
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 356: Pit Stop

The warm skin under Dominic's face trembled in post orgasmic bliss and he couldn't help a warm smile against the soft thigh, kissing it gently, as well as nosing the softening cock by his nose. His mouth tasted like come, his throat felt sore from what he'd just done, but just like every other time, it was worth it. He was lethargic so he rested there against Lionel's thigh, eyes half closed as a yawn overtook him.

The bustle of the office, thirty minutes before work was over for the day was always the least busy, and Dominic, having finished early, curled up under his lovers desk and gave him a blow job he wouldn't soon be forgetting. It had been... divine, delicious. and now he just wanted something to eat, his warm bed, and his lover curled up warm behind him. He looked up at that, heavy lidded, and gave him a sleepy smile as thunder roared across the valley outside.

It wasn't just wasn't just pouring. It was *storming*, trees blowing in the harsh winds, water slamming the glass. Rain had collected in puddles everywhere, and on the TV, turned on to mask the sounds they'd made, they were talking about the biggest storm of the year. Oddly enough it was...relaxing, calming even, and Dominic found pleasure in it and knowing his baby girl was warm and safe at home with Ms. Bird. "Feel better?" he murmured, gently squeezing those thighs, which had been so tense with worry when Dominic had come in.

"With you nearby? Always." Lionel's hands were stroking through Dominic's hair, rubbing his knee gently against his lover's cheek.

The rain was merely an annoyance, pattering against the thick glass of the windows, his back to them as he rolled his chair back just enough to see his lover underneath his desk. "Are you all right?"

He had been pleasantly surprised by Dominic's appearance in his office, even more surprised when he'd folded his still-mending body under the desk with apparently no aftereffects, and had given himself up for mindlessness shortly thereafter as Dominic's mouth had worked magic against his cock.

"Of course," Dominic murmured, nuzzling the still softening cock with his nose. He licked the head softly, aware of the sensitivity of it, before gently tucking it away and with a gentle tug, buttoned and zipped Lionel's slacks back up. He kissed his crotch softly before doing the same to one of Lionel's pliant hands, pressing his mouth to each finger before he climbed to his feet. Rather than crawl into Lionel's lap he sat on his desk facing him, still holding his hand. "You look like hell, darling."

Lionel looked down and laced his fingers with Dominic's, squeezing gently. "Then apparently I look better than I feel."

"Like to tell me what's wrong?" Dominic asked, sweeping Lionel's hair back from his eyes...all that warm, curly hair he loved to bury his nose in. He brought Lionel's hands to his mouth again, kissing the backs softly before meeting Lionel's gaze. "You've been like this for the better part of two days now."

Lionel shook his head softly. "It's nothing of any importance; I am just being an overprotective father, I suppose, fighting the urge to smother my son and intervene on his behalf."

Dominic's lips curved the smallest bit and his eyes crinkled, though it was gently. He hadn't gotten Lionel out of this constant brood, no matter what he did, and with a rather sneaky move, he'd snuck up on his lover, given him a blow job, and knew afterward he'd be a little more open to talk. He always was, after intimacy. That, and Dominic *adored* the taste of his cock. "Your chic has finally left the nest, darling. At least it's with Clark and not some brazen hussy."

"Yes, I take comfort in the fact that Clark will keep him grounded," Lionel said with a sigh. "My confidence, however, does not reach to Lex's ability to hold his own business ventures together, because of the recent robbery at his lab. Had Cadmus remained under the LuthorCorp umbrella, as it was during the merger, I sincerely doubt it would have been chosen, nor would the police be hounding Lex as they are now."

"You've got to let him stand on his own two feet," Dominic murmured, tracing the back of Lionel's hand with his thumb. "Don't forget, he's a Luthor."

"He is also a boy," Lionel answered. "No matter what his last name might be."

Dominic very wisely hid his reaction to that, though the choked giggle got trapped in his throat, and he brushed his mouth across Lionel's. "You'll help him when he asks for it. There isn't much else you can do, Lionel. All boys need a chance to make mistakes."

"One would have thought that Lex's lifetime of mistakes up to this point would have made him better advisor than they have," he sulked. "I can't help but worry."

"Makes you a good father," Dominic said, and climbed to his feet. "Come now, my Luthor. Let's go home and make sure our daughter hasn't run Ms. Bird ragged. And then perhaps...we can celebrate," Dominic said suspiciously, looking at Lionel almost shyly.

"Celebrate?" Lionel asked, almost *too* innocently.

After a moment Dominic worked up the nerve, and turned to give Lionel a warm smile. "I got the university job. The professorship. It's a night class, and only part time, but… I got it."

Lionel resisted the urge to dump Dominic off his lap, and instead wrapped his arms around his waist, and gave him a warm smile in return. "Then it sounds like we really do have something to celebrate," he said, nuzzling against his lover's neck. "Come now, tell me, what are you going to be teaching?"

Dominic grinned and totally missed the tension in Lionel's arms. "Business," he said, tipping his head into Lionel's nuzzles. "Business and Accounting for entrepreneurs. I'll be teaching two classes. One during the evening time, one night a week, and the other on the internet." He was all but beaming.

"Mmmm." Lionel reached around and flipped through his calendar to the next week. "I don't suppose the school has told you when the class will be scheduled?"

"Fridays," Dominic said, looking over at Lionel's calendar--or more importantly, those long fingers, where their wedding band sat. The way the ring felt against the hot muscle of his opening when Lionel pressed his fingers in deep. Nice thoughts those were, and he let his thoughts drift as Lionel rustled around his paperwork.

"Hmm. Most of my meetings seem to fall on Fridays as it is, so as to give the weekend for any major decisions. I will speak with Chelsea in the morning, and I will have her schedule all meetings in Metropolis for Fridays."

Dominic's lips curved. "And spend Fridays in Metropolis?" Dominic asked, brushing his fingers across Lionel's lips. "You didn't even ask if I'd be working at Metropolis University." That Lionel had assumed so made him warm and fuzzy around the middle, which he rolled his own eyes at and smiled. "I love you, you know."

"Where else would you be working? It is the premiere institute in the area, and I would assume that you would not waste your considerable talents at the local community colleges," Lionel said with a sniff.

"Now, there is nothing at *all* wrong with a community college," Dominic said in defense. "I went to one myself for a few semesters, when I was barely making ends meet. One of the best times of my life it was."

"Or so I think, anyway. Everything had a beer-tinged look back then."

"No, nothing at all wrong with them, and they work for quite a few people. However, you are entirely too intelligent to waste yourself at one of those institutions when higher-ranking schools would count themselves lucky to have the LuthorCorp vice-president teaching their classes."

Dominic smiled at him. Compliments from Lionel? "You didn't throw me off your lap when I told you, and are now complimenting me." He smirked, eyebrow raising. "What do you want, Mr. Luthor?"

"Perhaps a strong hand of discipline," Lionel answered cheekily.

Dominic's lips curved wickedly, his eyes danced, and he turned in his lovers lap. Each knee went on either side of his lovers hips and he brushed another kiss gently across Lionel's lips. "I know you were teasing, but you do realize I may hold you to that, right?"

"Who says I was teasing?" Lionel asked, giving his lover a little smile, and lifting his great mane of hair to one side, so that he could lean his head back and look at Dominic.

It was the first thing Carolyn saw when she knocked brusquely on the door and stepped into Lionel's office, her arms filled with paperwork. Lionel, head back, a curve to his mouth and his warm eyes looking up at Dominic on his lap, who looked like a cat in the cream. It was...sweet, really sweet, and she swallowed and took a step back out of the office. "Sorry to interrupt."

Dominic looked up at the secretary and sighed, climbing up from Lionel's lap. "What is it you need, Carolyn?"

"Just wanted to let you both know that Mr. Knight has turned in all of his paperwork for the week… I believe you both wanted to review it?"

"Oh, yes, we did, thank you." He held his hand out for the stack. "Tell me, Carolyn, how bad is it?"

"Not as bad as you might think," Carolyn said, then smiled warmly at the both of them. "Everyone's left for the day... I suggest you both get a move on before the storm gets any worse. Good evening to you both."

"Good evening, Carolyn, and do be careful on your drive." Lionel took the folder, and was mildly surprised at the hefty weight of it. Without looking further, he dumped it into his briefcase, making sure everything stayed tucked in. "I do not want to look at it until we get home."

"I don't want to look at it until the next millennia," Dominic muttered, but smiled after Carolyn as she closed the door behind her. He looked down at Lionel and swept his fingers through all that perfectly coifed hair, rubbing his lips across the top. "Lets go home to our daughter, shall we?"

"Yes, we should," Lionel agreed. "Make sure that she is faring this storm all right; when Lex was an infant, the loud noises and the pops of thunder would frighten him as they rattled the foundations, and I would not like for Aurora to be afraid and without her parents."

"Her? What about me?" Dominic let his eyes wander to the window uneasily. "Bad things happen when it storms like this. Nature is rightly pissed, and she'll be taking her wrath out on us little people in due time. I think we should get on home," Dominic said, and pressed one more kiss to his lovers head before crossing the empty hall. He closed his laptop and gathered his files, setting it all in his briefcase and snapping it shut. After sliding into his dress coat he piled on his longer coat to keep himself dry, at least a little bit.

"Ready, Lionel?"

Lionel closed down his desktop after transferring the day's work files to the laptop, and tucked it safely in it's padded carrier. His briefcase leaned against it, as well as a rather large golf umbrella that always stayed in his office for occasions such as this.

The storm did not bode well for his peace of mind tonight, though he wasn't sure that anything would. "As I'll ever be," he called out in answer to Dominic's question, and rose to his feet, ignoring slightly aching knees as he gathered his coats and slipped into them before shouldering the straps of briefcase and laptop. "I have an umbrella should we need it."

Dominic nodded and took his lovers briefcase and laptop from him. "You lock the offices, I'll go get the car running, hmm?"

"Of course." Lionel fished out the key rings that held the keys to his and Dominic's office, as well as the car. He peeled the office keys off the larger ring, and then handed it to Dominic. "I don't know if you brought your set or not, but you can borrow mine if not," he said with a smile. "And are you sure you want to handle all four bags by yourself? I'm quite capable of carrying my own, you realize."

"And I'm not quite so weak as I was, you realize," Dominic said smugly. It was, in fact, just about all the weight he could carry without his knee giving out, but he didn't let that on as he sauntered down the steps with the keys in hand.

Lionel watched Dominic disappear down the stairs and closed the door to his office first, locking it and twisting the knob just to check before walking across the hallway to Dominic's. He pulled the door shut, locked it quickly, twisting that knob as well, and when both doors were locked, he put both keys in his pocket and ran his fingers through his hair before heading towards the elevators.

Dominic was going to give him gray hair, he was sure of it. Between the teaching job and the pushing the recovery envelope, Lionel was certain he was going to end up with a heart attack sooner rather than later.

Better he didn't dwell on the teaching job too much, or he'd become very upset, and instead, got into the elevator when it arrived and rode it down to the lobby. At the ground floor, Lionel pulled out his LuthorCorp ID card and swiped it through the magnetic terminal beside the elevator panel, which would shut down the elevators for anyone without a LuthorCorp ID. If someone was working late, they would have to swipe their card and enter their ID number, which would be registered on the activity log, which Lionel checked regularly, to see who was doing what, and when they were doing it.

He'd become more than a little paranoid, he reflected, since they'd had to fire their entire board of directors, but a little caution never hurt anyone. Dominic was waiting outside, umbrella over his head as he stood by the car, and Lionel sighed. The canopy ended less that ten steps shy of the car door, and he knew his lover would shepherd him every one of those steps.

Damn straight. Lionel's resigned expression made Dominic beam, and he was careful to stay under the awning of the building with the umbrella open and waiting as Lionel locked up. Dominic was... worried for his lover. Lionel had been a bit peaky and green around the edges lately, and Dominic's prerogative in life right at the moment was to make sure Lionel stayed relaxed, calm, warm and happy. A healthy Lionel was a happy Lionel, and a happy Lionel just made everyone's lives easier.

The last thing Lionel did was to lock the outside door with his keycard, and then tucked it away and sighed at his lover.

"I don't suppose I can convince you that I can walk ten steps to the car without melting?"

"Oh, you could, but then your fluffy hair wouldn't be fluffy anymore, now would it?" Dominic asked, eyes dragging over his lovers form. Long legs, firm thighs he'd just been resting against, big cock just perfect for sucking and the chest and... he gave a shaky exhale and lifted the umbrella up for Lionel. "You drive or me?"

"Given the weather and my tendency to drive faster than is safe for conditions on a good day, I think it would perhaps be more prudent if you drove us home. That is, if you feel up to it?" Lionel glared at the umbrella, but ducked easily under it as he started towards the car.

If Dominic grinned, he hid it well. "Indeed," he said, and as soon as Lionel had climbed into the car, went around it and opened the door. He quickly closed the umbrella, dropped it in the back seat and got in the cat, water running down his coat and a bit of it on his glasses. It was *pouring* and it was bloody cold rain to boot. He put up the heater and got it going to warm them up as he pulled his belt on and took the car out of park.

Lionel closed his eyes as he leaned his head against the headrest, and held his cell phone out. "If you'd like, call the mansion and have Ms. Bird prepare a hot pot of tea or coffee for you," he said, catching the little shiver and the blast of warm air from the heater.

"As if I haven't already done that," Dominic snorted at him, and just because he could, he leaned over the break and nipped his lovers lower lip before switching on the radio and turning out of the building.

The smile slid from his mouth moments after he did so.

It was raining, raining harder than he could have imagined, and he immediately flipped on his fog lights. There was barely any visibility, the road was all but gone, and Dominic frowned as he concentrated on driving, eyes flickering to his mirrors as he turned out onto the street. "Christ almighty."

"Perhaps I should have invested in the Humvee after all. Lex's recommendation that I do so seemed extravagant at the time, but it seems as though he knew what he was talking about," Lionel commented, peering out the window at the wall of water that seemed to be pouring from the sky.

Dominic's lips quirked, but only just. He navigated them *slowly* down the street, breaking frequently as they drove.

That is, until nearly a mile and a half from home, on the long empty farm road that was the fastest way to the mansion, a cow suddenly walked into the middle of the street. Dominic stomped on the breaks and turned them, only to have something explode and Dominic lost control of the car. Only for a moment but long enough to drive them off the road, skidding on the gathered water as they rolled on the gravel until he was able to turn into the spin and get the car stopped.

Lionel was distressingly serene during the whole thing, fatalistic in fact, because he knew for a fact that nothing was going to happen.

Because he so decreed it.

Instead, he stayed quiet until the car stopped, and then calmly looked at his lover. "I believe we just blew out a tire."

Dominic looked up at his lover, eyes wide, hands still clamped on the steering wheel. "Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm quite unharmed," Lionel said reassuringly, reaching out and touching Dominic's hand on the steering wheel. "Are you all right?"

"Hmm?" his voice squeaked. "Oh. Fine. I just knew something would happen. Either we went over a low pass and the car stalled, or the car broke down, or we hit something. I just *knew* it." He put the car in park, flipped on the emergency lights, and looked out the window at the cow, crossing the street. "I almost hit a cow."

"In true Luthor tradition," Lionel had to chime in. "You realize Lex will have a field day with this."

"This never. Leaves. The car," Dominic said, and glared. Instead he shucked out of his seat belt, pointed at his lover, and said, "Stay. I'll see what's happened. Don't you move," He said, and before Lionel could argue, gathered his coat close and stepped out of the car.

He was drenched in moments as he walked around the car, surveying the damage--indeed, front right tire totally blown to hell, though everything else looked more or less all right. He climbed back into the car and gave a mighty shudder, hands held out to the heater. "Bloody fuck!" He hissed, rubbing rain out of his eyes with one sleeve. "Front left tire popped, you're right. See if your cell works. I've got a feeling it doesn't, but try anyway."

Lionel turned on his phone, and raised it to his ear, but all he heard was static. "Lightning must have struck the nearest tower, because I'm not receiving a carrier signal at all," he said with a sigh.

"Luthor luck strikes again," Dominic muttered, and glared without any heat in it. "You know, until I married you I was quite lucky, what with being Irish and what have you."

"I don't suppose your luck would have included you learning how to change a tire?"

"Do you count Triple A?"

Lionel snorted. "Only if it is possible to get in touch with them," he said, holding up his useless cell phone.

Dominic. Sighed. "My mum didn't have a car when we were growing up, and by the time I had one I also had a cell phone to call for help. I've never changed a tire in my life."

He stopped. And maybe he started to panic, just a little bit. "My God. They're going to find us here tomorrow morning, water up to the eyeballs, dead as doornails from exposure and wild animal eating. I can see it now--Billionaire and his lover found dead. Cause of death? Popped tire and little wild animal nibbling."

"Dominic, you are over reacting. It would take us five to seven days to die of exposure, possibly more with the rain as it is because we could drink the rainwater for as long as what we could collect lasts. Not to mention we could outlast the storm and call for help when the clouds clear, and even if by some freakish stroke of chance we did happen to perish, we would not be nibbled at by wild animals as they could not get into the car. They lack the opposable thumbs necessary to work the door-latch mechanisms."

Dominic glared at him. "I am not drinking rain water, Lionel." He paused then. "You don't know how to change a tire either?"

"Despite the pollutants in the air, rainwater is one of the most pure sources of water available, which is why well water--supplied by a source of ground water replenished by rain--is so much more palatable than water on a municipal line," Lionel answered.

"Fine, Mr. National Geographic. Answer my question."

Lionel sniffed. "I am *not* Mr. National Geographic."

Dominic glared.

Lionel gazed back.

"You *do* know how to change a tire!" Dominic exclaimed.

"You sound quite shocked," Lionel said with a straight face.

"I wouldn't have pegged you as the tire changing type, my metrosexual husband," Dominic said, a hint of a tease in his voice. He leaned back in his seat, hands still slightly trembling from his wet hair drying. "I'll help you change it. We can't wait for Triple A, Lionel, they probably have a hundred accidents they're responding to."

"I am not metrosexual. I am, however, capable. I have changed tires before, though I don't make a regular habit of it, and you will do nothing but stand to the side of the road and hold the umbrella over your head as I work."

"Fat chance. Like you get to be manly while I hold a bloody umbrella," Dominic groused, glaring.

"Do you have the slightest idea how to use a lug wrench to remove lug nuts or to loosen a hubcap?" Lionel asked reasonably.

"No," Dominic said, struggling with his pride as he said it. It really was the only way, and he could hold a bloody umbrella and hand Lionel the things he needed. "All right. Fine. I'll hold the umbrella, you change the tire, we go home and eat dinner with our daughter. Is everything you need in the trunk?"

Lionel tried not to radiate smugness at Dominic's agreement, knowing what it would have cost his lover's pride. "Yes, it is; there is a spare in there, as well as a jack and a wrench, and that is all I will need to change the tire. When we get home, I will have Phillip call the mechanic and he will bring a new spare and a new tire out in the morning and replace it with a proper tire."

"All right, then," Dominic said, and for once felt desperately out of depth. He caught Lionel's slightly twitching lips and couldn't help laughing. "Rub it in, it'll keep you warm. Come on." He climbed back out into the torrential downpour, opening the umbrella immediately and going around the car for Lionel.

Lionel took the keys from the ignition and used the remote to pop open the trunk before opening the door and getting out. "Stand to the side there," Lionel said, pointing to the front fender. "I will bring the tire around, and then go back for the jack and the wrench. Reach under the front bumper, and find the notch that the jack will fit into," he said.

"All right," Dominic said and did what Lionel said. He bent and reached underneath for the notch, fingers slipping in grease and mud until he felt a small notch. "I found it," he yelled over the roar of the rain. "I think, anyhow." After smearing a bit of the mud on the car itself to mark his place, he walked to the back and stuck the umbrella over Lionel's head. "Can you get the tire out alone?"

Lionel nearly slammed his head against the open trunk as he straightened, and his elbow poked into Dominic's chest. "Yes, I can," he answered, glaring through the wet strands of his hair. "Take this and spread it over the embankment, because I have no desire to ruin this suit with mud," he said, thrusting the green tarp that had covered the spare tire into his lover's hands.

Dominic blinked and stared at his lover through his glasses streaked with water. That Lionel could try to save his suit when the world was opening and an ocean was swimming out was...hysterical, and Dominic began to snicker... chuckle... by the time he was at the tire and spreading the tarp out, he was cracking the hell up.

If Lionel heard Dominic's laughter, he ignored it over the pounding of the rain. He lifted the tire with ease, ignoring the protesting twinge in his shoulder, and carried the tire to the tarp.

Which of course, was full of water, but clean of mud, and he put the tire down with a sigh, letting the weight of the spare hold the tarp in place so the rain didn't wash it away as he returned for the jack and the lug wrench, and came back to the tarp with one tucked under each arm. Placing the wrench in top of the spare, he went to the front of the car, and slid the jack under the fender as he started to elevate the car.

Dominic crouched down beside him, a smile still playing on his lips, and switched the flashlight he'd retrieved with the tarp on. He aimed it where Lionel was working as thunder rolled around them, pounding the sky. "Tell me if you can't see and I'll move the light," Dominic said in Lionel's ear so he could hear him, and after a shift, he sighed and got on his knees beside him. His knee ached there in the cold water but it held him all right as he got more comfortable.

The umbrella was being blown a bit by the wind, and it occasionally bopped him in the head or got caught in his hair, and after the third impatient toss of his head, Lionel snarled at the umbrella and reached into his breast pocket, yanking out the soaked handkerchief. Twirling it quickly, he turned it into a piece of wet rope, and used it to tie his hair back into a disarrayed ponytail, thick, soggy, uncomfortable, but out of the umbrella's reach as he continued to work the jack, raising the car to the proper height.

The action was so unexpected that Dominic didn't have time to prepare himself for it. Lionel just reached into his pocket, pulled his hair back into a messy ponytail, and Dominic felt his stomach drop to his knees as his groin got... unexpectedly warm. Very. Very warm. He swallowed hard and stayed quiet, trembling with more than just the cold as he watched Lionel--big, strong, very, very masculine Lionel--working. Greasy hands, dirty face, mud on his clothes and oh... oh dear.

The jack nearly slipped, and Lionel swore vehemently, cursing it for the flimsy, vile piece of machinery that it was, and after the cursing, it held.

Lionel didn't question it; he just knew it would work because it always had. Once the car was steady again, Lionel used a corner of the wrench to pry off the wire-rim hubcap, and he handed the metal circlet to Dominic. "Put that in the trunk!" he shouted, and then positioned the wrench on the first lug nut and twirled.

Dominic nodded, eyes still the size of half dollars as he got up, went to the trunk, put it in. Went back... all kind of dazed and Lionel's ass looked so... and the hair, he...

The trembling was a little more pronounced, and had it not been for his long jacket, he would have embarrassed himself.

The first lug came off with ease, and Lionel quickly twirled all six off, and lifted the ruined tire off. He let it roll down the embankment to land floating in the ditch full of water, and paused for a moment to watch it float away on the little river there.

It was easy enough work to lift the spare in place, and use one soaked shoulder to hold it against the rim while he positioned it correctly, cursing four times as it slipped off before he could slide it on all the way around.

Finally, after nearly thirty minutes of fucking around, the spare slipped onto the rim, and Lionel could have cheered. Instead, once it was on the rim, he picked up the first lug nut, and screwed it on by hand to hold the tire on before using the wrench to tighten it.

Dominic? Was slightly frenzied. He didn't quite know why, actually, but he *did* know that seeing Lionel like this was making his skin flush and his body tighten in all the right places and his body crave. Lionel looked so...and it was so *stupid* but Dominic couldn't help but be helplessly, embarrassingly aroused. He handed Lionel the parts as his lover used them, trying to keep him dry with the umbrella that fought his grasp every moment, and gnawed on his lip.

The umbrella was more a hindrance than it was a help, but Lionel wasn't going to say anything. Twice he had to stop screwing the nuts back into place to adjust his hair, once to re-twirl the handkerchief and once to re-slick his wet hair back, swearing each time he had to stop and prolong the time it was taking to do this.

Finally, *finally* after nearly an hour, the damned tire was changed. The rain had not let up, the wind hadn't either, the thunder was still rolling through the sky, and Lionel got to his feet, holding his hands out as the rain washed the most of the mud and grime off. "Dominic, look in the trunk and see if there is anything in there you can fill with water!" he shouted, grimacing at the grease under his fingernails.

Dominic wanted Lionel to scrape his hands across his skin just like that. He shivered all over and his cock? Could not be harder than it was right at the moment. Rather than say so he stood and went into the trunk, looking around until he found a water bottle. He grabbed it and opened it. "Stick out your hands!" he yelled over the rain. He couldn't quite help it if his voice came out a squeak.

Lionel barely heard his lover's voice over the rain, but saw the bottle in his hands and was smart enough to fill in the blanks himself, holding out his hands and rubbing them vigorously together as Dominic started to pour the water over them.

Dominic nearly came in his pants.

His hands were shaking as he poured the water over those lovely hands, dirty and...oh, and...yes, well. He closed the empty bottle, tossed it back in the trunk, closed the umbrella since it wasn't doing them much good, and pushed it in the trunk. He grabbed the tarp as well, a muddy, disgusting mess, and looked at Lionel helplessly. "Leave it here?"

"Yes, leave it here!" Lionel shouted back, pointing towards the ditch where the blown-out tire still floated. "We will send someone to clean it up tomorrow!" He handed the lug wrench to Dominic. "Trunk! I'll take the car down off the jack!"

Dominic nodded, took the wrench and pushed it in the trunk, leaving the tarp on the ground under a stone where it wouldn't blow into traffic.

Using his foot, Lionel nudged the self-lowering switch on the jack, and watched as it slowly lowered the car to the ground. He kicked the spare tire once to make sure it was on securely, and when he was happy with the strength and resiliency that met his foot, Lionel picked up the jack and carried it to the trunk himself, and then sighed. "We're ready to go!" he yelled over the wind to his lover.

Dominic just... couldn't speak right now. He nodded firmly and closed the trunk after Lionel shoved the jack in there, then handed over the keys. He couldn't drive at the moment--he'd probably kill them. He quickly ran around the car, though he was already soaked through really, and got inside, trembling down to the skin with a cock so hard it could have chiseled glass.

Lionel still hadn't taken down his hair.

Dominic was about to die.

Lionel looked down at the keys in his hand, and then looked quizzically at his lover darting into the car. He went around to the driver's side, wrung out his ponytail and his clothing as best he could, and resigned himself to the fact that the upholstery would have to be very carefully cleaned, possibly replaced.

He didn't bother untying the knotted handkerchief until he was behind the wheel, and he nodded towards the sun visor. "You might want to pull that out and swing it between us, if you don't want a face full when I shake out the tangles. This is going to be hell to wash out tonight, you realize."

Forget hard enough to chisel glass. Go straight to chiseling diamonds. He was mortified, and desperately aroused, and he bit on his lower lip tightly at Lionel's dark eyes, five o'clock shadow, heavy hair tied back, shoulders and thighs and he wanted to crawl onto Lionel's lap and fuck them both to a fast, hot oblivion.

As it was, he just bit hard into his lip and swallowed. "Lets go... ah…. h-home."

At the tremor in his lover's voice, Lionel looked over, noticed the pale skin and shivering shoulders, and when he put the back of his hand against Dominic's cheek, he was clammy with hot sweat. "Dominic? Are you all right? Should I call Toni when we get home?"

Dominic shook his head and shifted his weight the smallest bit. "No. I'm fine. Let's... let's go, all right? Home." Home, before he attacked Lionel where he sat.

"We are not going anywhere until you tell me what is wrong, because I will turn this car around and take you back to Smallville Medical if you are feeling ill after being out in the rain for so long," Lionel threatened, glaring at his lover.

The glare was what did it. Later on, he'd realize that. For now all he did was grab a handful of that ponytail, jerk Lionel close, and kiss him ferociously. Need welled inside of him and bubbled over into those hot, smooth lips, the delicious tongue, the deliriously good way they fit together and Lionel's dirty hands, his hair, the stubble and eyes and all of it and Dominic didn't think he'd been this hard in months.

Lionel was surprised for a split-second as Dominic's hands caught in his hair, but everything explained itself in that millisecond before Dominic kissed him. He gave the return kisses just as fiercely as Dominic kissed him, his tongue thrusting hard against his lover's, sucking roughly on it as he gripped Dominic's waist tightly, reaching over the gearshift to do it as he rubbed dirty thumbs over the lowest part of Dominic's ribcage.

Dominic *moaned* so loud he was sure they heard him outside over the rain. It was even louder in the quiet little car. He arched his back to reach up for more kisses and Lionel's hands and he-- "Home. Home, please," he gasped, ripping his mouth from Lionel's and sucking down his neck as he reached between his legs to ease some of the heat--he was so hard it hurt, so hard, oh, God *God*.

Lionel said nothing for a moment, then leaned over his lover's lap, long fingers finding the seat controls quickly. He lowered the seat back so that Dominic was reclining, the pad of the seat lifting up just enough so that Lionel could lean over the gearshift to reach it. Those same nimble fingers popped open the button of Dominic's slacks, sliding down the zipper to let his lover's erect cock stand proudly.

With barely a second to admire it, Lionel opened his mouth and slid it down the length, burying it deeply in his throat.

Dominic's hips bucked, he stuffed his fist in his mouth, and cried out so hard he grew hoarse from it. He jerked under Lionel's ministrations, wailing as he looked down at--hair, ponytail, dirt, filth GOD. "Yes! YES! Lionel, please!" he cried, hand sliding through Lionel's hair.

Lionel hissed softly as Dominic's fingers caught on a tangle, but it gave in the next moment and he swallowed his lover's cock deeper.

The frantic motions of Dominic's thrusting was doing the work for him, causing the hard shaft to slide in and out of his mouth, in and out of his throat, and Lionel let his lover move as hard as he wanted, offering his mouth as an orifice for his lover to fuck.

Dominic's eyes clenched and he almost sobbed. Almost. Lionel's fingers, the nails dirty, the skin dark with the dirt that wasn't washed off, lay over his stomach, bracing Lionel's upper body and Dominic nearly lost it as he looked down at his lover and *groaned*.

Lionel grinned wolfishly as he swallowed his lover's cock, moving his head in tandem with the thrusts of Dominic's hips. The groan was music to his ears, slid in like water, and he sucked even harder, his tongue sliding along his lover's shaft with ease as he tossed his hair over his shoulder as he moved.

The pleasure was intense, sharp like needles and oh-so good. Dominic bit into his lower lip and thrashed on the seat as Lionel sucked his body out through the head of his cock, which felt so hard he was sure it was purple. Even then he gasped, tugging on Lionel's wet hair, and hissed, "Fuck me, Lionel, please!"

Lionel raised his head to give his lover an indulgent grin. "I don't believe that the dimensions of the car will quite allow us to twist and turn in that way, and since neither of us are the kind to scramble over the seats like horny teenagers, I believe you will have to endure until we get home."

If Dominic had been in full health, damn right he would have scrambled. As it was, no, so he just looked at his lover and trembled, pausing momentarily before leaning forward and licking the rivulets of water that had trailed down Lionel's face with the broad width of his tongue. He sucked hard on a cold ear, warming it with his mouth and his teeth, as his fingers dove down into Lionel's crotch and his teeth attached to Lionel's throat. "Drive."

Lionel shuddered as Dominic's fingers stroked over his cock, still under his clothes. His hands tightened on the steering wheel, and he turned the wipers on full strength as he cranked the car and let it idle.

The hot air from the heater felt like warm ambrosia sliding over his skin, and he gave a little groan of relaxation as he warmed up before shifting the car into gear.

Dominic? Was currently chewing on his lovers nipple.

He had the jacket open, the buttons undone, and he was sucking hard on the nipple he'd revealed, his free fingers alternating between playing with the other one and the ring through it and Lionel's cock. The cock was much funner, firm and high in his hand, and it only took fiddling with Lionel's buttons and zipper to have his hand wrapped around the naked length of it. He didn't want to distract Lionel, not too much, so he kept his touching to a minimum, concentrating more on those hard little tasty nipples. "You taste so good… like sweat and pine and oh," Dominic moaned softly. "So good, Lionel, so hard for me, so hot. I want you so much… my body, it's dying to have you inside, I can't.." his hips squirmed and he gave another soft, deep moan.

Lionel's jaw was locked tightly, his eyes focused entirely on driving through the rain, fighting the urge to floor the accelerator and speed home.

Instead, he was careful and cautious as he squinted, trying to see through the sheeting rain as he inched along the highway.

Dominic's hand in his lap and the deliciously warm mouth on his chest was entirely too distracting, and he whimpered softly as Dominic sucked, the whimpers turning to groans at his lover's words.

It wasn't often that Dominic craved cock as much as he did right now, but when he did, may everyone hide because he was getting some. Now. if not now, in the very, very near future. He felt hollow, empty, something only a driving cock could help. He all but *squirmed*, aroused out of his mind as he scraped his teeth along Lionel's nipple, fingernails scratching down the long length of hair that led to Lionel's crotch. "I want you in me, in me, Lionel, I want you inside, pounding so hard I can't fucking breathe. I want you to fuck me, fuck me hard lover, I need you so much, I need..." he gasped it out, panting as his teeth scraped the nipple again.

"Dominic, stop," Lionel gritted out, his cock shuddering in Dominic's light grip. "I can't... I can't concentrate. Please... I can't." His foot was riding the brake as they crawled along in the sheeting, heavy rain, and he was fighting the urge to close his eyes and let his hips start to thrust.

"I'm sorry, I'll be good," Dominic gasped, and let go totally. He sat back, nearly panting, skin tight and hot and itchy and needful. He felt flushed and trembling, weak in the joints like he'd die right now if he didn't… didn't... He spit in his hand and reached down for his own hard cock, stroking it and sweeping the tip with his thumb as he lay his head back and groaned. He stroked lightly, so lightly, enough to tease but not climax, enough to keep him right there, right on the edge.

That was not any better. Lionel reached down and tucked himself away, trying desperately to keep his attention on the road in front of them--what he could see of it, at any rate--and not on the delicious actions of the man sitting in the car beside him.

Still, he couldn't help sneaking glances from time to time, watching the erotic motions of Dominic's hand on his cock, teasing and rubbing in all the places Lionel liked to lick and nibble.

Dominic's back arched and the other hand slid down to tease and rub his balls, cupping them warmly as he stroked his cock. His eyes were closed, lip between his teeth, and he was vaguely aware this probably wasn't better than what he'd been doing but...he needed. And Lionel, and...oh God, he wanted to masturbate with that kerchief, rub his come into those lovely hands, make Lionel scream and sob his pleasure and he wanted to be *fucked* so hard he couldn't sit down for two days and he just...*wanted*.

Lionel wasn't sure he was going to be able to make it home if Dominic didn't stop what he was doing.

Lionel wasn't sure he was going to be able to make it home if Dominic didn't stop what he was doing.

As it was, he was fighting the urge to slam on the brakes and drag him out of the car, heedless of the rain, and throw him over the trunk and fuck him as violently as possible. And the only thought that kept him from doing it was that neither of them needed to be incapacitated with pneumonia or anything else of that nature at the moment.

Instead, he kept his grip on the wheel tight and sped up just a little.

Dominic stroked his thumb over the slit of his cock and moaned deeply but softly, rubbing around it and that felt *so* good. So did the spots around the ridge of the tip of his cock--sometimes all Lionel had to do was *breathe* on it and he'd come. So good, so fucking delicious and good. He squeezed his length and rubbed, panting, Adam's apple bobbing with each thick swallow as he whispered, "Oh… oh..."

And that was it.

The whispered moans, the squeezes to the cock, and that was all that Lionel could quite possibly stand without losing his mind or crashing them into a telephone pole.

He pulled the car off on the side of the road again, didn't bother to turn on the hazard lights, because he definitely did not want anyone stopping to see this.

He barely took the time to drag the keys out of the ignition, and pneumonia be damned, he exploded out of the driver's side. His coat had started to dry, and it swept out behind him like black wings as he strode around the front of the car, water streaming in his eyes as he yanked open Dominic's door. "Get out."

Dominic's eyes were frenzied, skin hot, body clenching and unclenching as the excitement upped several notches and he began to tremble. He didn't dare question his lover in this state because he had a feeling he was going to *adore* the consequences, and he climbed out of the car, cock hanging most lewdly from his pants, hand still wet from his own spit, body tingling and his blood pumping and pounding. He stood shorter than his lover so he had to look up at him to see his face, and what he saw there...he moaned. "Wha… what...?"

Lionel didn't bother waiting or answering his lover, just shoved him against the side of the car. He reached around Dominic's waist, hands yanking the button open and shoving the wet, ruined slacks down to Dominic's knees as he used his own knee to spread his lover's thighs open.

He sank his teeth in the back of his lover's neck as he pawed through the pockets of his overcoat, then yelped in victory as he came back with a blue foil square. with one hand and his teeth, Lionel ripped the packet open and slid the condom on over his fingers, reaching down and sliding two into his lover and stroking roughly.

If someone could spontaneously levitate from the ground in pleasure, Dominic could have floated to cloud nine. He was soaked in seconds, rain running down his thighs, down his face, down his shirt, everywhere, soaked to the skin and then *Lionel*, warm press against his body and fingers *inside* and Dominic's wailing cry got lost in a roll of thunder. He shoved back into his lovers fingers, laying his head on his hands on the car, hot breath exploding from him as he jerked back into Lionel's fingers, slightly rough and not nearly slick enough but it felt *so fucking good*.

The teeth in his neck nearly undid him. "Please, Lionel please!"

"You're going to be the death of me," Lionel grated out, his fingers still stroking inside his lover, and then when he could wait no longer, he dragged them out and opened his zipper again, shoving his lover further against the car as he pushed his cock in. Slippery and wet with pre-come, his cock slid into Dominic's body easily as he started to thrust, forcing himself deep with hard strokes.

Dominic gave a harsh, heavy grunt when Lionel's fingers slid free, and then something *hot* and *blunt* pressed in and Dominic spread his legs against him, sobbing in pleasure and need. Lionel's hips were so powerful when they wanted to be and they pushed him against the car, rolling into him until he all but felt his insides shift to accommodate him. His sob turned into a cry as he thrashed in pleasure, the long strings of pre-come hanging from his cock lost in the cold rain but not even the cold could stop his erection. If anything it made it harder, so hard until he felt it in his face and chest and arms, tingling everywhere.

Thunder boomed and lightening crashed, rain pounded, the car hummed and ticked under him and in the window of the car he could see Lionel's face reflected, concentrating and *pounding* against him. Dominic lost himself to it, screaming again as he pushed back against Lionel's body.

Lionel's hands almost dented the hood of the car as he slammed them down, gripping the wet metal tightly as he used it for leverage. He hauled himself in closer, pounding Dominic as hard as he could manage.

His cock thrust deeply into his lover's passage, easily sliding in the mix of lube and pre-come that slicked his cock as he moved. He tossed his head back, letting the rain wash over his fevered face and his hair slicked back over his temples, out of his face as he kept his hips moving, always hammering away at his lover's body.

Dominic was babbling. Babbling. A litany of "Oh, God!", "Please!", "Oh!" echoed from him, mixed with half spoken words and stuttered words. Lionel was *fucking* him, so hard Dominic had to push back to keep himself upright, fucking in the biggest storm Smallville had ever seen and he had never been so aroused, had never been so absolutely fucking *stunned* as he was right now. He reached down and grasped his cock hard, stroking it as his forearm kept him from slamming into the car. He met each and every one of Lionel's thrusts as they plunged into his body, deep, so deep, Dominic could feel his lover all the way in his stomach and he wailed, *wailed*.

Lionel grunted roughly as Dominic rocked back against him, and it just drove him to thrust even harder.

His grip tightened on the hood of the car as he thrust forward, rubbing his bearded cheek against the back of Dominic's neck as he did so. His cock ached inside the hot furnace of his lover's body, and he couldn't *stop* the savage thrusting that drove Dominic face-first into the car with every push.

Dominic's fingers twisted on his cock, pumping hard with each hard stroke and--OH! "FUCK!"

Lionel hit the right place, hit it and Dominic's entire body seized, tightening around Lionel's cock as he got his prostate and *rubbed*, perfect, perfect and he fucked his fist faster, nearly crying in pleasure as he moved against Lionel, wanting more, more against that tightgoodhot spot, canting his hips to each thrust with Lionel's hot breath in his ear, body plastered tight to his and he grabbed Lionel's hand and dragged it down to his cock to help him jack off, so slippery, so slippery.

Lionel's fingers wrapped tightly around Dominic's cock, stroking it roughly as he kept his hips thrusting.

He could feel the head of his cock slamming against Dominic's prostate, and he kept the same angle, his hips canted the same as his lover's to prolong every rub against the gland as his fist tightened around his lover's cock and stroked.

As soon as Lionel wrapped his fingers around him, Dominic let go and reached back to grab Lionel's hair. They were soaked through with rain but Dominic didn't care. He pulled his lover down for a kiss, hard, hot, biting his lower lip hard enough to draw blood and kissing him all the harder for it.

And came. His body jerked twice and he came, hard, vicing around Lionel's cock buried deep inside of him and he moaned in Lionel's mouth for it, whimpering into the kiss as he painted the car with white.

Lionel gave a deep grunt into the kiss as Dominic's passage clenched tightly around him. The rain had ceased to be a bother, and he squeezed his lover's cock tightly as it poured down on them. He stroked the twitching shaft roughly as he worked the last few spurts of come out of his lover's body, and then started to ride him far rougher than before, his own cock hard and burning with the need to come.

Lionel rode him hard, and the pleasure finally died down enough so he could feel it. Each twisting thrust, each wrenching push, each delicious slide in and pull out. Dominic's eyes crossed as he pushed back, squeezing around the hard cock on its every push in and letting it go on every pull out. He was in *heaven*, body boiling, heart pounding, mouth trembling as it opened and closed with heavy, heady moans.

Lionel's hand had dropped from his lover's cock and instead his arms wrapped around Dominic's torso, hauling him back against Lionel's chest and cock.

And with one particularly hard clench of Dominic's ass around his cock, Lionel came. He came with a loud shout, his cock shuddering hard as his orgasm emptied out of him, flooding his lover's body with hot semen as Lionel stood there behind him, buried to the balls and shivering with pleasure.

The come was soothing down to the marrow. Dominic collapsed against the car, Lionel tight against him, and gasped, panting for breath. His body felt hot and delicious all over, incredible, unspeakable, so much so that he couldn't help but give mewling, soft moans. "Oh. Oh."

Lionel leaned hard against him, shivering and teasing the light hairs on the back of Dominic's neck with hot puffs of breath as he panted. "Get in the car," he said. "Don't want... you getting sick as you cool off," Lionel ordered, reaching around to tuck his lover's cock back into his slacks.

The touch to his sensitive cock made Dominic jerk and hiss, moaning as Lionel tucked him back into his pants except for the hindrance where Lionel was still up his ass but Dominic couldn't do much more than grunt and mutter unintelligibly right at the moment so it seemed perfectly logical to him. He shivered in post coital bliss and the fact that he was a drowned rat, but he couldn't help moaning around the rain and kissing Lionel again.

Lionel returned the kiss, taking the moment to slide out of his lover's ass. His cock ached still, and he realized that possibly he hadn't stretched Dominic enough or used enough lube, and yet, he was more than a little incapable of caring after the magnificent orgasm.

He broke the kiss and licked his lips, helping Dominic haul his socked clothes up and put them to rights as best he could.

Dominic gave him a sleepy, sated grin and said, voice drowsy as he whispered under the rain, "I love you." Another warm kiss and he slid into the car--oh, his ass *ached*--and rested as he waited for Lionel to get in as well, shivering the smallest bit, eyes closed to half mast as he enjoyed the post orgasmic bliss.

Lionel took a deep breath, spluttering slightly on the rain as he walked around the car and got into the driver's seat beside his lover.

Looked over at Dominic, and gave a self satisfied grin.

"Well, now, I feel better."

Dominic couldn't help it--it was hilariously funny and he cracked up, laughing as Lionel started the car. "Well you should, shouldn't you!" he said, still laughing as his body tingled.

"I rather think we both should," Lionel said, shifting gears as he smiled.

Dominic beamed at him and wriggled in his seat before he leaned over and lay his head on Lionel's shoulder comfortably. "I feel fantastic. Thank you beloved."

Lionel kissed the top of his lover's head lightly, and then his forehead. "You're welcome, little cricket," he murmured softly.



go on to the next part