
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 358: Interview With an Alien

Clark was a very satisfied alien. Why? Surely it wasn't because he spent the night having wild, delicious, incredible sex with the love of his life, with Bruce sleeping in the bedroom across the hall.

Okay, yes it was. He had a very self satisfied smirk on his face. There were nights where he had to make sure Lex knew who he belonged to--after bottoming three times it was surprising Lex could sit at all. Not that Clark wasn't catching the fidgets, which made the curl of lust in his stomach sweep into his groin at odd times during breakfast.

He was currently on his second glass of orange juice, tearing through the toast and eggs and smiling politely as Rosanna, Jean and Adrian talked, and Aden and Rico had a small mock fight with two sausages that they kept snickering over.

And Clark? Clark was looking very satisfied indeed, smiling sweetly at Lex every few minutes.

And Lex wasn't begrudging his lover a minute of it.

Even if it did make sitting a little uncomfortable, he didn't care, because it felt *good* to be uncomfortable, felt *good* to know that Clark could still possess him and take him hard, especially after the incident with the Gates of Hell.

No, all in all, Lex had to admit that he was very, very satisfied, if not a little sore. Oh, well.

Under the table, his foot stroked up Clark's calf teasingly as he sipped quietly at his coffee, shifting every few minutes to make himself a little more comfortable on the hard chair.

Bruce? Was currently in his office, glaring darkly at his computer screen, sipping hot coffee slowly. One would have to be mad not to have heard the wild thumps, the soft cries, the choked sobs of pleasure from across the hall. It had curled in his gut, clenching until he felt nauseous, and had made him highly irritable this morning. He'd carefully but firmly pushed Dick away both figuratively and literally and was currently staring moodily at his computer screen. Full brood, thy name is Bruce Wayne.

Clark grinned. Broadly. Didn't notice Aden smiling at him, just looked at Lex, the delicious way those gray eyes scrunched in discomfort with each shift and movement of his sore butt on that very, very hard chair. He squeezed Lex's thigh gently, mimicking another organ he liked to squeeze as he looked up to Rosanna and Jean. "More pictures today?"

Jean gave a knowing little smirk. "Only in th'mornin', cher. Rosanna has spoken f'the aft'noon and part o'the evenin', but th'night is mine if ah fin' I need it."

"Cool. When do we start the interview?"

"As soon as we're finished here," Rosanna said, smiling. "Where would you guys be most comfortable?"

Lex dipped a corner of his orange wedge in honey and nibbled it thoughtfully before answering. "How about the living room, on the couch by the fireplace? There's light streaming in from all the windows to work with, and if Jean would like to take a photograph or two of us in our... natural habitat answering questions for you, then that would be a nice backdrop."

"Ah hate to 'mit he's righ' 'bout anythin', but ah t'ink he's got a poin'," Jean agreed.

Rosanna's lips twitched. Jean had been unsurprisingly tight lipped about last nights session, so she hadn't asked--she knew someone had blown up at someone else, and she couldn't wait to find out what it was. She had her pen, paper and recorder beside her breakfast plate, and she couldn't wait to use them.

Clark caught the gleam in her eyes and grinned. Lois got the same look when she put her flighty head to it.

Lex wasn't blind either, and he caught the gleam passing between journalist and journalist. "Tell you what. Clark, you and Rosanna go and get the living room set up--Clark, pick a comfortable place on the couch, and I'll stop by Bruce's office, let him know where we'll be working, and then I'll join you."

"Sounds good," Clark said, eyes dancing as he reached over, nipped Lex's neck over a nice, slightly hickey, and nearly whistling, climbed to his feet and carefully pulled Rosanna's chair back. That she blushed made him smile, and together the two of them headed out.

Lex finished his orange slice in three delicate bites, and picked up the envelope of extra pictures and negatives that they hadn't chosen for the magazine. "Jean," he said as a way of goodbye, and tucked the envelope under his elbow as he picked his way over coaxial cables, light fixtures, and other things as he made it Bruce's office without tripping over anything, and knocked on the door. "Bruce?"

Bruce glared at the door but didn't move his eyes toward it--just glaring through the corner of his visions. "Go away."

"Sorry, wrong person to try that shit on." Lex rattled the door, and when he found it locked, gave it a twist with his thoughts until the metal pinged inside the doorknob and it gave. He opened it quickly and slipped inside, then shut it behind himself.

Bruce glared at the harder for it, but couldn't quite meet Lex's eyes as he looked back at the computer screen. His emotions were conflicting like he'd never experienced--he had always known Lex and Clark were together, but to faced with the open reality of it was almost more than Bruce could bare. He didn't have the healthiest of psyche's and this was eating a hole through him, because on the one hand he loved Dick more than any other person he'd ever loved, but on the other hand he wanted to grab Lex's hips and show him what true pleasure was.

And that confused him.

Ergo, Irish coffee at nine in the morning.

Lex sat down across the desk from Bruce and didn't say anything until he sniffed liquor in Bruce's coffee. "Either you spill what's eating you or I will go diving in your deep dark psyche for it," he said pleasantly.

Bruce's nostrils flared, but he remained silent.

"I'm not joking. I'm tired of asking you and you putting me off, because you're being all strong and silent. Furthermore, I'm still a little upset with you over the way you handled the Victoria situation, so I'm even less inclined than usual to put up with the strong and silent bullshit."

Bruce wanted to snap and snarl. Instead, he sipped his coffee and clicked the mouse to the next page, collecting his thoughts before looking up. "I handled the situation as I saw to be the best for everyone involved."

"Of course you did, and if I hadn't been emotionally involved, I probably would have done the same thing." Lex was still calm and conversational. "However, you're avoiding the question, and I'm only going to ask once more before I go digging for it."

"My mind is a dark and dangerous thing, Lex. It isn't for little boys to go delving into." Cheap shot? Yes. But dammit, he hurt.

"I haven't been a little boy in quite a few years," Lex pointed out.

Bruce didn't say anything--he just hummed something absently and turned back to his computer.

"You asked for it." Lex closed his eyes, and clasped his hands together over his stomach. It didn't take him long to find the dark black thread that linked him tenuously to Bruce, and he gave it a hard yank. *Hi there, sailor.*

Bruce jerked, eyes sliding closed. He pushed violently against the intrusion, offended and horrified by it...and scared. He had too many secrets for any one, even Lex, to go looking through. "How--" *dare you. Get* "out of my head."

*Then talk to me, goddammit. I don't like doing this any more than you do, but it's the only way you let me in any longer!* Lex's eyes stayed closed, and he gave the thread another yank.

"You won't fucking" *blackmail me* "Lex!" Get out of my head, get out, get out! He grasped the desk a little harder than he'd intended, because the first instinct was to assault anyone hurting him in any way, and he was curbing his violent streak just barely.

"I'm not trying to blackmail you," Lex said calmly. "And I'm not assaulting you. You can try to hurt me, but I can guarantee you'll regret it, because if Clark doesn't stop you, I will, and even if you don't think so now, you'll feel guilty later for hurting someone you care about."

"Get. Out. Of my head," Bruce hissed.

"Then talk to me," Lex answered, letting go of the thread he'd been plucking and opening his eyes.

"You're not blackmailing me," Bruce snarled, slamming the cup down so hard it cracked, throwing himself up out of his chair so hard it banged against the wall. "You will not blackmail me, Lex, because if you do our friendship is over. Do you understand? Should you ever even dare do what you just did to me again, I promise you that I will make your life a living hell."

And with that he turned, slamming the door behind him.

Lex was nothing, if not persistent, and he did something that he knew Bruce might well disown him for, but he took the chance anyway.

He grabbed the black thread again, and yanked. *I love you, Bruce. You are my best friend; you were the first person I truly loved. Why can you no longer confide in me?*

Bruce nearly hit a table in the hall, vase teetering on the glass. He grabbed it to keep it from falling, vibrating with anger, eyes flashing hot. *Get the fuck out of my head.*

*Please don't shut me out of your life,* Lex pled silently. *If there is a problem, come to me. You always have before; has my loving Clark changed our friendship so much?*

How many ways could he explain it had? That Clark having Lex grated on every nerve Bruce had and some he didn't, that hearing them last night had nearly killed him? That knowing Clark had Lex had nearly driven him out of his mind with jealousy? That he didn't understand why he felt like that, when he knew he loved Dick with every fiber of his being?

Though Bruce had clamped down on the thoughts almost immediately, Lex had seen enough of them to know what his friend's problem was, and it filled him with sadness. *I will always love you, Bruce; you will always have a special place in my life and I will always be here for you when you need me. Clark and I will be in the living room today with Rosanna if you need us; please realize that there's no need for jealousy. You will always have a part of me.* After saying that, Lex slowly withdrew from Bruce's mind until only the thread remained, and he left the office, closing the door quietly behind him.

The vase smashed against the wall.

The pitying, patronizing words were what did it.

Rosanna couldn't help smiling at Clark as he fidgeted on the couch, looking over his shoulder every so often for Lex.

In her lap was her little notebook of hastily scrawled out questions, half-formed ideas, and in some cases, a few words that would hopefully lead her to other questions. Her tape recorder was sitting on the table between them, as well as a backup recorder in the floor at her feet, and there was a pack of cigarettes on the table too, because even though she was fairly certain neither man smoked, it was always polite to have every possible amenity there.

Beside the pack of cigarettes was a small silver ice bucket with three blue bottles of water chilling for later, and a pitcher of orange juice and three empty glasses sat beside the ice bucket, just in case no one had gotten their fill at breakfast. A small bowl of fruit was sitting on the table behind the couch--apples, bananas, grapes, peaches, even a pear or two, and all they were missing was half the guests of honor. "Do you prefer Clark, or Mr. Kent?" she asked, pen poised to make a note of what to call him, so as not to offend him.

"Clark. Definitely," Clark said. He was... well, not nervous. A little nervous, maybe. Not overly much though, not like he thought he would be. It was different, being interviewed as opposed to being the interviewer. Not that he had much experience with that either, as Lois wouldn't fail to mention.

"And does Lex prefer Lex, or Mr. Luthor?"

"He prefers Lex, Rosanna, as you well know." Lex came into the room, and took his seat on the couch beside Clark. He tucked the envelope in between them, and pulled Clark's arm around his shoulder as he leaned against his lover. "I don't suppose you've forgotten."

"No, I hadn't, but it never hurts to be polite." Rosanna uncapped her pen, and tapped it on the front page of the notebook, where she'd scrawled out her questions. "Before we start, is there anything off-limits?"

Clark hadn't thought of that. Of course, last night his mind had been filled with Lex's ass to really think about anything, so he thought now as he shifted Lex in close beside him. "Don't ask about sex. If that's okay. I'd rather if America didn't know about our habits regarding that. Also, if you could? Refrain from asking too much about Lionel and Dominic. We're not going to dish."

"Don't worry, Clark. I don't intend to ask you anything about your sexual habits; I'm afraid that I know a little too much already." Sweet smile to Lex. "And I've only got a couple of questions about Mr. Luthor and Mr. Senatori-Luthor, and it's mostly in the area of, how does it feel to have Lionel Luthor as a father in law."

"Rosanna, if you make one more mention of our sex life, I'll have you pulled off this job and have another interviewer sent to do it."

"Oh, get over yourself, Lex. I certainly did a long time ago." Another sweet smile. "Are we ready to begin?"

Clark couldn't help but like her. She was sassy--that's what one needed when dealing with the Luthors. He shifted, putting his arm across the back of the sofa behind Lex's head, and got comfortable. "Go ahead."

"All right!" She reached down and clicked the tape recorder on. "Blah blah intro, Clark Kent and Lex Luthor, blah blah, most talked about couple in America, blah blah." A little cough. "I'll fill that in later," she said with a wink. "Well, since we're at the beginning of the interview, let's start at the beginning. Lex, Clark, there's a rumor going around that the two of you met when Lex nearly ran you over with his Porsche. What's your take on that?"

Lex gave Clark a little grin. "I'd say it's the absolute truth."

Clark returned the smile. "Yeah, we did. Not a rumor. Lex came within an iota of hitting me. He hit one of those huge industry rolls of metal fencing and fell off the bridge. I dived in after him and saved him."

"That was actually our first kiss," Lex chimed in. "He slipped me tongue when he gave me CPR."

Clark's eyes flew open in horror. "Lex!"

"Yes?" But he was grinning. "Of course he didn't do anything of the sort; not that I didn't think about it, of course, but Clark was the perfect CPR-administering gentleman. No tongues were involved."

Rosanna was too busy laughing to ask the next question. "Oh, I like you, Clark Kent," she said with a giggle.

"Afterward, maybe I wanted to," Clark teased. He sensed Lex's mood was dark, but was happy to see in light of their light banter that Lex's mood was improving. He grinned, glancing at Rosanna. "I'll have you know I was very gentlemanly."

"I'm sure you were the perfect gentleman," Rosanna agreed, eyes twinkling. "No tongues at all." She cleared her throat, and tried to sober up enough to move to the next question. "Well, I can see where saving someone's life would be a foundation for a very special friendship. What can you tell me about how the friendship evolved into the serious relationship you're in now?"

Lex studied the answer to that question for a few moments. "That's... rather difficult to put into words, as I'm sure you can see," he finally said. "But it was a fair quick, but fairly steady process for me. The more involved I became in Clark's life and his family, the closer friends we became, and even more so, the more that I got to know him, the more things I saw drew me in until I was hopelessly ensnared by him, and how special he is." Lex raised his hand over his shoulder, and linked his fingers with Clark's, there on the back of the sofa.

Clark beamed like a big goofy puppy. "That and he likes my ass." He winked at Lex. "I guess it just all sort of... evolved. We were friends, and then we were more than friends... not quite friends, not quite brothers. Something different. I was already having questions about myself and who I was attracted to, and it boiled down to the simple fact that I wanted to kiss him *really* bad. There's always been this foundation of trust between us. He's a beautiful, kind, unselfish person."

"That'll be something different for the world to hear," Rosanna said. "Usually the picture painted of the Luthors in general is less than flattering. Has there ever been a time when you, yourself were tarred with the same brush as Lex?"

"No. I, and by default Dominic, are typecast as gold digging bastards. I can tell the world now, I'm not a gold digger--I could care less about money, or anything that goes with it. I love Lex with all my heart. Dominic's the same--he loves Lionel so much, more than even I can sometimes imagine. He isn't what some publications have painted him to be, and neither am I."

"Lex, you've been rather quiet. Anything you'd like to add to this question?"

Lex studied Clark, and then Rosanna. "I can vouch for the fact that Clark is not after money; I've tried to *give* it to him, and he refuses to take it. All he asks for is me, and nothing else. And I think the public needs to hear that."

Clark blushed softly. "We made a deal, in the end. He matches what I make."

Lex kissed their intertwined fingers. "We share a joint account, we both deposit our paychecks, and we run our household out of that," Lex clarified. "It's... taken some getting used to, but it's what works for the both of us."

Clark smiled at him and brought his lover closer. That Lex was proud of that, enough to tell the reporter, made him warm and fuzzy inside.

Lex snuggled back against Clark, and waited patiently for the next question.

Rosanna marked off several questions, and scanned her list for the next one. "Well, Lex, it's been no big secret that your tastes run--I should say, have run--towards both men and women in the past. What, exactly, did you see in Clark that made you leave heterosexuality in the dust in favor of commitment to him?"

Oh, did Lex bristle inwardly at that. "To be honest, Rosanna, there were so many different factors that it's hard to put them all into words. The biggest, however, is the fact that Clark doesn't see me as Lex Luthor. He just sees me as Lex, and he doesn't have the preconceived notions against me and my last name that a lot of other people do. He's not out to use me for anything, or to flaunt me as a trophy fuck--lay, I'm sorry--or anything of that nature. He's honest, and he loves me. And I love him."

Clark warmed at that. That Lex felt that way meant a lot to him, and though he'd always known it to a degree, hearing Lex say it made everything that had happened to them seem so trivial in the face of it. "Its not hard. Lex isn't his father, anymore than Lionel is him. They're different people."

Rosanna favored Lex with a little grin. "Don't worry, we'll edit that little slip out." Then she turned the smile to Clark. "A lot of people reading that are going to think that Lex has you brainwashed. Without delving too deeply into your personal lives, could you give us a few examples of that?"

Clark snorted. Loudly. "For one, Lionel is a really classy guy. Lex? Not so much," Clark snickered and scrunched away from the sucker punches he knew were coming to his ribs.

"Hey!" Lex *did* land a punch on Clark's ribs for that. "I am classy."

*Sitting on the couch with his lover, exchanging half-hearted sucker punches with his lover, Lex Luthor demonstrates the differences to which Clark was just referring,* Rosanna scribbled down quickly, seeing the teasing motions.

Clark's lips curved as he took Lex's fisted hand, opened it and twined the fingers with his own. "Lex is nothing like Lionel, and in some ways, exactly like him. For instance, they're both stubborn to a fault, disgustingly chipper in the morning, and big softies at heart." He paused, and glanced at Lex. "Your dad is going to kill me for saying that."

"Yes, he is, but at least you didn't tell the possum story."

Rosanna perked up. "The possum story?"

Clark chortled and grinned at Lex. "Let me rephrase. Your dad is going to kill *us*." He looked up at Rosanna. "We went to Ireland earlier this year for a holiday vacation, and stayed in the home Dominic grew up in. It's a little cottage by the coast, in a little clearing of the forest that touches the sea. Very beautiful, very futuristic. But as you can imagine, there are creatures who *live* in the forest, and one morning we woke up to this huge ass *possum* making itself comfortable in one of the unused bedroom. Lionel *refused* to let me kill it, and made me chase it around the room until I caught it with a box."

"So this is something like seven in the morning, I'm in my pajamas running around this cottage with this box, chasing a possum the size of a cat. Lex was in *stitches*."

"Now that sounds like a story," Rosanna said with a grin. "That makes me want to call up Lionel Luthor and get his side of the story."

"In mine and my father's defense, we both wanted the creature put back out in the wild where it belonged," Lex pointed out. "There was no reason to kill it or anything else."

"Lex, it's a possum." Clark rolled his eyes and glanced at Rosanna. "I lived on a farm my whole life. I don't think Lex quite understands how hard those things bite."

"But it's still a living thing, and shouldn't be killed for doing something it didn't really know what it was doing," Lex argued.

*Arguing over the fate of an opossum, Lex Luthor is nearly unrecognizable as the sometimes cold-hearted businessman that we know he is,* Rosanna scribbled again. *Seeing this tableau, it's very easy to believe that this young man has wrought changes, both within himself and without, with the help of his friend Clark Kent.*

"Just chewing on your stepfather's boxes," Clark snorted, eyes dancing as he looked at him. "Just admit it. Small, furry things make you weak at the knees, no matter if they're vermin or not."

"It was curious!" Lex said, squeezing Clark's fingers. "And probably hungry, despite what you and my father say about natural food sources." A snort. "And no, Clark, the only furry things that make me weak in the knees are you and the dogs."

"Dogs?" Rosanna asked, looking up.

"We have puppies. Well, not so much puppies now. Three beagles. They're in Smallville with my folks right now, actually, until we can convince our new land lord to accept dogs." Clark's lips curved. "We found them. Someone must have abandoned them in a corn field. I found Samson, and about two weeks later we found Cleo and Arthur."

"Cleopatra and Arthur," Lex corrected.

Rosanna's lips quirked. "Don't suppose you have pictures of them we could use?"

"N--actually, wait. Yes, I do." Lex raised his hip and pulled out his wallet, and thumbed past the picture of him and Clark covered in strawberry juice, and came to a picture of himself, Clark, and the three dogs, rolling on the grass. "Our friend Chloe took that picture," Lex explained, passing it over to her. "And I'm going to need that back."

Rosanna could barely keep the laugh down, but her smile spread across her face. "Thank you, Lex," she said softly, and tucked the picture in the back of her notebook as she scribbled a bit more.

*When asked for pictures of their dogs, Lex is able to thumb through the photos in his wallet, and withdraws one of himself, his lover, and their three animals. I'm actually unsure which is more adorable, the picture itself, or the fact that Lex carries it around in his wallet, as he would pictures of his children.*

Clark beamed. "They're a year old now. A little older actually, a year and three months," he added, squeezing Lex's hand warmly.

Rosanna just grinned. "They're adorable, really." She marked off one other question, and then scanned the list for the next one. "What made you two decide to go public with your relationship?"

At that Clark fell silent for a moment, thinking. "I think a part of it is the fact that we're not ashamed of what we are. There are a lot of gay men and women in this country who have to pretend to be something they're not, in order to lead a normal life. It shouldn't be that way--you can't help what you are. I couldn't help what I was, couldn't even stop it from happening. I shouldn't have to hide my true self to please other people--in fact, I won't. I refuse to hide, I refuse to be ashamed. If I like men, then I like men, and I'm not going to pretend otherwise."

Lex went a step further. "I don't think that I, or anyone else, should be harassed because of who I choose to be with. I realize that because I am a Luthor, I will always be in the spotlight, and so will my family. However, I don't believe that my chosen other should be harassed, or that I should be constantly hounded because I have chosen to make my life with a man instead of a woman. Therefore, I'm getting this out of the way now. Clark is who I've chosen to be with, and that's the end of it. There won't be anyone else, and hopefully this will put most of the rumors and attention-clamoring to rest."

Clark squeezed Lex's hand. Tightly. "We're not all that different than a normal couple. We go out to eat, we watch TV, we make out. He snores, we get in petty fights, I have impossible-to-tame hair. We make plans, make appointments, see our friends. It's not different, not at all, except neither of us has a vagina. Thank God."

Lex almost made a comment about that.


But he let it pass. "I don't think I could have said it any better myself."

Rosanna couldn't help snickering. "Well, since we're on the subject of vaginas, that brings up the perfect opening for me to ask this. Lex, Clark, it's rumored that the two of you spend time at a transvestite club in Metropolis called Brandywine, that was recently shut down and never re-opened. What's your thoughts on that?"

Lex calmly reached for a bottle of the water chilling on the table. "That they should hurry up and re-open it."

Clark choked, though he hadn't drunk anything. "Lex!"

"Yes?" He passed the bottle over to Clark.

Clark spluttered for a good five seconds before scowling and taking the bottle. "I'm busy drinking, you answer that," he said, and took a long swallow.

"Yes, we've gone. Both by ourselves, and with friends." He shot a dirty look towards Rico at that. "Clark makes an excellent escort for a lady."

Clark groaned, rubbing his face. "No, they in no way think you're a pervert *now*, Lex," he huffed, rolling his eyes at him before handing the bottle back. He turned his eyes on Rosanna, blushing hot. "We've gone to Brandywine before, yes. A few times, actually, in the company of good friends. We had a lot of fun, actually. It's a nice club."

"At least they're thinking I'm a pervert for a good reason," Lex said calmly, taking the water bottle back. "Before I was just thought of as a pervert because I'm a Luthor. I might as well admit to it, don't you think? It's not like I'm outing myself as a BDSM slag or a necrophiliac--which I am neither, for the record."

"Duly noted!" Rosanna chimed in.

Images of their chains and collars at home floated through Clark's had, and he blushed hot again, rolling his eyes and taking the bottle for another drink before handing it over. His lips twitched with amusement though, smirking at his lover before smiling at Rosanna and waiting for their next question.

"Well... this one has been a lingering controversy, and since we've just been discussing a controversial subject... Lex, once and for all, would you like to put to rest the rumor concerning Gina?"

Lex blinked. "I thought that rumor had been taken care of?"

Rosanna shook her head. "The statements have been duly noted in the records, but with the recent birth of her child, the rumors have once again started to fly that the child is yours, and you paid the French fiancé' to step in and claim paternity. Is that true?"

"No, it isn't. Gina and Philippe have been a couple for quite some time now, and I believe that he proposed to her on the beaches of Italy, when my father and Dominic asked them to be witnesses at their vow exchange," Lex said. "Gina and I did sleep together years ago--I was much younger and much less wise than I am now, and unless she's gone on record for having a five year pregnancy, I can safely say that her child belongs to Philippe, not me."

"Not to mention the fact that had Lex and Gina been a couple, I would have known. Lex and I were friends before we were lovers--I knew about all his girlfriends," Clark added. "He used to complain about them to me, in fact. I didn't even know Gina was Dominic's sister, let alone that Lex knew her, until recently."

Lex gave a little grin, at that. "True enough; Clark's been privy to quite a few complaints about the various people in my life. Despite that, he has still borne with me. I'm honored he's been able to ignore my bitching enough to love me anyway," he teased. He gave a small swallow at the mention of girlfriends, though, because that just brought Victoria screaming to mind, and with her, the thoughts of her... clone. The poor child. But his smile didn't falter as he grinned at Clark. "Does that sufficiently put that question to rest?"

"Yes, it does," Rosanna said with a grin. "I notice you've both got the same tattoos on your arms; the rainbow-colored markings. Can you tell me the symbolism behind that?"

Clark's eyes widened as he looked down at the tattoo. Flushed pink. "It's kind of private. Sorry."

Lex nodded his agreement. "Leave it as simply a shared reminder of what we are to each other. Other than that? No comment."

Rosanna nodded. "Fair enough; I won't ask about it again. Instead, let's talk about the future and your plans for it. Clark, how does it feel to be the youngest *Daily Planet* columnist in history?"

Clark. Just. Beamed. "I don't really care about the title, but I love my job. Perry White is the best editor in chief you could imagine, and my writing partner, Lois Lane, is a gifted and intelligent reporter. Everyone's been wonderful, and I'm having the time of my life."

"How did you get started in journalism, if you don't mind me asking. As a professional journalist myself, I'm always interested in hearing the stories," Rosanna asked.

"Well, I was always interested in journalism as a kid. One of my best friends ran the high school newspaper, so I worked with her, did articles and such. She handed over the reigns of the newspaper to me last year, and I ran it until the summer time. I really got into it then, and it was actually one of the editorials I wrote that got me noticed by someone who worked at the paper."

"That would be Jimmy Olsen," Lex clarified. "Perry got the article from Jimmy, and contacted Clark," Lex said proudly. It wasn't every day the editor of a newspaper could be bothered to recruit a new writer.

Clark nodded, shooting his lover a shy smile before back to Rosanna. "It's been a blast. I don't think the words "organized chaos" can be appreciated until you've seen the interior of the Daily Planet." A grin. "They work really hard, though. The newspaper is a great place to learn."

"You're working with Lois Lane? More power to you, Clark. That lady is hell on wheels, and I say that with all due respect." A little smile. "Okay, Lex, your turn. You recently went back to school, is that correct?"

"No, it's not. I won't be starting until the winter semester, which isn't starting for another two months," Lex said smoothly.

Rosanna stuck out her tongue. "Oh, well, excuse me all to hell. You *will be* starting school in a couple of months. What kind of degree will you be pursuing?"

"I'm hoping to actually finish a double doctoral program," Lex said smoothly. "Microbiology--which is also called microbiological cellular manipulation--and bioengineering."

Clark nodded, firmly. "What he said. Couldn't repeat it if you asked me to, though. I kind of zone out when he starts on his scientist talk kick."

Rosanna chuckled softly. "I don't blame you, Clark, I used to do the same thing." She patted his knee gently, then straightened back up in his chair. "In regards to that, Lex, is it also true that the notably reclusive scientist Virgil Swann has been approaching you in connection with the classes he is going to be teaching at Metropolis University?"

Lex nodded. "It's true; when Dr. Swann heard that I was going to be attending classes at the university with Astronomy as one of the science requisites, he immediately contacted me to make sure that it was true, and when I confirmed that I would be taking the class, he moved immediately to accept the standing offer to teach at the university. They've extended the offer to him every year for the past fifteen, and Metropolis University is thrilled to have him on staff now."

It was odd, sometimes, how pieces of information could be fit together. Clark knew he and Lex would be taking Astronomy, and he'd known Dr. Swann would be teaching it, and he'd known that Dr. Swann was a scary recluse who was almost hermit-like in his need to be alone. But it had never quite fit that way together before, and hearing Lex say it made suspicion grow in Clark's heart. He was careful to keep the smile on his face, even as he cataloged that bit of information for later.

"I can just imagine they are. And how do you feel, Lex? Getting ready to take classes from one of the world's most well known, if a little eccentric, scientists?"

Lex slid his fingers tightly through Clark's. "I can't wait," he said firmly. "I've been eager to meet Dr. Swann for several years now, and I believe that he's going to be quite the bonus to the University."

Clark had nothing to add to that, so he just smiled politely even as he nudged Lex's mind *Don't you think it's a little strange that he jumped at the chance to teach you, Lex? No offence or anything.*

Lex nodded. *Yes, I do, Clark. I find it very strange, in fact, and if you'll ask me later, I'll tell you what his field of specialty is and why I'm more than a little concerned, but I'm not letting anyone else know that.* He kissed Clark's hand to cover the pause, as he waited expectantly.

Rosanna just nodded. "Last school question, then; Lex, you recently helmed your father's company for nearly six months. Did that give you a taste of your future, and influence your decision to return to school?"

"Well... yes and no," Lex answered. "Yes, it gave me a taste of my future, in so far as one day, I am going to be running LexCorp, and possibly LuthorCorp in the distant future, but no, it didn't influence my decision to return to school. I had made that prior to Dominic's accident and my assumption of power; in fact, I had already stepped down as manager of Plant #3 several months before in anticipation of it."

*I had a feeling you were going to say that.*

"He only took up LuthorCorp while Dominic was ill--I think it broadened Lex's horizons. He's so intelligent, but working at the company showed him how to put his intelligence to good use. At least in my opinion."

"And it kept me out of trouble," Lex said lightly. "Usually when there is a lull, I tend to get in trouble, whether it's driving my car off a bridge, having my plant blown up, or hurling fencing foils at unassuming farm boys." He squeezed Clark's hand tightly. "Taking over the reins at LuthorCorp, even temporarily, just showed me how much of what I thought I knew doesn't quite work in the bigger business world, and what more I have to learn and what I actually want to do with my brain."

Clark nodded. He didn't have anything to add, because he knew Lex was totally right, but now? He was itching to know about Dr. Swann. It had set alarm bells off in his head, a sensation Clark didn't necessarily like, though his outer facade was calm and cheerful. His fingers tightened on Lex's minutely, to show him he was still thinking about what he'd said, but he tried to concentrate on Rosanna instead.

"One last serious question, and then we can get down to the frivolity," she said, sensing the serious mood descending, and trying to lift it slightly. "What are your plans for the future? Kansas hasn't passed legislation on gay marriage in the state--are you planning on taking vows? Adopting children?"

Clark's eyebrows shot up and he met Lex's eyes, then looked across at Rosanna. The aushna' in him snarled at not being obviously mated to the world, but the human in him realized how sound a question it was. "We've exchanged rings, but we haven't gotten married. It's not necessary, in a way. I'd love to get married, but I don't need the law to recognize what I already know--we love each other, and I plan on spending the rest of my life with him."

Lex held out the hand that he wore Clark's ring on, letting the light glint off the gold band. "I don't know that we'll ever do anything formal," Lex agreed. "We don't need it, not for ourselves or anyone that matters to know, because they've already seen us together, supported us, and know that we're going to be together for the rest of our lives." He paused for a long moment. "We'd like to have children, yes. But that's a little while down the road, yet, I think."

Clark nodded. "We're not ready. Mentally, physically."

"But we will be." He squeezed Clark's hand again, and gave Rosanna a small smile. "I'm sorry, but could Clark and I have a few moments alone before we start the next segment of questions? Just to stretch our legs?"

Clark nodded. He didn't wait for her to answer--he needed a very deep breath of air. And a hard kiss from his lover. He rose to his feet, muttering an apology to his mother in his head for his appalling manners, and gave Rosanna an apologetic smile as he motioned towards the patio doors. "We'll be right back."

"Go ahead," Rosanna said. She was amused, and a little endeared, because they needed a private moment to snuggle. "I'll just change the tapes and get ready in here, take your time and come back when you're ready."

Lex rose with Clark, tucking the envelope of photographs under his arm again, and followed Clark outside.

Clark inhaled a deep, almost silent breath, gazing out at the trees and deep green grass that met it like a painting. The overwhelming vastness of the landscape was invigorating, and he breathed deeply twice more before sitting on the edge of the banister and crossing his arms across his chest at the nip in the air.

Lex came up behind him, wrapping his arms around Clark's waist and resting his chin on Clark's shoulder. The envelope of pictures fell at Lex's feet, and he softly kissed the side of Clark's neck.

Clark curled his head in close to Lex's kisses, closing his eyes. *Talk to me. What is Swann doing, Lex? Don't hide it from me.*

*I don't know what he's doing. I just know what his specialty is. Swann liquidated most of his fortune and funnels the money into the search for extra-terrestrial life. Swannstar satellites monitor transmissions from the radio telescopes in the hopes of finding proof.* Lex rubbed his cheek against Clark's neck.

Clark's hands convulsed on Lex's, and he squeezed his eyes shut before opening them.

The blood had drained from his face, leaving him a pasty white.

*Do you think he knows?*

*I don't think he knows anything, to be honest. I think he's more interested in me, and the fact that I'm a meteor freak, than he is in my farm boy boyfriend.*

*Are you sure though, Lex? How can you be sure? So much has happened. What if Enrique, or Ms. Bird, told someone about Mar? About the blood? What then, Lex? What if someone saw me flying, or... or... or...*

*I trust Ms. Bird,* Lex soothed quietly. *And so do you, because it was the twins who told her the truth about you, and nothing changed; she still adores you. She wouldn't do anything to hurt you, and I'd go so far as to say if anyone tried, she'd hit them over the head with her rolling pin.*

*And Enrique? What about Enrique?* Hysterical? Clark? No. Trembling a little, but Lex was close and that meant something. He curled into his lovers arms, letting his eyes close.

I think Enrique values his life," Lex murmured into his lover's ear. "If he had said anything, it would have gotten back to me before it got to anyone else."

Clark nodded, eyes still closed, and nosed gently at Lex's neck. "We'll have to be very careful, Lex. No slip ups. No aushna', no sha'nauch. Maybe it's not a good idea for the both of us to take the same class. What if you blow up, like you did last night with Jean?"

Lex gave a soft little growl. "I would rather we be in the same class where I can protect you from him than not know."

"See? That's what I mean." Clark pointed at him, but let it drop. "We'll talk about it when we get home. Let's get through this first. We've still got the rest of the interview... Rosanna isn't as innocent as we might think, you know."

Lex snorted. "You haven't figured out she's--and I use the term loosely--an ex?"

"I'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to have," Clark said wryly, winking at him. "I meant, I'm wondering when the other shoe drops. I can't help but think about the horror that was Dominic and Lionel's experience."

"Well... *People* is a more reputable magazine that appeals to the general public, not quite the same target that my father's interview was aimed towards. Not to mention most of the people that's going to be reading this aren't going to be looking to discredit me as much as they had my father, simply because it's a well known fact that *I don't care.*"

Clark smiled a little at that. "I like it that you don't. We could move to Maui with the other social cast offs. I wouldn't mind bronzing in the sun for you," Clark murmured, eyes dancing gently. But because he didn't want to talk about that either, he asked, "Think we could go horseback riding this afternoon?"

Lex chuckled softly. "That depends on if Bruce is talking to me or not."

"Talking to you?" Clark frowned. "What happened?"

"Bruce is..." how to say this without awakening *Clark's* little green monster? "Bruce is jealous of us. Of you and I, I mean. That you have me and he doesn't." His hands stroked comfortingly down Clark's arms. "I tried to get him to talk to me about it this morning, but he could barely look at me, and when I tried to probe, that's all I could see, the jealousy. He's angry that I followed through on my threat of looking for the problem if he didn't tell me, and I don't think he's speaking to me."

Clark's mouth turned down, eyebrows furrowing tightly, angrily. "Okay, back up. Wha? He's mad because I have you? What the hell? Wasn't he reasonably okay with it, like, a day ago? What changed from then till now?"

"Last night," Lex murmured softly, still stroking his lover's arms.

The hot rush of satisfaction made Clark feel...well, pretty good, actually. The only thing that ruined it was the kernel of guilt. He'd fucked Lex to be heard all the way down the street, actually. That Bruce just happened to be in that vicinity was a plus in Clark's book. But he felt a little bad regardless. "That's too bad. Why is he acting so crazy about it, though? Aren't he and Dick okay?"

Lex nodded. "Yeah, they're fine. I caught a whisper of it in his head. He feels guilty for what he feels for me, because he loves Dick to distraction."

Clark frowned. Bruce was one of the most level headed men he'd ever known--irrational *anything* just wasn't his forte. That he should admit, or even feel, such things was very...odd to him, and it made Clark frown all the more. "That's… kind of weird."

"Yeah. Tell me about it. He even threatened *me.* Me, Clark, whom he sent Wally to Smallville to *protect.* There's... something not right with Bruce, and I wish I knew what it was. But he won't... he won't let me in. And it makes me sad to know that my choosing you has caused our friendship to deteriorate to this point, because I never thought I'd have to sacrifice my best friend for my aushna'." He purred the last word against Clark's skin, and then sighed.

Clark pulled Lex a little tighter against his body. To tell the truth, he had his suspicions on what might be happening, but he didn't voice them. Not yet. There was time yet for that to happen. Instead he squeezed Lex close to him, and when he caught Rosanna looking at them, smiled and waved, plastering on the cheer again. "Let's finish this, Lex."

Lex nodded. "I'm all for finishing it." He swallowed roughly, hiding his face in Clark's broad shoulder for a moment until he choked back down the sadness and upset that the situations with Bruce and now with Dr. Swann were causing, and he bent to pick up the envelope. "Back to the wolves," he said softly.

"At least she's a sexy wolf," Clark said, just to get Lex to smile again, and rubbed his lips over Lex's before taking his hand and sidling back in. "Woo! It's freezing out there."

"No, Clark, she's just a wolf," but he smiled anyway, because he knew that was his aushna's intent. "I could think of something to warm us up, but I'm not sure that Rosanna needs an eyeful of that."



go on to the next part