
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 325: Too Long

The hall was quiet, and dark with the rain storm begging to fall overhead. Their room was quiet as well, smelling like morning, clothes detergent and tooth paste, but the bed was freshly made, and the clothes picked up. it looked clean, and nice, and that bed, and Dominic found himself quietly shy, even as he looked up at his lover. "I want to make you feel good."

"That should be my line," Lionel said, pushing Dominic over to the bed and sitting down on the edge, reaching out for Dominic's hands and bringing them to his chest. "How do you want to do this so that I don't hurt you?"

Dominic didn't speak. Instead, he reached forward and pressed his mouth to Lionel's, drawing him into a slow, but deep, kiss. Long, gorgeous, flickering his tongue across the soft pink one that was his, and coaxed it into his mouth, gently. He sucked on it, softly, and his fingers came up to Lionel's tie, tugging the Windsor knot out and dragging his fingertips lightly down his lovers chest, to scritch softly at cloth-covered nipples.

Lionel returned the kiss deeply, letting Dominic lead him through it, his tongue stroking in his lover's mouth, guiding his lover's fingers over his nipples again and again as his own hands tugged the tie out of his shirt collar and let it fall onto the floor, and then started on his shirt buttons.

Dominic loved it when Lionel led his hands and he let go enough to smile up at him, as he licked Lionel's lower lip. "Would it be okay… on my stomach? Can you reach me like that?"

Lionel nodded. "I can; I can stay on my knees and keep my weight off you," he nodded, then raised a hand to hold Dominic's mouth still as he kissed him again, catching the tongue between his teeth that had just been licking his bottom lip.

The little bite made him moan, very, very softly, and his body, as treacherous as it had been, was agreeing to this whole heartedly. Lionel smelled absolutely divine, there in the corner of his throat and down by his nipple, up behind his ear, and right underneath his chin. He tasted better in all those places, the soft rasp of his lovers throat against his tongue making him give a little grin against warm, pliant skin. His hands stroked over his lover, content now that he could in that he couldn't, for ages, and his fingers stroked over the slowly bared skin.

The throat, as they unbuttoned the shirt together, then down his chest, belly, and finally his fingers slid into his lovers shirt and he ran his fingernails down his back, the shirt still caught in the waist band but he didn't care, as his mouth came down to a pert nipple which had been teasing him for two days. He suckled at the nip of it, scraping his teeth across it, as his fingers slid up and down his lovers back.

Lionel moaned softly as Dominic's teeth found his nipple, and he clenched his hands tightly against his thighs for a very long moment, fighting for the control that threatened to abandon him entirely.

He shivered under every one of his lover's soft touches, whimpered and moaned as he pulled off his shirt, letting it fall on the floor without caring as he tossed his hair over his shoulder and out of the way as his head tilted back, throat arching as he let his hand stroke over the back of Dominic's head.

As soon as Lionel's fingers were in his hair Dominic knew he'd gotten his way, and he fell to his task with gusto. He licked and sucked furiously, lapping at his lovers furred chest in pleasure. He bit and tugged on both nipples, suckling each tightly, and then licked and kissed down his lovers stomach. His back and shoulders gave an insistent whine when he leaned further down, but he didn't care.

He opened the slit of his lovers slacks with slightly fumbling fingers, pulled a hard cock out of silky underwear, and licked the broad length of his tongue over the tip, all he could do right now without bending over further and hurting his back. He licked and suckled at the tip to his hearts content, though, the taste absolutely divine, and he murmured his pleasure into it as he did.

Lionel's fingers wanted to tighten in his lover's hair, but instead, he made himself stroke down his neck instead, then gripped the back of the wheelchair tightly in his fist as he lifted his hips just enough to give his lover access to his cock.

Forced down the sudden urge to turn into a complete animal and ravage his lover's willing body. Instead, he calmed himself with deep breaths as his neck arched, his eyes still closed as he shuddered over and over again, murmuring soft whimpers in response.

Dominic murmured his pleasure, licking and sucking softly for a few more seconds before lifting his head. He licked his lower lip, the taste of Lionel remaining in his mouth and making him smile shyly, as his hand grasped Lionel's cock and slowly, gently, stroked. His mouth returned instead to Lionel's chest, nipping at his nipples before letting his tongue wander all the way over a shoulder, down a bicep, and finally to long, calloused fingers.

He sucked the first one into his mouth just as his fingers came down Lionel's cock.

The muscles in Lionel's neck tightened as he snapped his head up, eyes half lidded and staring at his fingers disappearing into his lover's mouth. His hips twitched as he raised them from the bed, letting his slacks and underwear fall onto the floor with his shirt as he stroked the fingers not in Dominic's mouth over his cheek while the other finger rose to tug and twist at his nipples.

Dominic slithered his tongue between the digits, memorizing their taste as well, the taste of Lionel's warm flesh. He had forgotten how to be intimate, but it was just like riding a bicycle. The more you sucked, the more you remembered. So Dominic opened his mouth wider and slipped in Lionel's second finger as well, slurping softly at them before nipping the tips and moving to Lionel's nipples. His tongue slid out to join Lionel's fingers on his nipples, his tongue slipping and sliding between nub and fingertips as he did, before reaching up, to lick and suck at Lionel's lower lip.

Both of Lionel's hands dropped from his chest to fist tightly by his side, then once he was sure of his control, he gripped either side of his lover's head and leaned forward, sucking the hardest kiss he could out of his lover's teasing mouth. His fingers were still wet from Dominic's tongue, his nipples were hard nubs that were frigid cold in the room's cool temperature, and the hair on his arms was standing up as though it were straining for contact.

Dominic moaned, softly but deeply into the force of his lovers kiss, his head falling back for his lover to plunder as his arms came around Lionel's shoulders. He tightened them, holding Lionel to him as they kissed, and one of his hands stroked through Lionel's hair to fist tightly and hold on for the ride.

And then just holding on, as he yanked Lionel's head back, disengaged their kiss, and leaned in to suck a bruise out of his lovers throat.

Lionel growled deeply as Dominic denied him the hungry kisses he'd been devouring his lover with, but the growl turned into a moan halfway through as the suction on his neck sent sparks straight to his cock, which was already hard as rock and trembling.

Dominic sucked, hard, on his lovers throat, worrying the patch of skin and not letting up, teeth scraping it, tongue licking, mouth sucking, over and over and over, as his free hand came down to fondle Lionel's cock. His own was stone hard in his pants, and he would have fallen out of the chair if Lionel wasn't holding it close, so he trusted that as his fingers stroked heavily against his lovers penis and his mouth didn't stop sucking.

It was delicious. Utterly, unspeakably.

Lionel's hand wrapped around his lover's wrist and pulled it away from his cock, and then tugged away from his lover entirely. "Bed," he gritted out, dragging his nails up his lover's t-shirt and sliding his hands under it to push it over his lover's head without missing a beat.

Dominic shifted back when Lionel pulled him away, and he was sure his mouth looked bruised now, but? He'd left quite a hickey on his lover's neck, and his eyes danced a he reached out to trace it.

He only got a cursory stroke in before Lionel was pulling his shirt up over his head, and he offered his arms to Lionel. "Help me?" he asked, as he pushed his feet down from the wheel chair.

Lionel didn't hesitate or think about anything; he just lifted and swung his lover carefully over to the bed, tucking him onto the mattress and straddling Dominic's hips. His mouth pressed immediately to his lover's skin, dragging his teeth over his lover's nipples to share some of the torment with his lover as his hands tugged the workout pants down, all without speaking because his mouth was quite full of his lover's skin.

Dominic couldn't help it--as soon as Lionel stretched him out, and he pushed a pillow under his head, and Lionel's body straddled him and began to feast on his skin...he giggled. He rarely giggled, but? Oh, he did it again. He cleared his throat, trying to stop, but did it again when Lionel's hands stroked down his sides.

Of course, the giggles turned into dual heavy moans when that gorgeous mouth put its talent to use, and he gasped, eyes widening as Lionel's teeth scraped past his nipples.

A sarcastic comment about the giggling skittered through Lionel's brain, but as soon as it appeared it was lost in the moans from his lover.

Lionel grinned wolfishly against his lover's skin, sucking each nipple until it was red and raw, and then moved down Dominic's body until he could take his lover's cock deep into his throat. His thighs straddled his lover's good leg, his cock rubbing against the rough hair on Dominic's leg as he sucked.

Oh my GOD!

Dominic gave a sharp, hoarse cry as Lionel sucked him into his mouth. He looked down in total shock, mouth trembling open in part pleased horror and agonized pleasure, at the sight that greeted him. Lionel, mouth stretched around his erection, and he moaned, he moaned, loudly, writhing against Lionel's sucking and shuddering violently.

Lionel's hands shot up to steady his lover's hips, fingers biting into the thin flesh carefully as he held his lover still, not wanting him to be injured during the desperate sucking.

"Lionel!" Dominic cried out, again, hoarsely, as he tried to writhe in Lionel's hands and couldn't with the way he was holding him. "Lionel please, please, I want!" he cried, squirming his hips. "Please, please!"

Yes, well, it hadn't taken him long to start yelling like a bitch in heat. ...Not that he cared. The pleasure was exquisite, on a sharp, fine edge. Lionel's mouth, talented and warm, swept over his skin like a well learned violin, knowing just how to make him sing. Sweat popped up all over his body, making his skin slick and hot, all over, feverish and good and oh, God his lover was so good.

Lionel's grip on his lover didn't waver as he slid his lover's cock down his throat, sucking hard and greedily as he could. His mouth slid along the slick shaft easily, his hair falling forward to tickle Dominic's thighs and groin as he helped himself to the body that had been denied to him too long. His thumbs rubbed quieting circles around Dominic's hipbone as his mouth worked.

As his lover stroked his hips to soothe him, all it seemed to do was impassion him more. He keened, softly but deeply, his fingers gripping the sheets tightly as his eyes squeezed shut. He shuddered all over, rolling his hips as much as he could into the sensation, unable to help small thrusts he was trying like mad to suppress. "Yes, please, Lionel, so good, you're s-so good, so hot, baby please, going to c-c-come, going t.."

Lionel just nodded, sucking his lover's cock deeper into his throat, rubbing his bearded chin over Dominic's balls as he gripped tighter, kneading the skin under his fingers as he bobbed his head, moving easily with the small thrusts that his lover was making. Didn't stop, didn't slow down, just kept his mouth working and licking on his lover's cock as long as he could, enticing the orgasm out of his lover.

When Lionel sped up Dominic gave another short, deep cry, his fingers grasping Lionel's hair tightly as he did. He looked down, heart pounding wild and wanton against his breast, and saw his lover, all that glorious hair fanning his thighs, that mouth wrapped tightly around his erection, and the image alone, of his lover doing this for him, made him throw his head back, close his eyes tightly, and come.

He climaxed hard and fast, leaving him breathless in pleasure as he gasped, hard, shuddering. He was stock still for a moment, tense as his entire body seemed to want to come out of his cock, and then he shuddered all the harder for it, panting heavily and gasping in pleasure.

Lionel paused, halfway down Dominic's cock as he felt the shaft jerking between his lips. He swallowed hard and fast, in full gulps as Dominic's come filled his mouth and throat. He didn't let go of his lover's cock until it was empty, and Lionel dragged his tongue along the shaft to gather any stray dribbles as he pulled off and looked down at his lover.

Lionel's eyes were full of heat and hunger as he looked down, and his hands stroked questioningly over Dominic's thighs and legs.

Dominic lay there like a languid puddle, still shuddering in after-shocks, absolutely, unspeakably pleased, and he wriggled softly under his lover as Lionel's hands stroked his legs. He gave him a warm, blinding smile full of joy, and nodded at his unspoken plea, as he sat up enough to kiss him, licking his slightly swollen lips and kissing him, deeply, warmly. "Help me turn over properly?"

Said, of course, while his own fingers moved all the more boldly over Lionel's erect, dribbling erection, stroking it firmly and smoothly as he licked and nipped at his lovers mouth, gently, warmly, seductively.

Lionel returned the warm kisses deeply, sucking and biting at his lover's tongue as his hands gripped Dominic's waist. "If I hurt you, let me know," he choked out, levering himself back onto his knees as he tried to keep his back bowed enough so that his cock stayed in Dominic's stroking fingers.

Dominic stroked, softly, warmly, for several long moments until he had to stop to flip onto his stomach. He struggled, grasping Lionel to help himself move, and finally twisted his waist and rolled onto his belly without too much fuss.

And if he spread his legs wantonly in offering, maybe it wasn't on purpose.

Well, maybe not, if the happy smile over his shoulder was to say anything. "Take me, hmm?"

Lionel's answer was to crawl up his lover's body, hands sliding over his back and shoulders gently as he leaned over, reaching into the drawer beside the bed for the lubricant that lived there. He held the tube in his hands, warming it, then waited again as he spread the lube over his fingers until it was hot and slick with the heat of his hands.

Then with a gentle touch, he spread his lover's cheeks open with strong fingers and puffed a breath over the twitching little hole before rubbing a wet fingertip over the little muscle. He rubbed several times, until he felt the opening ready to give, then thrust his finger in deep.

The puff made Dominic jerk all over, and he moaned softly, rubbing his still soft, but newly interested, cock into the blankets under his hips. The warm touch against his opening had a flush running through his body, and he spread his legs further, grasping the pillow he was pressed against, and with only a moments effort, bent one knee and brought it up to spread himself further.

And then Lionel's finger was there, stroking over his opening, huge, and as soon as Lionel pressed in deep into him, he gave a short, soft wail. His lover felt enormous inside of him, and his body clenched tightly around him, squeezing tight as his eyes rolled and he closed them in abject lust. "Oh, God."

Lionel paused long enough to flatten Dominic's knee out again, and moved closer, plunging his finger in deeper, stroking deep and feeling his lover squeezing around him. His second finger slid in along the first, spreading the lube from his fingers inside.

Dominic was deaf and dumb and blind with love, his entire heart going into his lovers hands. Lionel was breathing quietly behind him, that lovely body close to his, and his throat tightened with joy as he whispered. "Lets move onto our sides? Will that be okay?" I want you to hold me while we have sex. "I--oh!" The second finger speared in with the first, opening the channel which had not felt this in two long, and he gasped in the burning pleasure of it, eyes closing and goosebumps breaking out over his skin.

Lionel heard, thought an answer, maybe even said something but it didn't register as his lover cried out to him. He kissed up Dominic's spine, between his shoulder blades, scissoring his fingers to spread the tight passage open.

His teeth nibbled gently at the nape of his lover's neck as his fingers kept stroking and spreading, and Lionel gave little moans as he thought how tight Dominic was going to feel around his cock.

Lionel began to wriggle his fingers and oh, god! Oh, God. Dominic moaned, loudly, his body shaking and shivering as he was spread and after not having it so long the stretch was frightening, but in an exhilarating way. His lover patiently opened him and he figured that, for now, moving anywhere was out of the question. His cock was already a hot length under his belly, Lionel's was pressing into his thigh, and he bit on his fist to keep the cries in, writhing against Lionel's fingers, humping into them.

"Calm," Lionel whispered to his lover, reaching deep as he could before sliding his bunched fingers out and sliding them back inside again. "I don't want to hurt you." The hand that wasn't stretching his lover picked up the lube again, and this time slicked his cock with his fist. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, yes please," Dominic whispered hoarsely, his entire body tingling with it as he lifted himself up partially onto his elbows, spreading his legs wider and wriggling impatiently against Lionel's body. "I'm ready, I'm ready!"

Slowly, Lionel pulled his fingers out of his lover's body and positioned himself behind Dominic. He rubbed the head of his cock against Dominic's stretched opening, teasing him playfully for a brief moment before guiding himself in.

Lionel leaned forward, putting his hands on either side of Dominic's shoulders as he put his weight on them, letting his cock slide into his lover's tight body. Dominic's muscles gripped him greedily, and Lionel moaned as he thrust in.

Oh, God.

Lionel slowly, carefully, gently, moved into him. It was slow, with quiet, careful thrusts, and it burned, but the pain gave way to relief as his muscles relaxed enough to let Lionel in. He shuddered in pleasure, his fingers winding around Lionel's by his shoulders as he squeezed tightly around the heavy erection sliding into him. Lionel felt huge, impossibly enormous inside of him, and oh, God, how could he take it all in? How could he take it all in, how, oh God, he was going to choke on it, and he gave a cry of both ecstasy and fear, rolling into the thrust, shrinking away from it, pushing against his lover, begging him without words to just take him.

Lionel's fingers dug into the mattress as he pushed into his lover, fighting to be gentle as he sheathed himself completely inside his lover. He panted as he held himself back, didn't pound and stroke like he wanted, instead continuing the slow press inside.

As soon as Lionel's erection was inside, his balls resting against Dominic's, Dominic went mad.

His back was heaving for breath, he was squirming, wriggling, begging with his hands and his noises and his legs, squeezing tightly around the heavy weight inside of him. He bucked up against it, cheek resting tightly against the pillow as he pulled Lionel down onto him, so they were chest to back, and he moaned, deeper, softer. "Please, please, fuck me, please, don't hold back, please!"

"Be still!" Lionel grunted. "Don't... hurt yourself." He rested his forehead on his lover's shoulder, fighting for breath and calm as his lover wriggled and writhed under him.

Dominic stopped moving when Lionel told him to, but he couldn't stop squeezing Lionel's cock, tightly, over and over and over to draw it deeper. His eyes crossed, his cock pulsed with need under him, and he shuddered as he turned his head enough to brush his lips across a damp forehead. "Fuck me."

Lionel pressed his forehead down against his lover's shoulder, panting softly as he got control of himself and started to move.

Sure, even strokes where he pulled himself out almost entirely, then slid back in to the hilt, with hard, rough pushes of his body, teeth going back to the nape of his lover's neck and the curve of his shoulder as he rocked on his knees, pushing in deep.

Dominic gave a low, deep, desperate moan. Lionel began to move, slow and even and good, and underneath him, Dominic shuddered in pleasure. The strokes were rubbing his cock against the blankets, the inside of his body, and "Oh!" his prostate. He shuddered all over and curved his hips up so Lionel would meet that spot, again and again, face buried in his arms as they moved. It was unbelievable, ecstatic, heady with pleasure.

Lionel's fingers were nearly tearing holes in the sheets as he gripped them so tightly. His rocking strokes grew harder and more frantic, not hard enough to hurt Dominic but enough to feed the fire inside himself, grunting as his body started to slap loudly against his lovers.

His balls bounced off Dominic's ass, he could feel his lover's prostate with every slam inside, knew Dominic was straining himself to hold that position but didn't quite have it in him to care at the moment as he kept thrusting into his lover.

Dominic yelped with want on each pull out, then moaned deeply on the stroke in. He pushed back as much as he was able on each pounding stroke into him, his entire body tingling as goosebumps flew over the long length of his skin. He moaned, deeply, squeezing on each push in and wanting him never to leave, never to move, so good, heavy weight and making him want to die in the pleasure of it. "Please, please!" he cried, bucking against him.

"Please what?" Lionel grunted in Dominic's ear. "Please stop? Please don't stop?"

"Please DON'T STOP!" he cried, the warm heat of Lionel's mouth at his ear making him yell all the louder as he squirmed against his husband, meeting the sharp thrusts and nearly dying over how good it felt. He fell silent instead, enjoying the thrusts in him broken only by his needy, desperate moans, over and over as they moved.

Lionel gave a little grin as he started lunging forward again, one hand unlocking from it's grip on the bed sheets and coming to rest on Dominic's shoulder. He used the new grip to pull his lover back against him, crying out as he shoved Dominic further down on his cock with hard, wracking shudders.

Lionel grasped him tightly and oh, that was the end of it. All it took was three more sharp, hard thrusts against his prostate and without a touch on his cock Dominic exploded, gasping out a hard, shuddering cry that had him arching up into Lionel's body, his sheath tightening so much so that Lionel couldn't pull out for several seconds, his entire body locked with passion.

Lionel's head snapped back when he felt Dominic's body locking tightly around him. His throat corded tightly with the scream that flew out of him when Dominic's muscles refused to let him withdraw, and the rhythmic pulses of his lover's orgasm rippling around him jerked his out of him.

Hard, hard shudders as his cock poured out the desperately-needed orgasm, trembling with strain as he wanted to collapse but kept his weight off Dominic until he could slowly withdraw, and roll over onto his back.

As one, they both sagged. Dominic gasped as Lionel slipped from his body slowly, pulling from his clenching muscles as he gave a low, quiet sob of pleasure, shuddering against the pillow. Trickles of sweat ran down his temples, his eyes were fogged, he was slick and wet with his and his lovers combined sweat, and he'd never felt so good in his life. He moaned, very, very softly, and shivered in pleasure as he turned his head to look at his lover beside him blearily.

Lionel's eyes were closed as he lay on his back, panting softly and feeling blindly but unerringly for his lover beside him. "Did I hurt you?" Lionel asked.

Yeah, right. Dominic grinned, broadly, ear to ear, tongue tip between his teeth as he grinned at Lionel. "No," he said in a soft voice, still grinning as he unwound his grip from his pillow, slid his arm around Lionel's belly, and pulled him in close to kiss. He tasted like come and coffee and Lionel, and he grinned into the smile as he carefully, with a slow tug, wound his upper leg through Lionel's.

Lionel returned the kiss, deeply and heartily as he held Dominic close to his side. "You shouldn't be twisting your leg like that," he said without opening his eyes. "You could twist your muscles."

"You just fucked me blind," Dominic murmured, writhing his hips as the come slowly started to drip out. Usually it grossed him out. Now? He squirmed into the feeling, grinning like an idiot at it. "I think I can move where I like," he teased, licking and kissing his lover softly.

Lionel cracked one eye open. "Not if it's going to hurt you or interfere with your recovery, little cricket. Don't force me to take you over my knee."

He shivered. "Is that a promise?"

"It is supposed to be a punishment," he said dryly. "To deter you from further wrongdoing, not encouragement to do so."

Dominic's eyes danced as he rubbed his nose softly against Lionel's, the deep timbres of his voice shooting all the way through his body. "Like riding a bicycle," he murmured gently sliding his fingers down to stroke over the wet-slick cock pressed against his hip.

"I believe that's what I told you in the hot tub, when you told me that you thought you'd forgotten how to kiss," Lionel pointed out.

Dominic grinned, and nodded, still stroking gently before rubbing his now slickened fingers over Lionel's belly. "Uh huh. That… was so incredible. Feel good?"

"I feel... very relaxed," Lionel said with a grin. "And how do you feel?"

"The same," Dominic said, with a soft blush and an equal grin, that he pressed into a kiss to Lionel's chest. "When can you do it again?"

"Tomorrow," Lionel answered. "Because I am not going to over-tire you."

"Tomorrow?" Well, tonight after midnight would technically be tomorrow. And if he could stay awake.. "Okay," he agreed, and licked Lionel's nipple ring, before pulling it into his mouth and gently tugging.

Lionel reached down and pressed a finger to Dominic's nose, guiding him away from the delightful sensation of his tongue on Lionel's nipple. "No, Dominic. You have to rest, and you should be soaking your aches away in the hot tub, or else Jonathan will be taking me sternly to task for wearing you out."

Dominic lifted his head at the touch on his nose with a pout, even though he heard the truth in Lionel's words. "If I must, I must," he answered, as he nipped at the finger pushing him away, nibbling along the tip of it.

"You must," Lionel said wistfully.

"You know, if you rode me, I wouldn't strain anything," he said, cheerfully, stroking Lionel's cock again with wet fingertips, then around to the back, where he stroked his thumb gently across the closed opening. "I'd stay perfectly," he gave the nipple without the ring a sharp bite, "completely," another suckle, to the one with the ring, "still," a slow, languid lick up to his gorgeous mouth.

"No, you wouldn't," Lionel said easily. "But it is a nice thought. The answer, however, is still no."

Damn! Dominic sighed, dropping his sexy wiles and giving his lover a frustrated, but easy, grin. He was too sated to be anything but pleased. "Well, come on, then. Help me in the bath?"

"That much I can do," Lionel said, sitting up on the bed and then climbing carefully over his lover to pull the wheelchair beside the bed. "Ready to move over?"

"Yep." Dominic pushed himself up to sitting, and caught Lionel before he bent over, pulling him to sit beside him on the bed. "Thank you," he said, quietly, not for helping him but for the whole afternoon, and he looked up, quietly, under his lashes. "I love you so much."

Lionel slid his arm around his lover's waist, and squeezed gently. "I love you too, my little cricket. You don't have to thank me for anything."

"Well, considering you're twenty minutes late back to work, yes, I do," Dominic answered with a grin. He rose his arms up around his lovers neck and held tight, gently peppering loving kisses to his lovers neck and jaw line and throat.

"I own the company. I don't think anyone is going to say anything to me," Lionel pointed out, sliding his hands up to cup the back of his lover's head.

"Probably not," Dominic murmured, as he continued kissing his lovers beck, slowly and gently. He tasted so good, and his arms around Lionel hugged tightly, closely. "I love you. I love you, so much. You've done so much for me."

"I know not," Lionel answered back. "And no, little cricket, I haven't done nearly enough for you."

"Yes, you have. How could you say that? No one else would have done what you've done. My good, strong, amazing lover," he murmured, quietly kissing the corner of his lips.

Lionel just cleared his throat. "It's nothing that anyone else wouldn't have done in my place."

"That's a lie. Ethan wouldn't have done this for me," Dominic murmured, as he kept kissing. "My own family wouldn't have done this for me." He rose his head, to cup Lionel's cheeks. "I'm sorry I'm upset, sometimes. Put up with me, even when I'm being a selfish bastard?"

"I will always put up with you," Lionel said. "For you have always put up with me when I've been the worst. It's nothing at all for me to tolerate you in your moods."

Lionel wrapped his arms around his lover, and held Dominic close to his chest. "I do too, all things considered."

"As soon as I'm able to use a cane, I want to be back at work," Dominic murmured, stroking his finger tips over his lovers bicep. "All right?"

Lionel nodded. "You will be. as soon as I can get you there, you will be. Back in your old office, with Charles at your beck and call, and everyone terrified of the wrath of Dominic Senatori."

"Dominic Luthor," Dominic corrected on another murmur, smiling up at him and kissing his cheek. "I'll work hard, I promise." If he were held down for castration, he might admit that working with Jonathan was better then working with little Eddie any day of the week, but he didn't bother saying that.

"Yes, the wrath of Dominic Luthor, I apologize," Lionel said, a twitch of his lips shadowing the corners of his mouth. "And I will call Eduard and see if he can be persuaded to return, and if not, I will see about finding another professional to take his place."

"You don't have to," Dominic said, quickly... stopping and swallowing and shifting a little in embarrassment. "I mean... you don't have to go through the hassle."

The shadowy upturn grew a bit more pronounced. "As you wish, little cricket. I'll merely make an appointment then for weekly evaluations."

He cleared his throat, blushed, and nodded. "Right-o. Sounds fine."

Lionel, to his credit, didn't laugh, but kissed the blush. "Come on. Into the hot tub with you, or I shall never hear the end of it."

"And you want my ass again at the nearest opportunity," Dominic said, pleased and proud and teasing, as he grasped Lionel tightly for his lover to help him into his chair. "I called Shayla this morning, by the way. I'm glad we didn't go see her last night, because she's with Chloe and Whitney. I'm going tonight though, all right? After I finish with Jonathan, Phillip is going to take me."

"Thank you for reminding me," Lionel said. "I'd almost completely forgotten, despite the fact Lex told me that this morning. I will call the florist and have an arrangement sent to the young lady in congratulations."

"Chloe?" Dominic winced. "When I called, she still had quite a few hours to go. The poor dear." A moment. "Do you think Toni will have it so hard?"

Lionel shrugged as he lifted Dominic into the chair. "If she does, I will not be the one to tell her so; I like my body parts arranged precisely as they are, thank you very much."

Dominic grinned at him as he settled into his chair, pulling the blanket over his naked lap and the belt firmly around his waist. "I can't wait. I'm so nervous. For the baby to get here, I mean. I haven't even seen her room since I fell. Did you get the furniture I ordered, back in May?"

"I did, and it's all been put into the room and arranged according to the drawings we had done. The murals and paintings have been done, the new lighting fixtures are installed, and the only thing we are waiting on now are the drape and curtain hangings."

"We should do that this weekend," Dominic murmured, mind whirring as he waited for Lionel to get dressed enough for them to go downstairs. "Get her hangings and things, and more stuffed animals. And maybe some white corner shelves, for more stuffed animals. And you know what else? I saw the most precious little child's rocker in my antique magazine when I was looking through it yesterday, and it would look lovely next to the real one we have in there. What do you think?"

"I think that would be a grand thing for us to do, actually," Lionel said. "But only if you feel up to shopping."

Dominic didn't even hear him. "And maybe we could get her a book shelf as well, to fill with baby stories, because I remember all we'd bought and hadn't anywhere to put them. And perhaps a little reading couch and table with lamp to be put beside it, so she might use it when she's a bit older. And a toy bin, we can have it sent from storage in Ireland. My great grandmother gave it to us kids when we were wee laddies but my Gran, thinking we'd ruin it, which we would have, had it put away. I'll call her--I'm sure she's already gotten it out of storage and had it polished up, she was making noises about it before she left."

"DOMINIC!" Lionel said loudly.

Dominic was ticking the things off on his fingers, and he looked up, eyes wide, at his lover. "What?"

"Breathe. Deeply, in fact. And remember that this is not yet the weekend. Make your lists all you wish, but remember that you ARE in physical therapy and WILL need time to recover."

"Yes, yes, yes," he waved a hand, and reached out to their side table, pushing the lube aside and snatching up a pad and paper as he began to make notes on it with what he wanted to do.

Lionel reached forward and plucked the pad and pen out of Dominic's hands and tossed them back on the bed as they headed for the small hot tub in their bathroom.

"Lionel!" Dominic cried. "I want to make my list, dammit! What are you doing? I won't remember if not!"

"List. After. Therapy."

"Lionel, I have to keep my mind on something other then therapy, or I'll go insane. Please," he said, holding his hand out for the pad.

"No, you don't. You can make your list this evening. Right now, you concentrate on walking while I'm back and work, and after dinner, we'll work on the list together before bedtime." He glared at his lover as they rolled into the bathroom.

Dominic looked back at his list, sadly, and slumped a little in his wheel chair. "I'm quite capable of multi tasking, you know."

"Of course you are," Lionel said. "But you won't today."

Dominic frowned, tightly, and gave his lover a glare as he was pushed through the house. "You know, if I'd done that to you when you were blind you would have killed me."

Lionel glared. "Yes, I would have. And you are welcome to kill me later."

Dominic's lips turned down into a soft pout, but brightened a little as he spoke. "I still think we should make the room across the hall her play room, as well. Considering how long we're going to have Victoria, and if she's going to become a permanent fixture on our family, we need to make her a room as well."

Lionel nodded. "I agree about the play room, and I think that later it should become her study, complete with a desk. That room is where her bookshelves and toy box should go. But I think that Victoria's room should be Clark and Lex's responsibility, simply because that is the way they wish it."

He nodded. "I know it. I want her to feel welcome in our home... Clark and Lex already shopped for her, didn't they?" he asked, glancing up.

"Yes, they did, and the things were... more than extravagant. They're already spoiling her, giving her anything that she could ask for--and likely did, I am sure--and you saw her behavior yesterday."

"I have no patience for spoilt children. However, I doubt you'll let her get any more spoilt then she already is--she was terrified of you, and for good reasoning."

Lionel didn't even bother looking affronted. "Of course she is. I tolerate no children but my own, and spoilt brats even less."

"You may see a difference in her," Dominic reminded, quietly, giving him a small smile as they got off the elevator on the bottom floor, Dominic pushing his own chair as they went.

"Victoria?" Lionel questioned. "I should hope so."

"Victoria." Dominic gave his lover a glance. "How was work this morning? Really? Has the Petersandle account stabilized?" before Lionel could ask how Dominic knew, he blushed. "I read it in your paperwork the other morning, where you were making notes. Sorry."

"No, no, don't be sorry." Lionel gave a grin. "Yes, it did indeed stabilize, thanks to--and you have no idea how it galls me to say this--Mr. Knight's intervention."

Dominic made a face. "The twat."

"The twat, as you called him, instituted a solution to the problem that reaped our company a new account, and a new yearly income of nearly four and a half billion dollars," Lionel said dryly.

Dominic rolled his eyes. "Chump change."

"But sizable nonetheless. Not to mention he landed the Welchlem account."

"Did he?"

"He did. He convinced them to sign with us in the 11th hour instead of going to the competition or letting the bottom drop out of the stock."

"That was very good work. I'm glad, the company can benefit from it."

Lionel wasn't stupid. "You have no reason to be jealous, Dominic. His accomplishments hold no candle to all of the deals you have done in your tenure with LuthorCorp."

Dominic gave his lover a small smile, but was caught up in his own thoughts as they made their way to the pool house. He knew better then to get near the pool as he feared too much water and too little muscle power right now, but he was pleased to move across the tile with Lionel beside him, to the Jacuzzi room his lover had gotten made just for him.

He preened, just a little.

Lionel snickered at the preening. "You little peacock," he said proudly, kissing his lover on the forehead.

Dominic's teeth flashed, dimples winking. "Your little peacock," he answered, cheerfully, as he parked the wheel chair by the Jacuzzi and pushed the break into place. "Though hopefully not one the lion would like to make his dinner," he said, glancing up, smirked, and pulled the blanket off of his lap. "I think I left a wet spot on my chair."

"Then we'll get it cleaned up before you settle back into it," Lionel said, holding his arms out to his lover.

Dominic lifted his arms and wrapped them tightly around Lionel's neck, holding close to help get him out of the chair as much as he was able. With a hard push from him he was able to get to his feet, still holding tightly to Lionel, but...eye to eye.

Lionel straightened with Dominic still around his neck, and smiled softly when he saw that his lover was eye to eye with him. "It's nice to see that you didn't shrink," he said dryly. He leaned forward and placed a little kiss on the tip of Dominic's nose.

If Dominic grinned sheepishly, it wasn't of his own doing. He gave his lover rolled eyes, instead holding onto him as they moved, in his case ever so slowly, toward the hot tub. "I like being up here, rather then down there."

Lionel nodded, keeping his pace slow so that he and Dominic were taking small, sure-footed steps together. "I must agree--I rather like you being up here too."

"Has anyone in your family been like this?" he asked, motioning his chin towards the wheel chair. "I think I remember a tidbit somewhere about your gran? It's been an age since I had to read the LuthorCorp manifesto, and you're about as open as a clammy lobster." He shot a grin under blond lashes upward.

"It was my great grandmother," Lionel corrected, keeping them headed towards the hot tub. "And she was confined to a wheelchair until her death at age seventy two after being crippled by polio."

"I thought as much. My great uncle had it, too--he never walked in his life, and was a fishermen on the barge with my father," Dominic answered, as they slowly walked, and once they got to the edge of the tub, he shakily rose his other arm around Lionel's neck to hold on tight.

Slowly, Lionel eased them down into the water, one slow step at a time. "It was quite the rough disease, but my family persevered through it, and we have all been vaccinated, including Lex."

"Did your great grandparents live in Scotland?" Dominic asked curiously into his lovers ear, as they slowly, very carefully, started down in the water. Every step he took was another relaxing stride, until they were both chest level and he gave a soft sigh of satisfaction.

"Yes, they did," Lionel answered as he moved and let his lover settle into the seat as he did the same on the other side of the two-person tub. "Grandfather Julian brought my great grandmother over with him, he and Lachlan were responsible for her care. My great grandfather had no wish to leave his home and died shortly before the rest of my family emigrated."

Dominic tipped his head as they moved, and he sat down, the soreness in his arse quite delicious actually, and he gave a soft wriggle against the seat as they settled into the hot water and his muscles relaxed. "In your estate up north? Or in the town house in Metropolis?"

"Neither, actually. The original landing site of the Luthor family, such as it was, happened to be a small city on the East Coast. My grandparents stayed there only a short while before moving west, and by the time they reached Kansas and had enough money to begin LuthorCorp, the area around Metropolis was underdeveloped. Grandfather Julian invested quite a bit of money in land around the area and sold it off for quite a hefty profit. It was then we bought the townhouse, and the northern estate is now rarely used."

"That was one of the last pieces of advice that Grandfather Julian gave my father, and my father passed to me," Lionel added. "I hear my father's voice more than his, though, when I think it... money comes and goes, stocks rise and fall, and people are no damned good. But they will always need land."

Dominic listened, rapt. He loved history--it was his secret passion, and he loved genealogy even more, mostly because his was so huge that he couldn't ever put it to rights, even if he tried. So he listened to his lover, and nodded quietly, fascinated. "Entirely true. Did your father buy any land in Metropolis and keep it, or did he sell it all?"

"The Luthors still hold many leases, both in downtown and in the outlying suburbs. Most of it has been developed, but there are still a few pieces here and there that are undeveloped and that we still hold title to," Lionel said. "But most of it has been sold over the years, especially in the early days to finance the company. In fact, the rents from several of the downtown properties are currently being funneled into an account for our daughter to have when she is old enough. Until that time, it is held in trust and administered by us."

"I didn't know that account was from leases. I always thought it was just interest… that's fascinating," Dominic answered. "Why haven't you ever done something with the land, the underdeveloped bit of it?"

In his little blond head, he was, shamefully, spinning PR. Lots of it.

"Because I like it that way," Lionel answered. "There is so much development in Metropolis as it is, that the city is nearly over-congested. I'd like to keep the undeveloped property undeveloped and open for sale rather than rental, because the price would be higher and more beneficial rather than simply renting it to another developer."

"Oh." There went the PR thoughts. And the little good, wholesome, stupid Irish self of him was a little sad, too, because he was envisioning a youth center and he liked the image, but it wasn't his land and he couldn't suggest what Lionel did with it, if he had planned its use already. "Indeed."

Lionel raised his eyebrow at the sad, pitiful little punctured-balloon "oh" that came out of his lover. "What?"

"Hmm?" he looked up from the bubbles. "Ah, nothing. My mind likes to still be working when it shouldn't be. I was spinning PR," he said, with a blush.


"It all depends on where the land is, and what's between it, and how accessible it would be. But the one thing that Metropolis sorely lacks is a youth center. Not a YMCA, but a real, true and tried, youth center."

"A... youth center?" Lionel said, in a tone that had suggested Dominic had asked him to stand on his head and sing a serenade.

"Mmm. Parties, pool tables, TV, homework help, video games. Drug and alcohol abuse has risen steadily in Metropolis over the last ten years I've lived there, and more and more there's kids left homeless on the streets. Maybe a care center, as well, to go for help--counselors and such. I'm sure if I'd had somewhere to go as a boy, I wouldn't have been a high, drunken moron."

"I own several lots that would serve the purpose, I suppose," Lionel said thoughtfully. "One is near the Canal Street overpass, another near the Cedar Rapids intersection, and a third lot in downtown, where a medical lab used to be housed, but is now derelict."

"It isn't my place," Dominic said, carefully watching his words, "But I'll draw up a wee proposal tomorrow while here at home, waiting for my legs to start working or for Jonathan to drop dead. Or both. And you can think about it, discuss it with Lex."

"Of course it's your place, Dominic, don't be absurd," Lionel said, with a careless wave of his hand. "It became your place as soon as you became part of this family. Draw up your proposal, and Lex and I will have a look at it, and then the three of us will discuss it."

"It would be a good place for them, even if its just to listen to music and hang out. Play games, or what have you. And maybe have a play ground for the wee ones," he said, thoughtfully. "I was thinking about investing in one here--the women in the Quilting Bees were considering creating a dance studio of some sort--did they ever go through with it?"

Lionel sighed gently. "LuthorCorp has already completed the youth center here in Smallville; it was completed not long after your accident. Mr. Ross taught dancing classes for a month during the summer. The Quilting Bee did approach LuthorCorp about having a dance floor installed in the center, and that is up for a vote on the community board's next meeting. If they agree to it, LuthorCorp has agreed to pick up the bill for the installation."

Dominic gave a sad little smile. "And the children's library?"

"Is slated for completion in three months," he said quietly.

Dominic gave him another sad smile, and nodded softly to himself as he looked down into the bubbles. He was silent for a few moments, before speaking again. "If I'm not too tired tonight, we'll go see Shayla? I was hoping to have her out of the hospital by today, but I tried calling them a few times this morning and kept getting the run round."

"Of course we will," Lionel said. "I'm sure she could do with a bit of company, and while we're there, I'll speak personally to the doctors in charge of her case, and see if we can't stop getting the runaround."

"I'm worried about her," Dominic admitted, quietly, but gave the water a small clap. "Well then. Why don't we get on with our day, hmm? We are soaked, we are mostly clean, and I know Jonathan's waiting for me."

"I know you're worried about her," Lionel admitted. "I am, too, and you don't realize how much that pains me to admit. And don't worry, I am sure Jonathan will come and fetch you when it is time; don't hurry. The warm water must feel good to your muscles."

"It does," he said, and shifted back again, though he was tense and not at all from Jonathans workout. "I suppose. What's on the agenda for you, at work?"

"For the rest of the day, I hope to finish clearing out my desk. I have managed, with Charles' help, to make a rather large dent in the work that has piled up, and tomorrow, I am going to start rechecking the last few months so I can see how well Lex has done, and if there is anything he needs assistance with."

Dominic gave him a quiet smile. "That bad? had mountains around your desk?"

"Nearly," Lionel admitted. "But that's mostly cleared away now. I do hope I can persuade Lex to do away with Mr. Knight, despite his obvious benefits."

"Is he still giving you cheek?" Dominic asked incredulously, as he got one of the hand towels from the side of the tub and tugged it into the water before slowly stroking it over his neck and the back of it.

"No, no, he's been quite sociable this morning, in the few times I've had to interact with him. No, I'm more worried about his impact on Clark and my son's relationship--perhaps it makes me a meddlesome old fool, but if whatever happened because of this man was enough to drive Lex away not only from Clark but from the hospital where his close friend is giving birth... that cannot be good."

Dominic's lips turned down into a tight frown. "What? Lex left? is he mad?"

"He did, because he is at LuthorCorp this morning, working away, and the security logs show him signing in at four AM."

Dominic just… pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know, Lionel? I'm tired of having to tell him what he's doing wrong. Let him figure it out himself--he's a big boy, I'm sure he can do it somehow." He glanced up at his lover. "He's acting worse then Victoria."

"Yes, I'm sure he can, but my worry is will he. Because you know Lex's pride, Dominic, nearly better than I do. I worry for him, though it irritates him."

"I know it. But he's a twenty three year old young man, and he should see his own mistakes by now. Clark has every right to be upset over Lex hiring a bucking young human man who happens to be the mirror image of Clark, to work in his office. It raises suspicions, just as it would you if I hired a young man who looked just like you as my personal assistant."

"If you hired someone who looked just like me, Dominic, it wouldn't be a young man. And I am not disagreeing with you. Lex should have known better. But he didn't. As such, I am his father and it falls to me to teach him what I should have years ago, but wasn't capable of because of my own failings," Lionel pointed out reasonably.

"You did teach him. He's just as thick as unbuttered bread."

Lionel had to laugh at that, but he buried it quickly, after an undignified snort, and tried to glare at his lover.

And failed, miserably.

Dominic's frown smoothed away and he gave his lover an impish grin. "Well, he is!"

"I can't disagree with that assessment, Dominic. However, the point remains that Lex obviously cannot see what a problem this young man is causing."

"Love, if I'm correct, another week in an office with Mr. Knight will wake Lex up to just why Clark is upset," Dominic murmured, eyebrow arched. He had absolutely no doubt Knight would be giving Lex come-hither looks at least by tomorrow or the day after, and flirting shamelessly soon after. "And as soon as he figures it out, the doghouse it will be."

Lionel looked at his lover. "What do those squeaky wheels turning in your brain tell you?"

"Hmm? Oh, that Mr. Knight will be attempting to go hunting for Lex's tackle by Friday."

"Go... hunting for Lex's tackle?" Lionel said. "I am quite sure I know what that means, but the phrasing of it is entirely mystifying."

"Meg's favorite line." He arched a brow. "Care to make a friendly wager, Mr. Luthor?"

"A wager, Mr. Senatori-Luthor?" Lionel asked. "On my son's sex life?"

He grinned. "On Mr. Knight's inability to keep his cock in his pants."

Lionel nodded. "I may be a fool, but I will take that bet because I don't believe Mr. Knight is that foolish."

He arched his brow again. "If Mr. Knight attempts to get into Lex's pants by Friday, you are going to ride me until you feel my cock in your throat. If he doesn't... well, name your stakes, then."

Lionel thought. "If he doesn't, then you will give up sex of any sort for a week."

Dominic looked absolutely horrified for a moment, but then cleared his throat, and nodded. "Deal."

Lionel held out his hand. "Will you shake on it?"

Dominic gave the hand an arched brow, but reached forward and did so. "Indeed."

Lionel shook as well, and the bet was set. "You know, this may be the first wager I may not mind losing."

Dominic grinned, shyly. "Well, I've had this fantasy about fucking you while sitting in that chair," he sideglanced the wheel chair, "fully dressed but for.." Another shy smile, and he shook his head. "Let's not talk about that, though."

Lionel raised his eyebrow. "No, let's not." He gave his lover a serious look. "I do not want you getting diverted by thoughts of sex during your recovery," he said honestly. "I still want your undivided attention and energies on your therapy and leave sex as a delicious afterthought, do you understand me?"

He nodded, quietly. "Yes, I understand. I think... it's the only thing keeping me sane, right now."

Lionel nodded, and brought his hand to his lover's face. "I understand that, more perhaps than you think I do. But don't worry. I will be waiting when you're recovered, and can take everything I have to give."

"I know," he said, and pressed his cheek to the warm hand before kissing the center of the palm and shaking him away. "Now stop being so mushy," he commanded, in his Not Very Serious voice, as he scrubbed the washcloth over his shoulders.

"Yes, sir," Lionel said, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the side of the tub, giving a deep yawn. "I should call Clark and speak to him."

"I would suggest leaving them to it," Dominic said, as he finished soaking his shoulders, then his face with twin handfuls of water, over his head as well which felt divine. His fingers accidentally scraped over the little indented bumps he had in his skull now once, before sliding free with a small shudder and reaching out his fingers to gently tickle Lionel's floating ones.

"Your suggestion is well noted," Lionel answered without opening his eyes, and his fingers squeezed his lover's gently.

"Not going to follow it, are you?" he asked, tickling the side of Lionel's thumb before holding his hand, easily.

"Not at all," Lionel admitted cheerfully.

Dominic rolled his eyes. "Meddling old codger."

"Yes, I am," Lionel answered lightly. "And I suppose I'm proud to be... proud to be close enough to my son to be in a position to meddle."

Dominic's lips twitched as he lay his head back against the side of the hot tub sleepily. "I most agree. It's nice to see."

"Yes, it is." Lionel cracked his eyes open when he heard the slight yawn in Dominic's voice. "Take a short nap; I'll wake you when Jonathan comes in for you."

"I'm not falling asleep in the water," Dominic said, eyes still closed, face still relaxed.

"Probably a good idea, but still. If you'd like to take a nap, I can move you back to your wheelchair and take you back to the bedroom, or even run you a hot bath in the bathroom, where it is much shallower."

"Lionel?" Dominic cracked an eye open, rolling his head a bit to regard his lover. "I love you dearly, but what have I told you about accommodating me?"

"That you're less cranky when you're accommodated?" Lionel guessed, keeping his eyes shut.

"That I don't need to be accommodated. So stop bending over backwards for me, all right?"

Lionel did open his eyes at that. "I'm not bending over backwards for you, Dominic. I'm not doing anything that I wouldn't have done before your accident. Do stop being so sensitive."

Dominic arched a brow. "Before my accident, you treated me like a man."

"And now I treat you like a woman?" Lionel asked skeptically.

"In a way," Dominic answered, his eyebrows drawing together the smallest bit. "More like an invalid."

Lionel sat up completely at that, and let his wet hair slide over his shoulder. "Dominic... you have been an invalid for quite a long while before now. Whether or not you want to admit that to yourself, it's simply a physical fact. Now, you are no longer an invalid and I recognize that fact, and I am adjusting my treatment of you accordingly, but I will never stop attempting to make your life as easy as you will possibly let me. I did it before your accident, and I will continue to do so."

"it was different, before," Dominic answered, after a moment of regarding his lover.

"Yes, it was," Lionel answered. "And I am sorry that I cannot completely alter my behavior to suit you."

"I'm not asking you to," Dominic said, tiredly, and leaned back against the hot tub. "I just don't... want you bending over backwards for me." In truth, it made him desperately uncomfortable. "If I want it, I'll ask you for it, okay?"

"No, you won't. You'll do as you've always done and suffer in silence, or allow me to anticipate what you ask and provide it just as you need it," Lionel pointed out. "You would not ask me for a drink of water were you dying of thirst, much less for anything else."

"That's a lie." No it wasn't. He sighed, in exasperation. "I'll be fine, all right?" Because no--Lionel would have never done this, to this degree, before he was hurt. And it made Dominic uncomfortable. Apparently his lover had changed, but Dominic hadn't gotten to catch up, yet, and he was still running desperately slow.

"No, it's not a lie, and yes, I'm quite sure you'll be all right. Apparently, you always are." Lionel reached over his shoulder and wrung out his hair, letting the water slide down his back. "Come on. Let me help you out and I'll take you back to the exercise room."

"I've been all right for a long time, Lionel," Dominic said, lifting his chin a little. "I'll always be all right. That's one of the reasons you love me."

"Yes, it is," Lionel said after a moment. "And another reason I love you is that you let me take care of you sometimes." He paused. "At least, you used to." He climbed to his feet, and held out his hands. "Are you ready?"

His lips tightened and turned down at the words, but because they upset him, he didn't respond to them. Instead, he grasped Lionel's hands, tightly, and with a push of sloshed water, he was able to get shakily to his feet, and wind his arms around Lionel's neck to hold on tightly. "Don't you see, Lionel? You already help me so much."

"Yes, I can see that," Lionel said calmly. "I make a stunning walker."

Dominic closed his eyes. If he could have, he would have let go--as it was, they were in mid-chest deep water and he couldn't. So instead, he set his cheek on Lionel's shoulder, intent on not having more rows, intent on showing everything. "I don't mean to use you."

"I know you don't," Lionel said, helping him slowly out of the water.

Dominic didn't really have anything left to say with that, so as Lionel helped him up out of the water, and he slid back into his chair, he felt a heavy, unwavering guilt settle on him, as he glanced up at his lover once before pulling a warm towel from the shelf onto his lap, drying himself off enough so his legs wouldn't stick to the plastic.

Lionel quickly dried himself off, and slipped back into the thick terrycloth robe he'd been wearing. "Do you want me to take you back upstairs to get dressed, or bring your clothes down to the solarium so you can dress in the sunlight?" he asked quietly.

"Upstairs will be okay. So I can use the bathroom," Dominic answered, rubbing his legs dry. "Is that okay?"

"Quite all right," Lionel said with a little smile, and he handed the other robe to his lover. "Just in case you don't want to ride about the house with your bare body showing to the world."

Dominic nodded, and took the robe, leaning forward the smallest bit to pull it on, before pulling it closed and buckling the belt of the chair.

Lionel tied the belt of his around his waist, and wrapped his hair in a towel and wrung it until it was just damp before dropping the sodden towel on the floor for housekeeping to pick up, and he started pushing his lover back towards the elevator.

He stayed quiet as Lionel started to push, frightened over the strange conversation within a conversation they'd just had, and he felt his heart jump a little as they walked. "When will you be home tonight?"

"Hopefully around five, and then we'll have a quick dinner before we go and see your sister at the hospital," he said, but his tone made it a question.

Dominic nodded again, slightly, and the whole tone of their conversation had turned down. He knew better then to think it was his fault, but a nagging little worry had him looking up at his husband, trying his best to mend fences. "Have you thought any more about writing your manuscript?"

Lionel shook his head. "No, I haven't. I don't believe that at the moment, I quite have the time to devote to it. Perhaps in a year or so."

"You should." He cleared his throat the smallest bit. "I'm thinking about writing a book, myself. If I ever get the chance to, that is."

Lionel raised a quiet eyebrow as he finished securing them in the elevator. "I think that would be a spectacular idea," Lionel said seriously. "You've accumulated quite a bit of wisdom that should be passed on."

Dominic didn't know whether to take that as a joke, but gave a small smile anyway, bent on not thinking the worst about Lionel. "Not a memoir. Maybe a mystery. I love detective novels."

"You should write a memoir, Dominic. Between your family and mine, there's quite the story to tell, and I think that you have the right perspective on both of them to be the one to tell it," Lionel encouraged.

"Yeah?" He looked up, oddly pleased at the little encouragement, as he kept warm in the towel and bath robe Lionel had helped him put on. He curled under the warm cotton as they walked through the oddly cool house, the sunshine outside streaming in through the windows.

"Yes, I do," Lionel said. "You know them, you won't take them quite too seriously, nor will you treat them cavalierly. You have the perfect perspective."

It was strangely like an epiphany. Dominic looked straight ahead of them, thinking, chewing on his lower lip thoughtfully as they walked through the house. He didn't say anything as they made it up to the second floor, and didn't think when he saw Victoria standing in her doorway with her book. He beckoned her forward and helped her into his robe covered lap. "Hello, Ms. Victoria. What say you about spending the rest of the day with me? I've got to do some exercise with Clark's dad, but if you like, you could bring your coloring books and your Barbies downstairs. I believe Ms. Ellie left her Barbie Swimming Pool on the porch, already filled with water."

"I coulds do that," she said with a nod. "I could bring the Barbies down to swim in the pool while I colors. Because they can't swim alone. Clark says that I can't go swimmin' by myself, so the Barbies can't go by themselfs neither." She climbed into Dominic's lap as he lifted her up, and she snuggled back and got comfortable, and gave Lionel a half-scared, half-evil-eye glare over his shoulder.

Lionel scowled back at the little girl. "Are you quite sure you need the distraction, Dominic?"

"Mmm," Dominic answered, and pressed a kiss to the tiny girls cheek, making sure to rasp his stubbly cheek against hers just to hear her squeal. "You're very right. The Barbies mustn't ever go swimming alone, nor should Victoria's."

She did squeal, and squirmed a little to boot. "Yous not soft like Baldy!!" she accused.

His lips twitched. "Not soft like baldy. Neither is Mr. Lionel, either, you know. Soft things are only meant for Baldy's and little girls."

Lionel couldn't help the delicate cough that comment brought.

Victoria peered at Dominic's wispy beard and yanked on his hair, just to make sure it was all on the up and up. "You know, Daddy was all prickly like you," she confided. "Sometimes I miss him lots."

Dominic's heart jerked even as his head physically did, with her yank. "I know you do. But it's alright here, with us, right? You like it okay?" he asked, as he smoothed her hair gently as he dislodged her fingers from the few whiskers he had.

She nodded. "I likes it, except when Clark and Baldy leave me behind, or close the door to the bedroom and make noises behind the door."

Lionel was struck with another fit of inappropriate coughing.

Dominic nodded, sagely. "I understand. I used to be upset when my mum and da' closed the door and made noises, but usually, when they came out, they were happier. Sometimes, adults need time alone," Dominic said, as regally as he could. "And they didn't mean to leave you behind. You'll get to see Chloe's new baby soon, too."

"I wanted to see where the baby comes from and how it's made!" she pouted. "'Sides, nobody will want me around when a new baby gets here," she added with a sniffle.

"That's not true. I've got five brothers and sisters, and I never got pushed to the side."

"Den why did I get lef' behind today? Youse didn't even know I was here til you saw me and dat means Clark and Baldy didn't say nuffin' cause they was only interested in the new baby and they don't like me no more."

"No, honey. it means they're not used to having a wee girl in the house. Do you ever forget your dolls in your bedroom sometimes? Or your juice in the kitchen?"

She sniffled. "Never gots to go to the kitchen before. Daddy always made Mrs. Dixon bring stuff to me. Always played in my room, so didn't have to leave the dollies behind. Nobody never forgot me before."

"Well love, I promise we won't anymore, all right?" Dominic gave her a firm hug as Lionel wheeled them into their bedroom. "You can stick with me, all right? I'm too slow to forget anybody these days, all right? You can climb on my chair like a monkey if I do."

At that, Lionel leaned forward. "Victoria? If nobody has ever forgotten you before, how was it C--Superman, is it? Found you in the family cemetery?"

Victoria brightened. "I went to visit Mommy, and I got tired. So I took a little nap with her, but when I wokeded up it was all dark and I stayed there with her until Superman found me," she explained. "Can I go visit Mommy again? And when can I see Daddy?"

Dominic glanced up at his husband a little, and cleared his throat. "We don't know quite yet, baby. Clark and Baldy will let you know soon, all right love? Why don't you sit up on the side of the bed a moment?" A bed which was made, and smelling like lemons, come and sweat whisked happily away. God bless Ms. Bird. "You can pet Freddie, if he'll let you."

"Okay!" Victoria clambered down off Dominic's lap, and flung herself onto the bed, using handfuls of comforter and footboard to drag herself up onto the big bed. When she saw how soft and squishy it was, she gave a little squeal, picked up Freddie in a flying lunge, and started to jump on the bed.

Oh, Jesus. Freddie hissed unhappily as his tail was grabbed, used to haul him in, and he was then strangled and bounced up and down by this little thing.

Dominic bit his lip as he watched, wincing at each of Freddie's hisses, and shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose as he turned the chair, and after grabbing the clothes he'd pulled down from the closet before, rolled to the bathroom.

Lionel stalked over to the bed. "VICTORIA CATHERINE! That is quite enough bouncing!" He took Freddie out of her hands, and the little thing streaked into the bathroom, hiding under the sink as he hissed at the open door. Once Freddie was down, Lionel took hold of one elbow and with the other hand, popped Victoria's bottom firmly.

The bouncing stopped immediately, and she wailed, loudly, as tears started to roll down her little cheeks.

Dominic looked in the mirror as Victoria began to cry in loud, quaking sobs, and sighed at himself. "Well, we know which one is going to be the disciplinary parent, Aurora," he murmured, as he reached for his toothbrush.

Lionel crossed his arms over his chest as he glared at the sobbing little girl. "Cease that noise this instant," he ordered. "You have nothing to cry about!"

Victoria just howled all the louder. First she'd been spanked, then the mean man was yelling at her, and all she was doin' was having fun!

"Lionel," Dominic said, from the doorway, "Hush. Victoria, baby, we don't jump on the beds here. Mr. Lionel spanked me the first time I did it, too. Just sit down, baby, and we'll be out soon."

"Yes, but you didn't make such a God-awful racket," Lionel muttered. "As I recall, you enjoyed it." He just glared at Victoria.

"HE SPANKED ME!" she wailed.

"And if you do not cease this at once, I shall do it again!" Lionel snapped.

A little frission of fear went down Dominic's spine at Lionel's snap, in a good way though, and even he knew better then to say anything while Lionel was pissed like this. So he bit his lip, and winced, but as he'd known not to do long ago, didn't dare say a thing against... erm... Lionel's parenting skills.

The noisy wailing stopped, but Victoria's lower lip still trembled and she sucked it in every so often, giving little quiet sniffles and hiccups as she wiped her face and nose on the shoulder of her Mickey Mouse jumper.

Yeah, how could Lionel resist that? Dominic gave a little smile, a quiet one, and closed the bathroom door as he began to change. With help from the lift he was able to stand himself up and clean the chair of come, before slowly dressing. He pulled boxer shorts on, and long pants on over those, lifting each leg painfully slow as he did so. He pulled his t-shirt on after he'd sat down again, and his tennies and t-shirt as well, though he wanted, badly, to crawl into bed for a nap. He was bloody tired.

When he opened the door again peace had settled on the land, and Dominic rolled the chair out of the bathroom with a little thump as he got back on the carpet.

Lionel glared until the bathroom door shut, and then he sat down on the edge of the bed and held his arms out to Victoria, to see if she'd come to him.

She did, wary at first, glaring at him carefully as she climbed into his arms, and then laid her head on his shoulder and she sniffled a little more, and put her thumb in her mouth. "I sorry for jumpin' on the bed."

"It's quite all right; you know now not to do it again," Lionel said, rubbing her back. "It's all right."

His heart warmed at the sight, very gently, and Dominic nodded to his husband from his chair as he set his towel and dirty clothes in the hamper by the closet. Proud? Yes, well, maybe more then a bit. "You're a good girl, Victoria."

"I tries!" she said from her perch against Lionel's shoulder, and one chubby little arm slipped around his neck.

Lionel just shifted so that her arm didn't have to stretch quite so much, and left her cradled against him.



go on to the next part