
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 351: Three-Way Tie

Clark was a very, very sleepy man.

Not always, and not usually. In fact, most of the time he was a running ball of energy. But today? Today he was pooped. He figured it had to do with the moving, unpacking, working and sex, but he was running low. No amount of junk food was bringing him back up, either.

That was how he found himself snoring on Shayla's mattress, anyhow. Shay and Lex had disappeared some thirty odd minutes before downstairs to unpack something, and Clark had been in the middle of unpacking bedding, and... well... it had looked damned comfortable. So he'd taken her frilly pink blanket and curled up on her bed, where he was currently snoring to high hell. Just on the edge of consciousness he could hear the puppies through the floor, yipping and playing and probably making hell of the packing paper.

"Should we wake him up?" Shayla was leaning against the doorframe, in unconscious mimicry of Lex, as he leaned against the other side of the door.

"Oh, I don't know." Lex was lounging as he watched his sleeping lover. "I think he looks kind of cute curled up on your pink mattress and pink quilt like that."

"Yeah, pink kind of is his color, isn't it?" she answered back. They'd finished setting up the laptop, the webserver, the cable internet line, and all the necessary software and peripherals to get Psychosomatic off to a great start. Lex had helped her come up with the name, which had been quickly necessary, thanks to the success of the bracelet she'd designed for his mother's foundation. They'd already sold a hundred and twelve of them, and at a hundred dollars each, that was a little over ten thousand dollars from the bracelets alone. The tie-tacks and cufflinks had been another set, sold for eighty each, and they'd sold almost a hundred of them.

Twenty thousand bucks for the foundation and it was her first piece ever. Not bad for a girl like her, she reflected, grinning at Lex as she watched Clark.

Clark shifted, sighing sleepily, and as he dragged himself up from unconsciousness, he was aware of people watching him. He cracked one eye open, then the other, then gave a huge, jaw-cracking yawn. He sat up, rumpled and sleepy, and peered through his lashes at them before rubbing at his eyes. "Mmmph. S'rry."

Shayla giggled. "No, no, don't get up. Please. Make yourself at home."

Oh. oh, well that was the wrong thing to say.

Clark rolled back over and closed his eyes, ready to go back to sleep.

Shayla snickered when Clark rolled back over. "Would you look at that."

"We could always join him, you know," Lex pointed out casually, rubbing an itch on one bicep.

"Oooh, that's true. You jump the right side, I'll jump the left?" she suggested.

"No joining. Sleeping," Clark muffled from the slightly dusty mattress. "Please, leave me alone for ten minutes. I'm so tired I could just about die."

Shayla and Lex were both pouting.

"Well, fine, be that way," Shayla huffed.

Lex was still leaning against the doorway. "Now, now, Clark. There's no need to be grumpy."

Clark looked up and pouted back. "Yes there is. You both want to have your wicked way with me, and I'm sleepy!"

Lex was still gazing serenely at Clark. "It's your own fault," he said. "You make yourself irresistible, what with the sleep-tousled hair and the pouty lips."

"I'll make myself irresistible by saying that if you want to fuck, I'm not doing any work," Clark muffled, but... well, certain body parts were interested, and he glared at the two of them.

Shayla giggled. "I can deal with that. All we've got left to do is put together the bed, because Lex helped me put the computer table and everything together, and let me tell you, it's a hell of a lot easier with someone who can levitate the pieces in place while you screw 'em in."

Lex looked calmly at his aushna'. "And the building is still standing," he said, going to sit on the mattress beside Clark.

"Amazing," Clark said, and couldn't help grinning sleepily as he cracked one green eye open to regard Lex. "Are you going to have your wicked way with me, aushna'?"

"Yes, I am, and I may even let the Smurf watch."

"HEY!!! I am not a Smurf!" Shayla yelled. "They were all helium-toking crackheads anyway."

"Mmm," Clark murmured, and as he was already lying on his side, shifted his top leg forward and closed his eyes again. "Wake me when its time for orgasm," he said, giving another huge yawn midway through his sentence and burrowing into the blanket sleepily.

"Okay." Lex held his hand out for Shayla, nodding gently at her and waiting patiently for her to come over.

She did, slowly, and let her fingers link with Lex's as he pulled her down on the mattress beside him. The intensity behind his eyes still left her a little scared and a lot breathless, but when he kissed her, all she could was let her hands stroke gently over the back of his head, stroking him carefully as one hand dropped to rest on Lex's hip.

Lex reached up and took the hand from his hip, directing it a little lower as he shifted position so that her hand rested directly on his crotch. His hand covered hers again, directing it in gentle massaging motions.

Ohh. Clark opened his eyes again and looked up, and well, he couldn't help watching them where they were seated behind his shoulder. He shifted, rolling onto his back, and swallowed, watching them silently. His crotch began to gently throb and it felt... well, it felt damn good, and he sighed as he ran a wide palm across Shayla's hip.

Shayla gave a quiet little sigh into Lex's mouth as Clark's hand stroked over her hip, and she scooted closer to both of them, the hand on Lex's groin still rubbing through his slacks and against his zipper as she looked shyly down at him.

Lex gave a quiet smirk as he noticed Clark waking up, and he moved his mouth to Shayla's ear, and whispered softly, even as he nibbled the lobe gently. "I think you should kiss him, and then let me," Lex murmured softly. "Between the two of us, we should be able to bring Sleeping Beauty there completely awake."

Shayla nodded, and as Lex's hands came to meet Clark's on her hip, she got to her knees and crawled into Clark's lap, kissing him softly with the taste of Lex still on her tongue.

There was nothing more exciting in this world than watching one's aushna' with one's sha'nauch.

Clark's breath trembled from him as Shayla crawled between his legs and kissed him, and it… it was the taste of goodness, aushna and sha'nauch and oh, he shivered as he took hold of the kiss easily, dipping his tongue into her mouth to taste more as his eyes fluttered shut. He caressed her hip, Lex's fingers on his own, and gave a very quiet moan.

Shayla returned kisses easily, shivering slightly as Clark's tongue dipped deeper into her mouth, and she undulated her hips gently in his lap. She gave a soft little squeak as Lex's chest pressed against her back, and her mouth moved easily to Clark's throat as Lex's chin nudged her out of the way to take his turn with kissing Clark.

Lex's mouth quickly replaced Shayla's, so there was barely a breath's time passing between kisses. His mouth wasn't nearly so hesitant as hers, pressing firmly, possessively, taking Clark's taste into his mouth as he shared his own with his aushna'.

Clark opened his mouth to Lex's kisses, letting Lex take possession of him just as he'd taken possession of Shayla--and it aroused him in ways he'd never felt before. He shuddered and mewled softly in Lex's mouth, squirming against Shayla's body between them as his aushna' kissed him like something to be owned, and ohhh oh oh. His nipples hardened, tingles raced across his chest and up his neck, and a heat was lit in his groin that made him shudder and ache, rolling his hips against Shayla's.

Shayla's little fingers skipped down the placket of buttons on Clark's shirt, opening them and pushing his shirt aside as she yanked on it, finally getting it pulled free of the waistband of his jeans and shoving it off his shoulders. Her little tongue flickered across Clark's throat, nails lightly scraping over his t-shirt as she scooted closer to him.

Lex raised both his hands to Clark's face, holding either side as he thrust his tongue deep, nibbling along Clark's lower lip. His cock rubbed against Shayla's lower back as he gave a soft purr of appreciation for her initiative in starting to undress Clark, and he broke the kiss to stare down into Clark's eyes for a moment, resting their foreheads together.

Clark's breath was exploding from him harshly as he looked up into Lex's eyes. Owned and loved, kept and cherished, and he shivered all over again as he licked his lovers lower lip as Lex watched him and oh, God, oh. Hot, warm body between them, squirming and moving and he felt a cool breeze against his flesh. he helped Shayla wriggle him out of his t-shirt and looked down at her, eyes wide and half unseeing before back up to Lex and oh, he parted his lips and hoped Lex got the right idea because he *craved* more kisses.

Lex did, and his mouth dove possessively down to Clark's, tongue thrusting again and kissing him roughly and deeply. He didn't let go this time, hands moving to thread through Clark's hair, tugging gently to make the point that Clark was his, and when Shayla pushed Clark back on the bed, Lex went with him, moving easily to straddle Clark's waist.

Once Clark's chest was completely bare, of shirt and t-shirt alike, Shayla's tongue flicked across a nipple before pushing him down on his back. Lex moved easily as though they were joined together--and technically, they were, joined at the mouth--and once Clark had been gently levered back down, her fingers quickly ripped open the button of his jeans, and eased his zipper down.

Clark moaned out loud into his lover's kiss when a deft little mouth closed on his nipple and he bucked. Couldn't help it. His cock was on its way to becoming hard as *rock* and he jerked against Shayla's little hips as her cool fingers slid down to his jeans and unbuttoned and unzipped them. He kissed his lover back furiously, breath panting through his nose as he stroked over his lovers bare head and tugged him more firmly down, stroking the knob on the back. His free hand slid down to Shayla, squirming between her backside and Lex's hips, and stroked both butt and cock simultaneously as his legs spread all the more.

Shayla gave a soft little giggle as she slid out from between Clark and Lex, and climbed instead onto Clark's legs, pulling down his jeans and underwear to expose his rapidly hardening cock. She gazed at it for a long moment, running his fingers over the stiffening length, gently thumping the head before leaning forward and swiping her tongue across the wide head.

It was much bigger than she was used to, though she was expecting that. The taste was different, too, but not at all unpleasant as she'd feared, and she licked again before slowly sliding the head in her mouth and sucking once before starting on the rest of his cock.

Lex waited until Shayla had moved out from between them and he leaned down, pressing his chest against Clark's bare one, the slick weave of his silk shirt chafing against Clark's damp nipples. He rubbed his cock lightly against Clark's stomach, demanding deeper kisses by fisting his hands tighter in Clark's hair and keeping his lover's attention on *him.*

Clark cried out into Lex's mouth, eyes flying open and fingers tightening in Lex's shirt as *something* swiped across his cock and oh, oh, oh!!! It was hot and snug and Lex's mouth was so demanding and beautiful and delicious. He moaned aloud and squirmed against his lover's body as Shayla's wicked little hands moved over him, sucking on him and he vaguely heard something rip. Only when his hands came away with Lex's shirt did he realize what it was. Not that he cared, of course. He tossed the shirt away and spread his legs even more, grasping Lex's hips with one leg and spreading the other wide for Shayla as he kissed and kissed and thought he'd die from the hot tongue and the fever pitch growing between them. His free hand, now that it wasn't occupied with a shirt, came down to Lex's ass and *squeezed*, rocking it against him.

Lex gave a throaty chuckle into Clark's mouth as his shirt was ripped to pieces, and he rubbed harder against his lover, arching his ass into the squeezing strokes as his tongue demanded complete, fuller access for several long moments, and then he completely broke away. His hands grasped Clark's, and raised them above his head. "Don't move," he said, squeezing his lover's wrists tightly in warning as he let them go, and then moved down to join Shayla.

He tapped her lightly on the forehead to get her attention, and when she looked up, owl-eyed, Lex kissed her again, with the head of Clark's cock trapped between their lips and busily stroking tongues, sucking and slurping noisily at it as they kissed.

Shayla's hand came up to stroke the base of Clark's cock, steadying herself with her grip on it as her hand slid up and down, palm slick with her own saliva as well as Lex's as it dripped lightly down the side of Clark's cock.

Clark nearly screamed. He would never admit it, but it took all of his willpower to keep it in his throat as he looked down and... oh *God*, oh, oh oh! He went stone hard in seconds, twitching between the two mouths and made a deep keening noise. He couldn't… oh, God, and... it was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen and he tried *so* hard to stay still but his hips were quivering and his hands were squeezing and opening and he *needed* and "Please! Oh, God, please!"

Lex took control of the kiss quickly, breaking it with a nip to the head of Clark's cock, and slid his mouth down one side, licking with broad swipes of his tongue.

Shayla took her cue from Lex, mirroring his actions with a slight clumsiness at first until she got used to the idea of sharing, then keeping her tongue on her side of Clark's cock, occasionally pausing to suck at the large, warm, and heavy balls that nestled against Clark's thigh.

Lex grunted approvingly at Shayla, occasionally stroking her arm to reassure her and let her know she was progressing just fine as he looked up at his pleading lover. "Please what, Clark? I thought you were tired, wanted us to wake you up when it's time to come?" He leaned over just enough to kiss Shayla again, and then went back to working on Clark's cock.

"Oh, G... God, pl-please, Lex, not tired, Shayla, oh God, oh, *God*!" Clark cried, fighting his hips from bucking and keeping his hands above him where Lex had put them and he needed, he needed, this wasn't enough, he needed. His eyes clenched and he shuddered, pleasure rushing through him, up into his head, down his hands, his heart pounding like a wild thing as his cock twitched and surged in agonized pleasure. "In-insi... pl, please, please, Lex, please!"

Lex gave a soft chuckle. "You think we should let him have what he wants?" he asked Shayla, reaching out and tipping her chin up with his forefinger.

Shayla nodded. "Yeah, I think you should."

"Then I think you need to get undressed too," he said softly. "And so should I." He looked down at his naked lover. "I think we've got Clark taken care of in that department."

Clark was trembling, big time, and as soon as they lifted up and began to undress Clark broke the rules and came down to grasp his cock. Not to stroke--only to squeeze the base and tug his balls, before his trembling hand laid over his stomach and he closed his eyes, concentrating on, oh, not coming. The image of the two of them sharing his cock would be imprinted on the back of his eyeballs for the rest of his life, he was certain.

Lex saw the squeeze to his lover's cock and reached over, popping first Clark's hand, and then his erection, watching it bob lightly from the slap. "Bad Clark," Lex murmured, unfastening his slacks and letting them pool at his feet. "Bad Clark's should be punished."

Shayla blushed scarlet as soon as Lex mentioned her getting naked, because somehow, this time, with just the three of them, was entirely different from the last time, when Chloe had been there and so had Whitney. But no less right, and Shayla quickly shimmied out of her pink t-shirt and pink jeans, then tossed them to the side as she peeled off a pink and white Victoria's Secret bra and panty set and tossed them into the laundry hamper, then paused shyly by the bed.

Lex gently wrapped his arms around Shayla's chest a moment, and then let her go. "Go ahead, Shayla," he said softly. "Climb on; do you want to take him up your ass or in your sweet little pussy?" he asked, sliding his fingers down to test her wetness. He found her dripping, and licked his fingers delightedly before sliding them back down and stroking inside her again.

Clark's moan was furiously loud in the quiet room. He was used to taking charge in these encounters, but the fact that he wasn't this time, that *Lex* was, made his muscles ripple with each tense movement, each delicious, aching second that he was hard and painfully waiting. Shayla... she was a goddess naked, not perfect but beautifully put together and she just looked… she was gorgeous, and he *wanted*, wanted the two of them and both and he trembled. "Beautiful Shayla, so beautiful, I want you so much," he whispered raggedly, mouth watering and sweat popping out over his forehead. "Want, want you, oh, God."

Lex grinned at Clark's reaction, and he all but purred into Shayla's ear. "Listen to him. Listen to how much he wants you. He's begging for you. Tell me, where do you want him, and I'll help get you ready."

Shayla leaned over as she listened to Lex, pressing soft kisses to Clark's trembling belly, licking over his belly bottom where trails of sweat had started to collect. "Front," she murmured into his skin, then looked back at Lex over her shoulder. "In the front."

Lex nodded. She was still skinny, but not as grossly underweight ass he had been only a couple months before, and it was easy for Lex to pick up all of her one hundred pounds and settle her on Clark's chest, knees spread to either side as he slid her up his chest so that her wet slit hung over his mouth. "Lick, Clark. Taste what's going to be wrapped around your cock," he ordered, his own cock twitching as he rubbed it against his lover's thigh.

Oh, holy hell. Clark didn't even wait for Lex to finish speaking--he opened his mouth and dove. The taste exploded on his tongue and made him groan as he drove his tongue between her wet folds, gentle but urgent, needful. His cock twitched on his belly and his eyes clenched shut, hands moving to hold her hips to his face as he buried his face between them and sucked hard on her clit before diving down to drive his tongue into her, deep as it would go, and flicker against the hot, wet folds. His fingers dug into her hips, stroking her ass, the little rosebud between the hot cheeks, then up her back, holding her tight as he bent his head forward.

If Clark's fingers hadn't been holding her up so tightly, Shayla knew her knees would have buckled as Clark's tongue slid immediately into her slit. He devoured her hungrily, as though he were starving and she his only meal.

The light tease of fingers against her rear opening had her shivering as she remembered the feel of Lex's cock in her ass from last time, and her muscles gave an involuntary contraction, squeezing Clark's tongue as it probed and licked inside her.

Lex watched until he was sure that Clark was well absorbed in what he was doing, then pawed through the boxes by the side of the dresser until he found a clear vinyl bag that held, among other things, tampons, her vibrator, enough condoms to supply a small country, and at the very bottom, a bottle of lube. He unceremoniously dumped everything out of the bag, picking out the vibrator and the lube as he slicked both, first the plastic shaft and then his fingers, and ducked between Clark's legs.

Two fingers stroked roughly into his lover, stretching him with careful thrusts as his other hand dumped lube on Clark's fingers, and led them back to Shayla's rear entrance.

Clark jerked and gave a muffled cry into Shayla's entrance as two fingers thrust into him and holy *hell*! He writhed against them, squeezing them tight even as the very pleasant burn accompanied it and he moaned, loudly and deeply against Shayla's drenched lips, flickering his tongue against her clit and trembling. He felt Lex's fingers and then the cold feeling of lube on his own fingers and he knew *just* what to do. He carefully nudged one finger against Shayla's little hole, and when she didn't say anything, pushed it in deep without stopping, only pulling out and pushing in a few times to get it deep. She wasn't like him--she didn't fuck like this every day like he did, so he was careful to keep his hands gentle even as his body shook and begged for moremoremore inside him.

Shayla squeaked as Clark's long, cold fingers slipped inside her opening, fingers closing tightly on his shoulders as she rocked back. Her muscles tightened on Clark's fingers as she squeaked again, squirming against his mouth and trying to get his tongue deeper.

Lex added a third finger to stretch his lover open, stroking and twisting as he licked up Shayla's back, then resting his head on her shoulder as he looked down, watching Clark's fingers slide in and out of her.

Clark... was in seventh heaven. His mind was nowhere to be found as he sucked and licked on Shayla's clit, harder with every rough thrust inside of him, and pleasure singed in him. He kept his hand on Shayla's hip, the other palmed against her rump as he thrust his finger deep inside, pulled out, and then ever so slowly slid two in, careful to scissor them as he went until they were in her up to the knuckle. he could feel her clench and squeeze with every suck on her clit and he gave deep, heavy moans as he squirmed against the fingers inside of him.

When Lex's fingers were able to move loosely in his lover's opening, he moved forward and rubbed the head of his cock against it, teasing without quite pushing in yet.

He reached down, taking Clark's wrist and carefully sliding his fingers out of Shayla's ass, and instead, wrapped Clark's fingers around the vibrator.

Then he reached back down, sliding his own cock deep into Clark's ass in a single stroke.

"Oh!!" Clark cried out as Lex thrust into him. Deep inside, deep inside to the *good* spot and his back bowed as he bucked against Lex's body to get him in. His neck corded, his back bowed, his chest thrust up as he grasped Shayla's hips tightly and just as Lex was thrusting into him, he thrust the vibrator into Shayla.

And that was just about it for a minute, because he was going to tear the bed to shreds. He gave Lex a shove of his power through their link just as his fingers came down to grasp the sheets and blankets underneath him, holding tight as Lex rotated his hips against the bump from the inside and oh, *God* he gave a sharp, sobbing cry as he held tight.

His cock was *boiling*, so hard it was tinged purple. He held Shayla tightly and with his clean fingers he dipped them into Shayla's sheath, deep, stretching her for what was to come because he didn't want to hurt her even if he was promptly losing all control.

Lex drew all of Clark's powers into him, locking them safely behind barriers so that he wasn't using them either, and wrapped his arms around Shayla's waist, hauling her back so that she was pulled off Clark's fingers, and the slick lips of her slit rested against the head of Clark's cock.

Shayla moaned sharply as Clark eased the vibrator into her ass, and she clenched down on the familiar smooth shaft as it pushed inside her. She was well used to doing it to herself, shuddering hard as she let Lex position her, and as soon as he had, she slammed herself down on Clark's cock in one stroke.

It took her breath away as she pushed herself down the wide breadth of it, feeling his cock sliding all the way into her sheath, until the head of his cock pressed against her cervix and she moaned again, and in a tight, squeaky voice, "Please move, Clark, please, fuck me."

Clark couldn't move. He couldn't speak. He was caught between Shayla and Lex--Lex looking at him over Shayla's shoulder, Shayla's back pressed back against Lex, and Clark, sprawled down underneath them and he nearly screamed because Lex... Lex was *huge* inside of him *huge* and Shayla was clenching down around him and he bit his lip and thought of England. The Mets. Multiplication tables. The laws pf physics. Anything, because he didn't want this to be over, didn't want this to be over and he bit his lower lip tightly, unable to speak as he reached up and took Shayla's breasts in his hands, squeezing them and scraping his thumbs across the high, taut peaks as he fought for calm, for control.

Shayla squeaked and whimpered, letting Lex's hands on her hips start sliding her up and down Clark's cock as her hands rose to join his on her breasts. His thumbs rubbed her nipples as she stroked her palms over the back of his hands, squeezing her slit tightly around his cock and leaning over to kiss him, tightly.

Lex chuckled softly, hauling Shayla back against him. "I think we finally got his attention," he growled softly, reaching down and starting to stroke the vibrator in Shayla's ass against his lover's cock.

Clark wailed. He couldn't help it. He wailed out loud and crammed a fist in his mouth as he turned his face away, squeezing tight and trying to ignore what was going on above him, inside him, around him as he began to shift his hips up and down, slow and sure. He was *swamped* in pleasure, breath stuttering, heart racing, and he thrust slow and sure, fighting the need to come, begging for control as he squeezed around his lover and his eyes rolled shut, fluttering behind the lashes.

"Four times four is t-twelve, eight times two is eighteen, six times five is forty, forty times eight is ten," he hissed out, carefully and slowly rocking his hips, making his lover move inside him as his body clenched around Lex's cock, muscles tensed to thrust up into Shay so Lex felt *huge* inside of him, like he'd been split open and he whimpered loudly.

Shayla giggled softly as she laid her cheek against Clark. "Your tables are all wrong," she whispered, her little tongue flickering out and licking over his earlobe before biting it. Leaning down made it so much easier for Clark's cock to slide in and out as he moved, and it gave Lex better access to the vibrator in her ass.

Lex leaned over to correct them. "Four times four is sixteen," he said, with a deep thrust that rubbed against the bump inside his lover's body. "Eight times two is also sixteen," he said, landing a slap on Clark's ass. "Six times five is thirty, not forty," he continued, landing a slap on Clark's other cheek. "Forty times eight is three hundred twenty," he finished, and concluded by landing a slap on *Shayla's* filled ass.

Shayla's entire body seized stiffly, locking around Clark's cock like a vise as she squeaked, and then shuddered *hard* as her muscles loosened. "Do it again," she whimpered, wiggling her ass just a little as she slid up Clark's cock.

"No, don't do it again!" Clark sobbed out loud when Shayla's body viced around him and kept him in on the up thrust, unable to pull free and then Lex struck the bump and he thought he'd die, he thought he'd *die* and it was going to be fast and messy and "Oh, God, oh, God, please, not yet, I can't... control, not yet," Clark gasped out loud into Shayla's hair where he had his face pressed, moaning deeply and loudly as his thighs squeezed Lex's body. "Lex… can't..." He whispered and rose his legs, after a moment's juggling, around Lex's shoulders so he was nearly bent in half, Shayla between them. "Thrust... like... that... your up thrust will... make me... into Shayla... oh, fuck, please, fuck!"

Lex helped Clark's legs to rise up onto his shoulders, situating them comfortably as he lunged forward, driving his cock to the hilt with every push. He could see Clark's cock sliding in and out of Shayla's wet cunt, and he was forced to abandon the vibrator in Shayla's ass, leaving it stationary as he continued to fuck his lover.

Shayla squealed as Clark moved, and for once was thankful of her small body as she was tightly sandwiched between Clark and Lex's bodies, feeling every one of Lex's driving thrusts pushing Clark's cock just as roughly into her, and she loved it, keeping her mouth close to Clark's face, kissing his lips, cheeks and ears as she squeaked and sobbed out her pleasure.

Clark sobbed out loud on every one of Lex's thrust until he buried his face tightly against Shayla's, body tense and aching and being thoroughly *fucked* and he touched the thread he shared with Shayla's mind, sharing the feeling--the hard lunges against *that* spot inside of him and he was seconds away from screaming and thrusting back without thought, ready to explode and let loose and the pleasure was fucking *intense*. He held onto Shayla's back like a lifeline, moving her against his cock as Lex thrust in hard and he was aware he was making a very inhuman noise in the back of his throat but oh GOD this was so GOOD.

Shayla *did* scream when she was flooded with Clark's pleasure as well as her own, her body stiffening again, locking the muscles of both slit and ass around the shafts that pierced her, shuddering in almost-spasmodic jerks as she came without realizing it, soaking Clark's cock and her own thighs with her juices as she twitched on the length of his cock.

Lex growled softly as he lunged forward, slapping Shayla's ass lightly through her orgasm, kneading what skin he could reach to encourage her coming as he changed his thrusts, hips twisting so that he pounded not only against the bump inside his lover's body, but his gland as well.

Clark sobbed as Shayla came and he held her tightly as she squeezed along his length, Lex pounding and he was nearly screaming and oh, oh, God, God, he held her tightly as she came, twice, three times, he didn't know because her muscles were locked and squirming around him and he was barely able to think anymore. His mind was gone, nowhere, off and away and he was left gasping and trembling for breath and oh God, he wanted to come *so fucking bad*. "Sh-Shay… Shay..."

Shay was babbling Clark's name softly, rubbing her breasts against his chest, squirming in his arms as she rode his cock throughout her orgasm. "Yes? Yeah?" She pushed herself up just enough, panting softly as she ran her hands over Clark's face and rubbing against him.

"Pl-pl… off me, please, want..." he didn't know how else to vocalize it, he was beyond need now, beyond need but he wanted her to do something for him and didn't know how to ask when his vocabulary was absolutely nothing.

Shayla understood that much, at least, and she arched against Lex's chest as she made enough room to lift herself off his cock, and she collapsed to Clark's side, panting as Lex fell forward.

He gave a wolfish grin as Shayla moved out of the way, and he lifted Clark's legs higher onto his shoulders, leaning forward enough to keep them pressed to Clark's chest. "What do you want her to do?" he asked, teeth gritted as he fought down his own need to come, because he had made the decision his aushna' would come first. "Tell me, show me, I'll help you tell her."

Clark shuddered and mewled submissively as Lex pushed his legs forward. he twisted and writhed, beyond need now, twitching and jerking and shaking. "W-want… her to suck me," he gasped out, trembling fingers scraping nails down Lex's sides, feeling the goose bumps come up and scraping against them too. "Want, want, Lex, want!"

Lex nodded, and slowed his strokes just enough to let Clark breathe, and reached out with one hand to Shayla. "Suck him," he said, taking her by the back of the head and guiding her towards Clark's cock.

That much she understood, and readily moved, straddling Clark's chest so that her head fit in the space between his legs, the muscles in her ass twitching around her vibrator as she licked around the base, carefully cleaning her own fluids from his cock before looking up at Lex. "I won't be able to take it all," she said, then slid the head into her mouth and starting to suck.

"Take as much as you can," Lex instructed, speeding his thrusts back up to pound his aushna's gland again.

YES. God, he had hoped Lex would do it this way!

Clark grabbed Shayla's hips and yanked her down to his mouth, fitting his mouth around her and sucking *hard* on her soaked, orgasmic flesh, licking and sucking and swallowing it all down, every drop as his lover began to thrust inside of him *hard*, just like that *hard*, and Clark was screaming around Shayla's clit but he couldn't stop, couldn't hope to stop, sobbing out loud and begging and screaming as his body twisted to meet Lex's thrusts inside of him. He thought he'd die as he grabbed the vibrator in Shayla's body and began to thrust it, none too gently, coaxing her to another orgasm as he fought to prolong his own, which, as he saw it, was going to be one of the kinds that made him pass out.

Lex was *indescribably* pleased to see his aushna' this mindless with onrushing pleasure. He loved when Clark was his, belonged and possessed, and he reached behind his barriers, stealing only a bit of his lover's strength and stamina as he sped up his strokes, his skin and his cock so hot that they nearly smoked as he fucked his lover roughly.

Shayla gave a sharp scream that vibrated around Clark's cock, and she sucked the shaft violently as she pushed back against the vibrator thrusting in her ass. Her tongue licked faster as she whimpered, Clark's tongue lapping over her slit driving her crazy as she tried to take more of his cock in her throat, but stuck at halfway as she started to slide her mouth along what she could, and her hands pumped the rest.

Aaaand that, dear friends, was it.

Clark gasped out a warning that was lost against Shayla's folds as he jerked his hips, body tensing up, balls contracting, toes *curling*, and exploded.

He came so hard he saw stars, the rush of his body moving outward and he was *owned*, fucked by Lex, taken by Shayla, filled and possessed and *owned*. His orgasm came on the rush of that thought, and his entire body locked, unmoving, as wave after wave of pleasure crested over him. He screamed then, loud and hard and long, and his very last thought before he fainted was, *I hope the neighbors don't come knocking.*

Shayla squeezed her ass tightly on the vibrator as Clark came in her mouth, and she swallowed instinctually. Didn't even think to spit, hadn't wondered like she had with Pete if that was the right thing to do or not, just swallowed every drop, and then when he was soft, she licked him clean, nuzzling against the soft organ pressing against Clark's thigh.

The roar of his aushna's orgasm was more than enough to bring Lex over the edge. His cock thrust to the hilt in Clark's body, filling his lover with his seed before slowly pulling out, and rubbing the head of his softening cock against Clark's opening to mark it as his own.

Shayla lifted her head as she felt Lex's orgasm shaking Clark's body, and when he pulled out, she crawled lightly over Clark's legs until she got to Lex's cock and took it into her mouth as well, licking it clean before nuzzling against his balls.

"Turn around," Lex said softly, stroking over the back of Shayla's head. He waited until she'd positioned herself, arms tucked under her breasts and ass raised in the air, and reached up. His fingers easily found the vibrator, and eased it out of her ass, dropping it to the floor as Shayla's knees gave out under her and she collapsed beside Clark.

Clark was blissfully unconscious through all of it. His body was totally strung out, sweat over every inch, hair plastered to his forehead and chest heaving with each swallowed breath. His mouth was slack, bruised cock sucking red that matched the dark, sweaty hair and his golden skin, rosy with orgasm.

Shayla snuggled right up beside Clark, pulling one of his slack arms over her waist, and wrapping both of her arms around his other one, almost like a security blanket.

Lex leaned over and kissed Shayla softly on the forehead, and then kissed his aushna' on the slack lips, teasing him softly with his tongue. "I'm going out to her kitchen and see if I can find something for you to drink when you wake up."

"There's"--Shay gave a huge yawn. "There's some of those little bottles of Sunny Delight in the cooler--dunno if that's close enough to OJ for him, but that's what I got for now, and Chloe said she'd take me grocery shopping tomorrow."

A few minutes after Lex left for the kitchen, Clark began to shift around. He turned his head, eyes fluttering open, and gave a very deep, and most heartfelt, moan. His body was trembling, eyes lashes fluttering, but he focused after a few seconds and groaned again. His entire *body* ached, ass burning and well used, and he trembled and looked at Shayla sleepily.

Shayla just snuggled up tighter beside Clark, turning over so that his arm was still around her waist, but this time, she was facing him instead of turned away from him. "Hey," she said quietly, rubbing her cheek on her shoulder. "Lex is getting you something to drink--hopefully me too--you okay?"

Clark grunted--groaned something, and brought her close, muscles trembling as he exhaled sleepily. He felt totally strung out, done in, kaputz. He gave a huge, jaw cracking yawn and then grinned down at her head with all the drowsy abandon of the thoroughly fucked. "'m feel good."

"Good." She let one of her legs drape over his, and briefly contemplated picking up one of the blankets from the floor, but decided it was going to be entirely too much effort and definitely not worth it. "I'm good."

He sleepily closed his eyes and caressed her side, her breast, her hip, before drawing her close and leaving room for Lex beside him. He wanted his aushna' close--something had changed tonight. He didn't exactly know what it was, but it was significant. Lex had been... so protective. Possessive. It made Clark shiver just thinking about it, and his ass gave a sympathetic thump.

Shayla's hand went to rub idly over Clark's stomach. "I don't have orange juice for you, but I have Sunny D. Chloe's taking me shopping for groceries--well, I'm shopping, she's mostly along to kibbutz and spend time with me--but I'm going to buy you juice then."

"Don't worry about it, at least not until you go shopping." Lex came back in the room, dressed in his pants and Clark's shirt. "I went downstairs to our apartment and got some," he said, lifting the tray in his hands. Three glasses full of ice sat on the tray, along with a clear plastic pitcher of orange juice. "Clark, I hate to trouble you, but would you like to sit up and have something to drink?"

Clark didn't even open his eyes, though his lips curved on one side, where his face was visible from the burrow in Shayla's blond hair. He licked Shayla's ear and exhaled, not really caring that he was covered in come, lube and other sticky things, and his naked ass and back was quite cheerfully displayed on the bed, which had been shoved clear of all blankets, sheets, and other things not needed for really rambunctious sex.

Lex rolled his eyes and set the tray down on the floor beside the bed, pouring each glass full, and handing one to Shayla, and picking up one for himself.

He took a deep drink of the sticky-sweet acidic juice, then leaned forward to press his lips to his aushna's, letting the cool liquid flow between them in a trickle so that the juice filled Clark's mouth.

Shayla grunted, and picked up her head just enough to pick up the glass, take a sip, and then flumped her head back on Clark's shoulder.

"Mmm," Clark murmured, swallowing around the delicious taste and slurping none too quietly on his lovers tongue. He sucked and licked happily, then leaned back and closed his eyes, swallowing, a blush steeling his cheeks. He opened one eye and tugged on his lovers arm, close, wanted him close, and he turned and kissed the edge of Shayla's lips softly, gently before doing the same to Lex.

Shayla gave Clark a soft kiss in return, turning back onto her side, skinny butt taking up as little room as possible so that the two giants in bed with her would have room.

Lex moved closer to his aushna' after standing up to peel off his clothes. Once he was naked he settled back against the headboard, sliding Clark's head against his shoulder and continuing to feed him slow mouthfuls of orange juice.

Clark snuggled against Lex almost instantly, dragging Shayla with him and curling in close against Lex's body. He mewled softly between the mouthfuls, licking Lex's mouth clean after each one, suckling softly on his lovers lips, and smiling happily at him. "That was so good."

Lex didn't stop his methodical feedings until the glass was nearly empty. Finally, when he was satisfied, he set the glass aside and slid back down to optimal snuggle range, running his fingers gently through his lover's hair. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, aushna'," he said softly, pressing sweet kisses to Clark's forehead, cheeks, and lips.

Shayla barely grunted as Clark hauled her over. "hey. people tryin' t'sleep here."

Yes, well. Clark was just as sleepy, and he smiled up at Lex and lay his cheek down on his warm shoulder, letting his eyes fall to half-mast as he enjoyed his kisses. "Mmmm. I love you, Lex."

"I love you, Clark," he said softly, his hand going down past Clark's stomach to possessively cup his lover's cock and balls as he curled against his aushna', making sure that all of their skin touched at some point or other.

"Mmm," Clark murmured, and gently kissed a warm jaw. "I love when you get possessive," he murmured sleepily. "It makes me want to hide you somewhere and give you intense blow jobs. ....When I'm awake, that is."

"Which is not now," chimed in Shayla's grumpy voice.

The hand that wasn't cupping Clark's cock trailed lightly over his cheek. "When you're awake, you can do that," Lex agreed softly, fingers carding through the fly-away hair at Clark's temple, curling the unruly bangs in the middle of Clark's forehead around his finger and tugging lightly.

"'m stinky," Clark muttered, which didn't distract him at all from burrowing in close and sniffling Lex's chest and arm pit which was quite stinky, but in a wonderful, post-sex way. He nuzzled before grinning and looking up. "Lex, you know, it's love when I can do this and not be grossed out." He kissed the hairless flesh once before up to kiss the corner of his lovers neck.

"I think we're all stinky and could use a shower. And possibly we should consider replacing Shayla's mattress," he added, wincing at some of the stains. "Or at least invest in a mattress cover for next time." He grinned down at Clark sniffing him, and released his protective hold on Clark's genitals to hug his aushna' tightly.

"Don' mind 'em," she muttered. "Shower's... somefuckingwhere over there," she said, pulling a pillow over her head and pointing vaguely towards the bathroom.

Clark grinned at Shayla and after a moments consideration, got up on hands and knees and crawled to the end of the bed, climbing off of it.

And nearly pitched over.

Woo boy! His ass *burned*. He yelped and bent over a bit for a moment, eyes wide, before slowly--very slowly--straightening. "Oh. Oh," he said, and... well, it felt... it wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. It was... thoroughly well fucked.

He grinned.

Shayla promptly threw a pillow at him. "Sleepin'. Not yellin'. Sleepin'."

Lex rose gracefully from the side of the bed, walking over to his aushna' and rubbing his limp cock against the curve of his lover's ass. "If it's too unpleasant, I'm sure that taking your abilities back will get rid of it," he said, his hands sliding around Clark's chest to link around his waist.

"No... it... it feels good. Different, but good," Clark said, and smiled back at him as he held Lex's arms around him and hugged him tightly and close. "Just a little uncomfortable." He grinned down at Shay, and then nudged his lover the smallest bit. "Come on, let's shower."

Shayla rolled over and gave Clark an extremely cranky look. "You shower. I sleep. It's aaaaaaaaaall good."

Lex nodded. "We'll shower, and then we'll come back and dump her in the tub before we leave," he agreed, nudging back with his hip. "You know, if keeping her post-coital and sated keeps her quiet and calm like this? Clark, I'm afraid you're going to be getting a workout," he teased.

"Not like *that*. Oh, God, you… and she… sharing my cock over a kiss? That's the hottest thing I've ever seen," Clark whispered, blushing softly and looking behind him as they walked towards the bathroom.

Lex leaned over Clark's shoulder to lick the line of blush staining his lover's cheeks. "I think the hottest thing I've ever seen is you, stretched out in front of me, just like you were today, not moving because I told you not to, offering yourself up to me and anything I wanted to do to you," he said softly. "Trusting me."

"I do trust you," Clark murmured, smiling softly as his lover licked him. "My aushna', I trust you so much. You told me not to move... I wanted to move so much. I thought I was going to die."

"I could tell," Lex answered, closing the bathroom door behind them, and pushing Clark up against it. "I could feel how badly you wanted to move, and I was so very proud that you didn't."

Clark preened, but instead of initiating more sex, he just kissed Lex gently. "Lets run a bath instead, kay? Something warm," he murmured, and pressed his lips to the side of Lex's jaw.

Which satisfied Lex entirely, the soft kisses and the little nipping kisses down the side of his jaw. "Only if you find something in this bathroom that does not smell of roses or berries," he frowned, looking at the little bottles of pink-colored shower gel, bubble bath, bath oils and salts, and even shampoo, all standing in a row like little soldiers.



go on to the next part