
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 31: Four of a Kind

The red dust from the broken vial wafted into the central ventilation duct, and as the fan blew hot air through the ducts, the red dust was distributed through the entire mansion.  Through the vent in the bathroom, in Lex's office, through every vent in the empty house. 


Clark ducked his head under the shower and sighed in joy. The mansion had gotten eerily quiet, and he figured the family had gone out. Thank god. A moments rest lately was out of the question, and he loved every second. Soft, scented shampoo that was both masculine and quietly expensive, there in Lex's shower, for him. And it made him smile. Lex wasn’t exactly known for his hair follicles, so he knew his lover had bought it especially for him, for these times when he needed to wash here.


He chuckled and squeezed a quarters worth onto his palm, rubbing it, sniffling, then starting to work it through his hair. It was really, really long when wet, but as usual, he forgot to cut it. What was new?


He finished lathering and grabbed the two hundred dollar body scrub, squeezing some onto his hand and moving it over his body.


And didn’t even notice the slightly red tinted mist that was coming over the top of the shower stall.


Lex had his eyes closed, thinking about his lover and taking in deep breaths of the tangy, sex-scented air that still remained in his office.  It smelled like Clark, and he sucked down as much of it as he could, and didn't realize that he was breathing in deep breaths of red mist.


She had her underwear under her arm. Really. It had been a few weeks since Whitney had first made love to her, and they'd done it another four times with the great underwear. Yes....statistical fact, men liked lacy, scandalous things. They'd had fun, but it was time to return it and Chloe had mentioned to Whitney about asking Clark and Lex out for coffee.


Chloe sat with Whitney, comfortably, in his truck, grinning out the window with her fun in her lap. Washed, dried with softeners, and it was warm and silky against her fingertips as she arranged it in her lap.


They were having a white Christmas. It was absolutely gorgeous, and she smiled softly as she watched two children on bobsleds on the hill they were passing.


Clark finished scrubbing his body and ducked under the spray, lifting his head with closed, streaming eyes as he took a breath...before back down, the soap sliding down his body to pool at the little drain beneath his crusted, of course. Another deep breath as he turned his back to the shower, tipping his head back and sliding his fingers through his hair to get the soap out.


Whitney looked at his girlfriend, and put her arm around her shoulders.  "Hey... what are you thinking?" he asked quietly, noticing the smile on her face.  "Better be about me," he teased, keeping his voice low.


The borrowed goodies had been an amazing treat, and part of him was sorry they had to go back.  And part of him was eager for her to open--in private--the present he'd gotten her a few days before and hidden under the seat of his truck.


 She chuckled, snuggling in as she kept her gaze outside. "Just thinking about how much fun we used to have when we were little… and how, now that its winter, snow is just a big hassle. But then you see these kids playing on their bobsleds and making snowmen... an it makes me remember how much fun it used to be. Still is, I suppose." She wrinkled her nose up at him. "As long as I don’t have to shovel it, of course.


"Well... when we get home I'll roll around in the snow with you.  We can make snow angels, and a snowman, and have a snowball fight.  And then... hot chocolate in front of the fireplace, and... then if you're still cold.... I know how to warm you up."  He squeezed her tightly against his side.


Chloe met his gaze and grinned impishly, eyes twinkling. "I think, Mr. Fordman, that would be the funnest thing ever. I want a memory of this, with you... so a long time from now, I can remember our time together and grin like an idiot." Her eyes shined up at him and slender arms wrapped around his waist. "Times we remember."


"Well now, Ms. Sullivan, then I suggest we make this stop as quick as possible so we can have as much snow time as possible."  He laughed at the grin, and gave her a quick kiss as he drove and pulled to a stop in front of Lex's house. "I still can't believe you got this stuff from Lex."


Froze. Blink. Stop...blink. The funny feeling. The funny feeling was back. It was back. It was creeping in through his toes, and Clark let out a half cry as he tried to push it back...only succeeding in making it inch up his legs.


He looked down, and saw the squirming red veins crawling up his waist.


Clark let a sob escape him as he bat at his belly...chest....neck...


And blinked softly, groaning.


Lex dropped his feet onto the floor with a heavy thud as he heard Clark groaning.  "Clark?  Are you--is everything okay up there?"  The red mist was almost completely vanished by now, and it was so thin as to be invisible to the naked eye.  As he moved, he felt an odd sensation move through him; a light burning, his body twitched once as he felt it rushing through him, and he closed his eyes.  When he opened them again, there were light red flecks in his iris, and he was hard.  And hungry.


What he didn’t know what that she had his Christmas gift hid in her shed, waiting for him to go in and look for a hat to put on their snowman and there it would be.


She really was too sneaky.


"Well, I was sitting in class and I knew I wanted to give you sexy panties, right. But how exactly was I going to get sexy panties? I couldn’t go to the store and spend my dad’s money… he'd find out. Plus, have you seen any sexy panty stores in Smallville? No. So I went to go ask Lex if he could let me borrow some money to go do it... and he lent me this." A bright smile that was all teeth as she squeezed his fingers on her shoulder.


"Yeah, well, that's a little more than I wanted or needed to know about Lex's personal preferences, or Clark's for that matter."  Whitney grimaced softly.  "The thought of Lex Luthor running around in sexy women's underwear is just... not a picture that I want in my head."


Clark's cock filled...his body was shaking with the worst want he'd ever felt. Rough stumble from the shower and he strode across the long bedroom, heavy balls slapping against his leg as his cock stood straight up. Leaking. Nipples peaked, and predatory want in those huge green eyes.


Lex was his. They'd made themselves each others. And now, if he wanted to take his Aushna’ and fuck him against the side of the wall so hard he bled, it was his business, and no one else’s. No parents, no society. Nothing. Oakenepel was HIS.


And he roared it, as he strode through his lover's study.


Chloe laughed out loud at that, glancing up... and cracking up all over again, loud and hard. "Whitney! Lord, Jesus! Did you ever think they were there for the women he dated? Hello, no way could this be Lex's stuff." Another grin at her love, shaking those blond locks and giggling.


Lex was already on his feet when Clark came out of the small hallway, and smiled when he heard the roar and saw his lover.  "Clark!" Lex called.  "Kal-El!"  His voice called out a challenge without words to his lover, who was already naked.


"Well, when you said you borrowed it from Lex... what was I supposed to think?  Besides, who in the house besides Lex is built even close to you?"  Whitney's hands sketched a pair of approximate D-cups.  "In case you haven't noticed, they're all a little top-heavy and such."


He strode in, and damned if his face didn’t break out into a grin of savage glee at the challenge. God, how he adored his lover. And now that he'd shared that alien heritage, that past he could only feel in his blood, he was sure this would be so beautiful they wouldn’t be able to speak. "Oakenepel. You dare and challenge me?" A possessive stroke down a long flank.


Eyebrows peaked, and Chloe arched one brow higher then the other, crossing her arms. "Are you saying I can't fill my bra, Whitney dear?"


"I challenge," Lex growled softly, fingers working at the buttons of his shirt.  "I want."


"NO!!!  Not!  Not that!  You fill your bra just fine!  Just... okay.  I'm going to shut up now."


"Tell me how much, lover." Whisper quiet against Lex's cheeks as he dragged his tongue up each cheek, from jaw to hairline, tasting salt and sweat and his lover inside. Marked him for what he was about to do. "Tell me how much you ache for me." Another lick, the other side of his face, the flat of his tongue dragging up as he cupped the slim, fragile skull in his hands as if it were china.


She was trying to look stern, but inside she was dying laughing. "Are you saying you think my boobs are too small? Would you like me to increase them? I’m sure Dolly Parton couldn’t have anything on me."


Lex dragged his shirt off, and pulled Clark's hands to his skin.  "I burn, Kal-El... there's a fire inside me; your fire."  He moved down to his pants, jerking them off as quickly as possible and kicking them off with his socks  and shoes to stand naked, pressed against his lover.  "You burn me from the inside out, only you can put out the fire inside."  He dragged his nails down Clark's shoulders and arms.


"I like your boobs just the way they are!" Whitney protested, and as he parked and turned off the ignition, he leaned over and kissed the top of each one quickly.  "I'm just saying, Lex's other girlfriends have watermelons on their chests, and you don't.  Not likely any of these things," he pointed to the scraps on her lap, "are going to fit those kinds of... you know."


He took a step closer and felt the fire coming from his mates skin as if it were his own. It was an almost physical entity, the soft flush in a face that had skin of milk, and after watching him undress, there was fire inside him too. "Oakenepel...there is fire within me as you not feel it? It is lit, always, for you. I see you at times, and I burn with have you so take you. To make you weep with passion for me." Skimmed thumbs under each eye, before down an angular jaw....over his chest, where his heart beat. "Here, this is mine."


That’s all she'd wanted. She grinned sweetly at the compliment, listening to him talk as she hopped out of the truck into the snow, closing the door behind and still talking as he followed. "So, maybe they are Lex's. So what? Whatever floats your boat, right?" A wicked grin his way. "Maybe I wanna see you in lacy panties sometime, Mr. Fordman." And she flounced to the door.


"And what is mine?"  Lex's hand slithered over Clark's chest, coming to rest high on his collarbone, feeling the alien heartbeat.  "This is mine."  He turned his face into Clark's gentle caresses.  "Kal-El, you belong to me and I to you."


Whitney shook his head as he slid out of the truck and ran around to catch up with her, skidding slightly on the snow before he was on the small landing beside her.  "Over my dead body, Sullivan."  He kissed her soundly.  "Lex can have 'em."


"Always, my love." Softly, hearing the alien tone in which his lover was speaking, and he felt so… at home. So complete. He lowered his head and gently, lovingly pressed a chaste kiss to warm, soft lips. Another kiss... another, slow and easy like a summer day, pulling his mouth away to go in at a different angle. Each soft press was as tender as he could make it, loving for the sake of it, despite the hard rage of their wanting bodies. "We are one, Aushna‘, beloved. We are one."


Lex wrapped himself around Clark, returning each of the gentle kisses with a gentle kiss of his own.  He pulled himself in close, arms sliding around to link at the base of Clark's spine.  "Always one, Kal-El... one heart and one soul."


"Ya'd be surprised what I could beg you to do..." Wicked eyes as she stepped into the Luthor house, grinning...before blinking, and stopping. Where the hell is everyone? Where'd everyone go?" A blink, and she tossed a glance at Whitney. "Was this place not crawling with blond people yesterday?"


"Um... yeah.  And kids, there were tons of kids around.  It was a zoo."  He peered in around her shoulder and then shut front door.  He coughed once as his lungs took in the warm air of the house, and then he felt a hot burning in his arm, as though a branding iron were being applied to the tattoo still on his skin, and he rubbed it through his clothes. 


It wasn't enough.  Whitney stood in the entryway of the Luthor house, stripping his jacket and his shirt off, anything to get the fabric away from his arm and the burning, molten brand on his arm.  "Motherless fucker, that hurts," Whitney hissed softly.  Another deep breath, and the burning in his arm peaked and his eyes were filled with small, red flecks.  "C'mon."  He didn't say anything else to Chloe, leaving his clothes on the floor and walking unerringly down the hallway to Lex's office.


Gentle, pressing kisses that slowly started to move down. That long, muscular neck that was his joy to nibble at...a slim collar bone that was perfect to suck a bruise from, lick over the soft, fading scar his teeth had made there. Then gently kiss the indent at the base of his neck. "I love you, my lover."


She just... blinked. Okay. So, suddenly she'd stepped into the twilight zone. She took a glance behind her at the truck parked in the snow, then back into the warmth of the house. What the fuck? A slow click as the door closed, and she leaned down to gather Whitney’s clothing as she followed him, questions in her eyes. "Whitney?"


Clark heard the couple enter... then a moment later, knew what was to occur here today. His eyes met his lover's, and without a word he asked his question, gazing into those big silver blue's and rubbing at the slim, sturdy hips that pressed against his.


Lex raised his head and exposed his throat to Clark, instinct moving him to give Clark the superior position... for now.  His throat and his belly open to his lover, and Lex was at his lover's mercy.


Whitney didn't say anything as he pushed open the office door and walked in.  He just stared at Lex and Clark, dropping his eyes as soon as Clark's raised to meet his. 


Lex followed Clark's gaze and then nodded in answer, undulating in small, careful motions against his lover's stroking hand.  In a rational part of his mind, Lex knew he was about to be treated to a replay of what had happened only a few weeks ago, and it turned him on.


And if anything, while his thick fingers were caressing Lex's wonderful skin, he was at Lex's mercy. He could be told no, he could be pushed away, a million things that would deny him this beautiful body and powerful mind. Instead, it was offered to him willingly, and he shared a smile of love before his eyes rose to Whitney’s.


Tall, blond, gorgeous. Tanned and lovely, thick arms and a powerful chest. Erotic, in its own right. He stared at Whitney for several long moments....submissed him into looking down, and now, whatever would occur, he knew it would be because he wanted it... or Lex asked for it.


The slim hips slowly moved against him, their erections rubbing, and he watched Whitney’s face for reaction. "Hello, Ashimel."


What. The. FUCK!? She stopped in the doorway and immediately averted her eyes, wincing at bare skin and Clark and Lex eyes. Oh shit. "Guys! Oh god, I’m so sorry, I...we didn’t mean t...." Wait a minute. Wait. Why wasn’t....Whitney?


She stopped.... stared... and realized, in a very quiet corner of her mind, that Whitney was watching Clark and Lex... C... Clark and Lex, who were thrusting against one another and oh, god. She could feel the flush all the way through her, and swallowed hard against the immediate lust. "Whitney... come on, lets go."


Whitney's eyes remained cast down towards the floor until he heard Clark calling him.  Instead of his name, Clark used the same word he had before, Ashimel, and Whitney responded to it.  "Hello, Clark."  He shivered, even though the air was warm, because he couldn't take his eyes away.  He heard Chloe talking to him, felt her tugging at his arm and instead he moved forward, away from her and towards the other two men.


Lex watched as Whitney approached his lover.  Eyes downcast, bare to the waist, he was a picture of erotic beauty.  He stepped away from Clark for just a moment and caught Whitney's face in his hand, forcing him to look up.  "You want my lover, Whitney?  He's mine.  You can't have him."  He tightened his grip on Whitney's chin.  "But he can have you, just because he wants to."


Clark reached out... caught his lover's arm, and pulled him close for just a moment, whispering softly as he cupped his face. "He is ours to share, beloved. Take pleasure from him; he is noble and giving, and he will not hurt us. He is a worthy third." He angled their foreheads together. "No matter what happens here tonight, you are my Aushna‘, and I love you with my entire being."  And that said, he turned to look at Whitney, watching him with hawk eyes. "Do you want, Ashimel?"


She had to sit down. She had to. Because there was no way this was real. There was no way this was happening. No way was she about to witness a threesome among three incredibly beautiful men who hadn’t even acknowledged her existence since she'd walked in. No way was she about to see this.


She slowly sank into Lex's huge buttery leather chair and grasped the underwear tight, as if a shield, trembling from head to foot. Oh, God.


Lex nodded his understanding, and selfishly took a long kiss from Clark before his lover turned to Whitney.  "I love you, Kal-El, my Aushna'."


Whitney raised his eyes to meet Clark's for a moment.  He did want.  And that was almost all he knew.  "I want, Clark."  He dropped his eyes back down after he answered.


"Do you understand that Oakenepel is my lover? Nothing will come between us, not you, not the female, no one. But for tonight... I am willing to share for pleasure, and the sake of it." Said with a quiet note of authority and tinged with lust. One hand snaked out and reached Whitney’s cheek... gently pulling him forward to the tight bond Lex and Clark had. He reached forward, and ever so gently... pressed his mouth to Whitney’s once, sealing their pact with wet tongues and lust. Then a soft, tender kiss to Lex... and he watched the both of them, expecting them to finish the bond.


Kissing. Clark. Lex. Synapses firing, words not moving, brain stuck. Clark kissed her boyfriend. Kissed. Full on. Lips. Tongue. Saliva. Kissed.


Oh. God.


Lex took Whitney's face in his hand again and kissed him hard, tongue slipping into the blond boy's mouth and tasting Whitney and Clark and himself, sucking all three flavors into his own mouth and devoured them.  His hands touched Whitney's chest, lightly twisting the pebbled nipples that stood out from the cold.  His other hand reached out, and pulled Clark down into a messy, three-way kiss.


Whitney's toes curled as Clark kissed him, sucking lightly on Clark's tongue as long as he was allowed before being turned over to Lex.  He opened his mouth to accept Lex's kiss, and was unprepared for the assault on his mouth from the bald man.  He whimpered deep in his throat as Lex possessed his mouth, and then another whimper as Clark's mouth was added.


Sloppy, hard, and Clark's fingers locked behind both soft heads, arching and pushing into the erections that were sliding against his. One bare, one clothed, and he gasped and groaned, pushing heavily into the wanting touches.


Then slid down and after undoing Whitney’s button, slid his fingers over both cocks and started to jack. One much longer, the other thicker, and Clark moaned at the sensations, his own erection quivering against his belly. "Feel me. See how I want you bo...."


No. Not like this. Clark let go, pushed his lover and Whitney together once more...ducked his head, and fit his mouth over both erections, sucking hard at the heads as his fingers grasped what his mouth could not.


She let out a cry from the couch at the seat, nearly screaming as she was given the perfect view of Whitney and Lex... and Clark, sucking them both.


Oh, good god. No way were clothes necessary for this.  She stripped out of her shirt... not sure what she could do, but teasing her nipples was definitely a good idea. Oh... Oh, god, yes.


Lex cried out at the loss of Clark's mouth on his and instead pulled Whitney closer, kissing him again and sucking forcefully on his tongue as he moved gently against Clark's mouth on his cock. 


Whitney's eyes were closed, and his throat emitted a series of soft, wordless grunts and whimpers as he felt his cock rubbing against Lex's.  Then, the searing heat of a mouth fully possessing his, and Whitney's hands moved, one to hold the back of Lex's head and the other to thread through Clark's hair.


Harder sucks in tandem, thrusting them both against one another and sucking at the tense heads, tasting bitter and sweet at the same time. A tug at twin sets of balls, and Clark moistened his fingertips with saliva before sliding back behind his lover's thighs....and sliding up, asking for admittance as he bobbed his mouth up and down.


"W...Whitney.." Low whimper, and Chloe wasn’t sure if she... she was pleased or disquieted and hurt. A, her lover was having sex with two fine ass boys. But, B, the hair in his fingers wasn’t hers. And she didn’t... didn’t like that. But did.


Whitney moved his legs slightly apart as Clark touched him, but at the quiet call of his name, he tugged his mouth away from Lex's and looked at Chloe.  "Chloe."  He held out one hand to her, asking her without words to come over to him.


Lex didn't like losing the mouth he'd been kissing, but moved and allowed Clark's fingers to penetrate him as well, whimpering softly as he pushed down against his lover's blunt fingers.


Clark grew tired of it a moment later...and let go of the twin dicks in his mouth and after a few, slow strokes into his love, withdrew his fingers. He'd sensed Lex's immediate dislike, and pressed kisses up Whitney’s leg... over his thigh... up his chest, and he stopped to suck HARD at the nipples there for his taking, leaving them red and slick and hard as he immediately stroked over them, over and over and over and over, never stopping as he forced the boys eyes on him. "She may play. But do not displease my lover again, Ashimel."


She gasped...whimpered, and climbed to her feet. Oh, God. Okay. So she was about to get naked with her boyfriend, her best friend, and his gay lover. Well...alright.


She tugged her jeans down, stepped out of her shoes... but left her panties and bra on. She... she wasn’t entirely comfortable about her body, and when her lover was... was doing this, she wasn’t sure she wanted to be completely naked. The tiny cotton was like a barrier, and she stepped forward, tense and terrified, looking at the flushed faces... and stopping at Lex's. He had become almost like her counselor in all things sex, and she watched him for acceptance that this was okay. that....that it wasn’t a mistake.


Whitney nodded in acknowledgement of Clark's admonition.  "I won't," he promised, and turned his gaze back to Chloe.  He still had his hand out, waiting for her to take it.


Lex grunted as Whitney looked at Chloe, and then slid his eyes over to hers.  "It's all right if you want to come in."  Unspoken was the other side; it was also all right if she didn't.  Clark's fingers slid out of his body, and he moved towards Chloe and stood in front of her.  "Choose now."


She swallowed hard...panting softly...and took Whitney’s hand, stepping close, eyes on Lex's own red ones. They all shared the same hue...something was wrong, but she was so turned on, her panties were so wet, that she could do nothing but groan as she smelled their mutual arousal, fingertips fluttering across the top of her chest as if she couldn’t quite breathe right. "I....I want to."


"You are a faithful female." Clark murmured it softly, fingertips reaching and stroking over one of her perky breasts in acknowledgement. The nipple was hard under his fingers, and he watched her eyes as they, for the first time, shared something more then friendship. "You are beautiful, Ashikana. Whitney should be proud to know you."


Clark... fingers... breast. A shudder, and her eyes looked to Whitney’s as her fingers tightened around his.


"Let us move. We need a bed, and the proper supplies." And he looked at Lex for guidance now, because he was the oldest of all of them... and he knew, beyond a doubt, that his lover had done this before.


Whitney tightened his grip on Chloe and fought the urge to pull her away from Clark's gently-touching hand.  Chloe was his.  Ashikana set even less well with him, because he was the only one allowed to give Chloe a personal nickname.  When Clark's attention shifted, Whitney growled and pulled Chloe tightly against him, kissing her hard and marking her with his jealousy.


Lex nodded at his lover, catching the image of the four of them coming from Clark's head with the question behind it, and sent back an answer of yes.  He knew what to do.  He opened the door to the stairwell.  "Upstairs, all of you."  He started climbing first, and led them past the door that led to his bedroom and up one more floor, to the bedroom above his.  Larger bed than his own, and while the others went into the room, Lex went to the closet.  In the closet was a black bag, and he threw it onto the bed, the contents spilling out.  Condoms--both plain and flavored, lubricants of different kinds, oral dams and everything possibly needed for safe, group sex.


She padded in quietly, in her lover's arms and still with her underwear on. She wasn’t quite ready to show her... stuff to all these men, especially when she was terrified. She just... didn’t want to become everyone’s willing orifice, but if she knew Lex, she knew he would never let her be that. He was too sweet a man, even if he never acknowledged it.


She gasped, and even from Whitney’s arms, she reached out and traced her fingertips over an enormous blue dildo that had fallen out with the things in the bag. Oh, lord. God. And Jesus Christ.


Clark couldn’t help it. He smiled at his lover's protective streak, at all the things here for them to be safe. And he swept Lex up close, laying a smacking kiss right on his lips as he smiled and hugged him tightly. Dammit, he loved this man so much.


Chloe watched them kiss, a little smile on her face, and swallowed hard. "Wh... what are... how?"


Lex kissed Clark back deeply, wrapping his leg around Clark's hip and pulling himself up to rub against Clark's body in hungry want and desperation.


Whitney reached out and picked up the blue toy that Chloe had just touched and put it in her hand.  He slid his own hand down to gently cup her breast, then rub his thumb over it as he kissed her lips.  His hand moved hers, putting the dildo between their mouths and kissed her around it, gently squeezing her nipples now, rolling them between his strong fingers.


A heavy, dark sound of pleasure as his lover's erection pressed tight and Clark wound his arms around his back, kissing him hard as their bodies moved. In sync, like the most beautiful of songs, pushing and pressed and taking their pleasure with short, heavy strokes.


Then Clark caught Whitney and Chloe through the corner of his eye...and moaned so hard he felt it in Lex's chest.


Her eyes widened as her lips wrapped around the fake cock, sucking at it softly as she kissed her love. Hard and long and deep in her throat...and she moaned again, trembling as she latched onto him hard and returned the favor; pinching and rolling the nipples Clark had just touched as her wet panties pressed against something stiff and hard. Another hard suck...watching him as she sucked at that dildo like it were his dick, swirling her tongue around it...and watching as he sucked it too. As he sucked it, like he would Clarks dick.


Oh, god.


Lex turned his head towards the other couple at Clark's deep moan.  Watching the two young people sharing the fake dick between them made his cock throb and he pushed it hard against Clark's erection.  "I will have that soon," Lex growled softly.  "Let them be for now."  He moved his mouth down Clark's throat, bit at his Adam's apple, then sucked hard on a nipple.


Whitney's fingers slipped into the wet crotch of her panties, pressing against her lips and pushing in.  He took possession of the toy with his tongue, sucking it into his mouth as his lips touched hers, licking where her mouth had been and taking the taste into himself.  Then he pulled back from her entirely, sliding the toy down his throat and sucking it hard as he pulled Chloe's mouth to his nipples.


Clark wasn’t easily distracted, except...lance, of pure, unadulterated pleasure and he arched into the straining cock pushing against him, groaning darkly as the mouth ascended over his nipple. "Oh, God, yes, lover, yes." He arched and pressed his fingers against Lex's skull, circling his hips against Lex's and moaning softly. "Please, Lex, yes, please, oh, God, yes."


She watched Whitney with a cry...moaning loudly at the dip his fingers made when they pushed between her wet lips and....clit, touching her clit, and she grasped his arms and gasped. Then that smooth palm was pressing her to his nipples, and she watched him suck the fake dick with passionate arousal as she leaned in and sucked. A strange taste there, at her loves nipples was Clark. Where Clark had sucked. He...he tasted so sweet, and mixed with Whitney’s own taste, it made her moan hard.


Lex's hand moved to cup his lover's cock, stroking the hard shaft in time with the bites and sucks to his nipple.  His name being moaned out of his lover's mouth was too arousing to deny, and it only drove Lex to suck and bite harder, jacking the cock in his hand faster.


Whitney slowly slid the dildo out of his mouth slid it down the arch of her throat, the around the swell of her breast, teasing the lace cups of her bra with it before moving it around her side and dragging it down her back.  He tossed it on the bed as his free hand pulled at her panties, pushing them slowly down her hips as his other fingers teased her clit.


No. No, dammit. No. Tonight was not about Clark's pleasure; it was the pleasure of his mate, what his lover wanted and craved. He let go and slowly dragged his palms down the wide back....shoving him in close, hip to hip, chest to chest, mouth to mouth. And after a heart aching kiss, he ducked his head as the wet tip of his erection skidded along Lex's, and caught his lover's nipple in his mouth. Sucked...hard, until the little nub was distended and hard...and he clamped his teeth lightly around it.


And pulled...then gently shook his head, with the nub caught between his teeth.


She was shaking...trembling, and her nipples were so hard they hurt. She caught snatches of Clark and Lex...then moaned at her lover, arching her hips and helping him slide her panties down. Shaking fingers slid around her back and unhooked her bra...letting her full breasts spill free from the confines of the lacy bra. Heavy but small, peaked nipples perky and hard as rock, and there she was...naked, with two men she'd never been naked with before.


She jerked under his hand...groaned....then pulled free and turned back to the bed, snatching the dildo once more. She slid it....slid it down his belly, down to where he was so hard and hot, hanging out of his jeans. A slow circle around the tip...and she watched his face as she thrust the dildo against him, like a man would with his cock.


Twice more....before she brought it up, tracing the now wet tip between her breasts, and whispered, "Dreamt of fucking me here, Whitney?" She dragged the dildo up and down the valley of her breasts… pressing her arms in and creating a slick little pocket for her to move, eyes locked on his the entire time.


Lex thrust forward with every tug of his nipple, hand snaking down and wrapping around both their cocks, rubbing them together and slicking them both with precome as he moved.  His other hand slid across Clark's chest, dragging nails across his nipples as it moved, teasing and pulling as Clark pulled his.


Then his voice growled again.  "I challenge you, Kal-El... take me or I will take you."


Whitney moaned softly as Chloe slid her bra off, and his mouth moved to capture one of the hard peaks in his mouth, sucking it gently until she turned away.  His knees almost gave way on him when she brought the dildo against his cock, and he thrust back against it, rubbing his slick head against the plastic.  "Ch--Chloe," he gritted out, the fingers that were wet with her juices going into his mouth to be sucked clean.


When the dildo started to move between her breasts, he growled.  "I have... dreamed of rubbing you down with baby oil and making you slick and then fucking your tits until my balls explode... my come all over your face and then lick it off and share it with you."  It was the longest sentence he'd spoken since they'd come into the house.


Clark grunted heavily, moving...then slapping his arms away, and pulled away from his lover. He caught his hand and tugged him to the bed, growling something about doing it again, and he crawled onto the cover beckoning his lover to follow. "Hips first. Want to suck you..." A low moan, eyes challenging him right back. "Suck me down your throat."


She let out a harsh moan, eyes clenching as she dropped the dildo again...and when she tossed the dildo on the bed behind her, what met her made her cry out. Clark. Stretched out on the bed...and Clarks words. They were going to...they.... She let out another cry, arching against her lover and thrust against him, slicking him with her wetness and her heat, moaning loudly. Then Whitney’s...Whitney’s words, and she grasped onto his shoulder so she wouldn’t melt to the ground...instead, grabbing his hair and yanking him down for a harsh, needy kiss.


Lex followed behind his lover, moving gracefully on his hands and knees until he was kneeling astride his prone lover.  Lowering himself, he swallowed Clark's cock in one wet slurp, hand steadying the base as he guided the long shaft down his throat and sucked hard.  Then he looked at Whitney, raising the fingers of his free hand and beckoning him over.


Whitney returned the hard, passionate kiss, pulling Chloe against him and almost crushing her.  His cock was hard and throbbing, and it pressed against her thigh and rubbed against her outer slit, becoming slick with both their moistures.  He brought his hand down and lifted her around his waist, wrapping her legs around him and he carried her with him as he knelt by the bed.


Lex's fingers pressed at Whitney's lips, intruding on their kiss, and he slicked the probing fingers with both their saliva as they both sucked his fingers.  When he was satisfied with the slickness, he turned back around and slid the slick fingers into Clark's ass, stroking hard and twisting them inside the passage as his mouth slid up and down the length.


He moaned loudly as his lover climbed on without a word, raising his knees and spreading them a little to accommodate his love comfortably. His own fingers slid down the slick column of flesh...worshipping it with his fingers, rubbing it like he might a stick to light a camp fire...back and forth, between his palms, tugging at the skin gently but firmly. After a few long moments of said torture, the constant tugs at the head...he wrapped his lips around the dark tip and sucked softly, writhing his tongue around it...tracing the slit and the vein that started there and went down the middle of his cock.


A harsh groan and she rubbed against Whitney hard as she could...clit throbbing, her thighs damp with what she was feeling...then Whitney had to go and lift her like that, and she moaned as she wrapped her legs about her lover and thrust against him, face buried in his neck.


Then Lex, and his fingers, and she sucked at the slim digit for a long moment, eyes watching his. And... and well, then she couldn’t not watch. She couldn’t not. Not when Lex slid his fingertips to the tiny hole behind Clarks balls She watched, transfixed, as they were swallowed by the willing body, and she could almost feel her mouth hanging open by the hinge.


GUH! UH! And he was vaguely aware he'd vocalized it, though muffled by Lex's belly. He arched, pushing the fingers in deeper, moaning hard and unaware Whitney and Chloe were watching. Just sucking, fingertips clamping on his lover's thighs as he moistened his own fingertips with a moments lick of his tongue, and he pressed a single digit the full length inside his love...and rubbed the rough protrusion of gland he found.


Lex's voice vibrated along Clark's cock as he cried out at the sensations of his cock being rolled between Clark's palms, but he only pushed his fingers in deeper because of it.  They twisted and turned inside his lover, just as Clark's tongue danced around his cock.  Fingers echoing tongue, and Lex's hips thrust hard, his cock sliding in Clark's mouth.


Whitney kept Chloe wrapped around his waist as he leaned over and mouthed the back of Lex's neck.  He bit down the long spine, tongue teasing the ridges of bone that occasionally protruded, ending at the place where Clark's finger thrust into Lex's ass.  Whitney turned back to take a long, wet kiss from Chloe, and then bent his head to kiss Clark's hand, the tip of his tongue lapping at the rim of Lex's opening.


Clark started... sudden wetness against his hand, and his hazy eyes opened to... to see Whitney, licking at his fingers as he thrust into Lex, and oh, Jesus, God, he was going to lose it. He was staying strong for his love, but just being able to see ghosts of Whitney... then his tongue, and he moaned around Lex's erection as it bobbed and slipped up and down his throat.


She was going to lose her mind. Her boyfriend was licking all over Lex Luthor...all over, even where Clark’s fingers were.


Oh. God.


She let go of her love and leaned down... down close, to where Lex's mouth was bobbing up and down, where his eyes were clenched...and she gently kissed his cheek as he moved up, waiting till he was watching...and she slowly leaned down and licked a thick stripe from Clarks balls, and the base of his erection, where Lex's mouth couldn’t quite reach. She lapped up...where Lex's mouth was coming down, and licked softly at his stretched lips, skimming her fingers over his skull.


Tiny tongue on his balls. Tiny. Tongue. On. His. Balls. Clark was going to lose whatever it he'd strived to have, quickening his pace, and his fingers, as he felt the orgasm begin to build in the base of his spine.


Lex started when a wet tongue started to lap at his ass as Clark sucked him.  He clamped down on the finger that was fucking him, hips rolling as he felt the hard press against his prostate with every thrust, and screamed quietly into Clark's cock when Clark deep throated him.


Whitney's mouth moved between Lex's ass and Clark's hand, kissing the thumb and sucking it into his mouth before going back to nip at the ring of muscle around Lex's opening then licking around it again. 


Lex forced his eyes open and when he did, he saw Chloe watching him.  With an amazed glance, he surrendered the base of Clark's cock to her, then rubbed his lips against hers as they wrapped around Clark's cock.  Long fingernails against the skin of his head and he lost it.  Lost the thread he was holding onto, and he came.  Hard and fast, jet after jet of hot semen poured out of his cock as his entire body trembled.


She gasped... awed, watching as Lex's eyes screwed up, and this sudden foreign expression came to his face. Pain.... No. Pleasure, so hard it shook him to the core, and she watched him tremble and roll his hips as hard as he could, primal and instinctive and oh, good Jesus, Christ GOD. She kept her fingers on him, softly licking at his lips, at his cheek, kissing it gently as he came… trying to calm him so he wouldn’t kill Clark.


Clark felt his lover jerk, felt the little passage vise and began to swallow around his lover's throat as he came. Hard. All over, and he couldn’t swallow it all, letting some of it run down the side of his mouth as he sucked at his love, working him through his orgasm as he quickly pounded his fingers in and pressed against his prostate. Prolong the pleasure, even for a few seconds.


He was seconds later. He'd almost lost it, almostalmost when Whitney sucked his thumb into his mouth, and now, those two soft mouths still between his legs, he let out a muffled cry of warning as he came.


Orgasm starting from the base of his spine and shuddering up...up...harder, until it exploded from him in a cry, scrunching his face as he jerked and twisted, coming so hard he thought he was going to lose something vital through it. He moaned, hard, twisting in his lover's mouth for several seconds, sobbing with pleasure.


And Whitney was right there.  He was kissing Clark's face, licking up the come that trickled from the corner of Clark's mouth, tonguing his lips and around Lex's balls as the orgasm started.


Lex opened his mouth around Clark's cock, hand moving to pull Chloe into a kiss that shared the cock between them, come filling her mouth and his both as his tongue rapidly cleaning out her mouth as soon as it filled with the precious fluid of his lover's orgasm.


She didn’t have time to gasp--instead licking and tasting Clarks orgasm as it rushed out of him, and...surprising as it was, it wasn’t bitter like Whitney’s. It was sweet...very sweet and strange. She kind of...liked it, and didn’t want to share...but oh, Lex's tongue was a skilled one, and she lapped at his mouth as Clark trembled and sank down between them... obviously spent and sated.


The sobs continued for a few more seconds before he dropped down, moaning loudly and shuddering as hard as he could. No wet heat had enveloped him while coming... instead... two had. Two heats, different from one another, and his eyes rolled as his every muscle went languid. One hand, with what energy he had left, went up to grab Whitney by the side of the head and pull him down into a heart wrenching kiss, as hard as he could with Lex's cock pressed to his cheek, kissing him and giving him the gift of... thank you.


Lex kept Chloe's mouth to his in a hard kiss, thrusting expertly and tasting every corner of her mouth, finding where her own taste lay as well as every bit of Clark still in her mouth.  He pulled himself up to his knees and pulled Chloe with him so they were chest to chest and mouth to mouth.  As the hard peaks of her nipples rubbed against his chest, he remembered how fascinated Clark had been with the corset and the illusion of breasts that it had given, and he growled.  "Switch places," said harshly, and moved so that Chloe was facing Clark, and could see the hot kiss that he and Whitney were sharing as Lex's hands came around and teased her nipples while nibbling wetly at her ear.  "Aren't they pretty, yours and mine?"


Whitney returned the kiss, hands moving to catch either side of Clark's head and push it down gently, tongue thrusting in and tasting him.  "Should have kissed you like this in the field," he grated out into Clark's mouth, sucking the willing mouth hungrily.


Whitney and Clark were kissing. Lex was... was kissing her. Professional, erotic, thrusts and touches that knew how to melt a woman’s knees from under her. Her arms were tentative and shy but they moved around him lightly, trembling as her nipples were touched and she arched, hissing and groaning. "Wh...Whitney and Clark... they’re so beautiful, Le… Lex… you have to s... see... oh please, don’t have to see them..."


Clark tasted his lover and Whitney on that tongue...the places he'd been, the places on his lover that were only his. It was gorgeous and sexy and he thrust his tongue into that willing mouth and grasped Whitney’s shoulders hard, crushing him in to him and squeezing each nipple hard. "Should have, didn’t, why?"


Lex moved behind her, so that his arms came around her waist and up to roll her nipples, mouth touching her throat and the back of her neck.  "I see them, Chloe... see how pretty they are."  The crown of Lex's bare head rubbed against her ear.  "Just think, they're doing this for us, so we can watch."


Whitney climbed on top of Clark, pushing his ass back against Chloe, nestling it in against her groin as he lay on top.  "Too scared," he said between biting kisses to Clark's lower lip.  "Didn't know."


She couldn’t handle this. Not Lex's fingers, skilled fingers flicking across her nipples. Not when her body was flush, prone against the older mans, thighs around him and all but sitting against the dick that had just shot inside Clarks mouth. She let her head fall back on his shoulder, arching into his hands....then against the heavy balls that pressed into her groin, the warm ass, and she groaned as she looped her fingers around her lover's hip and grasped his cock.


"Ass." Clark muttered it, slowly linking his legs around Whitney’s waist and rubbing his little puckered, stretched hole tantalizingly against the hard erection his female friend was stroking. "Should have known. Not hard to know if you're gay." He growled, tugging at the hard nipples as he ducked in and at the same time he thrust forward, not letting Whitney inside but letting him feel the tight heat, he thrust his tongue into his mouth, hard and fast.


Lex's mouth moved down her throat as Chloe's head leaned back on his shoulder.  He sucked hard, but never hard enough to leave a mark; he knew better than to mark another man's territory.  Instead he dipped his tongue into the valley between her breasts and then licked back up as his hands moved down, over her belly and down to the wet place between her legs.  "Will you let me in, Chloe?" Lex purred, rubbing the flat of his fingertips along the shaved, slick slit.


Whitney shook his head.  "Not gay.  Like both... bi."  He shuddered as his cock rubbed against Clark’s opening.  He thrust his chest forward, hips rubbing his cock against Clark.  "Love Chloe... want you too."  He rocked forward again, keening softly as he was teased from behind and head on as Clark's tongue took his mouth.  Whitney melted into the kiss, letting Clark have his way.


"Yes...oh.." A heavy, dark moan. "Lex...yo...your hands are so...oh..." Chloe arched, aching, trembling and melted against him like a pool of melted wax. Her fingertips of her free hand sliding down to cover Lex's, pulling him down to her slit as her own fingers dancing in... and she let go of Whitney’s cock to grasp one of her breasts, rolling the nipple in her fingers and keeping the older man close to her. "Please...Lex... so h… hot for so long.."


Clarks hips rose, and ever so slowly....he let Whitney in a fraction. Just the very tip of the head, eyes watching him as he squeezed his thighs down with all his might around the naked cock. No condom, no used to not using them that he didn’t remember, just rolling his hips in a circular motion and letting Whitney know who was controlling this and who wasn’t. "Love're so beautiful. Always wondered about now I know." Another roll of his hips, and he opened the flood gates to his lover... feeling Chloe’s skin under his fingertips and groaning at the feeling as he asked without words if Lex was going to be inside her. If he was going to fuck her.


Lex's fingers stroked firmly inside her, pressing in deep, wiggling and twisting, then sliding back to thrust back in.  His teeth stayed on her shoulder, teasing the skin there with sharp bites along the shoulder blade.  He watched over her shoulder as Clark let Whitney's cock slide into him just a little, and a deep green flare of jealousy rose inside Lex's thoughts as he nipped sharper than he'd meant on Chloe's shoulder.


Whitney moaned helplessly as he felt his cock sucked into Clark's ass.  "Cl--Clark!  Jesus... thought... hotter than I thought, tighter."  His hands clenched against Clark's shoulders.  He'd thought about fucking Clark, had thought more about being fucked by Clark.  "Fuck."


The gentle query in Lex's head, the simple picture of himself on top of Chloe with a question behind it.  A long pause, and then the same image sent back with another question; do you want me to?


She arched...then whimpered at the sudden bite, glancing over her shoulder at Lex with question as her hips insistently rode his fingers...and moved to where he was watching. Oh. Whitney... sliding into Clark, and Lex didn’t like that. No. Not one bit, not the possessive fingers on her breast, not the deep fingers inside her.


He felt the jealousy... couldn’t help grinning at it, and pulled off of Whitney, giving him a soft, lingering kiss in apology for teasing, then sat up, grasped Lex's head, and kissed him, hard and passionately, beside Chloe's head. Deep, stabbing thrusts of his tongue, claiming, pouring his love into his him his answer. "No, beloved. Only mine. She is beautiful, but you are mine."


She barely heard the rumbles... barely heard the boys at all, simply sliding her fingers over Clarks naked chest... down his hips... and she offered her fingers to her own lover as Lex's worked inside her.


Lex's fingers worked insistently inside Chloe, bringing forth more moisture as Clark's kiss claimed him.  He sucked and bit at Clark's tongue, his free hand gripping Clark's hair tightly and holding him in the passionate kiss.  "Nobody touches you like that but me."  He wasn't sure if he was speaking his language or Clark's, but he didn't give a flying fuck.  Clark was his, and he would share but only to a certain extent.  "Mine."


Whitney whimpered at the tease and moved out of Clark's way as he straightened to kiss Lex.  Chloe, his Chloe, was trapped between them with Lex's hand inside her and he didn't like that, not one bit.  He moved towards Chloe and pressed himself against Clark's back, leaning over his shoulder to reach Chloe's mouth, wrapping her fingers back around his cock.  "Don't like him touching you," Whitney growled out.  "Not at all."


She was gasping, panting, riding the fingers inside her harder as she threw her head back, fingers streaking through her own hair as she bucked. Harder, faster, dropping her hands to press against her breasts, the smooth line of her torso rock hard and tense as she struggled towards orgasm. The delicious, malicious language by her ear as the two lovers kissed, then her own love, wrapping shaking fingers around him as she kissed him hard. "Wh… Whitney...feels so inside all over....I can f...feel...feel y...y...." She arched her back and let out a tiny, strangled cry, orgasm erupting inside of her. She arched, ramming back against Lex and moaning loudly, coming so hard she thought she was going to fall to pieces.


Clark held him close...closer....feeling the female trapped between them come, and he...he couldn’t help it. He left Lex's mouth, whispered promises pressed to those soft, full lips, and he leaned down to lick and suck at her chest...swiping his tongue all over her, every inch of those heavy breasts before around, to drag Whitney to him. He pressed him close, affectionately, and whispered, "You are jealous, but she thinks only of you."


Whitney sat back when Chloe arched between the two male bodies around her and came hard.  He watched, almost angrily, stroking his own erection and growling low in his throat.  His Chloe had come and not because of him.  Another unhappy growl.


Then Clark whispered in his ear.


"She's mine," Whitney said suddenly.  "I love her."  He slid his fingers through Clark's hair and kissed him, wiping the taste of Chloe's skin from Clark's mouth and into his own.


Lex brought out his fingers, trailed them up and over, and while Clark whispered to Whitney, Lex gently rolled the moisture from Chloe's orgasm onto her nipples.  "Sssh... let Clark taste that," he purred in her ear, his renewed erection pressing against her backside.  "Pull his mouth onto you."  Then he slipped the fingers further up her chest, and flicked them gently over her lips.


Clark wrapped his arms around the poor boy, hugging him...almost in reassurance, as he kissed, softly, then tugged at the long blond locks and motioned to Chloe's glistening, flushed chest and her wide eyes. "Taste, with me."


"Wanna taste...I..." She leaned forward just a little and sucked Lex's fingers into her mouth, sucking at the wetness that was all her. Licked every inch of it off Lex's fingers, slurping at them softly and squirming against something poking into her hip, it....Lex's erection. Oh, God. She reached forward and laced her fingers through Clarks hair, tugging him forward to her chest...then reached out, and brought her lover to her mouth to kiss before whispering into his lips, "L… lick me... with Clark?"


Whitney leaned forward and kissed Chloe, and then moved down.  His tongue wrapped around her nipple, sucking it into his mouth and tasting the wetness from her slit that Lex had wiped there.  He nipped and sucked, hands going to Chloe's hips and holding her still as he knelt in front of her, licking the bottom swell of her breast and then the top before moving back around to suck the nipple into his mouth again.  Reaching behind her, he felt Lex's cock pressing into her skin, and he jerked it roughly as he licked Chloe.


Lex hissed as Whitney's hand wrapped around him and he thrust forward, body rubbing against Chloe's back as he fucked her boyfriend's hand.


Somehow she'd ended up in the middle. But wasn’t that how things always happened? No matter how out of it she wanted to be in situations, she was always thrust (heh!) in the middle of things no matter what. Not that she minded at the moment, of course, with Clarks mouth around her left nipple, doing magical things to it, Whitney’s around her right and damn him for being so talented, and Lex, Lex of all people, arching and thrusting behind her, his pants in her ear.


It was all so heavy and male, and she felt like she would break amongst all this power and want, shuddering hard as her fingers laced through two heads of hair and held on for dear life.


Clark lapped hungrily at Chloe's breast, nipple tough and hard against the flat of his tongue as he licked it, over and over. Kneaded what he couldn’t lick, fingertips sliding down her flank, and she was whimpering nonstop, moaning loudly and thrusting back and forth.  And he was so hard he could barely move.


Whitney's free hand had wrapped around Chloe's waist as his other hand jacked Lex off.  He pulled her close to him, pressing his face into her chest and then licking up her throat to kiss her again, and then... down.  Down until he was laying flat and his head was between her spread knees and he started licking.  He licked at the sticky trails of wetness that had leaked down her inner thighs, then up to the wet lips themselves before sliding his tongue inside.


Lex pulled himself away as he watched Whitney move between Chloe's legs, and he smiled when he saw the target.  He moved to accommodate, kneeling as well until he was pressed flush against Chloe again, and he was rocking gently, rubbing his cock against the firm swell of her backside.


Oh, Jesus, GOD! She screamed at the top of her lungs, squeezing her eyes shut as the image of Whitney, buried between her legs, filled her mind. Lapping, like he was starving and she was his only nourishment; and Lex, Lex behind her, rubbing against her and thoughts of pure animal sex drove her, made her want to be filled. Clark, Clark lapping at her breasts, legs spread on either side of Whitney and rubbing his cock against her boyfriends.


Oh. God.


She scrabbled for purchase...finding her handhold on Lex's hips, and arched, letting out a sob of want as she felt orgasm begin to build once more.


He could feel the long, lithe, powerful erection rubbing against his own...and in it, was power. Clark's mouth disended on Chloe's swollen breasts, nipping and sucking at the rough, protruding nipples that were hard with arousal. Clarks fingers slid...down her waist, and around, slowly teasing his lover's cock gently, stroking at it in the same pattern of his thrusting hips.


Whitney pushed his tongue deeper into Chloe, licking harder and stabbing faster at her clit and her walls as he lapped.  His fingers gently pushed her lips open for his mouth, and he raised his head so that his tongue could slide deeper into than he had before.  His fingers gently rolled her clit between licks, and his only thought was to make her come for him.


Lex rubbed against Chloe until Clark's hand came around to touch him, and he thrust his cock into his beloved's tight grip.  Again and again he thrust, using his only free hand to brace himself on Chloe's shoulder, arching his body with hers and concentrating on maintaining his balance.


And what a sight they made. All four of them, there, in the enormous maroon tinted bed. Chloe in the middle of it, her back arched, eyes squeezed shut, hair flying as her hips rocked. Hair plastered to her forehead. Lex, behind her, a look of utter concentration on his face, sweat dripping in rivulets down his back. Clark in front, sucking and licking, undulating his hips against the nearly hidden boy beneath him, who had his mouth deep inside the willing girl.


It was sexy. It was unbelievable.


It was all she could stand. She arched her hips heavily, fingernails tearing into Lex's skin, and she came with a hollow, loud scream, throwing herself forward, then back, shuddering and shaking as her lover's insistent tongue slickened in and out of her. "OH GOD!!!!"


Clark tightened his mouth on her nipple and held onto the rosy bud as she arched and thrust, her screams like singing to his ears, and he paused his fingers on his lover to hold her hips to Whitney’s mouth... and through the simple touch of skin, gave her a jolt of his own pleasure.


She screamed, twice, three times, a thousand, and came again... and again, orgasms wracking her body as she shuddered and shook, back bowed, eyes squeezed tight... skin flushed hard as her body quivered with the most astounding, amazing pleasure she'd ever felt.


She came down off the enormous high... shook... looked down at Whitney’s wet mouth between her legs...and passed out.


Lex grunted at the nails digging into his skin, pushing harder into Clark's hand as he watched Chloe's orgasms tearing through her.  He let her go as he felt her go limp, letting Whitney catch the brunt of her weight.


Whitney's tongue worked faster and harder inside his love, slurping as much of the wetness that poured out of her as he could.  His face was wet, cheeks shiny with her juices, and his tongue was thrusting deep and scraping the sides, swallowing each mouthful as fast as he could.  He saw her legs buckling, caught her as she came down, held her tightly against him.  "Chloe... baby?"


Clark moved out of the way, dismounting Whitney and sitting beside his lover with a wicked little grin slick on his lips...glancing almost guiltily up at Lex for just a moment, before leaning over and burying Lex's cock in his throat.


She sprawled bonelessly against her love, chest heaving for air, eyes closed and limp.


Lex slid his hands through Clark's hair, holding his lover's head as he thrust harder, pulling Clark over to him as he pushed into his lover's throat.  "Mine," he said, fingers tight in Clark's hair.  "Mine."


Whitney rolled onto his side and cradled her to his chest, silently nuzzling her throat and her shoulder.  His tongue licked over her throat and neck, tasting the salt and sweat that covered her skin, then moved up to her face, long, cat-like swipes ending in kisses over her cheeks, closed eyes, and nose.


He let Lex thrust once...twice...and let go, sitting up on his haunches with wicked intent as he tossed a glance over his shoulder at the boy fawning over his female. "Ashimel."


Lex growled until he saw the look in his lover's eyes and placated himself with leaning forward, nipping sharp little kisses along Clark's shoulder.


For a moment, Whitney didn't move, but then he reacted to being summoned and rolled over to look up at Clark, pulling Chloe with him and keeping her protectively close.


"Set her down, Ashimel. She is sated." His voice held distinct, 'you better listen to me or else', his fingers reaching out to seductively stroke the blond hair away from those deep, gorgeous eyes, eyes roving to Lex's a moment. "Beloved...tell me what you want. How you want him. He is your gift...I only want to pleasure you this night." And his eyes roved to Whitney, focusing on him just a moment. "And you, you, my best friend, my kindness, get to share what is only mine this night, experience what I love, touch what is mine. But." A finger. "Only what he wants. And if it pleases you, it will be what you want as well."


Whitney's eyes held rebellion when Clark told him to let go of Chloe, and he very nearly didn't.  But it was the gentle touch that convinced him to do it, the soft brush of hair out of his eyes that caused him to carefully lay Chloe beside him, kissing her once before turning back to Clark's voice and looking at Lex.


Lex studied the blond quarterback for a long moment.  "You hurt him.  You hung him up and left him to die."  A long pause, and he touched Whitney's face gently.  "You gave him to me."  He turned and kissed Clark's mouth chastely.  "You want him, I know.  I saw how you tried to protect him from me, tried to take him from me before."  His grip on Whitney's face tightened for a brief instant.  "You'll never have him, Ashimel."  He turned to Clark, and then looked again at Whitney.  "Take him.  I want to see it.  Want to see you bring him to his knees, whimpering."


The dark malice in the words had him shuddering, but he nodded at his lover and looked to the blond boy on his knees before them. "Is this what you want, Ashimel? Feel me so deep inside you you won't move without thinking of me? Feel what you've been dreaming of for so long?" Then his eyes swept up to his lover, and he reached out for Lex's hand, clasping it tightly in his own when it  was set in his palm. "Is this what you want, my lover? I do not want you jealous, or to hurt. Tell me, because I would never want to make you sad with me."


Whitney looked at Chloe, who was still out of it, gently touching her face and turning it away from him.  Then he looked back up at Clark.  "Yes... this is what I want."  He didn't want Chloe seeing him agreeing to this; he didn't want her to think that he didn't want her.


She was completely. Out. Cold.


Lex squeezed Clark's hand tightly with his own.  "This is what I want, Kal-El.  I want to see you possess him, so he knows.  So he knows he can never have you."  He brought his other hand up to thread through Clark's hair, rubbing the strands.  "I am not sad, nor jealous now."


"I love you." And he looked at Whitney, offering his arms to the young boy. "And I care for you, a great deal. Don’t think I don’t, Whitney. You are my closest friend; a good man. What we have here is enjoyment and pleasure, and nothing else."


Whitney accepted the embrace that Clark offered, and nestled his face into his welcoming shoulder.  "I'm sorry for that, Clark.  If I'd known... I wouldn't have gone through with it.  Just so angry... angry that you looked at Lana and not me."  He wrapped his arms around Clark and held on tightly, hoping for forgiveness.


He smiled softly into Whitney’s hair, meeting Lex's eyes over his shoulder and holding an arm out to his lover. He wanted to share this boy with his love, and intended to. Because what he wanted, he always got. Always. "I know it, Whitney. I know. I forgave you a long time were angry and careful to protect your beloved. For that I can't be angry, now that I know what it is to have someone." he lifted his head, and cupped his fingers around the boys face. "I’m going to make you feel good, Whitney. I’m going to press in from behind you, and I’m going to take you. I’m going to slide all the way inside of you and fuck you until you scream. Are you ready for that?"


Whitney nodded at the words of forgiveness, and he felt as though there was a rock gone from his chest, a wad of guilt gone from where it had seemed permanently lodged in his stomach.  "Thank you."  He listened to the rest of Clark's words, raising his head when Clark lifted it and looking into green eyes flecked deeply with red.  "I'm ready, Clark.  I've been ready for weeks, months, almost years." 


Lex met Clark's eyes over Whitney's shoulder, and came to his lover's other side.  He looked deep into Whitney's eyes as Clark spoke, and felt a hot spark inside him at Whitney's words.  Without speaking, Lex leaned forward and kissed Whitney softly, gently, tasting a dwindling tang of fear as he sucked the tongue still flavored with Chloe's sweetness.  "We will not hurt you, Whitney... we will be gentle."


Oh, God. Clark groaned softly at the sight, gently skimming his lips across the top of Lex's ear as he watched his lover kiss Whitney as gently as possible. Christ. His lover, this man, had gone from treating him like a small town friend months this. To this person Clark only got to see, quiet and reserved and gentle. Loving, in a way he'd never known Lex to be, and he grinned from ear to ear at the sudden realization.


Lex loved him. And it was like a special treat, every single time.


"Every night in my dreams I see you, baby." He whispered, skimming his fingers over Lex's back and down, to encircle his waist. "I see you, and I feel you, and even then I never thought..." He brought his lips up, to gently nibble at Lex's ear. "I never thought I'd see you do this for me. I never thought you cared for me like this." A careful nip, as he cupped his lover's hips and brought his fingers to the leaking erection, skipping his fingertips over it. "I love you, with my whole heart."


She shifted....head moving more to the side… and slept on.


Lex rolled his hips softly, pressing them back against Clark as he continued to kiss Whitney, tongue thrusting in to sweep over his, then pulling back to nibble on the boy's lower lip.  "I love you, Kal-El," Lex whispered softly as he rubbed his cheek against Whitney's.  "You are my heart."  He turned back to the blond boy then, body pressed against Clark's as he nipped at Whitney's jaw, kissing it softly before moving back to possess his mouth again.


Whitney whimpered under the gentle, firm assault of Lex's mouth against his.  "Lex..." he breathed softly as his lips were released in favor of his jaw, and he braced his palms against Lex's bare chest, not sure if he'd be allowed to touch as his fingers spread and rubbed over Lex's hard nipples.


He shifted and crawled around the large bed, away from Chloe so he was behind Whitney... softly sliding his hands down the ample chest, dragging them along sweat slickened skin. " are beautiful. You give my lover pleasure... do you see it? Look, look at him." His voice dropped to a dusky murmur. "Watch him as I prepare you."


Clark leaned over to the top side of the bed and rooted for a moment in the supplies Lex had gotten....searching a moment before taking out a small bottle of strawberry lube. He poured some on his fingertips...smiling at the smell only his beloved would have, and slowly slipped his slickened fingers down the warm swell of Whitney’s backside. "Have you.." his mouth ghosted over a soft neck, speaking and grazing his mouth along that bare skin at the same time. "Have you ever dreamt of this? Thought what it might be like?"


Whitney swallowed hard, unable to formulate words for long moments.  "I... I didn't... never thought of all of us.  Just... you.  Some--sometimes Lex, but he is... so beautiful."  Whitney looked at Lex.  "You're just... gorgeous, Lex.  I don't know how else to say it, but everybody that sees you wants you."  His hands kneaded Lex's chest as they rested there.  "I never thought I'd be here.  With you."  He leaned forward, nosing Lex's mouth away from his skin as he kissed him again.


Lex watched as Clark moved to prepare Whitney, and was surprised to hear what the boy thought of him.  He leaned into the kneading touches as well as the kiss, allowing both without words as he slipped his arms around Whitney's shoulder and gathered him in.


The words Whitney said made his belly kick hard… but not in jealousy. If anything...Clark was pleasured on a level he barely could comprehend. He was sharing the beauty of his love, and it was being acknowledged. It made him puff up in pride, and the curved lips he pressed into Whitney’s shoulder were priceless.


Slowly...tenderly, he spread Whitney’s cheeks open, and dipped in... searching for the tiny hole… looking... found. He rubbed the warm cream around the edge, laying soft, tender kisses on the back of his neck, his shoulder...tasting sunshine and sex there on that creamy skin. It wasn’t as good as Lex, but it was beautiful in its own right, and he laved a bone gently as he slowly, ever so slowly, started to press up inside.


Lex watched what his lover was doing and pressed Whitney's face into his shoulder.  "You are handsome in your own right, Whitney.  You have a beautiful woman to call your own, you have the friendship of my lover, and I owe you for giving him to me."  He pressed a soft kiss on Whitney's shoulder, meeting Clark's lips there.  "Do not be afraid."


Whitney arched back into Clark's gentle touches.  "Clark... you and Lex... so beautiful together," he whimpered softly.  He kissed the hollow of Lex's shoulder as his face was pressed into it, and he moved his hands so that they slipped around Lex's waist instead.


Lex had relaxed him, and the length of the single digit slid very easily into his friend, slickening the small passage with the lube still smeared on his fingertip. Clark worked the slick liquid all over the inside, gently stretching him, pressing into the sturdy, tough walls… and found the protrusion of prostate, gently skimming over it with his fingertip in quick, feathery touches. "You are so responsive... so good at this... see... I’m so deep inside, going to stretch you so I will not hurt you."


And he leaned over Whitney’s bowed head, and pulled his lover into a kiss, encouraging Whitney’s participation in it as he anchored a hand on the boys hip, the other still working deep inside.


Whitney hadn't realized how deep inside of him Clark was until he felt the touches to his prostate.   He cried out, muffled against Lex's body as he moved his mouth down, licking Lex's chest and sucking hard on his nipples as he pushed back against Clark, pulling the fingers in deeper.  "Clark... feels so good," he whispered against the slick skin of Lex's chest.


Lex kissed Clark deeply, tongue pushing in to share the taste of Whitney's mouth with Clark.  His hands still held Whitney cradled against him, feeling the boy move and arching against Clark.  He laughed throatily, then thrust his chest forward as Whitney's mouth clasped his nipples.  Growling softly, he moved Whitney's mouth away from his left nipple and allowed him only the right.  The left was marked by the healing bite Clark had bestowed him weeks ago, and he would not have it tainted.


He began to thrust, slowly and easily, in and out of the tight passage... being extra gentle in case this was the first time for the boy, and kissed his lover hard. He shared that taste of sunshine from Whitney’s skin, shared what he was feeling and how tight Whitney was around his fingers, and reached out to gently caress his lover's cheek with his mouth as he nibbled and sucked at the cheekbones.


Whitney between them, rocking, laving at Lex's nipples, and Clark couldn’t help it. He wanted, he needed so badly right now.  He pulled his finger out...and on the next thrust into Whitney’s body, he had two fingers...wincing gently and ducking his head to press a kiss to a hard shoulder as he lanced in deep. "F...forgive me. I...I want you so much. Are you alright?" 


Whitney moaned as Clark's fingers moved inside him.  He tried to move faster, but was restrained by the hand on his hip, and then he made a strangled noise deep in his throat as Clark slid a second finger inside him.  "No... fine... done it before, just not in a while, not gonna hurt me," Whitney whispered, rocking back against Clark's fingers.  "Please, I want you too."


Lex pulled Whitney closer to him, leaning back as he pushed the mouth lower, where Whitney's chin rested on his thigh.  "Just wait, Whitney, he's almost there."  He ran his fingers through blond hair that was not as soft or silky as Clark's.


 He softly peppered kisses over that bowed head...leaning in and giving Lex's erection a lick, like a lollipop, as he pushed his fingers in and out, scissoring them until he was comfortable with the stretch. "Whitney..." He let his fingers slide out of him, and wiped them on the edge of the blanket before he stretched out, head at the pillows. "Come here. 

Lay here...back to my chest." he motioned softly, invitingly, curling the blankets and pillows up so Whitney could nestle in close. "I want you to feel me move against you...and I want you to feel Lex's body in front of you."


Whitney moved as he was told, giving Lex's thigh a kiss and licking once along the shaft of his erection as he scooted back against Clark.  He pressed himself close along Clark's hard body, feeling Clark's cock nestling between his cheeks as he moved.  He angled his head so that his shoulder supported Clark's chin, and their cheeks were pressed together.  "Thank you," he whispered softly, brushing a kiss against the corner of Clark's mouth.  "For all of this."


"Only for you. I would do this...only for you." Protective arm around the boys waist, making him feel well cared for and loved...and he held out his arm to Lex, eyes shining with emotion as he met his mates. Another glance down, and he slowly got into position, lowering his hips a little bit and pulling on a slender hip. "Put your leg up atop my hip. Open up for me, Whitney." Softly, asking for Lex's help without words and just eyes, before down, settling Whitney in more firmly against him. "Tell me if you don’t like it. I would never hurt you."


Lex moved over, gentle hands guiding Whitney's leg over Clark's, adjusting their bodies together as he pressed against Whitney's chest.  His hand slipped down to stroke the boy's hard cock, realizing that he hadn't come once as he gripped the hard shaft.  "We will take care of you, Whitney."  He met Clark's eyes with his own before kissing the blond boy again.


Whitney shook his head at Clark's words, settling his head closer into Clark's shoulder.  "You won't hurt me, Clark.  I trust you; I care for you; you won't hurt me."


Firmly, slowly, he wrapped his long fingers about Whitney’s erection and Lex's fingers and started to stroke. The skin caught and moved against the firm erection, weeping slit swept and carefully loved. The heavy, tight balls underneath, perfect to cup and feel, touch and fondle with gentle hands, following Lex's lead as much as he could. Then up, to pinch and knead Whitney’s nipples, as slowly...he pressed up.


And the tiny, stretched hole refused to admit him.


He slowly reached out and stroked a taut belly, fingertips going back down and around his aching hard cock to the tiny hole. He stroked his twin fingers inside again, opening him as much as he'd done just a few moments ago, slowly thrusting his fingers into the slick, small passage.


Clark's fingers stroked out...and his cock stroked in. Partial way, and he stopped, mouthing Whitney’s neck softly.


Whitney tensed as Clark's cock pressed against him.  A flash of guilt, Chloe's face, the feel of her around his cock, and he froze, unable to allow Clark inside him.  Then calm, soothing touches, reminding him of how much he was cared for, and he slowly relaxed, letting himself open back up again pressing back against Clark's cock.  He let out a small cry as the large shaft breeched him, and he bit down on his lip as he let his body stretch and become used to the cock in his ass.  It had been more than a year since he and Sean had done anything like this, and time was catching up to him.


Lex's kiss pulled Whitney's bitten lip from between his teeth and sucked it into his mouth, soothing the bitten flesh with gentle licks.  "Let him in, Whitney, he just wants to please you," Lex whispered into his mouth.  "Let him take you, let him make you feel so good about yourself."  His fingers still stroked Whitney's cock, feeling Clark's hands touch it occasionally.


Over the thick, muscular shoulder, Clark was watching his lover. Intent eyes...then fingers, reaching out, tracing the swollen upper lip where the scar bisected it perfectly. His scar, till the end of his days...and in a way, Clarks as well. His to lick and touch...and it gave him a rush of pleasure to know he'd be the only one to ever kiss it, ever again.


The single thought had him pressing up into the willing sheath, free fingers stroking Whitney’s hair from his eyes, and murmuring words in his ear. A gentle lave of a miniature mole there at the base of his neck, and he watched his lover as he pressed in.


And felt gnawing guilt.


"I love you, Oakenepel. Tell me this is what you want."


Chloe shifted behind Lex, a slim arm pressed against his back...and her eyes opened. She blinked a little… but she could feel the three boys beside her moving, rocking the bed in sync, and she knew what they were doing.


Her boyfriend was in between a Clark and Lex sandwich. And that, my friends, is the sexiest. Thing. Ever.


She didn’t dare move...she knew if her love found she was awake after the most powerful orgasms of her life, he'd stop. And for their relationship to flourish, he needed this.


Lex leaned forward, pressing Whitney between them as he met Clark's mouth over Whitney's shoulder.  The kiss was hard and deep, his tongue pushing into Clark and tasting.  "This is what I want, Kal-El," Lex said with a quiet smile, just for his lover.  "I want to see you do this; want to see you take him and know that you belong to me no matter what you do.  I need this." 


Whitney's eyes were closed tightly as Clark sunk into him, pressing up until the entire length was sheathed inside him, and he murmured quietly in response to what Clark did to him, the gentle kisses and the soft brushes of his hair.  "Clark... so big."


He gently cupped his lover's skull, large thumb skimming over the veins and low dip above his ear, and looked down at the boy caught between them. Almost slender and small compared to the force he and his love made, and he smiled...then smirked as he pulled out, and thrust back in, a little harder then he intended, but not meant to hurt. Just the slim channel catching him, wanting to keep him in, and he grunted at the feeling.


Clark pulled Lex close to Whitney’s body, the three of them embracing, and slowly began to rock, tugging out...thrusting in, rocking his young lover's body against Lex's. "Yeesss."


Lex's mouth fell to Whitney's shoulder, kissing and biting the wide plain as Clark's thrusts started moving Whitney against him.  Chloe was stirring behind him; he felt the movements but said nothing, instead sliding his right hand behind to squeeze hers gently.  A brief moment and he let go, then changed position.  He moved so that his body lay alongside Chloe's, his head in Whitney's lap as he took the young man's cock into his mouth, sucking hard as all three of their bodies rocked together and pushed Lex's hips gently against Chloe.


Whitney cried out as Lex's mouth engulfed his cock, hands going to gently cup the bald head in his lap and pull the hot mouth down as he thrust up.  "Lex... Clark... God.  Too hot."  He couldn't open his eyes, couldn't see what was happening to him as they both worked to bring him off.


The hungry suction of the warm body underneath his, and Clark gave Whitney what he had needed for so long. Since that first night, when they'd strung him up in that field to die, since he'd felt Whitney’s fingers drifting over him when the others had already left. When he stroked him just so, thinking Clark was unconscious... touched him and felt what he had. Whispered to him.


So he gave, he fed that curiosity, sated it as he stroked in and out as gently as he possibly could, and watched Lex suck him off.


He didn’t like that, either.


He growled possessively as he watched those soft lips wrap around Whitney’s erection and move up and down, stretch so the scar was nearly white against his lip. That mouth was his.




He gave a possessive thrust, hard, rough, starting on a faster gate as he clamped his fingers on Whitney’s hip and took him. Mouth engulfed in the slim neck, nipping and biting, sucking, his fingers grabbing hold of Whitney’s hair and bringing his head back hard. He bared that lovely throat and leaned in...biting, kissing, sucking.


But didn’t dare mark another woman’s man.


She felt Lex's acknowledgement...then his hips. Moving against hers, and she didn’t know what had moved these men to do this tonight but she thanked god. Oh, lord. She was a new person when it came to sex, but this… it was shocking and eye opening because… much. She grasped Lex's thighs and softly spread them...moving behind his bulk so Whitney wouldn’t see...and she sucked at Lex's hard, tight balls hanging from his body, each one into her mouth until her mouth was full.


Lex shuddered hard as Clark's thrusts into Whitney became harder, more punishing.  He knew then that Clark didn't like it, but he wouldn't relinquish the hard cock in his mouth.  Another hard shudder as a delicate tongue lapped at his balls and he was hard pressed not to squirm in delight.  Instead he changed positions, spreading his legs wide and pulling himself onto his knees, letting the hot mouth and tongue suck without hindrance.  He pulled his mouth off Whitney's cock and moved it up a brief moment, lapping at the throat Clark exposed for him, then meeting Clark's mouth on Whitney's skin.


The gentle strokes had Whitney rolling his hips and riding the rhythm until Clark jerked his head back.  A strangled squeak, a shudder running through his body, and he felt his pulse start pounding harder in his veins as he lunged back against Clark, the savage thrusts driving him harder into Lex's mouth.  He was moaning, hands braced on Lex's thighs, mouth hungry and unfilled.  His eyes seemed sealed shut, unable to see Clark and Lex kissing savagely above him.


Clark kissed his lover as hard as he could, possessive, growling and Lex was HIS dammit, NO one else’s, and all the pleasure Lex gave would be HIS, no one else’s. Possessive, protective, and he kissed as hard as he could, tongue pushing in, punishing and loving...and tasted Whitney.


And it was the last straw.


The animal he was always loathe to let out leapt, teeth bared, snarling. The grip on Whitney’s hair tightened and he yanked back hard, lapping at the throat and pressing Whitney’s cheek into his own. "Mine. MINE." His hips moved as hard as they could in his position, and that’s why he chose it; because he'd known it would be a matter of time before he lost control. Deep, lancing thrusts, the friction against his cock amazing but NOT LEX.


Clark snarled, louder, and crushed his lover's mouth to his again, free hand gripping the base of his skull and pushing him in. "MINE!"


She could barely think, over Clark’s bellows, Whitney’s moans, and Lex's hard shudders. All she could do...see...was Lex's erection there between his thighs, the heavy balls...the tiny hole.


She gazed at it a moment...watching it tense with Lex's body, and when it relaxed one more, she dragged the flat of her tongue against it, fingers kneading the heavy balls softly in her hand. She rolled them in her palm, free fingers spreading Lex's cheeks, and licked again. And again. And gauged for his reaction.


Lex thrust up against Clark, rubbing his body against Clark.  "Yours, Aushna'.  My Reshkuma, my sa'lumkana, always yours."  He barely grunted the words through the hard, nearly painful kisses that sent twitches of pleasure straight to his cock as it rubbed against Whitney's belly.  He reached down and guided one of Whitney's hands to his cock, and he whimpered.  Then cried out loudly, his teeth sinking into Clark's lip as he felt a tongue drag across his opening. 


Whitney's moans turned to grunts and then to screams as he was fucked roughly by his lovers.  He pushed back greedily into every one of Clark's thrusts, kept his throat arched and his eyes screwed shut as he let himself be manipulated by Lex's hands and Clark's body.  "Not yours, Clark... Chloe's... love her," Whitney grunted out, almost unaware of what he was saying as he rocked back harder and faster.


"Sa'lumkana, aushna', beloved, I love you, how I love you," And a heavy pound at the base of his spine signaled encroaching orgasm. His throat closed...he couldn’t speak, anyway, and held the slim hips in his hands, pounding into them and following every single one of Whitney’s screams with a thrust. Pushing, pushing, his life was pushing his cock into a hot, tight fist of a body, pounding, pounding..




He let out a wail, shattering as he spurted deep inside the warm tunnel, a sob laced with the cry of orgasm. The first time he'd orgasmed with someone who wasn’t his lover.


His heart bled.


Oh. Lex jumped when she did that. So she did it again, licking across the small opening… biting it with a sharp little nibble, and kissed around it, watching it tense and tighten with each of Lex's gasps and groans. Her slim fingers trailed up his back... softly, all the way to his neck, and she gently thumbed the back of his head where that little nodule was, rotating her fingers around it as she licked.


Chloe's tongue.  Chloe's tongue was working over his opening and he twitched, pushing down against her tongue as he rocked with Clark.  Lex wrapped his arms around Clark, hugging him tightly and mouthing sweet kisses across his face as he came.  He took Whitney's weight onto himself as the boy's hand stroked his cock.  He felt Clark's pain, in his heart and his head, and he fused his mouth tightly to Clark's.  "Aushna'."


Whitney keened loudly once as Clark came inside him, his ass clamping down tightly around the long intruder as he kept stroking Lex's cock.  His own cock thrummed, pulsed, and then came, shooting over Lex's chest and belly.


Lex shuddered with Clark in his arms, coming explosively as Whitney pulled it out of him.  He felt the hot splash of come on his chest from the blond boy, and he took Chloe's hand from the back of his head and slid it over his belly, through her lover's fresh orgasm.


She stayed silent, though her every atom was screaming at her to moan, gently skimming across the hot liquid between her fingertips...and she slipped her fingers away for a taste. To lick...groaning softly at the taste. And softly, peaked over Lex's shoulder.


Clark lay there, panting heavily, eyes closed with an expression that was already promising sleep. And... and her lover. He... he was so beautiful, pressed between to the two men like that. So gorgeous.


Clark was trembling, shaking, and refused to look at who was in his arms. He felt like he'd cheated, like he'd broken the one sacred rule that was that of mates. He'd sat here and defied his lover, and in a way...he almost felt like he'd lost him. And he couldn’t bear to open his eyes and look at what he'd let slip away right through his fingers.


"Let her take him, Kal-El," Lex said softly, still pressing hard kisses to Clark's face and throat.  He brushed his fingertips over Clark's cheek, letting love and trust, faith and hope flow out of him and into his beloved.  "Aushna', look at me."


Whitney sagged against Lex, surprised at the strength in the wiry body.  He tried to move, but his body was exhausted, leaden weight as he pried his eyes open.  His arms were weak, but he reached over to his lover.  "Chloe?"  She was peeking at him over Lex's shoulder.  "Chloe."


Clarks eyes flickered open a hair...and they were shiny and wet, filled to the brim with tears aching to fall. "I have forsaken you. Forgive me. I didn’t mean to. Forgive me for what I have done." But he slowly pulled out of Whitney, looking away again, gently petting Whitney’s back and shoulders, hips and hair before letting him go.


"I’m here." A soft whisper, and she squirmed around Lex, offering her arms to her love.


Lex pulled Clark over to him, arms wrapping around his waist and rolling them slightly away from the other couple.  "You haven't forsaken me, aushna'."  He rubbed his thumb under Clark's eyes.  "You are still my mate."


Whitney arched into Clark's gentle pets as he wormed his way over to Chloe, wrapping his arms around her and resting his cheek on her chest.  "I love you, baby... thank you."


"You wanted this, to see? To see if I was faithful, and look, look how I have taken what you give me and thrown it away." He said softly, chokingly...unaware in his mind how heavy his body felt… and how slurred his speech was becoming. He felt so... slow, and sad, and tired.


She pressed him in close, nuzzling his cheek softly with her nose, and kissed his forehead tenderly. "Always. I love you, so much."


"You haven't thrown it away, aushna'," Lex explained quietly.  "You've proven yourself.  I never doubted you, Kal-El, only feared.  And you put those fears to rest; you cannot take another lover but me."  He kissed Clark softly.  "I love you, Kal-El.  You are mine, still and always."


Whitney moved so that his leg was clasped between hers, and his face pressed tightly to her bosom.  "I love you, Chloe... but I'm so tired."  He couldn't explain the sudden lethargy that filled him.  "So tired."


 He pressed soft kisses to his face...gently, softly, curling in deeply and letting the tensed, hard muscles all relax as one. "I love you, Oakenepel. With everything I am. I adore you. are mine." Quietly, and he ached to draw the blankets up, but Whitney and Chloe were over them. "I’m tired...Lex...en so ternil...."


"Shhh.... sh... sleep now." A whisper, gently stroking his back as she pressed gentle, loving kisses to his face. "Sleep." And she leaned over to the left, and pressed a soft kiss to the center of Lex's back, just because she could. "Thank you, Lex." Whisper.


Lex held his beloved close.  "I love you, Kal-El."  He ran his fingers through Clark's hair, guided Clark's head to rest on his shoulder as he lay down with his lover.  "Sleep, my love."  He closed his eyes as he felt the soft kiss at his back.  "You're welcome," he replied, and reached behind him to pat the bed.  "Move up here; we need to get to the blankets."


Whitney took a deep breath of Chloe's scent as he rested against her.  "So... ti--tired."  He yawned deeply, and was asleep almost before his mouth closed.


Lex looked down at his skin; he was beginning to sweat and could see red-tinged droplets coming out of his skin but said nothing for the moment, pressing tightly against Clark and putting his head on the pillow beside him.  "The blankets, Chloe... please."


She nodded a little and shook Whitney, gently, softly, pulling up just a foot or two and tugging at the thick blankets. Her skin was cooling and she trembled, perky breasts going rigid with it, and shook the blankets free. She pulled, and with Lex's help tugged them over their four bodies, her back pressed to Lex's and her arms around Whitney. "Lex.." Softly. "Why...can I ask you why you didn’t get inside me?"


A mutter because he was already asleep, face pressed to Lex's, nose snuggled in the groove of Lex's pectoral as he began to snore, softly.


Lex tightened his grip on Clark's waist as he pondered the answer to that question, and decided on the simple truth.  "Because you belong to Whitney.  And because Clark didn't want it."  And another pause.  "And because you deserve better.  You should be loved, Chloe.  Whitney loves you; I love Clark."


And the words had her breathing a silent breath of relief. "I...I know. I just thought maybe... you didn’t like how I looked. O-or something, but that’s silly, cause you don’t like girls." A heavy swallow, and she snuggled into his naked, warm male heat, the feeling comforting instead of arousing. "You were really good."


"You're very beautiful, Chloe.  Don't ever believe otherwise."  He felt her snuggle against his warmth, and was oddly pleased by the trust she showed in him.  "If there were going to be a woman, in this situation, that I would have made love to, it would have been you."


She gently stroked the blond hair from Whitney’s exhausted face, watching her love sleep, pressed in close, valley of her hips to his rigid planes, bellies and chests close. His cheek, pressed there against her breast, and she gently stroked the blond hair, kissing his forehead as she listened to Lex speak.


And her heart gave a big old grin. "What-ever. Please. Between me and some buxom, Ms Vicky babe, I give you two guesses who are significant others would go after." But she was smiling with the joke, and silently looked for his hand. " you think... maybe, we could be friends?"


Lex couldn't help it; even under the influence, he gave a shudder at the mention of Victoria's name.  "I can guarantee you that Clark would not go for Victoria and I can assure you that it was merely a business arrangement."  He felt her hand sliding over his flank, and caught hers with a gentle squeeze.  "I believe we can be friends, Chloe... I'd like to believe we already are, in fact."


"That's really cool. I mean, I know I’m only 17, and you're, like, old...but I still would like to get to know you better. You know? Cause you're a fun person, and I’m lonely sometimes. You know? I would definitely make me happy." And she smiled at his words. "Only a business arrangement, huh. Clark would come talk to me, furious, during lunch hour. "I can't believe that bimbo is two-timing Lex and he doesn’t even see it". He'd get so mad...oh, and one time!" She chuckled as she relaxed against him. "Once he walked in on you both making out, and he just came to me bellowing that that was it, that he was going to choke the life out of her the next time he saw the opportunity. It was so funny."


"I'm not that old," he scolded quietly.  "And yes, I know all about being lonely."  A silent pause as he listened to Chloe's stories.  "I wish I could have told him the truth, but he wouldn't have understood, and I couldn't tip my hand that early in the game.  When he saved her life... I was both grateful and absurdly disappointed."


Alright, well she had to laugh at that. "I interviewed her once, for the Smallville Gazette. The story never came out, because somehow, the conversation always revolved back around to hair and nails." A shudder. "That’s my every nightmare." She stopped and smiled softly. "I’m babbling, you came like, a gazillion times and you have to be tired. Its okay that Whitney and I stay? I...I'll understand if you'd like to be alone with Clark."


"Yes, well, Victoria was known for many things, but business acumen and intelligence were not among those qualities."  A quiet sigh.  "It's very okay if you stay, Chloe.  I think we all need the rest."


In his sleep, Whitney was sweating, his entire body sheened with a light tinge of red.


Clark was no better. He kept shifting, moving against his love, skin sopping wet as he struggled to get comfortable against his lover. Asleep, and unable to rest.


It was so dark in the room she couldn’t see her lover too closely, and she missed the red tint completely. Just stroking the sweating back, and snuggled up against Lex. "Thank you. For tonight. It... it was scary, but it safe. You guys made me feel safe, like it was okay to get a little wild for once."


Lex used part of the sheet to dry his lover's skin as best he could.  "You're welcome for tonight," he said, as though it were nothing out of the ordinary. "I don't think any of us would see you come to harm, Chloe.  It's already happened once on my watch, and I don't intend for it to happen again."


She was so sleepy. Just exhausted, and she rolled half on her belly, keeping her love close and snuggling into a fluffy, must be feather, pillow. "Wh--" Yawn "When have you let me hurt?" A soft mutter, as she finished cooling down, talking with her eyes closed.


"When the thugs who could walk through walls threw you out of the window," Lex replied through a yawn of his own.  "Had my father not exercised his impeccable sense of timing and called me away, I would have been there when they came and perhaps saved you a very uncomfortable hospital stay."


"Eh. I got free stuff, and hey, tons of flowers and no chores for a month. I think you paid me back sufficiently without doing a thing at all." And her voice smiled as she kept her fingers in his. "Plus, whoever said falling out of a window can kill you? I just had a bruised kidney and a busted arm. Nothing splattered, and I do believe you have bouncy cement."


Lex's answer wasn't verbal, as he was nearly asleep, but his fingers tightened around hers as she held onto his hand. 


And for her, that was enough.





go to the next part