
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 344: Stripes and Spots

Aden, although quite a shy little gay man, was a gay man through and through. Had been for a while now, but there was something about spending any amount of time in Rico's presence that brought it out in spades. He found himself shifting his hips like Rico these days, dangling his hands, even dressing like him.

It was entirely too fun. he reveled in who he was, overjoyed at the exuberant way he could get away with things these days, especially in his own shop.

His beauty shop, which was, at the moment, packed with queens. His hair dressers were all working top speed to get everyone seen, and he himself was sculpting one of the premiere drag queens in Metropolis right now, into a haughty French bob that looked *stunning* on her.

And the shop was *smashing* with club music, which had the queens all shrieking at various points. it was... well, dammit, it was fun. Much better than being behind the camera ever was.

He had his white smock on, tied around his slender waist. it was filled with combs, scissors, and a hair dryer hanging off one hip, which was shaking perilously as he danced to the music and cut the hair in front of him.

And Rico, rather than getting in the way of the stylists--which, while he was good, he was not one of the best, and he knew it, so he let other people style hair while he did his fashion thing.

"Darling, you do realize that Lex and his little mouse are going to be here any moment, and we've got a salon full of queens that are going to make that little mouse go into convulsions!" he called out to Aden, his booty moving to the dance beat as he laid out everything he'd need--scissors and tape measure, books to write things down in, seamster's chalk and a seam ripper, and even an accessory list.

"I know!" Aden called back, and he hated to push out business, but Lex Luthor paid, and paid well. He finished the French 'do in front of him, beamed, fluffed it, and after talking to the queen, had her go on her way before he raised his hands. "Ladies, I've got to ask you to come back tomorrow! We're closing early!"

"Ahhh, no!" Rosmarta cried as the other queens shrieked in dismay. "Hijo, we have to have de hair and nails done!"

Aden had seen that coming a mile away, and had prepared for it the night before. "If you'll all talk to Rico before you leave, you'll get a cut and manicure half off next time you come. He's got all the coupons, and--Ohhh! Lex!"

Clark stared around him in horror as he walked into...well. It was like the Brandywine, except... day light. His eyes were wide in his head, his hands clenching around Lex's as he looked at all the women, stunned, kind of aroused, and shocked. "Oh, boy."

Lex just raised an eyebrow at the music-heavy confusion all around him. "Aden, how are you doing? We can come back in about ten minutes if you like... I'm sure that Clark can beat me over the head and shoulders while I walk next door and buy the new Lamborghini."

Rico raised his arm high. "Coupons on your way out, bitches!" he yelled, and sidled around Clark, making sure to rub himself against Clark's hip as he slid by. "You don't need another car, Lex."

Clark yelped--twice--as his butt was pinched by passing drag queens. He rubbed it, frowning over his shoulder as they winked at him, and soon the salon was cleared out but for the ladies getting their hair finished on the salon chairs.

Aden couldn't help smiling at Clark's expression, and leaned up to kiss him cheek-to-cheek before doing the same to Lex and gently squeezing his arm in hello. "Come on back. Hmm, Lex, new shoes? You've gained a few inches, love." True enough, he had to look up to look at him. "Come on. Sandra! Take care of the rest of the customers, all right? Come on, Rico," he called and stepped through to their apartment stairs.

"Aye!" Rico shouted, wending his way through the boxes and packing up what he'd laid out to take upstairs.

Lex just sighed. "The meteor rocks; they've apparently sped up my metabolism and slowed my growth," he lied easily. "This is the growth spurt I was supposed to have years ago."

"You look fabulous, amor. No wonder you need new pants--are those Clarks?" He clucked his tongue. "That won't do. Come along, come along. Don't mind the gaudy decorating, Rico's going through an animal print phase. I've done all I can to keep him out of my underwear drawer," Aden said as they came up to the apartment, which he opened with a jiggle of his keys from his pocket. The apartment was small--very small-but cozy and perfect for the two men. It was decorated stylishly but *loudly*, and Aden rolled his eyes, muttering something about being embarrassed as he smiled at the two men behind him. "Tea? Coffee?"

Lex... was dumbstruck.

There were prints *everywhere.*

The couch had been reupholstered in zebra stripes, to match one of the large throw rugs on the floor. Another chair had been done in tawny leopard print, and the footstool had been done in the same fabric. There was an orange and black tiger print wall hanging on the wall of the living room.

"If I sit down, will anything bite me?"

"Very likely," Aden teased, blushing softly as he shook his head and slapped his forehead. "You talk sense into him. He won't listen to reason. If you think this is bad, don't use the bathroom," he said, and disappeared into the kitchen. he came back a handful of minutes later with iced tea, and clucked his tongue.

Lex gingerly settled himself onto the zebra print sofa, half expecting a wild animal to roar and pounce on him. "I feel like I'm back in Kenya," he muttered, accepting the tea and yanking Clark into the room. "Come in, Clark. Pick an animal to sit on."

"Bitches," Rico said, shoving Clark into the room as he bustled in behind. "Lex, if you say one word about my decor, I'll be forced to remind you that you once tried to paint your bedroom ceiling eggshell blue and your walls foamy green, so you've got *no* room to talk."

Clark plunked down beside Lex, still looking a little wide eyed and skittish, but didn't say a word. He was desperately out of his depth here, but he still managed a smile. "Sea foam. Cool."

Aden rolled his eyes and smiled as he looked across at Lex. "What are you looking for, Lex, in terms of clothes?"

"Everything, actually," Lex said. "Shirts, undershirts, underwear, jackets, pants, jeans, suits, tuxedo, dressy, classy, casual, and I'll have to send you all of my leather and dresses for you to let out and alter when you have time. I'll pay you four hundred bucks a piece to fix the Italian leather, plus materials."

Rico snorted. "We fix, we send the bill, you pay. If we have a problem getting what we need, we call you and you work the details out with the supplier."

"I can handle that agreement," Lex said, pulling out his wallet. "I've got three thousand in cash for you tonight, to get you started."

"Dresses, no problem. I hemmed them so that they can be taken out--in case you wanted them long for boots or what have you." Aden tapped his lip. Here, lets measure. You need to strip off… you did wear underpants, correct?"

"I never wear them unless it's absolutely necessary," Lex said, standing up and stripping down to his bare ass in only a few moments.

He didn't bother to mention that his underwear was still tangled up in the lampshade at his father's penthouse.

"I need the tuxedo for next week, and then the week after, Clark and I are going to Italy, for a photo shoot. I'll call you tomorrow with what I'll need ready first."

"Well, this will make for interesting measurements, and--OH MY GOD!"

Clark blinked at what Aden had bellowed, looked up in time to see the little guy fall out of his chair, blushing a deep crimson, and then blinked, looked at Lex... and hid his giggle behind his hand as he looked from Aden's huge eyes in his blushing face where he was sprawled out on the carpet to Lex's cock.

Lex was impassive. "I did mention a growth spurt, yes?"

Rico had just unfinished packing his box, and came through the little beaded curtain that separated his work area from the living room.

And nearly dropped a litter of cats. "Madre del Dios, Lex Luthor!!"

"Lex! Growth spurts happen in the legs, the arms, the chest, not the *cock*. Mother of--did you have surgery?!" He demanded, sitting up and *glaring*. "Do you know how dangerous that is?!"

"I didn't have surgery," Lex said.

"Just a growth spurt. And meteor rocks. A meteor spurt," Clark offered innocently from the left, and watched as Aden tried to get professional again.

"Well... let's not have any Lex spurts tonight, because mother of Christ you could drown us!" Rico sputtered, fixing Lex with a narrowed glare.

Aden blushed crimson but cleared his throat as he pulled his professional aura around himself and tried not to look at the incredibly well hung boy billionaire in front of him--mouthed "Ow," at Clark--and went into the other room for a moment. When he returned he didn't have his apron on anymore and had changed his shirt. He had his measuring tape in hand, as well as a small pad for writing, and he pulled the stool over to the empty part of the carpet. "All right, Lex, straight right here, straight and tall for me."

"Oh, I think he already is," Rico said, pointing to Lex's cock, tired, but still rising to the occasion of being the only naked man in the midst of three clothed ones, one of whom was his aushna'.

Lex reached down and gave himself a quick stroke as he moved over to where Aden positioned him, standing tall as commanded. "Tall but never straight," he quipped as he straightened his spine.

Aden… blushing. BLUSHING. Muttering about, "How the hell am I going to do the inseam?", as he started taking down measurements and started measuring waist, thighs, height and chest width.

Rico was mumbling to the side. "All right, since you're in such a fucking hurry to get the tux, we can pick up one from the designers and do the custom fitting for you this weekend at the earliest. Clark, do we need to fit you for one too?"

Lex was tempted to answer yes for his aushna' without thinking, but instead, bit his tongue and let Clark answer for himself.

Clark glared at Lex's head. "Yeah, I do. I also wanted to see if I could get some more jeans made--the last ones you guys did for me are already worn in the knees and the seat, and the ones Chloe bought for me are hopelessly short."

"Sure, love. Take your clothes off. Rico, you got him?"

"Don't spend so much time on your knees, mouse," Rico said with a grin. "That'll save the wear on them." He nodded. "I've got him... oooh, do I have him." Rico gave a little shivery shimmy as he picked up his measuring tape and his chalk. "Down to your bare ass, Clark."

Lex raised an eyebrow at the glare. "Me? What did I do?"

"I hate wearing suits," Clark muttered. "I look like an oversized penguin. I don't think I've ever even *owned* one." He climbed to his feet, and though he *hated* getting naked in front of people he didn't know, he knew it was necessary. He pulled his shirt up over his head as he toed off his shoes, and then went to work on unbuttoning the row of buttons on the fly of his jeans.

"You only look like an oversize penguin in something that doesn't fit you, Clark. This will be cut and tailored to your body. You'll be surprised how good you look in something not rented," Lex snorted, keeping still as Aden measured everything.

Clark glared at him again and then hesitated before shoving his jeans and underwear down, feeling suddenly weirdly self conscious.

"We don't bite, love," Aden smiled. "Much. Come on, it's all right--Lex, keep *still*."

Another shift and Clark sighed, as he shoved his pants and his underwear down, yanking them, and his socks, off. He glanced around the room at all the prints, and muttered a meek, "Mrowr."

Rico popped Clark on a just-bared ass cheek. "No making fun of the animals, or I make your cummerbund out of zebra stripes."

Clark yelped and held his abused butt. "Ow! That's not fair. It's had enough abuse today, thanks." He realized what he'd said exactly five seconds after the fact, and blushed hot as Aden cracked up.

Rico died laughing, right in the middle of the floor, sitting down on his ass and cradling his head in his hands as he just howled.

Lex just preened silently, reaching down and wobbling his hard cock towards his lover.

Clark was blushing hot red, dark as they laughed, and he rubbed his butt once more before shifting his weight foot to foot in embarrassment, and grabbed his pants to yank them up again.

Rico grabbed weakly at Clark's pants, trying to keep him from pulling them up. "Need... measure... naked... inseam..." he wheezed.

Clark sniffed and pulled his pants from Rico's hand and moved to put them back on.

Lex reached over and touched Clark's shoulder reassuringly. "They're not laughing at you, Clark. They're laughing with you."

"I'm not laughing!" Clark wailed.

The yell just had Aden starting all over again. He was *dying* of laughter.

Lex kept his hand quiet on Clark's shoulder. "I would not let anyone disrespect my aushna' that way," he said softly, so quietly that only Clark would hear. "You tell me that I should learn to know when offense is given or not, and in this case, I know that it is not because they are our friends."

Clark pouted the smallest bit, high points of color on his cheeks, but nodded as Lex called to the aushna' in him. He gently kissed his lover, missing the hitched breath behind him as he nuzzled his lovers lips gently with his own before giving him a gentle one armed hug.

"Gorgeous," Aden murmured, face still flushed with amusement as he sighed and fanned himself.

Lex's arms rose to wrap tightly around his lover, squeezing broad shoulders tightly as he nuzzled back into the gentle kisses that Clark was bestowing on his lips.

Rico reached up and pinched Clark's thigh, and then goggled at how *firm* it was. "Ai-yi-yi. Ass of steel, thighs of marble." Theatrical flourish as Rico flung the back of his wrist to his forehead. "No teasing, boyos. Can't get the right measurements if you're all excited."

Clark grinned as Aden whined out loud at that, and blushed as he realized it was all meant in a good way, not a bad. He beamed and kissed his lover again once more before straightening up and offering himself to Aden's measurements. "Take care with that which you pinch, Rico, I need it for another sixty years."

"Yes, please, do be careful, because I'd like to be able to have use of that, very very soon," Lex drawled as he straightened back up himself for Aden's measuring tape.

"That is quite more information than we needed to know, Lex Luthor," Rico chastised, snapping Lex's hip with his own measuring tape. "Don' need to know that you ride this fine stallion like the horse he's hung like."

"Okay, guys? Talking about sex? So not the way to keep me in a state that's good for correct measurements," Clark growled, as he felt himself, mortifyingly, stirring at the mention of his lover and the riding he did with that fabulous, gorgeous--

He turned his back on the two men, reached down, and wrenched at his balls.

Lex just laughed softly. "Don't worry, Clark, I'll make sure to take care of all of those needs and make it up to your balls for that rather vicious treatment of them."

Aden laughed out loud again and gently pat Clark's shoulder. "It's all right. Come on, don't be embarrassed, it's okay. I've seen plenty of cock in my day, amor, yours is nothing new. *His* is," he pointed at Lex's hips. "But not you. Come on, lets get you measured out, and you and Lex can use our spare room to do naughty things." Aden smiled up at him.

Clark bit his lip and turned back around, sighing and nodding. he let Aden tug him over to the middle of the room and start to measure the length of his arms.

Rico reached out and lifted up Lex's cock, and then let it fall back to slap against his thigh with a meaty thud. "Growth spurt my little Latin ass, precious," he muttered, *just* loud enough for Lex to hear. "Which side are you going to wear this cucumber on?"

Lex glared down at him for the growth spurt comment, and then considered. "Left, I think."

Clark choked on the laugh from across the room, snickering under his breath and blushing as Aden measured his chest and waist with fast movements, taking the notes as he went. "Think that over, baby. Think about how you cross your legs, and how you walk."

"Either way, I'm going to be taking a belt and strapping it to my leg so it doesn't move," Lex grumbled.

Rico choked off a giggle at that. "He's right, you know. You and your prissy leg-crossing, it's going to be uncomfortable on either side."

"I'll have you know, as a man of the bigger penis side of the male species, it's not bad. As long as you give it lots of room to breathe." He wriggled his brows and then yelped as Aden smacked him with the tape measure.

"Mouse, there's bigger penises and then there's horsecocks. You and Lex, you have horsecocks," Rico corrected.

Lex gave a little growl. "You're not supposed to notice Clark's cock."

"How can I not when it's poking everyone in the face here?" Rico demanded.

Clark looked down, eyes wide, and wrenched at his balls again.

"Be proud, Lex. Not everyone has this problem," Aden teased, as his hands flew over the boys body in front of him, taking measurements with a stoic eye.

"Mouse, if you do that many more times, you're going to rip your balls off, and that's not going to be very pleasant. They can't exactly be stitched back on, you know."

Lex none-too-gently kneed Rico in the shoulder. "More measure, less talk."

Clark was turned around and his legs started getting measured, along with waist to knee, and he meeped as Aden moved behind him quickly. Moving a little too slow, actually, despite his hurried hands. He bit his lip and cleared his throat. "So, we're moving to metropolis."

Aden dropped the measuring tape. "What?"

Lex nodded. "Clark's tested out of high school--my lover with the big brain--and since he's going to be starting Met U with me in the fall, I figured that we'd better start looking for Metropolis real estate."

Aden blinked once. "I...." And then he whooped, and threw his arms around Clark's waist from where he was crouched on the floor. "That's *fantastic*! That's… oh! Rico, amor, did you hear that??"

Rico's face was split wide open with an ear to ear grin. "I heard, darling, I heard!!!" He didn't dare hug Lex, knew better than to even try, and instead he flung his arms around Aden's waist.

Aden beamed and climbed to his feet, letting Rico hug him from the side as he clapped his hands. "We can go clubbing and have parties and I can make sure you both have the most up to date hair styles!" He paused, looking at Lex, and turned his eyes to Clark. "I can make sure you have the most up to date hair style! And… and...this is wonderful."

He realized he was all but squealing a moment later though, and blushed shyly, looking down at his feet. "Congratulations."

Lex tried valiantly not to laugh at the mention of him having a hairstyle. He won, just barely, and managed a half-smiling scowl instead.

Rico elbowed Aden again, and whispered in his ear. "Did you hear him say that he's going back to the University?"

"And that," Aden said softly, still talking to his shoes as he blushed crimson and turned his face into Rico's neck.

Clark grinned at Lex. "Medical school, too."

Rico just laughed softly and landed loud, smacking kisses on Aden's cheeks.

"Doctoral program, in fact, possibly with double majors," Lex clarified. "Of all the things I've considered, I think I've finally settled on microbiological cellular manipulation and bioengineering."

"What he said," Clark beamed, and reached over to land a smacking kiss on Lex's mouth. "My smart lover."

Aden grinned into Rico's neck at the kisses and looked up, cheeks still flushed as he turned his eyes on the men before him. "That's great, Lex, it's so good you're going back to school. We always knew you'd do something with that noggin of yours."

Lex returned the kiss and slid his fingers possessively through Clark's hair, and then down over his back to stroke over his bare ass teasingly. "It's Clark's influence," he said. "If not for him, I'd never have given it another thought."

"Yes, I know what kind of influence that is," Aden teased, and grabbed Clarks arm again to keep measuring. "Come on... we'll measure, you guys take our free room for a few hours, and tonight we go eat?"

Lex raised an eyebrow as he looked at Clark. "I think we can do that--Clark, do you think that you and I can take care of ourselves in just a few hours?" He managed to keep his face straight as he stepped back over as Rico dragged him back and made him stand still.

"I think you owe me a good taking care of, now that I think about it," Clark said, mocking thought, eyes dancing as he tapped his chin and Aden measured his thighs.

"I owe you... a *lot* of good taking care of," Lex leered.

and yelped when Rico pinched *his* thigh. "Watch those fucking fingers!"

"Stop flirting with the mouse and let us finish taking your measurements so you can go and fuck him," Rico said, tapping his foot impatiently.

Aden snickered from Clarks feet as he measured the inseam, gently moving the tender bits out of the way as he got it at a comfortable position and moved downward, writing his notes down as he did before going on to the outseam.

"At least *one* of us is amused," Rico said with a haughty sniff.

Lex rolled his eyes. "Stop being so fucking melodramatic. That's *my* job, bitch."

Clark burst out laughing again, eyes dancing and long hair swinging down into his eyes. He peered through his curls at his lover. "Bitch?"

"Bitch," Lex repeated. "Term of endearment."

Rico flicked his scissors up towards Clark's hair before dropping them back in his pocket. "Do you want us to cut that before or after Lexie fucks you?"

Clark looked up at his hair, pushing it back from his eyes as Aden finished measuring below him. "I dunno. Lex, should I cut it?"

Lex shook his head. "No. I like it, especially that little curl that falls over your forehead," he said. "Keep it."

"Little?" Clark echoed, shoving said hair out of his eyes. "If you say so." He added, in a loud whisper, "I think it's just because he likes something to hold onto." But he didn't say anymore as he hummed all innocence and let Aden move him this way and that. "As for terms of endearment, I know what it is, but I don't think I've ever heard you say that."

"The atmosphere brings out the inner Queen in him," Aden said, glancing once around the animal print room.

"The atmosphere has nothing to do with it," Lex sniffed. "And I am *not* a queen. And Clark, you are not a bitch. However. Rico? Is."

"Proudly so!" he chirped, pinching Lex's thigh again.

"I'm not?" Strange that he should be disappointed by that. "Then what am I?"

"An Amazon," Aden offered.

Lex chuckled at that. "Yes, you could be an Amazon if you wanted. Sadly, Clark, you and I are both entirely too masculine to be bitches."

"Says you!" Aden hooted, as he climbed to his feet with his tape measure and his note pad. "Tall, Dark and Ripped is done here. You almost done with Lex?"

"I would be if *someone* who's name I won't call but his initials are Lex Fucking Luthor would stop kneeing me!"

"He gets a little cranky," Clark stage whispered as he pulled his pants back on, and yanked his sweater back over his head. "I'm afraid I haven't properly trained him yet."

"Does he know, 'kneel'?"

Clarks eyebrow rose as he looked at Lex. "No...he's got that one down pat. He's...very good at kneeling, actually." he paused, and suddenly he bellowed. "WHAT is it about you two that makes me flirt every time I see you?!"

Aden laughed out loud again, eyes dancing and blush staining his cheeks. "It's all gay men, amor. We get together and that's how we act, I'm afraid. Has explosive consequences, though." He paused, reminiscing. "The last time I don't think I sat right for a week."

Lex *laughed.* "You'll get used to them, Clark. They can pull the gay out of any man. They make Dominic look *butch* and that's not actually very easy to do, so you know they'll make mincemeat of us." Deadpan grin. "More than we need to know about your explosions, Aden."

Rico rapped Lex's hip sharply with the flat of a hairbrush that he fished out of his apron, and the pop of plastic against flesh echoed in the little room. "Be nice, Lex," he chastised.

Clark couldn't help smiling as he watched Rico, and as soon as the last measurement was done, and the tape had slapped closed again, Clark had the insatiable urge to pluck Lex up and toss him over his shoulder. He didn't though, because he'd *like* to keep his dick, so instead he squirmed.

And made Aden laugh, apparently.

"first door on the left," Aden said, still smiling as he pointed. "Rico and I are going to go clean up downstairs and get the fashion books. Have fun."

Lex didn't bother to get dressed, just picked his clothes up, tossed them over Clark's left shoulder, and then stood in front of him, arms out and obviously waiting to be picked up and ferried.

"Spoiled little brat!" Rico yelled as Aden tugged him out.

Clark beamed at his lover and swept him up in his arms, legs under his knees, arm around his shoulders, and didn't hear as Aden sighed romantically before the door closed behind the two. He swept his lover down the small hall, peaked into the guest room and giggled outright as he closed the door behind them. "Keep your eyes closed and you won't go blind," he whispered into his lovers ear, as he deposited him in the middle of the bed, made quick work out of shucking off his clothes, and then stretched out, skin to skin, against his lovers cool body. "Lets see if we can warm you up, shall we?" he asked, teasing as he situated himself comfortably between his lovers legs and began to kiss his neck with excitement and verve he hadn't had for so long. He was insatiable--he couldn't get enough, he wanted *more* and more and he was sure before the day was over his balls were going to be complaining, but he could have cared less.

"Rico has abominable taste, for all of his fashion sense, but Aden, like you, spoils him and lets him have his way," Lex muttered as his legs rose around Clark's waist, tugging his lover down onto him as Clark kissed him.

He could feel the excitement and the desire skipping through Clark's blood and he arched into it, rubbing his chest along Clark's, sliding his hand up his lover's hip and over his stomach, then down to gently fondle and stroke his lover's cock where it pressed against his own.

Clark beamed down at him and took his lovers hands, pressing them up against the pillow and locking them there with his wide palm. As soon as he was happy he had his lover held tight he gazed down at him for a moment and licked a stripe with his tongue from navel to neck. He paused to circle each nipple, sucking softly at them to his pleasure until they were hard and standing up.

Then bit, each one. Not hard enough to hurt too much, but enough to make sure Lex knew just who had him in arm.

He licked downward then, over each rib, across the concave belly to nuzzle the warm belly button, until his tongue licked across the cock between warm, taut thighs that was only half erect--he corrected that by fitting his mouth around him and sucking hard.

Lex gave a deep, pleasured moan as Clark's hand pressed his wrists into the pillow, and Lex linked his fingers together, squeezing them tightly so that he wasn't tempted to move.

His nipples throbbed deeply with each bite, sending shudders through his body as he arched up again, rubbing the prickly nubs against Clark's chest.

His legs loosened as Clark slid down, and then when he felt Clark's mouth on his cock, Lex's hips thrust as he gave another sharp cry of his lover's name, feeling the blood rushing out of every other part of his body to fill his cock in an instant.

Clark smiled around his mouthful as it tightened and hardened under his patient tongue and skilled mouth. It was very, very difficult for him to deep throat Lex anymore, considering the length of his lover now, but he could get the top and he loved that. He sucked warmly on it, eyes closing with pleasure as he did and the sweet taste of his lovers cock filled him up and made him warm and loved. He let go after he was suitably hard and licked the tip happily before nuzzling warm, filling balls. He eyed them, as close as he was, and smiled up at his lover as his hands slid down those delightful, corded forearms, knowing Lex would keep his arms up. He gently spread his lovers legs all the more and scooted down the warm blankets--done in a horrible fuchsia--and lifted his lovers balls out of the wall to peer at the shadow of the entrance there.

And then he leaned in and licked his tongue over it.

"Clark!!" Lex raised his hips, keeping his legs spread as he tried everything he could think of to further invite Clark's tongue into his body. His fingers released each other and gripped the wrought iron headboard with a death grip, his knuckles white with the strain of not reaching down and guiding Clark's mouth right where he wanted it, with not reaching down and spreading his ass open in invitation.

Clark heard the desperate notes in his lovers voice and he smiled against the little hole as he nibbled gently at it before pushing his tongue in as much as the position would allow, which wasn't much. he slipped free a moment later because neither he nor Lex were equipped for spit fucks anymore, so he got up enough to lean over the side of the bed and fumbled into the side drawer.

Stopped... eyes wide, as he looked down into the treasure trove of toys sitting in the drawer, and ruffled through it enough to get a small tube of KY out. He opened it with trembling fingers and vowed to himself that he wouldn't come--his iron control had been good lately. He wanted… oh, God, he wanted to, and he looked down at Lex. "You trust me?"

Lex didn't pause. "Yes, Clark, I trust you," he said instantly, arching and rubbing against his lover. He didn't know what was in the drawer, hadn't *looked* because he knew he wasn't supposed to, and his hands were still gripping the iron bars tightly.

Clark smiled at his lover broadly and bit his lip as he climbed over his lovers waist, spreading his legs over him. "I just want you to enjoy yourself. I'm not going to hurt you--I'm just going to put your body through the ringer." He lubed his fingers and slipped them behind himself to slide into his own entrance, deep as he could get them and he sighed deeply, squirming on them. "Don't hold back. Come when you want to--I don't know how long I can last if you don't," he said softly, and smiled wickedly down at his lover as he spread his legs, reached back behind himself, and steadied his lovers cock as he pressed it tightly to his entrance and began to sink down onto it.

Lex grunted as Clark's fingers slid inside himself, whining softly in want as he raised his hips.

He kept his hips canted up as Clark started to slide down on his cock, and Lex shuddered as he fought to stay still, to not thrust until Clark had taken him all the way in. "T-tease," Lex accused softly, rubbing his ass against the sheets as he lowered himself, urging Clark to follow him down and slide down further onto his cock.

Clark moaned softly, deeply, reaching back to spread his cheeks as he slipped down further onto his lover. He noted where he once would have stopped with Lex fully inside of him, but now there was *so* much more of his lover and he whined deep in his throat as he rocked and kept lowering himself.

At nine inches he began to tremble, all but felt his organs getting pushed out of the way and Lex's cock in his throat as he moved. The muscles in his neck corded and he threw his head back, panting as he continued to lower himself. And whimper.

Lex was in misery and ecstasy at the same time.

He wanted to move his hands, grab Clark's hips, haul his lover back against him and pound as hard as he possibly could, fucking Clark until his aushna' begged for mercy and orgasm.

But he didn't.

He kept his hands obediently on the railings, keeping them clenched tightly as he rocked his hips, thrusting his cock in and out of his lover's slightly stretched ass, leaning up as much as he could to take nipping bites out of invulnerable skin as he panted and whimpered in answer to Clark's.

Clark smiled down at his lover as Lex finally rocked into him, though his skin was flushed and damp, his eyes wide, his nipples erect and his cock aching against his belly. He sighed softly and squirmed into the cock packed into his ass. "You can let go," he whispered, and stroked warm fore arms as he reached for Lex's hands. "Touch me," he whispered, and rocked on Lex's cock before he began to move up and down against it, bouncing the smallest bit as he moaned.

Lex's fingers laced through Clark's, squeezing gently before going immediately to Clark's hips. He gripped them tightly, rocking up harder as he used his handhold to yank his lover down, his cock thrusting in his lover's body with every motion. Forward and back, rocking and twitching his hips, every motion drove his cock completely into Clark so that he could slide out and thrust all the harder back in.

He sat up a little more, letting his hands slide to Clark's ass instead, kneading the firm cheeks, pulling them apart and then pushing them together to cause Clark's ass to tighten around his cock as he bit at his lover's throat.

When Lex first grabbed his hips and yanked down he cried out, gasping hard and throwing his head back. His back arched forward and his cock burned between his thighs as he let out a sharp cry. Lex leaned in and sat up the smallest bit, enough for Clark to bury his face in Lex's neck and wrap his arms tightly around his waist as his fingers went between his legs and grasped his cock as hard as he could, stroking tightly. Lex bit and Clark cried out, shuddering as they moved in tandem, against each other.

Lex was close to losing his mind. Feeling Clark thrusting back against him without reservation, writhing against his aushna' in untamed need was more erotic than anything Lex could think of at that moment. His hands squeezed Clark's ass harder, thrusting faster and grunting into his lover's skin. "P-pinch," he gritted out, reaching out to bring one of Clark's hands to Lex's own nipples.

Clark gave another soft cry as Lex took the hand from his cock and brought it to his nipples. Clark shuddered and pinched those nipples, kneading them between his fingers as his body heaved and sweat peppered his pale skin. He was trembling all over, twitching and groaning deeply as he did. His lover was entering his body and pulling out so skillfully, so wonderfully, and he--oh! OH! "God!" The hit against his prostate made him tense up all over, and Clark knew it was only… it wasn't there yet, not in the place he wanted and he grasped his lovers shoulders and rolled over, spreading his legs further and arching his hips as he grasped Lex's waist with his legs and arched up.

He did it so fast that on Lex's thrust in he pushed all the way *in* and hit the bump from the inside.

And Clark, very happily, lost his mind.

He let out a string of words that were very far from human, back arched up off the bed, hips thrust down and back to squirm against that spot and tears spilled from the corners of his eyes unbidden in pleasure. He *wailed*, humping against his lover as he lost his finesse in pleasure, and his control was so tight but he wanted *so* badly to come and he wailed, again, and again. "OH GOD!"

Lex suddenly found himself on top of his lover, and he rocked hard, burying his cock into Clark's body. The new leverage let him slide all the way in, and Lex's arms slowly raised Clark's legs until they were over his shoulders instead of around his waist.

The hard shudders of Clark's ass convulsing around him wrenched the unexpected orgasm out of him. Lex shattered with it, his scream joining Clark's as his body responded to his aushna's needs, filling him full of hot semen.

Jet after jet poured out, despite Lex's fighting to hold it off, thrusting into Clark even as he came.

Clark sobbed, loudly, as Lex came, and oh, God, he squeezed his eyes shut as Lex filled him hot and deep and inside, legs up over his shoulders and oh, God, it was good, it was so very, very good. He almost couldn't take it, couldn't, almost couldn't as his fingers slide down to his cock which had slickened with pre-come. His trembling fingers grasped the KY bottle by his head after looking for it a second, and squeezed out a dollop onto his fingers as his thighs tensed around his lovers shoulders. He moaned deeply, ass burning as he squirmed and whimpered and untangled himself from Lex's body.

He pushed Lex over, his lovers cock still twitching as he came, spread Lex's legs, and pushed two fingers into him at once. He stretched--not enough but it was all he could do right now, and lifted his lovers legs, spurting cock on his belly as he arched his hips and thrust into his lover in one, hard stroke.

When Clark disentangled himself from Lex's body, he whimpered sadly, deep his throat with loss and sadness because he didn't know why Clark was leaving him.

Then his lover's fingers speared into his ass, and Lex screamed again, panting softly as Clark's cock pushed into him. Tight, rasping, felt so *good* that Lex instantly pushed back against Clark, urging him deeper, pleading for "harder, faster, please, Clark, please, fucking please."

"Mine," Clark snarled, thrusting deeply into his lover. like Lex had just done he brought his legs up to his shoulders, keeping them there as he fucked his lover hard but carefully. He didn't know how long he could last like this, what with his crossing eyes and his trembling limbs and Lex's body still going through the throes of orgasm and more arousal below him. He didn't dare touch Lex's cock until he said it was okay, but he was determined, *determined* to give his lover another orgasm. He pushed and rocked with that thought in mind, snarling as he bit at perky nipples.

Lex could barely think past half a second from the moment he was in. His body was still caught in the hot turmoil of his orgasm, having spilled most of his come between his and Clark's bodies, his stomach was sticky with it. But instead of wilting, his cock had seemed to grow harder as Clark lunged into him.

"Clark, Clark, please, I'm yours," Lex whimpered, feeling his lover pounding his ass. "Make me *feel* it."

Aden paused mid-page turn and looked up at the ceiling as pieces of plaster rained down on them and muffled cries and thuds echoed from above. His eyebrow arched all the way to his hairline, and he turned to regard Rico with a canted hip and surprised amusement in his eyes. "We should help them with the apartment looking. Insulated walls."

Rico flicked a piece of their ceiling off his shoulder, and glared upwards. "And better sheet rocking."



go on to the next part