
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 354: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

And back in Smallville, Whitney was in the middle of lifting one of the fifteen million boxes of stuff they'd packed to take with them to the new apartment in Metropolis.

And just when *did* they accumulate all this *crap?*

He could swear that there hadn't been this much when they'd moved in a few months back.

And then it started.

Steven yelped sharply as Whitney dropped his end of the box, and Steven's end went crashing down on his feet. "Hey! Man, watch it, I *need* those feet!!"

He just sighed, and looked at Chloe, who was busy packing their china and kitchenware. "They're at it *again.*"

Chloe was busily wincing at the hot shots of lust that ran through the link she and Whitney had to their aushna', and squirmed the smallest bit. It would be wrong to say that she and Whitney hadn't benefited from Clark and Lex's obviously insatiable need for one another, but it sure did make her sore in the worst places. She squirmed again and sighed as she wrapped the last of the figurines her father had given her after the baby was born. "What's this, forty six? Forty seven?"

"More like a *hundred* and forty seven. I didn't know the apartment had that many *rooms."

Steven was looking back and forth. "What the fuck are you guys talking about?"

"Sex. Are you talking to Farrah?" Chloe asked, skillfully changing the subject as she taped the box shut and rubbed the sweat out of her eyes with her forearm.

Steven let it drop. "No, I haven't. Not in the last couple months, since she broke up with me. Tried calling her a couple of times, but she won't take the calls and won't call me back, so I figure whatever Troy told her, it's for good because she sure as hell ain't listening to me anymore."

Chloe tipped her head as she taped the second box shut and lifted it, oomphing before setting it down on the floor and starting on the one beneath it. "Steven, no offense to you, but the girl obviously never understood what she had." She pushed more hair from her face and winced as her arm rubbed one side of her breast--they were so achy these days, and not even the strongest sports bra was going to make it less painful. She sighed and sat back to catch her breath. "Have you been seeing anyone else?"

Steven lifted when Whitney did. "No, not really. I figure I'll wait for a couple months, see who all comes in the store and the coffee shop, and then if I don't see anyone I like, I'll actively start lookin' for someone."

Whitney picked his end of the box back up, and started walking backwards towards the big moving van. "You want us to look in Metropolis, see if there's anyone we can hook you up with?"

Steven snorted. "A three hour drive for a date? Dude, no."

"Besides, I heard Metropolis if full of gay bald billionaires," Chloe said offhand with a grin in her lover's direction. She climbed to her feet, tennies doing nothing to support her aching feet, and moved around them as they walked towards the door with the box between them. "Ever think about leaving Smallville, Steven?"

"Me? Move out of Smallville? Jimmy *has* been bitching about needing a roomie and nobody wanting to share space with a gay guy." Steven said it as though the thought had never occurred to him. "What's the job situation like up there?"

"Honestly? I have *no* idea," Whitney admitted. "I'm more concerned with the availability of a community college in the city than anything else."

Chloe inclined her head. "From what I've seen, there's a lot of opportunity, especially in the business section of the city, working in the *billion* department stores and chic shops. I'm thinking about getting a part time job in one," she said offhand, pushing her hair behind her ear. "Want a drink?"

"Yeah, and you've been managing Fordman's for a while now, and since I own the place, I'll be glad to give you a reference or whatever, so you can get right in, maybe a management program or something, cause you don't suck."

Steven helped heave the box in their arms into the truck, and then flipped Whitney off. "Thanks, man, really." He sighed, and ran his fingers through shaggy hair. "Yeah, a drink'd be great, thanks."

Chloe nodded and busied herself to fill plastic cups with iced water and lemon, just about all that was left in the fridge. In truth, she wanted to get this done as soon as possible--she'd never left John for this long with anyone, and though she trusted her friend, Chloe wanted her baby. Now, preferably. He was probably cranky and hungry and she bit her lip as she busied herself.

Whitney sighed, and went over to his girlfriend, kissing the back of her neck. "You want to go on and see Shay and John? I think Steven and I can take off for lunch, then you and I can drop by and see the baby while Steven eats, and then we can come back and finish this?"

Chloe glanced up and shook her head the smallest bit. "If I go get him I'm bringing him back. He's probably hungry… you know how he eats. Like you," Chloe said, and bit her lip again, tightly. "Think you and Steven can finish up here?"

"Yeah, no problem. We're big manly men," Steven reassured her, taking one of the cups of lemonade. "I think we can manage without female guidance."

Chloe couldn't help it--she snickered at that, her light eyes dancing. "Unlikely, but I'll let it go so I can go spoil my son," she said, and after handing each man a plastic cup, set a kiss on Whitney's cheek and grabbed her keys and wallet, tucking her cell phone into her front pocket. "If you boys need me, call me."

Whitney caught Chloe by the waist, snagging her for a real kiss before letting her go. "We'll call you in a few hours anyway, cause we're gonna take Steven out to dinner." Then something dinged in his head. "And maybe we should invite Shayla to eat with us? God knows she needs the meat on her bones."

"Shayla?" Steven asked. "Little pink haired kid?"

"She's blond now, but yeah, that's her. She's babysitting John for us today."

Chloe didn't bother grinning wickedly at her lover's choice of words… meat on her bones. Through the link Clark and Lex were shuddering through orgasms 2 and 3, respectively.

She smiled, that time. "I'll see you both later. Take care, call me, we'll set it up." She reached up, kissed her lovers cheek again warmly, and after smiling and squeezing Steven's arm warmly, off she went.

She took the truck to the mansion, navigating the backwater roads of Smallville that weren't so backwater anymore with all the new people in the town. She got to the mansion in record time anyway and parked in the front behind one of Lionel's cars.

She jumped the steps two at a time, keys in her pocket, and rang the doorbell.

Dominic had been comfortably curled up in Lex's old office when the doorbell rang. He was reading a book in the comfort of his own pajamas, Aurora curled up on his chest sucking on her pacifier and *finally* shutting up after a day of screaming.

The doorbell did nothing for that, and though she hiccupped against his chest, she didn't start crying.

He rose, curling a blanket across his chest and the baby before lifting her and wrapping her warmly in it. He padded out of the room and to the front hall, opening the door. "Oh, Chloe," he said, a smile on his face. "It's wonderful to see you, love. Come in, come in. I take it you've come for John?"

"Hi, Mr. Senatori," Chloe said, a blush steeling her cheeks and making her giggle like a school girl. "I couldn't stay away for a second longer."

"Understandable," Dominic said, closing the door behind her and shifting the baby in his arms up onto his shoulder. "How have you been?"

"Pretty good, actually. Just getting the rest of the move taken care of, our apartment set up." She smiled. "Clark and Lex are threatening to throw a huge party as soon as we're all done."

"So Clark mentioned to me." Dominic smiled. "Go on then, I won't keep you any longer. Shayla's in her old bedroom upstairs," said with no small amount of sadness and upset, "with John. Take care, dear."

"Thanks!" Chloe said, and after giving the baby in his arms a little coo and tickle, gently stroking one silky little cheek, she went up the steps and made her way down the hall to Shay's old room, a route she knew by heart.

"... and that, little Fordman, is what *not* to do when a big bad wolf comes puffing at your door." She grinned at the little baby curled up against her shoulder.

The room didn't have anything of hers much left in it--all the pink was gone, the posters were gone, even her music and stereo and television were gone. The bed had been made, everything cleaned up, and really, the only thing of her that remained were some of her bath products she'd left behind by mistake.

The door was open, just a crack, and she put the book down on the bed as she heard something out in the hallway. "If it's furry and on four legs, out! No pets around the baby!"

"I've been demoted to furry and four legged?" Chloe asked, eyes dancing as she pushed the door open. "John!" She couldn't quite help being totally elated at seeing her sweet little baby and she crossed the room in a few strides, taking John from her friend and hugging him close. "My sweet baby! Oh, my darling, I missed you," she cooed, and almost as if he understood, John began to wail loud and long. "Oh, you tell mommy what that mean stupid skittle did to you!" Chloe said, her eyes dancing a she glanced at Shayla and plopped on the bed beside her. She knew just why her little man was crying, and in so she lifted her shirt, unbuttoned the side buttons of the bra, and curled John in close, bringing him in close to eat.

"Yeah, that skittle was really mean, Mommy," Shayla said, watching as Chloe's beautiful breasts peeked out of her shirt. "She read me stories, and fed me part of the bottle you left me, and changed my poopie diapers and even sang to me once, before I started crying and telling her how bad she sucks."

"Oh, my poor baby," Chloe said, and grinned. "I'm sure you weren't spoiling him rotten, right?"

"Of course not," Shayla said, grinning back. "I wasn't catering to his every whim."

"No, you were leaving that to his Uncle Clark and Uncle Lex." Chloe nuzzled the baby's soft hair as he suckled, and sat back comfortably against the head board. "You know? Its weird not seeing this room in pink."

"Yeah, it is." Shayla situated herself at the other end of the bed, rubbing her bare feet against the soles of Chloe's shoes. "It's even weirder to not see my shit on the walls, and the posters, and the clothes in the floor."

"Things have really changed," Chloe said softly, and when Shayla rubbed her toes against her shoes, Chloe couldn't help a grin. "If I take my shoes off, promise you won't say my feet stink?"

"Cross my heart and hope to suffocate."

Chloe grinned and, after jostling John a bit, to which he thoroughly grumbled about, she toed off her shoes and sighed happily as they thunked on the floor. "You know Shayla, I like you living right upstairs, not right across town. I'm so glad we moved to Metropolis."

Shayla twined her toes through Chloe's as they wiggled. "Yeah, it is kind of nice. Weird... yeah, but nice. I still haven't gotten used to the whole, I can run down the stairs and bang on your door thing yet. But it's... yeah. Nice. I like being close to you guys, but also, being by myself. Sometimes the aloneness is *not* so nice, but you guys are all close enough that it doesn't happen that often."

"Who knows? Maybe you'll get a roomie of smutty proportions," Chloe said, and couldn't help offering a graceful smirk at her friend as she gently pulled John from her breast and lifted him to her shoulder to burp.

Shayla just kind of shook her head. "It's weird. I don't... if it's not with you guys? I don't really... get the urge. I mean, yes, I do. I think, wow, that Bobby guy downstairs is a hottie but I don't get the, gee, wonder if he'd like to fuck urge."

Chloe couldn't help it--a part of her surged in pleasure at her friend's words. Or maybe it was Clark and Lex, engaging in the fourth orgasm of the evening. One or the other. "You may want to talk to Clark about that, he can tell you what to expect."

"Yeah, I'm going to. Eventually." She gave a little grin. "But you know something? Even if he says this is the way it's always gonna be, then I can live with that, because... just because! You and Whitney and John, and Lex and Clark, you guys are just the best ever."

"We love you too," Chloe whispered with a blush, and wriggled her toes against her friends. "It's beautiful seeing Clark and Lex together, isn't it? Or the way they are with Whitney."

"The way they are with you, too, especially Lex. Sometimes I think Lex and Whitney are gonna come to blows--or, well, okay blow *jobs*--over who is going to get to touch you."

She blushed. Who wouldn't? "What about when Clark took you the first time? I thought he was going to split you in--" John burped. "--two," she said, and sat up with John, who was already more than half asleep, and set him in the warm traveling cradle she'd brought just for this purpose. As soon as he was warm and asleep she buttoned her bra back up and collapsed across the bed once more, this time on her stomach, careful with her sore breasts as she propped up on her elbows.

Shayla gave a little wistful sigh as Chloe buttoned her shirt and bra back up, and flumped onto the bed beside her. "That was... wow. I don't have the words for the intensity of that. He was... this is going to sound like a contradiction, but he was fucking me so hard, and yet, he was still careful and gentle despite the roughness, and it was so *good.*"

"He's always like that," Chloe said up at her. "Always. He could fuck your brains out, but it'd be so careful...there'd never be any pain. He's always so, so careful." She suddenly grinned broadly. "Did I tell you about the time he started learning to fly? Orgasms brought him a high, all right. As in, into the ceiling."

"No, you didn't!!" Shayla propped her chin up on her hand, and listened raptly. "Dish!"

"Well, Clark was learning to fly--he was having wild spurts of it like you couldn't believe. I swear, if he'd been outside he would have floated to the moon." Her eyes danced. "As it was, every time he had sex he'd take himself and whoever it was he was fucking onto the ceiling. It happened way more times than he'll admit, after you and Pete caught him and Lex on the ceiling of the office." She couldn't stop giggling. "He told me later he got stuck up on the ceiling of the bathroom for over an hour and a half after masturbating."

"That bastard!! He said that time when Pete and I found them was the ONLY time!!!" She rubbed her hands together in glee. "Am I going to ride his ass."

Chloe cracked up. "Don't tell him so, he might take you literally and explain to you the wild arrays of strap-ons Lex has, though why Lex has strap-ons in the first place boggles the mind," Chloe said, giggling. "Clark has serious problems with his powers sometimes. Like a few weeks ago, he was going through his last change into adulthood and he could do nothing but drink Lex's come as much as possible, at all hours of the day. I must have counted at least five dozen times, in my head."

Shayla coughed wildly. "I... uh. I. Already know about the sexemporium that Lex has. He... uh, he and Clark, that is... they... they... you know when you and I were talking about Pete and me fucking him? They helped. Not with the fucking! Just with the me part."

Chloe laughed again, though quietly to let John sleep. "Shayla!" But she smiled anyway, and asked, tipping her head and propping her head on it, curls falling across her face, "Are Clark and Lex what you always imagined, when they're together?"

"And *way* more. There are details about Clark and Lex that I notice that I never really even thought about it mattering before. Like, when they're kissing, Clark's hand always goes to the back of Lex's head, and his fingers spread just enough so that it cups and cradles the back of his skull. And Lex's arms always go around Clark's waist and his hands meet in the back, always in the same spot, right smack in the middle of the scar on Clark's back. Or when they're fucking, Lex always and always makes sure that if he's on top, he fits *right* between Clark's thighs, so that they rest either on his hips or his shoulders."

Chloe couldn't help another beaming smile. "Or the way Clark always cups Lex's cheek just the same way, tracing his jaw with his thumb while they're kissing. Or the way they look at each other when they have sex--like there isn't anyone else there." Chloe sighed softly, images of her sha'nauch filling her brain and making her...squirm. The beauty of their love making always made her trembly inside, and this was no exception. "They love each other so much, more than I think I can understand."

Shayla nodded. "And they love *us* too. And that's what... really surprises me, and makes me feel all giddy inside. They love us, and that makes us special."

Chloe just *beamed*. "Do you know what sha'nauch are, Shay?"

"No, not yet. I mean, generally, yes, but Clark hasn't had time to explain the definition of the word or anything to me yet, but he promised to soon."

"Well, then." Chloe rolled up to sitting, crossing her legs and comfortably leaning back against the pillows. "Sha'nauch are when there's so much love in the aushna' that they need other people to spill over into--they have so much love for each other that they can't contain it--they have to share it with others they love and trust."

Well, *that* explanation made Shayla feel *good.* Warmer and fuzzier than she had in quite some time, and she wrapped her arms around herself and grinned. "Really? They... wow. I didn't know that. I thought Clark had just... you know, accepted me because I'm so close to you and I love John so much."

Chloe smiled and shook her head. "For that it could have been anyone. You were special--he wanted you, even before he knew it," Chloe said. She leaned forward and hugged her friend tightly, smiling at her. "It doesn't change anything. We're all friends still. We just have inspiring sex sometimes."

Shayla hugged back. "You know, when I was in the hospital, I was talking to Morgan and I said that I wondered if Clark and Lex could fit me in since you were--at the time--pregnant and pretty much out of the action. He was scandalized, of course, but I think I knew then, and didn't know it." She tightened her grip around Chloe. "I just didn't know they trusted me so much."

"They love you," Chloe whispered. "And I suggest keeping all mentions of Clark and Lex sex to Dominic to a minimum. He might not be able to take it." She grinned and rubbed her friends shoulder. "I was indeed, very, very pregnant." She looked at the basket by the bed, pausing for a moment before looking back at Shay. "Can you feel them in your head?"

"Well, yeah, I know this *now* after he tried to knock Clark's head off his shoulders, and he's *still* not talking to Lex because Lex made a comment about my mouth being the only thing they haven't fucked." She gave a light cough. "That's actually no longer the case but ANYWAY!" If she blushed, she ignored it. "I can, kind of, especially when I'm not thinking about anything else."

Chloe gave her a jealous look. "Then you haven't had Porn on Demand in your head for the last two hours, huh?"

A soft little giggle. "No, I haven't. I think... I think maybe that Clark knows that since I take care of John, it's better if I'm not distracted, and does something subconsciously to make sure I don't get... you know, *distracted.*"

"I'll bet you're right. He's such a sneak," Chloe muttered.

Shayla's toes rubbed along the inside of Chloe's calf. "Two hours? They've... really got stamina."

"You say that without knowing they're thinking about another orgasm," Chloe sighed. "They have marathon sex like this sometimes. One night they must have had it six times. I don't know how they were able to *move* in the morning."

Shay giggled. "It's gotta be the puppy chow. Or, in this case, the Kryptonian chow."

"Or something," Chloe agreed, lips curved. "They're insatiable for one another. When they get really riled up, they play sex games."

Shayla held up her hand at that. "Stop right there. Don't tell me, I want to be surprised when they happen. Finding out about Alexis and the cross-dressing kink? That was enough for me."

Chloe's lips curved. "I think Clark gets off on it more than Lex does. The skirt and drives him to distraction." She squirmed then, amused and kind of turned on at the thoughts. "Alexis was wild in bed."

Shay rubbed her toes a little quicker against the inside of Chloe's thighs. "How wild in bed was she?"

"*Wild*. and she was *gorgeous*. She had these *huge* breasts and a trim little waist and long, flowing red hair. She was curvaceous and beautiful and Lex knew just what to do with it." Chloe squirmed again, exhaling a little loudly as she lay her head back and thought, warmth in her tummy and tingles flying over her chest and cheeks. "I think Whitney nearly died."

Shayla crawled up the bed to lay beside Chloe, sharing the pillow as she rested her hand on her friend's stomach. "Sounds like *you* nearly died too."

Her lips twitched as she looked at her friend and lay her palm across Shayla's. "Just a little. It reminded me of a time when Lana and I used to make out. It was...well, I miss it, you know? There's nothing quite like another girls mouth."

Shayla's lips curved slightly. "Yeah, I think I can take a guess as to how it felt." She turned her hand around so that she was clasping Chloe's fingers in hers.

Chloe's eyes skittered over Shayla's own lips without her consent. She was suddenly very, very aware of how close Shayla was, how warm she felt next to her, how good this was. Their fingers linked, their bodies snuggled.

Her nipples peaked and poked up out of her shirt as a warm flush rose up on her cheeks and a hot, wet feeling arched down into her groin. "It feels really good, right? Warm and soft. Boy's mouths are so...hard and firm, but kissing a girl is like...nibbling on a marshmallow. All there is is hot and warm and good," she whispered. That her lips brushed across Shayla's was not her fault, just the barest of touches as she spoke. If Shayla didn't want to... touch... it could almost be misconstrued as an accident. "It feels so good."

It wasn't the first time they'd danced around the issue like this, and the flat truth of it was, Shayla was, if not in love with Chloe, at least hopelessly infatuated as she kissed back. Usually it was gentle flirtation, only occasionally had they actually had sex, but nothing as good or intense as the first time Chloe had taught her to masturbate.

Her lips pressed back against Chloe's, deliberately deepening the kiss as her tongue flickered over the softness of Chloe's lower lip, nibbling with her teeth as her fingertips stroked over the back of Chloe's hand.

Chloe trembled and opened her mouth to Shayla's kisses, dancing her tongue across hers as she shifted the smallest bit and got close close close. She groaned softly at the feeling--marshmallows--and mumbled so as she traced Shayla's full lower lip. She turned onto her side and it nearly did her in--the sensation of smaller but no less full breasts pressing against hers was incredible, and she rubbed against them and moaned. "Oh, yes," she whispered, sliding her fingers through her friends hair.

Shayla's leg moved just a little to hook over Chloe's hip and pulled her closer as her arms raised, one sliding under Chloe's and the other snuggling under the pillows to wrap around her neck.

Yes. Well. Whatever Chloe had been hanging onto let go and Chloe's fingers tightened in Shayla's hair as she let go of her mouth and pulled her head back to suck on her neck. She left hot little marks all the way down Shayla's neck before attaching herself to the pulse point and working on bringing up a mark. Her hand moved with her, out of Shayla's hair and down her chest until she could slide a hand under the thin t-shirt Shayla wore . Shayla's breasts were small little handfuls but it was… oh, and she...

She pulled Shayla's shirt up, tugged one cup of her bra down, and attached her mouth to one tight, high nipple, biting down sharply.

Shayla kept her head arched back, whimpering softly as Chloe's tongue worked down her neck, and then her entire body jolted sharply as teeth closed on her nipple.

She squirmed her shoulders and arms around, working herself out of her t-shirt and shoving the straps of her bra down so that both of her breasts spilled out for Chloe's mouth, and she moved her thigh to slide firmly between Chloe's legs so that she rubbed against the hot, damp mound between them.

"Oh, God," Chloe muttered around Shayla's nipple as she helped yank the t-shirt off and away, and then reached under and behind Shayla, pulling her up arched against her own chest to unhook the bra and that...her breasts were so tender from John and Shayla felt so good and Chloe whimpered, rather loudly. Her fingers were groping even as the bra came free and she had a handful and a mouthful again, squeezing Shayla's breast rhythmically and scraping her thumb nail gently across the raised nipple. Then *pressure*, lovely pressure right... oh, and she squirmed and rubbed herself against Shayla's thigh, mewling against the soft pink breast.

Once Chloe's breasts were free, Shayla's hands went immediately to them, massaging them gently and rubbing them carefully against each other. Shay was squeaking roughly as Chloe's nails scraped over her nipple, and she just rubbed her thigh harder against Chloe.

"Wish they were more like yours," Shayla whimpered. "Bigger, fuller, more like a real woman," she continued. "I always feel like a little girl around you."

"Mine are--oh! there!--no treat right now," Chloe gasped as she squirmed down Shayla's body. She tugged on the button of Shayla's jeans until it came free, tugging and yanking and-- "A pink thong, Shay?" she asked, eyes dancing up at her even as the smell of her, warm and musky, had Chloe wet between her thighs. She reached under Shayla's hips, took hold of the back of the thong, and the front with her other hand, before moving it back and forth between her legs.

Shayla gave a little giggle as Chloe got to her thong. "They're always a treat," Shay confessed in a breathy little giggle. "I always want to nibble and nuzzle against them, they're so beautiful." She arched into the stroking thong as Chloe moved it against her, whimpering softly as she got wetter and wetter because of the friction.

Chloe's tongue darted out and stroked across the damp spot on the thong, licking and pressing the cloth between Shayla's folds. She squirmed it in deep, rubbing against her clit with the thin cotton before tugging it down and off her lungs, but not onto the floor where the rest of their clothes was going. "You know Shayla, Clark taught me a fun trick," she gasped softly against Shayla's inner thigh, as she spread the long legs and rubbed her lips between them. She nosed between the fleshy folds and licked--hot, so wet, damp and *perfect*. Chloe squirmed her tongue inside, licking once before she lifted up onto one elbow and *looked*. Shayla was skinny and firm all over, with strong thighs and a beautiful mound--totally shaved and warm and *oh*.

She wrestled between those thighs again and squirmed until she was face first with what she wanted. She turned the thong inside out, and after pressing twin fingers into her friend to stretch her out the smallest bit, she began to stuff the thong up into her. Slow, careful, packing the wet cloth up, careful not to let it bunch. She sat up on her elbow again and nosed the folds apart again, sucking hard on the hard clit, nibbling the *softest* bit as she lay her weight on her friends hips and reached up to fondle her breasts.

"What tri---iiiick!" Shayla's voice rose into a squeal as Chloe started to slide the wet underwear into her. Her eyes widened as she remembered watching Clark do the same thing to Whitney, remembered how insane it had driven him and she gave a soft squeak as Chloe's delicate touch finished filling her.

She barely had a chance to catch her breath before Chloe's tongue and lips found her clit again, the soft nips making her muscles contract around the wet panties packed inside her as she raised her hips up and rubbed against Chloe's weight.

Chloe smiled around her mouthful, looking up at her dear friend before sucking once more on the delicate clit before crawling up and leaning on her dear friend. They pressed--chest to thigh, and Chloe gave a soft, groaning moan as she settled down, their breasts pressed tightly together. "Shayla?"

"Yeah?" she panted softly, raising her hands to Chloe's full, glorious breasts and kneading gently, rubbing her thighs together as much as she could, pebbled nipples scraping against Chloe's.

"What now?" she whispered, eyes wide. She'd never gone any further than this with another girl--the last time they'd had a huge dildo to share, and didn't even know where to begin. She wanted to come--and now--but... "Should I call Clark? He'd be here in minutes."

Shayla gave a little giggle. "He was put out that he didn't get to watch before," she said, still panting softly.

Chloe's lips spread. "If we call him, he'll bring Lex, and Whitney, if I ask. Should we? We could...give them quite a show."

"How would you explain it to Steven, Whitney leaving with Clark and Lex?" she asked, squirming against the underwear packed inside her. "But, yeah, they'd love the show. Poor Whitney would explode, like he did last time."

"They could bring dildos," Chloe whispered in Shayla's ear, biting the edge of it. "Would you like to ride my cock, Shayla?"

Hard little shudder. "Oh, yes," she whimpered. "Yes."

Chloe smiled warmly and lifted herself from Shayla's body. She knelt, naked, by the crib where her baby was fast asleep, and rummaged around in it a moment before pulling a breast pump and bottles from it. She set it on the bed and took hold of the small crib. "I'm going to put him in the room across the hall," she murmured, and after making sure he was warm in his little bed, navigated it across the hall. The warm room, one she and Whitney had used several times, was warm and cozy, smelling lightly of lemon. She stopped the crib near the door, set the breaks, and checked on him one last time before crossing the hall again. She left both doors open a crack so she could hear him, and picked up the pump and bottles sheepishly. "Let me...take care of this, okay?" She knelt on the bed and pressed a kiss to Shayla's lips. "If you touch yourself, I'll punish you," she murmured, and nipped hard on Shayla's high nipples before slipping into the bathroom.


...who was in the middle of blowing his lover. He lifted his head, Lex's cock slipping from his mouth with a lewd pop, and blinked. Are you hurt, ashikana? Where are you? He had already sat up and was reaching for his jeans from the floor.

Nothing, ashimel. Don't be frightened. I was merely hoping you could bring the blow job to Smallville. And your dildos. Bring them too. And the fun nipple clamps.

Shayla stayed as still as she could on the bed, rubbing her ass against the sheets, rubbing her thighs together and trying to get the wad of cloth inside her to shift and *move* as she kept her hands fisted by her side, not touching no matter how much she wanted to.

Lex's fingers stroked calmly through Clark's hair, listening in. Blowjobs, dildos, and the fun nipple clamps. Is there anything else you'd like us to pack for you?

Just your handsome selves. Now go away a sec and let me do this.

Which she did. She filled four bottles worth, and ten minutes later Chloe reemerged from the bathroom, set the pump and bottles aside, and leapt on the bed, smelling of soap as she curled in against Shayla and kissed her, hard. The taste of her exploded on the back of her tongue, hot and delicious as she reached down and stroked against the thong just hanging out of Shayla's body, rubbing her fingers across the distended walls and smirking in pleasure.

Shayla's ass was still rubbing against the bed, the rough quilt heavenly against her bare skin as Chloe's fingers teased the packing that held her stretched open.

Her tongue pressed hard back against Chloe's, giving her the hard kisses she demanded as her hands rose, squeezing and gently massaging Chloe's breasts as they pressed into her chest.

And Clark? Clark had one hand clamped between his thighs, stroking himself hard as Lex moved around in the closet. The argument from before was fresh and tender in his mind, but not even that could keep him from rubbing his penis, which, right at the moment, stood tall and proud for the both of them. He groaned softly, biting at his lower lip and getting an explosion of taste from Lex's pre-come, which had been dripping all over his stomach and it was so *good* and he had lapped it up and "Lex? Lex?"

Lex was rummaging around for the things that Chloe had asked for; a double-headed dildo, a strap on too just in case, the nipple clamps in several sizes. "Hmm? Yeah, Clark, what?" he called over his shoulder, voice still muffled as he slid a cock ring around his erection, to keep himself from coming, and tucked several more into the bag he was packing.

"Here? Come here, please? I promise I won't be bad, I just need--" He trembled in ecstasy and *need*. They'd been playing a submission and dominance game, and it had been...oh, and another jet of pre-come spurt out of him, slicking his hand all the more and his ass was *slippery* from come, lube and the own lubrication his body had so recently begun to create. "I can't make it to Smallville like this, can't, Lex, I want… please, you, I w..." Want to suck you down my throat and make you scream and lap you all up until you're soft and then make you hard again, and again, and *again*.

Lex straightened up immediately, tossing the bag onto the bed and going to Clark, wrapping his arms around Clark's waist and holding him tightly. "Sssh," he said softly, pulling his lover down on the bed with him and running his fingers through Clark's hair. "I know you won't be bad; you're not a bad boy, Clark." He kissed his aushna' softly, pressing his lips over and over to his face, cheeks, and mouth. "You're never bad. You're my baby." He slid his hand to Clark's lap and started to stroke his cock. "You want me to suck you off? That what you want? Tell me, baby, you can have it."

Clark grasped him tightly but even as he hugged him tight he was being pulled back down, close and skin and hot and *mouth* and Clark whimpered and shook his head, squirming from Lex's arms down, down and he sucked Lex down to the root, mouth working hard over him as the flavor....if he hadn't been on his knees between Lex's legs he would have fallen. He mewled loudly and sucked in pleasure, rubbing Lex's balls together gently, mouth working hard.

Lex's legs wrapped around Clark's torso, his head arching back as he let his fingers run slowly through his lover's head, stroking and petting as he slid his fingers under Clark's mouth, snapping off the cock ring in a heartbeat.

Free of restraint, his cock throbbed once, pulsing and twitching against Clark's tongue as Lex thrust in, groaning as Clark's fingers stroked over his testicles as well.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes! Clark cried out and rubbed hard against the sheets and Lex's thigh, squirming to orgasm as he suckled and slurped, saliva running down Lex's cock but who *gave a fuck* when it felt...oh, and...

Clark reached down for his cock, grasping it tight and stroking it hard as his cheeks hollowed with each suck and he mewled loudly--one last hard thrust into his hand and he froze, throat clamping down on Lex's cock so he almost choked as he came, and then promptly orgasmed, wrenching another muffled cry from him.

Lex's fingers tightened in Clark's hair, feeling the tight lock of Clark's throat around his cock signaling his orgasm. He shuddered hard, his eyes locked on his lover's trembling body as he went through the throes of his intense orgasm, and then he relaxed his grip, just a little, then shifted it and gripped Clark's hair firmly again as he started to fuck his aushna's mouth.

Clark mewled, though it sounded like a garbled grunt in his position, and let Lex move him wherever he liked as a shot of lust and post orgasmic bliss shot down into his groin, making him squirm and groan in pleasure. He tilted his head helpfully and let his tongue stroke weakly, eyes closing to half mast when the intensity of his own submission hit him.

It felt *fucking surreal*.

He groaned loudly, echoing Chloe and Shayla in his head and he *knew* they were watching it through his eyes and he opened them, looking up at Lex and tightening his mouth around his lovers cock.

Lex gave a pleased grunt as Clark's mouth tightened, and he slid closer to the edge of the bed, his cock pushing deeper into Clark's throat with every thrust. His fingers were locked in Clark's hair, the silky strands grating against each other as he yanked Clark's head to and fro, careful not to hurt his aushna' even as he used him.

Close to coming now, shuddering hard, and he pulled his cock out of Clark's mouth, rubbing the dribbling head across his lover's lips before starting to jack himself off.

Streams of white shot out of Lex's cock, landing on Clark's nose, his cheeks, lips, chin, even forehead and hair as Lex stroked himself, his large balls emptying themselves into his lover's face.

Clark nearly wailed as Lex came all over his face, hair and skin and hot streams of it and *oh God all mighty*. He twitched violently and arched his back, cock straining to get hard again as the intense feeling of being owned washed through him and... oh, God, it was so good. It felt incredible, it felt... he was complete and he wanted to mewl and squirm and arch and rub the come into his skin until he reeked of it.

Lex scooted back on the bed, just a little, still stroking and directing the last dregs of his orgasm down over Clark's bare chest.

He was panting, entranced as his cock finished it's last few spurts, watching the thick white drops roll down his lover's chest. One caught on the prickled nub of Clark's nipple, hanging on the end like a dewdrop, and Lex couldn't take his eyes off his lover's come-covered skin.

Clark's chest was heaving as if he'd run miles and his breath came out of him in sharp, heavy puffs. His body was tensed in pleasure, belonging, taken, cherished, and one trembling hand rose to his face. He rubbed his fingertips through the thick white come on his cheek, looked at it, then rubbed it into his skin, eyes rolling back and fluttering closed. He was hard again, agonizingly--his balls were going to fucking fall *off* before the night was over--and now he could only pray that Lex didn't back down now that he'd come. He needed this dominance sometimes--someone to take him and remind him he was human, and *oh fuck* his hips squirmed, body trembling.

Lex shook himself out of it as he watched Clark smearing his come into his skin, and gave a little smile. "Do we have time for this before we take care of our girls?" he asked, standing up and pointing to the bed.

"Time for what?" Clark asked in a soft tone, somewhere around cloud nine as he watched the backs of his eyelids.

"Time for me to fuck you," Lex said casually, and when Clark didn't react to his point, Lex yanked him up by the hair and landed a hard slap on his ass.

Clark yelped in a rather undignified manner because… well dammit, it hurt! His head was yanked up and he followed it, eyes closed tight and cock bobbing on his belly, smearing the mess that was already there. "Fuck me? How... you just.."

Lex gestured the dildos spilling out of the bag. "I think one of those will work until I can recover enough to take over, don't you?" he asked, reaching down and picking up the flesh-toned double-headed dildo.

Yespleasenow! "Won't be as good as you," he whispered, and pulled free from Lex only to lean over the mattress, knees planted firmly on the floor, legs spread, ass lifted, and looking over his shoulder with curls falling in his eyes. "Nothing is as good as you."

"That's true, it's not," Lex admitted. He stroked the flexible dildo in his hands for a moment, and then used it to sharply pop across Clark's ass like a paddle, doing it several times in quick succession.

Clark groaned, trying to *ignore* Chloe's voice in his head as Lex spanked him and the sharp pop made him realize--Lex had his powers. He could feel each sting, each slap and he shuddered, spreading his legs further, the innermost parts of his thighs slick with his want. "Please, Lex *please*!"

Lex didn't stop, just kept the slaps long and steady with the dildo, occasionally rubbing the head over Clark's opening before landing another slap across his fleshy cheeks and thighs.

His cock was starting to stir as he slowly reddened Clark's ass, and without warning, he pushed the double headed dildo into Clark with a swift push, sliding the shaft into his lover's body.

The heat rising from his ass was unbelievable--the sting of it *hurt* dammit, but the sting eased into something totally different and absolutely fucking gorgeous. His body was tensed with pleasure so it... it hurt, when Lex shoved that *thing* into him but it was a *good* hurt, tight and burning and he muffled his scream into the mattress as he kept as still as possible and spread his thighs all the more, ass clenching tightly around the intruder and wanting *more*.

Lex kept stroking the dildo in and out until nearly half the length was buried inside his lover. Then, he got down on his knees, reached between his legs, and guided the other head into his own opening, clenching down against it as he rocked forward, sliding the dildo deeper into himself and out of Clark, then rocked back until their asses pressed together, sheathing the double heads entirely inside them both.

Clark jerked when he felt something on the dildo and looked over his shoulder in time to see Lex's backside meeting his.

And he ever so happily lost his mind.

He screamed something unintelligible, loud and *hard*, his body jerking so hard he almost fell over. He rocked into Lex, still screaming that deep, unbelieving sound of *desire*, and his cock was so hard so hard so hard and his body was… he...Lex had... Lex *was*...

"Oh God, oh, God!!!!" Clark sobbed it because they had to be sharing at least ten inches between them--the plastic head was rubbing against the *sweet* spot and Clark reached back, rubbing the bump firmly, the other hand at his cock, shoulders and come-covered face resting against the sheets.

Lex gave a wolfish grin as he lunged back against Clark, driving the shaft of the dildo deeper into his lover, fucking Clark as hard as he could with the plastic shared between them.

He could feel, through their link, every shiver and every wracking shudder that Clark was going through, though he couldn't see it, and he kept thrusting back roughly, pushing Clark face-first into the bed as he rubbed his ass against his lover's where they touched.

One hand was on his cock, stroking frantically, the other reaching down between their spread legs to fondle their balls together every time his ass slapped against Clark's.

Clark began to move back against Lex, totally overwhelmed, body taught with need, cock dribbling, balls aching, tears spilling down his cheeks in pleasure as he moved between Lex, his bump, his cock, and he was coming and coming and locked and tight and hot and "OH GOD!"

He sobbed it out again, and again, spurting until he thought his whole body would come out of his cock, muscles taut as orgasm cascaded over him moments later. It left him weak, exhausted, sleepy, totally stunned in his own pleasure. "Nuuuhnng."

Lex felt Clark's orgasm racking through his body, and he gave his own balls a vicious squeeze to keep his own orgasm down.

Reaching back, he steadied the plastic cock as he slid himself off first, then slid it out of his lover, and tossed it into the bathroom floor for cleaning before they took it anywhere.

Then Lex picked up the discarded cock ring from before and snapped it back around himself. "Get up and get dressed. You're not going to take a shower, because I want everyone to know you've been marked as mine. When we get to Smallville, I want your mouth on my cock, and you will swallow this time. Are we clear, Clark?"

Clark? Could not get up right now. No. Clark was busily slumped against the mattress, body glistening with sweat and come and lubrication, ass grasping, thighs slick, eyes closed and he was about a step and a half into unconsciousness when Lex spoke to him. He lifted his head and looked at Lex blearily, staring at him as if he hadn't understood a word.

Well, then it connected and he moaned, a guttural sound that was scraped raw by the power of his previous orgasms.

"Now," Lex said, popping Clark's ass with his hand.

Clark nodded and stumbled to his feet--his knees could barely hold his weight--and looked around for clothes. He rubbed his left eye and it came away sticky. Sticky and covered in come and list and sweat and taken out like that, owned, yes. Clark groaned again, softer, as he reached for some clothes from the closet--a t-shirt, and jeans that made him want to weep as the hotwetsquishy was covered and ohh ohhoh.

Lex waited until Clark was dressed, and then went into the closet, and brought out a little silver chain. He hooked one end of the chain onto his cock ring and pushed Clark down onto his knees.

Once he was down, he put the other end of the chain into Clark's mouth and started walking towards the bathroom, so that Clark had to hurry after him on his knees, or risk yanking Lex's cock off.

Clark bit down on the chain as Lex put it in his mouth, and then when Lex started walking Clark got it. He crawled after his lover, all long limbs and aching body and chest heaving and covered in come as he was. He crawled into the bathroom, the tile hard on his tender human knees, but he kept close to his lover so as to not hurt him, groaning again.

Lex ignored Clark trailing after him, pausing only to pick up the dildo and drop it into the sink, running warm water over it as he pumped out a few dollops of the special cleaning soap they used for their toys and lathered it up, humming softly to himself as he cleaned the toy.

Clark sat on his haunches beside his lover, curling in close to his legs and letting himself rest, just for a minute, as Lex cleaned above him. He lay his cheek on Lex's thigh and closed his eyes, chain still in his mouth, hoping to catch his breath after the last two comes.

He needed. A fucking. Nap.

When Lex felt Clark's head resting against his thigh, he reached down and petted his lover gently, sliding his fingers through Clark's hair before returning to the lather on the dildo and wiping it clean, rinsing it in warm water and toweling it dry as he held it out to Clark. He eased the chain's leather strap out of his lover's mouth long enough to kneel down for a deep, gentle kiss full of love, affection, and understanding, and then placed the strap back in Clark's mouth and started back to the bedroom. "Pick up the bag on your way past it, and put the dildo in it."

Clark kissed back and could only think that they tasted of come. It was...perfect, so them, so intimate. When Lex started back to the bedroom Clark scurried to obey because he doubted Lex was stopping. The trust was absolute and he didn't want to ruin that. He crawled quickly after him until he stopped by the bed, sitting back on his abused ass only to get the bag, put the dildo in it, and swung it over his shoulder as he looked up at Lex.

Lex paused for Clark to grab the bag and then went to the bed, sat down on it, and held out his hand to Clark.

When Clark took his hand, Lex pulled the leather bit out of his lover's mouth and pulled him onto the bed to sit beside him, an equal. "I love you," he said softly, eyes shimmering softly in the dim light of the bedroom. "Pick out what you want me to wear, and I don't just mean clothes. And we better hurry, before Chloe and Shayla decide to keep going without us."

Clark's throat bobbed as he looked up at his lover--all swollen lips, come covered skin, hair sticking up and slightly tangled at the base of his neck. He looked towards their closet shyly, glancing at Lex up under his eyelashes before climbing to his slightly unsteady feet. He bit his lip, almost hard enough to bleed, and opened the cabinet in the closet, crouching to look in it.

Lex still sat nakedly on the bed, leaning back and supporting himself on his arms as he let his legs spread open, so that he was almost sprawled out on the bed. "You don't have to be shy," Lex called after him. "There's nothing in there you haven't seen before."

Clark couldn't help it. Whenever Lex did these things he felt... felt shy. He just didn't know why. He poked through the cabinet, nibbling on his lower lip, before pulling out anal beads. Stockings and a garter were peeking from a half closed box at the bottom of the cabinet teasingly, and he looked at it longingly. Lex surely wouldn't--...wouldn't he?


"I said anything!" Lex yelled, in answer of the questioning thoughts that seemed to skitter through Clark's brain.

Clark blushed crimson but took the stockings and garter out too, and traded the beads for a slender butt plug, in size Not Too Big, But Not Too Small Either. In purple. He knew Lex would appreciate that if anything else, and after licking his lower lip, he stood back up and shuffled back into the bedroom. "You don't have to… if…"

Lex flicked his eyes appraisingly over the handful Clark brought out of the closet. "Mmm. Go back and bring me a pair of the square lavender underwear that matches the stockings--panties only, I think," Lex said.

"Kay," Clark whispered and disappeared back into the closet. He looked around in the cabinet for a moment, turning bright red at some of the stuff *he* had worn himself, and came back out with the tiny little panties. "These?"

Lex nodded. "Those are the ones." While Clark had been in the closet, Lex had slid the stockings on, up to mid-thigh, where they ended topped in lace and waited for the garter belt clip. "Come over here, and get the lube. While I finish with the garter belt, lube the plug."

Yeah. Right. Clark didn't hear a word--all he saw was the stockings, being pulled up gorgeous, naked thighs and he dropped to his knees and dragged his tongue across the tops of each stocking and creamy, smooth thigh. He suckled Lex's inner thigh almost tenderly, moaning low in his throat and suckling firmly at the lovely, lovely skin.

Lex reached down and pulled Clark's chin up. "Lube the plug, Clark, or you'll force me to punish you."

A shiver ran down Clark's spine at that, his cheeks flushing at the threat and the promise in those words. He stopped sucking though, after one nipping kiss to Lex's hand, and grabbed the plug as he groped for the lube in the side drawer.

"Good boy." Lex sat up completely on the side of the bed, hooking the belt around his hips, adjusting it so the clips hung at the front and back of his thighs, and then bent each of his legs in turned as he fastened the clips to the stockings, and then flexed his toes in the sheer coverings. "You picked out nice things, Clark," he said softly, and then rolled onto his stomach, spreading his legs and exposing his opening. "When you're done lubing, stretch me and slide the plug inside. Do anything else, and you will not be allowed to come tonight."

Clark was a good boy. He was. He did as Lex asked, always did--he lubed the plug good so it wouldn't hurt his aushna', and then pressed his fingers into Lex's already slightly loose opening from before...he was able to slide in three fingers easy. He pushed the plug in after he made sure Lex was stretched, adjusting it snugly against Lex's body so the plastic curved naturally against him.

But God, GOD, his balls were peaking out from between his thighs and Clark couldn't fucking help it--he leaned down and licked each one, kissing them softly.

Lex rolled over quickly, as soon as he felt a wet tongue on his balls. His fingers caught Clark's chin between steely fingers, and he glared down unhappily at his lover. "You don't believe me, Clark? You will." Lex looked at the rack in the closet, and out of the little door came a set of concentric rings linked with buckling straps of leather, and it slapped into his waiting hand with a thud and a clink. "These are called Gates of Hell, Clark, and I'll give you two guesses why."

Clark shrank back, making himself small which was no small feat for a man of his size. He looked up at Lex, biting his lower lip plump and swollen, and cried, "I couldn't help it! I'm sorry!"

"On your back."

"No, Lex, no, I'm sorry, I didn't...I'm sorry," Clark whispered, even as he did as Lex asked, stretching out, somewhat tentatively as he gnawed on his lip. "I'm really sorry, I didn't... I couldn't help it, I..."

"Don't force me to add a gag to this, Clark." Lex climbed onto Clark's legs, exerting all of his forcible weight onto his lover's knees so that he couldn't move, and he held up the biggest ring. "This goes behind and around your balls, to keep you from coming." Lex slid the first ring into place, and snapped it shut with a resounding clink. "The others get concentrically smaller as they go up the shaft, to constrict the blood in your cock and keep you hard without letting you come or go flaccid." He maneuvered Clark's cock into the Gates with impersonal hands, clipping each ring shut until they would no longer fit around the girth of the shaft. "The last one is for a leash or lead, or in some cases, if the scrotum is pierced, the top ring will be used to lock the imprisoned cock down against the scrotum."

"N-no, Lex, n..." It was...terrible, but in a… not so bad way. The metal was icy cold against his cock, but he couldn't go soft because of it--he felt as if everything was *stuck*, and an almost unbearable sense of panic struck him, making him buck and writhe, twisting his hips this way and that. "L-Lex, I'll be good, I'm sorry, I'll be good!"

"Yes, you will be good," Lex said, sliding off the bed and clenching tightly around the plug in his ass. "Close your jeans, then go into the closet and bring me a pair of my black slacks, and one of my sweaters. I'll put the panties on while you're gone." That would be part of Clark's punishment; he'd know they were on, but not get to see them.

Clark nearly bit through his lip at that. Lex wasn't going to untruss him. He'd be stuck like this... oh, God, and they were going to Chloe and Shayla, and the humiliation would be complete and Clark rose to his feet, eyes on the carpet as he shuffled to the closet. The metal and leather around his cock were heavy and... hanging there, just *there*, keeping him wanting to dance on his toes.

He picked out his loosest pair of jeans he owned, and got the slacks and sweater for Lex, before coming back out and offering the slacks and shirt to his lover.

By the time Clark brought the clothes out of the closet, Lex had shimmied into the purple panties, and they were half-hidden behind the silk boxers Lex had slid on over them. "Thank you, Clark. Now, do you know where Whitney is?"

Clark shook his head, and rather than risk more punishment, said, "I think... he's at the old house with Steven. But... he knows what's going on. He's going to the mansion. S-should we bring them back here?"

Lex considered. "No, I think we can meet them there." He slid into the slacks first, and then his shirt, and the stockings were completely covered as Lex slid his feet into black dress shoes. "Finish getting dressed, and if you touch yourself, I will add extra hours spent in the Gates for every time you do it."

"I w-won't," Clark said, swallowing and quickly shimmied the jeans on. After carefully moving his cock he was able to get the pants zipped and buttoned, but the bulge was very, very noticeable. And the fact that his t-shirt was on the small side didn't help. But Lex had said he wasn't to change out of the t-shirt, streaked, just as his face and hair was, with the come from before. "Lex? Can I change my shirt?"

"No, you cannot. I told you, Clark, you're going out just like this to show that you belong to me." Lex went to the dresser, picked up his watch and his wallet, and clipped his watch closed around his wrist before sliding the wallet in his back pocket. "If I thought I could get away with it I would take you in nothing but your bare ass with a plug and a gag, but I believe that would cause too many questions."

Clark nodded quietly and left his shirt just as it was, regardless of the embarrassing tent in his jeans, and looked down at the floor as Lex finished getting ready. He grabbed his own wallet but left the watch--it didn't much matter if he had it or not--and picked up the bag of sex toys.

Lex watched in the mirror, and met his lover's eyes in the glass. "You know that I love you," he said softly.

"I love you," Clark repeated softly to him, and looked at the floor again. In truth, this... hit some dark, unattainable spot inside of him. He needed this, to be submissive, when during every other part of his life he couldn't be. This... calmed him, some inner part of himself.

Lex walked over to his lover and kissed him softly, hand slipping down into his lover's jeans to stroke over the bound cock roughly. "Then let's go," he said softly, using Clark's abilities to pick his lover up effortlessly. "Arms around my neck."

Clark grabbed onto Lex tightly--this feeling of being carried was so *odd* to him, and made him cling a little more than he should have. His trapped cock bulged against his zipped, making him moan in aching pain and pleasure both, and he buried his face in Lex's neck.

"That won't come off until tomorrow morning," Lex said softly. "I mean what I say when I say you will not get to come tonight." He took Clark out onto the small patio and closed the glass door behind them, then jumped off and took off in the air like a rocket, flying straight up until they were above the clouds, and then shot off towards Smallville.

Clark held tightly to Lex, whimpering in his throat at both the sudden terror of being in the air without having done it himself and the threat that Lex whispered so sensually in his ear.

It was going to be a very, very long night.



go on to the next part