
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 341: Bliss

And so it was. When Clark was again aware of himself, he very vaguely felt warm, female fingers stroking his hair back from his eyes, and opened an eye blearily to focus. His body felt amazingly wrung out, hot and sated and sleepy. All of the trembling power in his limbs was quiet, his muscles aching pleasantly, and he smiled up at Chloe.

Chloe couldn't help a grin. She and Shayla had long since been untied by Lex, had made out for a while, and then had tended to the poor men on the bed. Whitney was snuggled beside Clark, fast asleep, and Clark looked... well, he was just cute. "Hello, sex god."

She was overjoyed to see the grin that brought.

Shayla was curled up in the little warm space between Clark and Lex, her back and butt pressed against his chest and groin as she stroked Lex's shoulders quietly, even as Lex was grinning down at Clark.

"Sex god is a little... understated," Lex said, leaning over to kiss Chloe, and then down to nibble at Clark's lower lip.

Whitney? Still snoring.

"My back hurts," Clark complained softly, even as he felt Shayla snuggle against his body. He rubbed her side gently and kissed Lex's mouth, with a depth of love and tenderness he showed no one but his aushna'. "My Lex. I love you," Clark said softly, and brought his lovers fingers to his mouth, kissing the warm digits softly.

"My Clark," Lex murmured just as quietly, lavishing Clark's mouth with tender kisses as soon as Clark had finished kissing his fingers. His hands stroked through Clark's hair, and his arms moved to cradle his lover against his chest. "Are you all right?" he asked, concerned, as he slid his hand down to rub Clark's sore back.

Clark nodded, smiling, and whispered over Shayla's head, "I think its trying to keep the skittle from moving while I fucked her. I gave some of my power to Whitney to heal and recover--it'll be okay in a bit." He kissed his lover again. "This is what I needed. thank you, aushna'."

"I heard that!" yelled the skittle in question, and she thumped the back of her head against his hipbone, and then rubbed the smarting area with her palm.

"You're welcome, aushna'," Lex replied into his lover's mouth, insanely glad to have been part of something that made his aushna' feel so good.

"I need a shower, now. And food. Lots of food."

He turned to look for Chloe, and found her with her bathrobe on. "Chloe?"

"John," she said, with a smile, and wrapped the robe tight around herself before slipping out of the room.

Shayla got up when Chloe did. "You stay here. I'll help with John, and get him changed and put down after Chloe feeds him, and then she'll feed you lumberjacks, okay?"

Lex reached out and grabbed Shayla by the wrist, tugging her back down onto the bed, so that she landed on top of Clark. "Stay," he said. "Is there anything you want to... I don't know, ask? Clark? Anything we need to tell her or explain to her?"

"Whatever she wants to know," Clark said, smiling as his ashikana winked at him and left. He turned his eyes to Shayla, heavy lidded with pleasure, and sighed happily. "Any questions? Comments? Advice for my breast stroke?" he asked, stroking said breast as he said it, his thumb sweeping over the tip.

"Comments? I think Guh and wow and a little of holy shit sufficiently covers it," she replied, hissing a little breath as his large thumb stroked over her. "Questions... I have about a million, but I'm not sure they're anything you can answer other than, cause it's the way I am," she said frankly. "But, just as a rhetorical question to start things off, Lex, dude, how the fuck do you *live* with that *stamina??*"

Lex chuckled softly. "Oh, I get a great deal of enjoyment out of it, believe me."

Clark beamed at that, ego inflating so he straightened a little, puffed out his chest the smallest bit, even as a little blush peaked at his cheek bones. "Lex has it more than me."

Shayla's eyes boggled. "Ain't possible."

Lex just stroked over Clark's hip, then reached down to stroke his cock. "You'll see."

Clark smiled, blushing softly as he reached around Shayla to kiss Lex again, softly, and nuzzle his cheek and neck, fingers driving over a warm, bare chest to tweak Lex's nipple. "What else, Shayla?"

Shayla reached out and touched Clark's bare skin, sliding it over his chest, down to his belly and then back up. "Why do I feel so comfortable with you? Like this is where I'm supposed to be and it just took me awhile to figure it out?"

"Because you're my ashikeeneh', and John's second mother." Clark looked up. "Where I'm from, many people raise a family, not just parents. As a family grows, so does the network of people. I don't understand it myself, I just... know. It feels right, and good, for you to be here with us. It changes things, though, in a lot of ways."

She nodded. "Yeah, it does." She snuggled in closer to him anyway, and dragged his free arm over her waist. "I adore John so much. He's just the greatest little kid ever." Then she looked up at him. "I... really don't think my brother should ever know this."

Clark's eyes widened, and he shook his head firmly. "No. No, most certainly not." But? he smiled. "How do you feel? Was the dildo nice?"


She gave a huge shiver at that. "God yes. It was *hot.* And feeling the pins hold me open like that so it could go in deeper? I should have learned *that* trick months ago."

Clark beamed. Just… beamed. "I read that off of a smutty Buffy fic a few months ago, and have been dying to try it. The toys are Lex's though, thank him."

Shayla turned her eyes over to Lex. "Thank you," she said politely, and then blushed. "Christ, I can't believe you guys helped me pick out strap-ons and now I'm *here.*"

Clark smiled broadly at her, leering as he glanced at Lex once, before his shining eyes met Shayla's. "You've always wanted to see us fuck, after all."

"And I still do," she said shyly, then just coughed. "Okay, I might as well get it over with. Clark, I adore you, you're just... I don't even have words, but Lex? I have had a crush on you since like, Christmas."

Lex blinked serenely at her. "Tell me something I didn't already know, Shay."

She couldn't have blushed harder if she'd tried.

"He's rather pretty, isn't he?" Clark sighed softly in pleasure, and nuzzled Lex's neck, a little protectively, licking the soft indent and then the jaw, making a low sound in his throat for kisses.

"Yeah, he really is." But, instead of trying to snuggle up to Lex, she stayed snuggled against Clark, turning on her side to bury her bright red face in his chest as he kissed Lex.

Lex answered the little sound with the requested kisses, deep and wet and full of his tongue as he nibbled and sucked, licking gently at Clark's mouth and stroking his cheek gently as he nibbled.

Clark beamed into the kisses, licking and sucking gently at that warm, lovely mouth, and when they finally parted he was panting the smallest bit, lips ruby red and swollen, and his eyes were dancing at the blond head pressed to his chest. "You okey down there? You know, it's okay to initiate kisses and stuff, Shay."

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay." Then she grinned up at him. "Yeah. I know that too, but you guys... you're just so *cute* together!"

His lips quirked. "I know. But you can be cute, too, you know." He turned her gently, her back to his chest, her butt to his groin, and lifted her hands to slide them over Lex's baby smooth shoulders. "See? He's soft, really warm, and hard in all the right places." he drew her hand, still twined with his, down to a firm cock, which he lightly stroked, wrapping her fingers around it and moving it up and down.

He jerked forward with his hips the smallest bit so she got closer to Lex, and then leaned in so she had no choice but to lean in to Lex as well. "Kiss him, Shay."

"Yeah, I see," she said, a little breathlessly as Clark wrapped her fingers around Lex's cock and stroking it with her. She not only had a crush on Lex, he intimidated the hell out of her, not that she'd ever tell him that, and this was exhilarating, like petting one of the caged tigers at the zoo--rippling sinews, soft skin, and so much latent power that could at any second rise up and snap you in half.

She shivered again as Clark leaned her forward, her hand still stroking Lex's cock as she kissed him on the cheek, breathing softly into his ear.

Lex wasn't going to have any of that, and gently caught her chin, turning her head so that he could kiss her deeply. Not as tender or wet as the kisses he reserved for Clark, but his tongue tasted her thoroughly as he nibbled her lip, sucking gently as his hips thrust into her hand, letting his cock slide in her grip.

Clark smiled shyly and nuzzled Shayla's neck as he watched her and Lex kiss, and his hand slid gently down her hip, stroking across her heavy, dampening mound to lightly stroke the lips. "There… just like that sweetie... just like that.."

Shayla gave a pleased little murmur in her throat as she turned her lower body around just a little, spreading her legs so that Clark could stroke to his heart's content.

Her fingers stroked gently over Lex's bald head, touching almost reverently as Lex refused to let her mouth go when she tried to shyly pull away.

Lex kept a firm pressure on her lips, gently stroking her mouth with his tongue, letting her touch him and get used to him as she looked shyly down at the hand on his cock. He reached down with his free hand and tightened her grip, just a little, letting her know it was okay to do so as she stroked.

And Clark, being Clark, beamed and squirmed around them, letting Shayla go carefully. Whitney was asleep somewhere up around the pillows, and he carefully moved one long thigh, pressing a kiss to it before he was able to move in behind Lex. He scooted down the bed, legs almost hanging off, as he spread Lex's thighs. He draped the top over Shayla's hip so the little shadowed hollow was open to him. The bag was on the floor beside the bed and he leaned over it, rummaging a moment before he took out a little tube of gelled candy Dominic had given him with a leer the night after Clark had taken Lex in the hallway.

He picked it up now, uncapping it and squirting some on his fingers, before he smeared it carefully across the warm sunburst, stroking it everywhere, before he scooted down, wrapped his arms around Lex's waist, and dove between those thighs to start licking at that delicious candy.

Lex gave a groan as Clark's tongue started to flicker over him, shuddering gently. He rolled forward a little more, exposing his opening further to Clark as he deepened his kiss to Shayla, stroking a little more strongly and urgently than before as he held her still and close.

His leg pulled her hips closer, his cock sliding in the damp space between her thighs, rubbing against her skin as he groaned.

Shayla was giving little squeaks of surprised pleasure as Lex's cock rubbed against her thighs. The kisses were sucking her breathless, breaking only long enough to let her gasp softly before the next powerful one captured her, and when his cock shifted against her body, she let it go and wrapped her arms around his shoulder instead, one hand dropping to playfully tease his nipples before looking up to see his reaction.

Clark grinned and slithered his tongue into his lovers tight hole, his free hand moving across Shayla's bottom to rock her forward against the hard cock against her. His tongue moved deeper, thicker, stroking against the inner recesses of his lovers body. He didn't want to control this--he wanted Lex to control it, so he oh so carefully rimmed him, biting at the edges, slickening his lovers pert little entrance.

Lex arched into the cool little fingers on his chest, teasing his nipples back into rock hardness, and he returned the favor. When he felt Shayla pressing tightly against his cock, his fingers slid down to her slit, working their way between the wet lips to stroke inside, feeling the small passage contract around him with every stroke.

His mouth finally pulled away from hers, and moved to her mouth. "Do you want me to fuck you?" he asked softly. "Feel me stroking inside you while you see Clark over my shoulder, fucking me just as hard as he fucked you before?" His fingers didn't stop stroking inside her as he asked, and his breath was hot and moist as it blew over her ear.

Shayla shuddered, hard and full-bodied as Lex's fingers worked inside her and spread her open. She felt herself clamping down on his fingers, trying to pull them deeper, and then she whimpered softly at his words. "C-can you do that?" she asked, eyes wide. "Be in the middle?"

Lex gave a nod, and buried the smile in her shoulder. "Yes, I can, and I have before," he said. "It's all up to you, Shayla."

"Has many times before," Clark purred, muffled at Lex's ass where he was biting and nibbling, fully enjoying his treat as his long, rough fingers teased Lex's balls and perineum, gently stroking them before taking one of the balls in his mouth. It tasted musky, of Shayla, and he moaned softly between his lovers thighs. He licked softly, suckling until he moved between them, licking over Lex's fingers where they were inside Shayla, lapping at her wet heat before scooting back for another strawberry, Shayla taste rimming of his lovers warm, delightful, sinful ass.

Shay gave a little squeal as she felt Clark's tongue lapping at her slit again, and that helped to decide her, the warm tongue and the hot fingers and the humid breaths at her ear. "Yes, yes, that's what I want, I want to see Clark inside you, AJ, please, while you're inside me."

"That's my girl," Clark growled, and sent her a wicked grin as he leaned over the bed for the lube. He licked Whitney's toes as his ashimel slept before he grasped his cock, which was hardening, and gave it three hard strokes until he was aching again. His balls thrummed softly from the abuse of before but he promised them pleasure this time as he opened the lube and slickened his fingers.

He slid one inside Lex, two, and then slickened his cock as he handed the bottle to Lex. "Front or back, Shayla?"

Oh, God. "Back," she breathed softly, seeing Clark stroking his fingers inside Lex.

Lex's eyebrows hit where his hairline should be, even as he leaned forward enough to let Clark's fingers inside him. "That was unexpected," he teased, "not that I mind." He reached behind her, pulling down pillows and tucking them under her back until she was raised to his liking, her legs spread wide and both her openings exposed.

The bottle of lube was warm in Lex's hands as he squirted it out, then looked down to make sure. "You're sure?"

"God yes," she said, squirming a little on the pillows and lifting her hips up in answer.

Clark reached around and stopped Lex's fingers before they moved, looking over his aushna's shoulder at the girl with a frown pulling his eyebrows together. "Have you ever had anal sex, Shayla?"

She nodded. "Yes, with Pete, with my vibrator too," she answered, nodding faster. "I know what I'm doing, Clark, trust me, thank you for worrying, but I know what I want."

Clark was still frowning a little, in worry mostly, but he let Lex's hands go and sat back to watch them get prepared. He lightly stroked his cock, propping himself up on the bed with the other hand and spreading his thighs a little around Lex's own. "How are we going to do this? Spooned?"

Lex looked back at his aushna', looking at him curiously. "How do you feel about riding, Shay?" he asked, still looking at his lover. "That is, if Clark can handle my weight and yours."

"Or you can lay flat, I can get on my knees behind you, and Shayla can ride you," Clark offered, lightly tugging at the head of his shiny cock.

Shayla reached out and stroked Clark's cheek softly. "I would rather see you and him, than worry about adding myself in," she said shyly. "Because you are beautiful with him."

Clark smiled and opened his mouth to gently suck her thumb in, as it stroked his lips. He suckled at it softly, tracing the nail with his tongue, before kissing the small palm. "Later, Shayla. There's time for it all."

She nodded. "I know there is." Her eyes fell to half-mast as Clark kissed her palm. "I just don't want to make things difficult."

Lex tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention, and when that didn't work, he physically turned her head to look at him. "Get it through your little pink skull," he said seriously. "You're not making things difficult. You're a part of our family now, and we're going to take care of you. That includes making sure that a 99-pound little girl like you doesn't get squashed under three hundred pounds of men like Clark and I," he said, finishing with a ducked head to lick at both her still-hard nipples.

Clark's lips twitched at Lex's words, and his eyes danced as he nodded. "What Lex said. Shayla, don't you feel it? Can't you see the link you have to all of us now?" He shifted onto one thigh, sitting up higher to carefully stroke his thumb over her forehead once. He tugged lightly on the link and flushed Shayla's body with his, and Lex's, combined pleasure, shivering at the feeling and groaning softly.

Shayla's entire body seemed to go liquid with the sudden flush of hot ecstasy sliding through her veins. Her nipples prickled harder, if possible, the hair on her arms rose, her skin tingled with it, toes curling as her fingers stroked over Lex's shoulder and Clark's chest. "Oh my God."

"That is what we feel, for you," Clark murmured quietly, and kissed her palm again. He reached forward to suckle softly at one nipple as Lex sucked the other, and licked and massaged the small breast, the side of his head bumping with Lex's. "This is what we want. Do you want, Shayla?"

"Oh yes," she said, answering without hesitation. She didn't even have to think about it, really, she knew she did. She knew she *belonged* here, with these people, with Clark and Lex, Chloe and Whitney and John. They needed her, in a way that the rest of her family, and anyone else she'd never known did, not even Pete. "I want, Clark. I want to be part of your family, I want to be with you all, I want to love you all and be loved," she answered softly.

Lex rubbed his cheek against her breast for a moment as he spoke quietly. "You've surprised me, ashikeeneh'."

Clark beamed at her, nuzzling her nipple softly before lifting up to kiss her cheek, then her lips. He pulled back and kissed Lex's lips gently, and hugged his shoulders softly to him. "Lex, the best would be if you lay on your back, Shayla rode you, and I fucked you from behind. I can massage her as she rides you."

Lex nodded. "I think you're right." He held out his hands to Shayla, and drew her over to him, even as he laid down on his back and propped up his head beside Whitney's shoulder. "And Whitney will kick himself for missing this," he said with a snort, then focused his attention on Shayla. "Come here."

Shayla let Lex draw her forward, and moved to straddle his hips. "You know, the last time I tried to ride someone, Graham came in and yanked me off by the hair," she said shyly, squeezing Lex's fingers and guiding them down to her ass.

"Nobody's going to disturb us here," Lex pointed out, letting her lead his fingers down to her opening, and then made sure they were still slick before sliding one in, and spreading her little hole open.

"Except maybe Chloe when she comes in. Oh, she's gonna be mad," Clark said, smiling as he helped Shayla situate her hips on Lex's, and watched, with a dry mouth, as Lex slid his finger into her. It slid, slowly and easily, and Clark made a low sound of pleasure as he watched, licking his lips.

He snuggled in between Lex's spread thighs and cupped her breasts, stroking the nipples with his thumbs as he massaged her, carefully and slowly to build up the pleasure.

"She can wake up Whitney and join in," Shay said, a little breathlessly as she leaned back into Clark.

Lex's fingers were longer and thinner than Pete's or Clark's, and she couldn't help squirming just a little in pleasure as two of them slipped inside her, spreading her wide.

One of her own hands went to Clark's on her breasts, balancing against his wrist while the other slid down between her legs, gently rubbing her clit and rocking her hips on Lex's fingers.

Lex was more than a little surprised at the eagerness with which Shayla was accepting his fingers and urging them deeper. "You know, I think I was in the wrong place all those years," Lex said, voice throaty as he worked a third finger into Shayla's little rosebud to spread her open. "Never knew you quiet, shy types liked it up the ass."

Shay let out a moan that turned into a giggle at the tail end. "I didn't know I did either until I tried it," she pointed out, panting as three fingers slid inside her and she squeaked. "Please hurry, I want... I want to feel you." Her grip tightened on Clark's wrist.

"Hey!" Clark said, over Shayla's shoulder, glaring down at his lover. His hands squeezed a little harder, flicking his nail over the tight, hot nipple as his mouth worked at her shoulder blade. He felt her hand clamp down on his wrist and eased his chest against her back for balance, as he stroked her skin.

"I think... I think he meant both of us," she squeaked again, rolling her hips so that she was sliding on Lex's fingers.

"She's actually quite right," Lex said with a husky laugh. "I am talking about the both of you."

Shayla's back arched forward as Clark's nail slid over her nipple, and she pressed her head back against his shoulder. "That felt so good," she confessed, rubbing against him as much as she could.

Lex's fingers slid out of her entirely and pulled her forward, so that the head of his cock nudged against the slick ring of muscle he'd just stretched open. "Down," he said softly. "Slide down," he clarified, his hands pulling her down to meet his thrust up.

Clark let go of her breasts to steady her hips, his big hands carefully spreading her ass cheeks as he watched with a hawks eye as she nuzzled down against the hard length begging to slide into her. His free hand kept Lex's cock steady, purring softly, and deeply, at what he was watching. Lex's hips, propped on a bit of blanket, were perfect for her to slide in, his little entrance peaking out at him, begging him to fill it.

His cock surged hot, thrumming like mad as his blood began to roar and he began to ache with need. "Yess... Shayla... oh, God.."

Shayla had no idea what Clark was saying, or doing, as she started to push down on Lex's cock. He was wider, thicker, longer and fuller than she'd ever imagined, and she shuddered hard with every inch of it that slid inside her.

She relaxed her body as his cock finally slid in, so much so that her muscles were pulling her down as Lex pushed up into her. "Oh, God," she said, her eyes squeezed shut and her nails digging into Lex's shoulders as she leaned forward. "Oh God."

Lex's legs were spread open just enough to reveal his entrance to Clark, and he was watching closely as Shayla slid down on his cock. Her ass was tight, hot around his cock, and he was, at the back of his mind, finding it hard to believe that she really wasn't a virgin, but the ease with which she rolled her hips to slide him deeper certainly spoke of her experience. "Clark, please... inside," he pled, sliding his fingers into Shayla's slit as he felt his cock rubbing against him.

Clark was a trembling ball of need. He groaned, softly and low in his throat, as Shayla took all of Lex, and in his mind Clark thought of how *good* that cock felt and his own erection hardened to the point of pain. He made a low, soft whimpering sound in his throat and spread Lex's thighs, carefully angling himself, holding onto Shayla's waist to do it as he slowly, ever so slowly, inched into his lover.

Glorious, aching, and he pulled back and surged forward into the hot, clasping heat, eyes closed as he gasped in pleasure. Slow, careful movements--God, there was nothing like fucking his lover, *nothing*, and he whimpered and mewled softly as he moved.

Lex groaned as Clark slid into him, his body fitting his lover's cock like a glove. He squeezed his ass around Clark's cock as he thrust up, rocking his hips up so that his cock fucked Shayla's ass just as hard and as deeply as Clark's cock was reaming him.

He wanted hard, he wanted fast and bloody and possessive, but he couldn't have it with Shayla riding his cock, so he satisfied himself with fucking and getting fucked, squeezing his lover hard as he rocked up into Shayla.

The grip on her waist was amazing, and it was just the last incentive she needed to swallow Lex to the root, so that he could thrust the entire length of his cock in and out of her. Her eyes crossed at the thick shaft penetrating her, pounding her brain like Clark's thrusts had, and she leaned back against Clark's hot chest, kissing his throat and jaw.

Clark made a low, deep sound in his throat as he rocked steadily into his lover until he was seated firmly, and held Shayla tightly against his body. He was shuddering, shaking, body trembling in need, one hand sliding down to her sopping wet folds to lightly play with the curls there as he slowly began to thrust. Slow but deep, even but gentle, making sure to keep himself slow and steady. It was pure sensation, nirvana, and he sighed softly as he took Lex's hand tightly in his, winding their fingers.

Lex's fingers clasped his lover's fingers tightly, squeezing them hard with every thrust. He moved back against Clark as much as he could, lifting Shayla almost effortlessly, thrusting into her as he rocked back against Clark's cock.

Shayla was whimpering hard, feeling Lex's cock stroking up to her brain and Clark's fingers teasing her slit and tugging playfully at her curls. She squeezed Lex's cock, causing him to grunt and thrust up harder as she rubbed her back against Clark's chest. Her eyes crossed at Lex's rougher thrusts, and she reached down, putting her hand on his belly for balance as she started to slide faster on his cock.

Clark groaned softly, deeply, his body shuddering as he grasped Lex's fingers tightly in his own, thrusting forward and back as Shayla rode Lex's cock, with Lex thrusting into her more than anything else. It was pure pleasure, and his eyes closed, letting the rhythm take him over as he moved. His body was shaking as he did so, moaning deeply from his chest as he thrust, back and forth, delicious, GOOD.

His fingers reached around Shayla's tiny hip and began to stroke her clit in time with their thrusts.

Lex gave sharp little grunts as he thrust up, rocking his cock in and out of Shayla's tight passage even as he tried to urge Clark to move faster and harder. When he reached out and found Clark's fingers at Shay's clit, Lex used his other hand to reach up and tweak her nipples, one then the other as he tugged them gently.

Shayla gave a frantic little squeak as Clark's fingers started to rub her clit. She tried to press her thighs together to trap his hand exactly where it was but couldn't close them around Lex's hips. Instead she trembled, trying to thrust her body both ways, onto Clark's fingers and Lex's cock. "Clark, Lex, harder, please," she pled with a little whimper, lightly scratching her nails over Lex's belly.

Clark moaned, very, very loudly, and brought his hips back to thrust into his lover, *hard*. The thrust jolted Shayla and made Clark moan again, and then once more, shivering as he began to move faster inside his lover, groaning low in his throat--it felt good, unspeakably good, so very fucking good, and he held Shayla tighter, stroking her faster, as he moved.

Shay gave little cries as she was jolted and bounced on Lex's cock, but she didn't complain, instead riding the thrusts carefully, squeezing his cock at every opportunity as she pushed against Clark's fingers. Her free hand went down and rubbed over his fingers at her clit, then reached back to slide through his hair, pulling him closer.

Lex was in heaven with Clark's pounding strokes. His fingers tightened on his lover's as he thrust Shayla upwards, rocking her whole body with the strength of his own needs as he rode Clark's cock. Hard and fast and it was *too* delicious, and he could feel his balls wanting to come and he tried to stop it, determined to enjoy Clark's hard fucking as long as he could.

Clark moaned, loudly and deeply, and thrust into his lover hard. "It's okay, Lex, give y-yourself over, Kenep, it's okay, oh, God," Clark moaned again, and then once more, squirming into each thrust as he set his face in the crook of Shayla's throat and wailing like a bitch in heat. "Oh, God!" It was incredible, warm female back, gorgeous male body in front of him, and thrust thrust thrust.

Lex's body jerked as Clark wailed into Shayla's shoulder, feeling the pleasure jackknifing in his brain as his balls boiled, cock twitching inside Shayla's ass as he kept fucking her hard.

Shayla's hand tightened in Clark's hair, and she turned her head just enough to kiss his ear, bite it sharply and then moved down and kissed whatever she could reach. Her nails raked across Lex's belly again and she stiffened as Clark's fingers pinched at just the right spot. "C-Clark, again, do it again, Lex, almost there, please, come on, Lex, inside me," she pled.

Clark squeezed and pinched at her clit, stroking it as hard as he knew how, which wasn't much, before his fingers dipped down and slid into her well used, hot, wet entrance. He slid his fingers inside her and *rubbed*, hard, holding his orgasm at bay as best as he could. He cried out when she bit him, balls drawing up and rubbed, and harder, and oh, God, now, "Now, please, now!"

Lex lost his mind, and his ability to stave off his orgasm, when he felt Clark's fingers inside Shayla's pussy, rubbing against his cock. His balls exploded before he had a chance to register what was happening, other than the thought of wanting to do that for real. Long gushes of thick come were wrenched out of his cock when her body locked, stiffening further as Clark's thrusting fingers brought her to orgasm.

Shayla's orgasm took her by surprise when she felt Clark's fingers inside her instead of just at her clit. She bit on his ear again, her nails digging into Lex's belly as she arched her back, holding herself stiff and tall as Lex's cock filled her with his come, her muscles squeezing every bit out of him as she panted roughly.

When Lex felt Shayla relaxing slightly against him, he didn't try to withdraw, just squeezed down hard on Clark's cock as he brought his lover's hand up, pressing their intertwined fingers to Shayla's mouth and watching as her tongue licked over each set of matching digits.

Clark took one look at Shayla licking his fingers, covered in her wet heat and moaned, coming explosively. His orgasm shook his body, the power in his limbs trembling as the pleasure bloomed from his groin and spread out through his limbs, his face, everywhere. Goosebumps covered him from head to toe, and he clenched his eyes shut, shuddering as he pumped into his lovers warm, comforting body, rocking softly within it as he softly cried out.

Shayla heard the soft cries in Clark's throat, and she slowly, carefully dismounted Lex's cock, then turned around and wrapped her arms around Clark's shoulders and guided him down to Lex. "He needs you," Shayla murmured, curling up to fit herself between Lex and a groggy Whitney, who was just starting to stir into consciousness beside them.

Lex was dismayed when Shayla pulled herself off his cock, but he couldn't argue with the armful of aushna' she gave him in return, and looked gratefully at her as he encircled Clark with his arms, kissing him softly and deliciously.

Clark mewled low in his throat and cuddled up against Lex's chest, snuggling against him like a big puppy, and nuzzled his throat and neck before returning the soft kiss. His cock felt raw, abused, and he mewled again and licked his lovers throat before snuggling him tightly against him.

Lex's ass still thrummed occasionally around Clark's cock, and he saw absolutely no reason to let it slide out of his body. Instead, he kept it tightly inside, nuzzling and kissing Clark in return as his aushna' cuddled him. He tucked sweaty hair out of the way, nibbled at full pouty lips, licked at trickles of sweat on his lover's skin.

Oofed when Whitney's elbow caught him in the ribcage.

"What'd I miss?" Whitney grunted, still stretching gingerly from the double fucking he'd received earlier.

Clark didn't even look up--he was sexed out, and now he needed *serious* cuddles of the cuddling variety. He licked his lovers mouth when his attention went somewhere else, making low sounds in his throat as he did. Whiney noises. He wanted Lex for *himself*, and no one got to share and he *didn't care*. He snuffled at Lex's throat, lapping along the warm indent at the base and closed his eyes, resting his cheek against him.

And Lex had no problem indulging, keeping his arms possessively around Clark, giving a little growl as Whitney edged closer and as Shayla tried to stroke his shoulder. He kept Clark close, lying on top of him and completely wrapped around by Lex's arms and legs.

He kept showering Clark with little kisses and nips and nibbles, nuzzling and rubbing and petting to let his aushna' know that he was still there.

Whitney's head thunked down on the pillow as he groaned, ignoring the Clark/Lex possessiveness because he was used to it by now. "Where's Chloe? With the baby?"

Shay nodded. "Yeah, she went down to feed John his midnight snack, and mentioned something about food for the masses. I'll go see if she needs any help, if I can borrow a robe."

"S'on the back of the bathroom door, and you'll have to tuck up the sleeves big time," he grunted. "Be better off just puttin' on one of my shirts, 2nd drawer on the left side."

Clark nuzzled Lex back, preening under the touches and beaming up at his lover as he squirmed and wriggled, hugging him tightly with two warm arms around a wider chest and back. The added inches Lex had gained made him feel *so* safe, and he indulged in the feeling, squirming closer and sighing happily into the curve of one shoulder.

"No need, kiddos," Chloe said from the door, as she carefully peeled her own robe off, disappeared into the closet, and came back out wearing warm shorts and a big t-shirt. it was a little strange for her to go around naked anymore, after the baby, and she needed a bra or her breasts would begin to ache. She pulled her hair into a pony tail, rolled her eyes as Clark and Lex started their post coital snuggling, and nudged Shayla's arm. "They're always like that after, sweetie, don't feel bad. Give them about ten minutes, then you can touch them again. Come on...we need pasta. And energy. And more sex."

"They're cute." She rolled out of bed and grabbed one of Whitney's t-shirts, not at all surprised when it fell to her mid-thigh. "All I need's a belt, and I've got a mini-dress. Christ, Fordman, you're huge."

"Chloe doesn't complain," he said, sitting up on the edge of the bed. "Need any help carrying the pasta up, or are we going downstairs?"

"We should probably get downstairs," Chloe nodded. "Pasta and sex shouldn't mix, and it'll give us a chance to recharge." She grinned as Clark gave her a shy smile over Lex's shoulder and behind his ear, and she returned it, leaning down to peck Lex's cheek before Lex could snap his teeth at her and get too protective. "We'll be downstairs, sweeties. You know where the shower is."

"We know," Lex said, giving a little growl as he wrapped back around Clark and nuzzled his cheek.

Shay stretched, and laughed when her neck popped. "Mm. Pasta. Carbs. Energy. I'm all for it." She slipped her arm around Chloe's waist and sniffled her neck. "You smell like baby powder."

Whitney dragged himself out of the nice warm bed, and pulled on the first pair of clean boxers he yanked out of the underwear drawer, hopping on one foot, then the other. "Okay. Pasta. Beer. Let's go."

Clark was too busy snuffling his lovers skin, smelling Shayla all over him, and for some reason, that didn't bother him. ...Well, not too much, because he wanted to come and smear it all over Lex's body, but for now he smiled and licked his lovers ear, beaming at him happily as he kissed his jaw. "I'm happy," he whispered, as his sha'nauch left with Shayla in tow.

Lex's entire *body* seemed to radiate the sense of thrilled joy that simple whispered statement brought him. "I'm so thrilled to hear that," Lex said. "I *want* you to be happy, Clark, so much." He rubbed his jaw against Clark's, then returned the kisses along Clark's jaw as well. "I'm glad you're happy. Did I mention that?"

He grinned, nose crinkling with it, and licked Lex's face again. "I got to take charge and do something. I like that. I get sad when I don't have things to take care of like that."

Lex's entire attention perked up at that. "Really?" he asked, letting his fingers stroke along Clark's back and nipping the cutely crinkled nose. "I didn't realize--I'll make sure that you always have me to take care of."

"Yeah. I get sad, not knowing what to do...having nowhere to go. You know?"

"I know," Lex murmured softly. "You know what we should do? Move. To Metropolis, I mean. You've done all the good you can here in Smallville, and maybe... maybe it's time you moved on to a bigger venue, with a bigger scope than this place," he said, running his fingers through Clark's hair. "You can finish high school there, start at Met U, and I'll take my classes there."

Clark looked at his lover as he took that in, gently stroking the side of his naked skull--up over his eyebrows, across the back of his head, as he thought. "Maybe...maybe that wouldn't be so bad. I...did I tell you Principle Asshat made me come to his office to congratulate me on my grades? And when I told him I dumb myself down, he didn't say anything? I'm thinking...I can probably test out."

Lex's brow furrowed. "Why are you dumbing yourself down, Clark? You should be making straight As the whole time you're in school," he said, worried. "You shouldn't hide like that. You're a smart man." He squeezed Clark's hand lightly. "Even if you can't, I know that Chloe has been looking into GEDs, and I feel certain that you can blow that test out of the water if Reynolds won't let you test out there."

"I have to dumb myself down, Lex. I read all my text books in twenty seconds a few weeks ago, and I've got them memorized. If I get straight A's all the way through, they'll think I cheated," he said, and pressed his lips to Lex's chin. "My parents are going to be furious."

If he said it with a wicked little leer, well, he didn't draw attention to the fact.

"They'll get over it," Lex growled. "They've never--let me rephrase that. Your father has never understood that you know what you're doing, Clark. Martha understands it, but she worries about you, and she lets Jonathan bully her into buckling under his way. But what they think is immaterial. What matters is what is best for you, and this is it," Lex said firmly.

Clark smiled, and stroked his lovers cheek softly. Some great pain he'd been buckled under eased, and he all but wanted to sag into the bed, sighing quietly in a kind of relief. He nuzzled his lovers throat once more before drawing his hips back so his wet, limp cock slipped from his lovers body and he squeezed and hugged him, tightly. "I love you."

"I love you," Lex answered back quickly, whining quietly as his lover's cock escaped his body.

Clark beamed up at him like he hadn't for a long time, laughing out loud and hugging him tightly as he rolled over and sat up, pulling Lex with him and smacking a big kiss on his mouth. "I'm famished. We should order food, because I? Am about to eat Chloe and Whitney out of house and home."

Lex laughed as Clark grinned at him, the infectious happiness finally bleeding over into him, and he sat beside Clark. "You can order anything you want, I've got..." Lex dragged his pants over with his foot and pulled out his wallet. "Twenty-five hundred."

"...Dollars?" He stared. "I'll never get used to that." He bounced to the edge of the bed and picked up the phone beside the bed, dialing the Pizza Hut down the street, and ordered eight pizza's all together, ham, pepperoni and mushroom, before beaming at Lex again and kissing him.

He pulled on his jeans, yanked on his Hanes t-shirt, and waited for Lex to join him. "Come on, downstairs?"

"Yes, dollars," Lex answered, smirking at his lover. "And I took half it out and left it in the glove compartment of the car just in case we needed it," he said, after Clark had hung up the phone. While he was ordering, Lex darted into the bathroom to relieve himself and wash his hands and face, and then yanked on the slacks he'd worn over and his shirt. "Okay. We're going downstairs, and I want something to drink. A lot of something to drink, actually."

"Orange juice," Clark purred softly, eyes falling to half mast at the thought. "Nice... cold orange juice."

Lex snickered. "Orange juice for you. Corona for me, with a lime if Chloe happens to have any in the house," Lex specified, holding his arm out to Clark and pulling him in for a hug.

Clark wrapped into Lex's embrace, setting his head on a firm shoulder and snuggling close. "I love you so much," he said softly, and kissed the material under his mouth. "So much, Lex."

"I know," Lex said softly. "I love you too, Clark, so much more than I can ever tell you."

"You don't have to, I know you do," Clark beamed, kissing the warm skin neck gently before squeezing his hand and holding it in his own.

Lex's fingers wrapped tightly around Clark's, squeezing them tightly and bringing them to his heart. "Good," Lex said quietly. "I don't ever want you to not realize what you mean to me."

"I know you love me," Clark said softly, smiling at him and nipping his neck softly. "Now come on!" He squeezed again and pulled him out of the room. He walked, quiet, barefoot down the steps, running his fingers through his messy hair and realizing, upon doing so, that his fingers were terribly sticky. He stopped, winced, and as soon as he walked into the kitchen, went straight for the sink. "Sorry, we're here."

" 'elp 'our'elf," Shayla said through a mouthful of pasta and garlic bread.

Whitney winced. "That was supposed to be, help yourself," he said, indicating the huge bowl of pasta still half-full on the kitchen table. "That should be enough for you to get started on, Clark."

Clark's lips twitched. "I already ordered pizza, too."

He thrust his hands under the water as Chloe glared at him, and as he scrubbed his hands and wrists, he caught her eye and shook her head. "Baby, you know better than to think I don't like your cooking, so don't even start with me."

Lex chuckled softly. "Notice Whitney said start with. You forget, Chloe, this alien? Has two entire stomachs to fill up," he pointed out, doing the same thing and washing his hands, even though he'd just done so in the bathroom. "Besides, I have to eat too, you know."

Clark snorted something that sounded a whole lot like, "I ain't sharing." before he hummed and scrubbed under his nails, glancing Lex slyly.

Lex snorted back. "Come on. All I want is a big plateful of pasta, a couple bottles of beer, and about four slices of garlic bread. Everything else is yours."

Shayla stared at Lex with her jaw hanging open. "Four slices of garlic bread? That's as much as I've seen you eat in a DAY, AJ."

"Shay?" Clark asked around a mouthful of Chloe's mouth, "Look at that thing." he cast a glance at Lex's pant-covered crotch. "He needs his energy to guide it, sweetie."

Shay just looked at Lex, *really* close-up examined him, and passed him the plate of garlic bread without a word. "Knock yourself out, man."



go on to the next part