
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 35: Caught On Tape

Early evening. That's all he could possibly fathom, as his eyelashes fluttered open. Warm bed, warm lover, beeps.



Why were their beeps? Beeps on--oh. Dominic rolled...almost lost his perch on the bed, and rolled back to his lover. He remembered. Lex, the argument, his lovers accident, the gut wrenching, gnawing guilt deep in his belly.


He slowly got out of the bed... Lionel was a blanket hog, as usual. He tucked his lover in close, fluffing the pillows just so as dusk led way to night outside, and a thousand twinkling stars filled the night, only overshadowed by the beaconing moon. He pressed a soft kiss to each of his temples, and turned to survey the room.


And saw some kind soul had brought him clothes.


Navy blue slacks and a white sweater. Perfect. Better then nothing.


After making doubly sure his lover was asleep, Dominic stepped into the closet like bathroom of his lovers room, and stripped his clothes. Adjusted the shower and got water splashing over his aching body. He might’ve only slept for three hours, but it was enough to sate him for the time being.


And that’s when his eyes fell on the little pack of toiletries hanging from the shower head.


Fifteen minutes later he emerged from the bathroom...clean, washed, fresh. He brushed his fingers over his face...strange, after all these years, but alas. He sat next to his lover, waiting for him to awaken once more, and curled his socked feet up underneath him.


Lionel heard the shower running in the bathroom; it wasn't enough to completely awaken him, but it brought him aware enough that he realized he was in pain.  Not excruciating--he wouldn't allow it to be--but more than mildly uncomfortable.  He shifted in the bed, the sensations of tugging and pulling bringing him completely awake.  He ignored the temporary increase in pain as he situated himself on his back again, and then he slipped his hand out.  Dominic was gone from the bed, which meant he'd probably gone to the bathroom.  "Dominic?" he asked softly, holding his other hand out, seeking.


Dominic looked up, grasping the hand that reached for him and bringing it close to his chest, tight fingers sliding in his. He'd caught the winces and gasps, and his eyebrows creased heavily as he leaned in. The nurse had come in, he was distinctly aware, about twenty minutes before with morphine. That’s what had gotten him partially awake...then up enough to bathe. "I’m here, baby. I’m right here. How are you feeling?"


"Painfully aware," Lionel said dryly.  He squeezed Dominic's hand as hard as he could.  "Did you sleep?"


He squeezed back at the gentle pressure, nodding a little...realizing the error of his movement, and spoke, instead. "I did, indeed. They... they gave you some medication earlier, beloved, I don’t think they can give you anymore. Is... is there anything I can do? Would you like something to drink?"


"No, I'm fine.  I'm sure whatever it was they pumped into my system will be duly effective."  His head lay back on the pillows, eyes closed.  "Do you know, it feels very strange, lying here.  I don't believe I've ever let anything keep me away from my life before, and I quite honestly do not know what to do with myself."


"We could sing Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" on top of our lungs and do a little bit of a dance and such, but I’m not sure the lovely women at the nursing desk would approve of my further endangering the life of their most important guest." He said it with a completely straight face.


A painful chuckle from the bed.  "At the moment, love... I don't think I'm up to it."  He tugged on Dominic's arm.  "Move the chair closer; I want to be able to feel you near me."  He moved his hand up Dominic's arm, and was shocked when he felt... "Dominic?  Did you... did you shave?"


"You never know. Spurts of energy for the ballet come at unexpected times." He scooted the chair closer, and he looked down a little sheepishly as he gently cupped the hand on his cheek, stroking his fingertips over it and shrugging. "I might have."


Lionel moved his fingertips over his lover's lips, then over his chin.  "You did.  You shaved your goatee off... whyever would you do that?"  His voice and mouth were both smiling, however, and his fingertips didn't stop stroking that soft skin.


His own lips spread, and his cheeks warmed as he reached for his lovers other hand, linking the fingers through it. "Well...I did it, so you wouldn’t feel left out. So we'd grow them back together...tease each other about how bad the scruffy look is all the while." A nod, and he kissed the fingertips that skimmed by his mouth, each one, gently.


"That's... thank you."  Lionel's face turned towards his lover, eyes still closed.  "You're too good to me, Dominic."  The stroking fingertips shuddered each time they were kissed, and he sighed softly.  "You're so beautiful."


"I look like a sheared goat." But his voice was smiling, and he leaned in and pressed a kiss to Lionel's slim lips. "I’m not too good for you. In fact, Id say we're just about right." But his fingers sought to comfort, gently stroking his shoulder...his belly. "Tell me how I can make this better, lovely one. What can I do?"


"Just... talk to me.  Tell me that you still love me, that you forgive me.  That you don't feel this is a mistake.  Tell me that you're not doing and saying these things because you feel sorry for an old blind man."  His hand squeezed Dominic's tightly.  "Tell me I'm still going to have you forever."


The words shocked him. Right down to the bottom of his soul. "Lionel, I adore you, beyond any words. You are my light and day and night and dark and stars and sun and everything. You’re the reason for my everything, lovely one. I could never not forgive you… I only ask now, that you.... I’m the reason you're here, beloved. If...if you can someday find the forgiveness in your heart for me, I would treasure it until the day we die. Lionel...I don’t feel sorry for you. If anything, I’m worried out of my mind, and terrified for you, and so sorry for what I’ve done. Y..." A heavy swallow, and he pressed the smooth palm to his face. "You'll have me forever. That I swear on my fathers grave."


Lionel's brow creased deeply as his eyes opened.  Odd and sightless, they looked just to the side of where Dominic was sitting as a single tear rolled out of them.  "You... you're not the reason that I'm here, Jiminy... how could you think that?"  He rubbed his beloved's smooth face gently, reverently.  Quietly he cursed because he couldn't even move to embrace him, couldn't see to guide him into a reassuring kiss.


"Because if you hadn’t... If I hadn’t been such a damnable fool, you wouldn’t have left in the car… and you wouldn’t have crashed. It is my fault, Lionel, no matter how you look at it, and I don’t want you saying its not, because it is. And I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I cant tell you how sorry I am, beloved." He moved his face into the gentle fingers, eyes closed tight. "Forgive me for giving you this pain."


"Dominic."  His voice was hard.  "You're right.  It's entirely your fault.  I saw you strip down to your bare ass and perform the Ritual of the Black Ice, which caused ice to form on the interstate."  He paused for a breath.  "I then saw you, in my rearview mirror, putting a hex on the car so that it would hit that patch of ice and spin into the retaining wall."  He'd  put that much together in his head.  "And, finally, I know that you were the alchemist responsible for turning my foot into lead, so that it floored the gas pedal into driving too fast for conditions."


He swallowed heavily and lay his cheek against his lovers belly, looking up at him and speaking softly. "It wasn’t a hex. You were just ogling at my bare ass on the cold street." And the picture his lover painted him had him rubbing his face into his tummy. "You… you must have been so scared."


"I didn't have time to be scared, Dominic."  Lionel jumped slightly when he felt the unexpected touch on his stomach, but moved his hand to follow, cupping Dominic's cheek and feeling the soft yet slightly brittle texture of his hair.  "I just thought... that you would kill me for dying.  That was my only thought.  I felt the car spin, I had that thought, and then... nothing.  Until I woke up here, searching for you."


"I... I would have damn well beat your ass." Softly, swallowing at the lump and his fingers gently stroked his chest. "I’m sorry. I’m so...I just... I’m sorry." He closed his eyes as Lionel’s tender fingers slipped into his hair and stroked, the feeling so normal and inviting. "Please tell me you love me, still. Call me Jiminy, again. Forgive my stupidity. It was my own insecurity that made me take your ring... I only did because I thought you wanted... with Jonathan. That’s the only reason...I want to marry you, be your husband, have a family with you. And I’m so sorry I jeopardized that."


"I do love you, Jiminy.  I never stopped; I thought that I would die when you took it.  I had hoped you'd do what you did today--put it back on my hand--and when you didn't, I couldn't believe it... I had to leave, find a place where I could think."  His fingers tightened briefly in his hair, pulling him close.  "I don't want anything with Jonathan now," he reassured.  "I only want you."  His throat closed for a long moment.  "And I want to be your husband too, Dominic... I want to build a family and a future with you."  He caught the fingers stroking his chest, and brought them to his mouth, kissing them much as Dominic had kissed his earlier.  "I forgive you, Dominic, but only if you can forgive me."


"Yes. God, yes. I forgave you the moment you stepped out the door, lovely, and I adore you so. You’re the only thing… the only thing I want. The only person, and lover. No one else, ever." He pressed soft kisses against his lovers face as he got close, looking at him, into those sightless eyes, and it was wrenching. Heart wrenching. "I love you."


"I love you."  Lionel raised both of his hands, ignoring the tearing of the tape on his forearm as he caught Dominic's face and held it, kissing him gently.  "I love you."  He held on to his lover tightly, refusing to relinquish his precious love.


"Alright, yes, well." Toni cracked the door the rest of the way open, peering at the two a moment as she got the chart and walked in. "I should say no, I’m not seeing a certain former patient of mine laying on my most recent one, tearing at tape and IV's and staples, am I correct?"


He whipped his head up, swallowing heavily around the lump in his throat and shook his head, not letting to of the slim fingers.


"Good." Then to Lionel. "Good evening, Mr. Luthor. How are we doing tonight?"


"No, you're not seeing it," Lionel confirmed, only easing his grip enough to let Dominic straighten.  "I am as well as can be expected, Doctor.  Except for the fact that I am ready to climb the walls of this small room were I not tethered to this bed."


"Yes, well." She smiled a little, and glanced at Dominic. "Mr. Senatori, a moment with Mr. Luthor? Id like to examine him alone."


Every stubborn fiber of his being screamed in rage, but...the understanding in the doctors eyes, and his own trust of her, had him slowly, tenderly letting go of his lovers hand. "Yes, I...I understand. Lionel, I'll be right outside. If she tries to debauch you, just scream, alright?"


Lionel slowly let go of his lover's hand.  "I will scream, don't worry.  I expect you to safeguard my virtue," he teased quietly.  Even though he couldn't see the doctor, he raised an eyebrow at her, waiting in silence.


She waited till Dominic stepped out...and really, it was a few minutes, before smiling down at her patient once more. "Alright, Mr. Luthor. I’m going to check your bandages, alright? Check for swelling and such, so don’t be frightened, okay?"


"Frightened?  Dear lady, I am frightened of few things in this world, and a doctor examining me is not among them.  I am curious, however, as to what you have to say to me that could not be said in front of Dominic, seeing as how you know I will repeat it to him as soon as he returns."  He lay still, submitting to her pokes and prods.


"Coy." She slowly peeled the blanket back and undid the simple ties of the hospital gown, bringing them down as well with gloved fingers. The bandages were thick and clean, as the nurses were doing it every other hour, and she untaped one and slowly lifted it. "I know you care for him a great deal, Lionel. But he's...a little over protective. ..Meaning he doesn’t like my touching you whatsoever." She couldn’t help a smile. "Its adorable, really."


"He's no more protective of me than I am of him," Lionel defended.  And then he growled.  "Was it truly necessary to shave my beard, Doctor Braxton?"


"Yes, actually." A wince. "I’m really sorry about that. We had to tube you, and the head of the OR was going to have none of that to deal with. It hinders the machines full capabilities sometimes, so we just… shaved a bit of it off. Then you looked so terrible, I had one of the nurses come in and finish it." She peered at the stapled, ugly wound and made a contemplative face, poking gently at it with a fingertip and nodding. She took a culture of it, to make sure no bacteria was growing, and retaped it until the nurse could come in and change them. "How’s your head feeling today?"


"Slightly better; the pain has changed from a throbbing to a dull ache, but I am sure that is due to whatever wonderful drug your staff has been pumping into my system."  He sighed.  "I haven't been without a beard in twenty years, Doctor."


She couldn’t help grinning. "I would have never thought you vain, Mr. Luthor." She checked the ribs they'd set and taped, prodding gently but firmly for swelling. None, and she took a little step back. "Lionel, I’m going to roll you a bit onto your side, alright? I need to check the bandages in back. Is that alright?"


"I am not vain, Doctor," he corrected sharply.  "I merely take pride in my appearance, and it is one that I must keep up at all times."  He sighed.  "Of course, Doctor."  One hand gripped the bedrail and he rolled over, wincing slightly as he felt the staples pulling as well as the stitches.  "If you could be so kind as to hurry, I would be quite appreciative."  Translated; get your ass in gear.


She got it, but her smile was gone as she gently peeled the darkened bandage up. It was wet with discharge, and her frown grew deeper at the heat permeating the wound. Oh, God. Infection. Just what they didn’t need. She didn’t say anything, just hmming once in a while, quiet as she worked.


"You're being a great deal quieter than I recall you being, Doctor," Lionel said, after one of the humming noises.  "I am assuming you have found something you don't like?"


"It looks like we might have a bit of infection around the wound in your back, Mr. Luthor. Nothing to worry looks low scale yet, and it should be easily treated. However...I’m going to ask that for the next few hours you stay on your side. Is it comfortable for you? You can get on the other side as well...just stay off your back for a little bit. There’s an ointment that’s just been released for our use, and it seems to work wonders on infections such as these. I'll have the nurse come apply them, after your CT scans...which will be in about ten minutes.  Do you think you can hold anything down after all of that?"


"Yes, I'll be fine, Doctor."  A deep sigh.  "Do not say anything to Dominic about this; he doesn't need anything else to worry about."


A little blink. "I’m not permitted to say anything to him, as we have a doctor patient confidentiality clause. ...However, that doesn’t stop me from deeply suggesting you tell him. But, its not my business. I'll have the orderlies come in to get you briefly, Mr Luthor." She helped him back onto his back, and arranged the shirt and sheet back over him.


"Thank you, Doctor.  I'll take your suggestion under advisement."  he caught her wrist out of luck.  "I want you to realize, Doctor, that Dominic is as much my family as my son is, and I'd like it if you treated him as such."


Aweeeee! ...AWEEEEE! She grinned at that, eyes dancing, and squeezed his hand. "You’re both something else, you realize that, right? I’ve never met such strong, loving men like the both of you, and I doubt I ever will again. He will be treated rightly so, don’t worry."


"Yes, Doctor... I realize just how special he is."  He let go of her then, and leaned back on the bed.  "He will be able to accompany you as you do the scans, I presume."  It wasn't really a question.


"You say that like I could stop him." And Dominic was stepping in around her before she'd finished opening the door all the way. Sigh. And off she went.


"I’m here, baby." He stepped over, stepping into his seat again, feet tucked and crossed as he grasped his lovers hand again. "What did she say? How’s everything going?"


"Everything's fine, and she'll be coming back to collect me for the CT scans in a few minutes."  He wrapped both his hands around Dominic's.  "But after the scans, she's changing my position and putting me on my side for a few hours."


Heavy, quickening of his pulse, and he inhaled stiffly. "Why? What’s wrong? What did she say, Lionel? Are you alright? Is their something wrong?"


"I'm fine."  He resolved just then to not mention the infection.  "She just wants to make sure that the wounds on my back get a chance to lie without my weight on them."


"Liar, liar." Softly, but he pressed the palm close to his face again. "Go back to sleep, Lionel. Rest, beloved."


“It’s nothing to worry about, Dominic.  And I can't go back to sleep; I must be awake for the scans."


Rest.  What she so badly wanted to do.


Chloe took another sip of coffee and yawned loudly, jaw cracking. Whitney was on his way to get her from Smallville, but with the way he drove she could be here till midnight. She'd picked at her hamburger for a while, drank two cokes, and she still couldn’t wake up. And she felt oddly sticky.


"At ten bucks an hour, you're going to bankrupt me, but your help has been invaluable."  Lex stood across from Chloe, and then walked to stand behind her.  "Straighten up for a moment."


She blinked a bit and glanced behind her shoulder, a tentative smile crossing her face. "Hey, Lex." She straightened her back automatically. "It was straight, thank you very much."


Lex smiled as he put his hands on her shoulders.  His thumbs pressed down gently against her trapezius muscles, causing them to tense up, and then to relax, along with the thin sheet of muscle across her shoulders.  "You look exhausted."


She gasped...then sighed heavily and felt her muscles relax, sighing softly down at her hamburger. "Just a little. You have to be so tired." And her fingers trembled in her lap, where she'd set them as soon as she'd heard his voice.


"I caught... oh, I think it was... two hours.  I'm good."  He squeezed her shoulders lightly and then moved to sit down across from her.  "If I'm interrupting your nap, I can go."


She smiled a little and shook her head, propping her chin up on one palm, elbow resting comfortingly on the table top. "Nah. Just dozzing, and scooping up ketchup with my nose." A moment. "How's your dad?"


"In a word?  Blind."  Lex sat back.  "I'm sorry I dragged you to Metropolis, Chloe.  I'd meant to make time to finish talking to you, but... it hasn't exactly worked out that way."  He ran a hand over his bald head.  "Chloe... I wanted to thank you.  In the helicopter, I know I was a royal bastard to you, and I am sorry.  But... challenging you gave me something I could concentrate on, because I couldn't lose control.  If I hurt your feelings, or hurt you, I apologize."


"You did hurt my feelings." Blunt honestly, but she dulled it with a quick smile. "You're very welcome. Nothing like the shock value of sex to really get your mind off things." And then her tone got serious. "You need to know something, Lex. Its really okay to lose control around your friends... that’s kind of what they’re there for, you know?" She squeezed the back of his free hand, then got a French fry and crunched on it, slathered in ketchup. "Blind is better then dead. You can work up from blind...dead...not so much."


Lex shook his head.  "Only four other people have seen me weep, Chloe.  You are the fifth, and I hope, final person to see it," he pointed out softly.  "It isn't a matter of friendship--it's a matter of maintaining my control until I can be in a place where it doesn't matter if I cry, or mourn, or even pray for my father's life.  Whether I like it or not, there's a standard that I have to live up to, just because of who I am and what I do."  He closed his eyes briefly.  "I am sorry I hurt your feelings, Chloe.  It meant a lot to me to have that to hold onto, though."


She simply waited until his hand turned for her, and grasped it hard, linking the fingers and squeezing. "Don’t ever feel that you have to keep up that facade when you're around me. You hear me? I’m not the type that takes well to bullshit. Standards, and all that crap. Hello. Do I look like I give a flying leap about standards? No, of course not. So the next time you have to cry, you can do so on my shoulder. As long as its not my cashmere sweater, then I'll have to ask you to cry on my pant leg. Alright?"


Lex lifted their hands and pressed a gentlemanly kiss on the back of hers.  "Then we have a deal."  And then he paused.  "And you're welcome to my underwear drawer any time you need something to impress your boyfriend."  A tired, teasing smile.  "I believed for a long time that I couldn't afford to have friends because they were weaknesses.  You and Clark have shown that they can also be strengths."


Alright. Well, she blushed in pleasure, winking at him and squeezing his hands once more. "He was very, very impressed, might I add. He just said I didn’t fill out my bra very well, which, granted. But you know." She paused mid tirade and glanced up through the blond locks. "So are we okay enough now to stop pretending last night never happened?"


"I'm not surprised; they're custom fitted to the silicone inserts I have," he said mildly, not even pausing to think that she might be shocked.  "Chloe... believe me when I say this... I do not know what you are talking about."  He squeezed her hand.  "The last thing of yesterday I clearly remember was... Dominic's family milling around downstairs as we all got ready to attempt a family dinner without murdering each other.  Clark and I got a little... playful, and we disappeared to my office.  Jonathan walked in on us, Clark asked him to leave, and then when we were done, he went upstairs to shower.  That is the last thing I remember until the phone call came this morning, waking me up and telling me my father was here."


She blinked away the inserts for another day. Another, very soon, day. "You're serious, aren’t you?"


"I'm completely serious."


"Well lets see if I can fill in the blanks; jog your memory. Whitney and I came over to return your underwear and see if you both wanted some coffee. We walked in on you both naked, and then Whitney got naked, and you all were very much naked together. We went upstairs to a room you said is Bruce Wayne’s, which holy cow, and we...we had..." She nodded. "Sex. Lots.  Oh! Well, I didn’t have sex. I had everything but...and I’m suddenly feeling a little gypped." Scowl.


"Why in..."  Lex's mouth snapped shut with an audible click.  "Clark and Whitney.  We...  you and I, we were watching them.  I was behind you, whispering something in your ear while I was touching you." 


"Uh huh. You and Clark had just sixty nined...which, oh, sharing Clarks cock with you was quite sexy." A serious nod, and did she have shame? Nope. "And you got behind me and started rocking against me as they made out. So hot, even though I was a little jealous."


Lex rubbed his hands against his eyes.  "Jesus, Chloe.  How can you be so... calm?"  He reached for her coffee and took a swallow.  "I had dreams.  While I was sleeping upstairs, outside Dad's room."  He closed his eyes again, which only sharpened the images left over from his dreams, which had to have been real memories creeping out during sleep.  "We... shared Clark?"


"Nope." She shook her head. "You and Clark 69ed, Clark and Whitney kissed a lot, you humped me, Clark and my angel boy sucked on me for a while till I passed out...literally. Then you and Clark shared Whitney, which I was awake for the end of." And she bit into her hamburger. "I’m not calm. This is just my inner journalist trying to keep it together until I can go home and cry into a pillow. Clark wont even talk to me… he thinks I’m insane."


"You... we... Chloe, this is..."  Lex Luthor was at a loss for words.  "You're not insane.  I believe you; I don't think I've ever known you to lie."  Lex's tired brain suddenly had a realization.  "There's security cameras all over the castle, in every room.  There's one in Bruce's room--why did we go to his room, anyway??--and when we get back, I'll pull the tape and we'll all sit down and see what happened."


"NO!" Horror in her face, and she almost tipped the chair over in her squeal. "No, no, no! NO! I will not! NO! And also, NO!"


"Chloe, Chloe, calm down."  Lex pulled her back down by the wrist, which he caught as she tried to escape.  "It's okay if you don't want to watch it, but I certainly do.  I'd like to know what happened to me, and why."


Whitney walked in just in time to hear Chloe squeal, and he jogged quickly into the snack bar to see Lex holding onto her wrist.  "Lex?  Let go of my girlfriend,  now."


"No, you don’t! You WILL NOT watch me sit there and hump you, excuse me very much! Hell no! And also, no!" He face was bone white, illuminated only by horror....and then Whitney, and it blew into full on mortal embarrassment. "No, Whitney, its alright sweetie... hey, its okay. Sit down, alright?"


"Let her go," Whitney repeated, moving to stand beside her instead of sitting down.  "You okay, Chloe?  You look exhausted; let me take you home."  He stroked the hair out of her eyes, gently tucking it behind her ear.


Lex let Chloe's wrist go, and looked up at both of them.


"No… uh… Whitney, we have to... to talk about something."


"Hey, guys, Dominic said I might--...." He blinked at the three of them sitting around the small table, and slowly walked forward. "Hey...everything alright?"


"Jim dandy. Sit down, tall dark and dorky."


Whitney sat down, and then immediately pulled Chloe down to sit on his lap, arms locked around her waist.  "You got my attention, baby."  He rested his cheek against her shoulder as he glared at Lex.


Lex held his hand out to Clark.  "Come on, Clark.  Sit down.  Chloe's right, we do need to talk.  All of us."

She curled against Whitney but her face was all business, watching the boys as Clark sat down next to his love, and held his hand. "You start us off, Lex.”


"Thank you, Chloe."  His glare at her said everything else.  "Clark... do you remember anything about last night?  Anything at all?"


Whitney leaned forward and whispered to Chloe.  "What's this about, baby?"


"I--...." He blinked. "I remember taking a shower. ..We must have gone to bed after that."


She hushed him gently, twining her arms about his waist.


Lex gave a very, very, dry smile.  “You could say that.”  He looked over at Whitney.  “let me guess… you don’t remember anything, either?”


Whitney looked lost as he nestled in against Chloe.  “Um… no, I don’t.  Should I?”


Lex sighed, and looked back at Chloe.  “This is excruciating, you realize.”


"Yeah, well, you know what? You guys don’t remember it, and I do, and now I just feel cheap." She frowned deeply, looking away and squirming a little. "We had sex, boys. All four of us."


Clark snorted loudly, leaning back in his seat and glancing at his lover. ....And when his lover just looked right back at him, his eyes widened and he sat up again. "Okay… what?"


"Sex. Sex, sex, sex. Tab A goes into slot B. Sex."


Another blink...and it still didn’t dawn on him. "Are you saying we had sex?"


"Clark, I adore you. I love you to bits. But you are dense as a post." Chloe rose a brow.


"Hey! Take that back!"


"No! Start acting human!"


"I’m--Damn you!"


"She's telling the truth, Clark."  Lex rubbed his eyes again with the heel of his hands.  "Or if she's not, then she's managed to somehow get into my thoughts and plant dreams--memories--something--in my subconscious."  He looked at Clark, taking his lover's hand and letting the images from his dream drift over their tenuous link.


"Kent!  You take that back!"  Whitney almost dumped Chloe off his lap as he got to his feet.  "You don't talk to my girl like that, jerk!"


He was jolted from his brief sharing with Lex and got to his feet too, temper already acting out of whack and this just furthered his anger. "I'll talk to her any way I damn well please, blondie!"


She tripped, straightened, and rubbed the bridge of her nose as her boyfriend and best friend stared one another down and all but prowled around one another. Her gaze shifted to Lex, and she sighed. "And to think. A few short hours ago they were thrusting against one another."


"No you won't!  She deserves your respect!"


Lex's temper snapped.  "ALL RIGHT!"  He shoved his way in between the two boys, and pushed them both.  "You'll have to go through me, and in the mood I'm in right now, that's not something you want to do!  Now stop waving your dicks at each other, sit the fuck down, and listen to the only one of us who knows what the hell happened!"


She winced, and murmured an apology to a passing doctor in the almost empty cafeteria, eyes squishing and apology smile on her face.


He growled but he could never deny his lover and slowly sat back down, not moving his eyes from Whitney’s face, but his hand reached for Lex's and he pressed the palm to his tight.


"Sit, Whitney." And she glared herself, voice of steel, and her eyes narrowed at him until he moved. She gave a fake cough, waving her hand in front of her. "Give me a minute, to breathe through the testosterone."


Whitney dropped into the chair across from Clark, ready to bolt at a moment's notice, arm sliding around Chloe's waist and holding tightly. 


Lex squeezed Clark's hand tightly, and with his free hand, pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes.  "I apologize for the outburst.  The next person who doesn't behave himself is going to get his--or her, to be inclusive--ass kicked.  By a very tired, very pissed off Lex Luthor."


"I second that. Compared to all of you I’m little, but damned if I’m not capable." She sat down, sighing, and looked at Whitney, then Clark, and finally Lex. "Okay, guys. Here's the thing, and its the last time I’m telling this story, so please just listen. Whit and I came over to return some underwear. We get in, Whitney strips, goes into the office, where the both of you," She motioned to the pair sitting across from her, "Where ready to get your horizontal tango on. Naturally I tried to leave, but Whitney just kinda...joined in. And you all, now that I’m remembering..." She scrunched her nose in thought. "Had strange red eyes. Not tinged with red, but their was flecks of in in your iris's. Whatever it was, it made you all... have a lot of sex. And I just sort of..." And this time, she flushed hot. "I joined in. Because I’m weak for pretty boys making out, when one of them is my boyfriend.  The end." She pretended to curtsey.


And he... was... speechless. Utterly. Speechless. He just stared at his lover, watching the scenes bouncing in his head... and a strange, far away taste of warm breasts and his lovers cock and sunshine. Oh. Oh, god.


Lex leaned forward curiously.  "Red?"  He looked over at Clark.  "Clark... think back to the last thing you remember, the shower.  Did you see, feel, taste, think... anything strange that might be the red meteors?"  He rubbed Clark's hand gently.


Whitney stared at Chloe in fascinated horror.  "I... you... we... and... Chloe?  Are you?  We had... sex?  With Clark and Lex?"  He held her close.  "I don't... they touched you?"


He frowned, rubbing his cheek thoughtfully with his free hand as he shifted his weight a little, and scratched his neck. "I don’t--...wait. Yes, I did. I remember, feeling k...kind of strange. Like, my skin was crawling. And then... then nothing." He gazed at Lex with much the same look Whitney was giving Chloe.


"They helped you touch me." A serious nod, and she kissed each of his cheeks softly, then his lips. "We all did stuff together, baby."


"It's okay.  We're starting to figure out what happened."  He sighed.  "If there was red meteor rock around, given your... allergies to it, that would explain your behavior, but not for Whitney and myself.  But... Chloe said that we all had red eyes?"  He phrased the last part as a question, and then looked over to Chloe for confirmation. 


"I... don't like it."  He rubbed his cheek against hers.  "I don't want anybody touching you like that.  Nobody but me."


"Yep. It was really weird, and they were shiny. And oh! Oh! Later, when we were all lying down af-after?" A wince at Whitney, and she linked her fingers in his and rubbed close to him. "You guys were sweating weird."


"My allergies couldn’t effect the both of you. If they had, it would have effected Chloe, right?"


"Maybe because I’m a girl? And that makes no sense, I know." She paused and looked at Whitney with a wince. "I’m sorry, baby. If it helps, it was really, really hot."


"When we get home, I'll want to look at the sheets," Lex mused, slipping slightly into his scientist mode.  "The reasonable hypothesis here would be that somehow, we've all ingested the red meteor rock.  Even you, Chloe.  Further hypothesis would lead me to believe it affected the three of us, because we all have some form of mutation or allergy to the meteor rocks.  Clark is allergic to them, I was mutated when I was a child, and Whitney, you had it introduced into your bloodstream via the tattoo that sped up your metabolism.  Chloe, I would surmise that you escaped infection because there was nothing in your system to react with it, however it was introduced."


"See? That’s my boyfriend." And he beamed at him with pride coming out of his ears, so proud of his mate, and he reached in and kissed his cheek softly.


She thought it over a moment...then looked up and nodded. "Exactly. That’s exactly it. ....But that also means that whatever it is could still be at the mansion, and if you... you guys go back in there, it might happen again. would be bad! Because Clark and Whitney, you both were..." A swallow. "Tearing at each others throats. Of course." Literally. "And we don’t want anyone getting hurt."


Lex turned and rubbed his cheek against Clark's.  "I'm willing to bet that whatever it was, it was in a very limited amount, less than 100 parts per billion, because if it had been any stronger, we would still be under the effects of it.  And if Chloe is right, and we simply sweated it out during the night, then it's not like what happened to Earl Jenkins and we don't have it still lodged in our bodies."  He rubbed his temples again.  "I know there's something I am missing here, but I cannot think straight."


His brows creased at Chloe's little stutter and as he watched all dawned on him. Chloe wasn’t one to stutter, and...she....he'd had sex with Whitney.


Oh. My. God.


"Yes, well, maybe you need some coffee, love. I'll get it for you!" He got to his feet as fast as he could, spun on his heel, and jolted off.


Chloe blinked after him for a second. "That wasn’t odd. Anyway, I think you've got it, Lex. It also explains why you and Clark weren’t speaking English a little bit of the time, there. And you guys were...serious hot and heavy. And then Whitney, and well. That… was something. I just... you guys don’t think I’m slutty, right?"


"I'm not afraid, Chloe," Whitney said quietly.  "I believe you, but I don't think it's still there.  Lex is right, if it were, we'd have breathed it in while we were asleep and woke up like that again, instead of what passes for normal for us."  He snuggled her close.  "I'm not worried, either.  I know I can kick Clark's ass."  The implication of her stutter had completely passed him by.


"Interesting choice of words there, love." She swallowed and leaned her head on his shoulder. "If it is the meteor rocks....Lex, why would you keep any of it around the mansion, where it could get into the vents and all?"


A beat. "Because you all do realize this came from the vents, right? It had to. No way could whatever it is travel up to Bruce's room too. You guys would have shaken it off when we got there."


Lex looked at Chloe.  "They weren't at each other's throats, were they, Chloe?"  He knew the truth; knew that they'd watched Clark and Whitney fucking.  Then what else she'd said sunk in.  "We... weren't speaking English?"  He wished Clark hadn't run off; he needed to hear this.  "I don't know what you mean."  More silence as he listened and he thought.  "I have exactly two chunks of meteor rock in my possession.  One is red and one is green, and they're both sealed in lead containers and are locked in a vault in my lab.  I don't have anything in my possession that's pulverized or aerosol."


Whitney leaned his head over against Chloe's as it rested on her shoulder, listening to them talk.


"No...not throats, per say. Though necks were involved at some point." And she didn’t dare glance at Whitney, speaking on. "Not kinda sounded like lover talk. I had no idea what you guys were saying, but whatever it was, it sounded cute." She propped her elbow on the table and her chin in her hand, because his immediate dismissal of her comment made her wonder more then a little. "Well, what else could have caused the redness?"


"Coffee. Back with coffee." He coughed very softly and set the cup in front of Lex, nodding. "Cream, two sugars."


"Thank you, Clark."  He waited until Clark had sat down.  "You missed something interesting, Clark... apparently, at some point... neither of us were speaking English."  He gave his lover's thigh a meaningful squeeze.  "I don't know what could have caused it.  Let me think."


Whitney suddenly piped up.  "There was a box on the floor, by the door.  Look like it had fallen of the table.  I just remembered."


Lex turned and pinned Whitney with a glare.  "A box?  On the table by the door?"


"Yeah.  On the floor."


"Motherless fucker."


"Was it French? Cause we do the French thing sometimes. Wh...while having sex." A smile at Chloe, and a nod. "Cause we're romantic. And all. Like that."


She jumped at the curse, brow up at her hairline. "What box? What was in it?"


"There was a delivery a few days ago; with Dominic's family there, I never got to take it down to the lab without being followed by the Abominable Pink-Haired Brat."  He growled.  "It was from a scientist who works for me, Stephen Hamilton.  I'd commissioned him to find a cure for Clark's red meteor allergy.  He sent me the package a few days ago and he said he was sending me a few of the mistakes he'd made for me to study." 


She sighed heavily and set her head on her napkin, beside her half finished hamburger. "Explanation. I feel like a light bulb just went off above us, and flashed." She paused, and rose her head. "Guys? Are we going to be...I mean, Clark cant even look at me without turning pink. And you, Whitney, you're jealous. Guys...none of you could control it, and it happened, you know? I’m the one who shouldn’t have joined in."


And in her heart, she really wished they could do it again.


"No, I can." He glanced up...then down again, flushing hot. "Okay. Call my bluff."


Lex raised his head and looked at Chloe.  "That's not true, Chloe.  You had every right to do what you did.  For... for some reason, I feel like... I feel closer to you now, and that's good."  He turned to look at Clark.  "You, Clark... this is still Chloe.  Your best friend."  Then he eyed Whitney, trying very hard not to see in his mind's eye what had happened between them.  "And you, Whitney... I don't know what happened between you and Clark before, I don't want to know, but why are you able to look him in the eye and believe nothing's changed, but still be jealous because Chloe joined you and us?  Maybe I have a different perspective on all of this because I've done this before, and I know the group psychology of it, but what you've all got to realize is--and this means you too, Chloe--all that changes is what you allow.  If you don't want your feelings to change, then they won't." 


Whitney shook his head.  "I don't... it's just different."  He squeezed Chloe.  "She's my girl.  I don't want her getting with you guys and leaving."


There went the brow again, peaking and nearly disappearing under her bangs, and she swiveled her head at him and locked eyes. "Yes, thank you for acknowledging I’m here. I will, for one, not leave you for two gay men." She glanced at the boys. "No offense." Then back. "In part, because they’re, you know, gay. And more importantly, because I’m in love with you. It was just fun, that’s it, Whitney. I feel no differently about you then I did yesterday."


"Lex..." Because they were being honest, he'd be honest too. "When I got...sick the last time. I didn’t... I came on to Whitney, and...I gave h… him... I sucked him off. And he was fighting me the whole way, but you know I always get what I want. I thought that he was what I wanted, because I was out of my mind and thought you didn’t love me. You know? But that’s it. It was nothing more then that, and I cant excuse away what I did...but I’m truly sorry, beloved." He swallowed, and spoke on. "As for the four o-of us sleeping together... it... I don’t regret it, as long as Lex is okay with it. I just...." heavy flush. "I wish I could remember."


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you."  He buried his face in her neck.  "I just... I know that Clark and Lex are... well, they could do more for you than I could.  And I love you, so much, and I don't want to lose you.  But... but I trust you.  I know that you love me, I'm just... scared."  He squeezed her waist tightly.


Lex looked at Clark, smiling softly.  "It's okay, Clark."  He ran his fingers through the thick locks of black hair.  "That's better than what I'd envisioned."  He sighed.  "I'm all right with it, I suppose, as much as I can be under the circumstances."  Then he looked at Chloe.  "Which brings me back to what Chloe and I were discussing when Whitney came in.  The security camera in Bruce's room, and the tape."


"You'll never lose me, sweetie." She nuzzled her nose against his cheek, cupped his face, and kissed him softly. "I’m here for the long run, so don’t worry anymore, m’kay?" Another little smoochie, and she spoke in her normal voice without looking away from Whitney. "If you make us watch that tape, Lex, I will staple your scrotum to the wall."


Clark flinched in pure male terror, wincing and glancing at him. "She means it, you know. She's feisty. But I'll join you, cause I think we should watch the tape, too."


"I'm not going to make anyone watch it, Chloe.  I personally am going to watch it, merely because I want to remember."  Lex settled against Clark.  "Nevertheless, I think that I shall be taking up a strategic position behind you, Clark."


Whitney raised his hand to hold hers against his face.  "I'll stop worrying the day the rest of the world goes blind," he said softly.  "Because then there won't be anyone else who'll see how beautiful you are."


He smiled a little and rubbed the back of his hand as he watched Chloe. "I dunno. I'm going to watch it, just cause...well..." Flush, but he looked down and it wasn’t completely out of embarrassment. "I cant believe we...and...huge fantasy here, and I cant remember it, which considering I’m Clark Kent, makes sense. Nothing goes right for me."


She grinned at him, pecked his nose, and pinched his cheek tenderly. "Stop, okay? I’m going to cry, and we all know how me and crying goes, and Lex, we are NOT." She threw her eyes at him. "Watching. That. TAPE."


Whitney shook his head.  "I'm not watching it.  Not cause Chloe says so, but... I don't want to see anyone touching her."  He looked up at her, and then held her tight, resting against her shoulder.


Lex shook his head.  "We either all watch it together, or nobody will.  It has to be this way; we all have to remember."


"But you guys are..." Flashes in her mind, of her back arched against Lex's complete nakedness, Clark at her breasts, Whitney between her legs, and her face burned hot as her treacherous teenage body gave a hard jolt. She buried her face in Whitney’s shoulder and hid it from the boys, muffling, "Its so embarrassing."


Lex put his hand on Chloe's shoulder.  "There's nothing embarrassing about submitting to your desires, Chloe.  You only have to be careful who you indulge them with, so that it doesn't come back to harm you down the road."


"Yeah, well, say that next time when all three of you are attacking me like ravenous hyenas, eh? Would you like to watch YOURself on a TV getting licked and sucked on by three gorgeous women and please don’t answer that?"


Oh boy. Treacherous teenage bodies, huh. Clark swallowed hard and shifted in his seat. "Whoa boy."


"Yes! I take your "oh boy" and raise you a "guh!"."


Lex merely smiled quietly, steepling his fingers and raising one eyebrow at the young woman.


"You are such a bitch, Lex Luthor." She waggled her finger at him chidingly. "Evil, wicked man." A heavy sigh. "Okay. Guys, okay, alright? We'll watch the stinking movie. But know I will never be my normal pale self again around you all, alright?"


Lex let a smug smirk overtake his features for a moment before schooling his face back to inscrutability.  "I think that's a risk we'll all be willing to take."


"Yeah, well, its not your face." A heavy grump. "Geez. You all just want to watch yourself porn it, don’t you?"


Many serious nods. "Uh huh. Most definitely." A blink. "Sorry, was I supposed to say no?"


"You're a bitch too, Clark. A big, ugly bitch. Both of you deserve one another’s... bitchiness." But she wasn’t entirely angry, just glaring at them like an old hen and crossing her arms.


"Dunno. My pants say differently. ....My mouth cannot stay shut, can it?" A grin at Lex.


"No, it can't.  You're just digging yourself in deeper, Clark.  Though, lady and gentlemen, I do suggest you wear loose fitting clothing and do not expect popcorn."


She let out a wail and buried her face in Whitney’s shoulder again. "Why, oh why, did I listen to my hormones. Why couldn’t I have just sat and watched like a good girl? But noooo. I have to be in the middle of everything. Dammit!"


"T...there’s a joke there. I wont say it, though. Cause." A beam and he winked at his lover, settling forward and meeting Whitney’s eyes. "I’m sorry about before. I shouldn’t use that language around Chloe."


She looked up and glared. "What am I, a fucking hot house flower here?"




"I think the point that Whitney was trying to make earlier is that gentlemen do not use that kind of language around ladies.  Nor do ladies swear quite so colorfully."  The ghost of a grin, and he didn't draw attention to the fact that Whitney was surprisingly silent.  "Clark... you make that joke and I'll break your toes."


Snort. "I’m not a lady. Puh-lease." She rolled her eyes and reached over, taking a sip of the coffee Lex had been drinking, before glancing at her boyfriend as she bit her if asking if he was alright.


"But its such a nice joke. And its such a shame, to let it lie there. C'mon, Lex. Please?" Hopeful beam, and the smile of a thousand teeth winked into existence.


"No."  For once, Lex didn't melt under the megawatt grin.  "Things are already going to be uncomfortable as it is without juvenile joking making it worse."


Whitney watched as Lex pushed the coffee over to Chloe as she reached for it, and he smiled at her as she looked at him.  He didn't like it, but he wouldn't let her know that.  He didn't like anyone else being so in tune with his Chloe.  More in tune than he was, and it chewed at his insides. 


Oh. Crushed feelings at that, and he shifted and sighed.


She reached over and gently cupped Whitney’s fingers, bringing them to rest right where her heart beat. She squeezed them, tightly, and hoped that what was troubling him, he'd understand she loved him. "I love you, Whitney. Nothing, no one, no person on this earth will ever come between us. You're the person I’m going to marry and have my kids with, and do bills with and go on vacations with. Just you. Don’t hurt because of this, okay?"


"I'm sorry, Clark."  Lex leaned over and nibbled his lover's chin.  "I'm just... tired."


"I'm not, Chloe."  He kissed her fingers.  And it was true, after a fashion.  He wasn't exactly hurting... he was just... angry.  Jealous.  And he tried to clamp down on it, because that's what had driven him to the scarecrow pole before, and he wouldn't give into it again.  But it was hard.  "I'm all right."


"Liar." Softly, and she pressed a kiss to his eyebrow before glancing up at the boys. "Okay… guys. Whitney and I are going to go home." Because she knew exactly what her love needed. "Do you want us to bring you anything? We can stop and get some food for you both, if you'd like."


"Thanks, but no, C'lo." A nod at her, and he sort of… shifted away from his lover, and gently patted his knee. "We'll see you later."


"Call and keep me posted on how your dad's doing, Lex." She reached across the table and squeezed his hand before rising.


Lex was more than a little hurt as Clark shifted away from it, but it was easy not to show it through the mask of exhaustion.  "We're fine, Chloe, thanks."  He returned the squeeze of her hand.  "I'll let you know as soon as we hear anything new."


Whitney got to his feet beside Chloe, hands shoved in his pockets because he wasn't quite sure what else to do with them.


And she took one of his palms, linking the fingers with hers and looking up at him as they left. "'re angry with me."


"I’m going to go use the restroom. Be back in a sec." And he was gone, as well.


Whitney shook his head.  "No, I'm not angry with you."  He kissed her temple as they walked.  "I'm angry at me, myself, them, but no, baby... not you."




go to the next part