
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 348: 2B

Middle goddamned America. As white bread as you could get without bleach, and Logan was willing to bet his life that none of the people in this city knew what a mutant was.

But that was more than okay by him, because that was one less thing to worry about.

No. The burr currently up his ass was the fact that he was a *teacher.* Of *art.*

One of these days, he really, truly was going to kill Xavier for this.

He heaved the last box out of the moving truck, not really caring if Bobby caught it or not, and jumped down on the asphalt beside him. "That's the last of it."

Bobby caught it. For being so young he was pretty good at moving a lot of heavy things, especially with the fact that he was... well, best not to think about that right now when Logan was in such a snit.

Tell the truth, he'd leapt at the chance to visit Metropolis. The closest he'd ever gotten to seeing a really big city was New York, and they hadn't even gone into the city--they'd just driven past it. Boston didn't count, either, cause most of it was old rich white folks Bobby had no interest in.

But *Metropolis*. it was huge, *alive* in a way a lot of places weren't, and he was excited about being here.

Not that he'd ever tell Logan that, of course. But he was still excited.

He rubbed his forearm over his forehead to mop up some of the sweat and sighed, hooking a hand on his hip to look up at the building and shielding his eyes from the sun with the other. "It's a nice building."

"Yeah, it's a nice building. It's a nice building with a bunch of shitty apartments, all of them the same, all of them overpriced, with no outdoor access."

Had he mentioned he hated being caged up in a big city?

At least he'd brought the motorcycle along.

Idly, he wondered how long it would take Scott to notice it was missing again. "C'mon. Let's get this crap inside."

Bobby nodded and hefted one of his own bags, and a box of his crap, up into his arms with a grunt. "Not really shitty. 'Course, don't know how long it's going to be before we kill each other, but they're not shitty. Aren't they studio apartments?"

Logan glared. "How should I know? It's an apartment. It's got beds, walls, windows, appliances."

Bobby was smart enough not to roll his eyes in Logan's line of sight, and instead he opened the door and sighed. The receptionist was filing her nails cheerfully in front of a lounge at a small desk, and Bobby walked up to her. "Hi, we're the new tenants for apartment 2B? I called earlier, Bobby Drake."

She eyed Bobby's apparent youth with a questioning look, and it changed to outright distaste as she saw the scruffy, bearded, dirty-looking man standing behind him in jeans and a ripped white t-shirt. "I'm going to have to see some identification, please, before I can turn over your keys and give you your copy of the lease."

If Bobby caught the look she gave them, he didn't mention it. He set his duffle bag and dug into his back pocket for his ID card, which he handed over to her. He chanced a look at Logan too, and made sure the man wasn't going to implode before smiling down at the woman.

The receptionist took Bobby's ID card disdainfully, and scoured it for some hint of forgery. Everything was legitimate, however, including the positive credit check, and she handed the card back, then passed over a set of two keys on a generic plastic key ring and a thick envelope of papers. "There are your keys, Mr. Drake, and your copy of the signed lease. The next payment is due at the end of six months as per the agreement, and you'll find the address of our financial agent in the paperwork."

Logan caught the disdainful glance at him, and he snarled his lip softly as he chewed on the cigar in the corner of his mouth.

"And one more thing," the receptionist added. "This is a non-smoking building in the hallways, elevators, and lobbies. What you do in your apartment is up to you, though we prefer you smoke on the balcony."

Bobby took one look at Logan's sneer, glanced back at the woman, and decided this was going to become volatile very, very quickly. he took Logan's arm and steered him to the elevators with a "thank you!' over his shoulder, duffle swung over his shoulder, keys and papers in his hands, and as soon as the elevator, he gave Logan a none-too-gentle push inside.

Logan glared at Bobby. "Stop pushin', kid."

"Stop looking murderous," Bobby shot back, but he was suitably cowed, because he ducked his head. "Sorry. I just didn't want... uh, the first day we're here consisting of you slamming your fist through her desk."

"Would I do somethin' like that?" Logan shifted the two boxes in his arm and looked over at Bobby.

"The question is, wouldn't you?"

There was a grin in his voice, even as he cast a glance up a just this side of intimidated. "Come on," he said when the elevator dinged. The door to 2B was right in front of the elevator doors, and Bobby crossed the hall to it. He set his duffle on the floor again, box on top of it, and unlocked the door with a jiggle of keys.


The apartment... oh, *God*. It was... a studio. But… it was *gorgeous*. There was so much space, the furnishings were a little too modern but it was nothing a big cozy couch couldn't change. The best part was that it was all open, save for the bathroom, which was behind the bedroom...walls. Which weren't walls at all but glass partitions of sorts. "Wow."

"I'm going to throw up," Logan growled, heaving his boxes down on the floor. "What, did they run out of money before they built the rooms?"

Bobby grinned despite himself, and gave the box and duffle a shove into the room before closing the door behind him. He wisely said nothing as he set the keys on the kitchen counter and went to have a look around.

Logan sniffed. "At least the place is clean." He went to the fridge, and glared at the empty appliance. "Least the professor could have done was arrange for beer."

Bobby snuck up behind him and wrapped his arms tightly around Logan's middle, holding onto one wrist and setting his chin on the man's shoulder. "Change, and let's go out. We'll buy you beer on the way back in, what do you say?"

"I say you're too young to drink beer." He breathed in Bobby's familiar scent, letting it overpower the new, unfamiliar smell of this new place, which was already setting him on edge.

"Last time you said that you let me drink tequila shots off of you," Bobby reminded him, grinning into back of Logan's ear. "Come on. It'll be fun."

"Do I look like someone who cares about the legality?" He sighed again. "Okay. But if we get in another fight, that's it. I'm not taking you anywhere else ever again."

"I can't help it if I'm nubile and all the older men want to take me home," Bobby said innocently, his fingers tentatively sliding down the belt buckle Logan insisted on wearing, to the cock tucked away in his jeans.

"Yeah, and if one more of them tries to actually leave a club with you? There's going to be loss of extremities." He sucked in a sharp little breath as Bobby's fingers slid down over his groin and stroking lightly.

"Like that?" Bobby asked into his neck. His thumb ever so gently stroked where the head was tucked away, and applied the smallest bit of pressure, rubbing in soft circles.

"Oh yeah." Logan's neck popped as he turned his head, sniffing at Bobby's hair and nuzzling against his cheek for a moment.

Familiar touch, familiar scent, and Logan closed his eyes as he gave a deep sigh and relaxed slightly against Bobby.

Bobby knew Logan better than anyone else, and after the casual sniff, the nuzzle, and then the warm relaxation, he knew Logan had calmed down enough to think rationally again. "You can put my scent all over this apartment, but not now," Bobby said, and kissed the man's jaw, a mere brush of lips. "Tonight. For now, you'd better feed me or I'm gonna get cranky."

"We can't have that," Logan said dryly, but pointed to the fridge. "The only thing in there is ice trays. I looked. Unless you want to dine on ice cubes, we're gonna go out." The prospect did not fill Logan with joy. "Or we could order something in." He paused. "If we had a phone. Or a phone book."

"There was a phone book on the balcony," Bobby said, and let go enough to jut his head towards the glass doors. "I've got my cell. I think staying in sounds great… what do you feel like?" he asked, and toed off his shoes by the door before going for the phone book.

If he bent over to showcase his very, very nice ass a little lewdly to get the book, well then.

"I don't know; what can we get a lot of fast?" he asked, following Bobby across the room and grabbing him around the waist, pulling him back against his chest and groin. He sniffed again deeply, then licked over his throat before letting him go.

Bobby shrugged away from him, even if it was flirtatiously, and threw himself on the weird red couch to open the book. "Chinese? Pizza? Mexican?"

Logan followed, and tossed himself down in a sprawl on the other end. "Mexican sounds good. Nice, hot, meaty."

Bobby was used to it by now, and he said right back, "Bad for you. Makes you... crave it all the more when it isn't around," Bobby said sweetly, and spread his legs more comfortably. And… well, to flirt back, of course.

Logan's frame was so sprawled out that Bobby's feet bumped against his. Logan's workboot inched its way up the inside of Bobby's leg to rest at the knee. "Yeah, but it's worth the wait when you get it again. It's all the more juicy, hot and spicy, and satisfying."

Bobby's lips curved as he looked down at the book in his lap. .. And Logan's shoe. I give it five minutes before he's tearing my pants off and we're fucking over that coffee table, Bobby thought, looking at said coffee table as his pants tightened. Considerably. "Licking your fingers kind of juicy?" Bobby asked, raising an eyebrow in his direction as he ever so carefully moved his body to the side so that boot was resting against his very, very tight crotch. He gave the softest of rubs against the boot, undulating his hips gently.

Logan pressed the sole of his boot harder against the bulge that Bobby was rubbing against him. He sniffed the air again, relishing the deep, spicy change in Bobby's scent that meant he was hot, aroused, and ready for Logan to do something about it. "Finger-licking, lip-smacking juicy," Logan agreed, shifting his hips just a little inside his jeans so that his cock rubbed against his belt buckle as he looked at Bobby.

He made a low, soft noise when Logan pushed his boot against him. He grabbed it, rubbing his hips a little more obviously against it, head falling back the smallest bit. He could smell Logan's arousal, feel it humming in his skin, and he shivered as those deep, dark eyes looked at him. When he was aroused, fully aroused, they looked like a wild animal, a wolf ready to eat him alive. "I like juicy things," Bobby said softly, skin breaking out with goose bumps. "I get very...desperate. Hungry."

He stood up, Logan's boot sliding all the way down his crotch, and left it lying on the couch to glide down to his knees on the floor beside him. Logan's other leg was still propped on the ground and it was perfect, showing the long length hidden behind tight denim.

He undid the buckle, licking the broad width of his tongue over it, before leaning down and popping the button of Logan's jeans with his teeth.

Logan's nostrils flared as Bobby moved closer to him, his body tense as he waited to see what his lover was going to do.

He growled softly at the teasing lick across his jeans, fingers tightening on the back of the couch as Bobby popped open the button with his teeth.

Cold breath skimmed over his belly, causing him to twitch slightly as Bobby blew across it. Bobby's breath was always cold, but Logan liked it, because he was always so *hot.*

He shifted again, muscles coiling as he got ready to pounce, but waiting to see what Bobby had in mind.

Bobby drew the zipper down with his teeth as well, nosing the hard cock underneath the zipper. He was averaged sized, but what he lacked in a lot of length he *more* than made up with in girth. Logan was thick and just as juicy as he'd just been describing, with a thick thatch of dark pubic hair that Bobby nuzzled to breathe in that scent that was *all* Logan. He licked the glistening head of the cock and suckled softly at it as he pulled Logan's pants down enough to pull free warm balls. He didn't bother reaching back further--the one time he'd stroked and licked against Logan's asshole the man had flipped out. So he stayed in the neutral area by rubbing his lips against warm balls, then up to suck the head again.

Logan growled softly again, this time in pleasure as Bobby's cold mouth slipped around his cock. He could feel the blood thrumming in his veins, feel it engorging his cock even as Bobby sucked him.

Not that he didn't appreciate Bobby's mouth, but at the moment, he wanted to fuck. Fill this strange place with their combined scent, make it their comfortable place, and his muscles uncoiled as he pounced.

He rolled with Bobby in his arms until they were at the horribly *ugly* coffee table in front of the equally horrid couch, but the furnishings were at the absolute back of Logan's mind.

A quick sniff told him that Bobby wasn't afraid--he was apparently used to Logan's quick changes of mind and character by now, and when he was satisfied, one of his claws eased out and he ripped the baggy cords off Bobby's lower body with one quick move. He rubbed the head of his cock against Bobby's opening, slicking it with his pre-come as he leaned over his younger lover, arm wrapping around his chest and hauling him close. "Where'd you pack the lube?" he growled.

Bobby didn't even yelp when Logan grabbed him up and just as he'd predicted, rolled them onto the coffee table. As soon as Logan had gotten his pants off--the hundredth pair he'd bought since he'd started seeing Logan exclusively--he wrapped his legs around the mans hips and pulled up tight, so they rubbed against each other just the way he liked. He felt the hot head of Logan's cock rubbing over his asshole, and such was the pleasure in that that he squirmed and wriggled, rubbing against the hard length even as his own cock twitched on his belly.

Lube. They'd tried a spitfuck once--and only once--and never again. Ever. Dry fucking with Logan was just not a pleasant experience and he *wanted* to sit and have regular bowel movements for the next week, thanks so much. So he forced himself to look to the left, then the right, and pointed at the kitchen instead. "Don't remember. Saw corn oil in the cabinet."

"That'll do." Logan stood up, pulling Bobby with him. Carrying him was nothing, and Logan's quick strides had them out in the kitchen in no time.

Not that he wanted to deal with the fucking delay. However. Hurting Bobby was an even worse idea, and Logan nearly ripped the cabinet door off the hinges as he threw it open and grabbed the bottle.

A quick slice with a claw had the neck open, and he poured it generously over his cock, then over his fingers. Two worked their way into Bobby's opening as he shoved him against the counter for support.

Bobby hugged Logan's hips harder as he stood and stalked to the kitchen. This... was most definitely not new, and he grinned viciously as he reached down to tongue hard nipples through torn white fabric. He ripped Logan's shirt right off, and sucked hard on those nipples before kissing upward, over the jaw and finally to that fucking gorgeous mouth. He tilted his head and dove, kissing hard and coaxing the tongue into his mouth as he undulated against the mans body.

And then Logan had to go and stick his fingers up inside of him and Bobby gasped sharply, arching his back up as they stroked in deep and thick. There was always danger with this, what with Logan's claws, but the danger was what put the pleasure on a fine, sharp edge. He bucked down into the stretching fingers and up to rub his cock against a hard, muscled belly, gasping over and over.

Logan's breath came in hard, growling pants that sounded explosively loud in the quiet apartment.

The tongue in his mouth was a delicious treat that he sucked on roughly, biting the tip and soothing it with savage licks as he kissed hard.

When Bobby's body no longer resisted two fingers, Logan added a third, and then near the end, a fourth as he made sure the young man was open and stretched.

Then he turned him. With a wet pop of their separating mouths, Logan tossed Bobby onto the counter, belly-down as he lunged forward, burying his fat cock in his lover's stretched passage.

The fourth finger made Bobby yelp because he knew it was going to be a hard, rough fuck. Just the way he liked it. The bites on his tongue made him moan--not loudly, because Bobby wasn't very vocal during sex--but enough to send wracking shivers down his body. Logan's fingers were thick inside of him, stretching, and the burn was absolutely exquisite.

Then Logan was gone, and Bobby was flipped onto his stomach on the countertop with a smack of counter and skin. And then bliss. Logan never warned him, so when he thrust inside it was a surprise, a whole new adventure all over again, and Bobby's back arched as the muscles in his neck corded. he jerked against Logan's cock as it shoved inside of him and oh *God*. He gasped, panting for breath as he squirmed back as much as he dared.

Logan's arms came around Bobby's chest, one at his stomach and one a little higher, as he drove in to the hilt. He knew just how Bobby reacted to every one of his thrusts, knew how to make him squirm, and made sure that every inch of his cock was buried inside of his lover's opening before he started to thrust.

His arms left Bobby's hands free to brace on the counter, and his chest pressed down against his lover's back as he started to fuck Bobby roughly, driving him against the counter with every stroke.

It only took one stroke against his prostate for Bobby to remember why he loved being a bottom, when he never had before.

Logan's cock was *thick*, opening him up deep and it was just...he pounded against Bobby's prostate with each lunge, and the feeling was unique in that it made all of the hair on Bobby's body stand on end. He panted for breath as the man shoved into him, thrusting hard enough to bang him against the counter and *this* was just how he liked it. He reached a hand down between them, grasping his erection, and began to frantically stroke it as they moved.

Logan kept his grip tight on Bobby and hauled him back to meet every thrust, managing to shove his cock a few extra millimeters deeper as he pulled him back.

He was panting ferally, chest pressing Bobby against the counter, nose buried in the nape of his lover's neck as his teeth bit, raising a dark bruise along the back of Bobby's neck as he growled deep in his throat.

Logan could *hear* the rasp of Bobby's hand against his cock, could *smell* the darkly thick scent of pre-come that dripped off the head, and he lunged forward all the harder for it, the increase in Bobby's arousal fueling his own as he grunted.

Bobby gave his first, deep moan of the day as Logan bit into his neck. It felt like a point of fire and he braced himself tightly against the counter, holding onto it as his free hand moved against his cock as fast as he could. They moved together so perfectly, fitting angles and curves like no one else--not even he and Rogue had ever fit this close, despite the fact that they'd never gotten far. this felt....this felt...

He squeezed around the thick cock inside him, hard, undulating against Logan's body as his forehead thumped the counter.

Logan gave another animalistic growl as Bobby squeezed around him, and lunged even deeper, biting hard on the same spot as before, deepening the red and bringing out the bruising faster.

His rough strokes moved faster, pounding Bobby harder and driving him against the counter with every push of his hips. The hand around Bobby's chest moved up, claws coming out just enough to shred the black turtleneck so that he could savagely pinch the tight little pebbles of Bobby's nipples.

Bobby was totally naked. And Logan was dressed---jeans, what was left of his shirt, boots. Even his belt, which thumped Bobby's hip with every thrust. It was that, and the wrenching squeeze on his cock at the realization, that had Bobby orgasming. His hand sped up, his muscles bunched, the burn of the bite deepened and bruised, and his entire body locked up as he exploded, coming viciously all over their new countertop. His body bucked and a string of curse words left him, each more colorful than the last. "Oh, oh, oh!"

Which Logan was all too happy to have happen.

Logan felt Bobby's body going limp in orgasm, and he gave a deep-throated howl of pleasure. He hauled his lover's limp form back, moving him like a rag doll until Logan couldn't hold his own orgasm back and he came.

Roaring into Bobby's shoulder, Logan's cock emptied itself in hot, harsh bursts. The rhythmic squeezes of Bobby's muscles around his cock helped to milk the orgasm out as he shuddered, panting and growling.

Bobby barely felt it as Logan yanked him back, eyes rolling closed as the deep pleasure of the man orgasming inside of him made him give a soft, heartfelt groan. Logan bellowed into his shoulder, cock expanding, and exploded, coming so hard inside of him, so hard, and it felt so, so good. He shuddered himself, panting for breath as he let go of his cock, ignoring the smear of come on it to grasp the counter tightly and hold onto it as he shivered. "Oh," he murmured,

Logan squeezed Bobby tightly around the waist, snuggling him back against his chest as he straightened up and straightened Bobby up with him. A sniff, a satisfied growl, and Logan rubbed his cheek against Bobby's. "Still hungry for more? Or are we ready for real food now?"

Bobby shuddered all over, lips quirking up into a grin as he glanced back with wild hair, sweaty skin, and a sated smile on his face. "That felt so good. Thank you," he said, and arched against him, all sinewy strength and purring pleasure. The spot where he'd been gasping into the counter was frozen solid, and he looked at it with a small grin before glancing up and squeezing tightly around Logan's cock. "I'm ready for food now."

Logan thrust up once. "Keep doing that, and you may not get any."

Yes, well, Bobby was a wicked, wicked boy, and he squeezed again, and then once more. "You have no staying power, old man," he said, sweet as you please, eyelashes batting. "It takes you at *least* fifteen minutes to recharge."

Logan's hands popped Bobby's bare ass roughly, then massaged it. "Says you. I take it easy on your tender ass, kid."

"I know," Bobby said, and reached up to cup his cheek gently, rubbing his thumb across the jaw line. "I know you do, Logan." He reached up for a soft kiss.

Logan closed his eyes as Bobby kissed him softly, fingers tightening possessively in Bobby's hair as he returned it, just as softly and gently as he was given it.

That was as close as they ever got to 'I love you', and for now, that was enough for Bobby. He didn't want to imagine Logan's face when he finally said it--it would probably screw up in horror, and then get distant. No, he wasn't looking forward to that. This was better, without saying it. So he gave him one last smacking little kiss, and smiled. "Pizza!"



"Pizza *and* Mexican. I'm hungry. I could eat a horse," Logan allowed, pulling his greasy cock out of Bobby's opening slowly.

The empty oil bottle was sitting on the kitchen floor, flung haphazardly to the side. Bobby's turtleneck hung off him in tatters, and Logan didn't bother to button his jeans up yet. "Clean up first. I'll call the Professor, let him know we're here and we got settled in."

Even though he pulled out of Bobby, he didn't let go.

Bobby grinned up at him, eyes shining as his ass gave a low, hollow thump. "Call the Professor. Leave out the sordid details. I? Will go clean up, then order our food, then suck your cock. Sound good?"

Logan growled softly, and yanked Bobby back over. "Hey." He situated Bobby between his body and the wall, kissing him roughly, and possessively. "Food sounds good. Then we'll find the bed in this place and see what we can do about breaking it in." He rubbed gently against Bobby, then stepped back and let him go. "Don't worry. I'm sure Xavier already knows we're together."

"I hope not. I don't think he'll have any qualms about tossing me out on my ear," Bobby said, and stroked his fingers down Logan's very well muscled back. "God, you're so… fucking *hot*. Look at you... for being an old guy I could fuck you all day." He brushed his lips over the hollow of a warm, delicious throat, licking at thick stubble and sighing softly and happily. "By breaking in do you mean breaking me?" The very thought sent a tremor down his spine.

Logan's grip came back and squeezed Bobby's forearms tightly. "Nobody's throwing you anywhere, kid. You're stuck with me." He shivered as Bobby's cool fingertips trailed down his back, and let his chin rest against Bobby's temple as the young man's lips kissed his skin. "Not permanently," he rumbled softly, his voice vibrating against Bobby's lips. "But... there could be some stretching and breaking involved."

Bobby shivered from his fingers to his toes. "I love it when you talk like that," Bobby said, and with one last big kiss, he grinned impishly and slid out from under his arm, padding quite nakedly, except for the remnants of his turtleneck, towards the bathroom. He leaned down and grabbed the duffle on the way, butt cheeks uncomfortably slipping against one another, and went into the bathroom.

Logan watched until Bobby had left the room, and reached into his pocket for the cellphone-like transmitter that Xavier had given him before he left.

Looked at it, sighed, and pressed the transmit button, which caused the unit to beep shrilly. Logan cursed, turned the damned thing off, and tried again.

It went through this time, and he waited impatiently for someone to answer.

The mansion was, for once in it's existence, quiet. The children were outside now that classes were over, and Ororo was taking a much needed break. She was sipping carefully on tea when the transmitter went off by her book, and she lifted it, opening the cover. "Storm here."

"Ro, it's me. We're here, we're at the apartment, and just because I know you'll ask, I didn't kill Bobby *or* anyone else," Logan answered.

Ororo's eyes danced as she looked into the little camera, and arched one expressive brow. "I am glad to see you are still in one piece, Logan." But her face misted over, and she got serious. "Has Lex Luthor arrived?"

"No, not yet." Logan rolled his eyes. "We're the only ones who checked in--I scented the lobby and we were it for the day."

"Keep us informed. Professor Xavier will call you when he returns--Scott and Jean accompanied him to the city for the afternoon. He believes there may be new mutant activity."

"Wouldn't surprise me. Call us back if you need us. I've got Scott's bike, it'll get us there faster'n anything else," Logan said. "Just don't tell him I've got it."

"I will not," Ororo said, and smiled at him. "Take care with Bobby, Logan. Good evening to you."

"I will. Be careful." Logan terminated the connection, and tossed the little comm unit onto the coffee table. "Bobby!! You done in there?" he bellowed, and winced when it rattled the windows.

Bobby had just finished actually--all he'd needed as a good hard scrub. He padded out wearing the towel he'd just dried himself with, and snuck a damp look across the new and strange room at Logan. "just finished. Go ahead and use it, I got our stuff out. Pizza and Mexican, then?"

"Yeah." Logan couldn't help sniffing the soap from Bobby's neck as he walked by, and picked him up around the waist, hauling him back into the bathroom with him.

Bobby made a sharp sound when Logan plucked him up, and he beat on iron shoulders. "Put me down! Hey! I just got out of there!"

"You're goin' back in there. With me. Got a problem with that?" He almost flipped Bobby over his shoulder, but also didn't want to give Bobby the chance to cover the floor in ice so he ended up on his ass. So he kept him hefted by the waist instead as he shouldered the door open.

"If you wanted to shower with me, all you could have done was ask," Bobby said, though he stopped struggling and instead grinned down at Logan's backside. "What exactly are you going to do, hmm?"

Logan yanked the towel off as he put Bobby back in the shower, and then jerked off his own clothes almost as quickly. "Ro said I had to be nice to you, so I'm going to be nice to you. I'm going to give you a bath, tuck you in bed, and then fuck you until your eyes cross. Think that's nice enough?"

Bobby yelped as Logan pushed him in the shower, and he muttered from under his still-wet hair, crossing his arms as the water spray began to fall on him. "Bath, bed, fuck." He sniffed and tilted his head back up to the spray haughtily.

Logan stalked into the shower behind Bobby, barely fitting in the shower stall as he pushed Bobby face-first against the wall. "We could change the order of that. Fuck, bath, bed, more fucking," he gritted out as he rubbed his cock against Bobby's ass. "Your call."

At the firm cock moving against his backside Bobby nearly choked as he swallowed a mouthful of water, and made a soft, nearly silent noise of pleasure. He wanted...he wanted Logan to suck on him hard, make him hard, then fuck him into oblivion.

And he said so.

"Logan… put your mouth on me… suck me…will you…do that? Please?" he said in that same quiet voice, even as his body tingled and goose bumps flew over his flesh.

Logan's fingers skated over Bobby's hips and ass, and the request took him slightly by surprise. His hand gripped Bobby's cock firmly, stroking it gently as he leaned over to whisper in his lover's ear. "Yeah, Bobby. I'll do that." He rubbed his stubbly cheek against Bobby's neck, then rubbed it against the bruise.

It was easy for Logan to get to his knees, and he turned Bobby around in the shower, so that he leaned against the wall. He kicked the shower stall door open so that he had enough room to maneuver on his knees, and ignored the water sloshing out onto the floor. The first thing he did was lick the length of the organ, from head to root, and once he decided he liked the taste, he sucked Bobby's cock down immediately, tongue flicking awkwardly until he found the rhythm that was most comfortable.

Logan… never did this. Well, not never, but not often either. More like rarely. Bobby didn't ask unless he really needed it, and right now--he threw his head back against the wall and cried out loudly, which he never, never did unless it felt... "Oh, God!".

That mouth. That stunning, perfect, glorious, delicious, wonderful mouth. It took him in, rough tongue making mush of his cock, and Bobby barely kept himself from bucking forward as he stuffed a fist into his mouth to keep himself from screaming a second time.

Logan reached up and yanked Bobby's hands down, pinning them against the wall as he sucked hard. His tongue fell into the rhythm much easier now, mouth sliding along the length, helped by the water that poured over them from the shower head. He paused for just a moment, lacing his fingers through Bobby's as he pressed them back against the wall, and took a deep breath. Closing his eyes, Logan slid his mouth down as far as he could, feeling the head of Bobby's cock nudging against the back of his throat. He didn't gag--he had no gag reflex--and he sucked hard on the length while it was buried in his throat, and then bobbed back, letting it slide out to the head before trying the same move again.

Bobby was nearly screaming. Nearly. Logan grasped his hands and it was a good thing too, because he was just about ready to lose his balance. Logan was moving against him with little skill but it felt *so* good and he squeezed the hot hands in his tightly before yanking and tugging on them, one hand winding in Logan's hair. "Okay, that's enough, fuck me!"

Logan seriously considered it.

Seriously considered just picking Bobby up, tossing him over his shoulder, carrying him out to the bed--wherever it was hiding in this fucking monstrosity of an apartment--and fucking him.

And then he considered something else, and decided against it.

Instead, Logan kept his mouth sucking hard on Bobby's cock, deepthroating it when he could, sucking the head and shaft when he couldn't, tongue flickering around the ridge at the head as he licked.

"Fuck me, please, please!" Bobby cried from above him, though his fingers were tight in all that wild hair, pulling him very gently towards his cock as Logan sucked on him. He couldn't stop groaning, his fingers scrambling to hold onto the wet tile as Logan did such *interesting* things at his crotch. It was… oh, and then the tongue flicker, and... oh, he spread his legs, all but begging to be fucked, *begging*, whimpering and hitching his hips back and forth.

Logan obliged, with his fingers.

He felt the bottle of shampoo pressing into his hip and he picked it up from the floor of the shower, slicking his fingers with the light green gel and sliding them into Bobby's body. His fingers thrust deep, rhythmically matching his sucks of Bobby's cock.

Bobby squeezed tightly around the long, thick fingers, shuddering and gasping above him as he squeezed his eyes shut, then let them fly open, with each hard push inside of him. it felt utterly *amazing*, pressure against both his cock and his ass, and he shuddered, hips twitching and moving against Logan's mouth which was doing...incredible things, *incredible* things to him. "Oh! Oh!"

It gave Logan a surprising jolt of pleasure to hear Bobby giving inarticulate cries over him, *because* of him, and his body shuddered hard as his fingers sped up, pushing deeper as he started to suck faster, his tongue moving faster around the head and shaft as his mouth slid rapidly over the hard flesh, drawing it into his throat.

As soon as Logan sped up, it didn't take long. In fact, he felt his orgasm inching closer and closer still, and as soon as he knew he was moments away he gave a cry of warning, holding onto the orgasm as tightly as he could to keep himself from coming in his lovers mouth without a warning, in case he didn't want to. He held tight, eyes clenched, giving another cry and thrashing his head back and forth, humping down into the fingers and squeezing them tightly.

Logan just sucked harder at the warning cry, giving a shake of his head to acknowledge it. The hand not stroking its fingers into Bobby's body slid up his chest, nails dragging back down lightly as he slid his fingers back through Bobby's again. His eyelids fell, wanting to close, but Logan couldn't miss this moment, and refused to let them fall completely shut as he sucked as hard as he could.

Logan did not suck him often.

And he never, ever swallowed.

That he'd said no to moving away pushed Bobby over the edge and his entire body locked, pleasure swamping both his body and expression as he screamed out loud, deep and hard and heavy as he came into that sucking suction. He jerked, writhing, and if Logan weren't holding him up he would have fallen. He squeezed both the fingers in his hand and the ones in his ass, body jerking and writhing in sensation.

The look on Bobby's face was more than enough to remind Logan just why he'd gone to Xavier when he'd gotten the assignment and asked for Bobby to come with him. It was more than enough to remind him why he *wanted* Bobby around him all the time.

And it was more than enough to make him feel guilty for not doing this more often, because Bobby went out of his way to make sure that he pleased Logan.

The bitter, salty tang of Bobby's come slid over his tongue, and he swallowed it quickly. It matched his mood, and as the taste remained on his tongue, he considered whether or not he liked it.

He slid his fingers out of Bobby slowly, standing up and letting the shower rinse them clean as he brought his lover close, holding him tightly.

Bobby was shaking like mad, muscles limp and exhausted, and he slumped against Logan's firm body, groaning softly into the skin. He blushed hotly and buried his face in Logan's shoulder, holding him close as the hot water washed over them.

Finally, after a few moments, he whispered, "Fuck me. Please, please fuck me."

Logan grinned at that. "You sure you can handle me again this soon?" he teased, reaching behind Bobby and turning the water off. The towel he'd yanked off Bobby earlier had been thrown on the other end of the bathroom, and instead, Logan just took a new one off the rack, wrapping it around the both of them as he used a corner of it to scrub his hair dry.

Bobby shuddered and nodded, matching the grin with a weak one of his own. he was still much… much too stunned, and didn't want to be anywhere that wasn't right next to Logan. He stroked his face softly, then reached up and kissed him, softly at first but it got deeper on its own accord. He tasted *himself* on that tongue, which was desperately arousing, and though his body couldn't do much other than twitch at the sensation, it wouldn't be long before he was back in working order. In the meantime, it was more than easy enough to let Logan get started and let him catch up.

So he dragged his tongue over Logan's, licking and sucking at it and making small noises of pleasure as his fingers stroked through that damp hair and held on for all he was worth.

Logan kissed Bobby back, and the deeper the kiss got, the hotter Logan got until he finally gave a deep growl into Bobby's mouth, shredded the towel because it was too constricting, and lifted Bobby again, wrapping his lover's legs around his waist as he stomped out of the bathroom.

His tongue was thrusting back against Bobby's, sucking the kisses just as roughly as Bobby was desperate, and his neck arched slightly as his head pushed back into the fingers in his hair. They felt good, like a calming pet, and he broke the kiss long enough to look around.

He finally saw the bed, hidden behind a chest-high partition of frosted glass blocks, and headed right for it.

"Fuck me hard, fuck me hard," Bobby was gasping amidst the kisses--teeth clicking, tongues dueling, hard cock rubbing into him and that *body*, damp and glorious and he yelled out loud when he saw the bed. Arousal was coming back with a vengeance, making his frantic heartbeat all the fiercer as he jerked and writhed, all but begging as he wailed, "Please! Oh, God, please Logan!"

Logan loved it when Bobby begged. He slipped his fingers in, finding Bobby still wet and still stretched from the shower, and nuzzled against his cheek as he rubbed the head of his cock against Bobby's stomach as he dumped his lover face down on the mattress.

Almost left him there, but then rolled him over onto his back, and lifted Bobby's legs high, until they draped over his shoulders as he leered down at the young man. "May be a little rough at first. Tell me if it's too bad."

Bobby rolled over onto his back and rapidly got himself ready for Logan's thrust--he pushed one of the warm pillows under his hips, grasped Logan's shoulders tightly with his legs, and though he was nearly bent in half it was okay--this was good, this was what he wanted, and he squirmed and wriggled, nodding fiercely. "Fuck me!"

Logan swiftly guided his hard cock to press against Bobby's opening, and it slid in quickly. He was slicker than Logan had guessed, from the shampoo and the water, and he was able to sheathe himself entirely as he leaned forward, biting one of Bobby's ankles as it pressed against his shoulder as he hunched forward.

"OhGodyes," Bobby gasped, and he was being a bit *vocal* but he didn't really care. He held Logan tightly, eyes squeezed tightly shut and rocked his hips down to help Logan slide in. it felt like he was *complete* and he shuddered and reached up for Logan's mouth again.

Logan met his lover's reaching mouth halfway, kissing him wetly and viciously, nipping and biting as he thrust hard. His hands held tightly to Bobby's hips, pulling and pushing in time with his thrusts, every time withdrawing to the limit before pounding back to the hilt on the next stroke.

He let go with one hand and used it to slide up and down Bobby's taut calves, dragging his nails over the hard flesh and muscle as he always rocked forward, never stopping his thrusts.

It felt incredible. Tight, hot, and the first thrust against his prostate made him harden again. Slowly but surely his cock rose, hardening against his belly agonizingly as Logan thrust into him hard.

And then, well, he decided he didn't like that.

He squirmed his legs down from Logan's shoulders and pushed viciously when Logan's guard was down. He rolled them right over, until he was on top, and squirmed down into the hard length filling him as he grinned wickedly down at him and *dared* him to move them back. He knew Logan would take the bet, but until then he arched his hips and thrust down, back arching as he ground down onto the cock inside of him.

Logan didn't roll him back over at first--since Bobby'd gone through all the trouble of getting on top, Logan was content, for a moment, to let him stay there. His hips bucked up, pushing his fat cock deeper into Bobby's body as the young man bounced on his groin. Both hands went back to grip Bobby's waist, and Logan growled softly in warning as he flipped them back over, keeping Bobby pinned on his back as he leaned over, fucking him hard as he let go of Bobby's hips and pinned his hands down instead.

Bobby grinned wickedly amidst his pants, body trembling with pleasure as sweat began to dampen his skin again. So much for the shower.

Logan hit something inside of him and Bobby arched and cried out--that had felt *amazing*. One leg was up on Logan's shoulder but the other was wrapped around his waist, and something inside made him feel so good in that position. He shuddered, moaning out loud and moving against Logan's body as much as he could.

Logan's expression turned animalistic at the arch and cry. He stayed in the exact same position--bent over Bobby, pounding him hard, keeping his hips thrusting at the same angle in the hopes of eliciting that same reaction again. The legs around his body were pulling him closer in and he obliged, leaning in and trapping Bobby's cock between their bodies so it couldn't be touched.

Logan didn't have to try hard--two thrusts after that one he cried out again, eyes clenched and head thrashing. "Oh! Oh! Logan!" he cried out loud, fingers tight against damp flesh and the hot bed under him doing nothing to keep the fire inside of him at bay. "Oh, God!"

Logan's only reply was a snarl as he threw his head back, rutting harder and faster than before. His fingers dug into Bobby's skin as he hauled him forward onto his cock, kept Bobby's trapped between them as his neck arched back, panting and gasping for breath as his cock pounded into his lover's body.

Bobby came. He came, so hard that he cried out again, the sound sharp and masculine and totally *aroused*. He jerked, rocking his hips into the hard thrusts as come splattered his belly without a single touch. His entire body locked and muscles tensed, his orgasm making the blood roar in his ears, his eyes squeeze shut, his entire body shiver and shudder and buck in pleasure.

Logan didn't expect Bobby to come so quickly.

He didn't expect to follow him, either.

The orgasm took Logan completely by surprise, shuddering hard as his cock twitched, spitting out his thick come into Bobby's body. He was so caught up in looking at Bobby, watching the expressions on his face, the arch of his body, that he hadn't realized he'd come until he felt the wet heat seeping back around his cock.

He took advantage of the situation though, and while Bobby's eyes were closed, he leaned forward and kissed him. Softly, but thoroughly, tasting every inch of his mouth and making sure the kid knew who he belonged to.

Bobby accepted the tongue in his mouth easily, tasting Logan's delicious mouth, his tongue, and accepting it into his own as his eyes rolled closed and he moaned in pleasure. He shivered and shuddered, leg muscles twitching as he held Logan close, and let his eyes close softly. "L'gan? Let m'leg down...gettin' a cramp," he whispered, even when he said it with a grin and one sleepy open eye.

Logan complied, letting Bobby's legs down so that they both rested on the bed as he looked down at his lover. His hands roamed restlessly over Bobby's chest, re-learning the feel of each inch of exposed skin as he slowly pulled out.

"That...was delicious," Bobby whispered, and stretched his arms and legs at the same time, back bowing before he fell back against the bed. His smile was all sweetness and dimples when he looked up at Logan, and saw him looking back. And thought--what the hell. What. The. Hell. "If I say something, will you get weird?"

"Define weird," Logan said, getting up and stretching with a grunt before sitting back down on the corner of the bed, reaching reflexively for the cigar he knew wasn't there.

Bobby watched him get up and turned on his side, propping himself up on his elbow. That sent a whole new frisson of post coital bliss through his used muscles, and he smiled a bit before looking at Logan's back. "Weird like acting distant weird."

Logan dragged his fingers through his hair, but he didn't sigh. "Go ahead, kid."

Bobby sat up, squirmed to the edge of the bed to sit beside Logan, and wrapped his arm around that thickly muscles waist. "I think I love you," he said, very softly. Kind of? Hah! "And I don't know how much longer I can pretend this is just fucking. So I need you to be straight with me."

Logan didn't shrug Bobby's arm off. "Look, Bobby. I'm the last person you want to be in love with. And I mean that."

"I know that. Try telling my insides that though," Bobby said, and when his arm wasn't pushed away, set his chin on a warm shoulder. He felt all of fourteen proclaiming love like this, but... it had to come out. it did. Even if things got weird. Rogue hadn't been able to tell him she loved him either, though he'd waited longer than this to tell her.

"I'm a cranky bastard. I drink too much, and I have the tendency to hurt--and I don't just mean physically--the people who get close to me." Bobby's other arm had wrapped around his shoulder, and Logan pressed his lips very lightly to it.

"I'm not a pile of posies myself. I guess... I just want to know if we'll be... exclusive. You know? No fuckin' barmaids in every little berg we get to. Stuff like that."

Logan's grip tightened on Bobby's arm, and he let go before he hurt the kid. "I wouldn't be fightin' over you if I didn't want you all to myself."

Just what he'd needed to hear. Bobby grinned at the side of Logan's face. "That's what I like to hear," he said, and smiled again when the doorbell rang. "That's our food. We shall eat, recharge, and then have even *more* sex. That is, if you can keep up with a young thing like me," Bobby said sweetly, and climbed up from the mattress, grabbed one of the towels they'd dropped on the floor, and hooked it around his hips before slipping towards the door.

The pizza guy was just getting off the elevator, so Bobby paid both delivery boys and took the boxes of Mexican and pizza back inside, closing the door with his foot and locking it with his thumb.

Logan was waiting in the kitchen. "Sit," he said, taking the boxes out of Bobby's hands and putting them on the counter. "My turn to be honest, if we're into the whole barin' our souls shit."

Bobby sat, but not without first snatching one of the soda bottles that had come with the pizza, and after hunting in the cabinet, coming up with a new bag of plastic cups. He poured himself a glassful of coke, and then motioned if Logan wanted some even as he settled in the chair after making sure he wasn't leaking too much come. "I'm listening."

Logan picked up the soda bottle and took a drink from it, swallowing and letting the carbonation burn his throat. "Xavier didn't pick you for this. I did. Professor wanted Jean to come along because she's a psion like this Luthor kid. I asked for you instead."

Bobby blinked at him for a moment, before a big smile dawned on his face like the sun. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Logan answered, taking another drink from the bottle.

"Why'd you pick me?"

Logan glared over the top of the Dr. Pepper bottle. "Because," was his answer.

Bobby knew not to push it, so instead he just grinned down at his soda for a minute before standing up. He leaned over, brushed a kiss over Logan's mouth, and grabbed the pizza and Mexican. "There's some plastic forks and all in the bag with the Mexican. Grab it, huh? Damn I wish we had some beer."

"Yeah, me too." Logan did as he was told, pawing through the bags until he came up with the shitload of plastic utensils that had come with the food as well as the slightly greasy napkins. "Tomorrow, kid, you're going shopping, and I'm going to the school." He rolled his eyes. "I've got to check in and let them know I'm in town and find out when the semester starts, and make sure they got Xavier's records." He sighed explosively. "Didn't get a chance to tell you but you're the TA. When the semester starts, you're gonna be right there suffering along with me."

"Oh, goody. Just what I always wanted," Bobby muttered as he popped open the enchilada's and handed the plate over to... to his lover. "What're we teaching again?"

"Introduction to Art 1401," Logan supplied. "Technique, creativity, and execution of the artistic spark, is the course description. Basically we've got a bunch of kids slapping paint on canvas for three months."

"Oh, that's right." he couldn't help it--he snickered. When he'd found out Logan would be teaching art at Met-U he'd laughed until he'd cried, and then got fucked brutally by the man in question. It brought a warm glow to his skin, and made him smile. "That won't be so bad. Do you know anything about art?"

Logan just glared.

Bobby smiled back just as sweetly.

"You're crusin' for a brusin', kid."

"Don't make me get dirty, I'm trying to eat here," Bobby said around a mouthful of rice, and swallowed, taking a drink before he spoke. "What about his boyfriend? Luthor, I mean. Who's the Kent guy?"

"Local kid, from Smallville. Small town about three hours from here. Adopted by his family bout fifteen years ago, and saved Luthor's life when he showed up in Smallville and drove his car off a bridge. Caught the big man's eye and they've been fucking for the last year and a half or so," Logan answered between bites of enchilada.

"And he's coming to Metropolis too, right?" Bobby asked amidst his own mouthful, chewing thoughtfully. "All right. I'm a boy billionaire, have more money than a small country, fucking a country boy. Why is he fucking a country boy? You'd think a guy like that would have models hanging off his arm."

"Yeah, well, I can answer that." Logan got up and rummaged through the box of papers that Xavier had sent, until he found the photos of Clark and Lex together, and then tossed it down in front of Bobby. "You tell me."

Bobby took it. And almost dropped it. The guy was... "Holy shit," he said, and whistled out a cat call. "Damn this guy is hot. No wonder Luthor doesn't go anywhere without him, I wouldn't either." He glanced up a grin at Logan, and set the photo back down. "Think they suspect about the powers?"

"Haven't a clue. Guessin' from the newspapers? I'd say no." He tossed the newspaper headline to Bobby next, which read, Luthor Charity Event Cut Short By Shifting Foundations. "Looks like they're calling it the building's foundations cracking, and causing the collapse."

Bobby swallowed before taking up the newspaper, and peered at it. "Has Professor Xavier ever seen a mutation like this?"

"No, he hasn't, and he's working on Cerebro, with Jean's help, to see if he can include these new mutations in the programming."

"Doesn't mutation really come out during puberty? I mean, this guys, what, twenty four? What's going on that he..." He frowned, and looked at the photo of the two men again. The Kent kid had a smile on his face, and Luthor looked... well, he looked happy. Not smiling, but… pleased with himself. "Isn't he involved with Cadmus labs?"

"Yeah, it does, but this guy's a different kind of mutation." Logan just lugged the whole paperwork box back over to the table, and dragged out a picture of a green meteorite. "There was a meteor shower that hit the town about six or eight months before the Kent kid's adoption. Destroyed pretty much the whole town of Smallville. Luthor kid was here with his father that day, and it's the radiation from the meteors that made him bald as a cue ball." He handed the meteorite photo over to Bobby. "Professor's theory is that it's these rocks that're somehow causing the kid's mutation, and that's why Cerebro didn't pick him up before he went nuclear."

Bobby frowned all the harder as he looked at the meteor pictures, and the destruction they caused. "something funny rings about this, Logan."

"Yeah, you're tellin' me. If the kids don't show up in Metropolis tomorrow, we're gonna go sniffin' around Smallville, and check in with the school on Monday, after the weekend," Logan said, picking up the second tray of burritos and nearly inhaling them.

"Sounds good to me," Bobby said, not watching as Logan ate because he knew the guy would get half through the pizza too before Bobby looked back up. "This is weird. I mean, my powers manifested when I turned fourteen, which is late even for mutants. If the Luthor kid was hit by radiation and mutated, his body wouldn't have waited, what? Twelve years? Before deciding to fuck him up."

Logan shrugged. "Don't know," he said, cramming the second burrito into his mouth and speaking carefully around it. "Jubilee's gonna be sending us some more paperwork, background history on the Luthor kid and all, and I'm betting we find a lot more unexplained crap following him around."

"I'll bet we do," Bobby said, and set the photo, and the newspaper, back down. He took the last bite of his enchilada and pushed it away, drinking more of the soda until it settled in his stomach.

Logan finished the plate of burritos, and took several slices of pizza. "You okay, kid?"

Bobby shook his head. "No, not really. This rings false. Really false."

"Like how, exactly?" Logan leaned back in the chair, tipping it against the wall as he listened to Bobby talk. He'd learned that the kid had a good head on his shoulders, and it benefited him to listen.

"I don't know. All the evidence doesn't match up. Sure, he got radiated as a kid, but like I said, stuff like that doesn't manifest twelve years later. He's dating this farm kid--this is Lex Luthor. Ever since he was, what, sixteen, he's had an arm around every actress and model in Hollywood. And suddenly he goes gay? For... well, for this angel, but still. It just doesn't match."

"The going gay bit isn't quite that sudden," Logan said with a snort. "Even *I* know that Luthor goes both ways, always has, and I'm totally out of the loop."

"Going gay isn't always sudden," Bobby said, eyes dancing now with a little amusement when he met Logan's. "Some take a while, sure, but others... well, they're sudden. Explosive. Happen in the broom closet on the bottom floor of the mansion."

Logan's lips quirked just a little. "I didn't hear you complaining."

"No, you just heard me calling you 'god'," Bobby said humbly, though his eyes were shining, and drank the last swallow of soda. "I'm gonna go lay down for a while. Stick the leftovers in the fridge when you're done, all right?" He stood, leaned down to press a kiss to fluffy brown hair, and ambled out of the kitchen.

"Yeah, okay." Logan sat still as Bobby walked out of the kitchen, and stayed in his chair, staring at the photographs and trying to figure out why the Kent kid's eyes put him on the edge of his seat.

He growled at the picture, drove his claws through it, and then slid out of the chair, shoved the pizza box and the lone little Mexican leftover tray in the fridge, and slammed it shut before going back to the bed and sitting down beside Bobby. "Food makin' you sick?"

"Food made me feel sleepy," he corrected, and curled under the blankets and sheets that smelled of them and a different laundry detergent than they were used to. He curled under the quilt, wishing he'd brought his own, and closed his eyes. "As well as very passionate sex that has left my ass throbbing, I'll tell you."

"Give me a minute. There's still a couple boxes downstairs with Scott's bike, locked up in the van. I'll be back."

Logan got up off the bed, making sure he had one of the keys in his pocket, and tugged a clean white shirt over his head as he rode the elevator down to the lobby.

The receptionist still gave him a dirty look, but he ignored it as he loaded the last two boxes onto the dolly, rolled them into the lobby, and then went back and drove the bike out of the van and parked it in the parking space beside it. The van was plain silver, with the X-logo of Xavier's School of the Gifted on the side panels, and he added the apartment key onto the ring with the van keys and the keys to the motorcycle, then pushed the dolly into the elevator and back up to their room.

When he got back into the apartment, he shoved the last two boxes into the middle of the floor, and dug through it until he came up with a slightly-frayed silver and blue blanket, that he carried back over to the bed and spread over Bobby's shoulders.

Bobby was already half asleep, and he opened one eye to look up blearily. The warm feeling of his favorite blanket made him smile and curl under it as he pulled the corner open. "Come on. Nap."

"Nah. I'm going to the store--we passed one of those open-air markets about a block away. I'm gonna get us a few things to hold us til this weekend, when it's your turn to do serious grocery shoppin'."

Bobby nodded and closed his eyes again, and in his head, he thought, If only you knew how much I loved you.

Logan gave a soft, noncommittal grunt as he leaned over, pressing a very soft, very gentle kiss to Bobby's temple. "I'm takin' the van; call me if you..." need me. "if you need anything."

He knew most of Bobby's favorite foods, junk and not, and made a mental list of them as he got up and made sure he had both cash and the school's credit card, which Xavier had given him before they'd left.

- = - = -

Clark and Lex had decided, quite diplomatically, that they were going to come into Metropolis the night before they moved there permanently to make sure all of their things had made it all right. The plan was to bring the Ferrari into the city and then run back to Smallville, and it was a good plan. A decent plan.

What it hadn't counted on was Lex and Clark fucking like bunnies.

They'd given each other very pleasurable blow jobs while driving--switched twice, so it made the trip four hours instead of two. They stopped and fucked in the backseat on the outskirts of town, and Clark's fingers were still damp and tingly where he'd given Lex a hand job fifteen minutes before.

How they made it to their new building without killing themselves was amazing.

Regardless, Clark was grinning like an idiot, eyes dancing as he stood at the doorway of their brand new apartment, and beamed at the room happily. It was a studio loft, and looked...well, Clark was very, very pleased, and he smiled with that pleasure as he closed the door behind himself.

Their stuff was in boxes, and the room was empty, but that was okay. It was was okay. This was *theirs*, to do with as they pleased, and Clark smiled and hugged himself.

The first thing that Lex noticed was his lover's reaction to the apartment. It was everything he'd hoped it was, because he'd seen how Clark had reacted to it when they'd toured it, but seeing it *now* as it belonged to them... well, it was *nice.*

It was nice knowing that Clark was happy with the house they'd chosen. It was about two blocks away from Dominic's old Nantucket apartment, and about a block and a half away from an open-air market that Dominic had highly recommended for them, because of the ethnicity of the proprietor caused him to carry more of the exotic foods that Clark and Lex both liked.

He came up behind his aushna' and wrapped his arms around Clark's waist. "You're really happy?"

Clark *beamed*. He couldn't help it. he had tears in his eyes and throat, and he wriggled and squirmed in happiness. "It's ours! Our own house!" He cried it, and turned to give Lex a tight hug.

Lex returned the hug tightly, running his fingers through Clark's hair. "Yeah, baby. Our own house."

"Which we get to paint, and decorate, and do all kinds of stuff to, and... and fuck, and bring the walls down if we want and cook and clean and it's ours!" Clark yelled on top of his lungs and threw his arms around Lex's shoulders, hugging him as tightly as he could.

Lex gave a gentle cough. "I've already scheduled a housekeeper to come in and clean on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays."

"No way. We can clean!" Clark declared, and let go to go in and explore the room.

"You can clean. I can pay someone to clean *for* me," Lex corrected, and sat down on the black leather sofa, running his fingers over the back of it.

Clark gave a low snort but didn't say anything for a moment as he looked around the huge apartment and started investigating. In his mind, he knew exactly what they were going to have to buy--the apartment was empty of any furniture. They'd be sleeping on blankets tonight, which Clark thought was incredibly romantic, and smiled to himself, hugging his own chest as he walked around.

"If you'd like, we can go shopping for furniture this afternoon, have dinner this evening, then come back and settle in for the night. I will have the television delivered, by the way, as well as the DVD player, the VCR, and the gaming console," he said, pulling out his cell phone to make the call.

Clark rolled his eyes at the ceiling. So much for romantic floor sleepage. He walked over to his lover, leaned down to kiss him, and snatched his cell phone away. he stuffed it into his jeans pocket and instead wrapped his arms around Lex's waist and brought him close so they were pressed comfortably together. "Lex? For once? Just enjoy this. How often do we have a new house, with nothing in it? Its ours. I brought blankets and pillows, they're in the trunk of that sardine can we drove here. We've got toothpaste, and soda. We can order pizza."

Lex snuggled in beside Clark, putting his head on his lover's shoulder. "You can order pizza. I'm going to have a steak." But he sighed softly. "There's a grocery store nearby--open-air market that Dominic goes to when he's in town. We can pick up bread, orange juice, the basics there, and do the major shopping tomorrow," he agreed.

Clark? Grinning like an idiot. He tilted Lex's chin up and kissed his mouth, happier than he'd been in so, so long. "Our own home, Lex. I feel...I feel.." he didn't even know, he just wanted to jump up and down, or run around in circles, or *something*. "This is the best thing that's ever happened to us."

Lex nodded. "Yeah. It is. Get out of that mausoleum, and into a place that's just ours, with none of the bad memories hanging onto it. A new start, for everything that we're going to be doing."

"Yeah," Clark whispered, and kissed him gently. "I think so too." He gave him a bit smile. "I'm gonna go downstairs and get the second set of keys from that bitch at the front counter, and get our blankets and bags and stuff."

"I'll call the pizza place and place an order while you're gone, and call the other restaurants in the area and alert them of the address change," Lex said, lazily leaning back on the leather couch. It was the only piece of furniture in the apartment, and Lex had bought it months ago for his office at Cadmus, and then had it sent here so they'd have *somewhere* other than the floor to sit, if necessary.

Clark beamed. He just *beamed*. They? Would be having very frisky sex in that chair in exactly one hour. He smiled to himself and leaned over for one more sweet kiss before slipping off out the door and closing it behind him. He dusted off his old jeans where they were dusty and went down the steps rather than take the elevator--they were only on the third floor, after all. He got down to the lobby without problem and went outside for the things they'd need--the two suitcases, the blankets and pillows, and after having a small argument with the receptionist, the second set of keys.

Logan didn't think anything of seeing a dark-haired man unloading suitcases as he turned off the van's ignition and flung open the door.

Until he caught the scent.

All human beings had a particular kind of smell, and inside that, each human had a distinct scent that allowed him to differentiate between them, track them if necessary.

All mutants had their own scent as well, distinct from humans and each other. Animals too had their own, less complex scent trails to follow.

But this was completely non-human, and it raised the hairs on the back of his neck. He'd reacted to others this way--Phoenix, Bishop, Longshot. All of them alien, not of this world, and suddenly, Logan wondered if they were on the complete, total wrong track with the Luthor kid.

His claws were out before he thought, and he quickly pulled them back in as he got out of the van and walked over.

All that was showing right now was Clark's butt. He was struggling to yank out the bags he'd stuffed into the miniature back seat, and already had one on the floor by his feet, with a thick quilt on top of it, and a bag that was full of pillows. He was tugging out the suitcase they'd packed with their clothes and bathroom things, struggling to pull it out and not succeeding very well.

He heard something, a sound like knives being sharpened, but all he saw when he looked up was an old guy getting out of his van across the street. No matter, he dove back in and pulled more things out of the car.

"Need some help?" Logan yelled as he came over, fighting his instincts. He recognized the kid as the Luthor boy's boyfriend, but didn't say anything yet.

Yeah, creepy old guy asking if you needed help? "Uh… no thanks," Clark said, plastering a smile on his face. "Got it."

"Name's Logan. I'm in 2B, and you look like you could use a hand," he continued on, just as though Clark hadn't just blown him off.

Great. The creepy old guy was their neighbor. Oh, fantastic. "Oh," Clark said, and offered his hand, cause...well, that's what well-bred farm boys did. "Nice to meet you. Clark Kent."

Logan shook his hand firmly, surprised at how good a grip he had. "Movin' in or out?" he said, pretending to not know the answer.

"In. It's our first night here," Clark said, with a polite smile. "It's a great building."

"Yeah, it is. Our first night too. Me'n Bobby just got here ourselves."

Clark heard 'Bobby'--must have been a son, or a brother. "That's really great. where are you guys from?"

"New York," Logan answered. "Came down because Met U offered a position I couldn't refuse--Appreciation of Art, for new students."

The name rung a bell--Clark had seen the class in the brochure. "Are you an artist yourself?"

Logan barely held in the snort. "Not hardly, just someone who teaches it. Bobby's the artist--works with ice sculpting in his spare time."

He'd clue Bobby into his new hobby as soon as he got upstairs.

"Ice sculpting. Wow," Clark said, and shifted to grab the bag and box, as well as the quilt, from the ground by his leg. "Thanks for the offer of help. Don't think I can get all this in myself, I don't have enough hands," Clark said, sheepishly smiling.

Logan used the key ring to lock the van's doors, and their groceries inside, and reached down, hefting the last two boxes and the black duffel bag with the LuthorCorp logo on it. "Lead the way, Mr. Kent."

"Thanks," Clark said, and led the way into the building. He climbed the steps, cause it wasn't very high up, and opened the door to the apartment with the extra set of keys the bimbo down below had given him. He pushed the door open with his hip, and called out, "Lex?"

"You guys are 3B?" Logan asked, shouldering the door out of the way as he barged through it. "We're right under you. 2B."

Lex was lying on the couch, stroking his cock and waiting for Clark to come back, but at the call of his name and the unfamiliar voice, he tucked himself away and stood up. "Clark? You've brought a guest." He cocked his head to the side, observing the rough and tumble man that Clark had brought home. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Lex Luthor."

Yeah, I know. Pompous son of a bitch. Logan took an *immediate* dislike to Lex Luthor. Reminded him entirely too much of Scott Summers, coming from more money than he knew what to do with and not afraid to say that he was better than you. "Logan," he said, not bothering to offer his hand since he was still carrying in boxes.

"He saw me struggling downstairs," Clark offered, still sheepish. He grinned at Lex's light flush, the tell-tale bump in his pants, and knew just what Lex had been doing. "Lex, this is....ah, I didn't catch your name?" Clark asked the man.

"Logan," he said again. "Where you want the boxes?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Logan," Lex said smoothly. Clark, what is it with you and stray people? He's *not* staying.

He lives downstairs. I thought it'd be nice to say hello to the neighbors considering we *live* here, aushna'. He has a brother, or a son, who lives with him. "Just anywhere," Clark said, motioning out to the several dozen boxes already put everywhere, taped shut and waiting to be unpacked. "Thanks. I'd offer you something to drink, but we haven't even gotten to the store yet," Clark said, smiling at him.

"I got beer in the van. I'll unpack it, get Bobby, and you guys can come down and have a beer. We've got furniture, at least, and some leftover pizza if you want," Logan offered, fingers itching to throttle the smug son of a bitch just standing there smirking at him.

"Ah, pizza. A man of our own tastes. I just ordered several for Clark and myself to share--as soon as they arrive, which should be soon, we'd be glad to join you, wouldn't we, Clark?"

"That'd be great," Clark said, and smiled, nodding. "Thanks. Give us about thirty minutes?"

"Sure, no problem. Give me enough time to get the beer chilled." Logan cocked his head. "We're one floor down. 2B, just knock, and if we don't yell back, knock harder, cause we're probably doin' something you shouldn't interrupt."

Clark blinked, though he didn't let his eyes widen. Instead, he just nodded, and gave him a sheepish look. "Thanks. See you in a bit," he said, and helped him with the boxes he'd had in his arms on the floor.

"No problem." Logan dropped the boxes easily. "Hey, you guys don't mind smoke, do you?"

"Not at all," Lex answered. "I tend to enjoy a fine cigar myself on rare occasion."

"Swell," Logan growled. "I try'n keep it out on the balcony, but just warnin' ya."

Clark grinned and opened the door for him, watched the man swagger out, and closed it before turning a look on Lex. A pointed look, at his crotch. "You got the party started while I was downstairs, didn't you?"

Lex just raised an eyebrow. "Mingling with the unwashed masses so soon?" he said, ignoring the pointed look and question.

"He's nice! He helped me up here, Lex. Christ, give the guy a break. He's got to be, what? Almost sixty? it was really nice of him," Clark said, and pulled his shirt up over his head, took the suitcase, and made for the partitioned glass wall where the bedroom was.

Lex just rolled his eyes. "Clark, if that man is sixty years old, I will kiss your firm, tautly toned ass."

Clark shot a look over his shoulder that said Lex was a crazy fuck. He put the suitcase down on the floor, opened it, got a clean pair of jeans and sweater out, as well as a pair of warm cozy boxers, before stripping off right where he stood. He walked, quite nakedly, towards the bathroom. "Lex, at *least* sixty. If not more."

"Forty, if he's that." Lex followed, leaning against the glass partition as he watched Clark parade around without his clothes. "So what's his story?"

"What do you mean?" Clark asked, stripping off his underwear, and dropping the whole pile by the bathroom door before he went in. he'd grabbed a towel from the suitcase, shampoo and soap too, and he turned the shower on to heat before turning to Lex.

"What does he do, where's he from, what's the whole getting to know you bullshit that you obviously went through with him?"

"Oh. New York, he's here to teach Art Appreciation over at Met-U. Lives with...well, I guess it might be his lover, if not son," Clark said, thinking about that last comment the man had made as he yanked his hair down out of the pony tail and scritched the back of his head.

"An art professor from New York who lives with his lover-or-son, depending on if New York is where he was born or his merely his last place of residence," Lex said. "I'm sorry, Clark. He just rubs me the wrong way."

Clark didn't bother mentioning the guy was an obvious pizza and beer guy, and Lex was a filet mignon and fine imported red wine guy. He just grinned, and motioned his head. "Want a blow job before dinner?"

"As much as I'd like to take you up on that, Clark, I think I'd better wait so that I can pay for the dozen pizzas that I ordered, and my dinner when it arrives." Lex stayed leaning against the glass wall. "Go ahead and shower; since we don't have a television, I'll need... some kind of entertainment."

"Spoiled," Clark said, though with love and amusement, as he got in the shower and arched his back against the hot spray. he sighed and began to dampen and scrub through his hair, getting himself wet all over before beginning to shampoo his head.

"Yes, I am," Lex called over the water, as he let his cock slide out of his slacks and into his palm. He cradled the thick, heavy weight as he stroked it, rubbing his thumb along the side as he watched Clark's movements in the shower, the arch of his back that made Lex want to lick at the water pooling there.

Clark looked through the frosted glass, and he didn't have to see much to know what Lex was doing. He grinned, snickering to himself as he ducked his head under the spray. "You know," he said, over the falling water, "You could still join me, love. Don't even have to take your clothes off." He soaped himself up everywhere and then rinsed, too.

As soon as he had, he took a dollop of shampoo and brought it down to his own cock, which he squeezed and gently began to stroke from half hard to fully hard.

Lex gave a soft purr as Clark rinsed himself off, and he came into the bathroom, and sat on the closed toilet. Close, but not touching, Lex kept his legs spread as he watched Clark's hand sliding over his cock, and matched his own masturbation to that rhythm.

He squeezed when Clark squeezed, he rubbed and stroked where Clark rubbed, only stroking as slowly or as quickly as his lover did.

Yes, well. Clark squeezed another dollop, his breath whooshing softly from him, and spread his legs, reaching one hand back while the other stayed on his cock. He stroked over his entrance once before pushing in two fingers at once, and gave a deep, soft moan as he pressed them in as deeply as he could and began to rub and stroke the tense muscles as his hand flew on his cock.

Lex shuddered as he watched Clark's fingers slide inside himself, licked his lips as he was finally able to speed up the strokes on his cock.

All he could think about was his cock, how hard it was, how tight Clark was, how hot he was inside and how much he was going to love fucking him into a screaming puddle tonight, for the first time in their new home.

He gave a hoarse grunt as his hips started to thrust, fucking his cock in and out of his hand as he held the other one out.

Clark's eyes were riveted on his lover, and he let go of his cock enough to move the water spray pointed towards his cock, even as he stroked it hard. He rubbed and thrust inside of himself with his fingers and bit his lip to keep the cries in and he rocked in tandem, back onto his fingers and then up into his hand. "Lex... Lex," he groaned softly, images of his lover, prostrate with nothing but the bodice on, tight and hot and the skirt and *riding* him and his balls began to tighten.

Lex grunted softly, speeding up his strokes as he felt Clark's pleasure heightening. The call of his name had him shivering on the toilet seat, legs spread as he rubbed his balls in one hand and kept stroking with the other. His thumb rubbed over the head, grinding as he flicked his tongue over his lips. "I'm here, Clark," he said huskily.

Clark's hand sped up again, harder and squeezing and he was right there and--

He fell off the edge. He came, furiously, climax rushing through him until the pleasure all but made him mewl like a kitten, coming all over his stomach and groin even as the water washed it away. His fingers thrust fast into him to maintain the orgasm until he sagged, fingers slipping free and a low, deep groan coming from his throat.

Lex came at the same time as his lover, a handful of toilet tissue appearing to catch the most of the come as it spurted out. Several of the creamy jets shot across the small space, landing on Clark's leg.

Clark moaned very softly, very deeply. He washed his hands, and his stomach, and his leg too, before he shut the water off with slightly shaking hands. He smiled down at Lex, reached down to give his own trembling lover a kiss, and started to dry himself off innocently.

Lex reached out for the towel, intending to help, but was interrupted by a knock on the door, and a bellow of, "PIZZA HUT!"

Lex sighed. "Just a moment!" he yelled, and stood up, giving Clark another kiss. "I'll grab the pizza, stick it in the oven to stay warm, and then we'll go downstairs."

"Sounds good," Clark said, kissed his lover, and then dried himself off properly. He yanked on his clothes, underwear and socks, jeans and shirt, before emerging into the other room and tying his still-damp hair back. He vowed, first thing tomorrow morning, he was going to go get it cut.

Lex stood at the door, rifling through a stack of bills until he came out with a hundred. "Here you go."

The boy's eyes bugged. "Sir, I, uh, I can't break this."

Lex shrugged. "That's fine, you don't have to. Keep the change for your tip."

More eye buggage. "That's a fifteen dollar tip."

"Yes, it is, and if you get them here this quickly the next time, you'll find that I tend to be a very generous tipper," Lex said, tucking the rest of the folded hundreds into his wallet and back into his pocket.

Clark grinned at Lex talking to the take out kid and went into the kitchen to get himself some water. Found no cups. Sighed, deeply to himself. "You know, Lex, Ms. Bird knew what she was saying when she gave us that old dish set."

"Yes, she did, and it's packed in the box marked fragile," Lex pointed out, taking the pizzas and kicking the door closed behind him.

And Lex looked so cute doing that that Clark couldn't help bit grin, roll his eyes, and put on his x-ray vision to look for it. He found it, of course, buried under two other boxes, and he ripped the tape open and opened the box. He dragged it over into the kitchen, left it on the floor by the fridge, and took out a glass. Rinsed it, filled it, drank from it, and sighed deeply in satisfaction.

"We should run down to the market and see about choosing a bottle of wine since we are going to be guests in this gentleman's home," Lex mused as he put the pizzas down, and then started piling them in the oven.

Clark actually choked on a laugh... stopped... looked up and exploded into giggles he couldn't quite stop. He took one of the pizza boxes from Lex and put the others in the oven, before motioning his head. "Come on, baby. We don't need any of that. There's four in the oven, and we're taking two. That should be enough, right?"

"Just shove the other six into the fridge," Lex said, straightening and glaring at his giggling lover. "Just because Mr. Logan doesn't appear to appreciate the finer things doesn't mean that he shouldn't be extended those courtesies anyway."

"Lex, I think he'd be offended by the courtesy," Clark said, and opened the door after shoving on his shoes without untying them. "Come on, baby. Relax, kay?"

"No one is offended by courtesy," Lex sniffed, but followed Clark out the door and making sure to lock it behind them. He juggled the keys on his key ring and made sure that the door to his collectibles apartment was locked as well, and then tucked them into his pocket.

Clark didn't comment on this--he just smiled that smile that was fill of dimples, took Lex's hand in his own, and started down the steps to the bottom floor.

The door to 2B was standing open, and Logan was sprawled on the horrible red couch, cigar lit and sniffing the air lightly. "Come on in!" he bellowed, kicking Bobby in the shin. "We got comp'ny."

"Stop kicking me," Bobby commanded from where he was standing, about to go into the kitchen. "Hi, you must be... Clark and Lex, right?" Bobby smiled and extended a hand to Lex, and then Clark. "Bobby Drake. Logan said you're our new neighbor?"

Lex shook the extended hand. "Mr. Drake. Yes, I'm Lex Luthor, this is Clark Kent."

Logan kicked the plastic trash can full of ice and chilled beer. "Help yourself, got two cases chilled and another in the kitchen if we need it. Bobby's gettin' the pizza."

Bobby shook the guys hand and smiled. He was older than him by at least a handful of years, but the Kent kid wasn't, and he felt immediately at ease with him, including the charming smile and the happy eyes. "Hi, there, nice to meet you guys. Come on, come get a drink," he said, and led them towards the kitchen.

"I take it nobody cards in this establishment?" Lex asked, eyebrow raised.

Logan just growled.

Clark very casually stomped on his lovers foot. "Beer would be great, thanks," he told Bobby.

"I've been drinking since I was sixteen," Bobby said to Lex, lips twitched as he looked from Logan to him. "As long as you're all right with Clark drinking."

Lex ignored the stomp on his foot. "Clark's nineteen, and he's old enough to decide if he wants to drink or not," Lex said calmly.

"Yeah, but you're--" Logan paused, and changed what he was about to say. "--out of control," he growled at Bobby, and picked up a bottle of Corona and pitched it to Clark, and then twisted the lid off another for himself. "Want one, Lex?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Out of control?" Bobby said, eyebrow pitched high as he got himself a beer too. He took one of the pizza boxes Clark had brought, nodded graciously, and grabbed a stack of napkins before walking back over to the couch. He sat on the floor by Logan, in front of the coffee table, and opened the beer, taking a drink from it. "Where are you guys from?"

"I'm from here in Metropolis, moved to Smallville several years ago, and Clark and I have moved back here since he and I are both starting Met U in the fall."

"Think I'll be seein' you in Art class?" Logan asked, smiling at Clark and ignoring Lex.

"I sincerely doubt it, Mr. Logan, as I'll be working in the doctoral program on satellite from Princeton."

Well, doesn't someone have a silver spoon shoved up his ass, Logan snarled to himself.

Clark glanced at Lex then looked back at Logan. "I wasn't considering it, but now I just might," Clark said shyly. "I'm going for journalism, Lex is going for his PhD." He looked at Bobby. "Are you taking classes?"

Bobby's eyes widened. "Me? Oh, hah! No. Uh, I'm doing an assistant program at the university. I'm working for Logan."

Logan gave a real smile then. "Bobby's already got his degree--he's gone through the entire program at Xavier's School for the Gifted--that's where I taught--and when I got the offer, I offered Bobby the job as TA."

Whoa! Ringing bells! Bells are ringing! Clark looked up, surprised, and glanced at Lex once before back at Logan. "Charles Xavier?"

"That's the one." Logan relished the look of surprise on Clark's face.

"Wow... he's... well, he's supposed to be one of the strongest telepaths in the world. Supposed to be, anyway, though a lot of people don't think so," Clark said, nursing his beer. "My parents always thought he was right on. There were so many mutations after the meteor shower in Smallville, really messed people up. Some of them went to your school, didn't they?"

Logan flickered his eyes over to Bobby. "Think I should?"

Bobby shook his head a fraction.

And Clark caught it, and frowned. "Should what?"

Logan nodded towards Bobby. "Got it." Then back towards Clark. "Nothin', kid. Want another beer?"



go on to the next part