
The Memoirs

Smallville fanfic by Kel and Diana

Chapter 44: Foie Gras Bouillion

Wasn't I just here a day ago?  Lex shook his head as he moved through the halls of Smallville Medical Center.  Dominic, bless his anal-retentive little soul, had left Lionel's room number with Ms. Bird, who was glad to provide it to Lex.


Sighing, Lex wrapped his fingers around his ponytail and slid it down the back of his turtleneck, and then slid his sunglasses on as he walked the halls.  His hands slid into his pockets, and the fact he was bearded had become second nature to him as he rode the elevator to his father's floor.  Down at the end of the hall was Lionel's room, and he headed there straight away.


"I don’t give the bloodiest of hell if you don’t want it or not!" Nearly bellowed from an open door down the hall. "You're going to eat it, and you're going to like it, so help me God Lionel Luthor!"


"You will not speak to me in such a tone, Morgan," Lionel sneered.  "I do not know what this food is, but it does not pass for fit human consumption, much less Luthor consumption."


Lex snickered as he heard the bellowing all the way down the hall.  He picked up his pace, and then leaned against the wall, knocking on the door with his knuckles.


"I'll speak to you in any such tone I choose, Mr. Weirdy pants!" He snickered right back, and peered into the bowl. Okay, it looked like someone's puke, but it was nutritious puke, and the nurse said if he didn’t eat it she was going to have to give him another--"Another one of those two foot long ass shots. Is that what you really want, eh, lovely? I’ve never heard you bellow like that in my life." And at the knock Dominic glanced up, and got to his feet. "I’m sorry, sir, Mr. Luthor's not accepting any visitors."


"Then it's a good thing I'm family, isn't it?"


"I--" Er? He blinked...glanced at his lover...then back to the man standing at the door. "L...Lex? What in the bloodiest of all hell did you do?"


"That, Dominic, is the million dollar question.  And, not coincidentally, why I'm here to see my father."  He slipped off the sunglasses and put them in the breast pocket of his jacket.  "Dad... dearest... we need to talk."


Lionel... studied his only son.  "You... seem to have a bit of a problem."


"No, Dad, really?  I hadn't noticed."


Dominic stared for at least twenty seconds...following Lex's movements with his eyes. Long, reddish gold hair...beard...facial hair.


And threw his head back, bursting into peals of laughter.


Lex dropped into a chair beside his father's bed, propping his feet up on the rail.  "I'm so thrilled to see that I'm providing amusement to you, Dominic."  Figuring he'd better get it all over with, he reached around to the nape of his neck and pulled out the long, unbraided queue of hair, throwing it over his shoulder.  "A bit of a problem is understating things."  And what was the first thing he noticed?


He looked exactly like his father with the beard.  Fuck.


"Good Christ! Good Christ Jesus!" He spilled between choked cackles, and nearly fell out of his seat as the long hair became visible. Oh, he laughed till he cried, then wiped at the tears of mirth with his fingertips, gasping for breath and giggling. "Oh, Lex. Oh, God. Did you fall into a vat of Rogaine?" And oh, God, there went the laughter again, and he lost his composure, cracking up all over again.


"Well... and you would expect me to do what, exactly?"  He looked at Dominic.  "Do I... do I see what I believe I'm seeing, Dominic?"


"Dominic... you can pucker up and kiss my ass."  He glared at his father's lover as he looked back up at his father.  "Let's close the door and stop beating around the bush, shall we?  We both know that I shouldn't have this hair, and that it's apparent I do.  My question to you, Mr. Biochemist, is what in God's name could overcome the irradiation of my hair follicles?"


"Oh, Christ, this is the best one I’ve seen in a while." He wiped at his eyes, still snickering as he set the bowl of mush on the small table and stood up, closing his lovers door and back to sit down. "Perhaps you wished to the hair fairy? I’ve heard he's a right old chap, heart of gold and all that. Grants wishes to all the little bald boys in America. Lord, Jesus, Lex, have you got it everywhere?"


Lex had never been so tempted to drop his pants before in his life.  Instead, he settled for raising his shirt.  "Does this answer your question, jackass?"


Oh, my GOD. He cracked up all over again. He was going to have to leave the room at the rate this was going. "Oh, my god! Its a forest! Lex, haven’t you ever heard the words "trim the tree" before? Christ, that’s disgusting." Said of course, between peels of laughter he could barely speak through.


 A deadly glare leveled at Dominic.  "Ask yourself this question, Dominic... when have I ever had need of such a skill before, hmm?"  He gritted his teeth.


"Might I be correct in presuming this has something to do with your young friend, Clark?"  Lionel's fingers drummed idly on the blanket.


Lex nodded, and then reminded himself to speak.  "Yes, it does.  I just don't know how.  Or why."  His heart broke as he watched his father's nervous hands drum on the blanket, and he took one in his own.  "That's why I came to you.  Between the two of us, we'll figure out some sort of working hypothesis, at least."


He took a deep breath, calming himself as much as he could, and cleared his throat. "Alright. I’m finished. Really. I won't tease anymore." Liar, liar, pants on FIRE. "And I'll add in my commentary without joking. ...Much. Lex, what the hell? When did this happen?"


"Why do I have such a hard time believing that?"  He glared.  "Last night.  I don't know how; don't ask.  I went to sleep bald, and woke up with... this."  He flapped his free hand at his newly-acquired hair. 


Lionel made a thrumming noise in his throat, deep in contemplation.  "How much are you willing to tell me about your friend, Lex?  Because if I don't know the basic facts... then I've no way of knowing what would--or wouldn't--be out of the ordinary."


And he sobered for a moment, looking at his young friend. He looked so much like Lillian that it hurt his heart, and the uncanny resemblance between father and son was remarkable. "It seems a...chemical imbalance of some sort...I...growing hair. That’s just odd."


"Tell me about it," Lex said dryly.  Then he sighed.  "All right.  Dad's right.  Dominic... I think now's the time for you--us--to tell him about the night you and I went after Clark."


Lionel squeezed his son's hand silently.


"Ah. Oh." And he swallowed. "Yes, well." He leaned in a moment, rubbing the IV nose tube from his lovers cheek a little, and sighed as he looked into eyes who’s sight was returning. "Ah… the night I came to find Lex and Clark. Clark was infected by the red meteorites... something in his metabolism apparently doesn’t like it. It made him very.... aggressive, and angry. He... he exhibited a few enormously amazing… ah… super powers, if you will."


Lionel blinked.  "Super powers?"


Lex nodded.  "And this is where my explanation comes in.  And Dad... I'm trusting that you and Dominic will not reveal what I'm about to tell you, not even to Clark."  


"You have my word, Lex.  I will not tell a soul what you are about to say.  I won't let Clark know that you've told me."  He looked down at where Lex still held his hand, and didn't say a word.




"I won't say anything, duh." A roll of his eyes, but his face was serious.


Lex nodded.  "Good.  Whatever problems I may have with you, I know you're a man of your word."  He looked back at his father.  "Clark... is not from around here, Dad.  Where he's from, we're--he and I--aren't exactly sure... but he's not from this planet."  A deep sigh.  "He came with the meteor shower; he believes he's the cause of it."


He would have laughed again if Lex wasn’t completely serious. He...he'd never... what? Dominic had always thought that perhaps Clark was a super human of some sort… effected BY the meteor rocks. But he was the cause of them? He frowned, deeply, his mind making connections as he shifted a little in his seat and tried to think it through. "He...with them?"


Lex nodded.  "Yes.  With them.  Which is why he is affected by them... by the red one."  He looked down at Lionel.  "The Kents found him that day, Dad.  The day... they took you to the hospital here.  You saw him then, Dad."


Lionel nodded.  "I remember.  I should have known there was something suspicious when Martha and Jonathan came to me for the adoption."  He rubbed Lex's hand in his own.  "They told me he was a foreign child, brought by her father to this country for her because the adoption agencies here weren't working for them.  I--couldn't say no.  Not after all she and Jonathan had done to help me save you."  He lifted his hand to touch Lex's face, and despite Dominic's jokes, he was shocked to feel a beard.


And for the first time in a long time, he felt like he was intruding here. So he sat back and watched them, tugging his leg up underneath him a little and listening quietly. It explained so much. Why the Kents could keep a farm going between the three of them, was the biggest one in his mind.


Mental thought of Jonathan Kent, and he shoved it out of his mind. Not here. And not now.


Lex looked at his father, and then over at Dominic.  "You have my life in your hands, both of you," he said quietly.  "Don't... don't use it to hurt me.  Clark is the most important thing in this world to me."


"I won't, Lex.  You have my word on that."  He looked over at Dominic.  "What else don't I know about that night?"


"Ah... that’s about it. Other then Lex and his need to put fear in the hearts of every bovine in the county, that’s it." He nodded, then glanced to Lex and did the same thing. "I promise you I won't say a word."


"The cow needed to get the fuck out of my way."


"And you're back to the cows again, beloved," Lionel said quietly.  "Do you truly have some sort of bovine fixation?"  His mind was whirring.  "Why do you believe that your new hair growth is related to Clark?"


"Because he's... going through a few changes.  I'm almost positive that somehow, the changes have affected me too."  He leaned forward.  "Dad... I need your help in my lab.  More than your eyes, I need your brain.  You don't know how it galls me to admit this, but you know more about biochemistry than I've had a chance to learn.  Clark and I agree that he is the cause of my hair growth, and we both believe it's because of this... bitter taste that was in his mouth the other night.  I kissed him several times, and despite the changes he was going through, it wasn't until this bitterness appeared that I started growing hair."


It got his mind to working. He hadn’t worked at Lionel’s side, solving problems for fifteen years, for nothing. His brain started firing, looking for connections, but there was simply to little information to get everything in order. "Has anything... anything like this ever happened before? The bitter taste, I mean? And did it happen only when you kissed him? Did you put your mouth anywhere else… his neck, chest; and get the same taste?"


Lex shook his head.  "No, it's never happened before.  This is the first time since we've been together that he's gone through this particular change."  He had to stop and think about the answer to the other half of Dominic's question.  "Yes.  It was all over his skin.  Shoulders, neck, throat."


"And...I’m quite sorry if I’m being intrusive."


"No, it's all right.  I just...had to remember.  It's a bit hard to remember, what with a head injury and all."


"Your doctor said you were quite the patient." He smiled a little, alluding to the doctor from before that he'd spoken to. "And remind me later to take you over my knee, for making your father and I worry so. Had to run all the way from Metropolis, thinking you were dying, and look at you."


"Apparently I didn't wake up for quite some time.  And the doctor is exaggerating."  He sighed.  "And, according to Enrique and Mr. Kent, there was quite a bit of blood in the bathroom from where I cracked my skull open... thirteen stitches worth."


"Oh." He grimaced. "Lovely. Are you feeling any better? I can run and get you something to eat."


"No.  I'm fine.  Please, stay."  Lionel was not ready to be alone with his son quite yet.  "Lex, are you sure you should be out?"


"I'm fine, Dad."  He looked at Dominic.  "How much longer will he be here?  We--I need his help."


"Ah, well. With his vision returning, the doctors say another day or so. You see, dear Lex," He pet Lex's hand over Lionel’s belly. "Your dear old dad refuses to eat anything that they're offering to eat here. He's already had two vitamin shots the size of my arm, and he still won't eat. Granted, its not the best, but he has to, and until he can get his very old head out of his puckered ass, he won't be going anywhere." A heavy sigh. "So you see, for the past, oh, four hours, I’ve been trying to get him to eat, like a two year old child. Will he? Of course not."


"I refuse to eat this.  It does not even qualify as food in the food chain."  Lionel turned a pleading glance onto his son.  "Lex."


"If that's the offering, I can't say as I blame you, Dad.  But you're going to have to, if you want to come home and help me."  He looked at Dominic.  "Help me persuade him I need his help."


"Aht!" He glared at his lover. "Don’t even try that pitiful "Lex" with me, excuse me very much. You’re going to eat this, you're going to love it, you're going to ingest if even if its disgusting, and you're going to get out of this goddamn bloody hospital so that I might be able to have my breakdown in peace. Are we quite clear?"


"I refuse.  Categorically and emphatically."


He set the bowl down and pinched the bridge of his nose, hard, the other hand moving to his temples to rub. "That’s it. I give up."


"Dad... you're giving Dominic a breakdown.  It's not easy putting up with you when you're well, and you're even worse when you're a patient."




"Look, Dad... I'll make you a deal.  What would you find palatable?  And Dominic?  What would you find acceptable?  I'll go out and buy the fucking food if you'll just eat it."


Lionel glared.  "I'd like an order of French fries."


"The doctor said no!" He threw his head up and met the glare head on. "Not until your kidney heals, excuse me."


"Then I'll wait until the kidney is healed."


He was going to throw himself through a plate glass window. "Lionel, for the love of Christ, please. What of some soup, from the coffee house? Or a bit of Ms. Birds cooking? I’m next to positive she'll make you something if we ask her. Just please be reasonable."


"Ms. Bird did just make a fresh batch of foie gras bouillon," Lex said thoughtfully, knowing that it was his father's favorite.  "And I believe there's quite a bit of food left over from Christmas dinner that wasn't."


"Foie gras bouillon?" Lionel asked.


"Lex, its very possible I’m going to marry you instead." He said it softly, still rubbing at his face as he sat back and sighed. He loved his lover, very deeply. But he also knew when he was being stubborn, and it warmed his heart. So he did the only thing he could do. Pinched him in the side. "Spoiled."


"Not on your life," Lex growled.  "And yes, foie gras bouillon."  He smirked.  "Would you like for me to have some sent over?"


"Perhaps, if it's not too much trouble."


"Good Christ." He stood. "If you both don’t mind, I’m going for coffee and a piss." He turned on his heel, muttering under his breath about spoiled Luthor's and how damned he was to love them, stomping out.



~ * ~ * ~ 


 Jonathan was going out of his mind trying not to worry about his son.  He'd woken up hours earlier than usual, before daybreak, and had puttered around in the kitchen for the entire hour before sun-up, and then as soon as the sun had risen, he'd been outside working.  The cows were fed, the horse paddock mucked out, the chickens fed and the eggs collected, and now... Jonathan was working on the repairs to the pig sty.  Their sow, Sunny, had almost broken through the wall a couple days ago, and Jonathan had her penned up in the back side of the wooden structure while hammering away at the front.  There were eight planks that had to be replaced, and he'd hauled all but two out, and was starting to hammer them in place.


The sun was high in the early morning sky, and very softly, Clark took a sniff. Flowers, cookies and manure. Home. He'd been watching his father for the better part of fifteen minutes...almost didn’t know what to do with himself. He was so ashamed, for having acted the way he did, even though it wasn’t his fault. Slowly...softly...with courage he didn’t know he had, he took a step forward… another. "I...hi. Dad."


"Clark!"  Jonathan dropped the hammer to the ground and turned to look at his son.  "You all right, Clark?"  He knew better than to hug first; if Clark didn't want to be touched when he was molting, then Jonathan wouldn't touch him.  "You feeling better?"


He nodded...grateful his dad didn’t touch him, because even Lex's scratches earlier had sent worms of disgust through him. So instead he clapped his father on the shoulder, smiled a little, and crouched beside him. "Sunny tried to get out again, huh. I’m telling you, dad, that sow's got a more powerful ram then Bennie."


"Yeah, she does.  I'm thinkin' next time, I might oughta go ahead and invest in the steel girders old man Travers tried to sell me.  Guess he knew the old girl better'n I do."  He picked the hammer back up from where he'd dropped it.  "Wanna lift that other end for your old man, son?"


"Sure." He sat on his knees and lifted the plank of wood easily, holding it in place as his dad set the nail. "Everything....did I hurt you guys last night, dad?"


Jonathan swallowed hard as he started nailing the plank in.  "I don't think so, son.  I think Lex got a little skinned up, but your mother took care of it and got him set right as rain."  He hammered carefully.  "It was kinda a surprise to see you and him in bed together, but I gotta admit, he surprised me.  Stripped right down to his skivvies and got in that wet sheet with you and calmed you down."


Oh. God. He blushed crimson, looking down at the gravel as his dad hammered, and swallowed the lump in his throat. "I...I thought I dreamt that." And he glanced up, through his too-long bangs. "Somehow, dad, you keep getting stuck in the wrong place in the wrong time. I’m sorry."


"No, you didn't dream it."  Jonathan pounded the nail in with a final stroke of the hammer, and then deliberately didn't look at his son.  "Not your fault, son.  I told you before... ain't easy for a man to know his son's not a little boy anymore.  You're gettin' to be a man now."


"I’m gonna be seventeen in a few weeks." He said it softly, and not without a hint of pride, before swallowing said pride and speaking humbly. "It still doesn’t mean you have to be faced with it. So... I’m sorry. We didn’t... Lex and I...."  He stuttered silent.


"I know you are, son."  He rocked back on his heels as he picked up another board, and started nailing it in place.  "Bein' faced with it... Clark, I don't mind that so much as... you could be a hundred and seventeen years old, and knowin' that... that you're... you're doin' things with Lex Luthor wouldn't be somethin' I'd want to know."  Still not looking at his son, but feeling him there beside him.  "I gotta ask you... does he make you happy?  I mean, really happy?  Because this is after the first flush has worn off, and... and if he doesn't... then you tell me.  And I'll make sure he leaves you alone."


Clarks lips curved ever so softly, and he lifted the plank too, pushing the nail in with his thumb as he watched his dad with sweet green eyes. "He makes me happy, dad. Something happened, that I wanted to tell you and mom about...I can tell her again later. Lex...we've got this weird connection mind thing going. Literally. Like...I can see his thoughts...feel what he's feeling. Its really weird." He paused, and the silence between them stretched comfortably for a moment. "I’m okay, today." He smiled, and softly touched his fathers shoulder. "Thank you. You helped, yesterday. I don’t remember being so hot. I thought I was going to burn inside."


"Wow.  Now that's somethin' special, Clark."  Jonathan turned around and looked at his son.  "You're welcome.  I gotta admit... your mother and I were worried sick about you.  We'd never known you to get that hot before, but Lex, he just took control of things, told us what to get, where to get it from, and he just jumped in."  He dusted his hands off and looked at Clark.  "He wasn't afraid of you, and that kinda surprised me.  He told me to basically screw off and let him be, cause he wasn't leaving you alone."


Clark couldn’t help a grin. It was such a Lex thing to do, and he wrinkled his nose in amusement. "He's not afraid of me, cause he knows he has me wrapped around his little finger." But he sobered, a little, and watched his dad. "I was burning inside. It was bad, dad."


"I know it was.  You were... you were more..."  Jonathan didn't want to use the word violent, but it was the only one coming to mind until-- "...forceful, than you usually are."  He squeezed Clark's shoulder.  "I told Lex to get away from you, cause I didn't know what you'd do... I'm 'shamed to say that he trusted you more'n I did."


"Why would you trust me dad?" His lips were crooked, his eyes were sad. "Lets see. My thirteenth year I gave you a black eye and broke two of your ribs. 14, I smashed the old tractor to smithereens. 15, you and mom had to put green rocks in the room cause I nearly brought the house down. Last year I gave mom a nervous breakdown. Dad, you had every single right in the world to be terrified. This year, I gave Lex thirteen stitches and a migraine."


"Because you're my son, and I love you.  That's why."  Jonathan's hand was tight on Clark's shoulder, and then he dropped it.  "It's not like you're settin' out to harm any of us, and we all know it.  Only Lex had faith in you, and I didn't.  And I'm sorry, Clark.  I shoulda.  I shoulda had faith in you, cause you're a good man, and I know I raised you right."


He shrugged absently, but smiled at his dad. Would have hugged him, if he weren’t completely yacked out by himself. "You think I’m a good man, dad?"


"'Course I do.  And if I've ever made you think I don't think so, then that's somethin' else I gotta apologize for."


" never made me think otherwise. You've never said it. I...I-I mean, I knew. But you never told me, and its kinda… its kinda nice." His smile of a thousand teeth winked, and he shrugged at his dad lightly. "Thanks, dad."


"Well, it's true.  You are a good man.  You're gettin' to be an adult in the eyes of the law, but... you're already a man in my book, son." 


"Dad...I meant to talk to you. About something."


"Then talk to me now, son.  That's what I'm here for."


" know I've got all these...these, you know, super powers?" He peered at the wood, pushing up another plank, and shoving in another nail as his pops did the other side.


"Yeah, I know.  Kinda hard not to, since we helped you through 'em."  Jonathan boosted his end of the plank and started hammering.


"Well… what if... what if, you know... I start helping. People. With them. Like, like I know I do it now... but what if... you know, when there’s hurricanes and stuff in Texas, why don’t I go...and..." He peered up without really looking...then glanced at his dads profile for a second, before concentrating on the wood again. "And help them?"


Jonathan was quiet for a very long moment as he hammered in the nails.  "Son... I can’t tell you to do something, or not to do something, and expect to have you listen to me.  You gotta do what feels right, in your heart.  But if you do decide to do this..., you gotta be careful.  You gotta make sure nobody else in the world knows who you are, because if they do... lotta people's lives will change forever.  Mine, your mother's, YOURS, Lex's... you won't have a life anymore."  All the things he'd forever been afraid of for his son were leaping to the forefront.  Being a public specimen, a public exhibit, doing tricks for the evening news.


He winced, and his heart thudded in his chest as he listened to his dad. Apprehension over asking, fear over what even asking meant, and his chest heaved for a few moments, swallowing hard around a dry throat.. "Yeah… I know. It hurts me, sometimes, dad. Cause...cause, people are hurting, and I can help them, you know?”  "B...but I understand, dad." And his voice was very soft, and quiet. "Its...I understand why you'd be freaked out."


Jonathan sighed deeply, and looked back at his son.  "Clark... I'm not... I'm not exactly freaked out about it.  I'm just... I'm worried about the effect it'll have on your life.  You won't be able to have a private life at all, and especially not with Lex."  He rocked back on his heels.  "Trust me, son... I've lived in this town most of my life, and it's gonna be hard enough for you being with Lex without this on your shoulders too."


"I hate what people think sometimes, dad." And he shoved the next plank a little forcefully atop the one they'd just nailed in, shoving a nail through the wood...all the way through. A wince, and he shifted a little, sitting on one foot and bringing the other knee to his chest. "It just sucks sometimes. I know it'll be all effected, but dad, all those people are dying everyday and... and I’m sitting here, using my powers to light candles and dig Lex's Porsche out of the mud, which, by the way, I wasn’t driving, so don’t freak out." A little eye shift cause yeah, he was guilty, and he glanced up before back to the wood.


"I know you hate it, son.  So do I.  But it's why your mother and I have tried to protect who you are from the rest of the world for so long.  We even kept it from you, long as we could, cause we really didn't know if you were ready for it.  Well--at least I didn't.  Your mother wanted to tell you, but I was against it, and she let me have my way."  He put his hand on Clark's shoulder and straightened up, back aching.  "C'mon, let's go sit on the porch a minute, my back's killin' me."  He led the way, still talking.  "Son... at the end of the day, these gifts are yours.  Not mine, not Lex's, but yours.  And it's gotta be your decision what to do with 'em."


He climbed to his feet too...wiping his palms on his jeans, and tugging the jean coat around him a little more. "I know. I know it, dad. But kinda… in a way they’re yours, too. Your lives could get ruined cause of me, you know?"


"Yeah, I know."  Jonathan groaned quietly as he dropped himself into the rocking chair.  "And there's a lot more people than us that could get in trouble.  Lionel could, for the shady deal with your adoption.  Your mother and I could face fraud charges, Pete and Chloe and your other friends would know you've been lyin' to them for all the years you've known 'em."  He leaned forward.  "But none of that don't mean a hell of cow manure if you're not happy."


He frowned a little, boots crunching on the ground as he and his father passed the white picket fence, and started down the little walkway where flowers were buried under cheery snow blankets until next spring. When his father dropped into the chair Clark took his place at the little stool in front of his dad, where he'd always sat, even as a young boy. "I... I don’t think I’m ready. Yet. Maybe...when I go to college, and stuff, but… not now. I don’t want to bring a mess to Smallville, dad. And not just that. I want to help... but I’m not ready, you know? Not yet."


"Son... when you're ready, I'll be behind you."  He leaned forward, clasping his hands between his knees and looking Clark in the eye.  "And I'm proud of you, for not jumpin' into somethin' you know you're not ready for."


"But, that’s kinda...kinda not what I meant. What do you think about me helping people... in general?"  He smiled a little...then, damn, had to grin, and shifted a little, shrugged a shoulder. "Thanks, Dad."


"In general covers a lotta territory, Clark.  But, in general... I gotta say I'm proud of that, too.  I'm proud of you for bein' a big enough man, and havin' a big enough heart, to wanna use your gifts to benefit other people."


"W...well, yeah. I mean. Thanks, Dad. But... but... I mean, I’m here for a reason. I didn’t come to earth for nothin', Dad. I can't be here for nothing. I think I’m meant to use my powers for good… to help people, save them from themselves. And you know, I’m not talking the Batman stuff, you know? Cape, suit, dork. But...maybe, when I can, I can disguise who I am a little, and go... go save people."


"Don't go dismissin' Batman that easy, son... he might be a little off in the head, but he's got the right idea.  Don't nobody know who he is, and son... that just might be your savin' grace."  He pondered.  "If we could fix you somethin' up that nobody would recognize you in, then you wouldn't have a problem... so long as you can keep a secret."  He grinned the last part.


He grinned back, wrinkling his nose. "Dad, man. He wears tights. That’s not cool."


"So there's some bugs to be worked out."


He grinned again and tugged up an ankle over his knee, shaking his head. "Dad, I can get the rest of the chores taken care of... why don’t you take mom out?" And his eyes softened, just a little. "Lex told me some of what’s been going on, and the rest I...I can see it in your face. Dad… I’m sorry I haven’t been around much, and its gonna stop. I miss you and mom, and... and I didn’t see you were having problems."


Jonathan swallowed hard.  "It's not your fault, Clark.  Don't go blamin' yourself for something stupid that I did.  We're workin' it out.  You're gettin' to be a man, son.  And much as I don't like it... that means you're not gonna be around here as much."  He squeezed Clark's shoulder again.  "You're gettin' to have your own life.  And that's the way it goes."


"I still want to help, Dad." He nodded. "Put up fences, do chores for you. You and Mom can't handle it by yourself...I can help. I will help." He nodded, and looked up into his fathers eyes. "Are you and mom...are you guys gonna split up?"


"You can help us, son, but it can't be your life anymore.  We've got some money put away for this day, and I finally went ahead and done somethin' I shoulda done a long time ago.  So don't you worry about that."  He sat  back in the rocking chair.  "I don't know that I can give you a solid answer to that, Clark.  All I can tell you is, we've both decided that we want to work it out.  We just gotta wait and see what happens and how the road goes."


"Y...yeah, dad, I get that. But I don’t want you and mom to split up. It'd be weird, Dad. You guys gotta stay together and work it out...or, or try to, and stuff." He swallowed a little, shifted. "Are you guys gonna hire people or somethin', dad?"


"We are gonna stay together and try to work it out, Clark.  But there's a lot of things I gotta make up to Martha for.  And it's not gonna happen overnight.  We're not gonna leave you out of the decision, and you're the first thing we thought about when we talked."  He paused, a moment of awkward silence.  "I give you my word, Clark, we're workin' on it."


Clark opened his mouth to say more... but blinked and furrowed his brows a little as a squad car parked behind the truck. Sheriff Goodall stepped out, and Clark immediately straightened a little, swallowing as he watched the man walk towards them.


"Ethan!"  Jonathan stood up, moving to stand in front of his son.  "What can I do for you?"


"lo, there, Jonathan." Ethan stepped up the walk, then towards the porch. "Hello, Clark."


"Hi, Mr. Goodall."


"Ah, well." He shifted a little, met his longtime friend in the eye. "Got a warrant for Clarks arrest here, Jonathan. Seems he hurt the Luthor boy a bit yesterday mornin'... we've been looking for him all night." To Clark, "Where ya been, son?"


"Uh... Around." A swallow, but he climbed to his feet as his knees shook in fear. Jail? Him? JAIL?!


"Don't worry, Clark."  Jonathan looked at Ethan.  "You know that Clark's never done anything to hurt anybody, Ethan.  You know that.  And especially not Lex, not since they're... involved."  He turned around.  "Clark, go in the house, and call Lex."


He sighed. "I know it, Jonathan. But the medics say they had a bunch of blood on their hands and no one with a clear story. Just wanna set everything straight."


Clark nodded and turned from the two men, dashing into the house. Mad run through the house that always seemed to feel sunny and warm, and he grabbed the cordless as he skin on the wood floor in his wet boots.


Demon dialed from memory. "C'mon, Lex, c'mon.."


"Ethan, you know Lex is up and movin' around, right?  Seen him yesterday myself, over at the estate.  Boy's got a hard head on his shoulders, and he wasn't hurt too bad."


Lex was in the middle of a discussion with his father, and his phone went off.  "Lex Luthor."


"Lex, what do you feel about jailhouse lovin?"


"I know it, Jon, and it breaks my heart, but I gotta take 'im in. Even if its just for questionin'. You know how Patricks is, he'll chew my ass up'n down if I don’t bring 'm in."


"Clark?  What? What are you talking about?"  His shoulders stiffened.  "Are they giving you a hard time about... what happened yesterday?"


Jonathan shook his head.  "Ethan... you know this isn't right.  Clark's not involved in this.  Chloe's a sweet girl, but God bless her soul, you know how excited she gets when things get happening."


"I’m sure we could find a way around the bars, you know. Hot loving with cold metal can't be all that bad YES they’re about to take me away in cuffs! Lex, I know I hurt you, and I-I’m so sorry but baby please don’t let them throw me in jail, please!"


"She is." He admitted it, and grinned a little, but shook his head. "Ain’t right, but I gotta follow procedure. I’m sorry, Jonathan.


"They're not going to throw you in jail, Clark.  I won't have it.  Go with the sheriff, and I'll be there before you get there.  Don't worry.  I promise you, Clark... you'll leave that station with me."  He paused.  "I don't blame you, Clark.  This isn't my doing.  Believe me, please."  He gripped the phone tightly as he started towards the door of his father's hospital room.  "I'm on my way now."


"Then I'm goin' too.  Not lettin' Clark go by himself."


"Lex?" Dominic rose his head, peered at the young...quite hairy man as he made his way out. Slowly rubbed his cheek with his palm, stifled a yawn, and spoke. "Is everything alright?"


He gulped...nodded, hung up, and turned back to the door. Slowly walked back...then peered out, and rose his head high as he stepped back onto the porch. "Okay, Mr. Goodall."


"That’s a good boy. C'mon, Jon, you can ride with me. Promise ya both this'll get taken care of right away."


Lex hung up his phone with a quiet snarl.  "No, it's not.  The sheriff is trying to arrest Clark for what happened to me yesterday.  I'm going down there now to take care of it."


Jonathan put his arm around Clark's shoulders.  "Didja get up with Lex?"


Dominic just sighed, very softly, and nodded as he threaded his fingers through his lovers. "Careful on the road, its slick."


"He... he's gonna meet us down at the sheriffs station, Dad." He nodded and brought his coat around him a little tighter, following after Ethan with a little gulp. "Do you... have to put cuffs on me, Mr. Goodall?"


"Naw, son." He shook his head and led them down the little path… opening the back door for his young friend. "Go on and get in… I'll get the heat cranked in a sec."


"I'll be fine," Lex said shortly.  "Clark needs me."  He pulled on his coat, wrapped it around himself, and donned his sunglasses as he stormed down the corridor.  His car was parked in the first row outside, in the Hospital Administrator's spot, and it only took seconds for the engine of the Ferrari to rev to life and take off.


Jonathan rubbed Clark's back.  "Come on, son.  It's okay.  We're gonna take care of you."


~ * ~ * ~


"Baby?" Softly spoken, as he rubbed the warm fingers in his. "Your son is as rash as they come."


"I'm quite aware of that, Jiminy," Lionel said just as softly.  "I do wonder where he gets it from."  A gentle squeeze to the delicate fingers in his.


Said Jiminy almost choked, but he cleared his throat, pet his lovers cheek, and continued to watch CNN.


Lionel laughed softly at the cleared throat, and closed his eyes as he listened to the television.


~ * ~ * ~


"Okay." Softly, and he crawled into the car...sitting back and strapping his seat belt on, throat working hard.


Ethan pulled the door open and he slid inside, cranking the heat immediately and sighing as the warm puff of air hit his face. "Damn, its cold. C'mon, Jon."


Jonathan slid into the front seat beside Ethan, and then turned around to look at Clark.  "Don't you worry, Clark."


"It'll be alright, Clark. You don’t have to tell me what happened, but it'd help, son. I doubt your..." he coughed a little. "Mr. Luthor will press charges, but for our files, its necessary."


Lex was screaming along the slick highway, confident in the power of his anti-lock brakes as he dialed Chloe's cell phone number.  "Goddammit, Chloe, pick up your fucking phone."


Jonathan turned around and looked at his son.  "You don't have to say anything until you get to the station, Clark."  Unspoken was the other half; and until you talk to Lex.


She was cooking. Again. The father/daughter/her boyfriend dinner had been postponed till tonight, and she was washing potato's with her dad, grinning up at him as he sang along to the oldies playing from the radio.


The phone rang, and she wiped her palms on a dishrag in her pocket, lifting the reciever. "Sullivan residence."


"Chloe, pardon me for dispensing with the niceties, but what the fuck did you tell the police that makes them think it's necessary to arrest Clark?"


And she did something she'd been meaning to for two days.


She hung up on him.


Lex dialed right back.


And she picked it up. "Sullivan residence."


"If you hang up on me again, Chloe, so help me, I will air that fucking tape on KROW," Lex threatened.  "They are arresting Clark as we fucking speak.  What did you tell them?"  He was not in the mood for bullshit.


"I’m not sure I heard correctly." A little smile at her dad, and she took the cordless into the living room. "Was that you apologizing for tossing me out on my ass when I spent three hours in the hospital with you, keeping you from bleeding all over the place and passing out?"


"Chloe... either you change your story, or Clark is going to jail."  Bottom lining it for her.


"I’d never hurt Clark, and I'll change it to whatever you guys need. But know this, Lex Luthor. You and I aren’t cool right now, and frankly, I don’t want to talk to you ever again." Oh, she was on a roll. "And don’t talk to me like I’m your bitch, because you know what, I’ve had enough of that from you, and from everyone in this damn town. And to answer your question, Mr. Luthor, I told them that I heard a thump, saw Clark running out, and found you in a pool of blood."


"Tell them that you got the order of events wrong.  Say you saw Clark leaving the room, not running out, and the thump was after he was gone.  They should be calling you shortly; the sheriff has Clark at the jail now and I'm on my way."


"Fine." And she hung up on him again, and tossed the phone on the couch.


Then sank down into it, and controlled the tears as best as she could, lifting her head up and breathing a few times...whistling it out between her lips and swallowing.


Gabe heard the quiet whistle, and the thump of the phone going down on the couch, and he sighed, tossing down the dishrag and shifting his sling as he walked into the living room.  "Want to talk about it, pumpkin?"


Lex tossed the phone to the seat beside him, and hit the gas pedal again.  He'd worry about apologizing to Chloe a lot later... like, when Clark wasn't in jail any longer.  Within a few more minutes, he'd slammed the car to a halt in front of the station, and was getting out, looking around for the patrol car.


"Nah, Dad." She smiled at him, wiping a little at her face, and grinned, kissing his cheeks. "Come on, that pot roast won't cook itself."


"That better not be your young man," he said sternly.  "I'll nail him to the wall if it is."


And they were just pulling in. Ethan spotted the sleek Ferrari which always signaled a Luthors presence, and parked in his spot. Cut the engine and opened the door for Clark. "C'mon, son."


"Thanks." He climbed from the car… rubbed his jeans with his sweaty palms, and swallowed.


And at that, Chloe had to laugh. She wrapped an arm around his waist, shaking her head as they walked back to the kitchen. "No, its not, and you wouldn’t nail him to the wall if I asked." Flutter lashes.


Lex was leaning against the hood, and shoved himself off and headed straight towards Clark.  "Clark!  Sheriff Goodall.  Jonathan."  He didn't even stop to think that his hair might throw any of the other two adults there.  "Sheriff, I think there's been some sort of confusion here."


Jonathan gaped.  Jaw on the ground.  Lex.  Hair.  Lots of hair. 


"I don't know about that, sweetie."  But Gabe smiled, and hugged her one-armed.  "Come on, those potatoes aren't going to scrub themselves."


He... just sort of...blinked. "Mr. Luthor?" Ethan blinked again, and mirrored Jonathans own expression, just...staring.


Oh. Oh. His lover was there. Oh, good. If Mr. Ethan didn’t take his hand off his arm, he was going to lose his mind. He gently shrugged away, as best he could without seeming rude, and swallowed at the lump in his throat. "Lex."


"Yes, sir, Sheriff."  He held his hand out, the other going to wrap around Clark's waist without a thought.  "I appreciate you taking such good care of me, but believe me when I say that there's been some kind of misunderstanding here."  He pulled his lover close.  "I think that somewhere down the line, you've been misinformed of what's happened.  Clark and I were discussing... dinner, I believe it was, because we had intended to go out with a couple we know, Chloe Sullivan and Whitney Fordman.  he had just showered, I was getting ready to, he left to get dressed, and after that, I'm a little fuzzy but I do remember slipping on something, and then nothing after that."


Jonathan was still staring.  Open-mouthed.  But he knew better than to interfere with Lex in PR-BS-shoveling mode.


He squirmed a little, again, without bringing attention to it. Oh, God, please don’t touch me. But he stayed close, and nodded. "Uh huh. That’s pretty much how it happened." May God not zap me down for telling a bold faced friggin lie. "It was an accident."


Ethan was too, but he was a little more discreet about it. He coughed, cleared his throat, and shifted his weight. "Alright, I gotcha. Well, come on in and sign some papers, and you'll be free ta go."


Lex let his arm fall from Clark's waist, but didn't move from his side.  He'd forgotten the no-touching-while-molting rule.  "Thank you, Sheriff.  I appreciate your help with this."  He followed Ethan into the station, and pulled Clark by the wrist behind him.  "I'm sorry to have taken up so much of your time, but I'm afraid my friends over-reacted to my small mishap."


"Understandable." He smiled a little, leading them down a small hall to his office at the end...not a corner office, but hey, it wasn’t a desk with a mug anymore, and he was damned proud of that. He led them in and shut the door behind them, nodding at Jonathan to take a seat with the boys. "Lessee..." He started going through his things.


He squirmed from the grip on his wrist too, trying not to shudder, but...oh, as soon as Ethan turned, a racking shake went through him, and he rubbed his shoulder as the itch zinged through his brain. Oh. Oh. Off. He had to get it off. Fuck.


Lex took a seat and crossed his legs at the ankle, stretching them out and lounging more than sitting in the chair.  "Sheriff... I really do appreciate all your help."  He nodded at Jonathan.  "Mr. Kent... it's always a pleasure to see you."  He ran his fingers over the unfamiliar feeling of thick beard, and swore then and there he was going to hire someone to shave the fucking thing off.


Jonathan rubbed Clark's shoulder gently through his shirt.  "Just take it easy, son.  We'll be outta here soon."  He hated to admit it, but Lex was definitely coming through for his son.


"Course, course. Clarks a good boy, I know he wouldn' ever do somethin' like that. Now, that kid Sam? Hauled him in a coupla times. You all tell Pete to stay away from him, eh? And ah, here it is." He reached over and handed Lex the paperwork. "There we are. Ima go run and get a few things copied, be back in a flash." He smiled, nodded, and left them alone in the office.


"Gruh." Dark grunt, and Clark arched his back and tried to rub it against the chair. "Crap, dad, oh, it itches like mad." He squirmed and rubbed his back against his jacket as best as he could. "Member last year? Post in the kitchen saved my sanity."


"Thank you."  Lex picked up the sheaf of papers and thumbed through it, scrawling his signature over each place that required it.  "Clark, I talked to Chloe, and while she's rather pissed at me, she's agreed to back my story up, and so will the quarterback."  He put the signed papers down on Ethan's desk.  "Turn around, Clark, let me scratch it for you."


"Lex... what the hell happened, son?"  He turned to Clark, and pushed Clark against the bookcase.  "It'd be better if you didn't touch it, Lex... Clark gets very iffy about that."


"Oh. Ohhhhhh." a sigh of the purest sweet pleasure, and he rubbed his back against the sharp edges of the shelves, sighing in a dark, soft relief. Another quick scratch and he sat back down again, sated for the time being...then blinking. He… erm..."I dented the shelves. Oh, my God." So he decided not to look, coughing, crossing his legs at the ankle, and clearing his throat. "Lex knows, dad. He touches me and I'll have to chop his hands off. Or soak them in bleach, one or the other." A little smile. "Chloe being angry is like a day or rain. It'll pass... but I’m glad she’s cool with this. And… and thank you, Lex."


"It's okay, Clark... those shelves are so old nobody'd know the difference."  Jonathan nodded.  "Just making sure Lex knows the score."  And he turned his attention back to Lex.  "You never did tell me what happened.  You've got--"


"Hair, Mr. Kent.  Yes, I know.  I don't quite know how it happened myself, but I've formulated the hypothesis that it has something to do with Clark's molting.  Personally my hunch is that he has emitted some kind of secretion that's triggered the accelerated function of my hair follicles, only I'm not sure what the substance is, or how it could accelerate follicles as badly irradiated as mine were."


Jonathan's mind boggled.  "Could you translate that in English, son?"


Oh. Clark was in such love. He stared at Lex with utter adoration, beaming at his smart, wonderful lover, then shrugged and answered his dad without looking away. "No clue." Mind cleared. "Oh, wait! The night I had the fever... I was giving off funky bitter stuff. Dunno how, but Lex… he... he ingested some. And he thinks that whatever it is gave his hair follicles a jolt of life and he's growing hair like nobody’s business."


Jonathan coughed.  "I think I might have a good idea of how he got it in his system, son.  But, I appreciate you sparin' me the details."


Lex dropped his eyes for a moment, blushing softly.


Oh. The blush just made him grin, and he rubbed Lex's fingers gently before looking at his dad. "Geez, dad. We didn’t...we were just kissing."


"Kissing where?" Jonathan muttered, and then cleared his throat.  "Like I said, son... I appreciate you sparin' me the details."


Lex cleared his throat as well.  "That's only a working hypothesis now, Mr. Kent.  I haven't had a chance to run any tests on my hair yet, or on the saliva sample I obtained from Clark this morning, but I'll let you know as soon as the results are available.  I'm assuming that you nor Mrs. Kent has ever had anything like this happen before?"


"Lex...ixnay on the saliva...ay. I was never good at pig Latin." But he grinned, then set serious eyes to his dad as he began to squirm at the itch again. Christ, he needed to get the damn skin off, and oh, his bile rose at the thought. Ew. Ew. EW. "If you're asking if I ever had them grow a third arm, or spontaneously regenerate dead cells, no."


"Ixnay on the liva-say," Lex corrected absently.  "Well, then, I'm assuming that this is something specific to you and I, if similar cases haven't occurred before."  He thrummed his fingers lightly on the desktop, thinking.


"Whoa, whoa, hold it... tests?  Saliva samples?"  Jonathan shook his head.  "Just what the hell are you talkin' about, Luthor?"


Lex raised an eyebrow.  "I'm talking about ascertaining the cause of my accelerated follicle regeneration, Mr. Kent.  And I'm talking about ascertaining whether or not I've been otherwise affected by these hypothetical secretions or any other part of this process."


"You're not gonna treat my boy like a lab rat!"


"No, sir, I'm not.  But I'm also not going to stand by and have things like this happen to me and not know the reasoning behind it."


"Dad." Clark sent strong, dark eyes to his father. "Its okay. We need to see what’s happening could get worse, and I don’t want to hurt someone else I love. Okay? Don’t worry, dad. I won't let anyone treat me any way I don’t want... but I want this."


"Clark, this is exactly the reason why I didn't want you mixed up with Lex Luthor in the first place!  I knew that as soon as he found out about you, the first thing he'd do is strap you down to a table!"


Lex rose coolly to his feet.  "I'm truly sorry you feel this way, Mr. Kent.  I had hoped that you'd realized by now exactly how I feel about your son.  I'd hoped that you'd believe that I wish no harm to come to Clark, but that's not a realization I can force on you.  I'll do my utmost to make sure that there's no friction between us for Clark's sake, but..."  He stopped, and sighed.  "For a very long time, Mr. Kent, I wanted to be accepted as part of your family.  My father told me once that it would never happen, and I didn't believe him."  He looked up at his love.  "He was both right, and wrong.  I'm part of Clark's family, Mr. Kent... but I'll never be part of yours."


Oh. It stabbed Clarks heart, right to the quick, and he swallowed hard against a sudden lump as he rose to his feet. "We're making a scene, guys." And he lowered his voice. "Lex, don’t clam up. My dad is scared for me, because he's my dad and he loves me." Then to his father. "Don’t talk to my aushna' that way. I’m not mixed up with him...that makes it sound dirty. He's my boyfriend, and I love him." And back to Lex. "And you. You are part of my family, and all of us care for you a great deal. Don’t push yourself away, because you're very good at that." Back to pops. "He's not strapping me down anywhere." Unless he wants to. "He's going to take samples, and help me figure out who I am, and why I do the things I do. Don’t freak out, Dad, he's trying to help."


"I'm not pushing myself away from you, Clark.  I'm just distancing myself from your father, who obviously doesn't trust me any farther than he can throw me, unless it's to use my influence in his favor."  He looked back up at his lover.  "I didn't mean that the way it sounded, Clark.  You know how I feel about you; that I will be with you until the day that I die, and you know that I love your mother much as I loved my own.  It just seems as though I don't have a great track record with fathers."


"You both. You’re like fucking pig headed mules, I swear to God." He growled darkly and climbed to his feet...towering over the both of them and glaring. "I’m going home. I don’t want to be around two people who I love dearly, and all they can do is snipe and gripe at one another. I’m sick of this tension, I’m sick of feeling guilty. Both of you talk this out. I’m going home to peel my skin, and don’t anyone bother me."


And with that, the younger Kent stomped from the office and left.


"Clark--"  But the young man was already gone, and Lex growled softly to himself, running his fingers through his hair.  "Fuck it to the lowest circle of hell," he swore.


"Well, I hope you're happy with yourself, Lex."


"Oh, I'm just ecstatic, Mr. Kent.  Can't you tell?  I'm just leaping with joy."


"You sent Clark outta here in a huff."


"I'd say he was thoroughly disgusted with both of us."


"You sayin' this is my fault?"


"Hmm... let me think.  Yes."


"And, here we are...." He walked back into his office...stared as he felt the tension roll off in waves. "Er...just sign here, Mr. Luthor, and you can go." He offered the last sheet, and swallowed. "Everything alright?"


"Just fine, Sheriff."  Lex pulled out his pen again, and scrawled his signature across the bottom sheet.  "Once again, I'm in your debt.  If there's anything I can do to repay you for your kindness, please, don't hesitate to get in touch with me."


Well, okay. "New Years, got a charity auction up in Metropolis. Money goes to the Children’s Hospital, if you wanna stop by." He shook his hand, smiled at Jonathan. "I'll stop by later this week, get a cup of joe with ya."


"I'd love to, Sheriff."  He pulled out his telephone, and dialed his office.  "Cecelia... yes.  It's Lex Luthor.  I need you to make a reservation for Clark and I.  There's a charity auction--you did?  Excellent.  Thank you.  Yes, reserve two seats, for myself and Clark.  Yes, and thank you."  Lex smiled at Ethan.  "It's set."


Jonathan shook Ethan's hand in return.  "Thanks for the help, Ethan.  Really means a lot."


"That’s mighty fine of ya, Mr. Luthor." And he smiled, nodding, clapping the younger man on the back before back to Jonathan. "Course. Clarks a good kid, I know it like you all do. Just glad his names been cleared. Now ya'll go on and get outta here...Blizzards said to set in less then six hours. Get the cattle all set, need any help, just buzz me and I'll be over there."


"You got it, Ethan.  Same goes for you; if you don't get home in time, you can wait it out at our place; we always got room for one more."


Lex nodded, barely keeping himself from flinching as Ethan invaded his personal space.  "My pleasure, Sheriff."  His next stop would be Chloe's.  He could at least start trying to make up to her whatever she was angry about.


"Believe me, Jon, I might have ta take you up on that offer." But he smiled and waved at them, and off he went again.


Lex frowned.  "Can I offer you a ride home, Mr. Kent?"


Jonathan almost said no, but then reconsidered.  "That'd be nice of you, Lex."


"It's the least I can do."  He pulled his sunglasses out.  "Back to the farm?"


"Yeah, if you don't mind."




go to the next part