
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 41: Felicia

And in the Metropolis hotel where she and Jonathan had stayed the night...Martha awoke gasping. "Jonathan. Jonathan!"


Jonathan bolted up, hands reaching out and seeking his wife's. "Martha?  Honey, what is it?"  He slipped his arms around her waist.  "Bad dreams?"


"No! Jonathan, we're idiots! Look at the date! The date! Clark!" She let the cry erupt loudly, climbing out of the bed naked as she began to search for her dress.


Jonathan scrubbed at his eyes.  “Christ, you’re right!  He’s about to molt!”  He rolled out of his side, unable to stop himself from sliding an appreciative glance over his wife’s beautiful figure as he sorted through the pile of clothes on the floor.  “Here you go, honey, here’s the dress.”  He tossed it to her as he dragged on his shirt and started buttoning it up.  “Better call Lex, and let him know what’s happening.”


She looked over with a glance of her own...sturdy, hard back, long thighs, narrow waist. And she got up on the bed, walked over it, and wrapped her arms around his neck, ducking her face into the back of his shoulder and hugging him, hard. "I love you, Jonathan."


Jonathan turned around and slipped his arms around her waist.  "I love you, Martha Clark Kent."  He buried his face in her neck and breathed deeply.  "Won't ever make you doubt that again."


"You better not." But Martha was smiling as she hopped down, tugging into her dress and zipping it in back. She snagged her purse, her wrap, and her jewelry, hurrying to the door and to her shoes. "I'll go get the truck started dear, get our things and hurry!"


"You got it, honey."  Jonathan Finished struggling into his shirt and his pants, buttoning them up quickly as he did a sweep of the room.  All they'd really had were their clothes and the few things he'd had in his coat pockets, and his wallet was still tucked in his hip pocket.  He snagged the mints from the dresser, slipped them into his pocket, and ran a comb through his hair as he caught a look at himself in the mirror.  He looked--and felt--nearly ten years younger.


And she looked, and felt, like she was 19 again, with the world ahead of her and her head full of dreams. She couldn’t stop smiling, getting the valet to get the truck, and when he pulled up she slipped in with a saucy wink at him that had him blushing. Yep. Martha Kent still had it.


But the feeling quickly passed, and she put the heater on full blast, terror spiking in her heart for her son and his lover. Lex didn’t know about the molting, and he was surely going insane trying to figure out why Clark had suddenly developed multiple personalities. Dammit. Where was Jonathan?


Jonathan was hurrying down the stairways, and hopped the last landing as he headed into the lobby.  A quick stop at the desk to settle his bill in cash, a signed receipt, and he was running through the revolving doors of the hotel front.  "Breakfast?" he asked, sliding into the cab beside his wife and offering her one of the wrapped chocolate mints.


"Gourmet!" She popped one in her mouth and gunned the gas, tearing out of the hotel parking lot like the feisty little woman she was.


"Soon as we get home and get changed, then we're gonna have to find Lex and our son.  Get Lex in the know about what's going on with Clark."  He left his hand resting on Martha's thigh, squeezing gently.  "Don't worry.  Lex is a smart boy.  He'll figure out something's not right."


"I just hope its before Clark hurts him." Her eyes flashes, and her eyes traced a nearly invisible scar along her husbands covered collar before back up to the road, stopping at a red light as the Metropolis sky line winked at them in early morning light.


"I hope so too, honey... I hope so too."  Jonathan squeezed her hand tightly as it touched the scar on his throat.  "But we just gotta believe that Clark's not gonna hurt Lex.  He... he loves Lex too much."


"He loved you to death, sweetie, and he still hurt you. Granted he was eleven, but Clarks a big boy, Jonathan, and Lex isn’t. I tried calling the mansion at the pay phone in the lobby, but nothing." She swallowed hard. "We cant let him hurt Lex, sweetie, we cant."


Jonathan thudded his head against the seat.  "That's not a good sign.  Usually somebody answers at the mansion even if it's just that creepy-ass Enrique.  With all of the family there... someone should be answering the phones.  Next phone we come to, pull over and we'll check our answering machine."


Martha nodded once, speeding out of the city as fast as her little lead foot would do it....which, actually, was pretty fast, and hit the interstate going 80. "I'll stop at Abigail's before we hit Richardson, sweetie. We can call and get some gas."


"I don't have a good feeling about this, Martha.  We'll get coffee while we're there; I don't know about you but... I could use something warm inside."  He squeezed her hand tightly again.  "Those boys are gonna be okay."


"I don’t need anything. I’ve had something hot inside of me all night." And the eyes Martha sent him were pure feline awareness, brow raised just slightly and a curved, female smile sliding across her lips.


Jonathan grinned at that, and blushed as he leaned over and kissed her.  "You're going to be the death of me, Mrs. Kent," he teased.


"Of course I am." And she grinned, kissing back and changing lanes at the same time, cause really, what was there that she couldn’t do?


Jonathan slipped his fingers through hers.  "Martha... I just... I want you to know that I know this doesn't mean everything's dandy.  But... we're on the right track.  I know there's still a lotta work I gotta do."


Martha squeezed his hand right back, glancing at him a little before back to the road. "All I know is that my husband was back last night. And I’m willing to work on it if you are, sweetheart."


"You know I am, Martha... I'm not in this for just the fun of it; I want everything back.  And I'll do whatever it takes to help us get there again."  He kissed her hand, and then held it tightly. 






"Lex! Lex, I’m here, sweetie," Chloe took his hand as the curtains were drawn and the doctors began their thing. "Hey, hunny, don’t cry. I’m here! See?"


Lex squeezed her hand tightly.  “Not that, Chloe… it’s Clark.”  He looked up at her.  “I need him.  Here, with me, so he knows everything’s all right.”


"I..I know, Lex, its okay, the cops are looking for him, okay? Don’t worry, he's going to be fine, you're going to be fine, and we're gonna go home and watch more.... movies, okay? Just let the doctors help you, hun."


Lex struggled to sit up again at that.  "Cops?  Why... why are the... motherless fucking ASS!" he swore, pulling himself upright on the bed.  Knife-like pains shot through his head and made his vision swim as he struggled to sit upright.  "Why the fuck are the cops looking for Clark?"


"Okay, see? You should be doing things that don’t involve sitting up!" And Chloe would admit later to herself that she shrilled that, but she grabbed at his shoulder, trying to tug him back down. "Because Clark did this to you, and they sent Sheriff Goodall out to go find him. Don’t worry, Lex, they wont hurt him, just find him, and you REALLY need to lay down right now, Mr."


"Chloe, if you shriek like that again, I will personally suture your mouth shut."  He refused to be pushed back down, and tried to slide off the stretcher.  'I've got to find him.  I've got to find Clark before anyone else does."  He clapped a hand on the side of his head.  "He... he didn't do this."


"Yes, because you, Lex Luthor, tumble and fall onto the marble hard enough to crack your head open voluntarily, right? Lay DOWN NOW dammit! Or I'll get the orderlies and they'll strap you down!" She bellowed, terror and fear for him lit in her eyes. "Now! Clark is going to be fine, he's not the one getting blood all over the place!"


"That's right," he said stubbornly, cradling his head at her shriek.  "Chloe, do you not think I'm serious about suturing your mouth?"  It wasn't until she mentioned the blood that he felt it oozing down the back of his neck and drying in the air.  Thank God he didn't have hair, or it would have been hell's own holy mess.  "Let me go, Chloe.  I'm going to get to Clark, with or without your help."


"You are a stubborn, mule butt head!" She squealed.





Ironically, the same thing Dominic was yelling at Lionel. "Idiotic, stubborn brat! Mule of a man! Lay back this instant, or we shant be going anywhere!"


"So help me I will ream you but good if you don’t act like a civilized human being. We will get to your son in due time, but we will not be flying down hallway like this is some god forsaken Indie500!"


"We will, however, proceed at a pace faster than that of a snail, if you don't mind."  Lionel's hands were moving the wheels of his chair as fast as he could turn them, not thinking about how tired it was making his shoulders feel.


He watched his lover go, rolling his eyes and slapping himself in the forehead. Christ. What had he DONE? He turned to Toni, wrapped his arms around her, and hugged her as tight as he could as Lionel sped down the hall. "Thank you for everything darling, I’m sorry we had to leave, and I must go catch up with him, I love you and thank you!" And off he went, rushing after Lionel with the overnight bag over his shoulder.


Toni wrapped her arms around Dominic and squeezed.  "Take care of that man!" then laughed as he hurried down the hallway.  "God, good luck.  You're both gonna need it."  She shook her head, glad that her week in Metropolis was almost over, because she was ready to get back to Smallville Medical.


Lionel paused at the closed door, waiting for Dominic to catch up to him.  "Hurry, Dominic.  I can hear the chopper waiting for us."  The black turtleneck was slightly chafing over the stitches, but he didn't say a word, instead tucking the blanket around his legs in the wheelchair.


"Yes, beloved, I know." He took the handles of the wheel chair and moved him to the elevators...turning and rolling in backwards. He closed it before anyone else could get in, leaning over and pressing his thumb against the number 25. "Toni said that they’ve got the equipment in Smallville...for your eyesight. The burr holes you told me about, they'd be easy as a pinch there. So, that’s a worry less. Are you warm love? Do you need another sweater? I’ve one if so."


"I'm not worried, Dominic.  Whatever happens shall simply... happen.  As much as I'd like, I am not Joshua and I cannot wrestle the fates."  He sighed.  "I am warm enough, thank you.  And thank you again for making this happen."


"I cannot believe you. Hurt as you are, and you make me run about this hospital like a devil is on my tail, for Lex, who has as hard a head as anyone. You should be absolutely ashamed, Lionel Luthor." He said it with dignity, throwing his shoulders back. "Regardless, you're welcome."


"Nothing in this world kept me from being by your side, Dominic.  I will do no less for my son."


"Stubborn, pig headed mules, the lot of you." Dominic growled softly, leaning back against the side of the elevator as they chimed the floors. He crossed his arms around his chest, which was still adorned with the same green sweater, and glared.


"Perhaps I am, but I am your mule."  Sunglasses were sitting in his lap and he found them by touch as he slipped them onto his face.  "Will you stop raving and ranting if I offer you a compromise?"


"No." Mopey glare at his lover he knew the man didn’t say, but he was sulking and he knew it. So he straightened, sighed, and tipped his head as he walked around him and got back behind the wheel chair. "Compromise me. I’m all ears."


"As soon as I see Lex, and ascertain that he is well, then I will allow you to admit me to the Smallville Medical Center until such time as they see fit to discharge me."


Oh. Oh. He brightened immediately, glancing down at the top of his head as their floor pinged and the doors opened. "Yes? You promise me?"


"Yes, Jiminy.  I mean it.  I promise you, you can re-admit me to your heart's content."


"Stubborn ass." He pushed them out of the elevator, slowly down a second hall, passing up Mr. Larkin as he spotted Felicia waiting for them and the EMT's at the end of the hall. "Its brisk outside, Mr. Luthor, are you sure you're warm enough?" And he said it in that flat, nearly accentless tone, pushing him along.


Lionel picked up the change in his tone almost immediately, and cleared his throat softly.  "No, Dominic, I'm fine.  Thank you."  Voice purely professional, as though he were merely walking out for a stroll."


"Indeed. Ah, thank you, Felicia. The paper work is all set to go, then?" Dominic said it without preamble, pushing Lionel out of the door the EMT was holding open and quickly pushing outside, staying in the little glass hallway that was between the building and the elements until everyone was ready to go out into the cold.


"You're all ready to go, sweetie."  Felicia squeezed his arm in sympathy as she handed him the folder of discharge papers.  "There you go.  Can't nobody argue with this."  Felicia slid her hand down and picked up Lionel's hand, shaking it.  "It was a pleasure to have you in our facility, Mr. Luthor."


Lionel shook her hand back.  "Thank you, young lady.  Forgive me if I don't return the compliment, but my stay was as pleasant as the circumstances allowed."


He swallowed...met Felicia's eyes, and the touch was more needed then he could ever tell her in words. A light smile, because people in other offices were watching, so he just squeezed her hand tightly in his before accepting the papers. "Thank you, Felicia."


"You're welcome, Dominic.  You need anything else, you give me a call.  I got strings at Smallville Medical I can pull for you."


"Thank you, sweetheart." He kissed each of her cheeks, squeezed her arms, and with the EMT in tow, pushed out into the bitter cold. It had begun to snow again, little flurries everywhere, and it was so cold he was shuddering in less then two minutes. "Hold on, Mr. Luthor, we're almost to the helicopter!"


"Very well, Dominic."  Lionel slipped his hands under the blanket and let his body heat warm them.  Knowing that his lover was behind him, shivering with cold and unable to acknowledge that... Lionel made the decision in that cold, windblown second that the world was going to know about Dominic.  He remained quiet until they were settled in the helicopter together, and Lionel regarded his lover through the gray haze.  He could see nothing, really, except the vague outline of Dominic's body, but it was only the work of seconds for his memory to supply the details.  "Dominic... when we have a bit of time alone, there's something I would like to speak with you about."


He nodded quickly, signaling to the pilot and the EMT sitting in the front cabin, and closed their own off so the warm air would circulate and get their blood flowing again. He plopped beside his lover, tucking the blanket around his legs and arms, and set another one on his lap, to keep his legs warm. Once he was absolutely positive that Lionel was safe and tucked and belted in, he did the same for his, pulling it around his shoulder and snapping it at his hip. He took Lionel’s hand in his, tightly, for just a moment, and let out a little laugh. "Its damn cold outside. Good Jesus. And alright, love, whenever you need to talk, I’m h...oh." He grew silent for a few moments as the helicopter left the ground, shutting his eyes for a moment....then calming, sighing softly and keeping his lover warm.


Lionel's hand clasped Dominic's tightly in both of his own and he slipped it under the blanket, warming it.  "I'm tired of this, Dominic.  I'm tired of having to keep what we share under wraps.  I'm tired of having to separate our life from our work.  And I want it to stop."


Dominic glanced up, smiling a little bit as he pulled Lionel close, so their temples pressed together. He looked down at the lump their twined hands made, and shook his head. "You know like I do we cant do that. Its just a silly dream, Lionel. If people found out.."


"If people found out, they could say what they wanted behind my back," Lionel said firmly.  "I don't believe anyone in this world would be brass enough to say anything about it to my face."  He squeezed Dominic's hand.  "I want to marry you, Dominic.  As soon as I can arrange it."


"God, baby." Softly, swallowing and stroking his thumb across the back of his lovers hand. "Please, stop. Don’t say anymore."


"I'm sorry.  I thought it was something that you might want as well."  Lionel snapped his mouth shut and said nothing as he listened to the whir of the helicopter blades.


", its not that." He whispered it softly, his fingers stroking over and over the hand in his as he trembled. "I’m about ready to have a breakdown, and you cant tell me you want to marry me just yet because its very possible I’m going to cry and wail and fall over in a heap and I don’t want to do it with an audience as nice as the pilot and the paramedic who are taking us to Smallville."


Lionel squeezed the hand holding his.  "All right.  I will wait."  His voice was slightly husky.  "But not for long, Dominic; I mean what I say."


Dominic nodded a little and held his lover close, there against his cheek, and when he should have let go...he didn’t. Just soothed and touched, because he'd heard the tightness in that slim column of throat, and he just touched his hand, and his leg, and his arm, keeping his lovers shoulders close to his own and their temples touching. "I adore you, even if you are a pig headed mule."


"And I adore you, even if you are a mother hen."  He rubbed his temple against Dominic's, sighing softly.  He couldn't stand the thought of not being able to share how he felt with Dominic outside of their home.


He giggled...couldn’t help a giggle, and his eyes shone out of his face as he held on to a man who...who might never see him again. "Of course I’m a mama hen. Its the Senatori genes, after all." But Dominic knew something was wrong, deep in his gut and he rubbed his thumb along his lovers. "What’s wrong baby?"


"Aside from the fact that I can't see you?" Lionel asked softly.  "Aside from the fact that I likely will never see you again?  I won't know what you look like with gray hair or no hair at all, I won't know how much you smile at me when we stand up together and swear our lives to each other."  A heavy sigh.  "Aside from little things like that, love... I'm fine."


"Don’t do that." Softly, whispering, and his fingers clenched around his lovers. "Don’t do that baby. Please. You’re going to be fine. You're going to see, we're going to have babies, so just shut the bloody hell up."


Lionel obediently snapped his mouth shut, instead running his fingers over the stubble of his beard and sighing.


Dominic gently played with his fingertips...the fingernails, rubbing the pad of his thumb over each of his lovers digits. Slow, easy, adoring caresses as the chopper flew through the falling snow, and he pressed his lips to the back Lionel’s neck gently.  Because, in reality, he couldn’t quite deal with what his lover had been talking about. Lionel, blind, for the rest of his life, and seeing his lover here in the helicopter… out of the room and moving about in the real world, it made everything so much more... more real. And Dominic could feel, slowly, as the breakdown started to make his chin quiver and his eyes fill. He cleared his throat roughly and looked away...then again, sniffling and holding his head up so the tears would run back down his throat. No crying, goddammit, you fucking Senatori.


Lionel's hand moved quietly over Dominic's arm and up his shoulder as he turned in the seat.  "Don't, Dominic."  He slid his hand to the back of his lover's head and pulled him down to rest his face against Lionel's shoulder.  "I'm here."


"No, baby, its okay." He tried to struggle away but his heart wasn’t into it, and Lionel’s fingers on his neck were bliss. "Its alright, love. It's just a little cold, is all." He rubbed his eyes into his lovers shoulder...much as certain tiny blond Senatoris were wont to do when coupled with their bestest friend. "I’m so glad we're going home."


"I'm glad we're going home too, my Jiminy."  He left his hand on the back of Dominic's head, holding him tightly to his shoulder.  "And yes, it will be okay.  You've given me your word that it shall be, and I've never yet known you to go back on it."


“I’m usually right." Dominic whispered, pressing his face in close and curling in near him… not to take his warmth, but to give it, and hold him close to him.


"I...I forgot to tell you, because the last few days have been insane. But...I moved the office, Lionel. From Metropolis. The office is in the spare bedroom beside ours...which I converted into our work space. Theirs room for Carolyn, as well, until we can get the new building built. I had your desk and computer brought in as well." He swallowed a little and glanced up. "I hope that’s alright, beloved."


"Yes... you are usually right.  That's why you're my conscience, and my Jiminy.  I have to have you around to keep me honest."  His ears picked up the comment to the pilot, but he said nothing as he continued to nuzzle against his lover.  "Of course that's all right; I should have done it myself when you were injured, but I never took the time to do it.  I'm glad that you did."  He swallowed hard.  "Do you not believe what you're telling me, Dominic?  Do you not believe that I'll see again?  Because if you don't believe it, then there's no reason for me to."


"No." His voice was hard, steely, and full of strength. "I believe you will. In my heart, I know God wont take your eyes from you right as we've decided to have a baby. You've suffered so much, and He works in ways we don’t comprehended....but taking your eyes is something even He wouldn’t do. So...yes. I believe you will see again, in my heart and in my mind. You will see our baby born, Lionel."


"Then there's nothing for you to be upset about.  I am fine, I am alive--even though I am beardless--and my eyesight will return in time."  He turned so that his lips could press against Dominic's cheek.  "I will believe as long as you do."


"You don’t understand, what it was to see you there, Lionel. Bl-bleeding, and your face was all bruised and their were so many tubes, and t-that machine, it was breathing for you and I couldn’t do anything but sit there and watch you and hold you and feel how cold you were and their was nothing, positively nothing I could do about it." His voice hitched with trembles, as the horror of it finally dawned on him, and vised his chest. "I almost lost you, and you would have died thinking I hated you."


"I love you, so dearly and so deeply, and it was the worst nightmare Id ever envisioned for you. Ever. Never, in my life, had I seen you look so weak and helpless and sick, Lionel. It scared me so badly; and Lex; Lex was horrified. So scared for you. Your son stuck through the worst of it with me, Lionel. I’m so proud of him."


"I never thought you hated me, Dominic.  I did wonder what you still felt for me, but I never believed that you hated me.  I knew you wouldn't forgive me if I'd died; if I didn't believe that somehow, we would find a way back to each other, then I wouldn't have believed that."  He rolled around, as much as he could in the small area the helicopter gave him to work in, and he finally ended up facing Dominic.  "I'm glad he was there for you.  You needed someone there to lean on."


"Are you angry with me, baby?" Said so softly it was almost unheard.


"No, Dominic.  I am not angry with you."  He held out his hand, and brought his beloved down to sit beside him so that he could quietly embrace him.  "I'm worried about my son, and I'm worried about you, but no, I am not angry with you."


"I don’t want you to be. I’m so sorry, for everything." And he swallowed, bringing his arms around him and tugging him in close. "I’m not angry with you. I could never be angry with you. I love you so."


Lionel embraced his lover tightly, refusing to let go or let him pull away.  "I'm very happy that you're not angry with me, Jiminy.  I was quite afraid you would be."  His fingers slipped over the back of his lover's neck.  "You won't ever be without me again, Dominic.  I give you my word.  I'll not storm out like that again, I'll not leave you behind."


"Yes you will." Softly, but their was a smile in his voice, and he snuggled Lionel close... switching their roles for once, and instead of him curling to his love... he brought Lionel to his chest and held him close. "Sweetheart, you'll scream and kick and leave in huffs, and next time, I swear I wont over react. Just as I know you wont when I act like a buggering idiot."


"I won't take any drives, then," he compromised.  "You didn't over react.  It was a terrible situation, and you didn't act like an idiot, either.  You reacted just as you should have.  This is not your fault, no matter how you look at it.  It just simply isn't."


"I know, baby." Softly, a light air of teasing taking into his voice. "And I suppose its your fault, because you swerved into the black ice on purpose, eh?"


"I love you, Lionel. Your son is going to be fine...we're almost to Smallville, and we'll beat the blizzard by a few hours. We'll be home soon, baby. Does that sound good?"


"There now, you see?  It's nobody's fault.  It was merely an accident, hence they're called car accidents."  He rested his head on Dominic's shoulder. 


"Home," Lionel said softly.  "Home has never sounded so good before."


Sudden blink. Another...and everything suddenly took on a fine, sharp edge in Dominic's mind as his mind screamed and his blood rushed. The seats were suddenly crystal clear, and he could make out every single perfect thread with accuracy. He turned... felt Lionel’s fingers on his shoulder, solid and warm and real, and suddenly every dream he'd ever dreamt...was true. Every thing he'd known he felt.... he suddenly did.


And he turned, and took Lionel’s hand in his own, pressing his mouth to the soft, tough skin of the warm palm. "I don’t have a ring, Lionel. And I don’t want this to be too dramatic. But I want you to be my life’s mate." Softly, kissing each fingertips with lips that murmured. "I want you to be next to me until the day I die. Nothing you could ever give me would give me more pleasure then sliding a ring on my finger and taking me as your own. Marry me, my lovely one, on the beach in Venice where my parents were wed. Marry me, and make me the happiest man alive. Marry me, and we'll tell the world what we mean to one another. Marry me, and we'll bring a child from our flesh and blood and love into our life. Marry me, and I promise you tears and heart ache; joy and the sweetest pleasure you've ever known. Marry me, and let me touch your heart. Marry me, and make the world ours. Love me, my darling, and I will love you until eternity ends. I promise you nothing but myself, and I expect nothing but you. Marry me, beloved, and let me marry you."


Lionel was quiet for a moment as he slid his hands over Dominic's face, memorizing where he was sitting, where he was positioned, and then he looked down as he pulled his sunglasses off, and raised still sightless eyes.  But he knew where to look, and he met Dominic's eyes with his own.  "Yes, Dominic.  I will marry you."  A smile turned up the corners of his mouth.  "I'll give you everything that you've asked for; myself... take everything that you offer me; you."  He leaned forward, mouth pressing on the corner of Dominic's as he found his mouth by touch, and then kissed his acceptance.  "Of course I want you, my beloved."


They kissed...the sweet, first kiss of what there new life would be, and no matter what, and how, or with who... they were going to be okay. Dominic felt, as his lover touched his lips with his own and accepted him into his heart, like a great weight had suddenly been shoved off his chest, and his heart hadn’t felt so light since he was a boy. He laughed, in the purest of pleasure, and wrapped his arms tight around Lionel’s back, taking care with the stitches but hugging him as fiercely as he could, burying their cheeks together and his nose in Lionel’s hair. "Christ, I love you."


Lionel smiled widely as he felt Dominic's arms wrap around him, the laughter lighting his heart.  He blinked, and then blinked again, choking softly as his hands tightened on Dominic's shoulders.  "There's--green.  You're wearing green.  Ratty green sweater."


Dominic nearly snapped his neck throwing his eyes up, and his voice was trembling as he gazed at his lover. "Yes. Yes, baby. Yes! I’m wearing green. Oh God. Oh, dear god." And here came the tears, finally. Hot and heavy and they streamed down his cheeks as he laughed, grasping his lovers hands and jumping up and down. "Yes! What else? What else baby?"


Lionel slipped his sunglasses back on against the bright, overcast sunlight.  "I'm wearing... black.  Silver threading in the blanket."  He blinked.  "Blurry... but Colors."


"Can you see me baby?" he cupped his face, angling Lionel’s chin to him so he could see, and his fingers stroked as he trembled. "Can you see me? Even if it's all a blur?"


Lionel nodded.  "I can't--I don't see details.  But... you're there.  You're... you're beautiful.  Pale, though... you look pale."  His fingers rubbed over Dominic's cheeks.  "So pale."


He brought him in and cradled him hard, kissing his cheeks, his nose, his mouth. And finally, his eyes. Gentle presses of his lips to each, and he whispered, "I love you. I love you beyond anything in the world. Baby. My lovely one. You can see."


Lionel didn't let go.  "Yes... I can see.  I can see you."






Lex clapped a bloody hand over Chloe's mouth.  "Not... another... word.  Everything you're saying is like a little knife stabbing my exposed brain.  If you must rant, please... rant quietly."


She made muffled squeals for a half a minute, tearing his hand away and glaring. "I will rant anyway I choose because you’re going to stay here and are you and your dad that stubborn? Geez, Lex! Just lay back already!"


"I am not stubborn."  The longer he stayed sitting up, the more his head pounded.  But he wasn't going to let anyone else know that.  "And I am not staying here much longer.  You don't understand, Chloe... Clark needs me.  I need him.  Something."


"Yes. I know. In fact, I totally get it." Chloe nodded this as she squeezed Lex's hand, as if willing him to get his head out of his ass. "But you cant go anywhere when you're bleeding about the head, Lex. Listen to reason, please."


"I am listening to reason, Chloe.  My own.  This is... fuck... nothing.  They'll put a bandage on it and I'm leaving."  His hands moved to grip the side of the stretcher.  "As soon as the world stops spinning."


"Of course. DOCTOR!" She shrieked, stepping away in case he decided to have an automatic slapping response to the bellow.


Lex did in fact try to reach out and shut her up, but only succeeded in nearly falling off the bed and onto his knees.  "Mother's ASS!"


"Look at what you DID." She glared and set her fists on her hips for a moment before helping him back up, and growling. "Look, Lex. You’re my friend, and my... well, whatever it is that we do. And I don’t want you to hurt because I plan on having your lips on my hips again sometime before we're 30. So please, could you stop endangering your life and act like the civilized, cultured guy you are for a HALF A MINUTE, until the doctor gets here?"


Lex let himself lean on Chloe as she helped him back up.  He loathed being weak, but knew she didn't think of it that way.  "I know, Chloe.  I will give the doctor five minutes, and if he doesn't show up, he's not going to have a patient to treat."


"So help me, I'll stick you in the hospital myself." A glare, but she gently set him up, wincing as she touched his head a little. "Yuck, Lex. Christ. You need a cushion of hair implanted back here so these things don’t happen to you."


"Absolutely not."  Lex slid a hand over his head, grimacing as he smeared the blood.  "I've come to use this as a weapon."


"Oh, yes, Lex, because the multiple scars and contusions on it, plus that funny dent you now have behind your neck, is very weaponly."


And that earned Chloe a glare.  "Remind me to leave you behind next time."  Lex cradled the back of his head with his hand.  "Christ."


"You will---" She got cut off...or rather, cut herself off, because the hunkiest damn man she'd ever laid eyes on pulled back the curtain. "Oh. Hellooo."


The man, a Dr. Tierney, smiled at the two of them as he switched the chart in his hands from one hand to another. "Mr...." A glance at it, as his voice rumbled like honey. "Lex Luthor? What seems to be the problem here today?"


Lex would have rolled his eyes had he been able to.  "Remember Whitney?  Tall blond football player you've been dating for a month?" he asked under his breath.  "What does it look like, Doctor?  If I have to make your diagnosis for you, then perhaps I've wasted my time after all."


"I’m in love with Whitney, Lex." She was still smiling. "Doesn’t mean I cant appreciate things."


"Ahh. Ma'am?"


"Mm hmm?"


"Your name?"


"Chloe. Sullivan."


"Ah, Ms Sullivan. Is he always this moody?" The doctor said easily, snapping on a pair of gloves and walking around Lex, peering at the back of his head at the sopping cotton, sighing softly.


"What moody? He's being nice right now." She huffed, crossing her arms and glaring.


"She's right.  This is positively the bright spot of my day."  Lex crossed his arms over his chest.  "Can we please get through this as quickly as possible?  I do have other things to attend to."  He glared at Chloe.  "Please, find it in your beautiful little heart not to distract the doctor."


Chloe's smile was bright as the sun, thoroughly satisfied she'd irritated him to the best of her ability. "Thanks. I'll be waiting for you in the waiting room." And she flounced off.


The doctor chuckled very quietly, murmuring to the nurse who'd accompanied him for a suture kit, and got out the alcohol and things he'd need to clean the wound. "How long were you unconscious, Mr. Luthor?"


"Oh, could I be so lucky."  Again, under his breath.  "I don't know, Doctor... half an hour, maybe less.  How long before I can leave?"


"Chloe!"  Whitney was pacing in the waiting room, and as soon as he saw his girlfriend emerge from the cubicles, he changed his direction and paced towards her.  "Everyone else is waiting out in the waiting room to hear, but how is he?  Did he wake up?"


"Well, we've got to stitch this up and get a few films before we can do anything. A few hours, or so. Have to make sure theirs no internal bleeding... though it looks like you shouldn’t have any left in there. Nurse? Get me some more swabs, please."


"No, everything’s okay." She swallowed hard, and laced her arms around him. "He's awake, bitching and moaning, and a hottie doctor's taking care of him. Everything’s okay, baby." She kissed each of his cheeks. "Are you okay? How's Dominic’s family?"


"A few hours?  I'm sorry, Doctor, but that's simply not acceptable.  I need to be out of here within the hour, and believe me when I tell you, I am not afraid to walk out in the middle of your procedures."


"Hey, now, do I need to be jealous of this hot doctor?" he teased, hugging her close.  "I'm glad he's okay.  Yeah, I'm okay.  They're all pacing around out there, waiting to hear.  You'd think that Lex was part of the family."


Well... dammit, he was.  Or so Shayla sniffed to herself as she sat in one of the overstuffed chairs, arms wrapped around herself.  AJ maybe thought she was a pain in his ass, but... she still liked him.  She tightened her arms around her midsection as she rocked herself in the seat.


Ahhh, he was so used to over reactive patients that the good doctor didn’t even mind. He just peeled the gooey cotton off and without warning, cleaned the cut with a swab of alcohol and water, eyebrow raised as he began to methodically wipe away the blood crusted there.


"He is part of the a weird, really sweet way." She smiled a little and cuddled to the warmth of her boyfriends side, chuckling up at him. "Oh, you've got heaps to be worried about, for sure. Really. Because I’m going to give my studly blond cuddle bear up for anyone." And she smiled, poking him in the side for a moment...until, well, Chloe's good mood went out the window. Pinky. Sitting in a seat, like she was the damned Queen of England.


Lex hissed as the alcohol hit the raw wound on the back of his head, and barely restrained himself from slapping the doctor's hand away.  "Your bedside manner is simply amazing, Doctor... do you have many return clients?"


Whitney snuggled Chloe close, grinning.  "Oh yeah, that's me."  He caught the drop in her mood, and turned her away from the window.  "C'mon.  Just let it go.  She's a royal pain in the ass, but she's worried about Lex.  Let it go... we're gonna have to walk in there and the last thing Lex needs is for the two of you to start ripping each other's throats out, okay?"


"I’m an ER doctor. I’m quite positive I'll be seeing you again." He said with a great deal of charm, wiping away the blood so he could get a good look at the gash. "Looks like you clipped it with something. About...ten or so stitches will do it. It'll take me about twenty minutes."


"It'd be fun throat ripping." Chloe muttered with a great deal of relish.


"Then do it and hurry up about it."  Lex shook his head, closing his eyes against the wave of dizziness.  "I'm sure you will be too.  Look in my wallet, and you'll find that I've got a frequent patient card, with a special for head injuries."  He sighed.  "Get me a telephone."


"Yes, it would be.  And as much as it turns me on that you're defending my honor... no.  No throat-ripping."


"I don’t have one at the moment." But his voice softened because he'd heard the waver in the kids tone, and he pulled to alcohol away. "It'd be best if you laid on your stomach for this."


Chloe glanced up with a crooked little grin, eyes shining. "Turns you on?"


"Do you realize what a battle it was to get up here in the first place?  I am not moving."


Whitney gave her a cock-eyed grin.  "Oh yeah.  Wouldn't it turn you on if there were two guys ready to do battle for your honor?"  He kissed her forehead, and then her mouth.  "Well... I'm kind of imagining you and Shayla going at it in a mud wrestling pit... so yeah.  Turned on."


"Come on; nurse? Please help me get him down. Its the only way I can do these stitches... they’re needed along this knob you have back here, and its at an angle."


She choked--nearly exploded into giggles, and socked him in the arm instead, before wrapping her arms around his waist and rolling her eyes. "Mud pit? Come on, Whit. You can do better then that. Like...say....Lex's office?" And her eyes shined as she referenced the somewhat HUGE amount of fun they'd had yesterday evening, eyes dancing.


"Fine," Lex said shortly, realizing that arguing would only prolong his stay and keep him away from Clark.  With help from the nurse, Lex leaned down on his side, and let the shifting of his weight roll him onto his stomach.  Eyes closed, of course, because the world was definitely spinning behind his eyelids.  "Please, Doctor.  Proceed."


"Ow!!"  Whitney rubbed his arm playfully as he rubbed her cheek.  "Oh.  Okay.  Wow.  Yeah.  Lex's office.  You know, I'm starting to have some really fond memories of the sofa in that office."


Ewww. It was...oh, damn. "I’m going to give you a local anesthetic to numb the area, alright? We'll get this all taken care of."


She chuckled sweetly and sat down on a small bench next to the payphones, pulling a leg up under her and nodding. "It was definitely... interesting. And, you know, with the sex and the HOLY GOD." She nodded.


"I don't care what you do as long as it doesn't interfere with me walking out of here when you're done," Lex responded shortly.  He rested his chin on his hands, tilting his head down.


Whitney sat next to her, and scooted close.  "Yeah... and it was kind of... nice, waking up with you like that.  A little odd, I admit, but... cool in a kind of "only in my wettest wet dreams" kinda way."


So he injected him… half expecting sour apples to spew out of the small needle hole, and instead began to methodically clean and suture the cut closed. It only took him but fifteen minutes instead of the twenty he'd promised, and thirteen stitches in total. Neat little row of them, and he nodded at the nurse as he gently swabbed and bandaged the area. "Keep it clean... don’t let the stitches get wet, alright?"


"What, you mean the part where Clark was sucking on my breasts and Lex had his fingers in my ass and his mouth on my clit?" She whispered, watching him closely for his reaction.


"Thank you, Doctor.  Can I go now?"  Lex closed his eyes and pulled himself back up, cursing under his breath.  "Actually, no.  I need clothes before I go anywhere, because as much as I appreciate the hospitality of the paper gown... no.  Bring me a telephone so I can have clothes and a car brought for me."


Whitney shuddered.  "His fingers were in your ass?"  A long, hard throb in his cock.  "Jesus.  Chloe... I... he... his fingers there?  God, yes."


"Why don’t you just ask some of the people who came with you?" He blinked, and motioned out past the hallway where Ms Bird, the Senatori's, Chloe and Whitney were sitting.


She felt him shudder, and gave an answering one of her own. "You like that?"


Lex made a slow, agonizing turn to see where the doctor was indicating, and saw the sea of Senatori faces.  "Because, Doctor, all those kind and wonderful people will insist that I remain here, and that's simply something I'm unwilling to do.  A telephone, if you please, or barring that, I'd like to use the pay phones."


"God yes."  He rubbed her hand between his.  "Like it a lot... like that you like it too."


The doctor gave a quiet laugh, shaking his head a tad. "We don’t have phones for the patients to use other then the desk phone. Come on...can you stand? I'll give you a minute if you need it."


Chloe caught her lip between her teeth, grinning quite sweetly as her eyes twinkled. "I'll remember that."


"Of course I can stand."  Lex dropped his feet to the floor, and slowly slid to his feet, holding on to the side of the stretcher until he could move without his head swimming.  "Lead the way."


"Beautiful little tease," Whitney growled, biting her earlobe and tugging it between his teeth before he stood up in front of her and held out his hand.  "C'mon, time to beard the lions."


He held onto the boys slim shoulder until his feet were under him and slowly led him to the nurses station, smiling at one of the ladies and motioning. "He'd like to use the phone, Magareet."


"Well c'mon, child, what’re ya waitin'fa?" Magareet smiled at him and lifted the receiver... dialed nine, then offered it Lex.


She swallowed a giggle as she tried to be more poised and dramatically sexual, taking his hand and standing very gracefully. "Beard what? What are we bearding? And why does that sound like the title of a porn film?"


"Beard the lions.  And it sounds like to you because you're a very sick and twisted minded little girl, and I love every nook and cranny."


Lex bristled at being called "child" and all but wrestled the phone away from the woman.  "Dial 555-0164, please," he gritted out politely.  He listened to the series of dialing beeps in his ear, and then as soon as Lindy picked up, he started talking.  "Enrique could you possibly bring... fuck, I don't know, whatever car has an automatic transmission up here to the hospital for me?  And a change of clothes, if possible?"


"Certainly, sir."  Enrique nodded.  "I shall be there in twenty minutes."


"Thank you," Lex said, handing the phone back to the nurse.  "Now all I have to do is wait.  And find someone willing to drive me home."


The EMT, Richard, was smiling gently from the front seat, and he glanced at the pilot with a wink. "Told you."


"Well! What does bearding the lions mean?" Chloe blinked a little bit at him, looping her hand through his arm.


"Well, alright nah." The nurse hung up, gave him a mmph, and rolled her eyes as she went back to her work.


"Here we are, Mr. Luthor." Hunky Doctor brought back a set of paperwork. "We only need your signature here on the first page… everything else has already been taken care of."


"It means we gotta go in there and smile and pretend like we like Little Ms. PinkBitch and tell everyone how Lex is doing."  Whitney nuzzled her.  "And then you get to make your escape in a few minutes to see that Lex is okay and I get to stay out and entertain them."


Lex blinked his eyes several times, forcing them to clear.  They still watered slightly, but Lex took the pen he was given and scrawled his signature across the line indicated.  "Thank you, Doctor."


"Aren’t you sly." Chloe muttered, reaching in to kiss his cheek. "I’m for i--Lex!" She pointed, where Lex was behind a desk with a large woman writing something, and nodded. "Hey, he's... he's okay!"


"Thank you so much." He smiled and offered a slip of paper. "Your prescriptions. The pain killers I was talking about, and the anti inflammatory. The pharmacist will give you the details of how to take them. If you feel any burning or odd swelling, come back and we'll get you taken care of."


Whitney looked.  "He looks... wow.  Like he's about to drop off his feet."  He pulled Chloe behind him.  "Come on.  Let's go see."


Lex nodded absently, stuffing the prescriptions into the pocket of the hospital gown.  "Of

course, Doctor, I am well aware of how to take care of myself."


"Yes he is, Doctor." Chloe nodded sternly at the man, and let her eyes cast over Lex. Ohhhh boy. "Lex? Sweetie, you look like you're about to pass out."


"Looks are apparently deceiving," Lex said calmly.  "I'm quite all right, just waiting for Enrique to bring my clothes and my car."


Light snort. "Yeah. Deceiving my peachy ass. Lex, why didn’t you just let me and Whitney drive you home? We could have skipped over the screaming Senatoris."


"Because I don't need anyone to drive me home, Chloe.  I'm capable of driving myself.  Secondly, I need clothes; I don't intend to walk out of here looking like this."  He indicated the paper gown he was wearing. 


She noticed it for the first time, and almost choked on the laugh. Almost. Except she was WAY more tactful then that, and merely pressed her lips together, arms crossing sweetly across her chest. "Nice knees."


But Whitney wasn't.  He snickered, looked Lex up and down, walked around him, and ended up on Chloe's other side.  Then leaned in to whisper, loud enough for Lex to hear him.  "At least it's set up for easy access."


She couldn’t help it. she slapped her hand over her mouth and laughed out loud...trying to choke it down and just. Not. Succeeding. "Lex, babe, your assets are flying in the wind."


Whitney bit down on the laugh.  It didn't work.  He tried to strangle it, and ended up snorting loudly through his nose.  Finally he gave in, and he was laughing his ass off at Chloe's comment, whooping until tears poured down his cheeks.  Hysteria had built up to this suddenly anti-climactic moment where Lex's bare ass was hanging out of his hospital gown and he was shifting uneasily on the cold tiles and it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen.


"Yes.  Well.  I'm glad someone is getting some joy out of this situation."


She couldn’t help it. Seeing her lover crack up only cracked HER up, and she had to hold on to him as she wailed. He looked so innocent and lost and cold, and she almost died at what images that brought up. It was almost five minutes before she could calm enough to take Whitney’s jacket from over her arm and set it over Lex's shoulders...and she just exploded all over again. "Oh, G-god!"


Lex was tempted to walk away from the pair, but he knew that if he did, he'd barely get three or four steps before they'd pounce on him again.  Instead, he waited with his arms crossed and glaring as Chloe draped Whitney's jacket over his shoulders.  It was welcome warmth, but... it was a letterman's jacket, and he looked up at Whitney.  "Does this mean we're going steady, Whitney?  Because believe me, I am very high maintenance."


She was going to end up having to get oxygen. She laughed for another few minutes before squealing and fanning her face with her hand, her free elbow sitting on Whitney’s shoulder as she cooled down. "If it means we're going steady, I damn well want one too."


Whitney blushed bright red, looking from lover to lover.  "All right, all right.  Enough teasing the dumb jock."


"Who's teasing?" Lex asked blandly.  "Now if you don't mind, I think I'd like to go back to my room, such as it is, until Enrique arrives with my clothes and my keys."


"Lex?" She bit her lip...looked up at him with fluttering lashes, and offered her arm for him to hold onto to walk...and she could check out his butt again, flashing a devious grin at Whitney and taking his other arm, looping hers through theirs as they walked. "What did you guys think about yesterday?"


Lex gave a longsuffering sigh.  "You realize I am perfectly capable of walking back to the cubicle without your assistance."  Nevertheless, he leaned on Chloe's arm, glad of the extra support to balance himself with.  "I can't speak for the rest of you, but... I personally enjoyed it."


"Um... yeah.  What--what he said.  Definite thumbs up from me."


"Hey, I got off twice. Do I look like I’m complaining?" Her eyes positively shined. "When're we gonna do it again?"


Lex snickered softly.  "Again?"


Whit's face was scarlet.  "Next week?"


"I’m free tomorrow night." Innocent blink, and her lashes fell half closed as she turned to face them and gave her best coy look. "This time, Lex should be in the middle. We've got to take care of his poor, wounded, pride ripped heart, don’t we?"


Lex shook his head gently, boosting himself up onto the bed.  "No.  Not until I talk to Clark... find out what's wrong."  A quick touch to Chloe's cheek.  "If he is uncomfortable... then I won't betray him, no matter how much I might enjoy it."


She blushed at that and smiled, then grinned at Whitney and reached for his hand, before back to Lex. "I liked when you had your fingers inside me. Inside my ass. Did so much, I want it again. I want the three of you. I want Whitney in front, and I want Clark in back... and I want to suck you off, Lex." And she was a feisty, evil little woman. "I want to watch your eyes as I suck you down...want to feel how hot it makes my boyfriend." She glanced at Whitney, all eyes and a soft smile.


"I liked feeling you squirm on my fingers, Chloe."  Lex left his hand on her shoulder.  "It was very... nice," he said with a small smile.  "I don't know why, Chloe... I just know that yes... I'd like to do it again too."  His body was definitely interested.  "But... Clark is more important to me.  I'm sorry."


"I know." She smiled too, but her eyes were sad and upset. "I wonder if Sheriff Goodall has found him yet." Chloe let the frown touch her lips, and turned in a circle. "Its been over an hour and a half. This is really strange...Whitney, lets go call to police station."


Lex caught her wrist.  "Chloe... I want you to promise me something."  His eyes bored hard into hers.  "If anyone asks you... Clark had nothing to do with this."


I know." She nodded a little before shaking it. "He'd never do this. How could he have done this?" A heavy, soft sigh, and she grasped Whitney’s hand, disappearing.




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