a shower before you're late."

Clark gave a loud wail, forgetting about Lionel, forgetting about the world beyond this room, and he bucked his hips. "Please!" he cried, fingers moving down to grasp himself tightly.

Lex's hand clapped down hard over Clark's mouth, eyes glittering like steel. "You set the rules, Clark... you scream, I stop." He slid off the bed, and he popped Clark's hands with his own. "No touching."

Damn the rules! Damn! But Clark saw the seriousness in Lex's eyes and out came the Pout, even as he sat up. His momentum was off, what with all the blood pooled in his crotch, and he moaned softly as he planted his hands on the bed after Lex popped them. "Please?"

"No," Lex said, and he was heading towards the bathroom. "Shower. Now."

The unspoken command and threat in that warm voice told him to comply, or suffer the consequences. He scrambled to his feet, nearly hitting the floor as he did before shuffling in behind Lex, eyes cast on the floor as delicious pleasure sizzled up his spine. He went over to the large clawed bathtub and moved the curtain back to put the shower on, letting it warm as he opened a small cabinet by the tub and got out towels and soap.

As soon as Clark was bent over and reaching under the cabinet, Lex was behind him. His fingers were wet with shower gel as two of them slid inside his lover, massaging the gland inside while the heel of his hand went to press down hard on the tailbump as his fingers twisted and rubbed inside.


Clark gave an inarticulate sound of horrified fascination as he bent over further and his fingers scrabbled to hang onto the cabinet as he spread his thighs and bit back a cry into his shoulder as he spurted, after four strokes, all over the floor and his chest. The bump on his back throbbed, his ass contracted tightly around Lex's probing fingers, and he grasped his cock midway through orgasm, giving it hard strokes as his pleasure erupted in the back of his eyes and he nearly lost his footing as his climax over swept him.

Lex kept his fingers buried inside his lover, stroking roughly and twisting them, pushing the most pleasurable orgasm he could out of his lover's body as he bit hard on Clark's spine, sucking at the apex as he thrust. His body pinned Clark to the counter, and as he felt Clark going limp, Lex eased his fingers out and caught his lover around the waist, supporting him and petting him.

Clark whined softly like a sated puppy, sagging down to his knees as he gasped, holding on tightly to the cabinet as Lex continued to twist inside of him. His eyes rolled closed in pleasure, moaning softly as he rubbed his cock, the tingles moving through it making his very toes curl. "Sorry," he whispered.

Lex helped ease Clark onto his knees, then knelt behind him, kissing his lover's shoulder, offering apologetic kisses and murmurs. "I'm sorry, Clark... I don't know what came over me. Are you all right?"

Clark looked up, and there was a glimmer of absolute gorgeous pleasure in his face. "Are you joking? That was good. I'm sorry I came before you allowed me," Clark grinned, broadly, and leaned up to lick and kiss his lover's lips, beaming at him in happy pleasure.

Lex just smiled at that, once he was sure he hadn't hurt his lover, and nibbled Clark's lips gently. "In case you didn't notice, Clark, I had my fingers up your ass. That was permission."

He blushed, softly, at the words. "True. You taste so good… sweet and bitter, at the same time," he murmured, and licked over his lower lip before he climbed up to his feet. "Shower. Must go save the world in an hour."

"I wish I could go with you," Lex murmured in return, letting Clark pull him up.

"Me too," Clark answered, softly, licking his lover's neck and cheek. "When you get your powers totally under your control, Lex, we'll talk to Bruce about it. When everything's okay again, we gotta start practicing again, kay? For now, let's shower."

Lex gave a chuckle at that. "The last time I mentioned it to Bruce, he threatened to give a motorcycle with purple and white flames on it and purple spandex."

"Naah. Warrior Angel's where its at," Clark smiled, and kissed his lips softly, as he climbed up to his feet, pulled Lex after him, and disappeared with him into the shower.

"Where do you think Bruce got the idea from?" Lex shot back. "Certainly not from the red and black Porsche K12 that Sean Devlin drives."



go on to the next part