
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 39: Friends... With Benefits

Sam was bored.  Bored out of his fucking skull.  Smallville was... the armpit of nowhere, compared to Gotham City.  No New Years parties to hang out at, nowhere to buy booze, nowhere to do anything fun.


Only one person in this godforsaken hellhole showed a single bit of promise, and that was his new friend Pete.  Pete was the only person that seemed the least bit... interesting.  That was a simple decision, and he swung his feet to the floor, leather jacket creaking as he picked up the phone and dialed Pete's number from memory.


Having older brothers wasn’t always a bad thing. In fact... Pete cared to wager they weren’t a bad thing at all. Not when... well, they did things like give you money, and let you borrow their stuff, and take you places.


And buy nudie magazines for him to stumble on.


He oomphed, turning the magazine sideways. GodDamn. Fuck, and good Jesus. He bit his knuckles, shaking his head as he crossed his ankles. His covers were warm under him, the door was locked, and he was--


Jumping a half a mile.


He yelped, tossed the magazine a mile, and turned to give the phone by his bedside a death glare. Bitch ass thing.




"Petey, Petey, Petey.  You don't sound happy to see me at all, man!"  Sam crossed his ankles on the couch.  "Why don't you ditch the happy family bullshit and come hang out with the awesome greatness that is me, Samuel Menkins?"


He couldn’t help a smirk, lighting his face in fact, and he leaned over a dirty shirt on the foot of his bed to grab his magazine. "Cause me and Ms. October were about to get down and dirty." But he snickered, and sat up with the cordless, rolling his eyes. "You ain’t great, and don’t you forget it. What the fuck're we gonna do, anyhow?"


"That ain't what you said the last time, my friend."  He snorted.  "So bring Miss October--and November and December, if you got 'em--along with you and I think we'll... figure out somethin'."  He dangled an ankle over the side of the couch.  "C'mon, Petey... I'm bored as fuck."


Pete snorted right back and climbed to his feet, jeans covering his socked feet as he searched for a shirt. "So what, I’m you're friggin’ fun in a box here, now? Feelin' the love man, feelin' the love." He put the phone down a sec and tugged a blue sweater over his bare chest, picking the phone up as he pulled up at the pant leg of his jeans.


"Awwww, c'mon.  You know I can't resist hangin' out with you, man!  Helpless against the bright allure of your charismatic personality!"


"You sure it ain’t the endless supply of magazines I got?" Another snort, and he stepped into his shoes, tugging his coat on and balancing his phone between shoulder and cheek. "Or the bikes I got? Though, gotta say, I haven’t laughed so hard in my life when you smacked right inta that tree." A loud snort he made sure Sam heard and Pete sat on the edge of his bed… willing his erection to go down as he tugged at the laces of his sneakers.


"Hey, you gonna blame me for that tree gettin' in my way?"  Sam's voice was wounded.  "Not my fuckin' fault the trees around this place don't know to get the hell out of dodge when I'm comin' through."


"Hard headed idiot." But he chuckled, pushing into his shoes. "Where ya at?"


"Where am I ever?  My place, all by myself.  Get your ass on over here."


"Man, I'll be there in ten.  Ms. November and December too?"


"Oh yeah.  Gotta be enough of the pretty to satisfy us both, and I don't know about you, but man... I take more than one lovely lady to get me off."


He snorted, just as he always did, and gathered the magazines with the naked women on the front, tucking them under his arm as he put the phone to his chest and stuck his head out of his bedroom door, bellowing out the door, "Goin' to Sam’s! Be back for dinner!" He waited a moment... bellowed it again, and the answering yell of his mother made him grin. "Ya here her? She said if you don’t get me home to wash up in time she's gonna get you." And he walked to the patio door at the edge of his bedroom, tucking his wallet in his back pocket.


"Yeah yeah, heard it before, you'll be back in time for dinner with Ma and Pa and the sibs."  Sam snorted.  "I love not having to fuck around with other people.  Want me to call in for pizza?  It'll be here by the time you get here, and I've still got the PS2 from the rental place."


"Fuck yes. Want me to grab Grand Theft Auto again? I might have to tear Andy's damn head off, but I can get it. And make it re'glar pepperoni this time, eh? That anchovy shit made me wanna gag the other day. And get off the fucking phone so I can leave already! Christ, yack like an old woman."


"Yeah, fuck you too.  Bring Grand Theft with you, and fine, fine, just pepperoni, ya bitch."  He hung up on Pete, and dialed the pizza place, ordering two large pepperoni pizzas and three two-liter bottles of coke for delivery.  Sometimes he really hated lying to Pete, but he didn't think that Pete'd understand why he'd run away from Gotham.


Pete snerked and set his phone on his TV with a little click. And fifteen minutes later, after battling his ten year old brother tooth and claw, he had given up first bathroom privileges for a week and had the game. A glance around his bedroom once more and he stepped out of the patio door, locking it behind him and walking around the porch that wound all around the house.


He waved at his mother through the open front door where she was talking to Sheriff Ethan Goodall and Pete hopped down the front steps, pulling out his car keys and walking to his ever sweet little blue ride.


By the time Pete got to the house, the PS2 was hooked up to the TV, and Sam was already chewing on a slice of pepperoni pizza.  "Come on in, door's open!" he yelled through a mouthful.  "Pizza's on the table, ice in the freezer, and pick a place to park."


Pete let the door shut with a click, strolling in and shaking his head at his friend with a low snort. Tossed the nudie magazines on the couch and peeled off his coat, sweeping his hat off his head and tossing them in a chair. "Yeah, yeah. Any beer from the other night?" Pete pushed his sleeves up a little and tugged at his ever falling pants, walking to the kitchen and going in the fridge.


"Half a case, help yourself, but if you drive your ass home drunk and plow into some old biddy walking across the street, it's your karma, man."  He picked up the game and tossed it over beside the game console.  "Grab some napkins man, this shit's greasy as hell."


He grabbed a can of it, shut the fridge, and strolled back into the living room, sacking himself ever so comfortably on the couch and waving the napkins in the air. "Excuse me, I haven’t gotten drunk yet, thank you very fucking much." But he grinned, lifting up a slice from the box and taking a huge bite of it. "Tha's how i's good, man." Around a mouthful, grinning.


"Hey, I'm just sayin', there's a first time for everything."  Sam grabbed the napkins and threw his feet down on the floor so his friend would have more room.  "Good yes, but messy as fuck, and we don't want to mess these ladies up, now do we?"


"Man, don’t make me make a bad joke right here." He grinned at him as Aerosmith screamed on the TV, and he toed off his shoes, tugging his feet up under him. "Man, I was so bored. I thought I was going to have to go rip my brothers heads off as entertainment."


Sam thumped his chest.  "Hey, I told you.  I'm The Man.  I'm the awesome greatness.  But you listen?  Hell, no.  Now you know."


He snorted and polished off the slice of pizza, cracking open the can and taking a sip of it as he settled in more comfortably. "Yeah, yeah, master of the damn universe. Pop in the game, will ya? Andy's on level sixteen, we can play from his file awhile, unless ya wanna watch some more TV awhile?"


"Depends on what ya wanna watch."  He flipped the channel to Spice, one of the cable adult channels.  "Since I knew you were coming... I got us the hookup."


"Woooooo!" A loud woop, and he slapped him on the back. "Man, you are the master. Fuck yes!"  All this said, of course, while all but inhaling a second piece of pizza.


"I only been tellin' you that since we hooked up!"  Sam snagged Pete's beer and chugged several swallows.  "But hell no, not gonna believe me."  A smirk as he sat the can down, half empty.  "Next time, you gonna believe me.  King of the world, baby, right here."


"With his head up his ass." Another smirk and he climbed to his feet. "I'll get what’s left of the case." And he padded into the kitchen, ignoring, for the moment, the commercials for porn and...other things on the tele, grabbing the case of beer from the fridge and walking back. A plop, and he lifted the third piece of pizza, and yeah, they could polish off these two boxes no sweat. "Holy fuck, this is greasy. Jesus Christ. Where the hell did you order it from, Bubba's Bar and Grill?" He cleared his throat and said in very surprising, amusing announcer speak, "6.99 and our pizza comes with complimentary vat of oil."


Sam flipped him the bird.  "Same place I always get it, Popoli's Pizza.  Got two larges and three cokes for about fifteen bucks.  The price is right and the food doesn't suck, so hey... I'm easy." 


"Oh, fuck. Sam, Mindy's workin' on Saturday nights, don’t you know that?" He shook his head at his friend is sad dismay. "Sweet girl, sexy little ass, nice tits. Dumb as a fucking POST. I tried to get som'thin' som'thin' once, and ended up with a headache for the trouble."


"Then that would explain the blond "Hi!" and the fact I had to repeat my order three fuckin' times."  Sam's arm dangled over the side of the couch as he turned his head towards the porn.  "Now why the hell can't I ever get play with a couple babes like that, huh?"


Pete glanced at the television... much more interested in talking to his friend, but oh, LORD have mercy. "Oh, hell yeah." He turned his head a bit, making an "ooo" face and scrunching his brows as he hissed between his teeth. Gorgeous, leggy blonds in little school girl outfits, and he shook his head, lifting a shoulder. "Cause you're ugly as fuck, doncha know that?"


"Oh, right, look who's talking... got all the beauty in the world right here for ya," Sam said, grabbing his crotch and then flipping his friend off. 


Pete laughed out loud but his throat was tight, and he struggled to shove the last bit of pizza down his throat as he took another long drink of the beer. His second one. Or, well, part of the first, since Sam had chugged the first one all but nearly by himself. "Man, ain’t no women in real life like that. Christ. Chloe'd rip me a new one if I ever even asked her."


"Chloe... right.  The blond bimbo's girlfriend."


He laughed again, glancing at Sam and shaking his head a little. "Naw, Whit's not a bimbo. A slut, sure. But not a bimbo. He and C'lo've been going out for a coupla months now, actually. All serious n' shit." He shifted, glancing at the TV as the two broads kissed, and smiled a little as he took another drink.


"Tell me something... how'd a thick-headed SOB like Fordman land a hottie like Sullivan?  He ain't never struck me as a higher-up on the evolutionary ladder."  Sam grabbed another beer from the case at their feet, and shifted as his dick started getting hard watching the two babes.  "And whaddya mean, he's a slut?  My kind of slut, or...?"  He left the option hanging in the air.


"Naw, man. Slut like, he let Lana Lang step the hell all over him for the better part of two years." He shook his head in disgust at that. "C'lo set him straight up front, from what she told me. And ya know, he ain’t so bad...just confused. Innocent, in uh way, though Im sure C'lo's gone and ripped that whole bit out of him." He chuckled and started in on another slice of pizza, doing his best to ignore the chicks and failing, miserably.


"Never met this Lang chick--hook me up?  I can bring the bitch to heel like that," he said, snapping his fingers.


"Naw, man." His voice got serious, and he shook his head. "She died before the school year. Freak accident're some shit." He shook his head, and flashes of Chloe's sobs and Clarks heartbroken expression filled his mind, killing any further hardening of his cock for the moment. "Sweet girl. Just manipulative."


"Man, sorry.  Didn't mean to bring up bad memories there."  Sam's hand fell on Pete's shoulder, squeezing gently.  "You okay?"


"Yeah." He flashed a grin up at him and shifted away the thoughts, taking another swig of his beer as he wiped his fingers on a napkin. "So're we gonna watch porn all night? What’s the plan, man? I didn’t give up bathroom privileges for nothin', you know."


"The plan is, I'm gonna get rid of this little problem, then I'm gonna kick your ass at GTA for a while and then you're calling your parents and tellin' 'em you're staying over tonight cause I'm bored, it's Saturday night, and we have limitless porn."


"Well fuck yeah, man." He grinned at him, brilliantly in fact, and settled back into the couch...watching as the two women on the screen gently rubbed against one another, right there in the middle of the damn hall. They grew silent for a moment or two, and Pete broke the moans from the women with a question. "Ever wonder why the hell women wanna be porn stars?"


"Cock and money, my friend... cock and money.  Plenty of both.  Same reason guys wanna be... it's legal reverse prostitution.  You're gettin' paid to bang some bitch up the ass, and you're getting your nuts off."


"Seeing your logic." But it was slightly breathless, because he couldn’t stop staring at the enormous breasts that came into view on the screen, bouncing against milky skin...then another set of breasts, and then they were rubbed together, and oh, Christ, weak spot. He lay his head back against the back of couch, let out a little laugh, then lifted his head and watched again.


Sam wasn't paying that much attention to his friend, just enough to know that Pete was getting turned on.  "C'mon, don't be afraid to do somethin' about it... not like you ain't got nothing I ain't seen before, you know."  Sam's cock was already in his hand, stroking slowly.


"Was tryin' to wait a while before tugging it out, man." But his voice was low, and he lifted his hips a little to unbutton, unzipping his dark jeans and reaching inside. "Not gonna happen, 'course. Get the fuck around you and this damn TV and Little Pete makes his appearance every fuckin' time." But he said it with amusement...not glancing over...not yet, anyway, bringing his legs up crosslegged as the two bimbos squealed and whimpered, pinching one another’s nipples.


"Don't tell me you gone and got shy on me, Petey."  Sam's legs, in contrast, were spread wide, accommodating the stroking of his hand and allowing his other hand to slide down inside his jeans and fondle his own balls. 


He caught the movement, out of the corner of his eye, but he looked away and back to the women on screen as they pressed close and squealed, their long nailed fingers sliding little skirts off to reveal some of the nicest asses he'd seen in a while. Thongs disappeared inside flushed cheeks and he shifted, muttering, "The one of the lefts better. Nice tits, man." He shifted, knees spread and his legs tucked Indian style under him, pulling his underwear to the side and tugging himself free. The cold air of the room made him shudder, and he slowly stroked his fingers down the wide, long length as he watched. "And 'scuse me, I’m not shy."


"Uh huh.  Not shy. That's why you didn't wanna whip it out.  Bitch on the right's better, look at that ass.  Double handfuls on each side and can't you just see your cock poundin' against that?"


"No." His voice was slightly gruff, and he tipped his head, watching as a little Latin chick with a whip, enormous breasts and a sexy round ass stopped in the doorway in front of the two blonds. "I can see my cock poundin' in that." And it gave an answering pulse, forcing his fingers to drag over the head and moan very softly.


"Oh, hell yeah.  Right there with ya, boy."  Sam's hand was stroking faster over his cock, and Pete's body was radiating warm heat from the other end of the couch.  "Can definitely get my dick in that."  The Latino chica snapped the whip, and the two blonds immediately crawled over to her, one licking her slit and one her tits.  "Fuck, yeah."


Sam was older then he was, and maybe that’s why he couldn’t control himself better...but Pete stroked faster, groaning now and not giving a damn fuck if his friend heard or not, swallowing around a tight throat and a chest that heaved, tight as a drum. Because, very suddenly, the Latina was putting a double sided strap-on on both blonds and squirming between them, rubbing in tandem. "Holy fuck."


Sam's strokes got faster and he laughed throatily.  "Glad... I got this now!  Fuck!"  He missed having a lover, but that was one of the things he'd been running away from.  Still, though... he couldn't resist letting go of his aching erection long enough to slide his hand around Pete's to stroke.  Aaah, bliss, and this was Pete, his friend, who wouldn't boss his ass around all the time.  "Fuckin' A."


He let out a harsh shudder, moaning loudly and throwing his head back. Fingers, around him, and god, they were so hot and good and he thrust up into them, fingers snaking under his shirt to give his hard nipples a harsh pinch, rolling them in his fingers before one hand joined Sam’s and he helped him stroke. "Better...then...fucking...A..." He grunted, eyes peeled on the two women as they simultaneously slammed into the Latin girl, breasts bouncing, thighs glistening, and he let out a harsh sound between them that was half laugh and half moan.


Sam's free hand slid under Pete's shirt too, one hand stroking his friend's cock and the other twisting a nipple in rough fingertips as his tongue traced behind Pete's ear.  "C'mon, Petey... you can do better than this," Sam whispered in his ear.  "Fuck my hand hard, like you would one of those bitches."


"Shit. Fuck!" He hissed it and thrust up harder, ass muscles contracting as he pushed up, muscles in his throat tense as he threw his head back and fucked Sam’s fist, fingers that were now free moving to grab the back of Sam’s head and drag him in. Hot, dark melding of mouths that tasted like frothy beer and pepperoni pizza and he just didn’t care, tongue fucking his mouth in time with his hips.


Sam moved so that he straddled Pete's hips, hand opening to jack their cocks together as his mouth sucked hard on the tongue that fucked it.  Teeth nipping it, dragging over his lips, and then thrusting back on his own, Sam gave the kiss as hard as Pete had taken it, fist jacking them both off.


That was it. Always was...Sam teased him cause he couldn’t go longer, but he damn well tried and just failed, every single time. His hands squeezed his friends ass hard, pushed him in, and came hard. Shot all over the fist wrapped around him like a hot opening, letting out a wail into his mouth as those sharp teeth bit. Pete bucked up hard, moaning as orgasm tickled from his feet to the top of his head, shuddering hard as he shoved out each thick pulse onto the dick pressed to his.


"That's it, baby," Sam breathed, dropping his mouth to bite at Pete's shoulder through his t-shirt.  He slid back as far as he could and still remain straddling Pete, and he jacked himself off, using Pete's come as lubricant as his hips thrust and his cock slid slickly in and out of his grip until finally Sam dragged Pete's hands under his shirt, to tease tight nipples as he came.


Pete let his chest heave... here, in the arms of his friend, it was safe to let defenses and self esteem issues down. He licked the fingertips of the first three fingers of each hand and reached under Sam’s shirt, sliding to perked, hard nipples and squeezed them hard between his fingertips, rubbing and pinching them in sync to the heavy jacks of the cock between them.


And quite suddenly, shoved hard at his friend, hard, harder, until he'd pushed Sam back onto the couch cushions.


Pete thunked to his knees, pulled Sam’s tight fingers from around his cock, and covered him with his mouth. Felt Sam’s cock fill his mouth and he grunted, squeezing his eyes shut as his arms wound around the slim waist, sucking like Sam had taught him and swirling his tongue around the tip of it...tasting himself, something raw and earthy, and Sam, light as the breeze.


God, it was good.


"Oh, fuck yeah, Pete... hell yeah.  Sweet mouth... damn good."  Sam's hands held tightly to the sides of Pete's head, teasing the tight curls with his fingertips and thrusting his hips gently.  "Lemme down... lemme down, turn around, we can share it, baby."


Bimbos forgotten he let Sam slip away, climbing back onto the couch and trying to fix them...trying, proper word, and he waited for Sam to arrange them as he kept sucking at his cock, changed angle and it gave him a chance to pull at his mostly removed jeans, moisten a fingertip, and slide it up the small hole beneath Sam’s balls. Solid, single stroke inside and he thrust his finger hard, eyes shut tight as he relaxed his mouth and cheeks and throat, pulling him in deeper.


Sam moaned softly, thrusting again as he felt the finger sliding inside him.  "Jesus, Pete... gonna kill me here."  He shifted backward, pulling both their weight as he landed on the floor, on his back.  The breath whooshed out of him but he didn't care.  His hands moved to Pete's hips.  "Swing this way; slide your dick in my throat."


Ask him twice? Nope. He tugged his jeans and underwear further down his hips and turned, mouth buried in Sam’s crotch, shifting so far down his throat, and he moaned loudly. Sucked him for all he was worth as he swelled hard again, a second finger joining the first to thrust inside his friend. Hard, steady stabbing thrusts as he moved his hips down, seeking entrance and grunting.


Sam's mouth latched onto Pete's cock as it slid down, tongue pushing the length deeper as he sucked hard.  His belly was still wet with Pete's come and he slid his fingers through it, bringing the slick digits up as he slipped one carefully inside Pete's tight opening.  Pang as he remembered what his old lover had liked, and he let go of Pete's cock just long enough to slide his tongue back, nipping sharply at his balls before thrusting his tongue into the dusky opening and pushing deep.  He tasted the come he'd used as lube inside, and he pushed farther, tongue twisting and wiggling inside as his hand jacked Pete's cock again.


Oh, holy FUCK. And was distinctly aware he'd wailed it into Sam’s dick, muffled as he sucked and his free fingers cupped and massaged the tight, hard balls, soft and tender in his fingers as opposed to the hard, hot length thrusting in his throat.


Tongue in his ass.


Pete let out another hoarse cry, shuddering as he pushed into the fingers around his cock, the tight heat of them bringing him so close, so closesoclose and he leaned down to pinch his balls hard, stopping the spontaneous orgasm with a twist of his wrist.


He let Sam’s cock slip from him, gasping and grunting, and moaned, "Get the f-fuck inside alr-alreohSHIT!" Another wail, cheek pressing into the slick, wet erection as that talented mouth did very talented things. "Now, goddammit!"


"Okay, baby... don't gotta beg.  I'm gonna fuck you hard."  Sam's hands quickly stripped his jeans off entirely, throwing them to the side as he dug through the small drawer of the coffee table, coming up with the condoms and lube from last time.  He shuddered as he rolled the latex on, and then spread lube over his cock and his fingers.  "Just hang on, baby."  He positioned himself against Pete's ass, slowly pushing his cock in as his lubed hand reached around and tightly gripped his cock, stroking it as slowly as he was entering.


Six months ago he'd laughed at this very thing. Never, ever, ever would he have thought he'd willingly get on his knees and elbows anytime Sam wanted it, accepting a cock into his body and enjoying every. Damn. Second. He let out a shuddering cry, squeezing his eyes tight as he let his head hang between his arms, wriggling, squirming...then shoving back and took Sam's length in a single shove. Groaned and squeezed the cock that felt so natural now, shoving back harder as if aching to get more of him in and he gave a moan as slick, slippery fingers slid around to his bare crotch and stroked. "Oh....fuck yes, oh God, missed you, fuck me, fuck me hard..."


Sam closed his eyes as he leaned over, plastering himself to Pete's back and kissing him hard, licking his face and nipping his lips as his cock pounded into him.  "Missed you too, Pete... why I had you come over... needed to see you, hated being alone when I could be with you."  He pressed his cheek against Pete's, sliding his entire length out before slamming it home again, jacking his lover hard.  "Missed being with you."


He choked, kissing back and accepting the licks as he concentrated on not losing his damn mind, meeting each inward thrust with a backward one of his own, knees spreading to each side of Sam’s thighs...wider, deeper, in.


And felt orgasm beginning at the base of his spine, shuddering and trying to still his shoving hips....too soon, Sam hadn’t even begun to enjoy this, too soon, didn’t want to take it away and he squeezed his balls again, past Sam’s hand and before the cock stretching him wide and fucking him, twisting his wrist and stopping the orgasm… only for a few precious moments; it was coming and soon and he fought it every step of the way.


"No, no, don't, want you to come, it's okay, don't stop it, let it go," Sam babbled softly, kissing and licking hard.  His hand jacked faster as his cock slid deep into Pete's ass, holding it there until he tilted his lover back just a little and thrust forward, rubbing the head of his cock against the soft protrusion of Pete's prostate.  "It's okay, I want you to come, please, for me."


Wail that turned into a harsh, masculine cry and he thrust back into the warm hips, coming so hard he saw stars. Contractions around the stiff cock buried inside of him as his own sputtered all over his shirt and Sam’s fist, throwing his head back...connecting with a hard, tough shoulder, and he held on as shocks rushed through him. He gave a long, guttural moan, eyes rolling and squeezing tight as the vicious thrill of coming with Sam skipped up to his brain.


Sam's head fell and rubbed against Pete's face, holding him there as he thrust deep, then, trapped by the twitching and rolling of the muscles around him, Sam came again, trembling against Pete, kissing his back and neck and throat with soft licks and nips.  "God, I missed you."


A harsh shudder...a tremble, and Pete sagged against his friend, gasping and closing his eyes as the aftershocks did their little dance through him. Half naked, come spattered clothes and it was so normal and perfect and he couldn’t help the snuggle against him, grunting as the softening cock shifted inside him. "Only been a week." Low mumble, but he was smiling as he said it, as if to say... yeah. Pete had missed Sam, too.


"Long ass week if you ask me."  Sam thrust carefully inside his lover as he slipped out, snuggling Pete back against him as he rested on his knees.  "Too long."  Another nuzzle to the back of his neck.  "Wanna throw your clothes in the washer and come take a hot shower with me?  We can play Grand Theft till dinnertime and you can come back."


"Not gonna go anywhere." And he nuzzled right back… letting a yawn tug its way from him as he pressed what was naked of him in close, slowly tugging his sweater up over his head and baring sweating, warm skin to press close. "I’m friggin' sticky, man. Cant go home like this." Excuses, excuses and his eyes shined, turning his head to wink at him.


Sam licked a stripe down Pete's sweaty shoulder, and it never ceased to surprise him how well-built Pete was for a guy his age.  "Come on then... I'll start the washer and meet you in the shower."  He pulled himself around and took a deep, tongue-tangling kiss from his lover.


He kissed right back, chuckling and squirming his way out of his pants as they strolled through his home. "Man, you better not get any fresh ideas. You just wanna confuse me so you can kick my ass at Grant Theft again and that’s not cool." A finger waggle and he followed close... rubbing at his twitching, sated tummy as he tucked his things under his arm and sighed. A turn in a hall, and he leaned in, kissing at the base of Sam’s neck... down his back, and when they paused in the hall, a wet, large sucking kiss to the base of his spine. "And as I remember, bitch, you were mine this week. What the fuck happened to that, eh?" He bit a single ass cheek and straightened, shaking his head and pretending to frown.


"I got carried away," Sam admitted.  "I was right there with you, right up until... you asked me to fuck you."  He shivered when Pete bit him.  "But don't worry... I'll make it up to you in the shower... you can have your wicked way with me all you want."  Sam stopped and kissed Pete hard, rubbing his naked chest against Pete's as he slid his fingers over Pete's sticky abs.


“Hell yeah. You can’t say no to my ass." He wrinkled his nose and gave a pride filled snort, before his mouth was invaded by a hungry, hot mouth. He kissed back, large fingers stroking up a naked back...and when Sam had him heaving and breathless, he whispered, "You always feel so good inside me. Always make me come so hard."


Sam wrapped his arms around Pete and held him tightly for a long moment.  "I love it when you come for me, Pete... can't tell you why, but... just makes me feel so fucking good knowing that I'm getting you off, and you're feeling so fucking good because of me."


"Yeah. And you get me off, alright." He shuddered, sneaking dark, erotic little kisses up and down his neck before laughing and letting go, grabbing Sam’s wrist and tugging him along. "See, I knew it was a ploy to make me lose! Damn it! Now Ima be thinkin' bout your ass the whole time!"


"You say that like there's something better to be thinkin' bout!"  Sam smiled and let himself be pulled along behind his lover.  "If it makes you feel any better, I'm just gonna be thinkin' about your dick, so that kinda puts us on an even foot."


"Yeah, well fuck you, too." But he was grinning, walking into the small laundry room off the kitchen by remembrance. "You get that blue stuff again? Smells good." He walked over like the carefree friends they were...if carefree friends walked about naked and kissing and washing clothes. He turned the knob, an old pro at this after all, and dumped in some of the nice smelling stuff after his clothes. The lid closed with a clang and he wriggled his brows, offering a hand once more. "I’m sticky, man."


"Yeah, got the blue shit... love how it smells on you."  Sam took the hand that was offered to him, wrapping the arm around his waist as he rubbed his ass against Pete's cock.  "So let's go get you un-sticky."


"Oh..s-shit." He swallowed hard and followed, mouth buried in a warm throat and his arms twined around hard, strong ones that felt so good under his palms. Slid his fingertips over the warm belly... down to the soft cock, stroking it once and kissing his friends shoulders gently, caressing his thighs and hips before letting his hands fall away as they got to the bathroom.


Sam slid by Pete, rubbing against him as much as he could as he walked to the cabinet and pulled out two towels, a washcloth, and then turned the water on until it steamed.  A bar of soap was already in the soap dish, and Sam got into the shower first.  "C'mon, baby."


He tipped his head and...dammit. He liked this Sam. All the male ego was left behind and it was just Sam, sweet and silly, and offering his hand as he called him baby. "Okay." He stepped in, closing the curtain behind him, and looked down over his body with the softest of sighs. Never could tell him how sexy he was, cause they were just friends, but he swallowed and touched his mouth to a single rosy, hard nipple, laving it with stabbing, short strokes as his fingertips skimmed Sam’s haunches.


Sam shuddered gently as Pete's mouth licked over his nipple, and his hands worked the soap against the washcloth, creating a huge cloud of lather on the rag as he started to wash Pete's shoulders, and his back.  Soft groans and easy thrusts of his hips accompanied as the tongue worked his nipples, and he paused for a hot kiss from Pete's hungry mouth.


He kissed back, answering the want… and then chuckled into that mouth, large eyes meeting his. "Lets just clean up a while. I...uh..." He swallowed and shifted his weight. "I it back up. Gimme a while?" Said as he stroked his fingers down around the weight against his leg, stroking his thumb across the head as he ducked in to suck a languid, soft kiss from underneath a strong jaw.


Sam nodded, not laughing.  "You can kick my ass at the game for awhile," he said softly, pulling the soapy cloth over Pete's shoulder to his chest.  "But I'm not going to stop washing you."


Yeah, man." Quietly, worshipping the body pressed prone to his with a little flare. Temples, so sweet to lick...strong jaw, a wonderful place to nibble. And look, weren’t his fingers perfect for the small of his back, to grip his waist and hold him close? Yep. He smiled into the warm skin of a perfect chest, nuzzling the slightly taller shoulder and kissing it softly. "Clean freak."


"Yeah, well, as much as I like hangin' out with you, I don't wanna be glued to you," he teased, scrubbing gently at the sticky come on his lover's abdomen.  "'Sides... I get to feel you up big time."


A light snort as Pete reached over beside them and got the other washcloth, picking up the male scented soap and scrubbing it over the cloth. "Doing good things for Little Pete, man." And he grinned, sweeping the soapy towel over Sam’s shoulders...then down his hands, leaning in and gently sucking twin fingers into his mouth. He gave them soft, even sucks, tongue swirling around them before slowly sliding away to be replaced with soap.


Sam leaned forward and pulled Pete against him, licking a running stream of water from his throat down his chest and back up again.  "Good... little Pete needs the attention," Sam said, sliding the soapy cloth over the shaft already covered with saliva, come, and lube.  "He needs to have a lot of good things done for him."  Sam's mouth returned to Pete's earlobe to gently nibble.  "You need to have lots of good things done for you, my baby."


Pure, bright pleasure in the name and it spread across his face as he set his forehead along Sam’s shoulder, stroking his shoulders and back as his friend moved. Touched and stroked the slope of his ass and the backs of his thighs with a soft, quiet sigh. "You’re the only one who's even remembered I’m alive."


"Fuck 'em all, Pete... they don't know what they've got."  He slid protective arms around Pete's waist and pulled the boy tightly against his body.  "You're one of the best friends I've ever had, and I can't tell you what that means to me."


"You’re my best friend, too." Quietly, glancing into his eyes and smiling. He let his fingers move up and cup Sam's face, gazing into his face as he stroked his thumbs over his cheek bones. "You mean so much to me. I hear your voice on the phone and my belly gets all tingly and excited. I see you, and I just can’t stop grinning like a moron."


Sam kissed Pete softly, possessively, hands resting on his Pete's hips.  "I know how you feel, baby... I feel that way too.  I care about you so much, and you're my best friend."  Sam slid his hands around to link at the small of Pete's back.  "See if your mom'll let you sleep over tonight... I just wanna know what it'd be like to wake up with you."


He grinned impishly at him. "And wish you never had. I hog the bed and I snore, man. That’s not cool." A shake of his head but he was smiling, and nuzzled his cheek softly as his body woke up from its post orgasmic lethargy, and he rubbed himself very softly against his friend. "Maybe we can skip the game and go straight to bed. Lemme go call my mom, eh?"


"All right; I'll meet you in the bedroom."  He turned the showerhead off for a minute, and stepped out so Pete could get out too.  "Tell her I'll feed you and make sure you're in bed at a reasonable time."


"No one said I had to sleep." He smiled and leaned in to kiss him softly before turning and racing out of the bathroom...letting out a whoop in the living room as he rushed for the kitchen and the phone.


Sam leaned back against the cold tile wall and closed his eyes.  He'd changed, his name, came to Smallville to get away from Bruce and his rules, but most of all, he'd wanted to escape the feeling of wanting to get lost in someone else's heart.  And he had, until he'd met Pete.  Now he was in danger of the same thing again, and this time... he didn't want out.  Picking up the towel, he scrubbed at his spiky hair and the rest of his body as he made his way to the bedroom.  Throwing himself onto the huge bed, Sam spread his legs and braced a foot on the bedspread, turning towards the door and waiting for Pete.  His Pete.


It took him five minutes of pleading, reminding his ma he was 17, more pleading and all but selling his soul... and he got out of the house for the night. His mom knew he and Sam were friends, and he grinned as he hung up, running through the house...running into the bedroom, and leaping on the bed, landing atop his friend with a whoop and a punch in his arm. "Hell yes! I am free!"


Sam heard the whoop a split-second before Pete landed on top of him, and he immediately tangled himself around Pete and rolled.  "Now that is some fuckin' great news, my friend!  You want to celebrate?  I got another case of beer under the sink and take-out menus from every delivery place in Smallville."  He slipped his leg in between Pete's and linked his arms around his waist.  "Night's yours, my friend, what are we going to do with ourselves?"


He was still laughing, curled up under him and looking up with something he couldn’t quite identify but had a sneaking suspicion what it was, pinching his sides as he curled his legs about Sam’s. "I just have no idea, because beer, sex, and Chinese take out just doesn’t sound good." He beamed up at him and squirmed, rolling his hips and chuckling. "And oh, yeah, that porn. Holy God man. Those blond bimbo's were hot."


"Fuck yeah they were."  Sam rolled with Pete, pushing back gently against him.  "Don't I always get you the hookup, my man?  Dates with the girls, hot porn on demand, Chinese takeout from Lo Fahn's... best friendship in the world."


"Your dick up inside me." He murmured and pulled his legs up around Sam’s waist, squirming his tiny, stretched hole against the warm cock rubbing against him. "And alright, Sheila? Dude, she was hot. Can I say hot any hotter? Yes. HOT." But she wasn’t you. "Porn and Chinese, man. That’s where it’s at."


Sam bit sharply at Pete's neck.  "Not... that I have anything against Sheila's charms--I don't, they are quite nice, I grant you--but... one more word about them... and I'm droppin' you on your fine little ass."  He ground up once.  "Cause I really... really... really don't wanna hear about it when you're in bed with me."  He wasn't aware that his voice had dropped to a very possessive growl.


But Pete was, and he trembled at the sweet, dark malice in them, eyes dancing as he watched his friend...and grunted as he ground up against him, teasingly, evilly. The thrill of the words and the tone made his face shine, and he grinned up at him sweetly as he pushed down onto him again. "You’re not jealous, are you?"


"Yes," Sam admitted, rocking up against Pete's grinding body.  "Don't wanna hear about anybody else when you're with me.  You're mine, baby, don't forget it."


"Okay." A whisper, to everything he'd said, and Pete began to shake with lust again as his cock went solid against his belly and he began to push in earnest, fingers and mouth trailing to Sam’s chest, where nipples begged for kisses and licks. "Don’t set me up with them anymore." Tentatively, and his eyes closed at the words of weakness and what they meant, instead sliding his hips up and down and left and right against Sam’s belly.


Sam caught Pete's face in his hands, pressed soft kisses on each of the closed eyelids.  "You know what you're sayin', baby?  That you wanna be with just me?"


"Yeah." He nodded twice, keeping his eyes closed as his own hands grasped Sam’s forearms, holding him close and sighing softly. "I’m not gay." Breathy words as he arched and rubbed his erection against his friends, back bowing as he panted softly.


"No, baby, you're not."  Sam arched back against Pete, catching his hard cock between their bellies.  "You're mine, and that's all you gotta worry about."  He shrugged Pete's hands down to twine through his, and then arched up to press against him.  "And I'm yours, Pete... long as you want me."


He groaned, thrashing his head back and forth as they pressed against one another and he was 17 for Gods sake and his libido screamed with want. Another quiet moan and his fingers flexed through Sam’s, holding on tight as he reared his pelvis, begging for more. "Want you for a long time." He gasped, struggling to hold on to control Sam was teaching him to have but it was so hard.


"Then you got me, Pete."  He shifted so that Pete's hips fell between his legs, and then he wrapped them around his waist.  "You got me, Pete... now take me."


"God, yes." He gasped, rolling so Sam was splayed on his damn beautiful, and he stroked his fingers through all that wonderful hair as his mouth found milky skin to suck and kiss. He lapped at his jaw....cheek....kissed him hard and wonderful before down his chest to suck at rosy nipples. He left them, cold and hard and wet, and blew on them just because he was wrong like that. Lean and he went into the side lamp table, pulling the drawer and snagging a condom and a small bottle of lube. "Last time... was a little rough, you feeling better now?"


Sam trembled as the strong fingers twined in his hair and whimpered softly as the hot mouth left his nipples.  "I'm fine, don't worry... I was fine a couple days after it."  He slid his hands over Pete's shoulders, reassuring him.  "Don't worry, baby."


"Good." But it came out as a reassured sigh, slicking his fingers, so anxious to move and go he could barely keep the trembles out of his elbows. He leaned down and stroked the hard erection sitting on Sam’s belly, stroking his dark fingers across it and it was always a shock, to see how different they were in that respect. Milky and golden to his own chocolate cocoa, and he offered him a cute nose wrinkle and a grin as he slipped his fingers behind his balls and probed gently.


Sam lifted and turned so that Pete's fingers slid straight into him.  More tremors as Pete gently touched his erection, and Sam reached down, bringing Pete's free fingers to his mouth, sucking gently on them.  His tongue slipped over each nail and each pad, teeth scraping along the whorls of his fingerprints as he arched into Pete's touch. 


He moaned and didn’t even realize his finger had slid in to the second knuckle... immediately seeking out the rough lump he knew was there, because the reaction he got when he did made him so hot that the first time, he'd come all over the place. He squirmed his fingers in Sam’s mouth, watching them disappear inside and he grunted, eyes shutting tight and his own ass muscles clenched hard.


Sam's entire body twitched, ass locking on Pete's fingers as his cock jerked and his legs tightened around his lover's hips.  Fuck and goddamn and he'd had to let Pete's fingers slide out of his mouth or else he'd have bitten them.  A muffled scream against his hand, and Sam lifted himself up again.  "Goddammit, Pete... do it."


His innocent face spread into an extremely wicked grin and he glanced up, smiling and winking at him as he stroked in a second finger… feeling much more comfortable now that he was reacquainted with Sam’s little noises. He stroked, hard...adding a third finger gently before sliding them out and ripping open the condom. Slick little rubber over the head of his cock and he rolled it down, securing it and stroking the fingers he’d used on Sam over it to slicken it more. "Want me?"


Sam's body easily opened to accept Pete's fingers, and his body twisted as he whimpered, making deep hoarse cries in his throat.  "Yes... yes... fucking want you bad, baby... deep in me, right now, please, Pete... please, I need you in me."


It had been his way of making sure Sam wanted this and he tried to smile, but somehow it got stuck as a moan he leaned down over Sam, pressed them chest to chest, and decided very suddenly that for the first time, this is how they'd have sex. He didn’t quite know the particulars, but he raised Sam’s legs up around his back, gently spreading his cheeks apart and nestling his cock head against the stretched opening. "O… okay?"


"V--very okay.  Just... please."  Sam lifted up, rubbing his hole against the rubber-covered head.  "Now, please."  His legs tightened, ankles crossing at the small of Pete's back and gently pressing forward as his arms looped around his shoulders and hands brought him down for a kiss.  "I want you, Pete."


He beamed at him with nothing but a mans pride, eyes storming as he slowly, gently pushed forward... Gasped… and groaned. Just the head and his body ached just to shove all the way in. However, he'd done that last time and hurt his love, so he very, very, very gently slipped in, keeping his control in check by a thread as he slowly moved in, pushing past the second ring of muscles with a little hitch before smooth walls touched him all over. Halfway in, and he stopped to pant, to breathe, aching to hold on just a moment longer...but nothing. He pushed in the rest of the way, gently as he could but he WANTED, and he was DEEP, and he was going to die.


Sam's mouth sucked hard at the base of Pete's throat, nipping as he lifted into the slow thrusts.  "You can move, baby... not gonna hurt me, I promise... just been so long, that's the only reason it hurt last time, I'm okay now, you can move, you can fuck me, make me scream, all yours, baby, do anything you want to me."  Sam's hips tilted up, letting Pete slide just a little deeper, sliding until Sam felt Pete's balls rubbing against the curve of his ass, and he tightened around his lover's cock.  "See, baby, it's fine."


"W...wont h-hurt you?" Shallow gasp into a curved ear and he licked the shell of it, tracing his tongue all around it as he pulled out and pushed in again with a slow, perfect thrust… and then, well, he had to do it again, pulling back and pushing in and the feeling was utterly amazing. "D...don’t want to hurt you..." Choked whispers into his ear as passion ate him alive, quickening his thrusts and starting them on a rhythm, quick and perfect.


"Won't hurt me; I didn't hurt you did I?"  Sam's voice was a husky whisper as he rocked, meeting Pete's thrusts with his own and holding him tightly, reassuring and touching and needing.  "Won't hurt me, you can do it."  He kissed Pete's ear, caught his mouth again, and then his kissed his eyes again before making Pete look him in the eye as he moved.  "No pain, baby... not hurting me."


"G...gonna lose it." Choked, his entire body shaking with restrained energy and need as the sheets rustled around them...over them, as somehow, Pete had snuggled under the sheets so their bodies were warm under the blankets, moving in sync in darkness that was only theirs. ....Theirs.


"Then lose it, Pete... I'll be here to put you back together again."  Sam's arms wound tightly around his lover and snuggled him close, rocking up to meet him.  His cock was hard, throbbing, aching and he wouldn't touch himself, not yet.  "Lose it."


And so he did. He grasped Sam’s wrists in each of his hands and yanked them over his head, pinning them to the pillow his friend...his lover lay on, and braced his legs. He arched his back, bowed his hips and tugged almost all the way out before slamming back in, wild and needy and full of ache and he let out a harsh wail, pleasure storming behind his eyes. He leaned down, blind, deaf, and bit hard at Sam’s right nipple, yanking at it with his teeth before sucking as hard as he could.  Pushes that rocked the entire bed frame, giving and taking pleasure in equal measure, trembles shaking through every muscle in his body.


Sam's throat twisted with screams of pure pleasure as molten heat shot through his body with every push of Pete's cock.  Hard slams against his prostate and he was seeing stars.  He didn't try to break the grip on his wrists, instead arching his own body up, cock on offer to his lover as his chest ached tightly with the need to breathe, scream, come, something as he met Pete, hard thrust for hard thrust.  "Pete, baby, God, I love you, please, baby... so good, need you."


He didn’t hear… couldn’t think, didn’t see, but he understood the push up and he let go of the wrists above their heads, only to grasp both with one palm, the other rushing down and grasping the cock pressed between them. He jerked and jacked it off, burying his face into a slim throat as he took his pleasure and gave as much as he was physically capable of doing. The rough, tight walls that closed around him...dragged along him as he pulled out, and quivered when he shoved back in. The tight, hot ball of pure desire a fist in his gut, and with every stroke it only intensified, only grew stronger.


He let go of Sam’s wrists and his cock in a single motion and leaned down, wrapping his arms around Sam’s waist and lifted, so his hips were aligned, and shoved in as hard as he could, thrusting against his prostate each and every single time.


A hoarse scream as Pete touched his cock, and then another scream of frustration as he stopped stroking, but then... oh, dear God, the change of the angle and the pounding against his prostate and his arms were so tight around him... Sam exploded.  From the inside out; silver and black sparkles exploded behind his eyelids as his cock jerked once and came without being touched again.  His hands locked on Pete's shoulders, throat arched back, mouth open with no sound coming out as his ass clenched tight, gripping the cock that fucked him as hard as he could.  His body pulsed with his cock, and everything inside him poured out with the orgasm.


He gasped, gagged on the scream as inside muscled gripped him and didn’t let go, giving a long, low sob of pure ecstasy as he came right after him. Like lightening it jerked through his body, skin goosebumping as he arched and let out a heavy, dark cry, balls tingling as they exploded inside the plastic sheath around his cock. Deep, deep inside and he wailed, arching once...before falling, very ungracefully, onto the man he'd just made love with.


Sam's arms pulled Pete on top of him, letting his body take Pete's weight as he snuggled close to him.  He felt his lover's cock slowly softening inside him, and he clamped down, trying to hold onto it as long as he could.  "Pete... baby, you okay?"


The clamp of muscles only made his sore throat balk as he tried to keep the moan in... instead burying his face into Sam’s neck and letting it out near his ear. "G...g-good. So good. You kay?"


"Any more okay, and I'd be a puddle," Sam rasped, stroking his fingertips over Pete's shoulders.  "A big pile of Sam-flavored goo."  The moan in his ear made him shiver, and clamp down harder on Pete's cock. 


He groaned again, darkly, trembling as he gently thrust. "Goo. Gooey. 'm gooey." A solid nod into a warm cheek, setting his fingers on Sam’s until they opened and he could twine them. "Sam goo." His free fingers reached down to slide through the come on his belly and he licked it clean. "Mmmmmm."


Sam twisted until his mouth could take Pete's, tongue sliding in and twining lazily, tasting himself.  "Mmm...I taste good on you," he murmured softly, thumb rubbing his lover's palm.


He did a very unmanly thing, and he was loathe to admit it, but… he giggled, very quietly, and kissed back just as softly...fingertips sliding through his hair. "It was all a ploy, eh? Suh you c’n eat all the pizza by yourself."


"Pizza... can rot.  I'd rather... nibble on you."  Sam rubbed his nose behind Pete's ear.  "If I wanted... pizza to myself, I'd have ordered anchovies again."  


Pete chuckled into a warm neck, lips curved as he pressed them to sweet, bare skin, and undulated his hips with interest at that little nibble comment... like he just hadn’t had mind blowing sex with his best friend and they weren’t lying in his bed spent and sated. "'Like when you nibble." He pushed with one exhausted foot, rolled them onto their sides so they were face to face, and snuggled close. "You nibble mighty fine.


Sam wrapped his arms around Pete's waist.  "Never told you... my first name, did I?"  He nuzzled Pete's throat, nipping gently at the chocolaty skin.


"Mmm?" He lapped at the tiny hollow below Sam's Adams apple, sucking softly at it as his fingertips gently moved up and down his slick sides. "Can I tell you somethin'?"


"You can tell me anything, Pete... you know that."  His hand slipped down to rest on his lover's hip, pulling him forward and nestling him close.  "I wanna know all about you."


Their dicks rested comfortably against one another..and the memory of the first time they had made him grin softly. A month after they met the little scene from earlier that night had happened, Sam ordering pizza, buying beer and porn...and a jack off session that had ended in some of the most mind blowing sex he could ever imagine. On his hands and knees, begging for Sam to hurry, to fuck him hard, and it had blown away every perspective of innocense he'd once had clear out of the water. He'd shaken and, horridly, cried..though Sam had been right there, to hug and reassure him, and it had Damn fun, and felt good as fuck.


"You're really..." Amazing, beautiful, wonderful, perfect. "Sexy."


Sam rubbed his cheek against Pete's as he chuckled softly.  "Damn right I am."  He slipped his fingers through Pete's.  "Gotta tell you somethin' too... nobody around here knows my first name, but... I'd tell you so you can get a kick out of it."  He paused.  "Name's... Richard.  Most people call me Dick."


"Yeah?" But he didn’t laugh, looking up as his brows crunched. "How come you go by Sam?" Quietly as he slipped his fingertips through all that hair, pulling Sam close to kiss him gently on the chin… the cheek... his ear.


"Would you want to go through life as a dick?"

"Man, no." And this time he did laugh, eyes dancing at him. "Even though you are. Man, my dads name is Dogwood. I called him that once… couldn’t sit for a week, either. So I get the bad names shit."


Sam laughed at Pete did.  "Yeah, well, that's why Richard Samuel here decided to go by Sam instead of Dick."  He rubbed Pete's ass protectively.  "I'd have it so you couldn't sit for a week either, but... for entirely diff'rent reasons, trust me."


He laughed again, sweet and bright, and winked at him as he pressed his backside into the wide palms. "Enjoy every minute of it, too. So your middle names Samuel? See, yours is pretty good. Didn’t get stuck with a dud."


"Richard Samuel Menkins... yeah, not a bad name to live with, I gotta admit.  Fits me pretty good, anyways."  He squeezed Pete's firm ass tightly.  "Peter Ross don't sound too bad neither.”


"Peter Isaac Ross, 'scuse me." He squirmed his hips, which caused things in front of him to squirm, and hadn’t they just had sex? Pete let his fingers dance down to the top of warm thighs, cupping each palm where thigh met ass and tugged him in just a little. "My oldest brother got stuck with Dogwood, too. Man, ain’t no fixin' that. Not Doggy, not Woody, not nothin'. You're just screwed."


"Peter Isaac... like the sound of that.  Though dawg, I'd hate for Dogwood to be my name."  He rubbed back against Pete, feeling stirring in both their cocks as he moved forward with Pete's tug.  "Long as you don't do it in front of anybody else, you c'n call me Dick if you want."


"Yeah? Better'n Sam?" He suddenly let go and rolled onto his other side, tugging and moving until he was spooned, his back to Sam's chest. He tugged the arms around him and used his height difference to snuggle in, the blankets rustling over them as they got cocooned. "I think I'd like that."


And just because he gave a teasing squirm of his backside meant nothing.


"I'd like it too, Pete... just think... I'd be your Dick."  He thrust forward against the squirmy backside pressed against his cock as his arms pulled Pete back against him.  One hand slid over his hip as he trailed his fingers along Pete's soft cock.  "Just yours."


"Mmmm. I like that. Don’t want you seein' any more of those bimbos." And his voice was careless even if the words weren’t, making light of them as he met the thrust and trapped Sam's cock with his thighs, rubbing against it. "Just mine, man. Ain’t gonna share."


Sam's mouth pressed to the side of Pete's neck.  "Okay," he said easily.  "No more bimbos."  He rocked, feeling his cock sliding between Pete's thighs.  "Not gonna have to share me."  Mouth pressed to the back of Pete's shoulder.  "But you are gonna have to spend New Year's Even wit' me.  I got a couple mags of champagne that's just waitin' to be popped."


"If my ma finds out I got toasted, it's your fault." He arched and moved with him, taking up an easy, slow pace that was making his blood stir with excitement and interest, softly cupping a warm hip as the blankets rustled with their movements. "I'll be there with bells on, as long as you get the vids with babes and bells." Wicked chuckle and he stroked one of his palms up to his own chest, stroking them lightly across his hardening nipples. "Mmmm."


"Vids I got.  Porn channels I can order.  Bells... are a kink I didn't know you had."  He nipped on the shoulder as he rocked his hips, thrusting his cock between Pete's tight thighs.  He brought his free hand up to lick his fingertips, and the wet fingers attached to one of Pete's hard nipples, tugging lightly as he rolled them.


A heavy groan got caught in his throat and rumbled through his chest instead, shuddering into the fingers and his spent cock began to harden and fill. Sam’s fingers were always a sin, and he grunted with the pleasure of them as he reached down to adjust himself so his balls wouldn’t get caught between his thighs. Clever, stroking the tiny nub over and over... and they were his utter weak spot. "If you got 'um on."


"I'll wear bells.  On a collar, on my wrists, on my ankles."  Sam felt the tightening of Pete's nipple in his fingers, the tensing of his thighs as Pete's cock started to grow.  "I'll even bell my dick if that'll make you hot."


He laughed...the sound husky and deep, and shuddered with each stroke as he pushed and set the back of his head on Sam's shoulder. "'d like you with a c-collar." Pete gave another soft whimper, streaking his fingers up to caress Sam's as they both touched him. "Without bells, thank you very much."


"Oooh, kinky."  He licked behind Pete's ear.  "Don't have a collar... got somethin' that we can use though.  Got a leather belt in the dresser... gotta punch a hole in it."  He put his hand on Pete's ass and squeezed.  "Wanna get it, baby?"


He shook his head, pulling his top leg up to move back and twist around Sam’s thighs, pushing him in. "No." A groan, arching, thrusting, and muttered, "Hard yet?"


"Oh yeah... hard as a rock."  He kept rubbing his cock against Pete's thigh, hands still rolling over his nipples.  "Want me to get it, then... let you put the collar on me with your own hands?"


"No." He choked it, squirmed against him and looked over his shoulder. "Later. Fuck now." And he pressed his backside back against him, arching his still stretched hole against the hard cock pressing into him... when the phone rang. Loudly and shrill behind them and Pete jumped a mile, whirling...before gasping and slapping a hand to his face.


Sam cursed.  Loudly and severely as the head of his cock slipped just inside his lover and then out as Pete jumped.  "This had better be good," he snarled into the phone, jerking it almost out of the wall.


"Hellooo? Oh, Sam! Hello, sweetie, it's Pete's mother."


Dammit. There went his erection. It sagged as he just barely heard his mom's voice through the phone, sighing heavily and throwing an arm over his eyes.


"Hello, Mrs. Ross.  Pete's right here, hang on."  He muffled the phone against his shoulder, and then kissed Pete's exposed mouth silently.  "It's mommy."


He bit at Sam’s lip, and hard, then picked up the phone. "Hey, ma."


"Dinner’s in fifteen minutes."


"But, ma, I already ate."


"Well tough. I only ask for twenty minutes in this house, nothing else, and I WILL have my twenty minutes, do you understand me Peter?"


"Yes, ma. I'll be right over."


"You can stay the rest of the night. Just come home and eat."


"Yes ma. Be right there." He hung up and sat up, sighing heavily as he looked down at his lover. "Give me an hour. I'll be back. I can’t fucking even walk right now, but I'll be back."


" 'kay."  He nibbled Pete's chin in return for the bite to his lip.  "Want me to help you walk?  I can suck that down for you and have it gone in a couple of minutes."  His tongue snaked out and lapped evilly at a nipple before gazing innocently back up at Pete, chin resting in the middle of Pete's chest.


"You're going to hell for that. You know I gotta rush to get their in fifteen. And oh, fuck! My clothes're in the wash! Still got those jeans over here from last time?" He squirmed out of the sheets and stood, muscles flexing in his ass as he walked over to the closet and opened it, going through it for the extra clothes he kept there. "Dude, where the hell are they?" He leaned over...a little further then he had to purposely, and shot a wicked grin over his shoulder before searching again.


"Third dresser drawer," Sam said helpfully.  "Though the t-shirt still shows the come stains quite nicely.  Help yourself to one of mine."


He laughed out loud, tugging out the dark blue jeans and snaking into them in a single tug, buttoning them low around his hips and pulled a red t-shirt out a minute later. He slid it over his head, brought it down over his washboard abs, and sighed as he rubbed his cheek. "C'mon, come lock the door for me." Under his breath, muttering, "Can’t even fuckin' eat with these snakes in my belly."


"Nope... lock the door yourself."  Sam dragged himself out of bed, and wrapped his naked body around Pete's as he reached into the top dresser drawer.  Pulling out a black box, he opened it, dug through it briefly, and then brought out a key on a key ring from a Gotham car dealership.  "Here you go."


His breath caught as the erection pressed to his clothes ass, the snakes doing the meringue in his tummy, but peered at the key as he accepted it. "What’s this?"


"House key."


Shock. And pure, sweet pleasure. "Yeah?"


"Yeah.  Been meanin' to make sure you had it, but... yeah.  Your key to my place." 


"Thank you, Sam." Said very softly, glancing over his shoulder at him...and leaned in to press a tender kiss to his cheek.


Sam flushed a little, looking down.  "You're welcome.  Now get outta here, 'fore your mama kills both of us."  Hard swallow.  "I'll order more pizza while you're gone."


"Naw, man, I'll pick up some ice cream on my way back. 'nd whipped cream." His voice was a little...too innocent, and he kissed Sam again, soundly on the mouth, before walking around him and out to the front door. "Be back in a bit."


And he was gone.


Sam dropped back down on the bed, scrubbing his face with his hands.  Couldn't believe he'd given Pete the key, but glad he had, and his head hit the pillow.  Too tired to even jack off, Sam took the phone off the hook and slept.




47 minutes. It took him damn 47 minutes, but he'd ate, helped clean up, talked to his older brother, stolen some of those ribbed condoms that felt so good from his other brothers stashed baseball card box, and stopped at 7-11 as he'd promised. Two cartons of Ben and Jerry’s Rocky Road and a can of whipped cream later and he was using his new key, opening up Sam’s door with a little smile. The house was quiet...TV shut off, pizza still sitting on the coffee table, and he kicked off his shoes by the door.


He padded silently into the kitchen...stowing the ice cream in the freezer and the whipped cream in the fridge, before stepping out into the living room again...and tugged off Sam's shirt. He let it drop on the couch...slipping out of his jeans as well, as the belly that hadn’t been able to accept food growled in a different kind of hunger. Silence like this from his boisterous friend meant he was asleep, and wicked intent was dark in his eyes. He nabbed the lube they'd used earlier, still sitting on the floor, and slicked his fingers as he walked down the hall...and peeked into the bedroom.


Sam was out cold.  Head on the pillow, arms and legs thrown askew, cock still hard and twitching occasionally as he slept.  Didn't hear the door open, didn't hear the noise downstairs, nothing.  Slept like a fuckin' log, and he snored once before turning his head towards the wall and falling silent again.


Pete walked in quietly...feet silent. Got up onto the bed, the mattress nearly silent under the dip of his weight, and he crawled up, looking down at Sam with pure, hard, aching want in his heart that was overshadowed by a much stronger emotion. He tugged the blankets down quietly so he wouldn’t wake and slowly swept his fingers over the hard, warm cock bared for his touch. Just slightly, just enough. He was intent on waking sleeping beauty... only he wasn’t about to stop with a kiss.


Pete angled his hips and slowly slid down the hard shaft, taking his lover in when he was still lost in dreams.


Sam didn't wake when fingers swept over his cock, but he sure as hell did when he felt someone sliding down on his cock.  His eyes snapped open and his reflexes almost threw whomever it was off before he realized.  "Pete!!"  He stopped his body in mid-twist, and his hands went immediately to Pete's hips.  "What the--Jesus fucking Christ!"  Slick heat around his cock and he couldn't think, just thrust.


He didn’t say a word, flushing under his skin as he took him in to the hilt and thrust down, starting them both on a wild, fast rhythm. His hips shook, and all the muscles in his body tensed and locked as he thrust as hard as he could, growling darkly as his hands went to his cock, jacking himself off. Took him while he was still half asleep, and Pete met Sam's eyes with wicked ones of his own as he saw the wild, animal glint in those big soft eyes.


Sam's thought processes were still trying to wake the fuck up and make the connection that PETE was RIDING his DICK and somehow, the connection wouldn't fucking MAKE!  Sam's back arched as his hips thrust forward, burying himself in Pete and holding his hips tightly.  "Fuck... best dream...ever had!"


He corkscrewed his internal muscles around the hard cock he was pushing in and out of himself at his whim, squishing his eyes shut and stroking his fist over his dick, laughing with the joy of it. Quick, effortless, gorgeous, and Pete fucked himself harder, rising and falling with what felt like every beat of his heart.


Sam's hands slid up from Pete's hips and found his nipples, twisting and pinching them, raking his nails over them as he tugged them hard.  Pushing up, always thrusting up, rocking while Pete rode him and Jesus fucking Christ.  "Pete... gonna kill me, baby."


His laugh sounded foreign to his ears… husky and aroused and enjoying this so very MUCH as he pushed harder, orgasm dancing in his eyes. He let go of his dick and set his palms flat on Sam’s chest, pushing faster, harder, not even remembering that he'd not put a condom on his lover as he fucked himself hard… harder… and came.


He jerked back, bowed his back and let out a shallow, shocked cry, pleasure lighting his belly up as he shot. Looked down at the last moment...watched it splash on Sam's chest a moment before his eyes rolled and his muscled gripped inside hard, groans echoing from his lips.


"Fuck!"  Sam twisted as he felt Pete's come splash on his chest, swore again as he felt Pete's muscles gripping his cock, and sat up straight, Pete in his lap as he came, dragging his lover's sweet mouth down to his in a hard kiss as his cock pulsed out, eyes widening almost instantly as he realized there was no rubber holding the come in as it shot deep into Pete's body.  "Pete... baby.... hello," he muttered into the kiss, holding him and rolling out his orgasm.


He gasped...arching again as his own dick pulsed. Hot something had just shot inside of him and it was strange but oh, good god, it was good and he moaned harshly, wrapping his arms tight around Sam’s shoulders and kissing back just as hot, just as needily, tongue tangling with his lovers as his legs linked around Sam’s and held on. "H....hello." A whisper, moaning again and shuddering with a harsh aftershock. The warmth was still in his belly, still hot inside of him, and he grunted with pleasure, squirming on Sam’s cock as he sighed in pleasure.


Sam's tongue pushed deep into Pete's mouth, hands gripping his hips tightly and rolling into the squirming, fingers kneading his skin.  "I missed you too."  He felt the legs linked around his waist and fell to the side, toppling them both into a pile together on the sheets.  "Fuckin' Jesus, Pete.  Hell of a way to wake me up."  His mouth moved over his chest, licking the trails of sweat that eased their way down and then back up to his mouth. 


A giggle that couldn’t be helped as they plopped onto sheets warmed with sleep, curling up in them as he curled up in Sam’s limbs, eyes dancing as thick shoulders rose innocently. "Thought you might like it." He tasted the sweat and himself in that mouth and he smiled, nestling in close and sighing softly. "Got ice cream."


Sam wrapped himself around Pete, locking him in place so that he couldn't escape.  "Rocky Road?" he asked hopefully, mouthing the line of Pete's jaw.


"Like I'd get any other kind." He rubbed his ass close to Sam’s cock, murmuring, "That felt so, so good. Like hot fire inside...its still in my belly, right here." He took Sam’s hand in his own and rubbed them both against his lower belly. "Don’t wanna use a condom 'nymore."


A shudder went through Sam's body as he rubbed Pete's stomach.  He hadn't expected that.  "You sure, baby?"  His hands kept rubbing there long after Pete's hands had left there.  "I know I'm... okay, I know you are, but still... you're sure?" 


"'Course. Why'd we use um in the first place?" Quiet question as he let his eyes close, snuggling in close to Sam and sighing softly at the gentle fingers on his stomach.


"Because it's safer that way."  Sam shrugged.  "Little less... personal.  I mean, if you use a condom... you don't have part of another person inside you."  Bruce had always used condoms.  "I just... wanted to protect you."


"From what? You ain’t got nothin', and even if you did, that felt too good to not be shared." He shrugged absently, a little smile on his face as he curled in close. "Felt different when you came?"


"From me," Sam said quietly, so Pete nearly couldn't hear.  "And yeah, baby... it felt very different.  Like... I know it sounds stupid... like you wanted me."  He squeezed Pete tightly to him.  "Know you already do.  But still.  Felt damn good."


"Course I want you, ass." He smirked at him, smirk turning into a shining smile an instant later that had his eyes twinkling. "Good. Cause we're gonna do that again and again...and again. Not now though, cause I cant get it up, you cant get it up, and 007 and ice cream is waiting for us." He beamed up at him but didn’t get out of the snuggle. They never really could, on nights like this.


Sam groaned.  "Remind me again why I never brought that fucking TV into the bedroom?"  He refused to let Pete go.  "Man... Rocky Road, James Bond, and naked Pete.  Musta done something right in another life, but I can't think of what it mighta been."


He chuckled and squirmed, getting up and offering his arms. "C’mon, already! We can get blankets and all and make a nest. Cause I dunno about you, but watching Bond and his girls AND eating rocky road ice cream off your belly is sounding better by the minute." He cackled and climbed to his feet on the plush carpet, beaming at him with come still on his belly... and dripping from his very nicely used little hole. "Lemme clean up uh little. Kay? You get shit set up."


Sam took the offered arms and pulled himself up.  "Got it.  When you come outta the bathroom, bring a wet towel with you, cause that ice cream's gonna get sticky as fuck."  He turned around and rubbed his ass against Pete's groin, sliding his lover's dick between his cheeks and squeezing as he dragged the thick comforter and green blanket off the bed to go with the cushions on the couch. 


"HolymotherofGod." Harsh grunt and he shuddered, then pinched that teasing ass hard. "Bastard! That’s not right. I’m tryin' to not come for a while! Give Little Pete a breather, man." But he was giggling again as he leaned in and kissed the back of a sweaty neck, and disappeared.


"Breathers suck!" Sam yelled into the bathroom, and then gathered the blankets into his arm and threw the comforter over his shoulder as he dragged them down the hall and into the living room.  Dropping them on the floor, he pulled all the big comfy cushions off the couch, and piled them all on the floor, building a nice little nest in the middle of the living room.  Next he piled in the blankets, including a fleecy one from the back of the love seat, and then padded out to the kitchen.  He grabbed a tray and piled the ice cream on it, along with the whipped cream, six cans of beer, a two-liter bottle of coke, two tall glasses, a bowl of lime squares, the saltshaker, a bottle of tequila from under the counter, the rest of the leftover pizza, and a bag of pretzels.  That should be enough to carry them through the movie.  Settling into the warm pile of pillows and blankets, Sam bit down on a lime before sucking back a shot of tequila and waiting for his lover.





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