
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 328: Toy Room

Clark was... thoroughly enjoying his treat.

After sex so intense he'd nearly fainted, he and Lex had gone into the bathroom and cleaned up. Clark got the second enema he'd ever had in his life--intensely weird, but also? strangely gratifying--and returned like an over-exuberant puppy to the bedroom, a clean and sparkly, smelling good Lex in his arms.

And then he'd proceeded to nose, sniff, nuzzle and lick this new... thing that was a part of their sex lives now.

"You're calling my cock a thing, Clark. That's... very romantic," Lex said, one arm cradling his head as he reclined lazily on the bed, the other hand stroking through Clark's hair. He hadn't meant to read Clark's mind like that, it had just seeped through their link as he relaxed and let Clark investigate to his heart's content.

Yes, well. Clark was amusing himself, that was for sure, and he was definitely playing. He licked and nipped at the new...well, yes, it was a thing dammit, letting his tongue squirm among the veins, nuzzling the base and heavy balls happily. Cocks weren't pretty, ever, but somehow, this one...well, it just was dammit, and he had fun licking across the slit, nipping the sides, sniffling along the heavy balls waiting for him to...mmmm...

Lex's eyes drooped closed as he murmured softly, his cock stirring slowly but steadily under Clark's nuzzling attentions, and despite the slow burn of arousal, Lex was feeling calmer, and more relaxed than he had in weeks. He kept his fingers playing idly in Clark's hair, stroking through, curling strands around his fingers, tugging lightly before letting them spring back.

Clark happily licked, amusing himself as he nuzzled and licked, tugged and sucked, his tongue happily making itself known to all of the new parts. ...Well, not new. Just...bigger. Much bigger. Bigger that felt good inside of him and he sighed, goosebumps breaking out over his cheeks and neck, and he rubbed his hard cock a little against the inside of his lovers leg. He put a hand against his lover to keep him from moving, and looked up hopefully as he kept rubbing. "Can I, against you?"

Lex had started to move when Clark stilled him, but then he settled his arm back behind his head and his hand back in Clark's hair. "If that's what you want," Lex said with a little smile. "You can."

He nodded, a little frantically actually, and licked at his lovers cock a little more frantically as he began to rub himself off against Lex's leg. It was warm, and firm, and he wound his thighs around his lovers knee to rub a little harder against Lex's thigh as he began to suckle at his lovers cock in earnest. Slow, firm, easily strokes of his tongue, pleasure in his murmured voice, fingertips fanning over his lover's tummy.

Lex's fingers curled through Clark's hair tighter as pleasure started to spread through his body in earnest as Clark's mouth started sucking his cock.

A hungry little desire to shove Clark down on the bed and suck his cock dry got pushed down for later as Lex grinned, arching his back and using his grip on Clark's hair to direct his lover's mouth to newly-discovered sensitive spots on his larger cock.

Clark's eyes were closed and he all too happily obliged to whatever Lex wanted, slurping and sucking on his lover's hard cock as his hips pushed against Lex's leg, rubbing his erection against firm skin. He smiled up at his lover before squirming enough to get the much bigger head into his mouth, suckling at it before sliding down, his hand grasping what he couldn't reach both in the position he was in and because of the length in his hand, sucking and murmuring his pleasure.

Lex moved his leg against Clark's cock, rubbing and providing just a little bit of friction as he rocked up against Clark's mouth. Lazy, lethargic pleasure washed over Lex as he laid there, spread out and letting Clark do what he wanted as he stroked his cock in and out of Clark's mouth and hands.

When Lex lifted his leg enough to give something for Clark to rub against, he gave a happy mewl and rubbed all the harder, panting as he sucked harder on his lovers cock. Over and over, licking, slurping, sucking, looking up from time to time at Lex's closed eyes, his sleepy mouth, his happy expression, and grinned around his lovers cock. He sucked softly, licking and nipping, before clambering up Lex's body to lick and kiss his mouth.

Their cocks aligned and Clark continued to rub against his lover just like he'd been down at his thigh, squirming his hips against hard heat and groaning softly as he did.

Lex's mouth opened under Clark's tongue and sucked it in quickly. He kissed his lover deeply, heatedly, shifting his hips just enough so that his cock straightened out and slid precisely alongside Clark.

One hand reached down and squeezed the shafts together, stroking them as his hips bucked faster, rubbing harder against Clark's.

And there went Clark.

With two sharp, bucking strokes against Lex's hand he came, moaning low and deep in his throat as pleasure chased the physical release, spreading his wet, heavy heat between himself and his lover and oh, he groaned softly, deeply, shuddering with pleasure.

Lex let go of his lover's cock and with his hand still slick with Clark's come, kept stroking his own cock. His tongue lapped against Clark's mouth, nibbling at Clark's lips with his tongue as he lay there languidly touching himself.

Clark groaned again, and once more, as he lifted up on his elbows to look down between himself and his lover. Lex was stroking his cock in firm, long strokes and it was so… oh, sexy, so sexy, and he murmured his pleasure as he squirmed down and licked over the head that peeked over his lovers fist on the upstroke, tangling his tongue with his own essence, with Lex's, with the taste of his lovers flesh, sucking at the head as Lex worked the rest of his long length.

Lex let his eyes close as Clark's mouth wrapped around the head of his cock, and he concentrated instead on stroking the shaft. He squeezed it gently, stroking roughly as Clark's tongue lapped over it, and he came a few moments later, arching his back as he pushed more of his cock into Clark's mouth.

Clark opened his mouth wider as his lover spilled into his mouth, and he sucked every given drop up, despite the calmed hunger, despite the fact that he didn't need it anymore. He grinned instead, after swallowing every bit of it, and lay against his lovers damp hip, eyes closed. "Mmm."

Lex slid his fingers through Clark's hair and tugged. "Up," he murmured softly. "Up here with me."

Clark nodded against his lovers hip, staying just where he was for a moment, licking his lovers skin, until he dragged himself up to splatter on the bed right beside his lover. He murmured into warm, hairless flesh, eyes closing sleepily, still licking the taste off his lips.

Lex leaned down and kissed Clark deeply, then scooted down just enough so that he could wrap around his aushna', his arms going around Clark's waist as his head laid right in the little hollow of Clark's shoulder, forehead tucked against Clark's chin.

Clark… well, he grinned. A lot. Broadly. He hummed low in his throat and cuddled right back, pulling the blankets up over them. For the life of him, he couldn't remember why he'd been so upset today, and he snuggled down with Lex and sighed, sleepily.

Lex could remember, but he didn't say a word as he stayed cuddled close. "We're going to go and see Chloe in the morning, but you have to go to school. I don't want the principal nosing around like he did last year."

"Kay," Clark muttered against the side of Lex's ear, warm and cozy and their legs fit so right. "That's nice."

"I could tell you that we're going to stand on our heads and do yoga meditations and you'd say that it's nice," Lex murmured, snuggling into his lover's side.

"Mmm. Yoga," Clark muttered, nuzzling Lex's cheek softly, then his throat, before laying his cheek on Lex's bald head and pulling their pillow closer, so they were more snuggled. "Its best in strab'bry."

"That would be yogurt, Clark. Not yoga." Which, come to think of it, Lex needed to start again. Which also made him think of something else. "Clark... would you like to learn to play polo?"

"'s polo?"

"Polo, Clark. On horses? You ride them? Hit an oversize volleyball with oversize golf clubs?"

Clark, for his part, looked horrified. "I don't like horses."

"You're hung like one," Lex snorted. "All right; strike polo off the list. Fencing is too dangerous..." Lex hummed. "Cricket is entirely too boring. Tell me, Clark, what are you interested in learning to do?"

"Sleeping?" Clark asked into his lovers skin, his body relaxed all too cozily against their blankets. " I have to learn something? I can't do much. Dad didn't let me play football in my freshman year."

"Well, your father had a stick up his ass and is an idiot on top of that," Lex declared. "And no, you don't have to learn something. It's just getting to that time of year where I have to settle down and decide what I'm going to be occupying my time with while you're in school. Hopefully LuthorCorp's going to be taking up a lot of that time, but I still do intend to have spare time to fill."

"You mean you won't be humping your hand in aching want of me?" Clark asked, amused against Lex's skin, and now that he'd cooled down enough to be awake again, he lifted up onto one elbow. "You won't be alone. Dom'll be here."

Lex elevated an eyebrow. "Two years ago, Clark, I came to Smallville, crashed my car, and was brought back to life with one hell of a French kiss. I wasn't fencing with Heike just because I needed the practice," he pointed out. "Last year I nearly get blown to bits when my crap factory explodes, and that sent ten kinds of hell raining down on my head. I'd much rather be riding horseback."

"I don't like horses," Clark said again, firmly, but slumped against the sheets comfortably, his fingers trailing his lovers back. "Hmm. Well… You could always take up a musical instrument."

"No horses. And I know how to play the piano and the guitar. I don't think I need to know any other instruments," Lex pointed out.

"I don't know how. Though it wouldn't take me long to learn, I don't think," Clark said, and sat up, then, to stretch his hands over his head, back popping pleasantly and making him heave a sigh. "You decide. I wouldn't know."

"Clark, if I know, you know. All you have to do is look in my head and find what need to know," Lex said, letting Clark stretch before curling back up beside him, tracing his fingers around Clark's belly and tugging on the crisp little hairs that spread up from his groin.

"Oh. Good point." He looked down at his lover playing with the hairs on his belly. "I still say we should get henna. Or piercings. Or both."

"I don't have a problem with henna, Clark," Lex said. "But we both heal too fast for piercings; it's the same for actual tattoos. Besides, to pierce you, the bar or ring would have to be made out of kryptonite."

"I know, you told me." Clark tipped his head. "I suppose I'm just fantasizing. Two rings..." he flicked his fingertips across his own nipples. "Here."

"If we used a needle made of Kryptonite and threaded the rings through while the needle still had your skin open, then you might heal around the ring or bar, instead of rejecting it completely," Lex thought, still tugging the little hairs as he thought.

Clark shuddered.


"You think?"

"It's possible," Lex answered with a nod. "I can't guarantee it; I'd have to test it first, and aside from sticking you with a Kryptonite needle and actually doing it, there really isn't a way to."

Clark's eyelids fell, huskily. "You'd be okay with it? if it was a success?"

Lex nodded. "There'd be no chance of me pulling them out, though I'd still worry... that'd definitely be a plus considering I've got up to five pound weights in the closet."

Clark smiled. "Well, more then that. I think... my dad said something to me once, about Kryptonians ornamenting their bodies--they were big on piercing their skin, decorating themselves. Kind of like the native American tribes once did, with face paints and all. It was considered very beautiful--I guess some of that stayed in my head."

"Then maybe we should ask your father how to do it," Lex said thoughtfully.

"He'd probably know, yep."

"Then that's one more thing to ask him," Lex said, his fingers moving up Clark's stomach to his chest. "I suppose I can find a nice little company to take over and occupy my time," he said with a grin.

"Other guys just get hobbies, Lex," Clark grinned, his nose wrinkled as he licked and kissed his lovers neck, his cheek, eyes dancing. "John was really born, huh? I can feel him a little, through Chloe and Whitney. It's... it's nice. He's so little and precious... I only saw him all bloody and mucky. Was he cute?"

I'm not other guys, was on the tip of Lex's tongue, but instead, he just smiled. "Yeah, he was. They got him cleaned up and he's very handsome. I even caught Whitney checking to make sure all the parts were there, if you catch my drift."

Clark snorted. "He's Whitney's. Like he wouldn't." But he smiled down at Lex, his dimples winking on as his eyes got a little bright. "I fell apart, a little. I wouldn't have left so fast--I feel really bad."

"Don't." Lex swallowed hard. "I left not long after you, just enough... just long enough to see that Chloe was okay and so was the baby."

Clark smiled, the softest bit, stroking his lover's skin really softly, and pressing his mouth to the lovely forehead, changing the subject subtly. "You play guitar?"

"I can play guitar," Lex confirmed. "And I can play fairly well, to the consternation of my father. He always thought it was a classless instrument, but it was cool, and it used to get me the girls back in boarding school. They're suckers for a man with a six-string, Clark."

Clark's eyes lit up. "Play something for me?" he asked, an exuberant puppy as he sat up and looked down at his lover in unabashed nudeness. "Play me a song."

Lex grinned. "I don't think there's a guitar in the entire house."

"You don't have them somewhere?" Clark asked, still delighted, lips spread and dimples shining. "We could find one! I really want to hear you play. I used to dream, when I was younger, of being a rock star, playing and having the boys fall like butterflies at my feet. Then I realized I couldn't sing."

Lex thought. "There might be the Jim Morrison autographed Fender in my collectibles room," he relented finally. "And I believe I may have a Jimi Hendrix Strat down there too, come to think of it."

"Collectible what?" Clark stared at his lover. "What kind of room? And who's Jimi Heedrick?"

Lex picked up a pillow and smashed it across Clark's chest. "HENDRIX," Lex enunciated clearly. "Hen, like you get eggs from, and drix, rhymes with bricks. You know, Purple Haze, All Along The Watchtower." Lex's eyes narrowed. "You are lacking culture, my friend."

"I'm nineteen. And alien," Clark reminded, happily bouncing on the bed, totally unabashed by the smack he just got with the pillow, and already squirming little touches here and there to Lex's cock. "What's this Collectible room thing? Why haven't you ever told me about it?" he asked, climbing to his feet and climbing into his boxers and a t-shirt. "Come on, you gotta show me now. I can't promise not to jump you along the way, though, kay?"

Lex balked.

As in refused to move. "Clark... no. Just no. There's a lot of things in there that you would not be interested in." Like 1980 mint condition Warrior Angel collectible action figures in factory packaging, he supplied.

"Action figures! Cool!" Clark beamed. "My mom and dad could never afford to buy them for me. Can I see them?"

"Hands in your pockets. No touching." No breathing on them. "There are things in that room, Clark, that are older than you are."

"I don't have pockets," Clark reminded, patting his boxers... stroking a hand lewdly through the flap in the front. "Except for that one, but I don't think Ms. Bird would approve." But he grinned. "I'm nineteen. Most things are older than me."

Lex slid his hand in through the flap as he sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm not really concerned with what Ms. Bird would or would not approve of," Lex said with a firm stroke. "But, if you really want to see a bunch of old stuff, then I'll show you the room."

Clark gave his lover a saucy smirk, innocently rolling his hips into the stroke his lover gave him before slapping his hand away, and putting his hands behind his back. "Won't touch, promise. Take me?"

Lex grinned, and stroked his cock. "Gladly," he said, with a pointed look at Clark's crotch.

"I meant to the room!" Clark cried, and burst into snickers as Lex kept stroking. "You'd better stop that, unless you want your mint condition, 1980 Warrior Angel covered in jizz."

"You cover my Warrior Angel in alien semen, and I just might have to take it out of your ass," Lex snorted as he got up from the bed and sidled over to the closet, sliding into a pair of black slacks and a short-sleeved robe that belted over his waist.

Clark grinned, brightly, gave his interested cock a shove back into submission, and tugged the elastic of his boxers up a bit as he opened the door to their bedroom. "The house is so quiet."

"Let us hope that means Dominic hasn't killed your father," Lex said dryly.


Lex raised his eyebrow. "I'm sorry, Clark, I'd assumed my father told you. Your father is Dominic's therapist since Eduard left."

Clark burst out laughing.

He laughed so hard he fell on the bed, toppled over the edge and out of sight, peels of laughter rolling from him until tears caught in his eyelashes.

Lex just leaned against the wall, thumb idly flicking over his nipple while he waited. "Whenever you're done..."

Clark was cracking up, one hairy leg raising up to hook over the side of the mattress until he looked up over the edge... and burst into giggles all over again. "When can we go watch this? I'll bring the popcorn."

"I'll provide refreshments," Lex said dryly. "Sadly, all sessions are closed to the viewing public."

"Lex, I'm super. I can get us in, as long as you don't mind a ceiling top show," Clark was still giggling as he heaved himself up. "My poor dad," he snickered, walking over to Lex and his sardonic ass, rubbing at his eyes and giggling helplessly.

"I don't mind at all, but I think Dominic might not like being gawked at," Lex pointed out, and slipped his arm around Clark's waist.

"He'll live," Clark grinned.

"Yes, yes, he will," Lex agreed. "Clark... are you sure you want to waste an afternoon looking at a room full of things autographed by people who names you can't pronounce?" he asked even as he led the way down the stairs, checking to make sure that he'd picked up the key off the dresser when he'd slid into the robe.

"You'd be surprised at the random trivia swimming in my head," Clark said, and leaned down to lick over the nipple Lex had been rubbing. Yeah, he hadn't missed that. "Besides, I'm hungry. I need to refuel before I fuck you."

Both of Lex's eyebrows shot up. "Then shouldn't we be detouring to the kitchen for a snack and a thorough hand-washing?"

"Hand washing?"

"After you've eaten, you wash your hands so there are no sticky Clarky handprints on anything in my room," Lex clarified.

Clark stared at Lex for a half a second. "You want me to... wash my hands, hands I have to shove in my pocket, so I won't get handprints from hands I can't even use over your stuff?"

Lex nodded.

Clark arched a brow. "We can eat after. Let me use the bathroom… I'll wash my hands, honest," he said, and turned to the bathroom. He left the door open as he took a quick piss, then washed his hands thoroughly with soap and water, before emerging once again, still with the sardonic expression on his face.

Lex listened to make sure the water ran along with the soap, and that a towel was used, and he nodded, pleased, as Clark came out. "And I won't even inspect them," he said, rising on his tiptoes to kiss Clark on the cheek.

Clark just rolled his eyes at him. "Next time you call me anal, I'll remind you of this most de-balling moment. Come on--show me this room, so I can go eat."

Lex led Clark down the stairs, and down the longest hallway. Past his office, past the library, past everything else on the floor until they got to end. There was a wood and iron-hinged door at the end of the hallway, right beside the tapestry-covered wall, and Lex pulled out the key. "This is the only key to this door, Clark."

"I'm all atwitter," Clark grinned, next to him, bare feet tapping the wood. "Open it already, let me see your obsession room."

"Nobody else has ever seen the inside of this room, Clark," Lex cautioned. "Not my father, not Dominic, not even Bruce." He turned the key in the lock and tucked it back in his pocket, then ushered Clark inside and locked the door behind them. "Here it is."

Clark knew his lover. He'd been expecting extravagance. And that was just what he got. There were shelves and podiums everywhere showcasing… stuff. Stuff was behind glass, stuff was mounted into frames, and everywhere Clark looked, there was a different theme. Warrior Angel very obviously took up most of the space, with the comic book collection, t-shirts, posters, action figures, pencils, gummy bears.

Clark looked over at his lover, eyebrow arched. "Won't touch, promise."

"I'll break your fingers with a Kryptonite bat," Lex threatened. Warrior Angel was the overwhelming theme, though there was a corner of the room dedicated to Batman memorabilia, and there was a rather large display case in the rear of the room that showcased both musical instruments and weapons.

Lex's pride and joy, however, hung on the wall over the Warrior Angel collection. There was a framed panel, from the very first Warrior Angel comic EVER hanging on his wall, in a hermetically sealed display case that had been built into a frame expressly for this purpose.


Clark was looking at everything, deeply interested. As he'd said, his parents hadn't had money for a lot of toys growing up, aside from his dad's old collection of GI Joes, and so he was unspeakably fascinated with toys, and why it had hurt him, to such a deep degree, that Mar had never had anything, either.

" really cool. Obsessive. But cool. I can't believe in the eighteen months you and I have been fucking on a regular basis, you've had yet to show me this room."

"I don't show anyone this room, Clark," Lex said. "I'm... a little selfish when it comes to my toys." Lex carefully picked his way through the room, and crouched down on the floor, opening up a little cabinet built into the wall, to reveal three shelves with remote controlled cars, hot wheels cars, and model cars stacked bumper to fender. Every one of the cars in the shelves had a correlating car in Lex's garage, and he reached into the very back row, feeling around until he gave a little "a-ha!" and pulled out a box that he hid behind his back.

Clark leaned down too, bracing his hands on the floor as he sank down onto his knees beside his lover, and looked over the cars, with a jealous little sigh, though he didn't touch as he'd promised.

"These you can touch," Lex said. "I've even driven a couple."

"What do you mean?" Clark asked, and reached out for a little red Camaro, peering at the detail like a little kid.

"I've driven them," Lex repeated, opening one of the drawers beneath the shelving and revealing remote controls that had been color-coded, indexed, and alphabetized to match the cars they went with.

"Oh." he grinned, shook his head, and set the red car down again to let a fingertip drift over a blue one, then a black, and grinned. "Neat."

Lex ran his eye over one of the remotes, and peered at it before he put it in Clark's hand. "Here."

Clark took it, looking at it for a second and shifted so one knee was pressed to his chest, the other under his butt. "What do I do?"

Lex crouched down. "Well... you turn the key-shaped thing to start it, and the little steering wheel steers it. The vertical pedal on the right side of the remote is the acceleration, the horizontal pedal on the left is your brake, and it's an automatic transmission, so you don't have to worry about a gearshift," Lex explained.

Clark grasped it almost immediately, and he looked a the little cars. "What one does it drive?" he asked, looking almost longingly at the red one.

Lex caught the look, and picked up an identical remote that was only different because the striping on the remote itself was painted red instead of blue. "There. That's the one for the red Camaro."

"Yeah?" His face lit up, his lower lip caught between his teeth, and he turned the little remote on and with the patient hands of a toy car virgin, let the car out of the little garage and watched it zip between two pillars holding up memorabilia. He whooped in pleasure, speeding it along all the faster.

"Yes," Lex said, watching, to his credit, without cringing, as Clark had the little car speeding along. "If you hit the gas, then hit the brake and spin the wheel hard to the left, you can make it pop a wheelie," he advised. "You can also do that in the large car."

Clark glared at his lover over the corner of his eye and did as he was told... grinning like a first grader when the car flipped over. "That is so cool! Did you see that??" he asked, in glee, beaming as he drove it around a replica of the Warrior Angel costume, zipping between his boots, before speeding towards them and coming to a sweeping break. "Cool!"

Lex dug out another remote, which went to the package behind his back, and handed that one to Clark. "That one's set up the exact same way, except it's got a gear stick; you shouldn't have to worry about switching gears except when you start it; it won't start in anything but first gear. Then it switches automatically."

Clark looked down at the remotes in his hands, sitting there on the fluffy carpet, and bit his lip for a moment, before looking up. "Thank you, Lex."

Lex sat down beside his lover, and looked at him. "You're welcome, Clark. But for what?"

"For showing me this place. Sharing it with me. It means a lot to me," he admitted, looking around, then grinning at him again, softly. "More than a lot."

Lex put the box behind his back down and brought both his arms to wrap around Clark's waist as he leaned forward and kissed his lover gently. "Clark... there's no part of me, whether it's this house or something inside, that I won't share with you. It may not be easy for me, but I will."

He smiled at his lover under long lashes, kissed his lips softly, then once more, and nuzzled his cheek. "I like your toys. I promise, I won't ever smudge them. Drool, probably," he said, his mouth twitching a little as he licked and nuzzled again, then once more, and hugged Lex tightly around the waist.

Then kissed him again, gently, then once more, before leaning down a little to press none-too-chaste kisses to little nipples, after moving the edge of the robe with his tongue.

"You can play with them.... ah, oh.... uh, anytime you want. Key's... oh, Clark... on the dresser." Lex's head fell back just a little as Clark's tongue nipped at his nipples and left a cool trail of wet with his agile tongue.

Clark smiled as he licked and nipped, teasing the hard areola into hardening the nipple with gentle sucks. "I like your nipples. They're so little and perfect. Chloe's are too big... Whitney's are barely existent. But yours… they're perfect. A little wide, and so… wonderfully… responsive," he murmured, before taking a mouthful.

"I'm glad you... ah... approve," Lex murmured, arching just a little as Clark's mouth slid over his chest. His fingers slid through Clark's hair, and he stroked Clarks' cheek with his thumb. "Like yours... personally. Quick to respond... perfect to suck."

Clark smiled, gave them a parting kiss, and reached up to kiss under Lex's chin softly, before looking back at his remote and biting his lip as he started the car again. He whooped as it did another wheelie, right over an aluminum lunch box, and grinned cheekily at Lex when Warrior Angels cape rustled.

Lex grimaced, and exchanged remotes. "I think you're going to like this one better," he said, taking the Camaro out of Clark's hand and giving him the other one Lex had selected.

Clark took it, looking over the cars and turning the remote on. "What one is it for?"

Before Lex could answer, there was a revving in the box behind him, and the thin paper wrapped around the box ripped open as a silver Porsche Boxter like the car Clark had rescued him from the day they met wheeled into view, idling in front of Clark and waiting for him to steer the wheel again.

Clark laughed out loud, looking down at the little car and lifting it to look at it. "Oh my God, Lex… its got detachable roof, Clark style! That's so... how did you get this made? This is so cool! And admittedly, kinda creepy, but cooler," Clark grinned, dimples winking.

"Remember I told you in January that I was never going to get you another present, except for a mint condition Matchbox Boxter? Well... it came, and it was a piece of shit. So, I commissioned this instead, down to the roof peeling back. I sent the specs through Hans, he finished the concept art, and five months later, I have this."

Clark just couldn't help grinning. He couldn't. "Its for me?" he asked, looking at the car, to Lex, to the car.

"It's for you. I've been saving it for a special occasion, and I figured your first visit to my obsession was special enough," Lex agreed.

"Thank you," Clark said, softly, and leaned forward to kiss his lover, softly. "I love it. Though I don't think bringing it out of this room will be a good idea. Knowing the people in this house, someone'll step on it, or something. Can I leave it in here, with your cars?"

Lex returned Clark's kiss just as sweetly. "I'm glad you like it. Now we've both got our own Porsches. And if you want, you can leave it here. I'll even get you a little bridge to crash it off of, and little Clark and Lex action figures to play along with."

"Lex, I don't need action figures, I was there. And? Unfortunately? Photographic memory," Clark snorted, but kissed his lover once more and hunkered down to start driving his Porsche.

As Lex watched Clark driving the little Porsche, he leaned forward, and rested his cheek on the back of Clark's shoulder as he remembered what little he could, boosted by the details he'd gleaned from Clark's memory.



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