
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 337: Post-Dinner Plans

The screaming had stopped, at least.

Dominic looked up from his laptop, pulling his glasses from his face, and listened for a moment. He was sure Clark and Lex weren't ever going to stop, and rather than let them wake the baby up, he'd put her in her car seat on the table in front of him, with little blankets cupped around her ears. She was fast asleep, sucking on her pacifier, and Dominic rolled his eyes at the sudden silence before pushing his glasses back on. He peered down at his computer as he rocked the baby gently with one hand. Before him, the latest spread sheet for the companies financial situation was laid out, with stacks of paperwork around him as he fought to muddle through some of the tax deductibles. Since his accident he found counting numbers for too long gave him headaches, so he had to take small breaks once in a while, but that was all right--Aurora was a fun distraction. An empty bottle sat beside her burp rag beside the chair, and she'd only just fallen asleep a bit ago, and was now comfortably ensconced in her chair, sleeping the afternoon away.

Dominic was glad Clark was better, but damn.

He smiled to himself, shaking his head, and set his cell phone, set on vibrate, on the table by his computer as he typed.

Lionel was working at the desk on the other side of the bed, and he pulled his glasses off as well, staring at the wall. "Well, I think it's safe to assume that Clark is, if not well, at least on the road to a full and thorough recovery," Lionel said softly. "I'm surprised she slept through."

Dominic glanced at his lover, still counting a row of numbers in his head, and after he got the number, he gave Lionel a smile. "Road to recovery indeed," he said, even as he looked at Aurora. "I doubt a drumming band could wake her. I told you that total silence while she was asleep was a bad idea. The more noise the better--the deeper a sleeper she'll be during her life."

"And yet, the sound of her brother and brother in law having loud, vicious sex was not the background noise I was hoping for," Lionel pointed out.

"Love, somehow I doubt that will ever change. She'd better get used to it," Dominic said, smiling before looking back down at his papers. "Knight has done a good job on keeping all of this in tact, except for the, oh, small bit about not relying on totally accurate numbers. For a period of about six weeks, the numbers have gone to shit, Lionel, and I haven't the faintest where on earth it went wrong. Did you bring the paperwork for May?"#003366">Lionel nodded. "Yes, I did, it's... around somewhere," he said, looking with complete dismay upon the stacks, piles, rows, columns, and baskets of paperwork that littered the workspaces. "It's in a rather florid orange envelope, if that is of any help whatsoever in locating it."

"None at all, but thanks for the heads up," Dominic said, a grin lacing his face as he climbed to his feet with a low sigh. He grabbed the cane beside the desk and hobbled over to the large stacks on the desk they'd pulled into the office for that same reason, and started looking through it, leaning a hip on the wood and frowning over all the work they still had yet to do. "Ah! Is this it?" he lifted the orange envelope, gave it a shake.

"Didn't think it would be." Lionel rummaged through his own stack until Dominic held an envelope aloft. He turned, squinted at the envelope, sighed, put his glasses on, squinted again to bring it into focus, and then nodded. "Yes, that would be it. I put it in something quite fluorescent and easy to find, should we need it." He tossed his glasses down onto the desk. "I shall have to get new glasses soon."

"That's what you said six months ago, but you still haven't," Dominic teased as he limped back to the desk and plopped into the seat again, setting the folder on his knees, and as he had earlier that morning, spread all the packets of paper on the floor beside his chair, setting it into weeks.

"Yes, well, six months ago, I wasn't thoroughly irritated," Lionel groused. "However, I am now." He momentarily contemplated the urge to sweep all the papers off his desk and into the garbage can, but he resisted, and picked up his pen. "I am nearly done initialing and signing the week's contracts, and once I've done that, the accounts can be closed out for the month."

"Small mercy," Dominic muffled from somewhere under the table, where he was setting his papers and all that could be seen beyond his laptop was the curve of his back.

Lionel took more than a few minutes to admire the curve of Dominic's back, remembering the number of times he'd touched it or kissed it, swept his fingertips over it or rested his hand there, and he had a smile on his lips from the memories as he stared at his lover.

Dominic was nearly back on his feet entirely, Lionel reflected, and he reminded himself to give Jonathan his very deep gratitude for that. Eddie had come by several times, just to check on Dominic's progress, and though he had found fault with Jonathan's methods, his results couldn't be argued with, and Eddie had pronounced Dominic fit.

Even now he'd graduated from walker to cane, and though he still wore the knee brace and still had exercises to do, Dominic was very much more the man that he had been before his accident, and Lionel had missed him terribly.

"Damn!" Dominic growled, as he lifted the offending paper and waved it like an offensive baby wipe. "I found it. Who was in my place while I was in the hospital?" he demanded, fire in his eyes. "They didn't count the Johnson account! our numbers are off by thousands!"

But he stopped mid rant, when he saw the little lingering smile on Lionel's mouth, his warm eyes, and arched a brow. "What's that look, then?" he asked, an answering smile touching his mouth, though puzzled.

"Lex was," Lionel reminded softly. "Doing both of our jobs, with only Charlie and Wally to help." His smile widened. "I was just thinking."

"Lex should be shot in the foot," Dominic groused, but he set his papers on the table in front of him, pushing his glasses up further on his nose at Lionel's bigger smile. He could almost forget all that had happened these last few weeks, and returned the smile. "Thinking about what? Who gets to change Aurora's diaper after she wakes up?"

"How much I missed you," Lionel said honestly. "How wonderful it is to see you back on your feet again, to have you pronounced fit and able, to know that you're nearly ready to go back to your life."

Dominic grinned, at that. In pleasure. He'd been working hard to get back to this, and for someone other than Jonathan to acknowledge it made him squirm. "Couldn't stay flat on my arse for the rest of my life, now could I?"

"No, you couldn't," Lionel said firmly. "Though I was afraid for quite some time there, you might've."

Almost all the rehab equipment was gone from the gym downstairs; the machines, the parallel bars, everything that had been brought in. The wheelchairs were gone, the rockers were gone, the lifts were gone, and so were the special padded chairs and the straps in the hot tub.

All that was left, actually, was the cane, the walker, and new bars in the shower, in case he got dizzy. All in all...well, he felt normal. As normal as he could, anyway, though everything had changed and he wasn't the Dominic of before in a lot of ways. Some better, some worse. But still. He smiled at Lionel again, and shook his head. "I couldn't have done it without Jonathan, the mangy bastard." He glanced up, a little, though. "I'm sorry, Lionel, for all the pushing I've done since I left the hospital. I know it's nearly been intolerable."

"Well, I suppose that mangy bastard is a step up from cow fucker," he acknowledged, and shook his head. "Dominic... it's all right. I'm sorry that I've been short-tempered about it of late, I just felt like the only thing that you wanted was physicality, at the expense of all other things. I wanted you to get better first."

Spots of color appeared on Dominic's cheeks, and he ducked his head. "For a while..I needed to be needed. If that makes sense."

Lionel nodded, at that. "I understand being needed," he said softly. "Possibly more than you realize. I've made a career out of *not* being needed, in fact, and I realize what a surprise it is when you suddenly *are.* I can't imagine the reverse."

Dominic shrugged lightly and settled in his chair again, putting the report beside him to start cleaning up the number mess. "Well, it's over now, and things are better."

Lionel got up from his chair at the desk, and walked around the bed, sitting on the corner of it as he rubbed his lover's shoulders. "They're getting there," he murmured softly.

Dominic turned his head and gave his lover a small smile. "Sure are." He reached forward and brushed a kiss over Lionel's lips. "I think we should get to the office, Lionel, after we've muddled through this a bit. I can only imagine the hell Adam's done, in light of the missing figures. Besides, it'll be incredible fun to needle him."

Lionel nodded. "And we can take Aurora on her first outing to LuthorCorp," he said further, returning the quick kiss as he kept his hands on his lover's shoulders.

"We can," Dominic said, and looked at the sleeping baby. "How she came to be brunette, I'll never know. She looks just like you, did you know?"

Lionel rested his chin on Dominic's shoulder as he gazed at the little girl. "But she's got your chin. Stubborn, upturned little thing that it is," he said, pressing a soft kiss to the body part in question.

Dominic grinned, tipping his head both to look at said chin and for Lionel to kiss him. He didn't know where this sudden affection was coming from, but he didn't say no to it. "Isn't it though? She's got your nose, as well, but my eyes." His lips suddenly twitched. "She's a little Harry Potter, isn't she?" He reached out to gently smooth the baby's soft, downy hair.

Lionel gave the kiss he was invited to give, and then laughed softly. "All she needs is a scar on her forehead and Dominic, if I see you drawing on our daughter, I will have to put you over my knee."

He pretended a sly smirk over his shoulder. "Whoever said I would lower myself to such a thing?" A pause. "I'd let Lex do it, as he's the artistic of the family."

Lionel snorted. "Then I will have to turn him over my knee, which is a decidedly less fun proposition," he said, smirking in return.

Dominic smiled again, then tentatively set his hand over one on his shoulder. "Halloween is as few months away, you know. We could get her a wee Gryffindor scarf."

Lionel's fingers laced with Dominic's and squeezed gently. "Or we could procure her a Slytherin scarf."

"Mmmm." He gave Lionel another small smile, and though he wanted, desperately, to get close and stay there forever, he nudged at Lionel's hip. "Come now, lets get this done so we can have a peaceful dinner. I shan't be running off to fill in numbers during my soup like last night, every time it popped into my brain."

Lionel chuckled softly. "No, we'll just provide you a notebook to jot them all down in, so that you can figure them out after you've eaten." He gave his lover's fingers another gentle squeeze before disengaging them. "I hope to be finished with my stack before long, and then I'll take some of yours, provided I can decipher the accounting system that Lindy has set into place."

"it's rather easy... easier than my last system, which several have told me might as well be written in Chinese," Dominic said, and though he didn't want to let go, he did, anyway. "As for the notebook, why do I need such rubbish when the back of my hand is just as good?"

"Because a notebook provides more space to scribble on," Lionel said logically.

"But it's not *nearly* as fun," Dominic reminded, sweetly, eyes dancing behind his glasses. He choked down a lewd comment about the scar on his inner thigh, and instead pushed his glasses up his nose and tapped the small lap top mouse to take off the screen saver.

"So you say. Despite the fact that it leaves a paper trail, I find it more convenient to write on paper rather than skin." He paused. "Perhaps you should become a tattoo artist, since you like to draw on skin so much?"

"AAoooohh!!!" Aurora chose that moment to wake up, bursting out into a loud, piercing sob.

"Yes!" Dominic said, though to Aurora, not Lionel. "I know, love, your daddy has the most *appalling* sense of humor! Tattoo artist, *really*." He climbed to his feet and gently opened the little belt on the car seat, after gently seeing if she was wet, which, she was. "There now, darling. Come along, lets get you out of this soggy diaper and totally uncomfortable pink floral dress. What do you say, Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast?" He gently lifted the baby into his arms, blanket and all, and after making sure she was cozy, grabbed his cane and started out the door toward the nursery.

"I was completely serious!" Lionel called after his husband and daughter plaintively, then got to his feet. He rubbed a twinge of arthritis out of his knee, then rose to follow them.

Aurora had absolutely no idea who was talking to her, what they were saying, why they were talking to her, or anything. She just kicked out her feet and hands when she realized she was moving, and gave another unhappy sob because she was WET and she didn't LIKE being WET!

Dominic gently walked down the hall with her, leaning on his cane for support, and made it to the nursery without much problem. He bumped the door open with his hip and deposited the baby on the changing table, setting the cane aside and leaning a bit on the table as he got down a diaper and wipes. "Shhh, its all right, love," he cooed gently, his voice a tender, low pitch. "It's quite all right, isn't it? We're going to get you clean and dry, then." He heard Lionel come in but didn't say anything, just unhooking all the lacey strings and snaps and then opened the diaper... closed it so she could pee in the diaper rather then all over the table, and then wiped and put a new pamper on.

Rather than hook up all the buttons and strings he lifted her again, set her in the crook of his arm, and after he was certain of his balance, took a few steps to the left to peer at her closet.

Inside was just about every outfit known to mankind.

Dominic peered at all of it--one side all floral dresses and tap shoes and frilly hats...made a face, and glanced to the left. He took down soft yellow shorts and a white t-shirt that had Tinker Bell on both, with little matching socks, and nodded to himself.

He went back to the changing table and took the wretched floral contraption off, putting the soft cotton clothes on with a little pink bib, and smiled down at her. "There. Comfortable, now/"

Aurora gave a satisfied burp as she was changed, and whined as she was crammed back into those uncomfortable things that made her feel so tight. She wiggled and squirmed against the shirt, managing to get it halfway up over her head as she gave a loud little cry. "Unh!"

Lionel bit his tongue.


His little princess was being dressed in shorts and t-shirt.

He bit down harder.

Dominic grinned, glanced up at Lionel's horrified expression barely being kept under check, and if Dominic didn't know Lionel so well he would have thought his lover had a bit of indigestion. Instead he smiled sweetly, carefully wrapped the baby up in the blanket after making sure the very loose elastic around her teeny waist was comfortable, and snuggled her in his arms, putting a pacifier back in her mouth. "Shall we?"

Shall we rip that horrid, base, ugly outfit off my precious daughter's body and dress her befitting her station? Oh, please, God, yes. "Of course we shall," Lionel said after a long moment. "Dinner?"

Dominic just knew what Lionel was thinking, and it amused the hell out of him. He nodded, picking up his cane, and leaned heavily on it, clearing his throat. "Take Aurora, will you? I don't want to drop her down the steps."

Lionel took his daughter, and adjusted the blankets as he tucked her against his shoulder. "Come on, little princess," he murmured softly. "Let's go and see if your barbarian brother and his lover are going to be joining us."

"Oh, do we *have* to walk in on them?" Dominic asked, making a face. He followed Lionel out the door, straightening his shoulders up a bit as he did, and scratched the back of his ear. "Honestly, they may be asleep, love."

"And yet I cannot find it in myself to be worried," he pointed out. "Clark hasn't eaten in nearly a week, and Lex in almost as long. If Clark is feeling better, then they will both require food." He led the way down one hallway and up the other, proceeding towards Lex's door.

"But they'll be--" Dominic sighed as Lionel knocked.

Clark looked up from his pillow, blearily. He was covered in come, sweat, and other sticky things, and he grunted in his throat as he blinked without seeing at his lover. He'd rolled over and snuggled into Lex's shoulder, and they were a bit stuck together.

"Go. The fuck. Away," Lex yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Alexander Luthor, open the door this minute!" Lionel said, pounding his fist on the door.

"Urhmph," Clark said, and let go of Lex's shoulders as he curled deeper under the blankets. "Your dad, not my problem," he muttered on a little grin, opening one eye, smirking, and closing it again.

"Fuck off!" Lex roared again very, very clearly.

"Alexander, do not speak in front of your sister in such a way!" he bellowed.

Aurora gave a piercing sob again at all the screamy raised voices.

Clark looked up...sighed, and after a moments squirming, unstuck himself from Lex's chest. He climbed to his feet, and the delicious, thoroughly used feeling in his ass made his eyelids fall to half mast in pleasure. He pulled on a t-shirt and long pajama pants from the floor, and after glancing back to make sure Lex wasnt showing any naughty bits, opened the door a crack. "What?"

Lionel peered around the door. "Ah, Clark. Wonderful to see you up and about. Dominic and I were wondering if you and Lex would like to join us for dinner tonight," he said firmly, interposing the half of his body not holding Aurora so that Clark couldn't shut the door on him.

"Dinner? What time is it?"

Lionel consulted his watch. "It is five forty-seven PM," he answered precisely.

Clark blinked. He'd lost a few hours there somewhere, because for the life of him, he'd thought it was early afternoon. "Oh. Well, yeah. I mean… Lex and I have to get cleaned up." He shifted the smallest bit, and didn't look at Aurora. "Staying in or going out?

"We are staying in. Ms. Bird has prepared a rack of lamb grilled with asparagus and baby carrots, butter roasted potatoes, fresh garlic bread, and the beverage of your choice," Lionel said, reciting the night's menu.

"Sounds good." Then again, Clark was famished, and his stomach suddenly rumbled. "I'll order some pizza, too."

Pizza. Lionel was scandalized. "We will expect you down shortly, young man."

Clark smiled a little at Lionel's expression. "Growing boy. I think four will do it. And all right, thanks."

Dominic watched Lionel close the door, and grinned up at his lover. "You do realize he means eat them by himself, right? And why shouldn't he, he hasn't eaten in a week. Now come."

"Hmph. If you are not down by the stroke of six, I will be back up here demanding your presence," Lionel warned, then stepped back and closed the door. He followed Dominic over towards the elevator. "Of course he means by himself, but Dominic, really. Pizza and lamb. IT would be much more appropriate if Lex would order the young man several large steaks or the like."

"Clark isn't the steak type, love," Dominic said, and pushed the button for the bottom floor on the elevator control panel. "I think the only reason he eats with us sometimes is to not make us feel bad."

Lionel kept Aurora cradled against his shoulder. "I would like very much for the two of them to resume having dinner with us every week, even if Lex chooses not to cook any more. I felt much more comfortable knowing I would see the two of them at least once a week and know that they were doing all right or not." He sighed, and rubbed his cheek against Aurora's gently, so he didn't scratch her too badly. "I suppose I am just worried that Lex will think I am ignoring him now that Aurora has been born."

"Don't be. Lionel, Lex is going to be jealous no matter what," Dominic said, eyebrow raised and daring Lionel to not admit it. "No matter what you, or I, will do. I think part of what hurt Clark so much these last few weeks are Martha and Jonathan, and the fact that they love their new girls very much, and haven't had as much time for Clark as he's used to having, paired with losing Mar-El. And I think part of Lex's own grief is the fact that he lost Julian, and now he has a little sister he helped bring into this world and doesn't bloody know what to do about it--either feel guilty, or be thrilled."

"I know he will be, and I suppose I am just trying to head it off before it begins," Lionel sighed as he got off the elevator. "I think you are correct with Clark's diagnosis," he said, flashing his lover a quick grin. "Which is also why I want to make sure that we both make time for him, so that he doesn't feel abandoned on all fronts. It must be especially difficult with Victoria gone, and that friend of his gone as well, and we have to make a special effort, Dominic, even if it turns out to be useless, to at least let him know he's missed and cared for."

"Mmm. Pete." Dominic frowned, then. "Shayla has been surprisingly upbeat ever since he left. I spoke with her a bit the other night, and she seems perfectly fine. I wonder if its a ruse, because its obvious she loved the young man quite a bit." He sighed, and rubbed his face, as the elevator jolted. It didn't even give him nausea nay more, and truthfully, he barely thought of it. "I need to get her enrolled in school again this week."

"Yes, we do. I gather that during her extended absence, Clark and the others had been taking her assignments to her, despite the fact that she hasn't been officially enrolled this year," Lionel agreed. "Perhaps we should speak to her about that tonight, after our trip to LuthorCorp."

"Indeed." He nodded at his lover, and sighed. "Just to drop the paperwork off, love. I don't think I can stand a whole night of more work... what do you think?{"

Lionel rubbed his temple gently as he kissed Aurora's. "I agree. Heartily so, in fact. I propose that after we drop off the work at LuthorCorp and speak with your sister, that we arrange for her to watch Aurora for several hours while we relax in your hot tub."

Dominic looked up, vaguely alarmed. "Watch her? Watch Aurora?" His eyes widened. "No."

Lionel raised an eyebrow. "You don't think your sister is capable of watching our daughter?"

"I don't think my sister is capable of watching a Chia pet."

"Why do you say that?" Lionel asked, genuinely curious, pausing in the middle of the hallway. "I was under the impression that she was quite the capable babysitter."

"Oh, she is. But not for my daughter," Dominic said calmly, as he stepped off the elevator, then turned to wait for Lionel. "Perhaps Toni and Graham? She's been dying to watch her."

"Why not for your daughter?" Lionel asked.

"Because." Dominic didn't know hot to explain it past that, other than his fierce and total protectiveness for his daughter. "She could drop her, or not change her on time, or... something."

Lionel was hard pressed not to snort. "Dominic, I can firmly say that I would trust your sister, her stay in the psychiatric ward notwithstanding, to watch Aurora, and you disagree. I always thought I would be the one having a fit when you suggested it."

Dominic shifted uncomfortably. "Why do you think she'd watch her properly, then?"

"Because she did an admirable job with the children when the blizzard came," Lionel said reasonably. "And with Shane and Eleanor when the situation calls for it. As I have not heard of her dropping Shane on his head, no matter how much he might have needed it, I see no reason to think she might do otherwise for our daughter."

"Shane is a stocky boy, even if she dropped him, he'd be fine," Dominic said. He all but wanted to ring his hands. "What if she lets her choke? or...or doesn't clean her properly, or forgets to pat her like she likes it?"

"Why Dominic, I do believe you are turning into an overprotective parent," Lionel said, a shadowy grin teasing his lips.

Dominic glared. "And why not, then? She's mine, and I shan't have my stupid sister hurting her in any way." But an hour alone with Lionel sounded so very, very good, and he sighed. "If you can promise me Shayla will take excellent care of her, then fine. If she hurts her in any way, I'm sending her off to boarding school."

"We could ask Lex and Clark to sit with her, though I don't think that either of them would agree to it," he said softly. "Dominic, can you honestly tell me that you don't trust your sister?"

Dominic hated being on the end of these questions. "No. I do trust her. I just.." He didn't know how to explain it, and he squirmed uncomfortably.

"Don't want your daughter within a country mile of her," Lionel supplied.

Dominic positively squirmed. "No, that's not it either," he said, as they walked into the big dining room. The basinet beside the head of the table was waiting for the baby. "I just… I..." He sighed.

"Would feel better with another babysitter?"

Dominic sighed. "No, it's all right. We just have to give her explicit instructions. Like not to turn the baby upside down," he muttered, ignoring Mrs. Birds smile at him when the woman bustled out of the room, and gently took Aurora from his husband, laying her in the bassinet himself.

"Overprotective," Lionel said into his lover's ear when he took Aurora, and ran his hand over his lover's back.

Dominic glared at him and gently tucked the blanket around Aurora's shoulders, carefully making sure her head was comfortable and her bib wasn't constricting her throat, and leaned into the crib to gently kiss her forehead before he took his seat.

Lionel was already sitting at the head of the table, beside the bassinet, and he smiled at his lover as Dominic scowled at him. "Would you like to sit beside her, or shall I move you to the other side so she can sit between us?"

"No, it's quite fine. Leave it for Lex." He glanced up, then. "Good evening, Ms. Bird." To tell the truth, in the deep, dark parts of his heart Dominic hadn't quite forgiven Ms. Bird for what she'd done to him, but he was very good at keeping civil with people he wasn't happy with, so he offered her a kind smile. "How are you?"

Ms. Bird, for her part, wasn't nearly so senile as most people thought, and she easily caught the differences in the way he spoke to her and acted towards her, and if it upset her, she didn't show it either. "I em fine," she said with a grin. "Chu chould not vorry aboot me," she said, fluttering her hands towards the baby. "Chu should vorry about chur daughter end chur husband." She put her hands on her hips. "Und chu should vorry aboot getting Lecks und Clark down for dere dinner."

"They're coming down in the next," He glanced at his watch. "Ten minutes, or I'll go back upstairs for them. Clark is ordering pizza, by the way, if someone comes to the door."

She grinned broadly. "Aye, dat's m'boy. I vill bring dem out vhen dey get here, and un liter uff Pepsi too, with de dinner." She sent a glare to Lionel, and then turned it back on Dominic, shaking her finger. "Chu do not snitch a slice of de pizza," she scolded. "HE is a growing boy und he needs de food himself."

Lionel raised his hands in a gesture of innocence. "Believe me, dear lady, eating Clark's pizza is the entire last thing on my agenda for today."

- = - = -

No, no one was going to eat his pizza. And it was going to take a bit longer than ten minutes for Clark and Lex to come down, because...well, Lex had gotten him in the shower, and then Clark had gone down.

On Lex.

He was licking what was left of his lovers come from that huge, gorgeous, delicious cock which he knew he was going to start worshipping. His own come was between his fingers as he stroked the remnants of his come from his cock, mming softly in pleasure there from his kneeling position between his lovers legs. He slipped his fingers free of Lex's ass, gently stroking the tiny entrance as he lapped at the tip of the sagging cock, and smiled upward.

Lex was leaning bonelessly against the shower wall, one hand supporting his limp cock as his other just flopped aimlessly by his side. He seriously considered plunking down on his ass in the shower, then gave into the consideration and splashed down as he fought for breath.

His toes reached out just enough to stroke over Clark's cock, teasing his balls gently. "You've killed me. You've officially sucked my brain out through my cock."

Clark grinned again, shyly, as he nibbled on the inside of his lovers thigh before leaning his cheek against a warm thigh, slumped on the shower floor too as the hot spray fell over them. He smirked cheerfully, at his own skill, squirming happily at the pure relaxed feeling in his limbs, and nibbled gently on his lovers balls.

Lex groaned softly as he leaned his head back, sliding his fingers through Clark's wet hair. "As soon as I've grown a new brain, I'll remember that I like to give blowjobs as well as receive them, and it'll be my chance to suck your brain out," Lex threatened, letting the water stream down into his face. He pulled on Clark's shoulder, wrapping his legs around his lover's waist as he tugged him to sit upright, Lex's chest to Clark's back.

"You say that like it'd be punishment," Clark offered, grinning up at him as he slithered up to rest against his lover. He sighed, squirming more comfortably against Lex's chest and tickling their toes together as he brought their hands to his wet, spent crotch. "I like giving you blowjobs."

"Believe me, Clark, I don't mind getting them," he said, returning the grin as he put his cheek on the top of Clark's head. "I just would like to occasionally return the favor." He reached down and stroked his lover's cock, too.

Clark smiled, wriggling his and Lex's toes gently together, and looked down at their feet as he beamed. Lex must have been at an angle, because their toes wound together, when usually Clark's legs were much longer, and he tipped his head, gazing at their feet. "Lex, are you leaning against something?"

"Um... no?" Lex answered. "Just the wall."

"Hmm," Clark said. He was a little too orgasmic to think about it for a moment, just tickling their feet… before he stopped and looked over his shoulder. "You're not leaning against anything?"

"No, I'm not leaning against anything." Lex scooted forward to prove it.

Clark blinked again, and looked back down at their feet. There was no doubt about it...there feet were closer together, when Clark's long legs usually hung off down the bed, bath, or wherever they were. "Then..." He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. He had to be sleepy, that must have been it. "Well...come on. Let's brush our teeth before your dad flips out."

"You could have ripped his head off," Lex said conversationally, wiggling his toes as he lazily held out his hands to Clark to be pulled up.

"Who, your dad? Yeah, but I was too happy to do it," Clark said, grinning as he took his lovers hands in his own, linking their fingers, and lifted.

Lex grinned. "Happy to have our little nap disturbed by his overly-officious pounding and demanding?" When he stood, his head no longer hovered at Clark's shoulder, but reached nearly to his ears, but he didn't notice.

Clark grinned broadly and hugged his lovers waist, pulling him close and squeezing him tightly. "It was intense, Lex. I forgot my name. It was so hot, so fucking good. When can we do it again?" He all but squirmed like a puppy.

"How about after dinner?" Lex asked, winking as he was squeezed and squeezing back.

Clark beamed, inhaling sharply and nodding several times. "Okay. But... can I maybe…" he squirmed. "Wear the plug? Until?"

Lex gave the matter due consideration, all of a second and a half. "Only if you let me slide it in," he compromised.

Clark beamed and did a little squirm under the hot spray, stroking his fingers over his lovers bald head. "Will it… it'll be safe, you think?"

"I honestly don't know," Lex said. "I think it should be, because it won't be all night, and it won't be *me.* We don't know what kind of other organochemical processes happened the night that Mar was conceived. I think we're safe with a piece of non-organic plastic."

Clark, who loved when his lover started using big words, stopped to listen dreamily for just a sec, grinning like an idiot as he shoved the long hair out of his eyes. "As cute as you are, I mean, do you think the come's washed out of me already? I don't want to keep it inside of me with the plug."

Lex opened his mouth to answer an automatic yes, and then closed it as a new thought occurred to him. "You know? I don't know. Before I would have said yes, but now with the added... ah, engorgement? I'm actually not sure how deep into your body my semen would have been ejaculated and if a shower is enough to wash it out of those depths."

Clark sighed and nodded, gently rubbing his lips over Lex's. "I think I should keep something out, for now. Let it leak out." he made a face at that, winced, but rolled his eyes as he stepped out of the shower. "I swear, sometimes I am such a freak. Come on, lets go eat, so we can come back and have fantastic sex."

"A freak? Clark, the last time I checked, you weren't the one adding inches to his sexual organs," Lex pointed out, following his damp lover out of the shower.

Clark snickered and toweled off his own hair, hooking his towel around his hips and leaning down to gently kiss Lex. Nearly bashed his nose, and frowned as he pulled back a bit to do it again, gently. "You're going to have to buy new trousers, baby."

"Don't remind me," Lex growled. "I'm going to have to refit my entire wardrobe."

"No more cross dressing," Clark said, wriggling gently against his lover in amusement as he kissed a softly scented, warm neck.

"At least not without a lot more assistance than I've currently got in my closet, that's for fucking sure," he growled, thrusting back against Clark's hips, rising just barely to bring them in contact together, shoulder to shoulder, belly to belly, and cock to cock.

Clark grinned down at his lover, but was once again disquieted over how much... taller Lex seemed. He frowned, then, as his lover wound an arm around his hips. "Lex?"

"Yes, Clark?" Lex's brow furrowed at the frown his aushna' sported.

"Do you think, if it's possible your body chemistry is changing, that mine is too? I don't...feel as tall as usual," he said, frowning all the deeper for it as he nipped his lovers lower lip. "Usually I have to bend down and crane to get your mouth."

"I would, if you pushed me, suspect that it might be the other way around, and any biochemical changes you are going through could be affecting me through the membranous ingestion of your fluids," Lex said. He looked down at himself, then stood beside Clark.

His head rose past Clark's shoulder, and stopped near to his ear.

"I don't think you're shrinking."

Clark frowned. "You can't be getting taller, Lex. That's impossible. A cock is one thing--your whole bone structure shifting and growing? That's crazy." He stroked Lex's slender shoulders, then around to cup his neck and bring him in for a gentle kiss.

Lex returned the gentle kiss, and he noticed that as he did, he didn't have to stretch nearly as much as he usually did to close the distance in their heights. "I sincerely doubt your bone structure is shifting and shrinking," Lex pointed out. "But there is a simple way to discern which one of us is changing."

"How?" Clark asked, gently leaning into his lover to kiss him again. He had to admit, this was easier on his neck, and so much better to see Lex eye to eye, but he didn't altogether like the fact that he couldn't lord his height on Lex anymore. Even so, he nipped and licked Lex's lips, smiling into them, gently.

"By going down to the lab and measuring our heights," he said simply. "The scales down there have the standard measure, and I know what my height is and yours--and if there's a fluctuation in either of us, that's where it'll show up."

"Lets do that before we eat?" Clark asked, towel drying his hair as he led Lex, after one more gentle kiss, back into the bedroom. He hadn't gotten dressed properly in a few days, so he yanked on jeans and a t-shirt, pushing into his shoes cause he knew how much Lionel despised people going to dinner barefoot, and combed his long hair, though it kept getting tangled a bit.

"Yeah, I think we should. You go down, I'll deal with telling Father dearest that we're going to be even later to dinner," he said with a scowl. "He'll just love to hear that."

"I think he and Dominic are secretly enjoying the private time," Clark said, but he nodded and kissed Lex's upturned mouth again, just once more, because he couldn't get enough of those kisses, those sweet, devastatingly, luxuriant kisses. "I'll meet you in the lab, babe."

Lex wrapped his arms around Clark's neck, fingers stroking through the still-wet hair. "I'll be down there as quickly as possible," he promised.

Clark nodded, and after one more kiss, and God, how could he have thought this was terrible, Lex being taller? Just one more kiss... then one more, nipping all along a slender, smooth jaw, to the shell of a warm ear, and he blew in it softly as his hands stroked the small of his lovers back.

Lex shivered as his toes tingled at the breath across his ear. Why his toes were connected to his ear he didn't know--or, really, care about, at the moment--but they still tingled as he rubbed against Clark's shirt. His hands went to rub under the shirt and stroke over his lover's warm skin as he nibbled Clark's throat.

Clark smiled at the dimple behind his lovers ear before lifting up and away. "After dinner," he promised, kissing him one last time before sauntering out.



go on to the next part